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Londoniyyah - Part 25 - Takfeer | Mohammed Hijab (2022-04-12)


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Londoniyyah - Part 25 - Takfeer | Mohammed Hijab

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Summary of Londoniyyah - Part 25 - Takfeer | Mohammed Hijab

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 01:00:00

Mohammed Hijab discusses the dangers of Takfeer, or accusing others of being kuffar. He argues that Takfeer is impractical and impossible, and that it is anti-Islamic.

00:00:00 <>

  • 00:05:00 Mohammed Hijab discusses the concept of takfeer in Islam, explaining that it is a way for Muslims to warn others about the risks of rejecting certain tenets of the faith. He also points out that, while there are some Muslims who adhere to this concept, it is not the predominant view.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses a number of groups that claim orthodoxy in Islam, and how historians must be careful when studying them because of the bias of those writing about them. One such group is the Hawaiian proto-martialists, who are unfortunately only mentioned in passing.
  • *00:15:00 Discusses the belief that if you commit a major sin, you become a disbeliever. There is no consensus on what constitutes a major sin, but some scholars say it's only the seven sins mentioned in the hadith of sabah. The berserkers within the ranks of Ali's son, al-Hassan ibn Ali, caused the divisions between the various groups in early Islam. This is the same argument used by ISIS today.
  • 00:20:00 Londoniyyah discusses the idea that there is an ideological element to radical Islam, which goes back to the earliest days of the religion. The argument is made that despite the Prophet Muhammad's teachings, it is not due to the companions but rather due to ideological factors. This is the main point of contention in takfiri ideology.
  • *00:25:00 Discusses the false belief that committing major sins removes one from Islam. Several Quranic and Sunnah examples are given to illustrate why this belief is false. also discusses the example of a prostitute who was forgiven by Allah for her actions.
  • *00:30:00 Discusses the importance of having mercy and tolerance in Islam, and how addiction to alcohol can be harmful to a Muslim's religious practice. It also mentions a hadith in which the Prophet Muhammad tells a man that he will be forgiven even if he commits a heinous crime like killing 100 people.
  • 00:35:00 Muslim cleric Mohammed Hijab discusses the Islamic concept of takfeer (excommunication). He states that murder, homosexuality, and other major sins all lead to one's expulsion from Islam. He also points out that the primary audience for Islamic teachings is the Prophet Muhammad and Allah Himself.
  • *00:40:00 Discusses the ideas of hawaiianism and kharism, which are two terms used to describe an ideology that originated in the United States in the early 20th century. This ideology argued that Muslims were intolerant, and that there was a need for Muslims to break away from Islamic tradition in order to become more tolerant. discusses some examples of groups that followed this ideology, and how they were typically viewed by other Muslims.
  • *00:45:00 Discusses how, within Islam, there are different schools of thought on how to deal with extremism. One such school of thought is the ashari, which holds that extremism is caused by problems within a person's character, not by their adherence to Islam. then goes on to discuss how, in the modern era, certain groups have proliferated due to the actions of the United States and Israel. These groups, including ISIS and al-Qaeda, are said to be responsible for a large amount of bloodshed. concludes by saying that, in order to combat these groups, we need to take control of the narratives around them and avoid scapegoating one group over another.
  • 00:50:00 covers Takfeer, or the crime of killing someone who is considered a Muslim saint, and discusses the case of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who was not even alive at the time of these events. It points out that many Muslims are indoctrinated with techfeedism, and that this ideology can lead to disastrous consequences, such as infighting between friends who would otherwise be united in jihad.
  • 00:55:00 Mohammed Hijab discusses the dangers of Takfeer, or accusing others of being kuffar. He also discusses the psychological effects of living in a society where such accusations are commonplace. He argues that Takfeer is impractical and impossible, and that it is anti-Islamic.

01:00:00 - 01:05:00

criticizes the logic used by Isil, which argues that if someone is not Muslim, they are automatically an enemy and may be killed. argues that this logic is invalid because it is based on a person's specific beliefs and actions, which cannot be generalized to all Muslims.

*01:00:00 Discusses an argument used by Isil, which is that if someone is not Muslim, they are automatically an enemy and may be killed. argues that this logic is invalid because it is based on a person's specific beliefs and actions, which cannot be generalized to all Muslims.

  • 01:05:00 criticizes some Muslims for arguing that treachery and apostasy are not kufr, and therefore can't be grounds for leaving Islam. He points out that many Muslim institutions and centers of power do not agree with this argument, and that the majority of Muslims condemn violence and treachery.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:11 how are you guys doing this is a very
0:00:12 important session that we're going to be
0:00:13 talking about today and this is a
0:00:16 session
0:00:17 which is about take fear
0:00:19 and take fear really is the arabic word
0:00:21 uh meaning to excommunicate in the
0:00:23 terminological sense
0:00:24 and why have we decided to talk about
0:00:27 this because it's something which
0:00:30 affects the muslim community and affects
0:00:32 the tao of muslims it affects
0:00:34 cohesion within islam or within the
0:00:36 muslim world people in islam
0:00:39 and therefore is worthy of discussion
0:00:41 it's worthy of elaboration it's worthy
0:00:44 of hallucination
0:00:46 we're going to read inshaallah as we
0:00:48 always do
0:00:49 the part of the poem which discusses
0:00:50 this matter and then we're going to
0:00:52 speak about this in a little bit more
0:00:53 detail
0:01:08 so this is a very um very short and
0:01:10 brief uh
0:01:12 poetic expression here
0:01:14 and uh basically what the sheikh was
0:01:16 mentioning here two groups of people
0:01:17 which we're going to handle in turn
0:01:20 the first are
0:01:21 referred to as tafiris or those who have
0:01:23 uh
0:01:24 an inappropriate way of excommunicating
0:01:26 other muslims
0:01:28 and others who are the eyes who they do
0:01:30 the same thing
0:01:32 but when it comes to the bidder or
0:01:35 claiming that these people are heretics
0:01:37 of other muslims they're taking them out
0:01:39 of the fold of orthodoxy
0:01:42 and so we'll start and turn with the
0:01:43 tech fairies now tactilism is a very
0:01:46 important topic not least because it is
0:01:48 the gateway if you like is the auxiliary
0:01:51 road
0:01:52 to um
0:01:54 these kinds of groups which kill people
0:01:57 whether muslims are not muslims and
0:01:58 trains planes and automobiles they are
0:02:00 the ones who uh
0:02:03 isis as we've seen for example
0:02:05 kill other muslims and other uh
0:02:07 individuals uh we've seen them try and
0:02:10 take land and uh in the middle east and
0:02:12 and do all kinds of atrocious acts and
0:02:14 they take us back they take us back in
0:02:16 terms of the dao they take us back in
0:02:17 terms of what we
0:02:19 uh stand for they take us back in terms
0:02:22 of what muslims
0:02:23 come to represent and of course
0:02:26 they act as a serious barrier to entry
0:02:30 for muslims that are considering or
0:02:32 people that are considering islam as a
0:02:33 religion of of truth because they say
0:02:35 look at this it's a religion of um war
0:02:37 it's a religion of violence the religion
0:02:39 of uh barbarism and so on and so forth
0:02:41 so we need to know where this all starts
0:02:44 we need to know the history of it we
0:02:46 need to be familiar with these things
0:02:47 because if we are not
0:02:48 then
0:02:49 once again the detractors right wing
0:02:51 detractors alt-right detractors
0:02:53 orientalist detractors
0:02:55 and even within our own ranks those
0:02:57 individuals who have been
0:02:59 tainted and corrupted
0:03:00 with these kinds of ideologies
0:03:02 will make it seem as if this is the
0:03:04 interpretation which is normative and
0:03:07 orthodox within islam
0:03:09 now i just want to add one thing so why
0:03:10 is it that excommunication
0:03:12 will lead this is a question that
0:03:14 someone may have why is it that
0:03:15 excommunication will lead
0:03:18 to the killing of people
0:03:21 why is it in particular so why can you
0:03:22 not for example why is it inconceivable
0:03:24 that ex-communication does not lead to
0:03:26 for example just the shunning of people
0:03:27 why does it lead to the killing of
0:03:29 people as we'll find we'll come to find
0:03:31 out that excommunication
