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This debate allowed both a Sunni and Shia representative to espouse their own case for their respective theologies.


To clarify an important point , in the discussion two individuals came in and interrupted threatening the Shia . These were two people (both black) who came in and were stopped . Point to note :

1- The person who appeared in the Rafida video (Hassan Burachid ) was not the person who came in and interrupted the debate as may be assumed .

2- The allegation that Hassan is associated with Anjem Choudhary is completely unsubstantiated, since I have confirmed that brother Burachid happened to be present at a anti-Iran demonstration and Choudhary came in.

3- Burachid is completely disassociated with Choudhary and his cronies.

#shia #sunni #debate


*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 01:00:00

The Sunni and Shia debate the authenticity of the Quran. The Sunni argue that the Quran is authentic while the Shia maintain that some parts have been removed or added to it. The Shia further argue that there is a difference of opinion among Shia scholars on the matter of Tahrir.

00:00:00 The Sunni and Shia Muslims differ on the Quran, the sahaba (companions of the Prophet Muhammad), and imam. Sunni Muslims believe the sahaba were pious Muslims who taught the Quran and acted as examples, while Shia Muslims believe the sahaba were infallible Imams. Shia Muslims also believe that the Imams continue to teach and guide Muslims today.

  • 00:05:00 Shia scholar argues that classical Shia scholarship agrees that the Quran has been damaged over time, and that the Quran is preserved only in the imagination of the Shi'ite faithful. Sunnis disagree, citing a hadith which states that the Quran has descended in 17,000 ayat.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses Sunni and Shia views on the authenticity of the Quran. The Sunni argue that the Quran is authentic while the Shia maintain that some parts have been removed or added to it. The Shia further argue that there is a difference of opinion among Shia scholars on the matter of Tahrir.
  • 00:15:00 The Sunni and Shia debate differences in interpretation of the Quran. Sunni scholar Tabarsi points out that Ahmadinejad's interpretation of a specific Quran verse is not part of classical Sunni scholarship. Shia scholar Kulaini and Majulici mention other cases where classical Sunni scholarship disagrees with Shia interpretations.
  • 00:20:00 Sunni scholar Malik quotes different Shia scholars to show that there is a difference of opinion within Shia Sunni circles about the Quran. Malik does not believe that the Quran has been changed, but some Shia scholars believe that it has been.
  • 00:25:00 The Sunni vs Shia debate is a discussion about the Sunni and Shia differing opinions on the prophet Muhammad. The Sunni scholar argues that the prophet Muhammad did not change the quran, while the Shia scholar argues that certain sahaba (companions of Muhammad) did change the quran. The Sunni scholar also argues that the quran was not preserved in its original form after the prophet Muhammad burned it, while the Shia scholar argues that the quran was preserved. The Sunni scholar also challenges the Shia scholar to bring a rigid book from the Shiites that proves that asim is who he claims to be, but the Shia scholar is not able to do so.
  • 00:30:00 The Sunni vs Shia debate discusses the differences between Sunni and Shia beliefs, specifically in regards to the Quran. Asim claims that because the Sunni chain is stronger and more continuous, their Quran is the true Quran. Shia scholars counter that there are many discrepancies in the Quran, and that some of the Companion's readings were changed after Uthman's death. Tabaresi admits that some people within the Shia community believe in tahrir, but insists that this does not make their Quran a "kafir" (unbeliever). Finally, a Salafi writer declares that the reading of the Quran in Arabic is not reliable, and that there are other ashraf who also believe in tahrir.
  • 00:35:00 <>
  • 00:40:00 The Shia believe that some of the Sahaba – who were close companions of the Prophet Muhammad – were not true believers. The Sunni believe that all Sahaba were true believers, and that any who did not become kafir (disbelievers) – including the three Sahaba mentioned by the Shia – were still considered Sahaba. This difference in beliefs is based on a general principle found in the Quran which Shia scholars rely on.
  • 00:45:00 The Sunni vs Shia debate revolves around the number of companions who returned after Muhammad's death. Sunni Muslims accept that there were many companions who returned, but argue that this does not negate the sahaba's status as pious Muslims. Shia Muslims argue that the number of companions who returned is significant because it shows the depth of Muhammad's followership.
  • 00:50:00 The Shia vs Sunni debate revolves around which of the prophet's friends were true believers. Sunni scholar Jafar Sadiq says that the friends of the prophet were truthful, and that there is a difference of opinion between them in their own books. Shia scholar Imam Ali al-Aaliyah says that Imam Ali did not call Abu Bakr or Umar disbelievers, and that these verses come later in the Quran.
  • 00:55:00 Imam Ali al-Saleh named one of his sons Abdul Rahman, which is mentioned in the book "Irshad." This proves that he loved and respected his son.

01:00:00 - 01:25:00

, Sunni and Shia Muslims debate the issue of who has the most accurate knowledge of God. Shia Muslims argue that belief in a set number of infallible imams is necessary for salvation, while Sunni Muslims argue that anyone who believes in one of the imams is already saved. Sunni Muslims also argue that belief in a set number of infallible imams is necessary for salvation, as stated in the Quran and Sunnah.

01:00:00 The Sunni vs Shia debate revolves around who named the Prophet Muhammad's son, Abdul Rahman. Sunni Muslims say that Imam Ali named the son after killer of his father, Abdul Rahman, while Shia Muslims say that the Prophet Muhammad named the son after his cousin and friend, Uthman. Although both sides have valid points, the evidence presented does not support the claim that Imam Ali named the son after Abdul Rahman.

  • 01:05:00 , Mia argues that the Sunni position that all Sahaba were believers is not supported by the Quran. He also challenges Shadeed to recite the first surah of the Quran correctly. If Shadeed succeeds, Mia offers to give him a jazzer.
  • 01:10:00 The Sunni and Shia Muslims debate the issue of who has the most accurate knowledge of God, and whether or not belief in a set number of infallible imams is necessary for salvation. Shia Muslims argue that belief in a set number of infallible imams is necessary for salvation, while Sunni Muslims argue that anyone who believes in one of the imams is already saved. Shia Muslims also argue that there was a group of early Shiites who did not believe in a set number of infallible imams, and that there is a difference of opinion among Shiites about the number of imams there are. Sunni Muslims argue that belief in a set number of infallible imams is necessary for salvation, as stated in the Quran and Sunnah.
  • 01:15:00 The Sunni and Shia debate revolves mainly around the idea of who has the ability to know things (knowledge control), with Sunni arguing that the Imams have this ability, and Shia arguing that Allah Himself has this ability. Sunni also argue that since the Imam is a descendant of Prophet Muhammad, they have a similar level of knowledge as Allah. Shia argue that since the Imam is only a human, they are not equal to Allah and do not have the same level of knowledge.
  • 01:20:00 Sunni Muslims believe that there is a hidden knowledge that the imam can never have, and that if allah gives it to them, there is no problem in doing so. Shia Muslims believe that the first sect of Islam was Salman, and that Abdullah bin Sabha is completely condemned.
  • 01:25:00 , Sunni Muslims debate Shia beliefs. One Sunni argues that there is a difference between the imam and the prophet, while another Sunni argues that the only difference between the two is that the imam can see angels. Shia Muslims are criticized for their beliefs, which Sunni Muslims say go against what is known about the prophets. ends with a message from the author apologizing to Shia Muslims if he has come across as passionate.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:01 okay so today what we're going to do is
0:00:02 we're going to do something which is not
0:00:04 usually done
0:00:05 in let's say tower circles which is
0:00:07 we're going to discuss the matter of
0:00:08 sunni and shia
0:00:10 today we're going to his uh my
0:00:12 interlocutor here is going to
0:00:13 systematically try and answer a video
0:00:15 that i've originally done
0:00:16 which you can find on my channel name
0:00:18 the real differences between
0:00:19 sunni and shia in this video i discussed
0:00:22 three main matters one of them being the
0:00:24 quran
0:00:24 the second being the sahaba or the
0:00:26 companions of the prophet
0:00:27 and the third being imam a central
0:00:30 concept in
0:00:31 shia thought in that i said that these
0:00:34 three things are the most important
0:00:36 things or the most important differences
0:00:39 as it relates to shiite and sunni
0:00:40 discussion
0:00:41 so with that it's important for us in
0:00:42 order for us to get to know first of all
0:00:44 and be educated of each other's
0:00:46 respective schools of thoughts what
0:00:48 these what our
0:00:49 respective positions are on these three
0:00:51 matters number two
0:00:53 today is going to be an attempt for me
0:00:55 from my side to attempt to actually give
0:00:57 evidences
0:00:58 to why is we hold the positions that we
0:01:00 hold as it relates to those three
0:01:02 things uh point number three there's
0:01:04 been some conditions that have been
0:01:06 laid down by the organizers that we are
0:01:09 going to
0:01:10 honor hopefully which are conditions
0:01:12 first of all of not cursing the sahaba
0:01:15 or not let's say praising them in in
0:01:17 public this is the thing that
0:01:20 praising them saying which is an
0:01:23 expressive term in arabic
0:01:25 okay which means may god be pleased with
0:01:27 them so this is
0:01:28 uh something we have agreed upon and we
0:01:31 are going to do that for the sake of
0:01:32 advancing the argument forward and for
0:01:33 the
0:01:34 for the sake of educating the the mass
0:01:35 populist so
0:01:37 i would hope that everyone sticks to
0:01:39 this condition these conditions
0:01:41 i would hope that with this discussion
0:01:44 with this discussion that both parties
0:01:46 sunnis and shias
0:01:47 that are listening to this become more
0:01:49 educated now listen
0:01:50 one more thing i want to say this is not
0:01:52 an argument i'm not starting the
0:01:53 argument yet
0:01:55 nor am i starting the refutation but
0:01:56 what i am going to say to you directly
0:01:58 guys is this
0:01:58 now there are some shias that are going
0:02:00 to be watching this
0:02:02 i want to make my position very clear i
0:02:04 don't consider the general mass of shia
0:02:06 as non-believers
0:02:07 i don't consider that to be the case i
0:02:09 consider myself a sunni muslim this is
0:02:11 how i name myself
0:02:12 a sunni muslim that basically considers
0:02:15 the mass populous of the shia
0:02:17 as part of being muslim as well they are
0:02:19 muslim so if a woman if a shia a woman
0:02:22 or a shia a man or a child or an old
0:02:24 person wants my help
0:02:26 i have they have all the rights if i see
0:02:28 a shiite person i will say salaam
0:02:30 alaikum
0:02:31 if a shiite person dies i will do janaza
0:02:33 on them until the end of that
0:02:35 so this is just one thing i wanted to
0:02:36 make no hostility between me and
0:02:38 the shiite brothers because frankly i do
0:02:40 consider the mass populace as muslims
0:02:43 so this is a very important point the
0:02:45 purpose of me advancing the argument
0:02:46 today is not
0:02:47 because i hate shias it's because i
0:02:50 this i disassociate completely with
0:02:53 elements of shiizen
0:03:04 does it might does it matter where i
0:03:05 plug it or do i hold it i'll just put it
0:03:07 here
0:03:07 okay thank you for all the brothers for
0:03:12 coming here today
0:03:13 now the purpose of this discussion was
0:03:15 of course in reply to
0:03:17 it's in a reply to the video that
0:03:18 brother muhammad hijab made where he
0:03:20 highlighted the differences between
0:03:22 the shia and the sunni he mentioned in
0:03:24 the video that they revolved the three
0:03:26 biggest differences revolve around quran
0:03:28 sahaba and imam
0:03:30 now first on that point of course i'm
0:03:31 not making argument but i would say that
0:03:33 i disagree on that because i would say
0:03:35 from the very beginning toraheed i would
0:03:37 say we differ on that
0:03:38 and there's many aspects we can discuss
0:03:39 of tahiti however i'm not going to get
0:03:40 into that because
0:03:41 that wasn't mentioned on the video so
0:03:43 the points that you mentioned were under
0:03:45 many the free headings but there were
0:03:47 various different points mentioned in
0:03:48 the video
0:03:49 and some brothers requested me to do a
0:03:51 series in order to reply to these points
0:03:53 however i said if i'm going to
0:03:54 do a video it won't be one or two videos
0:03:56 because i want to give justice to these
0:03:58 points
0:03:58 nor do i believe i can do that fully in
0:04:00 this discussion today but i will try my
0:04:02 best
0:04:02 to of course discuss these points with
0:04:04 you and i want you to elaborate on your
0:04:06 positions that you mentioned in the
0:04:07 video
