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Reacting to 'Honest Tea Talk' on Marriage, Divorce and Gender Roles (2021-10-23)


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Summary of Reacting to 'Honest Tea Talk' on Marriage, Divorce and Gender Roles

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:45:00

discusses the Islamic rulings on divorce, marriage, and gender roles. points out that divorce is not always easy or straightforward, and that women can be at a disadvantage if they divorce without reason. They also provide some advice on how to deal with this situation.

00:00:00 Honest Tea Talks is a YouTube channel that discusses gender roles and sexual rights. Some viewers find the channel controversial because of the topics discussed, which include women's sexual rights and men's modesty.

  • *00:05:00 Discusses different models of divorce, and points out that a woman can do different things than a man can do in regards to getting a divorce. also references a famous example where the Prophet allowed a man to kiss an older man, and a woman to kiss a younger man. leaves the general question of whether or not it is okay to divorce unanswered, and suggests that the answer would be different for each individual.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses difference between talaq and hola, and how hola is different from talaq. It goes on to say that if a woman is not in love with her husband, she may be inclined to divorce him. finishes by saying that women need to be careful when talking about divorce, as it could break her husband's home.
  • *00:15:00 Discusses raditional gender roles in Islam, and how they can lead to women being less happy and less successful in their lives. provides a link to a study that backs up their claims.
  • *00:20:00 Discusses concept of "honest talk" on marriage, divorce, and gender roles, and how it's not incompatible with feminism. They mention that there is a biased video about polygamy that should be d "D dysfunctionalities of Polygeny and Implementation."
  • *00:25:00 Discusses discrepancy between the number of women who are divorcees and those who are married in political marriages, and how this disparity affects women. It also discusses the benefits of polygamy, and how it is not exclusive to Muslim men.
  • 00:30:00 sisters discuss the various red flags that may indicate a man is not interested in or willing to be involved with a woman and her children. Some of the red flags mentioned include that the man is not accepted by the children's father, that he does not want to be involved with the children, or that he already has children and does not want to be involved with the new family.
  • *00:35:00 Discusses issue of how a woman should deal with raising children if she does not want to be married to a man with children from a previous relationship. They state that this is a common problem for both men and women, and that if a man does not want to raise the children, it is a sign of disrespect. also provides some advice on how to deal with this situation.
  • *00:40:00 Discusses Islamic rulings on divorce, marriage, and gender roles, as well as the benefits of having a female advisor. He points out that divorce is not always easy or straightforward, and that women can be at a disadvantage if they divorce without reason.
  • 00:45:00 , a costumer discusses how she reacted to a recent Honest Tea commercial in which a Muslim man discusses his experience of getting divorced and having a talaq (a Muslim divorce ritual). The costumer thinks that the commercial is portraying Muslims in a negative light and is concerned that it could backfire on Muslims by making people more critical of their religion.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 is the hijab 10
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0:00:08 [Music]
0:00:23 [Laughter]
0:00:27 and
0:00:28 joining me is the man that's like
0:00:32 saliva please
0:00:34 please
0:00:37 the the daoa machine
0:00:39 the marriage documentary
0:00:46 we haven't done this kind of
0:00:47 collaboration for some time yeah yeah
0:00:49 i've tried to you know this is myself
0:00:51 from you know because the personal
0:00:52 assailant said you know bad friends are
0:00:53 like you know blacksmith you know so
0:00:56 no joking yeah yeah man it's been a long
0:00:58 time we've been chilling out man i think
0:00:59 it's been more relaxed well like
0:01:00 sometimes you get fed up of just filming
0:01:02 filming so we just chilled out but you
0:01:04 know sometimes when important topics
0:01:05 come
0:01:06 and when it pertains to
0:01:08 um the family unit which is already
0:01:10 under attack
0:01:11 i think it's important for us to you
0:01:13 know
0:01:14 jump
0:01:16 head first you know because the
0:01:17 important topic and this is something
0:01:19 that in the next couple of months we're
0:01:20 going to be going straight into as well
0:01:22 um because you know we've got the whole
0:01:24 lgbqt uh we've got gender roles that
0:01:28 we're going to be talking about as well
0:01:29 inshallah so i think it's a serious
0:01:30 topic and i think we've had enough break
0:01:32 chilling out and i think it's time to
0:01:33 get back to business
0:01:38 um yeah so this is what we wanted to
0:01:40 comment on today inshallah is this a
0:01:42 youtube channel which i've been made
0:01:44 aware of called honest tea talks and
0:01:46 actually we welcome it a lot of brothers
0:01:48 we you know we've spoken to
0:01:49 um in different parts of the world
0:01:52 are very much against this kind of thing
0:01:54 where women come out and they and they
0:01:55 bring their own perspective and they
0:01:57 speak on behalf of other women that have
0:01:58 maybe they've been in communication with
0:02:00 you know they come out and they attack
0:02:02 they're very triggered just like the
0:02:03 idea of women coming and speaking on a
0:02:05 public platform yeah from from our kind
0:02:07 of
0:02:08 interactions with people in in the west
0:02:10 et cetera
0:02:11 um all the different countries have been
0:02:13 to a different universities don't you
0:02:14 think it's in the muslim how the common
0:02:16 interest
0:02:17 of the muslim community to have women
0:02:19 actually speak
0:02:20 independently uh in the way that these
0:02:22 women are doing of course man it's
0:02:23 important you know these very people who
0:02:24 come in this whole notion of you know
0:02:26 they shouldn't be there they shouldn't
0:02:28 talk etc you know and then it's the same
0:02:30 people where they're when they're due to
0:02:31 our force in the shadow they might not
0:02:33 listen to us maybe they want to listen
0:02:34 to a sister if they go through other
0:02:36 dilemmas in life what they go through
0:02:38 maybe they want to listen to a co-sister
0:02:39 because they can relate to do you get it
0:02:41 and most of the times if you see i've
0:02:42 incorporated when i'm doing a reaction
0:02:44 video or certain topics pertaining to
0:02:46 sisters i get a sister on board because
0:02:48 i don't know what they go through so
0:02:50 it's important for us to incorporate
0:02:52 this but people who are living in a box
0:02:53 don't realize that when their kids go
0:02:55 through this and you limit them to a
0:02:57 certain point some of them end up
0:02:58 leaving the deen because of this
0:02:59 attitude you know so we appreciate and
0:03:01 value
0:03:02 sisters like themselves you know
0:03:04 honestly talk it's good
0:03:05 but also we need to also keep each other
0:03:08 in check you know it's the same goes
0:03:09 with me to you you to me
0:03:12 to you
0:03:14 yeah no we have to because if we don't
0:03:16 keep
0:03:17 each other in check you know then we're
0:03:18 going to go straight like you know the
0:03:20 the people in the past have gone astray
0:03:22 it's important and this is what this
0:03:23 deen upholds in joining good and
0:03:25 forbidden evil it's fundamental only
0:03:27 above the exact men and the believing
0:03:29 women yes both of them are allies to one