0:03:34 is needed for the killing of people in
0:03:36 order to categorize them
0:03:38 as harveys which is really a
0:03:41 a
0:03:42 category
0:03:43 which is the combatant
0:03:46 and the jurists in islam have divided
0:03:50 you know non-muslims uh for convenience
0:03:53 into three different uh groups the muah
0:03:55 had the me and the the
0:03:58 the combatant meaning the one who means
0:03:59 harm to you and to your community the
0:04:01 one who is a threat
0:04:04 and so obviously in order to attack and
0:04:06 kill muslims
0:04:08 you'd have to first get them out of
0:04:10 islam and then make the argument that
0:04:12 they are now in this category of harvey
0:04:14 or the combatant category so there's two
0:04:16 things that need to be done first the
0:04:18 excommunication needs to be done and
0:04:20 then you need to indic you need to
0:04:22 somehow argue that they are not just
0:04:24 disbelievers
0:04:26 because an apostate would not be killed
0:04:28 uh
0:04:29 through vigilantism okay that you need
0:04:31 to argue that these people are actually
0:04:33 combatants they are um somehow a threat
0:04:36 to you an existential threat to you to
0:04:38 your community and that their blood is
0:04:40 halal literally this is the these are
0:04:42 the steps that need to be taken
0:04:44 now
0:04:46 we're going to go through the the the
0:04:48 slide
0:04:50 eventemia
0:04:51 scholar which is very important in this
0:04:53 discussion because
0:04:56 it's not true by the way to think that
0:04:58 what all tech feelings are salafi
0:05:00 inclined as we're going to come to see
0:05:01 today
0:05:02 many takfiris are sufi inclined they are
0:05:05 ash hari and have been
0:05:06 inclined maturity
0:05:08 all of the groups of islam there have
0:05:10 been taffiris in every single one of
0:05:11 them it's not the case that all just
0:05:13 because today
0:05:14 the the popular type of take fellaism is
0:05:17 salafi tequilaism or if you want to call
0:05:19 it that well it's not really salafism in
0:05:21 the sense of going back to the self but
0:05:23 they are they ascribe themselves to that
0:05:25 kind of thing so that their reading list
0:05:28 would be ibn and muhammad
0:05:31 that would be their reading list they
0:05:33 wouldn't refer like for example isis or
0:05:34 al qaeda or jabhat al-nusra whoever may
0:05:37 be they wouldn't refer to
0:05:40 you know
0:05:42 i don't know
0:05:45 they might actually to be fair they were
0:05:47 a shafai but
0:05:48 they wouldn't refer to uh
0:05:54 you know or they wouldn't refer to uh
0:05:57 for instance they would refer to me they
0:05:59 would refer to her and so on that that
0:06:01 is their reading list now whether okay
0:06:03 well they're not actually following ibn
0:06:04 tamiya and abdul hab this is the
0:06:07 discussion okay let's look at that
0:06:09 but what they claim to follow is this
0:06:12 this is important okay
0:06:14 and so
0:06:15 what he states and
0:06:17 is a person whose
0:06:18 contemporary who writes about these kind
0:06:20 of heroes theological issues
0:06:23 is that
0:06:24 the oneness of allah subhanahu these are
0:06:26 the things that are very clear in islam
0:06:28 and by the way there's a in the quran
0:06:39 do not say to the one who is uh who says
0:06:42 salam to you that you're not is it
0:06:45 that you're not a mukmina that you're
0:06:46 not a believer that you may try and
0:06:50 you know
0:06:51 get some kind of worldly gain from that
0:06:54 so it's clear
0:06:55 that the things which are very clear in
0:06:56 islam is the wonders of islam the
0:06:58 prophet prophet muhammad the quran is
0:07:01 revealed by allah
0:07:04 the issues known by necessity which is
0:07:05 referred to as
0:07:08 now the truth of the matter is that
0:07:09 sometimes there needs to be fear as well
0:07:11 it doesn't we're not saying the argument
0:07:13 is not
0:07:14 that there's no such thing as tafir in
0:07:16 islam
0:07:17 i mean i don't want anyone to get that
0:07:18 wrong because there are some things
0:07:20 which if you do reject
0:07:22 that you become a disbeliever
0:07:24 for example if someone rejects the
0:07:26 prophethood of prophet muhammad
0:07:27 or the oneness of god
0:07:29 or the things which are known by
0:07:30 necessity in the religion of islam
0:07:32 they cannot even if they call themselves
0:07:34 muslim
0:07:36 they cannot actually be muslim
0:07:39 because being muslim is not just
0:07:41 believing in allah and the messenger
0:07:43 it's actually
0:07:45 believing in allah and the messenger in
0:07:46 the ways which are clear
0:07:48 in the quran and
0:07:50 allah he makes us clear
0:07:52 that the quran
0:07:53 has ayat in it
0:07:59 that there are some ayat which are very
0:08:00 clear-cut in chapter three verse seven
0:08:02 you know unambiguous and other ones
0:08:04 which are ambiguous
0:08:14 that the ones who
0:08:17 who want to create some kind of
0:08:19 corruption will follow the ambiguous
0:08:21 verses rather than the
0:08:24 rather than the the
0:08:25 foundational ones so in terms of
0:08:29 there are things which by the way
0:08:31 books that have been written
0:08:33 uh
0:08:34 above us
0:08:35 you know
0:08:37 about what is
0:08:39 of the issue of things which are known
0:08:40 in the religion by necessity
0:08:43 you know um
0:08:45 and um
0:08:47 writes a book on this actually
0:08:49 but he also in that book that he writes
0:08:52 he he he um
0:08:54 he's careful he's always careful to say
0:08:56 don't make fear
0:08:58 on these issues
0:08:59 and then
0:09:02 he writes a book on the on this
0:09:04 uh on the things which are like
0:09:07 clear-cut things which uh and funny
0:09:09 enough hajj al-haitami
0:09:11 once again would not be accepted by
0:09:13 the likes of isis and so on and he
0:09:15 believes in this
0:09:16 which is uh
0:09:18 calling upon the prophet in his grave
0:09:20 and stuff like that so but you know he
0:09:21 wrote a book like this and in in the
0:09:23 newer time and this is interesting
0:09:25 they have uh
0:09:27 islam which is written by muhammad
0:09:30 which is a book which is a like two-page
0:09:31 book
0:09:32 which shouldn't be called really a book
0:09:35 a pamphlet he wrote but the what is
0:09:37 novel about the pamphlet that abdulhab
0:09:39 wrote
0:09:40 was that you don't find that many
0:09:43 um
0:09:44 you don't find that many books like this
0:09:46 actually in islamic history you don't
0:09:48 many you don't find that many books
0:09:50 telling you what are the things which if
0:09:51 you go against
0:09:53 you will become a disbeliever
0:09:56 this was relegated to the cutoff of
0:10:00 and in particular baba riddha
0:10:03 or the chapter of apostasy so for
0:10:06 example if you are studying the shafi'i
0:10:08 method or the humbling method or the
0:10:09 maliki mother or whatever mathematics
0:10:11 then you look at the the bab or the
0:10:14 chapter of
0:10:15 and they'll tell you these are the
0:10:16 things that it's well known that if you
0:10:17 don't believe in them that you'll you'll
0:10:19 become a disbeliever and to be quite
0:10:21 fair in the introductory books they
0:10:23 don't they don't really spend too much
0:10:24 time talking about them
0:10:26 you know they'll mean two pages three
0:10:27 pages
0:10:29 you know these kind of things like it's
0:10:30 not it's not really um elaborative even
0:10:33 in the wallet even in the big books
0:10:35 they're not elaborative i mean
0:10:37 so this is one of the novel reasons why
0:10:39 in my mind why abraham's pamphlets
0:10:41 became quite popular
0:10:42 because they gave
0:10:44 um uh
0:10:46 they they they
0:10:49 thematic they made a theme of something
0:10:50 which was not really a theme in the
0:10:51 islamic
0:10:53 tradition
0:10:55 then of course political issues as
0:10:58 well so these are the things which are
0:11:01 known
0:11:02 and there's recently been books that are
0:11:04 written
0:11:05 about el malumnae
0:11:07 things which are known in the religion
0:11:09 of necessity and stuff like that but
0:11:11 these are contemporary writings rather
0:11:12 than classical ones
0:11:15 now in terms of the group that we should
0:11:16 be aware of other hawaii
0:11:19 and this is a group which the prophet
0:11:20 muhammad himself warned about
0:11:23 you know um in very many hadiths which
0:11:25 are very well known
0:11:31 okay so this is an important point
0:11:33 there's no books that are written by
0:11:34 khalid like you know
0:11:36 we hear a lot of in in history they
0:11:39 refer to this as heresyology
0:11:41 okay so you have
0:11:42 these fiat or firak
0:11:45 which are all groups
0:11:48 that are all claiming orthodoxy in a
0:11:50 religious tradition
0:11:53 and we know about them either through
0:11:55 their the works of their main uh
0:11:57 proponents or through the works of their
0:12:00 adversaries
0:12:01 now the truth of the matter is
0:12:03 jamism
0:12:06 um
0:12:07 proto-mortezalism
0:12:10 there's a lot of works on it like not
0:12:11 proto-martialism
0:12:14 in these guys
0:12:15 and also uh
0:12:17 however ism if you want to call it that
0:12:19 right
0:12:20 o'harajism
0:12:22 these things they don't we don't have
0:12:24 anything
0:12:27 we hear about these groups
0:12:29 the japanese we'll hear a lot about them
