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Causality Does Not Exist at Quantum Level | The Evidence Course | Session 3 / Part 3 (2021-08-25)


Sesson 3 Part 3

In an age of information overload and widespread pseudo-intellectualism, understanding the core foundations of Islam is as essential as ever.

This course comprehensively deconstructs the skeletal structure of prevalent ideologies and concepts such as atheism, scientism, materialism, secularism, and skepticism, in light of an all-encompassing intellectually robust Islamic worldview.

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The Hosts:

Jake Brancatella, The Muslim Metaphysician

Yusuf Ponders, The Pondering Soul






#causality #quantum #UniverseFromNothing

Summary of Causality Does Not Exist at Quantum Level | The Evidence Course | Session 3 / Part 3

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:20:00

scientists discuss the idea that the universe came from nothing. They point out that, according to the laws of quantum mechanics, it is not clear where these fields came from or why the world should have existed in the first place. They also argue that, even if materialistic causation does not exist, there must still be an independent, unlimited creator to have determined the existence of the universe.

00:00:00 Muhammad discusses quantum mechanics, which is the branch of physics that studies the very small. He explains that quantum mechanics has some weird observations that don't follow the laws of causality that we're used to. He goes on to say that we have to assume causality in order to attain any understanding of quantum mechanics, and that we also must assume that there are fixed patterns of behavior in order to make any predictions.

