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Why Are We ALIVE ? Muslim/Atheist Discussion (2017-12-19)


A discussion of how we got here and where we are going .

This discussion is particularly important as it attempts to access the most rational inference for the purpose of life question.

Summary of Why Are We ALIVE ? Muslim/Atheist Discussion

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:30:00

Discusses the existence of the universe and why it began. The Muslim argues that the universe had a beginning and that everything that begins to exist has a cause. The atheist argues that the universe is simply an expanding collection of matter, and that there is no cause for its existence. then discusses the intelligent design thesis, which is that there is something, or some entity, that began the universe and controls it. Finally, the video discusses the idea that we can make our own subjective purposes.

00:00:00 , two Muslim and atheist discuss the existence of the universe and why it began. The Muslim argues that the universe had a beginning and that everything that begins to exist has a cause. The atheist argues that the universe is simply an expanding collection of matter, and that there is no cause for its existence.

  • *00:05:00 Discusses concept of randomness, and points out that it does not exist in reality. He then goes on to say that the laws of physics are ordered and are not random.
  • 00:10:00 The presenter argues that the universe must have been created by an intelligent force, and that this force must be indivisible and powerful.
  • *00:15:00 Discusses intelligent design thesis, which is that there is something, or some entity, that began the universe and controls it. then discusses the possibility that life has a fixed purpose, and that everyone has their own subjective purpose. Finally, the video discusses the idea that we can make our own subjective purposes.
  • *00:20:00 Discusses existence of an objective purpose for humans, and how this purpose is evident in the rules and regulations that govern the universe. It also explains that this purpose is what allows for communication between humans and the creator of the universe.
  • *00:25:00 Discusses hy some people believe that we are alive, despite the lack of evidence that supports it. The various rules and regulations that God allegedly put into place are also discussed, as well as the various evidences that are used to back up these claims. It is ultimately concluded that while there may be some evidence that supports our existence, it is ultimately insufficient and can be replicated by any other religion.
  • *00:30:00 Discusses how he became interested in atheism after realizing that there was no logical reason for life to exist. He then goes on to discuss how he believes that life is a gift from God and that everything happens for a reason.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:45 does that make the most okay so tell me
0:00:51 something the way I look at the universe
0:01:03 you believe the universe I'm good
0:01:05 there's theories behind that and I'm
0:01:07 open to some say that the universe
0:01:11 didn't even begin then it just it just
0:01:12 it just minimize fire what are you gonna
0:01:15 bleed about okay that's fine I think
0:01:16 you're all right I grew sorry the more
0:01:22 you go on
0:01:38 so the universe is expanding it is going
0:01:40 to come back down it's almost like what
0:02:03 you say that you said the universe had a
0:02:06 beginning yeah I see where would you
0:02:14 agree that everything that begins to
0:02:15 exist has a cause so give me an example
0:02:18 of something that begins to exist with
0:02:20 no cause so you're saying dark matter is
0:02:31 a direct consequence of the Big Bang so
0:02:34 the cause of dark matter is the Big Bang
0:02:37 if the Big Bang did not happen if
0:02:39 everything supposed to be everything the
0:02:41 universe is fine fine but so therefore
0:02:43 according to your logic if you're saying
0:02:45 dark matter
0:02:47 forget purposes little Christian but my
0:02:50 point was nothing to do with public I
0:02:52 just share everything that you said the
0:02:54 universe began to exist I'm saying
0:02:56 everything that begins to exist has a
0:02:57 cause do you agree with this fine no
0:02:59 it's okay can you give me something
0:03:01 which doesn't have a cause I'm going to
0:03:03 just pause and we began to exist achieve
0:03:06 being of course is what ways it ways it
0:03:11 coming towards ways horse is defined in
0:03:13 the dictionary as something which brings
0:03:14 rise to phenomena so I'm saying do you
0:03:19 know anything which has been brought has