0:12:32 you'll see in the books of hanabala
0:12:34 books of ashari's books of maturities
0:12:36 that these groups existed and they're
0:12:38 bad
0:12:39 and this is the reason why they're
0:12:40 deviant and we're not we're not saying
0:12:42 that's not true but we're just saying we
0:12:44 don't have these guys books themselves
0:12:46 we don't know to what extent this is a
0:12:48 biased uh
0:12:50 like from a completely strictly academic
0:12:52 perspective
0:12:53 we don't know to extend this bias has it
0:12:55 has impact impacted or distorted the
0:12:57 ways in which these people have
0:12:59 have uh have understood their version of
0:13:01 the truth
0:13:04 you know
0:13:04 and who once again one man's orthodoxy
0:13:07 is another man's
0:13:08 uh
0:13:09 heterodox heterodoxy
0:13:11 right
0:13:12 one man's orthodox he's another man's
0:13:13 heterotrophs now i'm not saying i'm not
0:13:15 making the case for oh therefore he
0:13:16 agrees with the german and he agrees
0:13:18 with the khawarij i'm not but i'm just
0:13:20 saying we don't have their books so
0:13:23 historians that want to look at this
0:13:24 thing objectively
0:13:26 they will have to go through
0:13:28 the
0:13:29 books of the adversaries who seem who
0:13:31 are now
0:13:32 conveniently the major demography like
0:13:35 ashadis and the hamburgers and whatever
0:13:37 methodology
0:13:39 which is which is a limitation
0:13:42 now
0:13:52 the book by abu hasan ashari
0:13:58 he wrote a book called
0:14:00 islamic
0:14:06 he is
0:14:07 a man who started off as a martazali you
0:14:10 know
0:14:11 and who
0:14:12 after him the ashari school of credo
0:14:16 crude oil school of thought
0:14:18 formed
0:14:20 well at least
0:14:22 those who claim to be ashari are saying
0:14:24 that they follow this man so it's a very
0:14:25 important man okay and he wrote a few
0:14:28 books one of them is called makala
0:14:29 islamiyin which is basically about the
0:14:32 different groups that existed
0:14:33 and he himself when he talks about the
0:14:35 hawaii realizes the limitation in being
0:14:37 able to identify their belief system in
0:14:39 any kind of detail
0:14:43 now the hawaiian of artesians are both
0:14:45 very volatile groups in the sense that
0:14:47 it's it's different it's different to
0:14:49 know exactly
0:14:52 what kind of texture or what kind of
0:14:54 spectrum existed within both in the
0:14:56 early days but they were both um
0:14:59 reactionary and in fact the the the
0:15:02 khawarej were very much reactionary to
0:15:04 another group called the murjaya
0:15:07 now the murjiya and we will come to the
0:15:09 beliefs of the now
0:15:12 should be known in conjunction with one
0:15:13 another okay
0:15:15 the believe that if you commit major
0:15:17 sins
0:15:18 that you become a disbeliever
0:15:20 this is the belief of the haraju
0:15:23 now what
0:15:24 question what are the major sins if
0:15:26 anyone how would you define let me get
0:15:28 the
0:15:29 crew you know people involved how do you
0:15:30 define a major sin
0:15:34 something that there's a punishment that
0:15:36 ascribe for
0:15:37 in the quran
0:15:38 yeah so this is one view that what kind
0:15:40 of punishment uh eschatological
0:15:41 punishment or is it what kind of
0:15:44 like heaven and hell all right or hell
0:15:46 in particular yeah i mean this is one
0:15:48 view
0:15:48 basically a long story short
0:15:51 there's more than one opinion and this
0:15:53 shows you the layers of complexity here
0:15:55 as to what constitutes a major sin
0:15:58 so there's no there's no consensus as to
0:16:00 what
0:16:02 stipulates a major sin
0:16:04 some scholars say it's only the seven
0:16:06 that are mentioned in the hadith of
0:16:08 sabah the seven major sins
0:16:11 the hadith talking about certain
0:16:12 medicines
0:16:13 and it mentions things like can you
0:16:15 mention things like ribbon i mentioned
0:16:16 things like you know interesting mention
0:16:18 things like being bad to your parents
0:16:20 and so on
0:16:22 but then someone like azab he wrote
0:16:24 kitab called the kibber or the major
0:16:26 sins he enumerates 70 major sins
0:16:30 so there's some
0:16:32 degree of difference here as to
0:16:34 what are the major sins of islam in the
0:16:36 first place what are the major sins
0:16:39 if you take the view that well if
0:16:41 anything is being threatened or where
0:16:42 you're being threatened with the
0:16:43 hellfire then you're gonna have a bigger
0:16:44 list
0:16:47 uh if you take the view that actually
0:16:48 it's only the the the the smallest
0:16:51 number is seven
0:16:52 and the biggest number seven hundred you
0:16:54 can have so many
0:16:56 and in the middle is someone like is the
0:16:57 heavy right who says 70
0:17:00 but it is a matter of difference of
0:17:02 opinion
0:17:03 okay
0:17:04 but they say if you if you commit a
0:17:07 major sin
0:17:08 and then you have become a disbeliever
0:17:11 which is why they have made fear on the
0:17:13 sahaba themselves the companions now can
0:17:15 you imagine that
0:17:16 these early people made take fear they
0:17:19 excommunicated the top sahabah
0:17:28 they i mean they killed him they they
0:17:30 killed that
0:17:31 athmetic fan was killed by the khalid
0:17:34 just think about that for a second right
0:17:36 and the reason why they killed them is
0:17:38 because
0:17:39 they say they were not ruling by what
0:17:41 allah has revealed
0:17:42 um
0:17:46 whoever does not rule by what allah has
0:17:48 revealed is a disbeliever
0:17:51 ibn abbas
0:17:52 being one of the akhbar one of the
0:17:54 heavyweight scholars of the companions
0:17:57 he had a debate with one of the
0:18:00 which indicates by the way the
0:18:01 legitimacy and the validity
0:18:04 of debating people who are upon deviance
0:18:08 he had a debate with them and two
0:18:09 thousand of them
0:18:11 came out of hawaii and became back
0:18:13 to the way of the sahaba the way of the
0:18:14 companions
0:18:16 some of them remained the way they were
0:18:18 but this volatile group is what caused
0:18:20 the divisions in early islam
0:18:23 contrary to popular opinion
0:18:26 this was the main group that caused the
0:18:28 fighting between
0:18:30 uh muawiyah and ali
0:18:32 all the other groups that constituted
0:18:34 those two
0:18:35 individuals because these were the
0:18:37 the berserkers that existed within the
0:18:40 ranks
0:18:41 of alibne talib
0:18:44 who would stir the conflict
0:18:46 with mawia
0:18:48 and so these guys because they were
0:18:50 already they were excommunicating people
0:18:53 they
0:18:54 were excommunicating people
0:18:57 they
0:18:58 they were they were taking upon
0:18:59 themselves to kill people because they
0:19:01 remember we said it just takes two or
0:19:03 three steps
0:19:04 excommunicate them and deem them as
0:19:06 combatants
0:19:08 and a contrary to islam
0:19:10 and and then that's it then you have
0:19:12 fighting
0:19:13 you see how quickly it is
0:19:16 going from a muslim that you're praying
0:19:17 with
0:19:18 to someone that you're fighting
0:19:20 two or three steps it's only two or
0:19:22 three steps number one excommunicate
0:19:24 them
0:19:25 number two claim that they are going
0:19:26 against the divine commandments and that
0:19:28 they are not ruling by what allah has
0:19:30 revealed and therefore that they are
0:19:32 combatants therefore you fight them you
0:19:33 have to fight them this was the argument
0:19:36 and we'll see this exact argument
0:19:38 almost a blueprint of it is what is
0:19:40 being used today
0:19:42 by the likes of isis
0:19:44 it's almost a blueprint it's the same
0:19:45 argument
0:19:47 you went from okay you are brothers and
0:19:48 sisters in faith
0:19:50 and you you're marrying their
0:19:53 women and eating their meats and all
0:19:55 that kind of thing and praying with them
0:19:57 to
0:19:58 legitimizing their death
0:20:01 and all it took was two arguments
0:20:03 to be made and people actually fall for
0:20:05 these arguments and their arguments
0:20:07 that's why it's not it's not actually
0:20:09 incorrect for people to think that this
0:20:10 is ideological
0:20:12 we shouldn't think that oh uh why do
0:20:15 radical so-called radicals act in the
0:20:17 way that they act it's not always
0:20:18 because they're deprived and
0:20:19 disenfranchised
0:20:21 and because they're
0:20:23 converts to islam and they were you know
0:20:25 brainwashed by a political agenda that's
0:20:27 true as well but there's also an
0:20:29 ideological element as well this is an
0:20:30 ideological element
0:20:32 and this ideological element whether we
0:20:34 like to admit it or not has been around
0:20:36 since the very early days of islam
0:20:39 in fact the earliest days of islam
0:20:42 but what we will say is
0:20:44 although be that be that the case
0:20:46 although that is the case
0:20:48 we believe that this was despite the
0:20:50 prophet the prophet's teachings despite
0:20:52 the companions teachings not because of
0:20:54 them
0:20:56 and this is the main point of
0:20:57 argumentation here
0:20:59 so this
0:21:00 argument what's that now as we said when
0:21:04 and this always happens right when you
0:21:05 have one group of people
0:21:08 you you get the
0:21:10 for as in physics
