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Dr Al-Massari: Modal Collapse?! (2022-01-23)


حلقات ودروس الشيخ الدكتور محمد بن عبدالله المسعري Study Circles of Professor Dr. Muhammad AL-MASSARI

Dr. Muhammad AL-MASSARI Modal Collapse

Summary of Dr Al-Massari: Modal Collapse?!

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


Discusses the idea of modal collapse, or the idea that the physical reality may be different depending on the structure of the reality. The presenter argues that this concept is consistent with mathematical imagination, but not with the direct imagination. He also discusses the concept, and argues that it may exist in reality.

00:00:00 Discusses the problem of model collapse, or the idea that certain principles or concepts can have multiple, possibly contradictory, meanings. goes on to present the argument that if classical theism is true, then it is impossible for God to have accidents, and consequently, the argument is false.

  • 00:05:00 Professor Al-Massari discusses the development of formal modal logics, and how these have helped to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the concepts of existence, necessity, and possibility. He suggests that starting from the cast (or starting point), one should proceed step-by-step in a cautious manner, always keeping in mind the overarching goal of achieving "square zero," or a complete understanding of the matter at hand.
  • 00:10:00 Discusses the principle that consciousness requires reasons, and that this reason requirement is fundamental to our existence. It goes on to say that humanity has only developed these reasoning abilities over a period of a few thousand years, and that without them, wars would continue to be fought and people would be killed by arrows.
  • 00:15:00 Dr. Al-Massari discusses two ways to approach the question of whether the external world exists: as an illusion or as something separate from the self. Ultimately, he concludes that either option is possible, but that the former is more likely. He also points out the difficulty of escaping from contradiction when attempting to determine the nature of the external world.
  • 00:20:00 discusses the idea that consciousness is limited, and that there may be a higher form of consciousness that is beyond our understanding. The presenter suggests that the third option, that consciousness is necessarily existing, is the best option because it is consistent with our own perceptions and it leads to no contradictions. He then moves on to a discussion with the audience.
  • 00:25:00 Dr. Al-Massari discusses the possibility that the external world is not exactly what it seems. He argues that it is an image or representation of the reality, and that it is reasonably accurate. He also discusses the principle of identity, and how it can be safely assumed that it is one to one correspondence between the external world and our internal consciousness.
  • 00:30:00 Discusses the concept of necessity, which states that an entity must have certain attributes in order to be considered rational. It argues that if an entity does not have any attributes, it is impossible for us to conceive of it. The definition of world is that what specifies or "ad certain for" an entity is a fundamental concept, but we try to express it in sentences to make it easier to understand. It is impossible for a being without any attributes to be composed of anything else. This is the first point to be clarified. Attributes and entities are classified as a composition, which means that the entity is not composed of five six things plus a nucleus which has nothing whatsoever attributed to it. This says and a pure what they called in Arabic that a pure sense or being without any attribute whatsoever is an impossibility. The second point to be clarified is that if an entity is composed of anything, it is not a pure entity. This is because a pure entity is defined as something that is not composed. Finally, the concept of action is related to time, but is discussed in more detail later in the video. When we look at action for ourselves, we know that we can choose to do something or not do something. This is an example of a necessity, which
  • 00:35:00 Discusses the concept of freedom, focusing on the idea that everyone perceives it in themselves. It goes on to say that space and time are also fundamental concepts, and that the concept of free agency is one of the most fundamental concepts of all.
  • 00:40:00 discusses the concept of modal collapse, which is a term used to describe the idea that two dimensions can be collapsed into one. argues that this concept is consistent with mathematical imagination, but not with the direct imagination. He also discusses the concept, and argues that it may exist in reality.
  • 00:45:00 Discusses the concept of modal collapse, which is the idea that the physical reality may be different depending on the structure of the reality. Physicists have to use abstract concepts to try and understand the universe, but there is no guarantee that what they are seeing is actually real. In particular, when extending the past, there are two options for extension: either extending to minus infinity or to a point where the past and future become indistinguishable. reviews the concept of time and shows that it is also a pure form of perception.
  • 00:50:00 Discusses the philosophical problems with the theory of relativity, which are summed up in a quote from Dr. Al-Massari: "time is essentially different in space while space is symmetrical and there's no difference between going back and forth and backward equally an equal measure."
  • 00:55:00 Discusses the problems with quantum mechanics, relativity, and cosmology. It suggests that if these theories are based on an absolute reality, they must have a fundamental problem.


Dr. Al-Massari discusses the concept of modal collapse, which he defines as a "spontaneous" occurrence of a certain entity due to the free actions of that entity. He argues that this concept is necessary for the understanding of free agents, consciousness, and the development of time. Dr. Al-Massari also discusses the notion of divine knowledge, arguing that it is intrinsic or initial in eternity and can become extrinsic after that.

01:00:00 argues that it may be possible to show that time cannot be extended to minus infinity, which would mean that it has a beginning. However, the author argues that this cannot be done without formalizing the concept and that it is internally absorbed.

  • 01:05:00 Dr. Al-Massari discusses the modal collapse theory, which holds that the universe is like a circular cycle that never ends and never begins. He argues that this theory is philosophically and experimentally contradictory. The evidence for the theory comes from background radiation that does not fit into the standard model of the universe and from experiments that cannot be repeated. He suggests that we be more cautious in our assumptions about the universe, and that we consider the possibility that the universe does not exist at all.
  • 01:10:00 discusses the mathematical model for time, which is based on the concept of absolute zero of time. He goes on to say that time started at this absolute zero point, and that further observations will help to settle some outstanding questions about quantum mechanics and the reactivity of matter.
  • 01:15:00 Discusses the possibility that a mathematical model exists of a variable z that is defined only for the positive real number line, and that when z approaches zero, it goes to minus infinity slowly. The model is called the cut plane, and it is only valid for the exponential function. The model also has a singularity at the infinite far away point an essential singularity that cannot be removed by any means. Finally, the video discusses the issue of modality collapse, which refers to the idea that our perception of time and the universe is limited and that it may not be possible to go beyond our current understanding.
  • 01:20:00 Dr. Al-Massari discusses the difference between standard and non-standard analysis of time. He argues that the least metaphysical claim consistent with the theory is that there is an entity which is free and free acting. However, the Pelrose universe, which postulates an infinitely circulating universe, is an example of a theory that cannot tolerate quantum fluctuations. Al-Massari also argues that the start of the universe and the start of time must be assumed for the theory to be consistent.
  • 01:25:00 Dr. Al-Massari discusses the concept of modal collapse, which he defines as a "spontaneous" occurrence of a certain entity due to the free actions of that entity. He argues that this concept is necessary for the understanding of free agents, consciousness, and the development of time. Dr. Al-Massari also discusses the notion of divine knowledge, arguing that it is intrinsic or initial in eternity and can become extrinsic after that.
  • 01:30:00 Discusses the problem of a god who knows all things but cannot do anything because they are impossible. The solution is that the god knows all things and is able to suspend judgment, making future events possible.
  • 01:35:00 According to a hadith, the prophet said that before the universe came into existence, there was an "amazing" moment in which he repented from God. He then goes on to say that things become dynamic once people are born and that they are suspended for a time due to their actions during that time. He ends the video by saying that everything happens for a reason and that people should not worry about the future.
  • 01:40:00 points out that the idea of a god is that like a stone which does not change eternally, moving doing nothing is essentially nothing. He would say that this is essentially existing or being which can do nothing and doesn't act by absolute freedom is necessary not existing. He goes on to say that this is a proof to prove that the other alternative for the beginning of the universe is like the attempt of Hawking to say at the beginning we have the fourth dimensional space and one of these coordinates flipped into time and he needed a quantum fluctuation so it is we have something like in the point of eternity there's no time yet that's the point of eternity and we have a full dimension space and certain laws and obviously obviously uncertain fundamental field may be inactive not literally working whatever it is the details here we must have certain theory there in more details. He then goes on to say that so the situation must have some he is trying to escape without removing free agent by saying a quantum fluctuation no you can give name you can give the dog a bad name and shoot it but it it's still still a dog whatever name you give it you can give give this free agent the name of a controversial topic and you will not escape from it that it is it has to be
  • 01:45:00 Discusses the concept of divine free will and its implications for human behavior. Dr. Al-Massari argues that free will is not a deception, but instead is a guarantee of the divine's ability to create people with will cable or schedule even not on people. He also argues that the universe is capable of evolving in ways that are impossible to know without divine intervention.
  • 01:50:00 discusses the argument from divine knowledge being extensive, intrinsic, and without time exchange. He argues that, without a time exchange, the argument from divine knowledge being extensive, intrinsic, and without time exchange would be invalid.
  • 01:55:00 Discusses the two premises of a modal argument that professor Al-Massari presents in order to disprove the idea that there is a collapse of modality. He argues that, because God is absolutely free, he could have existed without having to create external things. The second premise, that God has contingent knowledge, is also discussed. The argument is not clear, however, at which point in eternity (or time) the premise is intended to apply. It is also unclear what the relation between time and God is supposed to be.


Dr. Al-Massari discusses the idea that God has intrinsic knowledge, which is knowledge that is necessary and cannot be otherwise. He goes on to say that this knowledge is not contingent, meaning that it is not possible for God to not know it. Dr. Al-Massari also argues that, if God had contingent knowledge, then He would not be able to create anything since He would not know what to create.

02:00:00 Dr. Al-Massari discusses the idea that God has intrinsic knowledge, which is knowledge that is necessary and cannot be otherwise. He goes on to say that this knowledge is not contingent, meaning that it is not possible for God to not know it. This is because if God did not know it, then He would not be able to do anything. Dr. Al-Massari also argues that, if God had contingent knowledge, then He would not be able to create anything since He would not know what to create. He concludes by saying that, even though God has contingent knowledge, He is still in eternity and continuously knows everything.

  • 02:05:00 Dr. Al-Massari discusses the idea that God does not necessarily have contingent knowledge, and that he has intrinsic knowledge instead. He argues that this idea is not extreme, and that it is within the realm of possibility that even if God is alone, he has this knowledge. He goes on to say that this knowledge is essential to God, and that he has it before time even exists. He also points out that there are hints of this idea in the Quran.
  • 02:10:00 discusses the idea that knowledge can be either intrinsic (within oneself), extrinsic (from outside sources), or intrinsic and extrinsic to the same degree (partners). They go on to say that if knowledge is intrinsic and extrinsic to the same degree, then it is probable that the knowledge holder will not crash into the future.
  • 02:15:00 Dr. Al-Massari discusses the modal collapse principle, which states that if eternity is one point represented mathematically, then time can be transformed into an infinitely long duration by using a mathematical transform. He argues that using this principle, it is impossible for God to create anything that is necessary but not possible, such as a stone that is not creatable. He also contends that this principle solves the problem over the famous Aristotelian argument that there is a difference between a statement being true or false and that a statement has a truth value.
  • 02:20:00 discusses the possibility of a "modal collapse" - a term used to describe a possible future in which the universe gradually shrinks or "collapses" due to its own inherent laws. Dr. Al-Massari explains that this collapse could happen either due to the natural laws governing the universe, or due to our own beliefs or desires. However, he believes that the majority of rational human beings would agree that the material universe does exist, and that any theories suggesting otherwise are flawed.
  • 02:25:00 In Dr. Al-Massari's opinion, the theory of divine simplicity holds that "God is essentially a single, all-powerful being who knows everything and exists eternally." This theory is problematic, as it does not accurately represent the reality of the universe. In addition, Dr. Al-Massari argues that the theory of divine simplicity leads to the conclusion that God must create a universe with certain features in order for it to exist.
  • 02:30:00 Dr. Al-Massari discusses the problem of free will. He argues that without free will, everything becomes deterministic and ultimately fatalistic. He goes on to say that the only way to prove the existence of free will is to assume it as an axiom and that it cannot be proven.
  • 02:35:00 Discusses the idea that a model or theory may collapse due to its inherent contradictions. This may lead to chaos and confusion.
  • 02:40:00 presents a critique of classical theism, arguing that it is impossible for God to have accidents. also argues that good model analysis is necessary in order to determine what God is. concludes by recommending that Christians go back and forth between inductive and deductive reasoning in order to build a more complex argument.
  • 02:45:00 Dr. Al-Massari discusses how time is a complex and mysterious concept, and how it's not harmful that the time controller, Allah, is in control. He also discusses the possibility of man affecting the course of time, and how ayahuasca may be able to facilitate such a change.
  • 02:50:00 reflects on the idea that all decisions, even those concerning life and death, are ultimately within Allah's jurisdiction. He offers an example of a king who was granted additional time by the prophet, only to have that decision reversed by Allah later on. advises people not to be unhappy with Allah even if their requests don't seem to be granted, as this will only undermine their faith.
  • 02:55:00 Dr. Al-Massari discusses the modal collapse argument, which is a philosophical argument that suggests that there is a possibility that God cannot lie to us. He argues that this argument can be used against those who believe in free will, as most of them are "jabberers" or "false prophets." Dr. Al-Massari also discusses the supplication and prayer concept, which he believes can be used to help us achieve our goals in life.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 Music
0:00:24 welcome everyone
0:00:26 to yeah
0:00:30 logical matters we can
0:00:32 discuss it in english
0:00:34 uh it's going to be arguments
0:00:36 all array of arguments from atheism to
0:00:40 uh dsm
0:00:42 how do we check if revelation is true
0:00:45 uh all of these philosophical arguments
0:00:47 that uh
0:00:49 uh
0:00:51 are known to theologians okay um should
0:00:54 be today we're gonna talk about model
0:00:56 collapse um should we start with that
0:00:59 like um i i read the definition or what
0:01:01 what is meant by by model collapse
0:01:04 there's this video here also for the
0:01:07 uh the viewer has taken look to the
0:01:09 video
0:01:10 it's not bad it's a as as expected from
0:01:12 videos for the public it will be more in
0:01:14 a simplified language but the speaker
0:01:16 seems to be reasonably qualified and
0:01:18 he tried to display things as good as it
0:01:21 can be done
0:01:22 in just a public video
0:01:25 because some some of these things are
0:01:27 best done in in and writing in
0:01:29 very precise and technical writing but
0:01:32 anyway
0:01:34 still we can we can present something
0:01:36 orally
0:01:37 reasonably simplified for the general
0:01:39 public and for the interested people
0:01:41 yeah go ahead yeah continue
0:01:44 uh so we we could start with the
0:01:47 picture and we can read it
0:01:51 and go from there is that okay yeah
0:01:55 okay
0:01:56 uh
0:01:59 knights was check your dms please
0:02:05 all right
0:02:07 i sent it to you on discord do you want
0:02:08 to read the premise and we can start
0:02:10 with the shaykh
0:02:12 uh with the professor that's okay that's
0:02:14 it on discord
0:02:25 where's the aloneness argument do you
0:02:26 want to talk about this arguably
0:02:29 um
0:02:30 if you can be a bit louder
0:02:33 let's just send the aloneness argument
0:02:35 yeah yes
0:02:37 hi that argument
0:02:38 well it's it's a form of the model
0:02:40 collapse
0:02:41 and then we can introduce another one
0:02:44 after we go through this one to see how
0:02:46 it goes
0:02:51 the video says but it's another approach
0:02:54 okay yes
0:02:56 okay this is the unknown's argument like
0:02:59 um okay goes on premise one god could
0:03:02 have been alone
0:03:03 premise 2 necessarily god has contingent
0:03:06 knowledge
0:03:07 premise 3 this contingent knowledge is
0:03:10 either only intrinsic partly intrinsic
0:03:14 and partly extrinsic
0:03:15 or wholly extrinsic premise 4
0:03:19 it can be neither partly history sick
0:03:21 and partly extrinsic or all the
0:03:24 extrinsic
0:03:26 premise 5
0:03:27 what is it whatever is holy intrinsic to
0:03:29 god is either an essential feature or an
0:03:32 accident
0:03:34 premise 6 whatever is contingent cannot
0:03:36 be an essential feature of god
0:03:39 premise 7 if classical theism is true
0:03:42 it's not possible for god to have
0:03:44 accidents conclusion therefore classical
0:03:46 theism is false
0:03:51 that's the problem how are the events is
0:03:54 can can god have accident doesn't have
0:03:56 accidents on i think it
0:03:59 it's best really to go
0:04:01 to start
0:04:02 all of this summarize also a long
0:04:04 history of discussion over maybe two and
0:04:06 a half millennia or something like that
0:04:07 from our time starting with aristotle
0:04:10 plato and socrates where things started
0:04:12 to be articulated more technically
0:04:15 uh people are discussing obviously the
0:04:17 sophists were discussing things about
0:04:19 truth and not truth and general things
0:04:21 very sorry things then then socrates
0:04:23 started uh
0:04:24 really the philosophical discourse that
0:04:26 that the issues of of rationality as i
0:04:29 should be should be uh should be uh
0:04:33 more the the
0:04:34 the sophists will rely obviously on on
0:04:37 the non-uniqueness of language and the
0:04:39 possibility of the certain expressions
0:04:41 or or
0:04:42 or phrases may have multiple meaning and
0:04:44 the stress may be in a certain area
0:04:46 essentially if you make things informal
0:04:49 or not essentially but important part of
0:04:51 it if you write things in a formal
0:04:52 language it is very important to know uh
0:04:56 the various operators what they are
0:04:57 acting upon to use parenthesis usually
0:04:59 hypothesis in the common language you
0:05:01 don't use parenthesis we we do it in
0:05:05 starting from the context more or less
0:05:08 and sometimes it's not clear and this
0:05:09 will lead leads usually to so-called
0:05:11 sophisticated arguments that nothing can
0:05:13 be proven and everything care everything
0:05:15 can be proven to be false and through at
0:05:18 the same time and things like that
0:05:20 and that
0:05:21 led to the development of the formal
0:05:23 formal
0:05:24 uh
0:05:25 formal
0:05:27 various formal forms of logic classical
0:05:30 logic proportion
0:05:34 and various modal logics which have been
0:05:37 developed in a formal way relatively
0:05:39 recently they were not known
0:05:41 directly in this form of informalized
0:05:43 form in an ancient time
0:05:46 and then now things have developed that
0:05:48 that's that people just talk about god
0:05:50 and so on before defining what god means
0:05:53 so so
0:05:54 if we start with that we end nowhere
0:05:56 this is all uh i think the best thing is
0:05:58 that to go to square zero
0:06:00 square zero meaning in the first circle
0:06:02 this course
0:06:03 my definition of square zero is to start
0:06:06 with the with the cast uh kogi to
0:06:09 ergosome
0:06:10 i think therefore i exist obviously it's
0:06:12 phrased in a wrong way it is it's not
0:06:14 it's it's not a conclusion it is it's
0:06:16 easily expressing that
0:06:18 the
0:06:19 fact that i perceive my own existence is
0:06:21 immediately
0:06:23 uh present in my in my consciousness in
0:06:25 my mind that's it it is the it says the
0:06:28 necessity of internal perception in
0:06:30 arabic they call it
0:06:32 on
0:06:33 uh
0:06:34 external perception is the usual
0:06:35 perception excess or perception but
0:06:38 internal perception of the system
0:06:40 leads to this
0:06:41 recognition that i exist there's
0:06:43 something called i i can't refer to
0:06:45 myself as an i obviously this is a
0:06:47 symbol summary of developments over 2000
0:06:51 years before the cut summarize this way
0:06:53 this is like this is an absolute
0:06:55 starting point we have to start from
0:06:56 this if we want to be uh on firm footing
0:07:00 i suggest the cards but obviously the
0:07:02 card did not continue the project he
0:07:04 started there
0:07:05 and then jumped quickly to
0:07:07 to uh to a form of dermatological god
0:07:10 proof and other things
0:07:12 and the philosopher after that because
0:07:15 challenged by hume's uh doubt about uh
0:07:18 about claiming that the concept of
0:07:20 necessary existing being is is
0:07:23 contra which is
0:07:24 god's supposed to be unsuccessful
0:07:25 existing being
0:07:26 because he his existence did not start
0:07:29 in time so that's the difference
0:07:30 essentially what people have been in in
0:07:32 some amorphous in their mind that
0:07:34 anything starting in time is no
0:07:36 selection because it could have not
0:07:37 existed so and the other thing is that
0:07:40 social existing being
0:07:43 uh could not have started in time uh and
0:07:46 the is incredible you cannot conceive
0:07:47 any time he was where he could he was
0:07:50 not in existence so he said this concept
0:07:52 is contradictory and this challenge the
0:07:55 the existing philosopher his time
0:07:56 especially khan took the challenge and
0:07:58 then and he said this the statement of
0:08:01 uh of the account
0:08:03 has awakened him from his dogmatic
0:08:04 slumber he was
0:08:06 he regard himself as a sleep
0:08:09 relying on the classical dogmatism not
0:08:12 not the rheumatism of of the scholastic
0:08:14 because the scholastic has become like
0:08:16 uh at the time of the cut more release
0:08:18 and distribute it was only done
0:08:20 like
0:08:21 only only the church and the people in
0:08:24 the education were concerned with
0:08:26 scholastic philosophy more or less but
0:08:29 the the people outside the crowd spinoza
0:08:32 and all others they consider other
0:08:34 things trying to get
0:08:36 get things on a russian rationalistic
0:08:38 footing
0:08:41 and that's that's what he meant is his
0:08:43 dogmatic slumber he thought he said
0:08:45 basically a certain statement of
0:08:46 rational previous russian and
0:08:48 scholastism are
0:08:49 absolute and well established and they
