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British Police Tell Muslim Not to Pray In SC (2018-04-16)


This video highlights two police officers telling one individual muslim not to pray in SC despite the fact that royal park policy only stipulates a ban on congregational prayer.

Summary of British Police Tell Muslim Not to Pray In SC

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:10:00

discusses the policy of the British police not to allow Muslims to pray in congregation in the Royal Parks. The policy is based on the idea that collective religious worship is not traditional park-related activity, and the disadvantages of allowing it almost certainly outweigh the benefits to adherents of particular religions or beliefs. The Muslim community protests this policy, saying that it is against their religious beliefs.

*00:00:00 Discusses the policy of the British police not to allow Muslims to pray in congregation in the Royal Parks. The policy is based on the idea that collective religious worship is not traditional park-related activity, and the disadvantages of allowing it almost certainly outweigh the benefits to adherents of particular religions or beliefs.

  • 00:05:00 The speaker, who is a Muslim, discusses how the British police have told them not to pray in a public space, as this is against their policy. He goes on to say that the policy is different for collective worship, which is different from individual worship. He requests that the police apologize to the individual and leave, as they are creating policy based on their own interpretation.
  • 00:10:00 British police tell Muslim visitors to the Royal Parks not to pray individually, as this is not allowed under the current regulations. The Muslim community protests this policy, saying that it is against their religious beliefs.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 not me not me some other brothers that
0:00:02 we're doing it so I want to ask him a
0:00:07 question though how much of the park
0:00:10 how much is under the world parks up to
0:00:14 which where's the more than flint the
0:00:15 street what's your surname okay so the
0:00:29 policy as far as we know it we looked at
0:00:31 it carefully it said that you know which
0:00:42 one so we can refer to here we said as
0:00:48 far as we know first and foremost this
0:00:50 Park which is under the crown whatever
0:00:54 was a charity yeah yes a role box it's
0:00:56 like six or seven bucks now already in
0:00:58 the official website yeah
0:01:00 what it said was that you're not allowed
0:01:02 to pray in congregation now the
0:01:05 information we've been given also from
0:01:07 other police officers is that individual
0:01:09 acts of worship do not go under that so
0:01:12 in other words if someone wants to over
0:01:14 their Christian Muslim or Jewish if they
0:01:15 want to pray individually yeah then
0:01:19 they're allowed to do so this is what I
0:01:22 have okay no bouquet so let's bring up
0:01:33 can you please bring out the thing the
0:01:35 whole parks thing cuz I want to read out
0:01:36 to you because here try to follow doctor
0:01:44 so a.m. police Jamil worried it
0:01:54 yeah they saying one you're not allowed
0:02:07 yeah we'll get a copy of an outer
0:02:09 shoulder can you bring it so you are you
0:02:35 the supervisor here yeah sergeant very
0:02:37 like the fruits okay okay can we get it
0:02:42 please
0:02:43 by the way this is no legislation
0:02:45 therefore for us to all we've been
0:02:47 notified as its policy mr. Jamil mr.
0:03:06 Jamil I'm going to read this out okay
0:03:09 this is hey look as you can see here
0:03:11 please it says religious activity in the
0:03:12 world parks to say the Royal Parks does
0:03:14 not permit collective acts of worship or
0:03:17 other religious observances in the TRPA
0:03:20 state either in their own right or as
0:03:22 part of a demonstration event or other
0:03:24 activity this includes spoken or sung
0:03:26 communal praise or other events that are
0:03:28 primarily religious and focus exceptions
0:03:31 are made for annual events etc and First
0:03:33 World War and then it continues it says
0:03:36 as a public body it is not the place of
0:03:38 the world parks to make value judgments
0:03:39 between one religious observance and
0:03:41 another we must either permit all
0:03:43 collective religious observances or
0:03:45 refuse them all our approach is to
0:03:47 continue to refuse all such observances
0:03:49 on the grounds that they are not
0:03:50 traditional park related activities and
0:03:53 the disadvantages to the public at large
