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Linda Sarsour, Omar Suleiman & American Muslim Activism - Ali Dawah & Dilly Hussain (MH Podcast #9) (2020-09-26)


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Summary of Linda Sarsour, Omar Suleiman & American Muslim Activism - Ali Dawah & Dilly Hussain (MH Podcast #9)

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 01:00:00

Linda Sarsour, Omar Suleiman, and Ali Dawah discuss American Muslim activism and the importance of being clear about objectives and staying segregated from non-Muslims. Dawah advises Muslims to lead civil rights movements, and Sarsour warns against jumping on the bandwagon and compromising one's principles.

00:00:00 In this podcast, Ali Dawah and Dilly Hussain discuss Linda Sarsour, Omar Suleiman, and American Muslim activism. They discuss the different approaches that the UK and US have taken to addressing issues within their Muslim communities, and deli Hussein discusses the challenges that he has faced as an Islamic activist in the UK.

  • 00:05:00 Linda Sarsour, Omar Suleiman, and American Muslim activist Dilly Hussain discuss the success of Muslim protests against anti-Muslim bigotry, which has resulted in the passage of a law in England that requires schools to teach about same-sex relationships. Ali Dawah, host of the MH podcast, adds that this is just one example of the many ways Muslim activists are engaged in activism.
  • 00:10:00 Linda Sarsour is a prominent American Muslim activist and advocate for Palestinian rights. She came into prominence during the Million Women's March, where she spoke out against President Trump's policies towards women. Some of her controversial statements include her support for same-sex marriage and abortion, and her insistence that clerics in America should acquiesce to progressive ideology. Sarsour has been criticised by some within the Muslim community for her uncritical embrace of leftist values, and for her willingness to work with non-Muslims.
  • 00:15:00 Linda Sarsour, Omar Suleiman, and American Muslim activism Ali Dawah and Dilly Hussain discuss Sarsour's views on gay rights and Islamic rights being part of the same struggle, intersectionality, and how it applies to the muslim community. Sarsour argues that, from an intersectional perspective, islam should not be subordinate to feminist thought.
  • 00:20:00 Linda Sarsour, Omar Suleiman, and American Muslim activism are discussed. Sarsour's views on abortion, same-sex relationships, and Muslim women having non-muslim husbands are discussed. Yasser Khadi is pressured to defend Sarsour and eventually does. The far-right and far-left are discussed and it is argued that the far-right is more dangerous.
  • 00:25:00 Linda Sarsour, Omar Suleiman, and American Muslim activism are discussed in this video. Sarsour is criticized for her use of provocative rhetoric and for aligning herself with the left. It is suggested that she should answer questions about her beliefs on moral issues, abortion, and marriage to build trust within the Muslim community.
  • 00:30:00 Linda Sarsour, Omar Suleiman, and American Muslim activism is examined in this video. It is noted that Sarsour has been dropped from a campaign event after her comments on Philistines and Hadith. It is also mentioned that Sarsour's intention might be good, but her actions are not in line with Islamic principles.
  • 00:35:00 Linda Sarsour, Omar Suleiman, and American Muslim activism are discussed in this video. The three discuss how the intentions of a muslim are good, but the action of the muslim must be recorded in scripture for it to be accepted. It is important to differentiate between who was present and who was doing the action, and to understand that muslims have a responsibility to stand up against injustice. The discussion then turns to the UK, where a conference was held in response to the Birmingham mosque attack. The conference was attended by left-leaning groups, and was criticized for not condemning the evil happening while it was happening. The ideal Muslim activist is someone who prioritizes the rights of allah over the rights of the people, and this is the basis of muslim activism.
  • *00:40:00 Discusses how left-leaning, progressive Muslim groups often have little input from Muslims themselves, and how this can lead to tensions and awkwardness. also talks about how some Muslims may repent after hearing questionable information.
  • 00:45:00 Linda Sarsour, Omar Suleiman, and American Muslim activism are discussed in this video. Ali Dawah and Dilly Hussain discuss the red line that needs to be drawn when it comes to Islamic activism, and how it often comes back to compromising the rights of Allah. They also discuss how the opportunity cost of Muslim activism can be high, and how it's a failed strategy when compared to the UK's strategy of Islamic conservatives.
  • 00:50:00 Linda Sarsour, Omar Suleiman, and Ali Dawah discuss American Muslim activism and the importance of being clear about objectives and staying segregated from non-Muslims. Dawah advises Muslims to lead civil rights movements, and Sarsour warns against jumping on the bandwagon and compromising one's principles.
  • *00:55:00 Discusses Linda Sarsour, Omar Suleiman, and American Muslim activism. Dilly Hussain and Ali Dawah point out that if someone has changed their views, that does not mean that their previous views were wrong. They argue that there are red lines that enable activists to be held accountable, and that Linda Sarsour and others in the U.S. have not been held to these same standards.

01:00:00 - 01:05:00

The discussion on this podcast centers around the idea that American Muslim activists are not doing enough to study and follow Islam, and that this could lead to conflicts down the line. The need for a middle ground is emphasized, and it is suggested that people try to develop a more nuanced understanding of Islam.

*01:00:00 Discusses the various ways in which Linda Sarsour, Omar Suleiman, and American Muslim activism differ, and how these differences can create conflicts. It stresses the need for a middle ground, and suggests that those who watch it should try to develop a more nuanced understanding of Islam.

  • 01:05:00 This podcast discusses the problems with American Muslim activism, specifically the way in which people are trying to please various groups while neglecting their Islamic duty to study and follow their religion. The discussion leads to the conclusion that success in this life or the hereafter is not contingent on numbers or popularity, but on following Allah's commands.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 [Music]
0:00:05 is the hijab 10
0:00:07 discount code for 10 percent discount on
0:00:09 a wide range of products including
0:00:11 premium ethiopian black seed products
0:00:16 and welcome to the mh podcast this is
0:00:19 the 10th episode and i'm joined with two
0:00:21 very very special guests
0:00:23 to the far right we have deli hussein
0:00:26 the chief
0:00:27 the vice president or is it the chief
0:00:29 editor
0:00:30 there's some big titles deputy editor
0:00:32 deputy editor of five pillars
0:00:34 and in the middle is the one and only
0:00:36 [Laughter]
0:00:39 the youth dower king
0:00:42 he's standing behind the camera
0:00:49 how are you awesome absolutely really
0:00:51 happy okay
0:00:52 i think i think it's our first video in
0:00:55 maybe
0:00:56 maybe a year really yeah i think we do a
0:00:58 lot of videos
0:00:59 i'm sure don't talk over me when i'm
0:01:00 speaking
0:01:04 yeah that's good i'm really i'm actually
0:01:06 really happy to be because i haven't
0:01:07 seen the last time i saw it i was it's
0:01:08 been a while
0:01:09 i dropped the customer yeah and then
0:01:22 but we are going to be speaking about
0:01:23 politics and we are going to be speaking
0:01:24 about the political spectrum we are
0:01:26 indeed so let's
0:01:27 dive straight into the discussion really
0:01:29 and um
0:01:31 obviously there's a lot of controversy
0:01:32 in muslim tower circles now
0:01:34 um particularly because of this this
0:01:37 question of activism
0:01:38 yeah and i think it's fair to say that
0:01:41 in muslim circles
0:01:42 uh the uk approach is a little bit
0:01:44 different to the u.s approach
0:01:46 can you outline what you see as the main
0:01:49 differences between the two
0:01:52 bismuth
0:01:55 basically this is such a vast topic
0:01:58 right but it goes without say
0:01:59 an older art and islamic activists who
0:02:02 have been in the scene
0:02:02 since the 90s even 80s know that the uk
0:02:06 is the hub of islamic activism in dao so
0:02:09 you're not are you going to go into
0:02:10 patriotism no no it's not
0:02:12 the the the least we want is going to be
0:02:14 over over
0:02:15 yeah but the point here is the uk has
0:02:17 always been the hub and the central
0:02:19 point of various islamic movements and
0:02:20 groups
0:02:22 and there's various reasons as to why
0:02:24 the activism and the darwin by the way
0:02:25 the reason why i used
0:02:27 two together because i don't i think in
0:02:29 from an islamic standpoint these two are
0:02:31 interchangeable
0:02:32 that was activism that muslims dao i
0:02:33 think they're intertwined and the reason
0:02:36 why that is is because the community the
0:02:38 muslim communities in the uk
0:02:40 are more established they've been here
0:02:42 much longer
0:02:43 and their relationship with the
0:02:44 establishment is
0:02:47 more well thought out you understand
0:02:49 whereas in the u.s and north america
0:02:50 broadly speaking it's a newer diaspora
0:02:52 community with exception to the
0:02:53 african-american muslims who were the
0:02:55 first muslims
0:02:56 from the times of slavery and in the
0:02:58 last 10 15 20 years
0:03:00 there's been various challenges various
0:03:02 whilst we've got wars oppression and
0:03:04 occupation the muslim world in the west
0:03:05 we've got things like
0:03:06 uh country extremism violence laws cve
0:03:09 laws
0:03:10 islamophobia a massive well-funded
0:03:13 reformist agenda to change aspects of
0:03:14 normative islam
0:03:16 and a huge push to normalize pro lgbt
0:03:18 values and lifestyles within the muslim
0:03:20 communities
0:03:21 right and here you find of late at least
0:03:23 that there is a
0:03:24 distinct difference between how muslim
0:03:27 to art and activism groups in the uk
0:03:29 have dealt with these challenges
0:03:31 and how it's been dealt with in north
0:03:33 america muslims
0:03:34 i mean uk awesome yeah you get data all
0:03:37 right so because you're going to say
0:03:38 they're muslim and these ones are no no
0:03:39 no no no no no
0:03:40 no things haven't got that bad yet
0:03:43 they haven't got that bad yet right but
0:03:44 just to just wrap up on this point here
0:03:47 is that the challenges are pretty much
0:03:49 the same they might be at different
0:03:50 levels and whilst we're not we're not
0:03:52 making sweeping generalizations there's
0:03:54 glaringly obvious trends in which the
0:03:56 way the brits
0:03:57 have dealt with these similar issues and
0:03:59 the way the americans have and we can
0:04:01 touch upon this later on each other
0:04:02 before we do that
0:04:03 um speaking to really you can call
0:04:04 yourself an activist uh
0:04:06 after the kind of work you've done with
0:04:07 the far right especially in the day of
0:04:10 freedom or much of freedom
0:04:11 uh did you remember that day yeah yeah
0:04:13 we saw how you got punched
0:04:17 it's like a little boy
0:04:20 you know while i was chasing the other
0:04:22 side
0:04:23 for my life while he was using pictures
0:04:26 of police surrounding you in your
0:04:28 whatsapp profile
0:04:31 but you remember the time when you ran
0:04:32 away
0:04:34 [Laughter]
0:04:36 when i was dealing with all the big boys
0:04:39 that's what trained my legs
0:04:43 so so what what some of the challenges
0:04:45 you've you've dealt with
0:04:46 yeah in uk activision yeah so well with
0:04:49 me it's obviously it's been like the
0:04:50 absolute far right uh and also like
0:04:53 non-muslims like imagine there was as
0:04:54 well