0:08:51 did not be reconsidered so he was forced
0:08:53 to reconsider the issue of epistemology
0:08:56 and then
0:08:57 uh
0:08:58 in in his in his approach he did not
0:09:02 do very much justice to uh to issues of
0:09:05 ontology
0:09:06 so so the stress of western philosophy
0:09:09 was essentially until late in the
0:09:11 past century 20th century was
0:09:13 essentially an epistemology more or less
0:09:15 on epistemology there's ontology and so
0:09:17 on but it was just took a backseat
0:09:20 but i believe uh the right approach is
0:09:22 to have were both connected from the
0:09:24 beginning
0:09:25 and the
0:09:26 the and then go step by step in a
0:09:28 cautious way
0:09:30 uh starting from the cast let us do main
0:09:33 steps and then maybe we need more more
0:09:35 sessions not this this session will not
0:09:36 obviously enough clearly things we are
0:09:39 where people are struggling of over
0:09:41 several millions will not be will not be
0:09:43 addressed adequately in in just a couple
0:09:45 of hours but let us at this
0:09:47 just skeleton today and then we go maybe
0:09:50 more and more debit target so from this
0:09:53 this i recognize my or i perceive my own
0:09:56 existence
0:09:57 necessarily immediately
0:09:59 and a priori
0:10:01 is fundamental we can't have a starting
0:10:03 point because otherwise i have to doubt
0:10:05 my own existence but the mere doubt
0:10:09 prove that i exist and the doubting
0:10:11 entity so it is it's impossible to go
0:10:15 to go anywhere without admitting that as
0:10:17 an absolutely
0:10:19 necessity given
0:10:21 so that's the first step
0:10:23 that's step number one
0:10:25 okay so
0:10:27 let me see
0:10:31 from that
0:10:34 certain things are recognized by
0:10:36 internal even always on our internal
0:10:38 perception i'm just making the main
0:10:40 immense obstacles that that needs to be
0:10:43 further analyzed and discussed and some
0:10:44 philosophical discussions over the
0:10:46 extensive pages the implication of that
0:10:49 and concerning my own the eye that
0:10:52 then that was perceived by necessity
0:10:54 immediately
0:10:56 that i and this consciousness entails
0:10:58 also the necessity of reasons which are
0:11:00 built in in this in this kind of
0:11:01 consciousness like the impossibility of
0:11:03 contradictions obviously when i express
0:11:05 that fragile the impossibility of a
0:11:07 square
0:11:08 circle
0:11:10 that means that i have come the whole i
0:11:13 as a person have come through the
0:11:15 definition of a circle i've seen a
0:11:17 picture of a circle as picture of a
0:11:19 square and i can visualize both but it's
0:11:22 impossible to realize a square circle
0:11:24 and impossible mathematically it can be
0:11:25 proven that it's an impossibility it
0:11:27 doesn't exist all of that all of that
0:11:29 summarized just in the simple sense that
0:11:32 that the word
0:11:33 or the order or the concept of a squared
0:11:36 circle always exists in a language as a
0:11:38 linguistic expression or in a meta
0:11:41 language but it it
0:11:43 indicate
0:11:44 it doesn't it doesn't uh indicate any
0:11:47 existence it's an impossibility
0:11:49 so it's very well possible that we may
0:11:51 have a sentence
0:11:52 let's say we have we have an expression
0:11:54 or
0:11:55 or our concept consisting of one word or
0:11:58 two words doesn't matter
0:12:00 uh which refers to nothing it's a it
0:12:03 refers to something which is impossible
0:12:04 cannot exist we know that by necessity
0:12:07 from uh
0:12:08 being aware about their own
0:12:09 consciousness under what's own mind
0:12:12 but obviously you see a lot of input is
0:12:14 there language
0:12:16 uh
0:12:16 geometry and so on for for a single
0:12:19 person until you can phrase that and
0:12:22 make sense out of it you must have
0:12:24 developed like over a decade of
0:12:25 education primary education secondary uh
0:12:29 or mental education secondary maybe
0:12:31 university uh
0:12:32 level education either
0:12:35 foreign so you need like 10-15 years to
0:12:38 get there
0:12:39 humanity needed two two thousand years
0:12:42 to get there so don't don't be fooled by
0:12:44 that it is kind similar
0:12:46 expressed like that and we understand
0:12:48 each other that it is so obvious it is
0:12:50 it may it's a certain time it may have
0:12:52 not been that obvious
0:12:54 even issues of mathematics may have not
0:12:56 been over you you you you may have come
0:12:59 across the so-called
0:13:00 the
0:13:01 the
0:13:02 the paradox of the arrow that are
0:13:05 rotated to the arrow if i shoot an arrow
0:13:07 towards you
0:13:09 then according to some sophists or the
0:13:11 pro the people did not understand the
0:13:13 problem of limit and how to sum infinite
0:13:15 series at that time then the arrow must
0:13:18 take half of the distance
0:13:20 and then after
0:13:21 getting getting the half distance you
0:13:23 need to get the half the next day at the
0:13:25 remaining distance so a quarter and a
0:13:26 quarter of a quarter and so on so
0:13:28 according to that it will never reach
0:13:30 you but we know that it teach you if i
0:13:32 shoot and i'll throw you or a bullet i
0:13:34 will i'm going to kill you if i if you
0:13:36 aim properly so clearly there's some
0:13:38 fallacy the father says that because the
0:13:40 people did not at that time when they
0:13:42 put that paradox in it's not their
0:13:43 contradiction with the paradox
0:13:46 because the verbal description in this
0:13:48 symbol language does not represent the
0:13:50 reality which we see the
0:13:52 day in day out otherwise battles would
0:13:54 not have been fought and people not have
0:13:56 been killed by arrows so definitely
0:13:59 there's some something wrong there
0:14:00 something wrong is that there was no
0:14:02 real concept of how to make an infinite
0:14:04 sum and and
0:14:06 define convergence and diverges and
0:14:08 these things mathematics later developed
0:14:10 that and we have we for that it's very
0:14:13 trivial we know this is half plus
0:14:14 quarter plus eight etcetera the total
0:14:17 sum is equal one the total yourself so
0:14:19 it is it's not a problem for us it's
0:14:21 almost like a
0:14:22 not a not necessarily high school
0:14:24 problem but maybe first year university
0:14:26 problem and everyone regard that
0:14:28 everyone will laugh that the ancient
0:14:30 have a problem with that regardless as
0:14:31 paradoxical
0:14:33 so i'm just saying that as when we speak
0:14:35 about that intelligent perception of
0:14:37 these things this is that's the
0:14:38 summarizing enormous development of of
0:14:41 humanity as a humanity over thousands of
0:14:43 years and over a single person the one
0:14:45 who was speaking to you now and you your
0:14:47 cell phone you think about what i am
0:14:48 talking about uh
0:14:50 over over 10-15 years of sophistication
0:14:54 so it's not trivial
0:14:55 that's to summarize many things so we
0:14:57 have to sometimes to go back and
0:15:00 question ourselves
0:15:01 what's going on how we get get there
0:15:03 we get there most likely through
0:15:05 accumulated knowledge and common sense
0:15:08 so whatever we conclude what whatever we
0:15:10 get anywhere we should be always
0:15:12 checking back and making sure that we
0:15:14 did not negate common sense completely
0:15:16 but we improve on it and
0:15:19 and
0:15:20 try to find its border and limitation
0:15:23 but if we come to a situation where we
0:15:26 regard what common sense
0:15:28 and the majority of human beings who are
0:15:30 supposed to be rational beings agreed
0:15:32 upon that is completely negated there
0:15:34 must be some problem with that what we
0:15:36 achieved through there must be some
0:15:37 fallacy there
0:15:38 some some
0:15:40 expression which is not defined probably
0:15:43 some
0:15:45 some shooting over the border of the
0:15:46 saturn some some fallacy of
0:15:48 generalization or categoric fallacy so
0:15:50 we have to be critical going back and
0:15:52 forth so that's my suggestion how to get
0:15:55 through with these problems
0:15:56 so we have come to that now
0:15:59 we perceive
0:16:01 internally that the external world
0:16:02 exists
0:16:04 this could be an illusion that's the
0:16:05 first step because what we have is only
0:16:07 what we have internally what we see as
0:16:10 we claim it is an external world we see
0:16:12 i see this wall
0:16:16 and support the whole is the extent
0:16:17 outside of my being it's another entity
0:16:20 but that's what what i really perceive
0:16:21 is that what inside my consciousness the
0:16:24 representation of the wall or the
0:16:26 phenomenon as present in my
0:16:28 unconsciousness
0:16:31 that
0:16:34 by necessity it's there and by necessity
0:16:36 i know it is something different than my
0:16:37 myself so it says what what we call
0:16:40 external what what is this relation to
0:16:42 something really separated from my
0:16:44 existence outside
0:16:46 what it could be there are two ways to
0:16:48 to
0:16:49 to approach that
0:16:51 does it represent something really
0:16:53 outside my intellectual my body itself
0:16:55 is outside by my entity i recognize that
0:16:57 when when i look at my own legs i know
0:16:59 it is my own legs
0:17:01 and it's my own body because i can
0:17:03 relate it through through causing pain
0:17:05 and and touching it and pinching it and
0:17:07 so on maybe but
0:17:09 i know it is not my the same like i
0:17:11 because it's very well conceivable and
0:17:13 we see in the reality that many people
0:17:15 having a cut leg until the they identify
0:17:17 yeah they suffer some painless one but
0:17:19 nothing like their their the perception
0:17:22 of their own self that i still exist he
0:17:24 will represent himself before cutting
0:17:26 the leg and after that i am jim i am
0:17:28 lisa jondo
0:17:30 classical john doe name used in
0:17:32 programming and things like that i am
0:17:34 john doe before and after oh i have a
0:17:36 pain now i lost a leg but he still
0:17:38 there's him john doe
0:17:40 so this is something external the body
0:17:42 is stiller than the eye what's the
0:17:43 nation of the body and the eye there's a
0:17:45 very complex issue of
0:17:47 of philosophy of the soul and philosophy
0:17:49 of the mind and also psychology
0:17:51 psychiatry we don't want to go to these
0:17:52 fine details but
0:17:54 that is external is
0:17:56 is perceived by necessity
0:17:58 now there's another approach
0:18:01 which claims that it's
0:18:04 in the mind it is present but it's
0:18:06 actually planted in the mind by some
0:18:08 other
0:18:10 obviously must be done some kind of
0:18:12 conscious being
0:18:14 and
0:18:15 this may be like something like like an
0:18:17 evil computer like an evil entity or
0:18:19 non-evil entity and some people prefer
0:18:22 to call it a subconscious
0:18:24 and some people should call it like the
0:18:26 metrics like you know some of you have
0:18:27 seen the movie of the metrics but does
0:18:30 not negate that these entities that that
0:18:32 what i perceive
0:18:33 and they've been planted in my mind
0:18:35 somehow by this entity is still an
0:18:37 external to my being so we can't call it
0:18:39 cell external world so it extends of an
0:18:41 external world is there either because
0:18:44 really external entities exist outside
0:18:46 my being
0:18:48 which is the standard one which we
0:18:49 should we should we should assume
0:18:51 by default or
0:18:53 it is
0:18:54 only a illusions created in my mind by
0:18:57 another obviously by necessity it has to
0:18:59 be also a conscious
0:19:01 sufficiently capable and overwhelming
0:19:04 and capable of shielding himself itself
0:19:06 for me and uh surrounding me what the
0:19:09 people call the matrix you know some of
0:19:11 you may have seen this movie called the
0:19:12 metrics which made us say a blunder of
0:19:15 the holy she could not deal with the
0:19:16 issue probably and ended into especially
0:19:19 in the second part into a joke but the
0:19:21 first part was a bit
0:19:23 but obviously
0:19:24 the people doing that did not have the
0:19:25 philosophical education nor the
0:19:27 sophistication to follow it but they
0:19:29 have to make a movie so the people can
0:19:31 enjoy something to see so they they run
0:19:33 from contradiction to another
0:19:34 contradiction if if you have seen the
0:19:37 movie this matrix but in any case
0:19:40 this avenue will not discuss now leave
0:19:42 it at the side because this will lead us
0:19:44 the same final conclusion like this as a
0:19:47 other approach because there's no escape
0:19:50 this or this someone who says another
0:19:52 third approach actually is that
0:19:55 these uh these what i perceive as
0:19:57 external and necessary different for
0:19:59 myself is there without any cause
0:20:01 without any reason
0:20:03 completely uncaused
0:20:08 i could conceive rationally that's a
0:20:09 possibility
0:20:11 neither there's a matrix nor is it the
0:20:13 external word so i'm alone in the
0:20:14 universe
0:20:16 but this will lead obviously to either
0:20:19 entering into mental institution or
0:20:21 further analysis if i am the only entity
0:20:24 in existence
0:20:26 and now than my my perception of myself
0:20:28 that i started existing in time by
0:20:30 because my parents met that's only
0:20:31 imagination is not that is an illusion
0:20:34 so
0:20:35 then
0:20:36 we will go down an infinite regress of
0:20:38 illusions or
0:20:40 i i must be them all that exists
0:20:43 without any cause
0:20:45 and in some sense necessary but this
0:20:47 contradicts my own perception that i am
0:20:49 not necessary that i'm contingent so it
0:20:51 leads to never ending contradiction that
0:20:53 can air contradiction be could i see and
0:20:55 we go never ending circle that's it
0:20:57 essentially maybe the state of the mind
0:20:59 of some poor people who are the mental
0:21:01 institution
0:21:02 what leads you to thinking your
0:21:03 necessary professor
0:21:05 if you are the only an entity in
0:21:08 existence
0:21:09 and you exist
0:21:11 then
0:21:12 it has to be necessarily existing
0:21:16 why and you have you have no beginning
0:21:19 because you exist
0:21:21 that's good you pursue yourself as
0:21:22 existence you just you just said you
0:21:24 exist that's compatible with you because
0:21:26 the issue that you exist and you
0:21:27 recognize yourself as an existence and
0:21:29 you have now established that all that's
0:21:31 in your is is
0:21:33 emerging uh
0:21:35 emerging completely completely uh
0:21:38 spontaneously without any external thing
0:21:41 as i i perceive them in the first
0:21:42 instance i perceive as extender the wall
0:21:44 is in front of me or the computer or
0:21:47 yourself i'm talking to you that you're
0:21:48 external different than my my eye
0:21:51 and i can i i
0:21:53 assume and and
0:21:55 reasonably that
0:21:57 if i cease to exist you are still there
0:21:59 because you may be younger than myself
0:22:01 or if you're one of your citizens to
0:22:02 exist i'm still here so completely
0:22:04 independent existing entities you are
0:22:06 rather entitled than myself
0:22:08 but if that's all imagination
0:22:11 and it is not
0:22:12 created by a matrix nor it is really by
0:22:15 external reality than the other one it
0:22:17 is just spontaneously there without any
0:22:19 reason whatsoever
0:22:22 i understood like half of that then that
0:22:24 is that i
0:22:26 has no beginning and no end
0:22:29 and axe please can you wait until the
0:22:31 professor finished then you can
0:22:33 talk about the discussion so
0:22:35 i'm just mentioning the three possible
0:22:37 avenues when we start from absolute zero
0:22:40 that avenue must be effect but if you
0:22:42 use your uh the same
0:22:44 irrational or mind capacity which
0:22:47 recognize itself as i
0:22:50 that will conclude that
0:22:52 this this i has no beginning
0:22:54 unnecessarily no end and the perception
0:22:57 of time is also an illusion
0:22:59 so that's all what is there is myself
0:23:02 and exists and must will be necessarily
0:23:04 existing
0:23:07 containing everything in itself that's
0:23:08 dominican is really existing containing
0:23:10 all this condition of being in itself
0:23:13 completely
0:23:16 okay we're gonna just move to audiences
0:23:19 and think about it yes
0:23:28 i think that guy was uh joking so i
0:23:30 moved him down yeah
0:23:33 i would say this third one will will
0:23:35 lead you to contradiction that if you
0:23:37 are in closing of all your things of all
0:23:39 things
0:23:41 then
0:23:43 necessity of reason dictate that this i
0:23:46 which is conscious of its own being i am
0:23:50 must be
0:23:52 uh
0:23:54 because it's necessarily existing it's
0:23:56 all listening existence that knowledge
0:23:58 must be more than that
0:24:01 it must be it might it must be a
0:24:03 comprehensive of anything possible
0:24:07 but how come it is not able to do to
0:24:10 establish the issue of these these these
0:24:12 these illusions are are caused by
0:24:14 something or uncaused or possibly
0:24:16 uncaused and how they come how come they
0:24:18 care because spontaneously
0:24:22 so they seem seem to be a debug
0:24:24 obviously someone has to flesh that more
0:24:26 and more in detail out but it seems to
0:24:27 me that my
0:24:29 my my
0:24:30 my my my consciousness my my mind is is
0:24:34 is not infinite is limited is unable to
0:24:37 and does not seem that is that was
0:24:39 befitting for what we can call as
0:24:41 necessarily existing being which has no
0:24:43 beginning and no end which have all
0:24:44 conditional existence in itself
0:24:46 so how come that there is a limitation
0:24:48 on its perception
0:24:50 is its own internal perception this is
0:24:52 knowledge you expect that to be at least
0:24:54 having so
0:24:57 vast knowledge of itself much better
0:24:59 knowledge than that
0:25:04 obeys an argument a fortune
0:25:07 argument
0:25:08 but that's not further so that's the
0:25:11 third avenue as i would say this is the
0:25:12 mental institution avenue i think we
0:25:14 agree this would the avenue of the of
0:25:17 the matrix
0:25:18 ultimately ends really in an external
0:25:20 world as reality and because this
0:25:22 metrics will lead to either infinite
0:25:24 regress or it is an ultimate being which
0:25:26 created externality there's no need for
0:25:28 for it to do it in my uh to do to make
0:25:31 it an illusion to myself
0:25:33 because if he can do that he can't do it
0:25:35 outside either way so if it has
0:25:37 sufficient power to do that then it has
0:25:38 sufficient mode to do the other one but
0:25:40 this is an avenue which is a little bit
0:25:43 uh the benefit of the avenue of the
0:25:44 matrix is that ultimately the matrix is
0:25:47 a is a bigger mind and and this one is
0:25:50 either contained in
0:25:51 all what it does is
0:25:53 instigated by another entity or by
0:25:55 itself and by itself it has to be the
0:25:58 without beginning and end it has to be
0:26:00 perfect and complete
0:26:02 by several arguments to that
0:26:04 argument of the mental institution
0:26:08 that has to be fleshed out i would say
0:26:09 we can discount these two
0:26:11 i think most human beings agree and we
0:26:13 agree that they will say well that you
0:26:15 are different myself and i said that for
0:26:17 you and you have different parents and
0:26:19 you have started to exist through the
0:26:21 coming of your parents and if they would
0:26:23 not have come and married you would not
0:26:24 have came to existence et cetera
0:26:28 the conclusion that follows basically is
0:26:30 just that even though
0:26:32 if even if if my
0:26:33 experience is probable
0:26:36 and i only you know i can only
0:26:39 prove
0:26:40 my kind of own existence it wouldn't
0:26:42 still follow that
0:26:44 there isn't something external out there
0:26:46 whether if that's all if it is the only
0:26:47 thing in existence is that i
0:26:50 then we we we are in trouble then
0:26:53 because
0:26:54 this will we can construct internal
0:26:56 contradiction but it has to be fleshed
0:26:58 out maybe you have to think you have to
0:27:00 analyze and see
0:27:02 maybe we can
0:27:03 read some memoirs of someone who was in
0:27:05 the mental institution and
0:27:08 was cured and came out and wrote what
0:27:10 was his his dreams and visions of the
0:27:13 reality when he was there
0:27:15 it may go to such an extreme possibly we
0:27:17 don't know
0:27:18 because seem to be we we have no concept
0:27:20 for how these the people who are in in
0:27:22 the mental institution uh envisage the
0:27:24 world
0:27:25 some of them really believe for example
0:27:27 that that some of them believe that he's
0:27:28 got another belief that he's napoleon
0:27:30 and all these things we know about these
0:27:32 stories i don't think all of these
0:27:34 stories are fabricated nor it is made by
0:27:36 our internal uh the deceptive mind
0:27:44 we will go in we will go in a mental
0:27:46 state ourselves we go this avenue the
0:27:48 average of the vibrations does not let
0:27:50 the mental state but at least the more
0:27:52 complicated way it was a supreme being
0:27:54 which is supreme mind
0:27:56 it really there now the external one is
0:27:58 that what we should have the problem is
0:28:00 there is somebody in mind we might
0:28:02 that's one but let's assume there's an
0:28:04 external world
0:28:06 that that what what what we find in
0:28:09 internally in our consciousness uh
0:28:11 representing it
0:28:13 it is it is not exactly external world
0:28:14 itself but it is an image of it or a
0:28:17 representation of it sufficiently well
0:28:20 representation representing that in in
0:28:22 some sense or another
0:28:24 also open the problem is what the
0:28:25 meaning of color and so on color
0:28:27 represents certain frequency of the
0:28:28 light and all these things and we call
0:28:31 it color and we perceive it internally
0:28:33 that's the how this external reality is
0:28:35 is mapped
0:28:37 internally but we can assume safely it
0:28:39 is it is mapped
0:28:42 reasonably in such a way that different
0:28:44 things are mapped differently and the
0:28:45 same thing the same entity is mapped
0:28:48 exactly the same
0:28:49 well does that mapping protect the
0:28:52 relation of identities
0:28:54 the principle of identity
0:28:55 and
0:28:56 and
0:28:57 makes good sense so there's a there's at
0:28:59 least at least one to one correspondence
0:29:02 not necessarily completely subjective
0:29:04 rejective
0:29:06 but at least one to one
0:29:08 so we can be safe that we're gonna see
0:29:11 this wall in my room it's different than
0:29:12 the wall i saw in my friend's house it's
0:29:14 different one
0:29:15 i can perceive it and i can distinguish
0:29:17 between them so distinguished
0:29:20 are represented honestly and correctly
0:29:23 so then we have the external world then
0:29:26 then we have now we have uh
0:29:29 we have uh casually mentioned that
0:29:32 distinguished mark said that we're
0:29:34 talking about so-called attributes or
0:29:35 properties this is the word property
0:29:40 and then we come to actions because this
0:29:42 is also a fundamental uh
0:29:44 elementary elementary concept which is
0:29:47 as as as perceived immediately with my
0:29:50 consciousness or
0:29:51 my
0:29:52 mind as my own access almost as my own
0:29:56 existence
0:29:58 is that
0:30:00 an entity which has no attributes and no
0:30:02 probabilities
0:30:04 just pure intellectual existence without
0:30:06 any other attributes does not seem to be
0:30:09 rationally conceivable
0:30:10 actually it is a
0:30:12 it's impossible
0:30:14 for me for myself for example i know i
0:30:16 exist yeah i recognize my existence but
0:30:18 i recognize that i am rational
0:30:21 i'm rational entity i recognize that
0:30:24 that i
0:30:25 i have certain certain uh attributes
0:30:29 internal attributes leave the external
0:30:30 one but external word like the body
0:30:32 calarife recognizes on my body i am
0:30:35 darker someone is whiter and things like
0:30:37 that but and also things in the external
0:30:39 world we recognize that have things
0:30:41 called color have certain
0:30:42 attribute temperature and things like
0:30:44 that
0:30:45 properties
0:30:46 the definition of world is that
0:30:48 what specify or uh ad certain for
0:30:53 is is really a fundamental concept but
0:30:56 but we try to
0:30:57 by expressing in in in some sentences we
0:31:01 try to to bring that clear to the mind
0:31:04 it is something which characterizes an
0:31:06 entity
0:31:07 it cannot be envisaged without an entity
0:31:10 by definition
0:31:11 an attribute or a property
0:31:13 belongs to an entity and is carried by
0:31:16 the entity in that sense it belongs to
0:31:18 entity it
0:31:20 it is
0:31:21 what what we should call it cannot be
0:31:23 simulated from an entity it's
0:31:25 essentially connected panel says it
0:31:27 there is no way to invisi otherwise we
0:31:29 have
0:31:30 we we otherwise we we have uh
0:31:33 we have violated the definition of
0:31:35 probability by definition it is like
0:31:36 that
0:31:37 but definition is like that
0:31:40 so uh the
0:31:42 the the question of of an entity with
0:31:44 this attributes that the entity is
0:31:46 composed of whenever uh that anything or
0:31:48 in an entities converge with a sense or
0:31:51 or an entity without any attributes a
0:31:53 pure entity or something like that and
0:31:55 attributes is wrong because it is not
0:31:58 composed it's no composition this is a
0:32:00 necessity concept concept
0:32:02 connection based on the
0:32:04 uh based on the
0:32:06 uh on the definition it's by definition
0:32:09 per definition like that so
0:32:11 the fact that a being necessary or
0:32:14 otherwise god or otherwise having
0:32:15 attributes
