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Response to Jordan Peterson & Benjamin Netanyahu Podcast (2022-12-13)


Jazakallahu khair to my guest Abdullah Andalusi:


The Prophet ﷺ said: “𝙒𝙝𝙤𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙗𝙪𝙞𝙡𝙙𝙨 𝙖 𝙈𝙤𝙨𝙦𝙪𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝘼𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙝, 𝘼𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙝 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙗𝙪𝙞𝙡𝙙 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙝𝙞𝙢 𝙖 𝙨𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙖𝙧 𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙅𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖𝙝.”

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Summary of Response to Jordan Peterson & Benjamin Netanyahu Podcast

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 01:00:00

Jordan Peterson and Benjamin Netanyahu debate the history of Israel and Palestine, with Peterson arguing that the British were responsible for state-building in Palestine and Netanyahu claiming that the Palestinian exodus was a "catastrophe."

00:00:00 Benjamin Netanyahu recently appeared on Jordan Peterson's Channel, and this war criminal spewed lies and misinformation which we will deconstruct in this episode. 30,000 people commented on the video, with almost 90% disapproval. Netanyahu represents a hawkish Israeli response to Palestinian Defiance, and he has increased numbers of settlements, accelerated the building of settlements on the West Bank, bombed Raza regularly, provocations on the Temple Mount, extraditional killings of Palestinians that do not get answered by courts, arbitrary military rule in the West Bank in area C where Palestinians are subject to military ordinances they don't even get to decide their laws, and high levels of evictions of Palestinians out of their homes and properties under his watch.

  • 00:05:00 Jordan Peterson's interview with Benjamin Netanyahu, which received 700,000 views, was met with criticism from the right-wing audience. In it, Netanyahu claims that he has read more about the Palestinian issue than Peterson, despite the lack of knowledge shown in the interview. Peterson is also criticized for not being objective in his discussion of the human psyche, and for not engaging with prominent speakers from the other side of the political spectrum.
  • 00:10:00 Jonathan points out that, contrary to what Jordan Peterson claims, Netanyahu did not initiate the settler-colonialism in Palestine, and that Netanyahu's actions in Gaza amount to blatant, ongoing lying. Jonathan also mentions some egregious examples of Netanyahu's lies, including his repeated claims that the Israeli occupation of Palestine is a "just" response to Palestinian aggression.
  • *00:15:00 Discusses origins of the Israelites, and argues that they were not originally from Canaan, but rather migrated there and then conquered it. Benjamin Netanyahu cites evidence from archeology to back up his claims. Jordan Peterson points out that 300 years is a long time, and argues that even if Netanyahu's evidence is correct, it does not prove that the Israelites were Canaanites.
  • *00:20:00 Discusses history of Israel and Palestine, highlighting that the land has been called Palestine multiple times before the Israelites arrived. It also points out that the name Israel is only used for the tribe of Israel, not the land itself. The Romans eventually conquered and devastated Palestine, causing many Jews to leave and spread throughout the world.
  • 00:25:00 Jordan Peterson and Benjamin Netanyahu discuss the history of Jewish migration to Europe and how they've been treated over the years. Netanyahu tries to appeal to Jewish ancestral roots, while Jordan Peterson critiques Netanyahu's attempt to dodge the issue of the Israeli Prime Minister's history of mass murder.
  • 00:30:00 Jordan Peterson and Benjamin Netanyahu had a discussion about English law and the idea ofsquatting and how it relates to ancestral presence in Palestine.Both men agreed that there is something in English law that allows for the development of a new community, even if it displaces an existing population. Thomas Arnold Walker, an orientalist, is mentioned and Jordan Peterson points out that he wrote a book advocating for the Muslim expansion into Palestine.
  • *00:35:00 Discusses history of Jews and Israelites, and how there has been a mix of people in the Middle East for centuries. It also mentions a study that found that Ashkenazi Jews have a high percentage of Israelite DNA, because they have intermarried with Italians, Germans, and other groups for many years.
  • *00:40:00 Discusses idea that Jewish people have a lot of ancestry in the Levant, and that this ancestry gives them a right to return to the land of Palestine. However, if a Jewish person converts to another religion, they are no longer eligible for the right of return.
  • 00:45:00 Jordan Peterson and Benjamin Netanyahu discuss the idea of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, with Netanyahu arguing that the area was largely desert and ripe for development. Jim Reisman, a Christian Zionist and one of the main advocates of the idea of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, disagrees, arguing that the area was already developed and that the Jews would return before Christ.
  • 00:50:00 Jordan Peterson and Benjamin Netanyahu debate who is responsible for state-building in Palestine. Peterson argues that the British were responsible, while Netanyahu argues that it was the Palestinians who were building the state. Peterson argues that the renovations he made to his apartment are equivalent to the British occupying his land, while Netanyahu argues that the renovations were an example of self-determination.
  • 00:55:00 Jordan Peterson and Benjamin Netanyahu discuss the history of Palestine, Netanyahu's claim that the Palestinian exodus was a "catastrophe," and Peterson's assertion that Jews were also killed by Zionist terrorists. also points out that the Palestinian issue is not just a political issue, but a humanitarian one as well, as many innocent people have been killed in the conflict.

01:00:00 - 01:15:00

discusses the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with a focus on the one-state solution. The Arab League proposed this solution in the early 1950s, but the Zionists rejected it because they would lose their ethnic privilege. argues that if Zionists are truly committed to justice, they should face their opponents in public debate.

01:00:00 Jordan Peterson and Benjamin Netanyahu discuss Israeli history, and Netanyahu blatantly lies about the timeline of events leading up to the Palestinian displacement. discusses Israel's policy of "clearing operations," which began before Israel was formally established as a nation.

  • 01:05:00 Jordan Peterson and Benjamin Netanyahu debate the concept of a one-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Arab League proposed this solution in the early 1950s, but the Zionists rejected it because they would lose their ethnic privilege. Peterson argues that this discussion is important, and that the West Bank and Gaza Palestinians are living in an apartheid system.
  • *01:10:00 Discusses situation in Palestine, noting that while many Zionists may claim to support equal rights for Palestinians, they're actually afraid of public debate and pushback. suggests that if Zionists are truly committed to justice, they should face Shapiro and others in public debate.
  • 01:15:00 critiques Jordan Peterson and Benjamin Netanyahu for their lack of knowledge about the Palestinian situation, and urges others to help support charitable work in the region. He also encourages Muslims to do their part in spreading Islamic teachings, noting that this is one of the best ways to show love for others and make the world a better place.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 Benjamin Netanyahu was recently
0:00:02 platformed on Jordan Peterson's Channel
0:00:05 this war criminal spewed lies
0:00:08 misinformation which we will deconstruct
0:00:12 in this episode
0:00:13 [Music]
0:00:18 the prophet Muhammad
0:00:20 told us whoever builds a mosque for
0:00:23 Allah Allah will build for him a Sim at
0:00:25 the house in Jannah and we know the
0:00:28 great reward that will not only be
0:00:30 gained but rather will fill your grave
0:00:33 after your death whenever someone prays
0:00:36 that whenever someone gives shahada in
0:00:39 the Masjid whenever someone learns
0:00:41 something in the Masjid yes that will be
0:00:44 something that you'll have on your scale
0:00:50 how are you doing you okay alhamdulillah
0:00:53 alhamdulillah Abdullah and Lucy for
0:00:55 those who don't know is a prolific
0:00:57 debater in the Muslim world I don't know
0:00:59 how many debates you've done there may
0:01:00 be over a hundred now
0:01:02 uh I've I lost count after ten and what
0:01:05 and one other thing that you have done
0:01:07 is debate uh Zionism with zionists isn't
0:01:11 that correct and so what we're going to
0:01:12 be doing today is we're going to be
0:01:14 reacting to the podcast between Jordan
0:01:17 Peterson and Benjamin Netanyahu
0:01:19 dissecting the claims of this charlatan
0:01:22 this war criminal that was left
0:01:25 unchecked and unchallenged by Jordan
0:01:27 Peterson which is absolutely
0:01:29 disappointing to say the least
0:01:30 considering his uh interactions with the
0:01:33 Muslim Community and quite frankly when
0:01:35 I looked at the uh the comments and the
0:01:38 engagements on this uh on this
0:01:40 particular video
0:01:42 30 000 people commented and it was
0:01:45 almost an 80 to 90 percent
0:01:47 disapproval rating from the people
0:01:49 people really disliked that I was very
0:01:52 surprised to see uh that would you what
0:01:54 do you think of it I I don't think I was
0:01:56 surprised at all I think everyone sees
0:01:58 through the kind of facade of Jordan
0:02:01 Pearson's
0:02:03 kind of
0:02:04 almost presumed or objectivity
0:02:08 where he claimed at the beginning of the
0:02:10 interview that he would push back on
0:02:12 what Benny Minotaur was saying and ask
0:02:14 critical questions what have you and he
0:02:16 didn't push back at all if you actually
0:02:17 watch the whole interview in fact when
0:02:20 Benny mcnahu was was was was just the
0:02:23 waxing Miracle about
0:02:24 um his in making points unchallenged
0:02:28 um Jordan Peterson even sometimes helped
0:02:29 him said oh you forgot to mention this
0:02:31 even helped him there's not a single
0:02:34 time he pushed back on anything despite
0:02:36 him explicitly saying he would push back
0:02:38 well I mean you know um in the past I've
0:02:41 spoken to Peterson twice actually and he
0:02:44 uh was right and uh good to say that
0:02:47 what he said about the prophet Muhammad
0:02:49 being a warlord was in judicious in his
0:02:52 words it was a lack of judgment but if
0:02:55 we're talking about Warlords here I mean
0:02:57 this is an individual Netanyahu who I
0:02:59 remember on the news coming out and
0:03:01 talking about and saying we want to
0:03:03 conquer
0:03:04 conquests of Raza and the Modern Age of
0:03:07 the UN and all these kind of things
0:03:08 what tell us a bit about who this
0:03:11 Netanyahu is why do we feel so emotional
0:03:13 about this guy
0:03:14 well Netanyahu represents a uh a hawkish
0:03:18 a more hawkish
0:03:20 um kind of Israeli response to
0:03:24 Palestinian Defiance yes
0:03:26 um so we've seen increased numbers of
0:03:29 settlements accelerations of the
0:03:30 building of settlements on the West Bank
0:03:33 which are basically virtually
