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Muhammad ﷺ: Assessing His Claim To Prophethood (2020-11-21)


Summary of Muhammad ﷺ: Assessing His Claim To Prophethood

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 01:00:00

a retired professor and atheist philosopher discusses how humans should not rely solely on their intellect to reach truth, as this would be based on false beliefs. He also points out that the deer believe in a god with imperfect attributes, and thus cannot rely on their intellect when it comes to understanding the nature of God. concludes that only those who are qualified can be considered prophets.

00:00:00 The presenter gives a presentation on why Muslims need prophets, how prophets differ from other religious leaders, and why prophets are necessary for the Islamic faith.

  • 00:05:00 Muhammad argued that the way to reach the truth is through gnosticism, spirituality, and the intellect. He said that there is no proof that any one of these methods is the only way to reach the truth, and that there is no contradiction between soul gnosticism and the mind philosophy. He also said that there are millions of people who are involved in this kind of thinking, but that everyone has their own viewpoint. He said that the second way to reach the truth, using the intellect, is unnecessary because philosophers argue that prophets are not necessary.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses the need for a profit in order to compensate for the limitations of the intellect and the soul. It also discusses the possibility of prophets being human, and the flaws in this theory. The final section of the video considers who can be a prophet, and concludes that only those who are qualified can be considered prophets.
  • 00:15:00 a retired professor and atheist philosopher discusses how humans should not rely solely on their intellect to reach truth, as this would be based on false beliefs. He also points out that the deer believe in a god with imperfect attributes, and thus cannot rely on their intellect when it comes to understanding the nature of God.
  • 00:20:00 French philosopher Descartes discusses the idea that a person cannot give credibility to the intellect unless they believe in God. He also says that a prophet cannot be someone who is enticed by the leaders of the dominant culture, is against the intellect, and has to be applicable in order to be a true prophet.
  • 00:25:00 A scholar discusses the evidence of Muhammad's prophethood, noting that his biography is preserved in Islam and that this supports his claim.
  • *00:30:00 Discusses the importance of truthfulness in judging the Prophet Muhammad, and points to his character and history as evidence of his sincerity. He also addresses the possibility that Muhammad was an imposter in posture and calculation and that he lied frequently. concludes that this would make him the biggest liar in history, and that Muhammad's lack of interest in worldly affairs makes it difficult to believe that he would deliberately lie.
  • *00:35:00 Discusses the difficulty in assessing the truthfulness of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). William Moyer, an Orientalist, argues that the first people to accept him were those closest to him, and that his enemies could not accuse him of lying about others.
  • *00:40:00 Discusses whether or not Prophet Muhammad peace and blessing be upon him was a true prophet, and if so, whether he was an impostor or sincere but mad. After discussing the two possible motivations for his prophethood, the video concludes that he was truthful.
  • *00:45:00 Discusses how it is unlikely that Muhammad took elements from other religions- such as Judaism and Christianity- without first learning these religions himself. He also points out that some of Muhammad's teachings, such as correcting other religions' errors, are similar to those of other prophets.
  • *00:50:00 Discusses the Orientalist argument that Muhammad may have been dishonest in his prophecies, given that he preached about one God but also made arrangements with the Jewish community in Medina. points out that even though there are similarities between Muhammad's teachings and those of the Jews, there are also fundamental differences between the two religions.
  • 00:55:00 Muhammad's claim to prophethood is evaluated, and it is shown that there are only two possible conclusions: that he was either an imposter or truthful.

01:00:00 - 01:00:00

provides a brief overview of Muhammad's claim to prophethood, and discusses some of the arguments Muslims use to support this claim. It also recommends reading about Muhammad's life and teachings in order to get a better understanding of his message.

01:00:00 provides a brief overview of Muhammad's claim to prophethood, and discusses some of the arguments Muslims use to support this claim. It also recommends reading about Muhammad's life and teachings.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:01 assalamualaikum brothers and sisters
0:00:03 welcome to
0:00:04 uh this three-part live stream series on
0:00:06 the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam
0:00:09 um what we're going to do inshallah over
0:00:10 the next three weeks starting with us
0:00:12 within today is we're going to do a
0:00:15 series on the life of the prophet
0:00:16 sallallahu alaihi sallam
0:00:18 touching upon different aspects of his
0:00:20 life so for example today
0:00:22 is going to be discussing starting with
0:00:24 the foundations and discussing
0:00:26 uh the claim of the prophet peace be
0:00:28 upon him in particular and other things
0:00:30 related to it uh his claim of being the
0:00:32 messenger of god and really going
0:00:34 through this in
0:00:34 some detail with us then next week we
0:00:37 have sheikh father slim who will be
0:00:39 covering the topic i think it's called
0:00:43 if i'm not mistaken
0:00:44 if i can remember it correctly uh war
0:00:46 peace
0:00:47 and the purpose of prophethood and then
0:00:49 the third week
0:00:50 we have sheikh mustafa who will be
0:00:52 covering
0:00:53 a serie or a live stream on how
0:00:56 we can learn from the prophet sallam and
0:00:59 see him as a practical role model
0:01:01 for our lives today and how his life is
0:01:04 relevant for humanity today
0:01:06 so that's the three-part series welcome
0:01:08 to this series if you've just joined us
0:01:10 please make sure to share this on your
0:01:12 channels your social media platform so
0:01:15 many more people can be aware of this
0:01:16 and benefit from this especially
0:01:18 brothers and sisters non-muslims let's
0:01:20 get this out
0:01:21 to as many non-muslims as we can
0:01:23 inshaallah that's the objective
0:01:24 because we want people to understand who
0:01:26 the prophet was if anything
0:01:28 we live in times where the prophet peace
0:01:29 be upon him is
0:01:31 if not one of probably the most
0:01:33 misunderstood men in history
0:01:35 although at the very same time he is
0:01:39 we can argue the most well-known man in
0:01:41 history right
0:01:42 so we have to resolve this inshallah and
0:01:45 we have we have a lot of work to do in
0:01:46 clarifying
0:01:47 and informing people of the true nature
0:01:50 and character of the prophet peace be
0:01:52 upon him and who he was
0:01:53 so without further ado i'm going to pass
0:01:56 it over to
0:01:56 start us and the breakdown of the or the
0:01:58 format of this live is as follows
0:02:01 is going to be giving us a presentation
0:02:03 for about 30 to 40 minutes
0:02:05 maybe a bit more maybe a bit less and
0:02:07 then after that we're going to open up
0:02:08 to your q a
0:02:09 where we're going to be asking your
0:02:10 questions
0:02:17 very good how are you i'm good good good
0:02:20 you're well and safe alhamdulillah very
0:02:22 good yep we're just
0:02:23 uh getting through the kobit inshallah
0:02:26 so
0:02:26 start i'm gonna hand over to you i'm
0:02:28 gonna go switch my camera off i'm gonna
0:02:30 be monitoring the questions in the
0:02:31 background
0:02:31 and if anything relevant comes up i'll
0:02:33 pop it up on the screen if you want to
0:02:34 address it you can inshallah
0:02:36 um and i'll speak to you
0:02:43 okay so uh we'll begin inshaallah um
0:02:46 so imran is actually frozen on my screen
0:02:48 hopefully
0:02:49 he got off okay okay he's off now okay
0:02:52 that's great
0:02:53 okay so uh alhamdulillah
0:03:01 in the name of allah in the name of god
0:03:04 the most merciful the bestow of mercy
0:03:07 and may he send his peace and blessings
0:03:09 upon
0:03:10 the final prophet muhammad sallallahu
0:03:13 alaihi
0:03:14 okay so this talk
0:03:17 uh that i'll be giving it's really
0:03:19 focused on
0:03:20 a number of things uh that i'll be
0:03:22 covering in this presentation
0:03:24 so i want to start right from the
0:03:27 beginning
0:03:27 rather than actually proving that the
0:03:30 prophet is
0:03:31 the the claim that he is a prophet and
0:03:33 it's a truthful claim
0:03:34 and the fact that he is indeed a
0:03:36 truthful prophet i want to start even
0:03:38 before that
0:03:39 so the first thing that i'm going to
0:03:41 address and the things i'm going to
0:03:42 address
0:03:43 in this presentation is first of all why
0:03:45 do we need a profit
0:03:47 in the first place
0:03:52 sorry just a quick i think your your
0:03:54 signal is breaking up
0:03:55 your signal is breaking up um so it's
0:03:58 it's very
0:03:59 uh it's yeah can you check your
0:04:01 connection please
0:04:02 charla uh yeah it's the internet's fine