0:32:17 does not negate simplicity does not mean
0:32:19 he is composed composes something else
0:32:22 so that's that's the first point to be
0:32:24 clarified so attributes and
0:32:34 classified as a composition that this
0:32:36 entity which has five six attributes is
0:32:39 not composed of five six things plus
0:32:41 a nucleus which has nothing whatsoever
0:32:44 attributed to it that does not exist
0:32:46 that says and a pure what they called in
0:32:48 arabic that a pure
0:32:51 a sense or being without any attribute
0:32:54 whatsoever is an impossibility exactly
0:32:56 like a square circle
0:32:58 we can phrase it we can use a researcher
0:33:01 we call that that
0:33:02 in arabic that the pure or community
0:33:05 abstracted that it is just
0:33:07 a just
0:33:08 a linguistic expression made
0:33:12 to allow us to study that and establish
0:33:14 it doesn't exist or does it make any
0:33:16 sense is it impossibility it's not
0:33:17 that's all what it's what it is does it
0:33:19 make any sense is it coherent to uncover
0:33:21 that's wrong
0:33:22 exactly like that we can construct
0:33:25 something like the square circle a
0:33:26 circle which has the attribute who means
0:33:28 square is impossible so we conclude but
0:33:31 it does not prevent us from
0:33:32 linguistically formulating that so we
0:33:34 have to be cautious in these things so
0:33:36 the issue of attribute and entity
0:33:39 but also we perceive in the universe on
0:33:41 ourselves also that says this is called
0:33:43 actions
0:33:46 like in the external world we see
0:33:48 something started to move after it was
0:33:49 not moving am i lifting his hand his
0:33:52 hand was uh was his side
0:33:55 and he's lifting it
0:33:56 something start moving
0:33:58 relative to us where everything is
0:34:00 negative to us and we or the coordinate
0:34:03 system we use our own coordinate system
0:34:05 all the time then later on we will
0:34:06 discuss the issue of coordinate system
0:34:08 changing and so on we will go to space
0:34:09 and time
0:34:10 then we have
0:34:12 this matter of action it's related to
0:34:13 time but we'll come to that but when we
0:34:16 look at action for ourself
0:34:20 i know for myself for example that i
0:34:23 decided with relax
0:34:25 to to have this halacha fix at that time
0:34:28 i could have decided otherwise this
0:34:30 weekend i have i'm receiving family
0:34:32 members i would rather postpone to next
0:34:35 weekend i haven't realized even but i
0:34:36 didn't decide to say so i decided to
0:34:39 hold
0:34:40 uh this this this discussion uh
0:34:43 circle or this this clubhouse uh meeting
0:34:47 or on
0:34:48 today and not cancel it i could have
0:34:50 decided otherwise
0:34:52 deciding or not deciding otherwise
0:34:55 meaning i have done it to i i feel
0:34:58 my necessity that i have the free of
0:35:00 choice i could have that otherwise i am
0:35:02 a free agent i can i can have the
0:35:04 freedom of choice
0:35:05 this may be an illusion also but that
0:35:07 has to be proven the one who claims that
0:35:09 illusion has to prove it
0:35:12 because my immediate perception is that
0:35:14 i am free agent i have
0:35:17 does not
0:35:18 preclude that there are external
0:35:19 conditions which are dictating that to
0:35:21 me without me being conscious about that
0:35:22 exactly like the matrix maybe but that's
0:35:25 another issue
0:35:26 still internally immediate perception
0:35:30 show me that there is something which we
0:35:31 can't uh
0:35:32 action by freedom meaning i am a free
0:35:34 there is a there is a
0:35:35 i have an attribute of being a free
0:35:37 agent
0:35:38 the one who can choose to do something
0:35:41 or otherwise not to do
0:35:43 he has a choice
0:35:44 obviously
0:35:45 clearly
0:35:46 everyone perceived that in himself that
0:35:48 my freedom is not unlimited without any
0:35:51 border there is a certain external
0:35:53 condition and says there but still i
0:35:56 have i have
0:35:57 i perceive by necessity that i have a
0:36:00 certain wide area mild or small as well
0:36:03 as you wish that is a finite area of
0:36:05 choices and which can move freely inside
0:36:08 it and spontaneously i can decide to do
0:36:11 uh which i would otherwise could have
0:36:13 been deciding not to do
0:36:16 so the concept of free agent or freedom
0:36:18 is fundamental it's as fundamental as
0:36:21 the
0:36:22 existence
0:36:23 uh is is
0:36:26 fundamental as uh
0:36:29 the issue of necessities is fundamental
0:36:31 as the mathematical description of
0:36:33 circles and so on which obviously
0:36:34 relates to space and time we come later
0:36:36 but we took we advanced it because we
0:36:38 need examples and we are not starting
0:36:40 from absolute zero really we're starting
0:36:42 we pretend to be a starting starting map
0:36:44 solicitor but we're starting a huge
0:36:46 amount of accumulation of information
0:36:48 and experiences of humanity over several
0:36:51 thousands of years and as of my self
0:36:54 personality over decades of of life
0:36:57 so so we use examples which has not been
0:37:00 defined before because we agree everyone
0:37:02 knows the definition and he has almost
0:37:04 everyone has has met that before or
0:37:06 everyone who is involved in these kind
0:37:08 of discourses like the square circle as
0:37:10 well maybe uh
0:37:12 people in the amazon did not have even a
0:37:14 concept of circle or square maybe i said
0:37:16 because they don't have this level of
0:37:18 sophisticated mathematics and
0:37:19 development but generally most human
0:37:22 beings especially educated ones who
0:37:24 reach the university level who share
0:37:26 luckily at our time tens and hundreds of
0:37:28 millions
0:37:29 do have these concepts and they can
0:37:30 understand
0:37:32 so we have this
0:37:33 the the the fact that we have
0:37:36 that that we have uh this definition of
0:37:38 free agent and that's freedom is a
0:37:40 fundamental concept which has to be
0:37:42 taken under the contrary as with the
0:37:44 content of concept as existence whether
0:37:46 it's over being of probability and also
0:37:49 of
0:37:50 being a free agent this attribute of
0:37:52 being a free agent and free agency is is
0:37:55 is something which we perceive from
0:37:57 ourselves
0:37:58 even if we are is only even if we are
0:38:00 only in a uh
0:38:02 if it's an illusion and if we are
0:38:04 deceived it's a deception of some
0:38:06 external integrity and we are deceived
0:38:09 to think that we are free but we
0:38:10 perceive this freedom and we understand
0:38:12 it and we can analyze it and we can
0:38:14 describe it
0:38:17 also it may be a deception it could be a
0:38:19 deception but still it is describable
0:38:21 and we can understand it
0:38:25 another issue which should have have to
0:38:27 be to be to be also addressed
0:38:30 in the
0:38:31 square zero is the issue of space and
0:38:33 time space let us look at your space
0:38:36 where the issue of space and dimensions
0:38:38 come originally is that because i have
0:38:41 freedom of
0:38:43 perceived movement i perceive that i can
0:38:44 move and walk towards the wall and touch
0:38:47 it and fire it find it it's solid so i
0:38:49 can move move forward and backward
0:38:51 right and left and up and down by
0:38:53 another for example
0:38:55 so
0:38:55 clearly i have some kind three degrees
0:38:57 of freedom
0:38:58 by by perception or at least as it's
0:39:00 present in my in my uh in my
0:39:03 consciousness made by the matrix
0:39:05 like these poor guys which are used by
0:39:08 by this evil computer as batteries and
0:39:10 the movimetrics but it is it is in their
0:39:13 imagination and they they perceive it
0:39:15 like that and exist at least in their
0:39:17 imagination
0:39:20 while they're in that state of our
0:39:22 imagination myself assuming even being
0:39:24 in a matrix i still can perceive and
0:39:27 understand that they go left and right
0:39:29 front so i have three damages movement
0:39:32 interestingly
0:39:34 i can obviously this is all again don't
0:39:37 take it as a triviality i can define and
0:39:40 record this system when i am in the
0:39:42 center and they have access going right
0:39:44 and left
0:39:45 front and back and up and down we call
0:39:47 it xyz
0:39:49 that's not trivial that's this kind of
0:39:51 description we came to it only recently
0:39:54 maybe 500 years ago it's not two hundred
0:39:56 years old and and you come to it in
0:39:58 school nowadays i think they give it for
0:40:00 i think they give it to kids even in the
0:40:02 early in in the later years of the
0:40:05 elementary school or grammar school
0:40:06 maybe maybe a little bit later beginning
0:40:08 of the high school in that form xyz
0:40:11 maybe in this subject form maybe a
0:40:12 little bit later in high school
0:40:14 so this is this is only a considerable
0:40:16 abstraction and human development
0:40:18 interestingly
0:40:20 in space
0:40:22 at the beginning it seems to be when i'm
0:40:24 facing a certain direction sitting in my
0:40:26 chair now and discussing with you my
0:40:28 left and right this wall is to the left
0:40:29 to the right my right after to my right
0:40:32 is a wall after some distance two meters
0:40:34 toward my left is actually a window a
0:40:37 garden
0:40:40 but actually right and left can be
0:40:43 can be uh can be exchanged
0:40:45 there's a symmetry there i can't turn
0:40:47 face in the opposite direction and the
0:40:49 left arrives so there is no reason to
0:40:51 treat the dimension the in the one
0:40:53 dimension in one direction and the
0:40:55 opposite direction as differently so
0:40:56 they can extend symmetrical they should
0:40:58 be extended symmetrically now
0:41:02 people mathematician let's start with
0:41:04 that
0:41:05 on a drawing board or in a sheet of
0:41:07 paper they draw things and so on and we
0:41:08 have just a finite sheet and you have uh
0:41:11 and you have called the systems and you
0:41:12 draw your vectors and you draw your your
0:41:14 diagrams on your pictures
0:41:17 then we do a fundamental fundamentally
0:41:20 important step you say what happens if i
0:41:22 extend behind the wall imagine the wall
0:41:24 is removed
0:41:26 there's another what is another state
0:41:27 imagine these houses are removed and
0:41:29 continue
0:41:32 until
0:41:34 behind the horizon of my mental
0:41:36 visibility
0:41:38 you have a horizon in a physical
0:41:39 visibility
0:41:41 where things become smaller smaller and
0:41:42 then you cannot see behind the horizon
0:41:44 now we go behind the horizon
0:41:48 assume they can extend infinitely
0:41:51 and because of the symmetry in both
0:41:53 directions
0:41:54 that's what we call the one-dimensional
0:41:56 space and then we have obviously a
0:41:58 problem to that
0:41:59 another adventist
0:42:01 the two together make a plane infinite
0:42:03 extended plane in every direction
0:42:06 and up and down the same imagine the
0:42:08 earth is gone obvious pure imaginations
0:42:10 basically
0:42:12 question
0:42:14 this
0:42:16 by mathematical analysis and uh
0:42:18 complicated obviously formal logic
0:42:21 argument and so on
0:42:22 may be established as
0:42:25 a structure
0:42:26 mathematical structure called r3 type
0:42:29 three damage as a real space
0:42:31 and then this can be then generalized to
0:42:34 starting for one-dimensional
0:42:35 two-dimensional three-dimensional
0:42:36 in-dimensional space we can extend that
0:42:38 the definition by
0:42:40 normal with mathematical extension of
0:42:42 definition it seems to be i i'm not sure
0:42:46 if this has been proven to be consistent
0:42:47 but until now no inconsistency has been
0:42:50 found i think there's a formal proof
0:42:51 that this linear space structure is is
0:42:54 consistent that doesn't create any
0:42:56 contradiction so it exists
0:42:58 in the mathematical imagination but not
0:43:00 in the direct imagination the extended
0:43:02 imagination i have to extend my
0:43:04 imagination my normal imagination is
0:43:06 fine under my control up to the wall but
0:43:09 going
0:43:10 behind the wall and at infinitum that's
0:43:12 an extension
0:43:14 and this entity is not closed it doesn't
0:43:17 contain all condition itself because of
0:43:19 so-called remotely far away point which
0:43:21 is used sometimes in geometry the
0:43:23 remotely faraway point is not part of
0:43:26 this the moment i take it as a part of
0:43:27 this space
0:43:29 then certain issues of linearity and
0:43:31 addition of
0:43:34 of vectors etc will fail
0:43:37 i get another structure i can't do that
0:43:39 i can't do that mathematically by
0:43:40 compactification but then i get
0:43:42 something like like a sphere not
0:43:45 something like this extended one so this
0:43:47 extension
0:43:49 although it may be i can analyze it and
0:43:51 prove even
0:43:53 i'm not sure if it has been proven yet
0:43:55 okay to the complete extent to it which
0:43:57 i think it's proven but but it is until
0:43:59 now no contradiction has been
0:44:00 constructed so it seems to be an an
0:44:03 entity which has no contradiction so it
0:44:05 may exist in as a mathematical entity in
0:44:07 the mind
0:44:09 but does it exist outside is that the
0:44:10 reality of the space outside if there is
0:44:12 a space outside whatsoever which we have
0:44:15 established that we are starting as a
0:44:17 star that is the reality
0:44:20 the reality we should start where we
0:44:22 have we have uh
0:44:23 left the matrix theory and we left the
0:44:26 the single entity in existence that's
0:44:28 myself i am the only existing being so
0:44:29 on outside outside because they will
0:44:32 lead the matrix really essentially to
0:44:33 this one ultimately and the other one
0:44:35 leads into the mental institution we
0:44:37 lift that and that's what
0:44:42 so so extending space like that
0:44:45 in reality physically if you if you do
0:44:48 it physically in reality you will find
0:44:51 yourself either extending into empty
0:44:53 space and leaving the earth which is
0:44:56 maybe physically difficult and you need
0:44:57 certain certain machines and then and
0:45:00 missiles to do that thing and so on or
0:45:03 you follow the earth and the earth into
0:45:05 your sphere and ultimately you will turn
0:45:07 back and come back from the other side
0:45:10 so the physical reality may be different
0:45:12 depending upon the structure of the
0:45:13 reality if there are certain forces and
0:45:15 fields certain bodies and so on and
0:45:17 that's what the physicists have to do
0:45:20 but in any case
0:45:21 in pure abstract in a pure form of of
0:45:25 perception or anxiety as you can say we
0:45:27 can do that extension with that but
0:45:30 there is no guarantee that this extended
0:45:33 rrn is
0:45:35 represent any external reality but any
0:45:37 limited part of it yes
0:45:39 this room represent that
0:45:41 this one
0:45:43 so beware of anything talking about uh
0:45:46 uh space in the the
0:45:48 the uh extending indefinitely
0:45:52 that that the fact that they exist in in
0:45:54 in in in
0:45:55 in the extended imagination or under the
0:45:58 and we can we can treat that
0:46:00 mathematically and show it as it doesn't
0:46:02 create a conjunction does not mean it is
0:46:04 actually outside and it can exist
0:46:06 professor when they say the universe is
0:46:08 expanding
0:46:10 yeah that's that's also it's expanding
0:46:12 into
0:46:15 nothing it says expanding in itself it's
0:46:17 a manifold that's that's for for our all
0:46:20 the reasons that because we associate at
0:46:23 the moment at least not in that big bank
0:46:25 at the meanwhile we could not have
0:46:26 existed anyway and
0:46:28 now
0:46:29 locally in a
0:46:31 linear area around us
0:46:33 yeah in a linear area around us we can
0:46:35 make a linear approximation and that's
0:46:37 what actually these what i just did
0:46:40 up to the wall that's what this is small
0:46:42 distances
0:46:44 but when i extend like that then i come
0:46:46 into trouble because they will come to
0:46:48 the border of the universe
0:46:50 can i leave out
0:46:52 is there something out
0:46:57 there's nothing about reality and
0:47:00 and
0:47:00 and in
0:47:02 strict nothing material out material
0:47:04 maybe something or something which is
0:47:06 neither out or in which is non-material
0:47:08 some other entity but but concerning
0:47:10 material entities which fill space which
0:47:13 are three-dimensional
0:47:15 there's and this actually this had been
0:47:17 analyzed already by philosophers long
0:47:19 ago i've been seen
0:47:20 so recently i
0:47:22 i remember the faintly sometime past
0:47:24 what i reviewed some some summary of
0:47:26 been seen as a philosophy and he said
0:47:29 outside the world there is no khala or
0:47:31 mala it's neither void nor it's full
0:47:34 it's nothing
0:47:36 is
0:47:37 is a is a contradictory concept
0:47:39 but it we we cannot we cannot get our
0:47:43 mind or in our imagination to get out of
0:47:45 that because we have used this extension
0:47:48 and it worked for us mathematically
0:47:50 and this is also one thing which we have
0:47:52 to bring as an objection to hawkins
0:47:57 before the big bang the beginning of
0:47:59 time but we'll come to that in final
0:48:01 details but they said
0:48:03 the same we do with time but time has a
0:48:05 distinct characteristic
0:48:07 in time
0:48:09 we have the perception of time it's as
0:48:12 maybe maybe it's built in in the
0:48:13 structure of our mind
0:48:15 so it is a pure as we as as as cancer
0:48:18 pure forms of
0:48:21 perception of imagination not perception
0:48:24 imagination imagination making an image
0:48:26 imagination of events ordering events
0:48:31 but
0:48:33 there is an interesting thing with the
0:48:34 time different than that i can't imagine
0:48:36 things before
0:48:38 i can imagine something will come in the
0:48:39 future but at the future is for me
0:48:41 unknown completely and all empty
0:48:44 the future
0:48:46 things will come time will continue
0:48:49 presumably unless something happens that
0:48:51 all exists and disappear but so far my
0:48:54 existence disappear then time cease to
0:48:56 exist and emphasis to exist in some
0:48:58 sense another
0:49:00 and seem to be conscious just nothing
0:49:02 exists anymore i'm gone completely but
0:49:04 assume i'm still existing then i
0:49:06 perceive that there's something will
0:49:08 come in the future some events will come
0:49:10 and in the past is clear
0:49:13 the past is clear
0:49:15 there are events in the past my own
0:49:17 birth my parents bath their parents bath
0:49:21 going up to adam adam developing
0:49:23 i don't mind for monkeys
0:49:25 from dinosaurs etc
0:49:27 go back and back and back but look at
0:49:30 the time alone
0:49:32 when we extend in the past
0:49:34 taking my point as zero of time my
0:49:37 present the moment of prison
0:49:39 and this moment of prison moves towards
0:49:41 the future somehow that's our standard
0:49:44 perception
0:49:45 when extending the past then i have two
0:49:47 options of extension
0:49:49 one
0:49:51 is extending without beginning
0:49:54 formally to minus infinity so like i did
0:49:56 with space
0:49:58 or two
0:50:00 go to absolute zero of time
0:50:03 not this current zero of time
0:50:05 like in the case of temperature or the
0:50:07 temperature is slightly different
0:50:08 i will use the metaphor of the
0:50:10 temperature a little bit also
0:50:14 this current the in the front emission
0:50:16 the current zero the celsius zero is the
0:50:18 freezing point of
0:50:20 of water that's that's fine and there's
0:50:22 no more condition and so on and then you
0:50:24 can cool down and cool down and become
0:50:26 even more difficult until you get to
0:50:28 absolute zero you never get there it's
0:50:30 asymptotical
0:50:31 it's time like that we go to once
0:50:34 then also our imagination say what's
0:50:36 about negative time behind the absolute
0:50:38 zero it doesn't exist it's impossible
0:50:40 there's nothing like that
0:50:42 time start is absolute zero actually now
0:50:44 i should count from the absolute zero
0:50:46 and forward
0:50:48 if i am lucky and have enough
0:50:50 information about the universe and its
0:50:51 development i may know ah actually i am
0:50:53 now at nine point
0:50:55 thirteen point uh is it thirteen point
0:50:57 nine thirteen point nine billion years
0:50:59 uh after the beginning of time and set
0:51:02 and measure a certain length of time
0:51:04 called years and things like that uh we
0:51:06 can't question of how good are these
0:51:08 measurements but there's some some
0:51:09 distance which has happened until now
0:51:14 or the other one and still my my
0:51:17 imagination still bugged me what
0:51:18 happened with the negative
0:51:20 so we have these two options
0:51:23 but despite of all these options leave
0:51:25 the two options open even if we see it's
0:51:26 going to minus infinity
0:51:28 then nothing is closed we have to
0:51:30 competitive if we want to control this
0:51:32 minus everything and sometimes another
0:51:37 the future is open
0:51:39 is not here yet
0:51:41 so
0:51:44 being open that can't be going to
0:51:46 infinity
0:51:47 at least in my imagination but the
0:51:49 problem is that
0:51:51 we cannot by any means reverse time
0:51:54 i cannot take another coordinate system
0:51:57 in which i can what which i which my my
0:52:00 consciousness can go backward in time
0:52:01 really like i'm so that time
0:52:05 that the past is similar to the future
0:52:07 plus is definitely essentially
0:52:09 fundamentally different than the future
0:52:12 past is fixed
0:52:14 is done and forgotten is there
0:52:17 is it necessary that's another question
0:52:18 but it's fixed
0:52:20 future is not there is nothing did not
0:52:23 happen yet
0:52:24 that's to start with that's the
0:52:26 beginning
0:52:26 so
0:52:28 first conclusion
0:52:31 the interpretation of the michelson
0:52:33 molly experiment and the interpretation
0:52:35 and the attempt to understand the
0:52:36 electro dynamic of moving bodies and
0:52:38 academic of of of uh of
0:52:42 elementary particles and so on and off
0:52:44 fields by formulating it so
0:52:48 that's all by the way the especially
0:52:50 activity
0:52:51 the formulation initially was done by
0:52:53 lawrence before einstein
0:52:55 lawrence transformation
0:52:57 in each in which as a mathematical
0:52:59 recipe he joins space and time
0:53:02 all the time there is treated like space
0:53:05 with a difference that it in the metric
0:53:07 it has a negative sign or if you wish
0:53:09 you put an i an imaginary unit in front
0:53:11 of it so it's not exactly like it but it
0:53:13 is extend both ways and there's in in
0:53:15 the formalism that nothing which makes
0:53:17 difference between future and past
0:53:19 that's a fundamental problem this is a
0:53:22 purely mathematical description a
0:53:24 description to make the equation looks
0:53:26 simpler and nicer
0:53:29 einstein postulated because of satanism
0:53:31 made the philosophical step that space
0:53:34 time continue the space and time are
0:53:36 connected in such a way so he made the
0:53:38 transformation and the result of the
0:53:39 experience interpreted such a way that
0:53:42 space and time somehow are
0:53:43 interconnected this way
0:53:46 okay
0:53:47 you can do that as a philosophical and
0:53:49 metaphysical claim
0:53:51 but quantum mechanics we come to quantum
0:53:53 mechanics quantum mechanics is
0:53:54 fundamentally recognizing that time is
0:53:57 fundamentally different
0:54:00 although we may do relativistic we can
0:54:01 do realistic quantum mechanics try to
0:54:03 combine both and achieve set results at
0:54:05 least locally and in what happens in in
0:54:08 accelerators the hubs in nuclei and so
0:54:10 on but when we
0:54:13 go to the cosmic level and near to the
0:54:15 big bank then we have this basisal
0:54:17 problem
0:54:22 so the mathematical recipe of the reigns
0:54:24 transformation and the metaphysical jump
0:54:27 of of
0:54:28 of einstein led to the general
0:54:30 relativity
0:54:35 first philosophical problem with the
0:54:36 generativity is number one
0:54:39 the time
0:54:42 is essentially different in in in
0:54:45 space while space is symmetrical and
0:54:47 there's no difference between going back
0:54:48 and forth forward and backward
0:54:51 equally an equal measure and while i'm
0:54:53 sitting here behind me it is space and
0:54:55 front of me space while time is
0:54:57 different
0:54:59 before me there is time and there's
0:55:01 events which have happened and will and
0:55:03 is gone and forgotten maybe happened by
0:55:05 necessity we don't know what happened
0:55:07 and
0:55:08 forward me in time said there is
0:55:10 absolutely nothing this is open for the
0:55:12 time being yet
0:55:14 what will happen that's what would have
0:55:16 to be discussed
0:55:18 when einstein joined together he created
0:55:20 and that's the reason he got all his
0:55:21 life problem with the quantum mechanics
0:55:23 because he started the philosophy a
0:55:25 philosophy of essentially fatalism
0:55:29 because if you join a special time in
0:55:30 this fourth dimensional
0:55:33 then
0:55:35 fusha and pass are treated equally
0:55:38 which are they not by necessity of of
0:55:40 immediate perception and by the system
0:55:42 of definition
0:55:46 with a result maybe locally in short
0:55:49 times and so on it may be work in skype
0:55:51 meaning in scattering experiments in
0:55:53 accelerators in but
0:55:55 in cosmic particles coming from from the
0:55:58 cosmos and hitting the upper atmosphere
0:56:00 are coming that's all local that's all
0:56:02 local that's short time distances and
0:56:04 they can follow this process they
0:56:05 collide their cosmic ray collide with