0:04:07 so you may bring new evidence however
0:04:09 i'm not obliged to answer new things
0:04:11 rather the points that you made in the
0:04:12 video these need backing up because
0:04:13 you've made them
0:04:14 and of course brother you said it's an
0:04:16 age it's an educational video
0:04:18 with would you respect yourself i do not
0:04:19 believe it was an educational video but
0:04:21 i'm saying that myself of course
0:04:22 even if a non-muslim for example does a
0:04:24 video against islam we
0:04:26 may hold that opinion say you know we
0:04:27 want to meet up with him and prove it's
0:04:28 my educational so what i'll do is
0:04:29 i'll go through these points inshallah
0:04:31 ta'ala and you can give me your position
0:04:33 as to why you mentioned them and
0:04:35 uh we can discuss in this way because a
0:04:37 proper debate has to have one discussion
0:04:39 and it has one thesis that okay we
0:04:41 conclude at the end here there's
0:04:43 various points and i hope that i'm able
0:04:44 to get through all of them so if we see
0:04:46 that we're dragging on
0:04:47 too long at one point there'll have to
0:04:49 be a conclusion at one point of this
0:04:50 point so that we're able to discuss all
0:04:51 of them
0:04:52 otherwise we have not achieved the
0:04:53 objective of our discussion
0:04:55 so that's all i've got to say
0:04:58 okay and basically um you said you don't
0:05:02 mind me starting because i'm going to
0:05:03 read obviously the arguments that you
0:05:04 put forth so
0:05:10 it's worked out in a way that it came
0:05:12 back to you but i'm saying because
0:05:13 obviously
0:05:16 okay yeah yeah
0:05:19 no okay okay that's fine then
0:05:25 so enchilada if you let me know when you
0:05:26 start on when there's like less time
0:05:28 left
0:05:29 okay now
0:05:32 okay argument one in your video we said
0:05:34 when you said when we look at the
0:05:36 classical shia scholarship with regards
0:05:38 to the preservation of the quran
0:05:39 they don't believe that the quran is
0:05:41 preserved because they do not believe
0:05:42 that sahabah have done a good job
0:05:44 argument two you mentioned fashion
0:05:47 please mention me inshallah the purpose
0:05:48 of mentioning this particular what was
0:05:50 the purpose of you mentioning it
0:05:51 you also mentioned the romani you said
0:05:53 that he believes in
0:05:54 tahrir i believe so these were the main
0:05:58 three things that you mentioned
0:05:59 regarding the points of this now
0:06:02 what i would say firstly is that you you
0:06:04 say classical shia scholarship within
0:06:05 your video
0:06:06 you fail to mention one classical chia
0:06:08 scholar because i want to ask you as
0:06:09 well
0:06:10 of course tabresi we have three
0:06:12 different tablasis of course
0:06:13 the one that you mentioned he died in
0:06:16 which year the year of 1902. so we
0:06:18 wouldn't consider him as a classical
0:06:20 scholar nor even someone like allama to
0:06:21 imagine would be considered as a
0:06:23 classical scholar
0:06:24 so this is one point that i mentioned on
0:06:26 that um
0:06:28 of course the second point you said okay
0:06:30 i would just want you to say okay why
0:06:32 have you mentioned that book
0:06:33 and of course um with romani's book now
0:06:35 some
0:06:36 shia brothers they may follow shirazi
0:06:38 sistani whatever romania i'm not into
0:06:40 you know disputes between
0:06:41 these scholars i don't care about that
0:06:42 but what i'm saying is do you have an
0:06:44 original copy of the book
0:06:46 where he says that he does believe
0:06:47 actually in tahrir because i myself have
0:06:49 genuinely searched
0:06:50 i'm not defending i'm just saying that
0:06:51 any author when you quote their book
0:06:53 if it's correct it's correct if it's not
0:06:55 correct it's not correct so regarding
0:06:56 khomeini have you found the actual quote
0:06:58 because the one that was translated in
0:07:00 arabic and the original language is
0:07:01 farsi of course
0:07:02 and i know that obviously you don't read
0:07:03 faster arab this was translated by a
0:07:07 jordanian or palestinian i believe who
0:07:09 was not of our
0:07:10 school so we could say in some ways it's
0:07:12 a biased translation when you actually
0:07:14 ask the iranians they don't rely on that
0:07:16 translation they say it's been tampered
0:07:17 with and it's not original so if you can
0:07:19 show me inshallah
0:07:20 where you got that from and uh yeah i
0:07:21 can conclude on that
0:07:23 one no no i asked questions
0:07:28 of
0:07:36 okay so it seems to me that his main
0:07:39 issue with what i said was that i failed
0:07:42 to mention
0:07:42 some of the classical scholars in my
0:07:44 video so really he wasn't saying
0:07:46 he wasn't denying and this is an
0:07:47 important point he wasn't denying the
0:07:49 fact that some scholars
0:07:50 in shiite quarters believe in tariff of
0:07:53 the quran meaning that the quran is not
0:07:55 intact and not preserved he didn't deny
0:07:57 that because he doesn't
0:07:59 hopefully believe he doesn't believe in
0:08:00 takiyah as much as let's say
0:08:02 other shias do and this is why i came to
0:08:03 speak to him that's point number one
0:08:06 which is very well noted i think
0:08:07 if anyone's watching this debate you
0:08:08 have to really see read between the
0:08:10 lines
0:08:11 point number two in terms of the
0:08:12 classical scholarship i'll make it very
0:08:13 clear now
0:08:14 in terms of la amili elamili here i've
0:08:16 got some of his quotes and amelie is one
0:08:18 of the most classical
0:08:19 scholars in in shiaism in all of shiaism
0:08:22 and listen to what he says he
0:08:49 for the sunnis he is saying that
0:08:52 the quran has from a ayat which are
0:08:55 being plucked out taken out
0:08:59 this is what he is saying but if this is
0:09:00 not something which is
0:09:02 convincing to you then maybe since you
0:09:04 did mention imagination
0:09:06 then the majority is of the
0:09:09 the hadith which is mentioned in
0:09:10 al-khafi by kalani
0:09:12 which says that there are 17 that the
0:09:15 quran came down as 17
0:09:17 000 ayat the hadith says the the the
0:09:21 quran that came down in seventeen
0:09:22 thousand ayat
0:09:24 and the oldest remainder of it is about
0:09:26 three thousand where there's differences
0:09:27 of
0:09:28 uh and here this hadith is mentioned by
0:09:30 abba abdullah of course
0:09:32 that is jafar sadiq so here we have
0:09:34 jafar the sixth imam
0:09:36 talking about the fact that the quran in
0:09:39 fact came down in 17
0:09:41 000 verses and then after that
0:09:44 all of the verses were taken away until
0:09:46 you only have 3 000 left
0:09:48 obviously maybe didn't count them
0:09:49 properly because they're about six
0:09:50 thousand verses
0:09:51 of uh the quran 6236 to be correct it
0:09:54 should be completely accurate
0:09:55 having said this el majesi makes tashee
0:09:58 of this hadith
0:09:59 and so does his father so he mentioned
0:10:00 an emergency and you said it's not
0:10:02 classical scholar
0:10:03 meaning he says it's authentic and
0:10:05 imaginacy and other books
0:10:06 he himself talks about taharif and it's
0:10:08 very difficult for anyone to say
0:10:11 that al majele see does not believe in
0:10:12 tahrir so here the question is
0:10:14 do you deny first question do you
0:10:17 believe the quran is muharraf
0:10:18 is plagiaris is is not preserved second
0:10:21 question
0:10:22 do you deny that shia scholars in the
0:10:23 mainstream shia circles have said this
0:10:26 third question if not do you make fear
0:10:29 do you say that the shia scholars who
0:10:32 said the quran is naked
0:10:33 are not muslim and if not why not
0:10:38 sorry go ahead
0:10:42 we don't time the might passing right
0:10:43 yes
0:10:54 okay of course the first point you
0:10:55 didn't answer me on it um regarding why
0:10:57 you mentioned top raci
0:10:58 and can you admit that you were wrong in
0:11:00 mentioning mentioning him as a classical
0:11:02 scholar
0:11:03 you should have brought that in your
0:11:04 video i'm actually good because you may
0:11:05 you did correct yourself you said in the
0:11:06 video oh 18 000 ayat um
0:11:09 the hadith you're talking about it says
0:11:10 17 000. but to answer this
0:11:12 we say that yes even this hadith itself
0:11:14 is uh one of the brothers has done the
0:11:16 research where we found
0:11:17 that there is a problem within the chain
0:11:19 with it but we say no we don't just
0:11:20 reject anything
0:11:21 and say okay it's weak we see that
0:11:22 shaykh in his shiite creed
0:11:24 obviously i won't read out the full
0:11:25 quotes because the lack of time he
0:11:27 explains that hadith
0:11:29 extra explanatory revelation it marks up
0:11:32 to this number of seventeen thousand so
0:11:33 chefs what you could have done in your
0:11:34 video you could have mentioned sheikh
0:11:35 murphy you could have mentioned
0:11:37 you could have even mentioned the other
0:11:39 scholars like shertosi who affirmed that
0:11:41 there's no distortion
0:11:42 in the holy quran so you've also implied
0:11:44 that anyone who believes in the holy
0:11:46 quran
0:11:47 is corrupted is kafir or they believe
0:11:49 okay of course
0:11:50 another thing that i want to say to you
0:11:52 is that okay so you say that they're
0:11:53 kapha
0:11:54 please say okay are you wrong on the
0:11:56 tabrasi issue that he's a classical
0:11:57 school or not
0:11:58 the ones that you brought i'm not
0:11:59 obliged to answer them but what i will
0:12:01 say is that
0:12:02 we say anyone who believes in the quran
0:12:04 being distorted we would say that this
0:12:06 belief
0:12:06 is a deviant i don't need to do take on
0:12:08 this eva it is a deviant belief but
0:12:10 however
0:12:10 saying kafir is another kind of um uh
0:12:14 it's another thing to the same kapha is
0:12:15 another category so if i say someone's a
0:12:17 coffer
0:12:18 because of tahrir then just open another
0:12:20 door which i'll elaborate on
0:12:21 but what i'm saying is what was the
0:12:23 purpose because before i go on with my
0:12:25 points i want to know what was your
0:12:26 purpose for mentioning
0:12:27 uh tabrasi's book because obviously we
0:12:29 know it's an isolated
0:12:30 incident it's an isolated case and we
0:12:32 actually know the alama differ as to why
0:12:34 he even wrote this book
0:12:35 and ironically he used more sunni
0:12:37 narrations than shia narrations in the
0:12:39 book
0:12:39 and some scholars i will accept that he
0:12:41 believed in tahrir
0:12:42 i'll say that you know i said okay he
0:12:43 believed in tahrir if i've got no
0:12:44 problem with that but what i'm saying is
0:12:46 if you show that book i also have a book
0:12:48 al-furfan
0:12:48 which is from ibn al-khatif liberal
0:12:54 who in fact himself wrote a whole book
0:12:56 on tahrir
0:12:57 now you may say you've done tech fear on
0:12:59 him but my point is regarding
0:13:02 some of your sahabah i would say that
0:13:03 okay you want to say someone that's a
0:13:04 kafir who believes in tahrir
0:13:06 some of your sahaba would believe in
0:13:07 things that amount to taharith
0:13:09 one of them we find that one of umar bin
0:13:11 al-happabs his recitation
0:13:13 he would recite suratul fatiha in the
0:13:16 following way
0:13:17 he would say that sirataman ananta
0:13:21 um clearly here we don't find in any of
0:13:24 your
0:13:25 art the present day out that this is
0:13:26 present that he's uh this reading
0:13:28 and we find that omar said this so would
0:13:30 you say yourself that this is
0:13:32 so regarding to sum up as i said the
0:13:34 seventeen thousand ir we can say that we
0:13:35 accept it
0:13:36 in the way of hadith so as we know it's
0:13:38 still from allah but it does not count
0:13:41 as revelation as part of the quran so i
0:13:43 could easily reject this
0:13:45 and bring other narrations where it
0:13:46 doesn't to tahrir nor does it loot for
0:13:48 example to the names
0:13:49 of the imams in the quran however we'll
0:13:51 move on to that point later
0:13:53 there you go thank you
0:13:58 all right let me just put the it's
0:14:01 10 microphone well i'll do this then you
0:14:03 start yeah
0:14:04 because you want to slow down yeah okay
0:14:06 okay yeah do that one to 10 seconds as
0:14:08 well please yeah yeah
0:14:11 do again okay no problem ready okay okay
0:14:14 this seems to me like there is actually
0:14:17 on the first issue no disagreement the
0:14:18 only thing is a semantical disagreement
0:14:20 where he is saying at tab rasi yes yes
0:14:23 he might have believed in tahrir but why
0:14:25 did you mention him is he a classical
0:14:26 scholar or not
0:14:27 depends on how you define the term
0:14:28 classical in english language
0:14:30 usually things that happened in the
0:14:31 1900s are referred to as classical
0:14:33 things
0:14:33 now if you don't want to refer to him as
0:14:35 a classical scholar then i'll take it
0:14:36 back i haven't got a problem this
0:14:38 does nothing for our thesis the thesis
0:14:40 is that the
0:14:41 shia mainstream position or at least a
0:14:43 large number of mainstream heavyweight
0:14:45 shiite scholars
0:14:46 they believe that the quran has things
0:14:49 taken away from it
0:14:50 and things put into it and al-kulini
0:14:51 himself although he doesn't do taste
0:14:53 himself
0:14:54 which means he doesn't come up and say
0:14:55 generally himself he has a babe a
0:14:57 chapter
0:14:58 in his el cafe the the chapter of the
0:15:02 the fact that the
0:15:03 the quran
0:15:06 it did not come together in the time of
0:15:08 man wherein
0:15:10 it is actually put together it's only
0:15:12 for the ima
0:15:13 which means only for the imams now this
0:15:16 might be
0:15:17 shocking to some someone listening who
0:15:19 doesn't know about these things
