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Hadith Preservation & Controversial Questions to Mufti Muneer (MH Podcast #7) (2020-07-14)


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Summary of Hadith Preservation & Controversial Questions to Mufti Muneer (MH Podcast #7)

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 01:00:00

Mufti Muneer discusses the importance of studying Hadith and how it should be done, emphasizing the importance of having a pure philosophy before pursuing knowledge. He also emphasizes the importance of baby steps, saying that if someone does not take these steps, they may eventually give up.

00:00:00 The host and guest discuss Hadith preservation and controversial questions to Mufti Muneer, a graduate of the Studio of the Voice of Madinah and well-known for his excellent YouTube channel on hadith. The guest recommends a program for those wishing to learn Islam, whether they have a teacher in person or not.

  • 00:05:00 Mufti Muneer discusses the importance of studying Hadith and how it should be done, emphasizing the importance of having a pure philosophy before pursuing knowledge. He also emphasizes the importance of baby steps, saying that if someone does not take these steps, they may eventually give up.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses the importance of pursuing knowledge for its own sake, and how this is often difficult in modern societies. He also mentions the importance of cultivating a spiritual state before studying Quran, and the importance of finding a teacher who will help you reach this level. He finishes by discussing the book "The Beginning of Guidance," which provides a detailed introduction to seeking knowledge.
  • 00:15:00 provides a brief overview of the benefits of learning basic Islamic knowledge, including spiritual protection and success in life. He then provides a list of books that are recommended for beginners. Finally, he mentions a book that is particularly helpful for memorizing the Quran.
  • 00:20:00 The main talking point in this YouTube video is the unique way in which Islam's tradition of hadith has been preserved. Mufti Muneer explains that hadith is not just about religious or faith traditions, but is also important for history. He goes on to say that one of the main reasons why hadith is weak is because it is based on the truth.
  • *00:25:00 Discusses the importance of preserving the hadith, which are the sayings and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad. He points out that without them, it is hard to understand the Quran properly. He also discusses the power of prejudice and racism, and how they can affect the understanding of hadith. Finally, the speaker discusses the importance of studying the Quran and the hadith, and how they are a key part of Islam.
  • 00:30:00 The presenter discusses how some Muslims believe that the hadith (prophetic traditions) were not preserved and were instead falsified or lost over time. The presenter gives an example of one such tradition, which claims that the Mongol invaders did not burn the libraries of Constantinople. The presenter also discusses how Western values, such as Judeo-Christian values, are based on documented or oral traditions.
  • *00:35:00 Discusses the principles that are in place to prevent Chinese whispers, and why they are important. He then discusses a specific example of how Chinese whispers could happen, and how to identify it. He concludes by discussing the criticism that high-needs people often face.
  • 00:40:00 Mufti Muneer discusses the concept of "reasonable doubt" and how it applies to the hadith, which he says can be used for either good or bad purposes. He goes on to say that if an academic uses science in a way that is not correct, then the science becomes corrupt. He finishes by discussing the founder of academic criticism of Islam, Ignazio Sire, and how he is often glorified despite his suggestions being wrong.
  • *00:45:00 Discusses Hadith preservation and controversial questions to Mufti Muneer. Muneer has reservations about some of the hadith collections and believes that strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter is a valid strategy. He also mentions examples of hadith collectors and their teachers.
  • *00:50:00 Discusses the different ways that hadith can be critiqued, and discusses how critical evaluation of hadith should take precedence over criticism of individual narrators. It also points out that some hadiths conflict with other verses of the Qur'an, but that this does not mean that they are fabricated.
  • *00:55:00 Discusses the science of men, which is an incredible compliment to the whole standard system of Islamic law. It also discusses the importance of identifying and categorizing people according to their names, nicknames, tribes, etc. Mufti Muneer explains that this science is essential for maintaining the accuracy and reliability of Islamic law. His explanation is met with criticism from Westerners who believe that the science is fabricated.

01:00:00 - 01:45:00

discusses the importance of Hadith preservation and how it can help preserve cultural heritage. also advises Muslims to study Arabic and engage with people from different cultures in order to learn about their customs and beliefs.

01:00:00 Mufti Muneer discusses the importance of Hadith, which is a form of oral tradition, and how it differs from other forms of cultural transmission. He also discusses the importance of Hadith preservation and how it can help preserve cultural heritage.

  • 01:05:00 The commentator suggests that there may be someone or some people who have an intentional design to spread confusion among Muslims. He also suggests that this confusion is being used to take away people's rights and to hurt innocent children.
  • *01:10:00 Discusses the importance of Hadith preservation and how it is important for Muslims to study Arabic and interact with people from different cultures in order to learn about their customs and beliefs. goes on to say that people who do not study or engage in these activities are not qualified to speak about Islam or its honor.
  • 01:15:00 Mufti Muneer discusses the problem of people who blindly follow religious leaders without having any formal education or scholarly achievements. He also points out that this type of leadership is not representative of the scholars who seek knowledge.
  • *01:20:00 Discusses the issue of cooperation between Muslims, and discusses how certain scholars take a hard-line stance against cooperating with non-Muslims. The main point of the video is that if someone is able to freely differentiate themselves by their identity, then there is no problem cooperating with them.
  • *01:25:00 Discusses his belief that it is absolutely permissible for a Muslim to have conversations with people who believe in a genuine level that there is no room for corporation in any situation. He provides an example of how such a debate might start off with Qur'an and Sunnah, with the scholar using Qur'an and Sunnah in their favor. However, if the scholar is not formally studied in this subject, they are not worthy of respect. then goes on to discuss how a scholastic debate between knowledgeable Muslims would be the most fruitful way to proceed.
  • 01:30:00 Scholars who have been studied and quoted by the speaker share a number of opinions on controversial topics such as drinking alcohol, riding on the back of a mulatto, and teaching in different countries. One scholar, Abdullah Mubarak, says that these opinions are based on personal interpretation, and not the proper understanding of hadith. Dr. Schiff, a renowned physician, respected by Muslims, fell down and had objects appear on TV while discussing controversial topics related to hadith. states that this is hypocritical and contradictory behavior on the part of the Sunni Muslims, who are supposed to be the dominant group.
  • *01:35:00 Discusses some of the controversies around hadith preservation and offers advice for beginners and those who are just starting out on their Islamic journey. He also speaks about the importance of sincerity and common sense when it comes to practicing Islam.
  • 01:40:00 The main points made in this video are that a sound mind is essential for success, and that it is important to start from the basics and work our way up. also advises Muslims to start from the basics and to be sure that they are practicing correctly.
  • 01:45:00 of the YouTube video discusses the importance of Hadith preservation and providing guidance to laymen Muslims. He also shares his thoughts on the disciple, which is a school of thought that emphasizes researching and loving knowledge. Finally, he notes that this is just one aspect of who he is as a person, and that there are many other values and principles that guide him.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 I said I wanna come on to level 2
0:00:06 Catalan how you guys doing this is the
0:00:08 seventh episode of the mah podcast and
0:00:10 I'm joined by a very special guest move
0:00:13 team on there who is otherwise known as
0:00:16 these disciple he's a graduate from the
0:00:20 studio of the voice of Madinah and he's
0:00:24 well known as well for his excellent
0:00:27 loose on hadith disciple YouTube channel
0:00:31 that correct son namely YouTube channel
0:00:32 yeah that's right that's right
0:00:35 and so actually one of the things that
0:00:38 he's known for is being the kind of
0:00:40 pragmatism self synthesized Islamic
0:00:43 knowledge with practical knowledge of
0:00:45 the world and be very much flexible in
0:00:49 terms of his understanding of the
0:00:50 religion and balance in his approach
0:00:53 when dealing with very controversial
0:00:54 issues pleasure to have you on the show
0:00:57 pleasure to be hosting thank you I
0:00:59 really I really appreciate it
0:01:00 I'm doing that like the last time we in
0:01:04 America wasn't it San Francisco right
0:01:06 yes I think it was what was the San
0:01:09 Francisco it was a Sacramento that's
0:01:12 right in the debate with a blush and you
0:01:16 were there pleasure pleasure to come
0:01:26 back to you cake fights open up you know
0:01:30 me now I think the fights open now yeah
0:01:34 so when we already you know for 14 days
0:01:39 hey why wanted to start off by asking
0:01:42 and is obviously you go through a
0:01:44 rigorous process of lash student of
0:01:47 knowledge type material and you enter
0:01:51 the university you've done studies there
0:01:53 if someone wants to start now learning
0:01:57 the religion of Islam understanding the
0:01:58 Quran and the Sunnah what kind of plan
0:02:01 would you put for them in place what
0:02:03 kind of thing would you put for them why
0:02:04 should they start this is a question a
0:02:06 lot of people ask why should we start in
0:02:08 terms of understanding the Dean
0:02:10 recommend what kind of
0:02:12 program would you recommend for them
0:02:14 clear miss nila hamdulillah I would say
0:02:17 um it's a fork in the road you either
0:02:21 want to be you have the availability of
0:02:24 a teacher yeah
0:02:26 a mentor a guy regardless of the level
0:02:29 someone's with you all the time so once
0:02:32 a week once a month even online or
0:02:34 you're totally self-taught and you don't
0:02:37 have a teacher available you don't have
0:02:39 a structured program in front of you
0:02:40 available and sometimes in 2020 in a
0:02:44 virtual war Koba 19 will have a mixture
0:02:48 of the two I have a teacher in person
0:02:51 but also have access to a wealth of
0:02:53 knowledge a wealth of recordings lessons
0:02:56 et Cie so if you have a teacher and an
0:03:00 instructor in person we're talking about
0:03:02 a real life person then of course best
0:03:05 to ask them and that didn't guide you
0:03:07 and let them summarize and break down
0:03:10 and simplify things for you if you don't
0:03:13 have a teacher then you're gonna have to
0:03:14 let yourself and that's not necessarily
0:03:16 a disadvantage in 2020 main person I
0:03:19 have a student in New York City one of
0:03:21 my students we've been doing a lecture
0:03:23 together once it's one maybe three four
0:03:25 years ago and he said that ignorance and
0:03:28 2017 or 2017 is a choice it's a choice
0:03:32 it's not like back in the day in which
0:03:34 only the aristocrats had access to
0:03:37 knowledge only people of high birth had
0:03:39 access to certain types of knowledge
0:03:40 people of certain races could read and
0:03:43 had access to libraries only only people
0:03:46 that had access money could travel and
0:03:48 2020 every single of the laws a canary
0:03:53 has access to not some knowledge but a
0:03:56 wealth of knowledge a wealth of
0:03:58 knowledge and all of these things are in
0:04:00 light of the different revolutions of
0:04:02 the world the Industrial Revolution the
0:04:06 concept of empires falling colonies
0:04:09 people went in their independence
0:04:12 globalization et Cie so all of these
0:04:14 things play a huge role a huge role on
0:04:18 access availability towards knowledge a
0:04:21 man I would alter him alongside him as
0:04:24 you know in his serie
0:04:25 the AMIA the governor of Busra after
0:04:29 they had a lot of fighting a lot of
0:04:31 problems different revolts and
0:04:33 rebellions revolutions big fitna that
0:04:35 was known and bustle and a time I would
0:04:37 old so the city or much of the city was
0:04:40 burnt burnt to a crisp
0:04:42 many things were destroyed many people
0:04:44 were killed
0:04:45 lives were wasted people were violated
0:04:47 and the governor of Western he wanted to
0:04:49 rebuild Busra
0:04:51 he wanted to you know make it a
0:04:53 sprawling metropolis once more you want
0:04:55 to rebuild it and from the plans or from
0:04:59 his his tactics was to make Basara once
0:05:01 more a heartland of knowledge and a
0:05:05 center of knowledge a stronghold of the
0:05:07 in look at the wisdom of this leader
0:05:09 this political leader now hikmah and he
0:05:12 knew that he met with the old regime
0:05:13 Allah Allah was the best or at least one
0:05:16 of the best in the business at the time
0:05:18 one of the most learning people of
0:05:20 knowledge of my death
0:05:21 so a man he made a man without an offer
0:05:24 it offered him obviously a place to stay
0:05:27 a place to live a way of surviving you
0:05:30 know etc but he put stipulations upon I
0:05:32 would old and one of the stipulations
0:05:34 that he placed upon him was he says that
0:05:37 you'll come to the Royal Palace and
0:05:40 you'll hold classes for hadeeth for me
0:05:42 and my sons me and my sons the princes
0:05:46 or you know the Emir's under me you give
0:05:48 us personal classes I'd obviously be a
0:05:51 mere Basra he can't say with this
0:05:53 servant this peasant this person was a
0:05:56 slave this person of this ancestry I
0:05:57 can't sit with Denis it's an
0:05:59 embarrassment so humiliation and he made
0:06:02 other conditions and stipulations him
0:06:04 every thought he agreed to them except
0:06:07 for that condition and he said that
0:06:09 knowledge cannot be for one class
0:06:11 knowledge cannot be for an aristocrat
0:06:14 without the peasantry knowledge is not
0:06:16 when someone of a bloodline all the DNA
0:06:18 of a genealogy so the moral the story
0:06:20 was is that that Amir he was following
0:06:23 through in the tradition is that there's
0:06:25 knowledge only for certain people for
0:06:27 certain classes but in 2020 within a
0:06:30 number of milliseconds not a second
0:06:32 seconds milliseconds you press one
0:06:34 button and you have a wealth um in in
0:06:37 front of you a wealth of it
0:06:39 all right and obviously that's a
0:06:40 blessing and that's also a curse if we
0:06:42 care for as well so with that being said
0:06:44 we have to understand that knowledge is
0:06:46 it ignorance is a choice and our times
0:06:48 it is a choice
0:06:49 so those brothers who want to study
0:06:52 sisters who want to study they want to
0:06:54 benefit I think often times you talk
0:06:56 about it too much