0:56:08 the upper atmosphere and produce showers
0:56:10 of other smaller particles which come to
0:56:12 the earth and they can measure the time
0:56:14 and try to and try to uh to scale things
0:56:16 properly and so on uh using using uh a
0:56:20 clock and and and and uh rod rod rod
0:56:23 synchronization and end with the for
0:56:26 example time so called time delay or rod
0:56:30 extension and construction of rods along
0:56:32 the way etc that's all because of the
0:56:34 issues of measurements and issues of
0:56:35 relativity
0:56:37 that's it this question is anything
0:56:39 really intrinsically there we don't know
0:56:43 and there's no way we can know because
0:56:44 we have to observe and we have to uh put
0:56:48 our our observation results and put them
0:56:51 in certain equations which we have
0:56:53 developed to describe these these these
0:56:55 experimental realities plus adding
0:56:58 certain hypotheses
0:57:00 if we if you in the result get things
0:57:02 which are which appears a little bit odd
0:57:04 it's because of our hypothesis
0:57:07 so that's that's that's a
0:57:09 that's a very important point
0:57:10 questioning anyway
0:57:14 cosmology
0:57:15 especially near the big bang
0:57:17 and the background radiation
0:57:19 has the certain phenomena especially
0:57:21 it's called the quasi-stellar objects
0:57:23 quasars who seem to be colliding
0:57:25 galaxies or other maybe or
0:57:27 maybe a
0:57:29 large large
0:57:32 ultra large massive black holes inside
0:57:34 galaxies massive is much massive than
0:57:36 the standard one we have in our galaxy
0:57:38 etc leading to this extreme radiation
0:57:40 and it's and it look like a small point
0:57:43 because even despite the distance we can
0:57:46 we can establish that object how the
0:57:48 size of the object we seem to be almost
0:57:50 like like a star they are so small and
0:57:53 that's it in the same time they have
0:57:54 radiation
0:57:55 much more than a whole galaxy which
0:57:57 seems to be counter-intuitive
0:57:59 unless we have some explanation whatever
0:58:01 explanation we have that's not that's an
0:58:03 issue of astrophysics we don't need to
0:58:05 bother about that but certain
0:58:06 measurements of certain phenomena
0:58:10 shows that an application that's that
0:58:11 what's called quantum gravity and and
0:58:14 general relativity start to fail there
0:58:16 there's significant evidence now while
0:58:18 quantum mechanics does not fail yet
0:58:21 yet i say yet because we cannot
0:58:22 guarantee that quantum mechanics is
0:58:26 is uh
0:58:27 is happy doesn't it does not have
0:58:29 certain certain uh issues in itself
0:58:32 which makes it fair and we need a better
0:58:33 theory but definitely but you could see
0:58:36 also philosophically the theory of
0:58:38 relativity
0:58:41 relies on that that essentially space
0:58:43 and time are relatively creative
0:58:45 relative to what they say certain
0:58:46 certain imaginary inertial system where
0:58:49 is the energy assembly the best initial
0:58:50 system we have is that one
0:58:53 which is was rooted and anchored in into
0:58:56 the so-called fixed stars but these are
0:58:58 moving
0:59:00 relative to the center of the galaxy and
0:59:01 may be rotating so they cannot be argued
0:59:03 because any rotating object cannot be a
0:59:06 an initial system because there are
0:59:07 certain sufficient scores for your
0:59:10 scores
0:59:10 forces and scientifical forces appear
0:59:13 then then we have a problem there so
0:59:15 this relative to another one relative to
0:59:17 what let you until we go to the thief to
0:59:19 the beginning of the universe what does
0:59:20 this mean exactly is not clear so a
0:59:22 relativity theory which declares that
0:59:25 space and time are relative
0:59:26 must have a philosophically uh
0:59:29 fundamental problem itself relative to
0:59:31 what they took to a is a absolute or
0:59:34 relative noise relative to a c c is that
0:59:37 if two is absolutely and we must end
0:59:40 with an absolute
0:59:42 otherwise relative to one reactivity
0:59:44 does not make any sense relative to
0:59:45 related relative and infinitum does not
0:59:47 make any sense
0:59:49 possibilities define it relative to
0:59:51 something else
0:59:53 and this one is through something else
0:59:54 but that's going to go and infiltrative
0:59:56 that's that's not not acceptable and
0:59:58 this shows really that that theory start
1:00:00 to fail when we get really to the uh
1:00:02 enormous problems at the beginning of
1:00:04 the universe
1:00:06 while quantum mechanics still holds its
1:00:07 good waters further deeper inside
1:00:11 so that's the these are precautions when
1:00:13 you go now
1:00:16 i would argue maybe we'll we'll find
1:00:18 maybe uh i'm trying to many people are
1:00:21 struggling and i'm trying to to find
1:00:23 just a philosophical proof that the time
1:00:25 by its own definition
1:00:27 there is a by the way so-called
1:00:30 temporal mode and logic which define the
1:00:33 the events and their order and so on in
1:00:35 such a way that it reflects really the
1:00:37 structure of time to a good level
1:00:40 it may be possible in that logic to show
1:00:42 that the time cannot be extended to
1:00:43 minus infinity that's that's absorbed
1:00:46 beginning
1:00:47 that may be philosophical that will be
1:00:49 excellent if we can't find such a proof
1:00:51 i have the strong feeling that it is
1:00:53 as as fallacious that's the time to
1:00:56 minus infinity or the claim that there
1:00:58 is events without beginning like every
1:01:00 time he had claims etc because he wanted
1:01:03 according to his imagination he wanted
1:01:05 god to be not idle
1:01:07 so he is creating it
1:01:08 never never starting never ending so
1:01:11 which is i think it's internally
1:01:13 absorbed but
1:01:14 but this has to be obviously formalized
1:01:16 because the moment you go to infinite
1:01:18 regress and infinity you have to
1:01:19 formalize things to hold them or giving
1:01:22 them a put a mathematical model and sure
1:01:24 it's impossible
1:01:26 the other one that the time has
1:01:27 beginning is consistent and excellent
1:01:29 and we have mathematical models for that
1:01:31 first of all go to the physics physique
1:01:33 is clear
1:01:35 we go to the big
1:01:36 one approach the big bank mentally
1:01:40 obviously
1:01:41 and
1:01:45 time seems to be starting there that's
1:01:46 the reason we have hawking saying a
1:01:48 brief history of time and the question
1:01:50 was a direct him okay time started how
1:01:52 did it start
1:01:54 and who started it
1:01:56 so he came with that one which we have
1:01:58 you remember we were still meeting the
1:02:00 discord when is a med suggested to
1:02:02 develop a song flip with libby like last
1:02:05 summer or something like that that that
1:02:07 there was a flux of quantum fluctuation
1:02:09 which flipped uh the space was four
1:02:12 dimensional or maybe 11 dimensional and
1:02:15 a fluctuation flipped one of the space
1:02:18 axis into time and
1:02:20 the three others remained space and
1:02:23 maybe the six others were combactified
1:02:25 away if we say that subsequently fight
1:02:27 space uh down to the blank length
1:02:29 there's some
1:02:30 some some field theories which work with
1:02:32 eleven
1:02:34 space-time damages okay no problem with
1:02:37 that but there's a problem with that
1:02:39 problem with that is that
1:02:41 as we said the time access is not that's
1:02:44 a mistake of general relativity under
1:02:46 under and the philosophical uh the
1:02:49 choice of einstein
1:02:51 and there were his
1:02:52 philosophical biases that he may joined
1:02:56 although they have a derivative
1:02:58 indeed it's not exactly like that but it
1:03:00 is the other aspect it's like space it
1:03:03 goes forward and backward no different
1:03:05 future and past in that sense except
1:03:07 that time reaction is having a negative
1:03:09 sign in the matrix that's all it is
1:03:13 so
1:03:15 so we don't need only to flip
1:03:17 we have to cut all the negative parts
1:03:19 somehow
1:03:20 completely so it's not as it's breaking
1:03:23 it or collapsing it like this so the
1:03:25 so like this
1:03:27 collapsing it
1:03:30 collapsing the the negative part so it
1:03:32 it fits on the on the top of or cutting
1:03:34 the negative negative part completely
1:03:36 and this seems to be just this
1:03:39 manifestly absorbs it and knew it was to
1:03:42 imagine or give that any mathematical
1:03:44 sound formulation it's just a claim an
1:03:47 arbitrary doesn't make any sense it
1:03:49 doesn't seem to be possible to be uh
1:03:53 within within the power or the
1:03:54 capability of any fluctuation whatsoever
1:03:57 even a divine fluctuation not doesn't
1:03:59 seem to be having that power it may
1:04:01 start time
1:04:02 yes
1:04:04 but
1:04:05 it doesn't seem that it can't flip
1:04:06 spaces that it may create space but
1:04:09 flipping like that
1:04:11 does not seem to be seem to be
1:04:12 contradictory which is not accessible
1:04:14 even to any
1:04:16 infinite divine power but there's
1:04:17 another issue leave that aside anyway so
1:04:19 the this model is not there's another
1:04:22 one escape of that because it doesn't
1:04:24 work clearly it doesn't work but what
1:04:26 another escape is to deny that there's a
1:04:29 big bang that actually the universe keep
1:04:30 expanding and shrinking expanding and
1:04:32 shrinking for without beginning
1:04:36 whatever the word would have been
1:04:37 meaning
1:04:39 but this
1:04:40 this assume it makes sense somehow
1:04:42 assumption
1:04:44 this requires if it makes sense i i
1:04:46 would say it doesn't make sense
1:04:48 essentially
1:04:50 although some people could could
1:04:52 speculatively claim that and formulated
1:04:54 in wording which again it's a is another
1:04:57 point that points to nothing but let's
1:04:58 assume it points to something just just
1:05:00 for the sake of argument uh only the as
1:05:03 far as some hindu philosophy claims that
1:05:05 the universe is like circular like that
1:05:07 for all eternities and re-emerge again
1:05:11 for that
1:05:14 let's spend recipes theory for that
1:05:17 you have the following
1:05:19 if it goes down to
1:05:21 blank length
1:05:22 something like like a black hole or
1:05:24 something and then start expanding again
1:05:27 and shrink and expand again and so on at
1:05:29 infinitum
1:05:31 circularly never ending
1:05:33 and never beginning because there's no
1:05:34 in the beginning because times and
1:05:36 become circular across so there's no
1:05:37 difference between going right or left
1:05:39 you can't take any direction go around
1:05:42 say from a faster future you should have
1:05:44 speaks no difference whatsoever
1:05:46 the question is that
1:05:47 for that to happen
1:05:52 every universe will be an exact
1:05:53 absolutely exact replica of the previous
1:05:56 one
1:05:57 there cannot be any
1:06:01 freedom
1:06:02 any fluctuation because any fluctuation
1:06:04 by definition
1:06:06 is not determined everything must be
1:06:08 absolutely determined this will negate
1:06:10 even quantum mechanics
1:06:12 unless we say we claim that the
1:06:16 the the quantum fluctuation which we
1:06:18 know exists and we prove by by
1:06:21 experience that they exist
1:06:22 and we prove that they are genuinely
1:06:24 there
1:06:25 not because of your our lack of
1:06:26 knowledge it's not a statistical
1:06:28 fluctuation it's not because of lack of
1:06:30 knowledge it's genuinely intrinsic in
1:06:32 the things themselves
1:06:35 cannot be
1:06:39 so this seems to be philosophically not
1:06:41 reconcilable with this
1:06:44 and leading to a very bleak extreme
1:06:46 fatalism absolute necessity
1:06:49 we go now to this points direction of
1:06:52 of uh so-called modal collapse that
1:06:54 everything is absolutely necessary
1:06:59 so that's that
1:07:01 experimentally
1:07:04 this uh attempt to avoid the singularity
1:07:07 for the singularity there is no way to
1:07:08 verification so that is an absolute
1:07:10 beginning there's no way you can get
1:07:11 away from that mathematically or
1:07:13 mathematical models it doesn't work
1:07:14 otherwise
1:07:15 so the way to is that it was never
1:07:17 singularity it was as small as a planck
1:07:19 size or whatever size you may wish to
1:07:21 define and it expands and shrinks and
1:07:23 expands and shrinks as well and then you
1:07:25 have these repercussions you have an
1:07:27 absolute necessity
1:07:29 and you have
1:07:30 done non-existence of anything which is
1:07:34 can be classified as free and then we
1:07:36 must declare quantum fluctuation as an
1:07:38 illusion
1:07:39 or or
1:07:43 yeah as an illusion as a mental illusion
1:07:45 we are somehow eluded but the problem is
1:07:48 that we have assumed the universe exists
1:07:49 and the extent will exist and we assume
1:07:51 that experimentation gives us
1:07:53 information about the universe and we
1:07:55 have assumed that we went all the way
1:07:56 near to the big bang and now mr perot's
1:07:58 claim that we it was not a big bang it
1:08:01 was uh it was like a blank-sized
1:08:04 universe which started expanding again
1:08:06 and right about so that one in
1:08:09 began the starting condition we get
1:08:10 there
1:08:12 so the whole theory i think is this way
1:08:14 philosophically and also experimentally
1:08:15 contradictory secondly the evidence is
1:08:18 from the background radiation there are
1:08:20 certain
1:08:21 oddities there which he tried to
1:08:23 interpret that is supportive with his
1:08:24 theory they
1:08:26 they are not sufficient
1:08:27 and they seem to be have another
1:08:28 explanation and all the available
1:08:30 information
1:08:32 makes make
1:08:34 no doubt it's as if we could just say it
1:08:36 is a substitute that we have
1:08:40 or almost certitude let's make more
1:08:42 cautious that we have a big bank
1:08:45 that we have inflation and inflation
1:08:47 there's there's a very general
1:08:49 mathematical theorems and analysis
1:08:53 making very general assumptions about
1:08:55 the universe not even specified specific
1:08:57 fields extremely generic assumption of
1:08:59 the universe
1:09:01 it entails that such
1:09:03 such information must have in the of
1:09:05 singularity there's no scale there's no
1:09:06 way
1:09:07 just mathematically proven and i think
1:09:10 craig has pointed to that out in some of
1:09:12 his publications and mentioned the
1:09:14 references for that
1:09:16 so
1:09:18 experimentally observationally more more
1:09:21 exactly observationally which is the
1:09:23 same thing like
1:09:24 uh observation is a controlled
1:09:26 observation is the
1:09:28 the cousin or the next skin of
1:09:30 controlled experimentation
1:09:32 the only expectation would do the
1:09:33 experiment you know under
1:09:35 well-established condition and observe
1:09:37 observations that observe the universe
1:09:39 but in a controlled way and uh
1:09:41 especially things which can be
1:09:43 controlled like uh like universal
1:09:44 background radiation center and analyze
1:09:47 the results
1:09:48 which are not completely under their own
1:09:50 control not under in human control and
1:09:52 then we
1:09:53 we
1:09:54 we do our best to and repeated the
1:09:56 observation so that we we we make sure
1:09:59 that it is it is not not a fluke or not
1:10:01 something
1:10:03 possibly by by by contaminate
1:10:05 contamination or another phenomena by
1:10:07 repeating and so on we exclude any
1:10:08 contamination and regard that as a pure
1:10:11 phenomena which is uh
1:10:14 which we can make conclusions valid
1:10:16 conclusions from but they're very close
1:10:18 so by observational by your observation
1:10:20 results observation uh
1:10:24 does not leave for us any
1:10:26 any way or anything
1:10:29 or any escape from
1:10:31 uh
1:10:32 concluding
1:10:34 that uh
1:10:35 that uh
1:10:36 that we have a singularity
1:10:38 and we have inflation and before the
1:10:40 inflation there was gladiator and the
1:10:41 universe started from a singularity west
1:10:44 it was kind together as absolute zero of
1:10:45 time so in the past then time is having
1:10:48 the following testing characteristics i
1:10:50 try to move mathematical model for that
1:10:54 there is an absolute zero of time our
1:10:56 time will be then if we calculate again
1:10:58 will be like 13.9 billion years could be
1:11:00 another number but has happened to me
1:11:02 luckily to this number roughly
1:11:05 it doesn't matter what it's 20 billion
1:11:07 uh 7 000 years i don't care what it is
1:11:10 certain distance from that one
1:11:12 determined by observation
1:11:14 and by by proper calculation double
1:11:16 checking that repeating the observation
1:11:18 and the uh and further observation which
1:11:21 will be made about the background the
1:11:23 radiation at the fair that their scopes
1:11:25 will be sent outside which will do finer
1:11:27 measurements to this to descend final
1:11:30 details the general structure this
1:11:32 detail is well established but but
1:11:34 further these five final details will
1:11:36 settle question like pedro is completely
1:11:39 instead of here instead of us saying
1:11:41 almost certainly it will be safely wrong
1:11:43 the penrose universe model of the
1:11:45 universe and the hindu obviously one and
1:11:47 secondly certain issues about
1:11:49 about quantum mechanics and the
1:11:52 reactivity will be settled even more
1:11:54 conclusively with the final uh without
1:11:57 the fine uh and more sophisticated
1:11:59 measurements from telescopes which are
1:12:01 on the way i think some of them are on
1:12:02 the way already launched i'm not sure is
1:12:05 that one launched already anyway it is
1:12:07 planned i think it's launched
1:12:09 so in a few years i think they
1:12:11 you're talking about uh
1:12:13 that satellite uh yeah that's gonna look
1:12:16 into the yeah i think they launched it
1:12:17 they launched it
1:12:19 until it gets into the place which is
1:12:20 where it's clean and minimal
1:12:22 interference and start recording and
1:12:24 sending data it will take few years
1:12:26 maybe maybe you will will uh hopefully
1:12:29 you you most of the hang of you will
1:12:30 will be living around at that time okay
1:12:33 so
1:12:34 that's uh
1:12:36 that we can't conclude safely that with
1:12:38 absolute zero of time
1:12:41 and there is a mathematical model for
1:12:43 that
1:12:45 that time is obviously
1:12:49 behaving so
1:12:51 that here that it is uh it is or start
1:12:53 only that
1:12:55 uh
1:12:56 that time started at uh the absolute
1:12:58 zero it's very very unique situation try
1:13:01 to imagine a plane the best thing is to
1:13:03 imagine a complex plane as a definition
1:13:06 uh that's maybe the more the
1:13:08 model for those who have some background
1:13:10 about mathematics you know the logarithm
1:13:12 the algorithm is is different especially
1:13:14 the natural one we can't take the
1:13:15 natural one that's the one who has the
1:13:18 last probability that
1:13:19 is actually
1:13:21 let's start with exponential functions
1:13:22 exponential functions is having less
1:13:24 probability that is derivative
1:13:26 is tangent is equal itself times a
1:13:28 constant any exponential
1:13:30 and if we issue the construct to be one
1:13:32 then the base will be and a number
1:13:34 called e x the base of the national
1:13:36 exponent which is two point
1:13:39 long number
1:13:40 transcendental number
1:13:42 you could choose 10 to the x it's called
1:13:43 e to the x 10 to the x that the
1:13:45 derivatives will be intended excessive
1:13:47 times of actual is called natural
1:13:50 logarithm of 10 and this clumsy so
1:13:52 people prefer to use natural logarithm
1:13:54 and that's natural or
1:13:57 extra exponential
1:14:00 the inverse of the
1:14:02 and the exponential by necessity is
1:14:04 positive
1:14:06 in the limit if you go to in to an
1:14:08 exponent along the negative remember now
1:14:11 the negative axis
1:14:13 then it goes slowly and surely to zero
1:14:17 faster than any potence and ultimately
1:14:19 if you let x go to m to infinity plus
1:14:21 infinity then the x
1:14:23 x e to the minus
1:14:25 two x with the x being negative will go
1:14:27 to zero only along that direction
1:14:29 nowhere else otherwise
1:14:31 it's every positive the reverse function
1:14:34 the logarithm
1:14:37 we can now we can explain
1:14:39 extend the definition of the exponential
1:14:41 into the complex plane instead of e to
1:14:43 the x and e to the z z is a complex
1:14:45 number a plus i b or x plus i y
1:14:49 and this extension is done in a
1:14:51 mathematically well
1:14:52 well known way
1:14:54 and it ends that the exponential
1:14:56 function is not only decreasing and
1:14:58 increasing like a real numbers it's
1:15:00 actually uh even having periodicity
1:15:02 characters really
1:15:05 noticeably
1:15:06 related to infinities and so on
1:15:08 interesting things in mathematics so the
1:15:10 same thing we something related to
1:15:12 necessity of reason are there
1:15:16 then if we define that if we go to the
1:15:18 logarithm just for real numbers the
1:15:20 logarithm is defined only
1:15:22 for the positive real and when we come
1:15:24 to zero it goes to minus infinity slowly
1:15:28 and it's not defined for the negative
1:15:29 axis whatsoever
1:15:32 now we extend it to the
1:15:34 uh to the
1:15:35 complex plane
1:15:36 the strive to extend like we did the
1:15:38 experiment it extends everywhere except
1:15:40 at the negative axis
1:15:42 it's impossible to define feeling
1:15:43 whatever we do it's impossible to define
1:15:46 in any consistent way
1:15:48 until does also say it in periodicity
1:15:50 characters they fixed there
1:15:53 so it's very well possible we have a
1:15:55 mathematical model
1:15:57 of
1:15:58 a variable z
1:16:00 but used as a as a domain over the
1:16:03 logarithm
1:16:05 that we have to cut
1:16:08 the negative axis
1:16:09 they call it the cut plane it's defined
1:16:11 in the cut plane
1:16:12 and
1:16:14 in the case of algorithm the zero
1:16:16 is
1:16:17 a branching point
1:16:19 of infinite order because they have
1:16:21 infinite many circuits are going around
1:16:23 that's very if you if you wish to study
1:16:26 that should studied a a little bit of
1:16:29 complex function theory
1:16:31 i know most of you are not mathematician
1:16:33 but this is not extremely bad
1:16:35 if you have basic differentiation
1:16:36 integration try to
1:16:38 like elemental introduction and and
1:16:40 complex analysis take the most
1:16:42 elementary book and study it it's nice
1:16:44 it will add to your to your vision of
1:16:46 the reality and also understanding all
1:16:48 the mathematics understanding of of
1:16:50 things like the cosine and the sine
1:16:52 which seems to be related to triangular
1:16:54 functions but it turns out to be related
1:16:56 to exponential functions and the
1:16:58 logarithm very interesting
1:17:01 we have to cut the plane for the
1:17:03 exponential function itself it has at
1:17:05 the infinite infinite far away point an
1:17:07 essential singularity
1:17:10 a singularity which you cannot remove by
1:17:12 any way
1:17:13 is not like a one over x when you stay
1:17:16 singular at zero
1:17:17 but it's supposed
1:17:19 you can remove that by multiplying with
1:17:21 x
1:17:22 one over x uh
1:17:23 to the power seventeen you come to
1:17:25 variable x to the power of 17 or x to
1:17:27 the wall of
1:17:29 uh it was removed
1:17:31 but not that one you can multiply with
1:17:33 any power you want you can do whatever
1:17:34 you want there's no way you can remove
1:17:36 that singularity so that this was
1:17:38 yourself has an institutional stability
1:17:40 at the infinite far point and the
1:17:41 logarithm has a researcher similarity
1:17:43 which is even worse it's a branching
1:17:45 point and that's zero which is a
1:17:47 branching point of infinite order which
1:17:49 is and the image of that infinite that
1:17:52 singular security at that that
1:17:53 essentials will be at the infinite value
1:17:55 so it is very well
1:17:58 studied mathematically it doesn't
1:18:00 create any contradiction in in complex
1:18:02 analysis analysis and until now i don't
1:18:05 think the the the classical analysis
1:18:08 is fully proven
1:18:10 at a technical term to be
1:18:11 contradiction-free
1:18:13 all the people are working with that now
1:18:14 for almost a century or something like
1:18:16 that i don't think it's fully proven
1:18:18 completely but until now no contraction
1:18:21 will be constructed and great steps and
1:18:23 part of the proof has been done so we
1:18:25 can assume that's that's a good model
1:18:28 so
1:18:30 so time
1:18:32 can approach
1:18:34 the point zero the point zero
1:18:36 must be called now the point of eternity
1:18:38 from our vantage point from looking from
1:18:40 this side
1:18:41 this point is called eternity
1:18:44 is a point
1:18:46 from our vantage point we don't know
1:18:47 from a vantage point of an entity
1:18:49 existing there how it looks like we have
1:18:51 no idea we should not speak on it but
1:18:53 foreign
1:18:55 time goes all the way
1:18:58 until not eternity until zero until zero
1:19:00 plus from the right side because we can
1:19:02 go into the limit but we never reach
1:19:04 there that's called in mathematics zero
1:19:06 plus
1:19:07 uh plus written to the right side of
1:19:08 zero because there is there's a zero
1:19:11 minus
1:19:12 there is no zero minus because the all
1:19:14 the negative axis has been kept
1:19:17 what does it mean ontologically that
1:19:19 negative times are impossible and any
1:19:22 existing things cannot exist in negative
1:19:24 time
1:19:25 no differ no difference between the
1:19:27 necessarily existing or a divine being
