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A very amateur guide to Hagia Sophia (2021-11-06)


Filmed in Turkey on Thursday 4th November. For more information about Hagia Sophia:

Summary of A very amateur guide to Hagia Sophia

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


Hagia Sophia is a mosque in Istanbul that was once a cathedral. The building is stunning, with beautiful columns and mosaics. The guide provides information about the different areas of the mosque and how it is used today.

00:00:00 This video provides a brief tour of Hagia Sophia, a mosque in Istanbul. The focal point of the mosque is stunningly beautiful, with two columns made of marble that look like candles from over a thousand years ago. There are also two white sheets covering over mosaics, which one can see behind the main one. The mosque also has a virgin Mary and Jesus statue, as well as symbols of Allah and Muhammad. The author points out that the mosque is decorated with ABCs of islam around the corner, and has vast corridors and chandeliers. One can also see the qurans and other religious texts in the library. The author briefly discusses how the mosque is used during different times of the day, including during prayers and during school.

  • 00:05:00 The video shows a walkthrough of Westminster Abbey in London, which was copied and adapted for use as the coronation spot for emperors and sultans in the Ottoman Empire. Christian iconography still remains in the mosque, which is open to the public 24 hours a day.
  • 00:10:00 This video provides an amateur guide to Hagia Sophia, a cathedral in Istanbul. The guide discusses the importance of respectful dress in places of worship and provides information about the guards and layout of the cathedral.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:01 i thought i'd just give a very brief uh
0:00:03 guided tour of this masjid
0:00:06 hagio sofia in istanbul
0:00:10 this gilded cage is where the sultans
0:00:13 apparently
0:00:14 sat
0:00:15 during sermons and during summer
0:00:17 to protect them from assassination
0:00:21 and here we have the focal point
0:00:24 of the masjid stunningly beautiful
0:00:28 i don't know if you can make out
0:00:29 probably not but there are two um
0:00:31 they look like columns
0:00:33 made of um
0:00:35 marble but they're actually candles from
0:00:38 the fifth century
0:00:40 um from over a thousand years one
0:00:42 thousand five 500 years ago these
0:00:44 candles still exist
0:00:46 and right up there we have um the white
0:00:48 sheets covering over
0:00:50 some mosaics so i have to know behind
0:00:52 that main one there is
0:00:54 uh the virgin mary and jesus
0:00:57 and to the right we have these
0:00:59 incredible symbols
0:01:01 one word there says allah and the other
0:01:03 one
0:01:04 says muhammad
0:01:06 and the other ones
0:01:08 are the names of his senior companions
0:01:11 including uthman and ali
0:01:14 and
0:01:16 and others
0:01:17 dotted around these huge symbols
0:01:20 and these
0:01:21 very low hanging chandeliers
0:01:25 there's a feature of many mosques in
0:01:27 istanbul i've discovered they're vast i
0:01:29 mean you must be about just 20 feet off
0:01:31 the ground
0:01:32 and one of these fell on you you'd be
0:01:34 flattened
0:01:36 absolutely huge and
0:01:38 very beautiful i think they're made of
0:01:41 solid metal what they look like here
0:01:43 imagine that falling on you
0:01:45 Music
0:01:50 and off to the side here
0:01:54 we have islamic information
0:01:57 saw this earlier on and some of it's in
0:02:00 english some of it's in all sorts of
0:02:02 languages really
0:02:06 and
0:02:06 uh not sure what they say
0:02:10 what is islam
0:02:12 and
0:02:14 one here
0:02:15 in english the final messenger
0:02:18 and on the back i noticed it says
0:02:20 global academy for translation and
0:02:22 education
0:02:23 london united kingdom so that's
0:02:26 produced in england
0:02:29 uh what do we have over here
0:02:32 we have some more similar kinds of
0:02:33 things
0:02:36 the abc of
0:02:38 abc's of islam
0:02:41 around the corner here
0:02:43 we have these side
0:02:45 corridors vast corridors
0:02:48 you get more chandeliers
0:02:51 and this room is special this gilded
0:02:53 room look at it what could be behind
0:02:57 these gilded
0:02:59 mesh things here and looking inside you
0:03:01 can just about make out these qurans and
0:03:05 apparently these are very precious
0:03:06 qurans on their thrones
0:03:09 can you here we go