  • *00:05:00 Discusses the idea that quantum level interactions have no materialistic causation, which means that the big world we live in is made up of quantum level interactions, but that on a macro level we can't predict what will happen.
  • 00:10:00 a professor discusses how causality is a necessary component for rational thought, and how if causality does not exist on a quantum level, then it does not exist on the macro level either. This would mean that we cannot ask the question "what caused the big bank?" because there is no causality on that level.
  • 00:15:00 various scientists discuss the idea that the universe came from nothing. Though some find this concept difficult to accept, they ultimately agree that it is based on scientific evidence. Professor Michio Kaku points out that the universe could have come from either an absolute nothing or a state of nothing, but it did not come from nothing in between. David Albert critiques the idea that the universe could have come from an infinitesimally tiny explosion, arguing that this does not account for the laws of physics that we currently observe.
  • 00:20:00 In this third video of the "Causality Does Not Exist at Quantum Level" series, Professor Lawrence Krauss points out that, according to the laws of quantum mechanics themselves, it is not clear where these fields came from or why the world should have existed in the first place. He also argues that, even if materialistic causation does not exist, there must still be an independent, unlimited creator to have determined the existence of the universe.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:14 muhammad so the other contention that
0:00:17 some people or some atheists uh raise
0:00:20 to the arguments that we proposed
0:00:22 is is this idea that we are assuming
0:00:25 causal principles and causality is not a
0:00:28 necessary reality
0:00:30 that exists on a quantum level and
0:00:33 therefore if it doesn't exist on a
0:00:34 quantum level how can we be 100 sure
0:00:37 exists on a macro level meaning on the
0:00:39 the big level
0:00:41 uh the level that we exist and that we
0:00:43 can see
0:00:44 so i remember one time one one person he
0:00:47 he made the point that
0:00:49 you know it could be theoretically that
0:00:52 as you go and reach out to grab a cup
0:00:55 that your hand could go straight through
0:00:56 the cup so i responded and i said well
0:00:59 imagine if you were to walk in the
0:01:01 middle of the road and you saw a truck
0:01:03 coming towards you would you think at
0:01:05 that moment in time theoretically the
0:01:07 truck could go straight through you or
0:01:09 you're gonna try and get out of the way
0:01:11 as fast as possible from that
0:01:14 but we want to dive into a little bit a
0:01:16 little bit more detail regards to what
0:01:18 how we can understand and how we can
0:01:20 approach this discussion and really the
0:01:21 approach of this discussion shouldn't
0:01:23 really be approached from well actually
0:01:25 quantum level does have
0:01:27 you know causal principles i suppose
0:01:28 that is one argument that you can use i
0:01:31 go into the science of it in order to
0:01:33 refute the science that they they
0:01:35 provide or they counter with
0:01:37 but i think the problem with gaza
0:01:39 quantum mechanics is that it's a complex
0:01:41 issue it's an issue which is
0:01:43 counterintuitive it's not what we expect
0:01:45 to see and because it's not what we
0:01:47 expect to see in our general experiences
0:01:50 you know it can be quite confusing quite
0:01:52 difficult to understand what's actually
0:01:54 occurring upon quantum on a quantum
0:01:56 level
0:01:58 what is quantum mechanics all of these
0:01:59 things so rather what we're going to do
0:02:01 is approach this from a more of an
0:02:02 epistemological point of view meaning
0:02:04 from the point of view of a rational
0:02:07 thinking human being and and from how we
0:02:09 understand ideas and looking at
0:02:12 where this then discussion about quantum
0:02:14 mechanics fits in
0:02:16 so what do we mean by the quantum
0:02:18 quantum level or quantum mechanics
0:02:20 quantum mechanics deals with the very
0:02:22 very small
0:02:23 so we're talking about the subatomic
0:02:26 level type particles
0:02:28 and the behaviors of things like
0:02:29 electrons photons and
0:02:31 and the interactions even of atoms but
0:02:33 it's on the very very small level and on
0:02:36 a quantum level there are very weird you
0:02:39 know
0:02:40 observations that are seen
0:02:43 for example i'll just give you an
0:02:44 example of this
0:02:46 so imagine again a pool table
0:02:49 with all the balls racked up
0:02:51 and imagine you hit
0:02:53 all these balls
0:02:55 with your white cue ball
0:02:57 so if the pool table is a normal size
0:03:00 then theoretically
0:03:02 you can work out what's going to happen
0:03:04 to all of those pool balls where they're
0:03:08 going to be what position they're going
0:03:10 to land in etc so longers we've worked
0:03:12 out all the variables