0:04:05 it's full bars
0:04:07 okay okay shall i carry on if there's
0:04:10 any other issues that let you know in
0:04:11 charlotte
0:04:11 okay i'll keep my phone near me as well
0:04:14 just in case you need to uh message me
0:04:17 okay so the some of the things that i'll
0:04:20 be discussing in today's presentation
0:04:22 is why do we need a profit who can be a
0:04:26 profit
0:04:27 to what extent can we rely on our
0:04:29 intellect alone
0:04:30 and give it credibility because that's
0:04:32 really important i'll discuss the reason
0:04:34 why we'll be discussing that
0:04:36 how to determine if a person is a
0:04:38 prophet
0:04:39 then i'll be talking about the
0:04:40 preservation argument and then i'll be
0:04:42 talking about the testament
0:04:43 to the prophet's truthfulness and that's
0:04:46 what i'll conclude
0:04:48 okay so the first thing is why do we
0:04:50 need a prophet
0:04:52 so when discussing islam with
0:04:54 non-muslims the conversation is akin to
0:04:56 a journey so there are stages to a
0:05:00 journey
0:05:01 so what is said to one person may not
0:05:04 need to be said to another person
0:05:06 the conversation and therefore what is
0:05:08 mentioned
0:05:09 differ based on the background of each
0:05:12 individual
0:05:14 so i would argue that there are four
0:05:16 types of non-muslims
0:05:17 when you're speaking to them the first
0:05:19 one is an atheist
0:05:21 the second one is agnostic the third one
0:05:23 is the deist
0:05:24 and the third fourth one are those who
0:05:26 believe in god and the prophets but not
0:05:28 necessarily
0:05:29 the prophet muhammad peace and blessing
0:05:31 be upon him so let me just break it down
0:05:33 atheists as we know are those who do not
0:05:36 believe in god nor do they believe in
0:05:37 prophets
0:05:38 agnostics are those who don't
0:05:40 necessarily negate
0:05:42 god's existence but admit that they have
0:05:45 not come
0:05:46 with enough evidence to believe in him
0:05:48 and at this point
0:05:49 the conversation's main focus should be
0:05:52 the existence of god
0:05:53 right so there's no there there isn't
0:05:56 too
0:05:57 much uh point speaking to them about
0:05:59 prophethood
0:06:00 it's better to speak to them about um
0:06:03 the existence of god now the fourth
0:06:06 group
0:06:07 of people who believe in god and the
0:06:10 prophets
0:06:11 they do not to be they do not need to be
0:06:13 convinced about the need
0:06:15 for a prophet so not this particular
0:06:17 part of the discussion
0:06:18 they would need to uh they'll they'll
0:06:20 need to understand
0:06:21 why uh we can prove that the prophet
0:06:24 muhammad peace and blessing be upon him
0:06:25 is in fact a true prophet
0:06:26 but they won't need to know why do we
0:06:28 need profits but they already
0:06:30 are convinced by that point this now
0:06:32 leaves us with the third group
0:06:34 and that is the deists deists are those
0:06:37 who believe in god
0:06:38 but they believe that he is not involved
0:06:40 in our daily affairs
0:06:43 now according to deists they do not need
0:06:45 a prophet due to a number of reasons
0:06:47 firstly god gave us an intellect
0:06:50 to think and discern from what is right
0:06:52 right and what is wrong
0:06:53 so we are no need of the guidance of a
0:06:55 prophet secondly the universe points us
0:06:57 to a
0:06:58 designer a creator he created and shaped
0:07:01 everything but he's not merciful
0:07:03 due to the problem of evil the fact that
0:07:05 evil exists
0:07:07 that means that god is not merciful this
0:07:08 is what they argue thirdly
0:07:10 people believe in prophets due to
0:07:12 miracles and the dies
0:07:14 argue a more science so-called science
0:07:16 orientated approach
0:07:18 and they don't need miracles and they
0:07:19 cannot be proven and they cannot be
0:07:21 proved
0:07:22 as it's not observable right so
0:07:26 if they hypothetically believed in
0:07:28 prophethood
0:07:29 that doesn't mean that islam is the
0:07:31 truth as other religions
0:07:33 also claim this like the jews and the
0:07:35 christians so there are two
0:07:36 stages of the argument of prophethood
0:07:40 the first one is number one firstly
0:07:42 proving the need for a prophet
0:07:44 which i'll be discussing now number two
0:07:47 proving uh that the prophet muhammad
0:07:49 peace and blessing be upon him
0:07:51 is uh uh is a is a messenger from a long
0:07:53 line of prophets and messengers
0:07:56 okay now we've discussed the importance
0:07:59 of
0:07:59 the who we are addressing we have to
0:08:02 first of all
0:08:03 discuss how do we even reach the truth
0:08:06 so the dsa there we
0:08:07 have our own intellect it's enough but
0:08:09 how do we how does each person reach the
0:08:11 truth
0:08:12 so there are three main ways that a
0:08:14 person can reach the truth
0:08:16 the first way is the internal the
0:08:19 gnosticism or the spiritual element the
0:08:21 second is the
0:08:22 is is intellect and the third way is by
0:08:26 the sending of prophets and messengers
0:08:27 who tell us
0:08:28 how to reach the truth so the first way
0:08:31 is through
0:08:32 gnosticism spirituality which involves a
0:08:34 person
0:08:35 from being away from the people and
0:08:38 leaving off desires which is effective
0:08:40 monasticism and the problem with this is
0:08:42 that there's no
0:08:43 proof there's there's nothing that has
0:08:46 been
0:08:47 provided as proof to state that this is
0:08:49 the main way to reach the truth
0:08:51 except through subjective experience
0:08:54 that i had a dream or i had
0:08:56 this feeling or had this or something
0:08:57 happened to me or that is very
0:08:59 subjective
0:09:00 moreover there doesn't have to be a
0:09:03 contradiction between the soul
0:09:05 gnosticism and the mind philosophy or
0:09:08 intellect
0:09:09 using your intellect now there are
0:09:12 millions of people who are involved
0:09:14 in this and everyone has their own
0:09:16 viewpoint if
0:09:18 if it had been the truth then they would
0:09:20 have all agreed
0:09:21 upon something but then you find a lot
0:09:23 of spiritual
0:09:24 um uh methodologies that they don't
0:09:27 agree with one another
0:09:28 now the second way uh that people
0:09:32 uh try to reach the truth is using the
0:09:35 intellect which is used by philosophers
0:09:37 so philosophers argue that they don't
0:09:40 need prophets
0:09:41 but people need to use their own common
0:09:43 sense and intellect
0:09:45 now the intellect god gave us makes
0:09:48 the sending of prophets unnecessary this
0:09:51 is what they say
0:09:52 so eben rushed a muslim scholar who is
0:09:55 sometimes known in the west as avaros
0:09:59 who died in
0:10:00 1198 in the gregorian calendar
0:10:04 uh he argued that if it was the main way
0:10:08 to reach the truth if the intellect of
0:10:10 philosophy was a main way to
0:10:12 reach the truth then all the
0:10:14 philosophers would have agreed on the
0:10:15 same thing but that's certainly not
0:10:17 happened very similar argument used
0:10:19 against the nos
0:10:20 against narcissism now the intellect is
0:10:22 limited and not
0:10:23 cannot see the metaphysical the
0:10:25 metaphysical are things which are the
0:10:27 unseen such as
0:10:28 paradise and hellfire such as the day of
0:10:31 judgment
0:10:32 uh resurrection and so on and so forth
0:10:34 they can only focus
0:10:36 on the observable now the intellect
0:10:38 cannot reach the details
0:10:40 of legislation and behavior
0:10:43 only broad concepts as
0:10:47 jean jacques rosso the genevan
0:10:49 philosopher
0:10:50 who died in 1778 he argued that the
0:10:52 intellect guides
0:10:53 us to the truth but it does not lead us
0:10:56 to the details
0:10:57 of that truth so prophets give us a
0:11:00 legislation they gave us a system
0:11:02 of how people should live and people
0:11:04 will not be able to legislate
0:11:06 for themselves right everyone's read um
0:11:10 what's that book by golding um forgot
0:11:13 the name now we're ready at school
0:11:14 um lord of the flies right so let's just
0:11:18 take an example
0:11:19 stu uh students of a school will not be
0:11:22 able to educate themselves
0:11:23 this is why we need teachers we need
0:11:25 staff we need management so on and so
0:11:27 forth
0:11:28 so as we can see the need for profit
0:11:30 hood
0:11:31 is a necessity as it compensates
0:11:34 for the deficiency that is found in our
0:11:37 intellect and also in our soul
0:11:39 so an exam a number of examples that we
0:11:42 cannot
0:11:43 reach the truth or reach uh
0:11:47 some truths based on intellect and on
0:11:50 the on spirituality alone
0:11:52 such as knowing god knowing him through
0:11:55 his names and attributes they cannot be
0:11:56 reached by the internet
0:11:58 the intellect may lead you to the
0:11:59 existence of god
0:12:01 but it will not show you the details of
0:12:03 god in terms of his names and attributes
0:12:06 also human beings are subjective because
0:12:08 of their desires perhaps someone can say
0:12:10 that i don't like meat you know i don't
0:12:12 like meat so it's impermissible it's
0:12:13 haram
0:12:14 so the criteria has now become the
0:12:16 desires
0:12:17 and in fact most of the laws today if
0:12:19 you think about it are biased
0:12:21 right they're all subjective some
0:12:23 systems they lean towards rich
0:12:25 people some system they lead towards uh
0:12:28 you know
0:12:28 that they are biased towards men some
0:12:31 systems they lead
0:12:32 they favor poor people as an example so
0:12:35 our subjectivity
