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Video summaries generated by AI technology, plus Natural Language Processing (NLP) machine learning transcripts, of Hamza Tzortzis and other eminent speakers

  1. # "Islamophobia, Dehumanisation & Constructing Otherness" by Dr. Osman Latiff (2020-11-30)
  2. # 7 Reasons Why Allah is Worthy of Worship - by Hamza Andreas Tzortzis (New 2019) (2019-06-19)
  3. # Age of Aisha (RA) - Part 2: Definition of Childhood | Mohammed Hijab (2022-12-20)
  4. # Age of Aisha (RA) - Part 3 | Shakir Musa (2023-01-09)
  5. # Al Ghazali and the Impossibility of an Infinite Regress | Mohammed Hijab (2022-10-15)
  6. # Approaches to Islamic Heritage: Asharite, Hanbalite and Maturidite Aqeedah (2022-09-29)
  7. # Current Condition of Muslims | Mohammed Hijab (2022-11-08)
  8. # Divine Commands: Why Morality Leads to God (2018-05-24)
  9. # Divine Link: The Argument from Dependency for God's Existence (2018-07-09)
  10. # Does Science Lead to Atheism? Has Science Killed Religion? (2018-03-26)
  11. # Hamza Andreas Tzortzis & Imran Hussein Responds to Dr. William Lane Craig on God's Love (2020-07-10)
  12. # Hating Civility: France, Freedom of Speech & the Defamatory Cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (2020-10-26)
  13. # How Feminism has Harmed Women - Belgium Lecture | Mohammed Hijab (2022-11-01)
  14. # Ibn Taymiyyah & The Philosophers | Mohammed Hijab (2022-10-01)
  15. # Introducing Qur'anic Arguments: Surah An-Najm | Mohammed Hijab In Mecca (2023-01-07)
  16. # Introducing Qur'anic Arguments: Surah At-Tur | Mohammed Hijab in Mecca (2022-12-28)
  17. # Introducing Qur’anic Arguments: Surah Al-Qamar | Mohammed Hijab In Mecca (2023-01-13)
  18. # Islamic spirituality: the heart, the soul & the path to God (2020-06-30)
  19. # Jihad | Mohammed Hijab (2022-12-12)
  20. # LIGHTHOUSE LIVE SESSIONS (2022-10-14)
  21. # Live Academic Discussion: "How Free is Speech?" With Dr. Stephen Law & Hamza Andreas Tzortzis (2021-03-30)
  22. # Live Academic Seminar: Christianity & The Doctrine of The Trinity (2021-06-25)
  23. # Live with Sapience institute - Mohammed Hijab and Subboor Ahmad (2021-02-21)
  24. # Live with Sapience Institute: Q&A with Imran Hussein & Hamza Tzortzis (2021-12-24)
  25. # Londoniyyah - Part 1: Epistemology and Theories of Truth | Mohammed Hijab (2021-09-19)
  26. # Londoniyyah - Part 10 - Proofs of God's Existence / 2 | Mohammed Hijab (2021-12-16)
  27. # Londoniyyah - Part 11 - Proofs of God's Existence / 3 "Fine Tuning" | Mohammed Hijab (2021-12-24)
  28. # Londoniyyah - Part 12 - Objections to the Contingency Argument | Mohammed Hijab (2022-01-04)
  29. # Londoniyyah - Part 13 - Individualism | Mohammed Hijab (2022-01-08)
  30. # Londoniyyah - Part 14 - Individualism / 2 | Mohammed Hijab (2022-01-21)
  31. # Londoniyyah - Part 15 - Nihilism | Mohammed Hijab (2022-02-01)
  32. # Londoniyyah - Part 16 - Marxism/1 | Mohammed Hijab (2022-02-09)
  33. # Londoniyyah - Part 17 - Marxism/2 | Mohammed Hijab (2022-02-22)
  34. # Londoniyyah - Part 18 - Proof of Prophethood / 1 (2022-03-07)
  35. # Londoniyyah - Part 19 - Proof of Prophethood / 2 (2022-03-10)
  36. # Londoniyyah - Part 2 - Naturalism, Materialism | Mohammed Hijab (2021-10-06)
