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Principle of Sufficient Reason and the Infinite Regress 1 (2022-07-22)


Study Circles of Professor Dr. Muhammad AL-MASSARI حلقات ودروس الشيخ الدكتور محمد بن عبدالله المسعري Principle of Sufficient Reason and the Infinite Regress 1

Summary of Principle of Sufficient Reason and the Infinite Regress 1

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


discusses the principle of sufficient reason and its implications for reality and our understanding of it. The principle states that there must be a reason for everything, and that this reason can be either self-evident or impossible to explain. goes on to discuss the various ways in which this principle can be applied, as well as its limitations.

00:00:00 The principle of sufficient reason states that reality conforms to what we perceive it to be, based on our immediate experience. Philosophers usually work in an abstract way, generalizing concepts based on reality, and then cautiously applying them to more fundamental matters.

  • 00:05:00 The principle of sufficient reason is a principle that states there must be a sufficient reason for every fact. It has been attacked on many grounds, but Professor Alexander Pros offers a two-point defense. First, the principle can be applied to self-evident statements, and secondly, it can be shown that it is false and contradictory.
  • 00:10:00 The principle of sufficient reason states that every fact must have a sufficient explanation, which is separate from the fact itself. This principle has been overlooked because people were in a hurry when they started using it. The example given is the principle of free will, which is paradoxical because it appears that some things are impossible for a person to do, but they are in reality possible. The principle of sufficient reason can be applied to reality and the universe.
  • 00:15:00 Discusses the principle of sufficient reason and its relation to quantum mechanics and determinism. Einstein and other physicists were struggling with this issue, and eventually came to the conclusion that determinism is not related to our lack of knowledge, but is rather a fundamental part of reality. then goes on to discuss the "mystic hypothesis," which is based on an experience or feeling rather than logical reasoning. While this hypothesis is not irrational, it is still based on a spiritual experience rather than pure logic.
  • 00:20:00 The principle of sufficient reason states that some phenomena are possible but without an explanation. The principle applies to both reality and imagination. It is impossible for the infinite mind to visualize the fourth type of possibility, which is that something is impossible to exist.
  • 00:25:00 The principle of sufficient reason is a principle that states that there must be a reason for something to exist, and that reason must be either self-evident or impossible to explain. It is often used to exclude self-explanatory statements, facts, or events from the realm of possibility. The principle can also be used to exclude things from the realm of reality, as in the case of time.
  • 00:30:00 The principle of sufficient reason states that, given a set of facts, one can logically deduce that one of the facts is true, or that a statement is a disjunction of two facts. This principle is used in both the philosophical and Islamic traditions to analyze eyewitness reports and determine the truth of an event.
  • 00:35:00 The principle of sufficient reason states that explanations of complex phenomena must be based on observable evidence. The principle of multiple corroborating eyewitness reports supports the belief that a battle was fought, and was won, by Napoleon.
  • 00:40:00 The principle of sufficient reason states that there must be a sufficient explanation for any phenomenon, and that each explanation must be based on previous explanations. The four modes of explanation mentioned in the video are the logical explanation, the immediate perception, the reductive explanation, and the causal explanation. Each of these explanations must be based on previous explanations in order to be valid. It is important to note that explanations may need additional explanations, and that it is possible to go " regress " in trying to understand a phenomenon.
  • 00:45:00 The principle of sufficient reason is a principle that states that everything that can be explained must be explained using existing knowledge. This principle is often used to exclude things that are impossible to explain, such as voluntary acts or voluntary illnesses. However, some thinkers claim that the principle of sufficient reason is also used to exclude things that are seemingly impossible, such as the reality of free will.
  • 00:50:00 The principle of sufficient reason states that there is a reason for everything, and that we can understand it by looking in ourselves and analyzing our own existence. The second principle, the principle of contradiction, states that two things cannot be simultaneously true. The third principle, the principle of non-contradiction, states that two things cannot be simultaneously false. The fourth principle, the principle of parsimony, states that the simplest explanation is usually the best explanation. Finally, the principle of cognitive orgasm states that it is not possible for one human being to fully understand all of these principles.
  • 00:55:00 The theory of a matrix is a failed explanation of reality, according to the author. Mathematics is a language of the mind, and if people do not study it, they will not be able to understand it. Most teachers are not skilled mathematicians, and this results in students not enjoying mathematics.


explains the principle of sufficient reason and how it leads to the principle of convergence. uses the example of a sequence of numbers to illustrate how the two principles work together to produce a result.

01:00:00 The Principle of Sufficient Reason states that a sequence must converge to an upper limit. The Principle of Convergence states that, based on neighborhoods, a sequence will converge to a certain point.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 Music
0:00:20 good evening morning everyone salaam
0:00:22 alaikum for all our
0:00:24 muslim audience
0:00:26 uh today we're gonna discard discuss the
0:00:29 principle of sufficient reason we're
0:00:31 going to have
0:00:32 an introduction
0:00:35 and then we're going to
0:00:37 discuss
0:00:38 what it is the definition of it of it
0:00:41 and the arguments against it
0:00:43 and some modified approach to
0:00:46 psr uh
0:00:48 principle of sufficient reason it's
0:00:50 gonna be for two hours
0:00:52 we're gonna have a break in the middle
0:00:54 after one hour
0:00:57 and hope you can all enjoy this and
0:00:59 learn something and please
0:01:02 raise your hand if you have
0:01:04 anything to add
0:01:06 within this
0:01:07 topic
0:01:09 so i would ask professor muhammad
0:01:13 welcome first and we start with a
0:01:15 definition of
0:01:18 the principle of sufficient treason
0:01:20 please professor
0:01:30 Music
0:01:32 which was one of the most important
0:01:34 professor your voice is not very good
0:01:36 it's a little bit echoey
0:01:38 there's some echo we're trying to
0:01:40 improve it let's see if this is better
0:01:42 now
0:01:43 try speaking again
0:01:45 how is it now better
0:01:48 a bit yeah a bit yeah let me try to use
0:01:51 maybe the feedback here let me see you
0:01:54 and say yeah there's some background
0:01:55 noises that's it
0:02:01 how is it now
0:02:04 yeah omar can you hear it
0:02:07 well is is it good how is it now better
0:02:10 yeah now it's better yeah
0:02:13 okay
0:02:18 the principle of sufficient reason is
0:02:21 is ancient actually although the
0:02:22 formulation as such
0:02:24 uh
0:02:25 the modern foreign malaysia such as the
0:02:27 modern formulation it goes back to
0:02:30 uh leibniz and
0:02:32 spinoza
0:02:33 but it's ancient since the time of a
0:02:35 restaurant and so on
0:02:36 and uh and it is uh in a matter of
0:02:39 what's happening around us in the
0:02:41 universe seems to be derived from people
0:02:43 immediate experience
0:02:44 of the reality
0:02:46 and um
0:02:47 and the philosopher have discussed uh
0:02:50 is it is it a principle of the mind
0:02:54 with which we use to understand what's
0:02:57 going on in the universe or it is uh
0:03:00 deducted extracted from the reality and
0:03:03 generalized
0:03:05 this maybe so from epistemological point
0:03:07 of view may be interesting
0:03:09 but uh whatever it may be clearly in the
0:03:12 reality we see
0:03:14 we can see that the reality comply with
0:03:17 that in some sense on the line
0:03:19 and um
0:03:20 especially in sciences as well we'll go
0:03:22 through that more into the
0:03:25 details
0:03:26 but philosophers i usually tend to
0:03:30 to
0:03:31 generalize and try to formulate it in an
0:03:33 abstract way and work in a deductive way
0:03:36 which is having its own pitfalls because
0:03:38 i think we have to
0:03:40 use in
0:03:41 going to fundamental issues like
