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*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:20:00

The man in this video talks to a gay sex advisor about how Islam views sex and the risks of transmitting diseases through sexual activity. He points out that some diseases can be transmitted through blood movement or even from other insects. He asks the advisor if he would mind if he asked the man's last name. The advisor politely declines, thanking the man for his time.

00:00:00 <>

  • 00:05:00 <>
  • *00:10:00 Discusses how Islam views sex, and points out that there is a distinction between sex and anal sex. He goes on to say that one of the concerns homosexuals may have is that they are more likely to contract sexually transmitted diseases.
  • 00:15:00 <>
  • 00:20:00 a Muslim man talks to a gay sex advisor about the risks of transmitting diseases through sexual activity. He points out that some diseases can be transmitted through blood movement or even from other insects. He asks the advisor if he would mind if he asked the man's last name. The advisor politely declines, thanking the man for his time.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:11 you're ready
0:00:15 jacket he's going to a crisis you can
0:00:25 change much closer possibly changes
0:00:27 around
0:00:37 you know I questions everything from
0:00:39 Instagram
0:00:43 you're dealing with everything what are
0:00:45 okay let me ask you a question what
0:00:47 other like let's say the most common
0:00:49 problems your ear face as well as to the
0:00:52 issues that you use societal issues that
0:00:54 you keep like I keep coming up say you
0:01:02 know boil it down to the VFD I would say
0:01:04 people are not trusting their instincts
0:01:17 what do you mean by that can you give me
0:01:43 like more like a case study so you're
0:01:44 saying people are maybe they're not
0:01:45 aware or they're not confident in
0:01:47 themselves or what is it exactly they're
0:01:48 being told by multiple sources that what
0:01:50 have been one of our
0:01:58 challenges that people tell us our
0:02:01 supposed to be about sex for our bodies
0:02:04 okay
0:02:07 feel and we quickly believe that at age
0:02:10 3 or 4 or 5 or 15 or 30
0:02:14 and it's hard to shake that so you might
0:02:16 have an instinct like I just want to
0:02:19 masturbate and that might be your thing
0:02:24 you should also be wanting to get
0:02:26 married to this type of person and we
0:02:28 having this type of sex with them and
0:02:30 once a week what spice a week but you
0:02:31 might be thinking I just want to it
0:02:33 whatever maybe you have your own beliefs
0:02:36 about what works for you is pornography
0:02:38 a big theme here in your work because is
0:02:41 it not so people certainly use doesn't
0:02:47 come out and but I think that usually
0:02:49 people have more questions around
0:02:51 interpersonal and Orin is usually not
0:02:56 into personal it born is in some way
0:02:59 interpersonal it's more the
0:03:00 interpersonal reaction where someone's
0:03:01 yeah
0:03:03 coming up against what if I ask you a
0:03:07 question do you find that there's a in
0:03:10 terms of males and females age groups
0:03:12 different demographics who seems to be
0:03:16 like let's say for example tense exhibit
0:03:18 than most insecurities or problems or
0:03:20 comments are there any specific classes
0:03:24 of people that you can say okay these
0:03:25 individuals keep coming up to think
0:03:34 about their sexuality or their gender or
0:03:36 their sexual expression or gender
0:03:38 identity yeah
0:03:43 theyõre we don't have
0:03:45 talking about but they have been dealing
0:03:48 with the front and center and sort of
0:03:49 being balanced
0:03:50 fivesome all around it
0:03:52 so in a lot of ways are people who are
0:03:54 queer or gender non-conforming or
0:03:57 transgender a lot of ways we regularly
0:04:04 challenge from family and other folks in
0:04:07 the world
0:04:09 challenged ourselves but that said I
0:04:13 really feel like one of the
0:04:15 misconceptions is that
0:04:18 different genders are extremely