0:03:14 like for example the variable of each
0:03:17 weight of each ball the size the
0:03:20 position the friction of the table that
0:03:22 exerts itself on each and every ball on
0:03:25 the pull table
0:03:26 and if i knew the direction and speed of
0:03:29 the white ball as i hit it so if i knew
0:03:33 the white board the speed the direction
0:03:36 and if i knew everything else all the
0:03:37 other variables regards to those pool
0:03:39 balls then i could possibly i can
0:03:42 predict where each of those balls are
0:03:44 going to land on that table
0:03:47 and that's
0:03:48 obviously something we can predict and
0:03:50 yes we know that causality is not
0:03:52 something we can empirically prove as we
0:03:54 as we mentioned in a previous video
0:03:57 meaning using science you have to assume
0:03:59 causality
0:04:00 and if you have to assume causality
0:04:02 using science then you cannot
0:04:05 refute the idea of science or you can't
0:04:07 prove it from a scientific basis you
0:04:09 have to assume it
0:04:11 and we also have to assume in science
0:04:13 that there are fixed patterns of
0:04:14 behavior so when we're looking at this
0:04:16 pool table we understand that there's
0:04:18 the effect
0:04:20 which is oh the cause which is the white
0:04:22 ball traveling is going to cause a
0:04:24 various num number of effects and those
0:04:26 effects are repeatable they're going to
0:04:28 be with a fixed pattern
0:04:31 so we can understand that and we
0:04:33 understand that because these things
0:04:36 occur and they are not things that occur
0:04:38 because of the universe
0:04:41 they are the attributes which have been
0:04:42 placed by allah upon the universe itself
0:04:47 and therefore we can as a result predict
0:04:50 things because we assume that allah or
0:04:52 allah has told us that he has fixed laws
0:04:54 within this universe
0:04:57 however let's let's take a step back
0:04:59 from the the macro level from the big
0:05:01 level
0:05:02 and let's imagine this pool table and
0:05:04 shrink it right down to the quantum
0:05:06 level
0:05:07 so you've just got this really small
0:05:09 quantum level size pool table
0:05:13 and suddenly now
0:05:15 if i try to hit the white ball i have a
0:05:18 few problems on this quantum level pool
0:05:20 table
0:05:21 because i can't 100 percent predict
0:05:25 exactly where that white ball is and i
0:05:29 cannot 100 percent predict at what
0:05:32 uh what speed or motion it will travel
0:05:34 at in fact the problem exists on a
0:05:37 quantum level is that with quantum level
0:05:39 particles you know you can only as you
0:05:42 know you have only a probabilistic
0:05:44 assumption of both speed and motor and
0:05:47 position
0:05:48 now on a macro level because i knew
0:05:51 speed and location of each ball then i
0:05:54 can work out what's going to happen but
0:05:56 if i don't know the speed and the
0:05:57 location precisely of each ball then i
0:06:01 can't predict what's going to happen to
0:06:04 that rack of balls on the pool table at
0:06:06 a quantum level
0:06:08 i can't know all of the variables so i
0:06:11 can't predict and determine exactly
0:06:13 what's going to happen and this is this
0:06:16 this understanding that you can you can
0:06:18 never predict both the position and the
0:06:20 speed of a quantum level particle is
0:06:23 what's termed as heisenberg's
0:06:25 uncertainty principle
0:06:27 are the inability to determine precisely
0:06:29 the position and speed of each particle
0:06:33 rather as it mentions this this
0:06:35 principle of heisenberg's uncertainty
0:06:37 principle the more precise your
0:06:38 measurements of the speed the less
0:06:40 precise your measurements will be of
0:06:41 position and vice versa
0:06:43 so some say as a result that
0:06:46 theoretically if quantum level
0:06:48 interactions can't be predicted so you
0:06:51 can't say a is going to hit b that's
0:06:54 going to cause c to occur because you
0:06:56 don't know where a is at any given time
0:06:58 or you don't know its motion at any
0:06:59 given time as well both together
0:07:02 so as a result if they say you can't
0:07:04 predict
0:07:05 yeah a quantum level in interactions
0:07:08 then the macro level can't also be
0:07:10 predicted or determined so i want you to
0:07:12 think about this
0:07:14 if a house is made up of bricks then i
0:07:17 know what the the material of the house
0:07:19 is it's the bricks so
0:07:21 what they're saying here is that the big
0:07:23 world the world that we live in is made
0:07:26 up of quantum level interactions
0:07:29 if there are a cause of means that don't
0:07:31 follow causal patterns on a quantum
0:07:34 level
0:07:35 and the big the macro world is built
0:07:37 upon the the quantum level interactions
0:07:40 then i can't predict
0:07:42 you know even on the macro level because
0:07:45 if this is a causal and this is what
0:07:47 makes up the rest of the universe then
0:07:50 the universe ultimately must be a causal
0:07:52 or doesn't follow causal principles
0:07:55 and some scientists also give
