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Clever Feminist Challenges Muslim Speaker @ Warwick University|| Br. Mohammed Hijab (2016-12-02)


An important exposition of the Islamic understanding of husband and wife relationships in Islam.

Summary of Clever Feminist Challenges Muslim Speaker @ Warwick University|| Br. Mohammed Hijab

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:15:00

discusses the differences between Islamic and feminist views of women's rights. Islamic feminists argue that men have a leading role and "superior" rights in a marriage, and that this is indicated in verses from the Quran. challenges a Muslim speaker at Warwick University, arguing that Islam has a balanced relationship between men and women.

00:00:00 This Muslim speaker challenges an atheist or non-theist to come and debate the morality of Islam, citing evidence from the Quran and Hadith. The atheist or non-theist fails to prove their position, as any logical argument must begin with a premise.

  • 00:05:00 challenges Muslim speaker Mohammed Hijab to agree that women are equal to men, and that there should be equality between men and women at all times and in all places. However, the speaker points out that feminism and Islam have different prescriptions for gender equality, and that, ultimately, feminism would have to concede that women are using unequal treatment between men and women if they believe in equal treatment at all times and all places.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses the difference between Islamic and feminist views of women's rights and how Islamic law provides for more protection for women than traditional Western law does. Islamic feminists argue that men have a leading role and "superior" rights in a marriage, and that this is indicated in verses from the Quran.
  • 00:15:00 challenges a Muslim speaker at Warwick University, arguing that Islam has a balanced relationship between men and women. He also points out that Westerners have imposed their own way of life on other cultures, using poor, naive minds to do so.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 even for the leaders fee so he also
0:00:04 dirty either would you be
0:00:10 [Music]
0:00:19 you first have to prove it
0:00:21 true objectively or through some kind of
0:00:24 evidence base and then the rulings of
0:00:27 Islam it would have some way otherwise
0:00:29 it doesn't and that is actually the case
0:00:31 with all of the religions any religion
0:00:33 that claims to have divine authority it
0:00:35 has to prove itself first so then the
0:00:38 injunctions make sense after it but that
0:00:41 is for us it's more common sensical so
0:00:44 for example I here as a Muslim the fact
0:00:48 that I am standing here as a Muslim and
0:00:50 my holy book says certain things I can
0:00:53 tell you that I believe that these moral
0:00:55 things are objectively right or wrong I
0:00:58 cannot you cannot say the same thing if
0:01:00 you're an atheist it's impossible and I
0:01:02 dare any atheist genuine you can't if
0:01:05 you're an atheist you cannot stand here
0:01:06 and I challenged actually and this is
0:01:08 not to be polemical but I want because
0:01:11 this is a this is a kind of like Russia
0:01:13 we're trying to rationalize things yeah
0:01:15 I challenge any atheist all right or
0:01:18 someone who comes from a non-theistic
0:01:20 perspective to come here to stand here
0:01:22 and I'll give you the mic or you can
0:01:24 speak to the people and tell me how you
0:01:26 can objectively prove anything that you
0:01:29 don't like about Islam from more
0:01:30 perspective is wrong in the first place
0:01:33 that would be my challenge that includes
0:01:35 polygamy that includes anything that
0:01:38 includes the inheritance laws that
0:01:40 includes anything you don't like about
0:01:43 Islam the hedge AB even though my
0:01:45 surname is hedge up you know I know you
0:01:48 might not like me as or if that includes
0:01:50 absolute anything you can't it's
0:01:51 impossible so therefore all you're doing
0:01:53 is actually I put I personally believe
0:01:55 you're superimposing a narrative which
0:01:57 is actually a post-colonial narrative
0:01:59 which relies upon the Western experience
0:02:01 the enlightenment-era the Renaissance
0:02:03 etc and you're superimposing that you're
0:02:05 saying everyone should believe in what
0:02:06 we believe in why because we've had the
0:02:08 enlightened experience that's that's
0:02:10 basically your position so from that
