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Webinar: A World Without God — From Existential Nihilism to Islamic Theism (2020-09-12)


A World Without God: From Existential Nihilism to Islamic Theism by Imran Hussein.

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Summary of Webinar: A World Without God — From Existential Nihilism to Islamic Theism

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

discusses the implications of atheism and naturalism, and how they lead to existential nihilism and a world without God. It offers solutions to this problem, including Islam. argues that, without an ultimate purpose or goal, humans are ultimately reduced to nothingness. It also points out that world religions have caused many negative effects.

*00:00:00 Discusses the implications of atheism and naturalism, and how they lead to existential nihilism and a world without God. It offers solutions to this problem, including Islam.

  • *00:05:00 Discusses the pre-modern world, during which Christianity was the dominant religion. There were many issues faced, such as tension between reason and faith, and the struggle between Christianity and Islam. One example is Thomas Aquinas, who attempted to achieve a synthesis between reason and revelation in theology, but failed due to contradictions between the two.
  • 00:10:00 The Enlightenment was a movement in which thinkers believed that religion should be abandoned in favor of reason and rationality. However, many of the thinkers of the Enlightenment period later became Muslims or favorably viewed Islam. One example of this is Voltaire, who initially had a negative view of Islam but later changed his views after encountering a decent translation of the Quran.
  • 00:15:00 The Enlightenment period in which thinkers tried to disconnect humanity from any reality beyond the material world led to the rise of modernism, which promised an amazing utopian future but ultimately failed. Post-modernism, a rebellion against modernism, attempted to disprove the promises of modernism and turn away from it.
  • *00:20:00 Discusses the history of modernity and postmodernity, and how these periods have led to a world where there is no absolute truth or meaning. It also discusses the underlying philosophies which govern the world today, and how atheism is a very weak position because it relies on shaky foundations.
  • 00:25:00 Atheism and naturalism, two philosophies which support the idea that there is no God, have implications for the way humans live. atheism generally means that there is no God, while naturalism means that all that exists is matter in motion. This philosophy allows for a world without guilt, where humans can focus on the material world.
  • *00:30:00 Discusses the implications of atheism and naturalism, which state that everything is an accident and there is no creator or hope. He points out that this lack of hope is a source of despair for some people, and argues that the irrational aspects of reality are a result of not having knowledge of Allah.
  • *00:35:00 Discusses the idea that there is no ultimate justice in the atheist, naturalist, or materialist worldviews because everything is an accident. In the atheist worldview, you are just an arrangement of atoms and molecules. When angry, you can either smash something or someone. In the materialist worldview, there is no difference between you and a chocolate bunny.
  • 00:40:00 argues that, because atheism and naturalism lack an ultimate purpose or goal, humans are ultimately reduced to nothingness. He points out that, in order to have any sort of meaning or purpose in life, humans must ascribe it to themselves, which is why so many atheist individuals end up pursuing happiness and self-fulfillment in vain.
  • 00:45:00 Atheism and naturalism do not offer a satisfactory answer to the fundamental questions of life. People who live without God often experience existential angst, which can lead to psychological issues.
  • *00:50:00 Discusses the idea that world religions have caused deaths, corruption, and other negative effects. He also points out that, as modernism became more popular, it failed to achieve its goals of creating a worldly utopia. Post-modernism has helped to expose modernism for what it is, and this has led to a renewed awareness of the negative effects of world religions.
  • 00:55:00 Nietzsche predicted that a world without God would result in nihilism, meaninglessness, and violence. He was commenting on the idea that as soon as people turn away from God, they are faced with the logical consequences of their decision.

01:00:00 - 01:40:00

discusses how people are searching for meaning in a world without God. It discusses the various ways that people have responded to the lack of meaning in the world, including gaming, technology, and subjective definitions of reality. argues that Islam provides a meaningful life that balances human nature.

01:00:00 In this online seminar, Jean-Paul Sartre discusses existential nihilism, the idea that there is no meaning or purpose in life from the perspective of human existence. He argues that the only way to deal with this is to live responsibly and find meaning in life. However, many atheists and people who rely on naturalism find this idea difficult to accept.

  • *01:05:00 Discusses the various ways that people have responded to the lack of meaning in the world. Some people have turned to gaming, technology, and subjective definitions of reality to try and find a sense of purpose. Other people have argued that we should focus on the meaning of life, which is found in our interactions with others and our relationship to the universe. These ideas are discussed in more detail in a book. It is important for Muslims to be aware of the world that we live in and the ways that people are trying to cope with the lack of meaning. This can serve as effective doubt to non-Muslims and help us to understand the mentality of those who are searching for meaning in a world without God.
  • *01:10:00 Discusses the meaning of life, and points out that if life is without meaning, there is no drive to progress or achieve anything. This leads to problems such as depression, anxiety, and existential angst. He concludes that atheism or naturalism is not providing a satisfying answer to the question of what life is for.
  • 01:15:00 This webinar discusses the ayah "Allah did not create us except to worship him," which explains the purpose of human existence. Atheism is not a natural position, and Islam provides a meaningful life that balances human nature.
  • *01:20:00 Discusses how the concept of God is intuitive, that early thinkers of the Enlightenment period may have become Muslims if they had come across Islam, and that Islam promotes reason and understanding.
  • *01:25:00 Discusses how Islam provides a comprehensive account of the point made earlier that if Islam had made it to the rest of Europe in the 7th century, it would have become the dominant religion. The presenter points out that most of the content on YouTube and Google that discusses Islam is focused on disagreements between Muslims, rather than on the key concepts and ideas that would help non-Muslims understand Islam. He suggests that Muslims engage with non-Muslims by sharing Islamic content that is focused on the essentials, rather than on disagreements.
  • 01:30:00 In this webinar, Sheikh Fahd Slim discusses how to be closer to Allah by understanding Islamic philosophy and practice. He encourages people to go back to the basics and to grasp the tenets of Islam. The West will never accept "absolute objective morality" in the post-modern society, but people can still try to live according to Islamic principles.
  • 01:35:00 The presenter addresses the issue of individuals turning to atheism or spirituality in the postmodern world. He believes that atheism is the perfect fit for this era because it removes accountability and makes things "comfortable" for people.
  • *01:40:00 Discusses the post-modern world and how people are looking for meaning in their lives. It discusses how some people are turning towards religion, specifically Islam, and how it is important to be critical when considering Islam. The presenter also discusses how many atheists are turning towards paganism.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:06 brothers and sisters and friends i hope
0:00:08 all of you guys are doing well so
0:00:12 today we have a very interesting session
0:00:15 for you guys which we've titled
0:00:17 uh a world without god from existential
0:00:19 nihilism to islamic
0:00:20 theism or life without god whichever way
0:00:24 you want to look at inshallah
0:00:25 but what we're going to be discussing
0:00:26 today is a topic which
0:00:28 is near and dear to my heart something
0:00:32 i'm
0:00:33 really passionate about and something i
0:00:36 you know really want to push and
0:00:37 emphasize which is
0:00:39 the implications of turning away from
0:00:42 god the implications
0:00:44 on one's life as an individual as a
0:00:47 society
0:00:48 as a community what are the implications
0:00:51 one has to face when you turn away from
0:00:55 god and this is something we'll be
0:00:56 exploring and looking into a lot of
0:00:57 detail
0:00:58 today um so a few key things
0:01:02 or points we'll be covering in today's
0:01:04 session
0:01:05 is number one we're gonna look at a
0:01:08 brief history of
0:01:09 how we ended up where we ended up how
0:01:11 we've ended up in a world
0:01:13 where secularism is prevalent you know
0:01:15 atheism
0:01:16 is you can say on the rise to whatever
0:01:18 degree it is although
0:01:20 you know it is there is a lot of hype
0:01:21 there and things are blown out of
0:01:22 proportion in regards to how popular
0:01:25 atheism is and how many people are
0:01:26 actually following this
0:01:28 worldview or adhering to it we're going
0:01:30 to also look at atheism and naturalism
0:01:32 and we're going to look at the
0:01:33 difference between
0:01:34 these terms and the different shades of
0:01:38 atheism
0:01:39 we're also going to look at the
0:01:40 implications of such a worldview
0:01:43 when you deny god and you turn away from
0:01:44 god whether that's in the form of
0:01:46 atheism or whether that's in the form of
0:01:48 any other
0:01:49 philosophy or ideology we're going to
0:01:51 see what what that means
0:01:53 for you you know what what if what would
0:01:55 happen
0:01:56 or what would you have to face and what
0:01:59 would you have to acknowledge in your
0:02:00 life
0:02:00 when you turn away from god so we look
0:02:02 at how atheism
0:02:04 naturalism or other ideologies result in
0:02:06 no ultimate hope no ultimate justice
0:02:09 no true value no you know happiness or
0:02:12 purpose etc
0:02:14 then we're going to take a look at
0:02:14 atheism and existential nihilism and
0:02:17 the nature of man and how all of these
0:02:19 things play with each other
0:02:21 uh following that we're gonna look at
0:02:22 the proposed solutions
0:02:24 that are you know given by individuals
0:02:27 who ascribe to such world views in
0:02:29 regards to
0:02:30 existential nihilism how to overcome it
0:02:32 how do we deal with it how do we
0:02:34 uh you know
0:02:38 live in a way where we don't have to
0:02:39 deal with the implications here that's
0:02:41 what we're going to look at explore
0:02:42 further
0:02:42 uh propose solutions to the problem so
0:02:45 you know we're going to take a look at
0:02:46 that sorry repeat the same thing again
0:02:48 then following that we're going to look
0:02:49 at
0:02:50 why it's a problem you know why is
0:02:53 nihilism a problem in the first place
0:02:55 and finally we're going to look at how
0:02:57 islam
0:02:58 is the solution to these issues and
0:03:00 problems that we face or the human being
0:03:02 faces when
0:03:03 they adhere to atheism or naturalism so
0:03:07 three key things i hope that you guys
0:03:08 are going to take away from today's
0:03:10 session
0:03:10 uh inshallah is number one how we ended
0:03:14 up
0:03:14 in this godless world number two the
0:03:16 implications of atheism
0:03:18 and the reason i want us to really
0:03:19 appreciate this today is because a lot
0:03:21 of the times when we have discourse with
0:03:23 atheists and we engage with atheists
0:03:25 we tend to immediately go into a sort of
0:03:29 rational discussion where we're sharing
0:03:30 arguments for god's existence and
0:03:32 they're sharing arguments against god's
0:03:34 existence
0:03:34 and then it becomes a battle of you know
0:03:37 the intellect
0:03:38 and just to see who can justify their
0:03:40 position in a stronger way but something
0:03:41 i want us to appreciate here
0:03:43 is that atheism is bankrupt
0:03:46 foundationally
0:03:47 they don't they don't even the
0:03:49 implications of atheism put you in such
0:03:51 a situation where you can't even begin
0:03:53 to
0:03:54 account for some fundamental truths
0:03:57 that make you a human being you know and
0:04:00 further
0:04:01 they can't even atheism can't even
0:04:03 account for the fundamental principles
0:04:05 you need in place for you to have a
0:04:06 rational discussion or discourse with
0:04:08 someone else
0:04:09 um so i want us to really appreciate
0:04:11 this so before we make
0:04:13 atheists or put the atheist in a
0:04:15 position of judge
0:04:16 and we say look here is my presentation
0:04:19 or here is my argument for god's
0:04:20 existence now you
0:04:22 judge whether you believe god exists or
0:04:24 not before we even give them that
0:04:26 position we're going to explore and see
0:04:27 well are they even qualified to be a
0:04:29 judge
0:04:30 right so that's something we're gonna
0:04:31 look at today and finally
0:04:34 we're gonna hopefully appreciate and see
0:04:35 that atheism it doesn't exist because
0:04:37 it's a rational position
0:04:39 it exists because of its utility from
0:04:42 the perspective of the world that we
0:04:43 live in and how it's in line with other
0:04:45 philosophies and ideologies
0:04:47 in the world that we find ourselves in
0:04:48 today so
0:04:50 let's make a star and the very first
0:04:51 thing i want to look at sort of a brief
0:04:53 history
0:04:55 of how we ended up in this world because
0:04:56 look we're born in the 21st century
0:04:58 right we're born in a world and when we
0:05:01 grow
0:05:02 we grow up in this world and we
0:05:04 therefore are colored and influenced by
0:05:06 society educational institutions
0:05:09 ideas and the philosophies of the world
0:05:11 that we live in and we can't help this
0:05:13 whether we're muslim or non-muslim
0:05:15 we're just colored and shaped by the
0:05:16 world around us and therefore
0:05:19 unfortunately in many cases muslims run
0:05:21 into issues because of this
0:05:23 and so do non-muslims because they find
0:05:25 it very difficult to appreciate certain
0:05:27 realities
0:05:27 we're molded to think in a certain way
0:05:30 and see the world in a certain way
0:05:32 and therefore it's very important that
0:05:34 we appreciate the history
0:05:36 that's led to the world that we find
0:05:38 ourselves in today and therefore we can
0:05:40 really understand how we ended up where
0:05:41 we are
0:05:42 and we can also see how do we deal now
0:05:45 with the issues and problems that we
0:05:46 find ourselves facing because of
0:05:49 you know the philosophies that are
0:05:51 governing
0:05:52 the reality that we live in today so
0:05:54 it's very important we understand this
0:05:56 and i want to start just briefly taking
0:05:59 a look at the pre-modern world
0:06:00 and let me just define these terms
0:06:02 briefly here obviously there are many
0:06:04 ways you can define these terms
0:06:05 historically
0:06:06 speaking but when i refer to the
0:06:07 pre-modern world i'm referring to the
0:06:09 period
0:06:10 prior to the enlightenment so prior to
0:06:13 the 18th century
0:06:14 and i want to go back as far as maybe a
0:06:16 thousand years right so the year 1000
0:06:18 maybe and work
0:06:19 from the year 1000 all the way up to the
0:06:21 18th century the 1700s
0:06:23 now this period from a european
0:06:27 perspective
0:06:28 was a period where the world was
0:06:31 governed by christianity
0:06:33 and every facet of life was governed by
0:06:36 christianity whether it's education
0:06:38 commerce law christianity dictated every
0:06:42 sphere of life
0:06:43 now there are some positives in regards
0:06:46 to this because
0:06:47 for one which is obvious which is that
0:06:48 humanity was connected or
0:06:50 to some degree uh aware of
0:06:54 uh the the the the true purpose of our
0:06:58 existence which is to
0:06:59 recognize god and to worship him
0:07:00 although obviously at that time
0:07:02 we know that you know the christian
0:07:04 doctrine uh
0:07:06 that existed was not what islam would
0:07:09 jesus had brought to the world
0:07:11 and therefore the christians were
0:07:12 adopting or following a
0:07:14 sort of uh distorted conception of who
0:07:17 god is but nevertheless they were still
0:07:19 connected with
0:07:20 realms beyond the physical they were
0:07:22 still connected to god to whatever
0:07:23 extent
0:07:24 they uh were able to be so
0:07:28 there were some positives but there were
0:07:29 a lot of negatives too
0:07:31 now one of the issues which you know we
0:07:34 see
0:07:35 people were facing throughout these
0:07:37 centuries was
0:07:38 there was a an agitation a struggle that
0:07:40 was taking place because
0:07:42 the christian world was becoming aware
0:07:44 of the muslim world and they were also
0:07:46 becoming aware of
0:07:47 how the muslim world was able to
0:07:49 reconcile reason and revelation
0:07:51 how there was a beautiful synergy that
0:07:53 was taking place there
0:07:54 you know how the muslim world was
