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123 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al-An'am Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI (2023-01-02)


حلقات ودروس الشيخ الدكتور محمد بن عبدالله المسعري Study Circles of Professor Dr. Muhammad AL-MASSARI

123 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al-An'am Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI




Summary of 123 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al-An'am Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


discusses the various things that Allah, or God, refers to as His "sustainer," or "Lord." The professor argues that if one does not follow Allah's guidance, they may end up lost in the world. He also explains that according to Islamic theology, the deity of a group of people cannot be a mix of different divine entities, as this would be contradictory. Ultimately, the professor argues, this doctrine leads to security and peace, as those who believe in Allah will not be confused about who their ultimate authority is.

00:00:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the meaning of the Arabic word "tafseer," which is the interpretation of the Qur'an. He explains that the concept of contingency is fundamental to understanding the meaning of the word. He also discusses the history of philosophical development regarding contingency and time.

  • 00:05:00 presents a conversation between a professor and student in which the professor discusses the concept of contingency, and how it applies to things like the moon. He then presents a case study in which the professor discusses the moon with a student, and how the student perceives it. The professor concludes that although the moon is contingent, it may nevertheless be a worthy candidate for Divinity.
  • 00:10:00 This professor discusses the idea that there must be a creator behind the phenomena we see around us, and that this creator is invisible but present. He then goes on to say that based on this belief, one should shun any idols and associate only with the creator.
  • 00:15:00 Discusses the various things that Allah, or God, refers to as His "sustainer," or "Lord." The philosopher argues that if one does not follow Allah's guidance, they may end up lost in the world.
  • 00:20:00 According to the professor, Allah is a sneaky guy who plays games with people. He explains that Allah sent a messenger to demolish some stones representing the nursing owners of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The people asked Ibrahim (peace be upon him) about it, and he said that Allah has the power to do whatever He pleases. Therefore, the people should not be afraid of Allah, because He is the only one who can protect them.
  • 00:25:00 This 1-paragraph summary discusses the main points of the video, which is that associating deities with Allah does not have any basis in reality and is therefore a mistake.
  • 00:30:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the impossibility of Divinity being attributed to any entity other than Allah. He also explains that those who attain faith and do not mix their belief with any ideology will be guided.
  • 00:35:00 presents a translation of a hadith about how Muslims should deal with people who embrace different religions. According to the hadith, Muslims who embrace other religions are not guided and have no security in this life or the next.
  • 00:40:00 explains that according to Islamic theology, the deity of a group of people cannot be a mix of different divine entities, as this would be contradictory. Ultimately, the speaker argues, this doctrine leads to security and peace, as those who believe in Allah will not be confused about who their ultimate authority is.
  • 00:45:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL Massari discusses the importance of Imam, or spiritual leader, in Islamic traditions. He explains that although Imam is not necessarily infallible, he is nevertheless a valuable leader who can bring people the message of Islam.
  • 00:50:00 Discusses the controversial nature of who is a prophet in Islam and Christianity, and contrasts the three translations of the Quran. also discusses Elijah, Jonah, and Lot, and their respective prophets in Islam, Christianity, and Judaism.
  • 00:55:00 Discusses an inscription that is claimed to show that Joshua, the son of noon, is the true savior. However, the inscription is older than Christianity and is actually from the Arab Islamic period. Furthermore, the video suggests that Christians may be mistaken in their belief that Joshua is the savior.


discusses the different Islamic concepts of guidance, lying, and prophets. It argues that while lying is generally prohibited, it is allowed in some circumstances according to Sharia. also discusses the lack of female prophets mentioned in the Quran, and how this does not mean that they do not exist.

01:00:00 Discusses the importance of God's guidance, which is conditional upon the recipients' acknowledgement of the truth. It emphasizes that even if the recipients reject God's guidance, He will still entrust it to others.

  • 01:05:00 Discusses the guidance that Allah has given to the prophets and how it is an obligation for all of them. It also discusses how Sharia is different than the Old Testament, and how Yusuf was allowed to do what he did because Allah had not yet given the people the authority to be king themselves.
  • 01:10:00 Discusses an argument between Muslims and philosophers regarding the possibility of revelation. The Muslim point of view is that revelation is possible and does not contradict Allah's comprehensive power or free will.
  • 01:15:00 Discusses the philosophy of Ibrahim Islam, who was the first philosopher. Ibrahim's discourse is a genuine philosophical discourse which is present in a level of the 2000 year before Christ. If this discourse was not from Allah, it would be many contradictions.
  • 01:20:00 Discusses the difference between Allah creating lies and lying himself, and concludes that there is a clear distinction between the two.
  • 01:25:00 Afraid of punishment, people try to lie to avoid it, but according to Sharia, this is only permissible in certain situations to achieve a greater good. Dr. Muhammad al Massari discusses the reasons why lying is permitted in Sharia.
  • 01:30:00 discusses the difference between lying and deception, and how these concepts apply to the Islamic faith. It explains that lying is prohibited by God, while deception is allowed under certain circumstances. also discusses the role of prophetesses in Islam, and how they are not considered prophets.
  • 01:35:00 Discusses the lack of mention of particular female prophets in the Quran, and how this does not mean that female prophets do not exist. It goes on to discuss the Hadith which mentions inheritance passing down from man to man, and how this proves that female prophets do exist.
  • 01:40:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL Massari discusses the argument that it is impossible for a female prophet to exist before or after the Prophet Muhammad. He points to examples of female prophets in the Quran, and argues that the core of these prophecies must be true because they are not based off of small details or sensationalized stories.
  • 01:45:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL Massari discusses the Ayah "O you who believe! Enter the holy land and fight in the way of Allah and do not let anyone deceive you about Allah." He argues that while Ibrahim is a good example to follow, Mohammed is an absolutely perfect example in every way. This absolutism in regards to the example of prophets means that Sharia (Islamic law) cannot be based on the opinions of individual Muslims, as this would be abrogating what is fundamental in regards to their religion.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:11 foreign
0:00:15 Music
0:00:39 foreign
0:01:22 these episodes are broadcast live on the
0:01:25 study Circles of Professor Dr Mohammed
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0:01:42 comments section and asking questions
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0:01:45 broadcast connected to the video don't
0:01:47 forget to support our activities by
0:01:49 donating when asking questions in the
0:01:50 conversation or through the thank you
0:01:52 button under our video today is Sunday
0:01:54 the 1st of January 2023 the professor
0:01:57 continues the interpretation of
0:01:59 we are now on verse 76.
0:02:04 so we started the the episode of Ibrahim
0:02:08 and we started becoming believer and
0:02:10 they suggested and they think it's well
0:02:12 established by cross referencing that
0:02:13 with the other place in the Quran that
0:02:15 this is before he became a prophet is
0:02:17 not as many scholars held he is arguing
0:02:19 with his people and discussing looking
0:02:21 at the stars and telling the people
0:02:22 later discuss together no he is himself
0:02:24 the Quran says that he become convinced
0:02:27 that he become persuaded by a rational
0:02:29 argumentation so it's not for his people
0:02:31 most like he's done doing that there's
0:02:34 some narration which he cannot obviously
0:02:35 trust none of them is
0:02:40 may be taken from the people of the book
0:02:43 may be constructed by their imagination
0:02:44 that he was in a cave or something like
0:02:46 that all this is or just dump that in
0:02:49 the bin that's only can be trusted by
0:02:52 people who are who has the people of the
0:02:55 book disease that anything written in
0:02:57 books or narrated with some ancient
0:02:59 people is regarded as a fact until
0:03:01 proven otherwise no it's not true people
0:03:03 imagine and that things from their
0:03:05 imagination all the things connected to
0:03:07 the message of Allah from trustworthy
0:03:09 narrator should be taken on board and
0:03:10 even after thorough scrutiny really to
0:03:13 make sure that it is really from him not
0:03:16 by interference of the mind or the
0:03:17 memory so the strongest point of view is
0:03:20 that he is really searching he is
0:03:22 thinking he's analyzing he's not a
0:03:24 prophet yet and Allah letting him
0:03:26 develop himself so if someone will go to
0:03:29 extreme say even you can achieve profit
0:03:31 in time pass Prophet is now sealed by
0:03:33 rational consideration and devoting
0:03:36 yourself to this purpose until Allah is
0:03:38 pleased with you and adopted you as a
0:03:39 prophet may be possible at least we have
0:03:41 one example which is Ibrahim anyway
0:03:43 that's not our issue now that the
0:03:45 prophet can be achieved by rational
0:03:48 consideration and the developing
0:03:50 yourself until you become such a level
0:03:52 that Allah adopted you it may happen
0:03:54 only only once in history that's Ibrahim
0:03:58 so he was considering the the Stars
0:04:00 especially maybe maybe Venus or another
0:04:03 planet or something which is significant
0:04:05 or very bright
0:04:06 but you notice that this one is go Rises
0:04:09 up and go down and this shows
0:04:11 contingency it is possible that it is
0:04:12 here visible to me and then it
0:04:14 disappears there's a contingency the
0:04:17 people of they say he noticed that it is
0:04:20 events go through events because they
0:04:21 have this idea of events but I think
0:04:23 it's a better approach philosophical
0:04:25 obviously in time of Ibrahim Moses of
0:04:27 events time time events and issue of
0:04:31 contingency were not sorted properly but
0:04:34 future philosophical development showed
0:04:36 that the concept of contingency is more
0:04:38 fundamental and then the concept of time
0:04:41 also comes after that and that solved
0:04:43 many problems which we discussed in
0:04:45 issues of Qatar and so on but that's
0:04:47 very sorry independence of me leave that
0:04:49 other side so we notice these things say
0:04:51 Allah I don't love something I don't
0:04:54 think it is divine something which goes
0:04:56 up and down
0:04:57 appears and disappears
0:04:59 can't be a Divine should be always
0:05:01 omnipresent
0:05:03 because if you could disappear he could
0:05:04 disappear for eternities or could have
0:05:06 not been here forever so
0:05:08 can't be necessary existing you see my
0:05:11 point is more of the issue of
0:05:12 contingency rather than a matter of
0:05:14 change in time finishing time is the
0:05:16 result of being contingent not the
0:05:18 opposite that's what I want to stress
0:05:21 then he said okay let us next next day
0:05:23 see if there's any other candidate for
0:05:25 Divinity he saw the Moon
0:05:27 so
0:05:29 this is
0:05:33 seems to be bigger and more important
0:05:34 maybe not next day maybe uh the first
0:05:38 consideration was there was no moon it
0:05:40 was it was a new moon and the skies at
0:05:43 night is empty only the Spanish now he
0:05:45 waited until mid-month roughly and there
0:05:47 was no more the moon rising up
0:05:50 and then you say oh this this may be a
0:05:52 more worthy of a candidate but this guy
0:05:55 also the moon rose up and the way where
0:05:58 why mention the most respect of the moon
0:06:00 was one of the deities of the ancient uh
0:06:03 Babylonian and Sumerian and so on is one
0:06:05 of the major deities also the ancient
0:06:07 Arabs Etc
0:06:09 so that's the they referred to as a
0:06:11 deity maybe that's the deity represented
0:06:13 by this by these statues which is
0:06:15 because they are representing deities
0:06:18 they are Idols not just male statues two
0:06:22 but then this one I also set down it
0:06:25 wasn't all night or this the guy seems
0:06:27 to be big and interesting now are you
0:06:28 thinking analytically he must have seen
0:06:30 the moon before that many times but
0:06:31 without any analytical thinking about is
0:06:34 it Divine or not just watching and going
0:06:37 up and down now he's analyzing
0:06:39 see
0:06:42 this is also sitting them like the
0:06:44 planet
0:06:45 if my Lord whoever the Lord is I don't
0:06:48 know is the real lord if he doesn't
0:06:50 guide me I would be misguided so this is
0:06:52 also another point which shows the
0:06:54 rationality and the devotion of Ibrahim
0:06:57 to the truth because you say if there is
0:06:59 a Divine Law they seem to be this then
0:07:01 of a perception and reason dictate that
0:07:04 there must be a Divine Lord must be a
0:07:06 Creator ultimately because nobody at