0:15:21 and we'll say what's going on here why
0:15:23 is it that such a big alim
0:15:25 is putting this in his book the reason
0:15:26 why is because generally speaking there
0:15:28 was a desperation
0:15:30 there was a desperation early on in shia
0:15:33 thought
0:15:34 the fact that there was no verses of
0:15:35 imam in the quran
0:15:38 they had to try and invent something so
0:15:40 they had to say look
0:15:41 the quran itself it was originally
0:15:43 seventeen thousand words
0:15:45 and then it was seventeen thousand
0:15:46 verses and the verses were taken away
0:15:48 this is desperation
0:15:49 nothing but desperation which is why
0:15:50 you'll find interfero which is one of
0:15:52 the most acclaimed tafasir
0:15:54 in shiite circles that you have things
0:15:56 like
0:16:00 that you are the best community chosen
0:16:02 for humankind
0:16:03 he says
0:16:10 it was meant to say that you are the
0:16:11 best imams why because
0:16:13 then the sahaba what they did with their
0:16:15 devilish handiwork according to
0:16:16 me and others they must have taken away
0:16:18 these verses now
0:16:20 what he said about is nothing but
0:16:23 a lack of understanding of how the quran
0:16:25 was revealed to muhammad
0:16:28 i want to ask you a direct question
0:16:29 since you didn't answer my previous
0:16:30 direct questions
0:16:31 hopefully this time we're going to
0:16:32 answer this these direct questions my
0:16:34 direct question to you my friend
0:16:36 is what's the difference between a half
0:16:38 and a kira
0:16:40 what is the difference according to
0:16:41 sunni scholarship since you are reading
0:16:43 our books and i'm sure you've been
0:16:44 educated what's the difference between a
0:16:46 half and the kid he said it's not part
0:16:48 of the
0:16:54 if you cannot answer these questions
0:16:56 then what i will have to do my friend
0:16:57 and i'm
0:16:58 saying this will respect i will have to
0:16:59 educate you you're saying i wasn't
0:17:01 educating you in the first video
0:17:02 but i will certainly hopefully educate
0:17:04 you here today because this is an
0:17:06 important thing
0:17:07 if you don't know what the hera is when
0:17:10 the quran was being revealed to prophet
0:17:12 muhammad
0:17:14 it was being revealed denied more than
0:17:16 one
0:17:17 then after that is it finished sorry
0:17:20 then after that there was
0:17:23 means the final thing which was revealed
0:17:24 to muhammad in ramadan this is the quran
0:17:26 that we have
0:17:28 in front of us today
0:17:32 also you're saying it's not basically
0:17:34 the recitation
0:17:37 okay okay
0:17:40 okay um as we mentioned you can find
0:17:43 many a hadith what we find is that the
0:17:45 strongest
0:17:45 are hadith that we have do not say that
0:17:47 the names of the imams alaim salaam were
0:17:49 mentioned in the holy quran
0:17:50 however what we do is we accept these
0:17:52 hadiths and as we say it's extra
0:17:53 elucidation on the verse which is also
0:17:55 wahi but not part
0:17:56 of the holy quran as i said with tabarsi
0:18:00 if you want to bring an isolated book
0:18:01 now
0:18:02 as i said the ulama they differ about
0:18:04 this but some people have cursed this
0:18:05 book some people say that he wrote it
0:18:06 just to collect narrations and some even
0:18:08 say that his student
0:18:09 student ava bozor tehrani said he
0:18:10 repented so i'd write likewise
0:18:12 as i said bringing this book and it
0:18:14 shows that both of them you may condemn
0:18:15 them
0:18:15 but both of them have books on taharif
0:18:18 now you also said that um
0:18:21 about the 17 000 ayat well as i said
0:18:23 it's not um
0:18:25 an authentic narration however we also
0:18:26 have one of omar saying that there's
0:18:27 more than a million letters in the quran
0:18:30 that would show a increase in the holy
0:18:33 quran
0:18:34 and you said that it's not tahrif
0:18:37 well what i would say is that the
0:18:38 salafis are constantly trying to
0:18:40 accuse us of shoot themselves in the
0:18:43 foot because as we have here the well
0:18:45 known anti-shia writer muhammad hijab
0:18:48 said
0:18:49 it's not tahrir it's not tahrir what he
0:18:52 tries to do is
0:18:53 this exact same reading that's mentioned
0:18:54 for ahmadinejad
0:18:56 in this book he tries to attribute it
0:18:58 and say oh they have something for
0:18:59 example for imam sadaqa
0:19:01 salaam saying this and the book is
0:19:03 however we cannot verify the book
0:19:04 because it has over four different
0:19:06 they attributed to four different
0:19:07 authors so it's not reliable itself so
0:19:11 here he would himself regard this as
0:19:14 being taharif because he mentions this
0:19:15 in shia for muhammad
0:19:17 he obviously himself he doesn't regard
0:19:19 it as being
0:19:21 so what i would say is that thank you
0:19:22 for admitting on that point that you
0:19:24 mentioned
0:19:24 someone okay he's not a classical
0:19:25 scholar it's not about the words we're
0:19:27 saying that okay you mentioned classical
0:19:29 scholars
0:19:29 the other quotes that you gave i'm not
0:19:31 obliged to reply to them because you
0:19:32 didn't mention them in your video
0:19:34 so if you want to keep bringing more it
0:19:35 will go on and we won't be able to get
0:19:36 through the points you said in your
0:19:37 video
0:19:38 that classical shia scholarship and you
0:19:41 mentioned tabrasi as someone who is a
0:19:43 classical shia scholar
0:19:44 kulaini and majulici these are other
0:19:46 cases that can obviously be
0:19:48 spoken at another point now what i want
0:19:49 to say also is regarding the other point
0:19:52 where you mentioned about taharif um i
0:19:54 asked about question asara from khomeini
0:19:56 because you said it obviously is a big
0:19:57 share
0:19:58 for the scholars have you did you bring
0:19:59 the book with you did you bring the
0:20:01 original quote from his book because i
0:20:02 would obviously like to know that
0:20:04 because as we find we find in one of his
0:20:05 books that he confirms that the quran is
0:20:08 without change and he actually says that
0:20:10 he doesn't believe in taharif
0:20:12 so if we're able if we want to negate
0:20:14 this we have to prove that the other was
0:20:15 a quote said by him where he says
0:20:16 i believe that the quran has been
0:20:18 changed i'm saying it's not hurt you up
0:20:19 on me anyway but in his book he clearly
0:20:21 shows that
0:20:22 he doesn't believe in tahrir and you can
0:20:23 see the page number after now i won't
0:20:25 waste time opening it up
0:20:26 so um please if you could help no i
0:20:29 don't believe in tahrir but what i say
0:20:31 is that if i you asked me about the
0:20:33 ahref question i'm trying to remember
0:20:34 your points as well i don't
0:20:35 think i'm avoiding them i would say that
0:20:37 before you ask me about your ahref and
0:20:39 how many ahraf there are
0:20:40 you should probably go to your own
0:20:41 scholars
0:20:44 he mentions here that the seven ahref
0:20:46 there's a deal of difference 35 to 40
0:20:49 different opinions
0:20:50 so the scholars of that sunnah
0:20:51 themselves can't even agree
0:20:53 and define what the ahrefs even are so
0:20:56 how am i meant to know what the afro
0:20:57 foreign
0:20:58 okay have i lost yeah okay yeah go ahead
0:21:01 yeah that's fun
0:21:02 have you got my questions as well yes of
0:21:04 course
0:21:07 i'm very happy i'm very very happy of
0:21:10 where this discussion has gone i'm very
0:21:11 very happy
0:21:12 the fact that we've been able to
0:21:13 establish today that
0:21:16 these things have been said these new
0:21:17 these makha have been said these
0:21:19 extracts have been taken out of the
0:21:20 books of the major shia alama we have a
0:21:22 representative in the show with all of
0:21:24 his books
0:21:24 and he did not deny the fact that
0:21:28 and whoever else i mentioned in the
0:21:31 previous
0:21:31 speech did in fact believe in tahari now
0:21:35 as for
0:21:36 he didn't deny the fact as for the point
0:21:39 now you must understand something i'm
0:21:42 going to ask you a question he just said
0:21:43 he does not believe
0:21:44 in tariff which means he does not
0:21:45 believe the quran has anything taken
0:21:47 out of it or put into it yes
0:21:50 and then i asked him do you believe he
0:21:52 said your own scholars don't even know
0:21:53 what
0:21:54 and then he quotes a contemporary
0:21:56 obviously i mean and he could have
0:21:57 chosen anything else he could read
0:21:58 arabic why didn't he choose
0:22:00 jesse for example but he chose a
0:22:01 contemporary because maybe it's in
0:22:03 english it's easy for someone like him
0:22:04 to read
0:22:05 but having said this i want to i want to
0:22:08 put something very straightforward to
0:22:09 him
0:22:10 now if you go to a masjid which is in
0:22:13 london
0:22:14 with moroccans they're going to read
0:22:16 with wha
0:22:21 they say what she believes
0:22:32 now the question is you've got three
0:22:33 options either you say the quran has
0:22:35 been changed
0:22:38 and the muslims have not been able to
0:22:40 preserve the quran
0:22:42 or you say no no actually i don't
0:22:44 believe in that in fact what i believe
0:22:45 is that those people
0:22:47 who call themselves muslims which are
0:22:48 not actually muslim sunnis
0:22:50 because every sunni or anybody who calls
0:22:52 themselves sunni whether they are
0:22:53 diabandi
0:22:54 whether they are ichwani whether they
0:22:56 are salafi hanafi
0:22:58 bharavi anyone who dies calls himself a
0:23:01 sunni believes in the quran even the
0:23:03 ahmadis who are not muslim
0:23:04 they believe in the qra my question to
0:23:08 you
0:23:08 directly is are you saying malik
0:23:12 is a distortion yes or no all the
0:23:15 muslims say it's not a distortion
0:23:17 it's a half that's represented in the
0:23:20 kerala
0:23:21 and what are your what's your direct
0:23:23 reply to that
0:23:24 either the quran has not been preserved
0:23:27 or number two
0:23:28 the quran has been preserved but only
0:23:30 within your small sect
0:23:31 of let's say or other
0:23:34 tell me now is this your position do you
0:23:36 believe that everyone else is a kafir
0:23:38 or do you believe here that the muslims
0:23:41 have preserved the quran
0:23:42 the quran has been preserved with the
0:23:43 muslims
0:23:48 chapter 15 verse 9 we have certainly
0:23:49 sent down the book
0:23:51 and certainly allah will protect it so
0:23:54 this is exactly what allah
0:23:56 meant and this is what we're saying here
0:23:59 direct question is this or is this
0:24:03 a legitimate stylistic difference
0:24:06 which is sanctioned by prophet muhammad
0:24:08 through allah
0:24:18 okay
0:24:22 what's happening it's okay don't worry
0:24:24 about it go ahead
0:24:26 where do you want to rest
0:24:31 okay now as i said uh you haven't
0:24:34 answered my question i want to know
0:24:35 about the question
0:24:36 and the khomeini i'm not discussing
0:24:38 that's a different discussion and that's
0:24:40 something to go into
0:24:40 yeah there are differences between the
0:24:42 shia scholars pertaining to the terra
0:24:44 art some of them for example may say
0:24:46 that okay they don't accept wash some of
0:24:47 them do
0:24:48 and these things um actually no i wasn't
0:24:50 quoting just from yesterday
0:24:51 however he quotes from his um different
0:24:54 scholars within his book it's not from
0:24:55 his opinion so he's bringing
0:24:57 different um like ibm um
0:25:00 and other scholars um in here like uh
0:25:03 papari and others where he quotes the
0:25:05 opinions regarding the afro from what
0:25:07 they say about
0:25:08 so me myself i'm not just merely quoting
0:25:10 i'm saying you're asking me about that
0:25:12 myself and what i'm saying is that your
0:25:14 scholars cannot agree on
0:25:16 but you confirmed to me that okay uthman
0:25:18 burned your quran and he burned your
0:25:20 ahref
0:25:20 so what uthman did is that he took all
0:25:23 of these ahrefs apparently
0:25:25 he mentions here according to one of
0:25:26 your scholars it was due to some divine
0:25:28 inspiration
0:25:29 that uthman did so he decided to burn
0:25:32 the quran
0:25:32 so the problematic issue about this is
0:25:34 one of your salafi authors has admitted
0:25:36 this is tahrir
0:25:37 and he shows that this but he doesn't
0:25:39 know that it's from omar he thinks it's
0:25:40 one one of our imams
0:25:42 so he admits that's taharif in there but
0:25:44 what i'm saying is this does not exist
0:25:45 in the present and many people they
0:25:47 confuse
0:25:49 i'm saying this was one of the ahref and
0:25:52 it's not preserved today
0:25:53 and it's different from the quran that
0:25:54 we have today because what you'll say
0:25:56 when you debate with a lot of
0:25:57 non-muslims you will say that we
0:25:59 you know we accept the quran the quran
0:26:01 is one it's never been changed but what
0:26:03 i'm saying is that i'm not saying i
0:26:05 believe in tahrir
0:26:06 i'm saying myself that if i was to go
0:26:08 according to your narrative
0:26:10 i could never believe that the quran has
0:26:11 been preserved according to what your
0:26:13 sahaba said because
0:26:15 for example you might have believed like
0:26:16 two thirds of the quran is lost but
0:26:18 you in fact have six sevenths of your
0:26:20 quran lost and you don't have them so we
0:26:23 don't know what was mentioned in there
0:26:24 so it's obviously
0:26:25 if you want to say we believe in tahrir
0:26:26 for somehow scholars what i'm saying is
0:26:27 you didn't mention
0:26:28 these sources in your video if you had
0:26:30 mentioned them i would have discussed
0:26:31 them but please obviously ask
0:26:35 tell me about the hormani quote did you
0:26:36 actually check it yourself or was it
