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Disproving Ahmadiyyah with one Argument. (2019-10-10)


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Summary of Disproving Ahmadiyyah with one Argument.

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00:00:00 - 00:15:00

discusses how Ahmadiyyah Muslims are susceptible to violence or oppression because of their beliefs. It argues that prophecies are not a good measure of a prophet's truthfulness, and that Ahmadiyyah prophecies are false because they are self-serving and contain ambiguities.

00:00:00 argues that Ahmadiyya Muslims are susceptible to violence or oppression because of their beliefs, and that prophecies are not a good measure of a prophet's truthfulness.

  • 00:05:00 of the YouTube video explains how prophecies can be tested by looking at two examples: one where the prophet said that a kindly treatment would be given to a family if they accepted a proposal, and another where the prophet said that a man would die within two and a half years of marrying a woman. argues that, based on these examples, the prophet was not telling the truth about the future.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses a number of Ahmadiyyah prophecies, disproving them one by one. argues that Ahmadiyyah prophecies are false because they are self-serving and contain ambiguities. He also argues that Ahmadiyyah is not a Muslim sect, as it does not adhere to the basic principles of Islam.
  • 00:15:00 a Muslim disproofs Ahmadiyyah by citing Quranic passages and Hadith. He argues that Ahmadiyyah is false because its adherents believe in things that are contrary to what the Prophet Mohammed and his companions believed. However, he also notes that Sunnis believe in Muhammad as the final prophet, and that they understand his teachings linguistically.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 Salam alaikum warahmatullahi what I care
0:00:02 - how are you guys doing and this is a
0:00:04 short video hopefully which is meant to
0:00:07 elucidate our brothers and humanity from
0:00:11 the at midi community of course we
0:00:14 understand that the ahmadiyya community
0:00:16 is a small community of about ten
0:00:19 million people worldwide according to
0:00:21 statistics and then we also understand
0:00:23 that they because of that because of
0:00:26 that may be susceptible to kind of
0:00:29 violence or oppression all these things
0:00:31 Wow so the first thing we should
0:00:33 actually sell by saying is that whenever
0:00:36 you see people who who are susceptible
0:00:40 to those things we should be careful not
0:00:42 to twist you know ideological points of
0:00:45 contention theological points of
0:00:47 contention which I'm going to raise in
0:00:48 fact in this video to religious violence
0:00:52 or oppression or anything like that so
0:00:55 that's that's a disclaimer that I want
0:00:56 to make and just for those who don't
0:00:58 understand who and what the Atman is aa
0:01:02 the admin is are a group of people who
0:01:04 believe in the Quran the veracity of the
0:01:06 Quran and they actually even believe in
0:01:09 the son now the you know the the
0:01:11 literature of the Muslims of the Sunni
0:01:14 Muslims like Bukhari Muslim etc and what
0:01:18 they also believe which is what
0:01:19 separates them from the main body of
0:01:21 Sunni Islam and Shia Islam the fact that
0:01:25 there was a prophet that came after they
0:01:26 call him what I'm Ahmed now this man was
0:01:28 a man who was born 1835 and died in 1908
0:01:32 and was in British occupied India at
0:01:36 that time now I'm not gonna go to
0:01:38 conspiracy theories about him lazing and
0:01:40 conspiring with the British it of course
0:01:42 this is the main stream kind of
0:01:44 narrative within Sunni circles which is
0:01:47 that you know he was conspiring with a
0:01:49 British or he was enacting the British
0:01:51 will in that you know he kind of unquiet
0:01:57 eyes the the obligation of jihad