0:03:35 exclusively only for Jews not not even
0:03:37 for Israeli Arabs yeah
0:03:40 um we see the bombing of Raza regularly
0:03:43 we see provocations on the Temple Mount
0:03:46 we see extraditional killings of
0:03:49 Palestinians that do not get answered by
0:03:51 by the courts we see arbitrary military
0:03:54 rule in the West Bank in area C where
0:03:57 Palestinians are subject to military
0:03:58 ordinances they don't even get to decide
0:04:00 their laws and they get evicted we see
0:04:02 high levels of evictions of Palestinians
0:04:04 out off of their homes and properties
0:04:06 under his watch so he's of all the the
0:04:09 prime ministers that's ever been in
0:04:11 Israel he represents one of the worst
0:04:13 kinds of west of the West that's that's
0:04:16 saying something considering the history
0:04:18 of Israeli Prime Ministers well I think
0:04:20 after this uh particular thing you know
0:04:23 came out and I saw his face with Jordan
0:04:24 Peterson's face I'll be honest with you
0:04:27 it was discussed when I saw him in
0:04:29 disappointment but then also there was a
0:04:32 bit of um
0:04:33 the opportunist in me
0:04:35 uh started to actually activate if you
0:04:39 like and I thought to myself so between
0:04:41 me and one of the biggest enemies
0:04:43 of the Muslim world today is one man who
0:04:45 I've spoken to and I've had personal
0:04:46 relationship with
0:04:48 and I'm sure that they're going to be
0:04:50 watching this video I'm 100 sure that
0:04:52 those individuals daily wire and uh you
0:04:55 know yeah and and Netanyahu himself it
0:04:59 would not be far away from me to assume
0:05:01 that Netanyahu himself who got you know
0:05:04 700 000 views uh which is which is much
0:05:07 less than one would have expected uh in
0:05:10 the podcast with Peterson and with an 80
0:05:13 disapproval rating with the right-wing
0:05:16 uh audience which is even more
0:05:17 surprising uh is watching this as well
0:05:20 let's go through some of the main points
0:05:22 of what he said and react to them in
0:05:24 kind
0:05:26 uh unfortunately it's gonna be it's
0:05:28 quite a few
0:05:30 um I was disappointed in Jordan Pearson
0:05:31 because I mean look yeah you know he
0:05:34 does he's in his Psychiatry and
0:05:36 psychology he's very well versed in that
0:05:38 he's very he's achieved his accomplished
0:05:40 he's a writer in those things and he's
0:05:42 venturing out into an area that he
0:05:44 doesn't really know which he admits
0:05:47 um but if you are going to venture into
0:05:48 a new theme or area no harm in doing so
0:05:51 at least do your homework uh he didn't
0:05:55 seem to reference or give any indication
0:05:58 of any knowledge of any counterpoints to
0:06:01 anything that Benjamin Netanyahu said
0:06:03 not reading any of the many Israeli
0:06:05 authors who've criticized Zionism who've
0:06:08 criticized the Israeli government or any
0:06:11 Palestinian writings
0:06:13 um or any even historians who are a bit
0:06:17 more neutral or objective than Benjamin
0:06:20 netanyahu's brand of of History would uh
0:06:23 would would call for we saw nothing we
0:06:27 simply saw him he admit that he had some
0:06:29 ignorance in it although he did he read
0:06:32 his book called Baby I think it was uh
0:06:35 so he read he reads one book and that
0:06:37 was sufficient for him uh to go into the
0:06:40 discussion it reminded me when he
0:06:41 engaged umizek on Marxism and socialism
0:06:46 and he just read uh kind of like Karl
0:06:48 Marx's Manifesto as if that's the only
0:06:49 book Karl Marx ever read and then felt
0:06:51 that he was confident enough to debate
0:06:54 a
0:06:55 uh a a socialist academic who's highly
0:06:59 acclaimed uh world famous academic on
0:07:02 the nuances of socialism and Marxism
0:07:05 so the question is why is Jordan
0:07:08 Peterson who is used to academic rigor
0:07:11 in his field he knows what it looks like
0:07:13 he knows what it looks like to be
0:07:14 objective
0:07:16 in scientific investigations uh as much
0:07:20 as you can concerning the the human
0:07:22 psyche in the mind he knows what that
0:07:24 looks like and yet he does not adopt
0:07:26 that same approach I'll be honest with
0:07:28 you on these other areas I'll be honest
0:07:29 with you I I think that
0:07:31 uh Jordan Peterson and the Zionist issue
0:07:34 right he's not a heavyweight of the
0:07:36 issue and he knows it he's not one of
0:07:38 the guys that's going to come out and
0:07:39 quite frankly if someone beats him on
0:07:41 this issue from let's say the pro
0:07:44 Palestinians like I would consider it to
0:07:45 be a worthless Victory because it's like
0:07:47 he's not one of the guys that's been
0:07:49 coming out debating like yourself uh
0:07:51 coming out talking to a prominent
0:07:53 speakers and academics from the other
0:07:55 side and so uh quite frankly I I think
0:07:59 that the attention should be put to
0:08:01 those colleagues of his okay who are who
0:08:04 have been making uh people like Benjamin
0:08:06 people like Netanyahu who today
0:08:07 inshallah were going to be dealing with
0:08:09 because quite frankly those are the ones
0:08:11 who are making the arguments those are
0:08:12 the ones who write in the books those
0:08:14 are the ones who if you want to have a
0:08:16 fight with someone want to have the
0:08:17 fight with the best ones
0:08:19 uh Jordan Peterson you know this is not
0:08:21 a matter of uh we're not talking about a
0:08:23 clinical psychological issue here so
0:08:25 once again he was used by the daily wire
0:08:28 and I think the daily wire should take
0:08:30 responsibility for actually damaging his
0:08:32 reputation quite frankly because they've
0:08:34 now damaged his reputation from his own
0:08:36 standards and I think he's not a puppet
0:08:39 you know like he should know better
0:08:41 um yeah but if he's being used at this
0:08:44 point because if he's not being
0:08:45 considered objective okay if you think
0:08:47 you have a right wing or or Right
0:08:49 audience or something like that and you
0:08:51 and you're you've got an Israeli uh
0:08:53 politician how do you know that 36 000
0:08:55 people are commenting 80 of them are
0:08:58 going to really hate what you say you
0:09:00 think of it from his perspective and
0:09:01 then when you when you put up her
0:09:02 Instagram post you know 90 of the people
0:09:05 are disliking him I think he
0:09:08 underestimated quite ironically the
0:09:10 extent to which he appealed or
0:09:12 transcended the right wing and now that
0:09:14 very reality is coming back to haunting
0:09:17 because those individuals who are
0:09:19 subscribers and fans of his are not
0:09:21 going to have uh this kind of uh this
0:09:23 kind of guy coming out and speaking uh
0:09:25 the way he has about the Palestine
0:09:27 um I I actually think that Jordan
0:09:29 Peterson actually should have known
0:09:30 better he knew that um is a is a
0:09:34 controversial character to say the least
0:09:35 yeah he even cited controversy he said
0:09:38 that there's a amongst uh young people
0:09:39 because he's he's cited in that
0:09:41 interview that young people take a more
0:09:44 pro-palestinian view I mean in their
0:09:46 academic circles and Western
0:09:47 universities in the west so clearly he
0:09:50 had an agenda or he was part of an
0:09:52 agenda between the right wing and left
0:09:54 wing
0:09:55 um in the west maybe you should have got
0:09:57 this stuff I'm not sure if you remember
0:09:58 the time when I spoke to Peterson he had
0:10:00 Jonathan just I forget his surname but
0:10:02 he had his friend Jonathan with him and
0:10:03 then he was talking to me about why I
0:10:05 was in protesting maybe you should have
0:10:07 got uh he should have gotten Jonathan to
0:10:09 sit there and ask the hard questions if
0:10:11 you know
0:10:12 or the equivalent of Jonathan like
0:10:15 someone who knows something about the
0:10:16 Palestinian issue should have gotten
0:10:18 this guy to your right and start
0:10:20 speaking about okay well what about this
0:10:22 the fact that Netanyahu was in his time
0:10:27 Premiership as a prime minister of
0:10:29 Israel he's the longest reigning prime
0:10:31 minister he oversaw indiscriminate
0:10:33 killings shelling of major apartment
0:10:36 blocks with his children being killed
0:10:39 indiscriminately as you mentioned to
0:10:41 settlement issues we're talking about
0:10:42 people being pried out of their homes
0:10:44 kicked out new buildings being put this
0:10:46 is unbelievable I mean
0:10:49 like Jordan Pearson Prides himself in
0:10:52 Freedom of the media advocating for that
0:10:54 and yet Israel bombs uh media facilities
0:10:56 buildings which were to designate for
0:10:58 the media do you remember that it does
0:10:59 though yeah yeah and and quite frankly
0:11:01 you know uh Jordan Peterson has been on
0:11:04 the record speaking about Stalin and
0:11:06 these guys of the past
0:11:07 but Netanyahu I mean he's one of them
0:11:10 he's I say he's worse he's worse than
0:11:13 them he is worse than them he's going to
0:11:16 this place is dropping boom boom boom
0:11:17 boom on big apartment blocks with the
0:11:20 children being killed
0:11:21 and this this is asymmetrical power and
0:11:23 stuff like that and and for those who
0:11:25 don't know Gaza is completely what's
0:11:28 happening in Gaza now it is the most
0:11:30 densely populated area in the world
0:11:31 because they're not allowed to go in or
0:11:33 out these are the prison camps it's the
0:11:36 biggest open prison in the world today
0:11:39 and there's not even one question about
0:11:42 what about the people in Gaza
0:11:44 how is this how can this be well Jordan
0:11:48 Peterson talks about gulags and you know
0:11:50 how what the Soviets did to create these
0:11:52 prison camps and things like this and of
0:11:54 course the nonsense and so on and so
0:11:55 forth exactly what do you notice about
0:11:57 what's the first thing that you notice
0:11:58 when you when you're being taken to a
0:12:00 prison camp what's the first thing that
0:12:02 you notice about the prison camp right
0:12:03 it's the walls the walls that keep
0:12:06 people in he should he well he went to
0:12:09 uh to Palestine and he should have seen
0:12:12 the West Bank all those walls and barbed
0:12:15 wire and machine gun fences and turrets
0:12:18 and so on so forth uh
0:12:20 equivalent to the the gulags that the
0:12:23 Soviet Union uh created I don't know if
0:12:26 if genuinely we got the pictures of the
0:12:29 children who were killed by this man
0:12:32 we showed him the pictures this is a
0:12:34 person under the rubble this is the
0:12:36 woman crying screaming for her child you
0:12:39 know this is this is another one this is
0:12:41 another one and this is a person being
0:12:43 kicked out of their home
0:12:44 and this is a person if we showed it to
0:12:46 him
0:12:47 could it change his mind could it make
0:12:49 him change could it make him different
0:12:50 it doesn't matter at this point I don't
0:12:52 care because quite frankly as I've said
0:12:54 before
0:12:55 we want we want the we want the big fish
0:12:57 here we want the big fish in this the
0:12:58 bay you know so let's go through some of
0:13:01 the things that we
0:13:03 well like I mean watching it was
0:13:06 watching it was very hard uh I'll be
0:13:08 honest yeah because
0:13:10 when I mean not just Benjamin Netanyahu
0:13:13 who with a straight face can talk about
0:13:14 Justice not despite the many uh faces of
0:13:18 children that have been slain by him
0:13:21 that we we've seen on the news
0:13:23 um and not necessarily mainstream
0:13:24 Western Media news unfortunately