0:03:31 another exactly before we get to some
0:03:33 points of correction that we want to
0:03:34 kind of address in this video and and
0:03:36 constructive criticism quite frankly on
0:03:38 on
0:03:39 some of the content that we've we've
0:03:40 witnessed
0:03:41 we want to say that actually
0:03:43 one of the most controversial videos
0:03:45 that they've made in terms of
0:03:47 public controversy it's been one that
0:03:49 basically they were coming out and
0:03:50 talking about women's sexual rights like
0:03:52 intimate rights and stuff it got a lot
0:03:53 of views a lot of people were very upset
0:03:55 at the fact that women were saying like
0:03:56 you know there's an issue in the
0:03:58 community where men are not
0:04:01 sexually pleasing uh women basically
0:04:03 like they have a laissez-faire attitude
0:04:05 or
0:04:06 you know a non-existent
0:04:08 drive when it comes to women sexuality
0:04:09 and stuff like that i personally didn't
0:04:11 find that much controversy in that
0:04:12 message at all yeah do you see this
0:04:14 problem i mean if we have a problem with
0:04:15 that then we shall have a problem with
0:04:16 the answer woman who came to the process
0:04:18 you know and and aisha and i said you
0:04:20 know may i'll have mercy on them and
0:04:21 said a woman you know when it comes to
0:04:22 these matters they're up front you know
0:04:24 and obviously there's an
0:04:26 adab about how you address it and i
0:04:28 don't believe they
0:04:30 cross those limits from what i remember
0:04:31 maybe they might have been one occasion
0:04:33 something was said i can't remember but
0:04:35 other than that other than that bro who
0:04:37 are we to talk about modesty brother
0:04:40 you know and also for those that have an
0:04:42 issue like brothers like why are you
0:04:44 even watching that yeah yeah i mean to
0:04:46 be fair didn't even go into x-rated
0:04:47 stuff they didn't go into i mean there's
0:04:49 more to be said by way by way of
0:04:51 discussion and things that men should
0:04:54 give women sexually and women vice versa
0:04:56 like you can actually you can go more
0:04:58 into detail but we won't be doing that
0:05:00 today maybe that's another video for
0:05:02 another day what we will be doing today
0:05:03 insha'allah though is we're looking at
0:05:05 some of the things that have been
0:05:06 happening in this or some things that
0:05:08 have been said and let me be
0:05:09 straightforward and say
0:05:11 there are some things which are missing
0:05:12 in the content and i'll tell you what i
0:05:14 think the number one thing which is
0:05:15 missing in this kind of content is
0:05:17 is reference to the religion direct
0:05:19 reference like okay so for example
0:05:22 you know i've watched a few of the
0:05:23 episodes now right
0:05:24 divorce is one of them divorce is a very
0:05:26 complicated topic
0:05:28 very complicated and a very dangerous
0:05:29 it's a live wire
0:05:31 and i personally believe that if you
0:05:32 want if we wanted to speak about divorce
0:05:34 we'd have to do extensive shoulder with
0:05:36 people like scholars and stuff like that
0:05:38 and vet it and stuff like that because
0:05:40 if you give wrong advice when it comes
0:05:43 to divorce it can literally ruin
0:05:46 lives it's dangerous but i'll be honest
0:05:48 with you i don't think there would be a
0:05:50 point where we could ever talk about
0:05:52 divorce look when i go to shaykh and
0:05:53 people of knowledge like that bro when
0:05:55 we go to him and ask about you know
0:05:56 there's this prophet going through this
0:05:58 the first thing says to me is bring that
0:06:00 brother to me exactly and he'll bring
0:06:02 his wife to me he's not going to come
0:06:03 and say ali go tell the brother
0:06:19 or something has happened that's just
0:06:20 created a massive wedge they've tried
0:06:23 they've done all that they can to
0:06:25 improve their marriage it's just not
0:06:26 happening
0:06:28 and yet they have a
0:06:30 level of care
0:06:32 and love maybe not in love but a level
0:06:35 of care and love for each other
0:06:37 is divorced the right option in that
0:06:39 case
0:06:42 it's a personal choice but it sounds
0:06:44 like yes like it
0:06:46 it can't you know if that's a rare model
0:06:49 i think a lot of times when you see a
0:06:52 marriage coming to the point where
0:06:53 people are thinking about divorce it's a
0:06:56 hostile environment and it's it's not
0:06:58 it's not usually amicable and
0:07:00 everybody's i'm sure they've processed
0:07:02 their i see different so many of the
0:07:04 cases that i know
0:07:06 i see people maybe you're looking at it
0:07:08 from the loveless marriage perspective
0:07:10 like they've grown to this point but
0:07:12 when i see divorce coming up it's
0:07:14 usually in a hostile
0:07:16 setting it's it's in a chaotic hostile
0:07:19 setting like things have erupted and now
0:07:22 divorce looks like let's just end this i
0:07:24 see i see both i see both i'm
0:07:26 encountering both yeah i'm encountering
0:07:29 um sisters who are just empty
0:07:33 their husbands are good men
0:07:36 um but they're just empty and they crave
0:07:39 connection
0:07:40 um
0:07:42 and they just say they're really just
0:07:43 running on empty i don't know how long
0:07:45 they can continue like this for so it's
0:07:47 for them i think sometimes that's a a
0:07:50 deeper predicament because he's not
0:07:53 abusing me
0:07:55 you know he's actually good to me
0:07:58 um
0:07:59 but it's i'm potentially choosing by
0:08:02 saying i'm potentially choosing
0:08:04 a completely loveless and sometimes even
0:08:07 sexless
0:08:08 marriage
0:08:09 yes
0:08:11 so can you see here when when he asked
0:08:14 the somali sister sorry i don't know her
0:08:15 name yeah
0:08:16 when he asked the somali sister she said
0:08:19 it's a personal choice but yes yeah
0:08:21 now for me that's too nonchalant yeah
0:08:24 and it's quite frankly it's damaging
0:08:26 it's dangerous too ambiguous as well
0:08:28 what do you mean by like um like divorce
0:08:31 in what
0:08:32 because you need to understand something
0:08:34 yeah these issues are deep issues and
0:08:36 it's it's and these issues get a lot of
0:08:38 views because a lot of people are going
0:08:40 through it yeah it's not islam q a
0:08:42 saying for example somebody mentions i'm
0:08:44 going through this
0:08:45 yeah okay in this situation
0:08:47 he says maybe it might be best to
0:08:49 divorce i doubt they would ever say that
0:08:50 and then you have a wonder general mass
0:08:54 and writing i'm having a problem shall i
0:08:55 divorce and that comes up and they're
0:08:56 like
0:08:57 yeah and then and then they apply it to
0:08:59 their self that's dangerous that fatwa
0:09:01 is specific to a specific individual
0:09:04 like i think it was
0:09:05 somebody came to him and said
0:09:07 if i kill someone would i be forgiven
0:09:09 and he said you'll never be forgiven
0:09:11 and then another person came same
0:09:12 question he said will that be forgiven
0:09:14 he said you'll be forgiven
0:09:16 people around you what you're saying is
0:09:17 that for for
0:09:18 for each individual yes because the
0:09:20 reason is they asked him they said why
0:09:21 did you say to one he won't be forgiven
0:09:23 and to the other you would he said the
0:09:24 first one i saw he is about to kill
0:09:26 and the second one had already killed
0:09:28 he's looking for mercy so do you see how
0:09:30 they differentiated between giving their
0:09:31 ruling to two separate individuals well
0:09:34 the famous examples were the prophet
0:09:36 were about kissing the
0:09:38 older man
0:09:40 and the younger man he allowed it the
0:09:42 point of the matter is it's the divorce
0:09:44 should not be spoken is it okay to
0:09:46 divorce it's not okay first of all we
0:09:47 have to appreciate something there's
0:09:49 different models of divorce yes like a
0:09:52 woman what can she do is different to