0:02:01 physical fighting back because the
0:02:04 British at that time they had an agenda
0:02:07 of course to to
0:02:11 do you militarize if you like the
0:02:14 aggressing military elements of the
0:02:17 indian colonial people's that's that's a
0:02:21 conspiracy i will call it or it could be
0:02:23 true
0:02:23 i'm not going into the details of this
0:02:25 now because it's not my area of interest
0:02:27 at this point in time but it's important
0:02:30 just to know what kind of narratives are
0:02:32 out there now here's what I do want to
0:02:34 say what you think is very important how
0:02:37 do we know a profit is a profit this is
0:02:39 a good question
0:02:40 okay how do we know a profit is a profit
0:02:41 now in the Islamic tradition I've
0:02:43 already made the argument that from a
0:02:45 completely textual basis that they
0:02:48 cannot be seen to be any profit that
0:02:49 comes after Prophet Muhammad why because
0:02:52 of the versions of lab where he's
0:02:54 referred to as hot and hot in the
0:02:56 beginning so that he's the scene of the
0:03:00 profits point is also the final prophet
0:03:02 now linguists and professor hoon
0:03:04 exegetes of the Quran through all of
0:03:06 history have said that this means that
0:03:08 he is the final prophet the Prophet
0:03:09 himself said in Buhari
0:03:11 in many different anyway I have in fact
0:03:13 different narrations that let it be
0:03:15 about me there's no prophet afternoon
0:03:16 now this is the strongest argument and
0:03:18 there are many arguments which are
0:03:19 subsidiary to those arguments we shall
0:03:21 meet to show that there cannot be a
0:03:24 prophet after prophet Muhammad from an
0:03:26 Islamic perspective however there's an
0:03:28 argument I want to make today which is a
0:03:30 different kind of argument you see well
0:03:32 I'm with himself who as we've said was
0:03:35 quite modern man in terms of his
0:03:36 political placement
0:03:38 he says the following he says that to
0:03:41 draw to judge my truthfulness or lies
0:03:43 there is no better test than prophesies
0:03:46 and he also said let it be known to the
0:03:49 unbelieving persons that my truthfulness
0:03:51 or false will be judged on my prophecies
0:03:53 there is no other touchstone for it and
0:03:56 of course I'm going to provide an
0:03:58 article with all of the references for
0:04:02 these things that he said so what he's
0:04:04 saying is and this is mentioned just
0:04:09 mentioned you know
0:04:17 in Boots where I will show you the
0:04:20 evidences for the references for those
0:04:23 particular quotations I just came as I'm
0:04:26 finding those quotations what I'm gonna
0:04:27 say is that I believe that what a madman
0:04:29 is actually right these points in fact
0:04:32 it is a good point to make that
0:04:34 prophecies are wise required for example
0:04:36 those two things to judge my
0:04:38 truthfulness of lives is no business and
0:04:40 prophecies is mentioned in a book called
0:04:42 rahani Mazzini the volume 19 page 288 is
0:04:47 also let it be known to the unbelieving
0:04:49 persons that my truthfulness or false
0:04:51 winters am uneasy there is no better
0:04:53 touchstone for it is in Amenas he mocked
0:04:55 he Islam page 208 of these references I
0:04:59 will provide in an article which I'm
0:05:02 basing it on this research on now having
0:05:05 said that he's saying basically my
0:05:06 prophecies which is my predictions of
0:05:08 the future this is the touchstone to
0:05:11 know if I'm truthful and I think this is
0:05:12 a very fair test because if someone is
0:05:14 being divinely inspired if someone is
0:05:17 being divinely inspired they should be
0:05:19 in fact yeah telling the truth about the
0:05:22 future because if God is all-knowing he
0:05:23 knows the future as well
0:05:24 very fair enough and that is actually
0:05:26 one of the challenges we as Muslims make
0:05:28 to non-muslims that if the Prophet had
0:05:31 made a prediction of the future that is
0:05:33 time-bound