0:07:56 flourishing
0:07:58 and we see for example you know there
0:08:01 were certain christian theologians
0:08:02 and thinkers who tried to achieve the
0:08:04 same synergy
0:08:05 for example thomas aquinas was one
0:08:07 individual as is mentioned in
0:08:10 the book rethinking islam and the west
0:08:12 by ahmed paul keller on pages 82 and 83
0:08:16 he mentions that thomas aquinas for
0:08:18 example understood and he saw that
0:08:20 in the muslim world you had the likes of
0:08:21 ibn sinha ibn
0:08:23 rushd and others who you know
0:08:26 were were were you know engaging with
0:08:30 the sciences they were engaging with
0:08:32 rational thought
0:08:33 and there was a beautiful amalgamation
0:08:35 between reason and revelation and he
0:08:37 tried to achieve the same
0:08:39 and he tried to do this in his
0:08:41 introduction to theology
0:08:42 but he failed and the reason he failed
0:08:44 to do this was because
0:08:46 the fundamental doctrines of
0:08:48 christianity the fundamental tenets of
0:08:50 christianity their very theology
0:08:53 was adverse to reason it was averse to
0:08:55 reason it was
0:08:57 anything but rational the concept of the
0:08:59 trinity you know
0:09:00 they ran into problems they couldn't
0:09:01 explain this rationally hence in this
0:09:03 quote
0:09:04 he says in this particular quote delay
0:09:07 at the heart of this schism a profound
0:09:08 theological problem with christianity
0:09:10 the relationship between faith and
0:09:12 reason that did not arise
0:09:14 until a higher understanding of logic
0:09:16 philosophy and metaphysics was
0:09:17 introduced
0:09:18 through the works of ibn sinha even
0:09:20 rushed aquinas in his
0:09:22 introduction to theology attempted to
0:09:24 achieve the synthesis that had been
0:09:26 realized in islam
0:09:27 but was unable to do so reason
0:09:30 encountered fundamental contradictions
0:09:32 when approaching the incarnation
0:09:34 and the trinity uh and this was an issue
0:09:37 that
0:09:37 was prevalent within christianity it was
0:09:39 always this struggle and hence you had
0:09:41 uh certain theologians such as a
0:09:43 protestant theologian martin luther i
0:09:45 believe in the 15th or the 16th century
0:09:47 uh he you know didn't mince his words he
0:09:50 was very
0:09:51 uh clear with his uh disliking towards
0:09:55 reasons and he came out he said reason
0:09:57 he referred to reason as a
0:09:59 the greatest enemy of faith right and
0:10:01 this now further progressed up into up
0:10:03 to the 17th century in the 18th century
0:10:05 where
0:10:06 where whenever a free thinker you know
0:10:09 emerged someone that wanted to discover
0:10:12 and understand the world someone that
0:10:14 wanted to engage with reason and
0:10:15 rationality
0:10:16 they were persecuted they were tortured
0:10:18 you know they were burnt at the stake
0:10:20 there was they were
0:10:21 killed and this eventually all of this
0:10:24 agitation then
0:10:26 resulted in the period of the
0:10:28 enlightenment where people
0:10:30 you know some thinkers said enough is
0:10:32 enough and
0:10:35 a type of rebellion took place where you
0:10:37 know eventually people got together and
0:10:39 they were like you know what we need to
0:10:40 move forward we're not gonna
0:10:42 we're not gonna succumb to the dogmas of
0:10:44 the church anymore we're not gonna
0:10:46 uh you know we're not gonna succumb to
0:10:48 this sort of outdated way of looking at
0:10:50 reality
0:10:51 we're rational beings and to be honest
0:10:52 as aside from brothers and sisters it's
0:10:54 a part of human
0:10:55 nature to use the uncle the intellect
0:10:58 the rational faculties that allah
0:11:00 has blessed us with and what's very
0:11:02 interesting
0:11:04 is that you can't suppress this it's
0:11:05 gonna it's it's a part of our very being
0:11:08 so we're going to use reason we're gonna
0:11:10 reflect and this is something that islam
0:11:12 encourages
0:11:13 as we'll see later on but it was
0:11:15 something that the
0:11:16 the church and christianity generally
0:11:18 speaking discouraged
0:11:20 and they disliked uh hence you had the
0:11:23 enlightenment movement where thinkers
0:11:24 got together and they said we're going
0:11:26 to do away with this dogma of
0:11:27 christianity we're not gonna worry about
0:11:28 christianity anymore
0:11:30 nevertheless there were people who were
0:11:32 all about reason and rationality
0:11:34 but there weren't people who turned away
0:11:37 from god
0:11:38 they may have turned away from
0:11:39 christianity in the church but many of
0:11:41 the thinkers of the enlightenment period
0:11:43 if you were to ask them well do you
0:11:45 believe in god they would acknowledge
0:11:46 god they would say yeah we believe there
0:11:47 is a creator and
0:11:48 this was the very reason they engaged in
0:11:51 the sciences
0:11:52 to study the world because they believed
0:11:54 that there was a creator that created
0:11:56 this natural world and through studying
0:11:58 the laws that were present within the
0:11:59 natural world to study nature
0:12:01 we would get closer to understanding the
0:12:03 mind of god this was their thinking
0:12:05 right so they were they were people who
0:12:07 who lead towards natural theology as
0:12:10 as it's known natural theology meaning
0:12:12 people who believe in a higher power or
0:12:14 creator
0:12:15 and people who are therefore studying
0:12:16 the world in wanting to come
0:12:18 closer to an understanding of this
0:12:20 higher power
0:12:22 right something something i believe if
0:12:24 these individuals had come across
0:12:26 the true understanding of islam at the
0:12:28 time which they didn't
0:12:29 and there's reasons for why they didn't
0:12:31 but if they had come across the true
0:12:32 understanding of islam
0:12:33 they would have really inclined towards
0:12:35 islam and i would i would even say many
0:12:36 of them may have become muslim
0:12:38 or at the very least favored islam a
0:12:40 really brilliant example of this
0:12:41 is in voltaire a philosopher from the
0:12:44 18th century who
0:12:47 initially when he read some of the early
0:12:50 translations of the quran and came
0:12:51 across material on islam
0:12:53 which was by the way being done by some
0:12:55 some of the christians the missionaries
0:12:57 uh he took he had a a a huge disliking
0:13:00 towards islam
0:13:01 a disliking towards the prophet
0:13:02 sallallahu alaihi through the prophet
0:13:04 peace be upon him
0:13:05 so much so that he wrote plays against
0:13:07 the prophet peace be upon him
0:13:08 uh where he mocked the prophet but later
0:13:12 later on in the 18th century when he
0:13:14 actually came across a decent
0:13:15 translation of the quran which was done
0:13:17 by cells
0:13:18 he changed his views and he even spoke
0:13:21 highly
0:13:22 of islam and he defended islam against
0:13:24 other
0:13:25 individuals who were actually speaking
0:13:26 out against islam because many there was
0:13:28 a view amongst many of the thinkers of
0:13:30 the time that islam was a religion of
0:13:32 extravagance it was a religion a
0:13:34 religion of uh
0:13:35 uh luxuries and and and and
0:13:38 uh uh worldly pleasures
0:13:41 uh and it's interesting that the
0:13:43 christian missionaries are pushing this
0:13:44 type of idea because
0:13:45 one of the issues that that the church
0:13:48 had was because of his injustice and the
0:13:50 misuse of its power
0:13:51 many of the the popes uh prior to the
0:13:54 enlightenment after the renaissance
0:13:56 almost took on
0:13:57 uh the the grab of uh um
0:14:00 empires of the po sorry emperors of the
0:14:03 past
0:14:03 uh so so they were the ones that were
0:14:06 living in luxury
0:14:07 and it's almost like when they were
0:14:09 exposed now what they wanted to do was
0:14:10 they wanted to paint islam in a negative
0:14:12 light as well so no one inclines towards
0:14:13 islam
0:14:14 but when people like balti actually came
0:14:15 across the true message of islam
0:14:17 they actually spoke highly of islam and
0:14:19 defended islam
0:14:21 so what happened during the
0:14:22 enlightenment period basically were
0:14:23 several things
0:14:24 they moved away from the church they
0:14:27 moved away from religion
0:14:28 and as professor leo damorosh in one of
0:14:31 the a brilliant course by the way i
0:14:33 really encourage you guys to go through
0:14:34 the enlightenment uh
0:14:35 invention of the modern self uh by the
0:14:38 great courses if you have audible you
0:14:39 guys can go and listen to this course
0:14:41 and one of the things he mentions one of
0:14:43 the ideas
0:14:45 of the enlightenment was to get human
0:14:47 beings to
0:14:48 to disconnect from the vertical plane
0:14:50 and to focus on the horizontal plane
0:14:52 meaning
0:14:53 they wanted people to to turn away from
0:14:56 ideas of the hereafter
0:14:57 from ideas of a paradise jannah they
0:15:00 wanted to
0:15:01 move people away from an eternal life
0:15:03 that's coming in the next life and
0:15:04 wanted people to focus on
0:15:06 this life and progress in this life and
0:15:08 one of the ideas they sold people
0:15:10 was that of a utopia on earth in the
0:15:13 future
0:15:14 so man was to focus on the world and
0:15:17 progress in the world to attain this
0:15:19 perfect
0:15:20 utopian world this perfect utopian
0:15:22 future in the near
0:15:24 coming future so this is what they
0:15:26 wanted people to focus on
0:15:28 right and what's very interesting is
0:15:31 that you see
0:15:32 therefore even in in individuals that
0:15:34 came
0:15:35 uh shortly after such as marx for
0:15:38 example he
0:15:39 he took an aversion to religion he
0:15:41 disliked the idea of religion because
0:15:42 one of his issues with religion was that
0:15:44 it made people comfortable in
0:15:48 the little that they had right so
0:15:50 remember
0:15:51 he was he wanted to push socialism right
0:15:52 this idea that look
0:15:55 capitalism has flaws because the rich
0:15:57 get richer the poor get poorer
0:15:58 so we want to make it that people all
0:16:00 are on the equal plane from a
0:16:02 social perspective and a financial
0:16:03 perspective and one of these
0:16:05 for him to achieve this man again had to
0:16:07 be focused on the material world
0:16:09 and progress in the material world it
0:16:11 had to be so that man was uncomfortable
0:16:13 with having little from a social and
0:16:15 economic perspective
0:16:17 and he knew that what religion did was
0:16:19 it made man comfortable
0:16:21 with little you know so and and he
0:16:23 disliked this idea
0:16:24 he wanted people to be uncomfortable if
0:16:26 they weren't doing well socially and
0:16:28 economically
0:16:29 because only then would they would they
0:16:30 would there be a drive to move forward
0:16:32 and to progress from a worldly
0:16:33 perspective
0:16:34 right so they wanted the thinkers at the
0:16:37 time and the ones that came after they
0:16:38 wanted people to disconnect
0:16:40 from any reality was that was beyond
0:16:43 this material physical world and they
0:16:44 wanted people to focus on the material
0:16:48 but what happened during this endeavor
0:16:51 was there was people fell out of balance
0:16:53 because
0:16:54 what wasn't recognized and appreciated
0:16:55 that human beings are physical material
0:16:57 beings who have material needs
0:16:59 but they're also spiritual beings but
0:17:01 the enlightenment got humanity
0:17:03 to focus on the material and by doing so
0:17:05 disconnected human beings from the
0:17:07 spiritual
0:17:08 aspects of reality and inevitably human
0:17:11 beings were going to fall
0:17:12 out of balance the other issue was or
0:17:15 one of the things they wanted to achieve
0:17:16 was they wanted to achieve a blend
0:17:18 of of reason and revelation so another
0:17:21 interesting
0:17:22 point was that they didn't want to get
0:17:24 let go of religion
0:17:26 altogether or revelation altogether
0:17:28 because they realized that if you to
0:17:30 turn away from god completely
0:17:32 well then that throws man out of balance
0:17:34 also from the perspective that now
0:17:35 nothing is objective
0:17:36 uh there's there are no absolutes there
0:17:38 are no truths there are no ethical moral
0:17:40 truths
0:17:41 so they want they took the good from
0:17:42 religion from an ethical standpoint
0:17:44 and they took from greek reason and
0:17:46 rationality and they
0:17:48 they brought these two things together
0:17:49 and amalgamated the two in a way which
0:17:51 worked
0:17:52 right and also the new goals they gave
0:17:55 humanity a new goal
0:17:57 because nihilism was an imminent threat
0:17:59 and danger
0:18:00 that they faced because again if you
0:18:02 take people away from religion and god
0:18:05 then human beings well there is no
0:18:07 ultimate meaning or purpose to life
0:18:08 something
0:18:09 again we're going to explore in in a few
0:18:11 moments so what they had to do is they
0:18:13 had to sell another vision to humanity
0:18:14 something we mentioned already
0:18:16 to make sure to ensure that people don't
0:18:18 fall into existentialism
0:18:20 and they don't experience the pain
0:18:22 that's accompanied by existential
0:18:23 nihilism
0:18:24 so what they did was they sold this
0:18:25 vision of a future utopia as we
0:18:28 mentioned already
0:18:28 now obviously alongside this you had
0:18:31 other revolutions
0:18:32 which were taking place at the time
0:18:33 which more specifically
0:18:35 you know paved the road to atheism and
0:18:37 this was something we'll touch upon in a
0:18:38 second
0:18:40 so that was the enlightenment period
0:18:42 which led to
0:18:43 modernism and the objective of modernism
0:18:46 was for humanity
0:18:48 to focus on a worldly utopia to for
0:18:50 humanity to focus on the material plane
0:18:52 the physical plane
0:18:54 to achieve as much as they can from a
0:18:56 material physical perspective and
0:18:57 obviously this leads to materialism and
0:18:59 consumerism and all of the other
0:19:00 ideologies and philosophies
0:19:02 uh which resulted that was then but in
0:19:05 the 20th century
0:19:07 we had another almost revolution
0:19:12 another intellectual revolution which
0:19:14 was of post-modernism
0:19:16 and which basically you know came out
0:19:20 and highlighted the problems with
0:19:21 modernism highlighted the flaws of
0:19:23 modernism
0:19:24 they had an aversion to the modernist
0:19:26 mindset
0:19:27 they pointed out you know that this
0:19:29 whole promise of an amazing utopian
0:19:31 future is not true
0:19:32 you failed basically and they had a
0:19:34 disliking towards modernism
0:19:36 um almost an aggressive uh
0:19:41 an aggressive rebellion towards it where
0:19:43 they wanted to sort of disprove it and
0:19:45 completely turn away from it
0:19:46 because they said look what has
0:19:48 modernism resulted in you sold these
0:19:49 amazing dreams to humanity
0:19:51 all it's resulted in is world war one
0:19:53 world war ii
0:19:54 capitalism colonialism uh the soviet
0:19:57 union
0:19:58 socialism and all of these isms and
0:20:00 schisms which have come
0:20:02 about by this and all of these wars that
0:20:03 resulted from this war have led to a lot
0:20:05 of destruction
0:20:06 uh let alone a a perfect utopian future
0:20:10 it's the opposite right so they
0:20:12 basically
0:20:13 the whole underlying philosophy of
0:20:15 post-modernism
0:20:16 is there is no absolute what they
0:20:19 basically have done
0:20:20 is they have fully followed through the
0:20:22 implications of turning away from god
0:20:24 there is no abs there are no absolutes
0:20:26 there is no truth there are no objective
0:20:28 truths or realities it's all subjective
0:20:30 it's all up in the air
0:20:31 right it's all about opinions of
0:20:34 any group that's in power right there
0:20:36 are no absolutes in any way shape or
0:20:38 form
0:20:38 right we do it's like it's like we live
0:20:40 in a world of pick and mix now this is
0:20:42 the world that we're a part of today
0:20:43 anything goes pretty much right
0:20:47 language has words have no meaning we
0:20:49 define them as we want to define them we
0:20:51 understand things as we want to
0:20:52 understand
0:20:53 things so like i said fully following
0:20:55 through with the implications
0:20:57 of a world without god the purpose is to
0:20:59 deconstruct everything deconstructionism
0:21:01 this type of ideology which which
0:21:03 uh emanated alongside which is you know
0:21:06 to to break down everything to his core
0:21:07 opponents and just call a spade a spade
0:21:09 right so in a way something you have to
0:21:11 commend them for is
0:21:13 they exposed some of the lies of
0:21:15 modernism by highlighting look
0:21:18 you know this they're all of these these
0:21:20 absolutes that you're claiming without
0:21:22 without god you you
0:21:23 there are no absolutes but at the same
0:21:25 time they didn't deal with the real
0:21:26 fundamental issue
0:21:27 which is humanity turning away from god
0:21:30 right they didn't deal with this
0:21:31 and therefore they too are falling into
0:21:33 the same problems if anything they're
0:21:34 just
0:21:35 like i said they're following through
0:21:36 with the implications of turning away
0:21:38 with
0:21:39 turning away from god fully and
0:21:41 therefore now we ended up we've ended up
0:21:42 in a world which is
0:21:45 almost completely nihilistic there is no
0:21:47 meaning behind anything literally
0:21:49 um there is there is no ultimate truth
0:21:52 or meaning as they would say we
0:21:53 interpret reality as we choose to
0:21:55 do so i i become what i want to become
0:21:58 is the type of motto
0:21:59 right so whatever whatever goes pretty
0:22:02 much
0:22:03 some interesting quotes the freedom
