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Live Academic Discussion: "How Free is Speech?" With Dr. Stephen Law & Hamza Andreas Tzortzis (2021-03-30)


Sapience Institute presents a live academic discussion on:

🗣 How free is speech?

💡In light of recent controversies two respected thinkers will engage in a civil discussion on freedom of speech.

👤Dr. Stephen Law (formerly reader at Heythrop College. He has published various books and has a new critical thinking course available at Udemy)

👤 Hamza Andreas Tzortzis (author of The Divine Reality: God, Islam and the Mirage of Atheism. Instructor and postgraduate researcher in philosophy)

🗓 30 March 2021

⏰ 4:30PM (GMT)



Summary of Live Academic Discussion: "How Free is Speech?" With Dr. Stephen Law & Hamza Andreas Tzortzis

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 01:00:00

Dr. Stephen Law and Hamza Andreas Tzortzis discuss the implications of free speech. They argue that while mockery is a useful tool, it should not be banned. They also discuss the situation in France, where aggressive secularism has led to the closure of mosques and the persecution of Muslim charity workers.

00:00:00 Dr. Stephen Law discusses his experience as a postman and how that led to him becoming a philosopher. He speaks about his interests in religion, philosophy of religion, and skepticism.

  • 00:05:00 Dr. Stephen Law discusses freedom of speech and his political secularism in a coffee shop on the island of Samos. He discusses how the state should be neutral with respect to religious beliefs, and how it should come out of the religious debate. Atheists and critics of religion should not be privileged, but neither should religious voices be privileged.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses the concept of free speech and how it can be restricted in some cases for the sake of protecting the rights of religious and non-religious people. He also mentions the issue of mockery and how it can be problematic because it can be used to suppress opposing viewpoints.
  • *00:15:00 Discusses the importance of freedom of speech, and argues that gratuitous insults can go against the objectives of this freedom. It goes on to discuss the different types of insults and their legal implications.
  • 00:20:00 Dr. Stephen Law and Hamza Andreas Tzortzis discuss free speech, specifically pertaining to blasphemy laws. They say that, in theory, such laws should exist to protect the rights of people based on their religious beliefs, but that in practice they are often misused to oppress dissidents.
  • 00:25:00 Dr. Stephen Law and Hamza Andreas Tzortzis discuss the importance of free speech. Law points out that, in some cases, allowing mockery of certain beliefs can open people's eyes to the possibility that they may have been wrong about those beliefs. Tzortzis adds that satire and parody can be very useful in this regard.
  • *00:30:00 Discusses how free speech is important, and how it should be treated equally for all beliefs. He argues that if one were to limit speech based on religious beliefs, then it would be a slippery slope leading to a less free society.
  • 00:35:00 Dr. Stephen Law and Hamza Andreas Tzortzis discuss the importance of freedom of speech and the restrictions that can be placed on it. They discuss how some religions place more restrictions on speech than others, and how this can create a situation in which one group of people dominates the discourse. They argue that this is an excessive and authoritarian attitude, and that most religious people do not take this approach.
  • 00:40:00 Dr. Stephen Law and Hamza Andreas Tzortzis discuss the topic of free speech. Law argues that secularism, a form of liberalism, has failed to protect minorities, and that Islam is a more egalitarian system. Tzortzis argues that, while Islam does have certain limits on free speech, mockery and ridicule are important and valuable tools, and that art should be allowed to push boundaries.
  • 00:45:00 two different viewpoints are presented on the issue of free speech. Dr. Stephen Law and Hamza Andreas Tzortzis argue that there is a need for a distinction between how the government will misuse laws and the kind of ideal application of laws, while also stressing the importance of dignity. They also discuss the Demonic approach to grounding values, which is based on the idea that people are not happy when they are constantly mocked and that there is a misuse of power when this happens.
  • 00:50:00 Dr. Stephen Law and Hamza Andreas Tzortzis discuss the implications of free speech. They argue that while both black and white exist, black and white are different things, and that while mockery is a useful tool, it should not be banned. They also discuss the situation in France, where aggressive secularism has led to the closure of mosques and the persecution of Muslim charity workers.
  • 00:55:00 In France, various symbols relating to Islam are being mocked and treated as objects of ridicule, which is having a negative impact on the way Muslims are being treated. Stephen Law, an academic, and Hamza Andreas Tzortzis, a student, discuss the issue. Dr. Law says that this type of mockery is not limited to Muslims, but has happened in Nazi Germany as well. Tzortzis argues that this type of treatment of Muslims is a sign of a defeated mind.

01:00:00 - 01:35:00

two philosophers discuss the concept of free speech and how it can be used to harm others. Dr. Stephen Law argues that often these beliefs are tied up with a person's sense of identity and are more personal, making it more difficult to criticize. Hamza Andreas Tzortzis disagrees, arguing that any mockery of xenophobic or nationalistic beliefs can lead to harm.

*01:00:00 Discusses how free speech is being restricted in France, and how this is impacting the Muslim community. He goes on to say that while he is not in support of this type of restriction, he understands why some Muslims may feel under attack.