0:02:12 angle you you actually are kind of
0:02:14 similar to the colonial predecessor
0:02:16 you're quite similar to the british
0:02:18 colonial predecessor who come into
0:02:20 people's lands and just superimpose
0:02:22 their belief system without actually
0:02:24 explaining to them reasoning with them
0:02:27 convincing them that their belief system
0:02:29 is the ultimate truth in the first
0:02:30 instance so the truth is this I'm not
0:02:34 here to apologize
0:02:35 about Islam I'm here to challenge the
0:02:37 people that are challenging Islam that's
0:02:40 what I'm here to do because I don't
0:02:41 think that I should be on the backfoot
0:02:43 I believe that every atheist should be
0:02:45 on the backfoot I'm sorry to say this
0:02:46 very crudely but if any atheist yeah
0:02:49 feels like there's a problem with Islam
0:02:51 because I've read so many of these
0:02:52 questions it's an issue of Islam as a
0:02:55 resolve its morals that I challenge the
0:02:57 atheist to come here first and foremost
0:02:59 and tell me how you can prove that your
0:03:02 moral is objectively true otherwise your
0:03:04 deduction does not work otherwise you
0:03:08 cannot prove this prove it slammer tool
0:03:10 otherwise you're shooting yourself in
0:03:11 the foot
0:03:12 go ahead mother yes the onus is on us
0:03:17 what everyone's got the onus is on us
0:03:20 for as Muslims this is the thing this is
0:03:22 very good point so I'm sort of taking it
0:03:24 the onus is on us what we have you have
0:03:27 to understand everyone's got different
0:03:28 truth standards as you correctly said
0:03:30 yeah nowadays you have something called
0:03:32 a Flat Earth Society
0:03:33 they don't they don't buy the evidence
0:03:36 that the earth is round so they have a
0:03:38 difference true standard to us when it
0:03:40 comes to cosmological realities as
0:03:43 Muslims we present an evidence base a
0:03:46 case yeah and if people accept the case
0:03:49 then they can accept the case if they do
0:03:52 if they reject the case they can reject
0:03:54 the case but this is where the
0:03:56 contradiction would lie if you as a
0:03:59 let's say a communist a feminist a
0:04:02 Marxist or any other ists yeah who isn't
0:04:05 really a religion religious background
0:04:07 comes forward and says now you ought to
0:04:10 believe in this yeah now that's why I
0:04:13 feel like you've got a problem you've
0:04:15 got a philosophical problem on your hand
0:04:17 because you haven't even attempted to
0:04:18 prove to me that's correct
0:04:20 you've just said this popular opinion
0:04:21 for example that you know men and women
0:04:23 should be treated equally all right I
0:04:25 don't disagree with this point yeah
0:04:26 let's say I don't receive you at this
0:04:27 point
0:04:27 generally speaking Muslims don't
0:04:29 disagree with this point generally
0:04:30 speaking yeah yeah men women men and
0:04:33 women should be treated equally is more
0:04:35 true than its force yeah but you haven't
0:04:38 been able to prove that to me
0:04:41 objectively just as you would be able to
0:04:43 do if you did Matt so therefore you're
0:04:46 you're asking why is it that women do
0:04:48 this and men do
0:04:49 in this Muslim country is is what
0:04:51 question is this you have to first prove
0:04:53 your premise you have to prove your
0:04:55 presupposition
0:05:03 hadith narrated by Allah he said a new
0:05:06 set of Chicago region ahadith which
0:05:09 means that women are equal to men
0:05:10 actually if you look at even Salafi so
0:05:13 Salafi they say if I was looking at a
0:05:16 fatwa from ibanez
0:05:17 he said even versus one of the
0:05:19 literalistic he doesn't take any you
0:05:21 know and it's in Saudi Arabia well you
0:05:24 know he was one of the people that said
0:05:25 that you know I'm driving cars for woman
0:05:30 is not allowed he passed the fat
0:05:31 anyways he said this means Miceli yet he
0:05:34 had to say this means Masseria which
0:05:36 means in Arabic they're equal that's a
0:05:38 meaning yeah now he said ok and him and
0:05:41 others and everyone does looked at this
0:05:42 hide it I said ok how could that be the
0:05:43 case because there's something called
0:05:45 advocate is this net which means there
0:05:47 are exceptions yeah so men and women
0:05:49 that's why I said in the beginning guys
0:05:50 I said in the beginning that I generally
0:05:53 agree with the premise of feminists wait
0:05:56 a minute what did I just say I'll tell
0:05:57 you I said yeah I said I generally agree
0:06:00 with the feministic premise because it