0:03:11 just about see now this used to be the
0:03:13 library untold of one of the sultans
0:03:16 these days it's just got a few qurans in
0:03:18 so this was
0:03:20 a very special place of learning
0:03:22 for the sultans where they kept their
0:03:24 precious texts
0:03:27 okay
0:03:29 and down here
0:03:32 a few people praying there there's a
0:03:34 mimbar just in the corner right over
0:03:35 there
0:03:38 and this is interesting i don't if you
0:03:39 can
0:03:42 work it out so just there is
0:03:45 a tripod
0:03:47 um and this is neptune the pagan
0:03:50 um god
0:03:52 and his um trident whatever the word is
0:03:55 so this was from a time when this was
0:03:58 pagan
0:04:02 as they come around the corner here
0:04:06 vast columns look at this
0:04:12 really slipped then down a step
0:04:15 um and here we have the
0:04:18 this huge uh
0:04:20 stairway
0:04:22 that goes up and this is where
0:04:24 traditionally i guess people you preach
0:04:26 the sermon the imam would preach the
0:04:28 sunday the sunday the friday sermon
0:04:31 and those two flags can't really tell in
0:04:33 the dark but their green green flag
0:04:36 of islam
0:04:39 and um
0:04:40 Music
0:04:41 serious worshipers tend to come here
0:04:43 during the day and night to pray
0:04:45 but um i i've been here on salah and
0:04:48 this whole area has been completely
0:04:49 packed this these these areas here are
0:04:52 for
0:04:53 like study circles where people learn
0:04:55 the crown
0:04:59 and this is very interesting
0:05:01 if you know westminster abbey in london
0:05:03 well you'll know this you'll recognize
0:05:05 this because they copied it and when the
0:05:08 monarchs in england are crowned in
0:05:11 westminster abbey they are crowned on
0:05:13 this
0:05:14 replica uh in westminster abbey this is
0:05:17 the original
0:05:18 and these represent i'm told
0:05:20 um
0:05:21 stones taken from important countries of
0:05:23 the world i remember this one over here
0:05:26 this is stone taken from france because
0:05:28 when i was told about this i was with a
0:05:30 french guy and i said look how small it
0:05:32 is compared to i don't know if that's
0:05:34 persia or arabia or india or whatever
0:05:37 and he said to me ah well where's
0:05:38 england then there's nothing here from
0:05:40 england i don't think
0:05:42 but anyway what's the central one the
0:05:44 big central one
0:05:46 is for the sultan or the emperor of the
0:05:49 ottoman empire himself and he rules here
0:05:52 over all the lesser countries including
0:05:55 france and
0:05:56 india and wherever they are so this is
0:05:58 the coronation
0:05:59 spot where the emperors or the sultans
0:06:03 were crowned and our queen in england
0:06:06 has the same kind of thing in
0:06:08 westminster abbey if you google this you
0:06:10 can
0:06:11 see it for yourself
0:06:12 um
0:06:13 it's open to the public you can see it
0:06:18 so there is a a second tier um
0:06:22 and um
0:06:24 if i remember rightly and i perhaps i
0:06:25 can't remember rightly but i think
0:06:27 possibly the emperor's
0:06:29 wife of the emperor i suppose uh and her
0:06:31 court were up there away from this is
0:06:34 certainly the mail area down here
0:06:37 so that's where the empress was and the
0:06:38 women's section was
0:06:41 uh now women are have their own section
0:06:42 down here rather than upstairs
0:06:46 um
0:06:47 there's something else i want to show
0:06:48 you you see this huge entrance here
0:06:51 this is where the emperor came in
0:06:53 came into the mosque into the in or into
0:06:56 the basilica when it was
0:06:59 um a christian place
0:07:01 but these are the original doors
0:07:04 and they were made over
0:07:06 1500 years ago
0:07:09 just to
0:07:12 they're made i think
0:07:14 of wood so not made of steel and they've
0:07:17 survived
0:07:19 all this time
0:07:20 sorry
0:07:21 without being burned
0:07:26 anyway there's something else i wanted
0:07:27 to show you
0:07:29 before i end
0:07:31 because there's a lot of christian
0:07:33 iconography still in existence here
0:07:36 if i turn around there you go there's
0:07:38 the main entrance to the mosque
0:07:40 and just above it there is an icon of
0:07:43 jesus
0:07:44 and to the left there is an emperor
0:07:47 who is groveling
0:07:49 and begging for forgiveness so he's
0:07:50 repenting of his sin i don't know what
0:07:52 his sin was and above him is an icon or
0:07:55 a picture of the virgin mary and to the
0:07:57 right
0:08:00 and to the right is an angel i think
0:08:04 so that's