0:07:08 this time just agreed that there must be
0:07:10 some kind of an ultimate Creator or
0:07:12 initiator of existence the issue of
0:07:14 atheism was not on the table maybe we
0:07:17 have 180 is here one eight is there and
0:07:19 they even do not dare say that you're
0:07:20 saying that publicly but nobody
0:07:23 discussed that so if this who is this
0:07:25 Lord I don't know he is him but if he
0:07:27 does not guide me he must be capable of
0:07:30 guiding me and opened my eyes to certain
0:07:32 directions
0:07:33 so guide me and I will be misguided so
0:07:35 he's devoting to and that's what I
0:07:37 advise many atheists nowadays for
0:07:39 example and people say they ask Allah
0:07:41 for guys say I don't believe that exists
0:07:42 see you don't need to believe say God
0:07:45 if you exist then I need your help
0:07:48 give me some guidance over my eyes you
0:07:50 are capable of all things as the people
0:07:52 claim a Divine being should be and you
0:07:55 are kind enough to to give some help in
0:07:57 a roundabout way it doesn't need to be
0:07:59 America but some open my eyes or
0:08:02 something get my attention in right
0:08:03 direction that's the way it should
0:08:05 should someone who is looking for the
0:08:07 truth ask for the one who may exist and
0:08:10 may be according to the usual
0:08:12 description of a Divine being have these
0:08:14 attributes
0:08:15 so Ibrahim is doing that so they said
0:08:17 Allah given us a guidance everyone is
0:08:19 try this way I approach this Lord which
0:08:22 you are doubting is existent by asking
0:08:24 him if you exist please help me
0:08:25 understand this
0:08:27 then
0:08:31 obviously it was all night long because
0:08:34 the Moon Rises after Sunset and then it
0:08:38 sets when the sun is about to rise at
0:08:40 that full moon at the 14th of the month
0:08:42 of the lunar month and then that night
0:08:45 maybe he was suffering not sleeping and
0:08:48 then the sun rose say this one is
0:08:51 amazing it just had more right more
0:08:53 light more warmth
0:08:55 on this larger and more significant
0:08:58 maybe this is my Lord
0:09:00 let me watch it what it does now watch
0:09:03 with critical iview I've seen this hand
0:09:05 Rising many times definitely is doing
0:09:07 this consideration when he is he is at
0:09:09 least
0:09:10 it can't be 70s although maybe an
0:09:12 ingenious ingenious personality could do
0:09:14 that but it must be at least 10 12
0:09:16 something like that so yeah I see that
0:09:18 so many times but so does
0:09:21 nobody's thinking about it now thinking
0:09:23 about in analytical way
0:09:26 then
0:09:27 that one is also after full day of
0:09:30 radiation warmth and so on has set down
0:09:33 and disappeared the same problem like
0:09:35 the moon the same problem like the
0:09:37 planets and the Stars it is here
0:09:39 sometime until not yet another time it
0:09:41 is contingent it seems to be having a
0:09:43 limitation it cannot be the one which
0:09:45 will be initiate everything which cannot
0:09:47 have limitation when this is the reason
0:09:49 at the time maybe he perceives that like
0:09:51 subconsciously without even analytical
0:09:53 thought or maybe he had a little bit
0:09:55 more antique adult whatever it was at
0:09:57 that stage of history for Christ that we
0:10:00 concluded
0:10:02 then he said now I know what's going on
0:10:04 all of these are created being their
0:10:06 contingent there must be someone behind
0:10:08 that which we don't see who is only
0:10:10 present but we are not having no access
0:10:12 to him is not accessible to our
0:10:14 perceptions and so on
0:10:16 and then he addressed his people after
0:10:18 that I direct my face to the one who
0:10:20 created the Heaven and said including
0:10:22 these plans doesn't be the point we say
0:10:24 uh
0:10:26 he that he addresses people I am I am
0:10:30 divorced and innocent from all your
0:10:31 deities that people think that that
0:10:34 previous their consideration is a
0:10:36 discussion of his people but
0:10:38 uh the the typical Quran mission that he
0:10:41 said that immediately after the sunset
0:10:43 doesn't mean it has to be immediate same
0:10:45 day maybe he came to his people and say
0:10:47 I did all this consideration and I came
0:10:49 to this conclusion now hear me all these
0:10:51 deities are false I have nothing to do
0:10:53 with them I'm devoting myself to the
0:10:55 career so when the Quran mentioned
0:10:56 something like as if it looks like an
0:10:58 immediate order even also whether it
0:11:01 will end doesn't mean it's immediate and
0:11:04 this is in many places in the Quran
0:11:06 that's happening and they hinted that
0:11:07 for example when Allah said refer to
0:11:10 raise
0:11:16 after mentioning that Allah saved him
0:11:19 from from being detained and crucified
0:11:20 people think most Scholars and ambassad
0:11:23 that he was lifted up immediately and uh
0:11:26 thus escaping the construction no he may
0:11:29 have not been lifted up and according to
0:11:31 the New Testament he reappeared again
0:11:34 and was lifted up 50 days later
0:11:37 so that doesn't mean that's that's a
0:11:39 trap don't be going in this trap think
0:11:41 that is mentioned immediately meaning
0:11:42 you said immediately it could be uh it
0:11:45 could be separated by by by a long time
0:11:48 another example when the Quran mentioned
0:11:50 the splitting of the Moon
0:11:55 many people thought because
0:11:59 of the moon is related to uh to the day
0:12:02 of judgment no the dev jumped has become
0:12:04 near and become present and mentioned by
0:12:06 the prophets very frequently starting
0:12:08 from Asia before that it was barely
0:12:10 measured it was nobody mentioned it or
0:12:13 barely measured if you go check the Old
0:12:15 Testament there is very dimension of the
0:12:17 idea of judgment or the resurrection
0:12:18 that's one of the traps also if they say
0:12:21 ah all these ideas have developed bit by
0:12:23 bit from paganism and things like that
0:12:25 yeah I said that's a death trap it's not
0:12:27 like that the prophet said that the
0:12:30 object is far away and this was in their
0:12:32 tradition already narrated it's not in
0:12:35 the books but for Melissa on he
0:12:37 announced the kingdom announced the
0:12:39 final Prophet announced many things anus
0:12:41 is coming back and things like that
0:12:42 under Muhammad mentioned
0:12:44 is near it may be next day it could be
0:12:47 any moment and he mentioned the coming
0:12:49 of this as a usual is almost coming now
0:12:51 and he mentioned at the jail the people
0:12:54 think he's almost outside Medina are
0:12:57 about to attack
0:12:58 always separated Maybe by A Thousand
0:13:00 Years
0:13:01 so don't be fooled by that so that what
0:13:03 I said scholar said he was all the
0:13:05 previously I was discussing with his
0:13:07 three people but relying on that he
0:13:09 after that told his people all my people
0:13:11 I have nothing to do with your idols and
0:13:14 your association with with the creative
0:13:15 areas with other partners I I devote
0:13:18 myself only to the one who created the
0:13:21 evidence we don't see him we didn't
0:13:23 perceive him but we see his his action
0:13:25 we see his we see his existence through
0:13:28 the Veil
0:13:29 so that's that's not an evidence that
0:13:31 all the previous discussion is really
0:13:33 just said uh they are logo with his own
0:13:35 people and that's his own research and
0:13:37 this is also uh enforced by the Ayah
0:13:40 before they say
0:13:43 so he becomes thoroughly convinced based
0:13:47 or rational argument not just by by
0:13:49 Revelation given to him and the Divine
0:13:51 forceful uh Making Believe or breaking
0:13:54 Prophet no by his own working hard work
0:13:57 and achieving their truth so then after
0:14:00 the sunset does not came to that
0:14:01 conclusion maybe the same day maybe next
0:14:04 month maybe he came from the cave if the
0:14:06 Cave Story is true until the people
0:14:08 listen
0:14:09 I have nothing to do with your Idols I
0:14:11 came to the conclusion maybe he reported
0:14:13 also this discussion to them or they
0:14:15 said this area and there must be a
0:14:17 Creator behind the scene it's not
0:14:19 visible it's not accessible to us
0:14:21 evidently but his action is visible we
0:14:23 see it and we conclude from that with
0:14:25 necessity that he exists and is the
0:14:27 Creator and he is omnipresent and he is
0:14:29 the one who created evidence that
0:14:30 created heaven are there
0:14:32 and I'm the inclining away for for from
0:14:36 from uh from any other Idols when he
0:14:40 says
0:14:48 so I'm devoting by myself I think I did
0:14:51 not read the eyes and didn't give a
0:14:52 Russian opportunity to translate them
0:14:54 because I got excited about the content
0:14:56 but let us read them again and then you
0:14:58 translate them so much there's three
0:15:02 eyes actually I read them in in sequence
0:15:04 if possible they wanna yeah so no
0:15:06 problem
0:15:07 kick off and I'll press that off to you
0:15:09 no read them read them yes just to
0:15:11 enforce what I said essentially sure
0:15:14 then when the night I was shattered him
0:15:17 with his Darkness he beheld the star and
0:15:19 he exclaimed this is my sustainer but
0:15:22 when it went down he said I love not the
0:15:24 things that go down
0:15:25 no next one yeah okay
0:15:29 um and then it's okay so now we're on 77
0:15:33 then when he beheld the Moon Rising he
0:15:36 said this is my sustainer but when it
0:15:38 went down he said he said indeed if my
0:15:40 sustainer guided guide me not I will
0:15:43 most certainly become one of those one
0:15:45 of the people who go astray I'll skip to
0:15:47 the next slide as well that transition
0:15:49 looks like
0:15:51 then when he beheld the sun rising he
0:15:53 said this is my sustainer this one is
0:15:55 the greatest of all when it two went
0:15:58 down he could explain oh my people
0:16:00 behold far be it from me to ascribe
0:16:02 Divinity as you do to ought beside God
0:16:05 the next one the last is the last one of
0:16:07 the set the three behold unto him who
0:16:10 brought into being the heavens and the
0:16:13 Earth have I turned my face I've been
0:16:15 turned away from all that is false and
0:16:17 I'm not all those who ascribe Divinity
0:16:19 to ought beside him
0:16:21 yeah we stop here at least another
0:16:22 translation so we see some variation of
0:16:24 words but I think there's not very much
0:16:26 of it except this instead of sustain a
0:16:28 better translation is Lord
0:16:31 Etc but at least read the sequence of
0:16:32 other Transitions okay go back to 77
0:16:36 then when he beheld then when he saw the
0:16:38 Moon Rising he said this is my Lord but
0:16:41 when it said when it said he said if my
0:16:43 lord does not guide me I will definitely
0:16:44 become one of those lost people next one
0:16:47 then when he saw the sun rising he said
0:16:50 this is my Lord this is greater but when
0:16:52 it two sets he said my people I disown
0:16:54 all that you worship other than God next
0:16:57 translation I have turned my face to him
0:16:59 who bought into existence the heavens
0:17:01 and the Earth and I have turned away
0:17:02 from all that is false I'm not one of
0:17:04 the idolaters yeah
0:17:23 so the translation is more of
0:17:25 philosophical brought in existence is
0:17:27 obviously a philosophical expression but
0:17:28 father initiated because you could say I
0:17:31 I am the one who did Father this will I
0:17:34 am though initiated the way I dug it I
0:17:37 stabilize the walls Etc because well
0:17:40 this has to be stabilized that they will
0:17:42 collapse inside
0:17:45 people can come and add to it and that
0:17:47 maybe stairs and then drops and things
0:17:49 like that that's not so fatala is the
0:17:52 one who initiated in the case of Heaven
0:17:54 is it because it didn't exist before
0:17:56 they don't initiated their existence
0:17:58 existence so that's the further
0:18:00 philosophical development but it's
0:18:02 initiated anyway
0:18:05 so next I I will try to control myself
0:18:07 not to jump over my head and do the
0:18:09 first translate next I am
0:18:12 then his people obviously argued him and
0:18:15 he said yeah
0:18:16 you don't do the Army first floor
0:18:19 according to our usual uh
0:18:36 and his people argued with him he said
0:18:39 do you argue with me about God well it
0:18:42 is he who has guided me but I do not
0:18:44 fear anything to which you ascribe
0:18:45 Divinity side by side with him for no
0:18:48 evil and before me unless my sister
0:18:50 Wills all things that all things does My
0:18:54 sustainer Embrace within his knowledge
0:18:56 will you not then keep this in mind next
0:18:59 translation
0:19:00 this people argued with him and he said
0:19:03 how can you argue with me about it is he
0:19:06 who has guided me I do not fear anything
0:19:09 you associate with him for no evil can
0:19:11 affect me unless my Lord Wills so Wills
0:19:15 my Lord Embraces everything within his
0:19:17 knowledge how can you not notice
0:19:20 yeah so a few remarks here yeah this is
0:19:23 meaning is clear but it's obviously
0:19:24 Quran as usual it brings only highlights
0:19:28 or certain points without mentioning
0:19:30 certain details which are clear from the
0:19:32 context or your support for you to have
0:19:34 your imagination filling the gaps what
0:19:37 would they argue about him the later
0:19:39 part of the uh uh yeah uh cynical
0:19:43 because his take about fearing that what
0:19:45 you associated with limited so Muslim
0:19:47 said don't you feel that these Gods
0:19:49 which may be the sons of God or the
0:19:52 Divine offsprings or some whatever they
0:19:54 they have constructed a case for them
0:19:55 they may punish you by by you denying
0:19:59 them and rejecting them
0:20:01 so that's that's not clear but it clears
0:20:03 from dead because they're trying to make
0:20:05 terrified be afraid uh we have examples
0:20:08 for example in in uh and when when uh
0:20:11 when I'm real I'm sure but despite of
0:20:13 all his negative characteristics and so
0:20:14 on was sent to demolish a lot in life
0:20:18 and then uh he he he came and and uh
0:20:23 before that another another sahibi came
0:20:25 to them Allah and embraced Islam asked
0:20:28 him about asking about Salah and so on