0:13:27 um not just that but even the uh the
0:13:31 part of me that favors just factual
0:13:33 accuracy right
0:13:36 um it's not just my heart but even just
0:13:37 the part might me that favors factual
0:13:39 accuracy was grossly offended he was
0:13:42 lying blatantly yes to Jordan Pearson
0:13:45 and at one point he was like you know I
0:13:46 don't want to misquote him but he was
0:13:48 saying like people haven't really
0:13:49 attacked him on the base of facts yeah I
0:13:53 mean like benefits books are comical
0:13:58 um
0:13:59 there's been loads of refutations of the
0:14:02 claims in those books he just reiterates
0:14:05 then rehashes the same um rubbish that
0:14:07 silence have come out with and it's not
0:14:09 an issue of that is that is disputed
0:14:11 amongst academic circles these are
0:14:13 clear-cut uh facts of of of history and
0:14:16 background
0:14:17 um let's let's go through some of them
0:14:19 yeah yeah so what give me some some most
0:14:21 egregious ones that you think then well
0:14:24 he starts out by first discussing
0:14:27 some kind of legitimacy behind the
0:14:31 government of Israel's right to be to
0:14:34 create be created and dominate Palestine
0:14:37 and even undermining as they would
0:14:40 usually do you know why call it
0:14:41 Palestine you know that's a new term
0:14:43 it's new phrase and so on and so forth
0:14:45 and all of that is not true um and it
0:14:48 starts out basically arguments as who
0:14:50 owned it first who owned it first the
0:14:52 Palestinians came later they're Arab and
0:14:53 Arab Invasion what a ridiculous
0:14:56 discussion it's um so so the natives
0:14:58 should should have a discussion about
0:15:00 this let's open the discussion about the
0:15:01 natives and maybe the Anglo-Saxons and
0:15:03 maybe the Normans you know the irony
0:15:06 brother is it's it's it's completely
0:15:10 unlike he portrays it's ironic the
0:15:12 history so before I I kind of work
0:15:14 lyrical about that let's just uh rewind
0:15:16 and and just deal with it you know on an
0:15:19 intellectual basis yeah
0:15:20 um because I think we need to kind of
0:15:23 address it objectively so
0:15:25 if we go by the biblical account okay
0:15:28 just by the biblical and Benjamin to
0:15:30 know who cites the Bible science the Old
0:15:31 Testament
0:15:33 so he says that basically he doesn't
0:15:35 discuss oh wait this second how did the
0:15:38 Israelites ever get to Canaan which was
0:15:40 the the first name for that land is
0:15:42 Kanan or at least that we have in in the
0:15:44 earliest mentions is Canal Canaan okay
0:15:46 how did it get there were they always
0:15:48 there it doesn't mention that of course
0:15:50 yeah if we were looking from a secular
0:15:51 perspective just a secular perspective
0:15:53 like okay
0:15:54 and you take the the Tanakh to be honest
0:15:57 that Bible to be an honest account or um
0:15:59 you trust it uh they were Invaders the
0:16:03 Canaanites were basically indigenous
0:16:05 people they're living there
0:16:07 um they had a belief that there were
0:16:09 pagans uh their head God was called el
0:16:12 um and people then will say that's kind
0:16:14 of similar to the term that is used for
0:16:16 God in non-semitic languages and the
0:16:19 Judaism Islam and songs Allah or Allah
0:16:22 right uh but they had maybe brought
0:16:24 these Partners in and worshiped other
0:16:26 partners besides that the what was then
0:16:28 we call the head God right they brought
0:16:30 all the partners in anyway that's their
0:16:31 religion but they were canines they were
0:16:33 living their Semitic peoples
0:16:34 um so you had these uh according to the
0:16:37 Bible you had these Israelites who came
0:16:39 in invaded from the East they actually
0:16:41 went around the South and went to the
0:16:42 east they began an invasion and they
0:16:44 were told to Massacre people and not
0:16:47 just uh kill the men and like or offer
0:16:50 terms of of
0:16:51 um surrender no wipe out men women and
0:16:55 children even at once some places um The
0:16:57 Oxen and the and the you know the cows
0:16:59 and what have you right yeah so that's
0:17:02 where that's their entrance into the
0:17:04 land of Canaan according to the Bible
0:17:06 which many Mindanao who could have
0:17:07 relies upon
0:17:09 look at the historical record
0:17:12 uh ironically who controlled Canaan for
0:17:16 hundreds of years prior to any recorded
0:17:19 Israelite occupation by the archeology
0:17:21 well it was the um ancient Egyptians
0:17:24 actually controlled Canaan up into about
0:17:27 1200 BC then there was something called
0:17:29 the Bronze Age collapse where a bunch of
0:17:31 civilizations in the region collapsed
0:17:33 for all faced strife and terminals
0:17:36 um and then the ancient Egyptians kind
0:17:37 of like let Canaan go and let the
0:17:41 regional rulers of Canaan just kind of
0:17:43 who were previously vassals to them just
0:17:45 let them take over
0:17:47 um and that's what happened and then
0:17:49 suddenly it ran about 1200 see if
0:17:51 there's any kind of nights that came
0:17:52 today and said we want to establish our
0:17:54 state again
0:17:55 well uh you see that the funny thing is
0:17:58 there are Canaanites okay we just don't
0:18:01 call them that anymore well I'll get to
0:18:02 that no spoilers okay all right so what
0:18:05 we see is that there is an early mention
0:18:08 of something called
0:18:10 um uh the the the ibri or the ibrit uh
0:18:14 who was basically the Hebrews mentioned
0:18:17 in in an Egyptian the uh an Egyptian
0:18:20 steel which is like a a stone carving
0:18:22 around about 1200 BC that's when they
0:18:25 sudden they just pop into existence
0:18:27 there we see then settlements which were
0:18:29 identifiably Israelites just pop into
0:18:31 around East Palestine when was this
0:18:33 we're all talking about what year so
0:18:34 1200 BC that's basically 3 200 years ago
0:18:38 yeah now Benjamin said that they've got
0:18:40 evidence for 3500 years that's that's
0:18:42 wrong out by 300 but I'm not going to
0:18:44 hold him to that I'm not going to be
0:18:46 nitpicking
0:18:47 um 300 years a long time well yeah but
0:18:49 he says yeah he says
0:18:51 yeah 300 years what can happen in 300
0:18:54 years yeah and he was saying that he was
0:18:56 not being uh you know he's not being
0:18:59 challenged on his facts that's a major
0:19:00 effectively true not true but I said
0:19:03 okay I'm gonna be generous I'm going to
0:19:05 be generous and uh uh and so okay
0:19:08 another 300 years but yeah
0:19:10 um but the we have the biblical count
0:19:12 that says
0:19:17 Yosef and these it was alleged that we
0:19:21 will believe that he comes from all in
0:19:23 modern day Southern Iraq he he migrates
0:19:25 over to um Canaan and then his children
0:19:28 then eventually Jacob lives in uh and so
0:19:32 Yusuf lives in Egypt and then has
0:19:34 descendants right yeah that's the origin
0:19:36 of the tribes of Israel okay so they're
0:19:38 not Canaanites they will never into the
0:19:40 Bible they never they never been came
0:19:41 out they were just passing through and
0:19:43 they multiplied in Egypt right they
0:19:46 settled in Egypt they multiplied yes
0:19:48 okay and then they invaded um Canaan
0:19:50 okay okay according to the biblical
0:19:52 account according to archaeological
0:19:53 count if you don't want to uh use the
0:19:56 Bibles and reference you surely secular
0:19:58 let's just say
0:19:59 um Israelite uh settlements pop up
0:20:03 um in where with modern day West Bank uh
0:20:07 basically in about 1200.
0:20:10 um now
0:20:11 interestingly and this would become
0:20:13 useful interestingly the name that would
0:20:15 become Palestine uh comes from an
0:20:19 Egyptian word called polished
0:20:21 uh or or or or
0:20:23 prst is so these are consonants used to
0:20:27 describe uh a people that were believed
0:20:31 to be Invaders into the land of of um
0:20:33 where haza is and a bit north of that
0:20:36 called the Philistines yeah right they
0:20:38 they're believed to be maybe people from
0:20:40 Crete yeah and they invaded they had
0:20:42 like a feathers coming up feather hats
0:20:45 and
0:20:46 they bought Pottery which is typically
0:20:48 Greek pottery anyway so the
0:20:51 interestingly here's the funny thing why
0:20:53 did I mention that well because the
0:20:57 um Israelites would call them Invaders
0:20:59 even though these guys only came 50
0:21:02 years after the Israelites so they just
0:21:05 came with these a bit later right oh but
0:21:07 they're Invaders but then but your
0:21:09 Invaders too you just came 50 years you
0:21:11 were you know ahead of them right but
0:21:12 anyway the reason why it's interesting
0:21:14 is because the name for the land would
0:21:17 then be used as Palestine where did they
0:21:19 where they come from and why do
0:21:21 designers want to deny being called
0:21:23 Palestine why they say it must be called
0:21:24 Israel
0:21:25 the land
0:21:27 the the name of the actual land itself
0:21:29 has never been called Israel
0:21:31 right of course
0:21:33 even in the time of the king of Israel
0:21:35 yeah right do you know why and this is
0:21:37 this is one of these obvious truths that
0:21:39 people don't realize is the name of a
0:21:42 land is different to the the people who
0:21:44 control it so this is you call it
0:21:46 England land of the angles right but
0:21:49 it's actually the um Britannia the name
0:21:52 of the of the island is Britannia but
0:21:54 the area of the jurisdiction of a
0:21:56 particular bunch of tribes of people are
0:21:58 the this is land belongs to the angles
0:22:00 right it's not the same thing
0:22:04 so the land of Canaan was called Kanan
0:22:06 by all the regional Powers before the
0:22:09 Israelites turned up
0:22:10 then the next name that it was called
0:22:13 was by Greeks and Romans but most by
0:22:15 ancient Greeks Herodotus in around 500
0:22:18 uh sorry sixth Century BC who he names
0:22:21 it by the people who are facing the
0:22:24 coast which are the Philistines of their
0:22:27 nickname so they call it palestinia or
0:22:29 or philistia where whatever
0:22:31 pronunciation so that became the second
0:22:34 name for the actual land itself
0:22:37 but in terms of the the the word Israel
0:22:42 Israel is the name of the tribe or
0:22:44 tribes and even in the uh in Zionist
0:22:48 literature and in uh the Bible it's
0:22:51 called eretz Israel land of the tribe of
0:22:54 Israel not Israel you see so this land
0:22:58 belongs to the you had the moabites who
0:23:00 was the who was the land of the moabites
0:23:02 the land of the idiomites these were
0:23:04 tribes are all uh in the area but they
0:23:07 were living on Canaan the lands called
0:23:09 Kanan but their jurisdictional area
0:23:11 they'll say this is this land belongs to
0:23:13 this tribe that tribe so the land has
0:23:16 never been actually called Israel right
0:23:18 and it's one of these shocking facts
0:23:20 that um uh people people forget so
0:23:24 that's
0:23:25 that's the history Israelites were
0:23:28 Invaders
0:23:30 um and they I'll say I'll tell you a
0:23:33 second shocking fact right so then they
0:23:35 say okay okay
0:23:36 so we were Invaders they might say okay
0:23:39 yeah all right but we've been there so
0:23:40 long now it's been like what 3 200 years
0:23:43 so like so we own it now right it
0:23:45 belongs to us
0:23:47 uh well firstly that also isn't true
0:23:50 okay in fact the real historical facts
0:23:53 will shock you and it's not even con
0:23:55 it's not even hard to find or
0:23:57 controversial just think about it okay
0:23:59 so let's say that we take the 1200 BC as