0:26:38 something like that was a google search
0:26:40 and your ahref as i said your scholars
0:26:41 themselves dispute over it and they gave
0:26:43 very big different definitions one of
0:26:45 them that was in the different le hajir
0:26:46 that was in the different um accents
0:26:49 some of them say no the sahaba could
0:26:51 change the quran themselves they could
0:26:52 change some of the readings you know
0:26:53 it's just a slight change but of course
0:26:56 it's not a divine change it's the sahaba
0:26:58 who change it themselves
0:26:59 and of course we find other sahaba who
0:27:01 recited
0:27:02 like the quran later on after the
0:27:05 burning after the uthmanik must-have
0:27:07 we find that abdullah bin nasal sorry
0:27:11 he recited
0:27:14 so god was still added in here and this
0:27:16 is after uthman burned all of this quran
0:27:19 yet you know we don't know what we've
0:27:21 lost in the quran if we accept this i'm
0:27:22 not saying
0:27:23 i'm accepting i'm saying it's my opinion
0:27:24 but i'm saying if i go to according to
0:27:26 what's in your books
0:27:27 i could not accept that the quran was in
0:27:29 fact preserved
0:27:30 because othman burned it and then later
0:27:32 on you've got your sahaba who are
0:27:33 confused
0:27:40 this is really really really interesting
0:27:42 the argument has become fuzzed out and
0:27:43 now he doesn't really know what to say
0:27:45 because he started by talking insisting
0:27:47 about kesha
0:27:49 for khomeini what why is khomeini such a
0:27:51 big deal for you you're shirazi
0:27:53 you believe in the you're the maruja for
0:27:57 you is not romani so let's
0:27:58 stop pretend you're actually helping him
0:28:01 anyway like this
0:28:02 he's not your mother you don't have
0:28:03 anything to do with him we've mentioned
0:28:05 other bigger scholars than
0:28:06 in khomeini i've mentioned the
0:28:09 emily why don't you deal with who is
0:28:12 like al-bukhari for us
0:28:15 are you why are we talking to me about
0:28:16 khomeini if you don't like romani
0:28:18 what i said about khomeini i retract it
0:28:20 no problem that's not an issue
0:28:21 not to say here that what he didn't say
0:28:23 in his book
0:28:25 wasn't what i read i said i read clearly
0:28:27 in the arabic you're saying no it wasn't
0:28:29 translated incorrectly i haven't done
0:28:30 that
0:28:31 the level of bath but i don't need to
0:28:32 because i've got bigger people
0:28:34 like saying the same things now
0:28:36 interesting he's talking about we don't
0:28:38 know what the
0:28:39 that wasn't my question i asked what's
0:28:40 the difference between i didn't
0:28:44 what's the difference between those two
0:28:45 things and he was not able to answer me
0:28:47 so now i'm going to have to tell him
0:28:48 the ashraf are representative of the
0:28:51 stylistic differences within the karat
0:28:54 so now we have a mechanism to explain
0:28:56 why there is malik and malik you have no
0:28:59 mechanism to explain
0:29:00 why is malik and malik now i'm asking
0:29:02 you
0:29:04 is malik tahrif yes or no is malik
0:29:07 or the king of the day of judgement wash
0:29:09 our nephew
0:29:10 is this tahrif or not and if you say yes
0:29:13 then the book of allah has been
0:29:14 not preserved point number two
0:29:17 asim asim who according to us
0:29:21 is the the sahab of the quran that we
0:29:23 both believe whether he is the person
0:29:25 who is in the chain of the kira that we
0:29:27 both accept let's say
0:29:28 which is hafsan ask him i dare you today
0:29:31 challenge okay what's the challenge
0:29:33 what's going on here no no no no no no
0:29:36 no
0:29:37 no no no the challenge is going to be as
0:29:39 follows my friend
0:29:40 you're going to bring your books because
0:29:41 you've got your books other than girls
0:29:42 got some notes because you gave me two
0:29:43 days of
0:29:44 notice for this but no problem i
0:29:46 challenge you
0:29:48 to tell me one rigid book
0:29:51 one rigid book from the shiites
0:29:55 that tell me who asim is who is ask him
0:29:58 you only know who asked him is because
0:30:01 we told you who he is
0:30:02 asim is in the sunni chain he's in the
0:30:05 sunni chain
0:30:06 you have no information he's major
0:30:09 unknown in the shia
0:30:10 book so you accept our chains that's why
0:30:11 you have to and it's in the video you
0:30:13 have to call it
0:30:14 your quran it is our quran you're right
0:30:16 it's
0:30:17 it's of course it's our quran because
0:30:18 it's our chain give me a chain i share a
0:30:20 chain
0:30:21 give me a shiite chain and give me the
0:30:23 rijal
0:30:24 the hadith that talk about arthem in
0:30:27 your books not our books
0:30:28 don't go into so into your rajal kishi
0:30:32 and go into your books
0:30:33 and tell me what mufi said he says it's
0:30:34 madhul i can tell you that from now
0:30:36 further
0:30:46 this is the fourth fourth one here so
0:30:48 we're gonna have one more
0:30:55 [Music]
0:31:02 half an hour
0:31:07 wait is this last three minutes on the
0:31:08 quran yes oh okay okay
0:31:10 sure um
0:31:14 okay now so muhammad hijab he mentioned
0:31:18 of course the points on the video he
0:31:20 failed
0:31:21 to um mention about pablo as i said
0:31:24 he wasn't a classical scholar so you're
0:31:25 wrong in that as i said i've heard about
0:31:27 these quotes i've seen the lists online
0:31:28 on their blogs where they see
0:31:29 major shia scholars who believe in
0:31:30 tahrir i'm not you
0:31:32 falsely attributed to me that are what i
0:31:34 firm it i didn't say i affirm it i say
0:31:35 these points were not mentioned in your
0:31:37 video and they can be discussed at
0:31:38 another time
0:31:39 i said you're off at the end of the day
0:31:40 it was burned so it's um
0:31:42 some some of your scholars also say for
0:31:44 example here we find that yes
0:31:46 says that the companion basically that
0:31:48 the opinion is very strange
0:31:50 and problematic that uthman in fact left
0:31:53 these
0:31:54 out and then you didn't answer the point
0:31:55 about
0:31:58 later on after abdullah who used to
0:32:01 delete some of the soras of the quran
0:32:03 and um you know he he admits this
0:32:05 himself
0:32:07 was reciting the quran this way so that
0:32:09 if a non-muslim comes to you and he says
0:32:10 okay show me your quran is completely
0:32:12 preserved in one way
0:32:13 he'll find that there are many different
0:32:16 discrepancies in terms of the swords and
0:32:20 in the wording now you say about the art
0:32:22 i'm not here to discuss
0:32:24 but you in fact in this we have the scan
0:32:26 here i can give it to you after
0:32:27 you actually have shi people in the
0:32:29 chains of some of your
0:32:31 art one of them being hamran bin ayon
0:32:34 al-khufi
0:32:35 who was the brother of zurara and he was
0:32:37 actually a companion of imam sadiq
0:32:39 alaihissalam who sheikh tulsi confirms
0:32:41 so even in your you have people who are
0:32:44 shii
0:32:45 in here so we can say that no it's not
0:32:46 your quran in fact uh
0:32:48 you take it from shiites and also the
0:32:50 salafis they like to say other people
0:32:52 like ashari's a deviant
0:32:53 but they took many of their science from
0:32:55 ashari's and people who they they would
0:32:57 consider deviant so for me
0:32:59 if allah subhanahu wa is the one who
0:33:01 says
0:33:02 the quran is preserved it's not my it's
0:33:04 not really my problem i just see that
0:33:05 it's being preserved you know
0:33:07 that's how it is but i'm saying
0:33:08 according to your text you've lost six
0:33:10 sevenths of your quran
0:33:11 you have narrators in this chain
0:33:15 and of course as i said you failed to
0:33:16 answer my point um one of your salafi
0:33:18 writers
0:33:20 he clearly said that this reading was
0:33:22 tahrif so
0:33:24 you didn't answer that of course and you
0:33:26 said that you read it in arabic i've
0:33:27 already said that's not reliable i said
0:33:28 bring me the original one of khamenei
0:33:30 i may not follow him myself but i'm
0:33:32 saying the point that i'm trying to make
0:33:33 is that you said
0:33:34 romanian question he believes in tariff
0:33:36 you're trying to say that because he is
0:33:38 taken as a big shia scholar for sums for
0:33:39 some of the shitty
0:33:40 but you didn't back up your claim in the
0:33:42 video so tabaresi himself he wrote
0:33:45 i accept that but you have um this one
0:33:47 al-fur
0:33:48 which was written on tariff and as well
0:33:50 not everyone who believes in taharif
0:33:52 i know you like regent's park mosque
0:33:53 actually the imam i spoke to him there
0:33:55 and i have witnesses of that i said does
0:33:57 anyone who believes in tahari if you see
0:33:59 necessarily a kafir
0:34:00 that imam said that no we have to find
0:34:02 out exactly why
0:34:03 they believe in tahrir but what we would
0:34:05 say is
0:34:08 they believed in a different quran and
0:34:10 they deleted some of the sorrows of this
0:34:12 quran
0:34:12 and they in fact recited after the
0:34:15 uthmanic
0:34:16 um all the other ashraf were burnt and
0:34:18 this goes to show what
0:34:20 okay
0:34:24 regions park mosque wait a minute my
0:34:27 friend
0:34:28 has this discussion degenerated to the
0:34:32 extent
0:34:34 of regents park mosque what the hell is
0:34:37 going on here
0:34:39 i went and i have witnesses i spoke to
0:34:40 the imam in region spark mosque
0:34:43 the people are watching this my friend
0:34:46 no seriously
0:34:47 what kind of authority is that is this
0:34:50 the desperation now that you're
0:34:52 reaching region spot mosque no i'm not
0:34:55 going to waste my time
0:34:56 with this you keep mentioning it
0:35:01 it's the wrong semantics if you don't
0:35:02 want to accept him as classical fine
0:35:04 he's contemporary
0:35:06 done don't waste time you're wasting our
0:35:08 time seriously
0:35:12 were not burnt the ashraf were not burnt
0:35:14 the aft still
0:35:19 who is a real authority you're talking
0:35:20 about yes i mean sorry with due respect
0:35:22 to everyone who speaks in english
0:35:24 anyone who speaks in english but yes
0:35:26 they compare him now to the to the
0:35:28 alameda
0:35:28 to the to the authorities are we are we
0:35:31 being serious here
0:35:33 come on man come on man read the book
0:35:35 read
0:35:36 reach out to his works then tell me
0:35:38 about karate
0:35:40 come on english book come on come on
0:35:42 come on then you talk about ibm
0:35:45 and what he's referring to is not
0:35:47 knowing that he actually retracted that
0:35:49 statement
0:35:50 when he was part of the legend he was
0:35:52 part of the legend that he didn't
0:35:53 he didn't think that the quran he knew
0:35:56 that
0:35:57 but he didn't think they were part of
0:35:58 bukhari but then he retracted this
0:36:00 afterwards when he was in the legend
0:36:02 there was the ijmah he retracted it
0:36:04 why didn't you mention that and you keep
0:36:06 talking to me
0:36:07 about uh and then you talk to me about
0:36:10 and who for us is not is
0:36:14 what are you talking about and by the
0:36:16 way let me tell you something about the
0:36:17 books of hadith
0:36:18 when shiaism is mentioned in our books
0:36:23 it means that the person believed that
0:36:24 aus ousmane shouldn't have been
0:36:26 in charge and rather ali should have
0:36:27 been in judge
0:36:29 and you're still relying on our books
0:36:32 you're still relying on our books i've
0:36:33 challenged you and you have not been
0:36:34 able to meet the challenge which is get
0:36:36 something from your books get me a chain
0:36:39 get me a shia chain of the quran if you
0:36:41 have no chain
0:36:42 you have no quran you have to depend
0:36:44 upon the sunnis quran
0:36:46 with all the sunnis narrators in there
0:36:49 you have to rely upon asim and hafs and
0:36:52 abu abdul
0:37:03 is he the one who was supervising it are
0:37:06 you mad
0:37:08 are you mad this is incredibly
0:37:11 contentious anyway i think with this
0:37:15 how long do i have left ten one minute
0:37:18 ten seconds believe me i don't need it
0:37:34 i have to read the objection of course
0:37:40 now it's just i can read your initial
0:37:42 objection that you made in the video
0:37:44 of course and then you know so yeah
0:37:50 okay so uh oh wait is he starting
0:38:19 okay you said argument well it wasn't
0:38:21 really an argument you gave a
0:38:22 definition you said a sahabi as someone
0:38:24 who uh
0:38:26 he met the prophet was a believer and
0:38:27 died upon islam and they're seen at the
0:38:30 transmitters of the revelation well
0:38:31 first off this definition is not the
0:38:33 only one from this one of the men
0:38:34 luckily
0:38:36 your definition for us it doesn't filter
0:38:37 out the hypocrites of course
0:38:39 such a definition could include babies
0:38:41 because the baby could meet the prophet
0:38:45 it muhammad even say a time limit on how
0:38:47 long they should meet and also you find
0:38:48 like bukhari for example
0:38:50 he mentioned that
0:38:55 so this we see with bukhari we see very
0:38:58 loose definitions of what you say
0:39:00 are sahaba because obviously you believe
0:39:02 that many sahaba like or they mean says
0:39:04 114 000 sahaba are all just and that
0:39:07 will be in jannah for example
0:39:09 um this definition basically means
0:39:11 anyone who met the prophet
0:39:13 man sahib and maybe he met the prophet
0:39:15 one for one
0:39:17 moment and or he saw the prophet he was
0:39:19 just a muslim
0:39:20 he is a sahabi according to this
0:39:22 definition so you mentioned one
0:39:23 definition but you didn't mention the
0:39:24 more problematic ones
0:39:26 now what argument five you mentioned is
0:39:28 al-qaeda the second most authoritative
0:39:29 book for the shiite says that all the
0:39:31 sahaba were