0:21:11 for every action there's an equal and
0:21:13 opposite
0:21:14 reaction know i find quite interesting
0:21:16 when you go to luton
0:21:18 yeah you have two groups of uh let's
0:21:20 just be honest you had the right wing
0:21:22 tommy robinson and this kind of and then
0:21:24 you had takfiris
0:21:25 who we're talking about today
0:21:27 anjum chowdhury's law and
0:21:29 and these guys who are basically
0:21:32 the islamic equivalent of the right wing
0:21:35 but they both have very similar kind of
0:21:38 binary arguments it's black and white
0:21:40 and this us and them is fighting it's
0:21:42 all that
0:21:44 and why why is it that in the same
0:21:46 geographic location you saw
0:21:48 action reaction it's because
0:21:51 it's just a psychological phenomena
0:21:52 that's how
0:21:54 it's a sociological phenomenon as well
0:21:55 that's how groups act with one another
0:21:58 if i act
0:21:59 diplomatically and i argue in a very
0:22:01 responsible and uh academic manner then
0:22:04 maybe someone will come and say we need
0:22:06 to argue with him with what whatever
0:22:08 he's coming with we come with that but
0:22:10 if i start going and punching and
0:22:11 stabbing and all of us in this uh we say
0:22:14 you know what forget this we're
0:22:15 discussing and the talking we've been
0:22:16 talking too much let's go drop some
0:22:18 people man
0:22:20 then we're going to get some other
0:22:21 people doing the same thing and it's
0:22:23 going to come up it's not
0:22:24 it's not going to become a war of words
0:22:26 anymore it's going to become war of
0:22:27 fists and knives which is what gang
0:22:29 violence is about
0:22:31 oh they come into our area and it's us
0:22:33 versus them it's how gangs operate
0:22:36 it's how religious groups operate it's
0:22:38 how political parties operate
0:22:40 it's how humans operate
0:22:42 that's how it is when you have an action
0:22:44 you have an equal
0:22:45 and opposite reaction
0:22:47 and sometimes it's not exactly equal and
0:22:49 it's not exactly opposite
0:22:51 but the the sentiment remains right and
0:22:53 so in luton you had that and here you
0:22:55 had this as well because you had
0:22:57 the the hawaii you were saying if you do
0:22:58 one major sin that you're a disbeliever
0:23:01 so what one day you're speaking to your
0:23:02 mom and you say oof or say something
0:23:04 like you've just left the fold of islam
0:23:07 that's a real problem here because islam
0:23:09 has some strict rules and how you have
0:23:10 to
0:23:11 to be with your parents
0:23:14 but the more i said the exact opposite
0:23:16 thing so this group called the muljah
0:23:17 they were categorized or the main thing
0:23:19 about the murja in the early days
0:23:21 is that iman does not go up and it does
0:23:24 not go down
0:23:25 that faith does not go up and down
0:23:28 so the iman of abu wakhla suduk
0:23:32 is the same as the iman of
0:23:35 some drug dealer or something like that
0:23:37 you use a drug user drug dealer and some
0:23:39 you know they're all the same
0:23:41 but obviously there's many many
0:23:43 evidences against this as well there's
0:23:46 i'll give you just one for the sake of
0:23:47 argument i mean
0:23:56 revealed to them it has increased them
0:23:58 in iman which means iman goes up and it
0:24:00 goes down
0:24:01 and the hadith which is very famous
0:24:03 which says that
0:24:06 that the lowest kind of iman is to
0:24:08 remove something from the
0:24:12 like something that would cause injury
0:24:14 from the roadsides which indicates a
0:24:17 gradation
0:24:18 and a spectrum in iman
0:24:21 but the module i said no they said iman
0:24:23 you either have or you don't
0:24:26 you know
0:24:28 and there's no going up and there's no
0:24:29 going down
0:24:30 and we can't judge
0:24:32 the person's
0:24:34 iman based on their actions so long as
0:24:35 what they say
0:24:38 is a word of faith
0:24:40 which is by the way in in christian
0:24:42 theology
0:24:43 this is
0:24:44 does anyone know what it's referred to
0:24:45 as
0:24:48 it's called solafi day
0:24:50 it's good you know it's called solafide
0:24:53 which is the idea that you know
0:24:55 it's a very christian concept by the way
0:24:57 very christian concept so long as you
0:24:59 you believe jesus died for your sins
0:25:00 that's it and what this does is it
0:25:02 alleviates people from responsibility
0:25:05 because it's okay well i'm saved by
0:25:07 faith school saved by
0:25:09 being saved by faith solei fide
0:25:13 so the moji they had this idea of solar
0:25:15 or the equivalent of what's similar to
0:25:17 solar feeding
0:25:19 the hawari had the opposite idea which
0:25:21 is that
0:25:22 you know you lose your
0:25:23 in fact you lose
0:25:27 you lose your iman and your faith by
0:25:29 doing a major action
0:25:30 what we've already i've given you some
0:25:32 evidences of why the moji are wrong what
0:25:35 evidences from quran sunnah can you
0:25:36 think of
0:25:38 that indicate that the hawala wrong
0:25:55 what what indicates in the quran sunnah
0:25:58 that your major sins do not
0:26:00 uh remove your immense entirety
0:26:07 okay i'll give you two minutes to think
0:26:09 about it how about that
0:26:10 i'll give you two minutes to think about
0:26:12 it
0:26:13 go online because i don't want to just
0:26:14 be talking here today
0:26:17 we've done about half of this anyway so
0:26:19 yeah two minutes think about what
0:26:20 evidence is from the quran
0:26:22 indicate the invalidity of the whole of
0:26:24 the rich
0:26:26 yeah go ahead go two minutes and then
0:26:28 we'll come back
0:26:32 you can speak to the person next to you
0:26:35 let's get some ayat and hadith and some
0:26:37 examples of why is the case that we as
0:26:39 the muslims
0:26:42 from the quran from the sunnah
0:26:44 don't believe that committing major sins
0:26:47 disqualifies someone from the fall of
0:26:49 islam
0:26:54 who wants to start us up yeah yeah we
0:26:56 have the hadith of the prostitute who um
0:26:59 fed the dog samota and she was granted
0:27:01 jun because of it okay very beautiful
0:27:04 hadith a very fantastic one as well
0:27:06 and uh
0:27:08 actually i think we should do dao to
0:27:10 prostitutes but i think we should our
0:27:11 sisters should get involved in that
0:27:15 you can you can
0:27:17 i mean it's um
0:27:19 because this is a beautiful imagine
0:27:20 imagine someone who's a prostitute
0:27:22 listening to something like that
0:27:24 it's really one of the most merciful
0:27:26 hadiths i think in the whole tradition
0:27:29 you know
0:27:31 that
0:27:32 you know there's a prostitute here who
0:27:34 what's she doing if not a major sin no
0:27:36 one's gonna
0:27:37 no one's going to argue that being a
0:27:39 prostitute
0:27:40 willfully okay because we're not talking
0:27:42 about but someone's being forced
0:27:45 the quran actually speaks about
0:27:46 prostitutes choose uh
0:27:49 but no one's going to argue about a
0:27:51 prostitute
0:27:53 uh being a prostitute is not major sin
0:27:55 and allah forgave him
0:27:57 and even in the ayah and so allah says
0:28:06 you know do not force your
0:28:09 young women into prostitution
0:28:12 that you may you know
0:28:13 get some worldly gain out of it
0:28:16 allah ends it this ayah
0:28:19 with his mercy and his forgiveness
0:28:22 why would he end it like that to show
0:28:24 that his forgiveness and his mercy
0:28:26 encompasses even those in that
0:28:27 profession
0:28:28 was that woman an actual muslim because
0:28:31 i know we know we we've got the example
0:28:34 of the woman it's very famous but was
0:28:36 she actually in the dean of islam while
0:28:38 she was yeah we would assume so okay we
0:28:40 would assume so because of the
0:28:42 you know the other hadith and ayat which
0:28:44 indicate that you have to have faith
0:28:47 in order to
0:28:48 enter jannah
0:28:50 so definitely that's a brilliant example
0:28:53 anything else any other examples
0:28:56 could you say
0:28:58 yeah we have the example of the
0:28:59 companion who used to drink alcohol
0:29:01 and uh when he would be lashed for the
0:29:04 action some of the companions would like
0:29:06 say bad words to him yes and the prophet
0:29:08 defended him by saying he loves allah
0:29:09 and his messenger and we know that
0:29:11 actions are not accepted except with
0:29:12 faith beautiful that's a fantastic a
0:29:15 beautiful example in fact one important
0:29:17 one for today's climate where uh drug
0:29:19 use and alcohol uses become very high
0:29:21 and i think that a lot of the thing in
0:29:23 the muslim community we don't know how
0:29:24 to deal with this issue
0:29:26 and when i was myself dependent on
0:29:28 opioids prescription opioids i have to i
0:29:31 have to add
0:29:32 no honestly and i had to come off them
0:29:34 slowly
0:29:36 uh i know this was uh not something that
0:29:38 i was doing for fun well at least i hope
0:29:40 to think so
0:29:42 um
0:29:43 i realize you know through the
0:29:44 withdrawal symptoms i'm not sure if
0:29:46 anyone has ever had to
0:29:48 go through this that when you come off
0:29:50 opioids slowly but surely you go through
0:29:52 your body shuts down your body shivers
0:29:54 it starts going hot it starts going you