0:24:03 the date that we see the earliest
0:24:04 archaeological evidence for Israelites
0:24:06 1200 BC fine uh stick around 7th Century
0:24:10 uh BC they got kicked out by the
0:24:12 Babylonians they stayed they go away for
0:24:13 about 56 years to 70 years and they come
0:24:15 back
0:24:16 um but then around 70 A.D or the
0:24:22 um
0:24:23 or CEOs it should be called Common Era
0:24:26 uh the Romans there's a massive Uprising
0:24:29 Romans basically decimate
0:24:32 um uh Palestine and they've they many
0:24:35 Jews are kicked out they they go out
0:24:38 around the world they spread they were
0:24:39 following revolts afterwards and that
0:24:41 led to more expulsions most of them not
0:24:44 really expulsions by Roman policy but
0:24:45 when the land's devastated burned to a
0:24:48 crisp literally uh there's no point
0:24:50 staying anymore you're just your starve
0:24:52 you'll have to go around the world okay
0:24:54 that's around seven around 70
0:24:56 um CE okay so then let's make
0:24:59 calculations okay
0:25:01 from 70 CE to to uh let's say the 19th
0:25:06 century when you saw George Ashkenazi
0:25:09 Jewish immigration Ashkenazi are Jews
0:25:11 that live in Europe or uh who settled in
0:25:13 Europe for example
0:25:15 um uh you've got Italian which are
0:25:16 Italian Jews and you've got safaris
0:25:18 which are like Spanish Jews and you've
0:25:20 got
0:25:21 um Mizrahi Jews which are uh Arab Jews
0:25:24 basically
0:25:25 um so they the ones who are subject to
0:25:27 all kinds of racist attacks in Israel
0:25:29 but yeah basically there was a yeah
0:25:31 that's a different discussion yeah of
0:25:33 course um it's like a hierarchy of
0:25:35 racism in Israel basically anyway so
0:25:37 what you see is uh all these these these
0:25:41 uh you know Jews settled in multiple
0:25:43 areas after the Roman devastations due
0:25:45 to Uprising all right
0:25:47 um but then if you do the calculations
0:25:50 from 1200 BC uh to around 70 CE okay so
0:25:56 you're getting deducting maybe 60 70
0:25:59 years due to an exile right you're
0:26:01 you're pretty much getting roughly
0:26:03 around a thousand two hundred years okay
0:26:08 well that sounds pretty pretty solid
0:26:10 but then from around 70 CE to well like
0:26:14 the 1900s yeah you'll get making
0:26:18 concessions for subsequent revolts
0:26:20 remaining Jews that were there you get
0:26:21 roughly them being in the land about
0:26:23 them being out of the land 1 700 years
0:26:28 they've spent more time the ashkenazim
0:26:31 Safari Mizrahi because Palestinian Jews
0:26:35 that were there more time outside the
0:26:37 land they've spent more uh their
0:26:39 ancestors have spent more time outside
0:26:41 the land than they ever spent inside the
0:26:43 land in their entire ancestral history
0:26:46 wow and that gives them more ownership
0:26:49 if anything they give them that gives
0:26:51 ashkenazim Jews more ownership in
0:26:52 Germany or more shipping Societies in
0:26:55 Spain I mean like let's say this country
0:26:57 that we're living in now yeah I mean
0:26:59 every kid that goes to school knows that
0:27:00 we you know you had the
0:27:03 uh 1066 Battle of Hastings and this kind
0:27:06 of Norman uh you know patients invasions
0:27:10 and stuff like that or uh William the
0:27:11 Conqueror and all that kind of stuff
0:27:12 right
0:27:13 have you how comical laughable how much
0:27:17 of a joke would it be if some french guy
0:27:20 came on TV or something or some guy who
0:27:23 let's say from the Scandinavian
0:27:24 countries and start saying look we have
0:27:27 ownership of because we've always been
0:27:28 in this land we've been here before you
0:27:30 guys were for example or England as it
0:27:32 was known before the Anglo-Saxons what
0:27:34 was it and then some you know groups
0:27:36 come and start speaking about this you
0:27:37 know it's it's this conversation
0:27:40 can only be and will only be had with
0:27:43 this particular issue and the reason why
0:27:45 is because there's a historical
0:27:47 clutching at straws here I think I mean
0:27:49 no one's having this discussion with the
0:27:52 Native Americans okay well if this
0:27:53 discussion was normal all right so let's
0:27:56 talk about the fact that you have in
0:27:58 Jordan Peterson's country the First
0:28:00 Nations
0:28:01 okay they were there before the white
0:28:03 man came along it wasn't the one there
0:28:05 so okay let's talk about let's have
0:28:06 let's open up a discussion about whether
0:28:08 the white man should have come to Canada
0:28:11 and what kind of Rights he has to come
0:28:13 to Canada and so on it's laughable
0:28:16 and in fact I mean if if in fact I mean
0:28:19 they invaded the land in a way and they
0:28:21 they went against their trees a thousand
0:28:23 times both the Americans and so on they
0:28:25 have no Authority it really doesn't they
0:28:28 have no legitimacy to be there no let's
0:28:30 just Missy whatsoever zero they overtook
0:28:33 The Land by force so let's just call a
0:28:36 spade a spade you know this discussion
0:28:40 is a smoke screen
0:28:42 this whole discussion is a red herring
0:28:44 if you like I think this whole
0:28:45 discussion it's the fact that they're
0:28:47 talking about ancient history talk about
0:28:48 a modern state is a smoke stream there's
0:28:51 a red herring it's Netanyahu trying his
0:28:53 best to appeal to the ancestral roots to
0:28:58 the historical memories of Jewish people
0:28:59 for example for the you know of
0:29:01 Christians and so on
0:29:03 and for to try and evade the reality
0:29:07 that this guy is a mass murderer this
0:29:09 guy's dropping bombs on apartment
0:29:11 buildings
0:29:12 this guy is killing kids this guy's
0:29:14 taking Women and Children of that out of
0:29:16 the house and tell them to go home go to
0:29:18 another country go to another country
0:29:19 and arable look how big the Arab world
0:29:21 is this is the kind of conversations
0:29:23 we're having here but you see smoke
0:29:25 screen though it might be these lies
0:29:27 kill
0:29:28 it's because of the claim that they're
0:29:32 not colonialists yes
0:29:34 that they're just coming back to get
0:29:36 what's theirs and so then that means by
0:29:39 default that they're implying that the
0:29:41 Palestinians are thieves and squatters
0:29:42 yeah that's exactly
0:29:44 yeah and any resistance they offer is
0:29:48 not only unjust but could be a pretext
0:29:50 to be met with Force I want to know
0:29:53 though if if that's what it is if we're
0:29:55 talking about British common law and all
0:29:56 the kind of thing that appears I think
0:29:57 it was what I mean one of his worst
0:29:59 moments
0:30:00 uh British common law and this and
0:30:02 squatting and this kind of whatever the
0:30:04 conversation he had
0:30:05 if that is a conversation we can have
0:30:07 now can we open the dossier historical
0:30:10 dossier of uh American white Americans
0:30:14 being seasoned squads can we say now the
0:30:16 the white American is essentially a
0:30:18 thief and a squatter that's what he is
0:30:20 oh well certainly um and but what
0:30:23 they'll say is what's done is done um
0:30:26 and he was but he was he was even wrong
0:30:29 about English law commonly anyway he
0:30:31 said he might muck it up and indeed he
0:30:32 did
0:30:33 um so he said that if a people so
0:30:36 who said that if um if you come to a
0:30:39 land that's desolate he's claiming
0:30:41 Palestine was desolate in the 19th
0:30:43 century yes and you build it up and you
0:30:45 develop it it becomes yours yes
0:30:48 um and so then John Peterson uh pushing
0:30:51 back
0:30:52 just agreed and said yeah there's
0:30:54 something in English law you know that
0:30:56 you know that uh that allows you to
0:30:58 something you could you could do
0:31:00 something like that if you I think pound
0:31:01 for pound Canada is probably one of the
0:31:03 most derelict places in the world yeah
0:31:06 of course it's massive and this is huge
0:31:07 and there's no who's there sorry to say
0:31:10 30 million people four million people
0:31:11 it's like the population of a Morocco
0:31:13 well people in Greenland should be
0:31:15 scared now because they're going to get
0:31:16 invaded anytime or anyone who could just
0:31:19 say all right here you go I've come I've
0:31:20 made a made a McDonald's on your land
0:31:21 now I own it yeah
0:31:23 um so anyway so like the point the point
0:31:25 is that um these are lies that kill the
0:31:27 argument about ancestry ancestral
0:31:30 um presence there is
0:31:33 is a bad argument in many many ways um
0:31:36 it's historically it's a historical
0:31:38 anyway
0:31:39 um the the they heard many who argued
0:31:42 that the Arabs were the colonialists
0:31:44 okay he said that they came in the 7th
0:31:47 Century right and they came and they
0:31:51 kicked out the Jewish farmer
0:31:54 which are blatant lies I was
0:31:57 uh sometimes you're I mean you expect
0:31:59 lies from people but to lie so brazily
0:32:02 about something so easily disprovable
0:32:04 unbelievable isn't it it's shocked
0:32:06 because we know that the standard policy
0:32:08 of them in the Muslim expansions was
0:32:10 never to disrupt the need anyone living
0:32:12 in any of these lands it was Roman on
0:32:14 the Roman control anyway you know what
0:32:16 else sorry to cut you off I gave Jordan
0:32:18 Peterson a gift actually right before we
0:32:20 started the discussion it didn't come on
0:32:22 the thing but it was the preaching of
0:32:24 Islam by uh Thomas Arnold Walker and I
0:32:28 told him before we started I said you
0:32:29 know this is an orientalist writing this
0:32:31 book and this is an orientalist in the
0:32:34 say 19th century 18 19 20th century
0:32:37 whatever it is yeah 100 years ago
0:32:40 and you know he's not affected by
0:32:42 vocalism or liberalism read it and see
0:32:44 about this type of expansionism
0:32:46 because if you
0:32:48 exactly the point you just made you know
0:32:50 is he makes this point on uh Thomas
0:32:53 Arnold Walker that when when when the
0:32:55 Muslims went into these countries when
0:32:57 they went back into Jerusalem
0:32:58 for example that they were not uh forced
0:33:03 to be converted they were not kicked out
0:33:05 of their lands or anything like that
0:33:06 this stuff is clear even an orientalist
0:33:08 literature Jews were banned by the
0:33:11 Romans from residing in Jerusalem yes
0:33:14 from a prior Revolt uh um reversed that
0:33:18 he let Jews back into Jerusalem and also
0:33:20 there was a Jewish uh some Jewish tribes
0:33:23 in Arabia
0:33:24 um he led them to be relocated to Yari
0:33:26 yariha which is Jericho in Palestine so
0:33:30 he actually brought um
0:33:32 the second caliph of the of the Muslims
0:33:35 after Prophet
0:33:37 um brought
0:33:39 was there secondly um he brought Jews
0:33:42 into Palestine let them go back let them
0:33:44 come back into Palestine absolutely I
0:33:46 mean it wasn't under I suppose to
0:33:47 deliver a policy of let's bring Jews in
0:33:49 but it was the case showing that if they
0:33:50 want to live there let them live there
0:33:52 absolutely so Muslims ever had they went
0:33:54 didn't kick out Jews uh we brought Jews
0:33:57 back in and this leads to the this leads
0:34:00 to the the second biggest lie of
0:34:02 Benjamin netanyahu's um discussion which
0:34:04 Jordan Peterson again just did not
0:34:07 um push back on which is that Arabs
0:34:10 um or Arabic speak just because people
0:34:11 in Palestine speak Arab and they're
0:34:13 called Arabs because you know anyone
0:34:14 else speaks Arabic is called an Arab
0:34:16 that they only came in the seventh uh
