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Some surprising facts about the Bible - part 1 (2021-01-16)


Nowhere does the Christian Bible claim to be the word of God, or inspired of God, or to be a Revelation of God. How do Christians respond to this fact?

Summary of Some surprising facts about the Bible - part 1

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


The Bible is a collection of religious texts that has been accumulation over centuries. It contains many accurate historical accounts as well as unusual stories. While it is often thought to be the word of God, there are many factors that suggest otherwise.

00:00:00 The video discusses some surprising facts about the Bible, which show that it is not inspired by God. One example is a passage from 2 Timothy 3 that is often used to support the idea that the Bible is the word of God. However, the passage is actually referring to the Old Testament, and the Christian Bible contains books from Genesis all the way to Revelation. Furthermore, the letter attributed to Peter is most likely a forgery.

  • 00:05:00 The Bible has been received into the canon with considerable hesitation, and its date is probably the second or third Christian generation. The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church considers it to be the most distinguished and reputable single reference work in existence. Saint Peter's testimony is extremely doubtful, and there are further problems with certain passages in the New Testament. Paul's letter to the Corinthians, known as 1 Corinthians chapter 7 verse 12, says that if a believer has a wife who is an unbeliever, he should not divorce her. The message of the quran is that the assad's translation is the truth confirming the truth of whatever earlier revelations still remain.
  • 00:10:00 The Bible is a collection of religious texts that tells the story of mankind's journey to salvation. Some surprising facts about the Bible include its historical accuracy and the many unusual stories within it.