1:19:29 also so
1:19:32 now we go to the issue of
1:19:34 modality collapse as well now
1:19:37 the promises again
1:19:39 should we read the the premise again and
1:19:42 we discuss the premises is that
1:19:45 our our perception of time and our
1:19:47 measures of time and reservation of the
1:19:49 universe
1:19:50 and going all the way to the big bank
1:19:53 and we we have a mathematical model of
1:19:56 the the domain of definition of the
1:19:58 logarithm
1:20:01 all right
1:20:01 i'm saying the
1:20:17 uh are having terms which are either
1:20:19 ill-defined or or
1:20:22 not clear what they mean either that's
1:20:24 defined or they are somehow internally
1:20:27 contradictory so let's go to
1:20:29 uh to expand on that a little bit so
1:20:32 time
1:20:34 started to
1:20:36 uh
1:20:36 to start started at a a at eternity that
1:20:39 said that zero and absolute zero is we
1:20:41 call eternity
1:20:43 but but time
1:20:44 started if you use the language of
1:20:47 because in analysis there are two
1:20:49 languages you can use one language which
1:20:51 is which is uh which is uh which is the
1:20:54 language which is most commonly used
1:20:56 that's what they call it the standard
1:20:57 analysis is that we say time started as
1:21:00 zero plus into the right side and we can
1:21:03 we can go with time until zero but
1:21:05 approach it without ever touching it
1:21:08 and non-classical analysis non-standard
1:21:11 analysis is
1:21:13 used to call infinitely infinitesimally
1:21:15 small distances but as you could say
1:21:17 then time started infinitesimally away
1:21:20 from
1:21:21 the singularity and this non-standard
1:21:24 analysis seems to be
1:21:26 seems to be acceptable and does not seem
1:21:28 to create contradiction but it's very
1:21:30 little known that's what was used by the
1:21:32 way 200 years ago they were using all
1:21:34 those difficult infinitely infinitive
1:21:36 small quantities even more i think 150
1:21:38 years ago it was the common one until
1:21:40 then the
1:21:41 people recognized that working with
1:21:43 these is is
1:21:45 fraught with problems and is dangerous
1:21:47 and people have to be cautious about
1:21:49 them because they're not of the same
1:21:50 order of smallness some some some of
1:21:53 them infinitely small some of the
1:21:54 ingredients one smaller the infinitely
1:21:56 small and so on is is is a critical area
1:21:59 and without
1:22:01 really
1:22:02 well controlled what you do there you
1:22:04 may end in having trouble so
1:22:06 most
1:22:08 almost almost everywhere in every
1:22:09 university analysis is done in the
1:22:12 standard way
1:22:13 it's called standard way now and time
1:22:15 prices was not a standard the
1:22:17 non-standard analysis is given sometimes
1:22:19 in certain classes as an option for
1:22:21 people who would like to delve in these
1:22:23 deeper issues
1:22:25 so
1:22:26 at the point of eternity as i said is a
1:22:28 point from our vantage point
1:22:31 now
1:22:33 go back to
1:22:36 if
1:22:37 if time started my argument is that
1:22:40 the least
1:22:42 the least uh
1:22:44 metaphysically loaded
1:22:47 at least with a physically loaded uh
1:22:50 claim is that there's an entity
1:22:53 there
1:22:55 which is free agent
1:22:57 free
1:22:58 free actor
1:22:59 we have defined freedom and free acting
1:23:02 as a fundamental concept
1:23:03 and seem to be free of contradiction
1:23:06 we may be we may be deceived as i said
1:23:08 maybe but this is a claim which has to
1:23:10 be proven or disproved
1:23:12 in the case of penrose universe it
1:23:15 all that turned out to be to be uh to be
1:23:18 illusory and we are deceived by this
1:23:20 with this notion but the pelrose
1:23:23 probably the
1:23:24 the penrose
1:23:26 universe
1:23:27 the vision the infinitely circulating
1:23:29 universe or circular universe is having
1:23:31 for them the problem that it is also
1:23:33 does not tolerate even quantum
1:23:34 fluctuation which we which we have
1:23:37 established uh
1:23:39 as an as an existence and as objective
1:23:42 and have i have in intrinsic in
1:23:44 determinism and have nothing to do with
1:23:45 the lack of our knowledge or have
1:23:47 nothing to do with our freedom or don't
1:23:48 lead this community independent of that
1:23:50 and
1:23:52 and
1:23:52 all the way to getting to the
1:23:55 near to the big bank and to a possible
1:23:57 inflation we have used that so now when
1:23:59 we get there suddenly we negate it
1:24:01 completely
1:24:02 we create contradiction that cannot be
1:24:04 consistent we can't consistent by by the
1:24:06 way they the whole theory have been
1:24:07 developed utility has having internal
1:24:09 contradiction despite obviously the
1:24:12 issue that even experimentally it is
1:24:14 essentially disproved
1:24:16 so leave this one sorry so we have an
1:24:18 entity the least
1:24:20 the least uh
1:24:22 excessive metaphysical claims there is
1:24:24 an entity
1:24:27 which is the free agent
1:24:31 exists in eternity
1:24:33 in eternity
1:24:35 because not so is the timeless in that
1:24:37 sense he's not in time it's in eternity
1:24:40 by the way i will comment about some
1:24:42 other philosophical aspect of this
1:24:43 attempt in eternity
1:24:46 which would absolute splinterity started
1:24:48 clicking clear is that okay start
1:24:50 kicking starting at the time
1:24:53 and also starting the universe starting
1:24:54 all these things
1:24:56 that's the minimum we don't need to uh
1:24:59 to uh to uh assume a four or eleven
1:25:02 dimensional space in which when one axis
1:25:04 has been flipped uh and a frame by that
1:25:07 by quantum fluctuation which is again
1:25:09 like a free agent inflation because
1:25:12 this is uh metaphysically loaded it
1:25:15 assumed that there is a certain number
1:25:17 of coordinates and assume this is
1:25:19 somehow a necessary entity but this is
1:25:23 there's nothing which indicate necessity
1:25:25 why eleven dimension why not twenty
1:25:27 three like for example is some in some
1:25:29 uh
1:25:30 some string theories it could be twenty
1:25:32 three
1:25:33 so there's there's uh no necessity
1:25:36 dictating that it will be like this way
1:25:39 and then there's no necessity dictating
1:25:40 that something which will uh uh
1:25:43 and there and the notion of quantum
1:25:44 fluctuation is is just uh
1:25:48 it's just a
1:25:50 assuming an entity called fluctuation
1:25:53 which uh which which which has the sole
1:25:56 purpose to do that this only freedom it
1:25:58 has it has no other breed but it's
1:26:00 completely spontaneous
1:26:01 question
1:26:02 how how industrial how how could the
1:26:04 associated entity be and not a free
1:26:06 agent must be some kind of free agent
1:26:08 because all other kinds of action there
1:26:10 is either dictated by necessity or wife
1:26:13 by freedom inside the universe we have
1:26:15 limited freedom in in quantum
1:26:18 fluctuation we have limited freedom in
1:26:20 our own action but here we are outside
1:26:22 before the universe before the creation
1:26:25 so speculating one entity which started
1:26:27 the time
1:26:30 and then because obviously the concept
1:26:32 of free agent is necessarily connected
1:26:34 with consciousness with the mind and so
1:26:36 on then we can analyze that
1:26:39 how how his his knowledge will be uh a
1:26:43 clearly a
1:26:44 free agent has an intention that's
1:26:46 meaning of his will will and that will
1:26:50 wants to create something or do
1:26:52 something and that he must know what he
1:26:53 is doing but this is like we we are part
1:26:56 of the concept of reagent which we have
1:26:58 derived from our own self
1:27:00 and he must have knowledge in eternity
1:27:04 or his knowledge is at that moment is
1:27:06 intrinsic
1:27:07 he knows himself he knows if
1:27:09 mathematical
1:27:11 or
1:27:12 various mathematics are
1:27:13 are somehow necessary in himself or they
1:27:15 seem to be he knows all mathematics and
1:27:17 all foreign systems
1:27:19 knows himself
1:27:21 knows all possible universes
1:27:23 which have what is a universe
1:27:25 essentially a set of of of uh of laws
1:27:28 and relations that's it
1:27:30 which realizes
1:27:33 like like like in the theory of hawkins
1:27:35 which realizes the beginning of time the
1:27:37 beginning of this begins with the time
1:27:39 and with sentence structure and certain
1:27:41 set of equations and then
1:27:43 he is free if you need to choose one of
1:27:45 them he shows this one specifically that
1:27:49 question why this one and all these
1:27:50 issues can be discussed later but this
1:27:52 is spontaneously
1:27:55 and
1:27:56 the issue of that is the divine
1:27:58 knowledge intrinsic or extensiveness
1:28:00 does not arise it's intrinsic at the
1:28:01 moment after that
1:28:04 with his own free action
1:28:06 time start to develop universe start to
1:28:08 develop
1:28:09 i start a certain chosen system
1:28:11 according to a certain
1:28:13 model which he has in his coin is so
1:28:15 consciousness is his mind
1:28:18 developed
1:28:20 whatever develops after that
1:28:22 he he must know what's happening
1:28:25 and he must be in control
1:28:27 so this will be acquired knowledge it's
1:28:29 not it's not present but it's not
1:28:30 intrinsically extrinsic but is not
1:28:32 extrinsic which negates the fact that
1:28:34 he's exist in eternity
1:28:38 this is a necessity result of being a
1:28:40 free agent by by by definition
1:28:43 it's so the
1:28:44 the question is is the divine knowledge
1:28:47 extrinsic or intrinsic or
1:28:49 part-like part like that does not arise
1:28:51 it's initially in eternity it's
1:28:54 intrinsic and after that it takes
1:28:55 intrinsic and extreme and extensive
1:28:58 but um so also his knowledge of it
1:29:00 particularly so we start talking about
1:29:02 something that is actual real right in
1:29:05 the in the actual world
1:29:07 would you say that this knowledge is
1:29:08 that this is extrinsic knowledge right
1:29:11 well what they called it in in what you
1:29:13 just read earlier said that the divine
1:29:15 which is either intrinsic or extrinsic
1:29:17 or partly partly this does not apply in
1:29:20 eternity is purely intrinsic by
1:29:21 necessity after that it can be very
1:29:23 extrinsic and does not negate does not
1:29:26 negate that that he exists in eternity
1:29:28 and the and the uh is necessarily
1:29:31 existing and all these attributes all
1:29:34 these this statement about him can be
1:29:35 said in eternity after that he stay
1:29:37 stays in existence obviously but it
1:29:40 stays
1:29:41 stay necessarily existing
1:29:43 have uh retain his intrinsic knowledge
1:29:45 and then whatever happens in
1:29:48 in the universe is well well he is well
1:29:50 aware about that okay but but that well
1:29:53 that awareness of those things that
1:29:55 happened right those accidental things
1:29:57 those things that aren't necessarily
1:29:59 meant to happen
1:30:00 um
1:30:01 you're saying that's extrinsic right um
1:30:04 that's what what they mean with
1:30:05 extensive getting that's what they are
1:30:07 but would this be exactly required okay
1:30:11 will this be this acquired knowledge be
1:30:13 accidental to god
1:30:15 it doesn't matter the the definition of
1:30:17 accident there's nothing since
1:30:22 the classic the classic philosophy we'll
1:30:23 take about essential and accidental it
1:30:26 does not make any sense for such a beak
1:30:28 so we constructed it by by by going
1:30:30 through time
1:30:31 we did it we did it inductively and we
1:30:34 ended it has to be like that
1:30:36 that that end has to be like that
1:30:37 there's no escape
1:30:40 that time has to be to be started by
1:30:42 something
1:30:43 yeah that's the same problem faced by
1:30:45 walking by anybody's mind necessary it
1:30:46 has to be started
1:30:48 okay but um what i mean by accidental is
1:30:51 that when we say he acquires knowledge
1:30:53 right yeah would it mean that in in some
1:30:56 sense he
1:30:58 kind of changed or had a kind of
1:31:00 modification
1:31:01 no he acquires knowledge
1:31:04 that's it
1:31:05 there's nobody what do you mean by
1:31:06 acquire where is knowledge that
1:31:08 that like he has all the knowledge and
1:31:10 then the particular things that happen
1:31:12 just correspond with his knowledge
1:31:26 unless he knows that it has fallen so
1:31:28 before tree you know
1:31:30 he
1:31:31 in eternity he knew that this universe
1:31:33 would support the one he shows various
1:31:35 universes are available obviously the
1:31:37 one he shows will support all the
1:31:39 development including trees on earth etc
1:31:42 and some trees will have leaves falling
1:31:44 by necessity of the design of the
1:31:46 universe
1:31:47 when when when when when a leaf grows he
1:31:50 is he's aware that it has grown
1:31:52 otherwise his his knowledge is not
1:31:54 complete
1:31:56 he he
1:31:57 he he is ignorant
1:31:59 that he's going now and then with false
1:32:01 it has it knows it's now here and then
1:32:03 the moment it falls but
1:32:05 and the solution of that is that the
1:32:07 passage of time
1:32:09 the the
1:32:11 the the
1:32:12 what we call passage of time and is
1:32:14 nothing than the counting or the
1:32:15 ordering of divine action
1:32:17 so it's not something like happening to
1:32:19 him from outside it's from him him
1:32:21 initiating him being dynamic
1:32:25 okay
1:32:26 but there's no there's no no other
1:32:28 solution of this dilemma otherwise you
1:32:30 will have a dilemma of of of absolute
1:32:33 necessity and then and then no need even
1:32:35 to postulate a free agent at the
1:32:37 beginning it will be then
1:32:45 unconscious nature under the question
1:32:48 how can social entities start time
1:32:52 this whole argument of mortal collapse
1:32:54 is like against classical theism or like
1:32:57 absolute divine like simplicity because
1:33:00 they start they start to abstract
1:33:01 definition without
1:33:03 without going really into the depth of
1:33:05 without knowing the detection and then
1:33:07 the in the induction the deduction
1:33:09 weight i think that's the problem is
1:33:11 that it was that the necessary part of
1:33:14 induction was not done
1:33:18 yeah upon go ahead sorry
1:33:20 um
1:33:21 what people will say is that you know
1:33:23 either and uh just that either you know
1:33:26 he necessarily knows things have
1:33:28 happened and then they will argue well
1:33:30 no no no okay it is very well capable of
1:33:34 suspending judgment and even uh
1:33:37 that's that's part of being free agent
1:33:39 okay
1:33:41 agent is i think is more fundamental and
1:33:43 knowledgeable intrinsically in eternity
1:33:46 is sufficient whatever develops after
1:33:48 that is because of his is his knowledge
1:33:50 knowledge is complete and perfect
1:33:53 what some people say well if if he
1:33:55 doesn't necessarily know things that
1:33:57 will happen
1:33:59 and he acquires knowledge then it means
1:34:01 that he went from knowing something that
1:34:04 um he didn't know to knowing it and
1:34:06 which they would argue that no this is
1:34:09 strange there's nothing
1:34:11 that's that's again a fallacy because
1:34:12 what they say from knowing something
1:34:14 which she doesn't know
1:34:17 the things who she doesn't know like for
1:34:18 example uh what what what what i will do
1:34:21 in the future for example for example or
1:34:24 what he will do in the future is because
1:34:26 these things are impossible to know okay
1:34:28 so no knowledge it does not relate to
1:34:30 them exactly like power
1:34:32 but
1:34:33 the same the same
1:34:34 issue which was brought forward can he
1:34:36 inhale it himself or can he
1:34:39 create a
1:34:40 heavy stone which is so infinitely heavy
1:34:42 that he cannot lift it always that
1:34:44 contradicts
1:34:48 it appears clearer you see it clearer
1:34:50 and easier because a stone which is so
1:34:53 infinitely heavy that god cannot lift it
1:34:55 is a contradictory thing
1:34:57 but
1:35:12 in
1:35:17 what i'm saying at any moment in time
1:35:19 in absolute time in in god's in god's
1:35:21 clock in in his time
1:35:24 actually before that there's an amazing
1:35:26 hadith
1:35:28 the prophet saying
1:35:29 who seems to be
1:35:30 out of the ordinary
1:35:32 one hadith said about when the people
1:35:34 came in from yemen
1:35:35 and
1:35:37 they said we came to you specifically to
1:35:39 ask for the beginning of this affair
1:35:42 and they pointed to the universe
1:35:45 all they in
1:35:46 the house understood what they mean how
1:35:48 all this came into existence
1:35:50 so he answered
1:35:54 that's the correct narration because
1:35:56 another place here this could say until
1:35:58 a world foreign
1:36:00 the first not minus infinity nothing is
1:36:03 before you which represent the issue
1:36:06 that negative axis is cut i would say
1:36:08 that's the best interpretation
1:36:11 nothing is after you okay so
1:36:15 then
1:36:16 in an amazing hadith which i regarded
1:36:18 said very very really unique and and and
1:36:23 shocking as i said
1:36:25 at the beginning of it does not uh
1:36:28 they say they call hadith
1:36:30 the prophet repent from his lord from
1:36:32 god
1:36:33 they call it they call it a holy holy
1:36:35 report
1:36:37 not outside the text of the quran
1:36:38 formulated by
1:36:40 allah said the son of adam or children
1:36:43 of adam
1:36:44 hurts me or insult me
1:36:46 they say what a miserable time
1:36:50 huh what what what misery is the time
1:36:54 may the time fail
1:36:57 why
1:36:58 why it is it is hurting for allah and
1:37:00 then the next part is down the shocking
1:37:02 one this is just an injunction about how
1:37:04 to deal with the happening because why
1:37:06 did you say what a miserable time only
1:37:08 because you are suffering some happening
1:37:10 yeah because you suffer some pain or you
1:37:12 have a calamity or a catastrophe oh
1:37:15 wow damn this time i'm not getting any
1:37:17 what i want or something like that then
1:37:20 he said
1:37:21 why is that hurting i love you
1:37:24 i am the time i am that or the heart the
1:37:27 passage of time or the or the flow of
1:37:29 time
1:37:30 and then he explained that
1:37:32 via
1:37:46 by my command so his command his will
1:37:50 is ahead of his knowledge in that sense
1:37:53 in that sense if you wish to say it it's
1:37:55 it's primary than the knowledge
1:37:57 while the intrinsic knowledge of
1:37:58 eternity is necessary is necessary to
1:38:01 have in in present in his in his in his
1:38:05 knowledge and his consciousness the
1:38:07 possible universe and he picked one of
1:38:08 them
1:38:09 that's it after that
1:38:11 things become dynamic
1:38:13 in another place in the quran he talks
1:38:15 about people who have been
1:38:17 uh they have committed some some sense
1:38:19 in not joining the prophet in a
1:38:21 battlefield and then they don't have any
1:38:23 real excuse and they said we don't have
1:38:24 to we just became lazy
1:38:26 so the first of them
1:38:28 you are suspended for the time being
1:38:32 and uh do this and do this don't
1:38:34 cohabitate with your wife separates
1:38:36 aside etc
1:38:39 in that they was born for a certain time
1:38:42 and
1:38:43 in that time it was really a testing
1:38:44 time for them and some of them were
1:38:46 approached by the rasani king which was
1:38:48 he was tied to islam and preparing
1:38:50 armies to invade medina etc but that's
1:38:52 the long story short story the quran
1:38:54 came
1:38:56 before
1:39:09 i think there were three or four are
1:39:12 postponed
1:39:13 postponed to the command of allah either
1:39:16 he punished them or he forgive them and
1:39:18 allah is always
1:39:21 allah is all wise all perfectionists are
1:39:24 all
1:39:24 knowledgeable so they are postponed to
1:39:26 the command of allah
1:39:28 either he has the two options he did not
1:39:30 make the decision he was won the
1:39:32 decision so god is capable of postponing
1:39:34 that even
1:39:39 according to the quran and they will say
1:39:41 by the sister of reason is that if he's
1:39:43 if he's initiated the whole universe
1:39:45 then he is capable of interfering in it
1:39:48 and postponing decision and
1:39:50 and this
1:39:51 does not reduce anything in in any sense
1:39:55 of god hit
1:39:56 nothing
1:39:57 only in the imagination of the classics
1:40:00 that the idea of a god is that like a
1:40:02 stone which doesn't change eternally
1:40:04 moving doing nothing is essentially
1:40:06 nothing i would say this is essentially
1:40:09 existing or being which can do nothing
1:40:12 and doesn't act by by by by absolute
1:40:15 freedom
1:40:16 is necessary not existing
1:40:18 but that's that's that is really a proof
1:40:21 to prove that the other alternative for
1:40:22 the beginning of the universe is like
1:40:24 like the attempt of
1:40:26 of hawking is to say at the beginning we
1:40:28 have the fourth dimensional space
1:40:32 and one of these uh
1:40:33 coordinates flipped into time and he
1:40:35 needed a quantum fluctuation so it is we
1:40:37 have something like uh in the point of
1:40:40 eternity there's no time yet
1:40:43 that's the point of eternity and
1:40:45 we have a full dimension space and
1:40:47 certain laws and obviously obviously
1:40:49 uncertain fundamental field may be
1:40:51 inactive not literally working whatever
1:40:53 it is the details here we must have
1:40:55 certain theory there in more details
1:40:57 and then of course and that that that
1:41:00 situation uh
1:41:02 must uh must have some kind he is that
1:41:04 he is trying to escape without removing
1:41:06 free agent by saying a quantum
1:41:08 fluctuation no you can give give name
1:41:11 you can give the dog a bad name and
1:41:12 shoot it but it it's still still a dog
1:41:16 whatever name you give it you can give
1:41:18 give this free agent the name of a
1:41:20 controversial you will not going to
1:41:22 escape from it that it is it has to be
1:41:26 something like
1:41:27 like what i said
1:41:29 when acting in absolute freedom and
1:41:31 that's the only thing which we should
1:41:33 which we have a question uh
1:41:35 doctor professor
1:41:36 um
1:41:38 so earlier mentioned that um indeed it's
1:41:41 impossible for him to know something
1:41:43 that doesn't exist yet
1:41:45 no no no nothing
1:41:47 he
1:41:47 we could say is more the the events in
1:41:50 the future are
1:41:52 are not non-existence yet some of them
1:41:54 may be somebody will be known because he
1:41:56 decided that they will happen
1:42:02 some of them he obliged himself to do
1:42:04 them like for example he promised he
1:42:06 promises because it is it is uh ungodly
1:42:09 and according to scripture it's
1:42:10 impossible that he promises you for
1:42:12 example to reward you for certain act
1:42:14 and he fails to make a word so he's
1:42:16 definitely going and you know he will do
1:42:17 it
1:42:18 yeah but i mean
1:42:23 all what is needed at any moment of time
1:42:25 he lets the universe develop according
1:42:26 to the current conditions unless he
1:42:28 decides for some reason
1:42:30 to step in and force something to
1:42:32 fulfill a policy or
1:42:35 otherwise things will develop in in
1:42:36 their own dynamic with their own
1:42:38 possibilities they will there are
1:42:39 quantum fluctuations there are free
1:42:40 agents let them do so for free agents
1:42:43 that to establish the
1:42:45 genuine
1:42:46 free will for humans is that
1:42:50 the free will of humans you find some
1:42:52 classical say
1:42:53 they could not dwell on the quran says
1:42:55 unless he willed
1:42:57 but this have a problem you have to
1:42:58 define that clearly
1:43:00 what means unless he wills for them to
1:43:02 choose whatever they want not for will
1:43:05 them to show this or a or b
1:43:07 here it allows them to have the will he
1:43:10 created them with this capability and
1:43:12 allowed in every action
1:43:13 do i do whatever you want i allow you to
1:43:16 what i mean in that case in that case
1:43:19 in that case their will is the efficient
1:43:22 one his permission is only unconditional
1:43:26 if he wins for example
1:43:30 you do not will unless allah wills
1:43:32 that's the meaning of it because the
1:43:33 other one if he for example
1:43:36 he was your guidance
1:43:38 and that you choose to be guided and he
1:43:41 will your guidance then his will is
1:43:42 sufficient
1:43:44 then your will is is nothing because the
1:43:45 divine will should be should be
1:43:47 sufficient itself to bring itself
1:43:56 there are certain things that happen out
1:43:57 of free will of humans
1:43:59 that um
1:44:01 weren't
1:44:02 that god didn't know yet what you're
1:44:04 trying to say he didn't know yet because
1:44:06 they didn't exist right and it wasn't
1:44:08 understood yeah it does exist and and
1:44:11 and they come according to that what
1:44:12 they decide okay and after this happened
1:44:14 he knows that they did it and he will
1:44:16 account them for that now i have a
1:44:18 question
1:44:19 in many places
1:44:20 say tell them do work
1:44:22 do whatever you you do you do your
1:44:24 activities
1:44:26 allah will see your action the message
1:44:27 of reaction and the believers reaction
1:44:29 and he will tell you in your day of
1:44:30 judgment
1:44:31 what you have done and give you the
1:44:33 account
1:44:34 what do you think of the what
1:44:36 some people will say
1:44:38 if if that's the case right that certain
1:44:40 things
1:44:41 aren't known yet or aren't known yet
1:44:43 because it's you know people have free
1:44:45 will it's either they decide to do
1:44:46 things and aren't necessarily under the
1:44:48 command of god and they're necessarily
1:44:50 meant to happen they will say then god's
1:44:52 knowledge is subject to our dude so he