  • 01:05:00 two philosophers discuss how free speech should be handled in the context of mocking or attacking someone's beliefs or symbols. Dr. Stephen Law argues that often these beliefs are tied up with a person's sense of identity and are more personal, making it more difficult to criticize. Hamza Andreas Tzortzis disagrees, arguing that any mockery of xenophobic or nationalistic beliefs can lead to harm.
  • 01:10:00 , Dr. Stephen Law and Hamza Tzortzis discuss the concept of free speech and its importance. They discuss how mockery can be used to attack the dignity of others, and how this can be self-defeating.
  • 01:15:00 Dr. Stephen Law and Hamza Andreas Tzortzis discuss the problem of free speech and how it can be used to harm others. They discuss the case of Jeremy Corbyn, who has been the subject of repeated mockery in the UK media. They argue that the problem is not free speech itself, but the unfair power structure that allows the powerful to shut down criticism. They propose changing the power structure in order to protect free speech and prevent harm to others.
  • *01:20:00 Discusses freedom of speech and its limitations. It also discusses how to ground values in order to protect free speech. Stephen Law and Hamza Andreas Tzortzis disagree on whether mockery is bad enough to limit free speech.
  • *01:25:00 Discusses the philosophical debate over the value of free speech. One perspective is that free speech is nonsense on stilts, while the other argues that it can increase the well-being of society. Muslims have a third perspective, which is that free speech is based on divine commands but is not arbitrary.
  • *01:30:00 Discusses the concept of free speech, noting that there are both positive and negative aspects to it. He argues that laws that protect human dignity should not be introduced, as they are too nebulous and unenforceable. He also discusses the case of Jeremy Corbyn, stating that while he has the right to be criticized, his dignity should not be impugned.
  • *01:35:00 Discusses the idea of freedom of speech, and how not every belief is afforded the same level of protection. discusses how, first and foremost, freedom of speech is not absolute, and must be continually defended in order to maintain values such as competing certain values. They also discuss how values can be grounded in ethics, and how to use these values to apply law. expresses their hope that, by having these conversations, Muslims and non-Muslims can build a stronger understanding of each other. Finally, the speaker says goodbye, and reminds the audience that they should pay attention to the comments made in the video.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:09 brothers and sisters and friends and
0:00:11 welcome to today's
0:00:13 live stream a civil discussion a
0:00:15 philosophical discussion
0:00:17 may be a theo philosophical discussion
0:00:20 on the topic
0:00:21 of freedom of speech and
0:00:25 i don't hopefully need to introduce
0:00:26 myself my name is hamza zouzis
0:00:29 and i'm a research student at the
0:00:30 university of london studying
0:00:32 philosophy and we have with us a
0:00:36 respected think and respected guest dr
0:00:38 stephen law i'm going to briefly
0:00:40 introduce him but i want him to tell us
0:00:42 his story because it's quite
0:00:44 inspirational i think especially from an
0:00:45 academic point of view
0:00:47 so dr stephen he's formerly reader in
0:00:49 philosophy at heathrow
0:00:50 college university of london he's
0:00:52 published various books and philosophy
0:00:54 and has a new course on critical
0:00:57 thinking at
0:00:58 udemy and he has an interesting story he
0:01:01 was once a postman
0:01:03 now he's a philosopher called postman in
0:01:05 a way that not only does he deliver the
0:01:06 philosophical message but he writes the
0:01:08 letters himself
0:01:09 so i'm not going to get into it too much
0:01:11 let stephen introduce himself to the
0:01:13 audience take your time stephen
0:01:15 hi well thank you for that very uh kind
0:01:18 introduction
0:01:19 um so yeah so um you're right i used to
0:01:22 be a postman
0:01:24 a long time ago it was a placement for
0:01:26 about four years actually
0:01:28 uh in cambridge and um
0:01:31 the reason i became a postman was
0:01:33 because
0:01:34 um i wasn't sure what to do with my life
0:01:37 i'd had a couple of attempts at doing
0:01:39 a levels and first time i was asked to
0:01:42 leave
0:01:43 and the second time i just gave up
0:01:45 because it was i just found it so
0:01:48 pointless really um and so i ended up
0:01:52 doing various manual jobs i was a manual
0:01:54 laborer on the
0:01:56 m11 when that was built um and then i
0:01:58 became a postman for about four years
0:02:01 and then eventually um i discovered
0:02:04 philosophy i
0:02:05 would read a lot one book would lead to
0:02:07 another
0:02:08 and eventually i found i was reading
0:02:10 nothing but philosophy books and then i
0:02:12 realized
0:02:13 that actually this was what i was really
0:02:15 passionate about
0:02:16 and i applied to get into university to
0:02:19 study philosophy
0:02:20 once i realized you could do that um
0:02:24 and by some miracle i still don't really
0:02:26 understand how i did it but i
0:02:27 managed to convince the city university
0:02:31 in london to take me on um as an
0:02:34 undergraduate
0:02:36 without the a levels yeah without even
0:02:39 an access course or anything i was
0:02:41 very fortunate um and
0:02:44 uh so i did really well so i got a first
0:02:46 and then i went to oxford to do the b
0:02:48 fill which is what everyone does if they
0:02:51 want to teach
0:02:52 almost everyone um and then i did my
0:02:54 doctorate there
0:02:56 and i was a research fellow for three
0:02:58 years at queen's college
0:03:00 oxford um then i got a job
0:03:04 in the university of london this college
0:03:06 called heathrop which was closed down
0:03:08 recently
0:03:09 um and i took early retirement but i
0:03:11 spent most of my career there
0:03:12 and now actually heathrow is a strange
0:03:14 place because it was a
0:03:16 it was founded by the jesuits you know
0:03:18 the catholics
0:03:19 the intellectual branch of the catholics
0:03:22 uh
0:03:22 and it was founded in belgium and then
0:03:24 it moved around
0:03:26 a lot and at one time it was located in
0:03:29 a village called heathrop
0:03:30 in oxfordshire which is where i got the
0:03:32 name and then it ended up in about 1975
0:03:35 as part of the university of london
0:03:37 which point it was the newest member of
0:03:39 the
0:03:40 university of london but the oldest
0:03:41 college funnily enough
0:03:43 in the university of london and then you
0:03:46 know i was very
0:03:47 happy there and i i enjoyed working with
0:03:49 jesuits it was a very liberal
0:03:51 tolerant place um
0:03:54 i my philosophical interests tend to be
0:03:57 in things like
0:03:58 philosophy of mind metaphysics
0:04:00 especially um wittgenstein
0:04:02 i'm really keen on the later philosophy
0:04:04 of wittgenstein
0:04:05 um a chat called [ __ ] key um
0:04:09 but then i've also become more
0:04:10 interested maybe it was the jesuits
0:04:13 maybe the influence rubbed off but i
0:04:15 ended up becoming more interested in
0:04:17 religion philosophy of religion i'm not
0:04:20 a religious person i'm i'm an atheist
0:04:22 probably admit that up front i'm an
0:04:24 atheist
0:04:25 um but not always i i think early on i
0:04:28 was quite
0:04:30 religiously inclined my father was going
0:04:33 to be a religious minister
0:04:34 there's a recording of me about age two
0:04:37 singing onward christian soldiers
0:04:39 apparently
0:04:41 um but uh and then although i wasn't
0:04:44 really a
0:04:45 very religious i was kind of drawn to
0:04:47 new agey hippy-dippy stuff for a while
0:04:49 in my early 20s
0:04:51 um but as i became exposed to more and
0:04:54 more western philosophy that kind of
0:04:56 drifted away
0:04:58 to be honest i'm much more skeptical
0:05:00 about that stuff
0:05:02 now um but i became interested in
0:05:05 religion for all sorts of reasons
0:05:07 and i've so i've published various
0:05:08 papers in philosophy of religion
0:05:10 some of which created a bit of a stir um
0:05:15 and i probably best known for having
0:05:18 just published lots of
0:05:20 introductory books so there's a book for
0:05:22 children called
0:05:23 the complete philosophy files which i
0:05:25 still like very much
0:05:27 there's a book for adults called the
0:05:28 philosophy gym 25 short adventures in
0:05:31 thinking
0:05:32 so and then i wrote a book on humanism
0:05:34 for oxford university press
0:05:36 and lots of other books too so uh that's
0:05:39 probably why i'm
0:05:40 what i'm best known for
0:05:44 sorry that was quite a long no it was
0:05:46 good
0:05:48 you are our guest so you're here to
0:05:50 introduce yourself absolutely that's
0:05:52 fantastic so is a recording of you
0:05:55 singing a hymn you said when you were
0:05:57 two yes
0:05:59 oh so there's some hope even right
0:06:01 there's some hope
0:06:11 you're slightly cutting up i think
0:06:12 because of the internet but you know
0:06:14 we'll tolerate the lag it happens to all
0:06:16 live streams so don't worry if i haven't
0:06:17 heard you i'm just going to ask you just
0:06:18 to repeat yourself
0:06:19 if there's any internet issues okay so
0:06:23 let's get straight into the kind of
0:06:24 conversation i want you to imagine for
0:06:26 example
0:06:27 you know i come from a greek background
0:06:29 and imagine we're on the island of samos
0:06:31 and on the island of summers right next
0:06:33 to the beach there's a coffee shop and
0:06:35 there's usually old men there drinking
0:06:36 greek coffee
0:06:38 and they usually have discussions and
0:06:40 they're open and they're authentic
0:06:41 and they're hopefully committed to each
0:06:44 other's well-being
0:06:45 but sometimes they can get a bit
0:06:47 controversial sometimes they could
0:06:48 basically get a bit loud but then they
0:06:50 hug and kiss
0:06:51 at the end so that's the kind of dynamic
0:06:53 today just imagine it's a greek coffee
0:06:55 shop
0:06:55 and we've been around for a while we're
0:06:57 having this conversation just for
0:06:59 the audience to know me and dr stephen
0:07:01 we had discussions at the mofford
0:07:02 university in kinston i believe as well
0:07:05 and there were very fruitful discussions
0:07:07 actual fact one of those discussions
0:07:08 were quite
0:07:09 important for me in terms of to continue
0:07:12 my kind of intellectual journey
0:07:13 concerning science and religion so
0:07:15 in a way i have to be thankful because
0:07:17 you're thankful for those experiences
0:07:18 because they only
0:07:19 help you grow so freedom of speech
0:07:23 this is like a hot potato there's a lot
0:07:26 of controversy at the moment obviously
0:07:28 with the badly case
0:07:29 i don't know the specific details but
0:07:31 that hopefully has become a motivation
0:07:33 to have
0:07:34 such discourse and also you had charlie
0:07:37 hebdo and you have other things
0:07:38 concerning religion
0:07:40 and the freedom of speech issue always
0:07:42 comes up
0:07:43 well what would be your summary so
0:07:46 then we could start having a
0:07:47 conversation will be a summary on the
0:07:49 issue of freedom of speech
0:07:51 okay well look before we do that am i
0:07:54 coming across okay at the moment
0:07:57 yes okay because i could go and turn on
0:08:00 another router which might
0:08:01 improve the communication it would take
0:08:04 me like 30 seconds
0:08:06 yeah go for it go for it just give me 30
0:08:08 seconds i'll try
0:08:09 no problem
0:08:18 so for those who are just coming on
0:08:19 board just to let you know that dr
0:08:21 stephen has gone to turn another router
0:08:23 in order to make the kind of online
0:08:26 experience
0:08:27 far more better for every single one of
0:08:29 you
0:08:33 [Music]
0:08:36 right well let's hope that improves
0:08:40 the the communication a little bit so
0:08:42 you want to talk sort of generally about
0:08:44 freedom of speech so
0:08:46 um so obviously i'm a fan i mean i think
0:08:49 most of us are really
0:08:50 broadly speaking um
0:08:54 i'm um
0:08:59 i think of myself as fairly liberal um
0:09:02 what i am in particular though which i
0:09:05 think is probably going to be most
0:09:06 relevant here
0:09:08 is i'm a political secularist
0:09:12 so that means
0:09:15 that um i like the state
0:09:19 to be neutral with respect to
0:09:23 religious beliefs so it neither promotes
0:09:27 religion
0:09:28 nor does it promote atheism it should
0:09:30 simply
0:09:32 come out of that particular debate and
0:09:36 it shouldn't privilege relieve religious
0:09:38 voices
0:09:39 but neither should it privily privilege
0:09:41 atheists critics of religion
0:09:43 say um so
0:09:47 um a state in which you have
0:09:50 a theocracy say is obviously not a
0:09:52 political
0:09:53 politically secular state because one
0:09:56 religion is
0:09:56 privileged and its voice has authority
0:10:00 uh in in a way that would be
0:10:02 unacceptable to me as a political
0:10:04 secularist
0:10:04 but similarly um i would disapprove of a
0:10:07 kind of
0:10:08 or totalitarian authoritarian
0:10:11 atheist state you know stalin's
0:10:16 soviet republic for example clamping
0:10:18 down on religious beliefs
0:10:19 stuffing socks into the mouths of
0:10:21 religious people um
0:10:23 i'm very much against that too um
0:10:26 i think the state should be neutral and
0:10:29 i also think that the state should
0:10:30 protect the freedom of religious and
0:10:33 non-religious people to
0:10:35 do what they want to do so long as
0:10:36 they're not causing other people
0:10:38 harm and in particular express their
0:10:41 views so i think religious people should
0:10:43 be free to express their religious
0:10:44 points of view um everywhere in every
0:10:48 context i i
0:10:49 i would not support gagging religious
0:10:52 people
0:10:54 but similarly i think non-religious
0:10:56 people
0:10:57 should be had their speech protected too
0:10:59 and they should be able to criticize
0:11:00 religion
0:11:01 mock religion even um in much the same
0:11:05 way
0:11:05 as um well so i think that
0:11:10 although i understand that people have
0:11:12 strong feelings about religion
0:11:14 and i would never go out of my way to
0:11:16 cause offence to a religious person just
0:11:18 for the sake of it
0:11:19 uh you know you know that would be an
0:11:21 awful thing to do
0:11:23 um i i would insist on the right to
0:11:27 criticize religion and even mock
0:11:30 religion
0:11:31 uh in much the same way as i would
0:11:33 defend the right to
0:11:35 criticize and mock non-religious beliefs
0:11:38 um atheists believes political beliefs
0:11:40 for example
0:11:42 um i don't think that political beliefs
0:11:45 that are non-religious
0:11:46 are deserve any kind of special respect
0:11:49 or protection
0:11:50 or privilege i think it's perfectly okay
0:11:53 to
0:11:54 mock um political leaders
0:11:57 you see cartoons published in newspapers
0:11:59 which
0:12:00 caricature religious people leaders
0:12:04 and political beliefs and because
0:12:07 i think that's acceptable and because
0:12:09 i'm a political secularist i think
0:12:12 that the same is true of religious
0:12:14 beliefs too they shouldn't get any
0:12:15 special protection
0:12:17 they shouldn't get any special
0:12:18 privileges they should be
0:12:20 treated on par with other kinds of
0:12:22 belief um
0:12:24 so this is not an i'm this is not this
0:12:26 view isn't
0:12:27 is not exclusively atheist there are
0:12:29 lots of religious people who are
0:12:30 political secularists
0:12:32 and the reason that they're political
0:12:33 secularists is often because they see
0:12:35 that a politically secular society
0:12:37 protects them
0:12:39 protects their freedom to express their
0:12:40 religious beliefs
0:12:42 um ensures that you know that their
0:12:45 their opponents be their religious
0:12:47 opponents or non-religious opponents
0:12:49 that they they will be kept at bay by
0:12:51 the state um
0:12:52 they will be protected their rights will
0:12:54 be protected by a politically secular
0:12:56 system um so yeah you find a lot of
0:13:00 um a lot of religious people are
0:13:02 political secularists
0:13:04 i'm sure there are plenty of muslims
0:13:06 that the political secularists are for
0:13:08 example biblicals not all
0:13:10 and in fact there are there are
0:13:11 christians and jews and so on who
0:13:13 are who are less inclined towards