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0:00:01 in this episode i want to share with you some surprising facts about the bible nowhere does 0:00:09 the christian bible claim to be the word of god or inspired of god or to be a revelation of god 0:00:18 so how do christians reply to this fact well they usually quote a couple of passages from the 0:00:24 new testament the one they quote most often is a passage in 2 timothy 3 16 which reads 0:00:33 all scripture is inspired by god and is useful for teaching for reproof for correction and training 0:00:39 in righteousness so that everyone who belongs to god may be proficient equipped for every good work 0:00:48 so this sounds like a pretty good verse proving that the christian bible is the word 0:00:52 of god does it not well not really because what they've done is they've taken a verse 0:00:58 out of context and they've tried to make it do more work than it can actually do 0:01:04 if you read a couple of verses before which i'll now do uh from 1 timothy 3 12 0:01:10 up to 17 you'll see what i mean i'll just read the whole context and look it up for yourself so you 0:01:17 can get a good sense indeed all who wants to live a godly life in christ jesus will be persecuted 0:01:24 but wicked people and imposters will go from bad to worse deceiving others and being deceived 0:01:31 but as for you timothy continue in what you have learned and firmly believed 0:01:38 knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have known the sacred writings 0:01:46 that are able to instruct you for salvation through faith in christ jesus all scripture 0:01:52 is inspired by god and is useful for teaching for improved correction and training in righteousness 0:01:57 so that every everyone who belongs to god uh may be equipped for good work 0:02:04 so if you read it in context it seems clear that the scriptures that paul is referring to 0:02:10 are those that timothy have known has known since he was a youth and indeed in paul's time but the 0:02:17 only scriptures that existed at that time were the jewish scriptures what we call the old testament 0:02:23 the new testament hadn't been written then the canon of scripture was only finalized in the about 0:02:30 the fourth century a.d and even then there was still disputes so that's several centuries later 0:02:37 so this text this protest one timothy 3 16 at the very most is referring to 0:02:45 the old testament and not to the new testament to the christian bible so when i say this to 0:02:52 christians they say oh well there's another verse i said great another verse let's uh let's hear it 0:02:56 and the second verse they wheel out is a letter called the second letter of peter 0:03:03 sorry chapter 1 verse 20 to 21 and that reads as follows 0:03:10 first of all you must understand this that no prophecy of scripture is a matter of one's own 0:03:16 interpretation because no prophecy ever came by the by human will but by men and women moved by 0:03:24 the holy spirit spoke from god so this is talking about no prophecy of scripture is a matter of 0:03:32 one's own interpretation it comes from uh those who are moved by the holy spirit fair enough 0:03:38 but note this passage refers only to biblical prophecies in the old testament 0:03:46 most biblical books do not contain prophecy for example the book of job or the psalms or 0:03:52 the book of proverbs or the song of solomon's etcetera most books don't contain prophecy 0:03:58 so it can't even be referring to the whole of the old testament let alone to the christian 0:04:03 bible which contains uh books all the way from genesis all the way to the book of revelation
0:04:10 also there is a major problem with this letter's authenticity according to the most distinguished 0:04:17 christian scholarship and all other scholarship it is a forged letter let me show you what i mean 0:04:26 here we have uh this text which is the oxford dictionary of the christian church and uh the 0:04:35 article here on two peter the second letter of peter 0:04:40 concludes after a survey of the uh the evidence of the authorship and the dating of the letter 0:04:48 it concludes this these indications of date and the difference in style and interest from 0:04:54 juan peter make it virtually impossible to hold that saint peter was the author 0:05:01 the letter was received into the canon i into the list of bible books with considerable hesitation 0:05:09 its date is probably the second or third christian generation perhaps 150 a.d so this uh uh this 0:05:20 oxford dictionary of the christian church is probably the most distinguished and reputable 0:05:25 single reference work in existence uh and it says that it's virtually impossible to believe 0:05:33 that saint peter wrote this or wrote this letter isn't that amazing so um to peter's testimony 0:05:42 is extremely doubtful anyway because it's almost certainly a forged letter but there are further 0:05:49 problems um and uh just to give you uh one last problem before uh there are many but there are 0:05:57 some passages in the new testament believe it or not that even deny they are revelation from god 0:06:04 for example paul's letter to the corinthians known as 1 corinthians chapter 7 verse 12 says 0:06:12 and he's teaching here about marriage and divorce and the details of the subject and the teaching 0:06:16 don't really concern us but the status of what he teaches what does he say about this he says in 0:06:23 verse 12 to the rest i say i and not the lord that if any believer has a wife who is an unbeliever 0:06:31 and she consents to live with him he should not divorce her now the point here is that he says 0:06:39 what i'm teaching you is what i am saying and it's not from god 0:06:45 so it's not revelation from god now what paul says may be true it may be perfectly wise and 0:06:52 holy and godly teaching but its status is as paul's opinion a man he says it's not revelation 0:07:00 from god so at least that passage cannot be taken as the word of god as revelation from god 0:07:08 now just to conclude by way of contrast there is a hundred percent agreement amongst the 2 0:07:15 billion muslims in the world about the contents of the quran no one doubts that the 114 surahs 0:07:22 or chapters of the book are the actual speech of god himself the quran refers to itself repeatedly 0:07:30 as a revelation from god as the speech of god as a book given by god himself and if anyone doubts 0:07:37 that they are not a muslim as simple as that every chapter virtue every chapter in the quran says 0:07:42 that so given there's so much confusion amongst the peoples of the book about their scriptures 0:07:50 what does the quran say in quran chapter 5 verse 48 it says in muhammad assad's 0:07:57 translation and unto thee o prophet we have vouchsafed this holy writ 0:08:04 setting forth the truth confirming the truth of whatever their remains 0:08:09 still of earlier revelations and determining what is true therein judge then between the followers 0:08:16 of earlier revelation in accordance with what god has bestowed from on high and do not follow their 0:08:23 errant views forsaking the truth that has come unto thee that that's muhammad assad's translation 0:08:30 of quran 5 48. so this is claiming for the quran that it is divine writ it's the actual word of god 0:08:41 and confirming whatever truth there still remains of the earlier revelations implying that there 0:08:47 was uh elements that have been lost judge them between uh the followers of the earlier revelation 0:08:54 what the christians and jews say in accordance with what god has bestowed from on high in other 0:09:02 words the holy quran and in this passage this is the message of the quran the assad's translation 0:09:10 there's a little uh footnote to this passage that i've just read uh footnote 65. he says 0:09:19 the the participle mohamed for those who know arabic will know what i'm referring to 0:09:24 is derived from the quadrilateral verb heimanna he watched over a thing or controlled it 0:09:31 and is used here to describe the quran as the determinant factor in deciding what is genuine 0:09:38 and what is false in the earlier scriptures so if you like the quran is like a quality control which 0:09:46 people can use to determine what is true and false what is from god and what is the opinion of a man 0:09:53 for example so that's how islam sees its role vis-a-vis the scriptures of the people of the book 0:10:01 this is part one of a two-part video about some surprising facts about the bible and 0:10:08 in the next video which i'll be making shortly we'll see some more surprising facts until then