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Q&A Ep 1: Book Recommendations & Dawah inspiration (2020-07-08)


Q&A with Mohammed Hijab: Episode 1

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0:00 Intro 0:33 Do you suggest studying philosophy? 2:09 Inspiration in dawah 3:25 Book recommendations 11:38 Are your parents religious? 12:56 Explain complex words in your debate 13:29 Story of your life? 13:40 Where to start to increase knowledge?

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Summary of Q&A Ep 1: Book Recommendations & Dawah inspiration

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:15:00

provides book recommendations for those interested in learning more about the Quran and Prophet Muhammad. also recommends memorizing the Quran and studying the life of Prophet Salih.

00:00:00 is a Q&A session with Salah discussing his education and his current work in Dawah. He recommends studying philosophy in order to be able to have a better understanding of the arguments for and against the existence of God. He also recommends the books Kalam Cosmological Arguments, Gods Undertaker, and Quranic Translation by Abdel Halim.

  • 00:05:00 provides a list of eight books that can be used to Further understand the Quran andProphet Muhammad. recommends Inner Dimensions of Prayer by Neil Robinson, Raymond Ferran's Structures Qur'an: Miraculous Structure and Coherence, and Introduction to Philosophy of Science with Samir Alkasha. He also recommends a book on Islamic law, feminism, liberalism, and democracy.
  • 00:10:00 provides a brief history of the world, and then provides recommendations for books that can be read for more information on various topics. Among the recommended books are The Times of Khattab, The Eternal Challenge, and Islamic Books: A Reading List for Beginners. also recommends memorizing the Quran, and studying the life of Prophet Salih (as).
  • 00:15:00 features a Q&A with a Muslim woman who recommends a pod cast called "Juice." The pod cast is composed of interviews with Muslim scholars and activists, and it is highly recommended by the woman interviewed. The podcast is well-researched and provides a good introduction to Islamic studies and the Arabic language.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 [Music]
0:00:05 Salam alaikum warahmatullahi oh but I
0:00:07 care - how're you guys doing
0:00:10 this is just something I've never done
0:00:12 before actually it's a Q & A session
0:00:15 where I'm looking at some of the
0:00:17 questions that you have put in the
0:00:19 community page of smart agenda which I'm
0:00:24 sure you've already subscribed to this
0:00:25 channel is a very important Channel hang
0:00:30 on to your seats so the first question
0:00:33 was what does his education consist of
0:00:36 and what would you recommend people just
0:00:39 and would he recommend people to study
0:00:41 philosophy a question from Norway okay
0:00:45 so my training or actual qualifications
0:00:50 in the Universities has been things like
0:00:53 political philosophy or other no
0:00:56 politics degree and focus a lot on
0:00:58 political philosophy history Islamic
0:01:03 Studies theology these kinds of
0:01:07 obviously these are these are the areas
0:01:09 that I've actually completed and
0:01:11 continue to do work in and and yeah
0:01:16 these are the and these are the things
0:01:18 I'm qualified and really but in terms of
0:01:20 do I recommend people to study
0:01:24 philosophy well I think that there are
0:01:27 some philosophies that are going to be
0:01:28 very important in the public discourse
0:01:30 so for example moral philosophy and
0:01:32 political philosophy in particular for
0:01:35 those who have a firm faith or grounding
0:01:40 in the faith I do recommend that those
0:01:42 two kinds of philosophy political
0:01:44 philosophy moral philosophy you could
0:01:48 add to a philosophy of science and you
0:01:49 can also add to a philosophy of religion
0:01:50 those four types of philosophy I think
0:01:53 are very important to discussion so I
0:01:56 would recommend if who that have a very
0:01:59 you know an okay understanding of the
0:02:02 you know a solid foundation if you like
0:02:04 in Islamic studies Islamic Sciences the
0:02:07 second question my question is what made
0:02:09 him decide to get involved in Dawa
0:02:11 and who is his biggest inspiration in
0:02:13 the field obviously the field of Dawa
0:02:16 goes back to the prophets yes so the
0:02:18 biggest inspirations in that sense would