0:03:55 of allowing them almost certainly
0:03:57 outweigh the benefits to the adherents
0:04:00 of particular religion or belief
0:04:02 the construction of structures within
0:04:05 the religious significance as you can
0:04:09 see because you're not in my presence
0:04:43 yes your jobs
0:04:48 policies or laws to enforce them I'm
0:04:53 saying is it's a should know your first
0:05:32 language which clearly isn't now the
0:05:35 opposite of collective is a individual
0:05:37 all right so if it's prohibiting
0:05:39 collective action which in an English
0:05:41 language could actually only mean two or
0:05:43 more okay you've prohibited an
0:05:46 individual action no I'm sorry but no no
0:05:54 no no that's what a policy says
0:05:57 collective acts of worship of a
0:05:59 religious nature are different to
0:06:00 individual acts of worship now what
0:06:02 we're saying is now hold on hold on is a
0:06:05 speaker's corner so what we're going to
0:06:06 say here we made an announcement this
0:06:08 morning very clear announces
0:06:11 afternoon that we will be willing to go
0:06:13 by the regulations of the park
0:06:15 Ono's is corrupt excuse me go leave now
0:06:19 having said that having said that we are
0:06:23 saying that we are willing to go with
0:06:24 the policies of the park and we said
0:06:26 that very clearly and it's on camera so
0:06:28 that all of the Muslims are aware that
0:06:30 we are law-abiding policy abiding
0:06:33 citizens that are willing to communicate
0:06:35 conciliate and reconcile with the police
0:06:37 forces and we've done that over and over
0:06:39 again
0:06:39 despite the right-wing aggressions and
0:06:41 all these things have happened in recent
0:06:43 weeks but there is a difference between
0:06:46 collective acts of worship and
0:06:48 individual acts of worship I believe
0:06:50 DeMille and Barry
0:06:51 that way you have to do now is offer
0:06:53 this man a public apology for stopping
0:06:56 him from praying wherein your rights you
0:06:58 had no reason to do that you're
0:07:00 inventing policy so I'm going to give
0:07:02 you a chance before this goes on some
0:07:04 kind of front page newspaper and you
0:07:05 lose your job so apologize to them and
0:07:07 go and leave so you think have you been
0:07:12 given instructions have you been given
0:07:14 instructions to stop individual acts of
0:07:16 worship
0:07:25 so you're an interpreter of policy so
0:07:41 your interpretation is that a singular
0:07:43 person whether they be Muslim Christian
0:07:44 or Jew and and they want to pray whether
0:07:47 they say oh Jesus or this and that so
0:07:49 why are you speakers corner them what
0:07:52 has it become if someone speaks and
0:07:56 prays at the same time what you're gonna
0:07:57 do so right now I'm praying Ya Allah are
0:08:00 you going to arrest me are you going to
0:08:02 advise me because for me praying
0:08:04 individually in Tel supplicating
0:08:07 is that right so if so what is the
0:08:11 difference between me saying orgy or our
0:08:14 Christian saying oh Jesus praying
0:08:15 individually and someone and this man
0:08:19 here wanting to perform acts of worship
0:08:20 and individually what has this become
0:08:23 what you do so mr. Barry and mr. Jimmy
0:08:38 Oh mr. Barry my friend hold on mr. Barry
0:08:42 and mr. Jimmy I would like to tell you
0:08:44 straightforwardly right here and right
0:08:45 now our policy in regards to the police
0:08:47 as the Muslims we have United and we
0:08:50 have actually put a three-strike policy
0:08:51 and I want to meet you to understand the
0:08:53 policy we have put to the Muslims that
0:08:55 they are not allowed to pray in
0:08:56 congregation because that's what the
0:08:58 rules are thank you very much for
0:09:01 thanking me but you also have to allow
0:09:02 me to express myself because this is
0:09:04 meant to be after all speaker's corner
0:09:06 now having said that no problem so here
0:09:14 what we're saying is that there is a
0:09:15 policy in place we've said we respect
0:09:17 that policy that's good we also said and
0:09:20 this is a clear message to the police is
0:09:23 that no mmm she take away I'm not sure
0:09:30 so anyways what we're saying is at the
0:09:34 end of the day what we're saying is as
0:09:35 Muslims as Muslims we've said there's a
0:09:38 three-strike policy the first strike
0:09:40 if then we have a panel of five Muslims
0:09:43 see we see that you are unjustly or
0:09:47 unequally treating Muslim fine today
0:09:51 there's been one strike already which is
0:09:53 going to go to the panel members where
0:09:55 there was a group of African Christians