0:04:54 um which i've called in you know let's
0:04:57 need to make that clear
0:04:58 um and yeah i did you know you know i i
0:05:00 personally i don't i didn't believe that
0:05:02 i was the right person to do it but i
0:05:03 saw
0:05:04 no one else doing it yeah and i felt
0:05:06 very like i was i was looking and seeing
0:05:08 like the
0:05:08 britain first picking on muslims who are
0:05:10 walking like miss king
0:05:12 they don't know much and being picked on
0:05:13 and bullied and you seeing tommy
0:05:14 robinson insulting the prophet over and
0:05:16 over again
0:05:17 it just really like infuriated me you
0:05:19 know and that's why i know like i think
0:05:21 if i'm thinking like you had some
0:05:22 criticism
0:05:24 of me doing that bit like i was it was
0:05:25 coming from a good place do you know
0:05:26 what i'm trying to say
0:05:27 it probably feedback exactly so with me
0:05:29 it was like i explained i said brother
0:05:30 be like this is how i feel you know
0:05:32 when i'm seeing this happen in front of
0:05:33 my eyes and not many people are doing
0:05:35 anything i'm not saying
0:05:36 this people more qualified to doing but
0:05:38 me i'm a more hands-on guy
0:05:39 yeah like i'm just like that you get i'm
0:05:41 just like i don't care and it's six
0:05:42 months i was tracking tommy robinson and
0:05:43 i was i was
0:05:44 tracking where his flights are coming i
0:05:45 was in luton airport waiting for him
0:05:46 once and he
0:05:47 ended up going to i think stanford or
0:05:49 something so i wanted them to feel
0:05:51 the fee in their heart i wanted them to
0:05:54 know
0:05:54 that like we're on their case you know
0:05:56 and i dealt with them and you know like
0:05:57 there's lessons that i've learned
0:05:59 through it alhamdulillah but
0:06:00 all in all inshallah it's it's it
0:06:02 broadened the spectrum in the context of
0:06:04 there was a lot of people the far right
0:06:05 will come and be like okay you know what
0:06:06 you change your mind about this or et
0:06:08 cetera you know so it was good
0:06:10 but yeah like you know i did and and i
0:06:12 do like i don't have absolute regrets
0:06:14 but there's things i could have done
0:06:15 better things i could have learned
0:06:16 but all they know in charlotte it was a
0:06:18 benefit and we'll accept it i mean i
0:06:20 think it's important to also add that
0:06:21 you know activism is such a broad
0:06:22 spectrum there's so many things people
0:06:24 think it's just
0:06:24 a protest it's not it's confronting
0:06:27 islamophobes and anti-muslim bigots
0:06:29 it's lobbying whether it's mps or think
0:06:31 tanks it's dealing with
0:06:33 even the opponents of islam and muslims
0:06:35 on the grassroots level to those and the
0:06:37 echelons of power
0:06:38 remember you you remember you said to me
0:06:40 henry jackson's no one douglas is no one
0:06:42 and i said by hijab
0:06:43 their followers and their views might
0:06:44 not be many but they're the ones that
0:06:45 gain the laws through government
0:06:47 so muslims in different aspects of their
0:06:49 professions they are dealing and doing
0:06:51 activism whether normally are unknown
0:06:52 with different
0:06:53 parts of our many challenges yeah it's
0:06:56 not just protests there's so many things
0:06:58 there's lobbying there's
0:06:59 court cases what the our enemies now
0:07:02 call law fed the muslims are now engaged
0:07:04 in law fair
0:07:05 right so activism is such a broad
0:07:06 spectrum and everyone's got a part to
0:07:08 play in it
0:07:09 you guys have a huge role to play in the
0:07:10 realm of youtube and online
0:07:12 no one you're right no one else is
0:07:13 really doing it if there wasn't a hijab
0:07:15 and ali although
0:07:16 i've never said this on camera before
0:07:18 but if you two and others weren't there
0:07:20 who would keep the likes of you know i
0:07:22 don't wanna miss
0:07:23 in check we're not and how are you guys
0:07:25 gonna keep the likes of douglas murray
0:07:27 and the institute of strategic dialogue
0:07:28 and
0:07:29 these kind of people in check so we need
0:07:30 everyone in every level to be dealing
0:07:32 with this
0:07:33 i do feel like you know there are some
0:07:35 people who have never responded to me
0:07:36 like i
0:07:37 i've done a video on ben shapiro for
0:07:39 example
0:07:40 but i know that they're acutely aware of
0:07:42 those videos and i know many of them
0:07:44 are not speaking about islam because
0:07:45 they know that it would be
0:07:47 um a perfect opportunity for people like
0:07:50 me to just be on their case
0:07:52 and it's the same thing with you ellie i
0:07:54 know that there are many people that
0:07:55 would be coming out of the woodworks now
0:07:57 if we didn't
0:07:58 use what you could call a
0:08:00 confrontational approach
0:08:01 but talking about different approaches i
0:08:03 think
0:08:04 the confrontational approach is
0:08:06 something we have used and we feel like
0:08:09 it's been successful i want to mention
0:08:11 one
0:08:12 thing that on a lawler on legislation
0:08:14 level
0:08:15 that was quite big in the news which is
0:08:16 last year 2019
0:08:18 with the rse bill yes and the protests
0:08:21 that were taking place in in birmingham
0:08:24 mainland elsewhere in the north of
0:08:25 middle east yeah
0:08:27 how would you gauge the success of these
0:08:30 muslim protests
0:08:31 outside of schools to try and stop um
0:08:33 sex education and or
0:08:35 lgbt learning going on which halted
0:08:39 uh learning of all these lessons in
0:08:42 particular for a very long time and
0:08:44 prompted a national conversation which
0:08:46 you were actually part of were you yeah
0:08:47 i was i was indeed um
0:08:50 it was yesterday yeah so so the
0:08:52 relationship education bill was passed
0:08:54 last march
0:08:55 and it came into effect this month so
0:08:57 that means in
0:08:58 in primary and secondary schools in
0:09:00 england um it is compulsory now or
0:09:03 responsibility
0:09:04 for them to now teach same-sex
0:09:06 relationship and and curriculums
0:09:08 that basically kind of normalize these
0:09:09 things i mean my brother yousef patel
0:09:11 who who's involved in orders he said i'm
0:09:13 going to talk to me go and contact me
0:09:14 i'm going to do a
0:09:15 not podcast my interview with him
0:09:16 because he i did one with a christian
0:09:17 guy and he said there was some
0:09:18 things that are not true so he contacted
0:09:21 me and you can keep an eye for that so
0:09:23 so what basically happens that um around
0:09:25 a couple of hundred muslim parents
0:09:26 uh in birmingham when they got away from
0:09:29 what's being taught
0:09:30 without consultation yes um they would
0:09:33 do their children
0:09:34 from going to school and they protested
0:09:35 peacefully within the framework of the
0:09:36 law
0:09:37 outside the school basically saying that
0:09:38 you cannot be teaching our children
0:09:40 these kind of things that you know
0:09:41 uh iman can come into school and
0:09:43 identify as amina and i mean i can come
0:09:45 to school identifies abdullah
0:09:46 these things are not gonna happen um
0:09:48 that you can absolutely
0:09:50 be gay or muslim meaning they're
0:09:51 teaching these things not from a morally
0:09:52 neutral point of view absolutely yeah
0:09:54 and there's this kind of a straw man
0:09:55 where people say oh well we teach
0:09:57 religious studies religious studies
0:09:59 taught from a morally neutral point of
0:10:00 view
0:10:01 whereas this was not but the greater
0:10:03 point here is that muslim parents
0:10:05 deemed it worrying and alarming enough
0:10:08 to protest um peacefully and withdrew
0:10:10 their children
0:10:11 and that sparked a national discussion
0:10:13 from the government
0:10:14 to you know the main tv shows and news
0:10:17 channels and everything
0:10:19 and they were labeled homophobic
0:10:21 fundamentalist extremist intolerant but
0:10:23 that did not stop them
0:10:24 and you know what else though i want to
0:10:26 add i was just looking at some of those
0:10:28 videos and
0:10:28 they're freely available on the internet
0:10:30 now like um on sky news
0:10:32 uh youtube channel i was looking at the
0:10:34 comments underneath and actually there
0:10:36 was a lot of people
0:10:37 um in support of muslims from the
0:10:40 christian community
0:10:41 and from other communities there was a
0:10:43 rabbi traveling
0:10:45 after my showdown from with piers morgan
0:10:48 i had overwhelming support which you can
0:10:50 see online
0:10:50 yes you can yeah on gmb and by the way
0:10:52 they cut six minutes from that they
0:10:53 didn't
0:10:54 upload the full thing but um the
0:10:56 overwhelming support from
0:10:57 christians especially who said our
0:10:59 leaders no longer have a backbone
0:11:01 right we are a spineless community many
0:11:03 christians convey this to me that we
0:11:05 have already
0:11:05 succumbed to this centuries ago you
0:11:07 understand whereas you guys are
0:11:09 representing
0:11:10 you're making us proud our abrahamic
0:11:11 brethren etc you know there was a lot of
0:11:13 support from the jewish communities
0:11:15 that was one of the most commented
0:11:17 things so so so
0:11:18 you know but the point to take away from
0:11:20 this is that
0:11:22 the parents were resilient yeah they did
0:11:24 not buckle under pressure
0:11:26 they were labeled just your parents or
0:11:28 was it the alamo as well
0:11:29 oh yeah of course of course they had a
0:11:31 lot of scholarly support alhamdulillah
0:11:32 there was 120 olema who signed a
0:11:34 a signed statement which you can see in
0:11:36 five pillars and it's been published
0:11:37 elsewhere
0:11:38 where they where they criticized the rac
0:11:40 bill from a legal and a moral point of
0:11:42 view
0:11:44 and just to add to that seven years ago
0:11:46 when the same-sex marriage bill went
0:11:48 through in 2013
0:11:49 500 sunni and even she
0:11:53 right salafi
0:11:58 500 scholars issued a statement saying
0:12:00 that we are against the same-sex
0:12:01 marriage bill the bill still went
0:12:03 through but a statement and a stance on
0:12:05 a precedent was set
0:12:06 that this is not something that we're
0:12:07 willing to accept wholeheartedly
0:12:10 and you're not going to get the full
0:12:11 support of the community especially not
0:12:12 from the religious figures
0:12:14 and when you compare that now to the us
0:12:16 where their freedom of speech laws are
0:12:18 far more relaxed
0:12:19 exactly you can get away with saying a
0:12:21 lot more and you're doing a lot more we
0:12:23 went to a campus christian shout and you
0:12:24 go in hell okay i've never seen in my
0:12:26 life
0:12:26 can you imagine you're going to the fire
0:12:28 you're gonna okay well i think it's well
0:12:30 if this is davos
0:12:32 and there's a far stronger christian
0:12:34 conservative constituency in the us
0:12:37 so sometimes when we see things in the
0:12:38 u.s right i think ourselves this is
0:12:41 we've got tighter freedom expression
0:12:42 laws here and free speech our hate
0:12:43 speech laws are very very tight
0:12:45 in america you can get away we're saying
0:12:47 a lot as well as packing guns as well
0:12:48 let's remember this is a cowboy country
0:12:50 the muslims could strategically if they
0:12:52 want to do
0:12:53 could look at alternative alliances
0:12:57 in terms of fulfilling single-issue
0:12:59 stuff like the rse bill and you know
0:13:01 lgbt issues
0:13:03 but as we're going to discuss later on
0:13:04 this whole kind of blind allegiance to
0:13:06 the left the progressive left
0:13:08 is dangerous and we already started to
0:13:10 see the rotten fruits of it
0:13:12 and talking about let's let's talk about
0:13:14 that um i think
0:13:15 case study one we should talk about um
0:13:18 is a prominent figure in america called
0:13:21 linda sarsour
0:13:22 yes who i think is a palestinian
0:13:24 nationalist or
0:13:26 she at least has palestinian allegiances
0:13:28 which is of course a very good thing
0:13:29 she believes in rights for the
0:13:31 palestinians etc
