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Live Academic Seminar: Christianity & The Doctrine of The Trinity (2021-06-25)


Live Academic Seminar: Christianity & The Doctrine of The Trinity with Adnan Rashid

Summary of Live Academic Seminar: Christianity & The Doctrine of The Trinity

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 01:00:00

discusses the doctrine of the Trinity, which is the belief that there is one eternal being of God, shared by three coequal co eternal persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The doctrine can be found in the Bible, and the Quran rejects it.

*00:00:00 Discusses the doctrine of the Trinity, which is the belief that there is one eternal being of God, shared by three coequal co eternal persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The doctrine can be found in the bible, and the quran rejects it.

  • 00:05:00 In the Qur'an, God allah categorically tells us that the doctrine of the trinity is not from God, and those who believe in God's prophets and in the divinity of God cannot profess or proclaim the doctrine of the trinity. Additionally, in the Old Testament, we see that God is one god, and that he is unipersonal. In the New Testament, we see that the god of the old testament and the new testament is very similar to the god of the Qur'an when it comes to monotheism.
  • 00:10:00 lectures on Christianity and the doctrine of the Trinity. The professor notes that the Old Testament speaks of one God who is beyond the heavens and the earth, who is one being with three persons, and does not include himself in that divinity. The New Testament reveals that Jesus, who is one of those three persons, tells the woman that she will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem, indicating that he is talking about salvation through worshipping one God, who is also called the Father.
  • *00:15:00 Discusses the doctrine of the Trinity and how it is not found in the Bible. It cites an influential scholar who states that the Trinity cannot be found in the Bible.
  • 00:20:00 Bruce Metzger and other scholars state that the doctrine of the Trinity cannot be found in the bible, and that it was developed over centuries. The Encyclopedia states that this idea was not fully accepted in the early centuries, and that it took Christians nearly 400 years to come up with the current definition. Christian missionaries and apologists try to prove the doctrine of the Trinity from the bible, but they are unsuccessful.
  • 00:25:00 The Trinity is a doctrine found in the Bible that states that there is one God who is three persons in one being. Scholars debate whether or not Paul, one of the most influential Christians of all time, was a trinitarian.
  • *00:30:00 Discusses how some scholars believe that Paul, who was not a trinitarian, believed Jesus to be some sort of god. However, other scholars contend that this is an exaggeration.
  • 00:35:00 The Doctrine of the Trinity is a later development in the history of Christianity, and was influenced by philosophers.
  • 00:40:00 Christopher Stead discusses the influence of Greek philosophy on early Christian thought, specifically the doctrine of the Trinity. He argues that this philosophical concept of logos was used to bridge the gap between the unity of God and the manifold events of the natural world. While early Christian thinkers assumed some sort of divine nature on the part of Jesus Christ, the holy spirit was not yet fully discussed.
  • 00:45:00 John Henry Newman, a well-known Catholic Cardinal, discusses the Holy Spirit in relation to the doctrine of the Trinity. He states that, despite the lack of clarity on the subject in the early centuries of Christianity, the divinity of the Holy Spirit is still not explicitly stated in the Bible.
  • *00:50:00 Discusses the doctrine of the Trinity, which is the belief that there are three persons in God, namely the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. According to the video, the status of the holy spirit is still not clear to Christians, as they have differing views on the holy spirit. In 380 CE, nearly 350 years after Jesus Christ, Gregory of Nazianzus gave an illuminating picture of the wide variety of views which still held the field. Some consider the holy spirit to be a force, others a creature, others God, and others making the vagueness of scripture the excuse declined to commit themselves of those who acknowledge deity. Some keep it as a pious opinion to themselves, others proclaim it openly, and others seem to postulate three persons possessing deity in different degrees. Gregory answers in the 4th century that the status of the holy spirit is still not clear to Christians, and that they have differing views on the holy spirit. Therefore, if the bible was so categorical as the bible thumpers and the bible bashers or the christian missionaries or christian apologists claim, the trinity would be there for readers to read, but it is not there. Rather, Israelis not exegesis; they are reading
  • 00:55:00 Steven G. Hall explains how the doctrine of the Trinity emerged from disputes among Christian thinkers. The idea of the Trinity was initially binarian, meaning that it implied the deity of the Holy Spirit but did not refer to him as God. However, later Christian fathers insisted that the doctrine be added into the Trinity. David G. Hall references a writing by Basil of Caesarea who was a trinitarian but did not call the Holy Spirit God.

01:00:00 - 01:30:00

The doctrine of the Trinity has been a source of theological disputes for centuries, as different Christians try to understand the nature of Jesus and his relationship to God. discusses the history of the doctrine and how it has changed over time.

01:00:00 The Creed of Nicea was the result of a council of 318 Christian bishops, and it declared that Jesus Christ was similar to God the Father. However, this creed was not accepted by all Christians, and there were many subsequent councils that attempted to revise or cancel it. Eusebius of Caesarea, who was present at the council, did not agree with the creed, and he later held another council to challenge it.

  • 01:05:00 The doctrine of the Trinity was developed over a period of 400 years, and was initially rejected by the majority of Christians. Church fathers in the first three centuries believed that Jesus Christ was inferior to the Father, and that the Father was superior to all other beings. Subordinationism, or the belief that the Father is superior to the Son and the Holy Spirit, was the predominant view among Christian fathers in the first 300 years.
  • *01:10:00 Discusses the doctrine of the Trinity, which was formulated by trinitarian church fathers in the fourth century. The doctrine was import imposed on the masses and on the Christians by the Roman Empress, first Constantine. The law issued against those who disagree with the Catholic Church or Catholic Religion was by the way, the Roman law issued against those who disagree with the trinitarian doctrine.
  • 01:15:00 The doctrine of the Trinity can not be found in the Bible, and it was first formulated by Christian Platonists and Greek Philosophers in the second, third, and fourth centuries AD. In the fifth century, Augustine established it as dogma in the Catholic Church. Many Christian Scholars who studied the history of the doctrine have abandoned it, and it is still disputed by some theologians today. One of the objections to the doctrine is that it is ontologically subordinationist, meaning that the Christian Fathers did not actually believe that Jesus Christ was ontologically subordinate to the Father.
  • 01:20:00 In this online seminar, participants are introduced to the doctrine of the Trinity, which was formulated in the fourth century and does not appear in the Bible. This doctrine has led to theological disputes, as different Christians attempt to understand Jesus and his relationship to God.
  • *01:25:00 Discusses Christianity's doctrine of the Trinity and how it changed over time. The earliest Christians did not believe in the trinity or in the doctrine of the Trinity. Instead, they believed in a trinity made up of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The pope is not a part of this trinity and does not follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.
  • 01:30:00 The presenter argues that the doctrine of the Trinity was not divinely stipulated in the Bible, but was instead developed over time. He also notes that Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in the Trinity, while Catholics do.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:08 respected brothers and sisters
0:00:10 dear friends all of you are very welcome
0:00:13 to this new course
0:00:15 presented by sapiens institute which is
0:00:18 conducted by myself
0:00:20 your brother in faith and your brother
0:00:22 in humanity
0:00:24 the doctrine of the trinity man made or
0:00:26 divinely revealed
0:00:27 is the topic today so we'll get cracking
0:00:30 with it straight away
0:00:32 we'll get on with it what are we talking
0:00:34 about in this course this entire webinar
0:00:36 what does it constitute and to begin
0:00:40 or even before beginning we would like
0:00:42 to
0:00:43 put all the topics down in simple terms
0:00:46 so that we understand where we're going
0:00:47 with this course
0:00:49 point number one that we will discuss is
0:00:51 what is the doctrine of the trinity what
0:00:53 is it
0:00:54 point number two in this webinar we will
0:00:57 be covering
0:00:58 is the quranic view on the trinity point
0:01:01 number three
0:01:02 is the old and the new testament's view
0:01:05 or
0:01:05 on uni personal god then point number
0:01:08 four we will be addressing in this
0:01:10 course is the doctrine cannot be found
0:01:12 in the bible as we will see
0:01:14 point number five disputes and later
0:01:16 developments of the doctrine
0:01:18 point number six church fathers on
0:01:20 co-equality of the father and the son we
0:01:22 will see what the church fathers had to
0:01:24 say
0:01:25 the church fathers are the earliest
0:01:27 scholars of christianity
0:01:28 to put it in simple terms then point
0:01:31 number seven will be responding to
0:01:34 the defenses of christian apologists
0:01:37 for example in relation to subordination
0:01:40 response
0:01:41 uh we will see what that means in due
0:01:42 course also rejecting the church fathers
0:01:46 is equal to rejecting the bible this is
0:01:47 what we will have to say though
0:01:49 to those who reject the church fathers
0:01:51 as a source of
0:01:52 early christian history or theology and
0:01:54 then there will be a conclusion
0:01:56 so let's start straight away what is the
0:01:58 doctrine of the trinity brothers and
0:02:00 sisters
0:02:00 the doctrine of the trinity is simply
0:02:02 that there is one eternal being of god
0:02:04 indivisible in finite this
0:02:08 one being of god is shared by three co
0:02:11 equal co eternal persons the father the
0:02:13 son and the spirit
0:02:14 this is what the doctrine of the trinity
0:02:16 is this is what the christians believe
0:02:19 in today
0:02:20 when i say the christians i am talking
0:02:21 about the overwhelming majority of the
0:02:24 christian world
0:02:25 uh they believe in it today for example
0:02:28 the protestants