0:39:31 apostates except for abu dhabi
0:39:35 and these are the three sahabah who are
0:39:37 not apostates according to the shia
0:39:39 tradition
0:39:40 so how do you explain the concept of the
0:39:42 rajyan please answer me on that that's
0:39:43 all i've got to say
0:39:51 i keep forgetting i don't know what you
0:39:52 meant by the last question
0:40:07 who are not apostates according to the
0:40:09 sheer traditions and you said
0:40:10 um by the way brothers i don't want to
0:40:11 violate the rules of you yeah no i'm
0:40:13 okay you're going okay
0:40:14 just to make the question clear if i
0:40:15 don't understand your partner please
0:40:16 please
0:40:17 yes yes of course i'm saying you're
0:40:18 saying to the shia according to the shia
0:40:20 tradition
0:40:21 okay these free sahaba were the
0:40:24 apostates
0:40:24 um they were not the apostate story and
0:40:26 all the others have apostates of course
0:40:28 you made that point yeah
0:40:29 so i'm saying what do you say about our
0:40:30 concept of the rajyong
0:40:32 because i'm saying um i can elaborate on
0:40:35 that on the other
0:40:36 okay that's fine now let me let me let
0:40:37 me let me start with what we say
0:40:39 yeah i'll start now first thing he said
0:40:42 is that there's a loose definition
0:40:44 of the sahabah according to me
0:40:48 this is what the sunni thing is you know
0:40:50 whoever meets the the prophet muhammed
0:40:53 and he was a mukmin and then he died
0:40:54 upon that he said what about children of
0:40:55 course
0:40:56 the scholars of hadith and of islam have
0:40:58 mentioned the
0:40:59 the prohibitions of for example a child
0:41:01 narrating hadith over a certain age so
0:41:03 this stuff is mentioned this is called
0:41:04 tafsil so the stuff of like okay
0:41:06 children and these kinds of things and
0:41:08 okay
0:41:09 and the definition as he's mentioned
0:41:10 doesn't uh does not
0:41:12 does not describe the hypocrites because
0:41:15 i mean the thing is
0:41:16 of course that would be an exception and
0:41:17 how do we know that if
0:41:23 page 467 and 470 to 474
0:41:27 has mentioned a whole list of the
0:41:29 hypocrites and based on
0:41:31 evidences why because here we have
0:41:35 which means we have a general principle
0:41:37 based on the quranic verses
0:41:40 which i'm going to tell you now which
0:41:41 i've mentioned in the video which you
0:41:42 have no response to my friend
0:41:45 yes of course you should we should have
0:41:46 no response to my friend
0:41:48 these quranic verses which clearly tell
0:41:51 us that the muhajiri
0:41:52 and the ansar who are 99.9 percent of
0:41:55 the narrators of the sahaba
0:41:58 that they are basically
0:42:01 mentioned in the quran so here let's go
0:42:04 first here
0:42:05 you said that this question this
0:42:06 definition is so loose but look
0:42:10 one of the big scholars in emeline
0:42:14 yeah in volume 1
0:42:18 page number 83 what does it say
0:42:21 he says anyone who is companion with the
0:42:23 with jafar
0:42:24 sadiq we have no reason to deny him wait
0:42:26 a minute
0:42:28 say that again okay no no problem
0:42:31 no problem what i'm saying here my
0:42:33 friend is that the definition
0:42:36 that you have just criticized is your
0:42:38 definition of
0:42:41 who is adam yeah
0:42:44 who is just according to your main one
0:42:47 of your main scholars
0:42:49 the same definition you reject is
0:42:51 accepted by them
0:42:52 now of course how long we've got left
0:42:55 one minute oh of course there's verses
0:42:56 in the quran
0:43:09 this is one verse of the quran where it
0:43:11 says that the sabbath
0:43:12 the ones who are the forerunners of the
0:43:14 muhajirean of the mohajri meaning the
0:43:16 ones who did
0:43:17 hijrah who went from mecca to madinah
0:43:19 and the ansar
0:43:21 that allah is pleased with them and he
0:43:22 is pleased with them and they are
0:43:23 pleased with him
0:43:28 and he is prepared for them gardens
0:43:32 are you rejecting this where it says in
0:43:35 chapter number
0:43:36 yes another verse of the quran which
0:43:37 we'll come to insha allah
0:43:51 so we just saw that you mentioned some
0:43:53 points we said that this
0:43:54 includes anyone the imams themselves we
0:43:56 see that they were the ones who used to
0:43:57 recommend us for example and
0:43:58 give us the qualities of who to check
0:44:00 and as to who is
0:44:02 trustworthy companion and they would
0:44:03 mention some of them by names
0:44:05 now the fact that you muhammad hijab in
0:44:07 your video you say it's educational
0:44:08 but you don't even know of our concept
0:44:10 of the raju um that's quite problematic
0:44:12 and that is quite concerning for me
0:44:14 because you said in your video
0:44:16 that according to the shia tradition the
0:44:19 free who did not become kafur was
0:44:24 now to mention what is the uh what do we
0:44:26 say about this hadith we say that this
0:44:27 type of heir tidal was pertaining
0:44:29 to the khadir pledge we don't say that
0:44:31 all sahaba became kuffar
0:44:33 except these three so please learn that
0:44:35 concept if you want to keep
0:44:36 insisting on that because i want to know
0:44:37 okay were you right or wrong on that
0:44:39 point answer that
0:44:40 we take for example sahabi like abdullah
0:44:42 al-ansari
0:44:43 who of course we praise and he was
0:44:45 around the time he was a very old
0:44:47 companion he was around the time of imam
0:44:49 alaihissalam
0:44:50 and we also have able to fail so what we
0:44:51 would say is that you mentioned on the
0:44:53 video that three sahabah who are not
0:44:55 apostates according to the shia
0:44:56 tradition you said the sheer tradition
0:44:58 you were wrong on this point and you
0:44:59 don't know that we actually say that
0:45:00 there actually were
0:45:02 many sahaba who did come back but what
0:45:03 we say that yes after
0:45:05 the prophet muhammad we say that there
0:45:07 was a period of shaken sahab and we say
0:45:09 zubaid you know zubaid for example
0:45:11 he was with imam ali alaihissalam in the
0:45:12 early shia book of kitab
0:45:14 in the beginning so this hadith is not
0:45:16 taken literal in a way that oh we
0:45:18 believe all of them are kuffar
0:45:19 and one has to have a holistic reading
0:45:21 of all that hadith together to see that
0:45:23 we praise other companions otherwise why
0:45:24 would we praise jabal and abdullah and
0:45:26 say oh he's not the car
0:45:27 you know he's not a kafir or something
0:45:29 we accept him also so this
0:45:31 goes to show that what you mentioned in
0:45:32 the video and i'm coming to the verses
0:45:34 by the way
0:45:36 meaning the ones you mentioned um this
0:45:38 goes to show that your statement in the
0:45:39 video you're saying it's educational
0:45:41 video
0:45:41 now i want you to take it back because
0:45:43 you were not aware of the
0:45:44 concept we have of the rajya on and
0:45:46 those sahaba who came back we can say
0:45:48 maybe in the hundreds we don't say all
0:45:50 of them
0:45:50 but i'm saying that okay the um you
0:45:52 mentioned one of the verses but i'll get
0:45:53 on to the verses after that
0:45:55 but i'm saying that what we are saying
0:45:56 is problematic is we're saying that okay
0:45:58 we have different how many how much time
0:46:00 have i got one minute
0:46:01 we're saying us we have different
0:46:03 categories of sahabah the problem with
0:46:04 the salafis is that they try to say that
0:46:06 we don't hold any regard for them if you
0:46:07 go to al hisal
0:46:08 you see that there's twelve thousand
0:46:10 people that imam
0:46:12 hadith sadiq allah that he says were
0:46:14 pious sahaba and they did not have any
0:46:16 love for the dunya
0:46:17 we also have this 12 000 we also have
0:46:20 here
0:46:21 and sahib it is
0:46:24 he in fact praises the sahaba and he
0:46:26 says those who did well in companionship
0:46:28 and left those
0:46:29 their homes so these ones that you're
0:46:30 mentioning before we don't uh
0:46:32 negate that we're saying people such as
0:46:33 some of your companions abu bakr ahmad
0:46:35 was saying are they from the mukmini
0:46:37 are they really mutmans themselves so as
0:46:39 i said that we respect those sahaba and
0:46:41 these sahaba
0:46:42 above our heads and nor do we say that
0:46:44 according to the shia tradition what you
0:46:45 mentioned in your video it's an
0:46:46 educational video
0:46:48 free sahaba are only muslims and the
0:46:51 rest are
0:46:51 far according to shia tradition please
0:46:52 answer that
0:47:08 yes
0:47:12 the first thing he mentioned about the
0:47:13 rajawan he clarified to me what he meant
0:47:16 he meant the people that didn't do they
0:47:18 basically were shaken and
0:47:19 to death and things like that that's
0:47:20 fine you are here to educate me on
0:47:22 shiamatis what would you think we are
0:47:23 here
0:47:24 to be arroga to arrogate upon you in
0:47:26 terms of your own matters that you have
0:47:28 all these books of course you know more
0:47:29 about me than she hasn't
0:47:30 of course you do that's why we brought
0:47:31 you here my friend so of course where
0:47:33 you see that something is not
0:47:34 educational it's your job
0:47:36 to try and say okay well this is what it
0:47:38 means isn't that i'm sure you don't know
0:47:39 many concepts
0:47:40 from a certainly perspective so yeah we
0:47:42 can educate each other that's not a
0:47:43 problem point number two jabal ansari
0:47:45 and others okay i accept that you accept
0:47:49 that there are some sahaba
0:47:50 other than the ones that were mentioned
0:47:52 in the hadith of the three there are
0:47:54 that are basically muslim but here's the
0:47:57 point
0:47:58 listen to this listen to this
0:48:02 you have a hadith which conflict each
0:48:04 other wait a minute what did i say i'll
0:48:06 tell you what i said
0:48:08 you'll find in you'll find in a book
0:48:11 called
0:48:12 written by written
0:48:16 compiled by me compiled by
0:48:32 yeah so okay you've educated me
0:48:34 something to do with shia matas and i'll
0:48:35 educate you sometimes with shia matas as
0:48:37 well
0:48:40 in his book he mentions a hadith which
0:48:44 is narrated by abi abi
0:48:46 abdullah who
0:48:49 says that the sahaba of the prophet
0:49:01 means muhammed 000 i know you love the
0:49:04 number 12.
0:49:04 we'll come to that 12 000 the maniac
0:49:08 8 000 bill medina
0:49:12 uh um
0:49:23 so this is twelve thousand mentioned now
0:49:26 you just said there's hundreds of sahaba
0:49:28 not according to your books this is a
0:49:29 hadith narrated
0:49:31 if you look at the books of rajel you
0:49:33 won't find any [ __ ] in the chain and by
0:49:34 the way when you talked about the thing
0:49:35 that the hadith about immediately before
0:49:37 the 17 000 ayat you didn't mention why
0:49:39 it's weak you just said it's weak
0:49:42 that's not good enough we're in an
0:49:43 academic discussion you tell me why it's
0:49:44 weak
0:49:45 anyways the same thing here if you want
0:49:47 to say this is hadith week
0:49:48 tell me why who's weak in the chain tell
0:49:51 me who's weak
0:49:52 anyways you'll find that in najashi all
0:49:55 of the rajal according to
0:49:56 najashi are strong
0:49:59 so the hadith is strong now what is more
0:50:03 shocking than this
0:50:04 ladies and gentlemen is that jafar sadiq
0:50:08 yes he was asked one time about what
0:50:12 happened with the prophet's
0:50:14 friends
0:50:18 he said wait a minute
0:50:21 what does that mean he said did they lie
0:50:23 or were they telling the truth the
0:50:25 friends of the
0:50:26 of the of the prophet says they
0:50:28 certainly told the truth
0:50:29 he said well i saw so many between them
0:50:31 so much difference of opinion between
0:50:33 them
0:50:34 in your own books it's saying
0:50:38 he says but sometimes you know you have
0:50:39 these situations where
0:50:41 you have the situation okay the time is
0:50:44 up so i'm not gonna
0:50:45 continue but the hadith is there and
0:50:47 it's strong
0:50:59 let's see
0:51:06 okay can i stop
0:51:12 yep now basically what i'm going to say
0:51:14 is that you're the one
0:51:15 mohammed you're saying it's an
0:51:16 educational video so um
0:51:19 you're giving education to the people
0:51:20 about it it's not my problem you said
0:51:23 all of we believe all sabbah for far
0:51:24 except free and that wasn't mentioned
0:51:26 now
0:51:26 what i say about that is that i just i
0:51:28 don't know why you mentioned that hadith
0:51:29 because i just talked about it maybe
0:51:31 because i didn't quote it i'll give you
0:51:32 a benefit of the doubt
0:51:33 i was mentioning the exact same hadith
0:51:35 which is talking in
0:51:36 which is talking about the sahaba before
0:51:38 the prophet muhammad sallallahu
0:51:40 alaihi and it's talking about those who
0:51:42 were pious so this is in that context
0:51:44 i'm saying after that yes we believe
0:51:46 that these sahaba
0:51:48 these ones came back and it this was a
0:51:50 point that you mentioned on the video
0:51:51 where you said that the shia tradition
0:51:53 is that we believe all will go far
0:51:55 except free so this point is answered
0:51:57 you made you admit you were wrong on it
0:51:58 there's no point in to go more deep the
0:52:00 next point that you mentioned as well
0:52:02 is that i believe the narration was weak
0:52:04 well actually one of the brothers
0:52:05 i believe the narrating is muhammad ibn
0:52:07 sayyar um
0:52:09 if i'm not mistaken i could be mistaken
0:52:10 but he was mixed up with another
0:52:11 narrator and one of the brothers
0:52:12 actually he
0:52:13 did a research on that but you mentioned
0:52:16 the verses so you said that
0:52:18 well they come actually these verses
0:52:20 come later so i'm going to do it in