0:29:57 start you go up you're very happy one
0:29:58 minute and then you're very sad tomorrow
0:30:00 it's it's crazy it's
0:30:02 um really bad
0:30:04 but when i was doing the research on it
0:30:05 i realized that people that are involved
0:30:07 in alcohol use and are dependent on
0:30:09 alcohol
0:30:10 if you tell them to stop alcohol all in
0:30:12 one go they can die
0:30:14 because the withdrawal symptoms can be
0:30:16 death
0:30:17 for someone who so they have to they
0:30:18 actually do have to slowly come off it
0:30:23 this is such a basic thing for me to say
0:30:26 but many people in the muslim community
0:30:28 don't even realize that now you imagine
0:30:29 someone who's a convert to islam is
0:30:31 addicted to alcohol
0:30:33 he goes to the imam local imam and the
0:30:35 local imam says to him if you don't stop
0:30:36 now you're committing major sins all in
0:30:38 one go and then he stops it
0:30:40 and then he dies
0:30:42 because of a fatwa or some because of
0:30:43 the misunderstanding or lack of
0:30:45 understanding
0:30:46 so these things are very important to us
0:30:49 and it and our religion is a religion of
0:30:51 tolerance and mercy and these are
0:30:54 beautiful examples of how that is the
0:30:55 case
0:30:56 so the reason why i mention this is
0:30:58 because we need to not only have the
0:30:59 prophetic
0:31:01 solutions
0:31:02 because remember the man who came to
0:31:03 that although there was some discussion
0:31:05 about the authenticity of the hadith
0:31:08 the man who you know they advised them
0:31:10 to
0:31:11 to have a shower basically like
0:31:14 bathing
0:31:15 and then he he had he done that and he
0:31:17 died because water went into his skull
0:31:19 and whatever because he had an injury
0:31:20 and it was a very cold day like today
0:31:23 so that was an example of prophetic
0:31:24 solutions but we also have the
0:31:26 we also must have the prophetic attitude
0:31:29 which is a very forgiving attitude a
0:31:31 very merciful attitude
0:31:32 like in this situation here with the
0:31:35 drunk man he could have wilded out on
0:31:37 him and said why are you doing this and
0:31:38 he not read the feshtanibu
0:31:40 in the quran you know the ayat and so on
0:31:43 this clear ayat thing how bad
0:31:48 uh it's religious it's it's impurity and
0:31:51 so on this man is falling into the
0:31:53 impurity but the prophet is showing him
0:31:55 the mercy
0:31:57 which indicates with without any doubt
0:31:59 that you can you can do major sins and
0:32:02 still remain
0:32:03 within the fall of islam
0:32:04 and this includes by the way things like
0:32:06 homosexuality
0:32:08 and this might sound like a shock to
0:32:09 many of people here a homosexual just by
0:32:12 committing the act does not become a
0:32:14 disbeliever so a muslim is a homosexual
0:32:18 and there's many people that
0:32:20 do like that
0:32:22 you know there are many people that i've
0:32:24 had communications with that
0:32:26 commit the act of homosexuality the
0:32:28 actual act of it now committing the act
0:32:30 of homosexuality doesn't take you out of
0:32:32 the fold of islam
0:32:33 only if you believe that what you're
0:32:34 committing is okay
0:32:36 like any major sin
0:32:39 that you can commit
0:32:40 does not take you out of the fold of
0:32:42 islam
0:32:43 and there's a beautiful hadith
0:32:45 referring to the 99
0:32:49 people that were killed by somebody who
0:32:50 knows the hadith who wants to explain it
0:33:09 there was a man who um
0:33:11 he basically he went on a bit of a
0:33:12 killing spree so he killed 99 people
0:33:15 and then he started to feel like he
0:33:17 wanted to make repentance for it so um
0:33:19 he went to a place i think a chef
0:33:21 whatever some religious figure to ask
0:33:24 basically whether he would be able to be
0:33:26 forgiven for it
0:33:27 and the man told him that you know no
0:33:29 basically he's done too much so he got
0:33:31 angry and he killed him too so he's got
0:33:33 one some people are addicted to killing
0:33:35 by the way this is you know i'm not
0:33:38 going to say i've met or haven't or
0:33:40 whatever we've seen on
0:33:42 social media these kind of people are
0:33:44 addicted to stabbing and you know cute
0:33:46 continue sorry yeah so
0:33:49 after that
0:33:50 he you know feels like he wants to make
0:33:52 repentance again so he and he's told
0:33:54 that there's uh a place where he can go
0:33:56 you know to
0:33:57 maybe try and get this this this tulba
0:33:59 and to be able to to cleanse himself
0:34:01 from the sins that he was doing
0:34:03 and so then on the way he passes away
0:34:06 and so then the angels begin to
0:34:07 debate amongst themselves uh basically
0:34:10 which which which group of angels should
0:34:12 take him or take his soul should be the
0:34:13 ones who you know the angels of the
0:34:15 hellfire or the angels of heaven
0:34:17 and so then they begin to have this
0:34:19 debate argument amongst themselves and
0:34:20 so then they go to a liar and they get
0:34:23 told that um to to measure the distance
0:34:25 between
0:34:26 the land where he was coming from and
0:34:28 the land where he was going to
0:34:30 uh
0:34:30 and then whichever one he's closer to
0:34:32 then he would be forgiven or he'll won't
0:34:34 be based on his intention
0:34:36 and then i remember correctly i think
0:34:38 like allah made it such that like even
0:34:40 the the scales of the earth moved such
0:34:42 that he would be closer to the place
0:34:43 where he was going so that he would be
0:34:45 forgiven
0:34:46 so of course this type of killing is a
0:34:48 it's a major limitation this is
0:34:49 beautiful this is a beautiful hadith
0:34:50 that shows if you're killing 100 people
0:34:52 you know and if you kill one person it's
0:34:54 like killing all of humanity
0:34:56 you know as the quran states while
0:34:57 you're killing 100 people it's like
0:34:58 killing a humanity 100 times
0:35:00 if you think about it right so you're
0:35:01 killing humanity a hundred times
0:35:04 and things like homosexuality which is
0:35:06 much more taboo
0:35:08 in our community
0:35:10 uh arguably less
0:35:12 problematic than killing someone
0:35:15 i say arguably because there is a
0:35:16 discussion i remember reading this
0:35:18 work and that was he was saying what's
0:35:20 worse
0:35:22 you know
0:35:23 like homosexual penetration
0:35:26 or
0:35:27 murder
0:35:28 and he was discussing the issue and he
0:35:30 was in two minds about it
0:35:32 but by the way lesbianism is different
0:35:34 to uh
0:35:36 because lesbianism there's no
0:35:37 penetration going on
0:35:39 now obviously this is a major symptom as
0:35:40 well i don't really want to
0:35:42 yeah but it doesn't fulfill to say it's
0:35:45 actually much less there's no there's no
0:35:48 uh
0:35:49 there's no punishment for it
0:35:50 prescribed
0:35:52 now obviously the the
0:35:53 welly can put something in place or
0:35:55 something
0:35:56 but there's anyway the point of the
0:35:58 matter is these are all major sins
0:36:01 yeah
0:36:02 yeah lesbianism is a major sin no doubt
0:36:08 which one he's mentioning
0:36:10 the first one he said
0:36:23 [Music]
0:36:29 yeah yeah
0:36:30 but these other examples are
0:36:32 right
0:36:33 and the quran says
0:36:43 those who have you know transgressed
0:36:45 against themselves do not
0:36:48 despair from the mercy of god because
0:36:50 allah he
0:36:51 cleans up all of your or he
0:36:53 he forgives all of the sins all of your
0:36:55 sins
0:36:57 so this is the islamic attitude and so
0:36:59 the movement is why it was it was
0:37:01 intellectually weak because it was was
0:37:03 facing a mountain of evidences islamic
0:37:06 evidence quran sunnah
0:37:21 you know if there's two groups of
0:37:23 muslims that are fighting each other
0:37:25 then try and make peace between them but
0:37:26 they're fighting each other
0:37:28 and they're both doing wrong
0:37:31 now you have one of them who is doing
0:37:42 to fight the ones who are transgression
0:37:44 so
0:37:45 even murder is something we don't
0:37:46 believe so muslims don't believe that
0:37:48 committing major sins takes you out of
0:37:50 islam this is the kharaj view
0:37:53 which
0:37:57 is uh is a rogue view
0:38:00 and do you know any any group that tell
0:38:02 tells you
0:38:04 that fights off man
0:38:06 and fights ali
0:38:08 and fights
0:38:10 up this is a deviant group like
0:38:12 and the prophet muhammad says
0:38:17 that the best group is uh or the best
0:38:18 generations my generation then the ones
0:38:20 who come after them and then the ones
0:38:21 who come after them in it the quran says
0:38:30 and interestingly this was the verse
0:38:31 that uthman fan was reading before he
0:38:33 died and some scholars say that the
0:38:35 splasher of blood
0:38:37 came on to that face
0:38:38 which means allah is sufficient over
0:38:41 sufficient
0:38:43 for you over them
0:38:45 which means if they believe in what you
0:38:48 guys believe in and it's
0:38:57 not
0:38:58 because it was amanda would be what you
0:38:59 believe in muhammad but it's not a manta
0:39:01 it's
0:39:02 meaning the primary audience is the
0:39:04 sahaba the companion is the prophet
0:39:08 you know and allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