0:05:34 for example place bound that ship have
0:05:38 materialized and if it can be falsified
0:05:39 this effectively falsify his prophethood
0:05:42 it's a very fair enough test because no
0:05:44 one knows the future for sure now I want
0:05:47 to just introduce you to two prophecies
0:05:48 or two or three prophecies that will I'm
0:05:50 adamant made and we want to look at
0:05:51 these prophecies and see was he telling
0:05:53 the truth or not he says what a madman
0:05:57 says in the following he says it was
0:05:59 revealed to me by the Most High God that
0:06:03 I should seek the hand of Ahmed begs
0:06:05 Eldar eldest daughter and to tell them
0:06:08 that a kindly treatment shall be dealt
0:06:11 to them if they accept the proposal and
0:06:13 that this marriage shall bring to them
0:06:15 blessings and blissful beatitude but if
0:06:18 they should refuse to do so the end of
0:06:21 the girl shall be very sad
0:06:23 and the man who shall marry her shall
0:06:26 die
0:06:26 within two and a half years and her
0:06:28 father within three years from the date
0:06:30 of marriage God the most high will
0:06:33 remove every obstacle in the end bring
0:06:36 her into marriage with me Tocqueville
0:06:38 Allah saying this yeah and turn the
0:06:40 irreligious people into Muslims and
0:06:42 bring to guidance those who have lost
0:06:45 the right path it's very clear what a
0:06:49 madman is saying that he will marry this
0:06:51 woman
0:06:52 whose name is Mohammad II Begum yeah
0:06:55 he's saying that will happen in this
0:06:56 time if this doesn't happen and so on
0:06:58 then we problematic now highs will jump
0:07:01 on this and say well hold on he says
0:07:02 that if the people repent there was a
0:07:04 condition of repentance the family if
0:07:06 the family doesn't repent then all these
0:07:08 things will happen however even after a
0:07:11 family was sending because they got a
0:07:13 little bit worried actually maybe this
0:07:14 guy is telling the truth the family side
0:07:16 writing you know letters of apology to
0:07:18 the two and so on even after that he
0:07:22 reiterated so a company because of
0:07:24 repentance he reiterated the same
0:07:26 message she said even after they
0:07:29 supposedly you know apologized and so on
0:07:31 but the death of Ahmed but beg broke
0:07:34 their backs and this was why they sent
0:07:36 letters of apology and regret so he's
0:07:38 acknowledging that they said assembly is
0:07:40 of a program as they were struck by fear
0:07:43 and terror in their hearts it was
0:07:44 essential that God the Most High
0:07:46 according to his ancient way postponed
0:07:48 the day of punishment to some later time
0:07:50 that is to the time when those people
0:07:53 again turned back fully to another time
0:07:56 of fearing and turning to God is
0:07:58 displayed as proved by the whole of the
0:08:00 Quran but the essence of the prophecy
0:08:03 that this woman will enter into this
0:08:05 marriage with me is an absolute fate
0:08:08 isn't a discovery is an absolute fate
0:08:11 which cannot be averted now this is
0:08:14 clear even after the so-called
0:08:16 repentance and apology so absolute faith
0:08:18 which were which one cannot be averted
0:08:20 he says so after these days when God the
0:08:22 most high sees that these people's
0:08:24 hearts have hardened and that they have
0:08:26 not valued the few days of respite and
0:08:29 relaxation given to them then he will
0:08:31 turn to the fulfillment of the prophecy
0:08:33 of his holy word
0:08:35 so you can't say that because of all the
0:08:37 family repented because here saying he's
0:08:38 definitely she's been definitely to be
0:08:39 married with me what did this happen
0:08:45 was he ever married to Mohamed he bigger
0:08:47 this is the question we have to ask
0:08:49 because this was saying it's absolute
0:08:50 the answer is no he never married her
0:08:54 and there's no evidence like he married
0:08:55 her in fact she got married to another