0:09:57 singing and dancing which is on camera
0:09:59 and no one reprimanded them I haven't
0:10:01 seen so okay well you have to be a bit
0:10:03 more stringent about exercising your
0:10:04 policies
0:10:05 okay whilst you were here but now you
0:10:07 have to do the job mr. berry of going to
0:10:10 every religious group that want to go
0:10:12 and speak to that want to go and
0:10:14 congregate for religious purposes and
0:10:16 we're forcing the Lord justly and
0:10:18 equally because that's exactly what the
0:10:19 policy said if it's not for one
0:10:21 religious group
0:10:22 it's not funny religious group number
0:10:26 two thank you number two number two as
0:10:29 far as we are concerned
0:10:31 our interpretation we'll also consulted
0:10:33 legal put people yeah and Steve told us
0:10:35 and Stevens even told us ourselves so
0:10:38 there's a contradiction in your what
0:10:39 you're telling us praying individually
0:10:41 is not a problem within the Royal Parks
0:10:43 and there's nothing that you can say
0:10:44 today to change that reality so what our
0:10:47 message is to the Muslims is continue
0:10:49 continue to pay despite of what these
0:10:51 people are trying to say because we have
0:10:53 no reason we have no reason now from a
0:10:56 law perspective or from a policy
0:10:58 perspective to think otherwise all right
0:11:01 unless you get the wall parks to change
0:11:03 their stance on it then I would say
0:11:15 that's what we're going to continue to
0:11:17 have all right I'm gonna say we all pray
0:11:22 what I've the words I've used today in
0:11:24 this discourse with you is we are going
0:11:27 to pray individually so in other words
0:11:29 if there's one Muslim in one particular
0:11:41 you bring the Oxford Dictionary out or
0:11:43 if you bring the Collins dictionary out
0:11:45 or if you bring them
0:11:57 hey come on spit take cameras ok yes
0:12:02 guys this is becoming as you can see
0:12:06 here as you can see here it's becoming a
0:12:10 little bit pedantic and every week they
0:12:12 try and get one officer with a Muslim
0:12:15 name to try and put a little bit of
0:12:16 pressure on us to doing things which we
0:12:19 are not obliged to do either legally or
0:12:20 through the policies of the world park
0:12:23 regulation now as Muslims in this in
0:12:25 this day we start off this afternoon by
0:12:28 making a very straightforward claim that
0:12:30 will be willing to comply with the
0:12:35 regulation but now what's happening is
0:12:38 Nuremberg Laws file regulations are
0:12:40 signed to come from these police
0:12:42 officers who are started to reinvent
0:12:44 their own doors and exercise those laws
0:12:47 being judge jury judge jury and
0:12:52 executioner obviously they have no
0:12:54 legislative capabilities and so when the
0:12:56 law says collective we cannot interpret
0:12:59 an intervening individual in any way in
0:13:02 the English language unless you want to
0:13:04 change the English language to another
0:13:06 language do not continue to seemingly
0:13:09 because included to us Muslim community
0:13:12 we're trying to film under pressure now
0:13:13 they're not trying infringe upon our
0:13:15 right to do that that is what you see a
0:13:18 protest of the highest magnitude and
0:13:20 speakers for a history of the Muslims
0:13:22 and Ramadan is coming alive I think we
0:13:25 will make and we've never done this
0:13:26 before but we will make the biggest
0:13:28 collective worship and as a collective
0:13:30 again in opposition to the so-called
0:13:34 policies in this place will make us
0:13:36 write a worship here will make a sign a
0:13:38 worship or Sunday worship who will try
0:13:40 and make this place a mosque in so one
0:13:42 thing in don't test us and don't mess
0:13:45 with us because at the end of the day
0:13:46 when it comes to pushing Muslims your
0:13:48 things are otherwise or even in the
0:13:50 rules that's what
0:13:51 becomes corrupted or otherwise like
0:13:54 those development developing countries
0:13:56 that you like it's black to criticize so
0:13:59 having said that guys know full well
0:14:01 your limit so democratic your legal and
0:14:04 your and your your issue eliminations
0:14:08 police officers don't push it because
0:14:10 believe me we do have a right to protest
0:14:13 we do have our we understand our rights
0:14:14 we have lawyers amongst us and don't
0:14:16 don't think for a moment they will be
0:14:18 able to turn around and say thank you
0:14:21 very much and that's what we have to say
0:14:23 now so we have to say thank you very
0:14:26 much