0:13:33 but what i've understood from her from
0:13:36 her rhetoric really is that she's
0:13:37 totally subsumed
0:13:39 into this ideology of the left totally
0:13:42 absorbed into it
0:13:43 and categorically almost unreservedly
0:13:46 right
0:13:47 um talks about you know give lgbt rights
0:13:50 but not only that
0:13:52 it seems like and this needs to be
0:13:54 corrected and asked i mean this is a
0:13:56 point of
0:13:57 question here is she morally in favor of
0:14:01 this behavior
0:14:02 in other words does she deem it as
0:14:03 morally acceptable
0:14:05 this is a question i still don't know
0:14:06 the answer to to for same-sex behavior
0:14:08 between two people
0:14:10 and also on abortion and what i find
0:14:13 really
0:14:13 to be honest with you disturbing is that
0:14:15 the acquiescence
0:14:17 of the the clerics in america to this
0:14:19 and even
0:14:20 to some degree the support of some of
0:14:23 these clerics
0:14:24 on what basis is that um justifiable in
0:14:28 islam
0:14:29 on what basis is this okay and
0:14:32 what benefit is this giving us as the
0:14:34 muslim community in the us
0:14:37 before i lay some smackdowns i think you
0:14:39 should go with the smackdown man
0:14:41 so look for those of you don't know who
0:14:43 uh sister linda sarsouri she's an
0:14:44 american palestinian activist from uh
0:14:47 brooklyn from new york very prominent
0:14:48 came into huge prominence i think couple
0:14:50 of years ago in the million women's
0:14:51 march
0:14:52 outside washington dc went you know
0:14:53 against trump and some of the comments
0:14:55 he made against women et cetera
0:14:57 and there's various interviews and
0:14:59 statements of hers where she's uh you
0:15:01 know
0:15:01 conveyed clear un-islamic positions
0:15:04 any coffee i mean this isn't without
0:15:06 shadow of a doubt whether we're not
0:15:07 calling her a cafe i always say that the
0:15:09 statements she has made is without a
0:15:11 shadow of a doubt goes beyond the
0:15:12 conclusion
0:15:12 which one's like for example yeah like
0:15:14 what like i'm sorry i'll be honest i
0:15:16 don't know okay i don't really know her
0:15:17 so
0:15:18 you guys tell me about her i don't know
0:15:19 okay so from my understanding i believe
0:15:20 she is of the position of
0:15:22 unrestricted right of women to abort
0:15:24 azam when they wish
0:15:26 all right let me read out exactly what
0:15:27 she says um
0:15:30 in minute 10 okay make sure
0:15:34 minute 10 second five right in her
0:15:36 interview when she was actually with
0:15:38 yesterday
0:15:40 and she says gay rights and islamic
0:15:41 rights are part of the same struggle she
0:15:43 agreed to this point
0:15:44 so this i want to understand from her
0:15:46 does she mean to say
0:15:48 that she believes that gay rights or
0:15:51 that
0:15:52 homosexual behavior on a fundamental
0:15:54 level is
0:15:55 uh is okay um i think what she's saying
0:15:58 here
0:15:59 and this is a very common strand of
0:16:00 thinking within the left the progressive
0:16:02 left is intersectionality and
0:16:04 or intersectional politics which is
0:16:05 basically there are certain oppressed
0:16:07 groups and discriminate groups in
0:16:08 society so it's usually
0:16:10 class obviously it's roots is it within
0:16:12 marxism so it's class
0:16:14 gender sexuality yeah now race
0:16:17 to say that all these kind of different
0:16:18 groups are all within
0:16:20 part of a greater struggle against the
0:16:22 establishment
0:16:23 and therefore islamic rights or that the
0:16:26 rights of the muslim community is on par
0:16:28 with
0:16:28 the lgbt rights because we're both
0:16:30 discriminated communities
0:16:31 so it makes from a muslim point of view
0:16:33 strategically wise to ally with the lgbt
0:16:37 and even black lives matter and others
0:16:39 right because we are all discriminating
0:16:40 minorities can i just come in on this
0:16:42 because i've actually written a book on
0:16:43 intersectionality yeah
0:16:44 it's called fifth wave feminism that's
0:16:46 right and um
0:16:48 this book is available for you to
0:16:51 buy and actually what this book was a
0:16:52 collection of maybe five or six essays
0:16:54 that i've done when i was in the gender
0:16:56 studies
0:16:56 department of psoas and they all got
0:16:58 distinctions actually
0:16:59 high level distinctions so no one said
0:17:01 who cares
0:17:09 anyway look this this term was i think
0:17:11 first introduced by kimberly crenshaw
0:17:13 right in maybe the 80s or the 90s right
0:17:16 and
0:17:17 like you've just said so women women in
0:17:20 feminism it doesn't have to be women
0:17:21 because obviously trans
0:17:22 theory comes into it and this is part of
0:17:24 the the wider kind of queer theory
0:17:26 have different identifiers yes so it's
0:17:29 not just not she's not just a woman
0:17:30 she's a woman
0:17:31 she's a black woman she's you know um
0:17:34 working class so class gets in there yes
0:17:37 the problem here that i have with this
0:17:38 is that the hierarchization of these
0:17:40 identifiers is usually left
0:17:42 to western um people so in other words
0:17:45 why is it that womanhood number one is
0:17:47 more important than for example
0:17:49 let's say for the sake of argument tribe
0:17:51 because if you go to africa right
0:17:53 a woman's tribe might be more important
0:17:55 to her
0:17:56 than her quote-unquote gender obviously
0:17:59 the word gender is extremely fluent in
0:18:00 these in these discourses right
0:18:02 and the same thing might be said with
0:18:03 religion right but what i'm arguing is
0:18:06 if we have a community of women yeah who
0:18:10 may i'm not saying will or do right may
0:18:13 identify firstly as being religious
0:18:15 and then after that as anything else
0:18:18 so the hierarchization is left to her
0:18:21 right
0:18:22 from an intersectional perspective and
0:18:23 this is the argument i make in the book
0:18:25 right
0:18:25 from an intersectional perspective is
0:18:27 not that islam
0:18:28 should be subordinate in that sense to
0:18:32 intersectional feminist thought it's in
0:18:34 fact intersectional feminist law
0:18:36 which has to take on board the full
0:18:39 nature
0:18:39 of the islamic character of such
0:18:41 absolute person not like one shoe fits
0:18:43 all
0:18:43 no what i'm saying is this is that if
0:18:45 the inter we can use the intersection
0:18:48 if the intersectionless approach is used
0:18:49 with a community like the muslim
0:18:51 community for example
0:18:52 and they decide to hierarchies their own
0:18:56 identifiers such that religion becomes
0:18:58 prioritized
0:18:59 which they should be if if of course
0:19:01 autonomy is afforded to them and from a
0:19:03 feminist perspective that should be the
0:19:04 case
0:19:05 if they um if they prioritize their
0:19:07 religious character
0:19:09 then that would suggest that at least
0:19:12 that
0:19:13 um islam or let's say the religious
0:19:15 character whatever it may be that they
0:19:17 believe in even conservative islam
0:19:19 even ideas by the way which might be
0:19:21 which might be
0:19:23 patriarchal in second wave senses
0:19:25 because remember this whole
0:19:25 intersectional thing is moving on to
0:19:27 third wave feminism
0:19:28 it's no longer second wave it's no
0:19:29 longer the patriarchal societies
0:19:31 we've gone way deeper into the discourse
0:19:33 than that
0:19:34 so what i'm saying is really if we were
0:19:36 to use an intersection as a
0:19:38 intersectional approach on an
0:19:39 intellectual level what we can actually
0:19:40 establish is
0:19:42 women uh who are muslim or people that
0:19:45 are muslim doesn't have to be women
0:19:46 necessarily because of course
0:19:48 gender is not necessarily confined to
0:19:50 womenness or femininity if at all
0:19:52 to anything like that if if they exist
0:19:54 in on this on this
0:19:55 paradigm um once again if they
0:19:59 if they identify firstly as muslim that
0:20:01 should be the thing
0:20:03 so why don't we argue using the
0:20:04 intersectionist approach that we should
0:20:07 be you should allow
0:20:08 us like for example epistemologically
0:20:10 they can't allow that you know this
0:20:11 no no but here's what i'm saying look
0:20:13 there has been a bias
0:20:14 in favor of what we call western or
0:20:17 colonial feminism
0:20:18 right white women or even privileged
0:20:21 women that are not white
0:20:22 exactly as privileged just like me and
0:20:25 you are privileged right
0:20:26 on this discourse yeah and why can they
0:20:29 call the shots yeah
0:20:30 like for example if we really did a
0:20:32 referendum on the muslim community
0:20:34 how much do you percent do you think
0:20:36 will agree with her stances on lgbt
0:20:38 how representative is she really of the
0:20:41 muslim community
0:20:42 she her stances are basically not
0:20:45 representative of islam
0:20:46 of the muslim community in the us or the
0:20:48 uk or any part of the west so let's just
0:20:50 so let's go over some of these positions
0:20:51 so so her position on abortion yes since
0:20:54 she has a
0:20:56 position on obviously same-sex
0:20:57 relationships right so
0:20:59 so and from my understand there's also
0:21:01 some concern with regards to
0:21:02 her views on muslim women having
0:21:04 non-muslim husbands and partners right
0:21:06 really yeah so
0:21:07 so there's a plethora of issues
0:21:09 pertaining to linda's
0:21:10 uh positions and and we shouldn't be
0:21:13 surprised
0:21:13 and and for the last five ten minutes
0:21:15 where uh hijab spoke very academically
0:21:18 and you know if you got a bit lost
0:21:19 what we're essentially saying here is
0:21:21 that linda has subscribed to a framework
0:21:23 of activism
0:21:24 uh and an ideological basis which is on
0:21:26 islamic let's be frank about it right
0:21:28 and its roots is within marxism and marx
0:21:31 had no space for religion
0:21:32 religion was an oppressive factor on
0:21:34 society do you understand against the
0:21:36 proletariat and the bourgeoisie
0:21:37 religion was just an opium yeah so in
0:21:40 that case we have to understand that
0:21:42 linda has subscribed and many others by
0:21:44 the way and even in the uk we have
0:21:46 mayor sadiq khan we have salma yakubis
0:21:48 who's far
0:21:49 less prominent but we have similar
0:21:51 individuals but just not as prominent as
0:21:53 linda who's made huge waves
0:21:55 and this position which she espouses are
0:21:58 clearly un-islamic
0:21:59 and she carries on trying to justify and
0:22:02 if she gets the support from ulama
0:22:04 and institutes who come across as
0:22:06 traditional mainstream and normative
0:22:08 this is a very very dangerous thing
0:22:10 between you and this is the problem and
0:22:12 that has happened with like uh
0:22:14 yasir khadi called i don't know what was
0:22:16 actual word used but praising her
0:22:18 um so if and let's not get into
0:22:22 they are the issue but if he is someone
0:22:24 that people
0:22:25 seem an american muslim an authority
0:22:28 if he's praising her then what do we do
0:22:32 from that moment almost i don't
0:22:33 understand yeah
0:22:34 this this this is a point of attention
0:22:35 because i had this conversation with you
0:22:37 face to face can i just say something in
0:22:38 defense defensive
0:22:39 yeah so you also got the when when linda
0:22:41 came down for men's
0:22:43 national anti-islamophobia conference
0:22:44 kind of thing right there was this kind
0:22:46 of very open discussion between yasser
0:22:48 khadi and linda sarsour because a lot of
0:22:49 muslims in the uk
0:22:50 raised concerns yes you can see it it
0:22:53 should be on men's youtube channel yeah
0:22:55 um and and you also put a bit of he or
0:22:58 not he pressured a little bit
0:22:59 impressed on some of her positions she
0:23:01 got you know a bit on the back foot
0:23:03 because it wasn't like mahdi hassan
0:23:04 who's
0:23:04 on her side right this is more of a kind
0:23:07 of neutral islamic platform yeah
0:23:09 so it's there and uh so inyasgardi's
0:23:11 defense he did