0:20:30 the one sent from banisad the one said
0:20:32 that the the the the the nursing owners
0:20:35 of the Prophet set up and then when he
0:20:37 came to his people I was the first thing
0:20:39 who he dismounted to come and said that
0:20:41 I settle that down with the latter say
0:20:44 did you lose your mind fear fear Valley
0:20:47 prozi fear the disease feel the strike
0:20:49 of the Lord tell you the last cannot do
0:20:51 anything uh it even doesn't exist I was
0:20:55 the messenger Allah and he told me this
0:20:56 and this and this and they embraced
0:20:58 Islam according to his advice and
0:21:00 discussion the same with the mother I'm
0:21:03 sure Allah being a sneaky guy he is he
0:21:05 went to type and and tell them I am
0:21:07 coming to demolish that say don't you
0:21:09 afraid to have jalam and so on people
0:21:11 have been struck with Calamity they said
0:21:13 oh no don't don't worry about that and
0:21:15 he took the the uh the demolishing
0:21:19 device or something a big hammer and
0:21:21 started demolishing and then he fell
0:21:22 around and
0:21:24 was moving his legs as if his dike so
0:21:27 say oh that stuck him so he stood double
0:21:29 life you say how stupid could you be
0:21:32 it is just a combination of stones
0:21:35 representing and nothing
0:21:43 play playful guy so they they played the
0:21:47 same game don't you afraid that you will
0:21:49 be struck with the Calamity like if you
0:21:52 discuss program with some Christian or
0:21:54 many Christian about the cast is not a
0:21:56 Divine being it's not a god it's just a
0:21:58 messenger of Allah
0:22:01 what do you do what's your mouth if he
0:22:04 is a Divine being you will be stuck with
0:22:05 Calamity you are denying him his most
0:22:07 importantly tribute and most things is
0:22:09 it to be said about him that he is
0:22:11 divine you are advocating a very poor
0:22:13 and low histology things like that it's
0:22:15 the same argument don't you feel that
0:22:17 you'll be struck with a calamity
0:22:20 because they think their Divine beings
0:22:22 will be capable of doing that and he
0:22:25 said Ibrahim tell them
0:22:28 how come that you are to the the
0:22:33 that to terrify me from your idols
0:22:36 and want me to associate with any
0:22:38 importance I will never say about unless
0:22:40 Allah permits that to happen because
0:22:42 they acknowledge that Allah has the
0:22:43 power to permit that to happen then it
0:22:45 will happen otherwise for my own no
0:22:47 there's no way I'm going to do it
0:22:48 because my Lord is impossible everything
0:22:50 and with his knowledge and his power
0:22:52 don't you remember don't you analyze
0:22:55 don't you think that that core meaning
0:22:57 here not only remember but study and
0:23:00 think because the word Dicker and
0:23:03 actually I I I was with with my friend
0:23:05 doing mudakara about preparing for the
0:23:07 exam meaning we remind each other we
0:23:09 study together Mutual studying is modaka
0:23:12 also so thicker is teaching and that's
0:23:15 the reasonatora the teaching is also
0:23:17 called the thicker is also teaching
0:23:19 Mutual teaching discussing discussing
0:23:22 and analyzing not only just remember it
0:23:24 that's part of it but it's not all of it
0:23:28 and then he continues with the second
0:23:30 part of it
0:23:32 is
0:23:39 I'll say this one
0:23:42 and why should I say anything that you
0:23:44 worship side by side with him seeing
0:23:46 that you are not afraid of ascribing
0:23:47 divinity to others to other powers
0:23:51 besides god without without besides what
0:23:54 without his ever having bestowed upon
0:23:57 you from on high any warrant therefore
0:23:59 tell me then which of the two parties
0:24:02 has a better right to feel secure if you
0:24:04 happen to know the answer next
0:24:06 translation why should I fear anything
0:24:08 that you worship besides him why are you
0:24:11 not afraid to associate partners with
0:24:13 him when he never sent you authority to
0:24:15 do so tell me if you'd know the answer
0:24:18 which side is more entitled to feel
0:24:20 secure yeah this is this is going to say
0:24:22 why should they be afraid because we he
0:24:24 and them agree that there's a there's a
0:24:26 Supreme Being for Mom this is the minor
0:24:30 divinities somehow emerged as Sons by
0:24:34 emanation by proceeding whatever well
0:24:36 they use they are not created they
0:24:38 proceed from their father like in the
0:24:40 Trinity that that the son is born but
0:24:45 born not made and the Holy Spirit
0:24:47 proceeded so he was you use Airborne use
0:24:49 proceeding it's the same thing as
0:24:51 foreign
0:24:53 Act of Creation it is either proceeding
0:24:56 or born or emanation whatever reason and
0:24:59 all it is rationally impossible that's
0:25:01 another issue to discuss today not to
0:25:03 discuss today
0:25:04 so you claim that
0:25:07 but we agree that he is the Supreme one
0:25:09 now you claim these minor ones whose
0:25:12 according to your claim proceeded from
0:25:14 there but you have no Authority and no
0:25:16 Revelation or no information
0:25:19 testifying that they are proceeded from
0:25:21 their father which shows that in a
0:25:23 compelling way so relying on just what
0:25:25 you inherited stories and God for others
0:25:29 claim that I should be afraid of those
0:25:31 well you should both of us we should be
0:25:34 afraid of the top one the big one the
0:25:36 initial one the initiator one which whom
0:25:39 you Associated things without any
0:25:40 Authority
0:25:42 so which party should be more afraid
0:25:44 it's a matter of fear it's a matter of
0:25:46 fear and intellectual Terror let us say
0:25:48 what shadow should be more more worth
0:25:50 your fear definitely the one who
0:25:51 attributes the ability to someone
0:25:52 without a compelling evidence and he is
0:25:55 and he's admitting this one is a minor
0:25:58 Divinity or something who preceded from
0:26:00 the fundamental one
0:26:10 do you have any evidence for that
0:26:12 so
0:26:15 so if you know tell me so this is that
0:26:17 this is the this is obviously this is
0:26:19 not Allah went in the sense of of
0:26:21 sexuality but it is a compelling uh
0:26:24 so-called rhetoric argument
0:26:27 there's one point here to be to be
0:26:29 addressed it comes in the Quran various
0:26:30 places
0:26:33 to which Allah did not bring down any
0:26:36 Authority
0:26:37 at that some of us Serene and some
0:26:40 people may think by mistake that and
0:26:44 they discussed that in the book of
0:26:45 actually quite plenty over there I think
0:26:48 several pages
0:26:50 that associate or something that would
0:26:53 Allah does not bring down any Authority
0:26:55 they may think that if Allah sent an
0:26:57 authority was something it may be divine
0:26:59 no what to say you are worshiping
0:27:02 something which by its own natural it's
0:27:03 impossible to have any authority to come
0:27:06 from Allah it is impossible even for
0:27:08 Allah to send any authority of that
0:27:09 because it's largely impossible it
0:27:11 contradict the reality and Allah cannot
0:27:13 lie impossible to arrive so he did not
0:27:15 bring anything down it mentioned the
0:27:17 reality you have nothing in your hand
0:27:18 you claim you have you have nothing in
0:27:20 your heart
0:27:21 if they would have anything in your hand
0:27:23 we may be able to discuss further but
0:27:25 it's impossible that you could have been
0:27:26 anything anywhere and because this is
0:27:28 rationally and logically impossible and
0:27:31 no Authority could have ever come any
0:27:32 way anyway could not have ever come so
0:27:36 my name is meaning that if if something
0:27:39 came down that Associates we have to
0:27:41 accept it no we know that's kind of me
0:27:43 from Allah it must be a fabrication
0:27:44 because necessity of Reason contradict
0:27:47 that
0:27:50 structure of reason is that what we
0:27:52 started with when we received Revelation
0:27:54 and we think about Allah so if if
0:27:57 someone claim we have an elect for
0:27:59 example the
0:28:00 Nicene conference claim that that the
0:28:04 the that the son is born from a father
0:28:06 not made before the beginning of time
0:28:09 etc etc and claiming that they have an
0:28:11 authority of the scripture so say it
0:28:13 can't be from a scripture it is a
0:28:15 mistake of you it is impossible it can't
0:28:18 come from Allah because we came to know
0:28:20 Allah we came to know the scripture we
0:28:22 came to read them because we understand
0:28:24 the language Greek whatever it may be
0:28:26 and the language is based on the basic
0:28:28 business of reason and the whole
0:28:30 perception of the reality is based on
0:28:32 the basic principles of reason so we
0:28:34 cannot have something coming out of
0:28:36 so-called scripture which contradicts
0:28:38 the very basis which we recognize them
0:28:40 as a description in the first place it's
0:28:42 not possible
0:28:43 it doesn't work this way the same here
0:28:46 so my name is
0:28:50 even if it has come down it couldn't be
0:28:53 possibly the case
0:28:54 but they don't have they say bring me
0:28:57 they don't have so it doesn't mean that
0:28:59 if Allah brings down an authority for
0:29:01 something it may be worshiped no Allah
0:29:03 will never bring because impossible
0:29:05 it will be Allah and Allah is above any
0:29:07 lie because he's the absolute truth it's
0:29:09 not worth what it can be so that's
0:29:21 and logically impossible so don't
0:29:24 understand it in the wrong way and send
0:29:26 it the right way
0:29:27 so there's no way a like a kind of
0:29:30 company kind of authority like that
0:29:32 because it's going to addictive
0:29:33 fundamental truth and it will undermine
0:29:35 reason undermine the fact that Allah is
0:29:37 the absolute truth that he's not the
0:29:39 truth can't be from him
0:29:42 so any
0:29:44 Divinity Association
0:29:46 cannot be having any Authority
0:29:50 so
0:29:51 and hence nothing will come down in that
0:29:54 direction if someone claims something
0:29:55 has come down my dear friend you are
0:29:58 mistaken there must some kind of an
0:30:00 error or
0:30:01 or you are being confused or you are
0:30:04 lying directly
0:30:06 so that's that's an important it's a
0:30:08 it's a small point but super important
0:30:10 so there's no way that
0:30:13 there will be any Authority coming from
0:30:15 Allah coming down giving Divinity to any
0:30:18 entity whatsoever if it's impossible
0:30:21 it's largely impossible so there's no
0:30:23 way so any Divinity attributed beside
0:30:25 Allah beside the necessary existing
0:30:27 initiator of the universe
0:30:31 could not buy necessity of Reason having
0:30:34 any Authority
0:30:35 and anyone claiming otherwise something
0:30:37 has come or something in the scripture
0:30:38 or some rational consideration is
0:30:40 suggesting that is difficult
0:30:42 fundamentally unnecessarily mistaken
0:30:46 and then Abrahim continue Quran continue
0:30:48 saying
0:30:51 um
0:30:54 Music
0:31:03 those who have a change of faith and who
0:31:05 have not stood their faith by wrongdoing
0:31:07 it is they who shall they who shall be
0:31:10 secure since it is they who have found
0:31:11 the right path next translation it is
0:31:14 those who have faith and who have not
0:31:16 mixed their faith with adult idolatry it
0:31:19 is they who will be secure since it is
0:31:20 they who have found the right path
0:31:22 what's the last one is makes the affairs
0:31:24 with what
0:31:25 but I've not missed their faith with
0:31:27 idolatry in the second translation yeah
0:31:29 the first one is says we're not obscured
0:31:32 their faith by wrongdoing yeah
0:31:34 okay so that's the other one is taking
0:31:36 out taking uh taking away the question
0:31:39 of Aisha because the original word is
0:31:42 Injustice which is wrong with the wink
0:31:44 but technically Injustice transgression
0:31:48 that's guessing the truth guessing uh
0:31:51 the right action either from thinking
0:31:52 the correct the the correct statement
0:31:55 the haq or transgressive the just the
0:31:57 just actionable
0:32:07 because Aisha said we are we are done we
0:32:11 are finished because even if we attend
0:32:14 Faith none of us did not mix our our
0:32:17 faith and Iman with some injustice there
0:32:21 will be some injustice small or big
0:32:24 then we have no security we are not
0:32:26 guided that is not like what you think
0:32:31 it is those who attain faith and do not
0:32:34 mix their belief with any
0:32:35 ideology
0:32:38 because they're all context is about
0:32:40 here meaning is focusing on and the
0:32:44 majority
0:32:46 those are the guided and those are the
0:32:48 the
0:32:49 because by Mississippi so you know that
0:32:53 all believer even if they are the most
0:32:55 devoted One Voice they will have some
0:32:58 acceptable profits and some and father
0:33:00 even some prophets have even some some
0:33:01 mistakes like for example you
0:33:03 understanding away from the without
0:33:06 Divine permission that's a major sin
0:33:08 it's actually a major sin running away
0:33:11 from his Lord is a major sin
0:33:15 he's not guided and he has no security
0:33:17 he is and he was saved because of that
0:33:19 so no mean again
0:33:23 even even if even the even the smaller
0:33:26 touch object should not uh should stay
0:33:28 do not stay in your email with a proper
0:33:31 definition of shirk like for example
0:33:33 just Totowa is not the touching Graves
0:33:36 like a stupid donkey or harvest cream no
0:33:38 sharing for example thinking that the
0:33:41 King has the right to release date or
0:33:43 the sick mobile without a justification
0:33:46 that's a shirk that you have no Harmony
0:33:49 will not be guided
0:33:51 not by kissing a grape like the Happy
0:33:54 thing that's also silk we have to
0:33:55 understand what silk is
0:33:57 yeah
0:33:59 but if it is stand by by someone who
0:34:02 will be taken away by their sexual
0:34:03 desire and committed fornication that's
0:34:05 not jerk
0:34:06 that's a feeling due to the to the
0:34:09 sexual drive and he recognized that he's
0:34:12 mistaken it is sinful
0:34:13 clearly if he does not recognize that
0:34:16 that's a because he said I am
0:34:17 legitimating for my father for myself
0:34:19 Allah is not commanding me whatever he
0:34:21 wants I commit myself I want let's check
0:34:23 but the one who doing say I did the