0:02:29 the catholics the orthodox churches
0:02:32 such as the greek orthodox church the
0:02:35 russian orthodox church the syrian
0:02:37 orthodox church
0:02:38 and the egyptian orthodox church and all
0:02:41 of these churches
0:02:42 they believe they profess a belief in
0:02:44 this particular doctrine
0:02:46 they may differ on other points of
0:02:48 theology when it comes to the trinity
0:02:50 they all agree with the contents
0:02:54 of this particular doctrine as stated
0:02:57 on the screen so the doctrine of the
0:03:00 trinity is a common belief
0:03:02 among the majority of the christians
0:03:04 today in the world
0:03:06 in if i was to say all all the
0:03:08 christians
0:03:09 uh believe in the doctrine of the
0:03:11 trinity that would be an accurate
0:03:13 statement of course there are
0:03:15 few sects that profess belief
0:03:18 in the divinity of god
0:03:21 in different ways for example jehovah's
0:03:23 witnesses they have a different
0:03:25 perception of god and there are other
0:03:27 groups of christians
0:03:28 for example the unitarian church they
0:03:30 don't believe in the trinity but they
0:03:32 are a very tiny minority the majority of
0:03:34 the christian world
0:03:35 believes in this doctrine so today we
0:03:37 will be talking about this particular
0:03:39 doctrine
0:03:40 this doctrine does it come from god
0:03:44 can it be found in the bible did god
0:03:47 ever teach it through his prophets
0:03:49 what does the quran say about this
0:03:51 doctrine why do the muslims
0:03:53 not believe in this doctrine why do we
0:03:55 reject it as
0:03:56 a forgery in the name of god or as um
0:04:00 as blasphemy for that matter let's see
0:04:04 the quran in chapter 4 171
0:04:08 clearly states that the doctrine of the
0:04:10 trinity
0:04:12 is to be rejected
0:04:15 for example allah says as we the muslims
0:04:17 believe this is what god tells us in the
0:04:19 quran
0:04:20 o people of the scripture do not exceed
0:04:22 the limits in your religion
0:04:24 nor say of god but the truth the messiah
0:04:26 jesus son of mary was a messenger of god
0:04:28 and his word
0:04:29 which he bestowed on mary and a spirit
0:04:32 created by him
0:04:33 so believe in god and his messenger say
0:04:36 not three
0:04:37 in other words do not say trinity sees
0:04:40 it is better for you
0:04:41 god is only one god glorified is he
0:04:44 glorified is he above having a son to
0:04:47 him belongs all that is in the earth
0:04:49 and god is all sufficient as a disposer
0:04:53 of affairs
0:04:54 this is chapter 4 of the quran surat
0:04:56 nisar verse 171
0:05:00 god allah categorically tells us that
0:05:03 the doctrine
0:05:04 of the trinity is not from god do not
0:05:07 say it
0:05:07 do not profess it do not proclaim it
0:05:10 because it is not from god
0:05:12 because those who believe in god's
0:05:14 prophets
0:05:15 and god cannot possibly have this belief
0:05:18 as their belief in godhead or in
0:05:21 the divinity of god
0:05:25 so in other places the quran tells us
0:05:29 for example chapter 5 verse 72
0:05:31 to verse 74 allah tells us
0:05:35 that those who say the messiah the son
0:05:37 of mary
0:05:38 is god okay are blasphemers
0:05:42 okay in fact uh chapter five tells us
0:05:47 that messiah told the children of israel
0:05:51 worship allah my lord and your lord
0:05:53 verily whosoever sets up partners with
0:05:55 allah then allah has forbidden paradise
0:05:57 to him
0:05:58 so here we are told in chapter 5 of the
0:05:59 quran verses 72 to 74
0:06:02 that even jesus told the israelites to
0:06:04 worship one god not
0:06:06 three in one or not two in one rather
0:06:09 one god alone
0:06:10 is to be worshipped by the israelites
0:06:13 this is
0:06:14 clearly stated in the gospel of mark
0:06:15 chapter 12 verse 29
0:06:17 where god stated or actually where jesus
0:06:20 stated
0:06:21 rather hero israel the lord our god
0:06:24 is one lord okay this is what the quran
0:06:27 alludes to
0:06:28 in this verse that jesus had told the
0:06:31 israelites
0:06:32 to worship one god alone who is the lord
0:06:35 of the heavens and the earth
0:06:37 likewise in um preceding verses
0:06:42 jesus was declared to be a prophet of
0:06:45 god
0:06:46 not god for example surely disbelievers
0:06:49 are those who said allah is the third of
0:06:51 the three
0:06:51 but there is no god but one god and if
0:06:54 they cease not from what they say
0:06:56 i.e the christians who believe in the
0:06:58 trinity if they don't seize what they're
0:06:59 in
0:07:00 they don't see saying what they say
0:07:02 verily a painful torment
0:07:04 will befall on the disbelievers among
0:07:06 them so those who believe
0:07:08 who disbelieve among the christians and
0:07:10 who are the disbelievers the quran
0:07:12 is saying basically anyone who believes
0:07:14 in the doctrine of the trinity cannot be
0:07:16 a believer
0:07:16 anyone who believes that allah god the
0:07:19 father in other words or god the creator
0:07:21 of the heavens and the earth to use the
0:07:22 right term
0:07:23 god the creator of the heavens and the
0:07:25 earth
0:07:26 is the third of a trinity
0:07:29 then they are disbelievers okay likewise
0:07:34 uh you know old the old and the new
0:07:36 testament
0:07:37 they present a unique personal god they
0:07:40 do not present
0:07:40 a multi-personal god or a
0:07:44 god who consists of three persons or two
0:07:47 persons
0:07:47 right so the god of the old testament
0:07:50 and the god
0:07:51 of the new testament is basically
0:07:54 in line with the god of the quran
0:07:58 when it comes to monotheism not all
0:08:00 other things of course we don't
0:08:02 believe that the bible is a true
0:08:05 representation
0:08:06 of the god of abraham moses and jesus
0:08:09 rather we believe
0:08:10 as far as monotheism is concerned as far
0:08:12 as believing in one god is concerned
0:08:15 the god of the new testament and the old
0:08:17 testament is
0:08:18 in that particular sense very similar to
0:08:21 the god of the old testament and the new
0:08:24 testament
0:08:25 or the quran rather so what does the old
0:08:28 testament tell us
0:08:29 about god we read in deuteronomy chapter
0:08:34 6
0:08:34 verses 4 to 5 hero israel the lord our
0:08:37 god
0:08:38 is one lord and thou shalt love the lord
0:08:41 thy god with all thine heart
0:08:43 with all thy soul and with all thy might
0:08:47 then in hosea we are told chapter 13
0:08:50 verse 4
0:08:51 yet i am the lord thy god from the land
0:08:54 of egypt and thou shalt know no god
0:08:56 but me for there is no savior beside me
0:09:00 in the book of isaiah 43 verses
0:09:03 10 to 11 we are told before me there was
0:09:06 no god formed
0:09:07 neither shall they be after me i even i
0:09:10 am the lord
0:09:11 and beside me there is no savior so here
0:09:14 in these verses in the old testament we
0:09:15 see that god
0:09:16 is one god he is speaking as one person
0:09:20 this god is unipersonal he's not
0:09:22 speaking as a plurality of persons
0:09:24 rather
0:09:24 he is speaking as one person this is
0:09:26 very very clear
0:09:27 and it continues in one chronicles
0:09:30 chapter 17 verse 20
0:09:32 the same god is speaking oh lord god for
0:09:34 there is none like
0:09:36 thee neither is there any god beside
0:09:39 thee
0:09:40 according to all that we have heard with
0:09:43 our ears
0:09:44 likewise isaiah 44
0:09:47 6 states thus saith the lord the king of
0:09:49 israel
0:09:50 and his redeemer the lord of hosts i am
0:09:52 the first
0:09:53 i am the last and beside me there is no
0:09:56 god
0:09:57 so this is one person speaking this is
0:10:00 god
0:10:01 the creator of the heavens and the earth
0:10:02 speaking in the old testament
0:10:04 as one person this is a unipersonal god
0:10:07 there are no three persons
0:10:08 or there is no multi-personal person
0:10:12 personal god rather god is speaking as
0:10:15 one person
0:10:16 malachi 3 6 again
0:10:19 for i am the lord i change not therefore
0:10:22 you sons of jacob are not consumed
0:10:26 so in this particular verse god is
0:10:28 telling us that he does not
0:10:30 change it does not change his nature it
0:10:32 does not change the number of
0:10:34 his persons he does not jump into
0:10:36 different bodies rather
0:10:37 he is one god uh who is beyond
0:10:41 the heavens and the earth who transcends
0:10:43 our conceptions
0:10:44 right he is one he is one as an entity
0:10:48 he is one as a person he is one as a
0:10:50 being this is the impression we get from
0:10:53 the old testament
0:10:54 there is no mention of plurality of
0:10:56 persons anywhere in the old testament
0:10:58 now come to the new testament what do we
0:11:00 find in the new testament
0:11:02 i already stated the gospel of mark the
0:11:04 verse
0:11:05 from the gospel of mark chapter 12 29
0:11:07 where jesus
0:11:08 told the israelite who questioned him
0:11:11 about the most important commandment
0:11:13 and jesus said the most important one
0:11:15 answered jesus is
0:11:17 this hero israel the lord our god
0:11:20 the lord is one subhanallah
0:11:23 absolutely amazing so you cannot state
0:11:26 the doctrine of tawheed monotheism more
0:11:29 clearly
0:11:31 i wonder how christians ended up with a
0:11:34 plurality of persons
0:11:35 within godhead or how they divided god
0:11:38 who
0:11:39 who has been one who was one who is one
0:11:42 into three persons this is an absolute
0:11:45 phenomenon
0:11:46 this is amazing and it's fascinating how
0:11:49 christians ended up worshiping three
0:11:52 persons
0:11:52 in one being doesn't make sense while
0:11:55 jesus is categorically saying in the
0:11:56 gospel of mark chapter 12 verse 29
0:11:59 that the lord is one and he does not
0:12:02 include himself in that divinity he
0:12:05 didn't say to this jewish questioner
0:12:07 that i am god part of that lord
0:12:10 or part of that god or i am the third
0:12:13 person in the trinity
0:12:15 you have been worshiping one god all the
0:12:17 way
0:12:18 all your ancestors were worshiping one
0:12:22 god the israelites
0:12:23 in one person now that god has
0:12:26 manifested himself
0:12:27 in three persons and i am one of those
0:12:29 persons did jesus say any of that
0:12:31 no he didn't say any of that rather what
0:12:34 he's saying is the lord is
0:12:35 one there is only one god likewise
0:12:40 in the gospel of john chapter 17 verse 3
0:12:42 we see one of the most
0:12:44 problematic verses for the trinitarians
0:12:46 those who claim that god
0:12:49 consists of three persons god is one
0:12:52 being that consists of three persons
0:12:54 they have to face this verse on daily
0:12:57 basis
0:12:58 because it goes against the doctrine of
0:13:00 the trinity directly
0:13:01 now what does it state now this is
0:13:04 eternal life
0:13:05 that they know you the only true
0:13:09 god and jesus christ whom you have sent
0:13:13 so who is you here is the question and
0:13:15 who is speaking
0:13:16 allegedly this is jesus speaking in the
0:13:19 gospel of john chapter 17 verse 3
0:13:22 and jesus is saying that
0:13:25 so they that may know you who
0:13:29 uh the israelites so that the israelites
0:13:32 may
0:13:32 know you the only true god who is you
0:13:35 here
0:13:36 you does not include jesus christ
0:13:39 because he separates himself by saying
0:13:41 and
