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Q&A Ep 2: Memes, Ex-Muslims & Somali food (2020-07-24)


Q&A with Mohammed Hijab: Episode 2

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Summary of Q&A Ep 2: Memes, Ex-Muslims & Somali food

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:10:00

In the second episode of Q&A, the interviewer asks the Prophet Muhammad about the best books to understand liberalism and feminism, and he provides basic advice on how to study these topics. He also discusses Western Islamic philosophy and history, and asks the Prophet how he feels about this topic. Finally, the interviewer jokingly suggests that the Prophet grow hair.

*00:00:00 Discusses various topics, including memes, ex-Muslims, and Somali food. Jenna asks the speaker about Bangladeshi fans wanting to know if he will change the cover picture of his phone and put a Royal Bengal tiger in it, and the speaker responds that maybe why not. He also shares advice on how to deal with negativity from speakers' corners, and says that it is moving in a direction of peace.

  • 00:05:00 Q&A host Theo Moonves asks a Muslim atheist about his thoughts on being an Arab living in a quasi-Dessie country, and how to give good advice to Muslims who are resistant to learning. The Muslim atheist responds that he speaks English in Arabic and that memorizing the Quran is enough to keep oneself busy, and recommends basic Islamic education and studying the Arabic language. He then challenges Theo Moonves to a debate on whether or not the hijab means wearing a veil.
  • 00:10:00 In this second Q&A episode, the interviewer asks the Prophet Muhammad about the best books to understand liberalism and feminism, and he provides basic advice on how to study these topics. He also discusses Western Islamic philosophy and history, and asks the Prophet how he feels about this topic. Finally, the interviewer jokingly suggests that the Prophet grow hair.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 [Music]
0:00:05 Salam alaikum warahmatullahi oh but I
0:00:07 care - how you guys doing this is just
0:00:11 something I've never done before
0:00:12 actually it's AQ & a session where i'm
0:00:16 looking at some of the questions that
0:00:18 you have put in the community page of
0:00:21 smile - Jenna hang on to your seats ask
0:00:27 him his Bangladeshi fans want to know
0:00:31 will he change the cover picture of his
0:00:34 phone and put a Royal Bengal tiger in it
0:00:39 [Laughter]
0:00:40 maybe why not why not you know if I have
0:00:44 to see if the Bengal tigers extinct to
0:00:47 the last things I collided my big thing
0:00:50 so I'll have to see him ask him how we
0:00:56 young parents are all two can save our
0:00:58 kids from converting into European
0:01:00 Muslims or moderate Muslims I'm gay the
0:01:04 person says I'm getting married very
0:01:06 soon I want to have a lot of kids okay
0:01:10 please don't give me laughs so here's
0:01:14 this end om you give me a lot of stories
0:01:17 and this is written more man this is a
0:01:26 big serious thing one of the greatest
0:01:28 things you can pass on to your children
0:01:29 which I'm having very big difficulty in
0:01:32 doing myself is language okay it's a
0:01:35 serious thing that our parents succeeded
0:01:37 with us especially if you're second
0:01:39 generation in passing one the native
0:01:42 tongue because we are much more
0:01:44 comfortable speaking the English
0:01:46 language this is gonna be an uphill
0:01:47 struggle and sometimes you're gonna need
0:01:49 the grandparents to get involved but try
0:01:52 where we have to try I'm not giving you
0:01:54 advice on this I'm I'm genuinely given
0:01:56 myself advise there to pass on the
0:01:58 language it's a serious serious thing if
0:02:01 you speak or do at home you know this is
0:02:03 a serious language it's a serious
0:02:05 languor do is spoken by I don't know how
0:02:08 many hundreds of million and also think
0:02:10 about the amount of people that speak
0:02:12 Hindi which is a closed language
0:02:13 if you know you're gonna know a lot of
0:02:15 Hindi as well if you speak bangle is a
0:02:17 serious language you know if it's Somali
0:02:19 is a serious language make sure that
0:02:21 that is passed on
0:02:23 you know don't don't honestly do not not
0:02:27 give your children the gift of language
0:02:29 this is just one advisor and this is
0:02:31 advice to me as well what does he thinks
0:02:35 of this means that you put in your video
0:02:36 I like them they're very funny they're
0:02:38 very funny that the ones really that
0:02:41 actually without them the video would be
0:02:43 really a pointless one
0:02:45 a pointless one a frivolous one how can
0:02:54 you answer questions directly and
0:02:55 fluently and what's the best way to give
0:02:57 dower to non-muslims the best way to
0:03:00 give that was not to engage in debate
0:03:02 now and that might sound like
0:03:04 contradictory coming from me or