0:23:12 at times has pushed out on her positions
0:23:15 but they have a muslim calculus
0:23:17 and that is why would we call out linda
0:23:20 and dalia another individual
0:23:24 um why would we call them out when
0:23:26 number one the far right the right wing
0:23:28 the quran the disbeliefs and those who
0:23:29 are actual open enemies of islam and
0:23:31 muslims are attacking these very same
0:23:32 people
0:23:33 and they have the same justification for
0:23:34 ilhan omar
0:23:36 but the point is where do we draw the
0:23:38 line well i was just about to say that
0:23:39 where do we draw the line where do we
0:23:41 draw the line
0:23:42 that's that's the question today's topic
0:23:43 it's the right wing it's not just
0:23:45 it's not just open enemies of islam the
0:23:47 left wing also no no what
0:23:49 is that not all of them are enemies of
0:23:50 islam and likewise people on the left
0:23:53 are sometimes enemies of islam
0:23:55 sometimes basically wolves and chiefs
0:23:57 which one is which one do okay let's be
0:23:59 honest which one do you think is worse
0:24:00 the far right or the far left it's very
0:24:02 difficult number one second i believe
0:24:03 the far
0:24:04 right not being that general here want
0:24:07 to
0:24:08 kill the body in the context and the far
0:24:10 left looks like they want to kill the
0:24:11 soul
0:24:12 because if we're talking about the
0:24:13 lgbtq2 the fire get out of my country i
0:24:15 don't want you here i want you dead
0:24:16 the lgbtq the far left what they're
0:24:18 doing is they're not coming they say no
0:24:19 we don't want to kill you we love you
0:24:21 but internally they destroy you to us as
0:24:23 muslims
0:24:24 is our body more important to the soul
0:24:26 so i believe the far left are a greater
0:24:28 danger than the fire
0:24:29 that's interesting what you're saying is
0:24:30 that it's yeah the the rhetoric of the
0:24:32 far right
0:24:33 is is more interested in removing of
0:24:35 physical bodies immigration and
0:24:37 i prefer an enemy and the left is more
0:24:40 theological
0:24:41 or ideological exactly and then as human
0:24:44 beings we live in a materialistic world
0:24:45 where everything's aesthetic so when we
0:24:46 see someone saying we love you
0:24:48 wow you love me okay and then our guards
0:24:50 drop down now when we go to the far
0:24:52 right when i see the fire right now i
0:24:52 was in confrontation i know what they're
0:24:54 about i know why i expect i don't know
0:24:55 what i'm going to give
0:24:56 yeah so with the far left there i love
0:24:58 you and you feel a bit like
0:25:00 okay you know maybe let me be a bit i
0:25:01 think the question is where do we draw
0:25:03 the line and
0:25:04 where do you think our american muslim
0:25:05 brother and sister are
0:25:07 making a mistake before we go into the
0:25:08 specifics of safur and american activism
0:25:11 it's important to say that brotherhood
0:25:12 says
0:25:13 islam is neither right or left it is uh
0:25:16 the middle path right you will find
0:25:18 commonalities in the left and socialism
0:25:20 you'll find commonalities in the right
0:25:21 when it comes to family traditional
0:25:22 values law and order
0:25:24 there you'll find it with economy fiscal
0:25:25 policies et cetera et cetera yes
0:25:27 but the point here is when we've looked
0:25:28 at successive governments
0:25:30 in the west in the west namely the uk
0:25:32 and the us right
0:25:33 both the left and the right have killed
0:25:35 islam and have killed muslims
0:25:36 and maligned islam yes obama had the
0:25:39 most drawn strikes
0:25:40 right exactly through his tenure as
0:25:42 president then trump then the donald
0:25:43 trump yeah
0:25:44 obama was the one that introduced the
0:25:46 travel ban trump only added two or three
0:25:47 more countries how many did you know i
0:25:49 mean if you guys knew that tony blair
0:25:51 was center left this man was a socialist
0:25:53 right china is a communist country
0:25:55 russia is a uh a follower now i wouldn't
0:25:58 say it's not a
0:25:58 socialist no no no no no but the point
0:26:00 i'm trying to make is we should get this
0:26:01 out of this caricaturing that the writer
0:26:03 our enemies and the left are our allies
0:26:05 but i appreciate that there is a growing
0:26:07 trend of muslim academics
0:26:09 who are doing d colonial studies who are
0:26:11 doing
0:26:12 sociology and all various other studies
0:26:14 in universities and what they have said
0:26:16 to me
0:26:17 is that muslim academics and activists
0:26:20 find
0:26:20 the left as a safe space to articulate
0:26:23 our grievances
0:26:24 yeah we don't find that space in the
0:26:26 right we find the space within the left
0:26:28 because since they're already
0:26:29 criticizing
0:26:30 colonialism within a particular
0:26:32 restricted framework i must add as well
0:26:33 it's not an
0:26:34 adulterated critique of european
0:26:36 colonialism right
0:26:37 but there's a space there where muslims
0:26:40 can criticize counter-extremism laws
0:26:41 foreign policy
0:26:42 islamophobia et cetera et cetera and i
0:26:44 think that is why there is a natural
0:26:46 gravitation towards
0:26:47 the problem is as ali's just kind of
0:26:49 alluded to right now when you get sucked
0:26:50 into this
0:26:51 and then they say to you well okay we
0:26:53 will be your friend so on
0:26:54 and so on but then you have to kind of
0:26:56 inherit
0:26:57 our ideologies right so you but now you
0:27:00 have to believe in what we believe in
0:27:02 when it comes to gay marriage when it
0:27:03 comes to homosexual behavior when it
0:27:04 comes to
0:27:05 whatever abortion abortion and so on and
0:27:07 so forth and all of these things are
0:27:09 completely against islam uh when it
0:27:12 comes to
0:27:13 linda herself to be honest with you i
0:27:16 was i was looking at some of the videos
0:27:17 that she's put up online
0:27:18 okay and um what i've
0:27:22 noticed is actually she's quite pro
0:27:23 provocateur now i've seen her
0:27:25 speaking to uh you know with with strong
0:27:28 left wing
0:27:30 rhetoric and i think this actually
0:27:32 causes a backlash
0:27:33 in the sense that there's some people on
0:27:34 the center right maybe not exactly far
0:27:37 right
0:27:38 that would come back and probably say
0:27:39 something like well
0:27:41 why so we hate you for two reasons now
0:27:43 you're muslim and you're left away
0:27:45 and you're giving people additional
0:27:47 reasons to hate you right
0:27:49 well you don't need to inherit these
0:27:50 belief systems i i think the beautiful
0:27:53 thing about islam is like once you
0:27:54 like you've just said it's it's all
0:27:56 inclusive and it's not left all right
0:27:59 and so going and allying with the left
0:28:01 and inheriting these things is gonna
0:28:02 cause problems
0:28:03 i think i think um sarsour's gonna be
0:28:06 watching this
0:28:08 and i just uh we need to formulate
0:28:10 certain questions to ask her and i think
0:28:11 that she owes it to the muslim community
0:28:13 at this stage to answer these questions
0:28:16 and the first question is do you believe
0:28:19 it's morally accept homosexual behavior
0:28:21 anything from kiss on the cheek
0:28:24 to full fully fledged penetrative sex
0:28:27 between man and man for example
0:28:29 do you believe that this is morally
0:28:30 acceptable that's a
0:28:32 b do you believe abortion is morally
0:28:35 acceptable
0:28:36 after four months like let's say a six
0:28:39 month old
0:28:40 uh child in the mother's womb do you
0:28:41 think that's morally acceptable
0:28:43 number three do you believe that a woman
0:28:47 a muslim woman can marry a for example
0:28:49 christian an atheist man do you think
0:28:50 that's a morally acceptable position
0:28:53 do you believe that that is morally
0:28:54 acceptable yes or no these questions are
0:28:56 all yes or no questions
0:28:58 we want to know so that we can position
0:29:00 you or so we can make a judgment upon
0:29:02 you
0:29:02 as a public person um in the muslim
0:29:05 community because the truth of the
0:29:06 matter is
0:29:07 and that we should mention this as well
0:29:10 is that she was rejected by the
0:29:11 democratic party isn't it yes about the
0:29:13 biden campaign just
0:29:14 uh i believe it's last month they
0:29:16 literally dropped at the drop of a hat
0:29:17 literally that she was she was at a
0:29:19 um biden campaign event i believe
0:29:22 and some journalists noticed her and as
0:29:24 soon as they raised concerns with the
0:29:26 election campaign team of biden
0:29:28 they literally dropped her and distanced
0:29:30 herself distance themselves from uh
0:29:32 linda like what was she doing there no
0:29:34 she i think she was there just
0:29:35 delivering a
0:29:36 um a speech to to kind of uh
0:29:40 rally and organize arab muslim voters
0:29:43 for the biden campaign because obviously
0:29:45 elections coming up next month
0:29:47 and as soon as they identified linda who
0:29:49 was generally known as um you know
0:29:51 progressive progress about what's what's
0:29:53 saunders name what's the guy's name
0:29:54 before the guy's name
0:29:55 bernie sanders yeah um she's generally
0:29:57 known as
0:29:58 that kind of left of the democratic
0:30:00 party was biden is like center left this
0:30:02 guy is also near liberal
0:30:03 you know i mean so as soon as they
0:30:05 clocked linda so they dropped her
0:30:06 because you know we
0:30:07 you know she has nothing to do with this
0:30:08 campaign it's all to do with her
0:30:09 position
0:30:10 on philistines huge humiliation
0:30:14 and this reminds me of hadith uh
0:30:17 actually it's a beautiful hadith for the
0:30:18 prophet
0:30:20 that if you do something for the
0:30:23 pleasure
0:30:24 of the people and that that causes the
0:30:26 displeasure of allah
0:30:27 then allah will basically leave you to
0:30:29 the people in other words
0:30:31 the people will be happy with you
0:30:32 neither will i yes so
0:30:34 and this is the reality of the situation
0:30:36 the truth is when you're
0:30:37 when you're grounded in islamic
0:30:39 principles right as i'm sure you've
0:30:41 both kind of experienced with your
0:30:43 respective activisms
0:30:45 when you're grounded with islamic
0:30:46 principles no matter what happens you
0:30:48 know that actually
0:30:49 this is the theological position that
0:30:50 makes most sense in my religion
0:30:52 so whatever happens to me i'm sticking
0:30:55 by what i know is true exactly you know
0:30:57 you know you ask some question to sister
0:30:58 linda yeah yeah the question before she
0:31:00 answers i think she needs then there has
0:31:02 to be a point of reflection she needs to
0:31:03 say okay
0:31:04 instead of some people when you ask a
0:31:05 question okay i need to answer this
0:31:07 before i answer that are you answering
0:31:08 it from
0:31:09 yourself or from the quran it's very
0:31:11 important because if it's coming from
0:31:13 you
0:31:13 so this is something this is the dean of
0:31:15 allah so if you're going to answer these
0:31:17 questions of abortion lgbqt
0:31:19 and all the other things and you're
0:31:20 coming from your perspective and you
0:31:22 when you think
0:31:22 what you think is right this is very
0:31:24 problematic aki because
0:31:26 if there's no basis like if she says
0:31:28 that she said it with the interview with
0:31:29 uh
0:31:30 she's not a scholar so how could you
0:31:32 make statements aki
0:31:34 where is the dean of allah in such
0:31:36 magnitude
0:31:37 with confidence i would say before
0:31:39 answering this question she really needs
0:31:40 to ponder upon
0:31:41 if this is coming from an area of
0:31:42 knowledge and if it's not one needs to
0:31:44 be really careful to what they're saying
0:31:47 and really i do think once again to
0:31:49 press this point
0:31:50 that those three questions in particular
0:31:52 where the guidelines in islam
0:31:54 are absolutely categorical
0:31:57 we do need as a muslim community yeah
0:32:00 because you're a public figure
0:32:01 i'm sure many people your constituents
0:32:04 in the us