0:39:09 and by the way this shows you the
0:39:10 proximity of hawai'ism and shiism
0:39:12 because both groups shiites them and
0:39:15 we'll talk about them in more detail
0:39:16 shiism and khawarijism have something in
0:39:18 common which is what
0:39:20 fear of whom the sahaba
0:39:22 so takfir is a sorry the shiaism
0:39:25 and she has in hilarious
0:39:28 are two sides of the same coin when it
0:39:30 comes to fear because they're both
0:39:31 making fear of the same people
0:39:35 and allah says
0:39:54 the early ones from the muhajiroun and
0:39:57 the ansar
0:39:58 the two groups of sahaba
0:40:00 the
0:40:01 immigrants and the ansar the ones who
0:40:03 helped us
0:40:06 the ones who followed them with goodness
0:40:11 pleased with them and they are pleased
0:40:11 with him allah has given them the golden
0:40:13 stamp of approval or more than one place
0:40:15 in the quran
0:40:17 and so
0:40:19 to to attack the group of people that
0:40:22 allah and the messenger very clearly
0:40:24 he says
0:40:25 the prophet muhammad said uh
0:40:28 yeah you know he said in the hadith
0:40:32 you know
0:40:37 that upon you is my sunnah my way
0:40:40 and the sunnah of the
0:40:42 the rightly guided caliphs
0:40:44 and bite on it with your molar teeth who
0:40:46 are the rightly guided callus the other
0:40:48 hadith states
0:40:50 it's going to be 30 years in muslim
0:40:54 30 years of rightly guided caliphs
0:40:56 and we know that
0:40:58 if you add up all the four it's 30 years
0:41:01 and so
0:41:04 for them to go against who the prophet
0:41:05 told us to be with and to kill them
0:41:08 this is the ultimate indication that
0:41:10 they're unfalsehood
0:41:11 okay
0:41:16 but they are a cancer of the ummah
0:41:19 because in a sense they whenever you
0:41:20 have the
0:41:22 those who follow their way you have
0:41:24 killing
0:41:25 indiscriminate killing of men women and
0:41:27 children of muslims and non-muslims
0:41:36 a lot of them believed the same thing as
0:41:38 the murja in terms of iman
0:41:46 i'm sorry the khawali
0:41:49 yeah so they were actually interesting
0:41:50 because they had this thing
0:41:52 uh
0:41:53 called benil menzel attain you know
0:41:56 they were actually when it comes to
0:41:57 major sins they believe that if you
0:41:58 commit major sins you're this believer
0:42:01 is which is interesting because they
0:42:02 were not but the the thing that the
0:42:04 martesi law were not
0:42:06 like
0:42:07 the the hawaiian sense they didn't take
0:42:09 this to
0:42:11 fighting
0:42:12 they didn't try and make this argument
0:42:13 for political conclusions they just made
0:42:15 this theological argument
0:42:19 and we talked about the moderate already
0:42:20 now i think we need to look at some of
0:42:22 the extreme groups now in history
0:42:25 to kind of see where this ideas are
0:42:27 being spread so al-wahidon
0:42:29 we say that spain was a time where there
0:42:31 was convavencia and you know
0:42:34 mutual peace in there between muslims
0:42:37 christians and jews and for the most
0:42:39 part that was true even under islam but
0:42:40 there were some very notable exceptions
0:42:42 to that and whenever there were notable
0:42:45 exceptions to that
0:42:47 that was because of this idea or these
0:42:49 ideas of hawaiianism or kharism
0:42:52 coming into
0:42:53 the psyche of those muslims at that time
0:42:56 even though by the way the groups were
0:42:58 not strictly ascribed to that group but
0:43:00 it's the same mentality in the same
0:43:01 arguments
0:43:03 so you had the group
0:43:05 called the muahidon which literally
0:43:06 means the you know the the ones who are
0:43:09 monotheists they're monotheists
0:43:13 and uh we're talking here
0:43:17 they ruled over almagravid andalus for
0:43:19 about 150 years
0:43:21 and these guys were brutal
0:43:23 they were they were you know completely
0:43:26 intolerant
0:43:27 intolerant forget about not forget about
0:43:29 non-muslims i mean a lot of historians
0:43:31 western historians they bring these as
0:43:33 examples of intolerance towards
0:43:35 non-muslims these are great examples
0:43:37 of intolerance towards muslims
0:43:39 they were shunned groups
0:43:41 they were
0:43:42 aberrational groups they were not
0:43:44 accepted what they were saying was
0:43:46 was reminiscent of the early days of
0:43:48 extremists
0:43:52 and the same thing with the murabatun
0:43:55 but you can locate these groups in
0:43:57 islamic history it's not like these
0:43:59 groups are the
0:44:00 because you have to appreciate something
0:44:02 the bernard lewis
0:44:05 samuel huntington
0:44:07 narrative or
0:44:09 if you like the right wing narratives or
0:44:10 the alt-right narratives
0:44:12 is that this is the usual this is the
0:44:14 default position of muslims that we are
0:44:17 intolerant in default and tolerant as an
0:44:20 exception so they'll say like you have
0:44:23 akbar this guy in
0:44:25 india he was a very tolerant leader but
0:44:28 you know before and after him were these
0:44:29 intolerant ones you have uh
0:44:32 you know the westernized
0:44:35 you have the westernized nationalist
0:44:37 turks in the ottoman empire but before
0:44:39 and after him this was it was
0:44:41 intolerance in in spain you had
0:44:44 some some uh people who are very
0:44:47 tolerant but you look at the hadoop this
0:44:49 was the
0:44:50 this was the default position now these
0:44:52 these are the aberration these have
0:44:54 always been the aberration because their
0:44:56 arguments are not the theological
0:44:58 normal arguments that the majority
0:45:00 demographic ever believed in and these
0:45:02 were the arguments which we've just
0:45:03 shown
0:45:05 are easily refutable
0:45:08 what's interesting about the and
0:45:11 the ashari so once again within islam
0:45:13 sometimes you see
0:45:14 and i'm really sorry to say this but you
0:45:16 find this within especially sufi circles
0:45:18 the idea that oh you know all of the
0:45:20 extremism it's almost as if they've
0:45:22 adopted
0:45:24 somewhat
0:45:25 of a right-wing narrative themselves
0:45:26 because they want to escape god it's all
0:45:28 about scapegoating isn't it
0:45:29 so okay
0:45:31 we accept that there's extremism but
0:45:32 it's all about wahhabis
0:45:34 but before what happens
0:45:37 you can't
0:45:38 you can't say anything about wahhab
0:45:40 because this was before
0:45:42 and this was before the existence of any
0:45:45 saudi state you had
0:45:48 people who are extremists in their
0:45:49 tendencies extremists in their behavior
0:45:51 intolerant in their behaviors you can't
0:45:53 scapegoat all your problems
0:45:56 on muhammad what happened
0:45:59 and his uh followers no doubt his
0:46:01 followers committed some egregious
0:46:03 problems i'm not saying anything but
0:46:05 we're saying
0:46:06 this is a convenient scapegoat
0:46:09 because why because there's a i'll be
0:46:10 honest with you there's an intra
0:46:12 polemical dispute with between creedal
0:46:14 schools
0:46:16 ash ali versus athari versus hambaliva's
0:46:18 maturity and they use this as some kind
0:46:21 of
0:46:22 leverage as some kind of ideological um
0:46:24 his b leverage
0:46:26 all of the problems is because of the
0:46:28 salafis or it's because of the hobbies
0:46:30 no it's not true because you had
0:46:31 ashari's who were very very harsh as
0:46:34 well and the muahadun are examples like
0:46:36 killing people yes all of the same stuff
0:46:38 that you're seeing
0:46:40 so we have to be fair there have been
0:46:42 people from all groups sufis
0:46:44 and we're going to talk about them a bit
0:46:46 a bit today brelvis you think bralvi's
0:46:49 in and we were talking before about
0:46:51 pakistan and how sombrelvia's they
0:46:52 commit some major egregious problems and
0:46:55 make take fear on mass i went to hajjin
0:46:57 they were saying we're not going to pray
0:46:58 behind the imam he's a catholic it's a
0:47:00 habit
0:47:02 and tell me if this is not take fear
0:47:04 braves have become selfish all of a
0:47:05 sudden no no they also make fear and
0:47:07 sometimes they try and shoot people and
0:47:09 kill people
0:47:10 and and fight people yes sometimes it
0:47:12 happens not all brevity of course not
0:47:13 not all selfies of course not not all
0:47:15 ushers of course not but that exists
0:47:17 because it's all you need to do is make
0:47:19 an argument
0:47:20 you start with that fear and then you
0:47:22 move on to this guy's a combatant
0:47:23 against islam and then you end up with
0:47:25 actual bloodshed
0:47:27 and what we're saying is that we need to
0:47:28 take control of these narratives
0:47:31 and we can't scapegoat it on one group
0:47:36 and they're actually accused
0:47:40 their proponents of committing
0:47:41 anthropomorphism
0:47:43 or their detractors or the ones who were
0:47:45 against them or the ones who were not
0:47:46 with them
0:47:47 which is in a sense a
0:47:49 stance
0:47:51 of people
0:47:52 that are against humblings or against
0:47:54 salafis whatever you guys are committing
0:47:56 anthropomorphism whatever it is and they
0:47:57 kill them why don't you yeah
0:48:01 now in in egypt you had this group
0:48:03 called
0:48:04 this is now where we're moving