0:52:21 order because it has to be systematic
0:52:23 the next argument i say so to sum up
0:52:25 that point i say the shia i
0:52:26 do not believe that all the sahaba were
0:52:28 kuffar except free
0:52:29 and that was the wrong information you
0:52:31 gave me your video argument six you said
0:52:32 imam ali alaihissalam
0:52:34 said it didn't say to free successors
0:52:36 you know i believe your kuffar and this
0:52:37 isn't in our books
0:52:39 and it isn't in their books you said
0:52:41 imam
0:52:43 he said according to our books um you
0:52:46 said he never called abu bakr or macro
0:52:49 you said that in your video so what i've
0:52:51 done here for you
0:52:52 is that this is by one sheikh for chef
0:52:54 daniel pais although he wrote it before
0:52:56 he was a sheikh i've marked
0:52:57 the hadith and i've got hadiths here
0:52:59 where imam ali alayhi salaam
0:53:01 explicitly showed that he believes that
0:53:02 abu bakr and umar are disbelievers
0:53:05 so your point in this i'm not going to
0:53:06 talk talk according to your books i'm
0:53:08 saying you said according to shia books
0:53:10 that imam ali alayhi salaam didn't say
0:53:12 them for
0:53:18 about those who disbelieved um about the
0:53:21 sahaba et cetera
0:53:22 and he says he recites an ayah sorry
0:53:24 about abu bakr and he recites
0:53:26 ayah about those who get um
0:53:29 he says about the bay it's in the
0:53:30 context of the bay'a so he recites this
0:53:32 ayah as an example to show that those
0:53:34 who gave bay'a
0:53:35 to abu bakr they have died they have
0:53:37 disbelieved themselves
0:53:39 so this would go to show that if the
0:53:40 leader himself is
0:53:42 of course a believer then those who give
0:53:44 bay out of him would not be disbelievers
0:53:46 so um please can you give me some
0:53:48 clarity according to your point that you
0:53:50 said you know from our books
0:53:51 imam ali never called them there's many
0:53:54 other examples in our earliest book of
0:53:55 kitab salam
0:53:56 fatima tazhara she said she said that
0:53:59 um that you know you've lied and
0:54:00 disbelieved imam zainab
0:54:02 salam according to our book said about
0:54:04 abu bakr allah
0:54:07 so he said both of them fire and he gave
0:54:09 the final verdict so i'm saying when
0:54:10 you're talking to alberts you're saying
0:54:11 okay that's not my books
0:54:13 you said in the shia but go ahead
0:54:17 i can't i genuinely can't recall i'm not
0:54:20 going to say i did i didn't say this i
0:54:21 genuinely can't recall whether i said
0:54:23 that in the video or not
0:54:24 yeah whether i did or i didn't people
0:54:26 can go it's on us on youtube it's called
0:54:27 the real differences between jian sun
0:54:30 so you can check out the whole video
0:54:31 from beginning to end and of course
0:54:32 you're going to find out what i said and
0:54:33 what i didn't say if i did say
0:54:35 that's uh i mean it's easily i can put
0:54:36 it to the side it was a mistake i said
0:54:38 it has nothing to do with my overall
0:54:39 thesis
0:54:40 here you're focusing more on my errors
0:54:43 than you are on your thesis what you
0:54:46 have to prove
0:54:46 that's point number one point number two
0:54:48 here man this is really interesting
0:54:50 first you talk about
0:54:51 uh the hadith that you mentioned as
0:54:53 being not accepted at the dimension
0:54:55 sorry the three
0:54:56 except so it's not accepted you said you
0:54:57 don't accept there's only three
0:54:59 hadith yeah the sahabi
0:55:02 said one that you mentioned so you
0:55:04 accept the hadith yeah yeah i'm
0:55:05 accepted but i said it's in the context
0:55:06 of it okay finally but you don't say
0:55:07 it's only those three yeah yeah
0:55:09 okay fine so you don't say it's only
0:55:11 those three now
0:55:12 i've quoted you a yes in the quran i've
0:55:14 said rasulullah chapter 9 verse 100 but
0:55:16 we can look at chapter number 48 of the
0:55:17 quran as you wanted me to
0:55:19 verse number verse number 18 where it
0:55:20 says
0:55:28 that we have certainly we are certainly
0:55:30 pleased with the ones who
0:55:32 who
0:55:40 and we knew what was in their hearts and
0:55:42 we knew what was in their hearts
0:55:45 so we brought down the tranquility to
0:55:47 them
0:55:48 and we gave them a fat a conquest who is
0:55:51 it that the
0:55:52 fed it was all the people you do take
0:55:55 fear of
0:55:57 now let's be straightforward and
0:55:59 straight to the point
0:56:01 you have ayat in the quran you have your
0:56:03 own
0:56:04 scholarly uh hadiths that are being
0:56:06 authenticated by your hadith
0:56:08 they are saying that there's twelve
0:56:09 thousand there's twelve thousand sahabah
0:56:11 not a few hundreds as you tried to say
0:56:15 you have your own hadees from your own
0:56:17 books
0:56:18 that say that jafar sadiq has said
0:56:22 that the sahaba who did it with the nabi
0:56:25 with the with each other that they are
0:56:31 what have you got to say about that you
0:56:33 have said nothing about that
0:56:36 you have said nothing you said in our
0:56:37 books your books are not a hajj
0:56:40 for me and the muslims and the sunnis
0:56:43 your hadith which have been fabricated
0:56:45 and i'll prove insha'allah later on
0:56:47 your fabricated hadiths have nothing to
0:56:50 do with me
0:56:51 have zero to do with me give me
0:56:53 something from bukhari a muslim
0:56:55 give me your strongest possible evidence
0:56:59 that those who you called disbelievers
0:57:02 and you had the audacity in your channel
0:57:04 to put a fatwa of one of your so-called
0:57:07 scholars
0:57:07 who says let's dig up the graves of
0:57:10 obama
0:57:11 and of abu bakr let's dig up the graves
0:57:13 and you put this on your channel
0:57:14 and you yes i don't care the context
0:57:16 this is disgusting
0:57:17 vile things and furthermore you put on
0:57:20 your facebook
0:57:21 that we have to celebrate the death of
0:57:22 aisha give me your strongest evidence
0:57:25 that these individuals are kuffar
0:57:27 because the quran says otherwise what do
0:57:29 you have to say about that
0:57:40 okay time now again uh you actually
0:57:43 contradict yourself i'm coming to this
0:57:45 ayat if you can see um
0:57:47 it's on here's the argument these are
0:57:48 but i'm saying you're controlling
0:57:49 yourself you're saying i'm focusing on
0:57:51 specifics of you
0:57:52 now actually no because when we come to
0:57:54 a later point you said in your video
0:57:56 the issue with your thesis thesis is
0:57:59 that we believe the sahaba are not
0:58:00 muslims so you've said it in such a
0:58:02 general way
0:58:03 that you said we believe that sahabah
0:58:05 are not muslim and you've labeled that
0:58:06 as our thesis so i'm not just going on
0:58:07 particular points
0:58:08 i'm going through all of them you said
0:58:10 it's educational it doesn't matter if
0:58:13 my books are not a hajj upon you because
0:58:15 you said okay you're using my books
0:58:16 um you said it's not in my books i said
0:58:18 look let me not go into yours
0:58:20 i don't care about that at the moment
0:58:21 i'm saying you said in your video
0:58:22 educational video it's not in
0:58:24 our books nor it is in their books i'm
0:58:26 saying that after this i can show you
0:58:28 that
0:58:28 that is clearly mentioned in our books
0:58:31 maybe not a hardship for you but you
0:58:32 shouldn't have made the statement and
0:58:33 then say it's an educational educational
0:58:35 video so another point that i wanted to
0:58:37 mention is that yes
0:58:39 yeah you don't take my books books as a
0:58:40 huddle just as i read your books to
0:58:42 realize why i don't follow
0:58:43 uh your sect and you say my hadiths are
0:58:45 fabricated well
0:58:47 your hadiths many of them are narrated
0:58:49 by someone such as abdullah bin umar who
0:58:50 said
0:58:52 many of them are in fact narrated by our
0:58:54 isha according to your own hadiths who
0:58:56 can be proven
0:58:57 as someone who lied and lied to the
0:58:58 prophet muhammad
0:59:00 so if she has no shame in lying to the
0:59:02 prophet then of course i can't
0:59:04 trust many of your hadiths that come
0:59:05 from her which the kaffar in fact use
0:59:07 how much time have i got left two
0:59:09 minutes okay that's so what i'll do is
0:59:11 before i get to the eye out that you
0:59:12 mentioned we're going to discuss those i
0:59:14 want to mention
0:59:14 i have to do it systematically because i
0:59:15 don't want to contribute my words okay
0:59:17 so i'll we'll get to them inshaallah
0:59:18 ta'ala
0:59:19 so of course we show again that muhammad
0:59:21 on this video he was wrong about that he
0:59:22 said educational video um in our books
0:59:25 it clearly he says it says it doesn't
0:59:26 say that qafar it does
0:59:29 argument seven imam ali salam he had two
0:59:31 sons
0:59:32 named abu bakr and omar now you just
0:59:35 mentioned that you didn't say okay
0:59:36 according to what
0:59:37 um but can you provide to me a statement
0:59:40 where it was out of love for these
0:59:41 people
0:59:42 that um imam ali alaihissalam named that
0:59:44 i work
0:59:53 he named one of his sons sons abdul
0:59:54 rahman and it's mentioned in kitab
0:59:56 irshad i don't need to get it out as i
0:59:58 can show you after if you do want to see
0:59:59 it so unless i've got an explicit
1:00:01 statement saying that imam ali alayhi
1:00:02 islam
1:00:03 for his love for these individuals named
1:00:05 them i can't believe that or even uthman
1:00:06 there's a clear hadith in our books
1:00:08 where imam alayhi salam says i did not
1:00:10 name him after uthman
1:00:11 the chief of the kuffar so you have to
1:00:14 show me you said
1:00:15 if you want to use that as a point you
1:00:16 didn't mention whose book's from show me
1:00:18 clearly where imam ali alaihissalam out
1:00:19 of his love for these individuals
1:00:21 name them otherwise i say imam hasan
1:00:22 islam named his son abdul rahman of love
1:00:25 for the killer of his father whose name
1:00:27 was abdul rahman
1:00:29 thank you salafi logic selfie logic
1:00:33 selfie logic okay listen
1:00:35 i'm not here to represent a group of
1:00:37 people called the salafis
1:00:39 everyone that calls themselves sunni
1:00:41 would agree with what i'm saying
1:00:43 anyone who calls themselves sunni or
1:00:46 ascribes civilism to themselves
1:00:48 would agree with what i'm saying today
1:00:50 it's not about selfishness trying to
1:00:51 trying to break up uh trying to create
1:00:53 some kind of
1:00:55 break up within the muslims and say this
1:00:57 that's ridiculous
1:00:59 don't waste my time it's not salafi
1:01:00 logic this is sunni logic
1:01:02 this is everybody everybody agrees to
1:01:04 this that calls themselves sunni
1:01:06 everybody agrees with this wouldn't even
1:01:08 agree that the abandon would agree
1:01:10 that salafi would agree that hanafi
1:01:11 would agree everybody would agree
1:01:13 everyone would agree with what i'm
1:01:14 saying it's nothing to do with
1:01:15 television number two
1:01:17 the sahaba are not muslim you have
1:01:19 failed
1:01:21 what yes yes you have failed to provide
1:01:24 the evidences
1:01:25 i'm not taking your book as a hoja my
1:01:26 friend i take your book as a
1:01:29 lesser hajj than the bible let me just
1:01:30 be frank with you the bible of the
1:01:32 christians is a bigger hatred than your
1:01:34 book
1:01:35 don't give me your book as a hajjah that
1:01:37 oh my people said this in my book
1:01:38 it means nothing get me from ibooks
1:01:42 allah is not going to ask me what's in
1:01:44 your books
1:01:45 there's no reason for allah to ask me
1:01:47 there's no evidence for what you believe
1:01:48 in give me your give me your evidence
1:01:50 give me your strongest evidence from
1:01:51 quran
1:01:53 and from the sunnah that the kuffar that
1:01:55 you mentioned has go far ah
1:01:57 that's not waste time you said always
1:01:59 you said sahabah and you made it general
1:02:00 fine okay
1:02:01 no problem you know what i mean the
1:02:03 sahaba which we differ about
1:02:05 who we call sahaba that's what i'm
1:02:07 talking about bring the evidences
1:02:10 that they are far not for sack
1:02:13 not that they are evil doers and we know
1:02:16 that some of them drank
1:02:17 alcohol we know that some sahaba did
1:02:19 these things and some of them lied
1:02:21 they're not we are not coming from a
1:02:22 position where we are saying they are
1:02:23 infallibles
1:02:24 we are saying they are
1:02:27 [Music]
1:02:30 they are people of trustworthiness
1:02:33 we are saying innocent until proven
1:02:36 guilty innocent until proven guilty
1:02:38 give me your evidences my friend i
1:02:41 shall light you can't just spring upon
1:02:43 something like that who cares even if
1:02:45 she did lie
1:02:46 even if she did lie what does that show
1:02:48 that she's a fascicle that she's a liar
1:02:50 that's so sorry is that she's a
1:02:51 cathedral you have not proved your
1:02:53 thesis
1:02:54 you have not been able to prove your
1:02:55 thesis and once again you say oh
1:02:58 they only named their their sons give me
1:03:01 give me something to show the did it of
1:03:02 love okay i'm going to call my son
1:03:04 tomorrow
1:03:06 tony blair and i don't know george bush
1:03:08 but i don't need to do it from love
1:03:10 does it sound normal to you does it
1:03:12 sound normal for somebody and by the way
1:03:14 i ask him who you
1:03:15 also criticized was also hadakuni of abu
1:03:17 bakr so everyone that you rely upon
1:03:19 really
1:03:19 has a kunya everyone's calling someone
1:03:22 abu bakr
1:03:23 so here it's not my main thesis i'm not
1:03:26 saying this shows
1:03:27 no this is just a cherry on top of the
1:03:30 cake why would ali call his son
1:03:32 why would other men marry prophet