0:07:58 give other examples or implications of
0:08:01 this idea
0:08:02 of uh you know a causal uh quantum level
0:08:06 a causality for example the famous
0:08:08 uh physicist known as lawrence krauss
0:08:10 and also self-declared anti-theist they
0:08:12 don't even consider himself an atheist
0:08:14 he actually calls himself an antitheist
0:08:17 he states that the nothingness of space
0:08:20 causes
0:08:21 particles to pop in
0:08:23 in and out of existence so when you have
0:08:26 no space you have a vacuum
0:08:28 yeah
0:08:29 in a vacuum you find that there are on a
0:08:32 quantum level there'll be particles that
0:08:34 will pop in and out of existence virtual
0:08:36 particles
0:08:38 and again
0:08:39 what he's attempting to do is he's
0:08:41 attempting to say well if that can occur
0:08:43 on a quantum level why couldn't this
0:08:46 occur prior to the universe that the
0:08:48 universe didn't exist it existed or some
0:08:50 empty space and the universe or suddenly
0:08:53 on a quantum level the univ singularity
0:08:56 appeared and from the singularity there
0:08:58 was a big bang
0:09:01 there's far more details in this that i
0:09:04 haven't really gone through you know
0:09:05 huge amounts of details on quantum
0:09:07 mechanics but really what we're really
0:09:09 asking is is a question about how do we
0:09:12 approach this from a
0:09:14 you know epistemological angle from
0:09:17 point of view of ideas how do we the
0:09:19 methodology of our thinking so
0:09:23 however when we talk about quantum level
0:09:25 having no causality as some claim
0:09:28 what they're actually saying
0:09:30 is that quantum level interactions have
0:09:34 no materialistic causation you can't
0:09:36 work out why
0:09:38 in a deterministic point of view
0:09:41 why this is occurring yeah why one level
0:09:44 interaction is taking place with another
0:09:45 level interaction precisely in a
0:09:47 deterministic fashion
0:09:50 so this is the first thing that they're
0:09:52 they're they're
0:09:53 they're really saying regards to this
0:09:56 so the question then becomes okay how
0:09:58 does claims that on a quantum level
0:10:00 having no causality or some claim
0:10:01 actually refute our argument for the
0:10:03 existence of god
0:10:05 does it does it refute our arguments for
0:10:07 the existence god if there's no
0:10:09 causality on a quantum level there's no
0:10:11 causality on the macro level then does
0:10:13 that mean that we cannot ask the
0:10:14 question what caused the big bank that's
0:10:16 effectively the argument
0:10:18 well firstly no we can't use that as an
0:10:21 argument about a causal levels a
0:10:23 causality on a quantum level
0:10:25 firstly as we've mentioned in the
0:10:27 section in section one on science and
0:10:30 scientism we said that science is
0:10:33 predicated on the belief in causality
0:10:36 you have to assume causality for you to
0:10:38 engage in the scientific method
0:10:41 even when we detect virtual particles
0:10:43 popping in and out of existence we are
0:10:45 detecting them using machines also that
0:10:48 rests on causal principles so you're
0:10:50 trying to detect
0:10:52 you know a particle that's come out of
0:10:53 non-existence yeah or come out of you
0:10:56 know space you know vacuum of space on a
0:10:58 quantum level you're using machinery
0:11:01 that actually detects this
0:11:02 so you're not you know you're not
0:11:04 actually going outside of the causal
0:11:05 principles you're still using causality
0:11:08 even in the scientific method
0:11:11 the other thing is this
0:11:12 if we conclude some scientists or
0:11:14 certain atheists try to use this
0:11:16 argument to say ah
0:11:17 there is no causality because on a
0:11:19 quantum level there is no causality and
0:11:22 that's what science has proven then what
0:11:24 they're doing is they're creating a
0:11:26 circular or self-refuting argument
0:11:29 if science adopts the principle of
0:11:31 causality and you conclude that there is
0:11:34 no principle of causality then you have
0:11:36 you have actually refuted the scientific
0:11:38 method itself and if you refuted the
0:11:40 scientific method you've also refuted
0:11:43 its conclusion
0:11:46 secondly causality is a necessary
0:11:48 component to make rational thought
0:11:51 this means causality
0:11:53 is an is is an idea that we gain prior
0:11:57 to experience we use causality in order
0:12:01 to interpret and explain experience and
0:12:03 we discussed this
0:12:05 in when we talked about the rational
0:12:07 method
0:12:08 so we don't experience causality and
0:12:12 include and conclude causality exists
0:12:15 but rather we need causality to think
0:12:18 because the fact that we think
0:12:21 that we have concepts then we know
0:12:22 reality exists because we know reality
0:12:25 exists and that reality caused our
0:12:28 thoughts then as a result causality
0:12:30 exists it's a very basic argument so
0:12:33 even if we grant that quantum level
0:12:36 interactions have no materialistic
0:12:38 causation or no materialistic
