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Ayaan 'Hirsi Ali' Ridiculous Research Exposed (2022-03-04)


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Summary of Ayaan 'Hirsi Ali' Ridiculous Research Exposed

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:10:00

Ayaan Hirsi Ali's work on the link between Muslim immigration and sexual violence is flawed and does not hold up to academic scrutiny. Her work is full of rehashed fascist rhetoric and should not be taken seriously.

00:00:00 Ayaan Hirsi Ali discusses research that suggests there is a link between Muslim immigration and an increase in sexual violence towards European women. She notes that the data is inconclusive, as it only shows that people from Africa and Asia are migrating to Europe and that this increases the number of rapes committed. Though the thesis of her book is that this is a result of differences in values between Islam and European society, the data does not support this.

  • 00:05:00 Ayaan Hirsi Ali's research on rape and Islam is rejected by many academics, as it relies on flawed methodology and omits key data. Her thesis that Islam causes an increase in rape for Muslim men to non-Muslim women is also rejected.
  • 00:10:00 Ayaan Hirsi Ali's academic work is full of rehashed fascist rhetoric, and she should not be taken seriously.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 do you think that there's a link between
0:00:03 muslim immigration in europe and an
0:00:05 increase in sexual violence towards
0:00:07 european women
0:00:09 um
0:00:10 the answer to that is
0:00:12 yes and there are some caveats i've my
0:00:15 latest book is called pray
0:00:18 and the subtitle is islam immigration
0:00:20 and the erosion of the rights of women
0:00:24 the answer
0:00:26 my uneasy answer to this is yes the
0:00:28 caveat is not all muslim men
0:00:32 are misogynists and not all muslim men
0:00:35 harass or attack women or treat them
0:00:37 badly
0:00:39 but
0:00:40 there is a minority
0:00:42 and that minority is considerable
0:00:45 and that minority of
0:00:48 very young muslim men
0:00:50 have come from societies
0:00:53 where women are viewed differently from
0:00:55 the way they are viewed in europe and
0:00:57 once they come to europe they start to
0:00:59 behave in ways
0:01:01 that are hostile to women
0:01:03 sexual harassment graves gang rapes
0:01:07 even syndicates or grooming gangs that
0:01:10 prey on young girls
0:01:12 now what has islam goes to with any of
0:01:15 this
0:01:17 when you talk to
0:01:18 religious leaders muslim religious
0:01:20 leaders
0:01:21 what they say is
0:01:23 well the behavior of these men is wrong
0:01:26 but the fact that women are around in
0:01:29 public
0:01:30 uncovered
0:01:31 and by themselves is also wrong so then
0:01:34 they propose solutions that are
0:01:37 sharia-based in europe
0:01:39 that's one
0:01:40 number two
0:01:42 women are divided into those who good
0:01:44 and modest
0:01:46 and those who are bad
0:01:48 and bad women
0:01:49 whether it is
0:01:51 within
0:01:52 islam or within the tribal culture that
0:01:56 some of these young men come from
0:01:58 women who are regarded as bad are
0:02:00 regarded as unprotected
0:02:03 unprotected meaning unprotected by male
0:02:05 guardians
0:02:06 so in that sense what you see is
0:02:09 yeah and i have talked to some of these
0:02:11 young men
0:02:12 muslim men in europe and asked them why
0:02:15 is it that you can't if you behave this
0:02:18 way in egypt when you come to
0:02:21 germany why do you carry on behaving
0:02:23 this way
0:02:24 and
0:02:25 a lot of them who've actually
0:02:27 done some reflection on the differences
0:02:30 in societies just say
0:02:31 that they explain the differences and
0:02:33 they say
0:02:35 if i behaved this way in egypt or in
0:02:38 afghanistan or iraq i would meet with no
0:02:41 disapproval
0:02:42 the women who are targeted they are the
0:02:44 ones who are disapproved of because they
0:02:46 are the ones who put themselves in
0:02:48 trouble
0:02:49 and so
0:02:50 as you can see there's this big
0:02:52 clash of values or clash of civilization
0:02:55 i don't know what you want to call it
0:02:57 but on the treatment of women that
0:03:00 definitely is a clash of values when it
0:03:02 comes to the values of europe versus the
0:03:04 values of islam so on
0:03:07 the the the thesis and i'm not sure if