0:22:06 to choose to do and be anything and
0:22:09 everything makes all consumers
0:22:11 makes makes us all consumers of reality
0:22:13 um
0:22:14 another very interesting quote i think
0:22:15 this one summarizes uh the point a bit
0:22:17 better
0:22:18 in modernity nihilism may be cons
0:22:21 conceived as the devaluation of life
0:22:23 resulting from the secular project
0:22:25 of the enlightenment which which trades
0:22:27 off the sense
0:22:28 of meaning and values applied by myth
0:22:31 and religion for the gains of an
0:22:32 increasingly rationalized world
0:22:34 the goals of modernity however take on
0:22:37 the form
0:22:38 and function of the religious categories
0:22:40 of meaning and value
0:22:41 by positing a future utopia displacing
0:22:44 the source of value
0:22:45 from an afterlife to a distinct future
0:22:48 to a distant future
0:22:49 in modernity the religious esc
0:22:52 eschatological narrative is replaced by
0:22:55 a grand narrative of the
0:22:58 emancipation of man as the universal
0:23:00 subject of history
0:23:01 from suffering this grand narrative
0:23:04 supplies human existence with a sense of
0:23:06 orientation
0:23:07 and meaning in place of the old
0:23:08 religious doctrines
0:23:10 the nihilism of postmodernity however is
0:23:13 characterized by the bankruptcy
0:23:14 of this grand narrative of history and
0:23:17 the subsequent loss of the sense of
0:23:19 meaning it's supplied
0:23:20 so this sort of summarizes exactly
0:23:22 what's been going on
0:23:23 modernity you know try to deal with the
0:23:25 problem of
0:23:27 existential nihilism at least by selling
0:23:30 a new vision of a utopian future in this
0:23:32 world
0:23:33 postmodernity has just exposed that
0:23:35 pretty much
0:23:37 now here's another way we can look at
0:23:38 what's the the sort of history of the
0:23:40 past thousand years
0:23:41 initially the pre-modern world was where
0:23:44 man focused on god
0:23:46 although from a christian perspective
0:23:47 got many things wrong
0:23:49 the modern world was a time when man was
0:23:51 made to focus on the material world and
0:23:53 worship the material world
0:23:55 and the post-modern world which you're a
0:23:56 part of now is where man has rejected
0:23:58 all of this and almost has become
0:24:00 has started to worship man human beings
0:24:02 have starting to worship themselves
0:24:05 this is where we've ended up today
0:24:07 because none of the
0:24:09 they haven't addressed the real
0:24:10 fundamental underlying issue
0:24:12 which is human beings have turned away
0:24:14 from the creed and therefore have been
0:24:15 thrown out of balance
0:24:16 now where does atheism come into all of
0:24:18 this atheism is not in a vacuum
0:24:20 and the reason i wanted to present this
0:24:22 sort of backdrop to you guys was because
0:24:25 when you look at atheism one thing you
0:24:27 realize is when you start to look at the
0:24:29 foundations of atheism one thing you
0:24:30 realize is that atheism is a
0:24:32 a very weak position you know it doesn't
0:24:34 have any these foundations are very
0:24:36 shoddy they're very weak it doesn't
0:24:38 really have legs to stand on
0:24:40 but then it makes you think well why do
0:24:41 people still adhere to it
0:24:43 and the reason is because it's in line
0:24:45 with these underlying philosophies which
0:24:47 govern the world today
0:24:48 right because the world we live in a
0:24:50 world which pushes you to focus on the
0:24:52 material
0:24:53 what does atheism tell us there is no
0:24:55 creator there is no god you only live in
0:24:57 this material physical existence what
0:24:58 does naturalism tell us
0:25:00 everything is matter focus on the matter
0:25:03 right
0:25:03 so it's in line with all of these other
0:25:05 ideologies it allows
0:25:07 it puts the human being it removes all
0:25:09 guilt from the human being
0:25:11 it puts the human being in a position
0:25:13 where they have no other choice but to
0:25:15 focus on the material world let's just
0:25:16 focus on the material
0:25:17 unless we've got one life you know yolo
0:25:20 do whatever you want make the most of it
0:25:22 and then we sold these other visions
0:25:24 like you know it's all about how much
0:25:26 you can gain and how much you can make
0:25:27 in this world
0:25:28 and how much money you can attain you
0:25:29 know and how how
0:25:31 how much of a luxurious life can you
0:25:32 build for yourself
0:25:34 until you die but the funny thing is
0:25:36 when you die you don't take any of it
0:25:37 with you
0:25:38 and this is something again death is
0:25:40 something which is sidelined and people
0:25:41 don't really are made to think about it
0:25:43 you know we're made to think about life
0:25:46 and to make as much as you can in this
0:25:47 world
0:25:48 but death is not spoken about because
0:25:49 death is one of those things which again
0:25:51 puts things into perspective and this is
0:25:52 why subhanallah
0:25:53 in the quran allah
0:25:56 continuously over and over again because
0:25:59 it's something that gets the human being
0:26:00 to refocus on on what's actually going
0:26:02 on here
0:26:03 you're not here forever you're not going
0:26:04 to live forever you know
0:26:06 so what is this all all of these things
0:26:08 that you're massing here mean
0:26:10 what does it all mean where are you
0:26:11 going to take all of this at when you
0:26:12 die
0:26:13 that wealth you've acquired in your life
0:26:15 is no more yours as it is your enemies
0:26:18 you're just leaving you all behind you
0:26:20 know so but people don't think about
0:26:21 this so we met with we sold this so
0:26:23 materialistic
0:26:24 uh notion of reality again you know
0:26:27 i don't want to get into the details of
0:26:28 this here but you know all of these
0:26:30 ideologies work together it's almost
0:26:32 like a well-oiled machine
0:26:34 you have money drives everything money
0:26:36 the the pursuit
0:26:38 for the material drives everything the
0:26:40 all of these models you have such
0:26:41 capitalism which drive
0:26:43 you know consumerism and and to have
0:26:45 consumers you need to create a need
0:26:47 for consumerism and then for to have
0:26:49 consumers well you need to
0:26:51 you need to sell a philosophy of
0:26:52 materialism you know and for you to sell
0:26:55 philosophy materialism effectively well
0:26:57 you need some other philosophies in
0:26:59 place such as atheism and naturalism
0:27:00 which which which put the man in a
0:27:03 position where they can't focus on
0:27:04 anything other than this
0:27:06 material world it's it's it's really
0:27:08 interesting that the way
0:27:09 all of these pieces come together and
0:27:11 fit together right so
0:27:13 just to emphasize the point here atheism
0:27:16 to whatever degree it's prevalent is not
0:27:18 prevalent because it's rational we have
0:27:20 strong foundations
0:27:21 it's because it fits it's that peace
0:27:23 that fits the system
0:27:25 very nicely you know that's that's the
0:27:27 only reason
0:27:29 okay so let's just quickly define
0:27:31 atheism and naturalism
0:27:34 right we've also already discussed how
0:27:36 atheism and naturalism fits into
0:27:37 into the whole system of what's going on
0:27:39 here
0:27:41 what's the difference between atheism
0:27:42 and astros they're very similar but just
0:27:44 one difference i want to highlight here
0:27:45 is that
0:27:46 generally speaking again there's no
0:27:47 defined um
0:27:50 although you'll get you'll get
0:27:53 dictionary definitions of
0:27:55 these terms but uh there's nothing
0:27:58 that's
0:27:58 solidified here but generally speaking
0:28:01 if we talk about atheism atheism the
0:28:02 idea there is no god there is no creator
0:28:04 there is no personal
0:28:06 uh abrahamic conception of god um
0:28:09 you know and and that's essentially what
0:28:11 they will say that there is no god there
0:28:13 is no creator
0:28:14 behind everything that exists uh the
0:28:16 naturalist is a bit more hard line the
0:28:18 natural is a bit more
0:28:20 clear-cut if you like in his perspective
0:28:22 and he would say look
0:28:23 all that exists is the material physical
0:28:26 realm
0:28:27 it's all matter in motion even if there
0:28:29 is something behind this material
0:28:31 physical existence it has nothing to do
0:28:33 with this material physical existence
0:28:35 all everything that we see that's in
0:28:37 existence is a result of prior physical
0:28:39 causes and it's all physical physical
0:28:40 things leading to other physical things
0:28:42 the atheist may say most atheists will
0:28:46 be naturalists
0:28:47 as in for example richard dawkins and i
0:28:49 think this is what richard dawkins
0:28:50 himself has said
0:28:51 most atheists are naturalists however
0:28:53 there may be some atheists which leave
0:28:54 the door open slightly
0:28:55 to other explanations they may say some
0:28:58 of his may turn around and say well i
0:28:59 believe there may be something out there
0:29:00 which is beyond the physical but it's
0:29:02 not your god it's not a
0:29:03 it's not a sort of uh personal being
0:29:06 that you refer to
0:29:07 you know from the abrahamic traditions
0:29:08 no but there may be some sort of power
0:29:10 some sort of energy that's you know
0:29:13 something like that that explains
0:29:14 everything right so
0:29:15 there is a subtle difference that we can
0:29:17 appreciate between atheism and
0:29:18 naturalism
0:29:20 however like i said and something that's
0:29:22 acknowledged by richard dawkins himself
0:29:24 most atheists are naturalists
0:29:26 or most self-proclaimed atheists that is
0:29:28 although on the ground when you speak to
0:29:29 most atheists in public
0:29:32 you wouldn't even call them atheists
0:29:33 when you really get to know their
0:29:34 position nevertheless
0:29:35 for the sake of what we're discussing
0:29:37 here we're going to assume naturalism
0:29:39 as the default position and atheism and
0:29:41 naturalism i'm going to use
0:29:42 interchangeably
0:29:42 here here on going forward so that's the
0:29:46 main difference between the two
0:29:48 so what are the implications of atheism
0:29:52 and naturalism
0:29:53 what are the implications of a world
0:29:55 which generally speaking pushes the idea
0:29:57 that there is no god
0:29:58 there is no creator there is no
0:30:00 hereafter you
0:30:01 are born you know you live and you die
0:30:05 what are the implications of such a
0:30:06 world
0:30:06 now something i want to appreciate here
0:30:09 as soon as you say there is no creator
0:30:11 there is no
0:30:12 god essentially what you're
0:30:14 acknowledging without saying this
0:30:16 is that everything in existence is a
0:30:18 result of just blind
0:30:20 cold physical processes it's all random
0:30:24 everything that exists today including
0:30:26 ourselves
0:30:27 are just a result of one big random
0:30:31 accident everything is an accident there
0:30:34 is no creator
0:30:35 there is no god there is no being that
0:30:37 that that intended
0:30:38 all of this that brought all of this
0:30:41 into be it just happened
0:30:43 it's all one big accident that's what
0:30:45 you're acknowledging by saying that
0:30:46 there is no god there is no creator
0:30:48 okay this is what most atheists and
0:30:51 particular naturalists will acknowledge
0:30:53 now as soon as you say this or you
0:30:55 believe this well then that means
0:30:57 everything is an accident and therefore
0:30:59 everything
0:31:01 if everything is an accident there is no
0:31:02 ultimate meaning there is no ultimate
0:31:04 purpose
0:31:06 you know nothing means nothing anymore
0:31:08 pretty much it's just all pointless it's
0:31:10 all random
0:31:10 okay and therefore we can ask these
0:31:13 questions now and if we logically follow
0:31:14 through
0:31:15 and if we try to take the atheist or the
0:31:17 naturalist on the journey here and ask
0:31:18 them well okay
0:31:19 if that's the case well where is the
0:31:21 ultimate hope on your world view
0:31:24 you know the and when we talk about hope
0:31:26 we're referring to the feeling or
0:31:28 expectation and desire for something
0:31:30 to happen in particular something good
0:31:32 to happen
0:31:33 right where is the hope now think about
0:31:35 the scenario of someone that's sick
0:31:37 on their deathbed where is the hope
0:31:41 you know that they would move on maybe
0:31:43 move on to somewhere better
0:31:45 that the pain and the sickness and the
0:31:47 the the tribulation they're going
0:31:49 through will be over
0:31:50 you know where is the hope for that
0:31:52 person where is the hope
0:31:54 for a person who's had a life full of
0:31:56 suffering that there's something better
0:31:58 to come
0:31:59 where's the hope for a person who's had
0:32:00 a life full of joy that they're going to
0:32:02 move on
0:32:03 and that joy is going to continue where
0:32:05 is the where is this hope for something
0:32:07 better to happen on a world view which
0:32:08 tells you life is an accident everything
0:32:10 is an accident occurrences are an
0:32:12 accident
0:32:12 the future too will be an accident right
0:32:15 it's just a chain of accidents
0:32:17 just this lengthy chain of accidents
0:32:19 which has been taking place
0:32:21 where is the ultimate hope for such a
0:32:22 person now someone in that someone may
0:32:25 turn around and say well
0:32:26 you know i hope that i'm going to die
0:32:29 and then the pain is over
0:32:30 you know but okay
0:32:34 the pain is over but you're no longer
0:32:35 there to experience what comes after
0:32:37 because according to them do you you are
0:32:39 no more
0:32:40 you are your physical body you are your
0:32:41 physical being and when that's over it's
0:32:43 over lights out
0:32:45 right so there is no hope that you're
0:32:46 gonna experience anything other than
0:32:49 what you're experiencing up until the
0:32:50 moment you die
0:32:52 so there is no ultimate hope and this is
0:32:55 why subhanallah says in the quran
0:32:58 certainly no one despairs of allah's
0:32:59 mercy except the people who disbelieve
0:33:02 they have nothing to look forward to
0:33:06 and what's very interesting you know
0:33:07 just to think of just thinking about it
0:33:08 now human beings we're beings
0:33:10 that have the ability to project into
0:33:12 the future our minds so we have the
0:33:14 ability to see
0:33:15 into the future to plan for the future
0:33:18 right this is something that's unique to
0:33:20 us human beings we can we we can we can
0:33:22 sit there and we can
0:33:23 we can look we can peer into the future
0:33:26 not literally but
0:33:27 but just in our minds eyes and we could
0:33:29 plan therefore for the future and hence
0:33:31 we have goals
0:33:32 and we we set ourselves challenges to
0:33:34 achieve things for the future
0:33:36 but on atheism and naturalism where is
0:33:37 the ultimate hope whenever you peer into
0:33:40 the future what do you have looked to
0:33:41 look forward to
0:33:42 nothing at the end of the day literally
0:33:44 nothing
0:33:45 so there is no ultimate hope on atheism
0:33:47 or naturalism where is the ultimate
0:33:49 justice on atheism and naturalism now
0:33:52 look this is a very interesting point
0:33:54 brothers and sisters
0:33:55 something atheist and naturalistic
0:33:56 knowledge alongside us
0:33:58 as theists in particular muslims is well
0:34:00 life is unfair
0:34:02 life is un unfair we live in a world
0:34:04 which is not perfect
0:34:06 from well i'm going to i'm going to
0:34:07 quantify what i'm saying in a second but
0:34:09 we live in a world
0:34:10 where things aren't all good we live in
0:34:12 a world where there isn't
0:34:14 justice all the time you know we live in
0:34:17 a world where sometimes you do really
0:34:18 good things but you still end up getting
0:34:20 something really bad
0:34:21 or something really bad happens we live
0:34:23 in a world where someone is really bad
0:34:25 but still good things happen to them and
0:34:26 you think what's going on
0:34:28 right there is this there is this what
0:34:30 you would some people call the
0:34:31 irrational aspects of reality just
0:34:33 because they don't have the fundamental
0:34:35 understanding that allah has blessed us
0:34:37 with in the quran
0:34:38 knowledge which really helps us
0:34:40 understand reality puts things into
0:34:41 perspective
0:34:42 but generally if we look at the world
0:34:44 and just see it and what's very
0:34:46 interesting is that you can look at the
0:34:47 world in two levels
0:34:48 on one level there is great order you
0:34:51 look at the laws of the universe you
0:34:52 look at mathematic mathematical laws of
0:34:54 the
0:34:55 universe you look at the fine tuning of
0:34:56 the universe there is order within the
0:34:58 universe it's precise
0:35:00 you know there's fine tuning there's
0:35:02 something that even dawkins has to
0:35:03 acknowledge and say well it looks
0:35:04 designed
0:35:05 there are there are constants and
0:35:06 quantities which are precisely
0:35:08 fine-tuned in this universe
0:35:10 and us muslims you can look at this and
0:35:11 we can say subhana these are the signs
0:35:13 of allah
0:35:14 but on another level on a on a human
0:35:18 you know day-to-day life level if you
0:35:20 like where we're engaging with people in
0:35:22 society and we're living our lives
0:35:24 there is a lot of disorder you know
0:35:27 where things go wrong bad things happen
0:35:29 we suffer we go through pain hardships
0:35:31 you know for for the non-muslim for the
0:35:33 atheists
0:35:35 they can't make number one they can't
0:35:36 make sense of these realities for one
0:35:38 they can't make sense of the order
0:35:40 because they have to deny it because
0:35:41 they don't believe in god and they have