0:32:04 your fans or your friends or whoever you
0:32:07 want to call them
0:32:08 we need an answer to these three
0:32:09 questions to repeat one more time the
0:32:11 three questions are
0:32:12 do you believe that same-sex behavior
0:32:14 homosexual behavior is morally
0:32:16 acceptable
0:32:17 whether a muslim is doing it or a
0:32:18 non-muslim is doing it anybody is doing
0:32:21 it
0:32:21 is homosexual behavior according to your
0:32:23 worldview
0:32:24 is that morally acceptable number two do
0:32:27 you believe
0:32:27 abortion in all circumstances
0:32:30 is morally acceptable do you believe
0:32:32 that do you believe that abortion maybe
0:32:34 a five-month
0:32:35 old child or a six-month-old child you
0:32:37 think that that is a morally acceptable
0:32:39 stance
0:32:40 number three what was the settlement uh
0:32:43 um
0:32:43 muslim women marrying a muslim woman
0:32:45 marrying uh let's say an atheist or a
0:32:47 christian
0:32:48 do you believe that's acceptable and is
0:32:49 that morally okay in your
0:32:51 on your world view is this okay yes or
0:32:54 no and we need to know the answers
0:32:55 because
0:32:55 the truth is this woman comes on
0:32:57 television programs
0:32:58 she comes on different interviews and
0:33:00 she says my people referencing the
0:33:02 muslims
0:33:03 muslims if you survey them almost
0:33:06 anywhere in the world with these three
0:33:07 questions
0:33:08 the vast majority of muslims will answer
0:33:11 in a very specific way to these three
0:33:13 questions
0:33:14 anywhere in the world if you want to if
0:33:16 you want to represent the muslim
0:33:17 interest you have to speak
0:33:18 the muslim language so linda another
0:33:21 thing is um
0:33:22 you're welcome to come to the podcast
0:33:23 the mh podcast yeah we're gonna have
0:33:25 a face-to-face discussion obviously on
0:33:27 zoom or whatever i'm very interested and
0:33:28 we can we can have a discussion on these
0:33:30 matters
0:33:31 you're very much invited to this and i
0:33:34 believe
0:33:34 that people all over the western world
0:33:36 muslims and non-muslims alike
0:33:38 would like to hear you really answer
0:33:40 these questions because at the end of
0:33:42 the day
0:33:42 people are accusing you of being or
0:33:45 speaking a forked tongue
0:33:46 which which is the point talking about
0:33:49 this
0:33:50 japan could you just say something yes
0:33:51 i'll keep it very slowly
0:33:53 because someone will say well look you
0:33:54 know she's not here to defend herself
0:33:55 and i and i need to just play that
0:33:56 little part just so we're not sinful for
0:33:58 this
0:33:58 there's no sense so
0:34:02 look no one's taken away linda's great
0:34:05 work
0:34:06 in in the in the field of activism for
0:34:08 islamophobia can't extremism laws
0:34:10 palestine et cetera no one's taking this
0:34:11 away from you
0:34:12 we appreciate and acknowledge those good
0:34:14 things that you've done and you've got a
0:34:15 long track record
0:34:17 but we want to reiterate to the
0:34:18 listeners the viewers and yourself
0:34:20 that these things are not a criteria for
0:34:22 islamic activism
0:34:24 these things are not a foreign they're
0:34:26 not a source or a basis
0:34:28 for how we go about enjoying good and
0:34:30 forbidding evil right
0:34:31 so these are good things in and of
0:34:32 themselves but once you start dabbling
0:34:34 and dipping your feet in your case
0:34:35 putting the
0:34:36 putting yourself entirely in it in
0:34:38 propagating these positions which are
0:34:40 unequivocally haram and coffee then you
0:34:42 will be called out exactly and i think
0:34:47 is that he said um that how many people
0:34:49 intended good but they never
0:34:51 got the chance to achieve it so we're
0:34:52 not we're not saying you intentionally
0:34:54 we're not coming and sending you an
0:34:55 infiltrator
0:34:56 what we're saying is your intention
0:34:57 might be good and this goes to our next
0:34:58 topic of the whole
0:34:59 um issue because
0:35:03 once again look and i'll i'll dive
0:35:05 straight into it here
0:35:06 is that any muslim that does a certain
0:35:09 act whoever beat me i never ever
0:35:11 we're talking about the issue of the
0:35:12 whole you know okay the
0:35:15 the whole issue of you know brother
0:35:17 daniel what was brought up the
0:35:19 the whole things of the ritual all of
0:35:21 that yeah i want to make that from the i
0:35:22 just want to make something very clear
0:35:24 anytime i see any of that behavior from
0:35:26 any muslim i personally do not think
0:35:28 this person is intentionally committing
0:35:30 i believe the intentions are there but
0:35:32 in an action an
0:35:33 action to be accepted as we know from
0:35:35 the quran sunnah is that i can't say my
0:35:37 intentions are good let me go to a
0:35:38 nightclub and speak to some girls and
0:35:39 give them dawah
0:35:39 yeah maybe i might receive that one have
0:35:41 you ever um why just ask the personal
0:35:43 questions
0:35:45 yeah don't remember no joke yeah the
0:35:48 thing is
0:35:48 intentions are good but if your actions
0:35:50 are not recorded in the quran is it
0:35:52 going to be
0:35:52 accepted so the question is yeah i think
0:35:55 this is a good point
0:35:56 to raise actually i'm not really
0:35:58 interested in that particular case study
0:36:00 in a vacuum
0:36:01 i'm interested in it in conjunction with
0:36:03 our major question which is
0:36:05 activism in the uk and the us because i
0:36:08 think
0:36:09 the bigger question here is when um
0:36:13 dr ahmad suleiman of course who we love
0:36:15 and respect who's a muslim and who we
0:36:17 think good
0:36:17 things of we don't we we're not trying
0:36:19 to cancel anybody right
0:36:22 now the two believers that we see
0:36:26 all the believers and the quran
0:36:27 instructs us this is very important guys
0:36:29 you know
0:36:30 the quran instructs us to say um to be
0:36:32 humble with the believers
0:36:35 you know and lower your wing to the
0:36:36 believers
0:36:52 look let's talk about this because yeah
0:36:55 with with this
0:36:56 in the uk we said that we've we've had
0:36:59 quite
0:36:59 let's say a conference a confrontational
0:37:01 approach sometimes with
0:37:03 the case study that you brought up with
0:37:04 the birmingham incident which you said
0:37:05 has
0:37:06 had traction and was instigating
0:37:09 national conversations
0:37:10 this situation here was clearly the the
0:37:13 the migrant protest was
0:37:14 is being spearheaded by um left-wing
0:37:18 parties of which obviously the lgbt
0:37:20 community
0:37:21 came came forward christian community um
0:37:24 i think some jews were there yeah faith
0:37:26 groups are left leaning yes
0:37:27 jews and christians and i generally left
0:37:29 leadership so
0:37:31 they're all kind of together and there
0:37:32 were some really like horrible things
0:37:34 that we had to
0:37:35 witness first first of them was the
0:37:38 anointments
0:37:39 because this was clear in my appointment
0:37:42 in my
0:37:42 understanding uh disbelief okay so
0:37:46 the the sister what was her name
0:37:49 so she is someone she is not just um so
0:37:51 this person who was literally being
0:37:53 she had a cross being anointed on her
0:37:55 head something of that nature
0:37:57 no no no no i'm sorry i have to be
0:37:59 educated here as far as i know i saw a
0:38:01 lgbq whatever you want to call it with a
0:38:03 rainbow thing
0:38:04 doing a crossing and then i don't know
0:38:06 the exact words i don't know
0:38:07 it was the right one it was a cross did
0:38:10 the cross happen
0:38:11 yes yes yes yes bro to me that was the
0:38:14 like what was it just about hold on was
0:38:17 it just her or was it someone else no
0:38:18 there was then another
0:38:19 guy from amazon was there another
0:38:21 brother was there it's also important
0:38:22 what's his name
0:38:24 he was the head of care wasn't he yeah i
0:38:27 think so
0:38:27 but in attendance yes yes so there's
0:38:29 care and shoes i believe she
0:38:34 very prominent we also need to mention
0:38:36 that imam's eyes shark his from say tuna
0:38:38 was present in this he was present but
0:38:39 he wasn't doing this
0:38:41 right it's an important differentiate
0:38:42 between who was present and who was
0:38:44 doing it it's also important to
0:38:45 understand
0:38:45 that with this with this particular if
0:38:47 we've got people of knowledge there
0:38:49 that nominee can incar and and not
0:38:51 forbidding this evil
0:38:53 whilst it's happening in front of them
0:38:54 what's a greater activism than the
0:38:55 activism against
0:38:57 i gave a speech i gave a lecture at ucl
0:38:59 last year it was entitled what is the
0:39:01 ideal muslim activist
0:39:03 and what we start is the before we start
0:39:06 thinking
0:39:07 of um the rights of the people it's the
0:39:09 rights of allah exactly
0:39:11 that is the basis of our activism and
0:39:13 from that emanates everything but you
0:39:15 know here's the point guys look i'll be
0:39:16 honest with you
0:39:17 yeah i have to become i've spoken to
0:39:18 yesterday about this before and i had
0:39:20 the whole kind of podcast with him
0:39:22 i yeah we know about that i know the
0:39:24 first one not the second one all right i
0:39:25 had two
0:39:26 podcasts yeah we know
0:39:30 but with that we had this discussion
0:39:31 right and it's an important discussion
0:39:33 and we're trying to just kind of find
0:39:34 best practice here for muslims because
0:39:37 not only are these kinds of protests
0:39:39 which are spearheaded by these lgbt
0:39:42 groups or left-leaning groups whatever
0:39:43 you want to call them um
0:39:45 spearheaded by them and then muslims are
0:39:47 expected to come and kind of tag along
0:39:50 not only are they problematic from an
0:39:52 allegiance perspective but they're
0:39:53 problematic
0:39:54 practically i mean look at what's
0:39:56 happening if someone as
0:39:58 someone as religious someone as
0:40:00 knowledgeable as um
0:40:03 was pressured let's be honest he was
0:40:04 pressured enough not to
0:40:06 kind of do incar as you've mentioned not
0:40:08 to negate this not to make a speech
0:40:10 against this
0:40:11 which quite frankly if this guy would
0:40:13 have gone to speaker's corner
0:40:14 right and done this to muslim people
0:40:17 this person would have been
0:40:18 laughed out the park so what i'm saying
0:40:20 is
0:40:21 if someone like him can be kind of
0:40:23 pressured to do things like this yeah
0:40:24 which are things
0:40:25 quite frankly which are quite
0:40:26 frightening yeah then imagine
0:40:29 allowing a lay audience young people 15
0:40:32 16 17
0:40:34 to go to these environments where the
0:40:36 lines are complete the theological lines
0:40:38 are completely blurred
0:40:39 my question is on what basis is the
0:40:42 trade-off of a
0:40:43 young muslim person being in that
0:40:46 environment
0:40:47 in any way better than you right the
0:40:49 benefit that you can achieve from the
0:40:51 activism that's being done
0:40:52 i think blood is an understatement
0:40:53 non-existent would be more apt
0:40:55 right you know is again it's not
0:40:58 uncommon that you find
0:41:00 left-leaning progressive groups leading
0:41:03 on these issues and you'll find that
0:41:04 muslims
0:41:05 generally have little to no say in terms
0:41:07 of the terms of engagement here
0:41:10 and this is something again it's a
0:41:11 discussion that's taking place in the uk
0:41:12 so discussion has taken place in parts
0:41:14 of europe
0:41:15 but i think what's happened in the u.s
0:41:16 that they've taken it to a different
0:41:18 level
0:41:18 yeah they've taken it to a different
0:41:20 level here look at the indeed
0:41:22 as muslims in the uk brothers we don't
0:41:24 hide that we have 16 to 17 practically
0:41:26 more or less
0:41:27 useless mps when it comes to advocating
0:41:29 or pushing for muslim rights right yeah
0:41:31 we know this we know we have a mayor in
0:41:32 london who like ilhan omar will dance
0:41:35 and hold hands and and get jiggy
0:41:36 with lgbt people we know this but the
