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The Holocaust Happening Today (2017-11-01)

## Description

A brief discussion of potentially the most severe human catastrophe on planet earth today.

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Summary of The Holocaust Happening Today

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:15:00

discusses the media's coverage of the Holocaust and how the Western world initially responded to it without being fully aware of what was happening. Jackson argues that, had public opinion been aroused from the beginning, the Holocaust may have been prevented.

00:00:00 investigates the media's coverage of the Holocaust, which took place between 1933 and 1939. found that despite the Holocaust being a massive event, the British media largely ignored it.

  • 00:05:00 communication theorist Dr. Janine Jackson discusses the power of the media and its effect on public opinion. She discusses the Holocaust, and how the Western world initially responded to it without being fully aware of what was happening. Jackson argues that, had public opinion been aroused from the beginning, the Holocaust may have been prevented.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses the experiences of a woman who fled Myanmar to escape the genocide taking place there, and how she copes with the memories of her son and other atrocities she witnessed. The woman speaks about how she is struggling to find help in her new country and how she feels abandoned by international organizations. She shares her hope for the future, and reminds the viewer that even in adulthood, mothers can be very capable and prove themselves to be masculine.
  • 00:15:00 provides testimony from eyewitnesses to the Holocaust happening today. The witnesses describe witnessing children being thrown into violence, being raped, and witnessing the death and mutilation of their husbands and children. They say that this is what they experienced firsthand, and that the excuses given for not doing more are no longer valid. The witnesses urge people to start speaking out about the Holocaust and make changes so that it never happens again.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:01 Latinas fee so me also dirty either
0:00:07 would you be Authority
0:00:11 I would like I'm gonna shave on your de
0:00:15 [Music]
0:00:17 niaruna my loving face I mean lucky for
0:00:22 Milo you would be aa so my Lions meow
0:00:36 [Music]
0:00:50 [Music]
0:00:56 [Music]
0:01:14 [Music]
0:01:21 Latinos or the father let over pillows
0:01:31 or they're partying
0:01:35 alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia
0:01:51 I see what you mean Oh bill you only owe
0:01:55 me laughs here the Messiah who came a
0:01:59 son he loved one in Allah he travels a
0:02:04 saga that our capital sudden death lie
0:02:09 upon the una casa la una and in common
0:02:19 [Music]
0:02:22 wahoo Nadine Colin Cassady Messalina
0:02:32 Yuma Pune and well of movie tevaram
0:02:38 boarding the he went as Vita what just
0:02:43 beat enforcing cameras Allegiant until
0:02:48 our cameras Allegiant reporting al-sabah
0:02:56 ha
0:03:02 riot Okuda he'll be happy if a hill and
0:03:06 you silver how are you pal pilot a lot
0:03:11 in my time and you never see me so to
0:03:16 baccarat okay guys I want to really just
0:03:38 tell you something that happen
0:03:40 recently yeah maybe about a year ago
0:03:43 maybe a year and a half two years ago at
0:03:47 the max bring now about two years ago
0:03:53 about two years ago what happened as I
0:03:56 was doing a research project I have
0:03:58 postgraduate research for India and I
0:04:02 went to the British Library and it has a
0:04:05 place of room a particular room called
0:04:07 the news room I went up to the news room
0:04:10 I was analyzing some primary source
0:04:14 materials is this one barrel yeah it's
0:04:17 work so I was analyzing some primary
0:04:20 source materials what happened was I was
0:04:24 looking at Germany and obviously the
0:04:27 massive period they like the Nazi time
0:04:29 so from 1933 to 1939 when there was a
0:04:32 buildup going on and I looked at the
0:04:38 newspapers and the media the British
0:04:42 media and the coverage of basically the
0:04:47 Holocaust in the in the British media
0:04:49 that was something I was doing and
0:04:53 you'll be really surprised that despite
0:04:56 it being a massive a massive thing in
0:05:00 almost every history syllabus in the
0:05:03 Western world the media was not covering
0:05:07 it in the way you think
0:05:09 they will be covering in mainstream
0:05:11 media were not covering it in the way he
0:05:14 would think they'll be covering it
0:05:15 sometimes they wouldn't even make a
0:05:16 headline what was going on and this made
0:05:22 me really think of something this made
0:05:25 me really think of the power of the
0:05:29 media one communication theorist he said
0:05:34 the media doesn't tell you what to think
0:05:37 because there was some people who used
0:05:40 to talk about the Magic Bullet theory
0:05:41 and the needle theory all these things
0:05:44 that brainwash hate for this
0:05:47 communication theory she said the media
0:05:48 doesn't tell you what to think but it
0:05:50 tells you what to think about you see
0:05:54 when the media was newspapers and in the
0:05:59 thirties television decide to come out
0:06:02 it was easy for the media to have a
0:06:05 monopoly on what it is we should be
0:06:08 thinking about it was easy for them to
0:06:11 do that and therefore the response of
0:06:16 the Western world to the Holocaust was
0:06:18 something which we look back o the
0:06:21 Western world in general looks back at
0:06:22 things how could we have done that the
0:06:26 reason why is because public opinion was
0:06:28 not roused from the very beginning
0:06:30 people were not being told what was
0:06:34 going on in the fullest sense possible
0:06:38 now why am I talking about Germany and
0:06:41 the Holocaust because this is a Monaco's