  37. # Londoniyyah - Part 20 - Ethical Egoism (2022-03-16)
  38. # Londoniyyah - Part 21 - Muhammad ﷺ in the Bible (2022-03-25)
  39. # Londoniyyah - Part 23 - Christianity / 2 (2022-04-07)
  40. # Londoniyyah - Part 24 - Sikhism | Mohammed Hijab (2022-04-10)
  41. # Londoniyyah - Part 25 - Takfeer | Mohammed Hijab (2022-04-12)
  42. # Londoniyyah - Part 26 - Ahmadiyyah (2022-04-09)
  43. # Londoniyyah - Part 27 - Qadr | Mohammed Hijab (2022-04-15)
  44. # Londoniyyah - Part 28 - Bid'ah and Tabdee' | Mohammed Hijab (2022-04-18)
  45. # Londoniyyah - Part 29 - Evolution | Subboor Ahmad (2022-04-24)
  46. # Londoniyyah - Part 3 - Feminism, 1st and 2nd Wave | Mohammed Hijab (2021-10-07)
  47. # Londoniyyah - Part 30 - The Protected Book | Mohammed Hijab (2022-04-25)
  48. # Londoniyyah - Part 31 - Hinduism | Mohammed Hijab (2022-04-26)
  49. # Londoniyyah - Part 32 - Hadith Rejectors | Mohammed Hijab (2022-04-27)
  50. # Londoniyyah - Part 33 - Shiaism | Mohammed Hijab (2022-04-28)
  51. # Londoniyyah - Part 34 - Buddhism | Mohammed Hijab (2022-04-29)
  52. # Londoniyyah - Part 35 (Final) - Nationalism | Mohammed Hijab (2022-04-30)
  53. # Londoniyyah - Part 4 - 3rd Wave Feminism | Mohammed Hijab (2021-10-15)
  54. # Londoniyyah - Part 5 - Social liberalism | Mohammed Hijab (2021-10-24)
  55. # Londoniyyah - Part 6 - Political Liberalism | Mohammad Hijab (2021-11-15)
  56. # Londoniyyah - Part 7 - Deontological Ethics | Mohammed Hijab (2021-11-11)
  57. # Londoniyyah - Part 8 - Consequentialism | Mohammad Hijab (2021-11-25)
  58. # Modern Trends: Islam & Science | Mohammed Hijab (2022-11-17)
  59. # Modern Trends: Orientalism & Perceptions of Islam | Mohammed Hijab (2022-12-08)
  60. # Modern Trends: Secularism | Mohammed Hijab (2022-11-24)
  61. # Muhammad ﷺ: Assessing His Claim To Prophethood (2020-11-21)
  62. # No Doubt Course (Session 1): 10 strategies on how to deal with your and other people's doubts (2020-11-05)
  63. # No Doubt Course (Session 2): 10 strategies on how to deal with your and other people's doubts (2020-11-09)
  64. # No Doubt Course (Session 3): 10 strategies on how to deal with your and other people's doubts (2020-11-12)
  65. # No Doubt Course (Session 4): 10 strategies on how to deal with your and other people's doubts (2020-11-18)
  66. # No Doubt: Introducing 10 Strategies To Deal With Destructive Doubts | Hamza Tzortzis & Fahad Tasleem (2021-07-11)
  67. # Peace, War & The Purpose of Prophethood (2020-11-28)
  68. # Produce One Chapter Like It: The Miraculous Inimitability of the Qur'ān's Shortest Chapter (2022-09-28)
  69. # Salvation in Islam & Christianity | A Discussion Between Dr. Osman Latiff & Dr. Michael Nazir-Ali (2022-04-02)
  70. # Sapience Institute Live - With Mohammed Hijab and Subboor Ahmad (2021-02-06)
  71. # Sapience Institute Live - With Subboor Ahmad and Mohammed Hijab (2021-01-31)
  72. # Sapience Institute Live: With Mohammed Hijab & Hamza Andreas Tzortzis (2021-04-04)
  73. # Sapience Institute Live: With Mohammed Hijab & Subboor Ahmad (2021-03-06)
  74. # Sapience Live: May to Aug 2022 Update and Q&A (2022-09-05)
  75. # Sapience Live Q and A: Mohammed Hijab & Subboor Ahmed (2021-07-24)
  76. # Sapient Thoughts #10: Does the Hadith of the Sun prostrating support geocentrism? | Mohammed Hijab (2021-01-16)