0:04:19 different
0:04:22 research my stuff so there are tons of
0:04:28 I'm in you know
0:04:33 what kind of things today I mean you
0:04:35 talked about for example homosexual
0:04:37 community right are the challenges faced
0:04:39 by the homosexual community different
0:04:42 from those faced by straight people for
0:04:45 example what kind of challenge what are
0:04:46 the differences similarities in
0:04:47 differences between the two committees
0:04:52 but in other words there is not right so
0:04:55 everyone is dealing not everyone many
0:04:57 people are dealing with the nice thing
0:05:01 is that is that big theme then social me
0:05:04 is that something which I wouldn't even
0:05:06 say no okay as an example of I okay so
0:05:12 people regardless into sexual
0:05:14 orientation yes
0:05:17 you know we're dealing with similar
0:05:18 things sometimes the overal are straight
0:05:21 maybe we are dealing with you know
0:05:23 feeling like they can experiment less
0:05:24 sexually we're
0:05:27 are given in some regards people want
0:05:31 permission around being more exploratory
0:05:34 I was out of thought started to deject I
0:05:36 mean just for a simple biological
0:05:39 perspective that would not be the case
0:05:41 in the sense that obviously a man and a
0:05:43 man can't do as much as a man and a
0:05:45 woman can do I mean just by virtue of
0:05:50 the fact that there's more
0:05:52 I mean there are differentiated entry
0:05:54 point alike it's not right I mean I I'd
0:06:03 see it under present differently
0:06:07 you see it this way yeah you know if
0:06:10 because if sex is more than in this
0:06:13 invention or canal or a penis and anus
0:06:15 or penis and throat or whatever baby
0:06:17 right or because people are sexual and
0:06:22 soon
0:06:23 for example two people looking at the
0:06:26 same computer screen
0:06:28 would you consider that sex if they
0:06:30 masturbate into the same computer screen
0:06:32 if they want to cause sex that's better
0:06:34 okay so how would you define things well
0:06:38 so sex is a complicated word because it
0:06:40 has different meanings in terms of
0:06:43 characteristics okay and then there are
0:06:44 things that people do that are sexual
0:06:46 with each other that people may consider
0:06:48 sex people making solo sex or
0:06:50 masturbation sex I like to really let
0:06:52 people make those
0:06:54 quite possible this yourself you quite
0:06:57 postmodernist i know he you think
0:06:59 outside the box in a sense yeah I liked
0:07:02 it I just noticed that as I said one of
0:07:07 the biggest issues that I see
0:07:09 scripts are some ways to be sexually and
0:07:12 I don't yeah if I
0:07:15 you know suggesting that somebody really
0:07:18 should I mean there must be prominent
0:07:21 that you put in place I mean how would
0:07:23 you feel about be Kelly for example
0:07:25 questions so you'll notice if you study
0:07:28 is really taboo topics right you know
0:07:32 things that we this is a true der in the
0:07:39 u.s. there are some states which allow
0:07:41 this jelly study or even if you just
0:07:50 look at twenty eighteen persistent on
0:07:51 each hand yes
0:07:55 not yet fortunately a lot of people
0:07:59 that were trending towards greater
0:08:01 conscious actions so in that sense you
0:08:04 know one of the
0:08:07 at least his consent
0:08:10 about nonhumans living being
0:08:15 instead of non yeah what's your view on
0:08:17 that well one of the things among others
0:08:20 that we often talk about is
0:08:26 not some
0:08:28 with nonhumans here
0:08:30 [Music]
0:08:35 it does come up and it comes up a lot
0:08:37 does it really so what what kind of
0:08:38 countries does it come up in come that's
0:08:39 quite well I usually might like to not
0:08:41 name certain countries okay about which
0:08:44 countries nope / yeah maybe Neil he
0:08:50 wants to know I mean you know I would
0:08:54 say if we were you know the cameras were
0:08:55 near what not I would but I just like my
0:08:57 I understand you don't incite anything
0:09:00 yeah yeah yeah no no problem
0:09:03 yeah yeah it comes up this is this is