0:12:37 is based on our desires so
0:12:40 another thing is the justice of god and
0:12:42 this is a very nice deep point
0:12:44 that establishing the proof against the
0:12:46 creation
0:12:48 uh from the fact that the pro that
0:12:50 prophethood
0:12:51 from the from from the prophet is
0:12:54 clearer
0:12:55 and more just than for it to be done
0:12:58 any other way and for this allah uh god
0:13:02 says in the quran
0:13:19 verse 134 that if we had destroyed them
0:13:21 through punishment
0:13:22 before this messenger came they would
0:13:25 have said lord if only you had sent us a
0:13:28 messenger
0:13:29 we could have followed your revelation
0:13:30 before we suffered humiliation
0:13:32 and disgrace so god has made
0:13:35 life a test he has made this place a
0:13:38 paradise or a hellfire
0:13:40 imagine if a teacher enters a room and
0:13:42 tells his students
0:13:44 that you have a test whoever gets a low
0:13:46 mark will be punished whoever gets a
0:13:48 high mark will be rewarded
0:13:50 the students respond okay but what is
0:13:51 the syllabus what's the curriculum
0:13:53 the teacher responds no you have to
0:13:55 guess and you have to use your own
0:13:57 intellect
0:13:58 this would not be considered to be just
0:13:59 or fair
0:14:01 so another reason
0:14:04 why we need profits is that truth is not
0:14:07 only just based on theory
0:14:09 but it's also based on application in
0:14:12 implementation
0:14:13 so the prophet muhammad peace and
0:14:14 blessings be upon him is an example in
0:14:17 all matters a role model
0:14:19 all and the creation is a need for a
0:14:21 model in
0:14:22 in matters of in all aspects of life and
0:14:25 having
0:14:26 a human paradigm is the best way of
0:14:28 reaching the end
0:14:29 and here's a practical implementation of
0:14:32 the truth
0:14:34 now comes the next question now we've
0:14:36 dealt as to the reason
0:14:37 why we need a profit and the necessity
0:14:39 of needing a profit
0:14:40 now we will discuss who can be a prophet
0:14:42 so there's three possibilities
0:14:44 the first possibility is that all people
0:14:47 are prophets
0:14:47 which is completely false and it's wrong
0:14:50 because i'm not a prophet you're not a
0:14:51 prophet you've never claimed to be a
0:14:52 prophet i've never claimed to be a
0:14:54 prophet
0:14:54 so this goes out the window the second
0:14:57 possibility is that some
0:14:58 are prophets now some people may
0:15:01 consider this to be oppressive why
0:15:03 is this person being chosen to be a
0:15:04 prophet why haven't i been chosen to be
0:15:06 a prophet
0:15:07 so the third possibility there's no
0:15:09 prophets at all
0:15:11 so let's look at those who say that
0:15:15 uh who those who have a problem with
0:15:17 saying that some people can
0:15:19 be prophets well when god chooses the
0:15:23 prophet it's not done
0:15:24 randomly you know they were chosen uh
0:15:27 due to a wisdom
0:15:31 second of all god tests the prophets and
0:15:34 this is not
0:15:35 this is not something that every person
0:15:36 can take one of the companions of
0:15:38 prophet muhammad peace and
0:15:40 blessings be upon him said o messenger
0:15:42 of god
0:15:43 which people are tested the most
0:15:45 severely he said
0:15:46 the uh they are the prophets and then
0:15:49 those who are like them and then those
0:15:51 who are like them
0:15:52 a person is tried according to his
0:15:54 religion if he is firmer upon his
0:15:55 religion his trials will be more severe
0:15:57 but if he's weak upon his religion
0:15:59 his he will be tried according to the
0:16:00 strength of his religion
0:16:02 so the servant will continue to be tried
0:16:04 until he is left walking upon the earth
0:16:06 without any sin right so the third
0:16:09 argument is that if all people were
0:16:12 prophets
0:16:13 then there will be no wisdom in giving a
0:16:15 test a giving life as a test to begin
0:16:17 with
0:16:18 as everyone would know the truth it
0:16:20 doesn't make sense
0:16:21 and finally all people have been given
0:16:23 something from god
0:16:25 some special revelation some natural
0:16:28 theology which in
0:16:29 islam is called that you recognize
0:16:32 you don't have to be told about
0:16:34 something you recognize it straight away
0:16:35 everyone knows that lying is wrong
0:16:37 you don't have to be taught that lying
0:16:39 is wrong just like you don't have to be
0:16:40 taught that god
0:16:41 exists you in fact you have to be untold
0:16:44 that god
0:16:45 doesn't exist right so however people
0:16:48 cannot rely
0:16:50 on the intellect to get to the truth in
0:16:52 details
0:16:53 that's why we need profit for the
0:16:55 details
0:16:57 okay now this comes up this brings in
0:17:00 the next uh very important discussion
0:17:02 and that is
0:17:03 to what uh extent can we rely on our
0:17:06 intellect
0:17:07 alone and give it credibility so we can
0:17:10 rely
0:17:11 on our intellect only if
0:17:15 we realize that there is a god so i'm
0:17:18 gonna repeat that again
0:17:19 and it sounds very controversial and if
0:17:22 you've got a problem
0:17:24 yo i'll solve it no i'm not gonna go
0:17:26 into a wrap
0:17:27 uh i i will uh we can discuss this in
0:17:31 more detail in the question and answer
0:17:32 session
0:17:33 but i'll repeat that again we cannot
0:17:36 give credibility to our mind to our
0:17:39 intellect
0:17:39 if we do not believe in a perfect god so
0:17:43 let's look at the different groups and
0:17:45 see how
0:17:46 they should they can actually use their
0:17:50 internet so let's look at the atheists
0:17:52 the atheists they say that intellect was
0:17:54 designed to survive and reproduce
0:17:57 and anything else is a byproduct so
0:18:00 it is not about seeking the truth
0:18:03 in fact if the main purpose of our
0:18:07 intellect according to the atheists
0:18:09 especially those who believe in
0:18:11 darwinian evolution
0:18:12 then it's about survival and survival
0:18:16 can be based on false beliefs
0:18:19 so listen to uh retired professor john
0:18:22 gray an
0:18:23 atheist philosopher very well known in
0:18:25 his book
0:18:26 straw dogs thoughts on humans and other
0:18:28 animals which is
0:18:29 uh what you'll find um you'll find in
0:18:32 his book a really
0:18:33 interesting quote he said modern
0:18:35 humanism
0:18:36 is a faith that through science
0:18:39 humankind
0:18:40 can now can know the truth and so be
0:18:42 free
0:18:43 but if darwin's theory of natural
0:18:46 selection is true
0:18:48 this is impossible why professor why is
0:18:51 it impossible
0:18:52 listen to what he says next this is
0:18:53 crucial he says the human mind
0:18:56 serves evolutionary success
0:18:59 not truth i'll repeat that again the
0:19:02 human mind
0:19:03 serves evolutionary success not the
0:19:07 truth
0:19:07 to think otherwise is to reset resurrect
0:19:10 pre-darwinian error
0:19:11 that humans are different from all other
0:19:13 animals
0:19:15 so according to the atheist intellect is
0:19:18 survival of the fittest and
0:19:21 in order to have that mechanism or that
0:19:24 process of survival of the fittest
0:19:25 then we can even believe in things which
0:19:27 are false let's look at what the deer
0:19:29 say
0:19:30 the deists they do not believe that god
0:19:33 has
0:19:33 perfect uh attributes
0:19:37 due to the problem of evil they said
0:19:39 look there's evil that exists in the
0:19:40 world
0:19:40 that that is a reflection of god so that
0:19:43 means that god is not perfect
0:19:45 now they can't they cannot give
0:19:47 credibility to their intellect as well
0:19:50 right why because what's not to say
0:19:54 that the intellect was created
0:19:57 to deceive us who said that the
0:20:01 intellect was trustworthy
0:20:03 and this is a really powerful argument
0:20:05 mentioned by
0:20:06 the french philosopher descartes who
0:20:09 died in 1650 and he said that if
0:20:11 i find that there is a god i must
0:20:14 examine likewise whether he can be a
0:20:16 deceiver
0:20:17 for without the knowledge of these two
0:20:19 things i do not see that i can ever be
0:20:22 certain of anything
0:20:23 and he said this in the meditation of
0:20:24 god that he exists
0:20:27 so to summarize
0:20:30 a person cannot give credibility to the
0:20:32 intellect unless they believe in god
0:20:34 that exists and has complete
0:20:36 perfect names and attributes so let me
0:20:38 just summarize what we've discussed so
0:20:40 far because uh it may be a little bit
0:20:41 intense a little bit deep
0:20:44 deists believe that that god does not
0:20:47 have complete attributes
0:20:48 the only way to know that deist that
0:20:51 know that
0:20:52 deist doctrine is true is through mental
0:20:54 cognitive evidence
0:20:56 so they believe you can only reach god
0:20:58 through intellect and not through
0:20:59 prophets
0:21:00 you cannot rely on your intellect
0:21:02 without relying on who created it this
0:21:04 argument of discuss if you don't believe
0:21:08 god is complete you cannot rely on your
0:21:11 intellect
0:21:12 so deists believe that god uh does not
0:21:15 have
0:21:16 complete attributes so you have to rely
0:21:18 on your intellect but how can you do
0:21:19 that
0:21:20 if you don't believe god is complete or
0:21:23 he is perfect
0:21:24 if the point that i'm trying to make
0:21:26 that if you undermine the creator
0:21:30 you have to undermine the creation that
0:21:32 if you have to undermine the creator
0:21:34 you have to undermine the creation but
0:21:37 as muslims
0:21:39 we believe uh in a complete something
0:21:41 different