0:03:43 existence
0:03:45 free will
0:03:46 time space
0:03:48 such genocide as sufficient reason we
0:03:51 have to go obviously to
0:03:53 any deductive inductive approach
0:03:56 the inductive approach start with with
0:03:58 with
0:03:59 actually the program started with
0:04:00 descartes the cartesian program start
0:04:02 with
0:04:03 kogitu ergosum
0:04:05 i think or i perceive actually cookie 2
0:04:07 is more like
0:04:09 we haven't we don't have an english
0:04:10 where a web like cognos we have
0:04:13 recognized what we have cognized
0:04:15 cogito is like cognized i perceive or
0:04:17 like
0:04:18 i acknowledge or i it's not the i think
0:04:21 but it's more but usually
0:04:23 i think therefore i i perceive my
0:04:26 thinking i perceive myself
0:04:28 so it is more reasonable
0:04:31 in latin than in english with the usual
0:04:33 translation
0:04:35 so i perceive i receive my own existence
0:04:37 immediately by immediate perception
0:04:39 that's the meaning of vitrion the exact
0:04:41 meaning starting from that the program
0:04:43 should have been going should have been
0:04:45 going slow bit by bit step by step
0:04:48 extracting fundamental concepts from the
0:04:51 reality and
0:04:52 and
0:04:54 and
0:04:56 the driving principles and then
0:04:59 very cautiously are generalizing them
0:05:01 but unfortunately human beings are
0:05:04 always in a hurry the quran says uh
0:05:07 the man has been created for mahari
0:05:09 obviously this is a metaphorical as if
0:05:11 harry or acceleration is substance it's
0:05:14 not
0:05:14 meaning this is so close to him so that
0:05:17 like if we say that humans have been
0:05:19 created from from dust that's the
0:05:21 original material unless the original
0:05:24 character is harry is being in a hurry
0:05:26 they they don't have patience they don't
0:05:28 they don't do things step by step as it
0:05:30 should be with a result that we find for
0:05:32 example spinoza who's a student of the
0:05:35 cart
0:05:36 jumps to a generally general general
0:05:38 formulation of the principle of
0:05:40 sufficient region which maybe have been
0:05:41 originally deduced
0:05:43 subconsciously and bits and pieces he
0:05:45 has scattered from the physical reality
0:05:49 uh general formation is the following
0:05:51 which has its own pitfalls by the way i
0:05:53 gave
0:05:54 i gave lax
0:05:55 a list of um
0:05:57 of
0:05:59 actually pdfs already available for the
0:06:01 long run for
0:06:03 already downloaded and already printed
0:06:05 out and form a pdf and my suggestion is
0:06:08 that if you want to get more
0:06:10 familiar with the with the principle
0:06:13 then the best maybe is to start with the
0:06:15 stanford extrapedia
0:06:17 they have a chapter about the principle
0:06:19 of sufficient reason and the pdf is
0:06:21 available you can have it
0:06:23 i will
0:06:25 the professor here on the page so
0:06:26 everyone can see it
0:06:28 okay so tell the people who have to find
0:06:30 it and download it and the second way to
0:06:32 be read is uh is an article from uh
0:06:35 alexander ar pros
0:06:38 uh it says a restricted principle of
0:06:41 sufficient reason and the cosmological
0:06:43 argument
0:06:45 because there have been many objections
0:06:47 and
0:06:49 re-evaluation of the principle now the
0:06:51 principle in this general form of
0:06:52 formulation can be formulated in several
0:06:55 ways one of them
0:06:57 says for every fact f
0:07:00 there must be a sufficient reason why if
0:07:03 is the case why f is valid why is this
0:07:05 true
0:07:07 uh while uh in the scripperia and
0:07:10 elsewhere it is stressed that fact f
0:07:13 does not mean the effect of the external
0:07:15 reality it can be maybe or something
0:07:18 related to ontological existence it may
0:07:20 be something else maybe a logical
0:07:22 statement maybe something like else so
0:07:24 it's more general but it applies
0:07:26 obviously for neurophonological issues
0:07:28 as a special case
0:07:30 uh
0:07:31 some people may may prefer to formalize
0:07:33 it differently by using general x that
0:07:35 is the x and y and for all and
0:07:38 the
0:07:39 the usual
0:07:41 the usual expression in mathematics
0:07:43 so so another formation for every
0:07:46 proposition or statement x
0:07:49 there is a proposition or a statement y
0:07:51 such that y is a sufficient reason or
0:07:54 explanation
0:07:55 for for
0:07:57 the given x or formally using the usual
0:08:00 quantus all and exist etc and the word
0:08:04 symbol for relation r
0:08:06 uh but this is has to be seen and
0:08:08 writing and this is uh available in the
0:08:10 standard
0:08:11 yeah
0:08:12 now this has been attacked from early
0:08:15 times
0:08:16 on many grounds
0:08:17 and it is no wonder because as they said
0:08:20 fellows over spinoza for example the one
0:08:23 who was started really for morale
0:08:24 formulating it and making it so
0:08:27 universal that's even even a statement
0:08:29 that something exists or something does
0:08:31 not exist both statement need to be
0:08:33 justified
0:08:35 in such a generality it's like if you
0:08:37 are fishing near to uh
0:08:40 near to a coral reef
0:08:42 and you spread your your net very wide
0:08:44 then you are bound to get the net stuck
0:08:47 inside one of the reefs and you get torn
0:08:49 and destroyed
0:08:50 you have to stretch it quite narrow so
0:08:53 that you don't face any trouble and this
0:08:55 is exactly what has happened to spinoza
0:08:57 and lathe of aliveness when they
0:08:58 formulated it's quite loose and generic
0:09:02 first of all the first one is that it
0:09:03 cannot be applied to every statement
0:09:05 because
0:09:07 there are statements where self-evident
0:09:09 or self-explanatory standard example you
0:09:11 know was on the example
0:09:13 that
0:09:15 the
0:09:16 the
0:09:17 the the
0:09:18 square circle
0:09:20 does not exist
0:09:22 this is a statement
0:09:24 and this is self-evident you don't need
0:09:26 any explanation without it's explained
0:09:27 by just analyzing analytically by
0:09:30 analyzing the the concepts and the words
0:09:33 using it to recognize immediately that
0:09:35 it is impossible cannot exist so this is
0:09:38 does not need the justification outside
0:09:40 itself so there's a first exemption so
0:09:42 this type of statements are not should
0:09:44 not be uh requiring uh uh because they
0:09:47 are self-impressed excellently but the
0:09:49 principle as well in in its general
0:09:51 formulation it does does include these
0:09:54 and hence it can be shown that it is con
0:09:56 it is false and contradictory secondly
0:10:00 professor that it does not contain
0:10:03 within itself so you you want something
0:10:05 external to prove
0:10:07 because for the example of the square
0:10:09 circle
0:10:11 the general formulation of the principle
0:10:13 says that every fact if there must be a
0:10:16 sufficient reason why f is the case
0:10:19 sufficient is supposed to be something
0:10:20 separate from the fact itself ah it
0:10:22 cannot be asked itself
0:10:25 cannot be itself by the definition there
0:10:27 must be a sufficiently like that
0:10:29 if you do that
0:10:32 for the formulation the formation has to
0:10:34 exclude facts which are not self-evident
0:10:37 but there's another type of of uh
0:10:40 in
0:10:40 in
0:10:42 another category of possibilities so we
0:10:44 have the possibility of facts which are
0:10:46 and and statements and proposition or
0:10:49 are self-evident are or self-explanatory
0:10:52 they must be excluded from the principle
0:10:54 we don't need to search for that for
0:10:56 evidence for them because they are
0:10:57 self-explanatory evidence secondly
0:11:00 there's another thyroid literally a
0:11:01 strange type which at first sight appear
0:11:04 to be impossible
0:11:06 uh it doesn't exist in reality it exists
0:11:08 that there are there are
0:11:11 statements
0:11:12 and and
0:11:14 and and facts
0:11:16 which are impossible to explain
0:11:19 now this sounds like quite offensive and
0:11:22 uh unexp unexpected but this uh the
0:11:24 reason that this have been overlooked
0:11:26 also in the general statement of the of
0:11:28 the
0:11:29 uh of
0:11:30 others
0:11:31 of the principle of sufficient reason is
0:11:33 that their people were in a hurry when
0:11:36 when they started with cogito ergosome
0:11:39 and etc and we asserted with with
0:11:41 certitude our own existence and they
0:11:44 were due to immediate
0:11:46 uh internal or stable time attendance
0:11:49 perception we do not continue looking at
0:11:51 the existing what appears to be an
0:11:53 existing reality and analyze what that
0:11:56 is let me analyze that a little bit and
0:11:58 i will
0:11:59 show you example which
0:12:01 appears to be impossible to explain i
0:12:04 had no explanatory uh
0:12:06 no way to explain it seems to be
0:12:09 although it is in itself not impossible
0:12:11 but no explanation appear to be possible
0:12:13 appears at least for the moment
0:12:16 uh let me give that example first and
0:12:18 then we go back and try to develop from