0:41:39 point we're trying to make across here
0:41:41 is the religious valid validation yes or
0:41:44 silence from people of knowledge
0:41:45 that's right mayor sadie khan did not
0:41:47 what did what he do with the support of
0:41:49 allah and
0:41:50 imams and institutes whether indirectly
0:41:52 or directly and this is what we're
0:41:53 essentially addressing here right
0:41:55 you know look i want to come here from
0:41:57 an angle yeah like you know allah tells
0:41:59 about benue
0:42:00 when he told them not to fish in the
0:42:01 sabbath she's not going to cry what's
0:42:02 going on
0:42:12 my voice
0:42:17 yeah and there was three groups the
0:42:18 first group was the ones who obeyed
0:42:20 allah the second
0:42:21 group was the ones who didn't and they
0:42:22 were acting a bit you know like you know
0:42:24 clever thinking yeah
0:42:26 and the third group was the ones beside
0:42:28 him yeah the scholars say that allah
0:42:30 destroyed the ones who didn't obey and
0:42:32 the ones who were silent yeah so it's
0:42:34 it's very important for us to understand
0:42:35 that when you're silent
0:42:36 you're a part of that yeah but i want to
0:42:38 make some i just want to come from a
0:42:40 different angle because me like i'll be
0:42:41 honest i like to give the benefit of
0:42:42 that to a believer do you get it so
0:42:44 believe it or not
0:42:45 we have to look you know why look and
0:42:47 these are the dangers like for example
0:42:48 talking about our mp
0:42:49 or the mayor here in omar whenever you
0:42:52 get into these circles you need to
0:42:54 understand
0:42:54 yeah is and we've been in certain
0:42:57 similar situations
0:42:59 yes exactly it was very awkward in the
0:43:02 context of
0:43:02 we went there because an injustice
0:43:03 happened the person that's running over
0:43:06 these uh sure brothers and sisters he
0:43:07 didn't say okay is this a shia is this a
0:43:10 he didn't so the thing is it's like in
0:43:12 these situations it's very hard because
0:43:14 you know when
0:43:15 you're trying to do something for the
0:43:16 sake of allah and you're joining hands
0:43:18 together
0:43:18 and they're praising you and saying you
0:43:19 know thank you for coming man et cetera
0:43:22 what happens is you end up trying to
0:43:25 please them unintentionally you feel
0:43:26 awkward so for example when i saw
0:43:28 i'm going to call us
0:43:35 i just want to say that so this is if
0:43:37 you like it so the thing
0:43:38 that isn't tight this is a type that's
0:43:40 being used quite really nearly
0:43:42 okay i i yeah exactly so so the thing is
0:43:45 so the thing is here is just um when he
0:43:47 was for example kind of
0:43:49 two females females came in like look at
0:43:52 the end of the day
0:43:52 there's two extremes here like i believe
0:43:54 that that's different
0:43:56 no no no no but i'm trying to make a
0:43:57 point here so i'm not saying this is the
0:43:58 issue what i'm trying to say is
0:43:59 you can see that he is in an awkward
0:44:01 position and he doesn't want to
0:44:03 yeah be there yeah and you can see that
0:44:04 by him leaving and going so sometimes we
0:44:06 have to get better
0:44:07 down it's important to realize that he
0:44:08 actually kind of repented no exactly so
0:44:10 this is where i'm saying i'm
0:44:11 here he had a whole statement exactly he
0:44:13 made a repentance yeah
0:44:15 now i respect that yeah like i don't
0:44:18 agree with
0:44:18 certain stuff uh
0:44:22 but the point is sometimes it's like in
0:44:24 that situation he clearly said
0:44:25 i didn't know this liberation or
0:44:27 libation or whatever you want to call it
0:44:28 yeah
0:44:29 it it whatever the woman was
0:44:32 consecrated no no okay okay okay
0:44:42 he didn't hear it no he might not no no
0:44:44 i'm sorry i have to assume the best in
0:44:45 the concert if somebody's saying
0:44:46 he didn't know and for me to be like oh
0:44:48 that's not good enough your pencils are
0:44:50 good enough etcetera
0:44:52 the lady said it was consecrated water
0:44:54 but he probably didn't hear him
0:44:56 maybe maybe because if somebody's saying
0:44:58 he's a believer and also like they're
0:45:00 just throwing it on the floor
0:45:02 kind of explaining exactly exactly the
0:45:04 thing is to me where the red line was
0:45:06 drawn and once again it comes back to
0:45:07 that well
0:45:08 it's and this goes across board yeah um
0:45:11 it's it's the pleasing the people at the
0:45:13 cost of allah and you see this over and
0:45:16 over again
0:45:17 you know we do not understand the rights
0:45:19 of allah subhanahu talaha
0:45:20 how could you go in front of a priest
0:45:22 and he's doing a cross on your head well
0:45:24 no no no i think to myself if there was
0:45:26 any line
0:45:27 that was crossed aki because if almost a
0:45:30 man is saying that he didn't know
0:45:32 he's publicly repenting we can see that
0:45:33 he's moving away
0:45:35 yeah we need to make it and say you know
0:45:37 what he's not comfortable
0:45:38 he probably regrets it one thing i'll
0:45:39 criticize and say maybe you should have
0:45:40 made this person
0:45:42 repentance when this happened yeah this
0:45:44 not not after two three years
0:45:46 yeah but also but in brother daniel's
0:45:48 defense initially when he raised some
0:45:50 concerns and some pictures people called
0:45:52 him a liar
0:45:53 and until the footage came out okay i
0:45:55 didn't know that yeah
0:45:56 okay so he released some photos first
0:45:58 and yeah you know many people called him
0:45:59 a liar you know and
0:46:01 and and then the footage got released
0:46:02 and then then he was just like oh okay
0:46:05 okay well i see now now brother daniel
0:46:07 he has a right you know why i'll be
0:46:08 honest if i was living in america
0:46:10 and i saw this one you know i said
0:46:11 backbone well
0:46:15 where is your backbone okay we've been
0:46:17 in this certain situation we want to
0:46:18 shake our hands
0:46:19 we could have easily said you know what
0:46:21 yeah let's do this shaking the hands
0:46:22 no no i know i know but we'll see what's
0:46:24 in we don't even do
0:46:26 why is it when it comes to even shaking
0:46:27 hands actually we're like
0:46:29 we're not even going there yeah why
0:46:32 because we know it's not going to stop
0:46:34 there
0:46:34 my hand give me a hug okay hug after hug
0:46:37 god knows where else you're going to
0:46:38 flip and tell me to do
0:46:39 the thing is this then where do we draw
0:46:40 the line so we say prevention is better
0:46:42 than cure and
0:46:43 they are never going to be happy with
0:46:45 you and allah says
0:46:47 in the quran and we know for the hadith
0:46:49 that if you compromise this much they're
0:46:51 going to want more and more and more
0:46:53 and this is what i think i would as a
0:46:56 nobody
0:46:56 convey this to the american dua out
0:46:58 there that if you compromise wallahi
0:47:01 they're just going to ask for more and
0:47:03 more and when look at the degree
0:47:05 that and like this is so disturbing
0:47:07 imagine the rights of allah
0:47:08 yes and somebody there and you feel bad
0:47:11 because a priest is there and saying
0:47:12 come your turn to do the cross and
0:47:14 you're thinking
0:47:16 i don't no no one second uh i don't want
0:47:18 to be rude can you imagine
0:47:20 who the hell are you man i don't want to
0:47:22 be rude i would say
0:47:38 i'm not trying to point the finger at
0:47:39 him and say that that's not this is and
0:47:41 it's fruitless for me to do that that's
0:47:43 what he's already been held to account
0:47:44 and he's already come to
0:47:45 with his repentance whatever for me is
0:47:47 to show
0:47:49 the futility and the weakness
0:47:52 and the unsuccessful nature of this
0:47:55 approach this approach of pandering to
0:47:59 the left wing
0:48:00 going to their protest spearheaded by
0:48:02 them it just
0:48:04 yani the prophet saws
0:48:09 when you allow muslim youth to attend
0:48:14 places like this right where there's
0:48:16 potential for shirk and kufar
0:48:18 and freemix and and and for them to
0:48:20 actually do riddha
0:48:21 by by believing in you know all those
0:48:23 things that were talked about
0:48:24 homosexuality etc
0:48:26 what you're doing is you're just you're
0:48:28 actually there's an opportunity cost
0:48:29 here
0:48:29 the opportunity of cost of activism for
0:48:31 muslims versus
0:48:33 dawah for islam yeah and unfortunately
0:48:36 you've chosen the activism of a dawah
0:48:38 and what that's my concern my concern is
0:48:40 not
0:48:41 the individual person the individual
0:48:43 person him and allah is going to be
0:48:45 just like all of us judge on the day of
0:48:46 judgment we're not talking about the
0:48:48 individual person we're talking about
0:48:50 the strategy that's employed
0:48:51 i genuinely totally believe that it's a
0:48:54 failed strategy
0:48:55 it is a failed strategy compare it with
0:48:57 the uk strategy
0:48:59 it's a completely failed strategy
0:49:01 there's the uk strategy of
0:49:02 muslim conservatives what you call them
0:49:04 orthodox muslims whatever
0:49:06 single issue and they make their
0:49:08 positions clear
0:49:09 look at because at the end of the day
0:49:10 when it comes to the uk general election
0:49:12 most muslims will still generally vote
0:49:14 labor but they had the certain red lines
0:49:16 that the ummah has here yeah they
0:49:17 understand exactly
0:49:18 the rsc was one of those issues
0:49:20 circumcision was one of them issues
0:49:21 halal meat was one of those issues
0:49:23 there's many the same sex marriage but
0:49:24 it was an issue those 500 or olama
0:49:27 did not have to come out and write that
0:49:28 statement when the bill was already
0:49:29 going through
0:49:30 it was to make clear just to let you
0:49:32 know since your pushing has been through
0:49:33 this is the actual position of the
0:49:35 community do you understand
0:49:37 now with regards to you know our advice
0:49:40 to
0:49:41 you know islamic institutes muslim
0:49:43 activists
0:49:44 broadly speaking in the west if you
0:49:46 believe from the consultation of your
0:49:48 scholars
0:49:48 that you know attending these uh
0:49:51 protests
0:49:51 and these kind of things is permissible
0:49:53 and there's a genuine charity-based
0:49:55 muslim
0:49:56 here yeah at least take some
0:49:59 caution and precaution by telling muslim
0:50:01 stay away
0:50:02 stay segregated don't embark on these
0:50:04 things you know even tell the organizers
0:50:07 it's not even just like that it's it's
0:50:09 worse than that you have to
0:50:10 just if you're seeing that these things
0:50:12 are happening right you you
0:50:14 you have to over compensate
0:50:16 theologically
0:50:17 for telling them that this is kuffar
0:50:19 yeah this is sure exactly this is uh
0:50:21 if you this is haram you can't believe
0:50:23 in this you have to you have to
0:50:24 say do you agree that for example
0:50:28 that there can be some kind of working
0:50:30 together but lines have to be drawn yeah
0:50:32 yeah so
0:50:33 you know yeah yeah you're not you're not
0:50:35 saying one bill bro yeah
0:50:36 you know you're not saying that you
0:50:37 shouldn't do this from the get-go worst
0:50:39 thing the foundations you set up on this
0:50:40 floor
0:50:41 in the ideal world i believe that
0:50:43 muslims should lead these i mean if if
0:50:45 we're talking about success of civil
0:50:46 rights movements right in the 60s and
0:50:47 70s
0:50:48 and everyone will know this from history
0:50:51 it was only when the blacks took
0:50:52 their own initiative it was only when
0:50:55 women
0:50:55 the civilization argument or the
0:50:57 feminist movement took their own
0:50:58 initiative absolutely
0:50:59 it's only when people from communities
0:51:01 have said look we don't have objectives
0:51:03 like we're not very clear the way this
0:51:05 should be is that we're coming out with
0:51:07 very clear objectives just like they did
0:51:09 in birmingham that time
0:51:10 it was a good it was only 200 people
0:51:11 300. imagine what happens if we get 5
0:51:14 000.