0:21:42 and then this may come up just to uh
0:21:44 kind of um
0:21:45 nip something in the bud because someone
0:21:47 some smart aleck may say
0:21:48 or someone can't may come up with a
0:21:50 really good response and say well hang
0:21:51 on
0:21:52 uh why are we perfect then doesn't
0:21:55 undermining the creation
0:21:56 because we are you know imperfect does
0:21:58 that not tell us that god is imperfect
0:22:00 no no of course not
0:22:01 we are the bible because
0:22:05 let me give you an example imagine that
0:22:07 there is a very clever worker who sells
0:22:09 furniture
0:22:09 in different places in one country he
0:22:12 makes some furniture very expensive
0:22:14 really expensive amazing furniture
0:22:17 because of the market
0:22:18 but then he also makes cheap furniture
0:22:23 for another market another country so
0:22:26 the poor
0:22:26 quality is not reflection of his ability
0:22:30 this quality can be deemed perfect in
0:22:33 this context
0:22:34 and that is that this imperfection
0:22:38 has been is fit for purpose
0:22:41 so therefore god created the creation to
0:22:44 test them this requires some
0:22:45 deficiencies such as
0:22:46 uh deficiencies in our character in
0:22:49 terms of our anger
0:22:50 envy desires these are defec
0:22:54 these defects are necessary for the test
0:22:57 without these defects the tests will not
0:22:59 be a proper test if you look at
0:23:01 the creation of god they are not perfect
0:23:03 if you look at the process of creation
0:23:06 which is the action of god it's perfect
0:23:09 as it will reach the reason or the main
0:23:12 reason of why it was created in the
0:23:14 first place and that is that it was fit
0:23:16 for purpose okay let's move on
0:23:20 so the atheists and the ds cannot say
0:23:23 that morality is good or not
0:23:25 then how do you deem something moral if
0:23:27 you don't believe in divinity
0:23:30 if it is society that accepts it it's a
0:23:33 cultural issue and not a moral one
0:23:36 okay okay so we've dealt with that we've
0:23:38 dealt with
0:23:40 uh the need for a profit we also dealt
0:23:43 with
0:23:44 who can be a profit now the third thing
0:23:46 that we'll deal with now is how to
0:23:48 determine
0:23:49 if a person is a prophet
0:23:52 so there's a number of ways the first
0:23:54 way is
0:23:55 to know that this person to know if a
0:23:58 person is a prophet we need to know the
0:24:00 details of this person's life
0:24:02 because otherwise you can be deceived
0:24:04 about them
0:24:05 right another thing is that if i know
0:24:08 the details of someone's life what are
0:24:10 the proofs
0:24:11 of prophethood so this person may be a
0:24:13 good person but what are the proofs
0:24:15 that this person is a prophet the third
0:24:18 thing is that this message
0:24:19 must be uh going against
0:24:23 the status quo so the prophet example
0:24:26 when
0:24:27 the prophet muhammad peace embarrassment
0:24:28 be upon him went against the
0:24:29 transgressions and the dominant culture
0:24:32 and a prophet cannot be someone who is
0:24:34 enticed by the leaders of the dominant
0:24:36 culture
0:24:36 if the status quo does not need to be
0:24:38 changed then why the need to send a
0:24:40 prophet
0:24:41 right also his propagation cannot be
0:24:44 against the intellect
0:24:46 generally speaking from a foundational
0:24:48 perspective
0:24:49 and finally his propagation has to be
0:24:52 applicable and practical and something
0:24:55 that can be applied at any time and
0:24:57 any place okay so
0:25:00 when you want to know the life of
0:25:01 someone there are a few questions you
0:25:03 need to ask
0:25:03 how did that person live what evidence
0:25:06 did he bring for his truthfulness what
0:25:07 did the people get from his efforts
0:25:10 so the first thing that we will discuss
0:25:12 is the preservation
0:25:14 argument right the preservation argument
0:25:18 um so
0:25:24 we have to first of all prove that
0:25:27 the biography of the prophet in some
0:25:30 form
0:25:31 is preserved right so there are three
0:25:34 options
0:25:34 the muslims would say that the biography
0:25:37 is preserved
0:25:37 the norm some non-muslims would say that
0:25:40 the biography of the prophet is just
0:25:42 like fairy tales
0:25:42 or the third uh option and this may be
0:25:45 some coming from a neutral person
0:25:47 would ask the the muslim the methodology
0:25:50 of how
0:25:51 the the uh preservation uh the the the
0:25:55 biography
0:25:56 is preserved before making a decision
0:25:58 right so it's worth noting
0:26:00 that the discussion on the preservation
0:26:02 of the biography of the prophet
0:26:04 is what ends the discussion it ends the
0:26:07 dispute
0:26:07 it's not the beginning of it because the
0:26:09 reason is
0:26:11 if anyone who reads
0:26:14 realizes that the biography of the
0:26:17 prophet is authentic
0:26:19 then this should lead that person uh to
0:26:22 accepting islam
0:26:24 so upon providing the truthfulness of
0:26:26 the prophet and then him claiming to be
0:26:28 a prophet
0:26:29 should strengthen your conviction in his
0:26:31 message additionally i like
0:26:33 unlike many uh authentic biographies of
0:26:36 propagators of various ways of life
0:26:38 uh the um the message of the prophet is
0:26:41 reflected in the followers found today
0:26:44 for example if we find the authentic
0:26:46 biography of jesus
0:26:48 and we were able to prove it then would
0:26:51 it
0:26:52 uh would that necessarily prove that
0:26:54 today's christianity is true
0:26:56 no this is because christianity does not
0:26:59 necessarily
0:27:00 reflect the biography of the historical
0:27:04 jesus so for example there's no traces
0:27:07 of trinity
0:27:08 uh during looking at the biography of of
0:27:10 jesus
0:27:11 and yet there are so many christians who
0:27:14 follow the trinity so the prophet's
0:27:18 biography has been well documented and
0:27:20 it's confirmed by historians including
0:27:22 non-muslim ones as well so let's look at
0:27:24 example
0:27:25 there's a number of quotes i'm just
0:27:26 going to mention one uh by
0:27:28 reverend benjamin uh bosworth smith who
0:27:31 died in 1884 he's an american
0:27:33 participant bishop
0:27:34 and he's got a very long quote and he
0:27:36 talks about how
0:27:38 you know a lot of the details of jesus's
0:27:40 life cannot be proved
0:27:42 and you know it's just but then he goes
0:27:44 on to make mention
0:27:45 that but in mohammedanism which he's
0:27:48 referring to as islam he said everything
0:27:50 is different
0:27:50 here instead of the shadowy and the
0:27:52 mysterious
0:27:54 mysterious we have history we know as
0:27:57 much of muhammad as we even know of
0:28:00 luther and milton
0:28:01 the mythical the legendary the
0:28:02 supernatural is almost wanting
0:28:04 in the original arab arab authorities
0:28:07 while
0:28:08 or at all at events can easily be
0:28:11 distinguished from what is historical
0:28:13 but in other respects the miraculous and
0:28:15 mythological elements in mohammedanism
0:28:18 comes almost exclusively from persian
0:28:21 sources
0:28:22 nobody here is the duke of himself or
0:28:25 others there is the full light of day
0:28:28 upon all that light can ever be can be
0:28:32 can be reached he goes on
0:28:34 but we know everything of the external
0:28:36 history of muhammad his youth his ex
0:28:38 appearance his relations his habits the
0:28:41 first idea
0:28:42 and the gradual growth intermittent
0:28:45 though it was
0:28:46 of his great revelation while for his
0:28:48 internal history
0:28:50 about his mission had been proclaimed we
0:28:52 have a book
0:28:53 absolutely unique in its origin in this
0:28:55 preservation
0:28:56 and in the chaos of its contents but on
0:28:59 the authenticity of which no one has
0:29:01 ever been able to cast serious doubt
0:29:03 so this is what uh bosworth says there's
0:29:06 a very famous saying by
0:29:08 ernest renin who was a clear opponent to
0:29:11 islam but he famously declared
0:29:13 that islam was born not amid the mystery
0:29:16 which cradles the origins of
0:29:18 other religions but rather in the full
0:29:20 light of history
0:29:22 so one of the things that we need to
0:29:24 look at in order to prove
0:29:26 the uh if prophet muhammad or any
0:29:30 prophet is in actual fact
0:29:31 a a real prophet is that we need to look
0:29:34 at the person's character
0:29:36 so this is what uh reverend bosworth
0:29:39 smith
0:29:40 says again he says this in his book is
0:29:41 muhammad [ __ ] he said head of the
0:29:43 state
0:29:44 as well as the church he was caesar and
0:29:47 pope in one
0:29:48 but he was pope without pope's
0:29:49 pretensions caesar without the legions
0:29:52 of caesar
0:29:52 without a standing army without a
0:29:54 bodyguard without a palace
0:29:56 without a fixed revenue if ever any man
0:29:59 had the right to say
0:30:00 that he ruled by the right divine it was
0:30:03 muhammad
0:30:04 for he had all the power without its
0:30:06 instruments and without his support
0:30:08 he cared for the he cared not for the
0:30:11 dressings of power
0:30:12 the simplicity of his private life was
0:30:14 in keeping with his public life
0:30:17 so from the character and this is
0:30:19 something that i want to
0:30:20 conclude on because i think it's a
0:30:21 really important thing to discuss and
0:30:23 i'm going to be discussing this for the
0:30:25 next
0:30:25 next 10 10 15 minutes is the idea
0:30:28 of truthfulness truthfulness is so
0:30:30 important
0:30:31 so the testament to the prophet's