0:03:22 been given rise to yes which doesn't
0:03:24 have a course plan by nothing yeah which
0:03:26 is causing us anything that's caused
0:03:29 this
0:03:30 Kansai forgotten nothing basically and
0:03:34 softly come from you get anything that
0:03:36 you can tell us that came from my face
0:03:37 yeah so your experience all subjective
0:03:43 or otherwise observational life story
0:03:47 would give us the indication about
0:03:49 everything you've witnessed in your life
0:03:52 that has ever been caused into effect
0:03:54 has a cause okay fine so I'm saying the
0:03:57 same applies to the universe you agree
0:03:59 with that fine
0:04:00 so everything that begins to exist on
0:04:01 the course the universe began to exist
0:04:03 therefore the universe had a corkscrew
0:04:05 right fine what's this course yeah so
0:04:10 let's use deductive inference yeah let's
0:04:12 use inference now to identify what the
0:04:14 causes this possible explanation yeah so
0:04:16 what is the best possible explanation
0:04:18 for this course depends depending on
0:04:20 what causes do you agree that the laws
0:04:23 of physics and ask your questions
0:04:25 what's your name again Brian Mohammed
0:04:29 that's too much
0:04:31 I want to try something with you okay
0:04:33 hope it's not physical the laws of
0:04:38 physics do you agree that there are
0:04:41 something called the laws of physics
0:04:43 yeah there's probably some things out
0:04:48 there is this universe ordered with the
0:04:55 laws of physics for you yes with the
0:04:57 laws of physics what science is it is in
0:04:59 as you go to exist no do we have laws of
0:05:05 physics in this universe yeah and what
0:05:08 do they you know the physics show us
0:05:11 about the universe does it show its
0:05:14 audit or non audit system it's a lot of
0:05:21 it is random okay you believe in
0:05:22 randomness yeah I'm gonna ask you to do
0:05:25 something about Ryan O'Brian right okay
0:05:36 I'm gonna say something today I don't
0:05:41 remember this
0:05:43 randomness exists I mean I would say
0:05:54 this in fact I'm saying now is one of
0:06:05 those things this is one of those is
0:06:21 okay because services was gonna say
0:07:33 choose this what's that thing called the
0:07:36 queue is if you yeah all right
0:07:39 I don't play pool now someone might
0:07:43 think if I were to play pool like this
0:07:45 and I get the whiteboard and I'm not
0:07:47 called over buzz of it then that's a
0:07:49 random thing no philosopher would agree
0:07:53 that that's random I want you to
0:07:55 remember this year everything everything
0:08:00 in this world is a result of two things
0:08:03 genetics and environment your
0:08:06 conversation with me here today is not a
0:08:09 random conversation it is necessarily a
0:08:14 product of necessarily a product of
0:08:16 genetics and environment yes do you
0:08:19 understand I'm saying okay everything
0:08:25 this is a philosophical consensus claim
0:08:30 is random it's not good it's all about
0:08:31 working so I tell you what I do I
0:08:33 totally agree with you 100% when you're
0:08:36 looking at the scale of the planet and
0:08:38 the earth that we live in when you start
0:08:40 scaling for me that's fine that's cool
0:08:45 but I'm saying the laws of physics the
0:08:48 fact that they're ordered in that that
0:08:50 way we have to have laws of physics we
0:08:53 say that is a non random it cannot be a
0:08:56 random thing fantasy I come from or who
0:08:59 said this but science and physics
0:09:01 generally speaking is just one thing
0:09:03 really yeah it's yes physics is a part
0:09:07 of science right so physics is the study
0:09:09 of patterns and regular and regularities
0:09:13 in nature
0:09:16 I'm saying that that will suggest that
0:09:20 the universe here is regulated and has
0:09:25 patterns question is why do the laws of
0:09:28 physics exist to place those into place
0:09:36 how I'm asking you we've established
0:09:38 that randomness does not exist right now
0:09:42 we know that I mean I don't know that
0:09:45 because like I said there's a lot of
0:09:46 stuff as you Brian chance the universe
0:09:48 the verb you go out the more expect in
0:09:50 it in explainable you do it gives when
0:09:52 you're the hot laws of physics right
0:09:54 when you're done - yeah totally 100%
0:09:56 that's the laws that that's the grounds
0:09:58 that we live in the reality we live okay
0:09:59 but the more you branch out the harder
0:10:01 it is for you to say it or it doesn't
0:10:03 because at the end of the day in the
0:10:05 universe you've got hundreds of hundreds
0:10:07 of probably thousands billions of random
