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كلمة محمد حجاب الافتتاحية خلال مناظرته مع لارس جول حول موضوع الليبرالية Liberalism vs Islam Debate (2020-03-23)


full debate here -

Summary of كلمة محمد حجاب الافتتاحية خلال مناظرته مع لارس جول حول موضوع الليبرالية Liberalism vs Islam Debate

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:20:00

Dr. Gu argues that liberalism can and has allowed for death penalty outcomes, and that it is also conceivable in Islam. He provides evidence for this claim.

*00:00:00 Discusses the differences between liberalism and Islam. He says that liberalism is a subjective morality that is based on convention, and that it must be proven to be true before it can be accepted. also notes that there is no scientific evidence for God, which is a problem with the philosophy of science of liberalism.

  • 00:05:00 Dr. Gu argues that liberalism can and has allowed for death penalty outcomes, and that it is also conceivable in Islam. He provides evidence for this claim.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses the difference between liberalism and Islam, and argues that liberalism can never allow for racism, while Islam can never do the same.
  • 00:15:00 In the 1800s, there were only a few cases of death penalty outcomes in relation to liberalism vs. Islam, and by the 1800s, liberalism had become the dominant moral philosophy in the Ottoman Empire. In the present day, liberalism is still dominant, but it is contradictory and produces legally binding death penalty outcomes for non-allegiance to the state. Furthermore, there is evidence that freedom and equality do not exist naturally, and must be proven.
  • *00:20:00 Discusses liberalism and Islam, and asks how each ideology solves local problems. He also mentions Silica College Aidid and the Italian well known as "Aqua Silica."

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:09 so are they coming Rach mental labor
0:00:11 together can you guys hear me this is a
0:00:12 bit low
0:00:13 should I bring up a bit is this better
0:00:16 is it better or is it mm all right well
0:00:20 thank you very much dr. Gould for your
0:00:23 presentation it was a bit more moderate
0:00:27 than your previous presentations I must
0:00:29 admit with other debates I've seen of
0:00:33 yours so I appreciate the more nuance
0:00:36 that you put into the discussion let's
0:00:41 start with definitions because I think
0:00:43 this is a point of difference actually
0:00:46 between me and gule gule a good I said
0:00:50 that the definitions that he took were
0:00:52 from dictionaries vernacular definitions
0:00:56 or dictionary definitions are invariably
0:00:58 influenced by ideological ones and so I
0:01:01 would put to him that dictionary
0:01:03 definitions are actually influenced by
0:01:07 political and social outcomes around
0:01:10 around those particular definitions when
0:01:12 they're being written in order to avoid
0:01:14 such bias one has to go before the
0:01:16 sixteenth century for example when
0:01:18 liberalism was around and find
0:01:20 definitions then that would be I think
0:01:22 an appropriate recourse for someone who
0:01:24 wants to use addiction definition
0:01:26 however I would say is that dr. Goulet
0:01:28 went on to talk about human rights which
0:01:30 is actually an outgrowth of liberalism
0:01:32 human rights is an outgrowth of
0:01:34 liberalism you cannot understand human
0:01:35 rights without understanding liberalism
0:01:37 therefore the liberalism that we are
0:01:40 talking about is the social liberalism
0:01:43 that is the political philosophy that
0:01:48 was well introduced by John Locke one
0:01:50 karate you some say Thomas Hobbes and
0:01:53 has a tradition all the way up to this
0:01:55 day and so that my definition of
0:01:58 liberalism is actually a politically
0:02:00 floss philosophically one which I'm sure
0:02:02 he'll be able to resonate with being a
0:02:03 philosopher himself traditional Islam I
0:02:05 agree with dr. Goulet we no one has a
0:02:08 monopoly of traditionally the slam so
0:02:10 for example I follow the Humber Light
0:02:12 School of Law I can't say that my school
0:02:15 of law is the only correct one I
0:02:16 understand that there is different
0:02:19 strands of traditions Islam mortis
0:02:21 Ollie's were accepted
0:02:23 four of the each man for example and
0:02:25 that's even mentioned by him Tamiya who
0:02:28 is a literalist as many of you know so I
0:02:31 accept the nuance there I don't disagree
0:02:33 with him I don't think anyone has a
0:02:34 monopoly of traditional traditional slam