0:03:09 you want to ask this is a separate
0:03:10 question but the thesis that mcgann has
0:03:13 put forward
0:03:14 in her newest book pray is that actually
0:03:17 what you find is that muslim men the
0:03:20 immigration of muslim men to european
0:03:22 countries has increased rape this is
0:03:24 basically it and she mentions in page 33
0:03:27 of that book she says there's an actual
0:03:29 causal relationship
0:03:30 she says that there's a causal
0:03:32 relationship i've read her book the
0:03:33 entire book
0:03:35 and i've seen the data that she puts
0:03:36 forward for the claims that she makes
0:03:39 michaela and she and just go for the
0:03:42 idea
0:03:42 the idea is that muslim men immigration
0:03:46 coming into
0:03:47 european countries causes an increase in
0:03:49 rape that's what he's saying
0:03:52 now look
0:03:53 she mentions what is the data that she
0:03:55 mentioned she mentions data from about
0:03:57 five european countries including but
0:03:59 not limited to the united kingdom france
0:04:02 and sweden
0:04:04 now what she then states
0:04:06 is that there's evidence for a causal
0:04:08 relationship in page 33.
0:04:11 what is this data missing michaela this
0:04:13 data is missing
0:04:15 i mean this data has everything going
0:04:16 for it in fact except for the evidence
0:04:20 because this data does not even have
0:04:24 that these men are muslim men and that
0:04:26 might be a surprise and a shock to you
0:04:28 but this data is about where these men
0:04:30 come from so for instance she cites that
0:04:32 these men come from africa from uh
0:04:34 subcontinental asia but you will know
0:04:37 and i'm sure your viewers who are clever
0:04:39 people
0:04:40 who have been educated at a minor level
0:04:42 will know that africa is not it's not a
0:04:44 muslim continent the entire continent of
0:04:47 africa there are many muslims in it and
0:04:49 there are many christians in it so the
0:04:51 data is not conclusive in fact it
0:04:53 doesn't even show anything it just shows
0:04:55 that people coming from af there's an
0:04:56 increase of people coming from africa
0:04:58 and then there's an increase also in
0:05:00 rape okay well we tried the same
0:05:03 methodology michaela i actually tried
0:05:05 the same methodology with latin america
0:05:08 and america the united states of america
0:05:11 so people coming from latin america
0:05:12 which are not muslims as you know
0:05:14 when they go into america the united
0:05:16 states there is also a correlative
0:05:19 increase in rape now we can't say just
0:05:22 because there's a correlative increase
0:05:24 in rape and this is a fallacy by the way
0:05:27 that therefore the causation is those
0:05:29 people but even if we did say that
0:05:32 well latin americans are not muslim
0:05:35 latin americans are christians and
0:05:38 therefore the most part very small
0:05:40 muslim minor very very small and
0:05:41 negligible muslim minority and therefore
0:05:45 the whole thesis collapses
0:05:47 she even mentions and she lies through a
0:05:50 mission by mentioning data from the
0:05:53 world health organization and she is a
0:05:54 liar by the way she's a lie she lied to
0:05:57 the dutch parliament she lies by by a
0:05:59 mission by mentioning the who the only i
0:06:03 know the only data that has that the wh
0:06:06 has done on rape
0:06:08 and she she mentions certain things
0:06:10 about africa once again there's not even
0:06:12 a muslim continent in its entirety and
0:06:14 subcontinental asia but what she doesn't
0:06:17 mention is that according to the who
0:06:20 that same report that she mentions but
0:06:21 she omits this part
0:06:23 according to the who
0:06:26 that stranger rape is highest in what
0:06:29 they call the high income areas which is
0:06:31 the west so in other words stranger rape
0:06:34 is highest in
0:06:36 europe
0:06:37 or if you want to generalize europe and
0:06:40 america
0:06:41 and canada where you're from so wait a
0:06:43 minute what's going on here the whole
0:06:45 thesis starts to be destroyed and of
0:06:47 course as i've said to you before and
0:06:49 i'll say to you again islam prohibits
0:06:51 pre-marital
0:06:52 pre-marital
0:06:54 engagements between men and women how on
0:06:56 earth
0:06:57 can you get a thesis that says islam and
0:07:00 she mentions the word cause and it said
0:07:02 fallacy causes an increase in rape