0:08:05 christ
0:08:07 up there
0:08:08 it's not been touched it's not been
0:08:10 destroyed it's been
0:08:11 there as part of the mosque for
0:08:15 centuries now
0:08:17 and finally the perhaps the most
0:08:19 extraordinary
0:08:21 um
0:08:24 christian iconography that's left i'm
0:08:26 just kind of going down here in the
0:08:28 eighth century
0:08:29 there was a big controversy in the
0:08:31 church
0:08:32 about the use of icons and the second
0:08:34 council of nicaea ruled in the eighth
0:08:37 century the icons
0:08:38 were okay they were permitted in
0:08:40 christian worship
0:08:42 and to celebrate that i'm told
0:08:46 this was installed
0:08:48 and this is an icon or mosaic of the
0:08:51 virgin mary
0:08:52 and there are two greek words either
0:08:54 side which says martyr mother and theon
0:08:58 of god mother of god with jesus and
0:09:01 there's constantine holding the city of
0:09:05 istanbul
0:09:06 byzantium of course then and giving it
0:09:08 to the virgin mary and there's another
0:09:09 person on the right knack
0:09:12 um so that's still there
0:09:15 stunning mosaic and it's not been
0:09:18 in any way damaged or defaced by
0:09:21 muslims
0:09:23 over the centuries
0:09:25 and christians are still welcome here as
0:09:27 are non-believers of all kinds
0:09:30 um
0:09:31 it's not exclusively for
0:09:33 muslims at all and it's open 24 hours a
0:09:35 day
0:09:36 it never closes thanks to the government
0:09:38 which reopened it
0:09:40 last year after its um
0:09:43 80 year or so
0:09:46 year time as a museum
0:09:49 which charged people to come here
0:09:51 and it was only open certain hours of
0:09:53 the day so now it's back as a mosque a
0:09:55 house of prayer
0:09:57 it's open
0:09:58 to the public
0:09:59 24 hours a day
0:10:01 free of charge
0:10:03 and anyone is welcome here
0:10:05 all you have to do is show respect for
0:10:07 the place so women have to wear a hijab
0:10:09 of course and cover their legs and men
0:10:11 have to cover their legs as well they
0:10:13 can't come in here just wearing shorts
0:10:16 or something they've got to be dressed
0:10:17 decently as well and that's the same as
0:10:19 in the vatican actually if you go to the
0:10:21 vatican they have the same rule not with
0:10:22 a hijab but the rest of it modest
0:10:25 dressing is very important in places of
0:10:27 worship be it church
0:10:28 synagogue or mosque
0:10:32 so there we are that's my unexpert
0:10:37 guide to this place
0:10:39 um i've only known it five minutes
0:10:40 myself but i thought i'd at least
0:10:43 do this now
0:10:44 um why not
0:10:47 little area here i could talk about
0:10:49 these things but
0:10:50 go on all night
0:10:53 um
0:10:54 oh what's this here it says there we go
0:10:57 ladies
0:10:58 section um which is through there
0:11:03 i wonder if there are any ladies through
0:11:05 here i think not
0:11:07 not this time of night
0:11:10 so the ladies section is actually
0:11:14 empty there's no ladies here
0:11:16 everyone's just walking around
0:11:18 as i say it never closes
0:11:20 there are some discreet guards um
0:11:24 somewhere
0:11:25 i think there's one at the moment but
0:11:27 there's there's about four or five of
0:11:28 them on duty
0:11:30 um around the whole complex
0:11:33 and they're very lenient and tolerant
0:11:37 of people
0:11:39 and i spoke to one yesterday
0:11:41 through a translator and the the only
0:11:43 problem they have is with um
0:11:45 demonstrators sometimes people come in
0:11:46 here and they shout and unfold slogans
0:11:50 and banners
0:11:51 that's something they won't tolerate in
0:11:52 here but other than that there's nothing
0:11:55 he said serious happens in here at all
0:11:58 everyone's very well behaved and
0:11:59 respectful
0:12:03 so
0:12:05 there we go what else can i say it's a
0:12:07 marvelous place if you get the chance to
0:12:09 visit do visit
0:12:11 and there are many mosques
0:12:13 in istanbul obviously
0:12:15 but of equal beauty i would argue
0:12:18 equal majesty equal historical
0:12:20 importance
0:12:22 and great places for everyone being
0:12:24 christian muslim
0:12:26 uh whoever to come and uh
0:12:30 experience some spiritual peace in a
0:12:32 sacred space it's a great sacred space
0:12:34 for humankind i would i would suggest um
0:12:38 that's just above the door of the
0:12:40 entrance to the
0:12:42 where the sultan comes in
0:12:44 huge door
0:12:47 so um
0:12:48 tomorrow morning i fly back to london
0:12:53 and so there we are
0:12:57 until next time