0:02:37 so I think that's the first thing the
0:02:39 second thing I want to put to dr. Goulet
0:02:41 is that before we say that we should
0:02:45 move into a liberalizing direction I
0:02:47 think it's very fair to ask the question
0:02:50 how can we prove that liberalism is true
0:02:53 in the first place and of course John
0:02:56 Locke who is the founding father of
0:02:58 liberalism had an essay or a book that
0:03:00 he wrote when he talked about morality
0:03:03 and in that he said that morality is
0:03:05 something which is you can be
0:03:07 demonstrated like mathematics he said
0:03:09 that you can prove the truth of morality
0:03:12 in the same way as you can truth you can
0:03:15 prove scientific truths or mathematical
0:03:17 logical truths in his own system he said
0:03:20 that liberalism is true and he gave
0:03:22 theological reasons for it he replied to
0:03:24 Robert filmer for example who was a
0:03:26 Christian and he was using God as the
0:03:29 example so in other words he was using
0:03:31 an anchorage a moral epistemological
0:03:34 anchorage which was theological and of
0:03:37 course the liberal tradition is not just
0:03:39 John Locke so across time there has been
0:03:42 different philosophers all of which have
0:03:43 tried different things in order to
0:03:46 anchor their respective moral philosophy
0:03:48 so we have John Stuart Mill we have John
0:03:51 Rawls de Tocqueville Montesquieu all of
0:03:54 these individuals wrote books and there
0:03:56 is a vast wood there is a rich tradition
0:04:01 of referring back to a particular
0:04:04 underpinning whether it be
0:04:05 utilitarianism the hedonistic principle
0:04:07 or whatever but in any of those cases
0:04:11 liberalism has proven to be a creature
0:04:13 of convention what did you say I said
0:04:17 liberalism is a creature of convention
0:04:20 meaning it's a subjective morality
0:04:23 something which is and has been the
0:04:26 subject of change it's not an object of
0:04:30 might therefore before we even proceed
0:04:32 in this conversation you have to prove
0:04:34 to me that liberalism is
0:04:36 I mean you had a debate with Hamza
0:04:39 sources some time ago about God's
0:04:41 existence 54 minutes into the debate
0:04:44 doctor Goulet said there is no
0:04:46 scientific evidence of God just bear
0:04:50 that in mind
0:04:51 there is no scientific evidence of God
0:04:52 is a problem with his understanding of
0:04:54 philosophy of science but where is the
0:04:57 scientific evidence for liberalism you
0:05:01 can't have one standard of truth when
0:05:03 you're trying to discover one system of
0:05:06 morality and then this band that discard
0:05:08 that completely throw that out when
0:05:11 you're talking about your own beliefs
0:05:13 which are axiomatic otherwise unprovable
0:05:17 so before you tell us to be liberal why
0:05:19 don't you prove liberalism stop
0:05:21 preaching to us and start proving to us
0:05:24 that's the reality you have taken the
0:05:27 stance of an ideologue a liberal
0:05:31 ideologue preacher don't be a preacher
0:05:36 be a teacher don't be don't preach prove
0:05:40 I want to learn give me some proofs
0:05:44 however what we saw in the second half
0:05:48 of the presentation was dr. GU or Goulet
0:05:52 is that he started talking about
0:05:54 discrimination human rights and all of
0:05:57 those things and he mentioned the death
0:05:59 penalty here's my claim and I stand in
0:06:04 front of everyone today with full
0:06:06 confidence that this claim will not be
0:06:09 refuted listen to the claim liberalism
0:06:12 can and has and is wait a minute now
0:06:18 you're using too many words
0:06:19 rewind liberalism can and has and is
0:06:25 capable of producing death penalty
0:06:29 outcomes for non-religious to the state
0:06:31 for example her dude the laws barbaric
0:06:35 outdated dysfunctional laws which is a
0:06:38 genetic fallacy by the way and you
0:06:40 should know as a philosopher that
0:06:41 presents in cases like this is weak then
0:06:43 he mentioned democracy which is even
0:06:45 look it's even older than Mohammed so
0:06:47 it's even more outdated so it should be
0:06:48 even more wrong
0:06:49 your understanding but then here's what
0:06:51 I'm saying to you the point is this
0:06:55 liberalism can allow why because ladies
0:06:58 and gentlemen liberal contract arianism
0:07:01 or contractual ism which is the only
0:07:04 liberalism that you will find on the
0:07:06 face of the earth assumes that we had a
0:07:08 prime model state of nature and that we
0:07:11 entered into a prime model barter where