0:07:05 for muslim men to non-muslim women where
0:07:08 islam limits it to the highest level
0:07:11 stranger rape funny enough according to
0:07:13 the who is lowest in areas which are
0:07:16 most populated by muslim people like the
0:07:18 subcontinental area
0:07:20 of course they say that's because the
0:07:22 cultural reasons of a woman coming out
0:07:23 and all that kind of thing that's their
0:07:24 analysis but that's not their data
0:07:27 furthermore
0:07:28 if it was to do with the jurisprudence
0:07:31 then we know that orthodox jews have a
0:07:34 very similar if not more strict way more
0:07:37 strict
0:07:39 kind of jurisprudential tradition when
0:07:41 it comes to the interaction of men and
0:07:42 women however
0:07:44 i will tell you michaela despite that
0:07:46 being the case we don't see
0:07:49 that that is causing any rape within
0:07:51 jewish communities or jewish men doing
0:07:53 that to non-jewish women
0:07:55 she mentions in her one of her
0:07:57 interviews that she does she says that
0:07:59 therefore muslim people need to be made
0:08:02 uh be taught how to be egalitarian we
0:08:04 believe in a complementarian system
0:08:06 where there's a managerial hierarchy and
0:08:07 the man's at the head of it we do
0:08:08 believe in that michael we're gonna lie
0:08:10 to you in the households that's we
0:08:11 really that's the only way we can do it
0:08:13 however
0:08:14 she's saying no she's trying to impose a
0:08:16 feminist narrative which you should be
0:08:17 opposed to and your father is already
0:08:18 opposed to which she says that she's
0:08:21 trying to uh that men that coming in
0:08:23 from abroad should now be kind of vetted
0:08:26 by told by being told what by being told
0:08:29 that they need to believe in the
0:08:30 egalitarian family system now if that's
0:08:32 the case that's not going to happen with
0:08:34 just muslims that should also happen
0:08:35 with christians with traditional
0:08:37 conservative values and it can happen
0:08:38 with jews as well and if that's the case
0:08:40 now she's ex this is a kind of corrosive
0:08:44 uh
0:08:45 restriction on on human freedom which is
0:08:48 unusual it's a creeping in of
0:08:49 collectivist discourse and it's very
0:08:51 unusual because in other places she
0:08:52 denies that she's a collectivist in
0:08:54 summary therefore i will say that the
0:08:56 thesis is most pathetic
0:08:58 and it's it's it is most
0:09:01 uh rejected it i it cannot be and it has
0:09:04 already been refuted by the way by many
0:09:05 many academics but for example jill
0:09:08 philippovich who's recently written a
0:09:11 comprehensive refutation of this
0:09:13 nonsense that this miserable specimen of
0:09:15 an academic charlatan has written
0:09:17 forward and some reason as being
0:09:20 is being taken seriously by people but
0:09:23 it cannot be taken seriously by people
0:09:25 this is basically let me show you
0:09:26 something and mikayla sensei on the
0:09:27 topic it's basically a rehashing
0:09:30 of
0:09:31 uh it's the rehashing of the jewish
0:09:33 discourses as you can see here the
0:09:36 fascistic juice the jewish problem you
0:09:38 see the white woman there and then the
0:09:39 jewish man can you see this kind of
0:09:40 thing can you see it i'm not sure if you
0:09:41 can see that this is the kind of thing
0:09:43 before uh i'm not sure if you can see
0:09:45 that or not
0:09:46 a little bit closer would probably be
0:09:48 better can you put that a bit closer
0:09:49 please
0:09:50 this is the kind of newspaper article
0:09:52 where the jewish problem the white woman
0:09:54 there's the prize and all the people the
0:09:56 jewish man there bring it back a bit
0:09:57 bring it back
0:09:59 bring it yeah yeah yeah can you see it
0:10:02 wait a
0:10:09 this is before what happened the pogroms
0:10:11 and whatever happened this is the
0:10:12 discourse she's just it's just rehashing
0:10:14 a fascistic discourse and
0:10:17 being academics and clever people we
0:10:20 should you know i'm sure people in the
0:10:22 new conservative movement or the
0:10:23 alt-right whoever is in america and in
0:10:26 the west will be able to see this what
0:10:27 it is it's nonsense it's academically
0:10:30 redundant and it is the most ridiculous
0:10:32 thesis i've ever seen in my life by
0:10:34 someone who has no peer-reviewed work
0:10:37 and should not be taken seriously by
0:10:38 anybody