0:06:57 we dramatize it too much we romanticize
0:06:59 it too much instead of just doing it
0:07:01 miss me laughs and just because you
0:07:03 start off on the wrong foot or you don't
0:07:05 have everything proper in the beginning
0:07:07 doesn't mean that you can't change
0:07:08 we know the famous narration of a
0:07:10 companion some of them they said Jana
0:07:13 CollabNet in my one a7f hee hee Nia
0:07:15 we had no specific intention when we
0:07:18 started seeking in two models they're
0:07:20 gonna knee it's about then afterwards
0:07:22 the law gave us the proper intention
0:07:24 that be right on he said concerning this
0:07:26 FM he said Leanna no fool says Zakia
0:07:30 Temujin your souls are never pleased
0:07:34 with ignorance pure souls good people
0:07:37 they're never comfortable just being
0:07:39 English so the concept is is that they
0:07:42 started awfully to have the proper
0:07:43 intention and then later came so what
0:07:46 that being said a teacher a program a
0:07:49 curriculum we always said I need to
0:07:51 start with the philosophy has to come
0:07:53 first and we're very yawning strong
0:07:55 proponents for called the pop culture
0:07:58 and I don't mean my pop culture actors
0:08:01 and singers and dancers and musicians
0:08:02 PLP meaning purity of philosophy purity
0:08:07 of philosophy so our mindsets have to be
0:08:10 correct before we even think about
0:08:12 taking a step and people I don't think
0:08:15 their philosophy is pure when it comes
0:08:17 to seeking in people think I have to
0:08:19 seek knowledge in this country or with
0:08:21 this person or just like this and and I
0:08:24 have to say this and knowledge is up
0:08:27 here first and foremost and once you get
0:08:29 it up there and your philosophy is pure
0:08:31 everything physical becomes easier
0:08:34 so therefore the curriculum or your
0:08:37 teacher may show a lot achieving
0:08:38 something simple it should be something
0:08:40 clear and should be something easy and
0:08:43 digestible something that you can take
0:08:45 small bites sometimes you can walk
0:08:47 slowly and gradually build and wind up
0:08:50 your momentum insha'Allah Allah
0:08:52 so baby steps are important longevity is
0:08:56 important ease and simplicity and it
0:08:59 goes back to the purity of philosophy
0:09:00 many people they think we have a book
0:09:02 method and forty hundreds no week we
0:09:05 have a shot which is fifty pages and the
0:09:07 author isn't that known or isn't that
0:09:09 famous isn't that repeated and then we
0:09:12 have a 500 page explanation of a great
0:09:14 great famous scholar the beginning
0:09:16 student think so after the following
0:09:18 page book that he can't handle he can't
0:09:21 understand it's way too much it's way
0:09:23 above and beyond him but because his
0:09:25 philosophy isn't pure he ignores the
0:09:27 fifty page explanation and eventually he
0:09:29 quits they get burnt out
0:09:31 [ __ ] well then use the dictionary every
0:09:34 two seconds every word any tips in and
0:09:36 jumps onto another book in another class
0:09:38 and those are the brothers and the
0:09:40 sisters I'm pushing on we see five years
0:09:41 later James later not studying anymore
0:09:44 dropping out of school I'm back home
0:09:46 what happened I thought you were Medina
0:09:47 oh well you know you know because they
0:09:50 didn't take the proper steps and
0:09:52 progressiveness to double-check the
0:09:54 problem alright so your teacher or
0:09:57 yourself whatever program you use Medina
0:10:00 Egypt Yemen South Africa every program
0:10:03 you use it should be simple and easy and
0:10:05 it should be a step to build up your
0:10:08 momentum and then you start taking jumps
0:10:11 and leaps later on been denied Salah
0:10:14 whatever that program may be as far as
0:10:17 what to study first then before you even
0:10:20 get into Quran and before you begin into
0:10:22 the IB language once more I would say is
0:10:25 you should dig further into the culture
0:10:28 of telamon
0:10:29 dig further into the culture read the
0:10:32 books listen to the lectures sit in the
0:10:33 classes about how to be used in the
0:10:35 knowledge and what is it stood an
0:10:37 argument isn't still no knowledge
0:10:38 because those wooden things allow you to
0:10:40 have longevity jumping in and out of the
0:10:42 class Arabic oughta be a penny a day
0:10:44 kundina
0:10:45 you burn out but you have to become
0:10:48 ingrate and engrossed with the poem and
0:10:51 then I am a student of knowledge
0:10:53 I love knowledge and I want to seek it
0:10:55 what I'm in jail what a minute UK was
0:10:58 I'm in the scorching sands of Arabia or
0:11:00 more taenia wherever you are the mindset
0:11:03 everything begins and ends with mine so
0:11:05 start off with the
0:11:06 Apollo and I hummed Allah in Arabic
0:11:09 there countless books in English there
0:11:11 challenged books lectures and you teach
0:11:14 it he's a good teacher the first thing
0:11:16 he's gonna try to do is to get you to to
0:11:18 be devoted to this art this culture of
0:11:21 seeking knowledge and being a student
0:11:23 knowledge for real and not a fraudulent
0:11:26 Lewallen you know when you were saying
0:11:29 circle nothing for that when you were
0:11:30 saying about with the wood story
0:11:32 rahimullah I was thinking about the ayat
0:11:36 of the Quran no Holly Salam when I saw
0:11:39 the Shara and a lot of hard when las
0:11:41 plantas describes his story and that
0:11:44 people says like at whatever I cut out
0:11:47 of the road and hello
0:11:48 you know leave the marina lowly closet
0:11:55 and this idea is even repeated for I
0:11:58 remember as well in Suez and on what
0:12:00 Lanka says the same thing you know yeah
0:12:11 the knowledge is actually for all us is
0:12:15 an old people the beautiful oneness is
0:12:19 throughout the Quranic this goes from
0:12:20 north all the way to solomon s it's a
0:12:23 beautiful thing about our religion and
0:12:25 I'm not kind of outlining that story
0:12:27 because it was actually a very profound
0:12:28 story I don't think many people would
0:12:30 have come across and and something else
0:12:34 I wanted to mention as well based on the
0:12:36 lost woman that he made was like the end
0:12:39 up of Taliban would the mannerisms the
0:12:42 etiquettes and the spirituality it has
0:12:43 to come with it I won her that changed
0:12:46 my life and reading it is badeah today
0:12:49 yeah in the beginning in the first
0:12:53 couple of chapters he demarcated and
0:12:55 actually translated to English it's
0:12:57 called the beginning of guidance and he
0:12:59 says that if you're if you're if you're
0:13:01 doing tolerable island if you're trying
0:13:03 to learn in order to get you to compete
0:13:05 with your peers you know then you're
0:13:09 basically a game is up
0:13:11 yeah and so it's what kind of it like
0:13:15 this is a beautiful thing because number
0:13:17 one you're saying is open the atom is
0:13:19 open
0:13:20 but number two also you have to have the
0:13:22 right kind of psycho-spiritual state
0:13:24 before coming to Donna blood on a really
0:13:29 practical level you mentioned a couple
0:13:31 of books at the end it's someone nice
0:13:33 okay he agrees with that and and he'll
0:13:38 or she once an hour bark upon just a
0:13:41 very basic this person is just let's say
0:13:43 for example wasn't practicing it slam
0:13:45 now assigned to practice Islam an
0:13:46 extremely basic program what would what
0:13:50 would they start with an extremely basic
0:13:53 program hmm by um well first and
0:13:57 foremost an extremely and have a very
0:14:00 important point you mention about the
0:14:01 spirituality in a psycho spiritual realm
0:14:05 cause and of course the words that came
0:14:10 after was a tease uh yeah illumined
0:14:12 Dean's the motifs are several different
0:14:15 versions of that more that's to clean in
0:14:18 hazzard costs again and in the beginning
0:14:20 of all of those books there is kita will
0:14:22 in and he talks about seeking knowledge
0:14:25 for tinnitus your peers competing and
0:14:28 that's that's very very very stark in
0:14:31 our society and that's because it is
0:14:33 actually translated into English as well
0:14:35 I think then the manipulation it's quite
0:14:37 new it's not the epidermis is cousin or
0:14:40 something yeah and there's several then
0:14:44 you have he also mention about how
0:14:46 people they'll focus on the technical
0:14:49 knowledge and ignore the spirituality
0:14:52 behind it and they don't seek the
0:14:54 knowledge of the soul and that's very
0:14:55 stocker as well people they seek
0:14:57 knowledge just for the technicalities
0:14:59 for and for landfill and friend but they
0:15:01 ignore their soul and that's an issue at
0:15:04 the end of the day a very simple basic
0:15:06 easy program for person ten key points
0:15:10 or ten ten key guidelines to seeking
0:15:12 knowledge excellent book in Arabic in
0:15:15 English
0:15:16 Enrique is Elijah Lata scene and Edney
0:15:19 by Abdullah so thick
0:15:21 that's an Arabic and in English as well
0:15:23 as a very concise lean book that gives
0:15:27 you ten main successes or pieces of
0:15:29 success to seek knowledge that's very
0:15:31 personal in other book
0:15:33 are afterwards a Muslim be denied tada
0:15:37 he should learn the basics of the
0:15:38 recitation of the Quran in six of how to
0:15:42 decide the Quran properly not to be
0:15:44 attached mcmaster but the basic simple
0:15:47 proper recitation of the five prayers
0:15:50 all right
0:15:51 also be denied on I would advise on that
0:15:54 Muslim to learn the things that he needs
0:15:57 to answer integrate the the three
0:16:00 questions that every Muslims want to
0:16:03 face and of course from the best of
0:16:05 those books is auto surah flat ribbon
0:16:07 I'm going to I have right now on tada
0:16:09 they even have rain Matata obviously he
0:16:11 came later one and they're scholars who
0:16:13 rolled vines vines and slam way before
0:16:15 his time with his book is simplified
0:16:17 it's easy its laid out and is free from
0:16:23 just yawning promises they saw a
0:16:25 problem-free very important book for any
0:16:28 basic Muslim let alone a student of
0:16:30 knowledge it's a very small talk as well
0:16:32 like pages or even smaller versions then
0:16:35 that which is in English as well even
0:16:38 smaller versions game another very
0:16:40 important book as I'll add you back I
0:16:42 looked a hot team at to modify a lot
0:16:45 could be Muslim or Muslim and that's in
0:16:46 English as well and then there's certain
0:16:49 things that I don't know I love it but
0:16:53 it is it is an English for sure yeah
0:16:55 it's been years agos the years since
0:16:57 I've seen it but these are basic books
0:16:59 to let your fund in terms of Islam and
0:17:01 the obligation of knowledge like I said
0:17:04 purity of the philosophy I know ya Jeeva
0:17:06 Dana and I'll do more - that's golden
0:17:09 that's golden and those values that you
0:17:12 learned in the beginning in that book
0:17:13 they stick with you for the rest of your
0:17:14 life a little couple encoding what Amin
0:17:17 how much suffering do we face on a daily
0:17:20 basis and ignoring that principle
0:17:23 speak after you know do after you know
0:17:26 how many of us talk about ignorance we
0:17:28 think we feel we follow someone and then
0:17:31 we have problems we do harm to ourselves
0:17:32 and to others
0:17:33 all right of course obviously the basics
0:17:36 of the Arabic language is shallow but
0:17:37 before that s non-muslim the fortress of
0:17:41 the Muslims very important learn the
0:17:43 earth care of the Prophet sallallaahu
0:17:44 them only have care of the Quran and
0:17:46 that goes back to
0:17:47 you said about the spirituality of
0:17:49 seeking knowledge psycho-spiritual very
0:17:52 important connect yourself to a law all
0:17:54 the time and if a law is not protecting
0:17:57 us again knowledge you came to
0:17:58 successful and most importantly as you
0:18:01 have to develop your memory you have to
0:18:04 learn and discover the magic of revision
0:18:06 you have to discover the magic of
0:18:10 revision and many of the pious
0:18:11 predecessors they will say with accurate
0:18:14 only in I had to move the lifeblood of
0:18:17 knowledge is revision so how do you know
0:18:20 the dicket before you go to sleep so
0:18:21 well how do you lick them for you drink
0:18:24 after you drink yeah you keep doing it
0:18:30 so you have to train yourself that there
0:18:33 is no mountain that's high enough to to
0:18:35 to taught a climb if you just keep
0:18:37 practicing it with rechlicz were hidden
0:18:39 hiya - ok revising knowledge is the
0:18:43 lifeblood of the vertebra of him and you
0:18:46 learn this rule and become well lucky so
0:18:50 - baqara you trying to memorize it was
0:18:52 from a stranger I act this one is an
0:18:55 entire page it's intimidating but when
0:18:58 you keep reviewing it and reciting it in
0:19:00 a prayer and teaching to others you
0:19:02 learn it like that so you get that total
0:19:04 B and M I said from the FK let alone the
0:19:07 spiritual protection and it connected to
0:19:09 a lost final Dada all right last but not
0:19:11 least is to learn the basics of the
0:19:13 Arabic language not the grammar but the
0:19:16 vocabulary and it takes small bits and
0:19:18 pieces of grammar to form basic
0:19:20 sentences for conversational purposes
0:19:23 and many people they start off with a
0:19:25 joke mia they start off with this new
0:19:27 book and they go from a Tibetan ship
0:19:30 away and that's a human and that is
0:19:33 often ends up being burnt up and finding
0:19:36 the Abbott language to be too confusing
0:19:38 and too difficult you got to learn how
0:19:40 to talk you gotta learn how to listen
0:19:42 you gotta learn how to conversate
0:19:44 okay um hey I don't tell you no more
0:19:48 stories with regards to that nothing
0:19:50 that's clear and charlotta there's a
0:19:52 book that I for beginners I saw which is
0:19:54 quite nice and most of you've come
0:19:55 across this quote al-kitab' let's se yes
0:19:58 yes yes for sure
0:19:59 mm-hmm
0:20:01 we get for the cameras several several
0:20:04 with the simplest and easiest and even
0:20:06 if it's a bigger book just take the
0:20:07 smaller portions of it mmm mm-hmm
0:20:10 okay now obviously you studied hadith at
0:20:13 university so that's your kind of area
0:20:14 correct hamdulillah I was fortunate
0:20:18 fortunate enough to go to the Prophet
0:20:21 City for over a decade or about a decade
0:20:23 roughly um and learn all of these same
0:20:26 Sciences most of them a basic level from
0:20:29 them on hamdulillah
0:20:29 and that was my major yes in a college
0:20:33 find some idea how many now so one of
0:20:36 the main talking points in terms of
0:20:38 Islam what are the things that we would
0:20:40 consider a USP that is very unique to
0:20:44 Islam
0:20:45 comparison to other religions even a
0:20:47 course other histories ancient histories
0:20:49 is the way that our tradition has
0:20:51 actually been preserved so given in a
0:20:54 nutshell if you like a summarized
0:20:56 version wait
0:20:57 tell us how has paddy's been preserved
0:21:00 and what is the clear clear well like
0:21:07 you mentioned not just for religion and
0:21:11 faith but also for history it's not
0:21:14 about that there are some experts in
0:21:16 specialists they've done a lot of
0:21:19 research with regards to the history of
0:21:22 narration and the history of the chain
0:21:25 of narration obviously a hadith composed
0:21:28 or is composed of a Senate and I met him
0:21:30 there is the chain of reporters and the
0:21:34 actual report so some specialists they
0:21:37 have tried to go to other religions
0:21:40 other faiths and not just Islam
0:21:42 Christianity and Judaism also Hinduism
0:21:46 the mainstream religions some call the
0:21:51 Abrahamic faiths things like this ok
0:21:53 they've done research and they've looked