0:35:42 to come to some really irrational
0:35:43 conclusions because they deny it
0:35:45 and number two they can't make sense of
0:35:46 this disorder within this within this
0:35:48 realm where we we know
0:35:50 where there are bad things that happen
0:35:51 you know but from their perspective
0:35:53 another thing to look at is well there's
0:35:54 no ultimate justice
0:35:56 because it all ends at the grave and in
0:35:57 this life there is no ultimate justice
0:35:59 right so so you know it's a very bleak
0:36:03 outlook
0:36:03 but from the islamic perspective we
0:36:05 would what do we know
0:36:06 allah is gonna kiss as he says in the uh
0:36:12 in the 18th ayah i think that he is he's
0:36:14 firm he's established upon his justice
0:36:17 and therefore we know allah ultimate
0:36:20 justice is going to take place
0:36:21 everything will be equalized in the day
0:36:23 of judgment right
0:36:24 so at the end of the day because it
0:36:26 doesn't end at the grave
0:36:27 everything is going to be equalized
0:36:29 ultimate justice is going to be
0:36:31 established and take place
0:36:33 you know no one's going to be wronged in
0:36:34 the slightest
0:36:37 allah puts everything into perspective
0:36:39 so we
0:36:40 therefore ultimate we we can acknowledge
0:36:42 ultimate justice because we know we
0:36:44 believe in the creator who is ultimately
0:36:46 just he is the justice established
0:36:47 upon justice and ultimate justice will
0:36:49 take place
0:36:52 and he also informs us of his mercy as
0:36:54 to why
0:36:55 these things happen in this life why
0:36:56 they are there is this
0:36:58 aspect of reality which seems disordered
0:37:00 you know there's suffering in this pain
0:37:02 and these hardships because life is a
0:37:03 test
0:37:04 we're going to be tested we're going to
0:37:06 go through hardships we're going to go
0:37:07 through trials and tribulations
0:37:09 so islam comprehensively accounts for
0:37:11 all of this
0:37:12 and provides a comprehensive answer and
0:37:15 accounts for ultimate justice and
0:37:16 informs humanity
0:37:17 the ultimate justice will take place you
0:37:19 know don't judge that based on this
0:37:21 temporary life because you know there is
0:37:22 an objective behind this life which is
0:37:24 for you to be tested
0:37:26 so be don't worry ultimate justice is
0:37:28 inevitably going to be established from
0:37:30 an atheist perspective there is no
0:37:31 ultimate justice
0:37:32 there's nothing no ultimate value
0:37:36 you know this is one i really like this
0:37:38 is one of my one of my favorite examples
0:37:40 there's no ultimate value in atheism or
0:37:41 naturalism remember everything is an
0:37:43 accident therefore you are an accident
0:37:45 right everything is a just matter in
0:37:47 motion
0:37:48 you and me we are just an arrangement of
0:37:50 matter and carbon
0:37:52 just just just atoms and molecules which
0:37:54 have just formed in
0:37:56 in a particular way which forms us
0:38:00 and what we see as human beings
0:38:02 therefore
0:38:03 really if we think about it on atheism
0:38:05 and naturalism there is no difference
0:38:06 between me
0:38:07 and the table or you and the computer
0:38:09 screen that you're looking at right now
0:38:11 you are an arrangement of atoms and
0:38:13 molecules the computer screen you're
0:38:14 looking at right now is an arrangement
0:38:16 of atoms and molecules there's literally
0:38:18 no difference on atheism or naturalism
0:38:21 there is nothing that distinguishes you
0:38:22 from
0:38:23 anything else around you there's nothing
0:38:24 that makes you more special than
0:38:26 anything else around you that's the
0:38:29 reality on atheism and naturalism
0:38:31 you know and this is why you know we
0:38:33 always present an example
0:38:35 you know and the example hamza gives in
0:38:37 the divine reality in his book is
0:38:38 of the chocolate bunny it's a really
0:38:41 very interesting example look
0:38:42 you know imagine and i'll paint this
0:38:44 scenario for you guys right now imagine
0:38:45 you
0:38:46 suffer from a condition where
0:38:49 whereby you have this anger problem
0:38:53 and you've gone to your doctor and your
0:38:54 doctor's told you there's no medication
0:38:55 for your issue
0:38:56 or your problem all you can do is you
0:38:58 know you can carry a hammer around with
0:39:00 you
0:39:00 and whenever you get angry just release
0:39:02 your anger on something go smash
0:39:03 something and you'll feel better
0:39:05 so you always keep a hammer with you now
0:39:06 imagine for some reason you get really
0:39:08 angry
0:39:09 you know imagine we and right now we're
0:39:11 not online we're in a class somewhere
0:39:12 we're sitting together and i'm
0:39:14 right in front of you imagine for some
0:39:15 reason you get really angry with me
0:39:16 right
0:39:17 and you know you're triggered and you
0:39:19 need to release your anger and you have
0:39:20 a choice you can either smash me or you
0:39:22 can smash
0:39:23 a chocolate bunny that's sitting on the
0:39:25 table next to me what would you smash
0:39:27 who would you smash
0:39:30 where and i want you to think about this
0:39:32 from the atheist mindset put yourself in
0:39:33 the
0:39:34 shoes of a naturalist or an atheist what
0:39:36 would you smash in that scenario me or
0:39:38 the
0:39:39 chocolate bunny every sane human being
0:39:41 would say the chocolate bunny
0:39:43 it just makes sense it's intuitive and
0:39:45 it's rational but if i was to ask you
0:39:46 why
0:39:47 you would turn around and probably say
0:39:49 well it's obvious you're a human being
0:39:51 and that's a chocolate bunny but if i
0:39:53 was to press a bit further and ask you
0:39:55 hold on a second what does that mean
0:39:57 what what distinguishes me
0:39:59 as a human being from that chocolate
0:40:00 bunny well you say well um you know
0:40:03 you're more complex you're sentient
0:40:06 you're conscious
0:40:07 uh you know you are alive uh
0:40:10 you're human but that chocolate bunny is
0:40:13 just chocolate
0:40:14 i i'll say okay that's interesting but
0:40:16 what does that mean on atheism and
0:40:18 naturalism
0:40:19 what does it mean when you say that i am
0:40:21 more complex
0:40:22 therefore i'm more valuable than that
0:40:24 chocolate bunny
0:40:26 why because what you're essentially
0:40:27 doing here is you're inserting in a
0:40:29 principle an
0:40:30 idea which is that complex things are
0:40:33 better or more valuable than less
0:40:35 complex things where did you get this
0:40:37 idea from and why does that have any
0:40:39 value
0:40:39 in and of itself on atheism or
0:40:42 naturalism in a world view where
0:40:43 everything is just random in an accident
0:40:45 then you may say well okay forget
0:40:47 complexity you're conscious
0:40:49 well hold on a second on atheism and
0:40:51 naturalism what does it mean to be
0:40:52 conscious according to naturalist at
0:40:54 least most of them
0:40:55 your consciousness is just an illusion
0:40:58 of your physical material brain
0:41:00 so there's nothing special there's
0:41:01 nothing extra there it's just your brain
0:41:03 which is matter
0:41:04 therefore saying you're conscious means
0:41:06 really nothing what does that mean
0:41:07 you're not distinguishing yourself from
0:41:09 that chocolate bunny
0:41:11 then you may turn around and say well
0:41:12 you're you're i don't know you're
0:41:14 you feel you're sent here okay that's
0:41:16 another principle you're injecting there
0:41:18 which is
0:41:18 a being that feels is more valuable than
0:41:20 a being that doesn't feel well why does
0:41:22 that hold any value
0:41:23 that idea you then you may say well i
0:41:26 feel pain
0:41:27 or you will feel pain and you will be
0:41:29 you know pain is not good
0:41:30 okay that's interesting i agree with you
0:41:33 but on atheism and naturalism
0:41:35 why is feeling pain really a bad thing
0:41:39 and where is that ethical or moral ought
0:41:42 that's pressing down
0:41:43 you when you say that coming from where
0:41:46 is that where is that where's the
0:41:48 ethical ought that's pressing down
0:41:49 that moral ought that you don't want me
0:41:52 to feel pain because that's
0:41:53 something not good where is that coming
0:41:55 from on atheism or naturalism
0:41:58 ethics and morals in and of themselves
0:41:59 are just subjective whims
0:42:01 of the human being based on either
0:42:03 social constructs or evolution or
0:42:05 whatever else there may be
0:42:06 so at the end of the day whichever way
0:42:07 you play your look at at the end of the
0:42:09 day on atheism and naturalism there is
0:42:11 literally
0:42:12 literally no difference between you as a
0:42:15 human
0:42:16 being and any other inanimate object
0:42:18 your phone your table your chair
0:42:20 a kind of pepsi you know i don't know
0:42:23 a book there's no difference literally
0:42:25 no difference and
0:42:27 then the irony brothers and sisters the
0:42:28 friends the irony
0:42:30 atheists claim to be humanists you know
0:42:33 many secular humanists claim to be
0:42:35 atheists
0:42:36 outspoken atheists well how do you now
0:42:40 literally these are contradictory views
0:42:42 if you really sit down and knuckle down
0:42:44 and really look at what's being said
0:42:45 there so there is no ultimate value
0:42:47 on on atheism naturalism therefore you
0:42:49 almost and we can start to see the
0:42:50 pictures building now
0:42:51 you are degrading and i'm using my words
0:42:54 very clear
0:42:55 carefully here you are degrading as soon
0:42:57 as you adopt atheism and naturalism you
0:42:59 are degrading yourself
0:43:01 and your worth as a human being you're
0:43:03 reducing yourself to something
0:43:05 less than what god has made you as a
0:43:08 human being
0:43:08 because you can't help but do that your
0:43:11 world view
0:43:12 pushes you to that position and that's
0:43:15 one of the the the the sad realities of
0:43:17 atheism and naturalism
0:43:20 moving on no ultimate purpose i mean
0:43:23 again
0:43:24 accidents don't have a purpose at least
0:43:25 from their perspective
0:43:27 you spill milks it spilt milk that's it
0:43:30 there's no purpose behind it it happened
0:43:32 you know it that's that's pretty much it
0:43:34 your life is an accident everything is
0:43:36 an accident then where is the purpose
0:43:38 where is the ultimate purpose there
0:43:39 isn't any you know atheist material said
0:43:41 well
0:43:42 you know i have purpose my purpose is to
0:43:43 do x or y or z
0:43:45 or that's something you're making up and
0:43:46 again we'll explore this a bit later
0:43:48 when we look at
0:43:48 some of the responses but there is an
0:43:50 ultimate purpose on atheism or
0:43:52 naturalism whatever they say whatever
0:43:53 they come up with
0:43:55 you know whatever they push i want to be
0:43:57 a philosopher i want to be a
0:43:58 philanthropist i want to be
0:44:00 i want to do charity work i want to set
0:44:02 up a an orphan for children okay these
0:44:04 are beautiful things but an atheist of
0:44:05 naturalism you're doing all of these
0:44:06 things means nothing
0:44:08 these are these uh this is purpose
0:44:11 you're ascribing to yourself you're
0:44:13 making it up you know like children
0:44:14 kids they play dress up sometimes and
0:44:16 they act like batman or superman or
0:44:18 robin
0:44:19 that's essentially what they're doing
0:44:20 it's playing it's like playing dress up
0:44:22 oh i don't have any purpose or meaning
0:44:24 to my life i'm just going to make up
0:44:25 purpose for myself
0:44:27 you know and that's the absurdities it
0:44:28 may work for some but it's not going to
0:44:30 work for many
0:44:31 you know but we'll explore this a bit
0:44:32 more as we go along
0:44:34 no ultimate happiness this is a big one
0:44:36 as well because
0:44:38 human beings chase happiness we want to
0:44:40 be happy you know you know the why game
0:44:42 two kids play why why why you answer a
0:44:44 question they say why
0:44:45 you know if you speak to people and ask
0:44:47 them well okay what you want to do in
0:44:48 life i want to be a doctor why
0:44:50 because i want to help people and and
0:44:52 get lots of money
0:44:53 why uh because it's a good thing to do
0:44:55 why because you're taking care of others
0:44:57 why
0:44:57 uh well i want to take care of this why
0:44:59 because um
0:45:01 you know it's going to make me feel good
0:45:02 and i'm gonna be happy
0:45:04 at the end of the day if you play that y
0:45:06 game with most people
0:45:08 inevitably in most cases they will end
0:45:10 up with because i want to be happy human
0:45:11 beings want to be happy
0:45:13 right but on atheism and naturalism
0:45:15 there's no ultimate happiness how can
0:45:16 they be
0:45:17 when you don't know why you're here when
0:45:20 you don't know why you're here brothers
0:45:22 and sisters
0:45:22 friends we're purpose driven creatures
0:45:25 every aspect of our life is purpose
0:45:27 driven
0:45:28 literally like we wake up in the morning
0:45:30 with a purpose
0:45:31 every level of our lives is purpose
0:45:33 driven we brush our teeth and have our
0:45:35 breakfast and leave our houses and go to
0:45:36 work with a purpose
0:45:38 we come home we have dinner we go to bed
0:45:40 with a purpose we go to the toilet with
0:45:42 a purpose we wear shoes with the purpose
0:45:44 you know we have a bath with a purpose
0:45:48 it's all purpose driven when we when we
0:45:50 look at the world around us we see
0:45:52 with the with the eye of purpose we give
0:45:54 we ascribe purpose to things around us
0:45:56 when we make things and design things we
0:45:59 design and make
0:46:00 things with a purpose we're purpose
0:46:02 driven creatures we can't escape this
0:46:04 but when it comes to our very existence
0:46:07 our very being
0:46:08 our being a reason for living there is
0:46:11 no ultimate purpose
0:46:12 there's nothing how does that make sense
0:46:14 how how is that going to sit well with
0:46:16 one's nature with one's fitra
0:46:17 you know start to think about that i'm
0:46:19 just planting the seed right now but
0:46:20 really think about that
0:46:21 and this has caused a lot of problems
0:46:24 because it just doesn't make any sense
0:46:27 everything around me has a purpose i see
0:46:30 that
0:46:30 i have the ability to see and appreciate
0:46:32 that but
0:46:33 and i have the ability to ask the
0:46:35 question about my very existence and the
0:46:37 purpose of my very existence
0:46:39 but there's no answers from the
0:46:41 worldview of atheism and naturalism
0:46:42 there is no ultimate purpose of meaning
0:46:44 how is that going to feel
0:46:46 i can tell you from my personal story i
0:46:48 spent many years before i came back to
0:46:50 islam
0:46:51 dealing with this very issue i didn't
0:46:54 know who i was anymore
0:46:56 i just could i just didn't have the
0:46:58 reason to get out of bed in the morning
0:46:59 and brush my teeth
0:47:00 why when i'm gonna end up under the
0:47:01 ground dead why was i alive why was i
0:47:04 conscious why could i see and understand
0:47:06 the world around me
0:47:07 why could i reflect about it why could i
0:47:09 think about the future these were things
0:47:11 that really got to me and they were
0:47:12 hurting me for many many years
0:47:14 i just couldn't just everything around
0:47:16 me just blanked out a point i just
0:47:18 the world around me didn't seem real
0:47:19 anymore and
0:47:21 i'm thinking about it now it didn't seem
0:47:23 real i disassociated with the world
0:47:24 around me because
0:47:25 i couldn't see value in it or the
0:47:27 meaning behind it
0:47:29 i disassociate from myself i look look
0:47:31 at myself in the mirror i look down at
0:47:33 my hands and i couldn't recognize myself
0:47:34 anymore
0:47:36 what was i who was i and then i
0:47:38 dissociated from it i didn't feel real
0:47:40 because i couldn't understand the
0:47:41 meaning
0:47:42 behind my existence if there wasn't any
0:47:45 meaning well it may
0:47:47 it's probably not even real and it
0:47:50 caused me huge issues and many people
0:47:52 suffer from this type of existential
0:47:53 angst this absurd
0:47:55 the awareness of the observed albert
0:47:57 camus a existential philosopher
0:48:00 he writes this in one of his book i
0:48:01 think sisyphus i think he's called if i
0:48:03 can't remember i read this and it really
0:48:04 struck me
0:48:04 he really paints this in a very
0:48:06 beautiful prose he speaks about when
0:48:09 one man or woman first comes into
0:48:11 contact with the absurd
0:48:12 they go through that door and they
0:48:14 realize that on that world view without
0:48:16 god and this is something i'm injecting
0:48:18 in there because he doesn't say that but
0:48:19 as soon as you turn away from god and
0:48:21 god given meaning and the reality god
0:48:23 reveals to you as soon as you walk
0:48:25 through the door and really ask the
0:48:26 question about what does life mean and
0:48:27 what does my existence mean there are no
0:48:29 answers it's just darkness
0:48:31 you know and that and he speaks about
0:48:33 the absurdities it's like everything
0:48:34 loses meaning it's just it's
0:48:36 removed it's sucked out from the from
0:48:38 the world around you
0:48:40 but at the same time he says and this is
0:48:42 very interesting he mentions that there
0:48:43 is a fascination
0:48:45 there is this there's this desire in the
0:48:47 person that he can't focus on anything
0:48:49 other than that absurd
0:48:51 because this is yearning inside the
0:48:52 person to figure things out
0:48:54 and i think one thing he did i think
0:48:56 what he was referring today was the
0:48:58 fitra of man
0:48:59 the nature of man that allah has created
0:49:01 us upon and he's given us certain tools