0:13:15 political secularism so this is an issue
0:13:17 that cuts across
0:13:18 the religious atheist divide you find
0:13:21 supporters and
0:13:22 critics on both sides um so there you go
0:13:25 that's
0:13:26 that's that's probably gives you a sense
0:13:28 of where i'm going to be coming from
0:13:30 when it comes to this particular issue
0:13:34 okay good my take on this
0:13:37 is it's impossible to say that there's
0:13:41 absolute freedom of speech now i don't
0:13:44 think what really applies in the uk
0:13:45 context but there are some
0:13:46 american ideologies if you like the very
0:13:48 absolutist about freedom of speech
0:13:50 meaning
0:13:51 no restriction whatsoever and
0:13:55 they usually cite the kind of slippery
0:13:56 slope argument they want any
0:13:58 restrictions there's a slippery slope
0:14:00 into tyranny but obviously the ball
0:14:02 swings both ways philosophically because
0:14:04 if you don't have any restrictions at
0:14:06 all it could be anarchy right
0:14:07 so as the academic david van mill talks
0:14:10 about this
0:14:11 and therefore and what and i'm citing
0:14:13 david van mille here
0:14:14 he makes a very interesting point he
0:14:16 says this is not absolute freedom of
0:14:18 speech
0:14:19 it is therefore restricted in some cases
0:14:23 because of values
0:14:26 so the discussion we should be having i
0:14:29 think
0:14:30 is well what are these values because
0:14:32 you've made an interesting point about
0:14:34 protecting the rights of religious and
0:14:35 non-religious people in terms of
0:14:37 expression and you've mentioned about
0:14:40 mockery and that
0:14:41 is something that i would disagree with
0:14:43 i would basically say that
0:14:45 that is slightly problematic because
0:14:48 when we look at freedom of speech
0:14:50 freedom of speech is not intrinsically
0:14:52 valuable
0:14:53 it's instrumental so for example it's
0:14:56 a means to some ends such as truth
0:15:00 accountability scientific progress you
0:15:02 know john stuart mill also talked about
0:15:04 human flourishing and so on and so forth
0:15:07 so i don't think that
0:15:07 there is nothing necessary about for
0:15:10 example gratuitous insult
0:15:12 yeah because there's a difference
0:15:13 between gratuitous insult
0:15:15 and just you know coming across
0:15:17 offensive
0:15:18 so if you intend to gratuitously insult
0:15:22 that's not that doesn't necessarily lead
0:15:24 to the objectives of freedom of speech i
0:15:25 wouldn't argue
0:15:27 dr stephen i want you i want your take
0:15:28 on this if we had a society where
0:15:31 everyone mocked in a gratuitous way
0:15:34 wouldn't that be contrary to the very
0:15:36 objections of freedom of speech because
0:15:37 people be now afraid to
0:15:40 articulate themselves and promote the
0:15:43 version of the truth if you like
0:15:45 and what would be very important in this
0:15:46 context is
0:15:48 it would undermine truth which is an
0:15:50 objective of freedom of speech surely
0:15:52 and what's significant here is if we
0:15:56 look at human nature what we mean by
0:15:57 human nature
0:15:58 is how humans are not how we like them
0:16:00 to be humans want
0:16:02 dignity so if a particular religious be
0:16:05 belief for example
0:16:06 or even an ideological belief even a
0:16:08 secular ideological belief for example
0:16:10 has formed the essence of someone's
0:16:12 identity
0:16:13 and they relate to that those ideas as
0:16:16 part of the kind of purpose of life
0:16:19 surely in order to fulfill some of the
0:16:21 objectives of freedom of speech
0:16:23 we need to at least not to have an
0:16:26 intention
0:16:27 to gratuitously insult that would be my
0:16:30 take so on this issue and then we could
0:16:33 unpack further issues later
0:16:34 what do you what do you think about that
0:16:37 yeah no that's very interesting so
0:16:39 um personally i don't favor just
0:16:42 gratuitously
0:16:44 insulting or offending people um
0:16:48 but we need to separate out a few issues
0:16:50 maybe so there's a legal issue
0:16:52 should it be banned should it be illegal
0:16:55 to mock certain religious beliefs for
0:16:59 example
0:17:00 um should we have a law of blasphemy um
0:17:04 i don't know what you think about that
0:17:06 um would you favor that
0:17:09 i would favor well in the law at the
0:17:11 moment in the uk
0:17:13 basically has already legal restrictions
0:17:16 on offense
0:17:17 right and they even discussed for
0:17:20 example was it
0:17:21 an intent to offend was it gratuitous
0:17:25 and so on and so forth so british law
0:17:27 and law in europe and other places
0:17:29 already stipulates these laws not only
0:17:32 on religious
0:17:33 uh minorities by the way but also
0:17:35 non-religious minorities for example you
0:17:37 have this with the lgbtq and others
0:17:38 right
0:17:39 so from this perspective you know
0:17:41 everyone has their sacred cow
0:17:43 right everyone has you know something
0:17:46 sacred
0:17:46 even in a secular sense and what's very
0:17:49 important here is that what
0:17:51 has been discussed in law is actually
0:17:53 dignity it's not necessarily contingent
0:17:55 on a religious belief
0:17:56 it's about are you dignifying the
0:17:58 individual right
0:18:00 and this is very important so let's talk
0:18:03 so because i was i was asking you about
0:18:05 blasphemy which is
0:18:06 yeah i'm going to address that well so
0:18:09 we need to separate out blasphemy which
0:18:10 is attacking
0:18:12 you know religious beliefs or images or
0:18:14 whatever and on the other hand
0:18:16 um attacking particular communities
0:18:20 people ridiculing them suggesting that
0:18:23 they are less than human or something
0:18:25 like that
0:18:25 uh these are completely different things
0:18:28 so it's very
0:18:29 we want to be very careful that we don't
0:18:31 muddle them up because i am certainly in
0:18:33 favor of laws that prevent
0:18:34 people from inciting hatred against
0:18:36 minorities
0:18:38 but that's not a blasphemy law a
0:18:40 blasphemy law
0:18:41 is a law that prevents you from
0:18:44 blaspheming from saying something for
0:18:46 example
0:18:47 that religious people uh think should be
0:18:50 prohibited and the state says
0:18:51 steps in and prohibits it so that if you
0:18:54 say it
0:18:55 or if you show the image then you go to
0:18:57 jail or you're prosecuted or whatever
0:18:59 so it's it's it's uh so let's not get
0:19:01 into the protecting community
0:19:03 i'm all in favor of laws that protect
0:19:05 communities from being abused and
0:19:07 smeared and
0:19:08 hatred incited against them but i'm
0:19:10 asking you about whether there should be
0:19:12 a blasphemy law a law
0:19:14 that protects religious beliefs and
0:19:16 images
0:19:17 or whatever good good questions just
0:19:20 very quickly about
0:19:22 it's it's there isn't a clear
0:19:24 distinction between
0:19:26 ideas and people in many cases
0:19:28 especially when it comes to people's
0:19:29 beliefs that forms the identity
0:19:31 this is very crucial right uh and i'm
0:19:34 gonna answer
0:19:35 blasphemy's thing i'm not yeah i'm not
0:19:37 sidetracking yeah
0:19:38 but it's very important to unpack that
0:19:40 for example there was a recent study
0:19:43 it was a scientific study and they came
0:19:45 to the conclusion
0:19:46 that that study basically says that
0:19:49 homosexuality for example or sexual
0:19:51 preference
0:19:52 is not dictated by you know directly
0:19:55 dictated by genetics right that's a
0:19:57 scientific study
0:19:58 um and what they did is
0:20:01 they adopted what what what i'm talking
0:20:04 about today they basically
0:20:06 had a scientific communicator they went
0:20:09 to the lgbtqia
0:20:11 plus advocacy groups they discussed with
0:20:14 them they said we have this paper
0:20:16 um our conclusion is we've done this
0:20:18 study that there is no direct
0:20:20 kind of uh link between genetics
0:20:23 and sexual preference and basically we
0:20:26 want to basically be sensitive
0:20:28 to to this and we want to communicate in
0:20:30 a way in order for it to be conducive to
0:20:34 what they consider to be
0:20:37 a representation of reality right
0:20:39 because they believe this this theory or
0:20:41 this study
0:20:41 is as closer to the actual state of
0:20:43 affairs as possible
0:20:45 so even in cases like this well
0:20:48 that idea especially in the uk if you
0:20:50 were to say something like that that
0:20:52 could be seen as homophobic and
0:20:53 therefore illegal
0:20:54 but in the case of uh the the the
0:20:57 scientists here what they did was is
0:20:59 they were sensitive to that and they
0:21:01 and they understood that there's not a
0:21:02 very clear distinction sometimes
0:21:04 between someone's identity and their
0:21:07 beliefs
0:21:07 and sometimes you know how they relate
0:21:09 to themselves their state of being
0:21:11 and the ideas that they have so i don't
0:21:13 think it's as simple as that but
0:21:14 concerning the blasphemy law it's very
0:21:15 simple
0:21:17 the islamic paradigm we have some
0:21:18 certain ontological commitments right we
0:21:21 believe not only as faith but we think
0:21:23 we have good reasons to believe i know
0:21:25 you've engaged with many philosophers on
0:21:26 this issue before
0:21:27 that god exists he's worthy of worship
0:21:29 and there is a final prophet the prophet
0:21:31 muhammad upon whom he peace
0:21:33 and what does that say that becomes a
0:21:34 kind of basis for our
0:21:36 uh meta ethics and our ethical theory
0:21:39 like we're divine command theories from
0:21:41 that perspective what the divine
0:21:43 inductive
0:21:44 instructive says is that you cannot
0:21:47 gratuitously insult and intend to insult
0:21:50 god and all of his prophet not only that
0:21:53 god himself says you can't
0:21:55 condemn or insult anyone else's idol and
0:21:59 the kind of exegesis behind this this
0:22:00 could be a secular idol for example i'm
0:22:02 not going to go to america and start
0:22:03 burning the american flag
0:22:05 so there is a kind of ethic here that is
0:22:08 not only specific
0:22:09 to god and his messengers but
0:22:13 any type of idol even in a secular sense
0:22:16 i think that makes us far more
0:22:17 consistent right because the kind of
0:22:20 as we said freedom of speech is
0:22:21 restricted to values from the islamic
0:22:23 values point of view
0:22:24 we say that you can't intend to offend
0:22:26 anyone you shouldn't
0:22:27 right and we can unpack that later and
0:22:29 have conducive to the objectives of
0:22:31 freedom of speech
0:22:32 so the kind of blasphemy laws from that
0:22:34 perspective obviously
0:22:35 they're not applied properly i know
0:22:37 there's no transparency and due process
0:22:39 in many countries but that's a different
0:22:40 political discussion we're having an
0:22:42 abstract discussion here
0:22:43 i would say is that if you think about
0:22:46 it conceptually
0:22:47 whether you believe it or not is a
0:22:48 different story but conceptually just
0:22:50 stand in the
0:22:51 position standing the possibility that
0:22:52 these things are true
0:22:54 then insulting god and his messengers is
0:22:57 one of the greatest forms of gratuitous
0:23:00 insult you can ever make because they
0:23:01 are the they are the
0:23:02 intellectual basis for your rights now i
0:23:04 know you disagree with that for sure
0:23:06 but i want you to stand in the
0:23:07 possibility so you understand it
0:23:09 intellectually empathize so it's not as
0:23:11 simple as
0:23:12 and you remember this this doesn't mean
0:23:14 you can't have intellectual debate and
0:23:16 dialogue right because
0:23:17 as you know you've probably studied a
0:23:19 bit of the islamic history
0:23:20 medieval baghdad for example when
0:23:22 atheists were getting burnt
0:23:24 in in in europe they were saying and at
0:23:27 the intellectual table we have this
0:23:28 concept of the dhaka
0:23:30 which are like the philosophical
0:23:32 naturalists of the time
0:23:33 there was nuanced debate and discussion
0:23:35 but it was with the intellectual tone
0:23:37 and there was no intent to gratuity
0:23:40 insult
0:23:41 so that would be my answer from that
0:23:43 perspective
0:23:45 well so my question was um do you
0:23:47 support blasphemy laws which make it
0:23:49 illegal
0:23:50 to um
0:23:53 mock or insult certain religious beliefs
0:23:55 and figures and i guess your answer is
0:23:57 yes
0:23:57 yes absolutely based on what you said
0:24:00 yeah absolutely yeah yeah okay
0:24:02 and all and i i don't
0:24:05 um so okay
0:24:08 so do you think that ideally then the
0:24:11 teacher at the batley grammar school
0:24:12 then he should
0:24:13 he should actually be prosecuted and
0:24:16 perhaps into jail for
0:24:18 for doing what he did he would support
0:24:20 that well
0:24:21 lord he would support the introduction
0:24:23 of a law that would see him
0:24:24 his behavior criminalized and no because
0:24:27 i i don't know the case properly there's
0:24:29 different
0:24:29 conflicting scenarios i haven't studied
0:24:31 okay so even
0:24:33 it would be ridiculous right although i
0:24:36 think
0:24:36 if what is being is true he probably
0:24:39 violated the teacher's code of conduct
0:24:41 because the tea because my sister is a
0:24:43 teacher she's she's a senior manager
0:24:46 and she's not muslim yeah just to put
0:24:48 that in there
0:24:49 because you have to be sensitive when it
0:24:52 comes to people's ideas and identity
0:24:53 because there's not a direct distinction
0:24:55 especially at that age
0:24:57 so you have to find it from a
0:24:58 perspective of
0:25:00 we're living in a time where muslim
0:25:01 minorities
0:25:03 especially in europe maybe not more so
0:25:05 this country maybe more so in france
0:25:07 right
0:25:08 but yes in this country too it's a
0:25:10 denigrated minority certain degree if
0:25:12 you look at the kind of academic
0:25:13 research on the media
0:25:14 you know it's it's denigrated and
0:25:17 downtrodden from that perspective
0:25:19 now in that context if you
0:25:22 show symbols of you know for example the
0:25:25 prophet muhammad
0:25:27 that is the basis for the identity and
0:25:29 for the state of being and for their
0:25:31 morals and so on and so forth and
0:25:32 you have islamophobic tropes for example
0:25:35 even if it's in the context of blasphemy
0:25:38 what that can do
0:25:39 that couldn't be damaging from an
0:25:41 edification point of view from a
0:25:42 teacher's point of view
0:25:44 what i would say is there could have
0:25:45 been so many other ways that you could
0:25:47 have used examples
0:25:49 in a teacher setting in order to make
0:25:52 your point but without basically
0:25:54 you know creating the kind of who has
0:25:57 been created notwithstanding
0:25:58 need to put a context i don't know the
0:26:00 full case yeah i don't know
0:26:02 i don't know i don't know if it was
0:26:04 intent i don't know what was going on
0:26:06 and to be honest
0:26:07 i try not to see the media anymore
0:26:09 because you know and that's another
0:26:11 thing about freedom was boots right we
0:26:12 live in a post-truth culture
0:26:14 freedom of speech in this way you're
0:26:16 allowed to mock everybody
0:26:18 it's devalued politics it's the value
0:26:20 truth itself people don't believe in
0:26:21 truth anymore don't believe hang on
0:26:24 hang on all right let's not get carried
0:26:26 away okay
0:26:28 i mean to allow so you've said things
0:26:31 that suggest
0:26:32 that you think that allowing people to
0:26:34 mock beliefs
0:26:36 somehow um
0:26:39 means that what he seemed to think it
0:26:42 was a it was
0:26:42 it was potentially a threat to free
0:26:44 speech because people won't
0:26:46 express their views anymore they'll be
0:26:48 afraid to express their views
0:26:49 so we won't get to the truth this this
0:26:51 is simply not true
0:26:53 um to allow mockery and a bit of
0:26:56 ridicule and satire and so on
0:26:58 is does not stop those whose beliefs are
0:27:02 being satirized
0:27:03 from defending their beliefs and arguing
0:27:05 for their beliefs not at all
0:27:07 and in fact sometimes a little bit of
0:27:09 mockery
0:27:11 actually opens up the possibility of our
0:27:15 seeing something
0:27:17 that we had missed and so a famous
0:27:20 example the famous illustration
0:27:23 which i'm sure you're familiar with is
0:27:25 uh the emperor's new clothes the hans
0:27:27 christian
0:27:28 anderson story where the the king
0:27:32 is duped by a couple of tailors who tell
0:27:35 him