0:30:33 truthfulness if you want to judge the
0:30:35 prophet peace and blessings
0:30:37 be upon him you have to have only two
0:30:40 choices if he was truthful
0:30:43 and some and subsequently he was a
0:30:46 messenger
0:30:47 you can't believe uh he's truthful
0:30:51 and then not a prophet so if he is
0:30:54 truthful then you have to believe that
0:30:56 he's a prophet because he said he's a
0:30:57 prophet
0:30:58 but if the second option is that he's
0:31:01 not truthful
0:31:02 and if he's not truthful then he would
0:31:04 be the biggest liar because
0:31:06 uh to lie and say that i am a prophet
0:31:09 when you're not a prophet is considered
0:31:10 to be one of the biggest lies
0:31:12 so either he's the most truthful of
0:31:14 people or he's the biggest of liars
0:31:16 that's the only
0:31:16 the only two options there is no third
0:31:20 option he was a you can't say that he
0:31:22 was a good man but not a prophet
0:31:24 you can't say that as claimed by some
0:31:26 orientalists
0:31:27 because anyone who claims to be a
0:31:29 prophet he must be the most truthful
0:31:32 or people or the biggest of liars
0:31:35 so whoever claims that the prophet peace
0:31:37 and blessing be upon him was not
0:31:38 truthful
0:31:39 and that he was pretending to be a good
0:31:41 man then that would mean that his whole
0:31:44 life was just pretending it was just an
0:31:45 act it was just a show
0:31:47 and you cannot do this all of the time
0:31:50 this can only be done for a short while
0:31:53 even if you do it for
0:31:54 a whole you know for the whole of your
0:31:56 life you will
0:31:58 only be able to pretend with some people
0:32:00 and not all
0:32:01 the prophet peace and blessings be upon
0:32:02 him was good at home and when he was
0:32:04 outside
0:32:06 so people who lie will act normally at
0:32:08 home but deceive outside the world
0:32:10 so let's look at what people have said
0:32:13 regarding history history from us
0:32:15 paul casanova uh he's a well-known
0:32:18 french orientalist he's someone who
0:32:19 denied the quran he spoke
0:32:21 ill of islam he died in 1926 he said
0:32:24 before going into the source of the
0:32:26 question i would
0:32:28 like to say first that i reject a priory
0:32:31 any theory leaning against muhammad's
0:32:34 sincerity
0:32:35 no doubt one can be led to believe that
0:32:38 in later times
0:32:39 the necessities of politics led him to
0:32:41 present his own desires as divine
0:32:43 revelations
0:32:44 so he could better be better be better
0:32:47 be obeyed
0:32:48 but this should not put into question
0:32:50 his sincerity
0:32:51 a modern psychologist could think of
0:32:53 auto suggestion
0:32:55 and it's contrary to all scientific
0:32:56 spirit to assert
0:32:58 without evidence that he had been an
0:33:00 imposter
0:33:01 in posture and calculation the whole
0:33:04 history of the arab prophet proves
0:33:06 that his character is positive serious
0:33:09 and loyal
0:33:10 and you know what allah says this god
0:33:12 says this in the quran he says
0:33:17 that allah says or the god says about
0:33:20 his prophet he said we certainly know
0:33:22 that what they say about you grieves you
0:33:24 oh prophet
0:33:32 it is not your honesty that they
0:33:35 question
0:33:36 it is allah signs and the wrongdoers
0:33:38 that the wrongdoers deny
0:33:40 so the example the prophet in his
0:33:43 lifetime was known to be sadiq
0:33:46 he was considered to be sad someone
0:33:48 who's trustworthy and he's truthful
0:33:50 one time he gathered his whole uh tribe
0:33:53 all the people of makkah the quraish
0:33:56 tribes
0:33:57 near a mountain called safa and he asked
0:34:00 them this is before he declared
0:34:01 prophethood
0:34:02 he said if i say that an army is
0:34:04 advancing on you from behind the
0:34:06 mountains
0:34:06 will you believe me all of them said yes
0:34:08 in one voice
0:34:10 yes because we have never heard you
0:34:11 telling a lie
0:34:13 so this is something that none of his
0:34:16 people
0:34:16 before he claimed to be a prophet
0:34:18 considered him to be a liar
0:34:20 in actual fact the prophet was so strict
0:34:22 when it came to the truth
0:34:23 is that one of the companions when he
0:34:25 the prophet was joking
0:34:26 one of the companions said oh messenger
0:34:28 of allah do you joke with us
0:34:30 the messenger of allah he said peace and
0:34:32 blessing be upon him said yes
0:34:34 i do but i say nothing but the truth so
0:34:36 even when you are telling a joke
0:34:39 as a muslim you are not allowed to tell
0:34:41 a lie
0:34:42 so one of the strongest proofs that he
0:34:44 is not a liar
0:34:46 is that a perpetual liar usually has a
0:34:49 big
0:34:50 reason to lie if we analyze his life we
0:34:53 know that he was a person who was not
0:34:55 interested in the world
0:34:57 why would he choose a simple simple life
0:35:00 if he was a liar
0:35:02 montgomery what he came up with a really
0:35:04 really nice quote he said
0:35:05 he's again an orientalist he said
0:35:10 uh regarding uh the idea that he was not
0:35:12 truthful he says his readiness to
0:35:14 undergo persecution for his beliefs
0:35:16 the high moral character of the men who
0:35:19 believed in him
0:35:20 and looked up to him as a leader and the
0:35:23 greatness of his ultimate achievement
0:35:26 all argue his fundamental integrity to
0:35:29 suppose muhammad is an impostor raises
0:35:32 more problems
0:35:33 than it solves so the dichotomy between
0:35:36 the truthful of the pro the truthfulness
0:35:39 of the prophet peace and blessing be
0:35:40 upon him
0:35:41 whilst believing that he was not a
0:35:43 messenger cannot be solved
0:35:45 but to acknowledge that he was indeed a
0:35:48 prophet there's no other way
0:35:49 to point to posit that he was a good man
0:35:53 but not a messenger is rationally
0:35:56 inconsistent so let's also look at the
0:35:59 testimonies of his followers
0:36:01 you know william moyer christian
0:36:03 missionary orientalist
0:36:04 he came up with a really good quote
0:36:07 really good quote
0:36:08 he said he was taught he was arguing
0:36:11 that one of the most
0:36:12 important things that enhanced the
0:36:14 truthfulness of the prophet was that the
0:36:16 first people
0:36:17 to accept him were those who knew him
0:36:20 the best those who are closest to him
0:36:23 because if
0:36:24 think about this someone who's
0:36:25 pretending to be an impostor
0:36:27 they wouldn't try to tell their family
0:36:30 and their friends those who know him
0:36:32 but go to another city and try to you
0:36:34 know uh you know sell a lie over there
0:36:37 because they don't know who he is so
0:36:39 listen to what william moyer says it is
0:36:40 a really powerful argument he says
0:36:43 it is strongly corroborative of
0:36:45 muhammad's sincerity
0:36:47 that the earliest converts to islam were
0:36:50 his
0:36:51 his friends and the people of his
0:36:53 household
0:36:54 who intimately acquaint who are
0:36:56 intimately acquainted with his private
0:36:58 life
0:36:59 could not fail otherwise to have
0:37:02 detected those discrepancies
0:37:04 which more or less invariably exist
0:37:06 between the professions of the
0:37:08 hypocritical deceiver abroad
0:37:10 and his actions at home really powerful
0:37:13 argument the people who know you the
0:37:15 best are your parents your wife
0:37:18 your husband you know your children your
0:37:21 best friends they are the ones who know
0:37:22 you the best
0:37:23 and they tend to be the people who will
0:37:26 not accept you
0:37:28 if you make such a big claim and yet
0:37:30 when it came to the prophet muhammad
0:37:31 peace and blessing upon him the first
0:37:32 one to become muslim
0:37:34 was his wife khadija then his cousin ali
0:37:37 then his
0:37:37 servant zaid then his best friend abu
0:37:40 bakr all of these people became muslim
0:37:42 as soon as he said it so let's look at
0:37:45 the testimony of his
0:37:47 enemies regarding his truthfulness abu
0:37:50 sufyan who at that moment in time was an
0:37:52 enemy to the prophet he later became
0:37:54 muslim and he had a meeting with
0:37:56 heracles
0:37:57 heracles you know this great roman
0:38:02 emperor he you know he he's
0:38:05 he he basically asks he asks about the
0:38:08 religion of
0:38:09 the prophet he asks about islam and he
0:38:11 said that
0:38:13 he said that he actually said have you
0:38:15 ever accused him
0:38:16 of telling lies before he claimed to be
0:38:18 a prophet
0:38:19 abu sufyan said no iraqi says does he
0:38:22 break his promises
0:38:23 and then hara then abu safyan he said no
0:38:26 we are our truce with him
0:38:28 but we do not know what he will do in it
0:38:31 and i could not find the opportunity
0:38:33 he said abu sufyan said i could not find
0:38:35 the opportunity to say anything against
0:38:37 him
0:38:38 except that and then
0:38:41 um heracles said i further asked whether
0:38:44 he was ever accused
0:38:46 of telling lies before he said what he
0:38:48 said and your reply was in the negative
0:38:50 so i wondered
0:38:51 how a person who does not tell a lie
0:38:54 about others
0:38:55 could tell a lie about god
0:38:58 so in conclusion i have we have
0:39:02 discussed three
0:39:03 main points the first thing is why do we
0:39:06 need a profit
0:39:08 and i've gone into some detail as to why
0:39:09 we need a profit the second
0:39:11 thing is who can be a prophet
0:39:14 and the final thing that i discuss is
0:39:17 why the prophet muhammad peace and
0:39:18 blessings be upon him