0:34:18 sixth or seventh century is completely
0:34:21 false I mean I mean you can if you if
0:34:24 you really don't want to take the
0:34:26 history books word for it uh genetic
0:34:29 tests will show anyone uh Palestinian
0:34:31 Lebanese
0:34:33 um uh Jordanian Syrian uh they have
0:34:36 genetic
0:34:37 um connections to four thousand year old
0:34:40 bodies Canaanite bodies and that was the
0:34:43 voice well that's one of the Bombshells
0:34:45 but but before I get into that one um
0:34:47 what happened was that uh Palestine was
0:34:52 mixed with non-jews since even the time
0:34:56 of the Israelite invasions there's
0:34:57 always been non-jews amongst uh amongst
0:35:00 Jews well I say Israelites because they
0:35:01 were all the tribes of Israel as well uh
0:35:03 they've always been mixed
0:35:05 um when the due to the the revolts and
0:35:08 what have you Romans clam down but even
0:35:10 before that during the Alexander
0:35:11 invasion of Alexander the Great uh there
0:35:15 was Greeks living amongst them or Greek
0:35:17 speakers living amongst them it was a
0:35:18 mix mix of Ethics it always has been
0:35:20 mixed businesses amongst them when the
0:35:23 Romans occupied it again more
0:35:25 Cosmopolitan more mix of people living
0:35:28 there so there's been a mix
0:35:31 not all of them are going to be
0:35:33 Israelite and amongst Israelites not all
0:35:35 of them are Jewish
0:35:36 so from that there are people then when
0:35:39 the Romans came when the Romans became
0:35:41 Christian many Jews became Christian
0:35:44 okay and then from those who then became
0:35:47 Christian their descendants when Islam
0:35:49 came they became Muslim they were still
0:35:53 uh there were still Jews converting to
0:35:56 Islam even recorded until even the 19th
0:36:00 century the Ottomans noticed it there
0:36:02 were people not under any compulsion it
0:36:05 was hold Villages that were left bestly
0:36:07 autonomously and then one family would
0:36:09 convert to Islam and then they'd start a
0:36:11 chain reaction of conversions
0:36:13 um you'd also get people who were
0:36:16 um who are non-jews but were Israelites
0:36:19 Samaritans which are uh which are the
0:36:22 remains of the remaining ten tribes of
0:36:24 Israel whereas Jews are mixed to the
0:36:26 last of two tribes but mostly the the
0:36:29 Judean tribe or tribal Judean oh Judah
0:36:32 basically uh they're what we call Jews
0:36:35 but you had Samaritans
0:36:37 um who convert to Islam those that
0:36:40 stayed behind and didn't convert to
0:36:42 Islam and didn't
0:36:44 um uh didn't accept uh the tribe of
0:36:46 judah's authority and kept their own
0:36:48 Torah which is a different version to
0:36:50 the the Torah um the Jewish Torah so
0:36:54 this was all going on in Palestine it's
0:36:57 a mix
0:36:59 many Jews became Muslim and then when
0:37:01 they became Muslim in it they were
0:37:02 speaking Arabic they're just called
0:37:04 Arabs right and then when uh obviously
0:37:08 when the British took over Palestine
0:37:10 they encountered a mixed people who had
0:37:13 a mixed Heritage all over the place but
0:37:16 Palestine is a Crossroads there's been
0:37:18 people intermixing all the time
0:37:22 I'll just show you some irons of this
0:37:24 intermixing they mentioned oh there's um
0:37:26 a famous uh activist person activist I
0:37:29 think it's called
0:37:30 and uh
0:37:32 um and her brother yeah
0:37:35 so uh they say oh they their name is
0:37:38 Kurdish right they they're Kurds they're
0:37:40 not they're not yeah
0:37:42 zionists argued zionists argued they're
0:37:44 not real Palestinians really they're
0:37:46 Kurds right they're the typical Kurds
0:37:48 um well that maybe you know a Kurdish
0:37:51 person came over into married the locals
0:37:54 but once you intermed the locals you
0:37:55 become one of the locals you know you
0:37:56 don't but your name might stay behind
0:37:58 but even then even if they were Kurdish
0:38:01 just to show you how intermix the Middle
0:38:02 East is right for anyone who's watching
0:38:05 who's from the west and just doesn't
0:38:06 know what the middle is all about right
0:38:08 into Middle East is mixed always has
0:38:10 been
0:38:11 um when Kurdish DNA was investigated
0:38:13 they discover a high degree of Israelite
0:38:16 DNA why because when um uh the Kingdom
0:38:20 of Israel split into two factions you
0:38:22 had the north factions called itself
0:38:24 Israel which is confusing
0:38:26 um or uh but they were called the
0:38:28 nickname the the kingdom of Samaria
0:38:31 and then the South was Judah right
0:38:33 there's North got destroyed by the
0:38:35 Assyrians and the people were taken into
0:38:37 captivity by the Assyrians which is
0:38:40 where the Kurds are today that's where
0:38:41 the Assyrian Empire is right and again
0:38:44 they intermixed
0:38:45 these people then just became curds or
0:38:48 just were Kurds eventually and so many
0:38:51 Kurds are Israelites in their ancestry
0:38:53 so technically speaking Monaco is just
0:38:56 coming back home if he is because of the
0:38:59 intimate but that's the thing that's the
0:39:00 intermixing if you look at the DNA tests
0:39:02 um okay now now going back to DNA test
0:39:04 yeah
0:39:05 um there was there's multiple studies
0:39:07 done on um on Ashkenazi Jews uh Mizrahi
0:39:12 Jews Arab Jews
0:39:13 um uh Palestinians Lebanese and so on
0:39:16 and then they noticed things which I
0:39:18 think everyone Common Sense will tell
0:39:20 you which is Palestinians
0:39:23 uh Lebanese Mizrahi Jews have much more
0:39:27 in common than African Nazi Jews really
0:39:30 really they because now not saying
0:39:32 Ashkenazi Jews are not I don't have any
0:39:34 connection to there but they've
0:39:36 intermarried with Italians with Germans
0:39:38 for centuries yes okay in some cases
0:39:41 they're all they only uh their DNA um is
0:39:44 is um in one study there's only 50 from
0:39:47 the Levant whereas the average
0:39:49 Palestinian might is 70 from or 80 from
0:39:53 the Levant uh they did studies on they
0:39:57 found old bodies of Canaanites from 4
0:39:59 000 years old not not not 3 200 years or
0:40:02 3500 years
0:40:03 four thousand years again about 89 match
0:40:08 to Canaanites Palestinians Lebanese yeah
0:40:11 because everyone's been intermarrying in
0:40:13 that region for centuries right so it's
0:40:16 just you might have like foreigners come
0:40:18 in and into marry the locals but then
0:40:20 their children their children children
0:40:21 their children children's become pretty
0:40:23 much that's the futility of making a
0:40:26 genetic argument almost I mean that's
0:40:27 what it is our people what do you mean
0:40:29 by people you're talking about people
0:40:30 that believe in a certain religion
0:40:31 because obviously Judaism for like what
0:40:33 is a Jewish it's an ethnic religious
0:40:35 group so you've got the religious
0:40:37 component but you also got the ethnic
0:40:38 component but it seems to me like when
0:40:40 they talk about Jews especially in the
0:40:41 political context they are speaking
0:40:43 about the ethnic Jew they are speaking
0:40:45 about the Judas it doesn't matter what
0:40:46 he believes or what she believes
0:40:47 especially someone like Netanyahu who is
0:40:50 openly like you know a pro-lgbtq or
0:40:52 whatever things that would go against
0:40:54 the Old Testament uh Corpus anyway
0:40:55 brother I I will taste like now taste
0:40:58 like further shocking it's about current
0:41:01 day Israeli law and the right to the
0:41:03 right to return okay yes so the point
0:41:07 about when people talk about ancestry
0:41:08 which you might say is like what's the
0:41:09 point about him because he went online
0:41:10 about ancestry yes who went on and on my
0:41:13 ancestral rights my ancestor right okay
0:41:16 uh well firstly
0:41:18 um if the vast majority uh the majority
0:41:20 of Jews in the world Ashkenazi Jews in
0:41:22 Germany or Italian
0:41:23 um Italian Jews right uh study of the
0:41:26 study has shown that they're pretty much
0:41:28 as much German and as much
0:41:30 um uh Italian as they are Jewish as they
0:41:33 are from the Levant from Ashan from from
0:41:35 uh that area Genetically speaking so
0:41:39 they could click they could make an
0:41:40 equal genetic or an ancestral claim to
0:41:42 Germany or Italy as they could anywhere
0:41:44 else yeah so then why why does that give
0:41:47 uh ashkenazim or Italian more right than
0:41:51 the Palestinian whose ancestor answers
0:41:54 have mostly been in that same region for
0:41:56 a longer point in time and we're
0:41:58 probably Jews were Jewish Jews Jewish
0:42:00 interesting themselves that's one point
0:42:02 but the ancestry argument is a lot of it
0:42:04 is based on my ancestors own the land
0:42:07 therefore I buy I inherit it that's the
0:42:10 whole point of the argument that he was
0:42:12 bringing on and it's just ridiculous
0:42:14 it's like the Anglo Saxons in England or
0:42:17 the English people saying and they've
0:42:20 only been here for uh what came roughly
0:42:23 roughly around uh what six seven seven
0:42:26 eight ninth centuries so let's just say
0:42:28 let's let's just say 1 300 years ish
0:42:32 um them saying hey
0:42:33 we come from Germany originally so
0:42:37 we have a right not only to go back to
0:42:39 Germany and get citizenship but we have
0:42:42 a right to create our nation state
0:42:46 and meet the Germans and the minority in
0:42:49 some way right that we have a privilege
0:42:51 preference that is embarrassing so one
0:42:55 thing I would say is that obviously
0:42:56 Israel itself I mean almost all
0:42:59 organizations uh apart from obviously
0:43:02 the pro Zionist ones labeled it as an
0:43:05 apartheid regime the reason why it's an
0:43:08 apartheid regime is because of its
0:43:11 racist you know treatment of say for
0:43:13 example Arabs can you tell us something
0:43:15 about that
0:43:16 oh yeah well I mean when they mentioned
0:43:19 that they they look into ancestry rights
0:43:22 um they're not really serious about that
0:43:24 it's because they have a law about the
0:43:27 right to return yeah but it's not the
0:43:29 right to return to everyone that's ever
0:43:31 had any ancestry in that land because
0:43:33 there are many you know I said many
0:43:35 Arabs or Palestinians or whoever who
0:43:37 have Canaanite ancestry they'll never
0:43:39 give them
0:43:40 um citizenship but they have it the law
0:43:42 specifies that not only uh can can Jews
0:43:46 claim a right to return but uh but only
0:43:50 on condition that those Jews basically
0:43:53 have not converted to another religion
0:43:55 really so a Jewish person of Jewish
0:43:58 ancestry on both sides of the family
0:44:01 mother and father
0:44:04 converts to Islam or Christianity
0:44:06 they will not be able to claim the right
0:44:08 of return to the land of Palestine wow
0:44:11 even though their ancestry hasn't
0:44:13 changed it doesn't change because you
0:44:14 convert to different religion but if
0:44:16 you're an atheist
0:44:17 or if you're a Jewish Jew then that's
0:44:20 fine then your ancestry somehow matters
0:44:22 now wow so this just shows you that they
0:44:26 don't really care about ancestry exactly
0:44:29 it's about the supremacy of a particular
0:44:33 identity right and what most people
0:44:35 forget is that the the kind of the major
0:44:38 the main Zionist movement that was
0:44:41 successful in getting uh uh getting the
0:44:45 beginning of of the of the the Israeli
0:44:48 project the project to to incept Israel
0:44:51 were not actually religious Jews the the
0:44:53 vast majority of them uh Ben gurin
0:44:56 himself were atheist socialists right