1:44:55 has
1:44:55 um like they're they're they're
1:44:57 accidents and gods so the same like
1:45:00 god's power is is limited by that he
1:45:02 cannot an alias him cannot is the same
1:45:04 but in the power it's working here
1:45:05 because the power is this relate to time
1:45:07 here it raised through time we got the
1:45:09 appreciation and we're being repeated by
1:45:11 his knowing of the thing and we got
1:45:13 conditioned to think that the future is
1:45:15 somehow
1:45:16 there somehow
1:45:18 that's the fallacy which einstein fell
1:45:19 in which he make the time coordinate
1:45:21 exactly like a space because they
1:45:23 accepted that sign of the metric
1:45:27 even though it's impossible for him to
1:45:28 know uh certain such things right
1:45:31 if he knows them we're gonna be because
1:45:33 these are
1:45:34 impossible to know knowledge cannot come
1:45:36 out
1:45:37 acquired because they are not created
1:45:39 yet he did not wield them yet
1:45:41 so
1:45:41 his will is ahead of his knowledge but
1:45:43 wouldn't that still love him
1:45:48 wouldn't that still be you know what it
1:45:50 was impossible for him to know before
1:45:52 because it becomes possible for him to
1:45:54 know and he knows them at that moment
1:45:56 wouldn't you say i don't wanna say well
1:45:59 it's unknowable
1:46:00 but if you if if he if he if he gives
1:46:03 you if he create you the free will a
1:46:04 genuine free will let's assume it's a
1:46:06 genuine freeway well it's not a deluded
1:46:08 sin
1:46:09 and then he allows you at every moment
1:46:12 of action because he is in control he is
1:46:14 he's in control
1:46:16 in the time continuously time but or
1:46:18 maybe if the time is great every every
1:46:20 click of the clock of time absolute time
1:46:22 i think time is continuous but this is a
1:46:24 secondary point he allows you to choose
1:46:27 whatever you choose
1:46:29 then it is impossible
1:46:31 at the moment to know what your choice
1:46:33 will be otherwise he has chosen for you
1:46:35 what you are going to choose which is
1:46:37 meaning your choice is
1:46:38 irrelevant because his his his will and
1:46:41 his dominance of the universe supreme is
1:46:43 ultimate
1:46:44 yours is limited you are the limited one
1:46:48 it's amazing what if you analyze it you
1:46:50 will see you see you see the point
1:46:59 yeah
1:47:01 because
1:47:02 that's the meaning of free will that you
1:47:04 shows which would have chosen otherwise
1:47:07 what what you choose specifically in
1:47:08 this situation result in some some event
1:47:10 in the universe or something after you
1:47:12 have made the choice that result
1:47:15 could not have been knowable before
1:47:19 neither to you and also any because it's
1:47:21 not knowable by its honest
1:47:23 intrinsic nature is no no i think this
1:47:25 solves all this issue of free will
1:47:29 most important
1:47:31 it is
1:47:33 the
1:47:34 fundamental problem of divine free will
1:47:36 divine favor is more important but the
1:47:38 human free will which we perceive
1:47:41 i would say is not a deception
1:47:43 but the guarantee for that
1:47:45 is that
1:47:47 he is capable of creating people with
1:47:49 will cable or schedule even not on
1:47:51 people even creating entities like uh
1:47:54 electrons and photons with certain
1:47:56 indeterminism but it's in the symbol
1:47:57 very simple low level spin up spin down
1:48:00 just few things which does not need any
1:48:03 any really uh any uh high level of of
1:48:07 mental capacity so we cannot say these
1:48:09 things have mental capacity except in
1:48:10 metaphorical cells but mental capacity
1:48:12 like ours
1:48:13 to that level of mental capacity they
1:48:15 don't have and those with mentality our
1:48:18 level they could have made even more
1:48:19 complex and more substantial choices of
1:48:22 determining all their life determining
1:48:24 even the the the the
1:48:27 uh
1:48:28 the the destiny of themselves and
1:48:30 history of whole nations possibly
1:48:33 by their own decision and so on
1:48:36 it's very well capable and that's
1:48:37 clearly in the universe that's what's
1:48:38 happening if we look at that
1:48:40 innocently according to immediate
1:48:42 perception and forget about all these
1:48:44 philosophical issues of uh is it
1:48:46 is the universe emerging from dead
1:48:49 nature and so on and somehow accept that
1:48:52 it is
1:48:53 although if he says from a dead blind
1:48:56 unconscious nature then we'll have
1:48:57 difficulty really understand how could
1:48:59 it be that having quantum fluctuation
1:49:01 that's number one could it secondly how
1:49:03 could it be that we have all these
1:49:05 developmental organisms culminating with
1:49:08 being like human being
1:49:10 reaching such a complexity of the brain
1:49:12 level that suddenly
1:49:14 intelligence and also free will emerges
1:49:17 but simply animal have some some
1:49:19 rudimentary will etc so it's very
1:49:21 difficult to conceive i'm not saying
1:49:22 it's impossible maybe some some some
1:49:25 development theory can develop but in
1:49:27 the case of assuming that the initial
1:49:29 kicking of time and the universe is done
1:49:33 by a free agent who is done by
1:49:35 necessities that exist in all these
1:49:36 things that can be analyzed further as
1:49:39 like as an extra point that the person
1:49:41 then is he exists in eternity call it
1:49:43 necessary not to say it doesn't matter
1:49:45 he exists in eternity for sure and he
1:49:48 has entered sufficient intrinsic
1:49:50 knowledge and and
1:49:51 have the fundamental attribute of
1:49:54 of absolute and unlimited free will
1:49:57 and obviously power to bring
1:50:00 forth all possible contingencies
1:50:03 that's it that's all what we need
1:50:06 all other attributes attributed to the
1:50:07 divine all of them are just just from
1:50:10 the imagination of the people or taking
1:50:11 from the scripture which we have to
1:50:14 scrutinize are they really reports from
1:50:16 the divine as we are the revelation or
1:50:18 not that's another issue but
1:50:20 we rely on other attributes on on the
1:50:22 scripture not on
1:50:24 a necessity reason on that but also this
1:50:26 is i think what the scripture clearly
1:50:29 clearly says
1:50:32 upon what would your objection be on the
1:50:34 modal collapse
1:50:36 argument from your perspective from your
1:50:37 metaphysics
1:50:39 is is
1:50:40 is the the the the saying that divine
1:50:43 knowledge is extensive intrinsic and so
1:50:45 without connecting with eternity and the
1:50:47 time
1:50:48 yeah
1:50:50 for in
1:50:54 differently that collapse is relying on
1:50:56 that that divine knowledge could be
1:50:58 extensive or intrinsic and so on and
1:51:00 these four divisions which are
1:51:01 definitely
1:51:02 necessary like that is seems to be all
1:51:06 time for all eternities no it's only in
1:51:08 eternity we can't speak out in eternity
1:51:10 is it is purely intrinsic what you call
1:51:13 in arabic
1:51:15 and after eternity after the physics
1:51:17 from that on for all
1:51:19 future which is open the future is open
1:51:22 and there's no
1:51:24 no wall saying this is the end of time
1:51:25 there's no interval it's open
1:51:28 and it for all the future it is what
1:51:31 the
1:51:32 the intrinsic part is still there and an
1:51:34 extrinsic uh uh
1:51:37 the extrinsic one is is developing and
1:51:39 continuous like for example
1:51:41 all the time when when when events
1:51:44 happen and they in the past
1:51:46 they are known to uh uh uh to god by
1:51:48 necessity and uh that's expressed by
1:51:50 musa for example the quran when feron
1:51:52 said what happens to the previous
1:51:53 nations you claim this and these this
1:51:55 what happened to the people who did not
1:51:57 get as you say i don't know but
1:51:59 her situation and what is what is valid
1:52:02 for them or invalid to them what are
1:52:04 supposed to be punished or rewarded
1:52:06 whatever it is in a book that's that's
1:52:08 an expression of use my law does not
1:52:11 does not make a mistake nor he forgets
1:52:13 meaning that knowledge is before before
1:52:16 they they existed there was that book
1:52:18 was about these people physically was
1:52:20 not there after they existed and passed
1:52:22 it was in the book it's recorded it is
1:52:23 in the memory
1:52:25 but when we are considering the alone
1:52:28 argument let's go to the premises again
1:52:30 the first premise goes as following god
1:52:32 could have been alone which means that
1:52:34 he he didn't
1:52:35 choose to create right he didn't choose
1:52:38 to create what was meaning being alone
1:52:41 as in that he he decided not to create
1:52:44 anything
1:52:45 again again again no no again uh no no
1:52:48 again yeah in eternity or it was there
1:52:51 was another address it's only one one
1:52:53 from our vantage point it is only one
1:52:55 dot in time
1:52:56 no time exchange
1:52:59 okay
1:53:01 so from the tournament yeah there's no
1:53:03 other way if you look from seven
1:53:05 so what's alone alone for zero time if
1:53:08 then it is like zero time from hour one
1:53:10 day one so he was alone not alone at the
1:53:12 same time
1:53:14 you could say the universe started that
1:53:15 i said if we say
1:53:17 the old question is kadeem
1:53:19 ancient or or created or had it
1:53:23 or happened it's actually had it because
1:53:25 it's not in it it does not exist in
1:53:26 eternity it existed infinitesimally time
1:53:29 after daddy or when we look from the
1:53:31 universe inside we go towards zero plus
1:53:36 you have you have to do that in a higher
1:53:37 level of mathematics if you argue with
1:53:40 such linguistic terms you will end the
1:53:42 same like the arrow paradox but if you
1:53:45 formulate our products mathematically
1:53:46 correctly it sums correctly and the
1:53:49 arrows you will reach and will will
1:53:52 will and things will converge because
1:53:53 it's half and half and half an hour up
1:53:55 half and half is subtle it's a geometric
1:53:57 series the total somewhere by the way
1:53:59 exactly one
1:54:02 yeah professor if we can hear like upon
1:54:05 what because that's where the
1:54:06 mathematics
1:54:08 because they are better controlled and
1:54:10 and
1:54:12 and
1:54:13 they they they relieve us from the
1:54:15 issues of imagining things which are
1:54:18 simply
1:54:19 out of reach of our limited imagination
1:54:21 because our imagination that the way how
1:54:24 we see space and time is limited to
1:54:26 start with
1:54:28 only when we extend besides the limit we
1:54:30 need we need the help of of strict
1:54:32 extension which
1:54:34 which under which which
1:54:36 which kind of be formulated in a
1:54:37 mathematical thickness
1:54:40 hopefully the mathematics until now we
1:54:41 have there's no reason to believe uh
1:54:44 most mathematics has most mathematics
1:54:46 have proven to be uh to be
1:54:48 non-contradictory group theory is not
1:54:49 contradictory i think linear space is
1:54:51 also not hypothetically it doesn't mean
1:54:53 it exists outside
1:54:55 but it's in in in the real move of the
1:54:58 mind it doesn't create any contradiction
1:55:00 etc
1:55:01 many structures have been proven to be
1:55:03 not free of contradiction
1:55:07 many more modal modal logic
1:55:11 system and also classical logic systems
1:55:14 have been proven to be free of
1:55:16 contradiction
1:55:19 professor if we can hear uh you know
1:55:21 upon refutation on modern collapse and
1:55:23 you can hear that and then we can go
1:55:24 from there
1:55:27 the the the the statement made
1:55:30 let's read the statement again do you
1:55:32 have a photo of them
1:55:34 pardon me say again
1:55:36 the the statement of this that the
1:55:38 sheet the the blue or the blue picture
1:55:41 yes i have it yes
1:55:44 do you want me to read it yeah read one
1:55:46 by one and see where we can
1:55:49 okay
1:55:50 now this is the argument um
1:55:54 we discussed the beginning uh one god
1:55:56 could have been alone
1:56:12 the concept of alone being that there's
1:56:14 a certain time span which nobody with
1:56:16 you but if there is no time span it's
1:56:18 just a moment
1:56:19 or the zero point
1:56:21 it's very difficult to define what's
1:56:22 alone meaning
1:56:24 but okay
1:56:26 in eternity existed there was nothing in
1:56:27 eternity with him
1:56:29 except his his knowledge uh in intrinsic
1:56:31 knowledge and so on which is
1:56:33 part of his essence
1:56:37 and and uh and attributes
1:56:40 his argument just
1:56:42 goes to the the statement of malaya
1:56:45 that's the problem
1:56:46 we say there is events without beginning
1:56:48 of the time extend to minus infinity
1:56:50 so he did not say that like that without
1:56:53 beginning which is contradictory because
1:56:54 the time has to have a beginning but i
1:56:57 think i think the fact that we that we
1:56:59 that we by measurements and so on came
1:57:01 to the big bank and so on
1:57:04 uh
1:57:05 it reflects a deeper philosophical there
1:57:07 must be some philosophical argument by
1:57:09 studying the nature of time i think it's
1:57:12 possible to formalize it so and then
1:57:14 prove mathematically it has to have a
1:57:15 starting point it can't be without start
1:57:18 but such such a proof may be difficult
1:57:20 to to formalize and put on the table so
1:57:22 we rely now on the experimentation and
1:57:24 what we got from exploitation
1:57:27 and from observation
1:57:28 okay
1:57:30 so that that itself is is not clearly
1:57:32 what what's meaning could have been
1:57:34 alone omit this one i don't think it's
1:57:36 necessary for the rest of the other
1:57:37 woman what's the next one
1:57:40 well i think what he means by god being
1:57:41 alone is that i mean the one who wrote
1:57:44 this argument
1:57:45 he's called
1:57:46 joe smith what he meant with god being
1:57:48 alone is that god didn't necessarily
1:57:51 have to create
1:57:52 external
1:57:54 um yeah but this is meaning he's every
1:57:56 agent is absolutely free yeah
1:57:58 so
1:58:00 he did not need he did not need
1:58:03 yes he didn't so we agree with the first
1:58:04 premise
1:58:06 there's no problem if that's he did not
1:58:08 need yeah he did nothing there's no
1:58:09 necessity yeah this is what he really
1:58:11 meant by that that
1:58:13 he could have been alone in that case in
1:58:14 that case he would have stayed in that
1:58:16 case he would be an eternity for italian
1:58:21 necessarily god has contingent knowledge
1:58:25 i think is the disagreement
1:58:27 now upon what is
1:58:29 just upon that that's that has to be
1:58:32 divided between eternity and after
1:58:33 eternity
1:58:35 that's that
1:58:37 in that form it is not clear
1:58:39 at which at which
1:58:41 hadrian said god has this
1:58:43 at which at which time point is intended
1:58:45 or it is timeless or what what's the
1:58:47 meaning of what is timeless
1:58:49 what's his relation with time
1:58:53 has to be settled before we said that so
1:58:56 that the question has been alone this is
1:58:57 the point of eternity you know as you
1:59:00 said
1:59:01 then when they played necessarily god
1:59:03 has
1:59:04 contingent knowledge now upon because
1:59:07 you're aware of that argument can you
1:59:09 explain the second premise so we go from
1:59:10 there god
1:59:12 yeah
1:59:14 okay what what is that you say it louder
1:59:16 the second one so so
1:59:19 what he's saying is that okay the second
1:59:20 premise basically says necessarily god
1:59:22 has contingent knowledge
1:59:24 um
1:59:25 so um he is aware of things that
1:59:29 um wouldn't have to be the case for
1:59:32 example him being alone i didn't see in
1:59:34 that any problem okay
1:59:36 now because he made the choice that the
1:59:38 things
1:59:39 when kick started when shows that
1:59:42 he decided to to create that's all in
1:59:44 eternity because we we express it in our
1:59:47 language and
1:59:48 it takes a few seconds to express it but
1:59:51 for him it is timeless it's immediate
1:59:54 but this is this this contingent
1:59:56 knowledge that he is
1:59:58 that he knows that he doesn't didn't
2:00:00 create anything right that he is just
2:00:02 alone right would you say that this is
2:00:05 extrinsic knowledge or instruments in
2:00:07 knowledge
2:00:08 in eternity is only intrinsic knowledge
2:00:10 because
2:00:11 where else we he will have and what's
2:00:13 intense technology of what of himself
2:00:17 he's alone
2:00:18 that he didn't create anything
2:00:20 yeah
2:00:22 that's the moment of eternity
2:00:24 the knowledge there he must have
2:00:25 knowledge because otherwise free agency
2:00:26 cannot be defined without having a
2:00:28 knowledge and i'm some kind of a mind
2:00:30 he must be a must be and there's no no
2:00:33 other entity teaching him and norway can
2:00:35 he teach himself
2:00:37 why he has no knowledge that's all
2:00:38 impossibilities so the only thing is
2:00:40 that he has
2:00:41 intrinsic necessary knowledge extending
2:00:44 to knowing himself
2:00:46 and
2:00:47 uh
2:00:49 and
2:00:51 and knowing all possible formal and
2:00:53 mathematical aspects but when we say
2:00:56 when we say god you know for example
2:00:58 chose not to create
2:01:00 aren't we in time right now when he
2:01:02 chose not to create didn't like time
2:01:04 start in a in a sense no no time started
2:01:06 when he created
2:01:08 if he decided not to create this is an
2:01:11 action
2:01:12 no no no he no no he decided not to
2:01:14 create no isn't it he decided to create
2:01:16 that's the action
2:01:18 based on free he could have otherwise
2:01:20 but he'd what happened really because
2:01:22 the university is now that he must have
2:01:24 decided to create
2:01:26 although he was not obliged because that
2:01:28 does mean he's a free agent he's
2:01:29 absolutely
2:01:30 still have now he decided not to create
2:01:32 does he now have
2:01:34 the knowledge contingent knowledge of
2:01:37 what he could have created
2:01:39 he didn't create no
2:01:40 does he have
2:01:42 knowledge of no no let's let's go for
2:01:44 alternatives in eternity he had the
2:01:46 following intrinsic knowledge
2:01:48 he has knowledge of all uh all possible
2:01:51 mathematics and formal systems
2:01:54 of all possible universes
2:01:56 well i'm formulating so because we are
2:01:59 extrapolating for our knowledge because
2:02:00 we know that the positive universes they
2:02:02 are described by certain mathematical
2:02:04 equations say the relations so all these
2:02:06 things are what they call formal system
2:02:07 and logical law of various logics etc
2:02:10 etc
2:02:11 and we can see has an infinite language
2:02:13 which is unique it doesn't have the
2:02:15 problems of human language and doesn't
2:02:17 need to be followed really formalized by
2:02:18 necessity
2:02:20 his knowledge with himself we have to be
2:02:21 cautious because i mean husband detected
2:02:24 a certain point there which could create
2:02:26 condition that uh some because the quran
2:02:29 says
2:02:30 allah is comprehensive knowledge of
2:02:32 everything he said everything does not
2:02:34 does not include himself because if we
2:02:35 say he is comprehensive not only himself
2:02:38 then he he can be
2:02:39 content
2:02:41 but that's not possible obviously he is
2:02:43 not it is not comprehensive then meaning
2:02:45 he doesn't know himself sufficiently
2:02:47 they say he knows himself without saying
2:02:49 his comprehension will not come that's
2:02:51 exactly like the seat of all situations
2:02:52 as itself has an element or doesn't have
2:02:54 a certain if it has itself in him it is
2:02:57 not as if it was it if it is doesn't
2:02:59 have a cell then it is not a suitable
2:03:00 set that's a contradictory uh statement
2:03:04 so comprehensive knowledge
2:03:06 not until but other possible universes
2:03:08 yeah because under control
2:03:10 he
2:03:11 he comprehensively known all all
2:03:13 possible universes
2:03:15 professor like if he chose for example
2:03:17 if he chose not to create no but we are
2:03:19 not sure
2:03:21 technology
2:03:22 knowledge that's interesting knowledge
2:03:24 and this is absolute freedom and he
2:03:26 knows that he is free and he knows he
2:03:28 can choose whatever he wants and he
2:03:30 knows that he has the power to create
2:03:31 whatever or
2:03:33 act whatever he wants but when
2:03:34 we said it's intrinsic that's fine but
2:03:36 then if if he decided not to create
2:03:40 what he said he's going success do
2:03:42 wouldn't make wouldn't that make
2:03:44 creating anything like in the realm of
2:03:46 impossibilities like it's not even
2:03:48 possible and you can't say that
2:03:50 impossibilities are not known we don't
2:03:52 know
2:03:53 that's that's that's a mute question i
2:03:55 think the question is empty because he
2:03:57 decided and we have creation
2:04:00 we are assuming that he didn't we're
2:04:02 just putting a hypothetical
2:04:05 what's the benefit of that it doesn't
2:04:06 bring us any information
2:04:09 that we could say then that that there's
2:04:11 no
2:04:12 then he is in eternity and there's a
2:04:14 continuous
2:04:15 but we have to use the word continuously
2:04:17 because we cannot think except in
2:04:18 extended time he's in eternity and stays
2:04:20 in eternity
2:04:23 that's it
2:04:31 but
2:04:32 evidently this is not what has happened
2:04:38 necessarily god has contingent knowledge
2:04:41 you also agree with the second premise
2:04:45 yesterday in eternity
2:04:48 his knowledge is not contingent it's
2:04:49 intrinsic and unnecessary
2:05:05 does god have contingent knowledge when
2:05:06 he decided not to no no he doesn't but
2:05:08 then there's no nothing no contingency
2:05:10 there's no no no no talk of any
2:05:11 contingencies only one necessary
2:05:13 existing being
2:05:15 so you would disagree with premise two
2:05:17 necessarily god has contingent knowledge
2:05:20 no
2:05:21 that's the statement doesn't matter when
2:05:23 which that which which time you mean
2:05:24 because
2:05:28 yeah before the beginning of time yes
2:05:30 yeah
2:05:32 so he does not have contingent knowledge
2:05:34 that does not necessarily have
2:05:36 contingent knowledge
2:05:37 no his knowledge is intrinsic is it
2:05:39 contagious no no no no it's not
2:05:41 contingent it's by necessity
2:05:43 yeah i think the parents would always
2:05:45 disagree with this system
2:05:54 we are now in the realm of time
2:05:56 as it assumes that
2:05:58 even if he's alone then there is
2:06:01 that's not extreme
2:06:01 case there's nothing
2:06:02 like i said god is essentially pure pure
2:06:06 dynamic is not a static
2:06:08 is at the utmost the purest dynamism
2:06:12 so you we could say that like
2:06:18 chose not to create and we say that this
2:06:20 knowledge is intrinsic to him right
2:06:23 then
2:06:24 we can't say that
2:06:26 this is all the knowledge there is but
2:06:28 my question is this is this is the
2:06:30 necessary knowledge that god has
2:06:32 and it
2:06:33 no
2:06:34 look in eternity
2:06:37 he has everything
2:06:38 he has this attribute
2:06:40 he has this attribute
2:06:44 uh can i um like them to everyone can i
2:06:48 jump in just for a minute
2:06:50 because i i think there are some things
2:06:52 here that are um
2:06:53 that probably need to be explained
2:06:56 better and i'm a simple guy and that's
2:06:58 how i i talk so i'll try to explain
2:07:00 things in simple terms
2:07:02 so before
2:07:04 this thing we call time was created
2:07:07 allah existed
2:07:09 yeah
2:07:10 he existed outside the frame of even the
2:07:13 dimensions of time yeah that's what we
2:07:15 call eternity yeah right so august santa
2:07:18 augustine used the way to imitate you
2:07:20 with that that's right so when people
2:07:22 say things uh like
2:07:24 does god have foreknowledge of something
2:07:28 um
2:07:29 before it exists we can say that within
2:07:32 with respect to
2:07:34 um
2:07:35 this thing that we call time that's
2:07:37 based on planetary systems and things of
2:07:39 that sort
2:07:40 um
2:07:41 that god knows the end of that
2:07:45 just as we can accept things like um
2:07:48 there being an eternity that exists
2:07:51 beyond time when when these planetary
2:07:54 systems um exist we can also say that
2:07:58 that that thing that exists that we call
2:08:01 eternity
2:08:02 existed even before time created yeah it
2:08:05 happened before so this is one of the
2:08:08 things i think we should consider there
2:08:10 are realms
2:08:12 that go beyond time when allah existed
2:08:15 the other goes to um strange conflations
2:08:19 we make
2:08:20 um and these go to when people say
2:08:24 um
2:08:25 if god knows
2:08:26 um
2:08:27 what's gonna happen to us
2:08:29 does he actually affect us does he take
2:08:33 away the idea of agency for us and these
2:08:37 this conflation is odd and it actually
2:08:40 is one that should be
2:08:41 exploded if i for example saw
2:08:46 a kid who is riding down the hill
2:08:48 really fast and i knew that at the
2:08:50 bottom of the hill there was a flat
2:08:53 space
2:08:54 and there's no way in the world that
2:08:56 child
2:08:58 would be able to avoid crashing
2:09:00 i would know that that child is going to
2:09:02 crash even before it happens
2:09:05 and that's within the realm of time if
2:09:08 someone were being beyond
2:09:11 the realm of time
2:09:12 they could see everything without pre
2:09:15 predetermining
2:09:17 that child crashing just as i couldn't
2:09:20 predetermine the child crashing i
2:09:22 there's the conflation saying that god
2:09:25 has taken away free will of man by
2:09:28 knowing what he's going to do
2:09:30 is an odd conflation we shouldn't even
2:09:32 uh put those things into uh
2:09:34 the same order and i can say that or in