0:27:36 that they can weave clothes that are so
0:27:39 fine
0:27:40 that um anyone without the sufficient
0:27:43 sensitivity
0:27:44 uh won't be able to see them and
0:27:47 if you're wearing these clothes you will
0:27:49 appear naked um
0:27:51 and so they make him an outfit or so
0:27:54 they say
0:27:55 and he can't see it um but rather than
0:27:58 admit
0:27:58 his lack of sensitivity and
0:28:00 sophistication he pretends to put the
0:28:02 clothes on and parades around
0:28:05 naked and um
0:28:08 and then he invites people in to admire
0:28:10 his new
0:28:11 outfit and of course no one wants to
0:28:13 admit that they're not
0:28:15 they're not sensitive enough to to to
0:28:17 appreciate the outfit so they're all
0:28:19 admiring it too and telling him how
0:28:20 great he parades up and down the town
0:28:23 uh in his outfit completely naked with
0:28:26 everyone
0:28:26 applauding the wondrous finery that he's
0:28:29 you know
0:28:30 he's wearing until one small boy points
0:28:33 and laughs and mocks him and at that
0:28:37 point the spell is broken
0:28:38 all right that's what it took a little
0:28:41 bit of mockery a little bit of laughter
0:28:43 to get people to
0:28:45 finally see that they've been a bit
0:28:47 silly that they've been duped sometimes
0:28:49 a little bit of mockery
0:28:50 is extremely useful and it can get us to
0:28:53 take a step back and just pack it in
0:28:56 with all of the deference
0:28:58 and the you know the hand wringing and
0:29:00 the full lock tugging and just take a
0:29:02 step back and think oh hang on a second
0:29:04 maybe
0:29:04 maybe i've got this wrong um and so some
0:29:07 of the some of the greatest
0:29:09 little little insights that have come
0:29:11 from
0:29:12 uh people when it comes to politics and
0:29:15 so on
0:29:15 have been in the form of of satires and
0:29:18 and parodies
0:29:20 um and they've been really useful at
0:29:22 opening people's eyes
0:29:24 in a way that simply would be possible
0:29:26 if you just came at the beliefs
0:29:28 head-on and just treated them as a with
0:29:31 the
0:29:31 respect that they were you know
0:29:34 demanding
0:29:35 so it seems to me that that it's very
0:29:38 often the people
0:29:40 who demand respect
0:29:43 you must respect my beliefs um you must
0:29:46 not mock them
0:29:47 those people are usually the people
0:29:48 whose police need
0:29:50 most need mocking okay people right
0:29:53 but you the most need uh a little bit of
0:29:56 mockery just to open people's eyes to
0:29:58 the possibility that actually
0:29:59 all of this respect and deference and
0:30:01 something might actually be hiding
0:30:02 something that's not true
0:30:04 so it seems to me that mockery has an
0:30:07 important role to play
0:30:09 an important role to play in politics
0:30:10 and if people were to try to prevent me
0:30:13 from mocking
0:30:14 my government and my political opponents
0:30:18 i would consider that outrageous and
0:30:20 most most people would consider that
0:30:21 completely
0:30:22 unacceptable i think well i don't know
0:30:25 what you think about that
0:30:26 but if that is unacceptable then as a
0:30:29 political secularist
0:30:31 i have to say the same about religious
0:30:33 beliefs too
0:30:35 i think it depends what you define as
0:30:37 mockery and what i meant here was
0:30:39 is obviously you can have an
0:30:41 intellectual tone
0:30:42 and come across in a way that is
0:30:44 rhetorical and make your point
0:30:46 but is mockery and gratuitous insult
0:30:50 a necessary in order to achieve the
0:30:52 objectives of
0:30:54 you know getting awakening and creating
0:30:56 awakenings within people and getting
0:30:57 people to see the light kind of thing
0:30:59 no it's not very that's my point so
0:31:02 if it's necessary it's not gratuitous if
0:31:05 it's actually
0:31:06 if it's a youthful tool and often it is
0:31:09 then it's not gratuitous
0:31:11 um so yeah there's a point to it
0:31:14 there was um there is often a point to
0:31:17 satire and mockery and so on
0:31:19 um but even if there isn't it's not
0:31:21 really for me i feel to
0:31:23 to maybe the person thinks that there is
0:31:25 a point i don't want to start
0:31:27 shutting down debate and satire and
0:31:30 parody and so on when it comes to the
0:31:32 political sphere
0:31:34 um i think that would be a very
0:31:36 dangerous precedent
0:31:38 um if you were to say no you cannot make
0:31:40 cartoons of political leaders
0:31:42 and you cannot lampoon political ideas
0:31:46 that's a hallmark of a pretty
0:31:47 authoritarian state
0:31:49 now if we're going to say that about
0:31:51 political beliefs and political figures
0:31:53 then my view is we should say exactly
0:31:55 the same thing about religious people
0:31:57 and religious figures i personally would
0:31:59 disapprove of anyone gratuitously
0:32:01 offending
0:32:02 a muslim you know there's no point to it
0:32:05 but i
0:32:06 but i would protect legally protect the
0:32:08 right of people to
0:32:10 mock religion any religion not just
0:32:12 islam
0:32:13 um and um it seems to me that
0:32:17 so so i guess well to sum up i'm coming
0:32:19 from i'm coming at this really from a
0:32:21 point of
0:32:21 point of view of consistency um i want
0:32:24 to treat all beliefs with
0:32:26 an equal amount of respect i don't want
0:32:28 to afford religious beliefs any
0:32:29 special privileges um what's your view
0:32:33 here do you think that even political
0:32:36 beliefs and political figures should be
0:32:37 prevented from being mocked and
0:32:39 lampooned
0:32:41 yes so i want to be very the islamic
0:32:43 ethical paradigm here
0:32:44 is that you have to consider the dignity
0:32:47 of all people
0:32:48 this is one of what you call the kind of
0:32:50 higher intents of
0:32:52 you know examining ethics now what's
0:32:55 very important here
0:32:56 here is that's why when i mentioned
0:32:57 about the blasphemy case this applied
0:33:00 to other religions and also
0:33:04 the protraction of that is when you
0:33:05 refer to islamic ethics you can't
0:33:07 basically
0:33:09 insult the kind of secular idols as well
0:33:12 so you have to be as
0:33:14 ethical as possible so there's a
0:33:15 consistency here so i would say
0:33:18 but why wait because there's also a lack
0:33:20 of consistency
0:33:21 there's a kind of consistency because
0:33:22 you want to protect all of these beliefs
0:33:24 equally not just your own
0:33:26 but there's also this inconsistency
0:33:29 that you want so you have your religion
0:33:33 uh and it has its requirements as you
0:33:36 understand it i don't think all muslims
0:33:37 agree about
0:33:38 this but let's suppose that they there
0:33:39 was a consensus that you know you
0:33:41 mustn't mock
0:33:42 um religion be it islam or any other
0:33:45 religion
0:33:45 or indeed political figures and and so
0:33:48 on
0:33:48 um that's i forgot where i'm going with
0:33:52 this
0:33:54 but that that's
0:33:58 i've lost my thread
0:34:03 when you remember just just get back you
0:34:05 carry on and it'll carry on
0:34:07 and come to me in a second yeah sure so
0:34:09 with regards to
0:34:10 uh this issue of uh mocking again you
0:34:13 have to define what that means and
0:34:16 we also have to understand that the
0:34:18 default kind of islamic ethical position
0:34:20 is that you always you have to consider
0:34:21 the dignity of people whether the
0:34:22 leaders or not
0:34:23 whether the politicians whether the
0:34:25 religious people whether the
0:34:26 non-religious people
0:34:27 the kind of duty is very important so as
0:34:29 a default position the default position
0:34:31 would be is you
0:34:32 see and you relate to people through
0:34:34 that kind of ethical lens
0:34:36 now what i said earlier about i wasn't
0:34:38 necessarily saying that
0:34:39 you know you can't have some kind of
0:34:41 intellectual lampooning and with an
0:34:42 intellectual tone kind of dismantle
0:34:44 ideas of course not
0:34:46 what i'm saying is imagine everyone was
0:34:48 in a state of mockery
0:34:49 everyone was basically mocking and
0:34:51 insulting
0:34:52 and they were like it was insult to the
0:34:54 degree where there was like a gray area
0:34:56 between insult and gratuitous insult and
0:34:58 all of these things
0:34:59 that would i said in that context that
0:35:02 would prevent
0:35:03 the objectives of um the objectives of
0:35:06 freedom of speech was like truth
0:35:07 accountability and progress and i think
0:35:08 we've seen that in the contemporary
0:35:10 times dr stephen
0:35:11 for example you know kovid deniers
0:35:14 the trump era and you remember when
0:35:17 we're talking about freedom of speech
0:35:19 we're assuming everyone has equal power
0:35:21 not everyone has equal power with
0:35:23 regards to yeah
0:35:25 with regards to like speaking what they
0:35:27 have to what what
0:35:28 what they want to say and express
0:35:29 themselves so that's something that
0:35:31 needs to be considered as well we don't
0:35:32 have it
0:35:33 and one thing i want to bring into light
0:35:35 just and i'll let you continue
0:35:37 is we have to also understand we can't
0:35:40 see
0:35:40 this from and i know you might disagree
0:35:42 with this
0:35:44 a liberal perspective what i mean by
0:35:45 that is if you consider
0:35:47 some philosophers do liberalism to have
0:35:49 a premise which is individualism
0:35:51 we can't see it from the perspective of
0:35:52 individualism i tell you why
0:35:54 because studies have obviously shown in
0:35:57 social psychology
0:35:58 cognitive science and so on and so forth
0:35:59 and just common sense right
0:36:01 is that the human being doesn't is
0:36:03 doesn't live in a vacuum it's not in a
0:36:05 desert island there's this kind of
0:36:06 uh interplay between the individual
0:36:08 society of society and individual
0:36:10 what we say actually really matters and
0:36:12 you know when people say oh
0:36:13 why are you guys so sensitive and all of
0:36:15 this stuff
0:36:16 well in neuroscience neuroscience is
0:36:18 telling us now that the things that you
0:36:20 say can change
0:36:21 your kind of uh you know your
0:36:23 neurochemical patterns can change your
0:36:25 biology right
0:36:26 so what and that's why in the islamic
0:36:28 tradition it takes very seriously what
0:36:30 you say to others and how you say it
0:36:32 i know that's difficult for many because
0:36:34 we've been brought up in a secular
0:36:35 society and liberal society we could say
0:36:36 whatever we want and
0:36:38 mock and insult but now i think it's
0:36:41 time
0:36:42 to start thinking about these things
0:36:43 maybe a little bit more seriously and
0:36:45 thinking you know
0:36:47 just like what david van mill said
0:36:49 freedom of speech is not absolute it's
0:36:50 restricted based on values
0:36:52 what are these values this is important
0:36:54 to discuss and what's the basis for
0:36:56 values no i i agree that you know
0:36:58 freedom of speech is not
0:36:59 um unlimited i mean you you don't really
0:37:03 find
0:37:03 anyone that thinks that you know not
0:37:05 even mill famously
0:37:07 who defends free speech but even he
0:37:09 thinks that there are exceptions
0:37:10 everyone thinks any if any reasonable
0:37:12 person thinks that there are some
0:37:13 exceptions
0:37:14 uh if you go back to if you remember
0:37:16 what i said but at the beginning my
0:37:18 point was about consistency that we
0:37:19 shouldn't treat religious
0:37:21 and non-religious beliefs differently
0:37:23 and it sounds to me like you kind of
0:37:24 agree
0:37:25 actually it's just that you want to
0:37:26 restrict both you want to prevent
0:37:29 mockery on both sides of the equation
0:37:31 whether it whether it's mockery of
0:37:32 religious beliefs or whether it be
0:37:34 mockery of political
0:37:35 um beliefs so in a way you're on board
0:37:37 with my
0:37:38 consistency requirement it's just that
0:37:40 you want to
0:37:42 clamp down on what people are allowed to
0:37:45 say and do when it comes to
0:37:47 certain styles of criticism mockery and
0:37:50 so on
0:37:51 and this is and here's so here's the
0:37:53 point i was going to make when i when i
0:37:55 had my senior moment and what's my
0:37:57 thread
0:37:58 here's my point you're you you're you're
0:38:01 you're
0:38:01 you're saying that you're you're being
0:38:04 fair and even-handed
0:38:06 because you want to protect all beliefs
0:38:09 religious this religion that religion
0:38:11 this political belief that
0:38:13 you want to treat them all equally and
0:38:14 protect them all
0:38:16 ah but there's a sense in which you're
0:38:18 not being even-handed which
0:38:19 uh we're kind of skating over and it's
0:38:21 this it's that your religion
0:38:23 trumps everything else uh including
0:38:27 i'm i don't share your religious beliefs
0:38:30 uh
0:38:30 most people in this country don't show
0:38:32 your religious beliefs and yet you think
0:38:35 that we should have imposed on us
0:38:36 legally constraints on what we're able
0:38:39 to say and do despite the fact that we
0:38:40 don't sign up to
0:38:42 your religion that's an extremely
0:38:45 heavy-handed and authoritarian attitude
0:38:47 it seems to me
0:38:49 most religions don't do that most
0:38:50 religions don't say
0:38:52 okay most people in this country they
0:38:55 they don't they don't sign up to our
0:38:57 religion but nevertheless we insist and
0:38:59 we demand
0:39:00 that your laws restrict everyone's
0:39:02 behavior in accordance with
0:39:04 our religion whatever it might happen to
0:39:06 be that's an extremely demanding
0:39:08 extremely authoritarian
0:39:10 attitude for a religious person to take
0:39:12 and most religious
0:39:14 people are not like that you are um and
0:39:17 that's what i find
0:39:18 that's what that's what i find most
0:39:21 most worrying about your attitude well i
0:39:24 don't know if i've articulated it that
0:39:26 way i don't think i've said that you
0:39:27 have to impose
0:39:29 as a muslim minority the islamic beliefs
0:39:32 on this issue
0:39:33 i wasn't really saying but you know you
0:39:35 asked you're saying you want this
0:39:37 principle of not mocking right you want
0:39:40 it legally imposed you said yeah i'm
0:39:42 signing up to blasphemy i want to
0:39:43 blasphemy law i want laws that prevent
0:39:46 people from mocking islam or
0:39:48 christianity
0:39:49 or political leaders and politicians i
0:39:51 want all of that
0:39:52 imposed in this country but how how
0:39:59 i don't i really don't want that and i
0:40:01 can't and and obviously you're not going
0:40:03 to convince me that this is a good idea
0:40:04 by appealing to your religion because i
0:40:06 don't
0:40:06 sign up to it well i don't feel
0:40:09 i mean i don't feel that i should go to
0:40:13 uh other other places and insist that
0:40:15 they
0:40:16 you know i would make a case for it but
0:40:17 i don't feel that i have some special
0:40:19 authority
0:40:20 by virtue of me being who i am or my
0:40:23 identity or whatever
0:40:24 to go around telling other people how
0:40:26 they need to run their run their regimes
0:40:28 if you don't if you as a muslim don't
0:40:30 want to
0:40:31 um see images of the prophet muhammad
0:40:33 displayed and
0:40:34 you're upset by that i fully understand
0:40:36 that and i
0:40:38 go ahead don't do it um and i certainly
0:40:41 am not going to go out of my way to
0:40:43 gratuitously offend you by displaying
0:40:44 such images
0:40:45 but by what right can you
0:40:49 insist that non-believers
0:40:52 people of other faiths or no faith that
0:40:54 they must obey
0:40:55 your prohibitions well i didn't say they
0:40:59 should do that at all
0:41:00 what i'm saying is that i was taking a
0:41:02 case in order for secular law to be
0:41:04 consistent because it's already in the
0:41:05 law
0:41:06 that's all i was saying the law talks
0:41:08 about often the door talks about
0:41:10 all of these things even when it doesn't
0:41:12 offend to the degree that is gratuitous
0:41:15 so what i'm doing my position was an
0:41:18 ethical position
0:41:19 and yes my ethics have come to happen
0:41:22 happen to come from the divine command
0:41:24 but that's not me saying
0:41:25 everyone has to follow my way i'm just
0:41:27 saying this
0:41:28 is a more consistent way of looking at
0:41:31 the world why
0:41:32 because you don't end up in these
0:41:33 situations because secularism in that
0:41:35 from that context has
0:41:37 kind of failed because in a way what
0:41:40 you're saying
0:41:41 muslims can't impose their ideas on the
0:41:43 masses