0:21:56 to the extent of the usage of the chain
0:21:59 of narration and those other religions
0:22:01 and those other books and there are
0:22:03 there are usages of reports that but
0:22:08 there's never been a time a place people
0:22:10 or religion in which the chain of
0:22:13 narration played such a
0:22:15 pivotal role like the vertebrae in the
0:22:19 body of that religion like Islam there's
0:22:22 never been a religion or way or even a
0:22:25 historical event because the history of
0:22:27 the Arabs the language of the ABS the
0:22:29 culture of the Arabs is extremely and
0:22:32 immensely indebted to Islam Islam
0:22:35 improved their history the preservation
0:22:37 of it the report of their language their
0:22:39 letters their speech
0:22:41 everything was polished by slap there's
0:22:44 never been a time or place in a religion
0:22:46 in which preservation and precaution and
0:22:49 precision and such a mighty punishment
0:22:53 has been placed on lying and fabricating
0:22:55 and being inaccurate minutes left
0:22:57 there's no button there's no doubt about
0:22:58 that one of the non-muslim Orientalists
0:23:01 who studied Islam who attacked Islam
0:23:04 Yemen Lee who was a student of one of
0:23:07 the worst opponents of Islam was Joseph
0:23:10 Scott in German Orientalists and he made
0:23:13 the famous statement fairly effed up in
0:23:15 a Muslim onna behead me I need him he
0:23:18 said if the Muslims could take pride in
0:23:19 anything it would be the science of my
0:23:23 not poetry the love of horses and this
0:23:27 and that he said genealogy I think if
0:23:28 they pride in anything it will be inland
0:23:31 Aziz and he was a open staunch opponent
0:23:34 to Islam to the hadith but he
0:23:35 acknowledged that and we all know the
0:23:37 Arabs have a famous statement in that
0:23:40 fog La Masia he that me and I death
0:23:42 okay true props true regard comes from
0:23:47 one's opponent that's true recognition
0:23:50 the opponent doesn't like you he doesn't
0:23:52 love you but he respects you and he
0:23:54 takes off his hat he bowels through and
0:23:56 says I acknowledge you and your prowess
0:23:58 we were not friends we're at odds with
0:24:01 each other but I definitely respect and
0:24:04 acknowledge you as a person as a brave
0:24:08 fearless man all right so therefore in
0:24:11 were hadith is something which is very
0:24:13 special it's very weak and this is found
0:24:17 in the Quran and Canaan which Allah
0:24:18 surgeon tells us in their new nazar
0:24:20 Nadira whenever hula heart you doona
0:24:23 Allah so he says that indeed we have
0:24:27 sent down the vehicle and
0:24:29 we shall preserve it and the vicar
0:24:32 initially means the forend
0:24:34 it means the Quran Allah says we have
0:24:37 sent down a friend and we will preserve
0:24:38 the Quran now there's one or two things
0:24:41 that we can say now number one is does
0:24:43 this include the Sunnah as well as if
0:24:46 the verse says indeed we have sent down
0:24:48 the Quran and Sunnah and will preserve
0:24:50 them both or does it just mean that the
0:24:53 Quran is missing down and the Quran will
0:24:56 be preserved but the interpretation of
0:24:58 the Quran the understanding of the Quran
0:25:00 the big stories of the crane how can we
0:25:04 even have any sense of the Quran without
0:25:06 the hadith and that which is a necessity
0:25:08 of the brain to be understood practiced
0:25:10 implemented reflected upon also must be
0:25:14 what preserved as well it makes no sense
0:25:17 for a person to have very expensive
0:25:19 acrostic Springwater
0:25:20 and he carries it in his hands he says
0:25:23 we want to take it from the spring I'm
0:25:24 gonna walk on my trail or my bike I'm
0:25:27 gonna hold it in one hand I'm gonna go
0:25:29 in my house and I'm gonna take the
0:25:30 spring water in my hands and in my jaws
0:25:32 on up like this only a fool will do that
0:25:35 the more expensive the water the more
0:25:37 pure and pristine of water the vessel
0:25:39 the glass the plastic the box whatever
0:25:42 you preserve it in has to be just as
0:25:44 what just as good rather even more
0:25:46 costly and that's because the thing on
0:25:49 the inside has to be preserved and kept
0:25:51 safe and if you don't have the outside
0:25:53 is preserved and kept safe it's a waste
0:25:55 of time
0:25:56 so Alonso - no doubt about that he has
0:25:59 sent down the Quran and he has inspired
0:26:01 the prophet Sulaiman Solomon given him
0:26:03 revelation as well and the
0:26:05 interpretation of the Quran
0:26:06 understanding the application and like I
0:26:09 said very important word is the sense of
0:26:12 the fore-end the quranic stories so many
0:26:15 Allah says Carbonaro - for what - cement
0:26:19 indeed we see that your face is turning
0:26:21 about looking into the skies looking to
0:26:23 the heavens but in the one hand
0:26:25 applicable that sent on by will give you
0:26:27 a direction of prayer that you'll be
0:26:28 pleased with what is the law of talking
0:26:30 about cause a lot talking - who's
0:26:34 turning their face in the sky anyone
0:26:36 everyone who's looking into that means
0:26:38 what is the direction of prayer work
0:26:40 what was the direction of prayer
0:26:42 manuela home I'm cricket Azima let's
0:26:44 again waria what changed them from the
0:26:47 qibla in which they were facing who was
0:26:49 praying when these questions can't be
0:26:52 answered Allah so Johnny tells us about
0:26:54 the Prophet with a serenity you that
0:26:56 when the proper made a secret or some of
0:26:57 his wives whose the Prophet yeah cool
0:27:00 tray Greece Ilyas and then Kiffin well
0:27:05 and maybe you was who's the prophet and
0:27:08 who audience wives as the man allowed to
0:27:12 have more than wife in Islam Allah said
0:27:14 some of his life worst wife what was the
0:27:16 secret how can you make sense of certain
0:27:19 time in chapter 33 makes sense out of it
0:27:22 verse after verse story after story that
0:27:24 you cannot understand the beginning the
0:27:26 end or the middle without deep thoughts
0:27:28 on them so many people they talk about
0:27:30 the preservation and so now we have to
0:27:32 look at the preservation of Quran and
0:27:34 the Quran is the starting point and it's
0:27:37 also the last frontier for the reality
0:27:40 that the Sunnah of the person was
0:27:41 preserved and those who reject the
0:27:44 hadees' and say that they do not exist
0:27:45 they're made up in their last they are
0:27:48 non-muslims and he has rejected the
0:27:50 Quran they have rejected the friend and
0:27:53 Allah you could be tells us for Jenny
0:27:55 don't be she had in Kabir on use the
0:27:58 Quran and fight them with it strongly
0:28:01 okay vigorously so we don't have to get
0:28:04 into this historical report
0:28:06 I had party that she's deal with you are
0:28:10 could end with Jeff Hardy's rejecter
0:28:12 please make sense of the Quran makes
0:28:15 sense if you can make sense but I accept
0:28:18 your argument that I need to all lies
0:28:19 they all made up two hundred fifty years
0:28:22 after the Prophet no problem but make
0:28:24 sense I don't chapter 33 make sense out
0:28:26 of this soda make sense out of this
0:28:27 verse when did the process of waters the
0:28:29 law says into the home for the gates
0:28:31 who's he talking to
0:28:32 what is he talking about who's 8 and
0:28:34 let's close on a problematic issue that
0:28:36 they have no answer for except through
0:28:40 the require this turned out the process
0:28:42 in brief secondly is the prophets of I
0:28:45 saw him sooner
0:28:46 just like the Quran we don't believe
0:28:49 that is based off of just human effort
0:28:52 but there are things which are
0:28:54 miraculous and the things you try
0:28:56 above and beyond the ability of the
0:28:58 human to do and then they are miraculous
0:29:00 miraculous and if we lose sight of that
0:29:03 and if everything is just mundane and
0:29:06 everything is just academic and
0:29:08 everything is tangible there lies no
0:29:10 doubt we will lose our faith and we lose
0:29:12 our faith the game is over nothing else
0:29:16 to do afterwards so we can't lose again
0:29:18 scope of that but of course there are
0:29:20 tangible reasons behind this one to be
0:29:22 preserved in the time of the prophets
0:29:25 but before we go that far I don't to
0:29:29 take too much time is very important we
0:29:31 have to understand the power of
0:29:33 prejudice and the power of racism and
0:29:36 the power of a person feeling inferior
0:29:39 and a person feeling superior to another
0:29:42 race we have to understand that race
0:29:44 color class a nation these things are
0:29:49 involved in every single aspect of life
0:29:53 every sphere of life including studies
0:29:56 in academia and there's not a time in
0:29:59 which race and color and religion is
0:30:01 separated from these other aspects of
0:30:03 life listen to these words carefully and
0:30:05 from that is academic studies of a slant
0:30:09 for a person to come from another
0:30:12 country and to travel thousands of
0:30:15 thousand miles another part of the world
0:30:17 another climate and it take eight
0:30:20 hundred nine hundred a thousand years of
0:30:23 scholastics of studies of in depth
0:30:27 futuristic state-of-the-art detailed
0:30:29 studies and to ignore them neglect them
0:30:32 find part of them throng them that is
0:30:35 based off of racial superiority or
0:30:37 inferiority and that is the concept of
0:30:40 Orientalism that the Muslims for over a
0:30:43 thousand years they had her own gran
0:30:46 lumen hadith Osuna thick all of these
0:30:49 different Sciences and I came from
0:30:51 Hungary war was my country a thousand
0:30:54 years ago eight hundred years ago what
0:30:58 science and knowledge of astronomy did
0:31:00 we have of Hygiene of this and that the
0:31:04 embryo so many things they were lost
0:31:06 stuck in darkness and the Muslims has
0:31:09 sprawling city
0:31:10 of libraries baton hikmah do you know
0:31:12 how many volumes of books were burnt one
0:31:14 the seeds of book that took place
0:31:17 historians say that me the they say that
0:31:21 the sea became black from ink millions
0:31:24 and millions of books were lost another
0:31:26 Scotland a debate there and they said
0:31:28 that the Mongol invaders did not burn
0:31:30 big to Hitler
0:31:31 that's the discussion the point is is
0:31:33 that that's only one library in one city
0:31:35 a book that the Muslims world thousands
0:31:38 of lines of books not just one its name
0:31:39 in sizes as well and for someone to come
0:31:41 along and you say that these Sciences
0:31:43 are all flawed there are lies they're
0:31:46 all based on political gains
0:31:48 sectarianism she asked Sunna it happened
0:31:51 that he's doing that because of
0:31:52 something and it's not just pure
0:31:54 scholastic or academic research but it's
0:31:56 because your way is flawed and the
0:31:59 reason why is flawed is because you're
0:32:00 Arabs your Berbers your Kurds I'm
0:32:04 European I'm Hungarian I'm German our
0:32:07 way is automatically superior to your
0:32:09 way and it's very sad and unfortunate
0:32:11 that many Muslims have fallen victims of
0:32:13 this and they don't even realize it they
0:32:15 don't even realize him and from the
0:32:17 manifestations of this is the feeling
0:32:19 that if something isn't written down if
0:32:21 something isn't documented the way we
0:32:23 wanted to be written down and documented
0:32:24 then it's automatically a lying false
0:32:26 and this is the main premise of those
0:32:29 who say that the Hadees were not
0:32:31 preserved because they weren't written
0:32:33 down in a time of the project rather 200
0:32:36 even though even though a lot a big part
0:32:38 of Western tradition all the way back
0:32:41 you know the Iliad Homer's Iliad is on
0:32:48 for sure
0:32:49 yes likewise even the Torah is the Jews
0:32:53 claim although they don't have a chain
0:32:55 of narration which I'm sure you're going
0:32:56 to talk about what what that entails but
0:32:59 they claim this oral so the the bedrock
0:33:02 of Western society which was
0:33:04 judeo-christian values was based on
0:33:07 documents or books that claim to have
0:33:10 been orally transmitted things like
0:33:13 Homer and the Old Testament itself
0:33:17 trying to say that this is this is very
0:33:20 much the new Orientalist critique
0:33:23 well these are Chinese whispers you're
0:33:25 talking about the Senate these are
0:33:26 actually where Chinese whispers it's not
0:33:29 a meticulous preservation mechanism and
0:33:33 a lot of it wasn't compiled until the
0:33:37 third century and these are the kinds of
0:33:39 things that may be orientalists I think
0:33:41 just is actually one of them who sent
0:33:45 this would say they would say things
0:33:47 like so what makes your method actually
0:33:51 any better than these other methods or
0:33:55 wise special why's it so unique sure for
0:33:59 sure so that's a very excellent point
0:34:02 and ask the to copay of course people
0:34:05 attack someone on something today a
0:34:06 guilty themselves okay and of course
0:34:10 somebody will say well we aren't
0:34:12 Orientalist Orientalism has faded out
0:34:14 the colonial age is going well the Arabs
0:34:18 they say in the Mukunda comen only could
0:34:21 leave home and wedded and someone is
0:34:23 going to inherit and these people in
0:34:26 these modern academic universities they
0:34:29 have inherited and they don't even
0:34:30 realize so at the end of the keep things
0:34:33 brief because that's a very long
0:34:34 discussion but I did want to shed light
0:34:36 on that is the foundation of that and
0:34:39 just because something written doesn't
0:34:41 mean that it's authentic
0:34:41 and just because something is orally
0:34:43 passed down it doesn't mean it's alive
0:34:45 let alone the fact that there were
0:34:47 countless had it's written in the time
0:34:48 of the Prophet I mean I think a great
0:34:51 example of that as well just think of my
0:34:54 head probably one of the best examples
0:34:56 of that is language like sure which in
0:34:58 the beginning early civilization it was
0:35:00 the way that language was transmitted
0:35:05 orally or over mathematics itself is a
0:35:08 language
0:35:09 I mean people when they learn maths they
0:35:11 didn't necessarily depend on the books
0:35:15 teaching each other from how they were
0:35:17 at all the things that basically will
0:35:20 even body land the way we are taught and
0:35:22 the way we speak and all these things a
0:35:24 lot of it is most of the things you
0:35:27 could argue this transmitted
0:35:29 generational mass transmissions and
0:35:34 some karate language evolves from that
0:35:38 perspective and that is the requirement
0:35:41 here when you have like you know you're
0:35:43 gonna inch a lot talk about this
0:35:45 principles and case which stop you know
0:35:48 certain things from being changed right
0:35:51 so in terms of nada hadith what are the
0:35:53 principles that are in place that would
0:35:56 kind of ward off this Chinese whispers
0:35:58 allegation how do we set someone says
0:36:00 well someone says this and three or four
0:36:02 centuries later it's communicated as
0:36:04 this how do we know that it's not being
0:36:06 changed
0:36:07 clear for sure well I think first and
0:36:10 foremost is that we have to know what
0:36:11 we're speaking with everyone is uh we
0:36:14 have to we have to make a distinction of
0:36:16 who we're talking to we're talking to a
0:36:18 Muslim scientist we tell them to a
0:36:20 non-muslim are we talking to a man a
0:36:22 person of faith and religion whether the
0:36:24 Buddhist Hindu Christian or someone
0:36:27 who's an atheist or agnostic someone who
0:36:29 just bases off of the nether the
0:36:31 material mundane things and if we don't
0:36:34 know who we're speaking with then of
0:36:35 course we're not gonna go too far so who
0:36:37 are we talking to if a person accepts
0:36:39 the Quran and they are Muslim they have