0:09:53 what a man can do yes i know that it's
0:09:56 such a very straightforward thing to say
0:09:57 but that's not fleshed out in this video
0:09:59 what a woman can do is hola she can do
0:10:02 faceha okay she can ask the man for hola
0:10:05 yeah so the man gives it he grants it to
0:10:07 her and what hola is different to talaq
0:10:09 according to some some is actually the
0:10:10 same all of these are very important
0:10:12 details in it how does hola
0:10:14 differentiate from a talaq if it is in
0:10:16 fact the opinion you follow or what what
0:10:19 has to happen et cetera
0:10:21 the point is if if you if you give women
0:10:24 or
0:10:25 people the ammunition to just go
0:10:26 actually women in this case yeah to
0:10:28 their husbands and say i want a divorce
0:10:29 because i'm not i'm not in love with you
0:10:30 no more you could actually be pushing
0:10:32 them to do a major sin because that
0:10:34 might not be
0:10:35 that might not be a valid reasoning now
0:10:38 there's a difference between repugnance
0:10:40 or
0:10:40 because when when the woman came to the
0:10:42 prophet muhammed
0:10:44 in bukhari
0:10:54 between them this is repugnance this is
0:10:56 not it's not the same as not having the
0:10:58 love that they're talking about whatever
0:11:00 that may mean by the way and that's
0:11:01 that's a sliding scale so if someone is
0:11:04 is put like disgusted by their husband
0:11:07 okay
0:11:07 that's com that's a different kind of
0:11:09 fish to someone who is
0:11:11 falling out of love with the same
0:11:13 passion what about if the man is not
0:11:15 having intimacy with you now that's
0:11:16 that's a good point because she
0:11:17 mentioned that at the end because i
0:11:19 believe she conflates yeah
0:11:21 yeah no no the first question was
0:11:22 different to the second because
0:11:24 the second part of what she said was it
0:11:26 could be a second sexless marriage but
0:11:27 that sexless marriage could be coming
0:11:29 from the woman because she don't have
0:11:30 sex with a man or i'm assuming that's
0:11:32 what she means but if she means that the
0:11:34 man is not giving herself
0:11:36 that's a separate issue of inquiry but
0:11:38 even then bro do you not think they're
0:11:39 complaining
0:11:40 they're confusing two things there which
0:11:42 is dangerous because first she said what
0:11:44 um
0:11:45 look look this is very important bro
0:11:47 yeah he's a good guy
0:11:48 yeah there's an abuser kids his kids
0:11:51 one second one second that sounds like a
0:11:52 good guy to me yeah but and she's keep
0:11:55 talking about a woman being empty empty
0:11:57 on what what are you trying because what
0:11:59 do you mean by that i'm asking the
0:12:00 sister because then you added no sex
0:12:03 let's take the no 6 out of the picture
0:12:04 because there might be a person
0:12:06 there might be a young sister watching
0:12:07 this video yeah and be like
0:12:09 no he does have intimacy with me he's
0:12:11 actually a good guy he's everything you
0:12:12 just said but i don't feel i'm not
0:12:14 feeling empty yeah you've just given
0:12:16 them an advice of divorce yeah you've
0:12:17 basically said you're empty you
0:12:19 shouldn't be feeling empty how do you
0:12:20 define this empty no no they need to be
0:12:22 careful with this they're very dangerous
0:12:25 and this is something like would you
0:12:26 respect if that's what they're saying
0:12:28 publicly i'm worried to know what they
0:12:30 would be saying privately if if people
0:12:31 are coming to that because you have no
0:12:33 right let me just make this very clear
0:12:34 you have no right to advise any woman of
0:12:37 divorce unless you've heard two sides of
0:12:39 the story and you are qualified to be
0:12:42 able to make such a judgment i don't
0:12:43 have a right and you don't have a right
0:12:44 to do that if if the case is simple and
0:12:47 straightforward
0:12:49 yeah where the man is you know he's
0:12:50 putting her through this and that and
0:12:52 her life is on the line that's different
0:12:54 we're not talking about this yes we're
0:12:55 talking about very ambiguous cases right
0:12:57 now you have no right to advise any
0:12:59 woman at any point yeah when you have
0:13:00 not heard two sides of this that's why
0:13:02 in khabar yeah it might have to do with
0:13:04 judgment yeah yeah they'll bring both if
0:13:07 they know what they're doing yeah
0:13:08 they'll bring both parties in and
0:13:10 they'll hear both sides yes
0:13:11 they have to do that you have to and
0:13:13 they have to know what they see the kids
0:13:14 what the situation with the kids because
0:13:15 you could be breaking homes you think
0:13:17 you're making things better but you're
0:13:18 not you're making things worse you are
0:13:20 making things worse and and then that
0:13:22 will be on your skills on the day of
0:13:24 judgement exactly you know we need to be
0:13:25 very careful i want to be careful
0:13:27 hate them
0:13:28 says look sometimes sisters come and
0:13:30 they're crying we're human beings when
0:13:31 we see individuals crying we sympathize
0:13:34 that's right but until we go sometimes
0:13:35 i'm not just saying this only happens
0:13:36 with sister's side sometimes it's the
0:13:38 man but he goes once we come and speak
0:13:39 to the husband
0:13:41 it's a whole dif like it's like yes it's
0:13:43 slightly different it's that green color
0:13:46 and it's like totally the total opposite
0:13:48 that's right and they're like oh come on
0:13:49 i want to move on to the next video
0:13:50 because there's more things going sorry
0:13:52 that's there's more there's more issues
0:13:54 here with with some of the content
0:13:56 but what the content is missing as i say
0:13:58 is quran
0:13:59 like you you can go through the whole
0:14:01 video yeah and once again we're
0:14:02 constructively criticizing and no would
0:14:05 you respect no chivalry effect is going
0:14:06 to stop us from doing it because you
0:14:07 deserve the peer review
0:14:09 that we all get yeah and this is peer
0:14:11 review you've got to think of it like
0:14:12 that and it's if these peer review
0:14:14 systems didn't were not in place the
0:14:15 muslim ummah would be
0:14:17 uh
0:14:18 would have a bad service
0:14:20 at the end of the day yeah of course we
0:14:21 do too
0:14:22 by everyone public and private yeah
0:14:24 exactly so this is just consider this
0:14:25 constructive critic we're not saying and
0:14:27 just to be clear again that therefore
0:14:29 let's cancel them therefore they don't
0:14:30 know what they're talking about
0:14:31 therefore the ignorant we're saying that
0:14:32 you're doing a good job masha allah but
0:14:34 just on these points please bear in mind
0:14:37 that you need to change some of the
0:14:38 parlance here's what i would say the
0:14:40 first let's summarize each thing as we
0:14:41 go along here first thing when it comes
0:14:43 to divorce when it comes to issues with
0:14:45 khabar or judgement
0:14:47 keep out of it
0:14:48 keep out of it unless and only unless
0:14:51 you have someone who is extremely well
0:14:53 qualified
0:14:54 a woman let's say if you want to keep it
0:14:56 all woman that's fine but she's
0:14:57 extremely she's she's a well-known uh
0:15:00 taliba
0:15:01 or sheikha or something you bring her
0:15:03 and she speaks with the authority that
0:15:04 she has but if you just lay people
0:15:06 speaking about divorce and issues that
0:15:08 can break families this will do more
0:15:10 than good second thing here is this i
0:15:11 was watching uh think gender roles in
0:15:13 the community yeah yeah now i watched
0:15:16 this particular video for another
0:15:17 purpose
0:15:18 obviously our email is a dollar remit we
0:15:20 have a completely different room for
0:15:21 them
0:15:22 is more pastoral so they're dealing with
0:15:24 women's issues and these kind of things
0:15:26 but there is a significant intersection
0:15:28 right
0:15:29 so there are things which we do and they
0:15:31 do which intersect