0:41:44 well isn't it the case that secularism
0:41:47 when liberalism
0:41:48 imposes itself on the masses look at its
0:41:50 kind of perspective on lgbtq
0:41:53 right you know people can't articulate
0:41:56 and nurse intellectual case about
0:41:58 something without being accused of being
0:42:00 homophobic or whatever the case may be
0:42:02 even though we're committed to the
0:42:03 well-being of all human beings right we
0:42:05 want goodness
0:42:05 and kindness for everybody one would
0:42:07 argue well that's why you have to
0:42:09 see it from the other perspective just
0:42:10 just wear my shoes or wear
0:42:13 another person's shoes and see well the
0:42:15 the door swings both ways on the issue i
0:42:17 could say well on isn't
0:42:18 secularism being authoritative isn't
0:42:20 liberalism being authoritative from that
0:42:22 perspective it's failed minorities it's
0:42:24 claimed to be able to bring everyone
0:42:25 together but when it comes to these
0:42:26 issues it can't even dignify minorities
0:42:29 right
0:42:30 uh from from that perspective what i'm
0:42:31 saying is that islam
0:42:34 is everybody whereas the secular ethic
0:42:37 well it has
0:42:37 you know it's in a bit of a sticky
0:42:38 wicket um
0:42:40 i'm not sure i've followed all of that
0:42:42 so so i said i'm
0:42:44 you know i'm a political secularist so i
0:42:47 think
0:42:47 that um we should treat religious and
0:42:50 non-religious beliefs
0:42:51 equally and we should defend people's
0:42:53 freedoms to express their religious
0:42:54 beliefs
0:42:56 or anti-religious beliefs or you know
0:42:58 whatever it may happen to be
0:43:00 um up to certain limits because everyone
0:43:02 thinks that there are certain limits on
0:43:04 free speech so inciting hatred against
0:43:07 a minority community for example is
0:43:08 obviously completely unacceptable
0:43:11 um and if that's what's going on be it
0:43:13 you know the
0:43:14 uh the gay community or black community
0:43:16 or whatever it might happen to be
0:43:18 i'm fully on board um with protecting
0:43:20 people
0:43:21 um from that kind of hate and then there
0:43:24 is
0:43:24 and there is and that that's in place um
0:43:28 but this is quite different from laws
0:43:31 which
0:43:32 um are designed to prevent um
0:43:35 religious you know margaret thatcher or
0:43:38 the
0:43:39 muhammad or whatever it might happen to
0:43:41 be prevent them
0:43:42 from being mocked and preventing ideas
0:43:45 and beliefs from being
0:43:46 mocked so we constantly want to separate
0:43:49 out these things
0:43:50 i'm all for protecting the muslim
0:43:52 community that certainly has been
0:43:54 abused and vilified and smeared uh in
0:43:57 this country in you know in
0:43:59 very unfairly um i i know that that's
0:44:02 true
0:44:02 i'm not disputing that for a minute but
0:44:04 i at the same time and i would want them
0:44:07 to have legal protections
0:44:09 but at the same time because i'm a
0:44:11 political secularist you know i
0:44:13 i'm i'm unhappy to say the least
0:44:16 i'm unhappy about um introducing any
0:44:19 kind of legislation which would
0:44:22 prevent me from mocking um anyone's
0:44:25 religious belief
0:44:26 in much the same way as i would be very
0:44:27 unhappy about
0:44:29 uh legislation which would prevent me
0:44:30 from mocking political beliefs and i've
0:44:32 explained well and i've explained why it
0:44:34 seems to me that mockery and ridicule
0:44:36 and lamping
0:44:37 um are important and valuable
0:44:41 um tools because of the um you know the
0:44:44 the the the emperor's new clothes
0:44:46 kind of yeah another cases too i mean
0:44:50 you know there's artistic there's
0:44:51 artistic freedom so
0:44:53 sometimes artists like to push the
0:44:55 boundaries
0:44:56 and sometimes they do that in slightly
0:44:58 distasteful ways
0:45:00 um you know there was a famous example i
0:45:02 think of uh there was a
0:45:04 somebody created a crucifix with crying
0:45:07 with christ
0:45:07 on and immersed it in their own urine
0:45:10 and then took a picture of it and called
0:45:11 it piss christ
0:45:13 back in 1987 i think it was um
0:45:16 obviously that was you know it was
0:45:18 pretty offensive
0:45:19 to many christians but um in the same
0:45:23 way you know whenever
0:45:24 david cameron um was portrayed by the
0:45:27 cartoonist
0:45:28 steve bell he had a massive condom
0:45:31 pulled over the top of his head
0:45:32 uh this used to appear in the pages of
0:45:35 the guardian every day
0:45:36 um i i'm you know i
0:45:39 there is a point to allowing that kind
0:45:42 of mockery
0:45:43 and satire there's an artistic reason
0:45:46 for allowing it
0:45:48 it allows us to get a glimpse of the
0:45:50 truth when perhaps we've been
0:45:51 overly duped by too much reverence and
0:45:54 uh you know full lock doffing and so on
0:45:57 um i don't want that restricted you
0:46:00 would have and i think you'll have a
0:46:02 very hard time
0:46:03 persuading anyone in this country that
0:46:06 that kind of freedom of speech should be
0:46:07 restricted and it would
0:46:08 certainly be massively abused
0:46:12 by people in power if you were to
0:46:14 introduce it just look at what this
0:46:15 government is doing
0:46:17 right now in terms of reflecting our
0:46:19 ability to protest
0:46:20 if you even risk annoying somebody now
0:46:24 you can be arrested and locked up
0:46:28 your protest you can be sure that this
0:46:31 government
0:46:32 uh indeed most governments given the
0:46:35 opportunity
0:46:36 uh will seize any tool at their disposal
0:46:39 to shut down opposition to what they
0:46:42 believe and they will certainly use
0:46:44 um any kind of legislation which says
0:46:48 you're not allowed to
0:46:49 mock or satirize um
0:46:52 political and religious beliefs they
0:46:54 will certainly use that to shut
0:46:56 down opposition to to to their beliefs
0:46:58 so
0:47:02 that's a yeah we have to make a
0:47:04 distinction between
0:47:06 how the government will misuse laws
0:47:09 and the kind of ideal application of
0:47:11 laws
0:47:12 just because someone's going to misuse
0:47:14 laws it doesn't mean the laws are wrong
0:47:16 i mean
0:47:17 many past islamic world there's well
0:47:19 called islamic laws but they're
0:47:20 misapplied
0:47:21 misused that doesn't necessarily mean
0:47:23 that the laws are wrong
0:47:25 uh it definitely means that there's
0:47:26 something wrong with those who are
0:47:27 implementing this
0:47:29 if a law is very easily misused
0:47:33 then that's a very good reason for not
0:47:34 introducing it well when it comes to the
0:47:37 issue of speech for example again we
0:47:38 have to define what mocking is so my
0:47:40 discussion was if there is an intent
0:47:44 to gratuitously insult someone if there
0:47:46 is
0:47:48 no no way gratuitously means there's no
0:47:50 point to it but now how are you going to
0:47:51 establish
0:47:52 that you need to look into someone's
0:47:54 mind and this time
0:47:56 you can't establish it
0:47:59 and this happened sorry there's a lag
0:48:03 this happens in law anyway they discuss
0:48:05 intent and intent to offense anyway in
0:48:08 british law so
0:48:09 you know if these legal jurists can do
0:48:11 it i'm sure you know it's not it's not
0:48:13 that difficult so i think that's a
0:48:15 little bit of a red herring
0:48:16 what i would say is the dignity of
0:48:19 people are very important this
0:48:20 this is a kind of uh ethical framework
0:48:23 the dignity of people are very
0:48:24 the dignity of someone is very important
0:48:26 and the examples that you've given
0:48:28 concerning
0:48:29 you know mockery and lampooning
0:48:31 especially the one concerning the
0:48:32 emperor that's like a fictional story
0:48:34 well now when we apply in the real world
0:48:36 remember human nature
0:48:38 humans as they are not as we want them
0:48:40 to be
0:48:41 it gets far more fuzzy and the reason i
0:48:43 said earlier you know if we always have
0:48:45 this kind of narrative of
0:48:46 mocking each other in ways that affect
0:48:48 our dignity
0:48:49 it will be contrary to the objectives of
0:48:51 freedom of speech because
0:48:52 i think what you're trying to do even
0:48:54 which uh doctor is
0:48:56 it's for somehow you're trying to show
0:48:58 that
0:48:59 mockery and lampooning in some cases
0:49:02 like an inherent right or has
0:49:03 some kind of intrinsic value and i think
0:49:06 that's problematic in the discourse
0:49:07 especially from a secular perspective
0:49:09 because you couldn't ground it in
0:49:10 natural rights because that's
0:49:12 uh almost nonsense on stilts as jeremy
0:49:14 bentham said
0:49:15 where's the social utility behind that i
0:49:17 don't know if people are gonna if
0:49:19 if that is necessarily so what about you
0:49:21 demonic
0:49:22 approach to grounding these kind of
0:49:24 values you know
0:49:25 happiness well i don't think people are
0:49:27 happy when they're always mocked right
0:49:29 and especially when there's a misuse of
0:49:30 power
0:49:31 and you remember what you said about
0:49:32 people if the law can be misused
0:49:34 well mockery is also misused a lot it
0:49:36 happened in nazi germany in the
0:49:37 beginning right
0:49:38 it's happening china with the yugas
0:49:40 right so
0:49:42 yeah no no no but again we're slipping
0:49:44 backwards and forwards between
0:49:46 mocking communities and inciting hatred
0:49:50 against communities
0:49:52 on the one hand and mocking
0:49:55 um you know political and religious
0:49:56 leaders and belief systems
0:49:58 on the other these are not the same
0:50:00 thing and you're constantly
0:50:01 having in order to make your case you're
0:50:03 constantly having to
0:50:04 mush them together and although they do
0:50:06 bleed into each other a little bit it's
0:50:08 a great
0:50:09 okay that doesn't mean that we can't
0:50:10 separate out black and white there's
0:50:12 gray
0:50:13 that doesn't mean that black and white
0:50:14 don't exist these are different things
0:50:16 let's not muddle them up let's keep them
0:50:18 separate okay so
0:50:19 i'm all in favor of legislation which
0:50:21 protects minorities from being abused
0:50:23 and vilified and
0:50:24 hate speech against them and so on of
0:50:26 course i am in favor of that
0:50:28 but i'm not in favor of um legislation
0:50:31 which would say
0:50:33 you're not allowed to mock your
0:50:35 political
0:50:36 leaders um i'm i'm not in favor of that
0:50:39 and your argument seems to be that well
0:50:42 but what if everyone did that
0:50:44 all the time i mean what if everyone
0:50:46 mocks everyone all the time that would
0:50:47 be really bad wouldn't it
0:50:49 well yeah but that doesn't mean it's
0:50:51 going to happen i mean
0:50:52 if we're i'm allowed to eat cheesecake
0:50:57 there's no law that says i can't eat
0:50:58 cheesecake but if i ate cheesecake all
0:51:00 the time and we all ate nothing but she
0:51:02 that would be terrible so therefore
0:51:04 there should be a law against eating
0:51:06 cheese
0:51:08 the fact that the fact that if everyone
0:51:10 mocked everyone all the time that would
0:51:12 be really bad therefore
0:51:13 there must be no mockery that's a
0:51:15 terrible argument
0:51:16 okay don't use that one it
0:51:22 and there is a point to allowing mockery
0:51:26 the emperor's new clothes case reveals
0:51:28 gives one nice
0:51:29 illustration of how actually it's very
0:51:32 good at breaking the spill
0:51:33 and allowing people to get an insight
0:51:35 that otherwise would not be
0:51:36 easily available to them a little bit a
0:51:39 little bit of mockery
0:51:40 we know we know that that is can often
0:51:43 be very very
0:51:44 effective and one of the nicest examples
0:51:46 was um
0:51:48 was it jonathan swift's a modest
0:51:50 proposal
0:51:51 i think it i think it is i think it was
0:51:53 um he
0:51:54 has this essay called a modest proposal
0:51:56 and you're reading it and it also
0:51:58 it all sounds terribly reasonable but
0:51:59 then you realize that what he's actually
0:52:01 proposing is that we kill and eat the
0:52:03 children of the poor
0:52:06 it's a kind of a it's a joke it's deeply
0:52:09 it's it's horrible and offensive in a
0:52:10 way and yet
0:52:12 the logic of it is exactly the logic
0:52:15 that you find in many other political
0:52:17 debates and so it provides a kind of
0:52:18 insight
0:52:19 it allows you to see the absurdity of
0:52:22 certain kinds of arguments and
0:52:23 certain kinds of position that kind of
0:52:25 mockery does that in a way that almost
0:52:27 nothing else can and so you should not
0:52:29 prohibit
0:52:31 the people that benefit most from
0:52:34 um constraints on people being mocked
0:52:37 and being laughed at
0:52:39 are the people who are using
0:52:42 um their reverence and respect
0:52:46 and so on like a monarch using that
0:52:49 to effectively control opinion you know
0:52:53 people who rely a lot rather than giving
0:52:55 arguments
0:52:56 and so on that simply rely on their
0:52:59 prestige
0:53:00 and their their their honor and that
0:53:03 that kind of person is often the very
0:53:07 person that you should be mocking
0:53:09 yeah but we really deserve it so i do
0:53:12 not want
0:53:12 mockery banned dr stephen
0:53:16 again it depends on me by mockery i'm
0:53:18 linking this to the dignity of others
0:53:20 okay because mockery is a subjective
0:53:23 look at france at the moment what's
0:53:24 happening i don't know if you know the
0:53:25 political situation right in france very
0:53:28 aggressive secularism right they
0:53:31 are mocking muslims left right and
0:53:34 center you said it doesn't exist it
0:53:35 actually exists in france
0:53:37 and it exists in france to the degree
0:53:39 that you have draconian laws
0:53:42 in france that are preventing
0:53:45 humanitarian muslim charities from doing
0:53:47 their work they're all saying they're
0:53:48 also closing down mosques
0:53:50 just do the research yourself
0:53:54 closing down mosques closing down
0:53:56 mosques is not political secularism
0:54:00 but let's not move away from the point
0:54:02 the point is it started with a misuse of
0:54:05 power
0:54:06 you said if these laws are in place it
0:54:08 could be misused
0:54:09 by those in power but the but the door
0:54:11 swings the other way
0:54:12 if constant mockery and and what i mean
0:54:15 by this is removing the dignity of
0:54:17 others
0:54:18 is constantly happening and it's
0:54:19 happening with religious symbols and you
0:54:21 have to understand
0:54:22 stephen not everyone's a person a
0:54:24 philosophical naturalist
0:54:26 we love god and the prophet muhammad
0:54:28 upon him
0:54:29 it becomes a part of identity more than
0:54:31 my own skin color
0:54:32 so when i see skin color being protected
0:54:35 which of course you should
0:54:36 should never be racist for sure my love
0:54:39 for god and the prophet muhammad upon me
0:54:41 peace
0:54:41 is an essential attribute of mine right
0:54:43 it's become that it's become the way i
0:54:45 relate
0:54:45 right i understand that yeah so but yes
0:54:48 good
0:54:48 so what you need to realize here is this
0:54:51 mockery as well and that's when this
0:54:53 there needs to be this discussion about
0:54:55 values that's so important because
0:54:57 freedom of speech is not absolutely
0:54:58 restricted based on values competing
0:54:59 values
0:55:00 we see what's happening in in france the
0:55:03 symbols are being more
0:55:05 and at the same time we see society
0:55:07 attributing
0:55:08 that mockery and what i mean by mockery
0:55:11 is removing the dignity of
0:55:12 a collective um and that is affecting
0:55:16 law it's reflecting the way muslims are
0:55:18 being treated
0:55:20 and this didn't just happen to muslims
0:55:21 it happened in nazi germany so we have
0:55:23 someone in our institute called doctor
0:55:24 uthman the teeth
0:55:25 he did a postdoctoral research in
0:55:27 dehumanization authorization he wrote a
0:55:29 book called on being human he's
0:55:31 been published by springer and bill he's
0:55:32 an established established
0:55:34 academic when we look at genocide when
0:55:37 you look at other
0:55:38 authorization othering and
0:55:39 dehumanization
0:55:42 it's not as simple as oh we could mock
0:55:45 someone's
0:55:46 beliefs and we could treat people really
0:55:50 nicely
0:55:50 societies just don't work that way we
0:55:52 need to have a more
0:55:53 nuanced human-centric discussion about
0:55:55 this issue yes i agree with you
0:55:57 we must be intellectually rigorous
0:55:58 concerning ideas mean you had a debate