0:12:41 explanation that's the key thing here
0:12:42 materialistic explanation
0:12:44 then that doesn't deny causality
0:12:47 altogether
0:12:48 rather only denies the
0:12:51 is materialistic or part of the universe
0:12:54 so if something's occurring and you
0:12:56 can't explain what the cause of that
0:12:58 thing that's occurring that's caused its
0:13:00 effect
0:13:01 then it doesn't mean that causality
0:13:03 doesn't exist it just means that the
0:13:04 causality cannot be explained by the
0:13:07 universe
0:13:09 and this is similar to how imam ghazali
0:13:13 he explained that there are no
0:13:15 materialistic causation so imam khazadi
0:13:17 held a theological position called
0:13:20 occasionalism
0:13:21 and this this position basically said
0:13:23 that there are no secondary causations
0:13:25 so
0:13:26 it only go into too much detail but
0:13:28 effectively what he was saying is that
0:13:29 if you strike a match it's not your
0:13:31 striking that's causing the fire but
0:13:34 rather a loss panel does place the
0:13:36 attribute of the fire and your striking
0:13:38 in that situation is incidental it just
0:13:40 happens to occur side by side and it
0:13:43 also happens to be that allah made it
0:13:46 that the universe operates according to
0:13:48 the system but he didn't have to operate
0:13:50 according to that system so the ultimate
0:13:52 cause within the universe on every
0:13:54 single event and every single effect
0:13:56 that we see is allah he's the primary
0:13:59 cause this is what imam khazali when he
0:14:01 said there's no secondary causation he
0:14:03 wasn't denying causality they were in
0:14:06 fact affirming that the only cause is
0:14:08 allah and they said you have to still
0:14:10 affirm causality
0:14:13 and this is similar to the point als we
0:14:15 raised in section two about how
0:14:16 attributes are not necessary for objects
0:14:19 hence the attributes were also
0:14:20 determined by allah
0:14:22 so even if they say that on a quantum
0:14:24 level there is no determinism
0:14:27 or no material materialistic explanation
0:14:30 for the position and particle
0:14:32 of the peculiar behavior of the quantum
0:14:33 particles or the particular behavior the
0:14:35 quantum particles then that would
0:14:37 reinforce our argument that the cause is
0:14:40 not from the universe itself but must be
0:14:43 determined upon these particles so if
0:14:46 you can't explain the materialistic
0:14:47 cause of why these why this
0:14:50 you know quantum level particles popping
0:14:52 in and out of existence on a quantum
0:14:54 level space in a vacuum of space we
0:14:56 can't explain why that occurs it doesn't
0:14:58 mean therefore causality doesn't occur
0:15:00 it rather means that the explanation and
0:15:02 the causes outside of the physical
0:15:04 universe aye allah
0:15:10 so
0:15:13 so therefore the other the third point
0:15:16 as well is this
0:15:17 is okay
0:15:19 let's say we grant and we accept that a
0:15:23 causal uh quantum level interactions
0:15:25 occur
0:15:26 but now we have to still explain
0:15:29 why on the macro level we see causality
0:15:32 so why is it that the each of the balls
0:15:35 on a pool table and the pool table
0:15:37 itself are made up of a causal
0:15:40 interactions but yet i can predict every
0:15:42 single position of that ball
0:15:44 even though when we start to reduce that
0:15:46 pool table or shrink it down to the size
0:15:48 of a quantum or quantum levels
0:15:51 interactions that we can't we can no
0:15:53 longer predict it so we know that the
0:15:55 big the big world follows causal
0:15:57 principles but if the big world are
0:15:59 following causal principles and it's not
0:16:01 because of
0:16:03 the quantum level interactions then as a
0:16:06 result the explanation of what's causing
0:16:09 the universe to operate according to a
0:16:11 system have certain fixed attributes
0:16:13 that we sense that we see has fixed
0:16:15 patterns that we sense and that we see
0:16:17 then that explanation again is not
0:16:19 because of what it's made up of but
0:16:21 rather
0:16:22 something that is determined by allah
0:16:27 the final point that i want to mention
0:16:28 regards to this is that even when people
0:16:30 turn around or scientists say that oh
0:16:32 you know there's all these
0:16:33 counter-intuitive realities on the
0:16:35 quantum level or in quantum mechanics
0:16:38 really actually it's not uh it may be
0:16:40 counter-intuitive but they still follow
0:16:43 patterns their probabilistic patterns
0:16:45 yeah and therefore you can still predict
0:16:48 in a probabilistic way where certain
0:16:50 patterns or what certain particles will
0:16:52 be what will occur etc
0:16:55 so for example
0:16:57 uh
0:16:58 you know like the like the equation pq
0:17:01 approximates the planck's constants over
0:17:03 four pi which is used in heisenberg's
0:17:05 uncertainty principle
0:17:08 so you know there is still pro there is
0:17:10 some equations that are used and you
0:17:12 don't see we what we don't see on a