0:15:33 and and this is one of them so she this
0:15:34 is one of the things that she said
0:15:35 gender roles in the community so we're
0:15:37 talking about generals between men and
0:15:38 women i can't let obviously you can't
0:15:41 watch the whole thing i can't watch the
0:15:42 whole thing
0:15:43 but let me tell you one thing that was
0:15:45 not mentioned in the entire video the
0:15:46 entire video
0:15:48 however was not mentioned
0:15:50 was not mentioned which is the male
0:15:51 responsibility or
0:15:53 the ability for him to have uh
0:15:55 one degree yeah that he's a maintainer
0:15:57 of the protector
0:15:58 the hierarchical hierarchical uh
0:16:02 uh superiority that a man has over a
0:16:04 husband have a wife that's not mentioned
0:16:06 that's that is the elephant in the room
0:16:07 that's what makes
0:16:09 a traditionalist complementarian system
0:16:11 of marriage different from an
0:16:12 egalitarian system so if you're going to
0:16:14 do a video of gender roles you have to
0:16:16 define what the gender roles are in the
0:16:17 first place
0:16:18 yeah we haven't even defined what gender
0:16:20 roles are and worse yet worse yet quite
0:16:22 frankly
0:16:24 you start to mix liberal ideas with
0:16:26 islamic ideas let's let's listen to what
0:16:29 we're talking about here
0:16:30 and if you think about it subhanallah
0:16:32 when you look at different couples
0:16:34 allah pairs someone with what they need
0:16:37 with who they need so you have a strong
0:16:40 powerful woman who's active who's maybe
0:16:42 running a business who has a career the
0:16:44 man is more mellow
0:16:46 when you have a man that is out there
0:16:48 yeah he's in the tower he's you know
0:16:50 he's working he's busy busy busy you've
0:16:53 got a woman who is holding down the
0:16:55 floor
0:16:59 listen listen listen
0:17:01 i mean that was your second name quite
0:17:02 quite
0:17:03 anyways let's get to the point let's see
0:17:04 they're using my name
0:17:06 the strong powerful woman
0:17:08 once again you have to look at the
0:17:10 language yeah the strong powerful woman
0:17:11 that's running her own business
0:17:13 all these kinds of things that she's
0:17:14 doing strong why is strong and powerful
0:17:16 correlated with capitalistic success
0:17:19 yeah exactly in this whole video
0:17:21 seldomly do they do they mention exactly
0:17:23 what the traditional roles are
0:17:25 there is no clear definition of it
0:17:27 and in fact i don't think they've ever
0:17:30 mentioned and someone can correct me if
0:17:32 i'm wrong
0:17:33 uh concepts of tar concepts of kawama
0:17:36 they've cleanly mentioned it clearly
0:17:39 delineated it what is it it's the
0:17:40 equivalent of men not telling men other
0:17:43 men what their responsibilities are in
0:17:45 islam if you want to help women in the
0:17:47 community you need to tell them what
0:17:48 their responsibilities are
0:17:50 actually telling them only what their
0:17:52 rights are yeah what
0:17:54 will arm them to make their homes
0:17:57 more hostile places because they're now
0:17:59 stocked up with all these things about
0:18:00 okay what we need to get what what
0:18:02 what's best for me i have to be i have
0:18:04 to be a career woman i have to do this i
0:18:06 have to do that where are these coming
0:18:07 from yeah no one's saying muslim woman
0:18:09 can't work but the terminologies you're
0:18:11 using are very similar to what the
0:18:12 liberals talk about day in and day out
0:18:14 what we're saying is that these are
0:18:16 dangerous because we know the study done
0:18:19 over 20 years
0:18:21 over a hundred thousand women
0:18:23 are women more happier hmm no they're
0:18:25 not there
0:18:27 talking about blanche flower in oswald
0:18:28 you know the the hundred thousand people
0:18:30 how long did this study for 20 years
0:18:32 yeah 20 years 100 000 women we're not
0:18:34 talking a hundred a thousand one hundred
0:18:36 thousand women and women are less and
0:18:39 less happier yeah and we'll put the link
0:18:41 to the on the description let's happy
0:18:42 after the after second world sorry after
0:18:44 the second uh wave of feminism after all
0:18:46 the implementations of the the point is
0:18:48 is that we need to be clear that there
0:18:51 is in fact there are gender roles in
0:18:53 islam and those gender roles do mean
0:18:55 that the men uh ideally will be i'm not
0:18:58 saying always what is wrong with that
0:19:00 breadwinners
0:19:01 what is wrong with the how what because
0:19:03 whatever define it let's say no bro the
0:19:05 studies show it jordan peterson has one
0:19:07 of the reasons he's blown up is because
0:19:08 he states this fact he talks about for
0:19:10 example when
0:19:11 women who are working in the you know in
0:19:13 these
0:19:15 whatever um sectors it might be that
0:19:18 they when it comes to their 30s 40s
0:19:21 they're leaving their jobs
0:19:22 they're leaving their jobs because
0:19:23 they're realizing that they're putting
0:19:25 in 60 70 hours work
0:19:27 and and they're looking at their life
0:19:29 and there's nothing to account for you
0:19:30 are preparing yourself to a lonely death
0:19:33 you've reached the age of 30 to 40
0:19:35 you're a career woman who's got a lot of
0:19:37 money in their bank and you've got no
0:19:38 man that wants to marry you
0:19:40 and you and and let's talk about
0:19:42 biologically can you have children no so
0:19:45 the thing is why are we propagating a
0:19:46 failed system where studies show that
0:19:48 women are less happier that's true it's
0:19:50 true it's dangerous and i'm not saying
0:19:52 that there's fully probably getting
0:19:53 there but you've got to be clear about
0:19:54 what the islamic ideal is yeah because
0:19:56 if you're going to do a whole video
0:19:58 about gender roles and not mention one
0:19:59 quranic verse one hadith or one color
0:20:01 any islam and then at the end of it
0:20:03 refer to women that start their own
0:20:05 business and do well in the workplace or
0:20:07 are public figures whatever it may be as
0:20:09 strong
0:20:10 the an implication that could be taken
0:20:12 from that is or the influence that can
0:20:13 be taken from that at least in the
0:20:14 subtext of that speech is that strong
0:20:16 women are those women that the liberals
0:20:18 are defining not or the liberal feminist
0:20:20 side of finding exactly you know
0:20:21 basically put it this way put it this
0:20:22 way if you watch that whole gender video
0:20:25 that they made it's not incompatible
0:20:26 with feminism
0:20:28 it's not yet it's not incompatible with
0:20:29 feminism i don't think like
0:20:31 a second way feminist will look at it
0:20:33 and probably not disagree with most of
0:20:34 what is being said yeah if if they're
0:20:36 liberal enough to different cultures
0:20:38 they won't disagree with also
0:20:40 in order for us to really know once
0:20:42 again if we want islamic solutions for
0:20:44 muslim problems we have to bring the
0:20:45 quran
0:20:47 simple as that really if you're if you
0:20:49 want to give islamic solutions for
0:20:50 muslim problems bring the quran and the
0:20:52 sunnah tell them of the ayat and the
0:20:54 hadith and the quran otherwise it's to
0:20:57 be honest with you it's uh it will be
0:20:59 just opinion forget this a super
0:21:01 powerful career well forget that okay
0:21:02 yeah yeah why don't we why don't our
0:21:04 sisters are doing this honestly talk
0:21:06 yeah and it's honestly they're being
0:21:08 honest about it here they should be
0:21:10 grilling brothers and saying you sisters
0:21:12 you go to your husbands you're the
0:21:14 maintainer and the protector of the
0:21:16 house go out and work empower them by
0:21:19 them they might be doing that no no no
0:21:21 they should not i've seen i haven't seen
0:21:23 a video of them
0:21:24 incorporating that bro they should
0:21:26 incorporate that and talk to sisters and
0:21:28 tell them you tell your husband you're
0:21:29 the maintainer protector i accept that