0:12:21 cognitive orgasm some few fundamental
0:12:23 concepts which will make will make us
0:12:26 restrict the principle correctly and
0:12:29 also where it can be applied and proven
0:12:31 to be a valuable principle of reason and
0:12:34 principle of reality and then we go then
0:12:36 later to the cosmological argument and
0:12:38 infinite yes but it needs a bit of
0:12:40 length here the example for that is the
0:12:42 free will
0:12:44 acts of revival
0:12:46 that's there or voluntary acts are
0:12:47 defined that acts which
0:12:50 the actor
0:12:52 performed but he could have
0:12:54 decided not to perform them
0:12:58 so they are not they are not uh
0:13:01 they are not involuntary so very good
0:13:03 but the definition is clear and we
0:13:05 perceive that we have free certain
0:13:07 freehands even internally you could you
0:13:09 could decide in your mind now i'm going
0:13:12 to analyze this problem close my eyes i
0:13:14 think about this problem and analyze it
0:13:15 say okay no no let me postpone it for
0:13:17 tomorrow or i have decided that i could
0:13:19 have decided otherwise so even
0:13:22 internally we can recognize that we have
0:13:24 the freedom even analyzing and
0:13:25 considering a problem or postponing it
0:13:27 now leave let me leave that problem let
0:13:30 me think about the other problem first
0:13:32 but they could have decided otherwise
0:13:33 and we perceive that
0:13:35 by necessity of internal perception so
0:13:38 some something like that exist
0:13:40 this this this voluntary acts i perceive
0:13:42 them and they can't perform them
0:13:45 the question someone may argue that this
0:13:47 may be we are deceived there we are this
0:13:49 is the illusion but this is a claim
0:13:52 there's a claim it has has to be proven
0:13:54 the middle perception
0:13:58 showed me that i have this freedom
0:14:00 and they will i can define it and can
0:14:02 give us the definition that it is an
0:14:04 illusion
0:14:05 must must be justified that's the claim
0:14:08 counter to the immediate and evidence
0:14:11 exactly like someone said you don't
0:14:12 exist your perception with existence is
0:14:14 nonsensical for example then say no it's
0:14:17 not possible because i perceive that it
0:14:19 is and your claim is is is
0:14:21 is just refuted yourself by my own
0:14:24 perception the same here but even if we
0:14:27 as
0:14:28 if we if we accept the claim that such a
0:14:32 uh voluntary acts or that the the
0:14:34 feeling that we have this freedom of
0:14:36 action
0:14:37 in a limited way but the freedom of the
0:14:38 genuine reduction that i the certain
0:14:41 actions i have done i could have
0:14:43 otherwise i could have
0:14:44 abstain from doing them
0:14:47 this seems to be perplexing
0:14:50 and because it does not fit with the
0:14:51 usual mechanical causality with the
0:14:54 logical explanation within other things
0:14:56 it is it looks like it has come
0:14:59 out of nowhere
0:15:01 the same apply with quantum and
0:15:03 determinism under the reason obviously
0:15:05 einstein and many physicists were quite
0:15:07 where were
0:15:09 were struggling with that and they have
0:15:10 all kinds of of a so-called thought
0:15:14 experiment to show that it's impossible
0:15:16 or uh
0:15:17 expression like that that that uh
0:15:20 einstein's saying i cannot believe that
0:15:22 god is playing dices because he
0:15:24 regathers a die playing dies and all of
0:15:26 these things but it but it doesn't
0:15:29 it doesn't refuse the reality that
0:15:31 ultimately there is on the quantum level
0:15:34 certain in in determining a certain
0:15:37 determinism which has been proven also
0:15:39 experimentally by
0:15:41 analyzing the the certain experiments uh
0:15:45 that
0:15:46 that the indeterminism is is not due to
0:15:48 our
0:15:49 lack of knowledge of what's going on
0:15:51 this would produce set a result if it's
0:15:53 a lack of knowledge if the principal
0:15:55 statistics are applied to that
0:15:56 principles this is applied
0:15:58 to to events and
0:16:01 come to statistical
0:16:03 solution
0:16:05 based on the fact that our knowledge is
0:16:06 limited about the older prevailing
0:16:08 condition which
0:16:10 bring this result forward
0:16:12 but quantum determinism is not is not
0:16:15 related to our
0:16:17 lack of knowledge and it's really it is
0:16:20 very well possible by analyzing these
0:16:22 two uh two to the options of examination
0:16:25 is to drive an equality called bell
0:16:26 inequality
0:16:28 the ones who are involved with that area
0:16:30 and work to the foundational quantum
0:16:31 mechanics may be aware of that and the
0:16:33 bill in quality can really verified by
0:16:36 experiments which became feasible after
0:16:39 we have
0:16:40 developed lasers and
0:16:42 high
0:16:43 highly sophisticated methods of
0:16:45 measurements
0:16:46 and these these have come much later
0:16:48 after
0:16:49 einstein death so he did not get the
0:16:50 opportunity to see really that
0:16:53 experiment that the real world dictates
0:16:55 this in determinism which is not
0:16:57 strategical not because our lack of our
0:16:59 knowledge but is genuinely and
0:17:00 fundamentally there
0:17:03 uh
0:17:04 so this is what this i would say i would
0:17:07 i would classify as impossible
0:17:09 to to explain
0:17:12 let me draw some speculation but before
0:17:14 we continue with the with uh with uh
0:17:16 with a program over there they cut the
0:17:18 cartesian program of continue with the
0:17:20 cogito ergosome and then the proper
0:17:22 direction
0:17:24 uh as it should have been slow and step
0:17:26 by step before accelerating to uh to
0:17:29 formulate social principles which are
0:17:31 then attacked on various grounds validly
0:17:34 valid attack
0:17:36 i have i i would i i would
0:17:39 put forward the so-called a mystic
0:17:40 hypothesis mistake because it's not
0:17:42 really a metaphysical directly it is
0:17:44 it's based on some kind of a spiritual
0:17:46 experience rather than but it does not
0:17:49 mean that it's irrational
0:17:50 yes it's more of like like the mystic
0:17:53 experience of the existence of god
0:17:56 it's not does not mean this is this
0:17:57 mystic experience is irrational but it
0:17:59 is experiences on another level than the
0:18:02 usual deductive and in an inductive
0:18:05 discourse of of philosophy and
0:18:06 mathematics and so on and sciences
0:18:09 is that to postulate
0:18:11 that
0:18:13 there is an
0:18:14 ultimate mind or infinite mind who has
0:18:18 absolute and unrestricted freedom divine
0:18:20 freedom
0:18:21 let's call it the divine entity
0:18:24 and
0:18:25 our mind
0:18:27 as i mentioned in various discussion
0:18:28 before what is it is metaphorically is
0:18:31 like the called the the projection of
0:18:33 the infinite to the finite if you
0:18:35 project infinite to the finite you have
0:18:37 essential changes but
0:18:40 a shadow at least of the infinite on the
0:18:42 finite will have considerable
0:18:44 restrictions but it may be still a valid
0:18:47 and capable reason and this is a
0:18:49 restricted freedom but it's essentially
0:18:51 still a freedom of of you in that level
0:18:54 of the finite mind we are unable
0:18:57 to find any uh it's a
0:19:00 impossible for a fine a finite mind to
0:19:02 find the explanation for these voluntary
0:19:04 acts and uh and
0:19:06 the quantum media the
0:19:08 in determinism but for the infinite mind
0:19:11 it is
0:19:13 for it it is not only uh
0:19:16 explainable it is self-evident is as
0:19:18 self-evident as the the impossibility of
0:19:21 the of the square circle but that's this
0:19:24 is a mystic hypothesis based on the
0:19:27 feeling what an infringement would have
0:19:29 been that is for the infinite mind
0:19:32 self-evident it belongs to the
0:19:33 self-evident and self-explanatory class
0:19:37 but this is a hypothesis pure hypothesis
0:19:40 now
0:19:42 in most philosophical discourse there
0:19:44 may be discussion about the free will is
0:19:46 a genuine is it the illusion what what
0:19:49 how to understand and so on but it has
0:19:51 been never discussed in in the matter of
0:19:54 the principle of sufficient reason and
0:19:56 uh it's it's important in explaining the
0:19:59 reality of the universe around us it has
0:20:01 never been taken into consideration
0:20:04 consistent consistently
0:20:07 so that must be this type of things
0:20:09 which are impossible to explain and the
0:20:12 only thing which i can visualize and
0:20:14 find anywhere in the surrounding
0:20:15 universe of the woman my personal
0:20:18 experience and the experience
0:20:20 or humanity over the thousands of years
0:20:22 of developments which we have or records
0:20:24 and definitely tens of thousands
0:20:26 hundreds of thousands of years of
0:20:28 experience which we don't have record
0:20:30 but we have its traces in the language
0:20:32 and the human
0:20:33 accumulated human experiences and
0:20:36 arts and and
0:20:37 and skills
0:20:40 i don't find anything which is
0:20:43 which they resist any explanation at all