0:39:20 is in fact a true prophet
0:39:23 now i've actually discussed this in a
0:39:25 very kind of academic way
0:39:27 but i'm going to mention something in a
0:39:30 very
0:39:31 easy way because maybe some of the
0:39:32 things that i mentioned went over your
0:39:34 head
0:39:34 or maybe uh it's not very clear i'm
0:39:37 going to do i'm going to use
0:39:38 an argument that is called the trilemma
0:39:41 all right the trilemma
0:39:42 is that uh that muhammad peace and
0:39:45 blessing be upon him
0:39:46 was either uh
0:39:51 an imposter he was mad or he was
0:39:53 truthful
0:39:54 right so very it's a very clear uh
0:39:58 clear way of of of of actually
0:40:01 understanding
0:40:02 that the prophet muhammad peace and
0:40:03 blessing upon him was in fact a true
0:40:05 prophet
0:40:05 so first of all either he was imposter
0:40:08 or he's truthful right let's just
0:40:10 discuss
0:40:10 whether if he was an imposter if he was
0:40:13 an imposter
0:40:14 he was either insincere or he was
0:40:17 sincere but he was mad
0:40:19 so if he was insincere then what if
0:40:22 what his motivations his motivations
0:40:24 would be uh
0:40:26 women money and status okay so if he was
0:40:29 lying for women
0:40:30 then you know he actually decreased or
0:40:33 he actually
0:40:34 decreased the number of women that a man
0:40:36 can marry
0:40:37 from unlimited to fall he's he he
0:40:41 he made obligatory bridal gifts
0:40:43 something that was not there at the time
0:40:45 uh before and it was actually being
0:40:47 abused should i say
0:40:48 women can expect to be maintained women
0:40:51 were permitted to
0:40:52 inherit from their family something
0:40:53 which is unheard of in the world let
0:40:55 alone in arabia
0:40:56 that women are equal to men in terms of
0:40:59 their reward that they can gain right so
0:41:02 wives have some right
0:41:03 over their husbands so islam
0:41:07 and so on and so forth so if he was
0:41:09 lying for wealth
0:41:10 was he was ready wealthy from the
0:41:12 marriage of his first wife khadija
0:41:14 islam prescribed charity to direct it to
0:41:17 the needy
0:41:18 any wealth received was spent on the
0:41:20 needy he refused to prefer his family
0:41:22 over the needy
0:41:23 uh he lived a very simple humble
0:41:25 lifestyle and he died with minimal
0:41:27 wealth
0:41:28 if he was lying for status then he was
0:41:31 from
0:41:32 the tribe of banu hashim who are
0:41:34 considered to be the most respected and
0:41:36 the best
0:41:37 most uh honored uh
0:41:40 tribe in his in the city that was living
0:41:42 in uh
0:41:43 and he was you know he he was actually
0:41:45 he had a hand in rebuilding the kaaba
0:41:47 this is a great honor and status for him
0:41:50 he was parked he was he was part of a
0:41:52 pact which
0:41:53 which was you know was considered to be
0:41:55 very honorable he had a lot of status
0:41:56 because of that
0:41:57 the prophethood starts with fear doubt
0:41:59 and despair and you know he was actually
0:42:01 offered uh to become a king of arabia
0:42:04 or of of of makkah of mecca
0:42:08 if he gave up the preaching of uh of of
0:42:11 um
0:42:11 of the oneness of god and also he is
0:42:15 rarely mentioned in the quran he has
0:42:17 only mentioned by name maybe four or
0:42:19 five times the entire quran
0:42:21 if he was lying for status then we would
0:42:23 find his name all over the quran but it
0:42:26 certainly is not the case so if he was
0:42:29 not an impostor maybe he was sincere but
0:42:30 mad
0:42:31 that's a possibility but we the allah
0:42:33 says oh god says in the quran
0:42:37 your companion that you've seen from
0:42:40 from birth
0:42:41 until he has become an adult you know
0:42:44 that he's not mad
0:42:45 he can't be mad just because you know
0:42:47 just overnight just like this
0:42:49 and there were so many people they
0:42:51 realized people who were enemies who
0:42:53 became
0:42:54 uh who end up embracing islam and they
0:42:56 re they knew
0:42:57 that this tag that they were giving him
0:42:59 that he was a madman
0:43:00 was only to undermine him not that it
0:43:02 was actually the truth
0:43:04 so when we take out these two
0:43:05 possibilities the fact that he was
0:43:07 insincere or that he was sincere but mad
0:43:09 the only other possibility is that he
0:43:12 was truthful
0:43:13 and this should actually end the
0:43:16 debate so i hope that i've not been
0:43:19 speaking to myself because i can't see
0:43:21 him right here on the screen
0:43:22 um but if you have any uh oh you're here
0:43:25 i'm wrong great
0:43:26 okay i mean i was worried i was worried
0:43:28 you know that when you left oh my god i
0:43:30 was
0:43:30 checking my phone making sure that am i
0:43:31 just speaking to you no i was there i
0:43:33 was happy a few times you know
0:43:35 sometimes i'm on the phone and then it
0:43:37 cuts off and then
0:43:38 i'm speaking to myself for like two
0:43:39 minutes
0:43:41 now i was there i was just looking at
0:43:43 the comments and making sure everything
0:43:45 was uh
0:43:46 going smoothly back in the challenge
0:43:49 so what we'll do we'll open up the q a
0:43:50 inshallah and uh
0:43:52 there's a question that's come from
0:43:53 brothers and sisters while we address
0:43:55 the first question if you have any
0:43:56 questions
0:43:57 uh foreign because there were some
0:44:00 masala some you know interesting and
0:44:03 technical points
0:44:04 which may be difficult to understand the
0:44:06 first time around so if you have
0:44:07 questions please do ask inshallah we'll
0:44:09 put them down and we'll pop them up on
0:44:10 the screen so
0:44:12 first question uh by dk
0:44:16 says i believe that he has taken things
0:44:18 from jewish sources referring to the
0:44:19 prophet
0:44:20 sallam uh hence why islam is almost a
0:44:22 mirror of judaism
0:44:24 now would you like to address this
0:44:26 inshallah
0:44:27 yeah so okay
0:44:32 him taking it from jewish sources
0:44:35 actually in actual fact when i was
0:44:36 actually uh researching this idea
0:44:39 uh of prophethood because i was doing a
0:44:41 lot of research on this topic
0:44:42 um you know one of the things that i was
0:44:44 looking at uh
0:44:46 in in a lot of detail is this argument
0:44:50 related to whether he had taken it
0:44:53 from jewish uh sources so
0:44:56 there's a number of number of things uh
0:44:59 to have in mind when we're talking about
0:45:01 him taking it from jewish sources
0:45:03 but the first thing is did he have
0:45:05 access to those sources so the
0:45:07 christian sources the jewish sources is
0:45:10 this something that the prophet
0:45:11 had had access to and we will actually
0:45:14 find that in actual fact that at that
0:45:16 time and i did some research on this
0:45:17 point
0:45:18 uh that at the time when prophet
0:45:20 muhammad was
0:45:21 around in the seventh century in arabia
0:45:25 at the time in which he was living there
0:45:27 was no translation
0:45:29 of the bible of the old or new testament
0:45:31 or the talmud or anything like this
0:45:33 right in the arabic language the
0:45:36 only things that they had were in
0:45:39 non-arabic
0:45:40 language so even if he had access to
0:45:43 them
0:45:44 then then we would then we
0:45:47 which is which is a massive stretch then
0:45:50 how was he able to learn these things
0:45:52 when he was
0:45:53 someone who's not able to read and write
0:45:54 he was not an
0:45:56 academic scholar and in actual fact
0:45:58 there were times when
0:46:00 uh you know he would contradict what is
0:46:03 considered to be
0:46:04 uh aspects from the jude jude judaism
0:46:07 judaic christian
0:46:08 uh uh uh um uh narratives
0:46:11 so i'll give you an example so if you
0:46:14 look at
0:46:15 even in the mundane things let's just
0:46:16 say okay from law that he took it from
0:46:18 christians and jews and so on and so
0:46:20 forth
0:46:20 okay let's talk about it from a from a
0:46:23 less
0:46:23 uh something that a an impostor could
0:46:26 get away with
0:46:28 and that is uh from a story right so a
0:46:31 story doesn't have
0:46:32 too much of an impact in terms of the
0:46:34 message
0:46:35 uh as long as it's you know in line with
0:46:39 monotheism and so on and so forth right
0:46:40 so even in very simple things when we
0:46:43 when we actually look at the story of
0:46:45 joseph or this
0:46:45 the 12th chapter of the quran which is
0:46:48 called surah yusuf which is a
0:46:49 story just on on one of the prophets
0:46:52 um joseph
0:46:55 the if you compare the stories is so
0:46:57 fascinating because it's not just
0:46:59 uh some the quran doesn't just differ
0:47:02 from the the the old testament version
0:47:06 of it
0:47:06 in big matters but even in small matters
0:47:09 right so
0:47:10 it just doesn't make sense so if you are
0:47:12 going to say that you know
0:47:13 prophet muhammad peace and blessing be
0:47:15 upon him took it from the uh you know
0:47:17 judaic uh christian or even you know um
0:47:21 from the christian religion that's not
0:47:23 completely true there are
0:47:24 certainly certain things which are there
0:47:27 which are found in the jewish and the
0:47:28 christian
0:47:29 uh traditions but not fully so you
0:47:32 because we can we as muslims you can we
0:47:35 consider
0:47:36 islam to be from one of the abrahamic
0:47:39 religions right
0:47:40 so it's considered to be one of the
0:47:41 abrahamic religions so of course there
0:47:43 are going to be some similarities
0:47:45 there are going to be certain things
0:47:46 some concepts which islam agrees with