0:48:06 into the modern time
0:48:08 and once again are we doing this because
0:48:10 there's no other examples
0:48:12 the examples are far fewer number of
0:48:14 groups like this
0:48:17 or some aspects of
0:48:19 and then we go to the modern time we
0:48:20 have techfural hijra we have isis we
0:48:22 have uh
0:48:23 al-qaeda these examples are far a few
0:48:25 numbers they've only proliferated in the
0:48:27 recent ages because of the
0:48:29 current trend
0:48:31 especially if you look very carefully
0:48:34 about the relationship that america's
0:48:36 had with israel that's been one of the
0:48:37 main reasons that al qaeda have
0:48:39 consistently used
0:48:40 as justification for fighting
0:48:42 consistently
0:48:45 so it's really is it's taking a new
0:48:47 light it's taking a new life now because
0:48:49 of these things but you had take fury
0:48:51 hijra it's not their name they didn't
0:48:52 this is a
0:48:54 name that egyptian community would call
0:48:56 them because we all knew
0:48:58 say we know as if i'm part of the
0:48:59 different community
0:49:01 what they were about
0:49:03 but this uh proliferated some people
0:49:05 take say trods works not that he i don't
0:49:07 think his initial intention was this
0:49:09 himself
0:49:11 but and they actually interpreted this
0:49:12 in a very techfiery light
0:49:14 and uh and did and did what they did
0:49:19 and of course we have isis
0:49:22 which is uh the contemporary example
0:49:25 and in many ways these are this is
0:49:26 probably one of the most in top three
0:49:28 most vicious and intolerant groups islam
0:49:31 has ever seen
0:49:33 i mean i will never forget myself i will
0:49:35 never forget some time ago maybe it was
0:49:37 about um
0:49:39 sorry it was about maybe two three years
0:49:42 ago four years i can't remember what i
0:49:43 want to be honest yeah five years ago
0:49:45 whenever it was yeah when they were
0:49:46 fighting
0:49:47 against
0:49:49 uh bashar al-assad and so on
0:49:51 and
0:49:52 this guy called a jolani
0:49:55 who was the leader of jabhat nusra
0:50:00 was another group which is connected to
0:50:02 al qaeda
0:50:03 okay so imagine and they they
0:50:05 their leaders aiming
0:50:08 the egyptian doctor
0:50:10 he was a leader
0:50:12 and
0:50:14 abu bakr
0:50:15 was the leader of isis
0:50:17 he wasn't on the scene at those times
0:50:20 and um jolani
0:50:23 he was being interviewed in al jazeera
0:50:24 you can find this interview like
0:50:27 i'll never forget this
0:50:28 he was asked
0:50:30 he said
0:50:31 they are
0:50:32 the isis what they're doing is they're
0:50:33 taking our women and children as slaves
0:50:37 and i thought this is unbelievable like
0:50:38 can you imagine you're
0:50:40 you are
0:50:42 like literally friends with you're
0:50:44 fighting with your eating with your
0:50:46 praying with you're playing with your
0:50:48 kids are playing with their kids
0:50:49 whatever it is you are one group
0:50:51 and all of us are you you are one group
0:50:54 this shows you the implosive nature of
0:50:56 techfeedism
0:50:57 that you end up fighting your own friend
0:51:00 your own takfiri friend that like he's
0:51:02 he's like you in your inclination but
0:51:04 you end up fighting him
0:51:06 he's your first in fact he's your first
0:51:08 target
0:51:10 he's your first target you're right next
0:51:12 to israel you're not far away from them
0:51:15 but
0:51:16 imagine what this does to you right
0:51:18 instead of thinking we need to go and
0:51:20 fight uh
0:51:21 i don't know the israeli occupiers or
0:51:23 these or the zionists
0:51:25 no we have to fight my friend that i was
0:51:27 eating with fish and chips or whatever
0:51:29 is he or the tahina and uh
0:51:32 kofta
0:51:33 show irma that you were eating with him
0:51:35 and take his wife instead of taking as a
0:51:37 wife or this and that he'll take her as
0:51:38 a slave imagine having his wife in your
0:51:40 house as a slave she was a guest
0:51:42 can you imagine this she was you might
0:51:44 have been a guest two weeks ago now
0:51:46 she's a slave
0:51:49 this is a lovable ideology
0:51:51 it is a lovable ideology
0:51:54 tell me if this is this mix and it says
0:51:56 that's why isis
0:51:59 it genuinely is i don't even think the
0:52:01 muahadun
0:52:02 potentially would have done something
0:52:03 like this this is crazy stuff man what
0:52:06 arguments must you be making in order to
0:52:08 convince us of this
0:52:10 who on earth would be convinced with
0:52:12 this how can you be convinced with this
0:52:15 how can you be convinced with this how
0:52:16 could anybody be convinced with this you
0:52:19 know these are muslim people praying
0:52:21 fasting everything do you really think
0:52:23 if eben tamiya was around he would
0:52:25 endorse this like
0:52:29 muhammad would have himself ok i don't
0:52:31 think he would endorse that let's be
0:52:32 honest i don't think he would to be fair
0:52:34 i i that's next level stuff
0:52:36 i don't i don't agree with the fact that
0:52:38 he would endorse
0:52:39 that you take your friend that you are
0:52:41 doing jihad with so called jad which has
0:52:43 now become infighting between you and
0:52:45 your friend
0:52:47 that he would endure such a thing
0:52:50 this is uh this is a mind
0:52:52 mind-boggling how people believe in this
0:52:57 but what are the arguments remember they
0:52:59 have to move from
0:53:00 and i i'll never forget i think the
0:53:02 brother he mentioned something to me a
0:53:03 long time ago
0:53:05 i uh
0:53:06 i remembered it yeah
0:53:08 he he mentioned something to me long
0:53:10 time ago
0:53:11 and i was actually subhanallah i was
0:53:13 actually reading this hadith today
0:53:15 i was actually reading it somehow i was
0:53:16 reading bukhari today
0:53:18 and i was reading this hadith today and
0:53:20 i'm sure many of you know this hadith
0:53:22 yeah the hadith of the woman
0:53:25 who tortured the cat and then she ended
0:53:26 up in hell fire you know this hadith
0:53:28 there's a woman
0:53:29 who tortured a cat and the prophet said
0:53:32 i saw a woman
0:53:34 in the hellfire because she tortured a
0:53:35 cat like how did she torture it the cat
0:53:37 was hungry and whatever and she just
0:53:39 left her and to dye it slow and painful
0:53:41 and tormenting death it's an animal
0:53:47 and they and they left her to die now
0:53:48 think about this
0:53:52 if you ask one of those techfeeds just
0:53:53 like if you would have asked
0:53:55 i think some reports of them say when
0:53:56 they're walking in the grass they're
0:53:57 afraid to kill the ants or something
0:53:59 yeah
0:54:00 or the grasshoppers or
0:54:02 you ask the kefiri
0:54:04 you ask isis supporter what is the hukum
0:54:08 of killing a cat or torturing a cat
0:54:11 what do you think this is going to say
0:54:12 look haram man look he's torturing a cat
0:54:14 stuff
0:54:15 the prophet said there
0:54:16 it's okay you can't torture a torture
0:54:18 cat no you can't you can't kill a cat
0:54:20 but you can torture a human being and
0:54:22 kill a human being now in what world
0:54:24 does that make sense
0:54:26 not this guy abu qatada
0:54:29 the guy with a huge bed
0:54:31 have you seen him
0:54:33 now in the beginning i thought you know
0:54:34 i'll be honest i had no idea who this
0:54:35 guy was
0:54:36 have you seen what i'm talking about
0:54:37 yeah he wants to deploy him to jordan
0:54:41 yeah i thought i'll be honest with you
0:54:42 when i first saw him his picture i
0:54:44 thought look at this so i i didn't know
0:54:46 anything about anything i said look at
0:54:47 this guys they're humiliating the
0:54:48 muslims man he probably didn't do
0:54:50 anything wrong he probably he probably
0:54:53 was just uh
0:54:54 innocent bystander
0:54:57 and then lo and behold i realized the
0:54:59 guy was
0:55:00 making fatwa saying you can burn the
0:55:02 kids in algeria and the
0:55:04 women and children in algeria
0:55:06 oh this is and he's getting refuted and
0:55:09 ah
0:55:10 so guys craig is fanatic
0:55:13 maybe he has changed his ways i don't
0:55:14 know but he's being rebuilt about this
0:55:16 fatal existed this is things that they
0:55:18 are actually saying
0:55:19 they are actually saying this they're
0:55:20 making fatwas that you can take a child
0:55:23 and kill a child and kill her we've seen
0:55:25 this fatwas
0:55:27 i've seen one time i will never forget
0:55:29 this
0:55:30 when we were younger we used to watch
0:55:33 and his his stuff was really good
0:55:36 uh in terms of his you know the way he
0:55:38 spoke and stuff i also came on youtube
0:55:40 on my feed
0:55:41 with with
0:55:43 with a gun
0:55:45 and by the way you will never see this
0:55:46 video on youtube
0:55:48 this video has been removed
0:55:51 this video has been removed yeah and
0:55:53 he's he's saying like you know
0:55:55 he's talking to the people like i'm
0:55:56 thinking what is this and he was saying
0:55:58 something to the effect of you'll never
0:55:59 be safe in your airports again and
0:56:02 i was thinking what the hell just
0:56:03 happened here man
0:56:04 oh is it the case now psychologically
0:56:06 that they put him in prison and he was
0:56:08 saying maybe
0:56:09 is it the case because he was part of