0:34:25 commentation for myself the hormones I
0:34:29 was on high steroids I couldn't do
0:34:30 anything that's fine that's fine that's
0:34:32 not check
0:34:33 so that's the one here so the next
0:34:35 demonstration he took already the
0:34:36 objection board and translated not
0:34:40 literally but by the meaning as
0:34:41 explained by the first others which also
0:34:44 the context clear the clarify because
0:34:46 all the discussion is not about
0:34:47 fornication it's not about stealing it's
0:34:50 not about sins this obedience to Allah
0:34:52 is about shark associating Partners
0:34:55 Allah with the proper meaning
0:34:57 not only Partners you are you're both
0:34:59 too and touch and kiss their Idols no
0:35:02 but also partners and Lords recite Allah
0:35:04 who we regard them as they have the
0:35:06 right of legislation and you have the
0:35:08 obligation of obedience yeah
0:35:10 also and this is the peak of shark
0:35:13 not the lower obserk the maximum shirk
0:35:16 and that's the reason when we see this
0:35:18 this one of the reasons
0:35:20 foreign
0:35:28 for this animal
0:35:32 God knows if this guy died I think he
0:35:34 died in an accident if he died as a
0:35:36 Muslim will accept it who knows we are
0:35:38 not going to judge that leave that for
0:35:39 example
0:35:41 because meaning that Hakimi is not
0:35:42 perfect for him
0:35:46 so that's the meaning of that those who
0:35:48 have this faith
0:35:50 when Allah alone
0:35:55 those are associated with any partner
0:35:57 and do not mixed with their Iman any
0:35:59 shirk
0:36:03 Divinity or lordship with a Divine
0:36:06 meaning of lordship
0:36:09 these are having the the security and
0:36:12 the other guided one
0:36:13 whatever other mistake they commit and
0:36:15 so on because even if they commit a
0:36:17 mistake they recognize they committed a
0:36:18 mistake and they they criticize
0:36:21 themselves under acknowledge that they
0:36:22 are mistaken so they are not appointing
0:36:24 themselves
0:36:27 the weak Believers but that's for
0:36:29 forgiveness they will be forgiven or
0:36:31 punished
0:36:33 But ultimately they have the ultimate
0:36:34 security by escaping ultimately the
0:36:37 Hellfire and they are definitely guided
0:36:39 because the moon gravity the fundamental
0:36:40 guidance is to see your place in the
0:36:42 universe there's only one Divine being
0:36:45 with the Supreme Lord and the holy
0:36:47 Commander ultimate command and nobody
0:36:49 can legislative and it accepts by by his
0:36:52 permission and by by within the
0:36:55 limitation of his uh of the laws enacted
0:36:58 by himself
0:36:59 to all water the prophets are doing is
0:37:01 just formulating what he revealed to
0:37:03 them and what Focus are doing is driving
0:37:06 that according
0:37:07 to the best they can find in that Sonic
0:37:09 has Revelation if they are sincere if
0:37:12 they derive the remedy violating the
0:37:14 Revelation they are covered damage they
0:37:16 can cover also
0:37:17 so that's it so those were Embrace faith
0:37:20 I did not mix it with any shirk or any
0:37:22 idolatry of the probably defined
0:37:25 regulatory these are the security and
0:37:27 the other guided ones anyone else is not
0:37:30 guided and have no secretary so his
0:37:31 people can argue as long as they wish
0:37:33 they cannot have security and they
0:37:35 cannot try to make Ibrahim become afraid
0:37:37 and give up on his belief because uh
0:37:39 maybe maybe uh
0:37:42 maybe this this Idol may have some
0:37:44 effect maybe he's a Divine son maybe let
0:37:47 me hedge my bits so amazingly I saw a
0:37:51 couple of days ago maybe two days ago
0:37:54 a story I can't believe that story does
0:37:56 that exist but they claim and even have
0:37:58 a picture of a man who claimed that he
0:38:00 embraced both Islam Christianity and
0:38:02 Buddhism as as just uh as having a
0:38:05 backup just to be safe in case
0:38:09 three it's fundamentally contradictory
0:38:13 motivation between this
0:38:16 divinity
0:38:19 because Muslim believes when when Divine
0:38:23 entity under one person no no not a
0:38:26 multiple person and anybody else is a
0:38:29 created being
0:38:31 and all any things which appears to be
0:38:33 making him Divine is that metaphorical
0:38:35 he's the word of Allah being created by
0:38:37 the word or he is the incorporation of
0:38:39 the word or something like that the same
0:38:42 with the way with the spirit of God
0:38:45 the spirit of Holiness or what they call
0:38:48 it okay now the spirit but the exact
0:38:49 word is the spirit of Holiness is
0:38:52 whatever it may be it is an entity which
0:38:55 is having this title because it's
0:38:57 represented and brings Allah Liberation
0:38:59 it's a created being
0:39:14 Buddhism is different
0:39:16 as far as see the Buddhists Creed it
0:39:18 does not seem to be have a really a
0:39:20 central career divide being something
0:39:22 like like an empty being or something
0:39:24 like a pantheism it's not clear because
0:39:26 the various Buddhist school it's kind of
0:39:28 synchronized with Islamic definition of
0:39:30 the Divine so how can you Embrace three
0:39:32 contradicting things
0:39:34 but they seem to be existing this guy's
0:39:36 here as just a backup
0:39:40 there was a I I once saw a video that
0:39:43 when when there was northern northern
0:39:46 European mostly um what you got what
0:39:49 that what their name the famous Invaders
0:39:51 and famous
0:39:54 Vikings the Vikings when they were
0:39:56 ultimately converted by the Christian
0:39:58 church and so on they they have the
0:40:00 symbol their God Thor or something that
0:40:02 his symbol is the hammer and they found
0:40:04 some Viking King's Graves the corrected
0:40:07 one they found a hammer and the cross
0:40:09 most likely the guy said okay let's have
0:40:12 a hammer in the cage with a store we
0:40:14 always
0:40:16 and here of course in the case it turns
0:40:18 out that the Christ and there's a cross
0:40:20 we can oh listen we believe in him
0:40:25 hedging that's that's that's all these
0:40:29 these guys will never have any security
0:40:30 or India anyway from thinking the first
0:40:34 with the first place but even that
0:40:37 it doesn't work this way you can't have
0:40:39 a hammer on the cross in your grade
0:40:42 that doesn't doesn't mix
0:40:49 you can't have both
0:40:53 and I say according to the final
0:40:55 Revelation neither is is the truth but
0:40:58 in the middle of that whatever they are
0:41:00 together they will not mix not work it
0:41:03 doesn't work
0:41:05 Islam I said it does not mix attributing
0:41:08 Divinity and a lordship to monks scribes
0:41:11 and Kings is contradicts Islam for the
0:41:13 method it doesn't mix
0:41:15 and you will not have security and you
0:41:16 cannot argue renewable care you will be
0:41:18 finished he will be destroyed
0:41:20 and the Quran continue Allah continue
0:41:22 now this obviously the previous argument
0:41:25 seems to be ibrahim's statement even
0:41:27 maybe this one an interjection like an
0:41:29 intervening sentence also this habit
0:41:31 sometimes while mentioning some story
0:41:34 Allah interjects something like that and
0:41:36 between or it's a statement of one and
0:41:38 about this of the discussion we don't
0:41:40 know but here it may be Abrahim Ibrahim
0:41:42 statement maybe but after that Allah
0:41:44 comments Ibrahim
0:41:48 foreign
0:42:01 against his people Paul we do not raise
0:42:04 by degrees who we will verily thy
0:42:06 sustainer is wise all-known this
0:42:09 translation such was the argument we
0:42:11 gave to Abraham against his people we
0:42:13 raise and rank whoever we will your lord
0:42:16 is all wise honoring yeah listen it
0:42:19 seemed to be from that moment maybe
0:42:21 Ibrahim got a revelation now Allah after
0:42:24 he has received all that by himself it
0:42:26 seems to be that moment
0:42:28 this is our argument we gave it to Bryan
0:42:31 it's a rhetoric argument but it is it's
0:42:33 a devastating one we and you agree
0:42:35 there's an ultimate being
0:42:37 and these entities
0:42:39 we should Define a Divinity to them in
0:42:42 some obscure sense and somehow
0:42:44 are supposed to be offspring of this
0:42:46 device because they have to admit that
0:42:47 okay discuss with them that's that's it
0:42:49 that's the situation
0:42:51 then you are saying fear that they will
0:42:54 strike you they may be divine they will
0:42:56 strike you I say it's impossible that
0:42:59 they are divine
0:43:02 but I assume there's an authority have
0:43:04 come down from Allah from the Supreme
0:43:06 one we agree that he is the Supreme and
0:43:08 the only initial the initial one where
0:43:11 is that actually show it to me
0:43:14 they can't it's impossible although they
0:43:16 can say we got that from our fathers
0:43:18 when they got your father's from
0:43:19 they must have authority they cannot be
0:43:21 by themselves Authority and nobody can
0:43:23 deny that
0:43:24 on their grandfathers and the great
0:43:26 grandfathers
0:43:28 Etc
0:43:29 ultimately they end
0:43:33 restore the world
0:43:35 but it's also in the sense that when we
0:43:38 agree on these two premises then the
0:43:40 result will result by necessity
0:43:43 but we have to agree first on these two
0:43:45 premises
0:43:47 so this we gave this this evidence to
0:43:50 Ibrahimovic read the second translation
0:43:52 only one
0:43:54 I refer to them
0:43:56 um not to recap such was the argument we
0:43:59 gave to Abraham against his people we
0:44:00 raise and rank whoever we will your Lord
0:44:03 is always all knowing
0:44:05 yeah so this is this is essentially
0:44:07 clear does this Allah Allah is given to
0:44:09 Ibrahim and this may be the beginning of
0:44:11 Revelation and beginning of a doctor as
0:44:13 a prophet
0:44:15 and then it continues then with his
0:44:17 history
0:44:19 man
0:44:24 Music
0:44:29 uh what are you
0:44:32 also foreign
0:44:44 because I like it out of the way
0:44:46 inshallah
0:44:48 and we bestowed upon Him Isaac and Jacob
0:44:51 and we guided each of them as we had
0:44:53 guided Noah a thought time and out of
0:44:55 his offspring we bestowed prophethood
0:44:58 upon David and Solomon and job and
0:45:00 Joseph and Moses and Arun for thus we do
0:45:03 reward the doers of good
0:45:05 a translation we gave Isaac a Jacob
0:45:09 we gave him Isaac and Jacob we guided
0:45:11 each just as we had guided Noah before
0:45:13 among his defense descendants were David
0:45:16 Solomon job Joseph Moses and Arun in
0:45:20 this way we reward those who do good
0:45:22 yeah so unless Ibrahim become then the
0:45:24 father of the prophets after him then
0:45:26 maybe other prophets from other words
0:45:28 but they are minor and they are not to
0:45:29 mention this kind of major scripture
0:45:31 there may be others in China we can't
0:45:33 exclude that and we cannot exclude that
0:45:35 there may be have been prophets in the
0:45:37 in the North American uh and and to
0:45:39 Americas which we're not aware about
0:45:40 that because this history of that is
0:45:42 essentially gone I don't think I don't
0:45:45 think we have a good a good
0:45:46 understanding or or a decoding of the
0:45:49 language of the Maya and the Inca and so
0:45:51 on so that we can see if there's any but
0:45:53 it is very well possible we we don't
0:45:55 know but the main line of profitable in
0:45:58 the Middle East with the center of the
0:45:59 world Central world is because the
0:46:01 meeting places of the three continents
0:46:04 and the place which has weather-wise I
0:46:06 think that the most perfect weather for
0:46:08 for starting point for the Revelation
0:46:10 and history is Palestine and around all
0:46:14 the way from Mecca all the way to the
0:46:15 beginning of turkey and this area that's
0:46:18 the place where really civilization and
0:46:20 the philosophy I think started which is
0:46:23 a little bit to Egypt and a little bit
0:46:25 to Iraq so that's the calendar of
0:46:27 civilization more than at least recent
0:46:29 civilization ten thousand fifty thousand
0:46:32 before that there may be other
0:46:33 civilization elsewhere but that's the
0:46:35 character of really significant and here
0:46:38 he is the father of the main line of
0:46:40 prophets and some of them are mentioned
0:46:42 here
0:46:51 falling out for these ranks but is
0:46:53 mentioned as an intervening sentence but
0:46:55 all the one after that
0:46:57 has been been guided before but from the
0:47:01 offsprings of Ibrahim we have the awards
0:47:03 that's refutes obviously the Jews who
0:47:06 claimed that wood is only a king not a
0:47:08 Prophet by the way and Suleiman is not
0:47:10 even not about uh not a king but even
0:47:13 died as a kaffirmation according to the
0:47:15 majority of the Jews and we discussed
0:47:17 that in the accused him of Witchcraft
0:47:19 and Saturn is that what are you with the
0:47:24 famous uh story of suffering and so on
0:47:26 uh Yusuf who is known in the messenger
0:47:29 to Egypt and Musa and his brother harun
0:47:32 and this is that's the way Allah because
0:47:35 Ibrahim Ibrahim went Allah
0:47:38 said I appointed you to Adidas
0:47:43 Imam
0:47:45 is
0:47:47 natural he's a human being a human being
0:47:50 said like that they would like to have
0:47:52 the these benefits for the owner of
0:47:54 Springs that's natural that's that's
0:47:56 physiology that's the way you are
0:47:57 created and fashionista with genome is
0:48:00 developed
0:48:01 Allah has just answered with one thing
0:48:03 he did not say they will be except I
0:48:05 responded to the question for for
0:48:08 the son of Ismail when building a Kappa
0:48:11 that was before Daniel is a promise from
0:48:14 Ismail there will be there will be a
0:48:16 messenger who will teach them
0:48:19 that's before but from the other line
0:48:21 and when he finished all these tests
0:48:24 including slaughtering Ismail and then
0:48:26 Etc including building a club and so on
0:48:29 and there's all these abilities have
0:48:31 tests he passed all these things
0:48:38 would certain words and Commandments and
0:48:41 he completed the test one passed with
0:48:43 flying colors Allah said I am appointing
0:48:46 you to a leader of mankind
0:48:49 intellectual and the idea definitely
0:48:51 Imam he is not a head of state because
0:48:53 he clearly is not our head of state and