0:51:14 imagine what happens if we get 5 000
0:51:16 people talking about for example the
0:51:18 week about
0:51:18 allah says if there's how many of you
0:51:20 even though it might be a
0:51:21 contest but still yeah yeah okay come on
0:51:23 let's be here
0:51:25 the idea is this the idea is if a single
0:51:28 issue
0:51:28 is a very clear message yes it's
0:51:30 non-compromising of our principles
0:51:32 yes this is this is different from what
0:51:34 this is what's happening we've seen it
0:51:36 throughout history the women's
0:51:37 emancipation movement in the uk
0:51:38 uh the indian independence movement uh
0:51:40 the anti-apartheid movement the black
0:51:42 civil rights movement the arab spring or
0:51:43 at least what it began as
0:51:45 it was when people took ownership on
0:51:46 their terms to change their
0:51:48 circumstances
0:51:49 and not jumping onto other people's
0:51:50 bandwagons where there will be
0:51:51 ideological compromise in our case
0:51:53 you're not clearly seeing something you
0:51:56 understand yes
0:51:57 and sometimes it brings more harm of
0:51:58 course absolutely you know with some uh
0:52:00 things you know
0:52:01 it's true we have to be careful with
0:52:03 these things but the thing is uh like
0:52:04 again and one thing i want to touch upon
0:52:06 as well
0:52:06 it's very important because sometimes
0:52:07 you know when we're making these
0:52:08 comments and giving our opinions yeah
0:52:09 personally myself i believe in my
0:52:10 opinion yeah i can just give you if it's
0:52:13 a youngster's watching i'm trying to
0:52:14 give the sign to them yeah
0:52:15 because jaquin institute like for
0:52:17 example like
0:52:18 sheikh tahir yeah it's someone that i
0:52:20 look up to yeah somebody who's there
0:52:22 and who's trying to move the
0:52:24 organization inshallah as far as i know
0:52:25 i'm assuming the best
0:52:26 to the right direction yeah and it's
0:52:28 very important for us to also not jump
0:52:29 on the bandwagon because we have some
0:52:30 people to be like
0:52:31 you know well i saw one brother in the
0:52:33 park subhanallah they're saying
0:52:35 um you know my teachers have got a
0:52:36 basira from allah um and
0:52:38 yeah you know the teachers yeah
0:52:40 unqualified teachers here
0:52:41 and and and what is the thing he goes
0:52:43 yeah they knew about yes
0:52:44 and they knew about uh this guy and that
0:52:47 guy it's like me to interview and 40
0:52:48 people and two of them become a real
0:52:49 tabby and i go
0:52:50 what are you talking about we're not
0:52:51 making it no no no no we're not but
0:52:54 the point here is this yeah we need to
0:52:55 know because some people come and say
0:52:56 yeah i knew
0:52:57 see um i knew it i warned about this
0:52:59 five years ago what are you talking
0:53:00 about yeah
0:53:01 we need to be careful because otherwise
0:53:02 what happens is we embarrass ourselves
0:53:03 because we don't have the knowledge
0:53:05 and there are people of knowledge on
0:53:06 board like sheikh tahir
0:53:08 which is a person of knowledge who's
0:53:10 dedicated his life
0:53:12 to knowledge hamdullah who's on board so
0:53:14 with this aspect the only thing that i
0:53:15 want to touch upon is that because i
0:53:16 don't want to go into
0:53:17 yak institute as an organization etc
0:53:20 because if there's a person of knowledge
0:53:21 that actually i'm a nobody to talk in
0:53:22 that context
0:53:23 i'm trying to say and i want to give
0:53:24 that to you right because as a youngster
0:53:25 sometimes we cross our limits and be
0:53:27 like
0:53:27 oh no this is wrong why not talking
0:53:29 about this etc
0:53:30 and what will happen is it backfires and
0:53:32 makes us look embarrassing because what
0:53:33 happened
0:53:34 the smear campaign that happened against
0:53:35 them um and
0:53:37 funnily enough and from like you know
0:53:39 brother imran i'll be very short and i'm
0:53:40 not
0:53:40 for the sake of allah but this was an
0:53:42 issue that was done in public i need to
0:53:43 be addressed in public
0:53:45 of imran come on man
0:53:49 people know you're talking about they
0:53:50 know who i'm talking about yeah trust me
0:53:51 they know what i'm talking about
0:53:54 um
0:54:05 in the public domain but the issue is
0:54:06 this him was found under the bus
0:54:09 he smeared campaign happened here and
0:54:11 guess what sheikh tahir white was used
0:54:13 to um justify in the context of
0:54:16 this is a real scholar he was praised in
0:54:18 such a level that this video was taken
0:54:20 down now why
0:54:20 because now uh shakti write me a
0:54:22 blessing
0:54:24 so sometimes speaking without knowledge
0:54:26 it backfires so there's a lot of people
0:54:28 jumping on the bandwagon
0:54:30 we knew he was but he wasn't the right
0:54:31 path and then he moved there he became
0:54:33 not on the right path
0:54:36 this is the argument that could be made
0:54:37 who was on the right path
0:54:40 no no no no this is not this argument
0:54:42 that's been made and we're saying you
0:54:44 can't
0:54:44 make that like nobody should jump on the
0:54:46 bandwagon and be like you know like
0:54:48 i knew it i i knew this was coming etc
0:54:50 please if you don't
0:54:52 let's know our lane let's stick to i'm
0:54:54 on the hard shoulder and people should
0:54:55 stick to their lane and not come out
0:54:56 with
0:54:57 i knew see i thought i warned you guys
0:54:58 etcetera this is
0:55:00 yeah there's a point of refutation here
0:55:01 which is if if you are willing to do
0:55:03 the refutation i'll you know anyone can
0:55:06 reserve the right to say well this
0:55:07 person has changed their views therefore
0:55:08 i've changed mine about them right
0:55:10 but the point of refutation what you've
0:55:12 done reputation about
0:55:13 that so why not do one about him as well
0:55:15 well would that work
0:55:17 right i feel that we are slightly
0:55:18 digressing yeah we did but but but let's
0:55:20 just pull it back yeah not as tempting
0:55:22 as it is i love digressions yeah
0:55:23 look we get that siasa is a huge gray
0:55:26 area
0:55:27 so see us and generally the politics and
0:55:30 the affairs of
0:55:30 of people is a huge great everyone we
0:55:32 get especially in the last
0:55:34 80 200 years with historical
0:55:37 and monumental changes in the muslim
0:55:39 world and huge communities in the west
0:55:41 that this issue of muslim minority
0:55:44 survival in non-muslim lands
0:55:45 is a new reality and we get that there
0:55:48 are many sculpts
0:55:49 many justifications many uh maxims which
0:55:52 can be applied
0:55:53 in terms of our engagement in our
0:55:55 activism but i guess what we're trying
0:55:56 to
0:55:57 address in this podcast is red lines
0:55:59 that's right
0:56:00 and what enables from a theological
0:56:05 point of view whereas
0:56:06 institutes enabling for those red lines
0:56:08 to either be blurred
0:56:10 or distorted or even become non-existent
0:56:12 so there is a level of accountability
0:56:14 when we have
0:56:15 individuals like linda in the u.s
0:56:18 or others in the uk but most of the
0:56:20 prominent ones are in the us
0:56:21 that they have been praised by scholars
0:56:24 they have been hosted
0:56:25 by islamic institutions they have been
0:56:28 so
0:56:29 so these are these are huge words
0:56:30 because at the end of the day if you are
0:56:32 going to present
0:56:33 the likes of linda and omar and rashford
0:56:37 salman khan as you ex as your role
0:56:40 models for your children
0:56:42 know that when they grow up that they
0:56:43 can adopt these positions and say well
0:56:45 you praised them when we were young
0:56:48 you made us see their posters and their
0:56:49 videos and their lectures and their
0:56:50 talks when we were young
0:56:51 yeah so we to not adopt these things do
0:56:54 you understand so it's a very dangerous
0:56:55 thing that needs to be nipped in the bud
0:56:57 right now
0:56:58 because dangerous friends are ahead for
0:57:00 our users i think what it is is that
0:57:02 we're talking about balances right
0:57:04 on one side of the spectrum you have
0:57:05 people who yeah blurring the lines
0:57:08 or getting rid of them and on the other
0:57:10 side and this is
0:57:11 we're realizing the untenable nature of
0:57:13 this how uh
0:57:14 how much of a failure this is actually
0:57:16 and how much of an embarrassment it
0:57:17 becomes
0:57:18 um we saw this by the way in egypt uh
0:57:21 with the salafi movement
0:57:23 yeah and how by the way this is
0:57:25 brotherly advice
0:57:26 like honestly if you look at history or
0:57:29 the recent history right with with
0:57:30 political
0:57:31 movements that became political and then
0:57:33 they engaged in activism
0:57:35 they got on the wrong side of the
0:57:36 political spectrum and then basically
0:57:38 the dow became
0:57:39 another almost zero egyptian example was
0:57:41 crazy yeah yeah
0:57:43 but this example here of of of a group
0:57:46 i'm not trying to
0:57:46 mention the politics here but what i am
0:57:48 talking about is the dhawa aspect yes
0:57:50 that the dow fizzled the way you know
0:57:52 those people just look at
0:57:54 just do a google trend search
0:57:57 is probably the most he was actually one
0:58:00 of the most searched people
0:58:01 in on the internet in the arabic world
0:58:04 in egypt from i think 2008 to a certain
0:58:07 time period right
0:58:08 and right after the um the the protest
0:58:11 and rise in egypt took place
0:58:14 and he took a certain position um he's
0:58:16 nowhere to be seen now
0:58:18 and the same thing applies with the
0:58:19 salafi movement in egypt
0:58:22 that sometimes when you take certain
0:58:24 political decisions
0:58:26 it destroys your tower and what i worry
0:58:29 about with the american diet
0:58:30 i'll be completely honest is that there
0:58:33 they might actually fall into
0:58:34 learn from the lessons of recent history
0:58:36 they may be like that as well yeah
0:58:38 because where you do something which is
0:58:41 to the lay audience is so clearly
0:58:44 selling out quite frankly right i'm not
0:58:46 saying they're doing that
0:58:47 but if you go in that direction but if
0:58:49 it seems like that eventually the
0:58:50 reality is
0:58:51 what's gonna happen is yeah people are
0:58:52 gonna say well to be honest
0:58:54 we were following you because you
0:58:56 followed islam yes
0:58:57 now we can see even that you're not
0:59:00 following islam therefore we're not
0:59:01 gonna follow you anymore and it's as
0:59:02 simple as that your doubt will become
0:59:03 completely
0:59:04 bankrupt it will break from from within
0:59:07 it will be a
0:59:08 thing of the past just like the
0:59:09 education example on the other side
0:59:11 though
0:59:11 you have these other groups of ultra
0:59:13 conservative people from another
0:59:16 extreme and they're realizing their
0:59:18 vision is not working either quite
0:59:19 frankly
0:59:20 that's so true there's a disconnect
0:59:22 between that and the reality
0:59:24 this is this ain't working and that
0:59:26 ain't working either because
0:59:28 hold on you were you were making
0:59:30 refutations of people you were making
0:59:32 refutations of people yeah
0:59:34 and now you've got you're making
0:59:35 refutations of them because of their
0:59:37 stances of
0:59:38 speaking against the rulers but now
0:59:40 you're hosting them on your program
0:59:43 i'm really sorry this is hypocrisy this
0:59:45 is what
0:59:46 and now i know you were labeling them
0:59:48 before
0:59:49 now you you've got them sitting next to
0:59:51 you speaking to them because an enemy of
0:59:53 the enemy is my friend
0:59:55 so you're using mastaha but wait a
0:59:57 minute you never used muslim before