0:56:10 the awlakia tribe which was connected to
0:56:13 al-qaeda that's possible as well by the
0:56:14 way because he's from yemen don't forget
0:56:16 and he's part of a tribe which
0:56:18 a lot of them are connected to al-qaeda
0:56:21 is it the case that he actually agreed
0:56:22 with these arguments all of these are
0:56:24 possible factors and truths that could
0:56:26 be the case but the point is
0:56:28 this ideology
0:56:30 is unsustainable and impractical and
0:56:32 impossible and anti-islam
0:56:36 no matter who
0:56:37 we think is sincere
0:56:39 and promulgated it
0:56:41 because it involves killing of women
0:56:44 children young people
0:56:46 muslims and muslims etc
0:56:50 and
0:56:51 with that we conclude we're going to
0:56:53 have a discussion now in the class
0:56:55 talking about these issues in more
0:56:56 detail but in summary therefore
0:56:59 we should realize
0:57:01 that
0:57:02 this kind of take fear
0:57:04 and i'll actually read this i'll make
0:57:05 this a summary
0:57:07 talking about something i'll read
0:57:09 something in tamiya he himself
0:57:11 mentioned
0:57:17 even telling me i said the following
0:57:21 he said in the takfir
0:57:54 and then he gives some what are some of
0:57:56 the reasons what are the
0:57:58 he said that even samia
0:58:00 he said that take fear or ex community
0:58:03 excommunicating someone
0:58:05 has shrunk or conditions and he also has
0:58:07 moana preventers
0:58:09 in in respect to the specific person
0:58:11 being excommunicated and that
0:58:13 excommunication or or the abstract and
0:58:16 absolute excommunication
0:58:19 does not mean
0:58:22 that we can now put this ruling which is
0:58:24 abstract on a very specific case
0:58:29 unless the conditions of the ahmed went
0:58:31 for moana and there's no preventive
0:58:32 there you bay you know
0:58:44 of people who actually
0:58:46 fell into things which are covered so we
0:58:49 have to establish a difference between
0:58:52 someone committing kuffar
0:58:53 and someone becoming of cather
0:58:56 sometimes you can commit kuffar and not
0:58:58 become a kafir why
0:58:59 because there's a lot of jail which is
0:59:01 the excuse of ignorance and the jail can
0:59:04 be compounded and it can be morakab it
0:59:07 can be obasit it can be basic
0:59:10 and it could be khatta someone can be
0:59:12 making a mistake
0:59:13 or some mistake a step of the time or
0:59:15 mistake could be
0:59:20 and his heart is filled with iman
0:59:22 someone's being forced like they've been
0:59:23 forced to worship bashar al-assad and uh
0:59:26 do prostration to him
0:59:28 at that wheel or the idea of um
0:59:31 interpreting
0:59:33 something in a certain way
0:59:34 and by the way tawil with this issue if
0:59:37 you think about it
0:59:40 if he thinks he's right and he's wrong
0:59:41 this is actually
0:59:43 and what kind of jail is it
0:59:46 actually it's more severe type of
0:59:49 if you think about it it's more severe
0:59:50 type of than the basic because the
0:59:52 island who has come to a conclusion that
0:59:54 he's right
0:59:55 and he's wrong this
0:59:57 is
0:59:57 even more ignorant than the basic army
1:00:00 who doesn't know the answer in the first
1:00:01 place
1:00:03 he might be following someone who he
1:00:04 thinks is uh representing islam
1:00:07 on an issue
1:00:10 and if you want to hear if there's also
1:00:12 a hole here of um
1:00:15 to be a major andalusian scholar himself
1:00:26 so
1:00:30 this is a very dangerous
1:00:32 issue
1:00:33 a lot of people tried to deal with it
1:00:35 and they they failed
1:00:37 and there are other acquire like it
1:00:40 like uh or many many um
1:00:46 actually there's one more thing i forgot
1:00:47 to mention which i i will mention before
1:00:48 we end it's a good thing yeah it was
1:00:50 hospital in every altar yeah
1:00:54 i want i want to deal with one
1:00:55 particular actual argument
1:00:57 that isis put forward
1:01:00 and i saw this just recently in the
1:01:02 speaker's corner video and that's a very
1:01:04 weird thing to mention here
1:01:08 one of the brothers in the park
1:01:09 madhalaite
1:01:11 being refuted by
1:01:12 attack fury right
1:01:15 and the sakurai may take fear of him or
1:01:17 you know no surprises there right
1:01:19 have you seen this video
1:01:21 he said he said you're careful he said
1:01:22 why because he said um
1:01:24 you're just believing i said why is it
1:01:26 because uh you
1:01:27 he gave some reasons for it which were
1:01:28 which were pathetic
1:01:30 and ridiculous
1:01:32 but
1:01:35 an argument that is usually made by them
1:01:36 is they say that if
1:01:40 if you work with and this is how isis
1:01:42 make their argument
1:01:44 and al qaeda makes argument as well
1:01:46 but al-qaeda are less
1:01:50 severe
1:01:56 isis are just on steroids when this
1:01:57 stuff
1:01:59 you know they
1:02:00 literally they'll just keep chaining
1:02:02 take fear like anyone was implicated
1:02:04 he's involved in that as well
1:02:08 and
1:02:09 they will say the issue of atta
1:02:12 or the idea
1:02:13 of being a jesus or the or spy
1:02:26 that takes
1:02:27 the the person outside of the fold of
1:02:29 islam
1:02:31 okay
1:02:32 no problem why because you're a
1:02:33 conspiring with the enemy woman
1:02:37 yeah
1:02:38 whoever and they'll bring the ayat
1:02:41 of tawelli in the quran like if you ally
1:02:44 then you'll become like
1:02:45 but
1:02:47 who is a sahabi
1:02:50 he actually i'm not sure if you know the
1:02:51 story is
1:02:54 the story of hatred
1:02:56 is that he
1:02:57 the prophet saw was going to conquer
1:02:59 mecca
1:03:01 and he only told a few people and he
1:03:03 said don't tell anyone
1:03:04 the heart of being one of the friends of
1:03:06 the prophet went and told his family
1:03:07 about it
1:03:10 he was a spy on the for the quran in a
1:03:12 sense
1:03:13 for the pagans uh polovius
1:03:16 for the polytheists he went and told you
1:03:18 know
1:03:20 now he did that
1:03:23 and they found out
1:03:24 so this is clearly spying right
1:03:27 now the prophet saws when he found out
1:03:30 he forgave him
1:03:33 and he mentioned the fact that he was
1:03:34 from uh he's the people of badr and that
1:03:36 allah has forgiven the people of badr
1:03:38 like he fought alongside the muslims at
1:03:40 that time
1:03:42 now
1:03:43 they say the reason taffir is when you
1:03:45 bring them this example because the
1:03:46 question we would ask is how can you
1:03:48 forgive him if
1:03:49 how can you forgive him on a matter like
1:03:51 this
1:03:52 why wasn't he killed why was if he was a
1:03:54 if he was a traitor
1:03:55 how could you forgive him on a matter
1:03:56 like this
1:03:59 and they'll say because the reason being
1:04:01 is because it was hasun bihi it was
1:04:03 specified to him because he was from the
1:04:05 fighters of better
1:04:08 but this but allah
1:04:13 he says about the prophet if you commit
1:04:15 shirk he will completely cut off your
1:04:17 deeds
1:04:18 so kufrin iman is not person specific he
1:04:21 can never be person specific whoever
1:04:23 commits sure can cover who policies and
1:04:25 this belief even if it's the prophet
1:04:28 then that person
1:04:30 will be treated as a disbeliever
1:04:33 so because it's our kedah issue
1:04:35 it cannot be
1:04:37 because that's an issue of
1:04:39 it has to be generic right so the point
1:04:41 is if they say
1:04:45 if they use this
1:04:46 demented
1:04:48 logic which they used in order to
1:04:52 to create to create an argument for
1:04:55 suicide bombing and then bombing in the
1:04:57 houses and i don't know whether all the
1:04:58 places are
1:04:59 places or concerts or whatever it is
1:05:02 they say
1:05:04 even the muslims they're there to blame
1:05:06 or they'll do in muslim countries how
1:05:08 many shabbat how many times they do in
1:05:09 somalia how many so many times isn't it
1:05:12 what's their logic these guys are you
1:05:15 know traitors and all this kind of thing
1:05:18 so
1:05:18 they they need to realize
1:05:22 that if it was the case
1:05:24 that
1:05:25 it was treachery and it was a
1:05:27 then how can you explain how to
1:05:29 everybody's case
1:05:31 he says
1:05:34 he himself
1:05:36 committed cover
1:05:38 he he they would wouldn't say that
1:05:40 because he can't commit cover he'd uh
1:05:41 and not be dealt with
1:05:44 in the dunya
1:05:45 so it must be the case
1:05:49 it's is it's not actually
1:05:53 it must be the case it's some kind of
1:05:56 or it's um
1:05:58 it's not kufri that will take you out of
1:05:59 islam
1:06:01 and so their arguments even when we look
1:06:04 at the seal of the prophet and the
1:06:05 sahaba and the dealings with the prophet
1:06:08 with the companions they fall on their
1:06:10 face all of their arguments from their
1:06:11 face
1:06:13 which is why the all the majority of
1:06:15 muslim institutions and centers of
1:06:17 islamic power
1:06:18 not no one's convinced with these
1:06:20 these pathetic arguments
1:06:22 and when they when when some people from
1:06:24 the normal community ask
1:06:26 who who condemns this the question
1:06:28 really is who doesn't
1:06:29 condemn this and with that we will
1:06:31 conclude with salaam alaikum
1:06:32 warahmatullahi wabarakatuh