  77. # Sapient Thoughts #15: Does the Quran refer to the “Big Bang”? | Mohammed Hijab (2021-02-01)
  78. # Sapient Thoughts #30: Does Adam's height of 60 cubits make sense? | Mohammed Hijab (2021-04-03)
  79. # Sapient Thoughts #31: Did the Prophet ﷺ lead an uncompromising war cult? | Mohammed Hijab (2021-06-14)
  80. # Sapient Thoughts #32: Was the conquest of Mecca proof of the Prophet's ﷺ Mercy? | Mohammed Hijab (2021-06-18)
  81. # Sapient Thoughts #37: The Human Project — Part 5: Rationality and First Principles (2021-08-02)
  82. # Sapient Thoughts #39: Beauty & The Recognition of God — Part 1: Cognitive biases and the environment (2021-08-12)
  83. # Sapient Thoughts #40: Beauty & The Recognition of God — Part 2: Extending the limitations (2021-08-16)
  84. # Sapient Thoughts #42: Beauty & The Recognition of God — Part 4: Beauty and meaning (2021-08-31)
  85. # Sapient Voices #1: Dr. Osman Latiff - Singing, Death, Academic Journey, Othering & God's Forgiveness (2022-04-01)
  86. # Sapient Voices #2: Abdullah Al-Andalusi - The Dangers of Post-Modernism & Neo-Marxism for Muslims (2022-06-01)
  87. # Sapient Voices #3: Dr. Osman Latiff - New Book, Successes & Failures, Self-Amazement & Gratitude (2022-07-24)
  88. # Sapient Voices #4: Sh. Mirza Yawar Baig - "Forget The Numbers To Get The Numbers" (2022-11-21)
  89. # Seminar & Interview: Why Atheism is Irrational #1 — The Argument from Prior Cognitive Information (2021-11-21)
  90. # Seminar: "God's Testimony: The Linguistic Miracle of the Quran for Non-Arabs" with Hamza A. Tzortzis (2021-06-16)
  91. # Seminar: "I Can’t Breathe" with Dr. Osman Latiff (2021-06-10)
  92. # Seminar: Beauty & the Recognition of God (2021-06-04)
  93. # Seminar: Born To Worship — explaining how everyone worships and why Allah is worthy of our devotion (2021-07-31)
  94. # Seminar: Can Artificial Intelligence Undermine Religion? With Hamza Andreas Tzortzis (2022-05-15)
  95. # Seminar: Does Islam curtail freedom? An analytical approach - with Hamza Andreas Tzortzis (2021-09-26)
  96. # Seminar: Does Religion Make Life Meaningless? Islam's Response to Nietzsche (2021-10-31)
  97. # Seminar: Experiential Signs - Spiritual Experiences & Finding the Truth (2021-10-10)
  98. # Seminar: God is Not Dead — Islam's Response to Nihilism (2021-10-24)
  99. # Seminar: How (Un)Free is Speech? With Hamza Andreas Tzortzis (2022-05-08)
  100. # Seminar: Loving The Loving - Why Allah is Worthy of Our Adoration with Hamza Andreas Tzortzis (2022-05-26)
  101. # Seminar: Peace, Love & Jihad — Understanding the Prophet Model for Change (2021-08-10)
  102. # Seminar: Remembering Srebrenica: Islam's Response to Othering (2021-07-09)
  103. # Sharing Islam, truth & doubts (2020-06-24)
  104. # Shubuhat Series #1 - Does Islam Allow The Killing Of Innocent People? | Mohammed Hijab (2022-05-24)
  105. # Shubuhat Series #2 - "Riddah" (Apostasy In Islam) | Mohammed Hijab (2022-05-26)
  106. # Shubuhat Series #3 - "Hudud" (Penal Code In Islam) | Mohammed Hijab (2022-05-28)
  107. # Shubuhat Series #4 - Gender Issues | Mohammed Hijab (2022-06-01)
  108. # ST #46: Nihilism, Consumerism and the Islamic Antidote — Part 2 | Imran Hussein (2021-12-10)