0:48:55 so on this is to answer properly some of
0:48:58 the shiately I'm okay
0:49:02 Imam his intellectual leadership
0:49:04 ideological leadership could be valuable
0:49:06 and infallible it's not necessary if
0:49:08 he's a prophet he is infallible and
0:49:10 bring you the message but not
0:49:12 necessarily infallible in in in in his
0:49:15 behavior like in the case of units Etc
0:49:17 let's discuss in the book of extensively
0:49:19 we don't go to these fine points
0:49:21 and from these
0:49:23 from that Allah just answered
0:49:26 maybe this is
0:49:29 what I mean he knows that Allah
0:49:31 responded in part to that artist
0:49:33 that definitely from his offspring
0:49:36 a bunch a good number of imams have
0:49:38 imaged
0:49:40 from them some mentioned by name the the
0:49:43 one passed in the previous year the next
0:49:45 Ayah mentioned further Zakaria were here
0:49:47 in
0:49:52 and upon Zechariah and John and Jesus
0:49:55 and Elijah every one of them was
0:49:56 righteous mother of the righteous next
0:49:58 translation Zechariah John Jesus and
0:50:01 Elijah every one of them was righteous
0:50:03 clear question
0:50:05 um
0:50:07 yeah
0:50:19 and you're and you'll have is not Sakari
0:50:21 is only Zakaria no this is the first
0:50:23 translation is and upon Zacharia this
0:50:26 one just says zacharya John Jesus no
0:50:28 maybe he just he just missed it today
0:50:30 sometimes they regard the ant as not
0:50:32 very nice in English maybe yeah I think
0:50:34 almost the only one which is which some
0:50:37 people claim it is a in one of them is
0:50:40 one wow I don't know where it is exactly
0:50:41 and I must have a xiaomi only but
0:50:44 there's no no later which is which is a
0:50:47 matter of dispute is there or not there
0:50:48 except
0:50:50 none whatsoever
0:50:59 the last one which is only the Quran
0:51:02 mentioned as a prophet actually because
0:51:04 there's a book of Zechariah if you go to
0:51:07 the Old Testament this other zakariah is
0:51:09 the one and again some uh missionaries
0:51:13 actually the only is a career you know
0:51:16 is the one after the babylonic Exile
0:51:18 with and the career and so on
0:51:21 which gave it in the final instruction
0:51:23 which is followed by natural that you
0:51:26 should not have a king you should submit
0:51:27 to Pagan Kings as a punishment yes you
0:51:30 are out of the ballionic side but you
0:51:32 are not allowed to establish a kingdom
0:51:54 but the career of the new is not
0:51:57 mentioned as a new testament if I'm not
0:51:59 mistaken even not in the Apocrypha is
0:52:02 not known
0:52:08 next day after Christmas about the
0:52:11 Christmas story and from the according
0:52:12 to the Quran showing the mistakes in the
0:52:14 existing Christmas Story and the blatant
0:52:17 contradiction to history and the story
0:52:19 of the Quran fits history better and
0:52:21 synchronized nicely so listen to that
0:52:23 video so this is the career over here so
0:52:25 their Prophets
0:52:27 why you sell no I don't know what that
0:52:28 says the most controversial issue
0:52:31 between Muslim and Christian about its
0:52:33 nature is a Divine or a prophet and with
0:52:36 the Jews but the Jews is a major
0:52:38 criminal and he's supposed to be having
0:52:41 the West punishment he's in he's not in
0:52:44 a boiling water he's in a boiling semen
0:52:46 and it's the most disgusting for the
0:52:47 Jews
0:52:49 through a bad mood anyway without going
0:52:51 to bring these hostile issues and mess
0:52:54 up our beautiful and peaceful Quran
0:52:58 Gathering but that's what they believe
0:53:00 so it's a very controversial person Isa
0:53:03 and even the issue with it is
0:53:07 there are many evidence for that but his
0:53:10 research by itself I will complete insha
0:53:12 Allah it is
0:53:14 and uh uh what is Ilias they there is a
0:53:20 person which repeatedly mentioned in the
0:53:22 Old Testament of the ocean in cement
0:53:23 Elijah I don't think it's Elijah Elias I
0:53:25 think it's a it's uh because the story
0:53:27 in other places his relation to the bad
0:53:30 worshiper and so on Elias and eliasin
0:53:32 it's Elisha that's the one has the story
0:53:35 with the bad worshiper and the one who
0:53:37 challenged him to a mutual
0:53:40 conversation with the challenge that if
0:53:42 if your supplication is accepted then
0:53:45 you can kill me and if your if my
0:53:48 supplication is accepted and they are
0:53:49 defeated but is not saving you and that
0:53:51 it doesn't existed the academy exists
0:53:54 and then I will kill you and he killed I
0:53:57 think several according to all different
0:53:58 several hundred years slaughtered with
0:54:00 his own hand that's Elisha and his wife
0:54:02 also the prophetess Elisha so this is
0:54:05 Elias
0:54:09 all are from the righteous from the good
0:54:12 men and good people
0:54:15 next I fed them other prophets was
0:54:27 Jonah and lot and every one of them we
0:54:30 did favor among above other people okay
0:54:33 the translation
0:54:36 we favored every one of them above other
0:54:39 people I wonder why the other one said
0:54:41 yes with Elijah
0:54:43 actually yes yes I should be it should
0:54:46 be it should be clear it says Joshua
0:54:50 I wonder how he got at this Elisha
0:54:53 well all three translations have Alicia
0:54:56 Alicia I think is usual
0:55:03 but anyway I I will check that I'll
0:55:06 check what was their grounding for that
0:55:08 I'll check maybe the old the old
0:55:09 Scholars and so on Alias I think I said
0:55:14 yes yes
0:55:16 I mean the large one the the the uh and
0:55:20 this is the one maybe the name of your
0:55:22 sword model after that they and they
0:55:24 think they claim it is Joshua Joshua the
0:55:27 son of noon and then when I came after
0:55:28 Moses in the promised land and just a
0:55:32 small note in history and they claim the
0:55:34 meaning uh for your sword the meaning is
0:55:36 the savior but
0:55:39 Yeshua is not it's not saving meaning
0:55:41 the one who is open winded meaning in
0:55:44 the Arabic relation the one who is who's
0:55:46 generous called White he his hand is
0:55:49 wide open not the one his hand is tight
0:55:51 the one the generous one the
0:55:53 encompassing one the one who is
0:55:55 accommodating the one who can gather the
0:55:57 people and is generous Yes actually the
0:56:00 the Savior the meaning of saving is
0:56:02 exactly in the word Lisa
0:56:08 which is obviously an ancient name most
0:56:10 likely in some kind of Aramaic and maybe
0:56:12 not Arabic lyrics and in Arabic is only
0:56:16 one word which have this any scene it is
0:56:19 is the name of the of the camels in uh
0:56:22 of the of the common social use to
0:56:26 travel the desert and as you find that
0:56:28 in in a famous piece of policy Keller is
0:56:32 like there is in the desert they are
0:56:36 dying of fast and water and big skins
0:56:38 are carried on their back is why they
0:56:41 are called there is because they save
0:56:43 you in the desert they cross the desert
0:56:45 they're capable of Crossing that they
0:56:46 are right they're reliable that is their
0:56:49 Savior and this is indicated another
0:56:51 piece of War 3 of Mali cabinet I said
0:56:54 when he he was he was he was a gangster
0:56:56 and the highway robber in the time then
0:57:00 he repented and joined the the uh the
0:57:03 Muslim armies going to in the conquest
0:57:05 of uh of Afghanistan and uh borders of
0:57:09 Horizon and then he he suffered injury
0:57:12 also a disease and died there while he's
0:57:14 dying he was remembering the The Meadows
0:57:18 of and so on
0:57:22 us
0:57:27 that's the way the Arabs say like like
0:57:30 in a like in humor saying all the
0:57:32 goddesses of poetry inspire me that's
0:57:35 the way the Arab says what about my
0:57:37 poetry will I have ever time to spend
0:57:40 the night near the radar Visa these are
0:57:43 the threes which are common in in
0:57:44 Northern and in in that area
0:57:49 driving the the camels which which save
0:57:53 you and just came through the desert
0:57:57 so this is the only place I found
0:58:01 anything without any Arts so the meaning
0:58:04 they claim to the sword means is that
0:58:06 foreign
0:58:11 so the meaning is correct but
0:58:14 attributing to the wrong word I mean the
0:58:16 the Christian Aramaic Christian
0:58:19 in in English and in European kind of
0:58:22 distinguishes issues it's the end of the
0:58:24 beginning of the end you have to be
0:58:25 decide by the way the discussion is
0:58:27 starting the second is uh Christian
0:58:29 Century it's not recent it's an old
0:58:31 discussion and there's there's various
0:58:33 references and the claim that the Jewish
0:58:36 literature which is very negative to ISA
0:58:38 and the accused him to be of uh boiling
0:58:40 and semen and the son of Harold
0:58:43 Etc this one issue not Joshua
0:58:47 it is again publication to claim it is
0:58:49 in the Jewish as usual no that's not
0:58:51 true this is all have been recessed and
0:58:54 done now it's finished and done and
0:58:55 forgotten so don't be fooled by this for
0:58:57 three people okay
0:58:59 no it is
0:59:02 and there have been a description found
0:59:04 in which someone is calling for ISSA to
0:59:06 focused and Dua which shows which
0:59:10 probably suggests that the man is
0:59:12 Christian because he's calling him as a
0:59:14 redeemer so that can't be on the east
0:59:16 side it's not it's not a big identity
0:59:18 like someone may speculate but this
0:59:21 inscription is like like 300 after
0:59:23 Christ or something like that so that's
0:59:24 the genuine one most likely anyway I
0:59:27 don't want to indulge in that feeling
0:59:28 more than that it's a secondary point
0:59:30 but it's all again shows that the Quran
0:59:32 is correcting things and these guys are
0:59:34 just not willing to open their eyes and
0:59:37 study things meticulously
0:59:42 I think I was always think it's Joshua
0:59:45 yes sir yeah you should have been known
0:59:48 maybe something else I will check why
0:59:50 they got earlier maybe they will try to
0:59:52 advice with Elijah
0:59:54 we'll see I I'm not sure
0:59:58 but whatever it is
1:00:01 the last one is amazing Uranus is
1:00:04 definitely from bunny Israel and this is
1:00:08 before maybe before or at the time I
1:00:11 think before the babylonic excite maybe
1:00:12 because at that at the at the with
1:00:17 animal before the ability and exide
1:00:20 because I shouldn't destroyed North
1:00:21 Israel North the ten tribes and Exile
1:00:25 them and destroy the northern state of
1:00:27 Israel which was his Capital was in
1:00:30 around in in in the current uh Nablus or
1:00:33 around or something like that and excite
1:00:36 them and maybe after that illness was
1:00:38 sent or is exile no it can't be about
1:00:41 because there's no mention of him in the
1:00:43 book of The Book of Daniel it's almost
1:00:45 like it's in the in the assurian Exile
1:00:48 anyway let's show on us and it was sent
1:00:50 to the people of nine hour so most
1:00:51 likely to use an excited lot is
1:00:55 the only exception he's an issue your
1:00:59 brain but he the the the the the the
1:01:02 nephew can be counted as a descendant
1:01:05 because usually your nephew is like your
1:01:07 son and your uncle is like equivalent to
1:01:09 your father and this is mentioned also
1:01:11 called other place so this is the only
1:01:12 exception which also hints that any few
1:01:15 can be regarded as a son in some sense
1:01:17 another
1:01:18 and let's mention another place when we
1:01:20 come to to the I think that we measure
1:01:22 that in the soil in in
1:01:25 when the death came to your group he
1:01:27 asked his children whom do you worship
1:01:30 after me they say Worship You worship
1:01:31 your God and the god of your fathers
1:01:33 yeah
1:01:36 it's right it's not that he's not his
1:01:38 father his uncle was regarded as a
1:01:40 father so the uncle is counted sometimes
1:01:42 as a father
1:01:44 in that sense so the root is not
1:01:47 spelling of Ibrahim directly but his
1:01:49 joints with Rahim with the ibrahim's
1:01:51 father he is his nephew
1:01:53 and celebrate so it's like like a son
1:01:57 look all of these have been elevated
1:01:59 above the people of their time or the
1:02:01 people of all time
1:02:05 um
1:02:14 foreign
1:02:21 ERS and their offspring and their
1:02:24 brethren we we elected them all and
1:02:26 guided them onto a straight path
1:02:28 straightway and also and next
1:02:31 translation and also some of their
1:02:32 forefathers their offspring and their
1:02:34 brothers we chose them and guided them
1:02:36 on a straight path so that's that's
1:02:38 maybe then I just it covers also a lot
1:02:41 because it is either if he's not the
1:02:43 Edict of spring he's from their brothers
1:02:44 from their from their uh
1:02:48 descending from their brothers and from
1:02:50 their fathers who said the forefathers
1:02:51 actually about whom would be fathers and
1:02:53 forefathers yeah
1:02:56 and they're Offspring so it's not only
1:02:58 Ibrahim but also branches around these
1:03:00 and related to this
1:03:03 and they're all guided to the straight
1:03:05 path
1:03:07 Allah
1:03:17 such is God's guidance
1:03:21 he guides there with whomever he will
1:03:23 for his servants and they had they
1:03:26 ascribed Divinity to off beside him in
1:03:28 vain indeed would have
1:03:31 been all the good in indeed
1:03:34 would have been all the good that they
1:03:37 ever did in vain yes it has been lost
1:03:40 yeah next translation this translation
1:03:42 such is God's guidance he guides
1:03:44 whomever he Wills of his worshipers and
1:03:47 they ascribe divinities to others
1:03:48 besides him all their good works would
1:03:51 have been invade yeah that's easier
1:03:53 maybe less complicated such a sentence
1:03:55 but it's really clear so all of this
1:03:57 this guidance all of these bestones all
1:04:00 of this ranking it's conditional that
1:04:02 they didn't describe any Divinity they
1:04:04 have ascribed anything they would have
1:04:05 been destroyed and gone finished over
1:04:07 give over
1:04:09 foreign
1:04:23 and sound judgment and prophethood and
1:04:26 now although the unbelievers may choose
1:04:27 to deny these truths know that we have
1:04:30 entrusted them to people who will never
1:04:32 refuse to acknowledge them next
1:04:34 translation those are the ones to whom