0:06:02 goes in line with the hadith of the
0:06:04 Prophet Muhammad Rasul Allah and he said
0:06:06 of Chicago origin men or women are equal
0:06:07 yeah now having said that I want to
0:06:11 understand it as strong as hers are you
0:06:13 having said this now there are
0:06:16 exceptions Muslims and feminists let's
0:06:18 say they agree on the same premise yeah
0:06:20 Muslims agree that women men are equal
0:06:22 in innocence and feminists agree that
0:06:25 men and women are equal and by premise
0:06:26 yeah now this is the premise the
0:06:30 prescriptions that feminists have and
0:06:33 the prescriptions that Muslims have or
0:06:35 that Islam has our different gender Stan
0:06:39 so both feminism as a Scholastic
0:06:44 tradition of many hundreds of years and
0:06:47 Islam has exceptions to this rule and
0:06:51 I'm saying this very clearly you're a
0:06:54 feminist I'm get gathering and possibly
0:06:56 maybe liberal feminists because you're
0:06:58 not attacking me something but
0:07:02 hey but you know it generally a radical
0:07:07 feminist some of them are very violent
0:07:08 towards other people just like radical
0:07:09 Muslims are having said that there are
0:07:12 radicals everywhere you don't want to
0:07:14 accept you don't have to the point is
0:07:17 because your liberal feminist I'll say
0:07:19 to you do you agree that there should be
0:07:21 equality absolute equality at all times
0:07:23 in places or do you respond to that
0:07:26 between men and women okay so would you
0:07:32 say they should be equal in all times
0:07:33 and places in all times and places okay
0:07:38 I want to just hold her to that I'm
0:07:40 sorry
0:07:40 I'm not doing this to get you you know I
0:07:42 really you're a very pleasant person and
0:07:44 I'm not okay I'm not I wish I could be
0:07:47 more like you yes seriously I'm not
0:07:48 saying that the point is if you believe
0:07:52 in that you know in America to have
0:07:54 something called affirmative action
0:07:55 programs yeah for black people because
0:07:57 they've been marginalized for many
0:08:00 hundreds of years so what they do is
0:08:02 they put they have like what is not
0:08:04 quotas but it's kind of like helps black
0:08:06 people get into employment
0:08:07 now what feminists are arguing for is
0:08:09 quota systems for women to get into
0:08:12 places of employment especially
0:08:13 Parliament yeah and that's what they do
0:08:15 for political PI's they have a kind of
0:08:17 quota system where they have more women
0:08:19 allotted spaces then they'll have men
0:08:21 yeah because they say because there's
0:08:22 been such a disparity between men and
0:08:24 women for many hundreds of years or many
0:08:25 thousands of years a patriarchal society
0:08:27 is so strong I agree with that by the
0:08:28 way the patriarchal society is
0:08:30 incredibly strong everywhere because of
0:08:33 these reasons we have to put quotas in
0:08:35 place now but I do agree with this so
0:08:38 far I haven't said anything out of line
0:08:39 no this is pretty much what's going on
0:08:41 now in essence the prescription of a
0:08:45 feminist is as follows we ought to a
0:08:47 feminist would say we ought to put women
0:08:51 in places of employment using quotas etc
0:08:54 which is an inequality because it's
0:08:57 discrimination positive discrimination
0:08:59 just like affirmative action is positive
0:09:01 discrimination its inequalities unequal
0:09:04 treatment so that we can create what
0:09:06 equality correct so you use inequality
0:09:10 to create equality but the feminists
0:09:13 would then have to concede by
0:09:14 prescription
0:09:15 at one point at one time that she would
0:09:18 be using unequal treatment between men
0:09:20 and women if that's the case then you
0:09:23 cannot say I believe in equal treatment
0:09:24 at all times and all places yes that's
0:09:29 good
0:09:31 yes but then you sorry yeah but the
0:09:50 point I'm making sorry just to be clear
0:09:52 is that there is something within the
0:09:54 law that feminists agree with or what
0:09:56 it's within the social environment which
0:09:58 is that feminine women in many different
0:10:01 cases ought to have superior rights to
0:10:03 men for example in divorce if a man and
0:10:06 woman are divorced who should have the
0:10:07 children most people will say the woman
0:10:09 even in a slum that's that's a
0:10:10 injunction boy you can correct me unless
0:10:12 someone gets married so the woman gets
0:10:14 custody of the children