0:36:41 doubt they are sincerely concerned about
0:36:45 the Hadees in the Sun etc it is very
0:36:48 simple answer and first and foremost we
0:36:50 say to them do you know everything about
0:36:51 the Koran do you know everything about
0:36:54 the crane do you know everything what
0:36:56 sort of came down first was sort of that
0:36:58 came down last do you know the the way
0:37:00 of the Quran being transmitted of course
0:37:03 the average Muslim the average student
0:37:04 Najma said of course I don't
0:37:06 so what makes you so demanding and what
0:37:11 makes you so imposing that you have to
0:37:14 know every meticulous detail about the
0:37:16 hadith tradition there's a serious
0:37:18 question now and it's not running from
0:37:20 the answer but it's a serious question
0:37:21 now if you can't answer that then
0:37:24 obviously your questions about Haditha
0:37:28 aren't yeah where you going we can sit
0:37:31 down and talk about the Quran you don't
0:37:33 know everything about the brand and much
0:37:34 of the Quran and your faith in it is
0:37:35 based off of blind faith so many people
0:37:39 they are very ignorant of the sciences
0:37:40 of the Quran which are sciences but they
0:37:43 want to be masters of science are these
0:37:45 Muslim they want to be masters of the
0:37:47 hadith
0:37:47 water and it's mostly and that
0:37:49 absolutely makes no sense they make some
0:37:51 sense and one of the most important
0:37:53 principles of teaching someone and
0:37:54 uplifting and raising from them doubts
0:37:57 is to show them their ignorance you have
0:38:00 to be shown their ignorance and then
0:38:02 it's not embarrassing someone or playing
0:38:04 someone but it's to show you that you
0:38:06 need to humble yourself and most people
0:38:08 who talk about our needs mean for us
0:38:10 they're blindly finding someone and
0:38:12 you're very haughty and arrogant and in
0:38:14 telling this is not true for over 300
0:38:16 years who said that where are you
0:38:17 getting this from for over 20 years I
0:38:19 just wanted written down that's not true
0:38:21 that's a lie
0:38:21 so I think we have to show the people
0:38:23 their ignorance and take it back to
0:38:25 their faith of the Quran how does the
0:38:27 Lord tell us to go back to something
0:38:28 which is totally false there's not one
0:38:30 single person of where ends and which
0:38:32 Allah tells us to obey him and only him
0:38:35 not one verse in the Quran which Allah
0:38:39 says well to Allah that's it
0:38:40 now once every single time the law tells
0:38:43 us to obey Him immediately afterwards it
0:38:46 is and the messenger and His Messenger
0:38:49 rather there's some persons in the brain
0:38:51 which along so behind what commands us
0:38:54 to obey only the Prophet only the
0:38:56 messenger and not Allah that's deep and
0:38:59 it's profound
0:39:00 how could Allah tell us to obey someone
0:39:02 whose words are lost and made up and
0:39:05 everything is fallacy everything is you
0:39:08 know just a tradition so make sense out
0:39:11 of the brain tell me about the Quran all
0:39:14 the signs of Graham and then that's all
0:39:16 hopefully then I'll tell you about the
0:39:18 Hadees in the Sunda and until you can do
0:39:20 that you're being hypocritical and
0:39:21 you're not sincere as far as if it's a
0:39:23 non-muslim then it goes back to what I
0:39:25 previously said what are your standards
0:39:27 of academia or scholastic criticism are
0:39:32 you supposing something and as most of
0:39:36 the criticism levied against the high
0:39:38 needs people Yanni yes we don't they're
0:39:40 making fun of the yet we don't think
0:39:43 it's like this in most cases it's most
0:39:46 likely it's most likely it's most likely
0:39:48 secondly is this actually look at the
0:39:50 criticism so to make an example of this
0:39:52 now so people they say that the Hadees
0:39:56 were used for political gain
0:39:59 we had mahalia Johan who and we had Adi
0:40:02 for the other one
0:40:03 so therefore the easiest way of
0:40:05 legitimizing someone's Authority
0:40:07 someone's power of state is to the
0:40:11 profit
0:40:12 I am the profits nephew I'm the profits
0:40:15 cousin I'm the promised relative I am
0:40:17 from the province uncle I best attach
0:40:19 exception sensitive so therefore they
0:40:21 say that the hadees' were made up
0:40:22 because of the sectarian Wars between
0:40:24 Benoit maiya and then in our best fight
0:40:26 so therefore that's their premise is
0:40:29 that due to the fact that there's doubt
0:40:30 this reasonable doubt there was a need
0:40:33 for the Shia to legitimize themselves it
0:40:35 was need for the Sunnis to legitimize
0:40:37 themselves in to consolidate power right
0:40:38 no problem
0:40:39 so you're telling me that if someone
0:40:42 abuses of science and uses refines for
0:40:45 their cause of their agenda or their
0:40:47 propaganda then the science
0:40:48 automatically becomes false and made-up
0:40:50 and fabricated are you telling me that
0:40:52 if that's your premise then there goes
0:40:54 science mathematics navigation religion
0:40:59 christianity judaism because all of
0:41:01 these different Sciences in these
0:41:02 different books they were used to
0:41:04 monopolize people people's lives
0:41:06 it was wealth in this territory so
0:41:08 therefore science is false because
0:41:10 someone a scientist came he proved wise
0:41:12 okay to kill this minority and they make
0:41:14 a genocide against these people in the
0:41:15 Holocaust in these people would you
0:41:17 accept that premise of course they were
0:41:19 rather they have faith in those Sciences
0:41:22 even though people for centuries have
0:41:24 misused them and abuse them but the
0:41:27 hadith sorrow matically made-up
0:41:28 fabricated because some supposedly
0:41:31 abused them she I used them against the
0:41:33 Sunni the Sunnis use them gifts this
0:41:35 year
0:41:35 Wow his people use it against at least
0:41:37 people are these people that's false
0:41:38 that's first and foremost second years
0:41:41 the population strata slam he gave us
0:41:44 the guiding principles upon which
0:41:46 Western academia is based on and that is
0:41:49 precision that is precaution that is
0:41:53 integrity
0:41:54 equity okay and that is research and
0:41:57 that is meticulous detail and so many of
0:42:01 the messenger of allah so louis hadith
0:42:02 he himself he made down these values in
0:42:05 which Western academia was nothing to be
0:42:08 mentioned at the time there was no such
0:42:09 thing as Oxford or Cambridge
0:42:11 when they travel from country to country
0:42:13 and they met 30 more hundreds and 40 of
0:42:16 my hundreds for one narration and verify
0:42:19 and analyst goes one of the meticulous
0:42:21 criticism that was laid down what do you
0:42:23 believe it or not no problem over a
0:42:24 thousand years no problem
0:42:26 but for you to just come and say that is
0:42:29 haphazard collages and statements and
0:42:31 actions put together as a problem all
0:42:34 right and that comes from in my personal
0:42:36 opinion in my studies that comes from
0:42:38 the racial superiority complex and the
0:42:41 racial inferiority complex is that our
0:42:43 way superior in all aspects and your
0:42:46 ways are inferior in all aspects and
0:42:48 that itself is a line we learn that from
0:42:50 history many of the sciences of the West
0:42:52 was stolen and borrowed from the east
0:42:54 and and it's not just about jew muslim
0:42:57 christian we talk about masons
0:43:00 everything is based off of the east in
0:43:02 ancient egypt and all those countries so
0:43:05 that was the source of all of their
0:43:06 guidance and all their knowledge on
0:43:07 their science so the point the point
0:43:09 that i'm trying to get to is is there
0:43:10 who are we talking to some went up
0:43:12 science let's talk about science someone
0:43:15 who's supposed to be an academic let's
0:43:16 discuss academia now but not what i
0:43:19 think and i feel and now of accusations
0:43:21 with actual documentation actual proof
0:43:24 and now yeah i'm sorry
0:43:28 kind of summarize what you're saying
0:43:30 what you're saying is that look just
0:43:32 because something can now has the
0:43:33 propensity to be used in a way which is
0:43:38 fitting to their or an agenda it doesn't
0:43:40 mean that the principal's will be the
0:43:42 actual defend on the science itself it
0:43:45 becomes corrupt for example you gave the
0:43:46 example of science he says let's let's
0:43:49 take the example historians are Ingenix
0:43:51 so the fact that you justify racial
0:43:55 programs against certain groups of
0:43:57 people jewish people it doesn't mean now
0:43:59 that science has become a corrupt
0:44:01 Enterprise just because it's been used
0:44:03 in that cutscene it doesn't mean it has
0:44:06 become a corrupt Enterprise yeah
0:44:09 principally right so you're saying the
0:44:11 same thing now that with hadith that it
0:44:14 can be used like anything else it can
0:44:16 potentially be used in a in a wrong way
0:44:18 in a in a corrupting way however it
0:44:21 doesn't mean that the principles of the
0:44:23 guiding principles and
0:44:25 are corrupt it doesn't follow that's
0:44:26 what you think success sure
0:44:28 and rather rather the hypocrisy of the
0:44:32 whole argument and I'm trying to make
0:44:33 I'm trying to place place focus on goals
0:44:37 Iyer okay Ignazio sire he's the founding
0:44:40 father of supposed academic criticism of
0:44:44 Islam in traditional Aslam and obviously
0:44:48 somebody's gonna say well we're not
0:44:49 orientalists Orientalism they fail out
0:44:52 they have extinct but they aren't
0:44:53 extinct and most academic institutions
0:44:57 they glorify this man
0:44:59 the glorifying and his his suggestions
0:45:03 his reservations and his the results of
0:45:07 his research soon as they most of them
0:45:09 have been accepted so we are firm
0:45:11 believers in striking the Shepherd and
0:45:14 the sheep will scatter we're not going
0:45:18 to run after fifty sheep take off the
0:45:20 shepherd the sheep will disperse so
0:45:22 let's attack the heart of the whole
0:45:24 entire yes that's a line from the 5050
0:45:37 rules to power or something been trying
0:45:43 to become negative 80 IQ self yes that's
0:45:51 what I'm saying
0:45:52 you mentioned eugenics people don't even
0:45:54 realize that the catastrophe that took
0:45:56 place in Eastern North were based off of
0:45:59 eugenics and there was a scientific
0:46:01 justification for the crimes that were
0:46:06 committed and supposedly committed so on
0:46:08 and so forth it was a scientific
0:46:09 justification and you look at this man
0:46:11 is being a lunatic or madman but to him
0:46:13 he said I'm following the way of nature
0:46:16 so just because someone abuses something
0:46:19 or uses something for his gain how can I
0:46:21 make the whole entire science made of
0:46:23 enforce obviously that's not sensible
0:46:25 that's not far from being academic let's
0:46:27 bring forward maybe for a tip to make
0:46:30 the viewers kind of touch way is we're
0:46:31 talking about in more explicit terms can
0:46:35 you give us an example of like a Senate
0:46:37 you talked about the chain of
0:46:39 right how did just just to give people
0:46:41 kind of a taste of what we're talking
0:46:43 about we're talking about this very
0:46:44 simply generation yeah it's an it is
0:46:48 between you and information project a no
0:46:52 narration we have you and the actual
0:46:56 report so if I'm watching the news we
0:46:58 say that something died and in very bad
0:46:59 trained around me train was derailed
0:47:02 okay I was hundreds of miles away from
0:47:04 the train derailment I was in my home I
0:47:06 didn't see it I didn't hear it directly
0:47:08 I'm far from it but I'm getting the news
0:47:11 so between me I'm on my living room sofa
0:47:13 and the derailed train and a hundred
0:47:16 people that died there has to be a chain
0:47:18 and that chain is let's say the train
0:47:22 conductor survived the crash or an
0:47:25 eyewitness and then eyewitness or the
0:47:28 the the the train conductor he signaled
0:47:30 for the emergency and then the ambulance
0:47:32 came and then from the imminence the
0:47:35 police came and the firefighters came
0:47:36 and then the news outlets came and then
0:47:39 it's broadcasted to my living room so
0:47:41 between me and the train being derailed
0:47:44 and the people losing their lives and
0:47:45 our accident there are people between me
0:47:47 middlemen mediums so that is the chain
0:47:50 the Senate and the train being derailed
0:47:53 500 people lost their lives horrible
0:47:55 accident that's the Meccan that's the
0:47:58 actual wording that's the text that's
0:48:00 the actual story
0:48:01 so therefore between me and that
0:48:03 obviously the news come from thin air it
0:48:06 can't come from a dream it can't come
0:48:08 from a hallucination it must come from
0:48:10 from being masseuse tangible tangible
0:48:12 alright so in Islam between us and the
0:48:16 prophets life sometimes over 1400 years
0:48:18 we didn't meet him so la la Li was
0:48:21 solemn we would love to meet him
0:48:22 but we did not meet him physically I
0:48:24 mean we hope that we meet him in the air
0:48:26 after some of our money who saw him but
0:48:28 we didn't meet him physically so
0:48:29 therefore between us and him there are
0:48:31 people there men or women who are those
0:48:33 men and women that is called the Sun
0:48:35 it's named the chain of reporters and
0:48:38 obviously we're not going to have a
0:48:41 hundred people 200 people between us and
0:48:43 the Prophet that's just too long but
0:48:45 between us and the hadith collectors
0:48:48 those who compiled the narrations put
0:48:51 them in a book in a cage
0:48:53 between the author of the Kanan and the
0:48:56 Prophet himself
0:48:57 there is the chain so any people would
0:49:00 be in that chain would you say maybe
0:49:01 three for the least is going to be three
0:49:04 to five okay three to find example of
0:49:07 like of a salad that goes party rahim
0:49:10 allah and his sahi yes samples hadith
0:49:15 said only three people join him in the
0:49:17 Prophet so an example there's many
0:49:20 examples remember Hardy got him along he
0:49:21 has a ship so he says hi death and I
0:49:24 left Ali if not bless his teacher
0:49:27 McCarty was a student of him
0:49:29 I'll even I'm did that he got it from
0:49:30 sook-yin oh yeah now who was his teacher
0:49:33 Sophie I need Nina he got it from a man
0:49:35 whose name was I'm gonna bend enough and
0:49:38 Mickey I'm gonna bend enough he took it
0:49:41 from Jabba the son of had deliverer who
0:49:44 met the prophesy said more even our best
0:49:46 as an example amenable quadinaros from
0:49:49 abdullah bin yusuf from him and manage
0:49:51 him mm quite at him like he never some
0:49:53 elbonian man okay you know immersing
0:49:55 trade from Zippity et Cie so we're
0:49:58 dealing with history already died in the
0:50:00 middle of the third century and the
0:50:02 profit audience ought to slam obviously
0:50:04 it's almost 200 years 20 years and
0:50:06 here's what death so therefore a
0:50:09 memorable hard he's gonna have his
0:50:10 teacher okay and then his teachers
0:50:13 teacher and then his teachers teacher at
0:50:17 the companion in the profit so those
0:50:19 names that you read the first check
0:50:21 abdullah yusuf i'll even though i've
0:50:23 been there i bought me a man whoever the
0:50:26 chef's remember party is that is
0:50:28 McCarty's teacher and it's going to be
0:50:30 either two more or three more men or
0:50:32 women will cheney memorable party in
0:50:35 between the prophet sallallaahu
0:50:37 clearness or not yeah remember party
0:50:40 says i definitely a man called burnished
0:50:43 or a one and it's only allah akbar' any
0:50:45 I blow bade male submits aloo masala
0:50:51 Lonnie was salami appalled Len in action
0:50:54 ladies those four men a bogeyman Shuaib