0:44:59 they were nationalists and socialists
0:45:02 and they believed in Jewish nationalism
0:45:04 uh where they felt that only we're
0:45:07 having a a national state for Jews could
0:45:09 they Implement
0:45:11 um a socialist system for the Jewish
0:45:13 people and that's what they didn't
0:45:15 believe in religion uh for them it was
0:45:17 just a a kind of a a romantic historical
0:45:20 land that they that was useful but
0:45:23 theater herzl the one of the main
0:45:26 Advocates of political Zionism are the
0:45:28 one who really kind of got the ball
0:45:30 rolling seriously uh he actually was
0:45:32 even he didn't even care so much if it
0:45:34 was even Palestine they get maybe they
0:45:37 said well maybe if we get a place in
0:45:39 Argentina okay but Auntie was actually
0:45:41 put there before one of the African
0:45:43 countries that was
0:45:49 Uganda was what was one option but it
0:45:51 wasn't as serious actually as Argentina
0:45:52 was actually a seriously yeah to the
0:45:55 point that herzl didn't know whether he
0:45:56 would pick Argentina or Palestine
0:45:58 because he felt that Argentina had more
0:46:00 arable land it was much more
0:46:02 um uh good for growing things and living
0:46:04 there whereas Palestine was more arid so
0:46:07 he actually preferred uh Palestine he
0:46:09 even argued even mentioned that Jews
0:46:11 don't speak Hebrew anymore but majority
0:46:13 so he didn't really uh he didn't really
0:46:16 even care whether they spoke Hebrew
0:46:18 whether they lived in Argentina he
0:46:20 wanted a national state for the Jews
0:46:21 regardless of where it was going to be
0:46:23 and I remember reading the letters that
0:46:25 Jim reisman wrote it's back and forth
0:46:28 and this is Uganda option and you know
0:46:30 he was like you know what it's not this
0:46:32 is not a hot you know our homeland or
0:46:35 whatever it is and it was a discussion
0:46:37 there's right before the Balfour
0:46:39 Declaration actually so it's uh it's a
0:46:41 very interesting part of history and if
0:46:43 you look okay from a secular's
0:46:45 perspective I don't see any
0:46:46 justification of this stuff ever being
0:46:48 even plausible I mean but once again
0:46:52 it's as if they're living in alternate
0:46:54 reality but it's being entertained by
0:46:57 the likes of Jordan Peterson
0:46:58 unfortunately
0:47:00 um now I was going to ask about this
0:47:03 well I would say one of the thrusts of
0:47:05 the main Central the Crux of his
0:47:08 argument really which is that you know
0:47:10 Palestine was desolate it was derelict
0:47:12 and these Arabs were not doing anything
0:47:15 with it quote unquote therefore the
0:47:18 Jewish man needed to come in for example
0:47:20 was using to come in
0:47:22 uh to make something of the land uh as
0:47:25 Jordan Peterson I think uh said what do
0:47:28 you think of this well the claim that
0:47:30 you know Mark Twain and uh yeah he was
0:47:33 yeah pathetic they came in and they
0:47:35 described Palestine as desolate what
0:47:36 they don't mention is that Mark Twain
0:47:38 went to Syria and Lebanon and Greece and
0:47:41 said the same thing desolate empty Baron
0:47:43 already because there's a lot of areas
0:47:44 that are basically desert oh if you went
0:47:46 to Canada what would you say yeah pretty
0:47:48 much
0:47:49 um but but what they don't tell you is
0:47:51 that many of these why these uh
0:47:53 Christian American Christians were very
0:47:56 interested in going to Palestine there
0:47:58 was a lot of interest was because of
0:48:00 their Messianic belief that the Jews
0:48:03 would return back to Palestine before
0:48:05 the Advent of Christ or to hasten the
0:48:07 return of Jesus uh you know maybe
0:48:10 encourage things along bring the Jews
0:48:12 back so that they were the it was
0:48:14 Christian zionists who in a way were the
0:48:18 first
0:48:20 um highly vocal zionists in the west and
0:48:23 they weren't Jews and they were the ones
0:48:26 who kind of who were coining phrases
0:48:27 like um a land without a people for a
0:48:31 people without a land they were trying
0:48:33 to encourage it so they were going there
0:48:34 and just saying yeah it's all Barren
0:48:36 it's empty because there's massive
0:48:38 deserts I mean the negative desert in in
0:48:40 Palestine is
0:48:41 pretty Barren now you know does that
0:48:44 mean now that they would accept uh Arabs
0:48:46 coming back into the well they would so
0:48:49 just by saying there's Barren areas
0:48:51 um doesn't really change anything they
0:48:53 they say that they came in and developed
0:48:55 the land the Palestine has been being
0:48:57 developed and
0:48:59 reconstructed with uh could built and
0:49:03 expanded over centuries and centuries
0:49:05 and centuries there was development
0:49:08 projects there yeah well um you know
0:49:11 they had the uh hijaz Railway which
0:49:14 exactly linked Arabia all the way you
0:49:18 know going up to Syria going and you
0:49:20 know eventually to Constantinople
0:49:22 um going through Palestine that they had
0:49:24 they were kind of had trade routes via
0:49:27 the ports on Palestine
0:49:29 um exporting uh fruits uh Palestine was
0:49:32 known for fruits actually fruit exports
0:49:34 um also uh it is actually dates yes of
0:49:38 course of course they're oranges and
0:49:39 things like this so it had it had all
0:49:41 these different
0:49:42 um arable products uh that was produced
0:49:45 uh so it had development it had farming
0:49:48 lands uh there was about the quanta
0:49:50 Ottoman census is there was about at
0:49:52 least half a million people there the
0:49:53 people said that that was underpopulated
0:49:55 compared to before but the thing that
0:49:57 the people in the land of Palestine has
0:49:59 fluctuated for centuries and centuries
0:50:01 as well it's become quite heavily
0:50:03 populated then it's an unusual argument
0:50:06 it's a weird argument like the people
0:50:08 wouldn't mind being kicked out of their
0:50:10 their homes and their land because
0:50:11 there's some empty areas it's like okay
0:50:14 so once again the Canada argument or
0:50:16 even the Russia argument or Greenland as
0:50:18 you mentioned you know I mean this is I
0:50:20 mean is this is this the level of
0:50:21 argumentation
0:50:23 it's ridiculous the Ottomans were were
0:50:26 modernizing the The Land Before the
0:50:28 British came in and occupied it so then
0:50:30 yeah I used argument about his apartment
0:50:33 that is equivalent of he owned an
0:50:35 apartment or his grandfather Department
0:50:37 got kicked out got taken over by people
0:50:40 who then got kicked up pretty quickly
0:50:41 and then it was left as a mess that he
0:50:44 came back to the apartment and rebuilt
0:50:46 it renovated now it's his uh no to if I
0:50:49 was to use analogy accurately it's
0:50:52 someone who
0:50:53 kick someone else out the apartment yes
0:50:56 um stay there for a bit got kicked out
0:50:59 or left uh left because uh things
0:51:01 weren't working out there or what have
0:51:03 you spent uh got another home spent most
0:51:07 of their life in that other home the
0:51:09 vast majority of their life in the other
0:51:10 home and then felt like hey I want to
0:51:13 come back for I want to have a I want to
0:51:15 come back to that apartment at some
0:51:16 point and even then it's not it's it's a
0:51:20 cousin and cousin a cousin cousin cousin
0:51:22 of theirs I want to come back to that
0:51:24 apartment that my answer to Once took
0:51:26 over at some point and I'll kick out
0:51:27 everybody
0:51:29 um that I don't like in there and um and
0:51:32 and then the argument
0:51:35 and you know what the argument that we
0:51:37 renovated it
0:51:38 it's like
0:51:43 I know I know I know absolutely pathetic
0:51:46 imagine you know what head of state do
0:51:49 you know what imagine someone right
0:51:50 stole your car right they stole your car
0:51:53 yeah and then you eventually the police
0:51:54 found it but he'd put some extra rims on
0:51:57 it and he says it's my car now judge
0:52:01 it's my car I put rims you know I put
0:52:04 some like leather trimmings and uh I got
0:52:07 fluffy dice on the on the wing on the
0:52:10 moon view mirror it's mine now see like
0:52:13 everyone that steals something does
0:52:15 something with what they steal that's
0:52:17 like you know if they intend to keep it
0:52:19 yeah it's true it's like you know uh
0:52:23 Keepers the Steelers Keepers I think he
0:52:25 went to MIT is his father was meant to
0:52:28 be actually a historian he's and by the
0:52:30 way guess what his specialism was
0:52:32 especially when was uh Jewish history in
0:52:35 the Golden Age of jury
0:52:37 his fathers and obviously that was the
0:52:39 Islamic that was the Islamic period I'll
0:52:40 explain so he knows all about Islamic
0:52:42 coexistence conferencing and all those
0:52:44 kind of things well I said they were
0:52:46 Palestinian Jews that were so
0:52:48 Palestinians who were Jewish and as well
0:52:51 as Samaritans was Christians and Muslims
0:52:53 all living there in Palestine uh when uh
0:52:58 the first migrations uh came the first
0:53:01 migrations came into Palestine on the
0:53:03 ottoman period they let they let it but
0:53:05 then there was there was so much influx
0:53:08 that they tried they said we'll have
0:53:09 some restrictions because you just can't
0:53:11 have unrestricted migration into any
0:53:13 territory and then when the British came
0:53:15 they managed they made a a deal uh with
0:53:18 the the British say you know uh we want
0:53:20 to create a Homeland uh which Britain
0:53:22 kind of gave because it was hoping to
0:53:25 use Jewish influence in uh the United
0:53:27 States of America to get them involved
0:53:29 in World War one to help them join
0:53:31 one-on-one inside of the British
0:53:34 um kind of uh the allies and so on and
0:53:36 so forth so uh even though funnily
0:53:39 enough the British had promised it to uh
0:53:42 Sharif Hussein right
0:53:45 um the chief of uh of in hijaz who they
0:53:48 said that if you help us we'll give you
0:53:50 al-sham we'll give you the whole area
0:53:52 they made the first promise to him of
0:53:54 course they broke that and then they
0:53:57 made the Balfour Declaration even though
0:53:59 technically speaking the first promise
0:54:01 is still binding yeah so people try to
0:54:03 often cite the battle for declaration
0:54:04 gives them official sanction that's
0:54:06 that's false I mean well this was just
0:54:09 what Authority did they have to move to
0:54:11 to do with these lands anyway I mean I
0:54:14 promise you this land that's not mine
0:54:15 and I promise you that land that's not a
0:54:17 thing and the thing is is like this is
0:54:20 not this is the meaning that this is
0:54:23 you're operating on a land this is
0:54:26 historically humiliating that you didn't
0:54:29 even conquer
0:54:30 that you required another great power to
0:54:33 conquer on your behalf it's like I'm
0:54:34 going to bring my dad to to deal with
0:54:37 you like you know my neighbor's dad to
0:54:39 deal with me basically and come over and
0:54:41 and I mean so that those were lies
0:54:46 um the other lie that he mentioned
0:54:48 um and it was quite significant was that
0:54:51 the you see the issue is there's two
0:54:54 issues here one is
0:54:56 um
0:54:56 who's whose state is implemented in in
0:55:00 Palestine uh under which ethnicity is
0:55:02 privileged yeah okay so if you want to
0:55:05 argue that you have a state that is uh
0:55:08 equal to all Races or if there's a tears
0:55:10 of all religion or whatever
0:55:12 um that would be one thing but to say it
0:55:15 must be a Jewish nation-state not a