  109. # ST #47: Nihilism, Consumerism and the Islamic Antidote — Part 3: Nihilism, Inception To Escape (2021-12-22)
  110. # ST #48: Nihilism, Consumerism and the Islamic Antidote — Part 4 | Imran Hussein (2022-01-03)
  111. # ST #49: Nihilism, Consumerism and the Islamic Antidote — Part 5 | Imran Hussein (2022-01-15)
  112. # ST #50: Nihilism, Consumerism and the Islamic Antidote — Part 6 | Imran Hussein (2022-01-27)
  113. # ST #52: Divine Perfection - Dr. William Lane Craig & the Qur'an's Conception of the Trinity - PART 1 (2022-03-26)
  114. # ST #53: Divine Perfection - Dr. William Lane Craig & the Qur'an's Conception of the Trinity - PART 2 (2022-03-26)
  115. # ST#62: Divine Perfection - The Adamic Conundrum with Dr. Osman Latiff (2022-06-24)
  116. # ST# 63: Divine Perfection - Islam's Doctrine of Salvation & Allah's Maximal Perfection (2022-06-27)
  117. # ST#64: Divine Perfection - Dr. Craig & Allah's Perfect Love & Forgiveness with Dr. Osman Latiff (2022-06-29)
  118. # ST#66: Problematic Hadiths Case Study - Part 2 | Sh. Anwar Arafat (2022-09-04)
  119. # ST#67: Problematic Hadiths Case Study - Part 3 | Sh. Anwar Arafat (2022-09-11)
  120. # ST:#68 Problematic Hadiths Case Study - Part 4 | Sh. Anwar Arafat (2022-09-17)
  121. # Standing on the Shoulders of Giants (2022-10-07)
  122. # Thank You For Supporting US: Our 6 Months Update - including Q&A (2021-11-21)
  123. # The Art of Living: A Prophetic Guide | LIVE | With Shaykh Dr. Mustafa Khattab (2020-12-05)
  124. # The Death of Meaning: Islam & Nihilism - Session 1 | Yusuf Ponders (2021-04-02)
  125. # The Death of Meaning: Islam and Nihilism - Session 3 | Yusuf Ponders (2021-04-08)
  126. # The Failed Hypothesis? A 'New' Approach in Understanding the Qur'an and Science (2017-09-18)
  127. # The Heart of Islam: Security and Peace in the Holy Land (2021-05-19)
  128. # The Islamic Discipline of Debate and Argumentation with Dr. Safaruk Chowdhury (2020-08-15)
  129. # The Prophetic Truth: Proving Muhammad's Prophethood (2017-09-20)
  130. # The Shepherd's Way: Ep. 1 - Lofty Goals Lead to Success (2022-06-30)
  131. # The Shepherd's Way: Ep. 2 - Necessity Achieves (2022-07-01)
  132. # The Shepherd's Way: Ep. 3 - A Leader Loved, Is Leader Followed (2022-07-02)
  133. # The Shepherd's Way: Ep. 7 - The Inner Me is The Enemy (2022-07-06)
  134. # The Story Of "Londoniyyah" | Mohammed Hijab (2022-04-30)
  135. # The Way of Abraham: Q & A Livestream (2021-07-19)
  136. # The Way of the Prophets - An analysis of prophetic guidance for those who share & defend Islam (2021-12-05)
  137. # Webinar: A World Without God — From Existential Nihilism to Islamic Theism (2020-09-12)
  138. # Webinar: Darwinian Delusions — How to Understand Islam and the Science of Evolution (2020-08-17)
  139. # Webinar Excerpt: 3 Reasons Why God is Worthy of Worship (2020-10-24)
  140. # Webinar: Properly Basic Islamic Belief — Ibn Taymiyya & Reformed Epistemology (2020-10-21)
  141. # WHAT IS SALVATION? A Dialogue Between Fahad Tasleem & Rick Mattson - Rice University (2022-02-15)
  142. # Where are you going? How to develop your vision for campus & how to make it happen (2020-11-30)
  143. # “Why Do We Reason?” With Professor John Vervaeke & Hamza Andreas Tzortzis (2020-02-08)