0:50:58 zuly ever made and ever forever and the
0:51:02 other time he was only for men or three
0:51:05 men
0:51:06 or two men and one woman that's the
0:51:08 Senate that's actual chain nose actual
0:51:10 names from sahih al-bukhari so something
0:51:14 we got a character shake as many people
0:51:16 Muslims and non-muslims alike they think
0:51:19 and they feel that the hadeeth have only
0:51:22 been preserved and the only way of
0:51:25 grading in critiquing hadiths is the
0:51:27 Internet and this is extremely erroneous
0:51:31 rather than criticism of the tetes takes
0:51:34 precedence over the criticism of the
0:51:36 mention knuckling Metin know cut them on
0:51:40 a necklace in it
0:51:41 so the text people they talk about this
0:51:44 nerdy status now which is important
0:51:46 that's the backbone like we said but
0:51:48 it's not the only way whether the
0:51:50 earliest scholars of hadith they never
0:51:51 differentiated between the senate in the
0:51:52 Matteson there's one thing rewire last
0:51:56 let me why can you can you touch upon
0:51:58 that so it's something which it is
0:52:00 clearly contradictory right to the
0:52:03 Quranic discourse is that something that
0:52:04 would be rejected in the other days
0:52:06 there lies no doubt but that's never
0:52:09 ever gonna happen there's nothing off in
0:52:11 it report
0:52:11 yeah which clearly clashes against look
0:52:14 we're in rather rather this goes back to
0:52:17 my previous principle is that there are
0:52:19 many ayats countless ayats that seemed
0:52:22 to be contradictory and a scholars of
0:52:26 Islam they have a systematic scientific
0:52:30 way of removing the supposed
0:52:33 contradiction in clash so the ish
0:52:36 Carroll is not specific to Hadees
0:52:38 there's several ayats which are
0:52:40 'muscular Samuel well I'll give you an
0:52:42 example like in on the inside Muslim
0:52:44 there's the hadith of the table where
0:52:46 the atom was created from Friday and on
0:52:48 Friday
0:52:49 yeah and while I was reading one times
0:52:53 and some criticism of Derick Whitney and
0:52:56 the body even in saying that this seems
0:52:59 to contradict the narrative of we can so
0:53:05 this trip actual yeah it is it is a
0:53:08 correct rule but it has to be used
0:53:10 properly yeah and we would not know is
0:53:13 it now we would depend upon the usage of
0:53:15 the early scholars who already done that
0:53:17 that process of course
0:53:19 of course but the science of
0:53:20 interpretation is one of the most
0:53:21 important sciences I was living and that
0:53:23 is also applied to the Quranic verses
0:53:25 themselves well forgotten creation of
0:53:28 the heavens and Aries so what did
0:53:30 Eliezer just make first the heavens the
0:53:32 earth were the trees with the mountains
0:53:35 placed there is this discrepancy what
0:53:38 for us today
0:53:45 yeah I've seen some discussion when
0:53:46 among them with fishermen like for
0:53:48 example if not best seems to say that
0:53:51 the heaven was created first but then
0:53:52 Qatada says well the earth so sorry if
0:53:55 not best as the earth and then Heather
0:53:57 says the heaven because of the by the
0:53:59 delicate eye and there is a proper way
0:54:02 of understanding that and there's a
0:54:04 proper bringing harmony and the same
0:54:06 applies to the authentic hadees however
0:54:08 yes will you will you what you're asking
0:54:11 about is that which is called magazine
0:54:14 induct yeah oh a directed nuts is it
0:54:18 proper for me to criticize the
0:54:21 authenticity of a hadith because it's
0:54:23 supposedly clashes with the Quranic
0:54:26 narrative yes
0:54:27 that is one of the styles and also
0:54:29 history and also other authentic hadith
0:54:32 and also even common sense but that's
0:54:34 not for every person and every person is
0:54:37 fancy and every hasty person who just
0:54:40 wants to find fault and say that is
0:54:42 fabricated and then you take if you take
0:54:45 that and you take that approach like I
0:54:46 said that will lead you to reject you
0:54:48 know what the Quran itself I was gonna
0:54:52 say all people don't realize this
0:54:55 beautiful Ellen or this very
0:54:56 sophisticated science which is referred
0:54:59 to as animal again or the idea of the
0:55:01 science of men the by aggressively the
0:55:03 biographies of men which which is a
0:55:07 incredible compliment to this whole
0:55:09 standard system that you're talking
0:55:10 about and so much as not only now you
0:55:12 have this system but you have people who
0:55:16 are literally mi5 check if you ever
0:55:18 checked everyone we have their
0:55:19 biographies Azhar as monk if those
0:55:22 individuals meet that criterion required
0:55:24 in order to be transmitters of the
0:55:26 Hadees that's something which is not as
0:55:28 rigorous in in Western historical
0:55:30 discourse in
0:55:31 touch upon the placement of Albert ideal
0:55:35 these kinds of concepts of kind of
0:55:39 vibrancy bribery fees of men how do you
0:55:42 miss women is walk up how do we use this
0:55:46 in order to to kind of do 10 p.m. or
0:55:49 roughly also track well I mean that's
0:55:53 like you said let's talk about the
0:55:55 countries in which we live
0:55:56 Western societies we talk about criminal
0:56:00 law
0:56:00 you mentioned mi5 FBI CIA all these
0:56:04 things how many people in America are
0:56:05 named John Tracy Mike Wow how many last
0:56:10 names are there Smith William kept
0:56:14 Muhammad Abdullah countless and they
0:56:18 have a sophisticated system of
0:56:20 differentiating between this one from
0:56:22 that one fingerprints I recognition did
0:56:26 a birth middle name and then the scores
0:56:28 on the Muslims were doing this in the
0:56:31 third century the second century the
0:56:33 fourth century when the West was
0:56:35 considered to be Spain and the Iberian
0:56:38 Peninsula and Lygia that was it that was
0:56:40 the West West was Cordoba there was no
0:56:42 such thing as the new land Newfoundland
0:56:44 there was no Iceland in greenland there
0:56:46 was no America according to those people
0:56:49 okay so in Murray Jack no doubt about
0:56:52 that is one of the greatest
0:56:53 contributions to human society and one
0:56:57 of the biggest feats in the history of
0:56:59 the humankind and that is the science to
0:57:01 precisely systematically look after
0:57:07 categorize separate combined names of
0:57:11 thousands upon thousands of men and
0:57:14 women different tribes different races
0:57:16 different lineage different genealogy
0:57:18 and classifying them so therefore if we
0:57:21 try to discredit in literature or look
0:57:24 at it as something which is a footnote
0:57:25 but something which is extremely faulty
0:57:27 and flawed then our Western societies
0:57:30 also flawed in useless okay why am I
0:57:34 being harassed in the airport right now
0:57:35 oh we thought you were someone else we
0:57:38 thought you were a different person how
0:57:39 was that my passport number is not the
0:57:41 same as him my name is not spell M
0:57:43 always mu
0:57:45 they're not being honest they're not
0:57:46 telling the truth and when they wouldn't
0:57:48 pinpoint someone and follow someone they
0:57:50 know what exactly how to do it and it
0:57:53 allows them that that is they have been
0:57:54 inspired from the Muslims efforts so
0:57:56 that's first and foremost secondly is we
0:57:59 study in one hadith Muslim Hadees
0:58:00 there's so many rules that pertain to
0:58:02 names nicknames by name surnames tribes
0:58:06 of a person was many a minute they used
0:58:09 to be slave there's so many different
0:58:11 detail points of making sure that this
0:58:14 person is not that person al Mysterio
0:58:18 I'll tell it well motorists as
0:58:20 mutashabiha al Dan Alma Fareed Alma JA
0:58:24 here okay men many Shahada become yet II
0:58:27 don't ask me he men not to be a lady
0:58:30 I bet all ya need chunk a chunk slice of
0:58:36 hadith animal must Allah is the
0:58:39 precision of the names and the people
0:58:41 and making sure that we don't in jumble
0:58:43 and mix people that this is a John Smith
0:58:46 and that's also John Smith and they may
0:58:48 have the same middle name it may come
0:58:49 from the same city or town in England
0:58:53 but they're two different people the two
0:58:55 different individuals one is a liar ones
0:58:57 trustworthy one met this person one
0:58:59 didn't meet this person so that in
0:59:01 itself there's an endless sea of Indian
0:59:04 and those who actually want to study it
0:59:06 and want to find it is the more you
0:59:15 study it the more you're humbled by it
0:59:18 you're humbled by it and I think that
0:59:22 one of the reasons in my a stencil with
0:59:24 this I think me personally from my own
0:59:26 studies and along those best one of the
0:59:29 reasons why the Western critics
0:59:32 made such a heavy claims against the the
0:59:35 Muslims and the sciences of Muslims of
0:59:37 course there's race they have other
0:59:39 agendas and aims but one of the reasons
0:59:43 is because it was just so marvelous as
0:59:45 if it was unbelievable how could one man
0:59:48 memorize this much how for one man
0:59:51 travel this long how can one person do
0:59:53 this how could one man have the ability
0:59:56 to it's impossible it has to be alive
0:59:59 it has to be fabricated and that goes
1:00:00 back to society and culture our society
1:00:03 in our culture everything is written
1:00:05 down everything is recorded everything
1:00:08 is documented you'll find someone and
1:00:10 other societies on which nothing is
1:00:11 written that nothing is documented and
1:00:13 call them savages but we call them they
1:00:15 are behind they are prehistoric but you
1:00:19 ask them about this trade and I'm not
1:00:20 this cracked and I'm a dislocation he
1:00:22 asked him about this direction and you
1:00:24 will be shocked how sharp their memory
1:00:26 is ok and this is something which is are
1:00:29 very important in American history I'll
1:00:34 give you a brief example of this there's
1:00:37 a true story of a man I don't know if
1:00:39 you've studied his life named Cochise Oh
1:00:42 Cochise was a very very very important
1:00:45 leader of the Chiricahua Apache Indians
1:00:48 or natives obviously people use the term
1:00:51 Indian politically incorrect and the
1:00:54 Apaches here they were considered to be
1:00:56 the last the last of all of the the
1:01:01 longest war in the United States history
1:01:02 of Indian Wars to hold out from the
1:01:06 occupation and it refused to be placed
1:01:08 on reservations they refused they just
1:01:10 they just they refused so this Marion
1:01:13 area name was cochis cochise here who
1:01:18 was a great leader of his people and
1:01:20 there was an American soldier or an X
1:01:23 American soldier he was tired of the
1:01:25 lies he's hired of the bloodshed was
1:01:27 tired of the oppression and the wrong
1:01:28 that was being done both sides and he
1:01:31 said I want to talk to this man Cochise
1:01:32 directly I want to talk to him directly
1:01:35 they say you're crazy kill you cuz skin
1:01:38 you they'll do this and he says I want
1:01:39 to talk to him I want to explain to him
1:01:41 how there can be a peace between the
1:01:43 settlers and between the natives so
1:01:46 obviously savage he's an Indian walks
1:01:49 barefooted yes bows and arrows we have
1:01:52 the US Cavalry we'll be done with him in
1:01:54 three months we'll eradicate the lands
1:01:57 from them and they'll be on a
1:01:58 reservation
1:01:58 so he said oil he maybe maybe he doesn't
1:02:00 want the shoes maybe he can't read and
1:02:03 write
1:02:03 maybe he doesn't know how to use this
1:02:05 instrument so on and so forth he says
1:02:07 but him and his Scouts they know
1:02:09 everything
1:02:10 we'll pass way in the entire state of
1:02:13 Arizona there's not a hill it's not a
1:02:15 well it's not nothing that they don't
1:02:18 know by heart and you use maps and
1:02:20 compasses you have that Scouts and you
1:02:23 get lost and so on and so forth so the
1:02:25 point that I'm trying to get to is is
1:02:26 that it's about culture someone who
1:02:29 write something for someone who Limor
1:02:30 eyes or something you understand that's
1:02:32 addressed from the point okay someone
1:02:35 who understands something the natural
1:02:37 way is no less inferior this someone who
1:02:40 uses a computer or an instrument unless
1:02:43 we're based on I'm superior to you
1:02:44 you're inferior to me and that's similar
1:02:46 to Jeff so in order jad was something
1:02:49 that many people they didn't consider to
1:02:50 be true they considered to be a lie it
1:02:52 had to be made up there's no way one man
1:02:54 can memorize as much and that's because
1:02:56 they came from societies which
1:02:57 everything was pin in pad pen and paper
1:03:01 what do you mean you found your way from
1:03:02 one island to the next without a compass
1:03:04 what do you mean you didn't use this
1:03:05 type of navigation what do you mean you
1:03:08 found your way from one Hill through
1:03:10 another Valley it's impossible you're
1:03:12 lying you and that's because you were
1:03:15 trained to use accomplish your training
1:03:17 you've met you're trained to use this
1:03:19 instrument in this man who has no shoes
1:03:21 walking barefooted he has all it at what
1:03:24 naturally so that's how we have to
1:03:27 understand inwardly gel is that as a
1:03:29 tremendous amazing feat and it isn't
1:03:32 some mystical science either as many of
1:03:33 you think so mr. science it's tangible
1:03:35 it's practical
1:03:37 it's tangent one is practice when animal
1:03:39 hadith is not a mystical science is a
1:03:41 tangible and practical science but just
1:03:43 because something is beyond your grasp
1:03:45 and beyond your limit and beyond your
1:03:47 culture it does not mean that it is
1:03:49 false and fabricated and spurious that's
1:03:51 the point it's a good point and I think
1:03:53 that this is a very pertinent point
1:03:56 especially considering the fact that
1:03:58 we're living in a society that's become
1:04:00 obviously Hypertech there is this hyper
1:04:02 technological society and stuff like
1:04:04 that so now in North our cultural
1:04:10 paradigm that oh this is this could be
1:04:13 done like you just mentioned it's a
1:04:15 beautiful example that especially in the
1:04:17 past that people be memorizing names and
1:04:20 their know their tribal lineage and
1:04:23 know what their fourth cousin their
1:04:26 fourth paternal great-aunt he was named
1:04:29 and all of these things that was
1:04:31 standard knowledge for human being
1:04:33 written say Arabia at that time now it's
1:04:37 completely abundant knowledge it's not
1:04:39 as and so people find it more difficult
1:04:43 to that things would have been memorized
1:04:46 in this way that exact words and freight
1:04:49 mean exactly understood and so on and so
1:04:52 forth but that that is what Clifford is
1:04:55 actually referred to this is very
1:04:57 important sources think description is
1:05:01 that in order and and is this courtroom
1:05:06 of kind of imposing cultural paradigms
1:05:10 on other ancient and medieval paradigms
1:05:13 that causes the like the gap of
1:05:16 information I think that's right well
1:05:18 what I wanted to ask you now I think
1:05:20 which is an interesting segue because we
1:05:22 took junket and the idea of because the
1:05:25 idea of Jakarta Dean I mean coming from
1:05:28 wrong is the idea of making criticisms
1:05:32 like historical criticisms against the
1:05:34 character or individuals such that
1:05:36 history would not be accepted from them
1:05:38 and it was done for and all the other
1:05:40 half a deal is actually saying that the
1:05:42 just nature of this individual and the
1:05:44 fit nature of them to be able to
1:05:46 transmit history this science is now
1:05:49 unfortunately being used by youngsters
1:05:53 and by people who are trying to learn
1:05:54 the religion by people like you know on