0:10:15 according to feminists in according to
0:10:19 obviously suchithra law maternity leave
0:10:22 is compulsory for women if they have a
0:10:24 contract of the company paternity leave
0:10:26 is two weeks and maternity leave is one
0:10:28 year that's obviously unequal treatment
0:10:31 therefore everyone believes in what
0:10:32 exceptions Muslims believe in generally
0:10:36 speaking that many women should be equal
0:10:38 feminists believe generally speaking men
0:10:40 women should be equal both of those
0:10:43 people believe in exceptions
0:10:45 now who defines and who has the right to
0:10:48 define the exceptions from an Islamic
0:10:50 perspective we have a maxim that Allah
0:10:52 knows everything he's all-wise he's
0:10:54 all-knowing he's all hearing God is not
0:10:56 all-knowing he knows what the exception
0:10:57 should be from a feministic perspective
0:11:00 there was an attempt a human attempt to
0:11:03 try and assess the sociological reality
0:11:04 in a certain time in a certain place and
0:11:07 give prescriptions each and every time a
0:11:09 woman or a man who is a feminist gives a
0:11:11 prescription they fundamentally break
0:11:14 their and the initial premise which is
0:11:17 that men and women should be equal at
0:11:19 all times in places unless they can see
0:11:21 that it's not all times and places in
0:11:22 which case we don't have a problem in
0:11:24 the first place do you see what I mean
0:11:25 if you look at the Quran just just in
0:11:28 relation to husband why
0:11:29 relationships there's two verses in
0:11:30 particular that I've looked at with a
0:11:32 magnifying glass
0:11:33 yeah and sort of referred to on the sort
0:11:37 of surface you might look at and think
0:11:39 and this is talking about male supremacy
0:11:42 or domination of the women there's two
0:11:44 versus one in sort of baccarat chapter
0:11:47 number 2 verse 328 it's a part of a
0:11:49 verse which is well I'll name it through
0:11:51 lady alienable model for little
0:11:52 gerontology and then chapter 4 verse 34
0:11:56 a lot average elephant Munna Alan Lee
0:11:58 said okay so men are maintaining
0:12:00 protects of a woman these are the only
0:12:02 two verse you'll find the Quran which
0:12:03 referred to when it comes to man or
0:12:06 woman okay the kind of relationship
0:12:08 there should be and which may indicate
0:12:10 and some scholars have taken to indicate
0:12:12 you understand that men have a leading
0:12:14 role and you know or let's say let's
0:12:17 even say the superior role as a husband
0:12:20 than a wife okay when you look at the
0:12:22 surface here and the classical exegesis
0:12:24 is of these verses if you look at
0:12:27 chapter 2 verse 228 for example I was
0:12:29 amazed my person himself I looked at the
0:12:31 older steps here the oldest Marta meters
0:12:34 here which is by a body at a body who
0:12:37 died in 310 ya hero in the verse well
0:12:42 our own name is Ray Allen him tomorrow
0:12:43 well there's a Jedi handle it which
0:12:45 means that men have one degree of
0:12:46 authority over them so there was a big
0:12:48 discussion he made a big discussion he
0:12:50 said what is this degree some scholars
0:12:52 say that the degree is that the men can
0:12:54 do fighting and stuff and like that
0:12:55 women don't and he said that some people
0:12:58 say distance and he said actually I
0:13:00 personally believe Autobody he said I
0:13:02 believe that this degree is not a degree
0:13:06 of authority it's a degree of pardoning
0:13:08 because allah subhanaw taala says in the
0:13:10 quran we interfere with us about how
0:13:12 we're tougher in the life of a rhyme it
0:13:14 says that if you pardon and this and
0:13:15 that
0:13:16 then Allah is also pardoning and
0:13:18 forgiving so he said in relation to this
0:13:21 verse okay in relation to this verse
0:13:24 actually the relationship that degree
0:13:28 that allah subhanaw taala talks about is
0:13:30 a degree of pardoning that the men
0:13:33 should do more work to try and pardon
0:13:36 their wife because allah has put them in
0:13:38 a certain position to try and forgive
0:13:40 and overlook her shortcomings
0:13:42 that's what agreement according to the
0:13:44 oldest FCF as it relates to audre yellow
0:13:46 color mona lisa' this Kalama and there's
0:13:49 a massive discussion which you're not
0:13:50 going to have time to get into now but
0:13:52 once again is I think a second it's
0:13:54 caricatured this versus caricatured and
0:13:56 people will look at anything okay within