0:56:00 before god's existence problem of evil
0:56:02 you gave your really interesting
0:56:04 argument about the kind of
0:56:05 good bad god and stuff like that you
0:56:07 know i didn't say to you how dare you
0:56:09 you're mocking my beliefs i didn't
0:56:10 respond that way because it was an
0:56:12 intellectual tone
0:56:14 you lampooned me as well and you mocked
0:56:16 me but with another time
0:56:19 you did it with an intellectual tone and
0:56:21 you did it with
0:56:23 hopefully you were committed to my
0:56:24 well-being right and
0:56:26 yeah yeah my interaction with you on
0:56:29 that especially when i talked about the
0:56:30 quran and science helped me develop my
0:56:32 ideas further from i remember
0:56:33 so it was a good thing however
0:56:37 it's not as simple as what you're saying
0:56:39 as well and the whole power thing
0:56:41 the door could swing the other way too
0:56:43 and it's happening in france
0:56:44 if you look at dehumanization studies
0:56:47 it's not as simple as there's a
0:56:48 distinction between someone's beliefs
0:56:50 and someone's um and and and basically
0:56:54 the person themselves so um my point
0:56:58 here is
0:56:59 i see where you're coming from because
0:57:01 europe has had a very interesting
0:57:03 history concerning freedom of speech
0:57:05 you know you had the catholic church at
0:57:07 that time they were using the coercive
0:57:09 arm of the state to prevent any kind of
0:57:11 intellectual discourse and thinking that
0:57:12 was incongruous which is
0:57:14 with with its teachings and then you
0:57:16 know you had the reformation you had
0:57:18 trade issues and so on and so forth and
0:57:20 you had a very bloody history right
0:57:22 but that euro-centric experience cannot
0:57:25 now be
0:57:26 protracted to the whole of the world
0:57:28 because
0:57:29 with all due respect i'm not saying
0:57:30 islamic history has all been rosy you
0:57:32 know whoever
0:57:33 over glorifies the history that's a sign
0:57:35 of a defeated mind in my view
0:57:36 but it didn't have the same issues there
0:57:39 wasn't that
0:57:40 huge problem between thinking progress
0:57:42 truth accountability
0:57:44 and power structures to that degree
0:57:46 right so that's why you have to see from
0:57:48 a different ethical paradigm and if you
0:57:50 see it from that perspective
0:57:51 i think under the islamic ethical
0:57:54 framework
0:57:55 you would you it's it's more consistent
0:57:58 and it's it's more virtue ethics it's
0:57:59 more consistent
0:58:00 as well and it's more what i would say
0:58:02 human-centric from that point of view
0:58:03 because it's about the dignity of others
0:58:04 yes you could intellectually mock with
0:58:06 it with with with the intellectual tone
0:58:09 but there are areas that we have to
0:58:11 discuss because we don't live
0:58:12 on a desert island we are connected to
0:58:14 other human beings and it can
0:58:16 create uh things just like what happened
0:58:19 in nazi germany unfortunately this is
0:58:20 this is part of academic studies
0:58:22 yeah good um
0:58:26 well i mean there's a lot going on in in
0:58:27 what you're saying there so
0:58:31 so to um i mean to tease out a couple of
0:58:34 things so
0:58:35 you're saying that muslims are being
0:58:38 vilified and um
0:58:42 misrepresented and smeared and i think
0:58:44 that's true
0:58:46 um and i want to protect them
0:58:50 from that as much as we can um
0:58:54 as a community i don't want to see
0:58:55 hatred whipped up in that kind of way so
0:58:58 but we do have legislation in place to
0:59:01 protect
0:59:01 them you know maybe there should be more
0:59:03 i don't know but but
0:59:04 that i'm all in favor of now
0:59:08 um you say that in other countries i
0:59:10 don't i mean i'm not following the
0:59:12 situation in france but um
0:59:14 you'll say you said things like um a
0:59:19 um well what did you say this place was
0:59:23 shut down i think you said um
0:59:25 what's happening you have to see see as
0:59:27 a kind of
0:59:29 kind of a holistic approach to what's
0:59:30 happening in society so we don't
0:59:33 certain things away from what is really
0:59:36 going on so what's really happening is
0:59:38 there's this kind of
0:59:39 excessive extreme secular agenda going
0:59:42 on to the degree
0:59:44 that islamic and muslim symbols are
0:59:47 being denigrated to the degree
0:59:49 that people use now to actually affect
0:59:51 the dignity
0:59:52 of muslims right the way they treat x y
0:59:55 and z
0:59:56 it's spoken in parliament it's also
1:00:00 facilitating a kind of environment where
1:00:02 now they're making laws
1:00:04 give me an example of um what you're
1:00:07 talking about
1:00:07 so in in france give me an exam an
1:00:10 example of
1:00:11 the the use of a symbol the denigration
1:00:14 of a
1:00:15 symbol um and how that's impacting on
1:00:18 the muslim community can you do that
1:00:20 well very simple what happened in
1:00:22 charlie hebdo and what
1:00:24 and the depict the depictions of the
1:00:25 cartoons with islamophobic tropes
1:00:28 that you know uh muslims about terrorism
1:00:30 and so on and so forth that if that
1:00:32 continues
1:00:32 right every drop raises the ocean that
1:00:35 creates
1:00:36 so and you know what's interesting about
1:00:38 the social norm dr stephen right so in
1:00:39 social psychology you have
1:00:41 the development of the social norm is
1:00:42 based on your need to feel certain
1:00:44 you need to belong these are fundamental
1:00:46 human things
1:00:47 so if i don't have my certainty from my
1:00:50 subgroup i'm going to go to the
1:00:52 dominant group for example if i'm sure
1:00:54 about these muslims i'm going to
1:00:56 find out what the dominant group is
1:00:57 saying about these muslims yeah so if
1:00:58 these
1:00:59 you know the secular elite and the
1:01:00 politicians and the media are saying
1:01:02 always bad things about them and the
1:01:03 ideas are bad and they
1:01:05 they can't distinguish between the two
1:01:06 and that's how the narrative is being
1:01:07 played out
1:01:08 then you know there's something wrong
1:01:09 about these muslims right and also we
1:01:11 have a need to belong right
1:01:13 and that need to belong if we can't
1:01:14 belong from our kind of a subgroup we're
1:01:16 going to
1:01:17 try and get that belonging from the
1:01:18 dominant group this develops the social
1:01:20 the social norm and
1:01:21 and social dynamics that says a lot and
1:01:25 there's much more to say about society
1:01:27 from that perspective in social
1:01:28 psychology but
1:01:29 that's why it's not as simple as uh the
1:01:32 kind of abstracting the discourse by
1:01:34 saying oh allow him to mock
1:01:36 don't get me wrong i want intellectual
1:01:38 dialogue rigorous dialogue like we're
1:01:39 having today which is fantastic
1:01:41 you want to prohibit all mockery right
1:01:43 across the board including in the
1:01:44 political sphere
1:01:46 i want to stop the the removing the
1:01:49 dignity of people again i depends what
1:01:51 you mean by mockery some people think
1:01:52 that mockery is
1:01:53 saying that you don't believe in god
1:01:55 would you would you
1:01:56 prevent to give you an example say
1:01:59 so would you prevent you would prevent
1:02:01 the artwork pissed christ
1:02:03 from being shown and would you would you
1:02:06 clamp down on cartoons
1:02:08 that um represent david cameron with a
1:02:11 big
1:02:12 condom over his head or margaret
1:02:14 thatcher as a
1:02:15 as an evil witch and would you would you
1:02:17 prevent that kind of
1:02:18 imagery i mean specific examples i would
1:02:22 have to think about
1:02:23 but the general ethical perspective
1:02:25 remember there's a difference between
1:02:26 ethics and applied ethics right
1:02:28 so it would be intellectually shallow
1:02:31 for me to respond immediately as if i've
1:02:33 assessed the whole situation right i
1:02:34 have a position
1:02:35 but i'm giving you concrete examples if
1:02:38 it affects the dignity of someone and if
1:02:40 it could be done
1:02:41 and if something impacts david cameron's
1:02:43 dignity to have him
1:02:44 represented with a massive yeah
1:02:48 his mother is very upset about that so
1:02:51 are we going to
1:02:51 ban are we going to ban that i wouldn't
1:02:54 i wouldn't
1:02:55 recommend anyone putting pictures up of
1:02:58 anyone
1:02:59 whether it's no no no i'm not asking you
1:03:01 that i'm asking you you know that
1:03:02 that should be any any
1:03:06 any um diminishing of the dignity of a
1:03:09 human being
1:03:13 why because it's bigger than just saying
1:03:14 you would ban it i'm not saying you
1:03:16 can't
1:03:17 intellectualize and you can't refute
1:03:19 david cameron and his policies i'm not
1:03:21 saying
1:03:21 i know you're not saying that but you
1:03:22 would say you are saying you would ban
1:03:26 that kind of political imagery you know
1:03:28 the utility here
1:03:30 is i find that quite extraordinary to be
1:03:33 honest but anyway
1:03:34 look let me let me just can i just say
1:03:36 something
1:03:37 um by the way i'm not i'm not
1:03:39 conservative by the way
1:03:41 i don't know no i wasn't suggesting it
1:03:44 um so yeah so
1:03:48 obviously i'm not i'm not keen on
1:03:50 planning any such
1:03:52 um imagery it does seem to be hugely
1:03:55 heavy-handed unnecessary a restriction
1:03:58 on free speech
1:03:59 invaluable free speech which are for
1:04:00 reasons i've spelt out and it will
1:04:02 clearly be abused um so i i'm not
1:04:06 i'm not persuaded by that but i do
1:04:09 understand
1:04:10 um that muslims feel under attack
1:04:14 uh and that because they are frankly i
1:04:16 mean there's an awful lot of
1:04:17 anti-muslim propaganda in the press um
1:04:21 and you can be sure that some people
1:04:24 will
1:04:25 kind of use um hepto type imagery say or
1:04:29 whatever it may happen to be
1:04:31 in order to sort of smear muslims as a
1:04:34 community you know
1:04:35 they're all terrorists or whatever
1:04:36 something somehow awful like that i mean
1:04:39 and i don't i don't approve of that
1:04:41 clearly
1:04:42 and it and possibly there was an element
1:04:43 of that in the hebto and if there was
1:04:45 then i really i'm not happy about that
1:04:46 at all
1:04:47 um i certainly don't offend it um
1:04:51 but on the other hand the fact that
1:04:54 one of the arguments you're making for
1:04:56 kind of this really severe clamping down
1:05:00 on any kind of mockery or
1:05:03 be it religious or politicians or
1:05:06 whatever
1:05:07 is that um well the case that you're
1:05:11 making is that very often these
1:05:12 these beliefs are tied up with people's
1:05:14 sense of identity
1:05:16 so that if you attack the belief or the
1:05:18 symbol you're attacking something
1:05:21 that is kind of constitutive of who they
1:05:25 are
1:05:25 as a person and so it is much more
1:05:28 personal
1:05:29 for them and i can i kind of i can
1:05:32 understand that
1:05:33 but i'm not i mean to think of some
1:05:35 other illustrations
1:05:36 um for example um there are
1:05:40 um political beliefs for which people
1:05:42 are prepared to die
1:05:44 i mean there are political beliefs which
1:05:45 i am prepared to die um
1:05:48 i and there are political beliefs
1:05:51 so there are politicalities that people
1:05:53 feel very very strongly
1:05:55 about are very powerfully committed to
1:05:58 and their sense of identity is bound up
1:06:00 with them very often because
1:06:02 politics and nationalism are often fused
1:06:05 together so you find that
1:06:06 um you know brexit an incredibly
1:06:10 emotional
1:06:11 issue for many people and it goes to
1:06:13 their sense of who they
1:06:15 are and what it means to be a british
1:06:17 person
1:06:18 okay and yet i i am completely relaxed
1:06:22 about taking the piss
1:06:24 out of those people i will agree with
1:06:26 them or not i have no objection to
1:06:28 people
1:06:29 lampooning them with all of their flag
1:06:31 waving and their
1:06:32 xenophobia and you know be my guest
1:06:37 um but your position it seems to me
1:06:40 dignified everyone would would require
1:06:43 that any such lampooning
1:06:45 of that kind of xenophobic nationalistic
1:06:48 [ __ ] that we're seeing because
1:06:50 because it's bound up with people's
1:06:51 sense of who they are and their own
1:06:53 sense of worth and identity
1:06:55 uh no no no we can't allow that well
1:06:57 again that just seems to be
1:06:59 ludicrously heavy-handed and restrictive
1:07:01 and i wouldn't want to see laws like
1:07:02 that
1:07:03 introduced well the issue here is
1:07:06 remember
1:07:08 you're using the mockery and clamping
1:07:10 down a lot yeah and it's it makes it
1:07:12 makes you get
1:07:17 i actually think you are quite
1:07:19 authoritarian i know you don't think you
1:07:21 are well actually because
1:07:24 examples that even with your position it
1:07:26 can be abused
1:07:28 and it has been abused and it has caused
1:07:30 the suffering of thousands of people so
1:07:33 i would argue well you not having an
1:07:35 ethical dimension to your legal theory
1:07:37 is authoritarian and it's damaging
1:07:39 people and it's actually
1:07:40 could could you know it's actually
1:07:42 locking people up for no reason and
1:07:44 so the door can swing both ways on this
1:07:46 issue you have to be able to
1:07:48 add in the possibility that allowing
1:07:51 and forget the word mockery allowing the
1:07:53 diminishing of
1:07:54 of of of the dignity of human beings in
1:07:57 a collective
1:07:59 that can lead to authoritarian harm as
1:08:02 well
1:08:02 so it's not necessarily the case just
1:08:04 because i said that everyone has to
1:08:05 be aware of people's dignity and you
1:08:07 know the law can have
1:08:08 a stipulation such as we take each case
1:08:11 on its own merit there's actually more
1:08:13 nuances so it's not as if
1:08:15 it's slightly strong manning me here
1:08:17 making me think you know
1:08:22 take jeremy corbyn as example i think
1:08:24 you're a bit of a corbin like i've been
1:08:25 following you on twitter right
1:08:27 um so jeremy corbyn was mocked to hell
1:08:30 right to the point that it went against
1:08:33 the objectives of freedom of speech
1:08:35 because many would argue
1:08:36 it didn't represent his ideology it
1:08:38 didn't represent his policies and it
1:08:40 didn't represent the the claims that he
1:08:42 was making or what he what kind of
1:08:44 society that he wanted
1:08:45 but mockery was to the degree right the
1:08:48 mockery was to the degree
1:08:50 forget even the word makri because we
1:08:51 haven't defined you haven't defined it
1:08:53 yet
1:08:53 the removing of his dignity was to the
1:08:56 degree
1:08:57 they actually prevented people from
1:09:00 understanding the truth about jeremy
1:09:02 corbyn
1:09:03 and therefore it is is counterproductive
1:09:06 and it's self-defeating
1:09:08 and that's as a philosopher you need to
1:09:10 you know this better than i do
1:09:11 you are assuming there's some kind of
1:09:14 intrinsic value behind mockery
1:09:16 it it's an interesting place for it i
1:09:19 did give you an argument
1:09:20 and an illustration so it's not like i
1:09:21 haven't provided
1:09:23 yeah but this was was that wasn't
1:09:25 applied in the real world it was about
1:09:26 some emperor
1:09:27 you know in some fictional story but
1:09:30 when you talk about human realities
1:09:32 when you talk about human realities it
1:09:34 is far more new yeah we could provide
1:09:36 plenty of real examples but anyway look
1:09:38 um the jeremy corbyn corbin yeah no so
1:09:41 so jeremy corbyn so yeah so as you point
1:09:44 out you know i was a
1:09:45 i am a bit of a fan of his um politics
1:09:51 and many people um on the right on the
1:09:54 left and so
1:09:54 even on the right i mean people like
1:09:56 pito
1:09:58 oborne who's who's a telegraph used to
1:10:01 be a telegraph journalist i mean
1:10:02 he has written scathingly about the way
1:10:05 that jeremy corbyn was misrepresented
1:10:07 and smeared and so on
1:10:08 in the media um obviously i'm not very
1:10:11 happy
1:10:12 about the fact that he was
1:10:13 misrepresented and smeared
1:10:16 um but that's not the same as mockery
1:10:19 yes
1:10:23 i have no problem with people um mocking
1:10:26 jeremy corbyn
1:10:28 drawing caricatures of jeremy corbyn
1:10:30 which is made to look very unattractive
1:10:33 can't be my guest i don't care about any
1:10:35 of that
1:10:36 people can do that mockery is completely
1:10:40 fine