0:06:46 what's going on what's going on in Burma
0:06:52 at the moment is the burning of human
0:06:55 beings
0:07:02 her story
0:07:41 [Music]
0:08:25 dominating the area where the man were
0:08:32 army tortured particularly firing the
0:08:35 different houses and also throwing the
0:08:38 children in the fire for burning yes
0:08:41 hard children also burned by the minor
0:08:44 army and that time he was the man Murat
0:08:48 misshaped heart and then touched on
0:08:50 again physically that's why he was just
0:08:55 leaped up they left the place the story
0:08:58 is true as well
0:09:04 yeah a bone cave aventura is it suitable
0:09:33 is it fit and yang as it ever came near
0:09:37 do tell Catherine co-op Ivo
0:09:42 them money by chosen doujin by
0:09:46 check
0:10:01 and then and then from the river for a
0:10:38 Ventura there is a technique used by the
0:10:54 Myanmar army to kill the women
0:10:56 yeah the city strategy there are some
0:11:00 bamboo there are some bamboo and
0:11:03 techniques use yeah and there way they
0:11:06 hang a fire they start firing in the
0:11:18 bamboo yeah
0:11:20 and then totally fired
0:11:23 what does she - what does she do to cope
0:11:25 with this what does she do to cope help
0:11:28 herself with like she witnessed her son
0:11:30 being killed she witnessed all these
0:11:32 things how does she help cope what does
0:11:34 she do many schooling to have an
0:11:39 applicator where you can take a
0:11:41 possession to Naboo Savannah achat
0:11:43 Juarez yes the mission Kiba editor of
0:11:46 Miranda bass eh oh
0:12:12 happened in front of her in in her house
0:12:29 [Music]
0:12:52 there are no presence of international
0:12:55 or UN agency to help them in that time
0:12:58 only the border guard the border guard
0:13:01 they take off all the materials and all
0:13:05 the resources from them
0:13:07 and then who has helped so far that's my
0:13:11 question
0:13:11 whose help so far in transition to
0:13:15 Bangladesh and in Bangladesh and in
0:13:17 Burma whose hope so so far you could say
0:13:22 [Music]
0:13:27 - Lindsay McConnell youson understand
0:13:37 basically the local community when they
0:13:39 when she cross the border then the only
0:13:42 local community extended hands to help
0:13:44 them yeah
0:13:45 then with the help of the community
0:13:46 particularly some of the sample by years
0:13:48 yeah Bangla community there is here only
0:13:52 otherwise no international no even they
0:13:55 didn't receive any cooperation from them
0:13:56 thank you very much and also that they
0:14:39 can be used to occurring within Allah
0:14:41 who Khmer new year
0:14:42 yeah Mickelson just to keep patient and
0:14:46 never despair from the mercy of God yes
0:14:49 maybe you know boots in adulthood you do
0:14:53 too heavy a burden me show you a lapa
0:14:56 how mother capable proven masculine a
0:14:57 lot to our River a lot do agree by bus
0:15:01 tell us thank you very much
0:15:03 I went to Cox's Bazar myself the border
0:15:06 with Burma myself that literally
0:15:14 testified the dozens in the same exact
0:15:18 way they all said that they witnessed
0:15:25 small children be thrown into violence
0:15:33 can you imagine this small babies
0:15:36 children being thrown into fires can't
0:15:43 rape most of the women didn't want to
0:15:46 admit some of them did admit that they
0:15:49 were themselves gang-raped they
0:15:54 witnessed the death and mutilation of
0:15:56 their husbands and their children we're
0:16:00 not talking about just adults
0:16:03 non-combatant adults we're talking about
0:16:06 children toddlers but util ated killed
0:16:11 these are the testimonies we got we have
0:16:15 those video graphic testimonials on our
0:16:18 respective YouTube channels it's not
0:16:22 something we're making up this is the
0:16:23 most primary source you're going to get
0:16:26 actual testimony from the person
0:16:29 themselves we were there we've heard
0:16:31 them saying this is real this is real
0:16:38 the question is now the real question is
0:16:43 this what you're gonna do by what are we
0:16:47 gonna do about it I was gonna wait
0:16:51 another 20 to 30 years and
0:16:57 retrospectively look back and think we
0:16:59 could have done how are we gonna explain
0:17:03 into our children that we lived in an
0:17:06 age where this genocide took place yet
0:17:10 we were very inactive were like well
0:17:16 lucky the people of the past have Mormon
0:17:20 excuse me dia was centralized
0:17:23 monopolized we have social media we have
0:17:29 the Internet
0:17:30 do you know the power of social media do
0:17:33 you know the power of the internet the
0:17:35 Internet is powerful we have not got the
0:17:41 same excuse as
0:17:42 before a full time we do not have that
0:17:46 same excuse what are we going to do why
0:17:54 are you going to tell your children when
0:17:56 they come back from a history lesson
0:17:59 talking about what they will then refer
0:18:02 to as the Royal Hindi and Holocaust
0:18:04 although an Indian genocide what are you
0:18:08 going to tell your children when they
0:18:11 ask why didn't you do anything at that
0:18:13 time couldn't you have done this
0:18:16 couldn't you have done that how are you
0:18:20 gonna respond what are you gonna say to
0:18:24 them well I didn't really know what was
0:18:27 going on it wasn't really report in the
0:18:31 media that much these excuses have
0:18:35 become completely void now you no longer
0:18:40 have those excuses today those excuses
0:18:44 have evaporated into the thin air of
0:18:47 reality when are we going to make the
0:18:53 change when is it going to be that we
0:18:58 will stand up and say no more when are
0:19:03 we going to be loud about this when are
0:19:07 we going to tell our neighbour about
0:19:08 this when is the person on the street
0:19:12 doesn't know about this as much as they
0:19:14 know about everything else that's going
0:19:16 on in celebrity culture when you speak
0:19:18 when you do when you move that's when