1:03:34 muhammed go to daughters etc
1:03:42 father
1:03:57 okay so to my point as i said um we said
1:04:00 because abu bakr is a kunya it's not
1:04:01 confirmed with imam ali
1:04:03 islam named himself but as i said again
1:04:05 okay i'm going to go with the sunni
1:04:06 logic i went to salafi then imam hasan
1:04:08 alayhi
1:04:09 he named his son after the killer of his
1:04:11 father so as i said you have to bring a
1:04:13 statement clearly
1:04:14 showing out of blah blah blah that's not
1:04:15 important you said about the ayat and
1:04:17 unfortunately we'll be running out of
1:04:18 time so basically
1:04:21 you mentioned something about arabic
1:04:22 earlier tried to give a little sly one
1:04:23 well of course
1:04:24 you just concentrate your own standards
1:04:26 because uh you recited every verse about
1:04:28 sahabah
1:04:28 wrong in that video and you did say to
1:04:30 one somali ahmadinejad park that have
1:04:32 respect for the quran recited
1:04:33 correct that's not a problem the verse
1:04:35 says
1:04:38 first it says meaning nor does it prove
1:04:40 that a hundred and fourteen thousand
1:04:41 sahabah according to other
1:04:43 muslim that all of them are just rather
1:04:46 you go to for example tafsir al-jalalin
1:04:48 it mentions 114 000
1:04:50 sahabah sorry 101 400 sahabah
1:04:53 it does not prove that all of them are
1:04:55 just and you said oh
1:04:56 thank you admit that actually what i
1:04:57 mean he mentions that in the
1:05:00 mia's book where he says yes some of the
1:05:01 sahaba they did zina you know they drank
1:05:03 so you know i myself how am i meant to
1:05:05 trust some of these people how do i know
1:05:06 you know he wasn't a bit drunk or tipsy
1:05:08 when he was narrating a hadith
1:05:09 um this is well you say about under the
1:05:12 tree well what a taber he came to one of
1:05:14 the sahabis who was under the tree
1:05:16 and he says to him that you do not know
1:05:17 what we have done after his death so
1:05:20 it closed shows clear how uh cleared out
1:05:22 because he says oh you
1:05:23 are the ones under the tree you were
1:05:24 under the tree so you know mashallah
1:05:26 and he says that you do not know what
1:05:27 you have done after you and we also find
1:05:28 in bukhari as well
1:05:30 uh many of these things where the sahaba
1:05:32 it shows that many of them will be taken
1:05:33 away
1:05:34 from the lake on the lakefront hadith
1:05:36 and it shows that many of them
1:05:37 would innovate after the prophet
1:05:39 muhammad
1:05:40 but as i said you were discussing the
1:05:42 shia position i don't i don't care
1:05:44 whether
1:05:44 you take my books as hajj or not i'm
1:05:45 saying that you were saying that this is
1:05:47 a sheer position
1:05:48 i'm saying if you want to get this your
1:05:49 position you have to give it from my
1:05:51 books which you failed to do
1:05:52 so this does not prove
1:05:57 this okay shadeed we find that many of
1:05:59 the sahaba
1:06:00 abu bakr umar uthman from
1:06:04 they were forgiven after that they ran
1:06:06 away after that on uh the next battle as
1:06:08 well they also ran away as well
1:06:10 and this shows that the pledge of ba'af
1:06:12 or under the tree
1:06:14 was the absence of running away which
1:06:16 they did in all of these battles which
1:06:18 shows that the bait
1:06:19 can be broken from another verse
1:06:21 pertaining to this verse which shows
1:06:22 that the beta can be broken so you've
1:06:24 not proven that all of your sahaba
1:06:26 according to your scholars 114 thousands
1:06:28 just you never even prove that from this
1:06:30 verse
1:06:30 because you said it's clear you said
1:06:32 first we don't believe the sahaba muslim
1:06:33 that's the problem with your thesis you
1:06:34 said but the quran makes it clear where
1:06:35 does it make it clear here
1:06:37 that all sahabah are believers and don't
1:06:40 bring more verses you mentioned these
1:06:41 two
1:06:41 you say shadeed against omar according
1:06:44 to authentic hadiths
1:06:50 especially when you're running from
1:06:51 battles and other sahaba witnessed him
1:06:54 running away and climbing up the
1:06:58 mountain
1:07:11 let me do the three minutes then we'll
1:07:13 now
1:07:15 this is he said okay well we haven't uh
1:07:17 we haven't what'd you call it
1:07:18 found anything to show that he did out
1:07:19 of love he he called abu bakr
1:07:22 out of love and he didn't do the same
1:07:23 thing with amar okay
1:07:25 i've just made that point you don't need
1:07:27 to call your sons
1:07:29 both both of your sons two names that
1:07:32 are literally the two names of your
1:07:33 major opponents does that make any sense
1:07:35 in anyone's head in mind
1:07:37 you say no it has to be done out of love
1:07:38 okay i think really there was a message
1:07:40 that ali abner wanted to send to people
1:07:42 like yourself
1:07:44 that you're still not getting number two
1:07:46 you were saying that oh
1:07:47 you know to be honest with you you made
1:07:50 a
1:07:51 like a two-minute conversation had too
1:07:52 many conversation about something which
1:07:54 really is neither here nor there at the
1:07:56 end the last minute is where you really
1:07:57 got to the tick of it well you talked
1:07:59 about oh
1:07:59 you know ran away okay let's assume for
1:08:02 the sake of argument i'll probably run
1:08:03 away okay
1:08:04 sometimes in battle you run away i'm not
1:08:05 saying that is the case we are
1:08:06 completely dis
1:08:08 disregard that i'm not going to tell you
1:08:09 why it's not it's a peripheral point
1:08:11 here let's say you run away does that
1:08:13 make him cather
1:08:14 is that your best shot someone runs away
1:08:16 from something it makes them careful
1:08:18 okay
1:08:18 then you start saying i recite it wrong
1:08:20 okay no problem i recited wrong
1:08:22 i told you here this is called an ad
1:08:24 hominem attack from a logical
1:08:25 perspective where you attack the
1:08:26 interlocutor
1:08:27 rather than the idea i can recite wrong
1:08:29 all the time i recite i was just in the
1:08:30 car a car with my
1:08:32 with some people and i was reciting and
1:08:34 i recited wrong it happens all the time
1:08:36 it even happened according to us
1:08:41 okay now since you're saying that you
1:08:43 can recite right i challenge you
1:08:45 i challenge you to pick up the quran and
1:08:47 recite the first page of
1:08:49 sorts of bacharach i promise you i
1:08:50 believe based on some of the videos i
1:08:52 watched i will pick out at least 10
1:08:53 mistakes and that's my challenge
1:08:55 i'll pick ali's send mistakes because
1:08:56 why because if you really wanted in a
1:08:58 jazza because this is really what he's
1:08:59 asking for
1:09:00 he wants an ejazza he wants an ejazza
1:09:03 for the quran he knows that the sunnis
1:09:05 hold the ejazzes
1:09:06 so if you wanted to you can recite the
1:09:08 first surah of baqarah and recite it to
1:09:10 me with good heaven
1:09:11 and the proper way and insha allah if
1:09:13 you do a good job we can give you a
1:09:14 jazzer for that one
1:09:15 because i know asam is for us and is a
1:09:17 sunni and believe me uh i believe that's
1:09:20 a challenge actually
1:09:21 and then furthermore you talked about um
1:09:24 the
1:09:24 amount of being a coward in these things
1:09:26 but if that's what you believe
1:09:28 so i just want to get this one point
1:09:30 really are you saying that because of
1:09:32 your following ether debate that you
1:09:33 personally since you want to do an ad
1:09:34 hominem let's just do it for the fun of
1:09:35 it
1:09:35 that you personally have internalized
1:09:38 the courageousness of being physically
1:09:39 able to fight because if you do say that
1:09:41 i will make another challenge to you my
1:09:42 friend but just to say first of all
1:09:45 my question to you is very
1:09:46 straightforward are you saying this
1:09:48 or are you not saying this let's
1:09:49 continue
1:09:56 okay
1:09:59 come on okay so we got past that issue
1:10:03 i'm not able to respond to some of the
1:10:04 points on that bench
1:10:06 we can give further dialogue another
1:10:08 time the argument
1:10:09 uh 10 is that you said the third major
1:10:12 difference
1:10:12 is imam and this is one that a lot of
1:10:15 your safety you like to bring up
1:10:17 and you say that the imams are
1:10:18 infallible um of course yeah we believe
1:10:20 in fallible but not in the robotic sense
1:10:22 of that they're forced to do that but
1:10:23 rather they have a special ability of
1:10:25 course
1:10:25 to realize what sins are just like
1:10:27 brother muhammad here
1:10:28 he has the power supply to do zina he
1:10:31 can do that but he will never do that
1:10:32 because he knows that of course
1:10:34 there are things of it so you know the
1:10:35 bad consequences of it
1:10:37 so yeah and you then you say um have all
1:10:39 knowledge and uh control of um
1:10:41 atoms so what i would want to say is um
1:10:44 let's not say
1:10:44 control of you didn't mention any
1:10:46 scholars in there say with control of
1:10:48 atoms but let's say
1:10:49 control in general um let's say allah
1:10:52 gives them
1:10:53 some type of control what's the problem
1:10:54 with that so if you could answer that
1:10:56 question write that down please
1:10:58 and um of course in terms of knowledge
1:11:01 you said all knowledge as well and you
1:11:03 actually brought up some
1:11:04 eye out at the end um i think i should
1:11:06 i'll answer them systematically
1:11:08 inshallah i'll get to that
1:11:09 so what i'll say is that no what do you
1:11:11 based on having all knowledge of
1:11:13 and how do you define that than having
1:11:14 all knowledge if you could let me know
1:11:16 and of course what i'd say yeah i'll
1:11:18 bring it to you actually i'll bring you
1:11:19 i don't need the three minutes
1:11:21 so you can answer sugar
1:11:37 we're getting to the crux of the mata
1:11:39 here
1:11:41 which is one of the major scholars he
1:11:42 says
1:11:48 whoever whoever does this believe in one
1:11:49 of the imams then he's a kefir he's a
1:11:51 disbeliever
1:11:52 and the brother in the audience is
1:11:54 agreeing with that now what i'm saying
1:11:56 here today
1:11:57 guys ladies and gentlemen is that if
1:11:59 that is the case
1:12:00 if my salvation as a human being depends
1:12:03 upon the fact that i have to believe
1:12:05 12 individuals based starting from
1:12:08 ali ibn abi talib up until this what we
1:12:11 call a fictional character of
1:12:12 uh muhammad azkari these 12 individuals
1:12:16 where is the dali give me your strongest
1:12:21 person i'm going to say the same thing
1:12:22 to you as i said before and you were
1:12:24 able to give you
1:12:24 something about running away from the
1:12:25 battlefield about the sahaba give me
1:12:27 your strongest possible value to there
1:12:29 now
1:12:29 hey hey give me your strongest possible
1:12:33 deli for the imam from the quran and
1:12:35 from the sunnah
1:12:36 wait a minute from the quran
1:12:39 and the sunnah that we deem
1:12:41 authoritative i am ready to become a
1:12:43 shiite today
1:12:44 i am ready give me the hadith give me
1:12:47 the
1:12:47 the verse i am ready to become a shiite
1:12:49 today point number one
1:12:51 point number two really this whole
1:12:53 number of 12 anyways
1:12:55 let's be honest
1:12:59 he mentions that there was a group
1:13:01 called
1:13:02 who are these group called they believed
1:13:05 al qaeda
1:13:06 who was one of who was the seventh imam
1:13:08 they believed al-qaeda them
1:13:10 who came after jaffra sadiq that he was
1:13:13 he went into haiba
1:13:14 wait a minute he went into disappearance
1:13:19 meaning he is the mahdi so really they
1:13:21 believed in seven
1:13:22 no doubt shiism has a difference of
1:13:25 opinion
1:13:25 as the amount of imams there are no
1:13:27 doubt about that look at this
1:13:29 they're a contemporary group we don't
1:13:31 need to go to the books of
1:13:32 history and the relics of history let's
1:13:34 look at the contemporary books we find
1:13:36 here
1:13:37 we find it's so clear for everyone to
1:13:40 see
1:13:42 that the difference of opinion on how
1:13:43 many how many imams there are
1:13:46 even so here we talked number one about
1:13:48 give me the deli
1:13:49 number two that's my first objection i'm
1:13:52 ready to become shiite today
1:13:54 i'm ready to become shiite today let's
1:13:56 do it just give me the delete though
1:13:58 from quran and
1:14:01 you can even say the sunnah the
1:14:02 authoritative one i am ready for
1:14:04 anything you throw at me
1:14:05 and remember this time is up
1:14:08 half a minute and remember that you did
1:14:10 have philo
1:14:11 your earliest your earliest shiite
1:14:15 people
1:14:15 they didn't believe in twelve they
1:14:16 believed in seven the qatari believed in
1:14:19 seven
1:14:21 men who wrote a book one of the earliest
1:14:24 shiite books
1:14:24 he believed in 13 that is nihilist
1:14:27 believe in eight
1:14:28 don't tell me about twelve twelve a man
1:14:30 what's twelve come on
1:14:32 come on now moreover it's okay okay so
1:14:35 okay
1:14:43 okay so of course um you didn't answer
1:14:46 me on that regarding
1:14:47 the problem about uh control because you
1:14:49 see a problem with it and i think it's
1:14:50 according to muhammad hijab's subjective
1:14:52 opinion
1:14:53 but what we say is i'm not saying that i
1:14:55 myself okay control of atoms i'm saying
1:14:56 anything better than allah
1:14:58 we say that okay no problem if it's
1:15:01 fine i mean for example in your own
1:15:03 hadiths you say that the dajjal
1:15:05 and i've got the references that he can
1:15:08 kill people and give life to them back
1:15:09 so if i was used to use okay let's say i
1:15:11 wouldn't want to say salafi or