0:20:46 except these two things uh actually they
0:20:48 have everyone free well that's since
0:20:50 ancient time is perplexing and resisting
0:20:53 an explanation and the quantum and
0:20:55 determinism which have been detected
0:20:57 very recently by something like like 70
0:21:00 80 years
0:21:01 and was was uh
0:21:03 gave rise to never-ending number of a
0:21:05 attempt to er to reinterpret quantum
0:21:08 mechanics we have the
0:21:10 many world interpretation which seems to
0:21:12 be consistent and it has
0:21:14 we can philosophically integrated and
0:21:16 connect connecting it to the divine
0:21:18 knowledge we have another interpretation
0:21:20 called the hidden parameter
0:21:21 interpretation in which we have a hidden
0:21:23 parameter which can communicate with
0:21:26 infinite speed
0:21:28 now think what this infinite speed
0:21:29 hidden parameter would let me
0:21:31 it seems to be some some kind of
0:21:33 mathematical representation of divine
0:21:35 knowledge that's the only thing which
0:21:37 can be conceived because there's nothing
0:21:39 in the physical universe appear to be
0:21:40 like that so it's something that's
0:21:42 another interpretation there are various
0:21:44 interpretations of quantum mechanics
0:21:46 which try to
0:21:48 deal with with the problem with
0:21:49 determinism
0:21:51 and all of them end also having a
0:21:53 problem with with time with that time is
0:21:55 relative and with a problem with the
0:21:57 relative theory and then undermining the
0:21:59 locality and the relativity or the the
0:22:02 relativism of the relativity theory and
0:22:04 dictating that we have to
0:22:07 step behind the to your theory of
0:22:09 relativity but i will come to that a
0:22:11 little bit later so that's what we see
0:22:13 this category
0:22:15 i claim it is impossible to explain
0:22:17 somebody say they're unexcellent
0:22:19 without raising the word impossible but
0:22:21 i think for the finite night is
0:22:23 impossible for the infinite mind
0:22:24 according to mystic hypothesis it is
0:22:27 self-evident for the infinite mind but
0:22:29 there's no way we can
0:22:31 visualize that because no our mind can
0:22:33 never be an infinite mind an infinite
0:22:35 mind will never be able even it is
0:22:38 beyond even the power of the implement
0:22:40 to to project that because it meaning
0:22:42 that that uh
0:22:44 that the finite the the
0:22:46 the infinite can be fi can be can be
0:22:49 turned into finite which is impossible
0:22:51 it's not even as
0:22:52 accessible to divine power divine power
0:22:55 is only a can access only the contingent
0:22:57 and possible things not the impossible
0:22:59 things
0:23:00 so that's that's that's a
0:23:02 second part which had to be excluded
0:23:04 from from the formal definition of the
0:23:06 of
0:23:10 sufficient reason
0:23:11 and the the third the the third one
0:23:13 which is uh which is uh
0:23:16 where the the things which are explained
0:23:18 already and that's clear that
0:23:21 principle applies to that and there is
0:23:23 another category
0:23:25 of possibilities which we have to
0:23:27 mention and then that where that
0:23:29 category if it is if it exists or does
0:23:31 exist that's where the principle
0:23:33 surfaces applies
0:23:34 that's the the the the the the statement
0:23:38 or the proposition or the facts
0:23:41 which are possible
0:23:44 have possibly possibly explainable but
0:23:46 they don't have an explanation example
0:23:50 like coming into existence
0:23:52 of something
0:23:53 like a let's say usually
0:23:56 they take an example or
0:23:58 a shocking example like like a big track
0:24:01 emerging out of nothing with absolutely
0:24:04 no no cause for what's emerges out of
0:24:06 nothing
0:24:07 choosing the big truck so it is quite
0:24:09 shocking more than choosing maybe one at
0:24:12 home but it is essentially the same
0:24:14 essentially but a big truck nobody can
0:24:16 miss it and and
0:24:18 face it advancing towards someone uh
0:24:21 threatening to crush you
0:24:23 imagine out of the
0:24:25 uh
0:24:26 out of nothing for example that's
0:24:28 possibly explainable
0:24:31 but is not explained
0:24:33 the the the the principle of sufficient
0:24:36 didn't say
0:24:37 this type for the the fourth type that
0:24:39 are possibly explainable but it doesn't
0:24:41 exist that
0:24:43 is not explained
0:24:44 that type is impossible it is
0:24:47 it doesn't happen it's not is it it
0:24:50 it is it is it is no way to be found in
0:24:53 the reality in the career if you take
0:24:55 the case of talking about reality or
0:24:57 even in in in the imagination or in in
0:25:01 in the all possible position of the mind
0:25:03 and that's even determinization is
0:25:05 questionable
0:25:06 possible to happen but impossible to
0:25:09 explain
0:25:10 no it's it's possible it's possible to
0:25:12 explain but it doesn't it doesn't it
0:25:14 doesn't it it doesn't have an
0:25:16 explanation it's possible because uh
0:25:18 something emerging out of nothing
0:25:21 how is that possible we can't explain it
0:25:24 we can explain it it is a divine action
0:25:27 it is it is an actor which we are not
0:25:29 perceiving behind the scene
0:25:32 that's why what we what we ascribe
0:25:34 miracles to that the reason people
0:25:36 ascribe something like that has been
0:25:37 miraculous but done by a supernatural
0:25:40 entity that's a possible explanation but
0:25:43 a human
0:25:44 claim this could happen but doesn't need
0:25:47 an explanation it has no explanation
0:25:49 there's only human claiming that in
0:25:50 nature in nature in physical and
0:25:52 physical reality this this is not the
0:25:55 case by the accumulated uh evidences of
0:25:58 science and human experience over the
0:26:00 millennia but in other area
0:26:02 there's no guarantee that this is uh
0:26:04 that this
0:26:05 that will be excluded
0:26:08 so that's the the the example of
0:26:10 sufficient need to say that from
0:26:12 the various type of
0:26:14 of
0:26:14 facts which have explanation
0:26:16 non-explanation the
0:26:18 we have to exclude
0:26:20 we have to we have to
0:26:21 exclude the the self-serve evident one
0:26:24 because they're they have a
0:26:26 self-explanatory so we don't need to
0:26:27 search for a reason for them the
0:26:29 impossible one because there's no way we
0:26:32 can find anything
0:26:33 and then the one who shall possibly
0:26:35 explain it but they don't explain we
0:26:37 must exclude them
0:26:39 they're essentially saying
0:26:42 like something coming exists without any
0:26:44 cause
0:26:48 cannot cannot cannot be this category
0:26:50 does not exist
0:26:51 that's the meaning essentially if we
0:26:53 formulate and uh is classify statements
0:26:56 or according to these four classes
0:26:58 and this this this this
0:27:00 this this uh
0:27:02 uh
0:27:05 the this
0:27:06 division is is completely exhaustive
0:27:09 because either things are self-evident
0:27:12 self-expressive or impossible to explain
0:27:14 or they are
0:27:15 they
0:27:16 they are they are they are possibly
0:27:19 and are also explained indeed and this
0:27:21 is the really what uh where what what
0:27:24 what domain whether some
0:27:26 disability of sufficiencies isn't
0:27:28 described and the fourth is that they're
0:27:30 possibly explainable but they are not
0:27:32 explained like this truck coming out of
0:27:34 extension were brutally brought by brute
0:27:37 force without without any without any
0:27:39 actor or anything bringing to exist
0:27:41 which is obviously the physical universe
0:27:42 impossible
0:27:44 that's that's it so that's uh causally
0:27:47 or impossible in a physical universe
0:27:48 that's where the principle of sufficient
0:27:50 and that's where actually most
0:27:51 philosophers think about it but when
0:27:54 they formulated in a general way they
0:27:56 shot themselves in the foot and got it
0:27:58 in the in
0:27:59 in in trouble so the restricted
0:28:03 principle of sufficient reason should be
0:28:05 restated that
0:28:07 excluding self-explanatory uh
0:28:11 statement or facts
0:28:13 and the impossibility to explain which
0:28:15 is very voluntary acts and
0:28:18 a quantum in indeterminate
0:28:20 acts based on quantum and determinism
0:28:22 excluding these two everything else
0:28:25 has an explanation and we must search
0:28:27 for next relation
0:28:29 the fourth category which which hume
0:28:32 claims uh is is does not create any
0:28:35 contradiction in the mind
0:28:37 it must be excluded it isn't it may not
0:28:40 create a way that it may not be
0:28:42 contradicting
0:28:43 me not creating contradiction in the
0:28:45 mind
0:28:46 but
0:28:47 it is it creating contradiction in the
0:28:50 reality or
0:28:51 according to principle of sufficient
0:28:53 reason
0:28:55 so that's that's the the the way it it
0:28:58 does thinking but it's not only the
0:29:00 restriction uh which uh in in the
0:29:03 categories of facts
0:29:04 which are uh with which we apply the
0:29:07 principle of sufficient reason
0:29:09 but also
0:29:10 uh
0:29:11 there may be some restriction concerning