0:10:09 events going on planets colliding into
0:10:11 each other just a bunch of stuff some of
0:10:13 those will form into planets cool that
0:10:14 will have life some of them won't okay
0:10:16 I'm not saying I'm not making an
0:10:17 argument that says that planets have to
0:10:19 have life you could say like I'm just
0:10:22 saying that laws the laws of physics we
0:10:26 could conceive them understand
0:10:27 understand them science yet without
0:10:29 venturing up to the universe right okay
0:10:32 so I'm just using the laws of theory
0:10:33 from deductive reasoning and say by all
0:10:35 means what happens out here must happen
0:10:37 out there okay I'm not saying anything
0:10:38 in this world used world this earth yeah
0:10:41 you see what I'm saying so here we said
0:10:43 that the universe has a course before
0:10:44 that we said the universe is dependent
0:10:46 on something we said that everything
0:10:47 that changes is dependent the universe
0:10:50 has changes therefore it's dependent so
0:10:52 we've got two questions to ask what
0:10:54 caused the universe and what is the
0:10:56 universe dependent upon
0:10:58 and the answer is the same you see what
0:11:01 I mean what caused the universe and what
0:11:03 is the what is the universe dependent
0:11:05 upon and the answer is the same I would
0:11:07 say to you that whatever caused the
0:11:08 universe is what the universe is
0:11:11 dependent upon wherever the universe is
0:11:13 dependent upon is what caused the
0:11:14 universe now we already established that
0:11:17 one of the things that the universe is
0:11:19 dependent upon is something which must
0:11:20 be independent because if we say it's
0:11:22 dependent upon something which is
0:11:23 dependent there'll be a regressive chain
0:11:25 of independent things so you have to
0:11:28 have one independent entity the same
0:11:29 thing applies we're saying that the
0:11:31 universe and of course if you say that
0:11:33 the course had a course and of course
0:11:34 you'll have a regressive chain called
0:11:36 the infinite regression
0:11:37 now that infinite regression has to have
0:11:39 one start right something which I don't
0:11:42 want everything right my question now is
0:11:44 up what occur to what are the necessary
0:11:46 characteristics of the entity that
0:11:49 started everything up I'm saying to you
0:11:50 that when we look at the laws of physics
0:11:54 the fact that the universe is ordered
0:11:56 regulator that has systems right that
0:12:00 shouldn't thing and everything is
0:12:01 predetermined that should in the
0:12:03 indicate to us that the independent
0:12:07 entity that side the universal the
0:12:08 ultimate cause of the universe is in
0:12:10 fact an intelligent force
0:12:12 would you agree I'd say I'd say yes I'd
0:12:21 say there is an entity that's
0:12:22 controlling everything that there would
0:12:23 be intelligent yeah sure they'd have to
0:12:25 be so precise right so I'm moving
0:12:30 forward I'll say that if that's the case
0:12:33 it would also have to have power because
0:12:35 it would have to be power we'd have to
0:12:37 change the situation from non-being to
0:12:39 being right we have to have ability to
0:12:42 change a non entity into an entity when
0:12:47 the universe began to exist as an
0:12:48 evidence of this that universe is
0:12:49 dependent upon something is another
0:12:51 evidence of this right so wherever the
0:12:53 universe is dependent upon must be
0:12:56 something which is in effect really laid
0:12:59 will to power the universe able to allow
0:13:01 the universe to be dependent upon it so
0:13:03 here the universe is dependent upon an
0:13:06 independent entity which is allowing the
0:13:08 maintenance of universe which brings us
0:13:10 to another thing that this thing must be
0:13:12 maintaining and sustaining the universe
0:13:15 this thing must be indivisible it cannot
0:13:20 be more than one because if this thing
0:13:21 was more than one first of all most
0:13:23 there would be chaos if you say for
0:13:25 example if I say that there were two
0:13:29 things which were all-powerful two
0:13:32 independent things that were
0:13:34 all-powerful those two things are there
0:13:38 are two names for one thing those two
0:13:42 things one of those two things would
0:13:44 have to be powerful over the other thing
0:13:45 because you can't have two all-powerful
0:13:47 entities this impossible you have to
0:13:49 have only one all-powerful because by by
0:13:53 physical necessity do powerful means
0:13:55 that is powerful than anything else
0:13:56 calling act not taking and if that did