1:05:57 the extreme side of people who claim to
1:06:00 be seller fees and so on a sofa order to
1:06:03 its their companions and to attack their
1:06:06 colleagues and to attack mature and
1:06:08 Oliver and to to in the guise of trying
1:06:12 to protect the religion of preserver in
1:06:14 the same way as it was in the early days
1:06:16 where is the and the fallacy in this I
1:06:20 mean where have they gotten it from of
1:06:22 course clear clear very important
1:06:27 question um no not about that living in
1:06:30 United States from the east coast I can
1:06:33 relate to this personally no doubt well
1:06:36 I'll say person
1:06:37 is we have to understand that I don't
1:06:39 know who exactly but I do believe that
1:06:43 there is someone or there are people who
1:06:45 have an intentional design to spread
1:06:48 confusion among the Muslims yeah and I
1:06:52 don't believe that is a conspiracy
1:06:54 theory and my heart is effect and Allah
1:06:56 knows best is that there every person or
1:06:59 persons was diplomatic grief and have
1:07:02 systematically created things made
1:07:06 things made ways Lynn Ashton and folder
1:07:09 to make things worse than what they
1:07:12 already are with the Muslims yeah it's a
1:07:13 bad confusion mislead people take
1:07:17 people's rights well I didn't say that
1:07:19 but I said what national photo spread
1:07:22 confusion and then eyes no doc this is
1:07:24 one of the strongest rules so the fact
1:07:26 or the idea that I have someone who
1:07:29 never studied I have someone who barely
1:07:33 has studied the Abbott language I have
1:07:36 someone who has barely learned to friend
1:07:39 the basics of his recitation I have
1:07:42 someone who's a mature istic strategy we
1:07:45 say a mystic he is now the master of
1:07:48 jammu toddy and anybody can he noun
1:07:52 determines who's Justin who's unjust
1:07:55 who's equitable who's discouraged he
1:07:58 noun determines who to listen to who to
1:08:00 watch
1:08:01 khuda take from he noun determines who's
1:08:03 when in paradise was not whom Allah has
1:08:05 mercy upon whom are does not mercy upon
1:08:07 he noun determines who's qualified to
1:08:10 speak and teach on Islam that's a joke
1:08:12 obviously it's a laughingstock if you
1:08:15 were that concerned about Islam in the
1:08:16 Sunna and hadith and RT then the way of
1:08:19 the Sun if you would have left and you
1:08:20 came you were studied
1:08:21 that's first almost you you would have
1:08:24 left American you've studied and you
1:08:26 would have studied for two three years
1:08:27 you would stay there for very long time
1:08:29 you've accomplished things you have been
1:08:31 evaluated if you have had that much
1:08:33 later upon swimming uh and Dean and I'll
1:08:36 kinda let alone become a master of other
1:08:38 men you have a message yourself yet so
1:08:41 that's first and foremost you don't have
1:08:42 to go any further by saying that it's a
1:08:44 laughingstock as a joke okay I said
1:08:47 muscle Raheja as they say pedagogy I
1:08:49 need puppets is a
1:08:51 shadow shadow puppet it's a joke yeah
1:08:55 you can't be serious something you
1:08:57 cannot be serious okay so that's first
1:09:00 and foremost
1:09:01 mmm yeah he bit my enemy my head oh they
1:09:06 considered someone who didn't travel who
1:09:08 didn't leave their country who didn't go
1:09:11 out and face the arduous challenges the
1:09:14 pain the rigorous rigorous challenges of
1:09:17 Rizla they wouldn't even consider him to
1:09:20 be of anything worth mentioning it meant
1:09:22 in mind he says autobots one lad this
1:09:25 woman who rush then he says for people
1:09:28 you can expect no good from theory
1:09:32 there's no good that's gonna come from
1:09:33 these four people and from those four
1:09:35 people they mentioned war our children
1:09:37 yet to what Heidi to be better de well I
1:09:40 he he is the man who writes down hard
1:09:43 eats in his own country and he doesn't
1:09:45 travel to other countries and even my
1:09:48 teen in my mama didn't buck bed that was
1:09:51 the center of civilization the Sumerians
1:09:54 the Assyrians before Islam let alone
1:09:58 Islam that was the cradle of
1:10:00 civilization Mesopotamia let alone its
1:10:03 them I need a key that was all above
1:10:04 that and they said if you don't leave
1:10:06 invoke that and you gonna Kufa and
1:10:08 bustle and loss it if you don't go to
1:10:11 the Hejaz so you don't go to the message
1:10:13 so and so forth then you will not be
1:10:15 successful if you don't go out and seek
1:10:18 hadith from other than your town in your
1:10:20 city so what would they say about
1:10:21 someone who never even studied in their
1:10:23 city who doesn't live and didn't even
1:10:24 back then so before we go further and
1:10:26 defending and I mean we say that it is a
1:10:28 joke it's a joke it's a laughingstock
1:10:31 you're not a student of knowledge let
1:10:34 alone any man let alone an island let
1:10:37 alone some who's qualified to speak
1:10:38 about the honor of other people and then
1:10:41 company of other people so I would say
1:10:43 that it stops there if you have not
1:10:46 studied you have not traveled you
1:10:48 haven't went anywhere for years I'd
1:10:49 agree my systematically keeps I don't
1:10:52 talk about anyone hadith don't talk
1:10:54 about a Muslims honor because this
1:10:56 Muslim was starving and suffering and
1:10:58 you were in a UK eating fish and chips
1:11:01 [Laughter]
1:11:05 interesting a buyer is that a lot I mean
1:11:07 their faulty reasoning I'm in two weeks
1:11:09 we'll say here is that they for example
1:11:12 give him example hey they would use a
1:11:13 chef like chef Gabrielle McCauley
1:11:15 they'll say he praised us ok so this is
1:11:17 the prey system so now they've given up
1:11:19 on them so we're the true seller fees
1:11:21 for the sake of argument and what we're
1:11:23 gonna do is we're gonna determine for
1:11:25 you guys the public when you said is the
1:11:28 one on the hut who and who was bought on
1:11:30 the bottle who is the one on the truth
1:11:32 and who's the one on the Forester are
1:11:35 being given money like s pubs we have
1:11:38 certifications UK you have tried in
1:11:40 America you have figureheads like I will
1:11:42 Khadijah you have Y R then you have you
1:11:46 know Musa riches and they are now a
1:11:51 freaking the master just to go to the
1:11:53 cleansing cream but to actually
1:11:55 pronounce tab D on an individual doctor
1:11:58 say you're an innovator you're Adela is
1:12:02 lost and this has and this is the
1:12:05 problem with far-reaching effects that
1:12:09 it can stop marriages from taking place
1:12:11 it can actually cause divorces and it
1:12:14 can be a segue to divorce in court
1:12:16 family discord
1:12:18 communal crash all of this folder he
1:12:21 refers to the chaos that is referring to
1:12:23 and as obviously stopping people from
1:12:26 listening and benefiting from
1:12:27 individuals who who who are trying to
1:12:31 call to Islam who are not part of their
1:12:33 own cult or their own group or whatever
1:12:34 it is and so this is all built upon a
1:12:38 praise system okay that we've gotten
1:12:41 this praise from this year but in fact
1:12:44 those in same individuals many of which
1:12:46 have named their names haven't studied
1:12:49 Arabic language they can't communicate
1:12:50 in the language they can't even speak
1:12:52 Arabic they can't read the Quran I will
1:12:54 how did you cannot read the Quran so he
1:12:56 cannot read the that you know the actual
1:12:58 crime and this wild cotton is speaking
1:13:02 in in a conversational Arabic way and
1:13:04 now they're taking upon themselves rappy
1:13:06 because that a take away the honor of
1:13:11 Muslims so does it delusions of
1:13:20 well I guess Islam salafiyyah the way
1:13:24 the Soloff is the praise of [ __ ] that's
1:13:26 it yeah that's what it is quality
1:13:30 content in knowledge no [ __ ] will
1:13:34 impress us
1:13:35 Hoss that's it but they wouldn't take
1:13:37 the wooden except the standard for suck
1:13:39 I mean if you went to a dog if you went
1:13:41 to a cop right and you said well this is
1:13:45 this doctor praised me but did you go
1:13:48 through the process of learn that's not
1:13:50 important medicine the science of
1:13:52 Medicine rather the doctor impression he
1:13:55 himself is a doctor right right
1:13:58 he's legitimized through was through
1:14:01 being a what her doctor yes okay he
1:14:04 studied all right so I think that's the
1:14:08 best way of looking at it is is that is
1:14:10 the way of the son of his father is it
1:14:13 just the praise from the supposed praise
1:14:15 of one scholar if it it if that's if
1:14:18 that's what Islam is and the Sunnah and
1:14:21 way of the Salafi my momma if that's
1:14:22 what it is then there's no discussion
1:14:25 between us in them if that's was
1:14:27 thinking filled in as literally it's
1:14:29 nothing to talk about
1:14:30 and if that's not the case then I think
1:14:33 you should sit down and reinvestigate
1:14:34 your theory now we are upon guidance
1:14:36 because she ran and spoke of us he's got
1:14:39 one of us and because he was praised by
1:14:41 this island and then this animals
1:14:43 praised by the atom and it trickles down
1:14:45 to the UK and we're down the masters of
1:14:48 enmity Jam supposedly John wrote a deal
1:14:51 supposedly and we can push out what we
1:14:53 want and pull in who we want if that's
1:14:55 what you honestly think and feel allows
1:14:58 MODOK we're living in a great state of
1:15:00 illusion and delusion okay to think that
1:15:03 that that's how it works
1:15:05 all right there's so many different ways
1:15:07 of looking at the fallacy of this but
1:15:10 once again if twenty years of study 15
1:15:14 years of studying
1:15:15 scholastic achievements if all of them
1:15:18 are ignored and this date because of one
1:15:21 general vague praise of one item then I
1:15:24 would say
1:15:27 go ahead well you can't argue that candy
1:15:30 not nothing to say that's what you
1:15:33 consider the way of guidance
1:15:34 mmm Achmed in Meru Jeff Hardy you mean
1:15:38 Muslim mmm tell me ma'am I would if they
1:15:40 considered one general vague idea of one
1:15:43 item to be enough for an errand I mean
1:15:47 it cheapens the enterprise doesn't that
1:15:49 mean it cheapens the entire and surprise
1:15:51 for them to think that a single prays a
1:15:53 good word I think that it's extremely
1:15:56 disrespectful to knowledge yes sir and I
1:15:59 think that the people who claim to love
1:16:01 knowledge and love the scholars they
1:16:02 themselves are extremely disrespectful
1:16:03 the scholars seem disrespectful from so
1:16:06 many different aspects and from those
1:16:07 aspects are someone of no type of
1:16:10 scholastic background to be attached to
1:16:13 someone of a scholastic background how
1:16:15 is this year representative in the west
1:16:17 learn shameful and I'm not saying it's
1:16:21 the disrespect any scholar and I'm not
1:16:23 saying is to speak bad of any scholar
1:16:24 but this is a reality it's a harsh
1:16:26 reality how this person your deputy your
1:16:30 representative and this person has not
1:16:32 made any formal studies in this room I
1:16:35 myself I don't comprehend that they
1:16:43 don't comprehend and how someone who's
1:16:45 the
1:16:46 yani the least the chief scholastically
1:16:48 to be the leader I don't understand I
1:16:52 find I mean I would if I had a marriage
1:16:55 the problem I wouldn't I mean I wouldn't
1:16:57 do it like you know someone who can't
1:16:59 read the Quran I mean I would find it
1:17:01 very scary to find that this is the only
1:17:04 to say the least yeah yeah they beliefs
1:17:07 there's so many different problems with
1:17:10 their whole entire argument in premise
1:17:11 but what I'm doing right now is focusing
1:17:14 on have we imitated those people the
1:17:18 prophets of my sudden says were meant to
1:17:19 Shepherd bill Coleman for a minute and
1:17:22 most people to understand I did in a
1:17:23 negative sense what were imitates the
1:17:25 people he's from them
1:17:26 good and bad so are we actually copying
1:17:30 and imitating Mohammed given a Medini so
1:17:32 gana Modi are we are we being like them
1:17:36 they sought knowledge how can a person
1:17:39 claim to love the subtle
1:17:41 and he's opposed the foundation of the
1:17:43 son of a solid which is in which is
1:17:45 color which is Whistler and how can any
1:17:47 scholar approve and allow this person to
1:17:50 bear his name in his legacy in Western
1:17:53 countries and like you said marriage
1:17:55 divorce matches all types of affairs it
1:17:59 doesn't stop and which a person has the
1:18:01 full monopoly I determine who gets
1:18:04 married who gets divorced I determine
1:18:06 what mastery opens what messages I open
1:18:07 how do you allow someone who's yeah I
1:18:10 mean I don't want to say anything bad
1:18:12 about anyone but happy about someone who
1:18:13 has no scholastic achievements
1:18:15 represents you hmm
1:18:17 I find that personally extremely
1:18:18 problematic and the student is the way
1:18:21 they come across this the way they they
1:18:23 reach their conclusion is as well this
1:18:25 is for example I I'm not sure if I heard
1:18:27 this from you one of your lectures that
1:18:29 you were saying that when allah subhanaw
1:18:31 taala was talking about having led to me
1:18:33 our Latura
1:18:34 he didn't put caveats in place he didn't
1:18:37 say anything except this and except that
1:18:39 he says and hold firm to the Rope of
1:18:43 Allah and and you know don't become
1:18:45 divided but if I came on if I came on or
1:18:49 yourself we came on white power
1:18:50 we said let's hold and not be divided
1:18:55 you can expect resistance immediately
1:18:59 and one of the reasons behind that is in
1:19:02 Allah the unification of the Muslims the
1:19:09 strength of the Muslims is not the
1:19:12 objective whether the objective is to
1:19:15 weaken the Muslims and make them further
1:19:18 separated and to spread further chaos
1:19:20 you think is that parallel there like
1:19:22 you know that this my son conspiratorial
1:19:25 but the American government's bid to try
1:19:28 and will some some argue put black
1:19:31 people holding one completely and equip
1:19:33 them with weapons so intuitive and
1:19:37 create these kind of gang violence is
1:19:40 black on black crime or all that kind of
1:19:41 thing divide and conquer let them all
1:19:44 kill themselves kind of thing let them
1:19:45 destroy themselves
1:19:47 is there a parallel between that
1:19:49 approach and quote with these there are
1:19:53 no accidents
1:19:54 hmm no coincidences there lies no doubt
1:19:58 that there are no accidents and no
1:20:00 coincidences where did these things come
1:20:02 from who supports them and like you just
1:20:05 said that is the backbone of their
1:20:08 legitimacy Schieffelin has praised us
1:20:11 why did he praise you
1:20:13 yeah and what was the extent of his
1:20:15 praise and was the detail of his praise
1:20:17 and does his praise override other
1:20:19 things from Quran from Sunnah Fadi from
1:20:22 consensus or other scholars disparaging
1:20:25 you so why what has happened like this
1:20:30 what is the many there many before and
1:20:33 after there many there many and the
1:20:35 point is not to teach scholar against
1:20:37 Cara that's what that's what they do
1:20:38 that's not the point the point is that
1:20:41 what is the fruit and the result
1:20:44 what's the and the result and very
1:20:47 important point is is that who's being
1:20:49 refuted who's being attacked people have
1:20:51 clear innovations clear misguidance
1:20:54 clear Kufa are those are people or are
1:20:59 there others so I have no doubt of my
1:21:01 heart and Allah knows best is that there
1:21:03 are people who don't want good for the
1:21:05 OMA yeah and they want further division
1:21:07 further separation and then they try to
1:21:10 justify in Islam if I their dark