0:29:13 uh the
0:29:15 the term explanation
0:29:17 there are various type of
0:29:18 standardization the most important one
0:29:20 the most interesting one is the causal
0:29:23 explanation
0:29:24 that a exists because b caused it to
0:29:28 come to an existence and b has to be
0:29:31 obviously to it we to be present and
0:29:33 existent before a is created or
0:29:35 something like if we're talking about
0:29:37 time but it's not necessary it could be
0:29:39 causal or that they are not essentially
0:29:41 connected with time
0:29:42 so this is causal explanation this is
0:29:44 very very clear like for example uh you
0:29:48 you you as an individual
0:29:50 and uh
0:29:51 who
0:29:52 can
0:29:52 exercise cogito ergosome underset
0:29:54 himself about his own existence you will
0:29:57 perceive also by necessity that your
0:29:58 existence has begun
0:30:00 and you did not come into existence
0:30:03 except by the by the coming together of
0:30:06 your parents
0:30:07 in the details which we don't want to go
0:30:09 it will may become pornographic but this
0:30:11 is necessary
0:30:13 it has to be like that otherwise you
0:30:15 don't have complexes that's causally
0:30:17 you're covering your causality your your
0:30:20 existence is causally conditioned
0:30:23 you you perceive immediately and
0:30:25 unnecessarily that you did not emerge
0:30:27 out of nothing without any cause with
0:30:29 brute force
0:30:30 for your own self for your own existence
0:30:32 you are certain that the hume claim is
0:30:35 impossible
0:30:37 by impedance experience and by by by
0:30:40 evaluating all the information about the
0:30:42 past
0:30:42 uh in in based on their own way of
0:30:45 explanation also
0:30:47 another type
0:30:48 of explanation is the logical
0:30:51 explanation how is uh let's have an
0:30:54 example for that
0:30:55 so the
0:30:56 uh causal is the most common one and the
0:30:59 one usually people who are
0:31:01 discussing the principle of sufficient
0:31:03 reason referred to it all the time and
0:31:06 they they
0:31:08 and that's
0:31:10 that's the reason why
0:31:11 really
0:31:12 it is
0:31:13 it is uh
0:31:15 it is the the principle is theory in
0:31:17 most fruitful application is a
0:31:18 pre-appearance in its application to the
0:31:21 physical reality and to the uh and to
0:31:23 the causal relation that's it so all
0:31:26 these other problems should not be arise
0:31:28 but
0:31:29 in the strict general formulation it
0:31:30 should have been clarified and that was
0:31:32 not clarified neither by spinoza
0:31:34 actually he is it's some of his
0:31:36 clarification is against that he's even
0:31:38 extending it even to the divine to
0:31:40 everything else and resulting obviously
0:31:42 in catastrophic errors and mistakes
0:31:45 that's it that's uh that's just to be
0:31:47 stressed so if you want to do it
0:31:48 strictly philosophically correct
0:31:51 you have to have the precision of the
0:31:52 mathematical level otherwise you will be
0:31:54 in errors
0:31:56 secondly the logical explanation that
0:31:58 for example this is one standard example
0:32:00 i think it's a modified one you find in
0:32:02 in the stanford exopedia or maybe in
0:32:06 in uh and then the article by uh by
0:32:09 alexander prus or plus
0:32:12 is the following
0:32:13 the following uh
0:32:15 statement
0:32:16 uh uh
0:32:18 the statement is is a disjunction of of
0:32:20 two
0:32:21 of two or two facts of what
0:32:24 this or if you call it p
0:32:26 it is the first one is napoleon lost at
0:32:28 waterloo
0:32:32 died before
0:32:33 attila the hans bath
0:32:36 we know
0:32:37 uh for other reasons i'd
0:32:39 discuss one of them maybe later is that
0:32:42 napoleon lost waterloo is a is a fact
0:32:44 and we know that with absolute
0:32:45 stratitude
0:32:46 and the second one is definitely false
0:32:48 because atiladan was in the fifth
0:32:50 century and jin lived in the
0:32:53 in the 11th century and there's no way
0:32:55 it's impossible for gingka's hand to
0:32:57 have died before atella was born that's
0:33:00 impossible we know that also from
0:33:03 historic facts
0:33:05 so this could but this conjunction
0:33:07 called the uh a
0:33:12 died before
0:33:14 it's true
0:33:15 white is true you also explain me the
0:33:17 truth of that they bring me the evidence
0:33:19 for the truth of that the truth of that
0:33:21 is
0:33:22 is dictated by the fact that the first
0:33:24 part of their disjunction nabol lost
0:33:27 waterloo is true and because of logical
0:33:30 necessity a disjunction
0:33:32 that is a statement a or b
0:33:35 is true whenever one of the component or
0:33:38 both of them are true and this is the
0:33:40 case here so biological necessity
0:33:43 this is a very simple minded example but
0:33:45 there are more complex one in which you
0:33:46 have to dig deeper but this is
0:33:49 to start with so the reason for that is
0:33:51 not a causal relation it's a logical
0:33:53 necessity
0:33:55 we have another type which is usually
0:33:57 neglected with literature but but on
0:33:59 philosophical discourses and so on uh
0:34:03 but it is it is uh
0:34:05 very well
0:34:07 discussed and analyzed in
0:34:09 and
0:34:11 the islamic
0:34:13 tradition
0:34:14 because the islamic tradition is relying
0:34:17 in part on
0:34:19 uh eyewitness statement and the and the
0:34:22 reference chains of is not going to the
0:34:24 time of the prophet or to the event
0:34:26 which need to be analyzed and and
0:34:28 undetected and they have to analyze what
0:34:31 what produce a high level of confidence
0:34:34 what reduced attitude and so on a whole
0:34:36 theory was not this unfortunately is not
0:34:39 in the european tradition they don't
0:34:41 have any strong tradition and but but
0:34:43 they have books which are themselves
0:34:46 written from people who are did not
0:34:47 witness the event they are reporting to
0:34:49 be reporting about and even by by people
0:34:53 who are unknown so the reliability of
0:34:55 the books are a matter of contentions
0:34:57 and then by by certain church councils
0:35:00 and so on these that had been declared
0:35:03 to be unvaliable and so on and then
0:35:04 dictated the history of europe for about
0:35:07 a thousand years until the people
0:35:08 started to bring about this nonsense and
0:35:11 start really the enlightenment and the
0:35:13 age of reason that your reason started
0:35:16 by really rejecting these claims
0:35:19 as they should be rejected
0:35:21 but
0:35:21 because they don't have this tradition
0:35:23 of islam and the verification of islam
0:35:25 and then multiple correct operating they
0:35:27 don't have this report of explanation
0:35:31 let's apply that to napoleon lost at
0:35:33 waterloo it's a fact it's true
0:35:36 how do you know that how to explain that
0:35:39 how are you the truth of that
0:35:41 by multiple
0:35:42 independent non-colluding corroborative
0:35:46 eyewitness reports
0:35:47 this goes all to the people who are
0:35:49 present in the battle
0:35:51 plenty of people reported that and they
0:35:53 reported it from the people of the
0:35:54 campbell of napoleon and the come with
0:35:57 the other side
0:35:58 of the of the duke of uh was a duke of
0:36:01 york i think maybe the duke of europe
0:36:03 and various other associated armies
0:36:06 so people from the losing side and the
0:36:08 winning side reported the same
0:36:10 and there's absolutely no reason for
0:36:12 them to collude to report something
0:36:13 which did not happen so this is
0:36:15 definitely a fact and there's multiple
0:36:18 corroborating
0:36:21 independent and non-non-colluding
0:36:23 cooperating
0:36:25 eyewitness reports
0:36:26 must be
0:36:28 present is a substitute for me present
0:36:30 there and seeing it by my own eyes and
0:36:33 being present in the battlefield
0:36:34 actually it's a better substitute
0:36:36 because if i were there presented in the
0:36:38 battlefield and so in the bowling army
0:36:40 this despairs and the volume mounting is
0:36:42 also on going back to paris
0:36:44 i may still be having this will still be
0:36:46 a very smooth for
0:36:48 the chance that that is that all of this
0:36:50 is fake and he will come back and and
0:36:52 win the battle so i have to wait some
0:36:55 time and make sure that that i see him
0:36:58 in paris or someone report to me so i
0:36:59 will have to rely on extra information
0:37:02 so my immediacy perception for something
0:37:04 like that like losing a battle
0:37:06 not just a symbol
0:37:08 event that
0:37:09 that for example a glass fell and broke
0:37:11 in front of me that's enough my my
0:37:13 immediate perception should be enough
0:37:14 but something like that widespread and
0:37:16 complex like losing a battle
0:37:19 which is represented by one word but as
0:37:21 a really complex
0:37:23 set of events
0:37:26 my single eyewitness
0:37:28 is not even if it's myself and i know my
0:37:31 my my perception give me knowledge
0:37:33 necessary knowledge
0:37:35 as at least in the substantive aspect of
0:37:37 the reality which is present still the