0:07:14 we traded our freedom for the security
0:07:17 of the state meaning what the sovereign
0:07:21 becomes the ultimate authority John
0:07:24 Lucas himself said in his letters of
0:07:29 toleration ironically that if someone in
0:07:32 a Jewish state John Locke the founding
0:07:35 father of liberalism someone in a Jewish
0:07:37 state a post Assizes this believes in
0:07:41 Judaism he is to be killed when he a
0:07:44 minute is this for Muhammad no no no no
0:07:47 this is John Locke the founding father
0:07:51 of liberalism which is the very ideology
0:07:54 you are trying to preach to us today
0:07:56 this of course did not stop at Locke it
0:08:00 continued to mill it continued all the
0:08:02 way up to rules actually Immanuel Kant
0:08:05 all of these individuals have messages
0:08:09 similar to that that you have to fully
0:08:10 obey the sovereign listen to this listen
0:08:14 to this me and you I was born in London
0:08:19 28 years ago you were born maybe 29
0:08:23 years ago I don't know in Norway and and
0:08:27 what happened was I didn't get a choice
0:08:30 did you get a choice that you had to
0:08:33 obey the law or not or to be a citizen
0:08:35 or not I was just forced into the social
0:08:37 contract freedom of expression and
0:08:40 freedom of religious expression and
0:08:43 freedom of thought and so on and so
0:08:45 forth all of that was curtailed that the
0:08:47 very starting point for me I didn't
0:08:50 choose to be here and to be a citizen
0:08:52 and obey the law yet I have to be obey
0:08:55 the law the point is the social contract
0:08:57 is is dominant and therefore
0:09:02 when the law is in place I have to
0:09:04 follow the law if the law is that
0:09:07 there's treason which is associated with
0:09:09 some kind of religious authority then
0:09:11 that is the law
0:09:12 therefore it's conceivable through
0:09:15 liberalism to have death penalty
0:09:16 outcomes philosophically and by the way
0:09:19 it's also conceivable in Islam as he
0:09:22 alluded to to refer to him that you
0:09:24 don't have to have death penalty
0:09:26 outcomes for a public apostasy in an
0:09:29 Islamic state let me give you the
0:09:30 evidence for that some brothers are
0:09:32 gonna say wait a minute
0:09:33 he now you become liberal no no no no
0:09:37 for example the prophet muhammad's allah
0:09:39 - in a hadith in Bukhari where he was
0:09:43 talking to the people of in had a beer
0:09:45 he spoke to some head of Muhammad and
0:09:47 there was a pact that he created so hey
0:09:50 Lebanon who was the leader of the
0:09:52 collages at that time said that if
0:09:53 anyone opposed Assizes even publicly the
0:09:56 assumption was then they are to be not
0:09:58 killed but returned to us the Prophet
0:10:00 agreed to that now the question is is
0:10:02 this still applicable today if no crime
0:10:04 will josiya he mentions in said Matt
0:10:06 just as Elmer Dell we also pronounced
0:10:09 mouth now he mentions as well in his
0:10:11 books Noel Insaf the other one he wrote
0:10:13 another big book we can give the
0:10:14 references after he mentions that this
0:10:16 is still applicable today so it's not
0:10:19 been abrogated in other words it's
0:10:21 conceivable fully to have a fully
0:10:23 fledged Islamic state where there is no
0:10:26 war and someone apostates in public and
0:10:29 there is no death penalty outcome why is
0:10:32 that despite what the Prophet Muhammad
0:10:35 said and because of liberalism no no
0:10:37 this is because of what Prophet Muhammad
0:10:40 said so Allah volumes and therefore it's
0:10:42 conceivable in Islam for such
0:10:45 punishments to be waved as well as
0:10:48 implemented fairly and illiberal ISM for
0:10:52 such punishments to be waived or
0:10:53 implemented so what's the issue the
0:10:55 issue is you're actually calling us to
0:10:57 something which we don't need we have
0:11:00 within our own system the point is this
0:11:03 as he said correctly there's Muslim the
0:11:07 jurists can and have argued to that
0:11:10 effect now let's look at something else
0:11:15 a point I wanted to make him which I
0:11:18 think we need to be very clear on it's
0:11:23 not to have colonial amnesia the most
0:11:27 bloody massacres in human history and I
0:11:31 say this with full confidence have been
0:11:34 perpetrated by liberal states let's take
0:11:38 one example 1830 the French annexation
0:11:42 of Algeria 1 million people were killed
0:11:47 genocide oh and by the way I was a
0:11:50 history teacher in the UK for some time
0:11:52 never did we teach this and it wasn't
0:11:54 even on the national curriculum but we