1:10:40 but that's not what happened what
1:10:43 happened was that accusations were made
1:10:45 that he was a terrorist
1:10:46 sympathizer various other things he was
1:10:50 he was he was deeply anti-semitic um
1:10:53 none of there's no good evidence to
1:10:55 support any of these claims none of them
1:10:56 were really true
1:10:58 and yet the mainstream media largely
1:11:00 gave a free pass to people who endlessly
1:11:03 repeated these
1:11:04 smears over and over or front pages of
1:11:07 newspapers on
1:11:08 being on bbc news even more or less
1:11:11 without challenge
1:11:12 um and that i have a big problem with
1:11:14 but that's got nothing whatsoever to do
1:11:16 with mockery no he wasn't treated with
1:11:18 dignity and respect
1:11:20 um i think but i think but a lot of the
1:11:22 people but a lot of the people who
1:11:25 i i don't think everyone does deserve to
1:11:27 be treated with dignity and respect i
1:11:28 mean
1:11:29 some people um are just pretty awful
1:11:32 um i don't think hitler deserves to be
1:11:35 treated
1:11:36 to picnic the classic cliched example
1:11:39 some people are really awful and we
1:11:41 don't have to respect them
1:11:43 and we can go no this is a terrible
1:11:45 person
1:11:46 and and and it's clear that some people
1:11:48 genuinely and sincerely believe that
1:11:50 jeremy colbyn really was a terrible
1:11:52 person and i have no problem with them
1:11:54 saying that
1:11:54 and expressing that opinion let them let
1:11:56 them do that
1:11:58 it's just that um it's just that it
1:12:00 wasn't true and it was never
1:12:02 properly challenged by the mainstream
1:12:04 media in this country and as a result
1:12:06 um we probably you know we might well
1:12:10 have had i think a labor government
1:12:11 now had it not been for that campaign
1:12:14 against him that was going on now listen
1:12:18 but you're not gonna solve you're not
1:12:20 gonna deal with that no you need to
1:12:22 define
1:12:22 mockery because there's like two types
1:12:25 of mockery we're talking about here one
1:12:26 is about
1:12:27 mocking an argument and actions right by
1:12:30 showing it's you know
1:12:31 reduction absurdo your actions are
1:12:33 reduced you know your
1:12:34 your arguments are that they reduce uh
1:12:37 things to absurdity
1:12:39 or or the difference between mocking
1:12:41 people and figures basically insulting
1:12:43 right and
1:12:45 so insulting in some cases doesn't serve
1:12:47 any purpose from that perspective so
1:12:49 that's why i was really clear about
1:12:50 dignity because you mentioned it and
1:12:52 again with corbin
1:12:53 people lacking the dignity of corbyn to
1:12:55 be honest calling him a terrorist is is
1:12:57 actually attacking his dignity as well
1:12:59 of course that that affected the
1:13:01 objectives of freedom of speech
1:13:05 yeah god i have no problem with people
1:13:09 accusing jeremy corbyn of being a
1:13:10 terrorist sympathizer i mean if people
1:13:12 want to do that
1:13:13 in the press let them go ahead i i don't
1:13:16 i don't want to stop
1:13:18 that exchange of ideas what i have a
1:13:21 problem with is the fact that
1:13:22 um claims such claims were made and were
1:13:26 never adequately challenged not even by
1:13:29 people in the bbc now now that
1:13:32 you've been dr stephen you've proven my
1:13:34 point idea
1:13:36 the powers the powers that be people who
1:13:38 had the power on the platform
1:13:40 misused it and misused mockery they
1:13:43 would they became authoritarian
1:13:46 mokkri and what i mean by mokki as we
1:13:49 just i discussed it was the dignity
1:13:51 they they diminished the dignity of
1:13:52 jeremy corbyn
1:13:54 and they used that ability to do so and
1:13:57 they used their power to do so
1:13:59 so when you argued when you said i was
1:14:01 authoritarian well the door also swings
1:14:03 the other way that they were
1:14:04 authoritarian by misusing the power by
1:14:06 lying about someone
1:14:07 they're not authoritarians they just are
1:14:09 very powerful
1:14:10 yes well that's what authoritarian is
1:14:12 you're using your power
1:14:16 no they are very i mean these are these
1:14:18 are clearly very powerful people
1:14:20 the newspapers are owned by a tiny group
1:14:23 of
1:14:23 billionaires really absolutely so here's
1:14:26 my point
1:14:27 this and let's bring it back to freedom
1:14:30 of speech and the objectives of human
1:14:31 speech truth human flourishing
1:14:33 accountability scientific progress etc
1:14:35 yeah what this discussion has brought to
1:14:38 light is
1:14:39 when you want to affect the dignity of
1:14:41 other people and so-called use your
1:14:42 freedom to insult
1:14:44 to the degree where you affect someone's
1:14:46 dignity that that actually creates and
1:14:48 you have the power to do so
1:14:50 and it becomes like a big narrative and
1:14:52 that goes against the truth about
1:14:54 someone
1:14:55 then that is actually self-defeating
1:14:57 it's going against the very objectives
1:14:59 of freedom of speech so there's only a
1:15:00 few ways
1:15:01 we could get out of this sticky wicket i
1:15:03 think one way is by saying that freedom
1:15:05 of speech has an intrinsic value it's
1:15:07 not instrumental which i don't think
1:15:08 anyone believes if they're a secularist
1:15:10 secularist unless you believe in natural
1:15:12 natural rights which is very hard to
1:15:14 to defend or you would have to say
1:15:17 freedom of speech is not intrinsically
1:15:19 valuable but
1:15:20 [Music]
1:15:21 mockery in the context in this context
1:15:23 which is to diminish the dignity of
1:15:25 other people
1:15:26 that has intrinsic value which would be
1:15:28 very difficult to philosophically
1:15:30 justify
1:15:31 so i know so so yeah you need to
1:15:35 use now okay let me break that up try
1:15:37 and make it simple yeah
1:15:39 so the jeremy corbyn case and i used to
1:15:42 record because i know you're a fan of
1:15:43 him right
1:15:44 um because i think it would just make
1:15:45 maybe make more sense because you're
1:15:47 more connected to it
1:15:48 so we have an environment
1:15:52 where you can affect the dignity of
1:15:54 other people
1:15:55 whether you want to call it mocking or
1:15:56 not is neither here or there because my
1:15:58 issue wasn't about mocking per se it was
1:15:59 about the dignity and i mentioned that
1:16:00 many times
1:16:02 so you could you could affect the
1:16:03 dignity of many people
1:16:05 the power structures are not equal so
1:16:07 you have a powerful e
1:16:08 or powerful platforms that are using
1:16:10 this so-called freedom
1:16:12 to affect the dignity of a particular
1:16:14 person it creates a narrative
1:16:16 and that narrative creates a kind of
1:16:19 social norm if you like or some kind of
1:16:20 collective
1:16:21 uh agreement to a certain degree that
1:16:24 this person is a terrorist he's
1:16:26 anti-semitic he's so on and so forth
1:16:28 so what that has done it has gone
1:16:31 against
1:16:33 the objectives of freedom of speech
1:16:34 which no i don't think anyone would deny
1:16:36 which is truth
1:16:37 because it's not it's not creating it's
1:16:39 not saying something truthful
1:16:41 about a political leader or his
1:16:43 ideologies and his perspective
1:16:45 so what i'm saying here is this
1:16:47 so-called freedom to continuously mock
1:16:49 to the degree and again mocking here
1:16:50 means
1:16:51 diminishing the dignity of people it can
1:16:54 lead to
1:16:55 a self-defeating situation where you
1:16:59 actually don't have
1:17:00 a you don't you don't have the
1:17:01 objectives of freedom of speech
1:17:02 fulfilled in the first place
1:17:06 yeah if you mean that um the freedom to
1:17:09 um represent people as being bad people
1:17:13 when when when perhaps they're not um
1:17:17 um can in a situation where one side has
1:17:21 the megaphone
1:17:22 and can do all of the speaking and the
1:17:25 other side
1:17:26 lacks it um in that that's a that's a
1:17:29 bad situation clearly
1:17:32 um but my solution to that would be
1:17:35 to um um give both sides a megaphone
1:17:39 or uh change the power structure so that
1:17:42 we're not
1:17:43 we you know the public opinion isn't
1:17:45 shaped to a very large
1:17:47 and by uh you know two or three
1:17:50 individual billionaires
1:17:51 whose fortunes have to be offshore i i
1:17:54 that that would be the solution the
1:17:56 solution is not
1:17:57 to prevent anyone um
1:18:00 saying stuff about other people that
1:18:02 puts them in a bad light because
1:18:04 some people deserve to be put in a bad
1:18:06 light i mean i don't i happen not to
1:18:08 think that
1:18:09 that's not true of jeremy corbyn but
1:18:11 still i would want people to be
1:18:13 able to say it about jeremy corbyn but i
1:18:15 would also want there to be some
1:18:17 pushback so people will defend him and
1:18:19 point to the facts and correct the false
1:18:21 narrative and so on
1:18:22 the problem was that none of that
1:18:24 happened okay
1:18:26 um because of the um
1:18:29 it seems to me uh the the the the unfair
1:18:32 power structure so
1:18:33 it's the power structure that's the
1:18:35 problem and if you were to introduce
1:18:37 your favored
1:18:38 restrictions on what people are allowed
1:18:40 to say in a situation where you have
1:18:43 that very unbalanced power structure
1:18:46 it's obvious isn't it what's going to
1:18:48 happen
1:18:49 the powerful people will use the
1:18:51 restrictions that you want in place
1:18:53 to shut down criticism of them
1:18:56 um very it's going to become an even
1:19:01 more dangerous situation than we have so
1:19:03 the
1:19:03 so the solution is to
1:19:06 deal with the huge imbalance that exists
1:19:10 in the way that public opinion is being
1:19:12 formed
1:19:13 um so we have muslims we have immigrants
1:19:17 we have benefit scroungers
1:19:20 we have you know black people we have
1:19:23 them on the front pages of certain
1:19:24 newspapers day after day after day week
1:19:27 after week
1:19:28 year after year drip drip drip drip into
1:19:31 the british
1:19:32 psyche this endless repetition of the
1:19:36 perception of these people anecdotes
1:19:39 about these people as being bad
1:19:41 and also about the left the left is just
1:19:44 yet another group that's endlessly
1:19:46 constantly being
1:19:49 represented in that way that that is
1:19:52 disgusting and extremely dangerous
1:19:55 yes i have no problem with that saying
1:19:58 that i'm not defending it
1:20:00 okay but i don't think the solution to
1:20:03 that
1:20:04 is to um have some kind of law
1:20:06 introduced
1:20:08 where you'll you'll not only you're not
1:20:10 even allowed to say that some people are
1:20:11 bad people
1:20:14 we're not saying that obvious be very
1:20:16 careful no but if you
1:20:17 no no no no but you want you say you are
1:20:19 not allowed to denigrate
1:20:21 you cannot diminish the dignity of other
1:20:24 people
1:20:25 and doctor what's easy so we've got
1:20:28 somewhere now right we're both in a
1:20:29 corner right
1:20:31 what's easier giving everyone the same
1:20:33 equal micro uh
1:20:34 megaphone or getting a society to
1:20:37 basically
1:20:38 articulate in themselves that doesn't
1:20:40 remove or diminish the dignity of others
1:20:43 i think your case is a non-existent
1:20:46 utopia
1:20:47 it just doesn't exist it's never existed
1:20:49 right but i think
1:20:50 there are plenty of there are plenty of
1:20:52 there are places where actually i mean
1:20:54 places in europe where the press is is
1:20:56 the press
1:20:56 is far more even-handed in scandinavian
1:21:00 countries for example
1:21:01 um right yeah so
1:21:04 so so you know there are things you can
1:21:07 do
1:21:08 to prevent the um excesses that we've
1:21:11 seen
1:21:11 um in this country um
1:21:15 i i i it i do not want to
1:21:19 um we've moved from mockery through to
1:21:23 demeaning people saying things that are
1:21:25 demeaning about people well
1:21:27 any kind of criticism of anyone is
1:21:30 potentially demeaning
1:21:31 about them you're saying something
1:21:33 negative about them
1:21:34 and once you introduce i mean mockery
1:21:37 was bad enough but now you've really
1:21:39 opened the envelope up to demeaning
1:21:44 and at that point um this is
1:21:48 this is extremely scary stuff so far as
1:21:50 i'm concerned it would certainly be
1:21:52 abused
1:21:53 um by those in power that's only if you
1:21:56 assume those who are in power
1:21:58 i do not have the adequate you know uh
1:22:01 kind of
1:22:02 ethical and even maybe ontological
1:22:04 commitments in order for them to
1:22:06 believe that they're accountable and for
1:22:08 them to basically treat people
1:22:10 with dignity i understand i'm putting
1:22:12 their money online
1:22:14 on the fact that they write you're
1:22:16 seeing it from a very kind of
1:22:18 naturalistic secular paradigm because
1:22:20 there have been other traditions in the
1:22:22 past people who have been in power
1:22:24 that actually wanted people to take into
1:22:26 account for example in the islamic
1:22:27 tradition
1:22:28 the rulers not all of them of course but
1:22:31 the rulers
1:22:32 in history not today they were begging
1:22:34 for people to take into account for
1:22:36 example a companion of the prophet
1:22:37 muhammad
1:22:38 upon me peace he basically
1:22:42 was so happy that when he said to his
1:22:44 people if i deviate from
1:22:46 our ethics what are you going to do they
1:22:48 said we're going to straighten you
1:22:50 basically right
1:22:51 he was so happy by that we have an
1:22:54 ethical system and a dimension you have
1:22:56 to stand in the possibility that
1:22:57 you're coming from a perspective where
1:22:59 yeah this is the nature of kind of
1:23:02 i don't know secular politics
1:23:04 politicians are not
1:23:05 ideal people generally speaking and you
1:23:08 know when you try and get someone who
1:23:09 is you believe is decent like jeremy
1:23:12 corbyn you know he's he's painted as
1:23:14 someone evil
1:23:15 and people have power they get corrupted
1:23:17 maybe there's something wrong with the
1:23:18 secular model that is
1:23:20 not good enough to basically ensure that
1:23:22 we have good ethical role models as
1:23:24 leaders
1:23:25 i don't know that's another thing to
1:23:26 unpack but let me just bring this back
1:23:27 down to
1:23:28 um let me bring this back down to
1:23:30 freedom of speech because remember it's
1:23:32 about freedom of speech
1:23:34 forget the mockery because i you didn't
1:23:36 define mockery
1:23:38 my issue here was not not demeaning
1:23:41 people
1:23:41 but removing the dignity of people
1:23:43 diminishing the dignity of people which
1:23:44 was a different kettle of fish
1:23:46 so and and case in point was jeremy
1:23:48 corbyn because it was great to the
1:23:50 degree that it went against the
1:23:51 objectives of freedom of speech which
1:23:52 was truth
1:23:54 so my thing is this let's end on maybe
1:23:57 more of an ontological meta-ethical
1:23:58 discussion since
1:24:00 you're a greater philosopher than me i'm
1:24:02 still researching but
1:24:03 to be honest i'm no political
1:24:05 philosopher as anyone that knows
1:24:06 anything about political philosophy will
1:24:07 probably have managed to figure out i'm
1:24:09 i just have
1:24:10 you know i've written about humanism and
1:24:12 political secularism a little bit but
1:24:14 don't take me as
1:24:15 any sort of authority i'm not really
1:24:17 yeah
1:24:18 so you would you agree
1:24:21 that freedom of speech obviously we said
1:24:25 we agreed that it's not absolute
1:24:26 it has to be kind of tailored to compete
1:24:29 other competing values as academic david
1:24:31 van mil said which is something that
1:24:33 it's not controversial
1:24:35 would you agree now that maybe a
1:24:37 discussion should be had in
1:24:39 what kind of these values how do we
1:24:41 ground these values so for example
1:24:43 let me just let me articulate something
1:24:45 to you in about two minutes and let me
1:24:47 get your take on it
1:24:48 so to ground values because you have to
1:24:52 talk about values now because that's the
1:24:53 thing that's restricting speech right
1:24:55 so to ground value rather have natural
1:24:57 rights so according to kind of you know
1:24:58 philosophical naturalism or secular
1:25:00 paradigm does it make sense can we
1:25:02 ground these values
1:25:04 uh in nature there's a massive debate as
1:25:06 you know in meta ethics on this issue
1:25:08 but let me just summarize it with jeremy