1:21:13 intentions by saying oh this principle
1:21:16 and all this or this but the end result
1:21:18 is what the end result is so at the end
1:21:20 of the day at the end of the day at the
1:21:21 end of the day the whole class above the
1:21:24 confusion who is son if he was not sent
1:21:27 a team who's refuted who was being
1:21:29 refuted shipful and praised us [ __ ] for
1:21:32 that spoke against this one so on so
1:21:34 forth and gentleman brief is all a big
1:21:36 game it's a big game ok it's a big game
1:21:40 and over the last 2025 years we've seen
1:21:42 the results of that game yeah if a
1:21:44 person actually he's trying to follow
1:21:46 the way of the son of a Saudi and trying
1:21:48 to be son of Qi and trying to follow the
1:21:50 tradition of Heinie's then nothing would
1:21:52 stop him or her from doing that mmm
1:21:55 bottom line because someone you're not a
1:21:59 subtly because you said this you're not
1:22:01 a subtle thing because you did this and
1:22:03 you're a deviant ok no problem
1:22:04 you're not assertive fiing your deviant
1:22:06 as well because you oppose the subtle
1:22:08 you did
1:22:08 travel to see in you didn't study you
1:22:11 didn't go anywhere you didn't learn
1:22:12 anything I didn't copy the code Manama
1:22:14 that's the first thing I learned
1:22:16 we're just systematic knowledge where's
1:22:19 your formal Islamic education if you
1:22:22 love the start of so much Harvey not
1:22:24 imitated and copy them and emulated them
1:22:26 in their relentless tall above it so
1:22:30 let's answer that question first let's
1:22:31 put that on the table first once we do
1:22:33 that everything else become easier and
1:22:35 that's because you're not qualified as
1:22:36 sweeping this issue
1:22:37 you're not qualified to talk about this
1:22:39 clastic science you have no formal
1:22:41 education we don't want your worthless
1:22:43 PDF we don't you understand anyone can
1:22:47 write a PDF anyone can cut and paste ten
1:22:49 people can sit in a room and put an
1:22:50 article show us where you have followed
1:22:53 the way the mimic met and party and saw
1:22:55 it systemic in once you do that then we
1:22:58 can talk when we can discuss that's what
1:23:01 I would the concept of I've got a
1:23:04 question for you about a towel and I'm
1:23:07 busy with temple and we talked about
1:23:09 this is quite a concept of people or
1:23:12 selphie not working with people who are
1:23:15 not celephais etc etc where do you stand
1:23:17 on this on this matter like dude what do
1:23:20 you see as do you see a problematic for
1:23:22 example if there is an enterprise well
1:23:24 risk let's say our enterprise or charity
1:23:27 enterprise or whatever is a project that
1:23:29 is to be done and Muslims from different
1:23:33 denominations if there's a common good
1:23:35 black Muslim a variety must have a
1:23:37 common interest for all of those Muslims
1:23:40 that they would work together on even
1:23:42 though for example you might have Sufi
1:23:44 and Salafi let's say for the sake of
1:23:46 argument do you would you say that so
1:23:48 long as you know one is not we're not
1:23:52 unifying upon maokai and we're not
1:23:54 unifying upon Friedel positions but so
1:23:57 long as one is able to freely
1:23:59 distinguish themselves identical by
1:24:02 identity that in some context this
1:24:05 wouldn't be a problem
1:24:06 would you take the hard-line position of
1:24:08 those individuals that say that I would
1:24:11 say that we don't cooperate with anyone
1:24:15 unless they're on exactly we're we're
1:24:18 upon if they want guidance they'll come
1:24:20 to us if
1:24:22 want the truth they'll come to us it is
1:24:24 absolutely Haram to go to them to speak
1:24:26 to them to teach them you can't do
1:24:28 anything in your community your country
1:24:29 your state anyone else that is outside
1:24:32 of our gates is a deviant they're going
1:24:35 to the fire of hell and a laws angles
1:24:37 then we are guided we have the knowledge
1:24:40 these are the scholars that we take from
1:24:42 and other people that oppose us they are
1:24:45 partisans they have party partisanship
1:24:47 with them his BIA
1:24:48 even though we say only us only me and
1:24:52 the whole entire UK only these and whole
1:24:54 Arabia only these only only only only
1:24:56 only only and we are not to do any
1:24:59 cooperation with anyone unless they are
1:25:02 101 percent absolutely
1:25:06 that's my treat and that is the way that
1:25:10 the Muslims will unify and that is the
1:25:12 way that the Muslims will stand against
1:25:13 their enemies and that is the way that
1:25:15 the Muslims will bring honor and dignity
1:25:18 to the name of Islam and the word of
1:25:19 Allah will be the highest in the land
1:25:21 through this ideology and through this
1:25:23 practice that's my belief on that of
1:25:32 course if a master invites me I've
1:25:34 studied in Medina they said please come
1:25:36 give a class I can't give a class of
1:25:39 course not
1:25:39 I can't give a photo of course not if
1:25:41 the ignorant Muslims in my city say oh
1:25:44 we knew you were a little kid now you
1:25:46 please come teach us of course I can
1:25:50 [Laughter]
1:25:52 some permissible that's not my answer to
1:25:59 that question would you have
1:26:04 conversations with some people who do
1:26:06 believe a genuine level that there's no
1:26:08 there's no room for corporation at all
1:26:12 in any situation as I was saying go back
1:26:17 to the scholars that they quote don't
1:26:20 look at the proofs and evidences and
1:26:22 that's because this is something very
1:26:25 paradoxical and if you've debate with
1:26:28 someone of this mindset the debate will
1:26:30 start off with Quran Sunnah no doubt you
1:26:33 bring Quran and Sunnah in your favor
1:26:35 that really supports
1:26:36 then they say what scholars you quotes
1:26:39 Karl exactly how it went down when I
1:26:40 spoke to one enjoy religion scholars is
1:26:50 about friends you go back soon they say
1:26:52 way the discussion went with me one of
1:26:55 them was the ideas that you know how
1:26:56 non-believer taqwa is that is a general
1:26:58 verse and and unless you get some
1:27:01 linkages that see so to specify and we
1:27:05 have to go with the general a and what
1:27:07 they did was you can't you can't allow
1:27:10 the game to go that far it's a joke it's
1:27:12 a game yeah once more once more is it
1:27:16 permissible for you to go to this
1:27:18 message or they whatever cetera you say
1:27:22 it is permissible for me to go why is it
1:27:24 permissible a law says this the prophecy
1:27:28 says that the debate starts off with
1:27:31 Quran and hadith well it they can't
1:27:34 reach you a net then it turns into
1:27:35 scholars scholars scholars scholars
1:27:37 okay no problem we don't have to mention
1:27:39 the proofs of grantees let's talk about
1:27:41 scholars you caught another scholar
1:27:43 three scholars he said no that's not
1:27:44 he's not a specialist in this or he
1:27:46 doesn't know this that's from his
1:27:48 mistakes and that's from his errors okay
1:27:50 we can't wait on time on scholars that
1:27:52 can we use each mark commuted the
1:27:55 argument will never go anywhere it
1:27:58 starts off with each T head and ends up
1:28:00 with took heed if you say well I'm a
1:28:02 blind follow of this island who said
1:28:03 it's permissible what I said no you
1:28:05 can't be a blind follower of him you
1:28:06 could only be a Brancato of our ship on
1:28:08 this year so it's a game you cannot
1:28:10 allow the game to go on it's not a
1:28:13 Scholastic debate it is not a crucial of
1:28:16 imminency had it's an issue of luck
1:28:18 it's a game it's a joke you call them
1:28:21 out you invite them to have a scholastic
1:28:23 debate with the condition of no
1:28:25 technique they won't accept
1:28:28 let me clarify what I meant let me
1:28:31 explain what I snow will only deal with
1:28:33 your recorded statements we're only cut
1:28:36 and paste and edited interpret how we
1:28:38 want to introduce a game and do not
1:28:40 allow the game to go that far let alone
1:28:42 the fact that these people as I said
1:28:43 before they have not formally studied
1:28:45 this room they do not deserve that type
1:28:48 of respect
1:28:49 you sit and have an actual scholastic
1:28:51 debate because they're unprepared for
1:28:52 that Quran hadith then it turns into
1:28:54 Scott Scott is back to its name you
1:28:56 never ever ever win right and we all
1:28:59 know the man chef in Montana he's some
1:29:02 of everything and that is if you beat
1:29:04 them if you win if you make a point then
1:29:07 the last frontier is to insult you and
1:29:09 call you a bad name idiot okay you said
1:29:14 Matt up to who whenever I debated in a
1:29:18 learning man I was when I now got any oh
1:29:21 man up to Germany and I've never debated
1:29:25 an ignorant man except to the ignorant
1:29:26 one and that's because inaudible
1:29:29 Hannibal partly sunny the weaker your
1:29:32 knowledge DeLong your tongue and so you
1:29:34 can't win there's no making no sense out
1:29:37 of it there they're not going to listen
1:29:39 to anything you say anything you bring
1:29:41 anything at your crews if you have a
1:29:43 debate that starts off with the system
1:29:45 you'll take it to another system that's
1:29:46 person foremost that's first and
1:29:48 foremost last but not least is last but
1:29:50 not least the concept of the tower when
1:29:52 are they doing what up wha what master
1:29:55 do Kenny cannot go to I would add to it
1:29:59 like that's ask ourselves these great
1:30:05 scholars that we all quote from and
1:30:08 learned from and they quote from what
1:30:10 was their opinion in view did share a
1:30:13 beer go to other countries and other
1:30:15 messages other centers the shekel and
1:30:18 Danny riding mulatto what man did he
1:30:20 teach in what books did he teach this is
1:30:24 a serious question
1:30:25 as these are the best they mean I'm open
1:30:28 when he returned from Saudi to Yemen
1:30:30 what message did he teach it what books
1:30:33 did he teach what's up easy to teach
1:30:34 between me and you is history and that
1:30:37 is Abdullah Mubarak and many of the son
1:30:39 of they will say columnist at myeloma
1:30:41 and Kevin is that man now I need him
1:30:43 attorney whenever they lied and he
1:30:46 fabricated we used history against them
1:30:48 beautiful and many of the Sun up they
1:30:50 would also say Bane and I will bein in a
1:30:52 coal mill cotton between us and between
1:30:54 them are lengths and we spend by the
1:30:57 legs of the table is the assignee the
1:30:59 history so you're telling me that I
1:31:01 can't go into any Masjid unless I'm
1:31:03 unless unless unless all right let's not
1:31:06 talk about Quran and Sunnah because we
1:31:07 already know that they will never go
1:31:08 nowhere about quoted verse you say
1:31:11 that's not the proper understanding
1:31:11 ahora hadith you say that's not the
1:31:13 proper understanding all right no
1:31:15 problem a verse that you quote I need
1:31:17 that you quote of course that's the
1:31:18 proper understanding mashallah no
1:31:20 problem
1:31:20 so let's quote the scholars that you
1:31:22 quote and let's go to history and this
1:31:25 is not a slander I hope it's not slander
1:31:27 it's not an accusation and it's not a
1:31:29 lie but as historical fact that dr.
1:31:32 Schiff revered even had a medically read
1:31:36 his life when he went when he traveled
1:31:39 who he taught please went out with how
1:31:42 can you say that
1:31:43 how can you read this and then say oh no
1:31:45 that's specific to him Chikara Benny
1:31:47 Muhammad Allah read the messages on the
1:31:50 books that he taught and the messages in
1:31:51 which he taught he'd be shocked what
1:31:53 you'll find she'll move around him Allah
1:31:55 before he established the magic
1:31:57 read what he did you'll be shocked she
1:32:00 would say me chef embezzling I read what
1:32:02 they said read what they did and you'll
1:32:03 be shocked so let's not talk about Quran
1:32:05 hadith sometime I thought of because
1:32:08 we'll never ever go anywhere talking
1:32:10 like that but I'm gonna prove to you
1:32:12 that you're a hypocrite and that you're
1:32:15 a liar and that you hide information and
1:32:18 you hide facts and you sweep history
1:32:21 under the rug because it's against your
1:32:22 agenda that's that's that's that's all I
1:32:25 would say between me in between you is
1:32:28 that historical fact why haven't you
1:32:30 mentioned that about himself
1:32:34 yeah I mean I've seen I've seen [ __ ]
1:32:36 falls down and stuff appear on all kinds
1:32:38 of shows and all kinds of programs and I
1:32:40 mean just last year they had like a
1:32:42 Kings meeting with her people from all
1:32:43 kinds of Dorma nations I think some she
1:32:45 is with it in fact as well and the Sufis
1:32:51 between meeting you is there the Islamic
1:32:55 University of Medina you can't study
1:32:56 there because there his be teachers
1:32:58 people upon the way of a Hassan al-banna
1:33:00 these were many scholars and many
1:33:02 students of knowledge who studied in him
1:33:04 and say and it's also paradoxical
1:33:06 because they all call themselves sanity
1:33:08 so those who come from the match they
1:33:10 say and this is a this is a fact it is
1:33:12 Haram
1:33:13 you cannot study an Islamic University
1:33:15 of Medina why can't you
1:33:17 they say because all your teachers they
1:33:19 are not solitary they're not upon the
1:33:21 correct way is there Hani muslimeen and
1:33:23 Jamar to believe then this and then and
1:33:25 so it's own and so forth and that's a
1:33:26 fact
1:33:27 that is a fact it's not a conspiracy a
1:33:29 fact
1:33:30 wait those who do not like the Salafis
1:33:33 of the manche
1:33:34 do not agree with them don't like shake
1:33:36 yeah hello Judy and this one ever what
1:33:37 do they say they say no that's wrong you
1:33:40 can go to Medina you can't study in
1:33:41 Medina but the history teachers the
1:33:44 Deacon teachers you know you just you
1:33:45 know you navigate through it you pick
1:33:47 and choose we take the class and you
1:33:49 move forward all right no problem for
1:33:51 you so I can listen to a deviant teacher
1:33:54 in school for five days out of the week
1:33:56 four years out of my life but I can't go
1:34:00 and treat your class the ignorant
1:34:01 Muslims in the message it don't you find
1:34:04 a little hypocritical and contradictory
1:34:07 fluid at the least
1:34:10 as you mentioned Shanna this scholar he
1:34:14 appears on this TV program he goes to
1:34:16 this message shakily I went out with
1:34:17 this group he taught them he went out
1:34:19 with them that's fine but we live in the
1:34:21 lens of cooker and [ __ ] I wish their
1:34:24 church bells synagogues and Catholic
1:34:26 Church we're not allowed to make any
1:34:29 tower any teaching any investment any
1:34:32 contribution to our societies unless
1:34:34 there's a long extensive list of
1:34:36 conditions and purposes I humbly find
1:34:38 that to be extremely hypocritical the
1:34:40 lands of the Muslims where the most
1:34:42 harshness should be used
1:34:43 I wish the Sunnis are dominant and
1:34:45 backed by the government and paid for
1:34:47 and funded they have the ability to say
1:34:50 no you can't come here no we're not
1:34:51 going there no we're not speaking here
1:34:53 and for argument's sake if we had to go
1:34:56 and do something which was wrong for
1:34:58 argument's sake due to the necessity of
1:35:00 the lands of court on which we live
1:35:02 let alone the fact that these Muslims
1:35:04 amassed you they're ignorant they don't
1:35:06 have no formal way their cab drivers
1:35:09 they're immigrants they're people who
1:35:10 came home from jail they need people to
1:35:12 teach them to educate them and give them
1:35:14 the basis of Islam and you tell me that
1:35:16 I cannot go there oh [ __ ] for land could