0:02:20 be the prophets of Muhammad sallallahu
0:02:22 wasallam but for Abraham Moses Jesus etc
0:02:26 but if we're talking about like in
0:02:29 recent history then definitely I watch
0:02:31 the you know the material of Ahmed
0:02:34 Deedat and zakir naik and all of these
0:02:37 people growing up and certainly even
0:02:40 people and the organization working with
0:02:42 now like him green and hamza sources all
0:02:46 these individuals who preceded me in
0:02:49 doing the good work and I learnt from
0:02:51 all of those people I've learnt from
0:02:53 people doing Dawa in in those fields in
0:02:56 particular I am particularly interested
0:02:59 with the style of Ahmed Deedat I think
0:03:01 his thing is when I was younger growing
0:03:03 up and watching his stuff that he was a
0:03:06 real inspiration to me
0:03:07 he had that fiery kind of style which
0:03:14 was very strong like he he he he had
0:03:18 great confidence which I realized
0:03:20 especially in this field was the key
0:03:23 ingredient to success so this one this
0:03:26 guy wrote book recommendations book
0:03:28 recommendations book recommendations and
0:03:30 I've I've heard a lot of people ask me
0:03:33 there's a lot of times before I just
0:03:35 don't know where to start
0:03:36 because there's so many books you can
0:03:38 start with but let me let me address
0:03:41 like maybe give you five or ten books
0:03:43 and that maybe will be of use to you
0:03:46 which will be I think good good for you
0:03:50 in terms of like learning so I'd go with
0:03:55 obviously get a nice translation of
0:03:58 Quran I like the translation Abdel Halim
0:04:01 is very good he will Halim he's a
0:04:06 professor so as universities got a nice
0:04:08 translation I like his translation of
0:04:09 the Quran
0:04:12 in terms of my own books obviously the
0:04:18 one I would recommend would be Kalam
0:04:19 cosmological arguments because that one
0:04:22 has if you're interested in like the
0:04:25 arguments for God's existence it's got
0:04:26 what I think are some of the main
0:04:28 arguments I've written other arguments
0:04:31 for other books but this one is the main
0:04:33 one I would recommend the divine reality
0:04:36 of hamsa sources I think he's done a
0:04:39 really good job in once again in the
0:04:42 field of trying to prove God's existence
0:04:44 summarizing the key arguments the main
0:04:46 arguments there are other ones like to
0:04:50 be fair gods Undertaker by John Lennox I
0:04:53 think is a very good book for someone
0:04:55 who wants to know key arguments for
0:04:58 God's existence I think that he also
0:05:02 does a good job in that book so that's
0:05:04 that's for for example and therefore
0:05:06 God's existence these are these are the
0:05:10 books in terms of now moving on to the
0:05:12 prophethood of Muhammad al-amin and what
0:05:17 books would be nice in that in that
0:05:19 regard
0:05:19 maybe start with something mmm like
0:05:25 actually have a serie of the Prophet
0:05:27 Muhammad Allah Allah also with the
0:05:28 sealed nectar in the English language
0:05:32 this this book is well written if
0:05:34 actually I think won some prizes in
0:05:37 awards Mubarak for a embark War II I
0:05:41 don't know how they pronounce his name
0:05:42 but he's an Indian scholar he's written
0:05:45 this and it's been translated into
0:05:46 English and the translation is actually
0:05:48 quite decent I recommend so that's in
0:05:52 terms of ceará in terms of now the Quran
0:05:58 itself and some of the million Arabic
0:06:01 languages some really beautiful books
0:06:03 but I'm going to try and keep English
0:06:06 but in terms of the the English language
0:06:09 okay a book like maybe something to do
0:06:13 with linguistic miracles of Quran
0:06:16 which I think there's a book written by
0:06:19 Neil Robinson on on this I forget the
0:06:24 name of the book actually ready at some
0:06:26 time ago but I think it's quite good for
0:06:28 for for for that and Raymond Ferran has
0:06:32 a really interesting book on the
0:06:34 structures the Quran the the the
0:06:37 miraculous kind of structure on which is
0:06:41 academically RINs were very well-written
0:06:44 and it's based on classical works as
0:06:46 well so this will show you like how the
0:06:48 Quran is structurally coherent and stuff
0:06:52 like that it's a really beautiful book
0:06:56 so I've given you I think I've given you
0:06:59 eight books so far I'll give you two