0:03:05 something but yeah you see me give
0:03:08 debate
0:03:08 dude do debates and stuff that's not
0:03:10 really hard to come to try and conveyed
0:03:12 it the best way the best way to win a
0:03:14 debate is to not the best way to
0:03:15 convince someone is to not get into a
0:03:17 debate with them and try and avoid the
0:03:18 bailout all costs over that person's a
0:03:20 loved one or someone that you meet in
0:03:22 the streets you know genuinely the best
0:03:24 way to win a debate is to avoid one in
0:03:26 the first place and so really we're not
0:03:29 trying to win debates here when you're
0:03:30 speaking to a non-muslim you're just
0:03:32 giving them informative statements about
0:03:33 what Islam is and what and the biggest
0:03:36 bestower is just straightforward it's
0:03:39 non philosophical which say we believe
0:03:41 in one God this and that the basic like
0:03:43 tenants a lot of people will just accept
0:03:45 it you don't have to go into depth we
0:03:46 only do that to show that we can do that
0:03:48 of all due respect we can we can do that
0:03:51 we can get involved
0:03:52 Islam is a very simple religion but it
0:03:54 can get very complex and it has answers
0:03:56 to very many complex questions and
0:03:57 that's what our engagements with people
0:04:00 on on that level it tries to show it's
0:04:03 not to show that Islam is not simple
0:04:05 because it is most importantly ask him
0:04:08 how he deals with negative negativity
0:04:10 from speaker's corner and at the same
0:04:12 time have a peaceful heart I don't know
0:04:14 if I do have a peaceful unfortunately I
0:04:18 I think that it's definitely moving in
0:04:23 for direction now I have had it in the
0:04:25 beginning if you look at my videos in
0:04:27 2017 and see the evolution the more I'm
0:04:30 challenged the more I become more rough
0:04:31 and and to be honest I'm not the best
0:04:35 person to seek for advice I need to get
0:04:38 I've asked myself because sometimes the
0:04:40 best thing is to move away from the
0:04:41 whole thing you know and and what I
0:04:45 realized more and more is that we need
0:04:47 to think about going back to Allah
0:04:48 making tawba I'm making repentance
0:04:50 because how else will our hearts become
0:04:54 soft the Quran says Allah me at needle
0:04:56 Adina amino and Tasha bloom lyrically
0:04:59 leahy you know is it not time now for
0:05:01 the for those who believe for them to
0:05:04 have or in their hearts am in listening
0:05:09 to the reminder of Allah woman as a
0:05:13 lemon al-haq you know and from what has
0:05:16 revealed been sent down to them and not
0:05:21 to be like those who came before them
0:05:23 for cassettes Pulu boom ok Theo Moonves
0:05:26 a hoon and they had their hearts became
0:05:29 very hard and a lot of them are forsook
0:05:32 for offensive horn that a lot of them
0:05:35 evil do it so this idea of having a
0:05:38 clean and beautiful heart which is what
0:05:40 the Quran says your Malayan foul melon
0:05:43 will a balloon in lemon at Aloha
0:05:45 behold bin Salim the day where you need
0:05:48 to come to Allah with a basically
0:05:52 rectified her be a pile been selling so
0:05:54 this the rectification of heart is
0:05:57 something I haven't even embarked upon
0:05:59 it properly in order to to comment on it
0:06:02 effectively his thoughts on being an
0:06:05 Arab living in quasi Dessie country I
0:06:08 don't think it Israel is ethics you I
0:06:10 think here you may be this guy'll ism or
0:06:13 was it Bradford but believe me I know
0:06:18 you know I mean I like it I like all
0:06:23 cultures are like multiculturalism you
0:06:25 know when I go to Egypt some that's one
0:06:28 thing I do miss I miss the multicultural
0:06:31 nature of just this place asked him by
0:06:34 his personal life like as you
0:06:37 where he learnt to use those big words
0:06:40 that shocked the people other than
0:06:43 mashallah
0:06:44 other than that masha'Allah there's
0:06:48 actually a book I think is written by
0:06:50 something something called something Bly
0:06:52 it's a book called smart words for the
0:06:57 intellectuals or something like that
0:06:58 a camera to make you sounds big words to
0:07:01 make you sound smart or something it's
0:07:03 an interesting book I've been looking
0:07:04 for it just to get someone plucking out
0:07:06 some words then because words are like
0:07:08 you know ammunition you know if you have
0:07:10 the right words they can make people
0:07:11 laugh they can make people cry they can
0:07:13 make people angry like a baby
0:07:16 so words seriously words are a great
0:07:19 obviously vehicle for communication so
0:07:21 and the good old the source I mean why
0:07:23 not you know just use the source and try
0:07:26 and pick out some words but you you know
0:07:28 reading books and then kind of
0:07:30 underlining key words putting him in a
0:07:32 notepad of some sorts and then defining
0:07:35 them late in your time in your own time