0:21:31 and this is what allah legislated go out
0:21:33 and work you might find segments of them
0:21:35 saying that remember
0:21:36 i hope yeah yeah let's let's see this
0:21:38 bit here
0:21:40 this is
0:21:41 you're talking about dying alone and
0:21:42 living is that we do understand like
0:21:43 kevin bloody samuels nobody's true but
0:21:46 this is one thing that i was i was
0:21:47 watching how to find a husband yeah yeah
0:21:49 so listen to this bit i found it quite
0:21:51 unusual to be honest this is quite
0:21:53 unusual really
0:21:54 uh
0:21:56 build upon their confidence and to know
0:21:59 exactly what they will and won't accept
0:22:02 and to journey
0:22:04 through the uh um
0:22:07 the looking stage with allah knowing
0:22:10 that allah will give them
0:22:12 what they need and what they deserve
0:22:15 when you know divorced women are not
0:22:18 second-class citizens just because they
0:22:21 were divorced i mean if you look at the
0:22:22 time
0:22:23 of the prophet saw islam how many of us
0:22:25 have yet to divorcees widows
0:22:28 and and the sahaba rush to marry them
0:22:31 subhanallah so even the prophet
0:22:33 and the prophet himself yes so it's so
0:22:36 so important that i think for for
0:22:38 divorce sisters
0:22:40 that they
0:22:41 that they come to
0:22:43 the brother who's already married who's
0:22:45 looking for a second wife why is it the
0:22:47 assumption
0:22:48 that because you're divorced that you
0:22:50 that you that necessarily your
0:22:52 preference is polygamy i mean it may be
0:22:54 for some women it may not be but it's
0:22:56 almost as though i see
0:22:59 and you know i don't know if you see
0:23:00 this too that for divorce sisters
0:23:03 there's a narrative that's kind of
0:23:04 shoved down their throats that okay
0:23:07 because you're divorced you need to
0:23:09 lower your standards
0:23:11 you need to accept
0:23:13 anyone that's going to take you because
0:23:15 you have kids because who's going to
0:23:16 marry a sister with fortune and you
0:23:18 should be grateful that anyone wants to
0:23:20 marry you right and and i
0:23:23 am totally against this
0:23:25 i am totally against this i think it's
0:23:28 really really important never mind there
0:23:30 so
0:23:32 polygyny is an institution in islam they
0:23:34 know it they've done a video on it yeah
0:23:36 which was a biased video which which
0:23:37 itself requires discussion but we don't
0:23:40 have time for it today yeah but
0:23:41 basically that video they've done and it
0:23:43 was just prioritizing
0:23:44 uh the trauma of the first wife not
0:23:47 putting the second wife in the equation
0:23:48 at all almost her trauma or the or the
0:23:51 the kids
0:23:53 maybe the kids are there or even the
0:23:55 yani it was it was a biased video and in
0:23:57 fact they should they should title that
0:23:58 video the dysfunctionalities of
0:24:01 polygeny and implementation not polygamy
0:24:03 as they have yeah but put that to the
0:24:04 side
0:24:05 this video here that they've done
0:24:09 which uh sorry this this mukta here this
0:24:11 little bit
0:24:12 this little video bit here where she was
0:24:14 saying that someone who's divorced
0:24:16 should not should not accept the fact
0:24:19 that you know and it's true we don't say
0:24:21 that she should lower her standards or
0:24:22 think that she's less i agree yeah no
0:24:24 problem but listen to what she says
0:24:26 thereafter yeah okay so she says that i
0:24:28 i agree with what she said so far so do
0:24:31 i but this is what i found quite ironic
0:24:33 [Music]
0:24:36 of the prophet saws
0:24:37 how many of us have yet to divorcees
0:24:40 widows
0:24:41 and and the sahaba rush to marry them
0:24:44 subhanallah so
0:24:46 yeah but you see what do you think i'm
0:24:48 going to say here so she she said in the
0:24:50 first instance
0:24:52 that you shouldn't if there's a woman
0:24:54 who's a divorcee she shouldn't just
0:24:56 accept poligning right
0:24:57 and then she mentioned that the example
0:24:59 of habit and the prophet's wives
0:25:01 what do you think the disparity here is
0:25:03 in these two examples
0:25:05 you tell me you said it before uh okay
0:25:07 the disparity in these two examples is
0:25:09 those women who are divorcees married in
0:25:12 politicians marriages
0:25:20 so there were divorce women who got into
0:25:22 polygamy that's what i'm saying
0:25:24 if you mention in the prophet muhammad
0:25:26 as an example he had nine wives at one
0:25:28 time
0:25:29 yeah so these women were divorcees yes
0:25:31 but they were also getting the religious
0:25:32 marriages okay but but there are
0:25:34 companions who didn't marry divorced
0:25:36 women without being in polygamy
0:25:39 very very unlikely to be honest they
0:25:40 might have had the
0:25:41 air and they might have had the milky
0:25:43 mean and stuff that that was like that
0:25:44 was the exception
0:25:46 let's talk about the sabbath mentality
0:25:47 are you telling me none of the sahabas
0:25:49 would have wanted to marry
0:25:50 like for example that sahabah who came
0:25:52 actually oh no no the one the process of
0:25:54 said why did you not marry a virgin he
0:25:55 said i married a divorce you asked kids
0:25:57 because yeah but yeah we don't know
0:25:58 that's the only wife he's gone no
0:26:00 and we don't know if he we also don't
0:26:02 know that he didn't know at that time
0:26:04 but what i'm trying to say is the
0:26:05 possession of the right hand and stuff
0:26:06 okay no problem but let's let's be real
0:26:08 didn't have the mentality of i will not
0:26:10 marry a divorcee because she's a
0:26:11 divorcee no that would not we agree with
0:26:13 okay but that's what they're trying to
0:26:14 no i understand it but what i'm saying
0:26:15 is it's not it's not lowering your
0:26:17 standard necessarily i agree if if for
0:26:19 divorcee now she's got four kids or the
0:26:21 example they gave or five or six or
0:26:23 whatever it may be yeah
0:26:25 for her to realize that that is yeah
0:26:27 okay that is going to be an
0:26:29 inconvenience for a lot of men that is
0:26:31 going to be an inconvenience so what are
0:26:32 you saying what i'm saying is that's the
0:26:33 reality
0:26:35 that's how it should be thank you but
0:26:36 once again
0:26:38 we should make another thing clear which
0:26:40 is that he has no responsibility over
0:26:41 them the father and she does have
0:26:42 responsibility he has no respect he
0:26:44 doesn't need to give the money work yeah
0:26:45 anything so the point of the matter is
0:26:48 he cannot have his goodwill but he's
0:26:49 responsible if
0:26:50 with the advice has been given yeah is
0:26:52 not going to help yes let's just be
0:26:55 honest about it polygyny is there for a
0:26:57 reason it is there to make sure that
0:26:59 women who are
0:27:00 married or unmarried who may be
0:27:02 divorcees and cannot find husbands and
0:27:05 have been looking for five years 10
0:27:06 years whatever it may be
0:27:08 yeah can be absorbed back into the
0:27:09 marriage market yeah if they take this
0:27:11 kind of advice they sorry to say
0:27:14 the reality is yeah
0:27:16 they may die alone
0:27:18 it's not productive i think what the
0:27:19 issue here is this year look when i was
0:27:21 looking to get married yeah there was a
0:27:23 sister i was getting to know for
0:27:24 marriage who had kids
0:27:26 yeah and i wasn't thinking about
0:27:28 polygamy yeah yeah i was like my your
0:27:31 liar
0:27:34 i wasn't thinking about polygamy in my
0:27:35 head i was like if this is the right
0:27:36 person to me i accepted myself okay
0:27:38 maximum i would i would i could marry a
0:27:41 divorce with two kids that was maximum
0:27:42 three i personally
0:27:44 wouldn't personally the point i'm trying
0:27:46 to make here why are they equating and a
0:27:49 woman can have such a preference as well
0:27:50 she can say okay i don't want to marry a
0:27:52 man with kids thank you thank you