0:11:56 teach about the Holocaust those kinds of
0:11:58 genocides why because the French were
0:12:01 adamant on censoring this information
0:12:04 because it included rape pillaging of
0:12:08 human beings and pictures are them
0:12:10 because this was the time where pictures
0:12:12 could be actually generated many Muslims
0:12:14 don't even know what happened in Algeria
0:12:16 for a hundred and thirty years by a
0:12:19 government a French government which was
0:12:22 not only liberal listen to this but the
0:12:25 founding fathers of that Liberal
0:12:26 government and philosophers like Alexis
0:12:29 de Tocqueville in his essays to Algiers
0:12:32 actually supported the colonial
0:12:34 discrimination against who the Algerians
0:12:37 because of what because of the
0:12:39 superiority complex that they had and
0:12:42 this is to be honest what we find in the
0:12:44 discourse a superiority complex where
0:12:48 you don't even have an objective
0:12:49 morality to give us so the point is this
0:12:53 listen to this liberalism has can allow
0:12:58 for racism and colonialism and tyranny
0:13:02 and authoritarianism whereas Islam can
0:13:05 never I am NOT saying has never but can
0:13:08 never as a religion can never allow for
0:13:11 racism
0:13:12 so the question shouldn't really be now
0:13:14 if you if you like racism liberalism
0:13:16 can't stop you from being racist let me
0:13:20 say that one more time liberalism as a
0:13:22 political philosophy cannot and has not
0:13:25 through its principles or its action
0:13:28 stop you from being a racist and if it
0:13:30 could then surely the founding fathers
0:13:32 surely those who came after them and
0:13:34 those who came after them wouldn't have
0:13:37 allowed a race-based slavery to exist
0:13:39 race-based slavery in America until the
0:13:42 Civil War which by the way killed the
0:13:45 most people in American history in terms
0:13:47 of wars so this is a colonial amnesia
0:13:51 which I think people are having and
0:13:53 forgetting about the fact that most
0:13:55 genocides that have been committed in
0:13:58 history have been by literally massive
0:13:59 genocides have been by liberal States in
0:14:01 the in the in the recent history the
0:14:03 Native Americans what happened to them
0:14:05 Native America Native Americans and what
0:14:08 happened to them is is basically Isis on
0:14:11 steroids feud if you don't like Isis you
0:14:13 shouldn't like
0:14:14 I mean imagine 100 years from now you
0:14:16 speak to our Isis person and they say
0:14:18 this is our state we've over took it
0:14:19 from the people no one will accept it
0:14:22 but now America is basically premises
0:14:23 it's built on the same kind of genocide
0:14:26 and that's the reality this is
0:14:28 liberalism for you yeah westward and
0:14:29 expansion manifest destiny these were
0:14:31 all liberal concepts please don't try it
0:14:34 we know your history we know your
0:14:37 history very well and we know your
0:14:40 present as well and the question now is
0:14:42 it can it be legalistically justified
0:14:44 you know I did some research which I'm
0:14:46 going to publish soon inshallah maybe a
0:14:49 week or two I did some reach research on
0:14:52 the amount of times that Haddad have
0:14:54 been implemented in the Ottoman Empire
0:14:56 of course there are gaps in the records
0:14:58 well it has actually been digitized and
0:15:01 archived and my understanding is from
0:15:04 the years 1500 to 1700 there was only
0:15:07 two or three cases and by the way there
0:15:09 was no death penalty outcomes for a lot
0:15:11 of them from the years 1700 to 1856
0:15:15 which is when the Tanzimat took place
0:15:17 when actually in 1839 in 1839 they
0:15:21 basically stopped a Sharia law as being
0:15:23 the arbitrator and Jew in the judiciary
0:15:24 in in the Ottoman Empire in that period
0:15:27 of time you saw the most but most of
0:15:29 them once again through muslin and other
0:15:31 reasons were stopped now look at America
0:15:33 of treason is I believe and not me the
0:15:37 scholars of Islam like his Selassie he
0:15:40 mentions in his most pursuit he they say
0:15:42 that that is equivalent to high treason
0:15:45 America in 1862 William Mumford he tore
0:15:49 down an American flag now notice that
0:15:52 this was not an act of militancy
0:15:54 this was an act of symbolism he tore
0:15:58 down an American flag this was after
0:15:59 Abraham Lincoln and all the founding
0:16:01 fathers of liberalism who wrote the
0:16:03 Federalist Papers etc in America he tore
0:16:06 down an American flag and was executed