1:04:36 we gave the book wisdom and prophethood
1:04:39 even if these people now choose to deny
1:04:42 chose to deny the truth we will entrust
1:04:44 it to others who will never deny the
1:04:46 truth yeah so this is threatening to
1:04:48 Christ listen that's this this history
1:04:50 is here we'll established about that and
1:04:55 now we will establish a new new branch
1:04:57 of guidance and so on and if you quality
1:04:59 deny that and rejected there will be
1:05:02 other people who will accept that that's
1:05:03 the problem and they will not be
1:05:06 disbelieving in it and they will be
1:05:07 carrying that and that has happened we
1:05:09 know in history that's by the way in
1:05:11 Mecca what Islam was persecuted and
1:05:13 there is no clear
1:05:14 no clear thing in the Horizon showing
1:05:17 that it will ever succeed or even become
1:05:19 become the enormous Empire that became
1:05:22 underneath falls in the world it has
1:05:24 become so that would happen so don't
1:05:27 worry about them let them go down
1:05:29 downhill to the hell it doesn't make any
1:05:31 difference Allah will fulfill his
1:05:33 promise and there will be other people
1:05:34 who would accept that and carry it as it
1:05:36 should be cut it
1:05:38 um
1:05:47 to Those whom God has got it followed
1:05:50 them follow them their guidance and say
1:05:52 no reward do I ask of you for this truth
1:05:55 behold it has got an admonition unto all
1:05:58 mankind next translation these were the
1:06:01 people God guided follow their guidance
1:06:04 and say I ask no reward from for it from
1:06:06 you it is a reminder to all people yeah
1:06:09 there are a few things there that's very
1:06:11 clear the general meaning but only one
1:06:13 point maybe some some people may
1:06:14 misinterpretation
1:06:17 to follow the guidance of the previous
1:06:20 prophets and so on
1:06:22 uh some people may construct from that
1:06:25 that uh
1:06:26 he's obliged to follow the Sharia that's
1:06:28 a mistake because he's talking about
1:06:30 guidance and the whole context from
1:06:31 beginning with the end even the word of
1:06:33 volume up there and all the way that the
1:06:35 threat that they have committed silk
1:06:37 they would have been all loser and all
1:06:39 action would have been in vain Etc shows
1:06:42 the issues of guidance here is only the
1:06:44 issue of fundamental is
1:06:46 the strict model that is describing tool
1:06:50 nobody else any Divinity except Allah
1:06:52 all Divinity exclusively and fully
1:06:55 attributed to Allah and fully and
1:06:59 definitely rejected to be attributed to
1:07:02 anybody else except Allah that's the
1:07:03 guidance and also anything related to
1:07:05 that like struggle with the nation
1:07:07 rejecting their Nation declaring
1:07:09 themselves to be the divorced and then
1:07:10 and this avoiding their nation's Idols
1:07:14 Etc that's the guidance and this is an
1:07:16 obligation to all prophecies are
1:07:17 fundamental it's a it's been dictated by
1:07:20 insistative reason and made the Sharia
1:07:22 to all prophets by Allah it's a
1:07:25 fundamental part so so this guidance is
1:07:27 to be followed and they're endurance of
1:07:29 the suffering etc etc etc Sharia
1:07:32 injunctions
1:07:33 that's financially is quite different
1:07:36 and the evidences we brought in the book
1:07:39 of read that by by appointing them and
1:07:40 saying Allah the final messenger and
1:07:43 other evidences uh all previous Syria
1:07:45 has been abrogated and by the obligation
1:07:48 of osharias and the appointing him final
1:07:50 messenger then the basic ruling of
1:07:52 permissibility applies to everything and
1:07:53 then the Sharia had then made something
1:07:55 permissible something prohibited
1:07:57 something bit by bit until it was
1:08:00 completed by the decibels as of before
1:08:02 the deaths well before the death
1:08:04 so this is not that Sharia before us is
1:08:07 our Sharia no and the people for example
1:08:09 some people take this or they'll play a
1:08:12 game like for example look at Yusuf what
1:08:14 was doing in muscle uh ruling under
1:08:17 under Catholic disregarding the claim
1:08:20 that he was under Cafe King ruling as
1:08:22 ruling with the cover of the king it's
1:08:23 not it's not necessarily true because we
1:08:26 don't know if that King was a cafe
1:08:27 that's number one we don't know if he's
1:08:29 became a Believer we don't know about
1:08:30 that secondly we don't know if that King
1:08:32 has any Sharia differences
1:08:35 and even that that you Yusuf was
1:08:37 applying that shitty interface maybe he
1:08:39 did not apply it maybe he's abrogated
1:08:40 all of this assumption which is not
1:08:42 covered neither but Quran nor by the Old
1:08:44 Testament uh even some Islamic
1:08:47 narrations they say cannot be trusted
1:08:48 because not lifted to the prophet claim
1:08:50 that when he is appointed to the the
1:08:53 controller of all the Treasures of the
1:08:55 earth and the pre-management of the
1:08:57 famine
1:08:58 because he prophesied the famine and the
1:09:00 King accepted that they obviously
1:09:01 believed him that he's an inspired man
1:09:03 the king went to his Palace hand him all
1:09:05 power became a nominal King almost like
1:09:08 a constitutional democracy
1:09:11 and and Joseph was the role exclusive
1:09:14 and supreme Supreme Ruler he's an Act
1:09:16 laws and so on the only thing is the
1:09:18 king became state nominal because the
1:09:20 Sharia did at that time did not enact
1:09:22 the obligation of shura and the people
1:09:25 electing their rulers but especially our
1:09:26 injection has nothing to do with with a
1:09:30 specific injection if there was no
1:09:32 injunction Allah did not give the people
1:09:33 yet the authority to be king of
1:09:35 themselves that came later with with
1:09:37 Musa so that's that's the only thing is
1:09:39 there after anything else is under the
1:09:42 control and the legislation of Yusuf so
1:09:45 there's no
1:09:46 he was allowed to do no that's not true
1:09:49 it can't be so this is all arguments
1:09:51 which is just one waving arguments
1:09:53 trying to to save the day for people who
1:09:55 want to participate and comfort ruling
1:09:57 and find an argument for life no that's
1:09:59 there's no argument for that that's not
1:10:00 an argument
1:10:01 other people get for example when
1:10:05 uh when they when people are exercising
1:10:08 the role say look at Allah all the uh
1:10:10 Musa addressing uh foreign
1:11:05 mental principles later inside in the
1:11:08 Quran and by appointing the messenger
1:11:10 Allah the final messenger is is that the
1:11:14 the the the final Sharia that with the
1:11:17 appointment of him as a messenger to the
1:11:19 mankind uh all previous Syria has been
1:11:21 abrogated
1:11:25 so that's that's that's not contradict
1:11:26 that just to clarify that point because
1:11:28 some people had abused this Ayah for
1:11:30 that sense
1:11:31 the guidance the guidance which is
1:11:33 mentioned all the way for all the page
1:11:35 or maybe Seven Ten eyes before that is
1:11:38 the guidance concerning for example for
1:11:40 Ibrahim in the guidance of looking in
1:11:42 the universe and analyzing the movement
1:11:44 to the stars and concluding that they
1:11:45 are contingent and created and so on
1:11:48 that's a proper guidance yes
1:11:50 and how to analyze the universe
1:11:52 unfortunately Muslim did not follow that
1:11:54 guidance
1:11:56 unfortunately
1:11:57 instead they go try to construct the
1:12:00 case to rule by copper by claiming Yusuf
1:12:03 was grueling Michael that is very
1:12:05 unfortunate but this is what you expect
1:12:06 from from government Scholars and
1:12:09 threators not from real sincere Scholars
1:12:13 so that's the guidance and again
1:12:16 affirming yourself in many places that
1:12:19 many people have accused their profits
1:12:20 like now many islamists are Accused by
1:12:23 governments you are out for God you
1:12:25 wanted to have a rulership you want to
1:12:26 you want your soul you are vying for
1:12:28 power
1:12:31 which maybe or maybe not true but even
1:12:34 if they are lying for more that's
1:12:35 usually also for the islamistic why you
1:12:38 are clinging to power who gave you the
1:12:39 right only for power the other should
1:12:41 not have a shadow power
1:12:42 but anyway let's go to the prophets they
1:12:45 tell the people you must be out for
1:12:47 something you want Kingdom
1:12:49 or maybe your wife is ugly you want nice
1:12:51 wife and our daughter is beautiful we'll
1:12:53 give you our daughters and wives shall
1:12:54 take 100 drives if you want you want
1:12:56 money we collect money so we become the
1:12:58 richest
1:13:00 king with them okay we make you the king
1:13:02 above him but just stop this issue stop
1:13:05 uh negating our divine being and our
1:13:08 attacking our ideology
1:13:20 not from you
1:13:24 this is just a reminder that you think a
1:13:27 knowledge for the whole mankind for the
1:13:30 whole universes for all my kind that's
1:13:32 the obviously foreign
1:13:40 you know in other planets mostly I
1:13:43 cannot addressed by the messenger of
1:13:44 Allah but for definitely any humans to
1:13:47 an earth someone who can accept the
1:13:49 message and understand it in on Earth
1:13:52 is he has he is definitely addressed by
1:13:54 Muhammad
1:13:57 um
1:13:58 well how is the time we still have good
1:14:00 time
1:14:01 yeah we've got verse 233 now
1:14:03 um we can break into question and
1:14:05 answers if you want yeah because you
1:14:07 start a new uh a new issues about uh
1:14:10 did Allah reveal anything that's all it
1:14:12 said around this because they were
1:14:14 arguing that Revelation is not possible
1:14:16 Allah is not possible that's essentially
1:14:18 the argument of the the philosopher the
1:14:21 philosopher the Hindus not the common
1:14:22 symbol Hindus that's usually discussed
1:14:25 in the books of alcoholic about that the
1:14:27 Hindu point of view is the Tribulation
1:14:29 is not possible it's the meaning of
1:14:32 divinity that's that's one one of the
1:14:34 standard arguments of the Hindu I mean
1:14:37 the Hindu philosophers not the common
1:14:38 side
1:14:40 philosophy I'm just discussed in the
1:14:42 books of alcohol so this is a new topic
1:14:44 that's that's indeed Revelation is
1:14:46 possible it does not contradicts Allah
1:14:48 comprehensive power nor free will or
1:14:50 anything like that but I think that's a
1:14:52 topic by itself we'll do it for next
1:14:54 time so we stop here with Allah and
1:14:57 we'll take some some more questions so
1:14:59 so there's one question that came uh
1:15:01 over uh the Youtube channel and that is
1:15:04 since uh you mentioned that Ibrahim
1:15:07 Islam was the first philosopher and
1:15:10 someone use philosophy in dawah because
1:15:12 I heard some some people on YouTube say
1:15:14 that you can't use it I'm assuming what
1:15:17 have you oh that's don't uh you will see
1:15:20 in the two of you between Muslims but
1:15:22 also between Christians Jews and Hindus
1:15:24 you'll find plenty of donkeys just
1:15:26 ignore them no no philosophy meaning the
1:15:30 discourse which go in the depth of
1:15:32 things like what is the nature of being
1:15:34 and so on it goes deep that's not for
1:15:36 the Common People okay the common people
1:15:37 would not go in such a depth
1:15:39 generally but does not mean that but
1:15:42 because the philosophy Islamic
1:15:45 they indulge in issues which in some
1:15:49 places contradicted to the people of
1:15:51 Hadith were involved in and the real
1:15:53 Hadith were hedging by saying this is
1:15:55 not Islamic this is taken from the Jews
1:15:58 the second one because they came from
1:15:59 the Greek Etc they're trying to make
1:16:01 that as if it is a good argument that's
1:16:04 not a good argument because the basic
1:16:06 principles of philosophy are inside the
1:16:08 Quran we just read the story of Ibrahim
1:16:09 and who was he discussing that's a
1:16:12 disability that's a genuine
1:16:13 philosophical discourse in a level of
1:16:15 the 2000 year before Christ
1:16:17 presented by a language which even as a
1:16:20 common Bedouin understand but really to
1:16:23 go into the depths you need to analyze
1:16:25 it further and we did that in chapter
1:16:26 number six in the book of raheed
1:16:30 Ibrahimovic advice if this brother is an
1:16:33 Arabic leader to read it or just have
1:16:35 bite the bullet and wait for the
1:16:37 translation
1:16:38 well this one so that's that's nonsense
1:16:41 I just forget about that no like there's
1:16:43 another there's a group of shabab uh
1:16:46 they they have uh what's what's their
1:16:48 name they are they having like
1:16:50 philosophical discussion and they have
1:16:51 their they were able to discuss with
1:16:53 Christian and others
1:16:55 against there's quite a few sapiens yeah
1:16:58 and the others who are invited various
1:17:00 Christians to Islam and they became
1:17:02 Muslims and they participated in the
1:17:03 discussion anyway they they go into a
1:17:06 deep philosophical issues and so on
1:17:08 but that's good we have also blogging
1:17:10 theology blogging theology goes into
1:17:12 philosophical research but it is more
1:17:14 scriptural and scholarly issues more
1:17:17 than philosophical but he does
1:17:18 considerable amount of philosophical
1:17:20 issues he invited atheists discussed
1:17:22 with them
1:17:23 uh and uh that's all that's all
1:17:26 philosophy searching for that truth and
1:17:28 the deep meaning of words and perception
1:17:31 and things like that behind that the
1:17:34 things at face value
1:17:39 Quran itself but it says that if it was
1:17:41 not from Allah it would be many
1:17:43 contradictions that's a philosophical
1:17:44 also in the school so go there and try
1:17:47 to constructive contradictions
1:17:50 and see if it's really a general
1:17:51 correlation because it will start the
1:17:53 condition you have to show it's a
1:17:54 genuine contradiction this is no way to
1:17:55 have another interpretation because if
1:17:58 you if you and this will be the Quran
1:18:00 Quran the Quran the whole Quran now
1:18:04 that's at any stage in Mecca the Quran
1:18:06 was sufficient to be studied as in front
1:18:09 of them to find contradiction later on
1:18:12 then we have the even up to the 10th