0:37:40 multiple because they should should be
0:37:42 even more and stronger
0:37:44 and this has and this has had been
0:37:46 discussed about torator and multiple
0:37:48 political reports and so on by the
0:37:50 islamic
0:37:52 and the
0:37:53 people who solve it very extensively and
0:37:55 analyze that given many examples which
0:37:58 you don't find in the western literature
0:38:00 barely found
0:38:01 to the level and their absences
0:38:03 unfortunately has resulted in in
0:38:06 in some
0:38:08 schools of history which which ends with
0:38:11 a result which almost like a mokhari
0:38:13 and they call them enlightened for
0:38:15 example their school in berlin they call
0:38:16 themselves they insist to have a piece
0:38:18 of bone or a stone or something or an
0:38:21 artifact
0:38:22 neglecting all these multiple
0:38:23 corroborating evidences which
0:38:26 produce certain knowledge about history
0:38:28 but that's unfortunate it's about the
0:38:30 methodology of history it is very quite
0:38:32 very deficient in the west it does not
0:38:34 mean that archaeology does not bring us
0:38:36 some some information
0:38:39 etc but
0:38:41 believing that the only way to to a
0:38:43 certain historic events that we have to
0:38:45 have a boon artifact or a stone this is
0:38:47 a mistake this is a blatantly a mistake
0:38:50 it's blatantly a mistake and it's still
0:38:52 very pervasive in in the analysis of the
0:38:55 of the western literature you find
0:38:59 quite quite a lack of critical
0:39:02 matters discussing the methodology
0:39:05 in principle this reportive or
0:39:06 eyewitness statement is one way of
0:39:09 explanation
0:39:10 another way you extension is called
0:39:12 reductive reductive
0:39:13 example of that famous example given by
0:39:16 alexander is that what aristo describes
0:39:19 that how
0:39:20 how the eclipse happens
0:39:23 no the moon is now accept this is true i
0:39:25 see it but how to explain that
0:39:28 what explanation
0:39:30 that also explain that but the moon is
0:39:32 being in the shadow of the earth
0:39:34 but this is really reducing the eclipse
0:39:36 itself into what it is as a reduction
0:39:39 it's explaining it by was
0:39:43 by what is reality in in the universe as
0:39:47 not as seen directly with the human eye
0:39:49 but as seen from outside of someone
0:39:51 studying uh
0:39:52 studying astronomy and using the correct
0:39:55 coordinate systems
0:39:57 so that's that's
0:39:59 and all these explanations sometimes the
0:40:01 explanation need these needs to be
0:40:03 further so for example we mentioned the
0:40:05 example of the logical explanation and
0:40:08 one component of the of the example was
0:40:11 lost at waterloo and we said this is
0:40:14 this truth is well established and that
0:40:17 truth gives truth to the conjunction
0:40:19 this
0:40:20 the disjunction yes
0:40:23 but that doesn't mean this is the
0:40:24 ultimate for the ultimate justification
0:40:26 we have to go in for the for every
0:40:27 component for this ultimate
0:40:29 justification but this is not the issue
0:40:30 the issue is that this disjunction
0:40:32 is explained by the truth of the fact
0:40:35 that nabol lost
0:40:36 at waterloo if someone asked
0:40:39 what's the
0:40:40 justification of lost artillery or
0:40:43 what's the explanation we go once a step
0:40:45 further but for that one the explanation
0:40:47 is sufficient
0:40:48 so be aware that explanation may need
0:40:51 another explanation and they will have
0:40:52 done a chain of extermination or like a
0:40:55 cause may have another cause and we have
0:40:56 a question of course and then the issue
0:40:58 on the problem of regress and so on may
0:41:00 then may
0:41:02 may come forward and maybe uh needing to
0:41:05 uh to uh
0:41:07 uh to be to be scrutinized in the case
0:41:10 of reportive uh
0:41:12 reporting explanations obviously there's
0:41:14 no possibility of any uh regress or all
0:41:18 because it ends into eyewitness
0:41:21 statement which is
0:41:22 uh appealing to the to the necessity of
0:41:26 the knowledge gained by necessity of
0:41:27 perception of
0:41:29 external senses
0:41:31 and
0:41:31 also
0:41:32 islamic scholars in helmul kalam have
0:41:34 discussed the
0:41:36 uh that the sense perception doesn't
0:41:38 produce necessary knowledge yes it does
0:41:40 produce necessarily
0:41:42 at least about the existence of certain
0:41:44 things maybe the description maybe not
0:41:46 not what they are but at least accessing
0:41:50 something which we describe in a way
0:41:52 which may be not the reality but the
0:41:54 thing exists
0:41:55 or using the language of can't the thing
0:41:57 that
0:41:58 in itself exists although maybe our the
0:42:01 perception of description may be not the
0:42:03 correct one not giving us enough of its
0:42:05 nature but it's existence without any
0:42:07 doubt
0:42:08 like when we witness like the battle of
0:42:10 wood which nebula lost
0:42:13 if you are
0:42:14 being present there and what you say you
0:42:16 see what is going on happen and you will
0:42:18 conclude after all the other
0:42:20 verification that really it is a loss or
0:42:22 not not only a tactical move of
0:42:24 nabollion and you conclude this that you
0:42:26 are certain about this fact
0:42:29 it does not mean that you know all the
0:42:30 reason why would have better what went
0:42:32 in the battle wrong what's mistake and
0:42:33 evolving did what
0:42:35 excellent moves the other side did etc
0:42:38 that's beyond that but still the fact of
0:42:40 the loss is there unnecessary
0:42:43 although maybe the details and the
0:42:46 intrinsic developments which led to the
0:42:48 loss is another issue which i need to be
0:42:50 scrutinized further and so on so
0:42:53 be aware about these at these points
0:42:56 so
0:42:59 and maybe the other explanation type so
0:43:02 we have at least uh
0:43:03 visited the the
0:43:05 the the causal the muslim prototype the
0:43:08 causal one we have
0:43:10 which is the most important in in the
0:43:12 discussing national phenomena and the
0:43:13 real world
0:43:14 although there are other things there we
0:43:16 have uh uh
0:43:18 we have we have the the the
0:43:21 the logical explanation which relates
0:43:24 usually to mathematical and and
0:43:27 and
0:43:28 logical expressions complex one
0:43:31 mostly but maybe to be found elsewhere
0:43:34 and then we have the reported or
0:43:36 immediate perception
0:43:38 and
0:43:39 reported as such
0:43:41 let's generalize the reported one
0:43:44 and we have the reductive one
0:43:47 which would explain the phenomena which
0:43:49 is uh
0:43:50 named and are perceived by humans like
0:43:52 the eclipse by what is really behind
0:43:55 that what we see that the moon is
0:43:57 becoming darkened and so on and really
0:43:59 that the moon is entering my bed it
0:44:02 doesn't take it doesn't address the
0:44:04 question how that the moon entered and
0:44:06 why at this time that's another needing
0:44:08 another first explanation
0:44:10 yeah
0:44:11 so there are four until now the cause
0:44:14 that's the four which i have listed here
0:44:15 there may be others
0:44:18 we have to check maybe there are others
0:44:19 i don't know but at least these four are
0:44:21 there at least there's four we have
0:44:23 examples of them it seems to me there
0:44:25 may be others possibly but that can be
0:44:28 had only after a further scan of all
0:44:30 kinds of questions
0:44:32 addressed by sufficient reason etc so
0:44:35 these four modes can be at least used
0:44:38 can we load that a little bit for this
0:44:40 of
0:44:41 course
0:44:42 louder i barely hear you oh we are
0:44:44 saying that uh
0:44:46 these four
0:44:47 modes are are the ones we can use for
0:44:49 the
0:44:50 sufficient
0:44:52 reason
0:44:53 the principle of sufficient reason
0:44:56 yeah this is the various explanation all
0:44:58 of them may be applied but the one who's
0:45:00 most interesting for us is the causality
0:45:04 yeah so
0:45:05 if we restrict the principle of
0:45:06 sufficient reason
0:45:09 by excluding the self-explanatory the
0:45:11 impossible to explain
0:45:14 so we don't we don't we don't discuss
0:45:17 the issues of to explain that the
0:45:19 voluntary acts what voluntary illness as
0:45:21 extremists has given and not further
0:45:24 explainable
0:45:25 except with the
0:45:26 with with a mistake i had what is it
0:45:29 which is something metaphysical even
0:45:31 beyond metaphysical spiritual
0:45:34 but we perceive it definitely we
0:45:36 perceive it as definitely
0:45:38 definitely there and any attempt to
0:45:40 claim it is it is it is a delusion is it
0:45:42 does not negate that it is there and
0:45:45 there's something there she's deluding
0:45:46 us what is this something that was
0:45:48 like for example an optical illusion
0:45:50 yeah cryptical illusion
0:45:54 it doesn't come exterior it comes from
0:45:57 the relationship they
0:45:59 reality is in such way
0:46:02 in a certain situation a certain angle
0:46:03 like it look a certain picture in a
0:46:05 certain angle