1:00:02 your jewish prudential tools you would
1:00:04 never be sitting with the
1:00:06 seated this individual if you didn't
1:00:07 have a common enemy so the point is
1:00:09 that's not working
1:00:10 and that's not going to work there's
1:00:12 something in the middle and that's where
1:00:13 you need to have a robust understanding
1:00:15 of islam not just the akam but the usual
1:00:19 when you have the understanding of the
1:00:20 cam then you don't fall into a muslim
1:00:26 or
1:00:34 it comes before the text yeah and and
1:00:37 this was refuted by almost i've written
1:00:39 something on
1:00:40 my website i've written an essay on this
1:00:42 it was also something which was marked
1:00:44 in
1:00:44 yeah yeah what have you become the
1:00:47 hunter does is oh sorry i'm studying
1:00:49 philosophy at the moment
1:00:51 but the idea of and now
1:01:06 that's on one side sorry that's what
1:01:07 you're doing because the nus says you're
1:01:08 not allowed to do
1:01:09 to to support certain things and you're
1:01:11 supporting it
1:01:12 you're using a tophis notion right oh
1:01:15 that's what it is
1:01:16 and on the other side you have these
1:01:17 people who are saying well
1:01:19 muslim doesn't maybe not even exist
1:01:21 maybe they don't even know how to
1:01:23 conceptualize muslims
1:01:25 so but but the truth is there is such a
1:01:27 thing as muslim that
1:01:28 and they have this weird understanding
1:01:29 of tabdiyah and that that
1:01:31 blocks everything for them it stops them
1:01:33 from being able to cooperate with
1:01:34 anybody
1:01:34 right so these people here
1:01:44 let me tell you something a scholar can
1:01:45 ha can be ignorant
1:01:47 and this is called the moroccan
1:01:49 compounded ignorance because when you
1:01:50 actually think you're right
1:01:52 you think you're right but you're wrong
1:01:53 because you've made the wrong kind of
1:01:54 judgment
1:01:55 so the idea is don't go into this side
1:01:57 and don't go into this side we're saying
1:01:58 there's a middle path
1:01:59 and the middle path is i have to answer
1:02:01 my mom's phone one second is my
1:02:02 answering your mother's phone i'm so
1:02:03 sorry because it's recorded too many
1:02:05 times that's fine maybe this is okay
1:02:06 brother and sisters if your mom calls on
1:02:08 the money share them send us on an audio
1:02:09 me
1:02:12 videos there's a point on one sorry yeah
1:02:16 i'm sorry let me just she was calling
1:02:17 someone this side ain't working yeah
1:02:19 because this side
1:02:20 you're embarrassing you're going to
1:02:21 embarrass yourself praising someone like
1:02:23 clinton
1:02:24 because you don't want to confront her
1:02:26 because she's a bit too
1:02:28 forceful for you this position i think
1:02:30 that she's forceful on them she didn't
1:02:31 want to confront her
1:02:32 but on the other side that's the
1:02:34 american dies they need to start
1:02:36 challenges there's not that many
1:02:39 let me tell you on the other side on the
1:02:41 other side you have these people that
1:02:42 are challenging everybody yeah
1:02:44 and and and they're not making friends
1:02:46 with anyone yeah we're saying there's a
1:02:47 middle path
1:02:48 which is don't fall into kenya
1:02:51 which is the quran you don't do any uh
1:02:55 yeah but at the same time no no we're
1:02:57 not we're not trying to cancel people
1:02:59 yeah we're just trying to advise them as
1:03:01 our loving brothers that we want the
1:03:02 best for them it's also important to add
1:03:03 because obviously you guys specifically
1:03:05 highlighted those from the salafi
1:03:06 persuasion
1:03:07 but let's not let's not get twisted by
1:03:09 the brothers yeah there are also those
1:03:10 who come from an ash erie maturity
1:03:13 background that use this guise of
1:03:16 obeying rulers
1:03:18 not adopting you know leftist
1:03:21 ideology that they hide behind this garb
1:03:23 of traditionalism
1:03:24 while supporting backing and bootlegging
1:03:26 tyrants yeah
1:03:28 so we are again reiterating that neither
1:03:31 of the camps
1:03:32 is an ideal thing to be you know
1:03:34 subscribing to do you understand
1:03:35 because i know right now it's a very
1:03:37 polarized uh arena
1:03:39 especially online it's either uh you
1:03:41 know the kind of left-leaning
1:03:42 progressive bulk
1:03:44 imams et cetera et cetera who produce or
1:03:46 is assume that they produce the likes of
1:03:47 linda sarsour
1:03:48 and on the other spectrum you can enable
1:03:50 it or they enable it yeah or on the
1:03:52 other side you have the traditionalists
1:03:53 and they could be sufi or salafi but
1:03:56 they too also have
1:03:57 some issues there as well and is more
1:03:59 apparent in the muslim world
1:04:00 but we see elements of it here in terms
1:04:02 of accepting certain laws
1:04:04 accepting certain oppressive laws
1:04:06 towards muslims and people of color in
1:04:08 the west
1:04:08 what we're saying here there needs to be
1:04:09 a balance and there needs to be middle
1:04:11 ground
1:04:12 i don't think any three of us here and
1:04:13 and many people are watching that we
1:04:15 subscribe to either
1:04:16 we're saying that there are there's
1:04:18 validity involved
1:04:19 and there is clear problems involved but
1:04:21 today obviously we're addressing the
1:04:23 the story issue and that and the
1:04:26 mexican immigration protest because the
1:04:29 the rotten fruits were undeniably
1:04:32 apparent
1:04:32 in those incidents yeah i think it was
1:04:34 productive broadcast man
1:04:36 we're coming from a place where we want
1:04:38 to say to people that we're all brothers
1:04:40 but because we love you whoever you may
1:04:42 be that's watching this podcast
1:04:44 because we love you as brothers and
1:04:46 sisters we thought it be
1:04:48 productive to have this discussion with
1:04:50 you not with the intent
1:04:52 of trying to harm you or to detract from
1:04:55 your personal
1:04:56 from your personality or from your
1:04:57 status but actually to bring you closer
1:04:59 to
1:05:00 maybe a a like the quran says
1:05:04 you know
1:05:12 so this podcast was not intended to try
1:05:14 and harm anybody or
1:05:16 to try and do tafsir or take fear or to
1:05:19 cancel anybody but instead it was just
1:05:21 productive advice and
1:05:22 discussions about strategies and quite
1:05:24 frankly
1:05:25 these strategies that are being employed
1:05:28 in terms of activism
1:05:29 need to be revised it's good that we've
1:05:31 tried certain things
1:05:32 but we know now i think quite clearly
1:05:35 what does
1:05:36 not work it doesn't work to be
1:05:38 completely quietest
1:05:40 and not cooperative and it does not work
1:05:42 either
1:05:43 to be because those individuals who are
1:05:46 quietest are now cooperating
1:05:47 right and we're seeing the untenability
1:05:50 of that position
1:05:52 and on the other side it doesn't make
1:05:54 sense to be
1:05:56 uh completely blurring of the lines and
1:05:58 let's make allegiances with anyone
1:06:00 and all those things because we're
1:06:02 seeing as you've mentioned the rotten
1:06:04 fruits of that
1:06:05 as well and the and the and the truth i
1:06:07 think is somewhere
1:06:08 in the middle even though that's usually
1:06:10 a fallacy but i think in this case
1:06:12 it's reality but until next time
1:06:16 wait what well so
1:06:26 you know we were the most humiliated
1:06:27 people and allah honored us through
1:06:28 islam
1:06:29 you know if we seek honor other than
1:06:31 islam we'll be humiliated again
1:06:33 this doesn't this encapsulates the
1:06:35 entire issue here
1:06:36 you we as an um whether in the west in
1:06:39 the muslim world as a community
1:06:41 you know micro macro wherever you want
1:06:42 to talk it the more we water down and
1:06:44 compromise the deen of islam yeah i need
1:06:46 the clear issues
1:06:47 yes they're clear it's not the great
1:06:48 issues the clear issues once we start
1:06:50 compromising on this
1:06:51 there's going to be nothing left for us
1:06:52 in this life or the hereafter and this
1:06:54 is
1:06:54 a very very scary afterthought which we
1:06:56 hope that listeners and viewers
1:06:59 and like i was going to say the same
1:07:01 thing as well and while i that's what it
1:07:02 seems it just seems like
1:07:03 that brother and sister in america
1:07:04 dwight um
1:07:06 with all due respect well it's just we
1:07:08 need to go a bit of a bit of a backbone
1:07:09 you know
1:07:10 we've had scenarios where you know like
1:07:12 i said even shaking hands something so
1:07:13 you can call it minor
1:07:15 but we refuse to even give that because
1:07:17 we know once they take a finger then
1:07:19 it's gonna be an arm and they're gonna
1:07:20 they're just gonna want you
1:07:21 so brothers and sisters if you're
1:07:22 watching this in america please study
1:07:24 your religion well
1:07:25 you don't study religion when you're hit
1:07:26 with these things you're just all over
1:07:28 the place you know well i
1:07:29 was speaking to one guy he goes oh i've
1:07:30 got dao someone ex-muslim i said we're
1:07:32 studying philosophy that's how long
1:07:34 you've been studying about three years
1:07:35 say how long have you been studying
1:07:36 islam oh not really okay how do you
1:07:38 if you're not going to be a mustard
1:07:39 there's going to be a murtard no no no
1:07:41 if you're not going to be murdered
1:07:44 you're studying free as philosophy you
1:07:45 know you're not you're not yeah well
1:07:48 it's this is really annoying because
1:07:49 what we see is people please azaki yeah
1:07:52 we see people
1:07:52 in the duat in america and they're just
1:07:54 trying to please the people
1:07:56 and like you said while his success is
1:07:58 from allah if you think
1:08:00 you're going to join forces with lgbtq2
1:08:02 all of them put together while
1:08:04 you you don't think success is in your
1:08:06 hand and in the um
1:08:07 in surah allah talks
1:08:19 this is amazing the battle of butter and
1:08:21 the battle of hunei in the battle of
1:08:22 badr there were 300 and something in
1:08:24 number against an army of a thousand
1:08:25 in the battle of hunei and i think in
1:08:28 the tafsir talks about abu bakr allah
1:08:30 said that today no army can defeat us
1:08:32 yeah and allah says you turn back on
1:08:34 your heels
1:08:35 yeah brothers and sisters you know what
1:08:36 that shows you it shows you success is
1:08:38 not
1:08:39 in numbers success is not how many
1:08:41 people we know oh if we come and join
1:08:42 photos with this guy and that guy
1:08:44 our life if allah is going to humiliate
1:08:45 you you're going to be humiliated in a
1:08:46 big number that's what's going to happen
1:08:48 so please have a backbone and inshallah
1:08:50 study your religion inshallah and
1:08:52 success comes from
1:08:53 allah while i put this and drew this in
1:08:55 your head and look
1:08:56 the rights of allah subhanallah i'll
1:08:59 emphasize on this the thing that
1:09:00 disturbed me most about that thing
1:09:02 was the brothers and sisters getting a
1:09:03 cross on their head or something along
1:09:05 those lines
1:09:05 were like it was unbelievable why i'm so
1:09:08 sorry
1:09:09 there's a priest there and i know i'm
1:09:11 going to run i'm so sorry about life we
1:09:12 have to emphasize on this
1:09:14 there's a priest that will lie come in
1:09:15 saying come you're next we're going to
1:09:16 do a cross
1:09:17 can you imagine and you're there
1:09:19 thinking oh you know how embarrassing me
1:09:21 if i said no
1:09:22 who cares actually one lie who cares
1:09:25 well like please inshallah learn the
1:09:26 rights of allah and put it first
1:09:28 inshallah
1:09:29 um until next time as we finish your
1:09:32 podcast like