0:14:02 happen for example if we said an entity
0:14:05 one was control of the leaves of the
0:14:07 tree and entity two is in control of the
0:14:09 roots of the tree then there is a
0:14:11 potential for conflict conflict in the
0:14:15 context of the laws of physics the fact
0:14:18 that we see that there is no conflict in
0:14:19 the universe in that sense there is a
0:14:22 structured rule would indicate was that
0:14:24 it cannot be like that by the way we
0:14:29 know even even the ancient Greeks
0:14:32 democracies democracies interestingly he
0:14:41 said that you talk about the beginning
0:14:44 of the universe must mean divisible by
0:14:46 the size universe must begin the visible
0:14:48 because and this goes back to kind of
0:14:50 Occam's razor Occam's razor is another
0:14:52 philosophical preceptor says that you
0:14:54 need to simplify something to the lowest
0:14:55 common multiple and the lowest common
0:14:58 multiple in this case is one one is the
0:15:02 only necessary number the only necessary
0:15:04 entity to start this change of reaction
0:15:06 we only need one prime mover we only
0:15:08 need one thing that pushes the dominoes
0:15:10 we don't need to and even if we did me
0:15:13 to so even if there could be two days
0:15:15 they wouldn't be able to co-exist
0:15:16 because of the clashes that they will be
0:15:19 going into conflict together so we've
0:15:22 established that this entity is one is
0:15:24 got intelligence has got power is got
0:15:26 bility
0:15:26 being
0:15:27 argue that anything with intelligence
0:15:29 can come around the laws of nature you
0:15:32 say something exists and the same power
0:15:35 they have two suits not have some sort
0:15:37 of conflict right because they're there
0:15:38 at the same hour and if one is above the
0:15:40 other then they can kind of control the
0:15:42 media if one is above the other then it
0:15:44 could just stop or delay the other thing
0:15:45 yeah sure so wouldn't me too and then
0:15:50 they worked amongst themselves so you've
0:15:58 got two things you've got intelligence
0:15:59 and you've also got power yeah so when
0:16:02 you have power when you come to
0:16:04 democratically power to create and to
0:16:10 domani so I think of it this way we
0:16:12 can't find them what they would write a
0:16:13 cosmic level would feel and they could
0:16:15 talk to we're intelligent enough to say
0:16:26 the contradiction the contradiction if
0:16:28 they were both intelligent right if
0:16:31 we're both all intelligent first and
0:16:33 foremost we all need each other sure do
0:16:35 you know what the difference is the
0:16:36 difference is this if me and you are
0:16:39 intelligent we need each other because
0:16:40 we know two or two minds are better than
0:16:41 one
0:16:41 why for both all intelligent we even
0:16:44 don't even need each other so you see
0:16:45 you're saying there's the thing that's
0:16:47 behind all the universes Eva Barbie too
0:16:50 but if it is too it has to be one is
0:16:53 about the other yeah and if one is it
0:16:54 love the other then it's actually only
0:16:56 one thing which is support enabled
0:16:57 anything special you get it so that
0:17:00 exactly right
0:17:00 so I think you're right so here I would
0:17:03 say to you this
0:17:05 that is all the case the intelligent
0:17:08 design thesis which is that there's
0:17:10 something some entity that began the
0:17:12 universe does that sound more reasonable
0:17:15 than that there is no inference that we
0:17:19 can make from the beginning of the
0:17:20 universe except the universities when I
0:17:21 say it's very ok fine you just say it
0:17:24 makes more sense now you've got two
0:17:27 options that happen I agree it makes
0:17:30 more sense but at the end of the day we
0:17:38 are people of inference right human
0:17:40 beings are inference makers will make
0:17:42 them for it on a daily basis little
0:17:43 inference is defined as a conclusion
0:17:45 that we'll make based on the evidences
0:17:46 so here we've looked at the deductive
0:17:48 evidence all the arguments we've seen
0:17:51 that actually the conclusion that can
0:17:52 reasonably make based on the evidence in
0:17:57 the case of the universe and who is
0:18:00 controlling the universe in some way
0:18:01 maintaining it inside it has the
0:18:03 intelligence to put the laws of physics
0:18:05 into place
0:18:05 and all the other laws in the place and
0:18:09 who is one so it is the case my question
0:18:11 is
0:18:13 what purpose so you Ryan what's the
0:18:18 purpose of life then why did this entity
0:18:20 put you on this planet this placement on
0:18:23 this path and this universe you could