0:49:03 within us to look
0:49:04 and to understand and to and to seek out
0:49:06 allah because the power of the fitra is
0:49:08 to recognize the line to worship allah
0:49:10 and when human beings are disconnected
0:49:12 from this reality they're gonna they're
0:49:13 gonna they're gonna end up in turmoil
0:49:15 existential they can have existential
0:49:16 issues psychological issues they're
0:49:18 going to go through depression and
0:49:19 anxiety at least some forms of
0:49:20 depression anxiety
0:49:22 so there is no ultimate happiness
0:49:24 because if you don't have the answers to
0:49:25 the fundamental questions of life who
0:49:27 are you where did you come from where
0:49:29 are you going things that are pressing
0:49:30 upon us as human beings
0:49:32 how can you ultimately be happy you know
0:49:34 imagine the example of
0:49:35 right now for some reason you guys get
0:49:38 really bored and you feel really sleepy
0:49:40 and you fall asleep
0:49:42 and you just knock out and then suddenly
0:49:44 you wake up but you're not in your room
0:49:45 anymore imagine you're on a train
0:49:48 and you're the train is just moving
0:49:49 really fast and you look out the window
0:49:50 you're on a track there you see
0:49:52 you know you don't know how you got on
0:49:53 the train what's your initial feeling
0:49:56 how do you feel initially what's your
0:49:57 reaction this is going to be anxiety
0:49:59 there's going to be worry there's going
0:50:00 to be questions that are racing through
0:50:02 your mind how did i get it who put me
0:50:03 here where is this going what the hell
0:50:04 is going on
0:50:05 and then you look out the window and
0:50:07 although you're worried about all of
0:50:08 these things suddenly you see the most
0:50:10 beautiful scenery the sun setting over
0:50:12 the mountains
0:50:13 right and as and suddenly you there's a
0:50:16 sense of appreciation you have of the
0:50:18 beauty you see outside the window
0:50:19 and then as soon as you turn back around
0:50:21 you realize that there's beautiful
0:50:23 music or nasheeds that are playing in
0:50:25 the train soothing the sheeds
0:50:28 and then suddenly some you know someone
0:50:30 brings a five-star meal to you and puts
0:50:32 the meal right in front of you
0:50:33 and you taste the food and it's the most
0:50:35 delicious food that you've ever tasted
0:50:36 and at the same time you start to notice
0:50:37 the comfort of the chair that you're
0:50:38 sitting in it's the most comfortable
0:50:40 chair you've ever been sitting in
0:50:42 now as you're enjoying these
0:50:45 pleasures that you're picking up through
0:50:46 your senses ask yourself the question
0:50:49 although you may be temporarily
0:50:50 distracted and may
0:50:52 experience a sense of joy at the things
0:50:55 that you're experiencing via your senses
0:50:57 are you truly happy in any meaningful
0:51:00 sense
0:51:00 without getting the answers to those
0:51:02 fundamental questions that you had
0:51:04 how did i come here where is this train
0:51:05 going who put me here the answer is no
0:51:08 in most cases
0:51:09 in practicality i mean if you ended up
0:51:11 in such a situation
0:51:12 you probably flick the tray and you just
0:51:15 get up and start running
0:51:16 right you wouldn't know what you start
0:51:17 screaming right
0:51:19 and this is what this is this analogy
0:51:21 applies to life in a very beautiful way
0:51:22 because
0:51:23 we we live in a world where you know
0:51:26 which is so disconnected from god that
0:51:28 we were born and we're
0:51:29 in this world and we're looking at the
0:51:30 world around us we're enjoying certain
0:51:31 aspects of reality
0:51:33 we you know enjoy certain things and you
0:51:35 know there are so and trust me there is
0:51:36 a lot in this world to enjoy
0:51:38 they have decked it out it's been kitted
0:51:40 out it's been beautified for you to just
0:51:41 focus on and just to just lose yourself
0:51:44 in right
0:51:45 and the more you focus on this world but
0:51:47 at the same time you may be
0:51:48 deriving temporary pleasure from the
0:51:51 things around you
0:51:52 but are you truly happy without knowing
0:51:56 who you are
0:51:57 what's your purpose who created you who
0:51:59 put you here where are you going
0:52:02 are you are you going to be truly happy
0:52:03 no you'll never be truly happy you may
0:52:06 be distracted but you'll never truly be
0:52:08 happy and on atheism and naturalism
0:52:09 there is no ultimate
0:52:10 happiness or meaning so
0:52:14 let's quickly think about this idea and
0:52:16 go back to the period of enlightenment
0:52:18 and one of the underlying
0:52:19 uh the mission statements which was
0:52:22 progress from a worldly sense to
0:52:25 progress and to create a worldly utopia
0:52:27 did they achieve that no you know this
0:52:29 is something that
0:52:30 the post-modernists have recognized and
0:52:32 hence you had this post-modernist
0:52:34 movement which was
0:52:35 you know just just completely exposing
0:52:37 modernism from that perspective
0:52:39 okay so they didn't achieve that in any
0:52:41 way shape or form if anything
0:52:43 by turning away from god sure you know
0:52:45 we pray
0:52:46 this helped propel the industrial
0:52:48 industrial revolution and helped
0:52:50 you know develop immunities and luxuries
0:52:52 at least for some aspects of the world
0:52:54 or some parts of the world while
0:52:55 it sort of sucked the life out of other
0:52:58 parts of the world and other human
0:52:59 beings in other poorer parts of the
0:53:00 world
0:53:01 uh you know
0:53:05 overall it was a full project right and
0:53:07 this highlights to us
0:53:10 man is created to worship god as soon as
0:53:12 you disconnect human beings from its
0:53:13 creator and you try to sell them another
0:53:15 vision you're going to fail
0:53:16 you're going to run into problems it's
0:53:17 not going to work at least not for long
0:53:20 and this is exactly what we saw take
0:53:22 place in the
0:53:23 uh you know in the 19th and the 20th
0:53:25 century or 19th and early parts of the
0:53:27 20th century
0:53:28 like we said already world war one world
0:53:30 war ii
0:53:31 socialism capitalism i mean think about
0:53:34 the soviet union the atrocities that
0:53:36 just that the the way people were killed
0:53:41 just because of the religious views you
0:53:44 know the way they were pushed to turn
0:53:45 away from religion and god
0:53:47 you know massacres at the hands of
0:53:49 stalin
0:53:50 think about world war in world war ii
0:53:51 how many deaths took place
0:53:53 during these battles colonialism itself
0:53:56 is a direct result
0:53:57 of this modernist mentality
0:54:01 you know because it's all about the
0:54:02 world it's all about pushing
0:54:05 you know as much as you can to try and
0:54:07 make us
0:54:08 you know just make as much as you can of
0:54:11 this material world and for that you
0:54:12 need resources
0:54:14 and for unity resources while the west
0:54:17 well most of the you know the world that
0:54:19 was pushing these these ideas didn't
0:54:21 have much
0:54:21 in the form of resources well you have
0:54:23 to get them from somewhere right
0:54:25 so you exploit other parts of the world
0:54:29 so it's a fail it was a full project and
0:54:31 this is something this is why i said
0:54:32 this is one of the
0:54:34 things you can you can you can give
0:54:37 some cred credential or some uh props to
0:54:40 post-modernism for they just call these
0:54:42 things out it was a failed project
0:54:44 you know and this is something
0:54:45 interesting because if you look at from
0:54:46 the perspective of
0:54:47 many atheists and non uh you know uh
0:54:51 those that that anti-theist they always
0:54:53 make the argument well
0:54:54 you know religions cause deaths
0:54:56 religions cause corruption
0:54:58 religions have have resulted in so many
0:55:01 uh
0:55:01 just you know massacres and etc etc but
0:55:03 when you look at the
0:55:04 it's not a numbers game i don't like
0:55:06 playing a numbers game with atheists
0:55:07 when they make this type of argument but
0:55:09 if you were to play the numbers game
0:55:10 i mean if you look at the the findings
0:55:12 you will see that the truth is something
0:55:13 else
0:55:14 i mean a very interesting analysis is
0:55:15 given in a book war and peace in islam
0:55:18 uh the results you look at them and they
0:55:21 conduct these you know over the studies
0:55:22 and
0:55:23 they have all of this data in their book
0:55:24 and all the tables and graphs but
0:55:26 they conclude by saying our findings
0:55:27 show that using the entire data set from
0:55:30 the period 0 to 2008
0:55:32 politically and religiously motivated
0:55:34 violence has cost between 447.86
0:55:38 million and 706.72 million lives
0:55:41 the christian civilization shares of
0:55:43 this is the largest with between
0:55:45 119.42 million and 236.66 million
0:55:49 victims medium uh 178.72 million
0:55:53 in second place is the antitheist
0:55:55 civilization
0:55:56 which has contributed with a median
0:55:58 figure of 124.41 million deaths
0:56:02 sixth is and a lifted uh remove some of
0:56:05 what was said there just to get to the
0:56:06 point sixth is the islamic civilization
0:56:08 with 31.02 million deaths
0:56:11 so look at the end of the day human
0:56:12 beings are human beings whether you're
0:56:15 muslim or non-muslim
0:56:16 human beings sometimes will make have
0:56:18 throughout history and will continue to
0:56:19 make mistakes
0:56:20 war is a part of the you know the human
0:56:22 condition
0:56:23 no one's perfect sure some aspects of
0:56:26 people that associate with islam
0:56:28 have led to many atrocities in the world
0:56:29 i have done some absolutely disgusting
0:56:31 and terrible things and we're the first
0:56:32 to speak out
0:56:33 against them but if you're going to play
0:56:34 a numbers game if you look at the
0:56:35 anti-theist
0:56:36 the death toll on from the perspective
0:56:38 of antitheism is far higher
0:56:40 far higher than that of islam right and
0:56:43 and again we could see why
0:56:44 if you just think about this from a just
0:56:46 a purely logical perspective well look
0:56:48 what's
0:56:48 look at what's going on we've seen the
0:56:49 implications of a world that turns away
0:56:52 from god
0:56:52 and that's exactly what happens you turn
0:56:54 people away from god you remove the
0:56:56 foundations
0:56:56 of humanity and therefore
0:57:00 when you get man to focus on the world
0:57:01 then it just becomes a selfish rat race
0:57:03 the enough is just going wild and it
0:57:05 just wants to achieve as much as it can
0:57:06 there is nothing grounding the human
0:57:08 being anymore right so anything goes you
0:57:10 can justify pretty much anything and
0:57:12 we've seen some of the atrocities
0:57:13 throughout history from this perspective
0:57:15 and there is a there is a beautiful ayah
0:57:17 in the quran
0:57:18 which which i think relates to this and
0:57:21 gives us some insight into this where
0:57:23 allah says in the 30th
0:57:25 chapter verse 41 corruption has spread
0:57:27 on land and sea as a result of what
0:57:29 people's hands have done
0:57:30 so that allah may cause them to taste
0:57:32 the consequences of some of the deeds
0:57:34 and perhaps they may return to the right
0:57:37 path i mean
0:57:38 we don't need to go into the exegesis or
0:57:39 or even a pondering of this ayah i mean
0:57:41 the eye speaks for itself
0:57:42 right i mean right now we're going
0:57:44 through a and literally a heat wave in
0:57:47 in the uk the past couple of days have
0:57:48 just been hot
0:57:50 and obviously if most of you guys are
0:57:51 from the uk you know how hot it's been
0:57:53 especially in london
0:57:54 and areas around london this has been
0:57:55 crazy it's hard to sleep at night
0:57:57 why is this happening it's a result of
0:57:58 global warming well we know why global
0:58:00 warming is taking place right
0:58:02 so we can we can see we can see how
0:58:06 turning away from allah has resulted in
0:58:09 just the destruction of our planet the
0:58:11 destruction of human beings the
0:58:12 destruction of the individual
0:58:14 on every level on every level and this
0:58:16 should be a sign for humanity if
0:58:18 anything
0:58:19 you know should be it should be a big
0:58:20 sign for all of us
0:58:22 this was something that nietzsche
0:58:23 predicted i'm not going to go into this
0:58:25 too much but
0:58:25 sometimes you know some of the atheists
0:58:27 like to take nietzsche's
0:58:29 context when he said god is dead you
0:58:31 know nietzsche is a very interesting
0:58:33 thinker because if you i think it was pr
0:58:35 uh i i watched a youtube lecture by
0:58:38 professor ken
0:58:39 james i think he was and he mentioned
0:58:40 this and he goes into explaining this uh
0:58:43 this statement of nietzsche's which
0:58:45 which he made where he said god is dead
0:58:47 god remains dead
0:58:48 and we have killed him how shall we
0:58:50 comfort ourselves the murderers of all
0:58:52 murderers
0:58:52 what has what has ha what what was
0:58:55 holiest and mightiest of all the
0:58:58 all that the world had yet owned had
0:59:00 bled to death under our knives
0:59:02 who will wipe this blood of us what
0:59:04 water is there for us to clean ourselves
0:59:06 what festivals
0:59:07 of atonement what sacred games shall we
0:59:09 have to invent
0:59:11 the the he most atheists use this as
0:59:13 saying oh look
0:59:14 nietzsche was a champion of atheism sure
0:59:16 there's much we can disagree with him
0:59:18 about right
0:59:19 but something he saw was that as soon as
0:59:22 people turn away from god and have
0:59:23 killed
0:59:24 god as far as turning away from god and
0:59:25 denying god
0:59:27 he saw the problems he predicted the
0:59:29 next couple of centuries
0:59:30 that they were going to be centuries of
0:59:32 nihilism meaninglessness because you saw
0:59:34 the logical implications of turning away
0:59:36 from god
0:59:36 obviously the you know during the period
0:59:39 of enlightenment and the thinkers tried
0:59:40 to patch this the best they could by
0:59:42 selling
0:59:42 humanity another vision a worldly vision
0:59:44 but obviously i mean
0:59:46 it it was going to fall through at some
0:59:48 point and it did
0:59:49 so so this it was very interesting his
0:59:51 insights i just wanted to clarify that
0:59:52 because sometimes
0:59:53 what nietzsche said in regards to god is
0:59:56 dead
0:59:56 is taken out of context and he basically
0:59:59 was saying you know he was asking he was
1:00:00 reminding people look you killed god
1:00:02 how are you going to deal with outcomes
1:00:03 what are you going to do you know how
1:00:05 are you going to now remedy this
1:00:06 situation we find ourselves in and
1:00:08 he he obviously didn't see a solution
1:00:11 on such an outlook where you don't
1:00:13 believe in a creator
1:00:14 so proposal proposed solutions by the
1:00:17 existentialists
1:00:18 and atheists now obviously it's a
1:00:20 problem
1:00:22 existential nihilism which i'm
1:00:24 specifically focusing on let me just
1:00:25 define that term quickly because i
1:00:26 haven't done it already
1:00:28 nihilism or nihilism is the idea
1:00:30 generally speaking that of
1:00:32 meaninglessness nothing has any meaning
1:00:33 but when we say existential nihilism or
1:00:35 nihilism what we're saying here
1:00:36 specifically
1:00:37 is there is no meaning from the
1:00:40 perspective of our existence our lives
1:00:42 our
1:00:43 existence has no meaning and that's what
1:00:45 i'm specifically focusing on
1:00:47 you know in this webinar although we
1:00:48 know atheism and naturalism and other
1:00:50 such ideologies lead to nihilism
1:00:52 as as a general idea which is meaning is
1:00:55 removed from all perspectives
1:00:57 from ethics morals etc so how they try
1:01:00 to resolve this remedy this
1:01:02 one of the ways was they said well let's
1:01:04 make up meaning and be responsible this
1:01:06 was something
1:01:06 jean-paul sartre pushed himself which
1:01:09 was the idea of living
1:01:11 responsible lives and he wrote hugely
1:01:13 being responsible again just to remedy
1:01:16 you know
1:01:19 provide a solution for human beings that
1:01:21 find themselves in a world without god
1:01:23 his idea was that look we have to give
1:01:25 ourselves meaning we have to live with
1:01:27 meaning
1:01:28 you know we have to and live responsibly
1:01:30 although i don't know how he accounted
1:01:31 for a responsible life
1:01:33 you know on he was an atheist himself
1:01:35 and again like we said if there's no
1:01:37 meaning to life
1:01:38 if everything is an accident well what
1:01:39 does it mean to be responsible you know
1:01:41 what does it mean to live responsibly
1:01:42 what does it mean to
1:01:43 live in a way where you're looking out
1:01:44 for other human beings well that's
1:01:45 another these are questions in and of
1:01:47 themselves
1:01:48 this wasn't going to work because as
1:01:49 soon as essentially when you say i'm
1:01:51 going to give myself meaning my meaning
1:01:53 or my purpose is to be
1:01:54 x y or z like we said already you're
1:01:56 making up meaning
1:01:57 you're making up meaning for yourself in
1:01:59 other words you're lying to yourselves
1:02:01 this is not your ultimate purpose you're
1:02:03 just making something up and what does
1:02:04 that mean
1:02:05 what does it mean to make up something
1:02:07 for yourselves just to get by
1:02:09 and why should that get you by i mean if
1:02:11 you really know what's going on here
1:02:12 that would that shouldn't work for you
1:02:14 you know so that's one option which
1:02:17 fails another perspective is let's just
1:02:20 accept it and face it this is something