0:07:00 more okay I'll give you two more so
0:07:04 we've got something on like the
0:07:05 linguistic miracle we've got something
0:07:07 on the arguments for God's existence got
0:07:09 some kind of process alarm let me give
0:07:11 you something on spirituality it is a
0:07:12 nice book called inner dimensions of
0:07:17 Prayer okay I'm Joe Zia
0:07:19 I think this is a very good book for
0:07:21 spirituality if you want to know as we
0:07:24 think we pray all the time or at least
0:07:26 we should be praying five times a day
0:07:27 but in terms of focusing on the inner
0:07:30 dimensions the spiritual aspects of
0:07:33 Prayer and that they have a good
0:07:34 translation to the English language is
0:07:36 very beautiful very beautiful
0:07:38 translation and in terms of why I also
0:07:43 recommend to be honest here I recommend
0:07:44 a book and I'll give you two more right
0:07:47 I recommend a book and fit or Islamic
0:07:51 law
0:07:51 I recommend obviously from just choose
0:07:56 the method we follow right that's why I
0:07:58 believe but in terms of what I thought
0:08:00 was useful to me the hammer light method
0:08:04 was a little filk translated by a hat
0:08:08 and hatch in his orange cover this is
0:08:11 pretty good introduction to humbly
0:08:14 effect if you're if normal happy if you
0:08:17 want to kind of see ray obviously
0:08:19 originally written by macadam and rocker
0:08:21 to see but he's translated well into
0:08:22 English so I liked it and got like
0:08:25 student note so you can put notes on it
0:08:27 on the side as well
0:08:29 and maybe you can get translational how
0:08:31 is Rp de thing is well to see to see
0:08:34 like a normative creed book it would be
0:08:37 nice to read something like that so this
0:08:40 is a mixed bag of things that you could
0:08:43 inshallah read obviously if you guys
0:08:46 want this is something on top of my head
0:08:49 but if you wanted philosophy and stuff
0:08:52 like that then to be honest with you
0:08:54 guys I'd say start with the introduction
0:08:56 books you know start with the
0:08:58 introduction books the introduction to
0:09:00 introduction to feminism introduction to
0:09:02 liberalism introduction they've got this
0:09:04 these small books they're very good
0:09:09 actually to be honest introduction to
0:09:12 philosophy of science with Samir al
0:09:13 kasha introduction to Mohammed Jonathan
0:09:18 Brown I just had a conversation with him
0:09:20 he's written one of those instruction
0:09:21 books introduction to feminism I forget
0:09:26 the name of the woman who wrote it but
0:09:27 it's quite good if you want to have the
0:09:28 depth and or some kind of understanding
0:09:30 in that introduction to liberalism
0:09:32 introduction to democracy introduction
0:09:34 to and so on and so forth this will give
0:09:36 you a good this will give you a good
0:09:38 background or good good introduction as
0:09:41 it says on the tin so yeah
0:09:45 start with that ok and I want to say to
0:09:47 you also make use of use resources
0:09:49 online so if you're trying to study for
0:09:51 example historical time piers there's
0:09:53 actually a really nice book is I think
0:09:56 it's called a brief history of the
0:09:58 worlds this is actually a book which
0:10:02 basically tries to cover encapsulate all
0:10:04 of world's history it's not that big is
0:10:07 it's actually a fun read so if you get a
0:10:10 chance because this will be like more
0:10:12 historical and yeah why not as a brief
0:10:15 history of the worlds is a nice book in
0:10:18 terms of stuffs here have some sexier
0:10:20 books okay and the obvious choice is to
0:10:24 fcm kefir ok Tessier urban kefir yeah
0:10:28 why not get that and whilst one the
0:10:30 topic of interest is why not get a bidet
0:10:33 inhaler but not all of it
0:10:34 for example the
0:10:36 times Khattab in Milan it's been
0:10:39 translated into English so you can have
0:10:41 the silence that they have judgments
0:10:42 very beautiful in glish as well
0:10:45 translated into English so you can get
0:10:47 that as well so have a tough sealed book
0:10:49 have something for those signs was
0:10:50 called eschatology you know apocalyptic
0:10:53 texts or eschatological texts so some
0:10:57 some something like the end times will
0:10:59 be very good
0:11:01 I recommend that and this book here is
0:11:04 very important it's called the eternal
0:11:07 challenge by Mohammed das it's also
0:11:10 another thing I forgot to mention which