1:15:12 sunni way of thinking i would say that
1:15:14 the jal is allah because
1:15:16 if you go to the anti-shia websites you
1:15:17 will say oh they have a particular
1:15:19 control but
1:15:20 just like isa alaihissalam in the quran
1:15:22 he can create
1:15:32 himself can kill someone and bring him
1:15:34 back to life so with that reason i say
1:15:36 the dajjal is allah we find again your
1:15:38 sahaba
1:15:39 okay for the imams to have control
1:15:42 but the sahaba here um
1:15:46 he can walk across water he can do some
1:15:48 type of david blaine and magic trick and
1:15:49 walk across water others can revive dead
1:15:51 donkeys
1:15:52 so what we say is when it comes to you
1:15:54 saying oh oh they control the atoms i
1:15:55 said what's your point is it um
1:15:57 okay if it's you're saying argue to me
1:15:59 that no this is
1:16:02 i will say that yes we say the same
1:16:03 thing about the imams if we say
1:16:05 they have any particular ability and
1:16:07 regarding your initial thing about imam
1:16:09 you said the front you didn't say bring
1:16:10 hadith you were saying
1:16:11 where is in the quran in any way and you
1:16:13 try to say that okay if it's not in the
1:16:14 quran in any way
1:16:15 yeah like you try to use it in a bad
1:16:17 sense but your own scholars say for
1:16:18 example
1:16:23 he says clearly that uh
1:16:28 that if it is
1:16:31 confirmed from the prophet it has the
1:16:33 same status as an eye of the quran
1:16:36 here the hadith is proof in lords in
1:16:37 itself he clearly shows that
1:16:40 it should be taken in akida and if i ask
1:16:42 you this
1:16:45 that they're all literal word you prove
1:16:46 that from the quran ask you about the
1:16:47 bad attack the two angels
1:16:49 interrogating you can't prove that from
1:16:50 the quran at all so i was saying that i
1:16:52 do of course believe imama to be from
1:16:54 the quran
1:16:55 but if i were to not even prove from the
1:16:57 quran and just muttawata narrations or
1:16:58 even
1:16:59 from there would be no problem at all
1:17:02 because your own scholars
1:17:03 accept that and that's your standards
1:17:04 but um of course i'll go to the next
1:17:06 how long have i got half a minute so
1:17:09 then you said okay you have the next um
1:17:11 you mentioned the things about the imams
1:17:12 and
1:17:13 you say if we look at the beginning of
1:17:14 the end of it we don't find any of the
1:17:15 12
1:17:16 names of the imams in the quran
1:17:18 mentioned in any explicit name i say it
1:17:19 doesn't matter we don't need to have
1:17:21 names and just have the quran which will
1:17:23 seem to be your initial argument that
1:17:24 you use
1:17:25 and many of your own scholars as well
1:17:27 say the person can't be a mormon
1:17:28 if he like um if he does not believe in
1:17:31 quran with the sunnah so both of them
1:17:33 can be proved in that way
1:17:34 but what i'll do is that i'll address
1:17:36 your arguments because you didn't bring
1:17:37 any specific eye out in the video to say
1:17:39 okay let's discuss these
1:17:40 i'll address your arguments
1:17:50 let me start by addressing what you said
1:17:53 and this is something i am doing with
1:17:54 you that you have not necessarily done
1:17:56 with me
1:17:57 i've asked you a variety of questions in
1:17:59 this evening's discussion we've talked
1:18:01 about
1:18:02 give me why you don't believe for
1:18:03 example
1:18:05 you didn't answer then we talked about
1:18:08 give me something from the quran that
1:18:09 talks about imam or from the hadith
1:18:10 no answer but so you don't want to
1:18:13 answer me that shows to be honest with
1:18:14 you that there is no answer
1:18:16 that's point number one point number two
1:18:17 really he's talking about some kind of
1:18:19 control okay
1:18:20 this is what they call related technique
1:18:22 yeah where you have the ability to
1:18:23 control things now listen
1:18:24 listen to me this is not what i said i
1:18:27 didn't say anything about control
1:18:29 to some control i said all ability to
1:18:32 control
1:18:33 wait a minute
1:18:37 i don't see a difference
1:18:41 i really don't see a difference between
1:18:43 this and i want you this is a challenge
1:18:44 it's a question
1:18:46 my question to you is tell me the main
1:18:47 difference between this
1:18:52 and subordination is christianity you
1:18:54 basically believe and it's mentioned in
1:18:55 kafi
1:18:58 uh i'll give you exactly what the name
1:18:59 of the bible is in arabic but the door
1:19:00 the chapter of
1:19:02 when the imam wants to know something
1:19:03 he'll know something this is kolini's
1:19:05 opinion
1:19:05 whenever someone wanted to know
1:19:06 something he'll know something
1:19:09 do you understand that means to say that
1:19:12 and you're talking about knowledge
1:19:13 control and knowledge
1:19:14 that means to say that it's in the
1:19:17 capacity of the imam
1:19:21 to have the same knowledge as allah i'm
1:19:23 sorry that's just because
1:19:25 it doesn't solve the problem this is why
1:19:27 i say what is the difference between
1:19:28 your position
1:19:29 and the subordinationist aryan christian
1:19:32 who believes that there is a hierarchy
1:19:33 where you have the father on top and the
1:19:36 holy spirit and the son on the bottom
1:19:38 and that everything happens with the
1:19:39 will of the father yet
1:19:42 they're equal in terms of their
1:19:43 abilities
1:19:45 if you're saying that the imam has the
1:19:46 ability to have all knowledge
1:19:49 and if you're saying that allah has the
1:19:51 ability to have knowledge i'm sorry but
1:19:53 this
1:19:53 is means there is equality in that we
1:19:55 have not i've given you the references
1:19:57 in kulin's book it's actually a
1:19:59 chapter heading now moreover
1:20:03 you'll be surprised i believe
1:20:04 subhanallah that the imam thing is
1:20:06 actually a matter of
1:20:08 there has been a historical development
1:20:09 and i'll give you an evidence of that
1:20:11 and evidence of that is a hadith which
1:20:13 is narrated
1:20:15 by ali
1:20:35 so he said you have to say you know you
1:20:38 have to say
1:20:39 uh you know i thank allah and the angels
1:20:41 and the
1:20:42 winner and the nebula
1:20:45 the same way actually comes ab11
1:20:53 and musa been jaffa and then he said the
1:20:56 same ruaya
1:20:57 not mentioning the names of the imams
1:21:00 this shows anachronism
1:21:06 okay can i finish my friends
1:21:12 we've only got two goals each anyways
1:21:13 yeah yes um how many more minutes have
1:21:15 we got because i haven't got to mention
1:21:16 my points
1:21:20 i'm i'm very disappointed this happened
1:21:22 i wanted to have a uniform discussion
1:21:42 there's a whole chapter which clearly
1:21:44 shows that there is hidden knowledge
1:21:46 which the imam can never have
1:21:47 so we see that this knowledge if allah
1:21:50 gives it there's no problem as i said
1:21:51 you are the
1:21:51 child has powers of of course giving
1:21:54 life to people once he killed them
1:21:56 and we said that no i'm talking about
1:21:58 particular control your sahaba can walk
1:22:00 across the water
1:22:01 revive their donkeys and even in this
1:22:02 book as well uh in the
1:22:04 uh of even tamiya's book by other mean
1:22:06 it says that the miracles for musa
1:22:09 uh some of the miracles when this uh see
1:22:11 departed story
1:22:13 greater miracles happened on this one
1:22:14 some of the greater miracles happened on
1:22:16 the sahaba where they had particular
1:22:17 control
1:22:18 of creation you said the kitab salam
1:22:19 thing in your point before
1:22:21 that's a slip of the pen thirteen imams
1:22:22 in fact in the same book you'll find
1:22:24 where it mentions 12 imams so what our
1:22:25 scholars say is that yes it could have
1:22:27 been a slip of the pen about that but it
1:22:28 doesn't mention
1:22:29 and ahmad al-hasan cultists they try to
1:22:31 use this to say that there's another
1:22:32 imam
1:22:33 after that and you said no we said that
1:22:35 yeah allah
1:22:38 if it's not something for example we say
1:22:39 that it would put them in lordship with
1:22:41 him
1:22:42 then there's no problem in doing that if
1:22:44 they can get knowledge from
1:22:45 allah which is knowledge inherited from
1:22:48 the previous prophets
1:22:49 um peace be upon them all then there's
1:22:51 no problem at all and that's not putting
1:22:53 any partners
1:22:54 and you also try to negate the concept
1:22:55 of imam in your video by mentioning
1:22:57 kitab
1:22:58 by pulsing you said that in kitab imam
1:23:00 hasan alaska he didn't have any sons
1:23:02 anyway this is what used to negate imam
1:23:04 first you should have read the title of
1:23:05 the book which is
1:23:07 which means that sheikh tulsi is what
1:23:09 he's a sheikh of what sect
1:23:10 of course the twelvers the book is
1:23:12 dedicated to the whole imam and he's
1:23:14 also got a chapter where he says
1:23:15 refutation of those who say that imam
1:23:17 hasan al-asgari alaihi
1:23:19 does not have a son so i believe from
1:23:21 this book you read one of the quotes
1:23:22 from the arabic forums i searched it and
1:23:24 i was reading it
1:23:25 reading it where it says that the imam
1:23:26 did not have there was no signs of
1:23:28 pregnancy towards the end of his death
1:23:29 that's fine because we say that that
1:23:31 birth was hidden just like the birth of
1:23:33 prophet ibrahim alaihissalam
1:23:35 and of um prophet muhammad
1:23:38 and then we have kitab foreign there's
1:23:41 actually a whole chapter in here
1:23:43 which says that actually the first sect
1:23:46 was
1:23:47 salman they were the first sect of the
1:23:48 shia so the one that you mentioned about
1:23:50 abdullah bin sabha and you said that you
1:23:51 know this is one of the theories
1:23:52 that was talking about some people who
1:23:54 heard stories about that in our books
1:23:56 abdullah bin sabha
1:23:57 is completely condemned so what you did
1:23:58 for these two books is that you tried to
1:24:00 negate
1:24:01 our concept of imam by saying first imam
1:24:03 hasan alaska islam he doesn't have a son
1:24:05 the whole book is dedicated to him and
1:24:07 then imam you said
1:24:08 that it was started by a jew we said is
1:24:11 it finished
1:24:28 yeah go ahead
1:24:32 let's finish off by saying because
1:24:33 unfortunately some disturbances have
1:24:35 happened around us
1:24:36 but a lot of people have come around now
1:24:38 let me tell you something let me tell
1:24:39 you something right here and right now
1:24:41 we've just compared and i know a lot of
1:24:42 shiites are watching are going to find
1:24:44 it offensive that i've compared shiites
1:24:45 him with christianity i've done it and i
1:24:47 asked him the
1:24:47 question what's the difference between
1:24:49 shiaism and subordination is
1:24:51 christianity
1:24:52 and he hasn't really answered that what
1:24:54 is the main conceptual theological
1:24:56 differences there's no
1:24:56 really there is not many many the same
1:24:59 thing can be said about a christian he
1:25:00 can make the same excuses that
1:25:01 oh you know there are some things that
1:25:02 divine jesus doesn't know anyways
1:25:05 we won't go into that i want to ask you
1:25:06 another question obviously don't believe
1:25:07 ahmed is a muslim
1:25:10 no you're okay why they're not muslim
1:25:12 because they believe in another prophet
1:25:13 that's coming after the prophet muhammad
1:25:15 however you'll find as is a here we have
1:25:19 a hadith which is narrated and ahmed
1:25:21 muhammad bin abi nasir
1:25:23 and um
1:25:27 he said okay this is a hadith he asked
1:25:31 one of the one of the what is the [ __ ]
1:25:34 what is the difference between the imam
1:25:36 and the prophet listen to this do you
1:25:39 know what he said
1:25:40 he said in a nutshell the difference is
1:25:43 that the imam can see
1:25:45 that the prophet can see the angel and
1:25:47 the imam can't see the angel
1:25:48 and we know and shia thought that the
1:25:50 imam is actually higher than the prophet
1:25:51 if anything
1:25:53 so what's really the difference and how
1:25:54 dare you i mean what right do you have
1:25:57 to make take fear of someone who's
1:25:58 saying there's a new prophet and you're
1:26:00 saying there are
1:26:00 there are basically people that are
1:26:02 higher than prophets that came up to the
1:26:03 prophet muhammad why
1:26:04 does this make any sense to you does
1:26:07 this make any sense to you whatsoever
1:26:09 i'm sorry it doesn't make any sense to
1:26:11 me and the rest of the listeners i
1:26:12 believe you
1:26:13 believe me the shia is here well i
1:26:14 apologize to the shias
1:26:16 if i've come across as a passion
1:26:17 obviously the reason why i've become
1:26:19 very passionate this time is because of
1:26:20 the things that have been said by this
1:26:21 group
1:26:22 about very taking up the entrails of
1:26:24 subhanallah
1:26:25 abu bakr and you know let's let's empty
1:26:27 the graves very extreme things let's
1:26:29 celebrate the death of aisha
1:26:30 let's do all these things but today
1:26:32 alhamdulillah
1:26:34 was the truth has come and the falsehood
1:26:37 has perished
1:26:40 there's two things i want to announce if
1:26:42 true shia has any kind of
1:26:43 question please visit who's
1:26:46 our
1:26:46 our partners alhamdulillah they've done
1:26:48 a great job in helping us they are the
1:26:50 best english resource
1:26:51 they are the best english resource about
1:26:53 refutations of shia
1:26:54 visit them and also of course watch the
1:26:57 rest of our videos
1:26:58 no doubt and also of course just ponder
1:27:00 of it
1:27:02 if a shia comes to me and asks me any
1:27:03 question on instagram i'll answer
1:27:06 can we recommend the website as well