0:09:08 the thing this is the question like for
0:09:12 my paradigm choose do you have a
0:09:15 question because I know it's obvious I'm
0:09:17 a Muslim right I'm a believer of
0:09:19 scripture scripture list if you like
0:09:20 traditionalist and it's not just Muslims
0:09:22 that have parameters that are finally
0:09:25 all very much defined by Scriptures it's
0:09:28 also Christian Jews all sort of
0:09:30 different like you were talking about
0:09:31 kind of I think you applied it in some
0:09:32 of what you were saying so obviously for
0:09:34 us it's a matter of looking at the text
0:09:36 and seeing okay well this is in
0:09:38 accordance with God's will and it isn't
0:09:40 according to protocol so it's very much
0:09:41 divine command theory if you like you
0:09:43 know you believe that the authority goes
0:09:45 to the text and therefore
0:09:46 we act in accordance to it right so it's
0:09:49 much more rigid if you like it's these
0:09:51 are the parameters right you can't go
0:09:53 for for example homosexuality and Islam
0:09:55 is not permissible you know obviously
0:09:58 Judaism in Australia it's not
0:10:00 permissible you can't have sex with
0:10:01 another man or a woman having sex with
0:10:05 another woman in fact
0:10:06 Islam wouldn't define a woman you know a
0:10:10 pleasure in another woman has even sex
0:10:12 frankly right because because we this
0:10:14 there's very key definitions for
0:10:17 instance sex would be seen as either
0:10:20 penetration from a vagina in a Varnado
0:10:23 sense all analysis these two things
0:10:25 would be
0:10:26 as a section Islam that wouldn't be seen
0:10:30 as sex enough would not it's something
0:10:34 extra something else but it's not sex in
0:10:37 the in the in the scripture in a strict
0:10:40 scriptural sense so yeah so from that
0:10:44 perspective we have very strict
0:10:46 guidelines and things like that but it
0:10:49 always but it is a no sex is not allowed
0:10:51 in Islam quite it's considered sex yeah
0:10:54 just sorry thank you for the
0:10:56 clarification it's not allowed whether
0:10:58 it's from man to man or man to woman by
0:11:00 a woman
0:11:02 now lesson won't remember that's not
0:11:04 what's the wrath that's very possible
0:11:05 happens all the time actually it's
0:11:07 actually I'm saying that in a lot of
0:11:10 those sex shops here it's one of the
0:11:12 most common classes that we teach about
0:11:15 golf
0:11:16 so women having anal sex with men
0:11:20 Bhavana t monster it's a bit unusual it
0:11:23 doesn't undermine lesbianism in a sense
0:11:25 right because if a woman is strapping on
0:11:27 sorry to say why she's doing that then
0:11:32 it doesn't that kind of in a sense under
0:11:34 - sexual lesbian at least like because
0:11:36 sexual lesbians do lashes you know kind
0:11:39 of being attracted to the female organs
0:11:42 in a post office even to male sexual
0:11:44 things but if you're if you're trying to
0:11:46 emulate no sexual organs and it would
0:11:48 kind of in price on how that you're
0:11:50 sexually attracted to them so maybe that
0:11:52 women that do that shouldn't they be
0:11:54 accused of some kind of bisexual that
0:11:56 way refusing it is it not it's not
0:11:58 viewable into available
0:12:09 I've been somewhere that the shape of a
0:12:11 penis there's a lot of you know I think
0:12:17 maybe assumptions and it built into that
0:12:19 and so what's your view on here's the
0:12:22 thing right anus has a gang of nerve
0:12:25 endings okay and so the [ __ ] me off
0:12:30 right the anus is a sensitive area
0:12:37 other people breaking so whether good
0:12:40 so another partner a partner who's male
0:12:45 transgender a person it's a partner who
0:12:47 they can't see and they don't know it's
0:12:49 a severe and woman are transgender
0:12:51 person stimulating my anus their anus
0:12:55 you can also question and this is
0:12:58 because I was looking at some reports
0:13:00 you useful for the UN is no so I was
0:13:03 looking at some report from the World
0:13:04 Health Organization and also we've got
0:13:07 in the UK cuz I'm from the UK probably