0:46:07 there's not enough information there to
0:46:09 make it this to to make you sure is it
0:46:12 two faces the famous one was used for
0:46:14 optical illusion is it two faces facing
0:46:17 israel or it is just uh
0:46:19 just uh what they call it the one for
0:46:21 candles the candle candle holder
0:46:24 in in a dark room
0:46:26 you know the famous picture i mean the
0:46:28 standard one
0:46:30 everyone has seen that have you remember
0:46:32 that
0:46:33 you know what i mean uh it's called
0:46:35 what's it called the candle
0:46:38 it looks like two faces feature facing
0:46:39 each other with the space in between
0:46:41 them a lighted space
0:46:43 or it is a candle in a dark room
0:46:45 a white candle yeah candle holder yeah
0:46:49 it's a famous one
0:46:50 and it's it's black and the background
0:46:53 but there's something there which which
0:46:55 is uh which is uh so uh
0:46:59 such a way that we
0:47:01 are deluded or we are confused is it
0:47:03 this or this
0:47:05 but there's something there outside
0:47:09 but it's present in such a way sometimes
0:47:11 you see for example in by by fog and
0:47:13 night and so on you imagine that someone
0:47:15 run across the street for example while
0:47:18 you're driving a car
0:47:19 because set a reflection and so on and
0:47:22 they they they came together to have
0:47:24 almost like a human shape
0:47:26 and then your mind analyze it as a human
0:47:30 and then you may put your foot on the
0:47:32 brake and it turns out there was nobody
0:47:35 but there was something they said that
0:47:37 light reflections and and rain and
0:47:39 instead of constellation that it appears
0:47:41 as if something is moving across as if
0:47:43 it's a man uh not dressed nicely that's
0:47:47 the reason obviously at the four night
0:47:49 and dark it's advisable to have these
0:47:51 these these lumi luminous coats
0:47:54 especially if you are working on a
0:47:55 street worker or if you are police and
0:47:58 so on you have to this which which will
0:48:00 make you clearly distinct from any other
0:48:03 object by reflecting the light these
0:48:05 bright yellow reflecting things and some
0:48:07 police cars are having these these
0:48:09 bright yellow colors and so on so they
0:48:11 are clearly distinct and they cannot be
0:48:13 confused by anything else
0:48:16 but there's something there
0:48:18 you can't drink with the existing of
0:48:20 something that now those who claim this
0:48:22 free will is a delusion so what is there
0:48:24 which is deluding us
0:48:26 you have to bring registration that's it
0:48:28 and you have to bring it in
0:48:30 in a
0:48:31 well structured and conventional way
0:48:32 they don't have yeah they really they
0:48:34 don't have
0:48:35 they don't have
0:48:38 they are either there is a resort to
0:48:40 so-called modality collapse etc or they
0:48:44 go
0:48:44 off tangent in in
0:48:47 in a imaginary world of
0:48:50 speculation which is not warranted by
0:48:52 the immediate uh information we have
0:48:54 from preception is not compliant with
0:48:57 the correct approach which start from
0:48:59 zero
0:49:00 when
0:49:03 i mean zero of discourse not a zero of
0:49:06 real in history because that that
0:49:08 statement and that formulation
0:49:11 is uh 500 years old
0:49:13 but humanity has gone through uh
0:49:16 philosophical discourse at least three
0:49:18 and a half thousand years i i always
0:49:20 claim and this is not the matter of
0:49:23 discussion today but ellis claimed that
0:49:24 real philosophical discourse started the
0:49:27 marriage
0:49:28 and there's two thousand euro that's
0:49:30 actually uh
0:49:31 ibrahim is about two thousand a year
0:49:33 before christ and then uh the time being
0:49:36 they cut this one and a half years so
0:49:37 three and a half thousand years have
0:49:39 passed what we have accumulated
0:49:41 considerable amount of
0:49:43 of philosophical mathematical and
0:49:45 logical discourse
0:49:46 all of that is worked in in cognitive
0:49:48 orgasm
0:49:50 but i did but we worked in by going from
0:49:52 the external more and more to the
0:49:54 antenna and the zero point so it's not
0:49:57 zero point meaning the zero point at the
0:49:59 time of adam no zero point at the
0:50:02 discourse after such a maturity of time
0:50:05 and before that we have thousands of
0:50:06 years of human developments and human
0:50:08 experience and so on which we
0:50:11 which we which is summarized in in in in
0:50:14 popular culture and those are languages
0:50:17 they summarize that
0:50:19 as well as capable this is when you
0:50:21 receive it in distilled form
0:50:23 so it's all it's there we have to use it
0:50:25 all of that
0:50:26 but we have to use it in a discourse
0:50:28 starting from where to start which
0:50:30 absolutely there's nothing
0:50:32 behind that or
0:50:33 lower than that to start is that from
0:50:36 there
0:50:37 looking in oneself and and analyzing
0:50:40 their own existence and then going from
0:50:41 there step by step now i would like to
0:50:43 do to do this the the this job
0:50:47 uh once more i think once i i i gave a
0:50:51 small run in that but i think it's
0:50:52 important to work so
0:50:54 the program of cognitive orgasm which i
0:50:56 say which descartes
0:50:59 could not complete because the such a
0:51:00 program is definitely not not manageable
0:51:03 for one human being
0:51:04 or he may be again by human being being
0:51:07 always in a hurry he wanted to come to
0:51:09 more to the forefront of philosophy etc
0:51:12 and that's most like that's the reason
0:51:14 he did not go slowly and step by step
0:51:17 but there is no escape it seems to be
0:51:18 without going slowly step by step we
0:51:20 will have will be always going into
0:51:22 either circular arguments or going into
0:51:25 enter into uh
0:51:27 for
0:51:28 fundamental problems or generalization
0:51:30 and fallacies
0:51:32 so if we start with that
0:51:34 recognizing uh our own self as existence
0:51:38 and this and the spiritual fact and also
0:51:39 because we are talking about
0:51:41 unconsciousness at the consciousness
0:51:43 looking in itself and analyzing all
0:51:45 these fundamental principles of reasons
0:51:47 like
0:51:48 like uh uh
0:51:51 like the principle of contradictions are
0:51:52 present in the mind without themselves
0:51:54 this is an analytical is there
0:51:57 but then we we perceive many things as
0:51:59 we recognize that they separate from our
0:52:01 own being and they are
0:52:03 appear to us as this external not
0:52:05 ourselves externally what you call the
0:52:07 external world
0:52:10 now
0:52:13 in that level in the internal perception
0:52:16 there's impossible for the in our own
0:52:19 consciousness to be creating these
0:52:21 and deceiving ourselves so the
0:52:23 consciousness is
0:52:26 deceiving itself by being unconscious
0:52:27 about itself that will contradict the
0:52:29 meaning of conscious meaning of an
0:52:31 existing cognitive entity
0:52:33 so they represent something what is that
0:52:36 something
0:52:37 that's what you call the external word
0:52:39 there are two avenues now in analyzing
0:52:42 the external world
0:52:44 one
0:52:45 is that
0:52:46 the approach which is obviously a
0:52:48 minority approach nobody really going
0:52:49 through that but it may have some merit
0:52:51 and may relate to some
0:52:53 philosophical approaches of extreme
0:52:55 idealism or maximal idealism
0:52:59 that approach is called that approach of
0:53:01 the matrix
0:53:03 but before we go to the matrix we are
0:53:05 conscious and we are
0:53:08 majority of human being rational being
0:53:10 we are definitely conscious
0:53:13 about
0:53:14 about our wake our waking state and our
0:53:17 sleeping state and we have in sleeping
0:53:18 state we have dreams but we can't
0:53:20 clearly distinct distinguish between our
0:53:23 waking state
0:53:25 experience and what we find in dreams
0:53:26 and when we are awake we and we
0:53:29 recognize that those have been dreams
0:53:31 and we attributed dreams usually it's
0:53:34 attributed in
0:53:36 various sources
0:53:39 there's a various philosophy through but
0:53:40 it is definitely not our conscious being
0:53:43 something else some people call it the
0:53:45 subconscious sometimes the brain working
0:53:47 the data of the day and and sometimes
0:53:50 this is an angel which is giving you
0:53:51 certain dreams at least of time of dream
0:53:54 some people say
0:53:55 it may be said a certain type of dream
0:53:57 is given by by the devil by evil forces
0:54:00 whatever it is it is not ourselves
0:54:02 something external
0:54:04 is something external
0:54:07 from the
0:54:08 conscious eye
0:54:12 but the dream is is a bad model but
0:54:14 someone could could feel a claim that
0:54:16 even in our working state we are
0:54:18 essentially like a dream in a dream
0:54:20 state
0:54:21 of
0:54:22 an encompassing entity which is called
0:54:24 sometimes the matrix if you have seen
0:54:26 the move with the matrix you may
0:54:28 recognize that obviously the movie
0:54:30 failed to develop the matrix theory