0:11:13 is actually translated in English I
0:11:14 think that that will suffice for now in
0:11:16 Chawla obviously if I want to do a
0:11:20 proper reading list I've actually done
0:11:21 an entire like for our episode on
0:11:25 Islamic books write my name and put
0:11:28 reading list Islamic reading list I have
0:11:30 a massive reading list serious one but
0:11:33 that's for later on if your few read
0:11:36 those ones maybe ice parents religious
0:11:39 who convinced him to be a daya I mean I
0:11:41 would this whole concept of religiosity
0:11:44 like where does it start with and but I
0:11:46 would say my mom is religious and
0:11:47 practicing my father has been
0:11:49 oscillating from okay his life and and
0:11:53 you know I wouldn't consider it like
0:11:55 hamdulillah now he's becoming more
0:11:56 religious so who convinced me to be a
0:11:59 diet no one no human being it was just
0:12:02 something I wanted to do it was a
0:12:04 something I became but there's a there's
0:12:08 an interesting story my mom gives me all
0:12:10 the time he said before I was born like
0:12:13 my mom couldn't get pregnant for seven
0:12:15 years and then she went to the cabin
0:12:17 drank some Zamzam water power and this
0:12:19 is the legend goes and then and then she
0:12:23 made she went oh I that she has a son
0:12:27 who is a daya apparently so she said no
0:12:30 she made a long draw in Arabic and a
0:12:33 part of it was that the person because
0:12:36 you have it I'm I'm this her second
0:12:39 child so she wanted the boy sure they
0:12:42 had to go she made that for a boy he was
0:12:45 a diagnosed or of Islam and this and
0:12:48 and clearly that diet is still to be
0:12:50 answered but this is how the legend how
0:12:55 the legend goes explain some of the
0:12:58 complex words or references you uses
0:13:01 during debate well I mean that that's
0:13:03 gonna require you know some kind of
0:13:05 lecture or something isn't it
0:13:06 we have to see what kind of words we're
0:13:08 talking about and yeah every debate has
0:13:11 different things that we have to speak
0:13:14 about and therefore sometimes you have
0:13:16 some terminologies which are not known
0:13:17 to the lay audience but you know it's a
0:13:23 good opportunity for you to get a
0:13:24 notepad put them in your keywords and go
0:13:28 check them on your own time we want to
0:13:30 know the story of his life okay well
0:13:34 this is a long story and I don't I don't
0:13:38 know if I can I don't know where to
0:13:40 start where to start when it comes to
0:13:42 increasing our knowledge about Islam and
0:13:44 other topics at speakers corner
0:13:48 philosophy history other religions
0:13:50 science challenging Western values start
0:13:55 by the Quran so with the Quran
0:13:58 memorizing the Quran have a program of
0:14:01 memorization honestly take this
0:14:03 seriously if you want to take any advice
0:14:04 from me I'm going to give you this the
0:14:06 straightforward advice learn how to read
0:14:08 the Quran relearn how to understand the
0:14:11 Quran okay learn what allah subhanaw
0:14:15 taala is communicating to you and learn
0:14:18 about the Prophet SAW salem's life and
0:14:19 also learn something about the laws of
0:14:22 Allah this is a simple thing and who
0:14:24 Allah is this is the study of Arpita
0:14:26 like those those things there start with
0:14:30 that and spend time with that don't
0:14:32 think okay I've done it now I already
0:14:34 know it's keep going by this is advice
0:14:36 to me like I'm giving myself advice you
0:14:40 wanna really focus on those things you
0:14:42 know and it's if you focus on them
0:14:45 properly it will take you some time to
0:14:47 get to to get to where you want to be
0:14:52 you know I'll tell you one resource
0:14:53 which I found interesting or lie in
0:14:55 English language is maybe good ten years
0:14:59 ago now I listen to Bayon
0:15:02 nominally hunt that a nice pod podcast
0:15:06 of juice um I'm not sure of his
0:15:08 subsequent works or what he's been doing
0:15:11 since but that particular podcast I
0:15:14 listened to all of it it was brilliant
0:15:17 it was fantastic if you listen to that
0:15:19 particular podcast for just am it will
0:15:22 give you a nice beginning and I start to
0:15:25 Quranic studies learning about the
0:15:27 Arabic language certain words how it's
0:15:29 used he brings the Quran to life for
0:15:31 life does a really good job so I'd
0:15:33 recommend I really would recommend her
0:15:42 you