0:13:41 jesus christ whom you have sent
0:13:44 so this you is god of the heavens and
0:13:47 the earth
0:13:48 the creator of the heavens and the earth
0:13:50 who
0:13:51 jesus referred to allegedly in the new
0:13:53 testament as god the father
0:13:55 the father figure the creator so he's
0:13:58 talking about one god
0:14:00 the only true god and that does not
0:14:03 include jesus christ according to this
0:14:05 verse of the gospel of john
0:14:08 likewise in the same gospel chapter 4
0:14:12 verses 21 to 23
0:14:15 jesus tells the woman it is a samaritan
0:14:19 woman jesus is having a dialogue with
0:14:21 and he tells a woman
0:14:22 jesus replied believe me a time is
0:14:26 coming when you will worship the father
0:14:28 neither on this mountain nor in
0:14:30 jerusalem
0:14:31 in other words jesus is talking about
0:14:35 salvation through worshipping one god
0:14:37 who was called the father who was called
0:14:39 the father in the old testament
0:14:42 as well as the new testament jesus
0:14:44 himself called the father his god
0:14:46 okay and that can be seen in uh
0:14:50 in the gospel of john um
0:14:54 in near the end when jesus speaks
0:14:56 speaking to mary magdalene
0:14:58 he tells her that i ascend onto my
0:15:01 father
0:15:01 and to your father to my god and to your
0:15:04 god
0:15:04 so this is the language jesus was
0:15:06 speaking in the in the new testament
0:15:08 where he was telling the israelites who
0:15:10 were listening to him
0:15:11 that god is only one god and
0:15:15 jesus never said i am a person within
0:15:18 the trinity
0:15:19 or i am also god with god the father
0:15:22 equal with god the father never did
0:15:24 jesus say that to the contrary
0:15:26 jesus made statements like i
0:15:29 and uh for the father is greater than i
0:15:32 in another place jesus said father i and
0:15:35 the father are one
0:15:36 here is he means one in purpose
0:15:39 it doesn't mean uh we are one in being
0:15:42 rather he is saying one in purpose right
0:15:46 the father the creator of the heavens
0:15:48 and the earth
0:15:49 god sent jesus christ to do a particular
0:15:52 job so in that purpose
0:15:54 both of them were one but when jesus
0:15:57 said
0:15:57 the father is greater than i that means
0:16:00 he's talking about his status
0:16:03 jesus is below the father in authority
0:16:05 he's not core equal
0:16:06 this is again the new testament so there
0:16:09 are many verses like that
0:16:11 okay now there are many many places we
0:16:15 see
0:16:15 in the old testament where other
0:16:18 prophets
0:16:18 talked in similar language david praised
0:16:20 the lord in the presence of the whole
0:16:22 assembly saying praise
0:16:23 be to you lord the god of our father
0:16:25 israel from everlasting to everlasting
0:16:28 so you can see that the israelites
0:16:30 called god
0:16:31 our father not a biological father
0:16:35 rather in a spiritual sense because they
0:16:37 referred to god as the father because he
0:16:39 was the creator he was a fatherly figure
0:16:41 for the universe
0:16:43 that's why that title was given to god
0:16:45 almighty although we as muslims don't
0:16:47 use it today
0:16:48 because it can give the wrong impression
0:16:50 that's why people ended up
0:16:51 attributing sons to god almighty
0:16:54 because of this term the father so we
0:16:57 don't use these terms
0:16:58 the father terms like father
0:17:01 to refer to god almighty today as
0:17:04 muslims but in the old testament
0:17:06 it was used in that period it was used
0:17:09 for the creating father of the
0:17:11 of the heavens and the universe sorry or
0:17:14 the creator the creating father of the
0:17:17 universe
0:17:18 so the creator of the universe was
0:17:19 referred to as the father by the
0:17:21 israelites
0:17:22 uh to give that name to god almighty
0:17:26 then in isaiah 63 16 we are told it is
0:17:29 the father again
0:17:30 who is one person who the israelites
0:17:33 call
0:17:34 god okay and that is the creator again
0:17:37 but you are our father
0:17:38 though abraham does not know us or
0:17:40 israel acknowledge us
0:17:42 you lord are our father our redeemer
0:17:46 from uh from of old is your name
0:17:49 okay so the father is the title that was
0:17:52 used by jesus in the
0:17:54 new testament here as you can see jesus
0:17:57 is referring to god
0:17:58 as the father now this doesn't mean as a
0:18:01 biological father
0:18:02 rather it is a reference of being the
0:18:05 creator
0:18:06 the father is they called him the father
0:18:09 because he was the creator of the
0:18:10 heavens and the
0:18:11 earth like in john
0:18:14 2017 the verse i have already referred
0:18:16 to jesus said to mary magdalene
0:18:19 do not hold on to me for i have not yet
0:18:21 ascended to the father
0:18:22 go instead to my brothers and tell them
0:18:24 i am ascending
0:18:25 to my father and your father
0:18:29 to my god and your god here jesus is
0:18:31 calling
0:18:32 the father the creator his god so
0:18:36 jesus cannot be god by that virtue if
0:18:38 he's god
0:18:39 how can he have a god can god have a god
0:18:42 no
0:18:43 anyone with little intelligence will
0:18:45 tell you that god
0:18:47 himself is god he cannot have a god
0:18:49 because if he has a god then he is not
0:18:51 god himself
0:18:52 it contradicts god's nature to have god
0:18:55 because
0:18:56 there is only one god and jesus is
0:18:58 calling the father
0:19:00 the creator is god in the new testament
0:19:04 so the doctrine of the trinity is not in
0:19:07 the bible
0:19:08 this is confirmed by many many many many
0:19:11 christian
0:19:12 scholarly sources for example one of
0:19:15 them is the oxford companion to the
0:19:16 bible edited by bruce metzger who was a
0:19:19 believing christian scholar
0:19:21 who died believing in christianity
0:19:24 and even he uh in this particular
0:19:27 work uh stated that
0:19:31 the trinity cannot be found in uh the
0:19:34 bible
0:19:35 so uh the oxford companion to the bible
0:19:38 edited by bruce metzker one of the most
0:19:40 influential new testament scholars of
0:19:41 the 20th century
0:19:43 and containing entries from over 260
0:19:46 scholars
0:19:46 and academics from leading biblical
0:19:48 institutes and universities in america
0:19:50 and europe states
0:19:52 and this is the quote because the
0:19:54 trinity is such an
0:19:55 important part of later christian
0:19:57 doctrine
0:19:58 it is striking that the term does not
0:20:00 appear in the new testament
0:20:02 likewise the developed concept of three
0:20:04 co-equal partners in the godhead found
0:20:07 in later creedal formulations cannot be
0:20:09 clearly detected within
0:20:10 the confines of the canon so what bruce
0:20:13 metzger and his fellow scholars
0:20:15 are saying in this work the oxford
0:20:18 companion to the bible
0:20:20 is that the later idea which the
0:20:24 christians came up with
0:20:25 that that jesus and god the creator
0:20:29 who was called god the father are
0:20:31 co-equal
0:20:33 this later idea the christians came up
0:20:35 with that
0:20:36 jesus and god the father are co-equal
0:20:39 cannot be found in the bible this is
0:20:42 what he's saying
0:20:43 and other scholars are saying so where
0:20:45 did this idea come from is the question
0:20:48 this is the question we will address
0:20:49 inshallah in due course so stay with me
0:20:51 stay tuned you will find out where the
0:20:54 christians actually got this idea from
0:20:56 that jesus is core equal to god the
0:20:59 father
0:20:59 he is one of the persons in godhead
0:21:02 jesus is god
0:21:03 god the father is god and the holy
0:21:05 spirit is god
0:21:06 and all three are one and they are co
0:21:09 equal and co-eternal
0:21:11 this is a claim later christian church
0:21:13 fathers made
0:21:14 which cannot be found in the confines
0:21:18 of the canon in other words within the
0:21:21 bible
0:21:21 it cannot be found in the bible this is
0:21:24 what bruce metzger
0:21:25 and his fellow scholars stated in the
0:21:28 oxford companion to the bible
0:21:31 likewise the new catholic encyclopedia
0:21:34 explains that the doctrine of the
0:21:35 trinity is a product
0:21:37 of history developed over centuries
0:21:40 in other words it cannot be found in the
0:21:42 bible so what is the encyclopedia state
0:21:44 i quote
0:21:45 there is the recognition on the part of
0:21:47 exegetes
0:21:48 and biblical theologians including a
0:21:50 constantly growing number of roman
0:21:52 catholics
0:21:53 that one should not speak of
0:21:54 trinitarianism in the new testament
0:21:56 without
0:21:57 serious qualification there is also the
0:22:00 closely parallel
0:22:01 recognition on the part of historians of
0:22:03 dogma and systematic theologians
0:22:05 that when one does speak of an
0:22:07 unqualified trinitarianism
0:22:10 one has moved from the period of
0:22:12 christian origins
0:22:13 to say the last quadrant of the fourth
0:22:16 century
0:22:16 it was only then that what might be
0:22:19 called the definitive
0:22:20 trinitarian dogma one god in three
0:22:23 persons
0:22:24 became thoroughly assimilated into
0:22:26 christian life and thought
0:22:27 it was the product of three centuries of
0:22:29 doctrinal development
0:22:31 so what is this catholic encyclopedia
0:22:34 saying
0:22:35 written by catholics christians who
0:22:38 have this to say that the doctrine
0:22:42 that there is one god in three persons
0:22:45 was formulated in the fourth century it
0:22:48 only became
0:22:49 assimilated into christian life and
0:22:51 thought
0:22:52 after the 4th century or within the 4th
0:22:55 century
0:22:56 late 4th century for the first three
0:22:59 centuries
0:23:00 this idea was not fully accepted it
0:23:02 could not be found with all christians
0:23:04 in the christian world at the time so in
0:23:08 other words
0:23:08 it took christians nearly 400 years to
0:23:12 come up
0:23:12 with the current definition of the
0:23:16 doctrine of the trinity this is exactly
0:23:18 what this particular court says and i
0:23:21 want to read that part
0:23:22 it was only then that what might be
0:23:25 called the definitive trinitarian dogma
0:23:28 one god in three persons became
0:23:30 thoroughly assimilated into christian
0:23:31 life and thought
0:23:33 so they are talking about the scholars
0:23:35 the catholic scholars are saying in the
0:23:36 last
0:23:37 quadrant of the 4th century in other
0:23:39 words in the last 25 years
0:23:41 of the 4th century let's say 375
0:23:44 ce onwards this is when the doctrine of
0:23:48 the trinity
0:23:48 was defined as we know it today
0:23:52 amazing no so
0:23:55 what do the christians do now some of
0:23:57 the christian missionaries and
0:23:59 apologists
0:24:00 and some christian activists
0:24:03 they bring up certain verses from the
0:24:04 bible trying in vain
0:24:07 to prove the doctrine of the trinity
0:24:09 from the bible they try in vain
0:24:11 even though their top scholars have
0:24:13 already said the doctrine of the trinity
0:24:15 as
0:24:15 it is defined by the christians today
0:24:17 since the 4th century
0:24:19 cannot be found in the bible it is not
0:24:22 in the new testament
0:24:23 it is not in the old testament so what
0:24:25 do the christians do
0:24:26 in the desperate attempt they bring
0:24:29 verses like matthew 28 19.