0:08:56 man now then all those bad things happen
0:08:59 to Mohammed he Begum did you know did
0:09:03 Allah break their backs and so on no
0:09:05 more so the question is how can his
0:09:09 prophecy be wrong if he knows the future
0:09:10 it seems someone may be a critical say
0:09:14 this man really wanted to get married to
0:09:15 this woman was using fear tactics to try
0:09:19 to persuade the woman for marriage but
0:09:22 that never materialized but
0:09:24 unfortunately what that did is it put
0:09:26 the cat in with the pigeons it put the
0:09:27 spanner in with the Woodworks because
0:09:29 now we can say that this is a false
0:09:31 prophecy which effectively you could
0:09:34 argue falsifies his whole claim to
0:09:38 profit so by the way he says this and
0:09:42 I'll give you the references in the
0:09:44 article you can check the other comfort
0:09:45 in the description box
0:09:46 by the way of prophecy the exalted God
0:09:49 revealed him to his number one that
0:09:51 ultimately the elder daughter of Mirza
0:09:53 Ahmed Beck son of menahalim Beck would
0:09:57 be married to me these people will
0:09:59 resort to great hostility and would put
0:10:01 many obstacles in the way but in the end
0:10:03 it would surely take place the exalted
0:10:06 God by all possible means bring her to
0:10:08 me
0:10:09 whether a virgin or a widow and would
0:10:11 remove all impediments and would of
0:10:13 necessity to the Sun and no one will be
0:10:17 able to prevent it yeah if this has been
0:10:21 in the hadith literature of the Salim
0:10:24 that he was saying that this is gonna
0:10:26 happen I'm gonna marry this woman and he
0:10:28 never did it imagine what the Orientals
0:10:29 would be doing they'll be having a field
0:10:31 day with this information now look at
0:10:36 this
0:10:36 in addition to this false prophecy yeah
0:10:38 secondary one he says it is God's
0:10:41 intention this is him again God's
0:10:44 intention that he will bring two ladies
0:10:46 in my wedlock
0:10:48 one will be a virgin and the other a
0:10:50 widow
0:10:51 therefore this inspiration now as
0:10:53 related to the version has been
0:10:55 fulfilled and presented by the grace of
0:10:57 God I have four sons from it this wife
0:10:59 I'm still waiting for the fulfillment of
0:11:01 the inspiration regarding Widow now the
0:11:03 thing is what I'm not married twice most
0:11:04 two versions he married twice before and
0:11:07 he married - harmik Bibi and no strategy
0:11:09 em bigger both of them yes both of them
0:11:13 are virgins now the question is he said
0:11:15 I'm gonna marry a virgin and the widow
0:11:16 so wait a minute we should do it the
0:11:19 other way Widow that he married well
0:11:21 someone can argue well when he married
0:11:23 her she was no longer a virgin okay well
0:11:26 this is the when she outlived him so she
0:11:28 became a widow but doesn't work like
0:11:30 that because he said he'll bring him -
0:11:32 no I - my wedlock eonni
0:11:35 that she was in that state of being a
0:11:36 widow already and then she was brought
0:11:39 to my weblog not that I made her the
0:11:41 widow or because of me she became a
0:11:43 widow Yani
0:11:44 so the two things here are interlinked
0:11:46 false prophecies relating to marriage
0:11:48 and so obviously someone will argue if
0:11:51 there was an oriental census
0:11:53 [Music]
0:11:54 self-serving prophesies because you want
0:11:57 to marry the Orient this will sell us
0:11:59 you want to hear the problem on tomorrow
0:12:00 and therefore you say you're gonna marry
0:12:02 this otherwise break your back to sand
0:12:03 that they would have a field day with
0:12:05 this and that he did not marry and so on
0:12:08 so forth by him
0:12:09 so imagine if it was us as the Sunni
0:12:11 Muslims will be here elated in front of
0:12:14 the international community with such
0:12:16 false prophecies
0:12:17 moreover well I'm Ahmed said I shall die
0:12:21 in Mecca or Medina and the man never