0:27:54 the point is this why is it yeah seen as
0:27:57 degrading that a divorced sister
0:28:00 gets into a polygamy
0:28:03 i don't understand this because it's to
0:28:04 be fair they don't say that no no it
0:28:06 does come across i'm totally against
0:28:08 that um
0:28:10 unless she's talking about that they are
0:28:12 seen as second-class citizens i doubt
0:28:14 they are because if a man is willing to
0:28:15 marry you he's not making you a side
0:28:18 chick yeah exactly
0:28:20 we need to marry you and you're a
0:28:22 divorcee okay no problem he's not saying
0:28:24 oh i'm going to marry you maybe for the
0:28:26 sake of allah maybe he can marry someone
0:28:27 younger but he's like look i want to
0:28:28 marry a sister with kids maybe because
0:28:30 the society that we live in sadly see
0:28:33 them as low value women like these red
0:28:35 people wherever they talk as and because
0:28:37 of that i want to marry them what is
0:28:39 wrong with that why do you feel degraded
0:28:41 why is this notion of look you go to the
0:28:42 moment you say something you gotta
0:28:44 admire about them
0:28:45 what did they call each other not called
0:28:47 wife that's my cool sister
0:28:49 yeah okay they say cool sister which
0:28:51 muslim sister would come today and say
0:28:54 that's my co-sister
0:28:56 go to sub-saharan africa do you know you
0:28:58 know we're talking in the western
0:28:59 context but you know do you know where
0:29:01 there are some places in the world where
0:29:03 the culture of polygamy is much it's
0:29:06 much more acceptable and women are much
0:29:08 more agreeable to it for example
0:29:10 people correct me if i'm wrong yeah but
0:29:11 sub-saharan africa nigeria forgot
0:29:14 nigeria go to indonesia apparently in
0:29:16 indonesian malaysia we've been told
0:29:17 anyway yes that is people are much more
0:29:19 open to yeah you know what i'm talking
0:29:21 about
0:29:24 but here's a segment okay so we've
0:29:25 talked about that so it's just to
0:29:27 summarize just to summarize this point
0:29:29 the the idea really is about
0:29:32 you know you know pollution is there for
0:29:33 a reason yeah of course it helps with
0:29:35 the marriage market
0:29:36 i don't want and everyone get don't get
0:29:39 advice that's unproductive okay one
0:29:40 second yeah well life polygamy is a
0:29:42 solution yes i don't care what i'll take
0:29:45 off my life they said to me we will hang
0:29:46 you and say
0:29:48 where do you want to hug me
0:29:49 myself
0:29:51 the point is this yeah
0:29:53 is a solution because what you need to
0:29:54 understand is polygamy is not exclusive
0:29:56 to muslim men
0:29:58 men practice polygamy in the wrong ways
0:30:00 allah has stipulated to be done in the
0:30:02 right way so co-wives be you a divorce
0:30:05 or no divorcee with kids or no kids you
0:30:07 have your rights protected okay so it's
0:30:09 been legislated so things can be done in
0:30:11 the right way i know many sisters would
0:30:14 message me when i when i first came to
0:30:16 islam and i started my youtube channel i
0:30:17 was doing a reality show yeah bro trust
0:30:19 me i used to get messages from sisters
0:30:20 who were on the verge of falling into
0:30:21 zinna because they are looked down upon
0:30:23 they are single mothers who have kids
0:30:25 nobody want to marry them they go into
0:30:27 these apps on all these men one like
0:30:28 they'll say to me i go into this app
0:30:30 once they find that i'm a divorcee with
0:30:32 kids they start flirting with me they
0:30:33 start talking to me in a certain way
0:30:36 when a man comes and he wants to marry
0:30:37 you why are you degrading that man why
0:30:40 are you making it unacceptable please
0:30:43 the point is this here yeah
0:30:44 once again i want to emphasize your
0:30:45 videos are good well light is needed all
0:30:47 we're just trying to say is there's
0:30:48 certain things that you're seeing that
0:30:50 have great consequences because don't
0:30:52 think it's the words that you utter
0:30:54 there are people that are watching and
0:30:55 thinking actually right or this stuff
0:30:57 actually let me divorce actually they're
0:30:59 making life-changing decisions you know
0:31:01 so what we're just trying to say sisters
0:31:03 is when you say something look because
0:31:05 you said you watched a lot all the
0:31:06 videos and they don't know
0:31:08 yeah but like five or six okay well then
0:31:10 to me it might be that you're talking
0:31:12 from experience yeah and i'm not talking
0:31:14 about the specific issue of divorce i'm
0:31:15 not talking about that so you need to
0:31:17 some of them are divorces they make it
0:31:18 clear okay but what i'm saying is that
0:31:20 if you bring your experiences to the
0:31:22 table it's not necessarily wrong but
0:31:24 what you may have gone through or what
0:31:25 you have suffered
0:31:26 what you are still suffering that you
0:31:28 may not have not been over
0:31:30 can cause harm because what you're doing
0:31:31 is you
0:31:32 i'm not pointing to any of these sisters
0:31:34 what i'm saying is it might be something
0:31:35 we all have gone through stuff in our
0:31:37 life if i come and give a deci
0:31:39 if somebody comes asking for advice and
0:31:41 i say oh do this because i'm in a mental
0:31:43 state of something that i've suffered my
0:31:45 advice might not be productive this is
0:31:47 what this is called it's called
0:31:48 self-referential altruism interesting
0:31:50 and the only you'll find these kind of
0:31:51 words apply
0:31:53 self-referendum
0:31:55 self-referential altruism is where
0:31:57 there's
0:31:59 self-referential altruism basically
0:32:00 altruism is when you care about other
0:32:02 people right self-referential altruism
0:32:04 is you care about other people or you
0:32:06 give advice that would let's say for
0:32:08 example impact other people because you
0:32:09 refer to your own experiences now this
0:32:12 is actually a very poor way to moralize
0:32:14 because it's first of all it's very um
0:32:17 it's a very small sample size you've got
0:32:18 yourself just
0:32:19 and that person like you said subjective
0:32:21 experience yeah that that person might
0:32:23 go go for a completely different yeah
0:32:25 with this analogous set of things and
0:32:27 what you're doing is you're projecting
0:32:28 your kind of own emotional yes energy
0:32:30 onto them it's it's like it's a form of
0:32:32 freudian projection but let's put that
0:32:33 to the side yeah let's see this next bit
0:32:35 because this advice gets worse to be
0:32:37 honest that is because to feel to be
0:32:39 accepted to be wanted they feel like if
0:32:42 i
0:32:43 show that i'm a mother then that means
0:32:46 i'm not good i'm going to be less
0:32:47 desirable
0:32:49 you know
0:32:50 it's so important this is who i am this
0:32:52 is how i am and this is what i've got
0:32:54 and
0:32:54 are you down
0:32:56 and if if listen ladies
0:32:59 if okay the man
0:33:01 asks you listen for the red flags red
0:33:04 flags yeah can they live with their
0:33:06 father
0:33:08 he's not accepted your kids are they
0:33:10 going to be living in us full time
0:33:12 he's not accepted your kids listen out
0:33:14 for these
0:33:16 living with the father is actually the
0:33:19 it's actually the ruling
0:33:20 if a woman is divorced
0:33:23 and she remarries the majority of
0:33:25 islam from
0:33:27 my understand based on the hadith in
0:33:29 timothy by the way with them whether
0:33:30 where the prophet muhammad saw a
0:33:32 movement came to him says shall i get
0:33:33 how could i not get custody of the
0:33:34 children when she was they were on my
0:33:37 you know lap and they were suckling from
0:33:38 my breasts and whatever and he said you
0:33:40 get custody of the children but if you
0:33:42 get married
0:33:43 then he gets the children that's the
0:33:44 ruling so if you get custody of the
0:33:46 children
0:33:46 obviously doesn't mean that the man
0:33:48 doesn't see them yeah
0:33:49 it just means that you get you're the