0:24:32 and the verse goes as follows go
0:24:35 you therefore jesus telling his
0:24:36 disciples go you therefore
0:24:39 and teach all nations baptizing them in
0:24:42 the name of the father
0:24:43 and of the son and of the holy spirit
0:24:47 okay so they use this verse claiming
0:24:50 that here we have a trini trinity or
0:24:53 here we have a triadic
0:24:54 formula where the father the son and the
0:24:57 holy spirit are mentioned together and
0:25:00 this means they are ontologically the
0:25:02 same ontologically
0:25:04 the father the son and the holy spirit
0:25:06 must be the same in status for them to
0:25:08 be mentioned together as authorities
0:25:11 for people to be baptized in their name
0:25:14 so therefore this is the trinity
0:25:18 the classic trinity that was defined in
0:25:21 the last
0:25:21 quadrant in the last 25 years
0:25:24 of the fourth century okay
0:25:28 so this is what the christians claim
0:25:30 let's see what the scholars have to say
0:25:31 on that
0:25:32 the command to the disciples to baptize
0:25:34 in the name of the father and of the son
0:25:36 and the holy spirit is quite without
0:25:38 parallel in the new testament
0:25:40 elsewhere baptism is spoken was spoken
0:25:43 of as being
0:25:44 in or through the name of jesus for
0:25:46 example in acts
0:25:48 2 38 10 48 romans
0:25:51 6 3 1 corinthians 1 13 15
0:25:55 and 6 11 matthew's use of the threefold
0:25:59 name in bat baptism is a later
0:26:02 development which quickly became the
0:26:03 standard christian formulation
0:26:05 so graham stanton or graeme stanton
0:26:08 graham stanton in his book the gospels
0:26:11 and jesus
0:26:12 on page 74 had this to say he said this
0:26:15 is a later development in other words uh
0:26:19 this particular formula was added to the
0:26:21 book of matthew although
0:26:23 there is no uh evidence manuscript
0:26:25 evidence for this claim
0:26:27 but graham stanton he believes that
0:26:30 uh these things were added into
0:26:33 these gospels later on before the
0:26:36 manuscripts
0:26:37 were corrupted or before we find the
0:26:39 manuscripts basically the oldest
0:26:41 manuscript we have
0:26:42 of the uh of the new testament is from
0:26:44 the second century ce
0:26:45 so uh these editions or theological
0:26:49 editions were made
0:26:50 into the text before
0:26:53 we could find the manuscripts of the
0:26:56 bible or
0:26:57 before the earliest manuscripts of the
0:26:59 bible could be
0:27:00 found right so all of this was done
0:27:03 before
0:27:04 these particular manuscripts uh starting
0:27:06 from the second century onwards were
0:27:08 written
0:27:08 okay so even though let's say
0:27:12 even though the verse was written by
0:27:15 matthew
0:27:16 let's assume for a second uh for
0:27:18 argument's sake
0:27:20 the verse was written by matthew does it
0:27:23 still prove the doctrine of the trinity
0:27:24 it does not
0:27:26 it does not because mentioning three
0:27:28 entities together
0:27:30 does not make them equal point number
0:27:32 one okay
0:27:33 it doesn't make them equal it doesn't
0:27:35 say that
0:27:36 the son is god and the holy spirit is
0:27:39 god
0:27:40 with the father it doesn't mean that why
0:27:43 because we have other examples in the
0:27:45 new testament as you can see
0:27:47 where uh different entities are
0:27:49 mentioned together
0:27:50 with same authority but they are not
0:27:52 gods for example
0:27:54 for whosoever shall be shamed of me and
0:27:56 of my words
0:27:57 of him shall the son of man be ashamed
0:28:00 when he shall come in his glory and his
0:28:02 fathers
0:28:03 and of the holy angels right so here we
0:28:06 have jesus mentioned as the son of man
0:28:08 we have the father and the holy angels
0:28:10 no christian will
0:28:11 ever claim that the holy angels are god
0:28:15 so why do they claim in the gospel of
0:28:16 matthew when the father the son and the
0:28:18 holy spirit are mentioned together
0:28:20 as gods in one godhead or three persons
0:28:24 in one being of god why do they claim
0:28:27 that using this verse so they shouldn't
0:28:29 use this verse
0:28:30 especially when we have luke 9 26 and
0:28:33 first timothy 5 21 where
0:28:37 it is stated i charge thee before god
0:28:39 and the lord jesus christ and
0:28:41 the elect angels that thou observe these
0:28:44 things without preferring one before
0:28:46 another
0:28:46 doing nothing by partiality here
0:28:49 again three entities are mentioned
0:28:51 together
0:28:52 ontologically apparently ontologically
0:28:55 uh
0:28:56 same but they're not the same because
0:28:58 holy angels or elect angels
0:29:01 are never declared to be gods by the
0:29:04 christians
0:29:05 so why do we use the gospel of matthew
0:29:08 chapter 28 verse 19 in that way
0:29:10 when we have these verses in the text of
0:29:12 the new testament
0:29:13 also a thought for all the christians
0:29:18 also in first timothy 2 5 it is stated
0:29:22 for there is one god and one mediator
0:29:24 between god
0:29:25 and man the man jesus christ so even
0:29:27 paul
0:29:29 paul saint paul who is regarded very
0:29:32 highly
0:29:33 within the christian world because his
0:29:36 writings were then
0:29:37 later on seen as the word of god even
0:29:40 though he never claimed
0:29:41 to have been writing for god but later
0:29:44 christians they claimed that
0:29:45 paul's epistles his letters that can be
0:29:47 found in the new testament
0:29:49 are god's word even though
0:29:53 paul is writing his own thoughts so
0:29:56 was paul a trinitarian is the question
0:29:58 even
0:29:59 paul was not a trinitarian at best he
0:30:01 might be a binarian
0:30:03 not a trinitarian what does a binarian
0:30:06 mean a binarian is someone who believes
0:30:08 in god the father to be god and jesus to
0:30:10 be god
0:30:11 not the holy spirit okay firstly paul
0:30:14 was not even a binarian in that sense
0:30:17 because this verse as you can see
0:30:18 clearly
0:30:19 he considered jesus to be a man he
0:30:22 considered jesus to be a man and he
0:30:24 separated this man from god
0:30:26 as he said for there is one god and
0:30:29 one mediator between god and men the man
0:30:33 jesus christ okay so if paul believes
0:30:36 jesus is god
0:30:37 he would not separate him from god in
0:30:39 this verse okay
0:30:41 he would be saying for there is one god
0:30:44 and one mediator between god and men
0:30:47 right
0:30:48 so if god was jesus to paul
0:30:51 he would not say the man jesus christ he
0:30:53 would say the god jesus christ
0:30:55 okay so for there is one god and one
0:30:58 mediator between god and men
0:31:00 the god jesus christ no he calls him the
0:31:03 man jesus christ and god is someone else
0:31:05 god is separate so here paul's binary
0:31:10 you know is even the binary is not
0:31:13 visible some people claim that he did
0:31:15 believe jesus to be god
0:31:16 which is highly questionable but this
0:31:19 verse is a huge problem for them
0:31:21 the verse in 1st timothy chapter 2 verse
0:31:23 5.
0:31:24 we proceed again paul states in
0:31:28 first timothy chapter 6 verse 13 i give
0:31:31 you charge in the sight of god who
0:31:34 quickeneth
0:31:35 all things and before christ jesus who
0:31:38 before pontius pilate witnessed a good
0:31:40 confession
0:31:41 right again paul is separating jesus
0:31:44 christ
0:31:44 from god he's not saying jesus is god
0:31:47 but god is someone else
0:31:49 god is someone else to paul and jesus
0:31:51 christ is a separate
0:31:53 person he's not god right this is
0:31:55 clearly stated in these verses
0:31:57 so what people do is some of the
0:31:59 christian missionaries
0:32:00 and christian activists they ignore
0:32:03 these categorical verses
0:32:05 they ignore these explicit verses that
0:32:08 clearly state that
0:32:09 paul did not believe in the divinity of
0:32:12 jesus christ he did not
0:32:14 believe jesus was god what they do is
0:32:16 they bring vague verses
0:32:17 found in the writings of paul to claim
0:32:20 that paul believed
0:32:21 jesus to be god so they ignore
0:32:24 clear verses explicit verses
0:32:27 categorical verses and they bring vague
0:32:29 verses to argue their case
0:32:32 so what do the scholars have to say
0:32:34 about paul's view on
0:32:36 divinity scholars recognize that the
0:32:38 reverence for christ
0:32:39 reflected in paul's letters amounts to a
0:32:41 notable pattern
0:32:42 of beliefs and devotional practices for
0:32:45 which we have no real parallel
0:32:46 in roman era jewish tradition so in
0:32:49 other words paul was breaking away from
0:32:51 the jewish
0:32:52 tradition of that time some scholars
0:32:55 conclude
0:32:56 that we can speak of a novel by natarian
0:32:59 devotional pattern evident in the
0:33:01 pauline letters
0:33:03 christ included with god as a recipient
0:33:05 of devotion
0:33:06 in early christian circles albeit christ
0:33:08 always functionally subordinate
0:33:10 to god the father but some other
0:33:12 scholars contend that this
0:33:13 is an exaggeration of things and that
0:33:15 the reverence of christ in paul
0:33:17 though impressive does not amount to
0:33:19 worship and was not then seen as quite
0:33:21 the innovation
0:33:22 in monotheistic commitment that is
0:33:24 alleged by other scholars
0:33:26 in either view however the devotion to
0:33:28 christ manifest
0:33:29 in paul's letters is a major development
0:33:31 in religious history
0:33:33 so there are two groups of scholars one
0:33:35 group says
0:33:36 paul had binarian
0:33:40 devotional tendencies towards jesus
0:33:42 christ and god the father
0:33:44 in other words those scholars claim that
0:33:48 paul considered jesus to be some sort of
0:33:52 god if not like god the father but some
0:33:55 sort of god
0:33:56 right but other scholars say no that's
0:33:58 an exaggeration
0:33:59 paul did not believe that because there
0:34:01 are plenty of verses from paul
0:34:03 where paul is clearly separating jesus
0:34:05 christ from god
0:34:06 so paul did not believe jesus to be god
0:34:09 right so these debates are taking place
0:34:10 but it's clear that paul was not a
0:34:12 trinitarian the holy spirit is not to be
0:34:14 seen anywhere in equation
0:34:16 when it comes to paul's devotion to god
0:34:18 or to the divinity
0:34:22 so you see how did paul end up
0:34:26 with uh you know that binary if he did
0:34:30 let's say we assume that paul was
0:34:32 abanitarian even though
0:34:34 the evidence points to the opposite
0:34:36 direction
0:34:37 uh even if we were to accept paul was a
0:34:40 binarian
0:34:41 where was he getting divinity from where
0:34:43 was he getting
0:34:44 the divinity of jesus christ from there
0:34:47 are many many examples
0:34:49 in antiquity in the roman period when
0:34:51 paul himself was living
0:34:53 okay where people gave divine
0:34:57 attributes to humans or
0:35:00 to emperors to philosophers for example
0:35:03 as we can see here on the screen there
0:35:06 are some examples
0:35:08 liatus the pagan author of the lives of
0:35:10 the philosopher
0:35:11 writes of a number of philosophers as
0:35:13 being sons of god
0:35:15 plato was described as being of divine
0:35:18 parentage and so was pythagoras
0:35:21 who was supposed to be the incarnate son
0:35:24 of the god hermes
0:35:26 and pedophilies was also alleged to be
0:35:29 an immortal
0:35:30 god who healed the sick and his
0:35:32 followers worshipped him and
0:35:33 prayed to him plutarch regards it
0:35:36 as beyond alexander as beyond that
0:35:40 alexander the great was of divine
0:35:41 descent
0:35:42 and romulus the legendary ancestor of