0:12:24 stepped foot in Mecca or Medina what
0:12:26 more do you want
0:12:27 ladies and gentlemen let's read the
0:12:29 whole thing are you taking out of
0:12:30 context
0:12:30 I don't think me brother because you
0:12:32 need you so this I shall die in Mecca
0:12:34 Medina means that before my death I
0:12:37 shall be bestowed victory like that of
0:12:39 madcap listen to this that I should say
0:12:41 that the holy prophet had vanquished his
0:12:43 enemies through them
0:12:44 sensation of majestic signs of Allah so
0:12:46 it will happen now the second meaning is
0:12:48 that before my death I shall bestow the
0:12:50 victory like that of Medina which means
0:12:53 that people's heart will be their own
0:12:55 inclined towards me the phrase God has
0:12:59 decreed I and my messengers shall
0:13:01 prevail points of victory like that was
0:13:03 Mecca and the phrase peace is the word
0:13:06 for my merciful look point to a picture
0:13:07 like that of Medina wait a minute
0:13:09 ten million people in the world which is
0:13:10 the side the size of London as a
0:13:12 religious community what Mecca Medina
0:13:14 I'm sorry to say how can you even
0:13:16 compare the victory of Muhammad's Allah
0:13:18 as something was stretched yeah from
0:13:21 Michelle a calamity never of Arabia from
0:13:24 the east part the worst is the worst
0:13:25 part of the West with such Yanni sorry
0:13:29 to say in significant gains
0:13:32 comparatively from a demographic
0:13:33 perspective of Allah but then those
0:13:36 don't forget hold on I told us the truth
0:13:39 so the Kakadu he spoke the truth
0:13:43 even though in many instances he did not
0:13:45 speak the truth - he said in so saying
0:13:48 he said to judge my truthful missile
0:13:51 lies there is no better test than
0:13:52 prophesies like we use the prophecies
0:13:54 and we come to the conclusion that
0:13:56 actually when you came to predicting the
0:13:58 future you did a miserable job you did
0:14:01 not do the right thing and therefore in
0:14:04 addition to all of those evidences that
0:14:07 point to the fact that problem house our
0:14:08 salah is the final messenger you also
0:14:10 have these clear evidences to the
0:14:13 brothers to the sisters in humanity
0:14:15 there are many brothers and sisters
0:14:16 which claim which clearly show
0:14:19 unequivocally ambiguously that Allah
0:14:22 Muhammad made false prophecies with this
0:14:24 legend gentlemen why I think we have to
0:14:26 be humble and I apologize if I came
0:14:29 across the lip of passion but it's very
0:14:30 important matter if we're gonna yeah me
0:14:33 leave a sort of album I'm going to leave
0:14:35 the bulk of the Muslim
0:14:37 body in their reasoning that remark
0:14:39 system is the final perfect the question
0:14:41 is there has to be some incredibly
0:14:43 strong evidences neither this man show
0:14:46 voilá moment that he had a revelation
0:14:49 from his own words or from the
0:14:52 information that is provided up on
0:14:54 Amazon
0:14:55 we invite the brothers and sisters in a
0:14:57 comedy sect to come to a mainstream
0:15:00 Islam and shot a lot to just go back to
0:15:03 what the Sahaba believed him
0:15:04 feminine women you meant to be for buddy
0:15:07 fellow into a loafer in them at home
0:15:08 Fisher Park if I say ik fecal mobilize
0:15:10 the Quran says if they believe in what
0:15:12 you guys believe in them they're on the
0:15:13 right path and if they go away from that
0:15:15 then they are in France question I just
0:15:18 say to the brothers let's go back to
0:15:19 what the Sahaba said on these matters
0:15:20 let's see what the morph SEO Hyun said
0:15:22 let's see what the exegete said for
0:15:24 hundreds of years was the Prophet
0:15:26 Mohammed the final prophet or not did
0:15:28 they understand it linguistically as
0:15:29 that I think you'll find that they did
0:15:32 please consider Sunni Islam Andrew oh
0:15:36 happy happy happy with open arms
0:15:38 well salam alikum warahmatu allahi learn
0:15:40 it