1:02:22 richard dawkins i've heard pushing
1:02:23 recently
1:02:24 which is look we have to be brave and
1:02:26 religious people are afraid and they're
1:02:28 not brave and that's why they make up
1:02:29 religion
1:02:30 because religion provides comfort
1:02:32 religion religion is comforting
1:02:34 and that's why people have made up
1:02:35 religion now just just a quick thought
1:02:38 on this idea of religion is comforting
1:02:39 therefore people have made up religion
1:02:41 that doesn't logically follow just
1:02:43 because something provides comfort it
1:02:45 doesn't mean it's automatically made up
1:02:47 for that very reason i mean let me if i
1:02:49 could think i don't know but as an
1:02:51 analogy
1:02:52 it's like saying i don't know it's
1:02:53 probably not a good analogy but it's
1:02:54 like saying
1:02:55 water quenches thirst therefore
1:02:59 water was manufactured or created or
1:03:03 exists for that reason no well that's
1:03:05 one reason but that doesn't mean water
1:03:07 is only for that reason
1:03:09 so i mean the point i'm getting at here
1:03:10 is
1:03:12 just because something provides comfort
1:03:13 it doesn't mean it's made up
1:03:15 it can we could another way of looking
1:03:16 at is this that the creator
1:03:19 that that that gave you this religion
1:03:22 knows your nature knows what's going to
1:03:24 provide you comfort and get you through
1:03:25 this life and therefore he gave you
1:03:27 a religion which caters towards that
1:03:29 that's equally as plausible
1:03:31 so they i i don't get that type of
1:03:32 argument doesn't logically follow
1:03:34 so this whole idea about let's just
1:03:36 accept it and face it
1:03:37 okay there's one way you can deal with
1:03:39 it and to be honest that's probably the
1:03:41 that's you being most honest as an
1:03:43 atheist or a naturalist by saying okay
1:03:44 there is no ultimate meaning and purpose
1:03:46 in life i'm not going to act like there
1:03:48 is or make something up
1:03:49 i'm just going to face it and keep going
1:03:51 if if that works for you
1:03:53 you know all power to you but to be
1:03:54 honest with most people it's just not
1:03:56 going to sit well with the nature
1:03:58 because they're going to be in a
1:03:58 constant state of agitation
1:04:01 because the human nature knows we know
1:04:03 deep down inside we have
1:04:05 a purpose there are there is the reason
1:04:08 we're here
1:04:08 and we're looking for it and the last
1:04:10 place the the the fundamental
1:04:12 fundamental building blocks of that
1:04:14 within our very fitra within our very
1:04:15 nature
1:04:17 but at the same time world views just
1:04:19 atheist and naturalism are
1:04:20 are completely rejecting that nature so
1:04:22 you're always going to be in a state of
1:04:23 agitation
1:04:24 and it's not going to work for most
1:04:25 people i would say and and even if it
1:04:27 does if people just deal with it for a
1:04:29 while eventually they'll fall off and
1:04:30 this is why
1:04:32 you know people like jordan peterson i
1:04:33 really believe people are jordan
1:04:34 peterson
1:04:35 you know some of his stuff is really
1:04:36 really good you know amazing
1:04:38 but the reason he's gaining so much
1:04:40 popularity brothers and sisters and
1:04:41 friends i really believe one of the
1:04:42 reasons is because
1:04:44 what he's doing is he's speaking about
1:04:46 meaning
1:04:47 and purpose and value and he's giving
1:04:50 people something atheism and naturalism
1:04:52 is not giving people
1:04:54 so he's providing something to people on
1:04:57 such world views who come from such a
1:04:59 world view something to
1:05:00 incline towards and because what he's
1:05:03 saying is more in line with people's
1:05:04 nature than climbing towards him more
1:05:06 and they're following
1:05:06 people like him right it's very
1:05:08 interesting and this is why it's a
1:05:09 beautiful opportunity for us as muslims
1:05:10 today
1:05:11 to share the message of islam because
1:05:13 it's far more comprehensive
1:05:14 than what jordan peterson or anyone else
1:05:16 is providing right so we've got the
1:05:18 solution
1:05:20 the post-modernist response uh the way
1:05:22 they deal with this is well they say
1:05:24 there is no meaning
1:05:25 uh you know we'll define things the way
1:05:27 we want to define everything subjective
1:05:29 anyway
1:05:29 and they're trying to again like with
1:05:31 the first point they're trying to just
1:05:32 come to terms with all of this
1:05:33 and what they're doing is they just you
1:05:35 know they're saying okay well
1:05:36 this seems to be what's going on here
1:05:38 the thinking is well look okay
1:05:39 how do we deal with meaninglessness we
1:05:42 have amazing technology that we
1:05:43 developed
1:05:44 due to the advent of you know uh due to
1:05:47 the the enlightenment and
1:05:48 the industrial revolution has led to
1:05:49 some amazing technological advancements
1:05:51 which it has
1:05:52 you know uh let's just make the most of
1:05:54 that let's just lose ourselves in
1:05:56 technology
1:05:57 right how many people do we see today
1:06:00 the gaming culture
1:06:01 which is so prevalent people are losing
1:06:03 themselves in games
1:06:04 they live through the game they live by
1:06:07 the the rules of the game
1:06:09 they live literally by the rules of the
1:06:11 game right
1:06:12 they define themselves by the game they
1:06:14 reckon they
1:06:16 they they feel a sense of honor through
1:06:18 the game and how other characters in the
1:06:19 game recognize and this is why games
1:06:21 like
1:06:22 fortnite and games like uh pubg are so
1:06:25 popular because there's an element of
1:06:27 there being levels
1:06:29 you know there's an element where you
1:06:30 have to work there's a purpose in the
1:06:32 game it is defined
1:06:33 and at the same time you can live by
1:06:35 purpose vicariously through the game
1:06:37 at the same time disassociate with your
1:06:38 real life so you have to live in a
1:06:40 responsible way
1:06:41 it's very interesting what's going on
1:06:42 people are losing themselves in these
1:06:44 games so much so
1:06:45 that when they're told not to play these
1:06:47 games we've seen some crazy things for
1:06:48 example pubg
1:06:50 i believe was banned recently in
1:06:51 pakistan and the reason one of the
1:06:53 reasons it was banned
1:06:54 because there was two recent deaths
1:06:56 associated with the game
1:06:58 where some i think two youths or young
1:07:01 muslims uh obviously muslims i hope they
1:07:04 uh they were playing the game and their
1:07:06 parents told them not to play the game
1:07:08 and they killed themselves they killed
1:07:10 themselves
1:07:12 and this is not the first there was
1:07:13 cases in india over the past couple of
1:07:14 years where
1:07:16 apparently a guy uh beheaded his father
1:07:19 because he didn't buy him a phone i
1:07:20 don't know how true these stories are
1:07:22 but there's any truth to these stories
1:07:23 is worry and we know there is because
1:07:25 there's so many such cases
1:07:26 a guy beheaded killed his father because
1:07:28 he didn't buy him a phone that was
1:07:30 powerful enough to run the game
1:07:32 it's madness when you think about it you
1:07:35 know we've probably seen this issue
1:07:36 within our own families within our own
1:07:38 circles
1:07:38 you know people are spending more time
1:07:40 on these games and on these social media
1:07:42 social media platforms are another
1:07:43 avenue
1:07:44 where people are completely losing
1:07:45 themselves you know one of the biggest
1:07:49 crackpot social media
1:07:53 platforms is tiktok i mean some some of
1:07:56 the brothers i know have been showing me
1:07:57 some
1:07:58 like videos on it and i just think what
1:08:00 are people doing
1:08:02 this is madness like people and the
1:08:04 scary thing is brothers and sisters
1:08:06 there's muslims on there
1:08:07 who are putting out muslim content and
1:08:08 making a mockery of islam
1:08:10 literally they're defining certain
1:08:13 they're defining certain narrations and
1:08:16 certain hadith and certain quranic ayat
1:08:19 in a comical way and making videos on it
1:08:22 just removing the
1:08:23 severity and the seriousness of what's
1:08:25 being said and therefore ultimately
1:08:26 removing the meaning and it's
1:08:28 it's worrying because it also shows how
1:08:30 this post-modern mindset has
1:08:32 has influenced us muslims too because
1:08:34 anything goes you define things the way
1:08:36 you want how how many times we see
1:08:38 muslims trying to define
1:08:40 islam in a way they want to define it
1:08:43 you know
1:08:44 wanting to reform islam when the the
1:08:46 irony is they don't realize that islam
1:08:48 indeed is the solution to all of these
1:08:50 issues
1:08:50 islam has the solutions to the problems
1:08:53 that are created by modernism and
1:08:54 post-modernism
1:08:55 well but they want to define it
1:08:57 according to their the paradigm that
1:08:59 they find themselves in it's because
1:09:00 they're not educated on these points and
1:09:01 it's very important we understand the
1:09:02 world that we live in
1:09:04 and what's going on so we can save
1:09:05 ourselves and our families from this too
1:09:07 inshallah and also makes for effective
1:09:09 doubt to non-muslims because we know
1:09:10 what's going on
1:09:12 uh so that's so we see the sort of the
1:09:14 post-modernist response
1:09:15 or at least generally speaking even the
1:09:17 response of people today to escape
1:09:20 meaninglessness through gaming through
1:09:21 technology and it's crazy
1:09:23 you know it's it's it's absolute madness
1:09:26 another way is they say let's focus on
1:09:28 the meaning of life
1:09:29 or the meaning in life as opposed to the
1:09:32 meaning of life this is another
1:09:33 interesting one
1:09:34 this is something that the philosophers
1:09:36 are discussing i read this recently one
1:09:37 of the books
1:09:38 where there's a discussion okay when it
1:09:40 comes to the meaning of life and our
1:09:42 existence what should we focus on
1:09:44 should we focus on what's the meaning of
1:09:46 life or should we focus on what's the
1:09:47 meaning in life and most of the
1:09:48 philosophers inclining towards
1:09:49 especially those things
1:09:50 that take the that that you would
1:09:53 consider the more naturalist existential
1:09:55 type philosophers who are dealing with
1:09:56 these
1:09:56 issues they take they lean more towards
1:10:00 let's discuss the meaning in life and
1:10:01 it's interesting and it's it's i could
1:10:03 see why because
1:10:04 it's easier to think give you give your
1:10:06 think of it in the way that okay we're
1:10:07 here now
1:10:08 we have to live let's just give us
1:10:10 what's the meaning in life what could we
1:10:11 give us
1:10:12 meaning to what meaning could give our
1:10:13 lives which we you know which allow us
1:10:15 to
1:10:16 live a life which is fruitful it goes
1:10:17 back and ties in with the initial point
1:10:19 which is let's make meaning
1:10:20 up for ourselves uh but that's what
1:10:21 they're inclining towards and they're
1:10:22 not really dealing with what's the
1:10:24 meaning of life because well
1:10:25 uh from a worldview from the perspective
1:10:27 of godlessness there are no meaning
1:10:29 there is no meaning
1:10:30 and there's no way around this uh
1:10:32 another way is let's
1:10:34 uh let's leave according according to
1:10:36 our biology this is not
1:10:38 this is something that it's interesting
1:10:39 because i would expect richard dawkins
1:10:40 to
1:10:41 to ascribe to this view because he's a
1:10:43 biologist he pushes evolution a lot
1:10:45 you know i would expect him to say well
1:10:46 look the meaning of life is to do what
1:10:48 we're what our genes
1:10:49 want us to do which is to procreate and
1:10:51 pass on our dna
1:10:52 so that's that's that's really what you
1:10:55 expect dawkins to say
1:10:57 but he doesn't say that what's
1:10:58 interesting in a recent podcast i heard
1:11:00 him say well
1:11:02 the meaning of life should be to
1:11:03 propagate our dna but i don't think
1:11:05 that's what he
1:11:06 and then paraphrasing but he says
1:11:07 something along the lines of i don't
1:11:08 think that's what the meaning of my life
1:11:09 is
1:11:10 you know i think my meaning of my life
1:11:11 is something else and i was just shocked
1:11:13 when he said this well how are you going
1:11:14 to now account for that meaning that
1:11:16 you're
1:11:16 you think the meaning of your life is as
1:11:18 opposed to what your biology tells you
1:11:20 the meaning of your life is right so
1:11:22 even someone like dawkins
1:11:23 and it shows you the contradiction in
1:11:25 their world view it shows you that the
1:11:27 fitrah is screaming out by the same time
1:11:29 they're adopting a world view which
1:11:30 which doesn't recognize the fitra and
1:11:32 doesn't recognize the nature of mind
1:11:35 some would say pleasure is the key the
1:11:37 meaning of life is to enjoy life
1:11:38 that's it well this is just a statement
1:11:42 okay you enjoy things and it feels good
1:11:45 but just because something feels good
1:11:46 and as we mentioned already
1:11:47 just because something feels good how
1:11:49 does that now become the meaning of your
1:11:50 life
1:11:51 you're just you're just telling yourself
1:11:53 well that's the meaning of my life
1:11:54 because it feels good
1:11:55 that in itself is meaningless again it's
1:11:57 just an idea you're positing without
1:11:59 which has no
1:12:00 intrinsic meaning in and of itself uh
1:12:03 camus for example
1:12:04 he said that the meaning of life is
1:12:07 whatever keeps you alive
1:12:08 okay again uh it's
1:12:11 and it was i could see you could see the
1:12:14 desperation
1:12:15 in that statement in and of itself you
1:12:17 know
1:12:18 so those are some of the proposed
1:12:20 solutions and hopefully we've seen why
1:12:21 they fail
1:12:23 and the problem here is firstly if
1:12:26 there's no meaning
1:12:27 there's no progress and this is the
1:12:28 thing the whole idea of modernism
1:12:30 and post particular modernism not
1:12:32 postmodernism the whole idea of progress
1:12:33 in this world
1:12:35 is undermined when you turn away from
1:12:36 god because when you turn away from god
1:12:39 there is no meaning or purpose as we've
1:12:41 seen there is no
1:12:42 drive that's going to push you to go now
1:12:44 and progress in this world to go and
1:12:46 achieve things in this world
1:12:48 it's all meaningless you just become you
1:12:50 start floating in the void of
1:12:51 meaninglessness
1:12:53 you just sink into this black hole it's
1:12:55 it's contradictory the whole out looks
1:12:56 contradictory
1:12:57 right so another thing is it leads to
1:13:01 types of depression and anxiety and this
1:13:03 is an interesting point because okay
1:13:05 even if life is meaningless why should
1:13:07 that be a problem
1:13:08 why should that feel uncomfortable why
1:13:10 should we feel pain
1:13:12 and anxiety and agitation at the idea
1:13:15 that life is meaningless
1:13:16 why should we not be satisfied with that
1:13:18 and just go and procreate and pass on
1:13:20 our dna
1:13:22 why if that's what we're here to do
1:13:25 why is that there is agitation you know
1:13:28 why is it that we go and search for
1:13:30 meaning and purpose these are signs
1:13:31 which
1:13:32 point us or at least get us to hopefully
1:13:34 recognize that there is more to our
1:13:36 existence than
1:13:37 than just our a biology just passing on
1:13:40 genes and and and propagating our dna
1:13:43 right arguing from utility the fact that
1:13:46 thinking of the world
1:13:47 is as meaningless is problematic on so
1:13:51 many levels
1:13:52 is a sign that whatever worldview leads
1:13:54 to such a conclusion is incorrect
1:13:57 or at the very least unhelpful and this
1:14:00 ties in with the point that i've made if
1:14:02 recognizing
1:14:03 life is meaningless life is pointless
1:14:05 there is no ultimate meaning or purpose
1:14:07 to life
1:14:08 leads to such problems anxiety what the
1:14:10 philosophy was called the absurd
1:14:12 existential angst pain depression
1:14:15 anxiety leads to such conditions then
1:14:18 that should be a sign for us that that
1:14:20 world view which is putting us in the
1:14:21 position
1:14:22 which leads us to the conclusion that
1:14:24 gives us such pain and anxiety
1:14:26 must be incorrect it has no utility for
1:14:28 us as human beings
1:14:30 right so we could just purely argue from
1:14:31 utility and just highlight people that
1:14:33 look maybe you need to look elsewhere
1:14:35 right atheism and naturalism is not
1:14:37 cutting the muscle and some people are
1:14:38 naturally waking up to this reality
1:14:40 hence like i said already they're
1:14:41 turning away from people like dawkins
1:14:43 and that sam
1:14:44 sam harris is very clever because unlike
1:14:47 dawkins sam harris is trying to provide
1:14:48 an alternative he realizes people are
1:14:50 waking up
1:14:50 hence he stops he's right he's written a
1:14:52 book on waking up
1:14:53 and he has a app which helps people with
1:14:56 spirituality on atheism god knows
1:14:58 whatever that means
1:14:58 right uh so so people are turning away
1:15:02 from these people and inclining more
1:15:03 towards people like
1:15:04 jordan peterson and so on and so forth
1:15:07 you know so
1:15:08 some things for us to reflect upon
1:15:09 inshallah and at the end of the day
1:15:10 brothers and sisters i think this
1:15:11 particular eye of the quran
1:15:13 in a very profound and very unique way
1:15:17 encapsulates everything and by the way
1:15:19 we're coming to the end so we're not