1:18:15 year one with a dialogue with the
1:18:16 Christian from that then the issues of
1:18:18 the ayas
1:18:20 they show you that how to do with them
1:18:22 if something had multiple meanings or
1:18:24 possible interpretation so which
1:18:26 interpretation should we take
1:18:28 there's no there's only only rational
1:18:30 way is that we have to see what is
1:18:32 established with certitude we have to
1:18:34 establish that things will set the tune
1:18:36 fast and then if something has multiple
1:18:38 meaning let us see if any one of these
1:18:40 meaning if all of them contradict them
1:18:42 then there's a contradiction but if one
1:18:44 of the meaning fits with the Markham
1:18:47 that's the one to be shoes otherwise
1:18:49 you're not doing the the rational and
1:18:51 the philosophical discourse probably you
1:18:53 see the point so whatever that's the
1:18:55 reason the qurans deliberately have
1:18:57 things such as
1:18:59 so to force your your mind to work hard
1:19:04 it's not spoon feeding use your brain
1:19:06 work a little bit it could mean this
1:19:09 means this means this which one is the
1:19:11 correct one check the Quran what is the
1:19:13 fundamentally will established with
1:19:15 certitude
1:19:16 and then build on that
1:19:19 if the after that you find the
1:19:20 contradiction then you get then then you
1:19:24 have the evidence you're not right
1:19:25 through history all the people who try
1:19:27 to construct a contradiction they ended
1:19:29 not only defeated they ended actually
1:19:30 detecting things like for example many
1:19:33 have hung on the uh in the Ayah which is
1:19:40 foreign
1:20:05 and if there was and there will be a
1:20:07 biggest campaign in the universe against
1:20:09 that nobody objected to that so what's
1:20:12 that meaning
1:20:19 so so just think a little bit so how to
1:20:23 solve the problem problem is very simple
1:20:24 I found actually I think it was found
1:20:26 nobody found it in this report it is
1:20:28 actually
1:20:36 from them this clarify what is
1:20:42 a branch of Jews and the follower of
1:20:44 John the Baptist is not the star
1:20:47 worshiper of haran or the Babylonian
1:20:49 some people kill him this is no that's
1:20:51 not enough who deviated from their
1:20:54 people and became rebellious and
1:20:55 Mavericks it is the follower of John the
1:20:57 Baptist they are from the Jews and this
1:20:59 I clarify and then discussed actually in
1:21:01 a big section in the circle the meaning
1:21:03 of because of this which they claim to
1:21:06 be
1:21:07 a grammatical mistake but she's
1:21:09 expecting people
1:21:11 Muhammad is not so stupid to make such a
1:21:13 mistake
1:21:14 assume it's from Muhammad
1:21:17 come on people
1:21:19 just have a bit of sense
1:21:21 just have a bit of sense
1:21:25 as I said it looks like lahan but the
1:21:27 Arabs are corrected by their tongues
1:21:31 if if you indulge in such stupidity you
1:21:35 make yourself a mockery but but there's
1:21:37 a problem if someone is drowning he
1:21:39 hangs on on Straw Hat instead of going
1:21:41 to the meaty issues the diva real meat
1:21:43 issues
1:21:45 the same with the recent issues about
1:21:48 erisa and yasua which has been excited
1:21:50 very recently at the time Muhammad used
1:21:52 ASA and they were Christians full of all
1:21:54 the web
1:21:57 I I I I I urge those who specialize in
1:22:00 Reading Greek and so on read John of
1:22:02 Damascus genre who attacks Islam and
1:22:04 attacked the ishmaelite and called him
1:22:06 salazarian the sons of the slave Salas
1:22:08 the son of the slave because this one
1:22:10 the the sun opens my ears the son of a
1:22:12 slave woman okay
1:22:22 that issue
1:22:24 it must have been given for them
1:22:27 as far as you know nobody until that
1:22:29 generation objected only later someone
1:22:31 constructed something much later
1:22:34 try to reinvent the wheel which has been
1:22:36 invented and running long ago before him
1:22:39 the same Mission things like that to to
1:22:43 go about this so This these are all but
1:22:46 it's not really physiology in the school
1:22:47 this is more historical analytical
1:22:49 discourse which you can call
1:22:52 philosophical in the general sense but
1:22:54 not really in the specific set
1:22:55 specifically what Ibrahim is doing
1:22:57 the moon this is a star it looks like
1:23:00 they claim it's a Divine it's just the
1:23:02 Marduk for example if it is if it is uh
1:23:05 if it is Mars and then it sits so it was
1:23:08 here it said it moves it's contingent
1:23:11 and maybe here maybe here not that's a
1:23:13 contingency that's that's not the whole
1:23:15 Mark of a Divine being which somehow at
1:23:18 that time of Ibrahim must be somehow
1:23:21 omnipresent necessarily existing this
1:23:23 does not look like that that's a video
1:23:25 so we can discuss looking deeper in the
1:23:28 existence and being and the meaning of
1:23:30 being at the deeper since and they are
1:23:32 so big that's really the genuine narrow
1:23:34 meaning issues over Issa and yasua and
1:23:37 so on this is historical and as
1:23:38 linguistic analysis it's actually
1:23:40 relatively trivial but trivial people of
1:23:43 trivial mind they will get stuck with
1:23:45 this and they need they need they need
1:23:47 some security
1:23:48 and they have some work on that to be
1:23:50 published in in due course there is no
1:23:51 hurry in there next question yeah just a
1:23:55 double double author there's also
1:23:57 another question that's just limited in
1:23:58 as well uh when I head over to Abu mahab
1:24:00 after that
1:24:01 um so this one is in your earlier
1:24:03 mentioned about with Allah can lie or
1:24:05 does he lie no this is not that's it
1:24:08 that's it so let me ask you the
1:24:09 questions um so is the statement of the
1:24:12 day about this scholar gengari I don't
1:24:14 know who that is that Allah could lie a
1:24:16 statement and next next he says also is
1:24:20 there a difference between Allah
1:24:21 creating lies and lying himself
1:24:23 absolutely difference no no there's a
1:24:25 lot creating life meaning allow his
1:24:27 creation to Ally because they are
1:24:29 contingent and they're capable of lying
1:24:31 and they may allow that in Sharia May
1:24:33 prohibit it that's something else now
1:24:35 Allah himself lying is not possible
1:24:38 because we if we see if we see we see
1:24:40 the Quran says
1:24:42 nobody is because he's not his own
1:24:45 nature or his own attributes that he's
1:24:48 the haq
1:24:49 and now what what if something is the
1:24:53 truth how can a truth
1:24:55 that's not possible
1:24:57 for for contingent being they may be
1:24:59 utterly non-truth because they are
1:25:01 afraid they want to cover up they want
1:25:03 to escape punishment and so on but it's
1:25:04 all these attributes and things related
1:25:07 to contingency to being created to being
1:25:10 needy and that's the reason Sharia
1:25:12 allowed lying in certain situations
1:25:14 because of a greater good foreign
1:25:25 to his wife to keep the peace of the
1:25:28 family in in the specified sense of
1:25:31 sharia because keeping the family peace
1:25:34 is having more important value according
1:25:35 to Syria like that and then what she
1:25:37 said and trying to to bring people
1:25:39 together and solve conflicts like for
1:25:42 example you have you have a conflict
1:25:44 with someone
1:25:45 and you don't talk to each other and
1:25:47 they come to say well you have problem
1:25:48 with this guy I was with him yesterday
1:25:50 and he was full of Praise of you you
1:25:52 must have hit someone told you about it
1:25:54 about that you're talking about you ill
1:25:55 they are like reality I am like he's not
1:25:58 talking well about you but I want to
1:26:00 bring you together to set and then sort
1:26:01 the problem and start starting that's
1:26:03 permissible because bringing people
1:26:05 together and overcoming dispute is more
1:26:07 important than just this white lie but
1:26:10 this is only permitted because we need
1:26:12 it because we have finite and deficient
1:26:14 that's the way you can conceive lying
1:26:16 for created being for Allah being the
1:26:18 haq himself the truth absolute
1:26:20 perfection and truth it's inconceivable
1:26:22 as lie will come from him
1:26:30 I would say it's not possible for him
1:26:33 that's that's that's one one one one uh
1:26:36 but it needs maybe a more more
1:26:38 analytical analysis in the sense that it
1:26:41 is but dictated by by being a
1:26:43 necessarily existing being which is the
1:26:45 truth in itself while Injustice
1:26:47 punishing someone for something he did
1:26:49 not do is contingent it may be possibly
1:26:52 doing that and then he prohibited
1:26:54 himself from doing that like Hadith
1:26:57 it would have been possible to do it but
1:26:59 Allah prohibited himself in eternity and
1:27:02 it will be this way it became impossible
1:27:04 for all eternity it will never happen
1:27:06 alas but it would have been in principle
1:27:08 con not contradicting the the Divine
1:27:11 attributes but Allah foreign
1:27:17 it shows that he prohibited himself from
1:27:20 like he does not lie is an attribute
1:27:23 it's been connected within a nature of
1:27:25 necessary system being which is the hack
1:27:27 could the definition of hackers Allah
1:27:29 Allah
1:27:30 there's no other side
1:27:32 it's impossible
1:27:34 nothing from which is
1:27:41 the same initiating a deception but
1:27:44 deceiving someone as a punishment yes
1:27:48 if you try to deceive Allah Allah will
1:27:50 put you on top
1:27:51 as a punishment yes that's permissible
1:27:55 but not initiating the seat I will never
1:27:57 reset the seat
1:28:00 misguide you start with misguiding you
1:28:02 is impossible
1:28:04 well that's the reason a bliss is trying
1:28:07 to insult Allah says because you may
1:28:10 misguided me Allah did not answer him
1:28:12 out
1:28:19 face Allah gave him a chance was
1:28:21 prevented you from making sujood who I
1:28:23 commanded you look at the way Allah
1:28:25 spoke to him
1:28:27 why I commanded you I gave the comment
1:28:29 that's it the command is
1:28:32 what's the answer of this idiot and said
1:28:35 I made a mistake sorry I thought that's
1:28:37 only optional and something like that
1:28:38 forgive me what does he say
1:28:41 s
1:28:45 it should not be you should not command
1:28:47 someone who's Superior to vote for the
1:28:49 inferior
1:28:49 who said if not to that
1:28:52 is a fundamental principle who said that
1:28:55 the inferior cannot honor the Superior
1:28:57 or the superior country of the inferior
1:29:00 it's all possible
1:29:01 and who said that Allah's command is not
1:29:03 overriding all these considerations
1:29:07 but if someone is is
1:29:11 by his own choice and he got an
1:29:14 opportunity to get out and he refused
1:29:17 and then when he whispered to Adam he
1:29:19 lied about Allah your lord prohibited
1:29:22 you from verse 3 only that if you eat
1:29:24 from it you become Eternal and you
1:29:26 become like angels
1:29:29 he's misleading you he doesn't want you
1:29:32 to prosper
1:29:34 and the stupid guys believe that
1:29:37 nonsense
1:29:38 and he elevated them he honored them and
1:29:40 he told them we were if the devil is
1:29:42 your enemy he doesn't want you to be
1:29:44 honored and they still believe this
1:29:45 nonsense
1:29:47 now anyway go back to the original point
1:29:50 no I I think the best philosophical
1:29:53 point is that Allah by necessity is the
1:29:55 truth and from the truth nothing can be
1:29:57 a minute which is a lie
1:29:59 or initiating a deception but punishing
1:30:02 a deceptor by deceiving him to show him
1:30:04 if you think you are intelligent that
1:30:06 Allah Allah will show you how your own
1:30:09 doing will be your own and do it
1:30:11 but we see that in the reverse of it
1:30:17 that kind of thing so but injustice
1:30:20 Injustice meaning punishing someone with
1:30:22 a sin he did not do or we punishing
1:30:26 someone for he cannot do like some
1:30:28 there's a claim that the ashari claim
1:30:30 that it is possible for Allah to make an
1:30:33 injunction which people cannot possibly
1:30:35 uh execute and still they are obliged to
1:30:38 obey this is a contradiction that's not
1:30:40 correct if it's true that ashadi said
1:30:42 that I don't know how they formulated
1:30:43 what's impossible it's not possible
1:30:45 Allah
1:30:47 that will be Injustice
1:30:49 that's that's rationally with a
1:30:52 contingency because of the power yes but
1:30:55 from eternity
1:30:56 Allah decided I will never do that I
1:30:58 prohibited that to myself
1:31:04 is
1:31:07 the minimum
1:31:10 if we Define other as the opposite of
1:31:12 one then we have a minimal definition of
1:31:13 other that's discussed in the book of uh
1:31:15 come in more details but but that's it
1:31:20 your command
1:31:22 do this I didn't give you the facility
1:31:25 to do it and I am the all-powerful one
1:31:28 but like for example I tell you well I
1:31:30 in the air without you having wings or
1:31:32 giving you airplane obviously asking you
1:31:35 to The Impossible at the moment that
1:31:37 will be Injustice
1:31:40 understand it the same as a reason is
1:31:43 that when the the poet is excusing of
1:31:46 excusing accusing Qatar for his
1:31:49 misguidency claim uh alcoholism
1:31:53 he threw him in the water
1:31:56 with bound hand and told him then to get
1:31:59 wet with the water he means Allah for
1:32:01 all the human being in the testing
1:32:02 Universe without giving the facility and
1:32:04 they'll have no free will this is Jabari
1:32:08 he's accusing a law of Injustice
1:32:10 this disguise if he does what he means
1:32:12 maybe he means something metabolical
1:32:14 really that means he's a Cather
1:32:15 definitely it's impossible can't be
1:32:17 happening from Allah and that's when
1:32:19 available more fundamental things which
1:32:21 might say that the human will is even if
1:32:23 it is limited with conditions on it has
1:32:26 sufficient area of choice
1:32:29 genuine Sovereign free show is in a
1:32:32 limited area
1:32:34 and this is sufficient for completers
1:32:36 for the health sufficient power to
1:32:37 exclude if any one of these missing they
1:32:40 will not be responsible I'll ask about
1:32:41 that
1:32:44 and that's fundamental for the issue
1:32:47 and