0:13:08 together Maxim right we've got some
0:13:11 reports written by the NHS acceptor and
0:13:14 what seems to be a common thing that is
0:13:16 said and we're not saying that
0:13:18 correlation equals causation any of that
0:13:19 but we're saying that one thing which is
0:13:21 commonly said about homosexuals they
0:13:23 they have a higher propensity to
0:13:27 sexually transmitted diseases in fact
0:13:29 there's some like the wh old since it's
0:13:31 like 13 times more likely to contract
0:13:33 aid 13 times more likely to contract
0:13:35 gonorrhea or whatever it may be right so
0:13:39 I guess what I'm asking is if we're if
0:13:42 we're doing the social analysis here of
0:13:44 of homosexual type sex or anal sex not
0:13:49 even just a man and a man to be a man a
0:13:50 woman even if we don't you know sex or
0:13:55 I'm calling I'm calling an anal sex for
0:13:58 now yeah but also specifically because
0:14:00 all statistics are specified from
0:14:02 sexuals right ok so those 2 to 6 times
0:14:06 just McCrory there's not about anal sex
0:14:08 about homosexuals yeah so could there be
0:14:11 a case that homosexual sex if we're
0:14:15 looking at a kind of an aggregate of
0:14:16 social pros and cons could be more
0:14:21 harmful than is producer but he just
0:14:36 won't face any sex this point of
0:14:38 homosexuals having more likelihood of
0:14:40 you see contracting those diseases is
0:14:44 that is that concern for it within
0:14:46 homosexual circles or
0:14:53 so yes I think that one of the things
0:14:55 that would be beneficial is to just
0:14:58 broaden our understanding of sex so
0:15:01 there's
0:15:01 hey sex is not homosexual sex there are
0:15:05 people who get together and do things
0:15:07 with their bodies that may
0:15:10 so there's not one type of
0:15:14 it's just people just proteins with
0:15:16 their bodies I feel good or that maybe
0:15:18 build
0:15:20 right
0:15:23 I guess your question is is when things
0:15:27 happen to certain communities are they
0:15:28 concerning
0:15:30 yeah I mean let's be frank I mean all
0:15:33 communities have to be somewhat
0:15:34 introspective right in the sense that
0:15:37 for example if there are diseases
0:15:40 related to certain race groups I don't
0:15:42 think it's racist to kind of clarify
0:15:44 that for example sub-saharan Africa we
0:15:46 have there's more likelihood of there
0:15:48 being AIDS it's not I'm not saying it's
0:15:49 for racial reason but when we start to
0:15:52 kind of look at these things objectively
0:15:54 scientifically if you like right you
0:15:56 know science can be very useful in these
0:15:58 things right all I'm asking is that if
0:16:01 if there is a spread of disease which is
0:16:03 exacerbated in a certain community
0:16:05 doesn't it make sense to question the
0:16:08 reasoning for that disease yeah so so
0:16:11 from that perspective going back to
0:16:13 because I think the paradigm you're
0:16:14 working from is so long as it feels good
0:16:15 it's it's okay it's permissible so long
0:16:22 as this consent and it feels good I mean
0:16:23 no one's maybe harming each other
0:16:25 ya know rape or anything like that right
0:16:28 so if that's kind of like a liberal
0:16:30 opposition
0:16:33 why not
0:16:40 yeah I would I would consider a liberal
0:16:42 only because it conforms to
0:16:44 philosophical liberalism right so yeah
0:16:46 so in the sense that you know you can do
0:16:48 everyone so long as you don't harm
0:16:49 anyone else right so but here what
0:16:52 Antoine ask me more specifically is if
0:16:54 we can identify a social harm ha yeah a
0:17:00 social harm which might not be direct
0:17:02 what might be indirect right I might be
0:17:07 identified when looking at a broad scale
0:17:11 kind of time period so isn't it isn't it
0:17:17 important for us to kind of question the
0:17:19 reasons why this is happening in a
0:17:25 nutshell if we know that the spread of
0:17:28 diseases is exacerbated yes
0:17:31 if the certain kind of sexual experiment
0:17:33 is done between men and men anal sex
0:17:37 shouldn't be questioned having sex in