0:55:18 state of okay not a state of Canaan
0:55:21 right the Canaanite State yeah where any
0:55:24 King light is welcome yeah who lives in
0:55:26 that land anyone who has any ancestry of
0:55:28 some point to some that can can live
0:55:30 there as equal citizens no they have
0:55:32 racial laws they say only one type of
0:55:35 ethnicity has the right of return no
0:55:38 matter how much diluted
0:55:40 um any levantine connection any
0:55:42 connection to the event they're from uh
0:55:45 even if they're more German than they
0:55:46 are uh Jewish or from the Levant or
0:55:49 they're more Italian than there doesn't
0:55:51 matter if they've got some Identity or
0:55:53 or even even if you have no or ancestry
0:55:57 to Palestine if you actually convert to
0:56:00 Judaism which takes some time but one um
0:56:02 one if you convert to Judaism you can
0:56:05 then claim a right of return to
0:56:06 Palestine under Israeli laws so they
0:56:10 don't care about even Heritage they care
0:56:13 about
0:56:14 identity so anyway so the other major
0:56:18 lie that Benjamin Netanyahu said and
0:56:21 John Peterson did not challenge him yeah
0:56:24 was the narpa was the catastrophe that
0:56:26 happened to the Palestinians and that
0:56:28 was one where he the argument is and his
0:56:30 typical Zionist Trope they say that so
0:56:33 the Palestinians were living with the uh
0:56:35 with the uh the Jewish migrants out
0:56:38 there and everyone was and they everyone
0:56:40 wanted to live in peace and so on and so
0:56:41 forth but then the Arab armies came in
0:56:43 and they told the Palestinians uh you
0:56:46 you have to you know leave so and then
0:56:48 you can go back to your houses after we
0:56:50 finish defeating
0:56:51 um uh the Jews and driving them into the
0:56:53 sea quote unquote that's what they'd
0:56:55 like to cite um that
0:56:58 that's just not true
0:57:00 so basically long story short
0:57:03 Palestine was a bit of a hot potato for
0:57:05 Britain they wanted to extricate
0:57:07 themselves from it it was taking up
0:57:08 resources uh there were many
0:57:10 um Jewish organizations that were
0:57:12 engaged in active terrorism against the
0:57:14 British because the British tried to the
0:57:16 British realized that they shouldn't uh
0:57:18 that they should not like the urban give
0:57:20 Palestine to one uh to make it a state
0:57:24 based on one ethnicity right or give
0:57:27 with ethnic privilege so they said okay
0:57:29 look we when we met Homeland for Jews we
0:57:31 just meant a place for you to go but it
0:57:34 would be like an equal state for
0:57:36 everybody and the zionists didn't want
0:57:38 that and they wanted and they wanted to
0:57:40 restrict uh immigration because okay you
0:57:42 know there's complaints about about
0:57:43 unfair immigration
0:57:45 so we'll listen to the Palestinian
0:57:48 concerns and we'll we'll limit the
0:57:51 immigration amounts to reasonable levels
0:57:54 designers were operon that started
0:57:56 Terror campaigns uh hotels were bomb
0:57:58 King David Hotel uh ships were bombed uh
0:58:02 a ship carrying uh Jewish migrants that
0:58:04 were kind of prevented from docking was
0:58:06 bombed by uh Zionist organization to
0:58:10 make a point right
0:58:12 um people don't talk about that right
0:58:14 people don't talk about that so Jews
0:58:15 were being killed by these uh Zionist
0:58:18 terrorists just to make a point about
0:58:20 preventing
0:58:22 um Jewish migration
0:58:24 British people were killed as well right
0:58:26 I mean that's what we don't realize what
0:58:28 British diplomats are so on but but the
0:58:31 greater tragedy is not just politics not
0:58:33 politicians it's the men women and
0:58:35 children of course whether they are Arab
0:58:38 or Jew or whoever who were killed and
0:58:41 they were not involving themselves in
0:58:43 fighting and any of this kind of those
0:58:45 those terrorist organizations later
0:58:46 became the part the the Lucid party
0:58:49 basically were absorbed into that party
0:58:51 yeah they became eventually the right
0:58:53 wing so
0:58:55 and then she would would form the
0:58:57 right-wing um parties in a liquid would
0:59:02 would basically be The Descendants which
0:59:04 is recognized as as legitimate a legal
0:59:08 party imagine if for example Osama Bin
0:59:10 Laden you know he had uh
0:59:13 done what he'd done or whatever there's
0:59:15 some kind of seven seven terrorist I
0:59:18 don't know whoever Maybe
0:59:19 and then afterwards they established a
0:59:21 political party and the uh the
0:59:24 predecessors or sorry the subsequent
0:59:27 leaders of that political party come and
0:59:30 now are speaking freely and they're
0:59:32 talking about Justice and all these kind
0:59:33 of things I mean it wouldn't be
0:59:35 acceptable at all it's absolutely
0:59:37 inconceivable but the fact that this is
0:59:40 allowed for for Israel
0:59:44 and that this is normal this guy can
0:59:46 come with a suit and speak about his he
0:59:48 calls it Adventures
0:59:50 he Adventures
0:59:51 you know his military campaigns and his
0:59:53 civilians and all this kind of his
0:59:56 Premiership that he can do that it
0:59:59 Beggars belief I think you know
1:00:01 well I mean look
1:00:04 um
1:00:05 who is a politician he knows Israeli
1:00:09 history a history of Israeli government
1:00:11 what it's done um he blatantly lied with
1:00:15 something that is like GCSE or like low
1:00:18 uh was it secondary school or lower high
1:00:21 school whatever country you're in
1:00:22 um like
1:00:24 incorrect fact it's not fact he said he
1:00:28 said that the Israel State declared
1:00:30 independence
1:00:31 and then
1:00:33 um the all the Arab regimes
1:00:36 um invaded and that's when the
1:00:37 Palestinians were getting kicked out
1:00:38 they weren't kicked out before then yeah
1:00:40 that's a lie when the United Nations
1:00:44 adopted the resolution of a partition of
1:00:48 Palestine a partition which by the way
1:00:50 the zionists
1:00:52 they said they accepted but then they
1:00:54 started to conquer the areas that was
1:00:56 given by the un2 palette to
1:00:59 um the Palestinians
1:01:01 um so this is in 19 uh 1940 uh 47 on
1:01:04 November the U.N declaration is made
1:01:07 um the uh Zionist kind of armed groups
1:01:12 cause instigations start violence on the
1:01:15 ground and that begins what would become
1:01:19 the clearing operations by the hagana
1:01:20 the main Israeli Defense Force of Arab
1:01:24 Villages now they were told by Ben gurin
1:01:28 said that you can't at this time that
1:01:30 the Jews were not the majority in
1:01:31 Palestine and Ben gurin expressed
1:01:34 concern that you can't have a viable
1:01:36 Jewish state
1:01:37 even if the Jews were just 60 of the
1:01:40 population right it's still not viable
1:01:42 because that 40 Arabs they could and
1:01:44 just maybe they get for those who don't
1:01:46 know
1:01:47 but Ben gurin is was the first premiere
1:01:50 of of um Israel and the leader the
1:01:52 Zionist um kind of uh movement of party
1:01:55 uh a parties
1:01:57 um uh that that were in controlling the
1:01:59 Zionist movement before they became a
1:02:01 government so uh he basically expressed
1:02:05 that that he what he had hoped what
1:02:08 they'd hoped is the word expected
1:02:12 um we're looking at them and they
1:02:13 couldn't say we're going to make it a
1:02:16 a an ethno an if no State yeah for only
1:02:20 one ethnic group
1:02:22 um they had to everyone's talking about
1:02:23 democracy as after World War II so they
1:02:25 they said okay we we believe in
1:02:27 democracy and yeah we want everyone to
1:02:29 have equal right citizenship so what
1:02:31 they were hoping was that they would get
1:02:33 enough
1:02:33 um Jewish immigration into Palestine so
1:02:36 that Jews becomes such a majority that
1:02:38 you can have a free uh democracy
1:02:41 uh but it will be a Jewish State a
1:02:43 Jewish privileging Jewish language uh
1:02:47 Jewish identity because they will be the
1:02:48 majority you see and no one could
1:02:51 approach them because they could say
1:02:52 we're a fairly equal State Everyone's an
1:02:54 equal citizenship we're just a majority
1:02:56 Jewish so that's gonna of course the
1:02:57 state's gonna be you know of more Jewish
1:02:59 character but that's just democracy
1:03:00 right but at that point in time there
1:03:03 wasn't they didn't have enough numbers
1:03:05 uh so they implemented a policy called
1:03:08 plan dalit which was uh policy given to
1:03:12 all the military commanders that they
1:03:14 were when they would go they would
1:03:15 basically
1:03:16 um spread the military force out to all
1:03:18 the areas that the U.N designated would
1:03:20 be um would be a partition to the Jewish
1:03:22 state
1:03:23 and Beyond into the those given to the
1:03:26 Palestine state to get as much of
1:03:27 Palestine as possible as quickly as
1:03:29 possible and any Village day any average
1:03:31 they encountered um if they offered
1:03:34 resistance or should you fight them if
1:03:35 they don't offer resistance still
1:03:37 consider whether they are in a strategic
1:03:40 location if they are
1:03:42 removed them puppies speaks about the
1:03:45 same great details in there so uh yeah
1:03:46 he does he looks at Declassified
1:03:49 military files which is which shows
1:03:52 records written by uh Israeli military
1:03:55 commanders on the ground right and by
1:03:57 the way this is all it's all before the
1:03:58 state of Israel's declared or
1:04:00 independent or even which happens in
1:04:02 what may the 31st night in four years
1:04:04 yeah 1940 48 so this is now 47 it's when
1:04:08 it begins
1:04:10 um and so they are clearing Palestinians
1:04:12 they kick out Palestinians begin
1:04:14 clearing operations they kick out um a
1:04:16 hundreds of thousands of Palestinians
1:04:18 before any Arab regime
1:04:20 expresses any interest even any any
1:04:23 issue it was actually because of the
1:04:26 those massacres occurring there was
1:04:28 Villages being burnt down there with
1:04:29 refugees refugees being created which
1:04:31 were going into Arabic countries the
1:04:34 surrounding ones that's when they
1:04:35 expressed concern they demand the UN
1:04:37 react they they said if they don't we
1:04:39 have to come to rescue our brothers uh
1:04:42 sisters who are being persecuted and
1:04:45 being kicked out because they've been
1:04:46 kicked out already it's already
1:04:47 happening and you know the Arab League
1:04:49 actually the the ultimatum it made it
1:04:52 wasn't for Jews to leave it wasn't to be
1:04:54 kicked out into the sea they said
1:04:56 um
1:04:57 if uh you know make it a one whole state
1:05:00 not a partition State make it one whole
1:05:03 state no one has to leave just no more
1:05:06 immigration just make it right like
1:05:07 press the stop stop button here's a new
1:05:09 state one whole state everyone who's
1:05:12 there currently stays there and will be
1:05:14 citizens on you know equal free
1:05:15 democracy
1:05:16 that was the Arab League's proposition
1:05:19 yes I just don't like talk about that
1:05:20 but it's official yeah they said they
1:05:23 proposed as a solution but no because
1:05:25 why because then zionists knew that they
1:05:29 wouldn't be a majority in that state and
1:05:31 they couldn't get their ethno state with
1:05:33 it with ethnic privilege
1:05:35 you see and this of course they they
1:05:39 didn't want that and of course then the
1:05:40 Arab Arab League they they either watch
1:05:44 the Palestines being brutalized and
1:05:45 massacred women getting shot raped uh
1:05:49 these things were documented by Israeli