1:32:48 reaching the outline punishment
1:32:52 but the jewelry will not recognize that
1:32:54 and the abuse Allah essentially
1:32:56 fundamentally for Injustice
1:32:59 and indirectly for a lie because clearly
1:33:02 the Quran says otherwise so there is
1:33:03 lying also deceiving us also there
1:33:06 initiating life Jeopardy Jabra is one of
1:33:09 the best cover and they still regardless
1:33:11 of
1:33:12 Allah anyway we we we branched a little
1:33:16 bit but that's it so one last one last
1:33:18 question uh that's okay
1:33:20 um
1:33:21 obviously the guy maybe have read that
1:33:24 they can't say that even lying may be
1:33:25 possible for Allah but he decided not to
1:33:27 lie ever made me prohibited himself like
1:33:30 I think this is a mistake it's a logical
1:33:32 and fallacy which they can't fell in in
1:33:35 that point but in Justice yes
1:33:37 so that's that's the Divine necessity
1:33:39 the Divine the Divine attributes
1:33:41 precludes that he lies
1:33:44 but Injustice he precluded himself and
1:33:46 decided and then before the monitor
1:33:48 decided it has decided and it is the
1:33:51 Soulful all eternities as good as if it
1:33:53 is by necessity of of his own nature but
1:33:55 here by his own free decision not to do
1:33:57 that in the case of lying no there is
1:34:00 nothing has nothing to do with any
1:34:01 decision it is just the divine nature as
1:34:03 such
1:34:04 which is a very fine difference
1:34:06 practically doesn't make much of any
1:34:08 difference
1:34:09 a quick last very quick one and then I'm
1:34:12 handing over straight to Abu mahab was
1:34:14 there any was there any mentioning of
1:34:17 prophetess in Quran or other resources
1:34:20 in Islam so basically prophetesses
1:34:22 female profits
1:34:24 there's no indirectly even has a
1:34:27 constructed addressing to Mariam is
1:34:29 making here the prophetess oh the Quran
1:34:31 does not prophetess
1:34:34 but does not even calling here
1:34:38 although uh foreign
1:35:03 and also we have the the Revelation to
1:35:07 uh to the mother of Musa
1:35:10 but what we have in the Old Testament
1:35:13 and uh
1:35:15 there is no reason to believe that it
1:35:17 was so well established as a complete
1:35:19 book we have we have Deborah
1:35:22 and then she was a prophetess and she
1:35:24 was one of the judges when the governing
1:35:26 money Israel and she is the war and led
1:35:30 armies and this scarcely possible to
1:35:33 believe that the whole story is
1:35:34 fabricated it's scarcely possible
1:35:36 especially if you look at the
1:35:38 counterbalance that with even profits
1:35:40 like like actually a man and that would
1:35:43 have been denied profit prophecy because
1:35:45 of things related to Kingdom and
1:35:47 behavior as kings while this one is by
1:35:51 all by all agreement of of of of
1:35:55 Scholars of Judaism is a is a prophetess
1:36:00 so that uh that that's it so that
1:36:02 there's but no mention of any one other
1:36:05 specifically as Maryam is mentioned with
1:36:07 her son insulated Ambia in the sequence
1:36:10 of prophets but uh but that means
1:36:17 related to the story of a so-called
1:36:19 Christmas Story on the bed etc but it's
1:36:22 not clear if it is she can be declared
1:36:24 as a prophetess or not
1:36:27 in essence with certitude
1:36:29 and then as I've said because of the
1:36:31 Revelation to them it's clearly that is
1:36:32 because derivation to Maryam is even
1:36:35 more forceful than the one to zecharia
1:36:37 from Zakaria there's nothing else not is
1:36:39 except that what he what he is asking
1:36:41 for for that he took care it was
1:36:43 Guardian for Maria and took care of of
1:36:46 the of Mariam until she came out of age
1:36:49 and needed to leave the temporary settle
1:36:52 as I discuss it so if that's a prophet
1:36:54 because of this year
1:36:57 anyway
1:37:01 uh the the question is is the whole
1:37:04 thing is good about about uh uh the
1:37:08 issue uh Secretary of feminism and so on
1:37:10 has been excited by these things because
1:37:11 it
1:37:13 hasn't answered let's say a woman could
1:37:15 be a prophet but cannot be a messenger I
1:37:18 think we discussed that once
1:37:21 but I said even that's not persuasive
1:37:24 hundred percent because Regal in Arabic
1:37:26 although mostly meaning men
1:37:29 female a male but it is actually in in
1:37:33 that context is the opposite of an Angel
1:37:35 and in that context result because
1:37:38 believe the angels are female so he used
1:37:41 men as to tell him no the angels are
1:37:43 male or whatever because they actually
1:37:46 without any sex that's the correct point
1:37:48 of view but to review their point of
1:37:51 view we have sent human beings such a
1:37:53 male but there's not many sick exclusive
1:37:55 exclusively because you have the famous
1:37:57 Hadith
1:37:59 inheritance left over
1:38:02 uh which we discuss inheritance then it
1:38:05 should go to the next
1:38:07 to the next male uh make man male sorry
1:38:12 for the man would have been enough then
1:38:15 I would not have used the word
1:38:18 to make it clear this is
1:38:20 your human being an English man is used
1:38:23 for man and woman and German also man
1:38:26 man not only a male man a male human
1:38:30 being
1:38:31 but in Arabic is less but is still there
1:38:33 it's not completely extinct so this is
1:38:36 even has an argument that even a woman
1:38:38 cannot be a messenger is is not is not
1:38:40 katai
1:38:41 that the Quran does not mention does not
1:38:44 mean there are there are definitely many
1:38:46 prophets if you look at it to the Old
1:38:48 Testament for many prophets mentioned in
1:38:50 in uh when nobody dispute their
1:38:52 prophethood and all was recorded about
1:38:54 them is with a stunning with stunning
1:38:57 details which create necessary knowledge
1:39:00 that they were prophets they are not
1:39:01 mentioned the Quran
1:39:04 My Messenger the one went to the state
1:39:07 of North Israel the shepherd and was
1:39:09 prosecuted a ran away for his life
1:39:11 nobody doubt neither Jews nor Christian
1:39:13 or anybody who didn't think that he was
1:39:15 a messenger
1:39:17 and she's not mentioned the Quran
1:39:19 the first Zakaria after the baboon
1:39:21 Daniel is not mentioned the Quran he's
1:39:23 one of the most important with many
1:39:25 Prophecies of importance
1:39:27 barely anyone disagree that Daniel is he
1:39:30 wearing a Quran no
1:39:34 yes
1:39:37 that's that's I think that's it because
1:39:39 the discussion about feminism or
1:39:41 non-feminism I think in that case
1:39:43 because when when the Quran
1:39:46 but in the Quran
1:39:49 we say why did Allah not send an angel
1:39:52 down say no no we have never sent an
1:39:54 angel down because an angel not be able
1:39:56 to communicate to human beings unless he
1:39:58 becomes a human being a played like a
1:40:00 human being then the damage is already
1:40:02 done then you will not recognize him as
1:40:04 an angel this is nonsense it doesn't
1:40:05 work this way it's impossible it's
1:40:07 actually rationally and physically
1:40:09 impossible so we have sent men before
1:40:11 you in that context that means human
1:40:14 beings
1:40:17 and if you don't know that ask the
1:40:19 people of the scripture asks
1:40:23 meaning the people of previous structure
1:40:25 is scripture could could report about
1:40:28 the general issues fundamental issues
1:40:30 about prophethood and natural prophets
1:40:32 and so on in a reliable way
1:40:35 not every small bit and every small
1:40:37 story but the general picture yeah check
1:40:40 about the general picture of what what
1:40:41 we have seen before it's all human
1:40:42 beings and if you check the real
1:40:44 description go all through that all of
1:40:47 the human beings male and female then we
1:40:49 find female under them so we should take
1:40:51 that also in both I don't think it's
1:40:53 there's any reason to reject that
1:40:56 we found also report about the dawood
1:40:58 bad things us clarifying the party
1:41:02 refuse and about Suleiman which the
1:41:04 Quran staunchly refutes that he is a
1:41:06 magician and so on yes we find that the
1:41:09 meaning in that because because these
1:41:10 were Kings and there were kings were
1:41:12 disputed with other kings and that's the
1:41:14 problem of Kings fighting with Kings
1:41:16 there would be a party with this party
1:41:17 with this and the fabricate story you
1:41:19 know propaganda against each other and
1:41:21 December leaks in these books and these
1:41:24 histories is understandable but the
1:41:26 moment you are away from Kings to the
1:41:28 common people and the prophets who are
1:41:29 persecuted or killed and then can that
1:41:32 can't be the case or the princess or
1:41:34 persons who are never controversial you
1:41:36 say like Deborah there can't be any
1:41:38 fabrication that it matter that she is a
1:41:39 prophetess so we can take that on board
1:41:43 you see my point
1:41:46 we ask the people that they can weather
1:41:48 in a female prophets before or or
1:41:49 messenger yes it seem to be happy
1:41:52 other other prophets many other
1:41:55 professors tons of them look at Daniel
1:41:58 look at the hezekiel look at the hakke
1:42:01 look at my Malaki
1:42:04 check but we can't really confirm a
1:42:06 delight based off of previous
1:42:09 from a general context it must be the
1:42:11 core of which must be true because the
1:42:13 whole anchors and that they are not
1:42:16 Angel is referring meaning that they
1:42:19 could contain at least a core of facts
1:42:21 there which we can rely upon
1:42:24 not every Factor not only details but
1:42:27 the core of it we have to distinguish
1:42:29 between a Core Fact the general just
1:42:31 like for example say the Quran is is
1:42:34 acknowledging a Torah energy say you
1:42:37 don't need to offend the Quran probably
1:42:38 educated but say the people who kept it
1:42:41 they some of them fabricated some
1:42:43 they've hidden something and you admit
1:42:44 that you have hidden books
1:42:46 and the Quran says you you're right at
1:42:48 your karates and you hide some of it and
1:42:50 then he warned the people who write the
1:42:52 book and claims from Allah
1:42:55 the core of the Quran is clear these
1:42:57 books are fundamentally reliable but
1:42:59 have been contaminated we have to sort
1:43:01 it out but the contamination cannot be
1:43:04 that the holes that the Deborah is
1:43:06 invented I actually Helio and she's not
1:43:08 a prophetess especially it's not a
1:43:10 controversial issue
1:43:11 the controversial one is like dawood and
1:43:13 Suleiman because they were Kings and
1:43:14 they were fights between them
1:43:17 and the Quran lost over that did not go
1:43:20 into this messy area because the Quran
1:43:22 is not going to that and as it says
1:43:24 clearly
1:43:25 he will tell you many of that what you
1:43:27 have been hidden of the book and he
1:43:28 forgive many because the Quran is not
1:43:30 the opening digging Graves and opening
1:43:33 the the filth of the party let's forget
1:43:35 about the film from the past as much as
1:43:36 we can and proceed forward
1:43:39 foreign
1:44:31 foreign
1:44:50 yes yes yes yes the completion of the
1:44:53 Ayah however however my question is I I
1:44:57 remember like few years ago uh uh you
1:45:00 may you made an argument that uh from
1:45:03 from the scriptures we only have a
1:45:05 direct command or uh uh from Allah to to
1:45:09 take Ibrahim and Muhammad as an example
1:45:12 good examples to follow but we we we do
1:45:15 not have the same scriptures for other
1:45:17 prophets to take as good examples uh to
1:45:19 follow right so uh and and I wasn't I
1:45:23 forget if they say that that way it was
1:45:24 it was it was not a correct statement I
1:45:26 have missed a point or or maybe I I
1:45:29 wasn't following closely anyway I
1:45:31 corrected that now Ibrahim is only in
1:45:33 college
1:45:34 otherwise we did not do the Ayah Justice
1:45:37 cancer Mohammed is is a good example
1:45:43 in everything absolutely absolute
1:45:46 example yes so so my question here how
1:45:49 can we uh like it seems to me maybe that
1:45:52 there's a conflict between these two
1:45:54 ayas and the ayas that we discussed
1:45:56 today uh uh uh what's that
1:46:00 so in this Ayah Allah says all prophets
1:46:04 that he mentioned no no no we discussed
1:46:06 what is it we discusses only
1:46:10 and this is universal that's not
1:46:12 obligated
1:46:14 or you mean in the matter of like uh and
1:46:18 Creed yeah they'll hit only and this is
1:46:20 and so on that's it
1:46:23 the whole context I discussed that also
1:46:25 when it came to the ayat if you just go
1:46:27 back in the recording and check it again
1:46:28 yeah okay okay
1:46:31 I see so so then Allah uh he he only
1:46:35 wanted to stress in the in the Ayah of
1:46:39 Ibrahim uh to take him as a good example
1:46:41 right
1:46:45 Etc so Allah is just repeating uh what
1:46:49 he what he told us specific point what
1:46:51 he is
1:46:53 okay okay okay got it got it I just
1:46:56 wanted to stress that that the
1:46:58 obligation
1:46:59 is an absolute and doesn't contradict
1:47:02 that because this is part of the
1:47:04 fundamental
1:47:07 this is a statement of fact based on
1:47:10 that says Sharia would be built and so
1:47:12 on which can be obligated go back and
1:47:14 forth but fundamentally is not there's
1:47:16 nothing can be obligated there because
1:47:17 I'm being obligated it is true or
1:47:19 neutral at the same time it is
1:47:20 essentially right and some action
1:47:23 related to that which is absolute in the
1:47:25 sense that this
1:47:26 deity do not exist I just above them by
1:47:29 necessity
1:47:30 it must be like that
1:47:38 and cannot be abrogated because it's
1:47:41 related on a fact which is absolute
1:47:43 yes I see I see the the the second
1:47:47 question related to also to this uh uh
1:47:51 now I I I I'm I'm I'm I'm asking uh uh
1:47:55 you know the Ayah was
1:48:02 the Olympics
1:48:05 I was going to ask you if if if this
1:48:08 means that we we should take a good
1:48:10 example for this
1:48:14 and you follow them after them while
1:48:16 they're doing good deeds according
1:48:17 Sharia not following them or not
1:48:19 following them
1:48:59 Music
1:49:08 thank you
1:49:12 Music
1:49:25 Music
1:49:31 Music
1:49:34 foreign
1:49:40 Music
1:49:48 Music