0:35:45 the romans was the son of mars the god
0:35:48 of war
0:35:49 he was supposed to have been raised to
0:35:51 heaven in a cloud
0:35:52 and inscription of 48 bc and in
0:35:55 scripture of what he had bc refers to
0:35:57 julius caesar as god manifest offspring
0:35:59 of aries
0:36:00 and aphrodite and common savior human
0:36:02 life
0:36:03 another inscription referring to
0:36:04 augustus caesar says the emperor caesar
0:36:07 son of god
0:36:08 called augustus overseer of land and sea
0:36:11 so it wouldn't be surprising for someone
0:36:14 like paul
0:36:15 who was living uh in
0:36:18 antiquity during the roman period
0:36:21 for him to start believing that jesus
0:36:24 was some sort of divine person who was
0:36:26 the son of god
0:36:27 who was the son of god the father right
0:36:29 so it wouldn't be surprising
0:36:31 even if paul came to believe in the
0:36:34 divinity of jesus christ in some form
0:36:36 it wouldn't be surprising it wouldn't be
0:36:38 shocking look looking at other
0:36:39 precedents
0:36:40 in antiquity especially during the roman
0:36:43 period the romans
0:36:45 were very very
0:36:48 easy with this concept the concept of
0:36:51 attributing
0:36:52 divinities to special people like
0:36:54 philosophers like kings like emperors
0:36:57 like generals like conquerors for
0:36:59 example as you can see
0:37:01 here on the screen there are so many
0:37:03 examples
0:37:04 where people were given given divine
0:37:07 attributes and titles by romans
0:37:09 so paul who was living through uh roman
0:37:13 period or living within
0:37:14 the roman territory was a roman citizen
0:37:17 possibly to attract
0:37:19 the romans who were pagans to attract
0:37:22 them to christianity
0:37:23 he might have given them this concept of
0:37:26 jesus the son of god
0:37:28 it wouldn't be surprising at all and
0:37:30 then
0:37:31 jesus the son of god became god almighty
0:37:34 himself later on
0:37:35 he was turned into god equal to god the
0:37:37 father the creator
0:37:39 this is how gradually jesus christ
0:37:42 became
0:37:42 god equal to god the father god the
0:37:45 creator
0:37:48 now how did we get the trinity is the
0:37:50 question
0:37:51 is a very good question now it's clear
0:37:53 that the doctrine of the trinity cannot
0:37:54 be found
0:37:55 in the bible it is not in the new
0:37:57 testament
0:37:58 as confirmed by christian scholars
0:38:00 themselves it is not in the old
0:38:02 testament
0:38:03 again confirmed by christians christian
0:38:05 scholars themselves
0:38:06 quran condemns it okay quran
0:38:11 rebukes the doctrine of the trinity
0:38:12 quran criticizes the doctrine of the
0:38:15 trinity chapter 4 verse
0:38:17 verse 171 and chapter 5 verses 72
0:38:21 to 74 right where did the christians get
0:38:24 this idea from
0:38:26 that jesus is god the holy spirit is god
0:38:29 and god the father is god all three of
0:38:32 these people all three persons are one
0:38:34 god not three gods but one god
0:38:37 because they all share a being they are
0:38:40 one in being
0:38:41 but they manifest uh this being in three
0:38:44 persons so they they are divided into
0:38:46 three persons
0:38:47 right they are one but they are three
0:38:50 persons
0:38:51 it's very it's a big mystery as the
0:38:53 christians themselves say
0:38:54 how did they come to believe in this
0:38:56 idea is a phenomenon is fascinating
0:39:00 and we will see now how the christians
0:39:02 ended up with this doctrine the doctrine
0:39:04 is a later development
0:39:06 the later history of the christian
0:39:07 doctrine of the trinity has been
0:39:08 constantly
0:39:09 re-examined and we cannot enter into the
0:39:12 detail of its development
0:39:14 these will be found in histories of
0:39:16 christian doctrine
0:39:17 but we must give some impression of the
0:39:19 influence of philosophy
0:39:21 on this process and here we need to
0:39:23 consider three representatives
0:39:25 group groups of thinkers the christian
0:39:28 platoonists from justin to eusebius
0:39:31 athanasius and the capitalistic fathers
0:39:33 and augustine and his successors
0:39:35 so i want to simplify this this is a
0:39:37 quote taken from christian
0:39:39 christopher's tent you can see the
0:39:41 reference on the screen
0:39:43 in red at the bottom of the text
0:39:45 christopher stead
0:39:46 the book is philosophy and christian
0:39:48 antiquity page
0:39:49 155 256. so this quote
0:39:53 is taken from christopher stead's book
0:39:56 philosophy
0:39:57 in christian antiquity here christopher
0:40:00 said is saying
0:40:01 that philosophy greek philosophy had a
0:40:03 direct
0:40:04 impact on early christian thinking which
0:40:07 was essentially
0:40:08 israelite in his outlook on scripture so
0:40:12 early christians were
0:40:14 israelites they were jewish later on
0:40:17 some gentiles
0:40:18 non-jews they became christians and they
0:40:21 started to
0:40:23 add the ideas in to this israelite
0:40:26 religion this israelite idea preached by
0:40:30 an israelite
0:40:30 prophet right and greek philosophy was
0:40:34 used
0:40:35 to justify the doctrine of the trinity
0:40:38 because the trinity was a common
0:40:40 occurrence
0:40:41 among pagan philosophers pagan thinkers
0:40:45 living throughout the roman empire or
0:40:47 throughout the roman period
0:40:49 as i've already clearly highlighted
0:40:52 so greek philosophy had no problems
0:40:56 with uh plurality of gods
0:40:59 because this is what the greeks believed
0:41:00 they believed in a plurality of gods
0:41:03 there were different gods they worshiped
0:41:04 like apollo jupiter manova
0:41:07 okay mithras aphrodite
0:41:10 aphrodite and all these gods were
0:41:12 worshiped
0:41:13 by the greeks and later on the romans
0:41:17 so this notion of the trinity okay
0:41:21 one god having sons and children who
0:41:23 were also divine in some form
0:41:25 was not uh anathema at that time
0:41:29 it wasn't shocking so christopher study
0:41:31 saying greek philosophy influenced
0:41:33 the christian thought and then we ended
0:41:35 up with the doctrine of the trinity
0:41:37 the first school i mean he divides the
0:41:39 period or he divides the the groups into
0:41:41 three
0:41:42 these christian philosophers by the way
0:41:44 christian thinkers he divides them into
0:41:46 three categories christian platinus from
0:41:48 justin to eusebius
0:41:49 this is the earlier group then came
0:41:51 another group led by athinasius and the
0:41:54 kavadoshian fathers and then later on
0:41:56 another group of christian thinkers came
0:41:59 and they were led by augustine and his
0:42:01 successors so all of them
0:42:03 these thinkers were christian
0:42:04 philosophers and they used greek
0:42:06 philosophy to justify the doctrine of
0:42:08 the trinity
0:42:09 not the scripture necessarily not the
0:42:12 old testament and the new testament
0:42:14 rather the greek philosophy was used to
0:42:17 justify the doctrine of the trinity
0:42:20 so the first school are much interested
0:42:23 in the relationship between god and his
0:42:25 logos
0:42:26 which they interpret with the help of
0:42:28 their platonic studies in other words
0:42:31 greek philosophy this made it natural
0:42:34 to bridge the gap between the pure unity
0:42:36 of god and the manifold
0:42:38 events of the natural world by naming
0:42:42 the logos as as its proximate creator
0:42:45 and controller
0:42:47 okay so they used this greek
0:42:50 philosophical idea of logos
0:42:52 to interpret jesus as a
0:42:56 approximate creator and controller with
0:42:58 god the father
0:42:59 that's what christopher i mean i i'm
0:43:01 sorry if it's getting complicated
0:43:03 but this is very important for you to
0:43:04 understand because this is a high level
0:43:06 academic webinar
0:43:07 we are going through academic sources
0:43:10 academic points
0:43:11 academic ideas so that you can actually
0:43:13 understand what happened how did the
0:43:14 christians end up with the doctrine of
0:43:16 the trinity and there are some academic
0:43:17 details which we
0:43:18 must cover i want to put it simply
0:43:22 it was the greek philosophy that
0:43:24 influenced early christian thinkers in
0:43:26 the second third and fourth century
0:43:28 that gave them the doctrine of the
0:43:29 trinity okay
0:43:31 also christopher christopher stead
0:43:33 states belief in the holy spirit is
0:43:36 upheld by a church tradition founded in
0:43:37 the bible of course
0:43:39 but failing clear guidance from the
0:43:41 philosophers his origin and function are
0:43:43 much less clearly worked out
0:43:45 and sometimes he almost disappears
0:43:46 behind the logos so that historians of
0:43:49 doctrine can speak of a binary in
0:43:51 tendency in the second century
0:43:52 so what christopher stud is saying here
0:43:54 is that um
0:43:56 jesus was attached to god the creator
0:43:59 who was also called
0:44:00 god the father in some sort of divinity
0:44:04 okay with some sort of divine nature
0:44:07 right some sort of divine nature were
0:44:09 assumed on the part of jesus christ
0:44:11 and it was claimed that he is divine in
0:44:13 some sense
0:44:15 by early philosophers christian
0:44:17 philosophers
0:44:18 but the holy spirit was not in the
0:44:20 equation yet
0:44:22 the holy spirit was not fully discussed
0:44:24 not fully and
0:44:25 understood that's why after the second
0:44:27 and third century
0:44:29 christians had binarian tendencies
0:44:32 they were taught they were talking about
0:44:34 god the father the creator and his son
0:44:36 jesus christ the logos
0:44:38 also called the logos and his
0:44:40 relationship with the father
0:44:41 so a lot of these greek platonic
0:44:43 thinkers
0:44:44 who happen to be christians they started
0:44:46 to use the greek philosophy
0:44:48 to give divine attributes to jesus
0:44:51 christ
0:44:52 and they started to assume some sort of
0:44:55 divinity on his part
0:44:57 but the holy spirit is still undecided
0:45:01 not clear don't know what the holy
0:45:03 spirit is
0:45:05 yet they don't fully know by the second
0:45:08 and the third century
0:45:10 then instead con continues
0:45:13 stating early in the next century both
0:45:15 tertullian and origin origen
0:45:17 insist on his importance and distinct
0:45:20 reality but a remarkable survival of the
0:45:22 older view is found
0:45:24 in athenaesius's the incarnation
0:45:28 no less where there is no mention of the
0:45:30 holy spirit until the final doxology
0:45:32 so what stud is saying that as late as
0:45:34 the time of tertullian who was a
0:45:36 early christian church father in the
0:45:38 late second century cen origen who was a
0:45:40 third
0:45:41 century christian church father there is
0:45:43 still no clarity on the holy spirit
0:45:48 even john henry newman later on
0:45:51 you know in the 19th century he was a
0:45:53 catholic cardinal
0:45:54 a very very well-known man a well-known
0:45:58 catholic
0:45:59 leader in victorian england he stated in
0:46:02 his book discussions and arguments on
0:46:04 various subjects
0:46:05 1899 page 114
0:46:09 he stated thus for instance a person who
0:46:11 denies the apostolic
0:46:12 succession of the ministry because it is
0:46:15 not clearly taught in scripture ought
0:46:17 i conceive if consistent to deny the
0:46:20 divinity of the holy spirit
0:46:21 which is nowhere literally stated in
0:46:23 scripture so what is john henry newman
0:46:25 saying here let me explain very quickly
0:46:28 he is a catholic cardinal i'm saying
0:46:31 previously as you saw up to the third