0:16:07 in front of a mass amount of people in
0:16:10 New Orleans
0:16:11 now this is not militancy so is it
0:16:14 conceivable yes has it been shown in
0:16:17 history yes even through the law so
0:16:21 liberalism doesn't produce non-death
0:16:23 penalty outcomes that's fake that's
0:16:25 false we're not gonna believe in that
0:16:27 that's fake history hasn't proven that
0:16:30 bring your evidence and so the present
0:16:34 is even worse because they don't even
0:16:36 use the treatise clause in the second
0:16:38 the second article of the Constitution
0:16:40 of America and they do extrajudicial
0:16:41 killings and by the way those
0:16:43 extrajudicial killings and the
0:16:44 suspension of habeas corpus rights are
0:16:47 sometimes navigated and mitigated
0:16:50 through the liberal constitutional
0:16:52 rights and then you have people like
0:16:55 he'll allow lock use a six-year-old who
0:16:57 was killed by Americans by drones yes by
0:17:01 drones killing a child because they're
0:17:04 afraid that she'll turn out like her
0:17:05 father without any trial
0:17:06 this is liberalism for you in action
0:17:08 don't talk to us about liberalism and
0:17:11 does it slam it to be liberal outdated
0:17:14 democracy is much older than proof
0:17:16 Muhammad's time and he mentioned it as
0:17:19 outdated as if some kind of argument
0:17:21 this is dysfunctionality in in
0:17:23 argumentation actually to use his phrase
0:17:27 moreover liberalism is contradictory
0:17:31 with itself
0:17:32 pluralism says that you can use for
0:17:35 example your religious expression and so
0:17:39 on to express yourself in society
0:17:41 circularity or secularism doesn't allow
0:17:44 that so if I'm a Muslim and I want to
0:17:46 use my religious belief systems to
0:17:50 influence policy that's not Allah
0:17:53 to me by secularity or secularism why is
0:17:55 allowed by pluralism so it's
0:17:57 contradictions what if something which
0:17:59 is democratic contradicts something
0:18:00 which is liberal what do you do in that
0:18:03 situation
0:18:04 so here the truth is there is nothing
0:18:08 you can say at all to convince us in the
0:18:13 same way as many colonial forefathers
0:18:16 not of himself
0:18:16 I'm just saying of the Western people in
0:18:18 general used to come to our countries
0:18:20 and tell us to believe in what they
0:18:21 believe and just like in Algeria we
0:18:24 rejected this because they did not
0:18:25 provide any proof for what they believe
0:18:29 and today we're finding the same thing
0:18:30 again you're not providing any proof so
0:18:33 what I'm going to conclude with is a
0:18:34 list of just three questions the second
0:18:37 one has sub compartments which hopefully
0:18:39 the professor will answer number one is
0:18:43 straightforward give us proof of
0:18:45 liberalism
0:18:45 what kind of demonstrative proof have
0:18:48 you got logical give me a rational
0:18:50 argument using Monty for logic give me a
0:18:53 mathematical argument a scientific one
0:18:55 you can't just produce say be liberal
0:18:57 it's like coming here say be communists
0:18:59 ridiculous give me some proof number two
0:19:03 give us evidence for the presuppositions
0:19:06 of liberalism you mentioned equality and
0:19:07 freedom how can you even prove that
0:19:10 freedom exists as an atheist material
0:19:12 how much of your maturity to not let
0:19:13 alone being a desirable thing you have
0:19:15 to prove this equality that's against a
0:19:17 theory of Darwinian evolution we're not
0:19:19 born equal that's what that's why it's
0:19:21 mentioned in the documents like the
0:19:24 United for example the United States
0:19:26 Constitution was it sort of the
0:19:29 Declaration of Independence but how can
0:19:30 you prove that we're all born equal John
0:19:32 Locke said that we are endowed that
0:19:34 equality from God as an atheist how can
0:19:35 you prove equality prove it prove to us
0:19:38 that were born equal that freedom exists
0:19:41 that is a desirable thing and that
0:19:43 individual rights should be prioritized
0:19:46 over collective rights which is the
0:19:48 basis for most moral liberal systems you
0:19:51 have to prove this and do you admit that
0:19:54 liberalism is capable of producing
0:19:56 legally binding death penalty outcomes
0:19:59 for non allegiance to the state for
0:20:01 example and if so how do you suppose
0:20:03 liberalism solves a local problem that
0:20:06 is created
0:20:06 Islam please answer those questions or
0:20:09 salam alikum anonymous all over again
0:20:14 [Music]
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