1:25:10 bentham it's nonsense on stilts
1:25:12 okay the other way to go is maybe social
1:25:15 utility
1:25:16 it increases the kind of well-being to a
1:25:19 degree of the collective and it removes
1:25:21 the kind of harms
1:25:23 i would argue when it comes to freedom
1:25:25 to insult
1:25:26 does it actually increase the well-being
1:25:28 collectively of society
1:25:30 there is an argument to be had that's
1:25:32 types of insults like gratuitous insults
1:25:34 and removing the dignity of human being
1:25:37 diminishing the dignity of human beings
1:25:39 is not something that society wants
1:25:42 there's someone say fine okay social
1:25:43 utility doesn't work we can't ground our
1:25:45 values that way
1:25:46 what about eudaimonia are you demonic
1:25:48 kind of the happiness of
1:25:50 society the happiness of individuals
1:25:53 now well human nature remember human
1:25:55 nature is people as they are not as we
1:25:57 want them to be
1:25:58 humans are not happy when their dignity
1:26:01 is being affected
1:26:02 look at the megan marco case that is
1:26:04 case in point
1:26:06 the media were free to say what they
1:26:08 want and
1:26:09 affected her to the degree that she
1:26:11 wanted to commit suicide
1:26:13 are we saying that's that's that should
1:26:15 be allowed to that degree
1:26:17 like forget law for one moment let's
1:26:19 talk ethics
1:26:20 you know we live in a very troubling
1:26:22 society where the media can say whatever
1:26:24 they want to the degree
1:26:25 that it would make people want to kill
1:26:27 themselves with all due respect
1:26:29 this is something that is unacceptable
1:26:32 in
1:26:33 any parallel universe and even in this
1:26:35 universe hey the point here is
1:26:37 we can't really ground our values in
1:26:39 natural right source utility and eu
1:26:40 dynamonia from the point of view of
1:26:42 justifying
1:26:44 the the denigration of someone's dignity
1:26:47 the removing of the diminishing of
1:26:48 someone's dignity
1:26:50 and uh and and basically saying that
1:26:53 we have this kind of right to
1:26:55 gratuitously insult and
1:26:57 to to to diminish the dignity of others
1:27:01 that can't be grounded in natural rights
1:27:02 social utility or even eudaimonic
1:27:04 approach yeah
1:27:06 so what the islamic situation says as
1:27:09 you know
1:27:10 you know the divine command theory which
1:27:11 we can unpack maybe another session
1:27:13 because i've really enjoyed our session
1:27:15 today by the way thank you
1:27:17 muslims do all muslims go for the divine
1:27:19 command theory i bet they don't they
1:27:21 don't do they
1:27:22 uh okay so there's a very good question
1:27:24 thank you so in the
1:27:25 i don't know okay so in islamic
1:27:26 tradition there's three main
1:27:28 schools of creed so you have what you
1:27:30 call the asha rights
1:27:32 you have the matrides and you have the
1:27:35 atharys
1:27:36 so the ashrites are divine command
1:27:38 theorists but from the point of view
1:27:39 they go
1:27:40 with one of the horns of the dilemma
1:27:42 they said it's good because god
1:27:44 commanded it so one would argue
1:27:45 that seems to be quite arbitrary because
1:27:47 it means that
1:27:48 god could command that anyone who's got
1:27:51 the name dr stephen law should be shot
1:27:54 god forbid yeah so they yeah so that's
1:27:56 one thing
1:27:58 the other one the maturities have the
1:27:59 same view from the perspective
1:28:01 of that they believe that you know it is
1:28:05 about god's commands but they believe
1:28:06 that human rationality can also coincide
1:28:09 with understanding some of god's
1:28:10 commands
1:28:11 but it's still based on god's arbitrary
1:28:13 commands the authorities have a
1:28:14 different position which is maybe closer
1:28:16 to what the
1:28:17 modern christian philosophers are saying
1:28:18 which is yes it is the
1:28:20 divine command but it's not dislocated
1:28:22 from his nature
1:28:23 because it's in line with who he is who
1:28:26 is he
1:28:26 so in the islamic narrative is based
1:28:28 upon his names and attributes he is the
1:28:30 knowing the loving the the merciful
1:28:32 the wise and so on and so forth so it's
1:28:34 not arbitrary
1:28:36 and good it's not external you know the
1:28:39 argument yourself right
1:28:40 so yeah sounds like minecraft it is very
1:28:43 similar to that but
1:28:45 but there's also basically what you call
1:28:47 a metaphysical stopping point because as
1:28:49 you know in metaphysics is based on
1:28:50 first principles
1:28:51 uh you can't continue the regress you
1:28:53 need a metaphysical framework to try and
1:28:55 understand
1:28:56 the moral reality if and only if you
1:28:58 believe that there are morals that are
1:29:00 external to the human mind the mind
1:29:02 independent which is a more realistic
1:29:03 position
1:29:04 but that is for another day for sure um
1:29:07 i'll drag you off the subject
1:29:08 i apologize i just yeah
1:29:11 so that would be kind of a quasi summary
1:29:13 there's much more nuances even within
1:29:15 the
1:29:16 tradition and i think this is good it's
1:29:18 a very good question because it shows
1:29:19 that
1:29:19 yeah sorry though i just checked it yeah
1:29:23 but it shows the islamic
1:29:24 field philosophy is actually quite
1:29:26 nuanced and it's broad
1:29:27 questions on these issues anyway so
1:29:30 what's the time it's probably time to
1:29:33 stop i feel
1:29:34 oh don't imagine yeah i imagine that we
1:29:37 i don't know if you've said very much
1:29:38 light on anything here
1:29:40 um but i think i've got a but i think
1:29:42 i've got a
1:29:43 slightly clearer view of where you're
1:29:46 coming from
1:29:47 um human dignity yeah now i understand
1:29:51 that and
1:29:52 i mean and who's who's against that
1:29:54 nobody it's like apple pie isn't it
1:29:56 human dignity thumbs up all right now
1:29:58 we're all in favor of human dignity and
1:30:00 respecting people's human dignity
1:30:02 um i'm just not convinced that the right
1:30:04 way to to do that is to introduce
1:30:06 laws that effectively ban
1:30:10 people from you know satirizing
1:30:13 um mocking and um
1:30:16 so on um admittedly david
1:30:19 cameron's dignity is somewhat dented by
1:30:22 steve bell's
1:30:23 cartoons but i don't really have a
1:30:26 problem with that and i don't have a
1:30:27 problem with
1:30:28 um i mean i happen to lean towards
1:30:32 jeremy corbyn's politics as you know and
1:30:34 i don't have a problem with people
1:30:35 satirizing and unmocking him in that way
1:30:39 either and i think it would be a very
1:30:41 dangerous development to have someone
1:30:44 step in and say
1:30:45 sorry we're introducing laws which mean
1:30:47 that you know to protect
1:30:49 human dignity uh you're you're not going
1:30:52 to be allowed to
1:30:53 um um say these things and present these
1:30:56 arguments and so on
1:30:57 um i think that would be it's just it's
1:31:00 just
1:31:01 too dangerous and too nebulous i mean
1:31:04 you know are we i don't you know some
1:31:06 people really are awful
1:31:07 uh some some people really do have
1:31:10 dangerous
1:31:11 political views and it's right that we
1:31:14 should point a finger at them and say
1:31:15 you know this is absolutely outrageous
1:31:17 this is racist
1:31:18 you you you know it's not on um i'm i
1:31:21 and and if somebody says oh no hang on
1:31:23 stephen i think you'll find you're all
1:31:25 infringing their human dignity at this
1:31:27 point by accusing them of racism
1:31:29 i'm gonna and i i'm gonna be in a lot of
1:31:31 trouble um
1:31:32 you by introducing this piece of
1:31:34 legislation it seems to me
1:31:36 that you've basically given the powers
1:31:38 that be the ability to interpret it in
1:31:40 pretty much any way they want
1:31:42 to silence these people to give those
1:31:44 people a voice and so on it's just too
1:31:46 nebulous
1:31:47 it's it's it's unenforceable it's either
1:31:49 unenforceable or it will be enforced in
1:31:51 the most
1:31:52 authoritarian and unpleasant ways by the
1:31:55 most powerful people
1:31:56 so i just sorry i just can't support it
1:31:58 yeah i mean i wouldn't even advise
1:32:00 cooking these laws in our current
1:32:02 secular paradigm anyway because as you
1:32:04 know
1:32:05 politicians uh frankly unfortunately
1:32:08 they seem to not have the kind of
1:32:10 ethical foundation to even be able to
1:32:13 apply these laws in a way that i would
1:32:14 deem ethical so
1:32:15 i i do see i so i do empathize with what
1:32:18 you're saying if we were to apply these
1:32:19 laws in this context
1:32:21 it would be crazy but then i said the
1:32:22 door does swing the other way as well
1:32:24 because if you just lay
1:32:25 as it is at the moment then the problem
1:32:27 is
1:32:28 then you'll end up having things that
1:32:30 are a negation of the very objectives of
1:32:33 freedom of speech like truth
1:32:34 accountability and progress like we saw
1:32:35 in the case with jeremy corbyn in terms
1:32:37 of the truth
1:32:38 um and remember you you need to define
1:32:41 mockery
1:32:42 my forget lampooning and mockery
1:32:46 in some context is fine so there's two
1:32:47 types of mockery isn't there as i said
1:32:49 before
1:32:50 there's actually dealing with ideas and
1:32:52 actions and actually dealing
1:32:54 with people so there's a subtle
1:32:56 difference
1:32:57 and you could easily articulate a case
1:32:59 for one of them and
1:33:00 that could be linked to someone's
1:33:02 dignity and it already exists in law
1:33:04 that's the thing it exists in british
1:33:06 law there's things to do with insult and
1:33:08 offense and intent
1:33:10 it already exists doctor so the thing is
1:33:12 this is not and what i'm saying is not
1:33:14 uncontroversial and it's not
1:33:15 authoritarian
1:33:16 or it's only authoritarian if you assume
1:33:18 that any type of criticism
1:33:20 is is going to be banned no i'm not
1:33:21 saying that at all and i want to be very
1:33:22 clear
1:33:23 i was assumed no it's not that i assume
1:33:25 that all criticism
1:33:27 of anyone will be banned it's just that
1:33:29 um currently it's just too nebulous i
1:33:31 don't even really to be at this point
1:33:32 i'm not entirely sure what it is that
1:33:34 we're restricting and how we're
1:33:35 restricting it
1:33:36 it's just that we have to respect
1:33:38 people's dignity well okay but
1:33:40 you know that bloke really is an awful
1:33:42 anti-muslim racist
1:33:43 and by saying that i am impugning his
1:33:46 dignity so am i not allowed to say it
1:33:49 who's going to decide whether i'm
1:33:51 allowed to say this or not
1:33:52 it's much better it seems to me that you
1:33:54 know you let him let him express
1:33:57 his views uh up to a point as long as
1:34:00 he's not actually inciting hatred and
1:34:02 someone against
1:34:03 against the particular community well um
1:34:06 and and and and we will respond and we
1:34:09 will ensure that
1:34:10 that that we live in a society in which
1:34:14 well let's i you know i i think we're on
1:34:17 the same page that you know there is a
1:34:18 real problem
1:34:20 with a few powerful individuals being
1:34:24 able to shape
1:34:25 the narrative about human beings and in
1:34:28 many cases
1:34:29 really misrepresenting them and smearing
1:34:31 them and
1:34:33 um there's no pushback at all because
1:34:36 they have the megaphone
1:34:38 not no one else i think we're agreed
1:34:40 about that we're just
1:34:41 disagreeing about what the best way
1:34:42 forward is would that be
1:34:45 maybe we should agree that that's a good
1:34:47 place we can at least agree about
1:34:49 that much and we've also kind of agreed
1:34:51 on a principle of consistency which is
1:34:53 that
1:34:54 you know i started off with political
1:34:56 secularism and saying
1:34:57 i don't think that religious beliefs
1:34:59 should be given any special treatment i
1:35:01 don't
1:35:02 understand why i mean i understand that
1:35:04 very often that
1:35:06 related to a sense of identity and
1:35:08 people feel very strongly about them and
1:35:10 so on but that's also true of many
1:35:12 political beliefs
1:35:13 and i don't think that just because the
1:35:14 beliefs are religious that they should
1:35:16 get special privileges and special
1:35:18 protections and so on and it sounds to
1:35:19 me like
1:35:20 you agree with me about that so maybe we
1:35:22 actually agree about quite a lot
1:35:25 well the good thing that what i've
1:35:27 captured from this is that
1:35:28 obviously we agree that freedom of
1:35:30 speech is not absolute freedom of speech
1:35:32 when it's restricted it has to be
1:35:33 continuous and values
1:35:35 uh competing certain values as david van
1:35:37 mil said and that's what the main
1:35:38 discussion has been about is
1:35:40 your ethics and your values how do you
1:35:42 ground them and how do you use them and
1:35:44 apply them and how do you link them to
1:35:45 law
1:35:46 so where i think our difference has has
1:35:48 come across
1:35:49 is from the perspective of diminishing
1:35:52 the dignity of others
1:35:54 it already exists in law in different
1:35:56 language so it's not kind of
1:35:57 you know neither here or there and i
1:35:59 wouldn't even say it's not even
1:36:00 authoritarian because remember as we
1:36:02 said the
1:36:03 the door can swing the other way as well
1:36:04 but we could talk about this until the
1:36:06 cows come home the philosophical cows
1:36:08 come home
1:36:09 so what i would say is first and
1:36:11 foremost
1:36:12 huge thank you for your time the most
1:36:14 important thing i think
1:36:16 that we have is time because if i said
1:36:18 you had 10 minutes left to live
1:36:20 and in order to get another 10 days you
1:36:22 have to give me all of your wealth i
1:36:23 think you will give me all of your
1:36:24 wealth
1:36:25 um so you gave me an hour and a half of
1:36:28 your time and i'm
1:36:29 extremely grateful for that and
1:36:32 i don't want this to be the end i you
1:36:34 know i think we should
1:36:35 i i i did my thesis on the philosophy of
1:36:39 the mind on the heart problem of
1:36:40 consciousness i would love to get you
1:36:41 ideas on that
1:36:43 um let's talk about that maybe one day
1:36:45 uh it would be great to do so and
1:36:46 hopefully when this covered mess is gone
1:36:48 we could do it face to face
1:36:50 um but yeah thank you for participating
1:36:52 i really want you back again and you
1:36:54 know
1:36:54 i could even come to your platforms one
1:36:55 day as well because i think what
1:36:57 if anything is very important and
1:37:00 obviously i'm gonna
1:37:01 bring a religious discourse here the
1:37:03 quran says that were created for a male
1:37:04 and female many different tribes and
1:37:06 nations
1:37:06 in order to know one another lead to
1:37:08 araful what people think this means
1:37:11 to know what makes us the same the quran
1:37:13 is saying no trying to find out what
1:37:15 makes you different
1:37:16 because really we need to be brave now
1:37:18 it's the differences that cause the fear
1:37:20 and the anxiety
1:37:21 if you educate on the differences even
1:37:24 if you disagree with them
1:37:25 at least you might see some relevance or
1:37:28 some humanity behind them or some
1:37:30 you'll be able to see their paradigm and
1:37:33 that
1:37:33 would at least diminish some fear and
1:37:35 anxiety so if anything that has happened
1:37:37 today
1:37:39 it's that we're able to discuss what
1:37:41 makes
1:37:42 our certain values distinct we've agreed
1:37:44 on a lot as well
1:37:45 and i think what is shown to people
1:37:47 muslims and non-muslims that we can have
1:37:49 these conversations
1:37:50 without diminishing our dignity from
1:37:53 that perspective
1:37:57 i'll give you the last sentence say
1:37:58 bye-bye to everybody and uh
1:38:00 oh okay well uh thank you very much that
1:38:02 was really enjoyable i've only just
1:38:04 um noticed that there are lots of um
1:38:06 comments being made i should have
1:38:07 i should have clicked the link and seen
1:38:09 those earlier on i might have responded
1:38:10 to some of them had i
1:38:12 so yeah so yeah so i didn't so i
1:38:13 apologize for that i should have been
1:38:15 paying attention
1:38:16 but anyway it was um it was fun and uh
1:38:19 yeah i enjoyed it and uh yeah maybe
1:38:22 we'll do it again
1:38:23 yeah there's lots to unpack for another
1:38:25 time and definitely thank you very much
1:38:26 for your time dr stephen you take care
1:38:28 of yourself
1:38:28 stay safe take care bye
1:38:32 bye