0:46:32 century the status of the holy spirit
0:46:34 is not clear even though some people had
0:46:37 started to believe
0:46:39 in the divinity of jesus christ in some
0:46:41 form
0:46:42 in some degree right
0:46:45 even though he's still not given the
0:46:47 status of being equal to god the father
0:46:49 in other words god the creator
0:46:51 he hasn't been given that status yet
0:46:54 that will come later
0:46:55 but some people because of greek
0:46:57 philosophy and
0:46:58 christian platonism had already started
0:47:01 to believe
0:47:02 in some form of divine nature of jesus
0:47:06 christ
0:47:07 okay even though he was still seen as a
0:47:09 subordinate of god the father he was
0:47:11 below god the father but he was still
0:47:13 divine in some sense
0:47:15 but the status of holy the holy spirit
0:47:17 was not clear
0:47:18 in the third century you know why
0:47:20 because these things were not stated in
0:47:22 the bible
0:47:23 anywhere they were not stated in the
0:47:25 bible anywhere that's why
0:47:26 catholics later on people like john
0:47:29 henry newman
0:47:30 you know when they had to face criticism
0:47:33 uh by protestants okay what were the
0:47:36 protestants
0:47:38 saying to the catholics after the
0:47:39 reformation they were saying
0:47:41 that your apostolic succession of the
0:47:44 ministry
0:47:45 cannot be found anywhere in the bible we
0:47:48 do not find
0:47:50 uh the evidence for papacy and having an
0:47:53 establishment like papacy
0:47:55 or infallibility of the pope things like
0:47:57 that
0:47:58 that the pope represents the apostles of
0:48:01 jesus christ
0:48:02 or the pope is the voice of god on earth
0:48:05 or the pope is an apostolic successor
0:48:09 we do not find ideas like that in the
0:48:11 bible so john henry newman
0:48:13 who was actually a catholic
0:48:16 defending apostolic succession of the
0:48:19 ministry
0:48:20 he stated thus for instance a person who
0:48:22 denies the apostolic succession of the
0:48:24 ministry
0:48:25 because it is not clearly taught in the
0:48:27 scripture or i conceive
0:48:29 if consistent to deny the divinity of
0:48:31 the holy spirit which is nowhere
0:48:32 literally stated in scripture
0:48:34 so newman is saying
0:48:37 that just because we believe in the
0:48:40 divinity of the holy ghost or the holy
0:48:42 spirit
0:48:44 just like that we must believe in the
0:48:46 apostolic succession of the ministry
0:48:48 because both of them are not mentioned
0:48:50 in the scripture
0:48:52 the holy spirit is not mentioned as god
0:48:54 anywhere in the holy scripture and yet
0:48:56 we the catholics and the protestants
0:48:58 believe
0:48:59 in the divinity of the holy spirit and
0:49:01 it is not stated anywhere clearly
0:49:04 in the bible so when you believe in the
0:49:07 holy spirit
0:49:08 and its divinity then you must also
0:49:11 believe
0:49:11 in the notion of the apostolical
0:49:13 succession of the ministry of
0:49:16 the pope in other words or the papacy
0:49:19 right so newman is in other words
0:49:23 indirectly saying that the divinity of
0:49:26 the holy ghost or the holy spirit
0:49:27 is not stated in the bible
0:49:31 now going back to the third century
0:49:33 origen who has been mentioned earlier as
0:49:36 one of the most learned men in christian
0:49:39 history in the third century
0:49:40 you know what he had to say about say
0:49:42 about the holy spirit now this is the
0:49:44 third century
0:49:45 if the trinity was in the bible it
0:49:48 if the doctrine of the trinity was
0:49:50 clearly stated in the bible
0:49:51 why are the christian church fathers as
0:49:54 late as the third century ce
0:49:57 nearly 250 years after jesus
0:50:00 parted this world okay jesus parted from
0:50:04 this world
0:50:05 somewhere around 30 ce people estimate
0:50:07 right
0:50:08 and nearly 250 years later origen is
0:50:11 writing in
0:50:12 palestine and he's writing the apostles
0:50:15 related that the holy spirit was
0:50:16 associated in honor and dignity with the
0:50:18 father and the son
0:50:20 but in his case it is not clearly
0:50:22 distinguished whether he
0:50:23 is to be regarded as generate or in
0:50:26 generate
0:50:27 or also as a son of god or not
0:50:30 for these are points which have to be
0:50:32 inquired
0:50:33 into art of sacred scripture according
0:50:35 to the best of our ability
0:50:37 and which demand careful investigation
0:50:40 and that
0:50:41 this spirit inspired each one of the
0:50:43 saints whether prophets or apostles
0:50:45 and that there are there was not one
0:50:48 spirit in the men of the old
0:50:50 dispensation and another in those who
0:50:53 were inspired at the advent of christ
0:50:56 is most clearly taught throughout the
0:50:59 church
0:51:00 so what is origin stating in his
0:51:03 work on first principles this quote has
0:51:06 been taken
0:51:07 from the book of origin
0:51:10 titled on first principles he writes
0:51:14 here that the holy spirit
0:51:17 the status of it is unknown we don't
0:51:19 know what it is
0:51:20 we still have to um
0:51:24 inquire into out of sacred scripture
0:51:26 according to the best of our ability to
0:51:28 understand
0:51:29 the status the nature and the role of
0:51:31 the holy spirit
0:51:33 which was called god by christians later
0:51:36 on in the 4th century
0:51:38 in the same sense as god the father and
0:51:42 later on jesus was also called god in
0:51:44 the same sense
0:51:45 as god the father so all three persons
0:51:48 even though their status was not
0:51:50 clearly stated in the bible right
0:51:52 especially
0:51:54 the holy spirit they were put on par
0:51:56 with each other god the father the
0:51:58 creator of the heavens and the earth
0:52:00 was put equal to god the son who is
0:52:03 jesus christ and then god the holy
0:52:05 spirit
0:52:06 uh in the fourth century and by
0:52:09 the mid-third century scholars like
0:52:11 origen are still
0:52:12 arguing that we don't yet know fully as
0:52:15 to who
0:52:16 the holy spirit is so christians have
0:52:18 been reading the bible for nearly 200
0:52:20 years
0:52:21 and they still don't understand the
0:52:23 status of the holy scripture
0:52:25 how can they possibly give divinity
0:52:28 or the divine status to the holy spirit
0:52:30 without knowing what it is
0:52:32 without knowing the details of it this
0:52:34 is a question
0:52:36 that really baffles me allahu akbar
0:52:40 now varying views on the holy spirit we
0:52:42 have talked about god the father who is
0:52:45 the true god
0:52:46 of the old testament and the new
0:52:48 testament according to the words of
0:52:49 jesus christ of course
0:52:51 we have talked about them now we're
0:52:53 talking about the holy spirit and its
0:52:54 status
0:52:55 and see whether the holy spirit was ever
0:52:58 called god
0:52:59 in the old testament or the new
0:53:00 testament and if it was not called god
0:53:03 why was it given the divine status later
0:53:06 on in the fourth century
0:53:07 which we we can find in the definition
0:53:10 of the doctrine of the trinity
0:53:12 so in 380 as late as 380 ce
0:53:16 nearly 350 years after jesus christ
0:53:20 nearly 350 years after jesus christ had
0:53:24 gone gregory of nazianzus in a sermon
0:53:27 gave an illuminating picture of the wide
0:53:29 variety of views
0:53:30 which still held the field he reports
0:53:34 some consider holy spirit to be a force
0:53:36 others a creature
0:53:38 others god others making the vagueness
0:53:40 of scripture the excuse declined to
0:53:42 commit
0:53:43 themselves of those who acknowledge
0:53:45 deity some
0:53:46 keep it as a pious opinion to themselves
0:53:48 others proclaim it openly and yet others
0:53:51 seem to postulate three persons
0:53:53 possessing deity in different degrees so
0:53:55 here
0:53:56 gregory answers in the 4th century is
0:53:59 saying
0:53:59 that the status of the holy spirit is
0:54:01 still not clear to christians
0:54:03 they have differing views on the holy
0:54:05 spirit so if the bible was so
0:54:06 categorical as the bible thumpers
0:54:09 and the bible bashers or the christian
0:54:12 missionaries or christian apologists
0:54:15 and christian debaters claim that the
0:54:16 bible is categorically clear on the
0:54:19 trinity
0:54:20 the trinity is there we can read it they
0:54:22 are reading the trinity
0:54:24 into it it is not there what they're
0:54:26 doing is israelis not exegesis
0:54:28 they are reading an idea into the text
0:54:31 they're not
0:54:32 reading the text and taking ideas from
0:54:35 the text
0:54:35 rather they have an idea in their mind
0:54:38 which is the doctrine of the trinity and
0:54:39 they are reading it
0:54:40 into the text and they are insisting for
0:54:44 centuries
0:54:45 even though the early christians for the
0:54:48 first 400 years
0:54:49 had no idea how to reconcile these ideas
0:54:53 with the scripture the ideas they had
0:54:56 come to believe in
0:54:57 so brothers and sisters we will be
0:54:59 writing a very detailed paper on this
0:55:01 very topic
0:55:02 the paper is forthcoming it will be
0:55:04 published by sapiens institute inshallah
0:55:07 remember to read that paper the same
0:55:10 topic will be addressed
0:55:11 in the paper with all the references so
0:55:13 that you can go and check these
0:55:14 references
0:55:16 or the ideas we are presenting in this
0:55:18 webinar so the paper is
0:55:20 forthcoming inshallah in due course in
0:55:22 the coming weeks or months
0:55:23 inshallah the paper will also will be
0:55:26 with you
0:55:27 it is a research paper on the same topic
0:55:30 uh
0:55:30 the doctrine of the bible the doctrine
0:55:32 of the trinity man-made or divinely
0:55:35 stipulated
0:55:36 the doctrine of the trinity man-made or
0:55:38 divinely stipulated
0:55:40 is the idea is the topic of the paper
0:55:43 and please do not forget to get your
0:55:45 hands on that paper once
0:55:47 it is issued
0:55:50 likewise another church father called
0:55:52 basil of caesarea
0:55:54 uh he had this to say and this quote is
0:55:58 taken from stewart g hall's doctrine and
0:56:01 practice
0:56:02 in the early church on page 158
0:56:05 the classic idea of the core substantial
0:56:07 trinity obviously entails the deity of
0:56:09 the holy spirit
0:56:10 of the same substance as the father and
0:56:11 the son
0:56:13 this was apparently an advance on what
0:56:15 had been defined before even at nicaea
0:56:18 and was recognized
0:56:19 as in a sense a development of doctrine
0:56:23 and this he he refers to gregory of
0:56:25 nazianzus the one we just read
0:56:27 but it was necessary to persuade many
0:56:29 who felt it went too far
0:56:31 okay so here um
0:56:35 steven g hall is saying that this idea
0:56:39 okay uh was
0:56:42 an extension okay it
0:56:45 obviously entails the idea of the
0:56:47 trinity it entails the deity of the holy
0:56:49 spirit
0:56:50 which could not be found anywhere in the
0:56:52 scripture okay
0:56:54 but the church fathers later on they
0:56:56 insisted
0:56:57 that this this idea should be added into
0:56:59 the trinity
0:57:01 now he continues steven g hall continues
0:57:06 telling us he status of sebasti
0:57:09 an early friend of basil and associate
0:57:12 in his monastic enterprise was
0:57:13 metropolitan of the neighboring province
0:57:15 but he was a leader perhaps the leader
0:57:17 of
0:57:19 pneuma tamaki and it must be a group of
0:57:23 christians
0:57:24 and basil tried hard to contain him and
0:57:27 is like within the orthodox camp
0:57:29 it is therefore notable that while
0:57:31 adopting formula and language with
0:57:33 plainly