1:05:51 commanders which were Declassified and
1:05:53 written by about by elim Pap who is a
1:05:55 Jewish Israeli historian who wrote about
1:05:57 this right and scientists can't answer
1:05:59 because these are Declassified documents
1:06:01 you can't argue is a Palestinian
1:06:03 forgeries they were Declassified by the
1:06:04 Israelis state in their own archives
1:06:07 so these uh this clearing operation uh
1:06:11 continues
1:06:12 um until May 1948 and approximately
1:06:16 about 700 000 Palestine Arabs are
1:06:18 evicted from
1:06:20 um from their homes either they reside
1:06:23 in the West Bank Gaza or in Syria Jordan
1:06:26 um Egypt and so on surrounding all
1:06:28 Lebanon
1:06:28 so that's what happened before the state
1:06:32 of Israel is declared independent and
1:06:36 what have you so Benjamin Netanyahu
1:06:39 actually lied the clearing operations
1:06:41 the kicking the the the the Civil War
1:06:44 the Palestinians started long before the
1:06:46 Arab states were intervening and they
1:06:48 only wanted to intervene uh to stop
1:06:50 these things from happening and they
1:06:53 made it they their proposition to
1:06:55 resolve the conflict was no partition
1:06:57 make it one unitary state Arabs Jews
1:07:00 lived together under a fair and equal
1:07:02 democracy that was their proposition not
1:07:05 everyone would get kicked out to the sea
1:07:07 no yeah that came from I think some
1:07:10 um some Fringe personality in the Muslim
1:07:12 world making some rhetoric but the Arab
1:07:14 League's official position it's it's
1:07:17 offered solution was let's have a
1:07:20 unitary state one state everyone equal
1:07:22 that was not accepted by the zionists
1:07:25 because then they would they would lose
1:07:26 ethnic ethnic privilege they wouldn't
1:07:28 get the Jewish Nations
1:07:29 is all about Zionism isn't about Jews
1:07:33 just living in Palestine it's about Jews
1:07:35 getting a privileged rulership
1:07:38 over Palestine against other ethnicities
1:07:41 that's why they have racial laws that
1:07:43 say only certain types of people or
1:07:45 certain types of identity can claim a
1:07:47 right to return to
1:07:49 um to Palestine but not Arabs who can
1:07:51 who can track their ancestry there for
1:07:53 centuries and Central centuries nope you
1:07:55 don't get a right to return back to the
1:07:57 the country so if if Benjamin Netanyahu
1:08:00 talks about Justice
1:08:02 um why didn't Jordan Pearson call him
1:08:04 out from this which is really basic I
1:08:07 mean at least read Elam Pap maybe even
1:08:10 any book by his would have thought would
1:08:12 have or Norman finkelstra would have
1:08:13 equipped Jordan Peterson with the
1:08:15 knowledge to basically deal with this
1:08:17 and so I think that was a big issue
1:08:19 you've summarized it quite well and I
1:08:21 thank you for that and people can watch
1:08:23 your five hour debate with uh the head
1:08:26 of the Joseph Cohen there's a Zionist
1:08:29 Lobby or whatever he is whatever his
1:08:31 position is but you've done these
1:08:33 debates quite regularly and
1:08:36 um Handler alive you've really
1:08:37 summarized this uh very well I'm sure
1:08:40 Peterson has watched that he's a part of
1:08:42 this video I'm hoping that he watched it
1:08:43 so you can give him more information
1:08:46 about uh about these things yeah because
1:08:49 look
1:08:50 the thing is this this is not some
1:08:52 academic
1:08:54 um harmless academic discourse that
1:08:56 people can should have
1:08:58 um this is about people living and dying
1:09:01 right now being persecuted absolutely
1:09:04 this is an important discussion it's not
1:09:05 an academic discussion for people uh in
1:09:08 some high tower at University somewhere
1:09:10 this is something that affects people's
1:09:12 lives I mean the like the West Bank
1:09:14 people are living you know behind walls
1:09:16 behind barbed wire all the the
1:09:19 characteristics of gulags that Jordan
1:09:21 Pearce likes to decry uh socialists as
1:09:25 threatening to to call for to bring in
1:09:27 in Canada and the United States of
1:09:28 America
1:09:29 um you know the apartheid system that
1:09:32 exists in in Palestine currently I mean
1:09:35 sure there's 20 the 20 population of of
1:09:38 Israel Israeli Arabs yeah they're not
1:09:40 being a part there's no pie attack
1:09:41 against them because 20 is a
1:09:43 controllable population in a democracy
1:09:45 it allows you to give a facade of
1:09:47 democracy
1:09:48 um of a free democracy because they're
1:09:49 small in numbers
1:09:51 um and also they make good cheap
1:09:53 laborers which you know any society like
1:09:56 like the Asian world needs a Slave cast
1:09:57 to do their their cheap labor for them
1:10:00 um that's useful but if you took down
1:10:03 all the barriers in the West Bank with
1:10:04 West Bank Israel doesn't formally Annex
1:10:06 it why because then you'd have to give
1:10:09 equal citizenship to all the
1:10:10 Palestinians living there and in Gaza if
1:10:12 you do if you were to make it you know
1:10:14 what if Israel uh uh was recognized all
1:10:18 the lands it took over as formerly part
1:10:20 of Israel it'll have to give equal
1:10:21 citizenship to everyone there it
1:10:23 wouldn't do so why because if the walls
1:10:25 of gods were taken down if the walls in
1:10:27 West Bank
1:10:28 um around area A and B whatever taken
1:10:30 down
1:10:31 and everyone was given equal citizenship
1:10:33 that there would be 50 50.
1:10:37 Jews and uh Palestinian Arabs and that
1:10:41 wouldn't make for a Jewish ethno state
1:10:44 so the zionists don't want to give the
1:10:46 Palestinians equals in the ship but they
1:10:49 don't want to let them have their uh
1:10:50 have complete Independence because they
1:10:53 want to control that land so they live
1:10:54 in this apartheid limbo of not a citizen
1:10:57 of uh of Israel but at the same time not
1:11:01 fully independent state themselves uh
1:11:04 and they confined to dare I say ghettos
1:11:07 like the Warsaw Ghetto except this has
1:11:09 bigger walls than the war so that was a
1:11:12 World War II reference
1:11:13 um so that's the situation that's
1:11:14 happening in Palestine it's a serious
1:11:16 situation
1:11:17 um I think that if Ben Shapiro or
1:11:19 Benjamin Netanyahu any other Zionist had
1:11:22 the courage of their convictions they
1:11:24 should face Us in public debate and
1:11:26 discussion yeah Fair time for each side
1:11:29 you know protected time no one will
1:11:31 speak over each other moderate and
1:11:33 everything like this yes but if they are
1:11:35 truly think they are just time yeah if
1:11:37 they truly think they are just engage Us
1:11:39 in public debate We're Not Afraid
1:11:41 absolutely so what's the excuse I don't
1:11:43 think they have one and uh if they if
1:11:45 they don't Justice I think now the
1:11:47 reason why they are doing so I've made
1:11:50 many videos about Ben Shapiro here and
1:11:51 the very famous videos hundreds of
1:11:53 thousands I'm sure you've seen them and
1:11:55 I've already uh spoken to his colleague
1:11:57 Jordan Peterson twice he knows who I am
1:11:59 he knows who we are he's seen this video
1:12:02 or at least parts of it and if if it's a
1:12:06 no then you know you're punching a
1:12:08 punching bag you know the heavy bag they
1:12:10 call it unboxing you the heavy bag
1:12:12 doesn't punch back
1:12:13 when National who can speak and he can
1:12:16 make all these uh ridiculous claims and
1:12:19 it goes unchecked and he thinks he's you
1:12:21 know
1:12:22 that's not going to punch there's no
1:12:23 Jordan peace is not gonna you know be
1:12:26 able to yeah Canadian psychiatrists
1:12:28 aren't really going to offer you much of
1:12:29 a resistance not more of a pushback
1:12:31 despite what they might promise they're
1:12:33 gonna they're gonna do yeah and so this
1:12:34 is this is where it is uh if you if
1:12:37 you're men if you're true if you're
1:12:39 really men that's in Yahoo I'm uh
1:12:41 Shapiro and Co and this if you're a real
1:12:44 men you know then why don't you face us
1:12:46 I mean this is exactly right yeah we're
1:12:48 waiting you know we're waiting for them
1:12:50 send location okay send the location you
1:12:53 know uh I would say that except for I
1:12:56 wouldn't do it in uh in uh in uh
1:12:59 so-called Israel the reason why is
1:13:01 because we have to feel for our safeties
1:13:03 bro brother you know the westerners
1:13:05 because we know the story of Muslims
1:13:07 going into that place and being uh
1:13:09 roughed up by the people so it has to be
1:13:12 in the west somewhere we'll be there you
1:13:15 know this helium voiced individual with
1:13:17 Ben Shapiro you know and uh and
1:13:20 Netanyahu two on two you know I know you
1:13:24 know I understand Yahoo you know let's
1:13:26 see if he's got if he's talking about
1:13:28 adventures and being a big man and this
1:13:30 I don't know how he's now 70 years old
1:13:31 or 70 80 years old but you know what I
1:13:34 make I make the the invitation open to
1:13:36 all the zionists so if you want to uh
1:13:39 but they have to have some level you
1:13:40 know you you know you know any
1:13:42 scientists that pretend to be have any
1:13:44 repute well no one of the heaviest in
1:13:46 the debating scene just to you have to
1:13:48 vet these guys and see what their levels
1:13:50 are well probably literally now but um
1:13:52 but what I mean what I'd say is that if
1:13:54 you if they pretend any repute
1:13:56 um then if they are a advocate for the
1:14:00 Zionism and they are basically confident
1:14:01 about it and engage us what we do I have
1:14:04 a fair platform engages because we'll
1:14:06 call out the we'll call out lies that I
1:14:08 typically mentioned just like
1:14:09 benjaminated
1:14:11 said that in in his interview John
1:14:13 Pearson
1:14:14 um you know or Israel uh was attacked in
1:14:17 The Six Day War
1:14:19 um and you know like after the after
1:14:20 they they you know prayed Israel they
1:14:22 were attacked in The Six Day War and
1:14:24 they forget that the 1957 swears crisis
1:14:27 they attacked Egypt without provocation
1:14:29 and in a Six-Day War they it wasn't
1:14:32 Egyptian Army going into Israel you know
1:14:34 it was Israeli Army going into Sinai
1:14:36 attacking Egypt down there too so the
1:14:39 LIE upon lie so if you do have the
1:14:41 courage of real conviction
1:14:43 um then then face us please yeah please
1:14:45 face us maybe we'll need to take a few
1:14:47 tablets beforehand or some drugs or
1:14:49 something do it as necessary because now
1:14:51 you're going to lose face
1:14:52 in the community uh and at the very
1:14:55 least we can show the part we can we can
1:14:57 show the world the true face of uh of of
1:14:59 zionists the weakness of their arguments
1:15:01 because said the Palestine as a person
1:15:03 in brother and sisters although
1:15:04 ultimately as Muslims it should be asked
1:15:07 to solve the problem yes but um but the
1:15:09 plight of the Palestinians must be known
1:15:12 uh accurately conveyed accurately to the
1:15:15 rest of the world too to Bear witness to
1:15:17 Justice with that
1:15:21 together hey you are you wasting your
1:15:25 time on social media again your brothers
1:15:27 and sisters in the slam nap from Norway
1:15:29 are establishing a Masjid a dawa Center
1:15:33 establishing a Masjid to convey The
1:15:35 Message of Islam is one of the best
1:15:37 Deeds a Muslim can do there's a huge
1:15:40 need for it in Norway you know this and
1:15:42 I know this so that makes the world even
1:15:45 greater so give generously and Allah
1:15:47 azzawajal give you cool