2:09:37 the same conversation now i'll say this
2:09:39 as well
2:09:40 we have hints of all of these things in
2:09:42 the quran itself
2:09:43 so
2:09:45 sore alcaf is one of those things that
2:09:47 we read
2:09:48 but if we were to read it openly and ask
2:09:52 for guidance we would see
2:09:54 uh things having to do with time that go
2:09:57 beyond this whole idea of um these these
2:10:01 youth who go the pious youth who go and
2:10:04 hide in a cave
2:10:05 it goes beyond so many things in
2:10:07 different sequences and it actually
2:10:09 transcends the idea of time
2:10:11 if we wanted to pay closer attention to
2:10:14 it so that's one of them
2:10:16 and the other one goes to um
2:10:19 when allah and the angels speak to each
2:10:21 other
2:10:23 so one of them is that the angels say
2:10:27 that man is man will be here
2:10:31 for such a period of time and it's a
2:10:33 short period of time
2:10:35 and i don't know why they do not like
2:10:37 run towards allah this is what the
2:10:40 angels say
2:10:41 and allah says like on the day of
2:10:43 judgment
2:10:45 he will um
2:10:47 recreate man and ask him how long were
2:10:49 you um in the grave he said
2:10:52 perhaps a day or part of the day so once
2:10:55 we go to these things we're talking
2:10:56 about things that are um
2:10:59 that's
2:11:00 experiential
2:11:01 yeah and and not things that even follow
2:11:04 the order of at least for perception
2:11:07 purposes
2:11:08 of
2:11:09 um planetary time
2:11:11 it's fascinating but all those things
2:11:13 are there but i if if i were to take
2:11:15 anything away from this i would say that
2:11:18 just as everyone accepts without
2:11:21 question that there's such a thing as an
2:11:23 eternity
2:11:24 we can also accept it
2:11:27 whatever that dimension existed before
2:11:29 time and like after the creation of the
2:11:31 planetary systems existed as well and
2:11:34 the other thing is that we don't
2:11:36 conflate things like allah having
2:11:38 foreknowledge of um things within this
2:11:42 space called time um
2:11:45 with um
2:11:46 man's free will so those are those are
2:11:48 things i have to say and i'll be quiet
2:11:49 after that i've enjoyed very much of the
2:11:51 conversation
2:11:54 yeah
2:11:55 so so it is
2:11:57 leave the point of italian after
2:11:59 eternity there's a quiet
2:12:01 the example of the child going is very
2:12:03 nice but but we have to qualify a little
2:12:05 bit there just to enlighten the mind
2:12:08 you observe that and you know the
2:12:11 conditions and they're going down with
2:12:12 the speed and you conclude if the system
2:12:15 of the universe continues as it is
2:12:17 then he will crash and so on that's your
2:12:19 conclusion it's not a
2:12:21 you you really you you don't you have
2:12:23 this
2:12:24 you you expect a crash
2:12:26 on the balance of probability in some
2:12:28 sense or another
2:12:29 but what you wanted to say is that my
2:12:30 knowledge is not forcing the crash or
2:12:32 having it through the crash yes
2:12:34 your knowledge is limited but in the
2:12:36 case of the one who knows all conditions
2:12:38 at the moment we started going down
2:12:42 exercising his
2:12:43 free will in such a situation he know he
2:12:45 will crash if it is really going to
2:12:47 crash because all the conditions at that
2:12:50 moment
2:12:51 warrants that
2:12:52 yeah
2:12:54 because of that and all the conditions
2:12:56 at the moment are absolutely under his
2:12:58 control
2:13:00 if he may step miraculously for some
2:13:02 reason another
2:13:03 uh to uh to uh uh you are watching that
2:13:07 and you want to give you america a
2:13:08 personal american for you and he steps
2:13:11 in and
2:13:14 bring for example uh like like a at the
2:13:16 beginning or he rolling down but his
2:13:18 speed is still not to the level
2:13:20 uh
2:13:21 that he cannot break and stop bring like
2:13:23 a cat and the child love cuts and the
2:13:25 cat across and he slows down and uh and
2:13:28 start hugging the cat for example or he
2:13:30 runs on the cat and he regrets and go
2:13:32 back things like that he can't do that
2:13:34 and then you can see where you are
2:13:35 thinking uh is he going to crush a
2:13:37 little and then he give you that you
2:13:39 will recognize that i was that i thought
2:13:41 in my mind allah stepped in america's
2:13:43 physical review so far for some
2:13:46 entity which is comprehensive in in
2:13:48 knowledge and comprehensive and control
2:13:50 that's more important god is completely
2:13:52 in control he's his omni uh
2:13:56 he is supremely in control that's even
2:13:58 more important than than than being as
2:14:03 you could say that his knowledge is is
2:14:05 uh his contingent knowledge after the
2:14:07 beginning of time is
2:14:09 is is a result of his
2:14:12 complete power and
2:14:14 of free will
2:14:15 so it is it is very complicated balance
2:14:17 there so that argument of just that that
2:14:20 my knowledge of the someone going to
2:14:21 crash or is it it does not force him to
2:14:24 that applies for you but it's not really
2:14:26 that that that application
2:14:31 it's going to crash if he allows that to
2:14:33 happen at all the conditions and he
2:14:34 knows a certain military future things
2:14:36 he is known to him and many are still
2:14:39 suspended to be so it's a much more
2:14:41 complex picture but in any case the
2:14:43 fundamental point that you said it's
2:14:46 very simple for for the common people
2:14:48 that's good but the the problem remains
2:14:50 that their division of is is is the
2:14:53 divine knowledge intrinsic or extrinsic
2:14:55 or partners or pathos about this is is
2:14:57 is not is not probable it has to be the
2:14:59 rhythm before the creation of time and
2:15:01 the time is created at uh if eternity is
2:15:04 one point represented let's say
2:15:06 represented mathematically as one point
2:15:08 by the way one point could could be
2:15:10 transformed into an infinitely length of
2:15:12 time by using a mathematical transform
2:15:15 transformation
2:15:16 which is done obviously not is not not
2:15:19 suitable for compact uh systems making
2:15:22 like you can transform for example the
2:15:25 the real axis from minus infinity to
2:15:26 plus infinity you can transform it into
2:15:29 a circle but in that case you have to do
2:15:31 there's no way to do it except by adding
2:15:33 one point and then joining minus
2:15:35 infinity plus infinity and they collapse
2:15:37 in one point
2:15:38 the north pole of the circle you go and
2:15:40 study the mathematics of of a circle
2:15:43 being the complexification of that but
2:15:45 you lose the additivity of the vectors
2:15:47 you lose many other things you have to
2:15:49 you cannot get there's no free lunch
2:15:51 there's necessity of reason which is
2:15:53 express itself in mathematics which you
2:15:55 cannot do this without doing losing this
2:15:57 and this so
2:15:58 i i think using some mathematical
2:16:00 modeling at least cautiously
2:16:03 and dividing things a little bit more
2:16:05 appropriately
2:16:06 can be safeguard from such statement
2:16:08 which has general without referring to
2:16:12 their they must be made conditional on
2:16:14 uncertain times it's conditional on
2:16:17 certain other entities so they're made
2:16:18 as if it's absolute and that would which
2:16:21 would create contradiction like for
2:16:22 example god can't do any contingent
2:16:24 things
2:16:25 and then the question of that is this
2:16:27 stone but the stone is not it's not
2:16:28 creatable
2:16:29 so it does not mean that god is not
2:16:32 capable of doing everything it's only
2:16:34 the contingent things the possibility
2:16:35 can be made the impossible cannot be
2:16:38 made and the necessary cannot be made
2:16:40 because it's necessary it's not me it's
2:16:41 not makable it's not creatable
2:16:45 so as the the classic scholars of
2:16:47 al-mukarram and philosophy islamic
2:16:48 domain i think also in the west most
2:16:50 likely i think that
2:16:52 saint thomas artemis must have said that
2:16:54 same is that the divine power does not
2:16:56 relate to the impossible i'm not sure if
2:16:58 he said that because for christian they
2:17:00 have a problem of that that it's clearly
2:17:02 impossible for god to be uh
2:17:05 three persons and one so they regarded
2:17:07 as a mystery and they had tried to find
2:17:09 an explanation for that that it's not
2:17:11 like too different in the identities
2:17:13 that they are very complicated arguments
2:17:15 but i think he came to the conclusion
2:17:18 that the divine by the divine power does
2:17:20 not connect or relate to
2:17:22 the necessary no to the impossible only
2:17:25 to the contingent
2:17:30 things in the future may be absolutely
2:17:32 not knowable and this solves the problem
2:17:34 over the famous
2:17:36 aristotle will be tomorrow about a sea
2:17:40 battle or it will not be
2:17:41 he studied from a logic pointer can we
2:17:43 actually attribute a
2:17:46 a truth value to that
2:17:49 and then because we have to say we have
2:17:51 the principle that every statement must
2:17:54 have a truth value that's that's a wrong
2:17:56 statement by the way every statement has
2:17:58 a truth value it's a truthful it's not
2:17:59 correct
2:18:01 this statement has no truth value it's
2:18:03 still it's told
2:18:04 it's still not decide allah did not
2:18:05 permit it to avenue he didn't make the
2:18:07 decision yet
2:18:09 and if he had made the decision we
2:18:10 already which we don't know then it has
2:18:12 a truth value but only on that condition
2:18:14 that the divine
2:18:16 or er
2:18:17 or if we deny the divine and say the
2:18:20 universe is running by necessity that
2:18:22 all necessary conditions today are there
2:18:24 or even if i'm not aware about them
2:18:26 because i'm ignorant
2:18:27 but we have a situation which has
2:18:29 nothing to do with elements like for
2:18:30 example there are certain statements in
2:18:32 the classical piano arithmetics the
2:18:35 third musical number 012 about the
2:18:37 famous piano system or modified
2:18:40 homophone system
2:18:41 is is not complete
2:18:43 if it is not contradictory it's not
2:18:45 complete that's the famous girdle theory
2:18:46 so that statement
2:18:48 essentially is that there are certain
2:18:50 proposition entailing numbers which look
2:18:53 very innocent in the face possibly but
2:18:56 neither
2:18:57 neither they are true nor that they are
2:18:58 false they are a new axiom you can add
2:19:00 them to the axiom
2:19:02 and then if the axiom become complete
2:19:03 fine if it doesn't become quite you may
2:19:05 need to add it seems to be you need to
2:19:06 add infinite many axioms to sentence
2:19:09 arithmetic questions
2:19:11 so the things sometimes
2:19:13 are not as as as straightforward symbol
2:19:16 as some people
2:19:18 go if so if you go in such deep things
2:19:20 then you have to be also extremely
2:19:22 worried and cautious about such deep
2:19:24 issues of of
2:19:25 true and false ancestry and contingent
2:19:27 and so on
2:19:28 professor uh
2:19:30 we should can we now have like some
2:19:32 questions from the audience i know yeah
2:19:34 perfect yeah
2:19:35 yeah absolutely do you want to
2:19:37 start with are you with modern collabs
2:19:39 or you're against it
2:19:41 uh and then
2:19:42 no there's there's no i'm sure i'm
2:19:44 certain i'm certain there's no mother
2:19:45 collapse yes it's a fallacy the whole
2:19:48 argument and the whole thing is a
2:19:49 fallacy yes either way even if it even
2:19:53 even if we assume perro's universe there
2:19:55 will be no motor collapse
2:19:57 because we we perceive our own freedom
2:19:59 number one and i think this this
2:20:01 perception is we are not deluded because
2:20:03 in the
2:20:04 in the pillows universe in the fellows
2:20:06 universe uh there's there's no creator
2:20:09 the universe is eternal expanding
2:20:10 shrinking spanish thinking
2:20:12 but by necessity
2:20:14 it will lead to more collapse but
2:20:17 reality it doesn't lead even if it is
2:20:19 true then there must be some problem in
2:20:20 the derivation okay thank you
2:20:23 yes sir but in the reality it cannot be
2:20:25 true so that remains only the hawking
2:20:26 solution the whole solution is an
2:20:28 attempt to escape just because he
2:20:30 doesn't want to admit that there is a
2:20:32 free agent which people use to call god
2:20:34 he doesn't like that for some reason
2:20:37 maybe we cannot blame the guy because
2:20:39 his his health situations his childhood
2:20:41 is so miserable maybe
2:20:45 i think it's psychological in this case
2:20:47 it's not russia
2:20:49 go ahead mister wait so um
2:20:53 well
2:20:54 whether or not there is a commodore
2:20:55 collapse just depends
2:20:58 on what view of god's attributes you
2:21:00 take so if you think that
2:21:03 but his knowledge or his will
2:21:06 his intrin is intrinsic
2:21:08 right
2:21:10 uh and you think all of his intrinsic
2:21:12 properties are essential right and we
2:21:15 when we talk about god like an essence
2:21:17 even god's essence or anyone's essence
2:21:20 presumably we were originally
2:21:21 designating something right meaning it's
2:21:24 the same in all possible worlds
2:21:26 right
2:21:27 or all possible scenarios however you
2:21:30 want to cash out moto talk
2:21:32 right and then you say
2:21:35 um
2:21:36 well like god exists necessarily
2:21:39 right and so he's going to have this
2:21:40 essence necessarily and so he's going to
2:21:42 have these attributes necessarily it
2:21:44 just like motor collapse is just going
2:21:46 to follow from that
2:21:49 um
2:21:49 Music
2:21:51 because there's a problem with that
2:21:53 yeah yeah so what's the problem with
2:21:55 that
2:21:55 i prefer i prefer uh concerning the i
2:21:58 prefer if someone says
2:22:00 let us let us follow this this detective
2:22:03 the this this inductive detective
2:22:05 approach
2:22:06 benefit as at the maximum from that well
2:22:09 obviously after settling the question
2:22:10 that this universe exists and the
2:22:12 reality exists etc and we are part of
2:22:14 that reality and so on i think this is
2:22:15 the safest way to go the other one will
2:22:18 lead to some some kind of way
2:22:20 i mean the matrix way will lead some
2:22:22 will lead also to god but it will become
2:22:24 then like like like a supreme mind
2:22:26 essentially and uh and it will uh
2:22:30 it will um
2:22:32 it will uh
2:22:33 it will negate any any any any uh
2:22:36 atheism on naturalism but it will end
2:22:38 there so but this is an approach i think
2:22:40 there's no need to take it because
2:22:43 majority of the
2:22:45 rational human beings agree that this
2:22:47 material universe exists and all these
2:22:49 experimentations are really there and
2:22:52 uh and and
2:22:53 when i remember my bath which is or out
2:22:56 of my young years definitely before that
2:22:58 there were planes because i mounted one
2:23:00 of them so they were created before and
2:23:02 so on so these things exactly exist
2:23:04 my my being etc so that certainly will
2:23:06 exist as an independent and there's not
2:23:09 like an like a a delusion created with
2:23:12 some external mind so we can exclude
2:23:14 dramatics theory for all practical
2:23:16 purposes and for that universe we have
2:23:19 not accumulated considerable amount of
2:23:21 recessions on and we we it and some of
2:23:23 the research is getting us on some of
2:23:25 the physics and getting us really too
2:23:27 for debited things like the beginning of
2:23:29 time and things like that
2:23:30 but also we have to acknowledge that
2:23:32 along the way some blunders have been
2:23:34 made like like creativity theory
2:23:36 regarded as an absolute and also
2:23:38 einstein being more or less like a
2:23:40 fatalist
2:23:41 thinking that
2:23:42 could not accept the issue of quantum
2:23:45 and determine
2:23:48 quantum uncertainty and determinism as
2:23:50 being objective
2:23:52 and constructed all kinds of thought
2:23:54 experiments which some of them are
2:23:55 faulty a different because he is coming
2:23:57 from the school
2:23:59 without knowing well i don't think he's
2:24:00 fatalist if you ask him are you a
2:24:01 fatalist you think they have no freedom
2:24:03 and say no but he does not know that
2:24:05 what he claims will lead to necessary to
2:24:07 fatalism and so on and the theory has
2:24:10 been i think the observations and the
2:24:12 quasars and so on and comparison of the
2:24:14 quantum mechanics quantum guy survives
2:24:16 the activity theory has been has been
2:24:18 having severe attacks meaning it's an
2:24:20 approximation we have to have to be
2:24:22 amended in such a way i think the
2:24:23 amendment is that to suppress faith and
2:24:25 time and treatment even in the
2:24:27 become a little bit more complex and
2:24:29 difficult to handle and regard the
2:24:31 mixing together is just a calculation
2:24:34 device which is if taken seriously
2:24:37 and extended uh completely it will lead
2:24:39 to absorbed it is
2:24:41 unimaginable things and impossible
2:24:43 things
2:24:44 like for example if we take the
2:24:46 the the
2:24:47 equation of general relativity the
2:24:49 gravitation theory in its basic form uh
2:24:52 without the cosmological then leave that
2:24:54 one out with this basic form
2:24:56 the mathematician have worked and
2:24:58 various manifolds you should fulfill
2:25:00 that
2:25:01 one one of the virtual where imaginary
2:25:03 imaginary universe is simple models of
2:25:05 universes one of them is one of the
2:25:07 goddamn universe which is rotating which
2:25:09 is well defined in that theory and in
2:25:12 which there is a closer time loop so you
2:25:14 can go in the past and and kill your
2:25:16 grandparents and never come to existence
2:25:18 so someone asked god
2:25:21 what to do about that god
2:25:24 the narrative say that that girdle uh
2:25:27 smile mischievous and say god has to sit
2:25:30 and prevent that from happening instead
2:25:32 of say say the correct things the
2:25:33 correctness
2:25:34 the theory is the the theory leading to
2:25:36 that such absolutely must have a
2:25:38 fundamental fault we have to extend it
2:25:41 these equations cannot represent the
2:25:43 reality in full
2:25:45 there is just only approximation we have
2:25:46 extended them to a whole universe they
2:25:48 will fail
2:25:49 that's the correct answer not that god
2:25:51 has to step it
2:25:54 whole universe before it collapses that
2:25:56 doesn't work this way
2:25:58 but i mean that's that's that's an
2:26:00 example so if we
2:26:01 follow all of that and and summarize it
2:26:04 then we end really in
2:26:06 an unstable situation either rose or
2:26:09 hawkins and hawkins is a is the poor guy
2:26:12 i think he just just
2:26:14 just tried to escape and then ended
2:26:16 where he wanted to escape from but gave
2:26:18 it another name
2:26:19 whatever motivation philosophical or as
2:26:22 personal or psychological
2:26:24 or something like that okay but the
2:26:26 other one the one i suggesting i think
2:26:28 this one is consistent i don't think it
2:26:30 creates any problem under the unders
2:26:33 we say good existentiality or
2:26:35 the free agent we should classify yeah
2:26:38 but um
2:26:40 that didn't really answer my question
2:26:42 because
2:26:43 um
2:26:45 so i'm saying that the argument so are
2:26:48 do you believe in divine simplicity or
2:26:50 no
2:26:52 i don't know what to mean we have to
2:26:53 analyze then that indic
2:26:56 well let's just
2:26:57 let's just give like a simple forget
2:26:59 about the one simple do you believe that
2:27:02 god's actually if if
2:27:03 we say the one existing eternity except
2:27:06 necessarily and necessarily existing
2:27:08 then obviously it's similar in the sense
2:27:10 that it cannot be split into uh
2:27:13 two entities two entities
2:27:29 unless another problem sure do you think
2:27:31 yeah but you think all of god's
2:27:33 attributes are essential do you think
2:27:36 that so
2:27:38 uh do you think that his knowledge is an
2:27:40 intrinsic attribute or an extrinsic
2:27:43 attribute
2:27:46 that's again a fallacious question
2:27:47 because knowledge is that knowledge
2:27:49 knowledge of something
2:27:50 well
2:27:52 that he can know that he can know
2:27:55 that's intrinsic but what what what is
2:27:57 in eternity which can be known and what
2:27:59 is after that i think we have to divide
2:28:01 that
2:28:02 well yeah i'm talking about his like
2:28:04 when i say his knowledge i mean the quad
2:28:06 his beliefs
2:28:07 obviously whether something is true or
2:28:09 not is an extrinsic property what i'm
2:28:11 saying do you think his uh beliefs or
2:28:14 you know whatever
2:28:16 constitutes his mental life right do you
2:28:18 think that's intrinsic
2:28:21 yeah in some sense because in eternity
2:28:22 he has has knowledge of himself
2:28:24 knowledge of of all formal systems and
2:28:27 mathematical systems and all uh all
2:28:30 possible universes which can be created
2:28:33 but you don't think he's uh
2:28:36 uh he he knows about the like what he
2:28:39 will create
2:28:40 from eternity
2:28:42 in eternity that's that's that he
2:28:45 decided what he created
2:28:47 from the possible available uh
2:28:50 possible universes creatable universes
2:28:53 yeah
2:28:54 he knows also the non-creatable ones
2:28:56 yeah so look it just it's just kind of
2:28:58 the arg the motor club is just going to
2:29:00 follow right like this right given that
2:29:03 god exists necessarily right and all of
2:29:06 his attributes are essential
2:29:08 and his essence is and any essence is
2:29:11 something we originally designed meaning
2:29:13 it's the same in all possible worlds
2:29:16 right it's just going to follow
2:29:17 deductively that necessarily if god
2:29:20 knows p then p necessarily for all facts
2:29:23 god knows p therefore necessarily p
2:29:27 right so like for example if he knows
2:29:30 he'll create a world
2:29:31 where um
2:29:33 we're having this discord conversation
2:29:35 and i ask you this specific question
2:29:37 then it it just follows that this is
2:29:40 necessary and we could just go through
2:29:43 any
2:29:45 who said that's not known in
2:29:47 the in the in the creation of the
2:29:50 universe the system of the universe and
2:29:51 this features are known
2:29:53 and what they could how they could
2:29:55 develop they could they they could be if
2:29:57 they decide so to be a necessary
2:29:59 universe without any controversation of
2:30:02 free will then everything is not
2:30:04 but he did not show such universe maybe
2:30:06 universe is not even creatable we don't
2:30:08 know
2:30:09 ah oh wait sorry i'm maybe i miss
2:30:11 something so he shows the universe and
2:30:13 which in which which only possibilities
2:30:15 of certain events are there that's
2:30:18 perfectly possible i don't see anything
2:30:20 sir
2:30:21 sorry are you saying are you are you
2:30:23 saying that
2:30:25 um he doesn't know
2:30:27 what is going to happen in the well
2:30:29 what's in let's not say in the future i
2:30:31 explained that early i said the problem
2:30:33 is that in eternity we have this
2:30:34 intrinsic knowledge of these absolutes
2:30:37 after that after the creation depending
2:30:39 upon how the how the universe is
2:30:41 structured that universe is clearly
2:30:43 containing and the fundamental structure
2:30:45 of it some kind of of of indeterminism
2:30:48 and the quantum fluctuation and in the
2:30:51 more complex structure like human beings
2:30:53 let us say all our mind and all
2:30:55 identities actually the the complex
2:30:57 inter interconnection of the brain is
2:30:59 capable
2:31:01 and that can be explained maybe by
2:31:03 quantum fluctuation but becoming
2:31:05 musculoskeletal brain level and express
2:31:08 itself as free will whatever it is we
2:31:10 perceive it as a free will in such a
2:31:12 situation what these free agents are
2:31:14 going to do
2:31:16 if they are if he had decided to give
2:31:18 them the freedom and allow them to
2:31:20 choose whatever they choose
2:31:21 that what they will choose may be not
2:31:23 knowable may be impossible to know
2:31:25 that's the question a question god does
2:31:28 not know if that's impossible to know he
2:31:30 knows what is what's what's knowable
2:31:32 everything knowable but it's impossible
2:31:34 to know
2:31:37 there are things which are impossible to
2:31:38 know that's that's the point
2:31:40 there's a point because i think this is
2:31:41 where the argument becomes for this it's
2:31:43 very very difficult to get in in terms
2:31:46 of some someone's mind but it is it's a
2:31:48 necessity connected to divine freedom
2:31:51 reflects in choosing entities in the
2:31:55 initial point is that divine freedom it
2:31:57 has to be otherwise we have we have some
2:31:59 some entity acting by by necessity
2:32:02 there's no need to assume it is living
2:32:04 no need to need to assume it has
2:32:05 knowledge it doesn't make any sense
2:32:07 professor i think if
2:32:15 yeah if you have this uh you know
2:32:17 understanding that's the only way about
2:32:19 the best thing i say this approach is is
2:32:21 inductive deductive inductive deductive
2:32:24 then when we get there then we can
2:32:26 analyze what it belongs to unnecessarily
2:32:27 existing
2:32:32 that something existing in eternity
2:32:35 is different this is existing in in a
2:32:37 proper sense
2:32:40 mister do you have anything mister do
2:32:42 you have anything to add
2:32:44 but i i say the problem here is that we
2:32:47 have we have statement of general type
2:32:50 which may be in that generality
2:32:52 there is an attempt to to solve that
2:32:54 problem by saying in all possible
2:32:55 circumstances in all possible worlds