0:17:14 quantum level interaction is we don't
0:17:15 see complete a causality so we don't see
0:17:18 elephants being created on their quantum
0:17:20 level you know they're still following
0:17:22 certain patterns regards to that
0:17:25 the other point that i also want to
0:17:26 mention is that lawrence krauss and what
0:17:29 he said about the universe popping into
0:17:32 in and out of existence or popping into
0:17:34 existence from nothing from a quantum
0:17:36 you know quantum singularity has been
0:17:38 the start of the big bang and the
0:17:39 quantum singularity came from the vacuum
0:17:40 of space
0:17:41 and he says that
0:17:43 it is therefore valid to assume and the
0:17:46 science points to the fact that
0:17:48 something can come from nothing this is
0:17:50 what he's saying now obviously the first
0:17:52 problem regards to his question this
0:17:53 this assumption that something can come
0:17:55 from nothing is that there's an effect
0:17:57 but there is no cause that would deny
0:17:58 the axiom of science and therefore that
0:18:00 would deny its own conclusion
0:18:03 and its methodology but really we need
0:18:06 to ask the question what does he
0:18:07 actually mean by this when scientists
0:18:08 from certain atheists really push these
0:18:10 ideas what do they really mean by this
0:18:12 professor michio kaku who's professor of
0:18:14 theoretical physics physics at city
0:18:17 university in new york
0:18:19 he states he says or he asks how can it
0:18:22 be that everything comes from nothing
0:18:25 yeah so how can it be that everything
0:18:26 comes from nothing and his solution what
0:18:28 he says is that if you think about it
0:18:31 for a while you begin to realize it all
0:18:33 depends on how you define nothing
0:18:36 professor kaku tells us goes on to say
0:18:39 he goes i think there are two kinds of
0:18:41 nothing
0:18:42 first there is something i call absolute
0:18:44 nothing no equations no space no time no
0:18:48 anything that the human mind can
0:18:50 conceive of just nothing
0:18:52 then there is a vacuum which is
0:18:55 uh nothing
0:18:56 which is nothing but an absence of
0:18:58 matter so he's saying there's two kinds
0:19:00 of nothing there is an absolute nothing
0:19:03 where there are no equations and then
0:19:05 there is an absence a space which has
0:19:07 absence of matter yeah a vacuum that has
0:19:10 absence of matter and he goes that's
0:19:11 another kind of of nothing so professor
0:19:14 kaku he goes on to say so for me the
0:19:16 universe did not come out from absolute
0:19:18 nothing
0:19:19 that is a state of no equations no empty
0:19:22 space no time
0:19:24 it came from a pre-existing state
0:19:27 also a also what they call a state of
0:19:29 nothing
0:19:30 yeah where quantum mechanics the laws uh
0:19:33 of the nature laws of the universe loads
0:19:35 of quantum mechanics the equations of
0:19:37 quantum mechanics they they actually
0:19:39 still operate
0:19:41 our universe did in fact come from an
0:19:44 and he mentions an infinitesimally tiny
0:19:46 little explosion that took place giving
0:19:48 us the big bang and giving us the
0:19:50 galaxies and stars that we have today
0:19:53 similar
0:19:54 philosopher david uh albert who's a
0:19:56 specialist in quantum fury
0:19:58 he offered a a critique of krause's book
0:20:02 in the new york times book review and
0:20:05 he said
0:20:07 and this is his quote where for starters
0:20:09 are the laws of quantum mechanics
0:20:11 themselves supposed to have come from
0:20:14 modern quantum field theories our points
0:20:16 out have nothing whatsoever to say on
0:20:20 the subject of where those fields came
0:20:22 from
0:20:23 or of why the world should have
0:20:25 consisted of a particular kind of fields
0:20:28 it does or why it should have consisted
0:20:31 of fields at all or of why there should
0:20:34 have been a world in the first place
0:20:36 period clay case closed end of story so
0:20:40 when lawrence krauss and other prominent
0:20:43 atheists attempt to argue that the
0:20:45 universe came from nothing they don't
0:20:47 really mean nothing but some kind of
0:20:50 nothing some kind of something
0:20:52 so even professor hawking who claimed
0:20:54 that the existence of quantum gravity
0:20:56 would make the universe inevitable again
0:21:00 he's assuming that there must be a
0:21:02 quantum gravity to exist prior to the
0:21:05 universe so really science does not
0:21:07 point to absolute nothing producing some
0:21:10 something rather it points that
0:21:13 something is still dependent and
0:21:14 contingent and even if they were to
0:21:18 claim that something is a causal
0:21:21 something did not ex you know came in
0:21:24 from nothingness what they are denying
0:21:26 is materialistic causation
0:21:28 and will still be valid to say not just
0:21:31 valid but it'd be necessary logical and
0:21:33 rational to say there must be an
0:21:35 independent unlimited creator to have
0:21:38 determined its existence
0:21:40 outside of the physical natural causes
0:21:43 of the universe