0:47:48 because islam hasn't come
0:47:50 out of out of nowhere it's actually a
0:47:52 continuation in actual fact each
0:47:54 prophet was sent in order to um to
0:47:57 correct
0:47:58 the the the you know how far the people
0:48:00 had had actually got away from
0:48:02 uh what their previous prophet had
0:48:05 taught and we believe
0:48:06 as muslims that this has certainly
0:48:07 happened with uh with other religions
0:48:10 so to say that this has come just he
0:48:12 just took it from
0:48:13 from judaism just it's not academically
0:48:17 it doesn't even rationally make uh make
0:48:19 sense
0:48:21 absolutely and just to uh
0:48:24 just quickly if i may add a quick point
0:48:26 on that like you said
0:48:28 like you said um that it is actually an
0:48:30 interesting book by a
0:48:31 professor named one cole on the prophet
0:48:34 sallam it's a recent book that is
0:48:35 published
0:48:36 which predominantly takes into
0:48:38 consideration the environment of the
0:48:39 prophet said between the romans and the
0:48:41 persians who were
0:48:42 at each other's throats literally at
0:48:44 that point in history and he does
0:48:46 mention the process went on caravan
0:48:48 you know trips and he traveled he may
0:48:50 have come across
0:48:51 and you know ideas of jews are
0:48:52 christians but
0:48:54 one thing we have to keep in mind the
0:48:55 process didn't have
0:48:58 the he didn't have as much information
0:49:00 as is required about
0:49:02 judaism and christianity for someone to
0:49:04 take these religions
0:49:06 so make a mix of them and not only that
0:49:09 but to then correct
0:49:10 them where they're going wrong and and
0:49:12 point things out about them which only
0:49:13 someone
0:49:14 extremely trained in their theologies
0:49:16 would know
0:49:17 right so we see the quran correcting the
0:49:20 jews and christians at certain points in
0:49:21 regards to their own theology their own
0:49:23 outlook their own views their own laws
0:49:25 etc
0:49:25 so i thought that was a very interesting
0:49:27 point that even if you say the person
0:49:29 had access to
0:49:31 some christians or he may have met some
0:49:33 christians on his journeys and
0:49:34 jews but he didn't have the type of
0:49:37 scholarly knowledge
0:49:38 about their religions that's required
0:49:40 for one to do what people are claiming
0:49:42 he did or some of the orientalists claim
0:49:43 he did
0:49:44 claim he did um so i just wanted to add
0:49:45 that i think you know the claim
0:49:47 is that someone oh he just copy judaism
0:49:50 with copy christianity if you really
0:49:51 sort of scrutinize it you see it falls
0:49:53 apart
0:49:54 um so on that point yeah yeah
0:49:58 it's really interesting because even uh
0:50:00 i'm currently doing a phd at the moment
0:50:02 uh so i'm kind of a little bit familiar
0:50:03 with some of the what the uh current
0:50:05 academics are actually saying and
0:50:06 they're not
0:50:07 they're not even using these lines
0:50:09 anymore because they're just being
0:50:10 debunked this is this kind of thing
0:50:13 about the borrowing theory
0:50:15 is something that that you know the
0:50:17 orientalists from the previous
0:50:19 generation used to use like montgomery
0:50:21 what and moya and others as well
0:50:23 that has been really you know has been
0:50:25 refuted quite um
0:50:27 quite quite emphatically and even the
0:50:29 current
0:50:30 uh orientalists or the you know people
0:50:32 who are involved in islamic studies from
0:50:34 a non-muslim perspective
0:50:36 who are very much against islam they're
0:50:37 not even bringing up these arguments
0:50:39 anymore
0:50:40 so it's a really old argument that that
0:50:42 is just not even
0:50:43 considered to be credible anymore
0:50:46 a question here uh by rtq
0:50:50 ssqh i'm not going to try to
0:50:53 spell that but they say what if someone
0:50:56 says that and this is again
0:50:58 an orientalist argument what if someone
0:50:59 says that wanted to create
0:51:01 changes in morality society etc due to
0:51:04 the injustice at the time
0:51:05 amongst the people so essentially what
0:51:06 they're saying is he was a good person
0:51:10 he saw those problems in society moral
0:51:12 issues so
0:51:13 what he did he made this white lie
0:51:15 quote-unquote white light up which is to
0:51:17 say
0:51:18 you know i have to fix these social
0:51:19 moral problems i have to therefore make
0:51:21 up this idea that i'm a prophet
0:51:22 and take power and then reform society
0:51:25 morally
0:51:26 so they're saying what if that was his
0:51:27 objective how would you address
0:51:29 this point yeah so if so if that was a
0:51:32 case then he could have done that within
0:51:34 the first year
0:51:35 or a first couple of years of him being
0:51:37 a prophet because he was offered the
0:51:38 chance
0:51:39 to make a reform to become the king of
0:51:42 the whole of society so you know in
0:51:44 actual fact that
0:51:45 you know some people uh within his tribe
0:51:48 said look can you stop preaching about
0:51:50 the oneness of god uh
0:51:52 because that is the main thing it's not
0:51:53 about you know what is right and what is
0:51:56 wrong
0:51:56 the biggest wrong we consider it to be
0:51:59 in islam
0:52:00 is the associating of partners with god
0:52:02 or to say that god doesn't exist
0:52:04 right so he they said stop preaching
0:52:06 this and what we'll do is that we'll
0:52:08 make a compromise with you
0:52:09 you know one year you'll be the king for
0:52:11 one year and we'll worship your god
0:52:13 everyone worship your god
0:52:14 and in the second year we will get
0:52:16 everyone to uh worship our gods
0:52:19 right so it wasn't even about reforming
0:52:21 injustice he could have done that
0:52:22 straight away
0:52:23 you know so again that's that that
0:52:25 really uh
0:52:26 is not is not completely correct because
0:52:29 even there are certain things also
0:52:31 that the prophet wanted to do himself
0:52:35 but then god actually said to him no you
0:52:37 shouldn't have done that you should have
0:52:38 done it this way
0:52:39 so that's another proof of the fact that
0:52:41 it wasn't the revelation wasn't coming
0:52:43 from him
0:52:44 you know what is considered to be right
0:52:45 and wrong wasn't something that
0:52:47 came from the prophet but it actually
0:52:49 came from god that was sent down to the
0:52:51 prophet
0:52:53 so dk again he's making a further point
0:52:55 i think he's saying jews pray three
0:52:57 times a day muslims five we wash me
0:52:59 prayer we eat kosher halal uh the list
0:53:02 is endless so again he's making the
0:53:03 point about similarities and sheikh
0:53:05 you pointed out that you know similarity
0:53:08 doesn't it doesn't logically follow just
0:53:09 because two things are similar
0:53:11 therefore they copied each other it can
0:53:13 very well be the case that
0:53:15 two things are similar therefore they
0:53:16 come from the same source that's exactly
0:53:18 what you were saying right
0:53:19 exactly so an example i normally give on
0:53:22 this point is
0:53:23 take for example ibn kathir a famous
0:53:25 exege
0:53:26 of the quran and we know he wrote many
0:53:30 books
0:53:30 you know he wrote history and we know he
0:53:32 wrote absir now when you read both of
0:53:34 them you see that there's many things
0:53:35 that
0:53:36 emerge in both books right you will see
0:53:38 things in ibm
0:53:40 which are right now just because you see
0:53:43 similar things you don't conclude that
0:53:45 they copied one another
0:53:47 yeah you can conclude well it's the same
0:53:49 author so essentially what you were
0:53:50 saying
0:53:51 is we believe that there is one god and
0:53:53 the same god has sent messages
0:53:54 throughout history he sent messengers to
0:53:56 the jewish people
0:53:57 and other people and if you see
0:53:59 similarities this is because the source
0:54:00 is the same
0:54:01 right exactly so anything else you want
0:54:04 to add on this point because i've seen
0:54:05 this come up a few times
0:54:06 or in the comments yeah i mean um
0:54:11 we there of course there's going to be
0:54:12 similarities if we have similar profits
0:54:15 right there's definitely going to be
0:54:16 similarities and but there are things
0:54:19 which
0:54:20 we don't uh that are not similar so for
0:54:22 instance you said it in your question as
0:54:23 well
0:54:24 dk the jews pray three times a day
0:54:26 muslim freight five that's not a
0:54:27 similarity that's actually a
0:54:28 dissimilarity right
0:54:30 so um there are obviously some some
0:54:33 similarities like you mentioned washing
0:54:34 before the prayer
0:54:36 uh but then you know there are so many
0:54:38 other things it's fundamental things
0:54:40 that we completely disagree upon and one
0:54:42 of the most fundamental things that we
0:54:44 disagree upon
0:54:45 um is that is the proof is the
0:54:48 truthfulness of the prophet
0:54:49 uh muhammad peace and blessing be upon
0:54:51 him and in actual fact the
0:54:52 the prophet was very uh what was very um
0:54:57 careful or he really wanted the jews in
0:54:59 medina
0:55:00 when he went from makkah he made
0:55:02 migration makkah to medina
0:55:04 he was really trying to do um
0:55:07 trying to trying to kind of attract uh
0:55:10 the jews to uh islam and in actual fact
0:55:15 to include another similarity is that
0:55:17 the muslims
0:55:19 in the in that when they were used to be
0:55:21 a mecca before the prophet
0:55:22 migrated they used to pray towards uh