1:15:20 going to go on too long i know we're
1:15:21 reaching the hour mark
1:15:34 brothers and sisters this ayah of the
1:15:35 quran is is the ayah that
1:15:39 for example iqbal his entire philosophy
1:15:43 was based on this particular ayah this
1:15:45 ayah i think
1:15:46 for me if you want to understand that
1:15:48 the seer of this ayah just look at the
1:15:50 history of the world over the past
1:15:51 couple of hundred years
1:15:53 allah has clearly told us here
1:15:57 and do not be like those who
1:16:01 turn away from allah who forget allah
1:16:03 and
1:16:04 allah made them forget themselves those
1:16:06 are the ones who have transgressed all
1:16:07 bounds
1:16:08 and what's very interesting is another
1:16:10 interesting nuance point here where
1:16:11 allah says
1:16:18 that this particular word doesn't just
1:16:20 mean forgetting out just
1:16:22 forgetting you know just being
1:16:24 forgetting but accidentally like it's
1:16:26 not your choice
1:16:26 but it specifically refers to forgetting
1:16:29 intentionally
1:16:30 it's to it's to is to force oneself to
1:16:34 turn away is to pretend to forget
1:16:36 if you read lane's lexicon and the
1:16:38 explanation he gives in regards to this
1:16:39 particular word
1:16:40 it literally it says there it's to
1:16:42 pretend to forget
1:16:44 to put yourself in a position where you
1:16:46 deliberately turn away
1:16:48 from something and and you forcefully
1:16:50 try to forget that thing
1:16:52 you know and as this lets us in on the
1:16:55 understanding that look
1:16:56 when people turn away from allah they're
1:16:58 turning off away from their very nature
1:17:00 and then the fitra recognizes allah it's
1:17:03 not something you're just going to
1:17:04 forget
1:17:04 and it's that easy you have to force
1:17:06 yourself to turn away from allah
1:17:08 and this further leads on to the idea
1:17:10 that atheism is not a natural position
1:17:12 it's an acquired position
1:17:13 something will probably touch upon in
1:17:15 the webinar on the fitrah
1:17:17 in much more detail but it's i thought
1:17:19 it was very interesting so let's sing
1:17:21 and do not be like those who
1:17:22 deliberately turn away from allah
1:17:24 deliberately forgot allah
1:17:25 and allah made them forget themselves
1:17:27 what have we seen this webinar so far
1:17:29 that humanity deliberately decided to
1:17:31 turn away from god
1:17:33 and in doing so they literally lost
1:17:35 their own bearings
1:17:36 they completely lost their bearings you
1:17:39 know they were completely thrown out of
1:17:40 balance and we saw the results of that
1:17:42 we are seeing the results from that on a
1:17:44 social perspective on a on every
1:17:46 perspective on an individual perspective
1:17:48 such as
1:17:48 no meaning no happiness no value no
1:17:51 justice
1:17:52 it's all removed you're you for you
1:17:54 literally are put in a position where
1:17:55 you're forced to forget yourself you
1:17:58 recognize certain things are true but
1:17:59 you can't account for them
1:18:01 you know certain things are part of your
1:18:02 very being that makes you a human being
1:18:04 but you can't account for them on
1:18:06 atheism or naturalism
1:18:07 what a sad position to put atheism
1:18:09 naturalism puts you in
1:18:10 you know how it degrades the human being
1:18:14 so islam is the solution we're going to
1:18:16 quickly wrap on the wrap up on this
1:18:18 so we're heading towards the tipping
1:18:19 point people are starting to wake up
1:18:21 something we appreciate already
1:18:22 islam provides a comprehensive account
1:18:24 for life
1:18:25 the entire message of the quran revolves
1:18:27 around the core theme which is the
1:18:29 purpose of our existence
1:18:31 the quran answers the fundamental
1:18:34 question we're in search of as a human
1:18:36 race what is my purpose why am i here
1:18:39 who am i
1:18:40 the entire quran revolves around the
1:18:42 core theme which is where allah tells us
1:18:45 that he did not create us except to
1:18:47 worship him
1:18:48 allah did not create us for any other
1:18:50 reason except to worship him
1:18:54 and and we really understand his
1:18:56 brothers and sisters this is
1:18:58 in other words when allah says he did
1:18:59 not create the jinn kind and mankind
1:19:01 for no other reason except to worship
1:19:03 him here allah is telling us the purpose
1:19:05 of our existence
1:19:06 that very purpose in search of and in
1:19:08 other words therefore the entire quran
1:19:11 is revolving around this fundamental
1:19:13 theme this fundamental question
1:19:15 the human being has and what else would
1:19:18 you expect from revelation from allah
1:19:20 the most merciful
1:19:21 to answer and provide answers to the
1:19:22 most fundamental questions we have as
1:19:24 human beings
1:19:25 right something you would expect again
1:19:28 something you'd expect from the creator
1:19:29 to inform us of
1:19:30 islam provides a meaningful life one
1:19:32 which brings the perfect balance to
1:19:34 humanity
1:19:35 right now this is something again
1:19:37 something that
1:19:40 christianity didn't get right you know
1:19:43 the christianity in europe
1:19:45 it it resulted in
1:19:48 the world that we find out find
1:19:50 ourselves in today it pushed the people
1:19:52 it because of the persecution because of
1:19:54 the irrational ideas the trinity and
1:19:56 reincarnation all of these ideas
1:19:58 which were averse to reason because of
1:20:00 all the persecution of the thinkers and
1:20:02 the early scientists
1:20:03 it pushed people towards
1:20:06 coming up with the ideas and the
1:20:07 philosophies which have ended up in the
1:20:09 atheistic world that we live in today
1:20:11 this
1:20:12 this anti-theist world that we're apart
1:20:13 of today generally speaking so in other
1:20:15 words
1:20:15 you can say or you can argue
1:20:17 christianity to a great extent
1:20:19 led to a godless world that we are part
1:20:21 of today you know and that's a very
1:20:23 very uh uh you know it's a very
1:20:26 difficult thing to swallow because
1:20:28 christianity you know is is a religion
1:20:30 which claims to
1:20:32 believe and follow or worship god
1:20:35 and it's unfortunate because we know the
1:20:37 christianity that we have in the world
1:20:39 today is not what was given to isa
1:20:40 al-islam
1:20:40 and if they had remained upon that truth
1:20:42 and allah knows best you know
1:20:44 this wouldn't have happened but anyway
1:20:47 the concept of god
1:20:48 is intuitive firstly the fitra and
1:20:50 rational and this was the thing so i
1:20:51 that's why i said i really believe the
1:20:53 early thinkers of the enlightenment
1:20:54 period
1:20:55 may have even become muslim if they come
1:20:56 across islam because the message of
1:20:58 islam where allah tells us about himself
1:20:59 where he says that he is
1:21:01 uniquely one he's uniquely one this
1:21:04 would have resonated with the thinkers
1:21:06 of the time allah says
1:21:07 for example um
1:21:13 indeed in the creation of the heavens
1:21:14 and the earth and the alternation of the
1:21:15 night and day in a signs for those of
1:21:18 understanding
1:21:19 imagine the the natural theologians at
1:21:22 the time
1:21:23 that were looking for god that turned
1:21:24 away from the dogma christianity had
1:21:25 come across these ayat
1:21:27 and the true and the real interpretation
1:21:29 or translation of these ayah
1:21:31 they would have inclined towards this
1:21:32 because this was in line with what they
1:21:34 were looking for
1:21:35 you know so islam also encourages us to
1:21:38 engage with the material world
1:21:39 study it do the science it is a means to
1:21:43 have grown closer to allah
1:21:44 and this is where allah says indeed in
1:21:46 the uh we read this already but another
1:21:47 very interesting guy in the quran says
1:21:49 and allah brought you out of your
1:21:51 mother's wombs not knowing anything and
1:21:52 then he gave you hearing and sight and
1:21:54 intellect so that perhaps you would be
1:21:56 thankful you'll be grateful here allah
1:21:58 is telling us
1:21:59 he is the one that gave us our senses he
1:22:02 is the one that gave us our
1:22:03 intellect two things mentioning here our
1:22:06 senses
1:22:06 hearing inside and the intellect either
1:22:10 the
1:22:10 the the mind the intellect both things
1:22:13 which are required for us to understand
1:22:15 and engage with the study of the world
1:22:16 why so that we can be grateful in other
1:22:18 words allah is telling us this thing we
1:22:19 call science today
1:22:21 allah has given this out to us the human
1:22:23 being the ability to engage in the
1:22:24 science
1:22:25 so when we reflect upon the world we use
1:22:27 our sciences to gather data and study
1:22:29 the world and then we ponder upon it
1:22:31 and we reason upon it this will allow us
1:22:33 to appreciate the signs of allah bring
1:22:34 us closer to him and allow us to worship
1:22:36 him
1:22:36 be grateful to him but unfortunately
1:22:38 many atheist scientists today have just
1:22:39 gone
1:22:40 off on a on a tangent with this stuff
1:22:42 right
1:22:43 so again point here allah
1:22:46 the quran is is showing us that balance
1:22:49 between
1:22:50 or showing us why or how we can engage
1:22:54 in the material world why gave god gave
1:22:56 us those senses why we should engage in
1:22:57 studying the material world because it
1:22:59 it all brings us back to our creator
1:23:01 something that the christian world
1:23:02 didn't have
1:23:03 at that time islam promotes the use of
1:23:05 reason how many ayah tell us to ponder
1:23:07 to reason to reflect
1:23:09 to understand you know as here in the
1:23:12 29th chapter verse 35 we left some
1:23:15 of the town there as a clear sign for
1:23:17 those who use their reason
1:23:19 so many ayat brothers and sisters in the
1:23:20 quran allah constantly continuously
1:23:22 telling us to reason to reflect to
1:23:24 engage in thinking
1:23:25 you know so the balance was always there
1:23:27 between reason and revelation in islam
1:23:30 that perfect balance was always there
1:23:31 and another balance that was always
1:23:33 there which was
1:23:34 the balance between the vertical and the
1:23:35 horizontal islam doesn't tell you to
1:23:37 become a monk go into a monastery and
1:23:39 then lock yourself up
1:23:40 no islam tells you to engage in the
1:23:42 world to engage in commerce to engage in
1:23:44 trade do business
1:23:45 earn your livelihood live in this world
1:23:48 and and through living in this world is
1:23:49 the means of your worship worshiping
1:23:50 your creator
1:23:52 you know the prophet sallam was a
1:23:53 merchant himself one call
1:23:55 in his uh book the the prophet of peace
1:23:58 a phenomenal book i really recommend
1:24:00 everyone to read it one of the things he
1:24:02 highlights about the prophet peace be
1:24:03 upon him heavily is that he was a
1:24:04 prophet
1:24:05 of of of trade he's someone that
1:24:07 encouraged trade encouraged
1:24:09 business uh and this was one of his
1:24:11 amazing traits
1:24:12 islam encourages and and it brings
1:24:14 together these two
1:24:16 planes the horizontal plane and the
1:24:17 vertical plane in a very beautiful way
1:24:20 you know something that the
1:24:21 enlightenment thinkers were forced to
1:24:23 try and achieve
1:24:24 because of the imbalance in christianity
1:24:27 you know and if they had come across
1:24:28 islam maybe the enlightenment would
1:24:30 never have taken place there would never
1:24:31 wouldn't have been a need for it islam
1:24:33 also comprehensively addresses all
1:24:34 aspects of lies
1:24:35 life even the suffering that we go
1:24:38 through in life something we don't need
1:24:39 to go into here because we mentioned
1:24:40 earlier about explaining to us that life
1:24:42 is a test and explaining to us
1:24:44 the rewards of being patient through
1:24:46 suffering how we benefit through
1:24:48 suffering how it's an opportunity for us
1:24:49 to get closer to allah
1:24:50 how is an opportunity for us to attain
1:24:52 paradise
1:24:53 how is an opportunity for us to get
1:24:54 expiation for our sins etc etc so many
1:24:57 wisdoms behind suffering and hardships
1:25:00 right so islam provides a comprehensive
1:25:02 account
1:25:04 again that point i made you know if
1:25:06 islam had made it to the rest of europe
1:25:09 you know in the year 732 for example
1:25:12 because that was the
1:25:12 the pivotal moment where the muslims
1:25:15 made it
1:25:16 very close to making it to the rest of
1:25:17 europe if they had won the battle of uh
1:25:19 taurus you know the muslims would have
1:25:23 europe would have been muslim today
1:25:25 right if that had happened
1:25:27 possibly or obviously there's many other
1:25:28 factors but possibly the enlightenment
1:25:30 would have never had to take place you
1:25:32 know and hence we
1:25:33 would have never had to end up with a
1:25:34 world which is godless
1:25:36 this secular world that we're a part of
1:25:38 because islam had that perfect balance
1:25:40 but it didn't happen
1:25:43 however nevertheless you know islam is
1:25:44 here today muslims are here in europe
1:25:46 today but then we may think well why
1:25:47 aren't things changing and i think
1:25:48 there's many
1:25:49 reasons there's something for us to
1:25:50 ponder upon from a dawah perspective to
1:25:52 conclude
1:25:53 you know we're not living islam and i
1:25:55 think this is a very big thing instead
1:25:56 we're living as everyone else just with
1:25:58 the muslim name badge
1:25:59 you know i think most of one of the
1:26:01 biggest issues we have
1:26:02 is that we claim to be muslim but we
1:26:04 live no different from the atheists in
1:26:05 many ways
1:26:06 and therefore we run into the same
1:26:08 problems that the atheists run into
1:26:10 and this is something we need to fix
1:26:11 within ourselves first and foremost we
1:26:12 need to try
1:26:13 myself included more than anyone else
1:26:15 probably we need to
1:26:16 really focus on ourselves and connect
1:26:18 with allah you know and
1:26:20 and once we do that everything will
1:26:21 start falling into place we can't
1:26:23 lead if we're not examples ourselves you
1:26:26 know so yeah and this is why
1:26:27 much of our dawah isn't that effective
1:26:29 today and and i mean look at the dawah
1:26:31 that's taking place online a lot of the
1:26:33 tao
1:26:33 look at the problems look at the way
1:26:35 we're presenting islam
1:26:38 i mean if we just do a quick browser go
1:26:39 to youtube and do a search just search
1:26:41 down
1:26:41 or go to google and search though look
1:26:43 at the stuff that comes up a lot of the
1:26:44 videos on the first page you'll be
1:26:46 surprised not surprised but you
1:26:48 you'll see that they you know there's
1:26:49 either this brother refuting this
1:26:51 brother
1:26:52 you know this individual making a
1:26:53 refutation to this person this
1:26:55 this person reacting to this person uh
1:26:58 you know
1:26:58 all of this type of stuff and it
1:27:00 literally has nothing to do with
1:27:02 the fundamental foundations of that word
1:27:04 or the key concepts and ideas that we
1:27:05 need to be sharing with non-muslims
1:27:07 where is that stuff where is the
1:27:08 information on that first page of
1:27:09 youtube
1:27:10 or google which tells you about who
1:27:12 allah is which speaks about
1:27:14 which speaks about how islam gives
1:27:16 meaning to life and accounts for these
1:27:17 realities
1:27:18 it's not there you know it's not there
1:27:21 and it's a problem on both parties the
1:27:22 problem with the power of the content
1:27:24 created is a part of the
1:27:25 problem on the power of those that watch
1:27:27 this content as well
1:27:28 because we're watching the stuff that is
1:27:31 is you know and when by watching it
1:27:32 we're encouraging it
1:27:34 and when we're encouraging it we're
1:27:35 encouraging people to to make that same
1:27:37 content which is not really
1:27:38 quote you know stuff that's been
1:27:40 justified under under the umbrella of
1:27:42 dawah
1:27:43 you know it's it's a huge problem
1:27:44 alright brothers and sisters i'll share
1:27:45 this one thing with you quickly here
1:27:47 a brother just called me earlier today
1:27:49 and he said he told me he said there's a
1:27:50 brother i just spoke to the other day
1:27:52 non-muslim wanted to become muslim he
1:27:54 went on to youtube did a search for
1:27:56 for islam and he came across just you
1:27:59 know certain brothers
1:28:00 refuting each other and he got really
1:28:01 confused and he went to the mosque and
1:28:02 the mosque got in touch with this
1:28:03 particular brother
1:28:04 and he had to clarify a lot of things
1:28:06 for this person to highlight to him
1:28:07 that what you came across and what you
1:28:08 saw is not the key things you need to be
1:28:10 focusing on
1:28:11 you know we need to be focusing on you
1:28:14 know the foundations but imagine the
1:28:16 difficult
1:28:17 job of him now having to rectify that
1:28:19 issue and imagine that the perception
1:28:21 that these things are creating in the
1:28:22 minds of non-muslims
1:28:23 when people are looking for the answers
1:28:25 to the meaning of life who am i where am
1:28:27 i here
1:28:28 who created me they're looking but all
1:28:30 they're seeing when they search for
1:28:31 islam online is
1:28:33 such and such refutes such and such you
1:28:35 know so-and-so
1:28:36 is responding to so-and-so i mean
1:28:40 how how are we when they see this stuff
1:28:43 what are they going to think
1:28:44 oh on one end these muslims claim to
1:28:46 follow and worship the creator of the
1:28:47 heavens and the earth and on the other
1:28:48 hand