2:32:58 but this doesn't solve the problem
2:33:02 you know as if professor like with this
2:33:04 kind of argument it's like everything
2:33:06 becomes you know necessary like
2:33:08 even god could not have it created a
2:33:10 universe with
2:33:11 another family no no no there's no need
2:33:14 to assume god that is nature then
2:33:16 they're using the word god is a misnomer
2:33:18 that's true if that's true then we have
2:33:20 then we have a purely complete
2:33:22 fatalistic universe
2:33:25 which is fine no problem there's another
2:33:26 one
2:33:29 collapse argument works on on most you
2:33:32 know
2:33:35 because at the end of the day like with
2:33:37 their let's say at the end of the day if
2:33:39 you uh
2:33:40 uh
2:33:42 the problem is that
2:33:44 the problem is that they say that that a
2:33:47 necessary being or the divine being
2:33:48 whatever it is cannot cannot admit to a
2:33:51 so-called events in itself how are they
2:33:54 exactly exactly that's the same
2:33:56 but but it doesn't make any sense
2:33:58 there's no no no reason to assume that
2:34:00 there's no this is not clearly evident
2:34:02 by itself
2:34:03 it's neither evident by itself
2:34:05 and because they thought that the only
2:34:07 way to prove the divine excellence that
2:34:08 they will declare that to be an axiom
2:34:10 it's not an action it even cannot be
2:34:12 proven
2:34:14 but don't if they say that accidents are
2:34:17 are contingent and god could cannot have
2:34:20 something because it doesn't happen
2:34:22 who said that the necessarily existing
2:34:25 being which is necessary in his in his
2:34:28 being and attributes uh properties but
2:34:31 action because he's a free agent his
2:34:33 action
2:34:34 are contingent and explained by his free
2:34:37 will
2:34:38 and they're contingent on his free will
2:34:40 in that sense
2:34:41 it has to be otherwise there's no action
2:34:43 no action would be ever
2:34:46 even even hawking was forced to to
2:34:48 postulate this this quantum fluctuation
2:34:50 he has to call it control fluctuation
2:34:52 and what whatever name you call it is
2:34:54 not
2:34:55 it's something which can
2:34:57 spontaneously
2:34:59 unnormally uh and
2:35:01 not dictated by anything
2:35:03 but he wanted that one to flip such an
2:35:05 axis and so on which is added adding
2:35:08 adding metaphorical metaphysical rubbish
2:35:11 and ballast which is not needed is
2:35:12 violating the cameras
2:35:14 violating rational economy
2:35:18 why should should we add four dimensions
2:35:20 phase or 13 dimensions only though in
2:35:22 the mix because he needed that because
2:35:24 the fluctuations are in that space which
2:35:26 he's imagining
2:35:28 but of this uh
2:35:30 it's just just manifestly absorbed
2:35:34 but so this structure itself is also
2:35:36 manifestly absorbed
2:35:38 because that space has to be extended
2:35:39 infinitely everywhere that does not make
2:35:41 any sense all of this does not make any
2:35:43 sense
2:35:45 what makes sense is that an entity
2:35:47 which
2:35:49 exists
2:35:51 which has these attributes which we have
2:35:53 deducted from our own
2:35:56 with our what we know by necessity from
2:35:58 ourselves
2:35:59 but we expanded it to the level which is
2:36:01 befitting for for the moment of eternity
2:36:04 for a being which
2:36:06 exists
2:36:09 it's also like saying like
2:36:11 so i i would say in this approach in
2:36:13 this approach we have to be the
2:36:14 inductive more than deducted
2:36:16 then from there we can come back after
2:36:19 defining what a necessary existing being
2:36:21 should have these attributes we show
2:36:23 that would be sufficient to exterminate
2:36:25 everything so things will become
2:36:27 consistent we go up
2:36:29 in in induction and then we come in
2:36:31 deduction that's exactly what they've
2:36:33 done in experimental sciences we we make
2:36:37 experiments we we from this
2:36:39 induction by generalization we make we
2:36:43 make a hypothesis or a theory and then
2:36:45 deduce from it new things
2:36:47 until we contradict
2:36:49 the reality then we know that theory is
2:36:51 deficient and need to be extended
2:36:53 or improved
2:36:54 and so on
2:36:55 and this approach should be made here
2:36:57 the mere male speculative by closing
2:37:00 your eyes and imagining things is
2:37:02 dangerous because you don't know exactly
2:37:03 what you are imagining and where to what
2:37:06 you are setting either formulating
2:37:08 linguistically that it is a it is not
2:37:10 internally contradictory yeah it's a
2:37:12 something as a straightforward
2:37:13 contradictory like the square circle
2:37:15 yeah that's that's obvious but the
2:37:16 things which are much deeper and they're
2:37:18 contradictory
2:37:21 more complex things like for example
2:37:23 certain certain
2:37:25 certain
2:37:26 arithmetic expressions
2:37:31 you say i you all what you can say i
2:37:33 don't know if it is
2:37:34 if it is true or false
2:37:36 but it may be
2:37:38 but you cannot conclude it must be
2:37:39 either true or false no it may be not
2:37:41 decidable
2:37:43 because the axiom system the axiom
2:37:44 system is not complete
2:37:46 and this has been proven by gordon now
2:37:48 that's that's i think this is all
2:37:49 established
2:37:50 so we cannot we cannot use the the the
2:37:53 so-called excluded middle there's a
2:37:55 there's a middle there between true and
2:37:57 false which is it cannot be proven it's
2:37:59 unprovable and then we have to define
2:38:01 true as being provable
2:38:05 you have to find through sometimes in
2:38:07 certain contexts according to the or the
2:38:09 certain situation according to that
2:38:10 situation
2:38:13 and and the solution by in modern
2:38:15 theories and they go to all possible and
2:38:18 so-called in in any possible world
2:38:20 or trying to to solve that some probably
2:38:23 all possible words all also solve the
2:38:25 problems by by
2:38:30 in all possible affairs or
2:38:32 something like that the same like
2:38:34 possible words and all this it does not
2:38:36 solve the problem it may make it even
2:38:38 worse
2:38:40 because this all these possible words
2:38:42 maybe maybe maybe a void or contain
2:38:45 something which is professor it's it's
2:38:47 just that like i think
2:38:49 this argument of model collapse is as
2:38:52 you said it's just a description of a
2:38:54 deaf
2:38:55 because
2:38:56 like even the mystery
2:38:59 is that
2:38:59 certain assumptions they don't fit
2:39:01 together yeah meaning that that
2:39:04 attributing this to god was a mistake or
2:39:06 to the system existing or the
2:39:08 entity who started the universe
2:39:10 because the universe has stopped
2:39:11 definitely right that's the denying that
2:39:13 is just denying reason and perception
2:39:15 even saying professor that like god knew
2:39:17 what he was gonna do it's like that
2:39:20 statement is like the term so if he knew
2:39:22 exactly what he was going to do then he
2:39:25 couldn't do
2:39:26 any otherwise like we have to define
2:39:28 what is freedom to god we have to
2:39:31 first take and say
2:39:33 when we say god absolutely spontaneous
2:39:35 can choose something yeah and
2:39:37 possibility for possibilities
2:39:39 for him
2:39:40 knowing that he knowing that he can do
2:39:42 and you know these these these
2:39:44 matter these uh
2:39:46 uh imaginary universes or these these
2:39:50 universe models some of them cannot
2:39:51 exist because that's impossible and
2:39:53 ternary contradictory and some of them
2:39:55 and
2:39:56 and and some of them are contingent and
2:39:59 uh
2:40:00 he decided to show some of them based on
2:40:02 his own decision that it doesn't need
2:40:04 any further explanation because
2:40:05 otherwise you will go into if it is his
2:40:08 decision is affected by some cause or
2:40:10 some illness some sufficient reason the
2:40:11 sufficient reason is needing another one
2:40:14 either infinite regress or if we end by
2:40:16 him having no free will
2:40:19 so he's not a free agent again then we
2:40:20 are back to the dead nature which cannot
2:40:22 start anything
2:40:28 professor i think we can conclude now
2:40:31 i don't think there is an escape think
2:40:33 about it anyway and see try to read but
2:40:35 i think that that's the reason i have a
2:40:37 bit of feel a little bit of discomfort
2:40:39 over these model models
2:40:42 more than
2:40:44 various modal logics they are very
2:40:46 useful
2:40:46 and you can follow but the problem is
2:40:48 that there are various modal logics and
2:40:50 you see for example the the the
2:40:53 the square operator and the mod operator
2:40:56 which is necessarily and possibly uh
2:40:59 they they are very useful so they mean
2:41:01 some different things in that in the
2:41:02 temporal type of
2:41:05 under various types of modal models and
2:41:07 also
2:41:08 that the classical logic is also having
2:41:11 its own problem
2:41:12 that has its own problem like the
2:41:13 problem is that if the premises are
2:41:15 wrong then any any any result
2:41:18 can be driven
2:41:19 even for a fallacy can be driven on
2:41:21 impossibility can they be driven that
2:41:23 has to be uh that's the reason they may
2:41:26 distinguish between
2:41:27 these truth values formally and also
2:41:29 there's good validity and soundness of a
2:41:32 conclusion they have to add something
2:41:33 called soundness
2:41:35 the matter is not as
2:41:37 as straightforward technically as people
2:41:39 think
2:41:41 professor to sum up to sum up in like
2:41:44 not more than two minutes so we can even
2:41:47 save this video
2:41:49 professor let me just let me just
2:41:50 complete to conclude this you know video
2:41:53 about the model collapse
2:41:56 if you may allow me i can just read the
2:41:58 premises once and i need the conclusion
2:42:00 that's not more than two minutes so we
2:42:01 can like just cut it and and and an
2:42:04 arrangement
2:42:05 so the premise goes as following
2:42:07 good god could have been alone
2:42:10 premise number two necessarily god has
2:42:13 contingent knowledge
2:42:15 premise number three
2:42:16 this knowledge is wholly intrinsic
2:42:21 premise number four what is wholly
2:42:23 intrinsic to god
2:42:25 is
2:42:26 essential feature or an accident
2:42:29 premise number five whatever is
2:42:32 contingent cannot be essential feature
2:42:34 of god
2:42:35 premise number seven if classical theism
2:42:38 is true it's not possible for god to
2:42:40 have accidents conclusion classical
2:42:43 theism
2:42:44 is false
2:42:45 just the two minutes summary
2:42:48 and uh we can
2:42:50 i'll just say the summaries that most of
2:42:52 these these
2:42:53 these premises some of them are
2:42:56 defined
2:42:57 it's not clear what's meant
2:42:59 and uh
2:43:01 and
2:43:02 and some of them are arbitrary they are
2:43:05 like for example that
2:43:08 that
2:43:10 that accident incident
2:43:12 god cannot have accidents in it
2:43:14 is
2:43:16 circular
2:43:17 because because he is like this he
2:43:20 cannot have this and then you prove that
2:43:21 he cannot exist or the or or everything
2:43:24 is necessary so you're going back to i i
2:43:27 i it's faulty the whole the whole the
2:43:29 way the whole argument is built
2:43:31 structure is faulty it's not persuasive
2:43:35 i sent a professor thank you for your
2:43:37 time
2:43:39 but but review that the video that the
2:43:41 recording listen to it again and read
2:43:44 whatever divided about that and see i
2:43:46 think my suggestion strongly for er for
2:43:49 them to get really to some some good
2:43:51 results is that good
2:43:55 model analysis and so on and
2:43:57 discussing things in all possible worlds
2:43:59 and so on is good uh
2:44:02 the the assumption of classical feminism
2:44:04 maybe faulty i think some of them are
2:44:06 faulty like that
2:44:08 god cannot have any any accidents and
2:44:10 say things like that that's faulty is
2:44:12 just an assumption it's actually can't
2:44:14 counter intuitive and it's not it's not
2:44:16 clear by necessity and uh and uh
2:44:19 and uh
2:44:22 somehow it is uh
2:44:24 it it it it it is secretly assumes
2:44:27 things about the time which need to be
2:44:29 analyzed further and and fleshed out and
2:44:31 may be represented mathematically
2:44:33 and the best thing is that you are going
2:44:35 inductive deductive and go back and
2:44:37 forth the inductive and detective back
2:44:39 so it will be more complex process but
2:44:41 it's i think it's more satisfactory and
2:44:43 can get us to a better result
2:44:47 from there we have then what what is
2:44:48 necessity of reason dictate about what
2:44:50 god is and we see this fits excellent to
2:44:53 the scripture
2:44:54 it does not fit with the wither with
2:44:55 with the classical philosophy and the
2:44:57 classical and most most of
2:45:04 i think you know when it comes to time
2:45:06 time is such a complex thing and uh yeah
2:45:10 yeah that maybe this is why they they
2:45:15 resolution is that
2:45:17 that i am the time
2:45:19 i attend day and night by my command
2:45:21 will give us the clear picture
2:45:22 he is the he's the dynamic one
2:45:25 he controls the events
2:45:28 so it doesn't doesn't harm being this is
2:45:30 an existing and excellent being an
2:45:32 eternity in existence and having all
2:45:34 these interesting and fundamental it
2:45:36 doesn't harm that he's in control of
2:45:37 time and control of it he controls the
2:45:39 events the event's not happening to him
2:45:41 he is doing them
2:45:44 and what happens
2:45:45 appears to be happening to him after
2:45:46 that is originally he the one intended
2:45:49 that it will be back going back to him
2:45:51 that he becomes angry with someone
2:45:53 disobeying or committing a crime he
2:45:55 allowed that to happen knowing in
2:45:57 advance this possibility is there and he
2:46:00 is willing to to take that for for
2:46:02 whatever wisdom and the purpose he wants
2:46:04 to fulfill
2:46:06 so everything
2:46:07 fits snugly it's not that that that's uh
2:46:10 that someone is a is hurting him he
2:46:13 allowed that to happen
2:46:15 because he's they have the absolute
2:46:16 dominance and sovereignty in the in the
2:46:18 creation of the universe and even he is
2:46:20 the time he's the control of the time at
2:46:22 the end of his command so it doesn't
2:46:24 reduce any of his reserve his perfection
2:46:27 just opposite it's part of his
2:46:29 perfection
2:46:31 giving him dynamics with the other other
2:46:33 one that the other perfection making him
2:46:35 like a stone
2:46:37 dead stop moving nowhere doing nothing
2:46:42 making it impossible to understand how
2:46:43 he could create and how could things
2:46:45 have have free will and so on but here
2:46:47 it's a symbol straightforward
2:46:49 awesome anyway i think think about
2:46:51 twitter next week if there's other
2:46:53 points about three i think maybe some
2:46:55 sub sections of that may be interesting
2:46:57 or still for pursuing michelle
2:47:00 i i have a question before you go on
2:47:02 professor
2:47:04 so um you know drought al quran allah
2:47:07 says
2:47:08 so i i would um i'm asking this in two
2:47:12 contexts so one of them is
2:47:14 within a timeline so allah says
2:47:17 that
2:47:17 it's easy for him to do a thing and
2:47:20 sometimes this is in response to a
2:47:22 condition that people have so in many
2:47:25 ways
2:47:26 even though things have been created he
2:47:28 still can modify things in real time
2:47:31 like we know that the definition of all
2:47:33 allah is the one who created it and one
2:47:35 who creates so it's it still remains
2:47:37 dynamic the second
2:47:39 so that's the first of the questions
2:47:41 about kung fu kun and the second goes to
2:47:44 whether man himself can affect an
2:47:47 outcome of time
2:47:48 you mentioned earlier things like
2:47:50 miracles is it possible for
2:47:52 for man to
2:47:54 um ask of allah a change in let's say an
2:47:57 order
2:47:58 i won't say time a change in an order
2:48:01 yeah yeah uh could sending the the the
2:48:04 first one conveyor
2:48:05 is a is is a metaphorical in the sense
2:48:08 that
2:48:11 all what his need all what is needed if
2:48:13 he if he will something
2:48:15 it's just to say be or command and
2:48:18 that's it from this the people like
2:48:19 especially the sufi that skates they
2:48:21 developed us his command between between
2:48:24 the kaf and the known because the word
2:48:25 calling in arabic is kaf unknown you
2:48:27 could say it in english his command is
2:48:30 between the b and a b
2:48:32 between the b it's so fast even before
2:48:34 the e is pronounced that's obviously
2:48:36 metaphorical because this is only
2:48:38 timeless
2:48:39 absolutely zero time for that so the
2:48:42 moment the will is is is
2:48:44 the will is is is is concluded the
2:48:47 mashiach is done and he shall then
2:48:50 things will happen according to the
2:48:51 mashiach because he has the power that's
2:48:53 his that's his state of affair he's
2:48:55 powerful enough to
2:48:57 and this this entails that he will not
2:48:59 will something which is impossible if
2:49:01 the machine the power cannot connect to
2:49:03 he's above that because he's completely
2:49:05 irrational and completely conscious
2:49:06 about himself he's not like a limited
2:49:08 being who wishes something which is
2:49:10 beyond his means because we are limited
2:49:12 in in scope and seeing the possibilities
2:49:15 and the impossibilities he doesn't have
2:49:16 this limitation the other one is that
2:49:20 actually uh
2:49:22 it is it is not from sharia point it is
2:49:25 it is it is not encouraged to ask about
2:49:27 allah to make a miracle but
2:49:29 we we have a good narration about umar
2:49:32 saying
2:49:33 uh uh
2:49:35 addressing allah which refused some
2:49:37 narration about omar which are very weak
2:49:38 by the way this is a very good narration
2:49:40 saying that
2:49:41 if you have written me
2:49:43 under the happy ones
2:49:45 then affirm that writing fix fix it
2:49:48 further informative and if you have
2:49:49 written me
2:49:51 under the unhappy one
2:49:53 then it is that and write me under the
2:49:55 happy ones because you can erase and
2:49:57 write whatever you want according he
2:49:58 refers to the ayahuasca
2:50:04 the interpretation of that of the people
2:50:06 who claim that the fatalist is is that
2:50:10 the that's the local cutter or the
2:50:12 day-to-day or the month-to-month cuddle
2:50:14 which does not solve the problem because
2:50:15 they say it is there's a local which is
2:50:18 not necessarily the same like in the
2:50:20 before the creation of the world which
2:50:22 is manifestly
2:50:23 absorbed anyway so they try to know the
2:50:26 reality is that
2:50:28 there may be things
2:50:29 decided and allah can change the
2:50:31 decision
2:50:32 and we have really manifestly situation
2:50:34 of like that the decision has been
2:50:36 changed during and in in
2:50:38 in
2:50:39 in in in the revelation and we have also
2:50:42 uh
2:50:43 the the the situation like omar is
2:50:46 supplicating like that and i i think it
2:50:48 is okay although it's regarding as as
2:50:51 like testing putting all on the test
2:50:52 make a miracle for me is not meaning
2:50:55 that
2:50:56 allah not that it's impossible it's
2:50:58 within within within uh
2:51:01 within uh
2:51:02 his accountability
2:51:05 except that what has reflection behave a
2:51:06 prophecy a prophet has made must must
2:51:09 come true there's no way whatever anyone
2:51:11 requesting because this will will
2:51:13 undermine prophecy or a promise he made
2:51:15 for someone for a reward but a a threat
2:51:18 of hellfire can be a can be canceled
2:51:21 anytime because it's not obliged to for
2:51:23 to fulfill his threats professor is
2:51:25 there any any any knowledge
2:51:28 about what about the divine promises
2:51:30 which one can be we have also in the old
2:51:31 testament an interesting story that one
2:51:33 of the kings have been informed by the
2:51:35 prophet that you you have to die and
2:51:37 then you will prevail you think to go so
2:51:39 he went to the holy holy uh all holy
2:51:42 altar
2:51:43 and sublicated to god that i have so
2:51:45 many things still to do that time given
2:51:47 by the prophet is not enough for me
2:51:50 please give me more time and then he was
2:51:52 so sincere sincerely supplicating
2:51:54 according to the natives you don't know
2:51:55 if it's true or not but it doesn't think
2:51:57 untrue and there's no reason to say it
2:51:59 is not true
2:52:00 it could be at least
2:52:02 and then allah revealed to this prophet
2:52:04 saying go to him i hear this
2:52:06 supplication and his deep desires and
2:52:08 his good intention to benefit from more
2:52:10 time i'm giving him 15 more years but no
2:52:13 more don't come back to me that's yes
2:52:16 yes
2:52:17 and then like you said it all when you
2:52:19 said um the whole idea to ours i mean
2:52:21 these are things that is that
2:52:23 years and then metaphorically yeah
2:52:26 the prophet
2:52:29 are fighting between heaven areas so the
2:52:31 decisions coming down imagine decision
2:52:33 is coming like like a bomb down and
2:52:35 there is ascending like like a counter
2:52:38 rocket and they're fighting between
2:52:40 heaven and death
2:52:57 being good and connecting the relation
2:53:00 of kin
2:53:01 will extend your life
2:53:04 yeah because you may have initially a
2:53:06 certain life but because of your good
2:53:09 behavior to your next of kin and being
2:53:10 virtuous and kind to them or especially
2:53:13 if they are ugly to you and nasty like
2:53:15 most relatives unfortunately
2:53:18 if you do that then allah may decide to
2:53:20 raise and give you more life
2:53:22 i mean
2:53:23 it could be it could be even by
2:53:25 miraculous like for example you have
2:53:26 genetic condition that you you don't
2:53:29 have that physiology which will give you
2:53:30 the there are different physiologies
2:53:32 some facilities you give a good
2:53:34 longevity and some less
2:53:36 yes
2:54:00 i must say that sometimes i do this
2:54:02 application and you say i'm used almost
2:54:04 approach and this even more unless i add
2:54:07 more self because maybe there's none of
2:54:09 these written neighbors
2:54:10 be unhappy
2:54:12 or not unhappy and as i add to that if
2:54:15 you have suspended judgment about that
2:54:18 then it is all of that and make the
2:54:20 decision and enforce that i will be from
2:54:22 the happy ones
2:54:27 i do it almost regularly almost several
2:54:29 times a day i'm boring benefiting from
2:54:31 the ayah
2:55:00 is there any
2:55:03 way to prove that you know
2:55:05 god cannot lie to you how how can you be
2:55:08 so sure
2:55:09 that uh you know he does not like you
2:55:11 what there are there is about certain
2:55:14 indications in the education the
2:55:16 behavior of people around you and the
2:55:18 world around you if you if he loves you
2:55:20 and doesn't love you but we'll come to
2:55:22 that but just to conclude one last one
2:55:25 said if you say if you ask allah
2:55:27 something
2:55:28 then make it make it forceful don't say
2:55:31 forgive me if you will
2:55:34 don't make it conditional even if your
2:55:36 own will because nothing can prevent
2:55:37 allah from forgiving you
2:55:39 he has the absolute power basically
2:55:41 you're saying will that you forgive me
2:55:43 like when one video and once said or
2:55:45 doing tawaf
2:55:51 if you forgive me
2:55:53 and and have mercy on me and if you
2:55:54 don't forgive you must forgive
2:55:57 that's the way he should first obligate
2:56:00 that's the way he should subdicate
2:56:01 because he can
2:56:03 he can even overcome even his previous
2:56:05 decision he can
2:56:07 professor i'm talking about lying lying
2:56:16 and if anything about these things but
2:56:18 it's it's very
2:56:19 this way then supplication and and
2:56:22 prayers make sense even forceful prayer
2:56:24 like this one
2:56:26 don't say everyone many people didn't
2:56:27 have to say uh uh uh
2:56:30 uh uh
2:56:32 may allah may allah of someone who died
2:56:35 mercy uh give giving paradise insha
2:56:37 allah is done to say inshallah
2:56:43 you have to make it certain
2:56:45 because it is within within the that
2:56:47 means
2:56:49 and if it's not possible for some reason
2:56:51 you don't know you will be rewarded for
2:56:53 the for the for the trust in allah and
2:56:55 and uh and uh
2:56:56 and and the supplication itself so you
2:56:58 are winning it's win-win there's no
2:57:00 win-lose it's only lose if you if you
2:57:03 become weak and not become forceful and
2:57:05 not become demanding from someone who is
2:57:07 an absolute control and sovereignty of
2:57:09 the universe
2:57:12 okay okay i hope i hope this this was a
2:57:15 little bit eliminating although we did
2:57:17 not really solve any d problem that much
2:57:19 but i think we have
2:57:21 a little bit
2:57:22 maybe an approach which helps solving it
2:57:25 at least
2:57:26 i think professor your view on qadharan
2:57:29 and time and
2:57:30 you know
2:57:31 god's free will
2:57:33 really evades all this problem which
2:57:35 shows the strength in it i mean
2:57:37 professor in in reality we can use this
2:57:40 argument the modal collapse argument
2:57:42 against for example
2:57:45 who yeah
2:57:46 absolutely absolutely you know
2:57:48 you can actually use it against most
2:57:50 people who are jabberies in in fact and
2:57:52 you throw them there they're false
2:57:53 absolutely
2:57:56 yeah yeah
2:57:58 i wish everyone a good night
2:58:00 have a good night and
2:58:02 dreams week same time
2:58:02 we'll meet each sweet
2:58:10 Music
2:58:48 foreign
2:58:50 Music
2:59:10 Music
2:59:19 you