1:35:19 and Schieffelin did I don't see any
1:35:22 consistency in your argument rather I
1:35:24 find the rules to be extremely
1:35:25 hypocritical and until you establish the
1:35:30 consistent
1:35:31 seeing in parallel until you attack that
1:35:33 you speak out against that moon car and
1:35:35 that evil don't say nothing about the UK
1:35:38 and America
1:35:39 Lancel cook for this chick because
1:35:41 you're not you're not being honest
1:35:42 you're not being honest and I can say
1:35:44 these are a few examples and it's not as
1:35:45 landing as any scholars its historical
1:35:48 facts historical facts read about our
1:35:50 granny she looks blue she's gonna be
1:35:52 read where they went and what they did
1:35:54 in what mashes they went into and what
1:35:56 they did to establish what they had this
1:35:57 time to read about it don't take it from
1:35:59 me but we know for sure that they're not
1:36:01 going to mention that they have they
1:36:04 have no scholastic integrity joke it's a
1:36:08 game now and this podcast I wanted to
1:36:12 ask you now spoken about lots of
1:36:14 different things things relating to the
1:36:16 preservation just some things relating
1:36:18 to palpable Island we also talked about
1:36:20 some aspects of the community fringe
1:36:24 aspects divide-and-conquer attitudes of
1:36:27 these I wanted to ask you now general
1:36:30 advice okay for beginner for a day for
1:36:36 for the black you know especially our
1:36:41 field downloads in almost lives and
1:36:45 given our to different types of Muslims
1:36:48 who are just coming on practicing and
1:36:49 stuff like that what advice to give us
1:36:51 and in terms of moving forward and
1:36:54 practice to strengthen people clear
1:36:58 sincerity you gotta be sincere Who am I
1:37:03 really gonna swore and what do I want
1:37:06 for the people don't really adore anyone
1:37:07 good for them don't want them to be
1:37:09 guided what I want them to remain upon
1:37:11 misguidance analyze no doubt if you're
1:37:14 sincere and you honestly earnestly want
1:37:16 good for someone it's gonna have an
1:37:18 effect on what you do and how you do it
1:37:20 and just that one point alone that
1:37:22 attitude of if they wanted the guidance
1:37:25 they will come to us that's not sincere
1:37:26 approach it's not a sincere approach
1:37:29 it's not a sincere approach if they want
1:37:31 it enable come to us if they wanted to
1:37:33 be guided the neighbor that that's not
1:37:35 sincere that is a gang mentality and I
1:37:38 monopolizing mentality is that we have
1:37:40 the troops that no one else is entitled
1:37:41 to it arise so sincerity other class
1:37:45 you have to be sincere for La Scala for
1:37:47 yourself why am i speaking why am I
1:37:49 talking why don't I like you more how
1:37:51 many jab is it for the face of a law
1:37:53 sincerely or is it for other personal
1:37:56 reasons
1:37:56 if I don't like you because of something
1:37:58 that you did wrong with something that
1:37:59 you're saying wrong then anyone else who
1:38:01 does the same thing also I'm forced to
1:38:03 do what hate them as well but we don't
1:38:05 see that you went there you spoke your
1:38:08 deviant he went and spoke it's a
1:38:10 different story I'll speak with you I'll
1:38:12 talk with you but I won't speak with
1:38:14 this one I won't stop this one it's not
1:38:15 sincere I'm debate with you are the bill
1:38:18 with anyone every time they can Harry of
1:38:20 all walks of life and religious I'll sit
1:38:22 talk with them but I won't say anything
1:38:23 to this person that's not sincere and
1:38:26 that's because there's a clear prejudice
1:38:29 in your love and in your hate cleaner or
1:38:32 not okay so we have the concept of a
1:38:34 noble brother
1:38:35 a noble staff a noble teacher
1:38:38 masha'Allah
1:38:39 no one's noble except for these people
1:38:41 no one has any respect no contributions
1:38:45 to knowledge to in except for them
1:38:46 you can't be serious that's not sincere
1:38:48 and the proof that is not sincere is
1:38:51 that there's a prejudice and your love
1:38:53 and in your hate I love anyone who falls
1:38:56 under these conditions and I hate anyone
1:38:58 who does what falls on others condition
1:39:01 so I the class and the class sincerity
1:39:03 for yourself and having sincere
1:39:06 intentions for the people that you're
1:39:07 talking to and you're speaking to one
1:39:09 good for them you want them to be guided
1:39:11 you want them to receive a loss mercy
1:39:13 you want them to know the truth and not
1:39:15 I'm looking for them to go to the fire
1:39:17 though I'm searching for their mistakes
1:39:20 I'm searching for the errors I'm looking
1:39:21 for an excuse for me to legitimize them
1:39:24 being banished and outcast indent number
1:39:28 one number two is common sense idea and
1:39:32 a layman Muslim you both have the
1:39:34 responsibility of using common sense do
1:39:37 you honestly think and feel that this is
1:39:39 the religion of Allah deep inside this
1:39:42 chaotic mess do you think this is a slam
1:39:46 you think that's what Allah wants from
1:39:47 us do you think this is in do you think
1:39:49 it's a scholarship scholastic do you
1:39:51 think this is Dawa do you think this is
1:39:54 how you supposed to conduct yourself and
1:39:55 behave and carry yourself as a Muslim as
1:39:57 a scholar
1:39:58 as a Dahlia I do like sense that much
1:40:01 not knowledge but common basic occur and
1:40:05 we all know the value of the mind in the
1:40:08 Quran and the hadith and among the son
1:40:11 of a solid as far as the Quranic ayat
1:40:13 then we don't have to mention Allah says
1:40:17 about the absurd
1:40:19 after that Tom Hillen okay
1:40:22 allah awj Ellen says literally no hair a
1:40:26 lot of praise is the mind he praises
1:40:29 good sound common sense okay about
1:40:32 Lublin lieth Kahuna be half lop raises
1:40:35 up and the prophet alayhi salatu salam
1:40:37 in so many a hadith he taught the
1:40:41 campaigns the value of the sound mind he
1:40:44 said would be both a hardy kun-sun god
1:40:47 what a man is intimate with his wife is
1:40:49 charity what did the campaign in say el
1:40:52 sol la si ahi Masha what to who we are
1:40:55 who we have Angela
1:40:57 how can a man fulfill his base desires
1:40:59 his carnal desires and get a reward from
1:41:01 Allah how's that make sense what did the
1:41:04 prompts otherwise let him say all right
1:41:05 so know what I have he Harmon I care not
1:41:08 a word he says that if a man's fulfilled
1:41:11 his sexual desires and he get I said of
1:41:14 course it was so he paid the Companions
1:41:17 the power of the mind is that you have
1:41:19 to see things correctly okay the son of
1:41:22 a solid such as a nomadic riding along
1:41:25 thought it was praised many of the
1:41:26 scholars were saying they same era a to
1:41:28 my son Auckland pneumatic
1:41:30 he said I never saw its kind of hadith
1:41:32 when a greater mind a sharper mind and
1:41:36 sound an intellect any man magic
1:41:38 they didn't praise merit for spidey
1:41:39 didn't praise important in in praising
1:41:42 for safety by in this awesome they
1:41:44 praised him for his workforce so I had
1:41:46 in common sense and common sense is the
1:41:49 foundation of genius as a card the
1:41:51 foundation of a prodigy is to have sound
1:41:53 solid common sense and it also about in
1:41:56 our minority communities in America and
1:41:58 the UK in Canada was surrounding see all
1:42:01 the dogs he other bones around me how
1:42:04 many dogs did you hear barking so far
1:42:07 countless dogs what's around about cook
1:42:10 food and [ __ ] innovation we're
1:42:11 surrounded by disobedience it is upon me
1:42:14 to use my common sense how can I make
1:42:17 things better how can I contribute to my
1:42:19 society and that mentality of you can't
1:42:21 you have to go back to him you have to
1:42:23 ask his permission that's not common
1:42:24 sense and we both know this not common
1:42:27 sense right
1:42:27 number three bentonite sada is deserve
1:42:31 success deserve success deserve guidance
1:42:35 deserve guidance one of the most
1:42:38 influential athletes of the 20th century
1:42:41 one of the most influential of them or
1:42:43 me in my life no doubt about that is
1:42:46 Mike Tyson Mike Tyson was far more than
1:42:48 just a boxer it was much more than just
1:42:50 a boxer and many people they don't give
1:42:52 him his proper status and value he
1:42:54 wasn't just a brute or brother it's far
1:42:56 more than that and his teacher his
1:42:58 mentor his [ __ ] we all know was custom
1:43:01 ro custom ro when he adopted him he made
1:43:04 it his adopted son and he saw his
1:43:06 potential and he was literally a gifted
1:43:08 gifted young man there will be the
1:43:10 youngest heavyweight champion in the
1:43:11 history of boxing and so behind the law
1:43:13 that proved true
1:43:14 and right before he won the championship
1:43:17 custom auto died okay he was younger
1:43:20 than Floyd Patterson all right so the
1:43:22 point motor story is he gave this man
1:43:25 principles and values of life in the
1:43:28 boxing and from those principles and
1:43:30 those values was to deserve success he
1:43:33 would tell Mike Tyson you're not going
1:43:35 to win the fight because you're stronger
1:43:36 faster or to win the fight because you
1:43:39 deserve to win the fight and that's
1:43:41 because you trained harder than the next
1:43:42 man you studied it longer you worked
1:43:45 harder you made your body creaking
1:43:47 cringe and pride on pain you deserve to
1:43:50 win
1:43:50 so we're confused on would it take fun
1:43:53 to listen to who to sit with to sell it
1:43:56 feed who's not son of he this person
1:43:59 said this my friend this person is about
1:44:01 the hadith I don't know what to do learn
1:44:03 I'm confused
1:44:04 do you deserve guidance you deserve to
1:44:07 know how much of the basics of Islam
1:44:09 have you studied and mastered have you
1:44:12 assured for yourself that you deserve
1:44:14 not to be confused so most of us we want
1:44:17 to be guided we want to be sure we want
1:44:19 to be clear but we don't deserve it
1:44:21 we're not working for it we are not
1:44:22 studying the fundamentals of a slam
1:44:24 we're not reading the fundamental books
1:44:26 of slam we're not studying the
1:44:27 rudimentary things in the slam and then
1:44:30 we have the nerves to say I'm confused I
1:44:32 don't know who to listen to you don't
1:44:34 deserve to know you don't deserve to
1:44:35 have a clear distinction because you
1:44:38 yourself you don't value the
1:44:39 fundamentals you haven't trained hard
1:44:41 enough you have a worked hard enough
1:44:42 and I'm not someone being a scholar or
1:44:43 student knowledge I'm someone being a
1:44:45 fundamentally sound Muslim so that's a
1:44:50 very important piece of advice for
1:44:51 myself all of us is for us to deserve
1:44:53 success deserved victory and that is by
1:44:56 hard work and most of us are lazy when
1:44:59 lethargic we want instant gratification
1:45:01 satisfaction we want a shake to tell us
1:45:04 to give us a spot walk when the brothers
1:45:05 say it's oh listen to him and that's it
1:45:07 we don't want to use our minds we want
1:45:09 to conveniently be spoon-fed and
1:45:11 pampered and then we complain later on
1:45:13 when we're lied to and when we're
1:45:16 misguided and when someone goes astray
1:45:19 who complained it's so confusing one day
1:45:21 he's on a Sunday the next day he's on
1:45:23 innovation one day we're listening to
1:45:24 him next day he's a staunch in the
1:45:26 bigger you're gonna be let around you're
1:45:29 gonna be directed by you're gonna be
1:45:30 pulled by the ear by anyone pulls you
1:45:32 here and that's because you don't
1:45:33 deserve success so those are the three
1:45:35 pieces of advice that I would give
1:45:36 sincerity four lives or job is to use
1:45:39 your common sense and be in the nine
1:45:41 Charter is to train and to work hard and
1:45:43 the layman Muslim to compliment
1:45:46 incorporating the fundamentals of this
1:45:48 religion and for a part of in to
1:45:51 comprehend the rule and in which will
1:45:53 lead him to getting off the food or and
1:45:55 in a fact and the different
1:45:57 discrepancies among the scholars which
1:45:59 could be intimidating or confusing and
1:46:01 of course what the last part on is all
1:46:03 success laughter it's been a pleasure
1:46:08 having you on this podcast so this is
1:46:09 the seventh podcast and chat longer
1:46:11 they're trying to put them all up on
1:46:14 some kind of sound cloud platform what I
1:46:16 was going to say is that could you just
1:46:18 tell people about your YouTube channel
1:46:20 and your Instagram and some of your
1:46:23 socials for people that want to follow
1:46:24 you laughs example of hydron for hosting
1:46:28 me once again it was my pleasure
1:46:30 and I would say that I'm Angela we have
1:46:33 idea to Cybercom
1:46:34 idea to and now on YouTube
1:46:37 we have several channels they've had a
1:46:39 disciple we have mostly Q&A also an
1:46:43 Instagram we have different lessons
1:46:45 quotes that we post Facebook as well and
1:46:48 basically hadith disciple something that
1:46:51 has been fermenting in my mind for many
1:46:52 many years when I first started the
1:46:55 youtube channel in 2012 those what I did
1:46:57 studies and on hamdullah I always wanted
1:47:00 to do something for myself by myself I
1:47:02 always wanted to be in sha Allah some
1:47:05 type of key towards good and I wanted to
1:47:08 share what Allah gave me I wanted to
1:47:11 allow people to have access to certain
1:47:13 things that they wouldn't normally have
1:47:15 access to via video via audio the books
1:47:18 that we discuss the things that we quote
1:47:20 from someone and so forth and some of
1:47:22 the things that we like and we love and
1:47:24 no clay M we'd like to share with that's
1:47:26 what I did this I was about that's one
1:47:28 whoopsie Q&A is about people they ask
1:47:31 questions people they post requests we
1:47:33 do different foot buzz so many things
1:47:36 hum that innovative five minutes of Veda
1:47:38 book reviews different things like this
1:47:40 in which we have two main themes the
1:47:43 first theme is to introduce the laymen
1:47:45 Muslim to the sciences of the swimmer
1:47:48 and the scientism hadith the most Fela
1:47:51 the terminology the books hardy the
1:47:54 preservation how the Sunna was preserved
1:47:56 in detail because obviously a podcast we
1:47:58 can't mention everything right and also
1:48:00 to give the Muslims advice admonishments
1:48:05 guidance and benefits those are the main
1:48:08 points of my the disciple and I hummed
1:48:10 it as much more than use a website or a
1:48:12 YouTube channel or we consider to be a
1:48:14 mindset or as we said a philosophy we
1:48:17 considered to be a school of thought a
1:48:18 way of looking at things a way of
1:48:20 practicing things empty in the cup
1:48:22 researching studies loving knowledge and
1:48:24 being formas being formless not being
1:48:28 rigid and stuck to one way or to one
1:48:30 path that's one person but to one place
1:48:32 these are some of the guiding principles
1:48:34 some of the guiding values on my
1:48:36 disciple and I'm very proud and I'm very
1:48:39 happy and very grateful that a lost
1:48:42 father inspired me to share some of
1:48:44 these things with the Muslims and
1:48:46 non-muslims as well
1:48:48 - Andrew Zirkin welcome for coming when
1:48:50 there's nothing well yeah I do then I'll
1:48:54 keep confirmed may Allah educate all of
1:48:56 us guide us to the straight path
1:48:58 I'm a long guy that's about that which
1:49:00 to people different we all want to stand
1:49:02 in front of him on the day of judgement
1:49:04 and he's gonna be the only judge the
1:49:06 only team and we're gonna we saw this
1:49:11 was the seventh episode of the m8
1:49:13 podcast that will head on to you for
1:49:15 listening to all of it was