0:13:58 Islam is the woman is denigrated and put
0:14:01 onto the floors no it's not true if you
0:14:02 look at the Quran from beginning to end
0:14:03 these are the only two verses that I
0:14:05 have seen that may allude to male
0:14:10 superiority of a woman in a husband and
0:14:12 wife relationship and both of them if
0:14:14 you look at the oldest most classical
0:14:16 exegesis don't actually mean that at all
0:14:20 okay not talking about no apologetics of
0:14:23 the 21st century because I'm not into
0:14:25 that generally speaking I'm not into
0:14:27 that I'm into looking at the oldest
0:14:28 ownership and if you do so you'll find
0:14:31 that there is actually genuinely quite a
0:14:33 balance between one room and just to add
0:14:36 to what you said sorry one more thing a
0:14:38 lot of hunters in the Quran I think in
0:14:40 first so it's really nice at a later
0:14:42 time I know my father Allah who be he
0:14:44 Bardo Kamala ba literally Jelena sebum
0:14:47 accessible in this area no sebum in
0:14:49 mecca seven was a de la home in fugly
0:14:52 he says Allah so Allah says do not wish
0:14:54 and the verses here are in a ham form in
0:14:57 other words they're generic it was
0:14:58 talking about yet inheritance before
0:14:59 well he could in Morelia min metric
0:15:02 aurelion rock Robbie but this verse is
0:15:04 talking specifically or generally about
0:15:07 the relationship between men and woman
0:15:08 it says do not wish what the other
0:15:10 person has ie
0:15:11 a man shouldn't and it says for a man is
0:15:15 a portion of what he has earned and for
0:15:17 a woman is a portion of what she has
0:15:18 earned and so ask Allah from His grace
0:15:21 in other words as you rightly said a
0:15:23 completely agree view it's not a
0:15:25 competition between men and women Islam
0:15:27 the depiction of the divine code from an
0:15:30 Islamic perspective is that the man and
0:15:32 the woman are in a relationship or less
0:15:35 a husband and wife okay and they because
0:15:37 mother and son we know that the mother
0:15:39 is authoritative
0:15:40 for the most case and other
0:15:43 relationships is quite balanced so this
0:15:44 is the controversial and that's why I'm
0:15:46 addressing it for the most part I
0:15:48 believe I personally believe if you look
0:15:49 at the old classic works of Jesus's that
0:15:52 there's a balance there is a balance and
0:15:53 whoever says that there isn't a balance
0:15:54 is
0:15:55 against not me and not the 21st century
0:15:57 apologist but it's going against the
0:15:59 oldest of Memphis Memphis your own the
0:16:01 people that actually wrote the oldest
0:16:03 tell face here so yeah there is a
0:16:04 balance between relationship the
0:16:05 polygamy issue yeah is by the way as I
0:16:08 said before I don't believe that just to
0:16:11 clear something up I don't believe
0:16:12 Vianney that men can uncapable of an
0:16:15 incapable of exploiting women of course
0:16:17 not I don't believe that and I don't
0:16:18 believe a woman should be trapped in any
0:16:19 kind of relationship that she doesn't
0:16:21 wanna be in yeah and there was something
0:16:22 in Islam called Halle he will tell you
0:16:24 he studied masha'Allah I any more than I
0:16:27 have here this whole hour a woman can
0:16:29 tell I'm in the Raja reach you can get
0:16:31 rid of she can leave the man it's not
0:16:33 just a man that can divorce the woman a
0:16:34 woman can divorce the man as well that's
0:16:36 another misconception of that people may
0:16:38 have so these things I think is
0:16:40 troubling misconception is that
0:16:42 Westerners like your Western is Western
0:16:44 polemics Western orientalists people
0:16:47 that want to impose their way of life on
0:16:49 everybody else like to throw up poor
0:16:52 susceptible naive minds so that they can
0:16:56 and go back to kind of a gram chin
0:16:58 hegemonic framework so that they can
0:17:01 impose their kind of framework on you go
0:17:03 back to the colonial era that's what
0:17:05 they like that's what they want to do
0:17:06 but they're doing it now through
0:17:08 subversive methods before they should do
0:17:10 it with using the sword and the gun and
0:17:12 is to come to their countries and you
0:17:14 know so we're better than you now that
0:17:15 you they're using other tactics and I
0:17:17 think it's time it's high time generally
0:17:18 speaking for Muslims to note their
0:17:20 religion really well yes and to be able
0:17:22 to fight back
0:17:24 using a fine argumentation yeah and
0:17:26 rationalism