0:07:37 what language does he speak was his
0:07:40 favorite one so I speak English in
0:07:42 Arabic there's other things I'm trying
0:07:46 to learn bomb like I'm gonna pretend to
0:07:48 list them here what's the favorite one
0:07:51 oh I'm more fluent in English anything
0:07:54 else oh I'm a three-layer interracial
0:08:01 marriage advice and tips especially for
0:08:03 resistant families best way to seek
0:08:06 education while being a full-time
0:08:08 student Oh Islamic education well okay
0:08:12 I'll give you one piece of advice on the
0:08:13 second part of question is make use of
0:08:16 your travel time that's a big one
0:08:18 you can memorize the whole Quran on your
0:08:21 way to universe and coming back yes it's
0:08:23 very possible so that's one piece of
0:08:25 advice that's very practical that you
0:08:26 can go and do now how to give down to X
0:08:28 Muslim atheist please just as you would
0:08:31 give down to any other person you know
0:08:33 it just give them the go wrap it's
0:08:36 called to go wrap research what the go
0:08:38 wrap is and you will see when he when
0:08:41 will he finally stop talking about how
0:08:42 tall he is I don't know what I don't
0:08:45 know when I was really making videos
0:08:47 about that one brother
0:08:48 I smoke I smell a jealousy there's a
0:08:52 jealous jealous tragic I wish you know
0:08:56 compute engine but I want to do down
0:08:58 what do you recommend me to study during
0:09:00 my college my college study to start
0:09:03 with no no memorize Quran and try
0:09:06 understand what that means
0:09:08 just a few pathetic you know just limit
0:09:12 yourself to that and also like I said
0:09:14 you before basics of kam [ __ ] and aji de
0:09:18 those three things is enough to keep you
0:09:20 occupied obviously Arabic language as
0:09:21 well it's enough to keep you occupied
0:09:23 with your work believe me
0:09:24 how does he feel after defeating David
0:09:27 wood very good very good
0:09:28 have you ever had Somali food yes he's
0:09:31 very good as berries when Holub and you
0:09:34 know moors and you know you know what i
0:09:36 mean all of those things that I enjoyed
0:09:38 a bit of that and I know you know mhm
0:09:41 that's right tell him that he's finished
0:09:44 then challenge him to anyway if I saw
0:09:48 your question is a [ __ ] show the hijab
0:09:51 means that ask him to which is his
0:09:52 favorite I've done I have to think about
0:09:55 how to have a better mindset that's a
0:09:59 good question
0:10:00 you know part of the religion of Islam
0:10:02 is to be very optimistic there's
0:10:04 actually many a hadith like that and I
0:10:06 can enumerate them for you in another
0:10:07 time but that's just optimism and
0:10:10 connected to a lot of paratime and one
0:10:13 Hadees that the Prophet my source
0:10:16 alarmingly high school teachers I am the
0:10:18 opinion of my slave so if he thinks good
0:10:21 of me then he'll get good in other words
0:10:22 if you have an optimistic attitude
0:10:24 especially in relation to allah subhanaw
0:10:26 taala allah will reward you and give you
0:10:28 good for that attitude and a personal
0:10:31 Quran will ensure Khartoum lies either
0:10:32 neck um if you were thankful Allah won't
0:10:34 give you more so this is these are two
0:10:36 things I just wanted to see his reaction
0:10:39 to old
0:10:40 what you are dirty except for clips of
0:10:42 you okay that's I hope you ask him for
0:10:44 that ask him how he controlled himself
0:10:47 when he read one point someone during
0:10:50 the debate you know I just think of the
0:10:52 consequences and I'm not the best I
0:10:55 country like sometimes I can control my
0:10:57 anger to a good level and sometimes that
0:10:59 card and I think you guys know when
0:11:01 one asked him to speak or do with you no
0:11:05 no no I'm not gonna embarrass myself in
0:11:08 that manner please ask him to do Q&A is
0:11:10 often on his channel next okay well hey
0:11:13 I'm doing that now what are the best
0:11:19 books resources to understand origins of
0:11:21 liberalism feminism comprehensively so
0:11:24 liberalism you're gonna have to stop in
0:11:26 basic start with secondary sources and
0:11:28 then he goes their primary ones that's
0:11:30 my basic basic advice but I think this
0:11:33 is gonna require another video okay
0:11:35 genuinely Western in Islamic philosophy
0:11:38 and history as well so I've kind of
0:11:40 covered that in the beginning but we do
0:11:41 need to go into that in detail on that
0:11:43 ask him how he feels
0:11:45 let's turn into a meme I wasn't
0:11:48 intentional that's usually how these
0:11:49 things go when I would like while we're
0:11:52 getting a haircut
0:11:53 I'm thinking of actually growing hair a
0:11:55 little bit you know I know this
0:11:57 controversial opinion but you know so I
0:12:00 do I want you know and this in his life
0:12:02 and just like him you know hello Sally
0:12:06 Mally Kamara not Allah he what I get
0:12:15 you