0:57:34 which plainly imply the core substantial
0:57:36 trinity
0:57:37 basil does not write of the holy spirit
0:57:39 as god or as a co-substantial with the
0:57:41 father
0:57:42 so in a letter asserting the one essence
0:57:45 he concludes god the father and god the
0:57:47 son but the divine holy spirit
0:57:49 he does not want to expose his case to
0:57:51 to the retort
0:57:52 that it adds unbiblical titles titles to
0:57:55 the spirit
0:57:56 though there can be no doubt about what
0:57:59 he believes
0:58:00 right so in other words david g hall is
0:58:02 referring to one of the writings of
0:58:03 basil of caesarea who was a trinitarian
0:58:06 but even he didn't have
0:58:08 the guts and the courage to give
0:58:11 the title of god to the holy spirit even
0:58:14 in the fourth century
0:58:15 even in the fourth century basil of
0:58:17 caesarea in his writings could not refer
0:58:19 to the holy spirit as god but rather he
0:58:22 called the holy spirit the divine holy
0:58:24 spirit
0:58:25 right so the christians unfortunately
0:58:29 christian church fathers christian
0:58:31 philosophers christian thinkers
0:58:33 were wrestling with these ideas that
0:58:36 were imposed upon them by the greek
0:58:38 philosophy
0:58:39 and they tried to justify these alien
0:58:41 ideas
0:58:42 from the bible and in the process they
0:58:45 interpreted
0:58:46 misinterpreted and misinterpreted the
0:58:48 misinterpretations
0:58:50 to get the ideas they came up with and
0:58:53 lo and behold the final product was
0:58:56 the equality of the father the son and
0:58:58 the holy spirit
0:58:59 in other words the doctrine of the
0:59:00 trinity
0:59:02 even the creator and i see as you can
0:59:04 see it on the screen was
0:59:05 essentially binarian because the
0:59:07 discussion that happened in
0:59:09 uh the council of nicaea that took place
0:59:12 now
0:59:12 there were many church councils remember
0:59:15 when these disputes arose among
0:59:17 christian thinkers
0:59:18 whether the holy spirit is god or not
0:59:20 whether jesus christ is god or not and
0:59:23 if he's god
0:59:24 what sense is he i mean what kind of
0:59:26 divine personality is he
0:59:28 what kind of status does he have what is
0:59:31 his relationship
0:59:32 with the father the creator of the
0:59:33 heavens and the earth so if jesus christ
0:59:35 is god
0:59:36 what type of god is he how far does his
0:59:38 divinity go these ideas were wrestled
0:59:40 with by christian platonist
0:59:42 christian greek philosophers for
0:59:43 centuries who happen to be the christian
0:59:45 church fathers at the same time
0:59:47 so these ideas were wrestled with these
0:59:50 ideas were talked and discussed
0:59:52 and and then they were put to
0:59:55 christian church councils what would
0:59:57 happen in these councils
0:59:59 bishops from around the christian world
1:00:01 would get together to discuss these
1:00:03 doctrinal issues
1:00:04 and then they would formulate a
1:00:06 conclusion
1:00:07 and this conclusion would be binding
1:00:09 upon
1:00:11 all all participants and this is exactly
1:00:14 what
1:00:15 was attempted in the council of nicaea
1:00:18 which took place
1:00:19 in the year 325 ce and emperor
1:00:22 constantine
1:00:23 the roman emperor himself was present in
1:00:25 the proceedings
1:00:26 of this council and the findings of
1:00:29 these council
1:00:31 the findings of this council were
1:00:34 binarian
1:00:34 so jesus christ was declared to be god
1:00:37 like god the father for example we
1:00:39 believe in one god
1:00:40 this was the conclusion this was the
1:00:42 creed of nicea
1:00:44 the conclusion of that particular
1:00:46 council which was held between
1:00:48 318 christian bishops although the
1:00:51 majority of them did not agree with this
1:00:53 formulation
1:00:54 they were forced to accept it by the
1:00:57 roman emperor
1:00:58 constantine so most christians who
1:01:00 accepted
1:01:02 the the conclusion or the creed of
1:01:04 nicaea
1:01:05 they were forced to accept it by the
1:01:07 roman emperor
1:01:08 at the time who was constantine the
1:01:10 great
1:01:12 so what was the creed we believe in one
1:01:15 god
1:01:16 the father almighty maker of all things
1:01:19 visible and invisible
1:01:21 and in one lord jesus christ the son of
1:01:23 god begotten from the father only
1:01:25 begotten
1:01:26 that is from the substance of the father
1:01:28 god from god
1:01:29 light from light true god from true god
1:01:31 begotten not made
1:01:33 so in other words here jesus christ was
1:01:37 given the same
1:01:38 status as god the father the creator of
1:01:40 the heavens and the earth
1:01:41 and even though the majority of the
1:01:43 bishops did not agree with this
1:01:44 formulation
1:01:45 they were forced to accept the view of
1:01:47 the minority
1:01:49 people like athanasius athenaeus was a
1:01:51 church father who was present in this
1:01:53 council
1:01:53 this was his view and majority was
1:01:56 forced to accept
1:01:57 this view on gunpoint or on sort
1:02:01 on on on the tip of sword basically
1:02:03 right
1:02:04 so this is how the creed of nicaea was
1:02:07 formulated but even this creed
1:02:09 did not regard the holy spirit as god
1:02:13 so even the creed of nicea is not
1:02:15 trinitarian
1:02:16 strictly speaking it is a binarian's
1:02:18 creed
1:02:20 and today all christians they profess
1:02:23 belief in this creed
1:02:25 they profess believe in this creed which
1:02:27 was
1:02:28 forced upon the christian bishops at the
1:02:30 time present
1:02:31 in this council so when you see the
1:02:35 the the last sentence of the first
1:02:37 paragraph of the creed
1:02:39 it says and will come to judge the
1:02:41 living and the dead
1:02:42 and in the holy spirit so we believe in
1:02:44 the holy spirit
1:02:46 what is the holy spirit god man
1:02:49 spirit what is it no clarity no clarity
1:02:53 and this clarity came about very very
1:02:56 late
1:02:57 50 years later after the creed of nicea
1:03:02 so what was the uh aftermath of nicaea
1:03:05 nicea was not accepted and many other
1:03:07 church councils were held
1:03:09 on official church council because the
1:03:11 emperor did not endorse them
1:03:13 uh so these unofficial church councils
1:03:16 held by
1:03:17 christian church fathers uh they tried
1:03:19 to cancel
1:03:21 the formulation um
1:03:24 of the creed of nicaea or the council of
1:03:26 nicea so many other councils were held
1:03:28 later on okay eusebius of caesarea
1:03:31 excommunicated by ocs as antioch uh as
1:03:35 early as 325 ce
1:03:36 so eusebius of caesarea who was present
1:03:39 in
1:03:39 the council on ica did not agree with
1:03:41 the crete and he uh
1:03:44 later on to challenge the creed held
1:03:46 another council
1:03:48 elsewhere in antioch uh sorry not in
1:03:50 antioch elsewhere in
1:03:51 in palestine and the bishop of antioch
1:03:55 excommunicated in other words made the
1:03:57 fear of eusebius officers area
1:04:00 so june 325 constantly i see a health
1:04:02 and arius has sympathizers condemned
1:04:04 officially heretics
1:04:05 eusebius or you're not happy with the
1:04:07 second edition of the phrase the sun
1:04:09 is the same substance as the father by
1:04:11 the emperor the emperor assured that the
1:04:13 term is not to be taken in
1:04:15 any corporeal sense in other words
1:04:18 eusebius of caesarea
1:04:19 who had a majority of followers in this
1:04:22 council
1:04:23 yet he came with 200 bishops by the way
1:04:25 the total number of bishops in the
1:04:27 council of nicaea
1:04:28 was 318. eusebius of caesarea he came
1:04:31 with 200 bishops and he did not
1:04:33 like the conclusion of the council of
1:04:36 nicaea
1:04:37 so that's why he was later on condemned
1:04:40 by aussies
1:04:41 who was constantine's ecclesiastical
1:04:44 confident who was a trinitarian
1:04:47 then what other aftermaths happened then
1:04:50 eusebius and his followers were
1:04:52 carving new creeds omitting the homo
1:04:55 usion
1:04:56 a term which was added it's a greek term
1:04:58 added into the creed
1:05:00 of nicaea by the emperor himself the
1:05:02 emperor constantine
1:05:04 okay so eusebians were carving new
1:05:07 creeds omitting the homo usion
1:05:09 in antioch 341ce then
1:05:12 philopopolis in 342 and antioch again in
1:05:15 344 so these
1:05:17 these church fathers kept meeting with
1:05:18 each other to cancel the findings of the
1:05:20 creed of nazir because
1:05:22 they did not believe jesus to be um
1:05:25 as jesus to be the same as god the
1:05:27 father
1:05:29 and many more church councils were held
1:05:32 later on discussing
1:05:33 similar topics similar issues where
1:05:36 these
1:05:36 points of theology were discussed
1:05:38 thoroughly in detail
1:05:42 church fathers on core equality and the
1:05:44 father and
1:05:45 the son so now we will be talking about
1:05:48 the
1:05:48 equality of the father and the son i'll
1:05:50 quickly take a drink
1:05:51 inshaallah uh so what we have covered so
1:05:55 far
1:05:55 is uh the fact that how
1:05:59 the doctrine of the trinity was uh
1:06:02 reached how it was formulated
1:06:06 we have seen that it took christians
1:06:09 400 years almost 400 years
1:06:12 to reach this doctrine
1:06:17 and this doctrine
1:06:20 was rejected even in the fourth century
1:06:22 by the majority of christians
1:06:25 and those who were forced to accept it
1:06:28 they went out and they started to hold
1:06:30 their own councils
1:06:32 unofficial council so far so called
1:06:35 and in these councils they started to
1:06:37 cancel
1:06:39 the findings or the conclusions of the
1:06:41 earlier official councils
1:06:44 so what did the church fathers early
1:06:47 church fathers in the first three
1:06:48 centuries had to say about
1:06:50 the notion of the core equality of the
1:06:52 father and the son
1:06:53 which is what the creed of nishiya did
1:06:55 this is where you see
1:06:57 the creed of nicaea here god the father
1:07:00 and god the son
1:07:01 have been put on par with each other
1:07:03 they are exactly the same
1:07:05 in status right this was not the case
1:07:08 in the first 300 years because the
1:07:10 council of nicaea was held
1:07:12 in 325 ce uh it was the finding of this
1:07:16 council
1:07:16 to put jesus christ on par with the
1:07:19 father
1:07:20 make him equal to god the creator but in
1:07:23 the first three centuries
1:07:24 before the council of nicaea this view
1:07:27 was not popular
1:07:28 among the church fathers even if they
1:07:31 believed in some
1:07:33 sort of divinity of jesus christ in some
1:07:35 form
1:07:36 they did not consider jesus christ to be
1:07:38 divine
1:07:39 like the father or the creator of the
1:07:41 heavens and the earth
1:07:43 even though if jesus was divine in their
1:07:45 view
1:07:46 he was not like the father he was not
1:07:48 coequal to the father
1:07:49 how do we know this this is clearly
1:07:52 stated
1:07:53 in the writings of origin origin
1:07:57 in his book the first principle he
1:08:00 states the god
1:08:01 and father who holds the universe
1:08:03 together is superior to every being that
1:08:06 exists
1:08:07 for he imparts to each one from his own
1:08:10 existence
1:08:12 that which each one is the son being
1:08:15 less than the father so in other words
1:08:16 origin is saying jesus christ
1:08:18 is less than the father okay
1:08:22 so the father is superior to rational
1:08:24 creatures alone
1:08:26 so the son is superior to rational
1:08:28 creatures but not
1:08:29 superior or equal to the father he is
1:08:32 below the father