0:18:25 never possibly answer that question what
0:18:27 if it just wanted me to exist and
0:18:29 experience the beauty of what reality is
0:18:32 that is made for us or you could say
0:18:35 that it actually has requirements at
0:18:37 once how do you know it's a part answer
0:18:38 that question the only thing you know
0:18:43 what's really ironic the only thing
0:18:49 you're sure about is your go is your
0:18:51 sense about certain about is that you
0:18:53 are sir I do
0:18:57 I think uncertainty is a curious thing
0:19:06 because it takes away from the mystery
0:19:16 you can't be certain that your answer
0:19:18 you can't be certain with an uncertainty
0:19:21 you can only be uncertain with an
0:19:24 uncertainty now if you want to say to me
0:19:26 you can never know that ok that was
0:19:29 suggesting that you've seen all the
0:19:31 answers and you've made the decision
0:19:32 I'll paint you that is your eyes I
0:19:34 waited that bad ok there is possibility
0:19:37 I could one day nine five my question is
0:19:39 is there a fixed purpose because
0:19:41 everyone kosaka say look
0:19:43 Mont illogically you can make your own
0:19:45 subjective purpose I can make my own
0:19:47 subjective purpose he can make his own
0:19:49 subjective purpose we can all make our
0:19:50 own subjective purposes meaning we can
0:19:54 make our own meaning you ask someone
0:19:57 what's your purpose of life to become a
0:19:59 millionaire someone else's has become a
0:20:02 serial killer said well you know she can
0:20:04 be arranged
0:20:04 you can arrange right the point is this
0:20:06 I'm not asking about subjective purpose
0:20:08 my question is now objective purpose
0:20:13 have do you feel
0:20:16 that this entity that ordered the
0:20:22 universe would good hat should walk to
0:20:28 have assigned an objective purpose for
0:20:34 me when I said objective purpose a
0:20:37 purpose which is free from subjective
0:20:40 bias if you're talking about something
0:20:44 as simply as living life to the fullest
0:20:46 and what that's a liberal idea a small
0:20:49 problem
0:20:49 well I'm saying is that a defining
0:20:51 purpose it because then I'll be able to
0:20:53 say a purpose is a reason reason if
0:20:58 you're saying that this purpose is like
0:21:00 oh I have to lead a good life be a good
0:21:05 person I'm not saying this I'm just
0:21:07 saying look just purpose in mind I'm
0:21:09 saying from from this teleological
0:21:12 perspective right things which exist in
0:21:16 the context visitors carefully things
0:21:19 which exist in the context of a
0:21:22 predetermined
0:21:24 universe with ordered laws of physics
0:21:27 which are structured and regulated exist
0:21:30 for purpose that's - mother which
0:21:33 include me and you one more time one
0:21:36 more time things which exist in the
0:21:39 context of a predetermined universe with
0:21:43 rules and regulations which put it into
0:21:47 wit which govern it exists for a purpose
0:21:53 therefore since we are within that the
0:21:57 universe the human also has a purpose so
0:22:23 why should we have continuation
0:22:24 continuation why should we have
0:22:26 continuation of the human species if
0:22:28 we're such a avoid species of any
0:22:32 objective purpose why should there be
0:22:33 continuation
0:22:35 that doesn't need to be exactly don't
0:22:41 you think that we're different from kind
0:22:42 of I think they're more intelligent
0:22:44 there's more to it than that you know
0:22:47 what the difference between us and
0:22:48 dinosaurs the difference is we can ask
0:22:54 why and the dinosaur can ask why yes for
0:22:56 sure
0:22:56 yeah we can think about purpose where's
0:22:59 the dinosaur the t-rex you can't think
0:23:00 about purpose yeah coughing why do I
0:23:02 exist together it's all I'm saying to
0:23:03 assist while sensuous simple
0:23:08 straightforward easy digestible
0:23:11 reasonable concluded the purpose of
0:23:16 human beings
0:23:18 is to do what everything else if the
0:23:21 universe is doing wait a minute what did
0:23:25 you say
0:23:26 okay now I'll tell you again okay since
0:23:30 everything in the universe is
0:23:31 predetermined
0:23:32 there must be something which
0:23:33 predetermined the universe we will say
0:23:36 that thing that predetermined the rules
0:23:37 and regulations of the universe is the
0:23:39 entity which created the universe the
0:23:41 creator we have to also be in compliance
0:23:44 with the rules and regulations of the
0:23:46 Creator do you see how that works how
0:23:50 will we know the rules and the
0:23:52 regulations of the Creator
0:23:57 we system illogically in order for us to