0:33:51 primary like custodian of the guardian
0:33:53 of the child now but if you get married
0:33:55 then he the father now gets custody of
0:33:57 the children so if if a man comes how
0:33:59 could that be a red flag if he just
0:34:01 wants to do ikama of the hadood of allah
0:34:03 okay or the
0:34:04 the
0:34:05 he wants he wants to uphold i think
0:34:08 i think she's talking about something
0:34:09 else no i don't think so it's not it's
0:34:10 not reflection
0:34:12 no no she's not she she said listen to
0:34:14 the red flags yeah
0:34:16 she said if he says can they go and live
0:34:18 with their father then he hasn't
0:34:19 accepted your children now if he says
0:34:21 that he can go and live with your father
0:34:23 that might just be because
0:34:25 that that's where they need to go okay
0:34:27 can it be also that for example
0:34:30 the father doesn't want them and the guy
0:34:32 that she's getting to know is basically
0:34:34 saying i don't want them in my life kind
0:34:36 of like i don't want them there i think
0:34:37 that's where she's coming from even if i
0:34:39 don't think she's coming that's what he
0:34:41 says it's the right of that fight you
0:34:43 get it otherwise how can you say that
0:34:45 assuming the best for the sake of uh for
0:34:47 the sake of argument but this is either
0:34:49 way it's not red flag if the man doesn't
0:34:51 if a man says look i really don't want
0:34:53 to get involved with with children i've
0:34:54 got my own children
0:34:55 to raise i don't see anything wrong with
0:34:58 that likewise if not i don't see
0:34:59 anything
0:35:00 no no if a woman wants to get if a woman
0:35:02 wants to get married to a man who's got
0:35:04 children yeah she says look i don't want
0:35:06 to i don't want to raise your children
0:35:09 what did you do i don't see anything
0:35:10 wrong with that how does that work what
0:35:12 did you do with the kids what do you
0:35:13 mean what does what does she do with the
0:35:14 kids can you imagine you're speaking to
0:35:15 a man and the man said how old are the
0:35:17 kids how old are they let's say they're
0:35:18 eight and nine
0:35:20 depends on the situation no one he
0:35:21 doesn't want to raise them but he
0:35:22 doesn't because
0:35:24 he's his catch 22 for a lot of men yeah
0:35:26 you want to raise a child yeah but then
0:35:28 when you get into their life yeah you're
0:35:30 number two because you are not the final
0:35:33 decision maker you will not be given the
0:35:34 same privileges as you would be if
0:35:38 you are the father and this goes on
0:35:39 listen to what they continue saying yeah
0:35:41 listen to what the somali system says
0:35:42 yeah okay you'll see more you get a
0:35:44 flavor of what they're talking about
0:35:46 right
0:35:47 because that is a sign of whether he is
0:35:50 ready to assume them into his fold or
0:35:53 not and or absolute indifference
0:35:56 you can state that they're there up
0:35:58 front but sometimes you get the case
0:36:00 where they're acting like they don't
0:36:01 exist there's no interest whatsoever
0:36:03 about their names their ages their it's
0:36:05 like they're not in their the way they
0:36:07 project the future they're not taking
0:36:09 them into account like you said and also
0:36:11 in the position of the mom
0:36:14 your your current home you know your
0:36:16 home environment has a particular
0:36:18 balance right now it's stable it's set
0:36:21 it has a culture and you're going to
0:36:23 bring an outsider into that culture and
0:36:25 you have to take into account whether
0:36:26 they're going to be a good fit for the
0:36:27 culture or not somebody who's going to
0:36:29 come in and be uptight and throw off
0:36:31 your balance and shush your kids and
0:36:33 change your home dynamic
0:36:35 and that can be applied to
0:36:38 so think of it this way early yeah so
0:36:40 the guy he wants
0:36:41 he this is this is the conundrum that
0:36:43 you're putting the man in yeah
0:36:45 he either comes in he comes in and
0:36:47 assumes the children he says you know i
0:36:48 have no problem raising the kids
0:36:50 he raises the kids but part of raising
0:36:52 children is disciplining them you start
0:36:54 shushing the kids now that's nonsense
0:36:55 that that what she said there about you
0:36:56 can't say shush is nonsense other than
0:36:59 that
0:37:00 that's the dynamic that other than that
0:37:02 this is the problem people are facing no
0:37:03 no no but that's nonsense about what
0:37:05 she's saying about a a person coming in
0:37:07 it's it's you need to understand it's
0:37:09 their children but a man who doesn't
0:37:11 even actually doesn't know their name
0:37:12 doesn't care about them that is
0:37:13 concerning to anyone even if i'm a
0:37:15 father and have a child and the woman
0:37:16 says the same thing but it no i have to
0:37:18 be real because come on but if you're
0:37:19 not even acknowledging my kids and you
0:37:20 want them out there is red flags to me
0:37:23 bro i have to be real if your sister is
0:37:24 coming and saying how many kids do i
0:37:25 have two kids from another marriage how
0:37:26 many days you keep them three days uh oh
0:37:28 brother that's a red flag bounce because
0:37:30 you're disregarding my kids you can come
0:37:32 and say look for example we can work
0:37:34 extension
0:37:37 if a new wife comes and you've got kids
0:37:38 from nevada and you start saying like
0:37:40 now you've got a raise you've got raised
0:37:41 my children as if it's no no no no no no
0:37:43 that's that's that's what happens
0:37:45 no no no many women do this men and
0:37:47 women both do this you've got kids from
0:37:48 another marriage yes they've got another
0:37:50 father or they got another mother let's
0:37:51 say yeah
0:37:52 why are they not taking why are you not
0:37:54 assuming the responsibility of the
0:37:55 parent now why are you now putting that
0:37:56 responsibility on someone else it's very
0:37:58 simple i don't think anyone can force
0:38:00 anyone to come and say look after my
0:38:01 kids the person that you marry if they
0:38:02 do the good will they do it but when
0:38:04 they come in come and tell them you have
0:38:05 to if they come in yeah and and and you
0:38:08 they want to assume that responsibility
0:38:09 whatever yeah yeah and they start you
0:38:11 know
0:38:12 discipline the child
0:38:13 what you're gonna say i'm sorry that's
0:38:14 just my child i'm sorry that that is
0:38:16 that's that's nonsense without your
0:38:18 respect to the sister to say you can't
0:38:20 what is what's this what the hell is
0:38:21 this i've married you i've accepted your
0:38:23 kids and i can't discipline that what
0:38:24 they're talking about i i'll be honest
0:38:26 this is pathetic yeah what is this
0:38:28 this is my sleeve in the house yeah
0:38:29 exactly you've made him basically
0:38:37 so you've got your own dynamics so this
0:38:39 goes back to kawamaya which they don't
0:38:40 mention ever yeah in the videos that
0:38:42 i've seen
0:38:43 that
0:38:44 you basically want the hawama because if
0:38:46 he's in the house and he he can't shush
0:38:49 the kids
0:38:50 what's what's happened to him he's
0:38:51 become an equal of one of the kids so if
0:38:54 you shush the kids what you're going to
0:38:55 discipline him what are you going to do
0:38:56 are you going to undermine him in front
0:38:58 of the kids
0:38:59 and let's see how long such a marriage
0:39:00 lasts
0:39:02 your marriage ain't gonna last my friend
0:39:03 yeah honestly because if you want to
0:39:04 undermine the disrespect a man in front
0:39:06 of your children even though he wants to
0:39:09 come in and contribute to their
0:39:10 upbringing and upkeep or or their
0:39:12 discipline and then what you're doing is
0:39:14 you're basically you're self-sabotaging
0:39:16 you are things that's what i was going
0:39:17 to say because at the end of the day
0:39:18 you're just proning yourself to being
0:39:20 divorced regularly yes and i'm sorry if