0:17:40 this way
0:17:46 okay let me put it this way what are you
0:17:50 trying to convince me of that or use do
0:17:52 you want to do you want to know my
0:17:54 opinion what's what are you I think it's
0:17:58 a little bit more into baiting I'm just
0:18:00 trying to see usually people sit down
0:18:02 and never questions about someone
0:18:03 they're dating or whatever it is
0:18:06 yes yes I know but I'm trying to make
0:18:08 I'm trying to understand seems like
0:18:10 you're trying to put him in a corner
0:18:11 that's my impression yeah it's true
0:18:15 because that's what you're doing you're
0:18:16 kind of interrogating him you don't have
0:18:18 a specific question I'm fine I will say
0:18:27 this though let's make this your last
0:18:29 push it because I'm going to here to a
0:18:30 five and I like to see a lot of people
0:18:31 so no problem yeah yeah but your last
0:18:34 person yeah so what one wonking eyes
0:18:37 this drug if you deal with person visit
0:18:42 a question or a statement let's start
0:18:43 there question okay my question is
0:18:47 simply
0:18:49 if we can identify that X practice
0:18:54 whoever that practice may be is causing
0:18:58 is having an effect on society which
0:19:03 might be detrimental
0:19:07 shouldn't we question banks practice
0:19:09 sure so you're saying like if men great
0:19:12 women all the time which happens all the
0:19:14 time you're saying simply question men
0:19:17 living
0:19:17 I don't think anyone questions that I
0:19:19 think everyone knows that I think that's
0:19:21 a university accepted at 1-over you're
0:19:23 saying if most people accept up that's a
0:19:26 long thing okay so you're you're so the
0:19:30 question is that people idea has to same
0:19:32 when you just ask
0:19:32 [Music]
0:19:34 let me give an example right you know
0:19:36 you know you know in the UK right you
0:19:39 know smoking cigarettes I don't know
0:19:41 what the rules are here but inside this
0:19:42 is quite a law I don't know if it exists
0:19:44 in this country or not
0:19:45 passive smoke so for example am I going
0:19:47 to the fair we can't smoke in this
0:19:49 inside are you caught in the park isn't
0:19:50 really oh that's interesting
0:19:52 no flash you can smoke outside but you
0:19:54 can't smoke inside yeah so if you go
0:19:56 into a restaurant like Starbucks you
0:19:57 can't smoke inside the thing and the
0:19:59 rationale behind that is well if you do
0:20:01 if you smoke and driving someone else
0:20:03 but when you're having sex
0:20:04 someone is deciding if I have sex with
0:20:07 someone walking by that's me deciding to
0:20:09 have sex with no no no yeah but what I'm
0:20:11 saying is this this is the imagine want
0:20:13 to draw we've specially transmitted
0:20:15 diseases not all of them are transmitted
0:20:17 through sex right it can be through
0:20:23 blood movement or even even gonorrhea or
0:20:27 syphilis a lot of them can be
0:20:28 transferred transferred from other than
0:20:30 sex you can transfer their yeah from so
0:20:33 for example a mother can transfer a in
0:20:35 an area syphilis or many of those
0:20:39 diseases
0:20:40 oh what's that one you got cosa yeah
0:20:43 that's perfect right so that can be
0:20:45 trying that can be transmitted from oven
0:20:48 and sexy sure I'm giving you I'm not
0:20:51 sure I'm not I'm not an expert at this
0:20:52 you are right but let's take aids is an
0:20:55 example yeah it can definitely be
0:20:57 transmitted by okay
0:21:00 is that your I just I just in terms of
0:21:02 time I want you to ask your last for
0:21:04 some really yeah yeah I'm with you on
0:21:06 that box you see what I'm saying yeah
0:21:09 if aids can be transmitted from other
0:21:11 insects yeah yeah I say for example we
0:21:13 can identify that a homosexual sex and
0:21:16 creates more a it may not actual sex is
0:21:20 not three mornings but I really
0:21:22 appreciate it and I know that's true
0:21:23 just in terms of time
0:21:26 can I ask him to well she just real
0:21:28 quickly yeah will you mind but thank you
0:21:34 for your time Mike thank you thank you
0:21:35 yes or no answers