0:54:33 consistently because
0:54:35 the
0:54:36 either it is not possible to do a movie
0:54:38 an action movie in that which makes any
0:54:41 sense because he has to to have the
0:54:43 people while being being used as battery
0:54:46 in a sleeping state they are in the
0:54:48 matrix and there are still
0:54:50 they can be outside
0:54:52 they can be outside and outside reality
0:54:55 which is outside the matrix so there's
0:54:57 the matrix and outside the matrix does
0:54:58 not solve the problem really the
0:55:01 theory of a matrix the genuine theory
0:55:02 method is that the matrix the really
0:55:05 encompassing and what you see the best
0:55:08 the extent as predicting reality is
0:55:11 images or
0:55:13 or a virtual reality or
0:55:16 augmented reality created by the metrics
0:55:18 all of it all of it including yourself
0:55:21 yourself yeah is a program created by
0:55:24 the metrics like the the infamous mr
0:55:27 smith mr smith the agent in the matrix
0:55:31 that that line of thought can be
0:55:33 conducive but but that learning thought
0:55:34 will will will cut the the direction
0:55:37 quite short because if that's the case
0:55:39 the unknown
0:55:40 on the inner
0:55:42 the encompassing matrix is by necessity
0:55:46 is a higher consciousness a higher uh
0:55:50 a higher uh mind that's called mind
0:55:53 let's use the word mind the higher mind
0:55:56 which give you all these
0:55:58 these these the perception and so on so
0:56:01 this perception and so on still external
0:56:04 to you
0:56:05 but made by the matrix
0:56:07 around you
0:56:09 completely accumulated or embedded and
0:56:11 impossible to go out that's the genuine
0:56:13 theory of the matrix that theory of the
0:56:15 matrix in the movie is is a failure it
0:56:17 doesn't explain the reality
0:56:19 i remember once we i was working as a
0:56:22 programmer in a
0:56:24 in a software company
0:56:26 20 years ago
0:56:29 and uh
0:56:33 they were discussing the movie and they
0:56:34 were discussing maybe the reality is the
0:56:36 matrix and so on i told them listen
0:56:39 if
0:56:40 if that red pill and green bill exist
0:56:43 there's a pill which we can take and
0:56:45 then exit the matrix like the famous
0:56:47 greenpeal agreement uh we read but i
0:56:50 think that's what literally if that
0:56:52 exists then there is a reality outside
0:56:54 the matrix
0:56:56 and this doesn't explain anything
0:56:59 this is just just a horror movie
0:57:02 but if there's no no such will exist
0:57:05 meaning
0:57:06 there's no external antenna everything
0:57:08 is internal
0:57:10 then the whole reality is that what we
0:57:11 are so the reality is made but the only
0:57:14 conclusion of the matter at the theory
0:57:15 of the metrics is that the the that the
0:57:18 reality is is is made to appear to us as
0:57:21 external by uh by a
0:57:23 higher
0:57:24 uh mind
0:57:26 now this higher mind itself is either in
0:57:28 another higher mind
0:57:31 or it is the ultimate higher mind by
0:57:32 necessity there is no other way it's
0:57:34 impossible to to have any other
0:57:36 resolution so either the ultimate mind
0:57:38 and ultimate has to be analyzed what
0:57:40 ultimate mind means and what's his
0:57:41 limitation and this basic structure at
0:57:44 least
0:57:45 but we understand it says ultimate mind
0:57:47 with the mind which is no mind or no no
0:57:50 mental power or
0:57:52 an infinite mind in some sense or
0:57:54 another
0:57:55 or it is not an ultimate mind then this
0:57:57 is this must be done in
0:57:59 encapsulated in in in in another mind
0:58:02 and then we have the normally an
0:58:03 increasing center sequence of minds
0:58:06 inside another mind so they are
0:58:08 increasing
0:58:10 and limited up
0:58:12 by the ultimate mind by something which
0:58:14 can be defined as not when unnecessarily
0:58:16 existing ultimate mind
0:58:18 by by detailed analysis always i'm just
0:58:20 giving a hand waving argument at the
0:58:22 moment but any sequence if you analyze
0:58:25 mathematical theories about sequences
0:58:26 we'll use that later in the infinite
0:58:28 regress just so it's good you you you
0:58:30 know about mathematics most of you have
0:58:33 at least some
0:58:34 hopefully have reached at least some
0:58:36 basic
0:58:37 uh mathematics of sequences
0:58:40 and and convergence and maybe
0:58:43 differentiation integration basic they
0:58:45 call that higher mathematics and
0:58:46 unfortunately
0:58:48 most human beings unfortunately did not
0:58:50 get the opportunity to study that
0:58:52 because most either uh choose literally
0:58:55 uh
0:58:56 uh
0:58:57 are happy just to have the basic
0:58:59 arithmetic and basic geometry and so on
0:59:01 and then they
0:59:03 tried to wear clear from mathematics
0:59:04 which is a great fit because mathematics
0:59:06 is really the language of of the mind
0:59:09 besides formal logic and it is very
0:59:12 pleasurable but unfortunately because
0:59:15 somehow
0:59:16 uh it it is in the people's mind at
0:59:19 least for the previous generation i
0:59:21 don't know if the situation have now but
0:59:22 in our generation and before that
0:59:24 mathematics is difficult it's as i say
0:59:27 it's horrible etc
0:59:29 very few people go to study mathematics
0:59:31 and if you become a teacher of
0:59:32 mathematics and which are well qualified
0:59:35 and have really a grasp of mathematics
0:59:37 what are all about it with the result
0:59:39 that mathematics most mathematics
0:59:40 teachers are just stop guard teachers
0:59:43 they are not really skilled
0:59:44 mathematician and such kind of teacher
0:59:47 will not make you love mathematics and i
0:59:49 adopted that enjoy it unfortunately this
0:59:52 is very unfortunate
0:59:54 so most student when they come to to the
0:59:56 level of
0:59:59 of
1:00:00 a level or even before even in
1:00:04 before that they very clear from
1:00:06 mathematics
1:00:07 they choose language other arts and math
1:00:10 america they even haven't danced and
1:00:12 things like that but they're very clever
1:00:14 unknown that the majority of the
1:00:16 people are not skilled to be critical to
1:00:19 whatever scientists teach them or
1:00:21 politician teach them but this is
1:00:23 this is more social education discussion
1:00:25 has nothing to do with our problem
1:00:27 unfortunately but i hope most of you
1:00:29 have some mathematics as well uh there
1:00:31 are there are issues sequences and
1:00:33 convergence
1:00:34 which like for example uh
1:00:36 we would when we would divide one over
1:00:39 in one over one one over two one over
1:00:41 three one over four then we have the
1:00:42 feeling that it goes slower smaller
1:00:44 smaller but it is above zero and it goes
1:00:47 down and when we go in the limit it
1:00:49 should become zero
1:00:51 that's by feeling but it can be proven
1:00:52 mathematically so there's some things
1:00:54 called limit of a sequence
1:00:58 but but but then the ratio of sequences
1:01:00 and conventions have generalized to very
1:01:02 generous places called topological
1:01:04 spaces the spaces where you you have
1:01:06 some concept of like a point it has a
1:01:08 neighborhood
1:01:09 and neighborhood inside other
1:01:11 neighborhoods and things like that
1:01:12 that's the concept of topological spaces
1:01:14 and the convergence is defined in that
1:01:17 based on neighborhoods and things like
1:01:18 that
1:01:19 but then the mathematicians stepped
1:01:21 further step they defined general
1:01:25 structure called nets and filters and
1:01:27 defined general principles of
1:01:28 convergence and sometimes this is done
1:01:31 extrematically
1:01:32 one of the axiomatic principles of
1:01:36 the basic
1:01:37 theory which can be driven from the
1:01:39 basic axiom of convergence is that a
1:01:41 sequence
1:01:42 uh an increasing sequence or a a secret
1:01:45 such that the second the the second
1:01:48 element is bigger than the
1:01:50 or higher or
1:01:52 in some sense or encompassing like in
1:01:54 case of sets
1:01:56 something is included in something else
1:01:57 something is
1:01:58 going up and up
1:02:00 this is the rising sequence
1:02:02 and we have an upper limit such a
1:02:04 sequence must converge necessarily
1:02:07 must converge there's no escape it has
1:02:09 to converge and it's convergent to the
1:02:11 upper limit so
1:02:13 ultimately the matrix will end into an
1:02:17 infinite
1:02:18 quadrant unquote on ultimate reason
1:02:21 ultimate mind
1:02:24 so this is a shortcut
1:02:26 leading to uh proving the existence of a
1:02:28 divine if you assume metrics and argue
1:02:30 that the reality about perception of
1:02:32 reality is over matrix type professor
1:02:35 we'll have a one minute two minute break
1:02:37 and then we continue okay and we'll
1:02:40 continue with the matrix here yes we'll
1:02:42 try to make it short but it is
1:02:43 intriguing we'll not spend more time on
1:02:45 that but it has some nice aspects
1:02:48 perfect
1:02:55 Music
1:03:01 Music
1:03:31 foreign
1:03:32 Music
1:03:46 so
1:03:52 Music
1:04:02 you