0:39:22 that sounds harsh because if you have a
0:39:24 man who's coming to willing to look
0:39:25 after your kids loving etc and you're
0:39:27 coming in boston you can't say shush to
0:39:28 my kids don't you ever raise it look you
0:39:30 can be protective but you've married
0:39:32 this person if you trust this person you
0:39:34 fall into your house to your life yeah
0:39:36 if he wants to discipline the kids i'm
0:39:37 not talking about you come home and he's
0:39:39 flipping the talking
0:39:44 so these are just some of the things
0:39:45 that we've come across it is a vast
0:39:47 topic there is a version it is a notion
0:39:48 there's a lot of things you can talk
0:39:50 about
0:39:50 the points let's let's just let's
0:39:52 summarize and give constructive
0:39:53 criticism yeah
0:39:55 to summarize look number one don't get
0:39:57 involved with issues that have any
0:39:59 implication of what is referred to as
0:40:00 prada which means islamic rulings
0:40:02 because these kind of things they
0:40:04 require
0:40:06 an arbitrator they require someone to
0:40:07 come in and to see
0:40:09 person one person two side person one
0:40:11 side and to make a decision holistically
0:40:13 especially when it comes to divorce
0:40:15 divorce
0:40:16 and i'm really sorry to say this
0:40:18 for people that want or considering it
0:40:21 man or woman do not approach lay people
0:40:24 like us like them yes don't approach us
0:40:26 for uh for i'm i'm thinking of divorce
0:40:28 yeah yeah i'm thinking of a hola
0:40:34 number two yeah number two the second
0:40:36 thing i say is you have to start if you
0:40:38 if you want islamic solutions for muslim
0:40:40 people and you've got a demographic
0:40:42 which is uniquely let's say female right
0:40:45 then you have to start introducing the
0:40:46 quran more regularly yeah yeah yeah and
0:40:49 you have to emphasize and don't shy away
0:40:51 from emphasizing the key components of
0:40:53 the religion especially with intergender
0:40:55 dynamics and stuff so for example kawama
0:40:58 the kind of emphasis that is put by the
0:41:00 prophet muhammad these concepts would
0:41:03 would to us indicate that that should be
0:41:05 that kind of emphasis should be put by a
0:41:07 man or woman who wants to speak about
0:41:08 these issues to muslim people yeah and
0:41:11 especially on pastoral levels number
0:41:13 three what uh so we said number one
0:41:16 number two
0:41:17 uh
0:41:19 number three
0:41:20 i would say this bro i would actually
0:41:22 say it would benefit you guys if you had
0:41:25 one person of knowledge yes a female
0:41:28 yeah yes it doesn't have to be about at
0:41:29 all you get a female
0:41:34 to look over your stuff and not only
0:41:35 that but to sit with you guys so you can
0:41:37 actually consult her so you can get it's
0:41:39 because these are pastoral issues
0:41:41 in many ways they're actually even more
0:41:43 complicated than thou issues yeah
0:41:45 they're more complicated so you need a
0:41:47 thick specialist on hand
0:41:50 and because some of the blunders that
0:41:51 are coming out would suggest that you
0:41:53 don't have that kind of thing and if you
0:41:55 have someone there with you they can do
0:41:56 is tiddle they can do shad meaning you
0:41:59 they would be bringing out quran ayah
0:42:01 sunnah hadith and that's what the that's
0:42:03 what this thing is missing apart from
0:42:05 that you guys are doing good work of
0:42:06 course and hopefully you didn't take
0:42:08 offense to this we need to check each
0:42:10 other and hold each other account some
0:42:11 of the advice that was given has to be
0:42:13 productive
0:42:14 and it also has to be realistic can it
0:42:15 and we hope we because we have the same
0:42:17 objective we're on the same team we are
0:42:19 on the same team yeah and the objective
0:42:21 is to get people in stable families you
0:42:24 know and people can get people away from
0:42:25 zina so my question to you is that when
0:42:27 is your marriage fraudulent documentary
0:42:29 coming out
0:42:31 i mean
0:42:33 let me tell you something it's not
0:42:34 coming out is it it is coming out and
0:42:36 when it is come out when it does come
0:42:37 out
0:42:38 it would be groundbreaking yeah box
0:42:40 office smashing yeah it's gonna cause
0:42:42 earthquakes in the um i'm speculating
0:42:45 maybe here 10.7 on the with this game
0:42:47 yeah it's going to cause and the reason
0:42:49 why because this is about it goes up to
0:42:50 9. no no this has gone above that
0:42:52 brother yeah this is called tsunamis in
0:42:54 the regions yes people drowned you know
0:42:56 people drown people need life jackets
0:43:00 the point the point is but it is i'll be
0:43:02 honest it is a big topic man and it's
0:43:04 and that is what i aim to do when i
0:43:06 release it it's to delve
0:43:08 down
0:43:09 yes usual
0:43:11 delve into the topic because it is such
0:43:13 a big ocean yeah and there's so many
0:43:16 problems actually and the reason why i
0:43:17 was a bit passionate and aggressive in
0:43:19 the video i want to give a disclaimer
0:43:21 it's not towards the sisters it's
0:43:22 because it's satisfying misogynist
0:43:25 you know what's really sad to see bro is
0:43:27 because i hear left right center hello
0:43:28 yeah but i'm getting a divorce i'm
0:43:29 getting a divorce i'm going to say bro
0:43:31 it's a pandemic yeah so the thing is
0:43:33 this when we have that issue
0:43:35 of the ummah bro it's dangerous we want
0:43:37 to
0:43:38 we don't want people to get divorced
0:43:39 okay because divorce
0:43:41 marriages mean broken families broken
0:43:43 kids the future ummah is ruined so
0:43:45 that's why we need to make sure we're
0:43:47 very careful with our words and when we
0:43:49 afterwards that divorce so easily it's
0:43:51 not that easy you know so yes as we're
0:43:54 careful you know what doing fear except
0:43:56 etcetera table well if yes happy days um
0:43:59 we need to be careful with the word
0:44:00 divorces especially relating to women
0:44:02 because exactly what women doing
0:44:04 going to ask a man for divorce is not
0:44:06 the same as men going to ask a woman for
0:44:08 divorce exactly a woman a man can do
0:44:10 talk to a woman without a consultation
0:44:13 or a woman doing
0:44:15 hola is a completely different kettle
0:44:16 official together and hadith has come
0:44:18 that if a woman asked for divorce for no
0:44:20 reason yeah then she is to be given such
0:44:22 and such a punishment she will not be
0:44:24 you know the fragrance of jannah she
0:44:25 will not smell then so on yeah it's not
0:44:27 the same
0:44:29 like for example he mentions that the
0:44:30 reason talaqa stimulated the three is
0:44:32 because the pagan arabs used to abuse it
0:44:34 they used to divorce their wives and
0:44:35 their wives wanted to move on and they
0:44:36 would take them back and they would do
0:44:37 this over and over again allah
0:44:39 legislated to free so let's not get the
0:44:40 talaq thing of i'm in power i'm yes
0:44:43 there is that element but also that if
0:44:45 you abuse it allah subhanahu wa is the
0:44:47 the reason allah registers that your
0:44:49 wife would have to go and have intimacy
0:44:51 get married with another man that's the
0:44:52 consequence so it won't be your wife
0:44:54 anymore but we won't be a wife anymore
0:44:55 but the point is this bro if it's your
0:44:57 wife and you bro you don't you don't
0:44:58 want to give that divorce and you gave
0:44:59 it because your stupidity that comes at
0:45:02 a cost so let's not make it seem like
0:45:03 the talaqa thing that we have is
0:45:04 something that we carry and it's yeah
0:45:06 i'll use however like no we can fire him
0:45:10 it can backfire us by the way this is a
0:45:11 deep topic inshallah in the coming uh
0:45:13 times in february when the documentaries
0:45:15 are gonna begin to have internet dove
0:45:17 into this i mean
0:45:18 until next time happy birthday across
0:45:20 your hands
0:45:33 you