0:24:00 understand something have to be taught
0:24:01 here so our worldview is that literally
0:24:06 there was an intermediary which we call
0:24:09 angels to locally I always see this kind
0:24:11 of thing is to circular is I understand
0:24:13 we hear angels on this stuff do like you
0:24:15 know fairytale forget about this I'm
0:24:17 going to I'm going to leave now go back
0:24:18 to whatever nothing like that
0:24:21 angels like intermediaries support Nets
0:24:26 of God
0:24:26 right so which God uses because this
0:24:29 entity is good right now I'm just scrap
0:24:32 he uses them to allow for communication
0:24:38 between him and then we use it for other
0:24:40 reasons as well so we say that human
0:24:42 beings came a full time back Abraham and
0:24:44 Moses and Jesus and all of these human
0:24:47 beings came you know - and they had that
0:24:51 communication from that create that
0:24:52 entity okay so the entity came told them
0:24:55 to believe in the One God and to worship
0:24:57 one God worship is submission to the
0:25:00 rules and regulations of God they had
0:25:02 been told the rules and regulations of
0:25:03 God
0:25:05 and this one cool revelation and then
0:25:08 they will tell that to their people and
0:25:09 we say that that ended with Mohammed who
0:25:11 which we believe is the final prophet
0:25:13 each of the prophets came with two
0:25:16 things they came with those rules and
0:25:17 regulations and they also came with
0:25:19 evidence to prove their profit solve the
0:25:22 evidences that they have come with good
0:25:24 range so depending on the time in a
0:25:25 place we will say some of the evidences
0:25:27 of the parameter on is inimitable it can
0:25:30 be replicated replicated is that as
0:25:33 preserved as the only preserved
0:25:35 religious document every religious text
0:25:37 is only preserved one of all of the
0:25:40 religious texts is that has no
0:25:42 contradiction in it and that's one of
0:25:44 the challenges of the Quran and also
0:25:48 that no one is capable of producing and
0:25:51 we've said this before with enemies
0:25:52 challenge anything like the there are
0:25:57 other things like predictions it makes
0:25:58 of the future I mean the predicted I
0:26:01 would say this kind of evidence to show
0:26:16 that in fact it's been here my whole
0:27:43 life it's been why didn't I just look in
0:27:47 you know I like things like the media
0:27:51 oh I've never been for the media anyway
0:27:53 that guy that looked into previously
0:27:56 theories the university's done you know
0:27:59 what when I saw that it's kind of my
0:28:01 answers I was like I never hadn't I
0:28:03 never had a reason not to believe you
0:28:07 and I appreciate that
0:28:09 I've actually looked into other
0:28:11 religions as well I've specifically gone
0:28:13 to Islam in too deep I've gone to other
0:28:23 places I do look I see what what the
0:28:26 opinion is because I am interested I
0:28:43 think if those questions were answered
0:28:47 while I would have to go into a specific
0:28:50 Byron let me tell you what I would have
0:28:53 the answers let me tell you imitate
0:28:55 something no you don't believe in
0:28:56 nothing
0:28:59 it's not like I don't think nothing is
0:29:02 out there true but I like to think that
0:29:03 something could be out there that is why
0:29:15 I love atheists and a lot of other
0:29:17 people go into heavy depression and
0:29:19 that's also why I lost people when
0:29:21 they're almost you know they I think we
0:29:34 are Wow that's my understanding
0:30:23 I think same of me and the universe and
0:30:27 then when we start when you combine
0:30:30 ideologies of the universe's start
0:30:32 making sense to me which gave me the
0:30:34 motivation believe it was the fact that
0:30:46 you can't write a verse like it and
0:30:49 torture this date is impossible out for
0:30:52 me dies done that is one thing that's
0:30:54 the dust the only for that's enough to
0:30:56 close they say nothing is impossible
0:30:58 that's impossible
0:31:02 one and then what that stuff like a
0:31:04 shiny pokemon the chain of the rich
0:31:07 chain of narration I was living I don't
0:31:16 want to talk about it I wasn't living a
0:31:18 good life
0:31:18 no when I looked into his son who
0:31:20 teaches us out there it goes in this is
0:31:32 a way of life this is so beautiful the
0:31:36 way I wish I looked into but you know
0:31:42 everything happens for a reason
0:31:43 everything
0:31:55 it's just I'm looking to get back last
0:32:06 on my falls for a little yeah at the
0:32:08 injury they say some waitresses thank
0:32:23 you it's been good man