1:28:49 they are just uh you know uh well it
1:28:52 seems like they they have some
1:28:53 issues very trivial issues that they
1:28:55 can't agree upon so
1:28:56 from a dower perspective it's highly
1:28:58 problematic you know there's some key
1:28:59 things that we need to be talking about
1:29:01 sharing and encouraging by watching the
1:29:03 right type of content inshallah
1:29:05 anyway so
1:29:08 we need to engage in the dow brothers
1:29:10 and sisters and we need to engage in
1:29:11 rectifying ourselves we need to engage
1:29:12 in sharing the message of islam
1:29:14 here's a beautiful uh quote that i'm not
1:29:16 going to read out to you that you guys
1:29:17 can read for yourselves
1:29:18 a very beautiful quote which i think
1:29:19 summarizes a lot of what we've discussed
1:29:21 today
1:29:22 and it highlights the situation that
1:29:24 humanity finds itself in the world today
1:29:26 and the choice that people are presented
1:29:27 with you know so
1:29:29 we we're born and people wake up in a
1:29:30 world which is godless
1:29:32 which is uh has turned away from the
1:29:34 creator of the heavens and the earth and
1:29:36 therefore we're born in a world which
1:29:38 is not going to satisfy the human being
1:29:40 and not going to help them fulfill the
1:29:42 purpose of their very existence which is
1:29:43 to recognize allah and to worship allah
1:29:45 and until and unless they find that
1:29:47 truth they're never going to be happy
1:29:49 they're never going to be satisfied
1:29:51 you know and there are certain people
1:29:52 that don't want them to recognize this
1:29:53 truth
1:29:54 as has been the case throughout history
1:29:56 for whatever reasons you know
1:29:57 uh so it's a it's it's a beautiful
1:29:59 opportunity we find ourselves in a very
1:30:01 interesting time for the da
1:30:02 as well the people are looking for
1:30:04 answers and hopefully we've just seen
1:30:06 at least the shred of how islam and i'll
1:30:09 just
1:30:10 briefly mention some ayah wallahi
1:30:12 brothers says i really encourage you
1:30:13 guys please please please please please
1:30:15 if you take one thing away from today
1:30:17 make the quran a central part of your
1:30:20 life going forward
1:30:22 just make it the book that you study you
1:30:25 know
1:30:25 and and we have translations today have
1:30:28 it with you study it read it finish it
1:30:30 read it again finish it read it again
1:30:32 make it a part of your dna because this
1:30:35 is the book that's going to save us
1:30:37 our families our friends and it's the
1:30:39 book that's going to save
1:30:41 all of the rest of humanity that are our
1:30:43 brothers and sisters in humanity who
1:30:44 deserve the message and need the message
1:30:46 as much as we do
1:30:47 and they lost they lost they completely
1:30:50 lost
1:30:51 you know they and and and they they're
1:30:53 in pain in most cases and they need this
1:30:55 message
1:30:56 and we have to share this message with
1:30:57 them you know and
1:30:59 we can see it people are the world's
1:31:02 getting worse and worse you know
1:31:03 things are getting worse and worse i
1:31:05 mean
1:31:07 the solution is islam the solution is
1:31:10 something what we have to be able to do
1:31:12 is know it know that solution and know
1:31:14 it well enough and in a way where we can
1:31:16 articulate
1:31:17 and communicate with our non-muslim
1:31:19 brothers and sisters humanity inshallah
1:31:21 so brothers and sisters i'll wrap up
1:31:22 here
1:31:23 uh if you have any questions uh please
1:31:26 put them in the question section below
1:31:28 uh i'm gonna pause the mic for
1:31:31 one minute so i'll just give you guys a
1:31:32 bit of a or two minutes give you guys a
1:31:34 bit of a breather
1:31:35 and an opportunity to write down your
1:31:36 questions and to post them
1:31:38 uh inshallah this will be recorded and
1:31:40 it will be up
1:31:41 on the sapience website webpage
1:31:45 um so definitely check it out they will
1:31:47 share it with people that haven't
1:31:48 watched it insha'allah
1:31:50 um so yeah any questions in relation to
1:31:53 what we've discussed today
1:31:54 uh please put them in the question
1:31:56 section and i'll address them i'm going
1:31:57 to mute the mic now for two minutes
1:32:10 inshallah
1:32:32 okay so this one i'm gonna i said two
1:32:34 minutes but i'm gonna start bit earlier
1:32:35 because there's some questions
1:32:36 already i'll keep posting your questions
1:32:40 we'll try to do this for about 10
1:32:41 minutes 15 minutes because i know we've
1:32:42 overrun by probably 30 minutes
1:32:44 i know you guys are probably used to an
1:32:45 hour so may allah bless you for
1:32:48 for staying on uh so the question by
1:32:51 i think it's tariq hassan he says i'm
1:32:53 already in love oh no sorry
1:32:55 uh that's jazakallahu for your comment
1:32:58 may i bless you
1:32:59 uh ademi says well i can understand that
1:33:03 we need spiritual
1:33:05 spiritualism as well but how do we grasp
1:33:08 the spirituality okay so i if i
1:33:11 understand you correctly i think
1:33:12 one of the things sheikh fahd slim told
1:33:14 me a few days ago and because i asked
1:33:15 the same question to him
1:33:16 on the live stream that i was doing with
1:33:17 him on my channel
1:33:20 he basically said look the road map is
1:33:22 there for us the prophet sallam has
1:33:23 given us everything that we need to do
1:33:25 to be able to connect with allah and get
1:33:26 closer to allah all we have to do is act
1:33:28 upon it
1:33:29 so if i'm getting your question right is
1:33:32 we need to go back to the
1:33:33 basics we need to have a good strong
1:33:35 understanding and grasp of our
1:33:36 philosophy when i say philosophy i mean
1:33:38 the tenets of our deen
1:33:39 what is our deen what is islam and also
1:33:42 understand what are the fundamental
1:33:44 principles and thing and
1:33:45 and and and tenants of islam and start
1:33:48 practicing them
1:33:50 with to the best of our ability and and
1:33:53 through that we're going to start seeing
1:33:54 change in our own lives and i know we
1:33:56 live in a time which
1:33:57 really affects us as well the world
1:33:58 around us is designed to turn you away
1:34:00 from god
1:34:01 it's designed to do anything and
1:34:02 everything but remind you of allah
1:34:04 so so we need to really you know go back
1:34:08 to the drawing board and hopefully help
1:34:09 ourselves and fix ourselves and then be
1:34:10 able to
1:34:11 and continue to carry on delivering the
1:34:13 message to others give dowa to people
1:34:15 and hopefully we can appreciate today
1:34:17 one of my objective was so we can really
1:34:18 appreciate
1:34:19 why we've ended up where we've ended up
1:34:20 and what the mindset or or what creates
1:34:23 the modern man and modern woman and
1:34:25 their mindset so we can really address
1:34:27 them inshallah
1:34:29 so hopefully that addresses that point
1:34:34 okay
1:34:38 okay nadia says post-modernism has led
1:34:40 to the idea of subject morality since
1:34:42 this is very
1:34:44 this is a very unstable ground will it
1:34:47 collapse
1:34:48 inevitably lead to the idea of absolute
1:34:50 objective morality
1:34:51 or is that something that the west will
1:34:54 never accept
1:34:54 in the post-modern society so look
1:34:56 there's a very interesting question
1:34:58 i think there's a few things here people
1:35:01 number one are starting to realize
1:35:02 that the past couple of centuries from
1:35:05 the enlightenment all the way up to this
1:35:07 post-modern world that we are part of
1:35:08 today
1:35:09 there are some fundamental issues we are
1:35:11 having issues accounting for what's
1:35:12 morally good and bad
1:35:14 especially now post-modernism like we
1:35:16 said it pushes the idea there are no
1:35:17 absolutes
1:35:18 there are there is no objective reality
1:35:20 there are no truths
1:35:22 everything is subjective and relative uh
1:35:24 although this may work
1:35:26 uh temporarily why people again like we
1:35:29 said it's a verse to human nature so
1:35:30 people are going going to realize this
1:35:32 and they're going to start to look look
1:35:34 for alternatives something that gives
1:35:36 them that grounds them a bit better
1:35:38 that gives them a bit more makes things
1:35:40 a bit more stable for them
1:35:42 uh and and and therefore they're going
1:35:44 to look elsewhere and like i said
1:35:45 i think they're already looking
1:35:46 elsewhere hence people like jordan
1:35:48 peterson are becoming very popular
1:35:49 because he's almost like the new
1:35:51 age existentialist philosopher of our
1:35:54 times because
1:35:55 you know because he appeals to many of
1:35:57 the ideas but he's given them a very
1:36:00 novel modern spin uh and some of the
1:36:02 stuff he thinks brilliant you know
1:36:04 but i think and the interesting funny
1:36:06 thing is all of the things he mentions
1:36:08 is everything you'll find in islam
1:36:11 everything is there and more
1:36:13 but we just need to find a way as modern
1:36:15 muslims living in this time
1:36:17 we need to find a way of being able to
1:36:18 go to our source text
1:36:20 find these truths which are going to
1:36:22 appeal to the modern man and woman
1:36:24 and deliver it to them in in a way they
1:36:26 understand
1:36:27 that's where we're failing you know and
1:36:29 that's what we need to do inshallah
1:36:30 i think that that's gonna and uh
1:36:32 generally speaking i think it's gonna be
1:36:34 a difficult uphill struggle because
1:36:36 look look let's face it we the past
1:36:38 couple of centuries have just exploited
1:36:40 the nufs meaning
1:36:42 it's all been about you and whatever you
1:36:45 want
1:36:45 the world is your oyster go and achieve
1:36:47 it go and have it
1:36:48 hedonism especially today this idea that
1:36:51 just go and fulfill your
1:36:52 desires enjoy yourself do whatever you
1:36:55 want is so prevalent
1:36:56 and when the nufs is spoiled to such a
1:36:58 degree it's hard you know it's hard to
1:37:01 repent and stay away from one sin you
1:37:03 know and i'm sure we can all testify to
1:37:04 this imagine
1:37:05 for a person whose whole life revolves
1:37:08 around doing everything that that just
1:37:10 satisfies their
1:37:11 their beast your their lower nature uh
1:37:14 it's gonna be it's gonna be an uphill
1:37:15 struggle it's gonna be a battle within
1:37:16 that person
1:37:17 it's gonna be a battle between the fitra
1:37:19 that pure soul which is yearning for
1:37:21 allah
1:37:22 and the lower human self which is
1:37:23 inclining towards the dunya
1:37:25 um and and if if they if they've gotten
1:37:28 to the point where there's something
1:37:29 they know there's an agitation and they
1:37:30 start looking
1:37:31 when they come across the message of
1:37:32 islam and if it's communicated clearly
1:37:34 to them
1:37:35 insha allah i really believe they will
1:37:36 incline towards islam and many people
1:37:38 are hence turning towards islam today
1:37:44 mira says iran even the first picture
1:37:46 chur the church is man worships man
1:37:48 absolutely in a way you're right
1:37:49 in a way you're right because it was all
1:37:51 about you know
1:37:53 the the authorities or the religious
1:37:56 authorities at least wanting to get the
1:37:57 the masses to
1:37:59 focus on them and to almost make them
1:38:01 objects of worship
1:38:03 you know and it's interesting because
1:38:04 allah says in the quran where he says
1:38:06 come to a common term between us and you
1:38:08 and referring to the christians and the
1:38:10 jews but we allah then stipulate the
1:38:12 three things that we don't
1:38:13 associate any partners with allah we
1:38:15 don't worship anyone besides allah
1:38:17 and that we don't take each other as
1:38:19 lords and i thought it was very
1:38:21 interesting that allah mentions we don't
1:38:22 take each other as lords
1:38:24 and he says something seems to be
1:38:25 prevalent throughout the history of
1:38:26 christianity where
1:38:27 certain people in power have almost
1:38:29 wanted to take that position
1:38:31 where they wanted to become almost that
1:38:34 deity
1:38:36 as a human which other people worship
1:38:38 and turn to as a religious authority
1:38:40 so it's very interesting point yeah so
1:38:42 we can see it that way as well bro
1:38:46 okay
1:38:51 okay there's loads of questions your
1:38:55 brother says i don't
1:38:56 think we were able to go through all of
1:38:57 them but let me just see if there's
1:38:59 anything else that we haven't addressed
1:39:00 it
1:39:01 so just bear with me each other
1:39:13 yep but the hashmi says you know the
1:39:15 whole individuality the philosophy of
1:39:16 individualism
1:39:18 materialism it's all in line with
1:39:19 atheism yeah it just goes hand in hand
1:39:21 like i said
1:39:22 it's that hat you can see atheism is the
1:39:24 hat
1:39:25 that fits this postmodern head the best
1:39:28 it just fits
1:39:29 not because it's rational or it makes
1:39:31 sense or it's true it just fits
1:39:33 and it makes things comfortable for them
1:39:34 because atheism removes
1:39:36 you know accountability and and that you
1:39:39 know all of everything
1:39:40 related to that so yeah of course it
1:39:41 fits
1:39:46 that's when the brother says would you
1:39:47 think that says would you think the
1:39:49 future holds will people turn back to
1:39:50 god
1:39:51 i heard that a lot of young people buy
1:39:53 into atheism and naturalism
1:39:55 but a lot of people turn to spirituality
1:39:57 later on
1:39:58 uh so my question is what comes after
1:40:00 the post-modern world
1:40:02 i think i think that transition is
1:40:04 taking place right now already
1:40:05 and i think people are looking they're
1:40:07 searching some people are turning
1:40:08 towards religion those that are coming
1:40:10 across the true message of islam
1:40:11 are turning towards islam but also
1:40:13 remember brothers and sisters we live in
1:40:14 a world where islam the way the picture
1:40:16 of islam is very negative
1:40:17 it's misrepresented a lot is all right
1:40:19 so hence it keeps people away
1:40:22 but allah is in control of everything
1:40:23 allah will guide whom he was insha allah
1:40:25 but if we want to attain some of the
1:40:27 reward in that process that we need to
1:40:28 start thinking of these questions and
1:40:29 it's a very good question
1:40:31 so i think people are turning back um
1:40:35 some will turn towards and this is why
1:40:36 like i said people like jordan peterson
1:40:38 are very popular
1:40:39 uh some will turn towards such
1:40:41 individuals others will turn towards
1:40:42 paganism paganism is becoming very
1:40:44 popular these days too
1:40:46 lots of people and again why it's very
1:40:47 interesting because it's it's type of a
1:40:49 way of
1:40:50 a pick and mixed way of life choose your
1:40:51 own gods choose your own way of
1:40:53 spirituality experiment
1:40:54 see it's it's just this it's the way
1:40:56 we've been indoctrinated so paganism is
1:40:58 very appealing too for some people
1:40:59 although
1:41:00 logically if you think about it an
1:41:01 atheist becoming a pagan is just strange
1:41:04 you know where's the where's the logic
1:41:05 and rationality in that which you
1:41:06 champion so much as an atheist
1:41:08 and we've seen many countless examples
1:41:10 i've heard it from many brothers
1:41:12 many atheists are turning towards
1:41:13 paganism
1:41:16 yes so we're going to wrap up now i know
1:41:18 it's uh it's it's
1:41:19 it's actually time for mother in the uk
1:41:22 uh past the time which is realized
1:41:24 for whoever put that reminder up so
1:41:26 let's let's take uh
1:41:27 just one last one
1:41:32 mashallah some of your comments are
1:41:33 brilliant guys because it's almost like
1:41:35 you guys are thinking about
1:41:37 you know how we engage with people now
1:41:39 what we do
1:41:41 and how we deliver the message to them
1:41:42 because some of these aren't really
1:41:43 questions they just
1:41:45 thoughts and it's beautiful to see may
1:41:46 allah bless you guys mashallah
1:41:50 okay guys uh so yeah on if you go to the
1:41:53 sapiens website this should be uploaded
1:41:55 onto the sapiens website once
1:41:57 the live stream is done if you just go
1:41:59 to the webinar section on the learn it
1:42:00 will be there as a
1:42:03 as a webinar that saved inshallah so the
1:42:04 slide should be on there too
1:42:06 um if you i know i wasn't able to answer
1:42:08 all your questions because it's time for
1:42:09 margaret we have to go now
1:42:10 um if you guys want more information on
1:42:13 this
1:42:14 shameless plug on my channel on
1:42:15 epistemics i've been doing loads of
1:42:17 videos on these topics recently where i
1:42:19 go into specific details on specific
1:42:21 points
1:42:21 so you guys can go check out this
1:42:26 episode
1:42:28 says imran hussein epistemics so if you
1:42:30 search down youtube you'll find my
1:42:31 channel you can find a lot of content on
1:42:33 this there
1:42:34 sapiens institute we've got loads more
1:42:35 webinars coming out there'll be loads
1:42:37 more linked to this stuff and other
1:42:38 stuff and from you know
1:42:39 profound topics so definitely register
1:42:41 to the other upcoming webinars that you
1:42:43 guys
1:42:43 uh if you haven't already insha'allah um
1:42:46 and yeah may allah bless you guys i will
1:42:48 join you next week on monday now remind
1:42:50 me personally
1:42:51 i've got a webinar on the i think it's
1:42:52 on the oneness of god
1:42:54 uh divine oneness yes i think his own
1:42:56 oneness so i will see you guys for that
1:42:58 inshallah bless you guys
1:43:00 uh please share this and until next time
1:43:03 take care
1:43:22 you