0:55:25 masjid al-aqsa which is in jerusalem
0:55:27 um and so this is what the jews did
0:55:31 in that time as well but then it was
0:55:32 changed you know there are certain
0:55:34 abrogations actually happen
0:55:35 from uh profit to profit or from system
0:55:38 to system as well
0:55:41 like you said uh quite clearly uh iran
0:55:43 is that
0:55:44 we we have similarities but that doesn't
0:55:46 mean that it's
0:55:47 everything's borrowed it's just the same
0:55:50 source
0:55:51 as and that's what islam teaches right
0:55:53 allah says god sent many messages
0:55:55 um i've got a question for you on what
0:55:58 you mentioned
0:55:59 um about the trilemma okay and you
0:56:02 you mentioned it at the end and i think
0:56:04 there was someone earlier up i couldn't
0:56:06 find a comment now
0:56:08 um but they said something about
0:56:12 it i don't i don't think they
0:56:14 appreciated the logic behind the
0:56:16 trilemma
0:56:17 so can you just summarize that for us
0:56:18 again and highlight you know what you're
0:56:20 saying there please inshallah
0:56:22 yeah so there's three possibilities when
0:56:24 it comes to the prophet there's three
0:56:25 possibilities number one
0:56:27 he was an imposter right
0:56:31 uh or number two he was
0:56:35 not an impostor but he was sorry let's
0:56:38 say in a different he was insincere
0:56:40 right or he's impostor number two that
0:56:42 he was sincere
0:56:44 but he was mad in that he believed
0:56:47 himself to be a prophet
0:56:48 but he but he was he was someone who was
0:56:51 who
0:56:51 was mad right and the third thing or the
0:56:54 third
0:56:55 only other option is that he was
0:56:56 truthful so if we explore the first
0:56:58 possibility
0:56:59 that he was someone who is insincere or
0:57:02 he was
0:57:03 an imposter then there has to be a
0:57:05 reason why
0:57:06 he would uh pretend to be a prophet when
0:57:09 he wasn't a prophet
0:57:10 so the three main possibilities was
0:57:13 women
0:57:13 was wealth or status and those three
0:57:16 possibilities
0:57:17 they are not reflected in uh his life
0:57:20 at all and i went through a lot of the
0:57:22 examples as well the second possibility
0:57:25 is that he was sincere but he was mad
0:57:27 this is an argument of some of the
0:57:28 orientalists
0:57:29 uh but they fall short of this how is it
0:57:32 someone who isn't mad
0:57:33 can actually be so coherent can be so
0:57:36 you know someone must have realized you
0:57:38 know even his own enemies
0:57:40 um they ended up becoming muslims right
0:57:45 they must have realized that he's you
0:57:46 know that this person
0:57:48 was mad but clearly he wasn't right
0:57:51 uh because there has to be certain uh
0:57:53 you know certain traits or certain
0:57:55 things that would
0:57:56 would lead you to believe that he was
0:57:58 mad and no one's able to bring any proof
0:58:00 for that
0:58:00 and the final possibility was that he
0:58:03 was truthful and this is the only
0:58:04 logical thing that you can do because i
0:58:07 i also
0:58:08 mentioned this other than the trilemma i
0:58:09 mentioned this as well that there's only
0:58:11 two possibilities either you believe the
0:58:13 prophet
0:58:13 to be the most truthful of people or you
0:58:16 consider
0:58:17 him to be the biggest of liar so if you
0:58:19 consid if you say that he
0:58:20 is someone who never told a lie in his
0:58:23 whole life
0:58:24 right then you are forced to believe
0:58:26 that he is a prophet there's no other
0:58:28 option
0:58:29 but then if you say that he was a liar
0:58:31 then come with the proof
0:58:32 and you won't find any proof from his
0:58:35 life
0:58:35 from his own enemies from his followers
0:58:38 someone must have seen something
0:58:40 not one person's ever said that he's
0:58:42 ever said that he's actually told
0:58:44 a lie right so this the problem
0:58:47 lies with some that some people pretend
0:58:51 or they try to be neutral as some
0:58:52 orientalists to try to be neutral
0:58:54 and they say no no no he was sincere and
0:58:56 he's truthful but we don't consider him
0:58:58 to be a prophet
0:58:59 well you've actually cornered yourself
0:59:02 by saying that you consider him to be
0:59:04 truthful
0:59:04 but not to be a prophet because you
0:59:06 can't consider him to be truthful and
0:59:08 sincere if you don't consider me a
0:59:09 prophet
0:59:10 there's only two options there's no such
0:59:12 possibility as a third option
0:59:15 one last question is uh someone asked
0:59:18 for a reference on the heracles
0:59:20 uh hadith so have you got a reference
0:59:22 you can share this um
0:59:23 not off the top of my head um you can
0:59:26 just if you
0:59:27 you can post in the comments section
0:59:28 under the video once you're done
0:59:30 inshallah
0:59:31 okay um and and then everyone have
0:59:33 access it's a very famous
0:59:34 very special incident uh if you want to
0:59:38 at least have a reference for a book
0:59:40 that you can consult that probably has
0:59:42 the
0:59:43 the first source for it is uh there's a
0:59:46 book called the life of the prophet
0:59:47 muhammad
0:59:48 uh peace and blessing be upon him uh by
0:59:50 an individual
0:59:51 by the name of muhammad so this is a
0:59:53 three
0:59:54 two i think a three volume book yeah
0:59:55 three volume book just on the life of
0:59:57 the prophet
0:59:58 and he he mentions it in there oh okay
1:00:00 fantastic so someone actually says he
1:00:02 said
1:00:03 book of revelation fantastic thank you
1:00:05 very much
1:00:07 any last uh summarizing comments words
1:00:09 before we wrap up the livestream
1:00:10 inshallah today
1:00:11 yeah so i would actually say that um uh
1:00:14 it's really good
1:00:15 uh that uh that that many of you have
1:00:17 actually attended this
1:00:18 and hopefully you're gonna learn a lot
1:00:20 in terms of the next two
1:00:22 uh lectures are gonna be coming up uh
1:00:25 next week
1:00:25 by my colleague
1:00:29 teslim and then also dr mustafa
1:00:32 but what i would actually suggest
1:00:34 everyone to do is to just learn
1:00:36 about the life of the prophet you know i
1:00:38 actually when i actually mention the
1:00:39 different arguments
1:00:41 and the different types of audience and
1:00:42 the different types of non-muslims
1:00:44 um and i said that you know you when it
1:00:46 comes to atheists and agnostics and
1:00:48 perhaps you should just talk to them
1:00:50 about
1:00:50 existence of god it's probably better to
1:00:52 speak to them
1:00:53 the idea of the proof of profit here is
1:00:55 so powerful
1:00:57 that it's actually like a short circuit
1:00:59 that you could talk about to talk about
1:01:01 it to even people who don't even believe
1:01:02 in god
1:01:03 right it's so powerful that you can
1:01:05 speak it to an atheist regarding it and
1:01:06 if you're able to prove
1:01:08 the proof of prophethood to an atheist
1:01:10 then he actually deals with everything
1:01:11 else
1:01:12 and that's why the the idea of proof of
1:01:15 prophethood is
1:01:16 considered to be one of the strongest
1:01:17 proofs of islam and
1:01:19 probably the most written argument
1:01:22 amongst muslim scholars there's so much
1:01:25 material on this topic in the arabic
1:01:26 language
1:01:27 uh because it it it's something which
1:01:29 was you know
1:01:30 which was discussed because they were
1:01:33 talking about
1:01:34 who could possibly become be the author
1:01:36 of the quran it's impossible
1:01:38 that is the prophet and then they
1:01:39 started talking about the proof of
1:01:41 prophet from that angle
1:01:43 so i recommend everyone to to read a
1:01:45 biography of the prophet
1:01:46 uh what i would suggest is that if
1:01:48 you've only got very short time
1:01:49 uh i would actually there's a really
1:01:51 good uh in the introduction of
1:01:53 the professor abdul haleem's translation
1:01:55 of the quran he mentioned about four
1:01:57 pages
1:01:58 uh a very nice overview of the summary
1:02:00 of the prophet
1:02:02 uh if you're looking for something a bit
1:02:03 more to read then there's actually a
1:02:05 book by written by
1:02:06 a scholar by abul hassan ali nadui it's
1:02:09 an intermediate book it's very good
1:02:11 and he basically talks about um the life
1:02:14 of the prophet in about 100 pages is
1:02:15 very good
1:02:16 if you want to if you're looking for
1:02:17 something a bit more academic
1:02:19 then there's a really good book called
1:02:21 seera and the orientalists or the life
1:02:24 of the prophet and the orientalist
1:02:25 and it's written by muhammad muharra ali
1:02:28 so those are three books that you can
1:02:30 console for beginner
1:02:32 intermediate and advanced
1:02:35 bless you for coming on uh so brothers
1:02:37 and sisters uh
1:02:39 and by the way i was gonna that was the
1:02:40 last question i was gonna ask you what
1:02:41 book would you recommend
1:02:42 what books would you recommend on the on
1:02:43 the topic you've done that uh so
1:02:44 brothers and sisters
1:02:46 for coming online if you're joining us
1:02:47 late please watch the recorded
1:02:49 um stream it should be up on youtube by
1:02:51 tomorrow i think uploaded
1:02:53 as probably immediately on facebook
1:02:55 watch it share it inshallah and
1:02:58 we have two more parts of this series so
1:03:00 we're gonna have one next friday i want
1:03:01 the following friday which is going to
1:03:02 build on what
1:03:03 started ourselves laid down as the
1:03:04 foundations and we'll carry on the
1:03:06 discussions then may allah bless you
1:03:08 salaam alaihi