1:08:33 for he is second to the father the holy
1:08:36 spirit is still less
1:08:37 and dwells within the saint saints alone
1:08:40 so that in this way
1:08:41 the power of the father is greater than
1:08:43 that of the son
1:08:45 and of the holy spirit and that of the
1:08:47 son is more than
1:08:48 that of the holy spirit so origen he
1:08:51 believed
1:08:52 in a hierarchy of authority to origen
1:08:55 who was
1:08:56 who was a third century church father
1:08:58 who was a greek philosopher
1:08:59 also a platonist a christian platonist
1:09:02 he believed
1:09:03 that the father is supreme and then the
1:09:06 son
1:09:07 is below him and then the holy spirit
1:09:10 okay
1:09:10 this is called subordinationism this is
1:09:13 called
1:09:14 in christian historical terms this is
1:09:17 called
1:09:17 subordinationism and most if not all
1:09:21 church fathers
1:09:22 most when i say most i'm saying 99 of
1:09:25 them
1:09:26 most if not all church fathers in the
1:09:28 first 300
1:09:30 hundred years of christianity were
1:09:31 subordinationists
1:09:33 none of them in the first 300 years put
1:09:36 jesus christ
1:09:37 equal with the father none of them
1:09:41 believed that jesus christ was equal to
1:09:43 the father just like the doctrine of the
1:09:45 trinity today
1:09:46 claims what was the definition of the
1:09:48 doctrine of the trinity
1:09:49 if you remember there are three persons
1:09:51 in one being god the father
1:09:53 god the son and god the holy spirit and
1:09:56 all three are coequal and co-eternal
1:09:59 this conception
1:10:01 was non-existent in the first 300 years
1:10:04 in fact what you had was
1:10:06 subordinationism which is clearly stated
1:10:08 in this quote
1:10:09 of origin origin even said
1:10:12 we should not pray to any generate being
1:10:15 not even to christ
1:10:16 only to the god and father of the
1:10:19 universe
1:10:19 allahu akbar so in other words origen
1:10:22 was
1:10:23 origin far from being a pagan or far
1:10:26 from being a polytheist
1:10:28 he believed that we must worship one god
1:10:31 alone
1:10:32 which we cannot even we cannot pray even
1:10:34 to jesus christ
1:10:35 we must pray to the creator of the
1:10:37 heavens and the earth
1:10:39 augustine he stated
1:10:43 in one of his writings or is it because
1:10:45 scripture does not call these three
1:10:47 either three persons or one person for
1:10:49 we read of the person of the lord
1:10:51 but not of the lord as a person okay
1:10:54 that therefore it was lawful
1:10:56 through the mere necessity of speaking
1:10:58 and reasoning to say three persons
1:11:00 not because scripture says it but but
1:11:02 because scripture does not contradict it
1:11:04 whereas if we were to say three gods
1:11:07 scripture would contradict it
1:11:09 which is hero israel the lord your god
1:11:11 is one god
1:11:12 why then is it not also lawful to say
1:11:15 three essences
1:11:16 which in like manner as as scripture
1:11:18 does not say
1:11:19 so neither does it contradict it so
1:11:21 augustine to justify the doctrine of the
1:11:23 trinity
1:11:24 um okay to put the three persons
1:11:27 with each other he used this logic that
1:11:30 because the scripture does not contrary
1:11:32 to
1:11:32 contradict it we can say it but the
1:11:34 christian the scripture does contradict
1:11:36 it
1:11:37 the scripture does contradict uh this
1:11:39 particular notion of the trinity
1:11:40 in so many different places as we have
1:11:42 already seen
1:11:44 so how was the doctrine of the trinity
1:11:46 formulated we have seen the doctrine of
1:11:48 the trinity was formulated
1:11:50 by some trinitarian
1:11:53 platonic christian church fathers who
1:11:56 were greek philosophers
1:11:57 as well as theologians it was formulated
1:12:01 by them in the fourth century
1:12:02 and then it was import imposed on the
1:12:05 masses
1:12:06 and on the christians by the roman
1:12:08 empress
1:12:09 first constantine had to add
1:12:12 ideas into the creed of nicea which
1:12:14 could not be found in the bible and
1:12:16 later on
1:12:17 emperor theodosius in the year
1:12:21 381 he issued this theodosian code
1:12:24 whereby it is clearly stated that anyone
1:12:26 who does not believe
1:12:28 in the doctrine of the trinity will be
1:12:29 considered to be a criminal and will be
1:12:32 treated as such
1:12:33 so you can see the quote on the screen
1:12:36 theodosian code 1612
1:12:38 okay theodosian code 1612
1:12:42 you can read clearly the law which was
1:12:45 issued
1:12:46 at the time of emperor theory emperor
1:12:48 theodosius immediately after
1:12:50 the council of constantinople which was
1:12:52 held in 381
1:12:54 ce so what happened in the council of
1:12:57 constantinople
1:12:59 after the council of nicaea as i have
1:13:01 already discussed
1:13:02 the status of the holy spirit was not
1:13:04 discussed it wasn't elaborated upon
1:13:07 so there was a vacuum there was a gap
1:13:10 left on that point so this gap was
1:13:13 filled
1:13:14 50 years later in constantinopol where
1:13:17 church fathers got together
1:13:19 and they decided that the holy spirit is
1:13:22 also god like the son and the father so
1:13:25 therefore there are three persons not
1:13:27 two
1:13:27 there are three persons who are fully
1:13:29 god and they are coequal and co-eternal
1:13:32 so this idea was finalized
1:13:35 finally in the year 381 ce in the fourth
1:13:38 century
1:13:39 okay and then emperor theodosius forced
1:13:42 this doctrine upon the entire christian
1:13:46 world which lived under the roman empire
1:13:48 and you can see the quotes
1:13:50 on the screen there how this was done so
1:13:52 for example
1:13:54 we command that those persons who follow
1:13:56 this rule shall embrace the name of
1:13:58 catholic
1:13:59 christians the rest however whom we are
1:14:02 judged demented and insane
1:14:04 shall sustain the infamy of heretical
1:14:06 dogmas they're melting sorry their
1:14:08 meeting places shall not receive the
1:14:09 name of churches
1:14:10 and they shall be smitten first by
1:14:12 divine vengeance and second by the
1:14:14 retribution of our own initiative which
1:14:17 we shall assume
1:14:18 in accordance with the divine judgment
1:14:21 another
1:14:21 point in uh theodosian court 16
1:14:25 528 it states the persons who may be
1:14:28 discovered to deviate
1:14:29 even in a minor point of doctrine from
1:14:32 the tenets and the path of the catholic
1:14:34 religion
1:14:35 are included under the designation of
1:14:37 heretics and must be
1:14:39 subject to the sanctions which have been
1:14:41 issued against them
1:14:43 your experience therefore shall
1:14:44 recognize that
1:14:46 heurisius shall be considered a heretic
1:14:50 and not among the number of most holy
1:14:52 bishops this was law by the way the
1:14:54 roman law
1:14:55 issued against those who disagree with
1:14:57 the catholic church
1:14:59 or catholic religion which was the
1:15:01 doctrine of the trinity
1:15:02 they will be smitten by the roman empire
1:15:06 so first how we saw how
1:15:10 the doctrine of the trinity cannot be
1:15:11 found in the bible
1:15:13 okay the church fathers confirmed that
1:15:16 later scholars confirmed that it is not
1:15:19 in the bible
1:15:20 catholic encyclopedia confirmed it bruce
1:15:23 metzger's
1:15:24 oxford companion to the bible confirmed
1:15:26 it many many scholars have said it
1:15:28 okay now if that's the case how did the
1:15:31 christians
1:15:32 formulate or construct the doctrine of
1:15:34 the trinity if it's not in the bible
1:15:36 we saw that in the second third and
1:15:39 fourth century
1:15:40 christian platonist christian greek
1:15:43 philosophers
1:15:44 they wanted to justify the relationship
1:15:47 of
1:15:47 the son to the father or
1:15:51 jesus the son of god who was called the
1:15:52 son of god by paul
1:15:54 using pagan ideas at the time how do we
1:15:57 justify
1:15:58 jesus sonship in relation to the father
1:16:01 so they put jesus
1:16:02 on par with the father because the
1:16:04 father made jesus
1:16:06 from his own essence and by that virtue
1:16:08 the son is the same as the father they
1:16:10 are co-equal
1:16:11 right so this is how they came up with
1:16:13 these ideas as we have seen
1:16:15 in this webinar and how it was imposed
1:16:18 on the christians
1:16:19 is another question and this is the
1:16:21 point this is how
1:16:23 the doctrine of the trinity was imposed
1:16:25 upon the christian world
1:16:26 in the 4th century using the roman might
1:16:30 later on many christian scholars
1:16:34 who wrote against the doctrine of the
1:16:35 trinity having studied the history which
1:16:37 we have presented in this webinar
1:16:39 they abandoned they abandoned the
1:16:41 doctrine of the trinity and
1:16:43 even as late as the reformation period
1:16:45 in the 16th century
1:16:47 people started to write books against
1:16:49 the doctrine of the trinity one of them
1:16:50 was michael cevitas
1:16:51 who was burnt at stake in geneva by
1:16:54 calvin one of the reformers
1:16:56 calvin caught michael cevitas because he
1:16:58 had written a book titled
1:17:00 errors of trinity and michael cevitas
1:17:04 he said things like this in his book and
1:17:07 this is one of the quotes
1:17:08 how much this tradition of trinity has
1:17:10 lost alas being the laughing stock of
1:17:12 the muhammadans
1:17:14 only god knows the jews also shrink from
1:17:16 giving endurance
1:17:17 to this fancy of ours and laugh at our
1:17:19 foolishness
1:17:20 about the trinity and on account of its
1:17:22 blasphemies
1:17:23 they do not believe that this is the
1:17:25 messiah promised in the law
1:17:27 and not only the muhammadans and the
1:17:29 hebrews but the very beast of the field
1:17:31 would make fun of us with the grasp of
1:17:34 fantastic notion
1:17:35 for all the workers of the lord bless
1:17:37 the one god
1:17:38 this most burning plague therefore was
1:17:41 added and superimposed as it were on the
1:17:44 new gods
1:17:45 which have recently come which our
1:17:47 fathers did not worship
1:17:48 and this plague of philosophy was
1:17:50 brought upon us by the greeks
1:17:51 for they above all men are most given to
1:17:54 philosophy
1:17:55 and we hanging upon the lips have become
1:17:58 philosophers and they never understood
1:18:00 the passages
1:18:00 of the scriptures which they are used
1:18:02 with regard to this matter
1:18:04 michael cevitas wrote this
1:18:08 in 1550s and in 1553
1:18:11 he was burnt at stake by a coalition of
1:18:15 the catholic church
1:18:16 and the protestants at the time
1:18:20 even thomas jefferson later on writes
1:18:22 about the doctrine of the trinity the
1:18:24 founding father
1:18:25 or one of the founding fathers of the
1:18:27 united states of america
1:18:29 he wrote an unintelligible proposition
1:18:32 of platonic mysticism
1:18:33 that three are one and one is three and
1:18:36 yet
1:18:36 one is not three and three are not one i
1:18:38 never had sense enough to
1:18:40 comprehend the trinity and it appeared
1:18:42 to me that comprehension must precede
1:18:44 ascent absolutely so thomas jefferson is
1:18:47 saying
1:18:48 because he cannot comprehend the
1:18:50 doctrine of the trinity he cannot ascend
1:18:52 to it
1:18:53 you cannot accept it in other words
1:18:57 so now to some of the
1:19:02 objections of christians
1:19:05 they say that the church father was
1:19:08 subordinationist
1:19:10 in the rational sense not ontological
1:19:12 sense the church fathers did not
1:19:14 actually believe
1:19:15 that jesus christ was ontologically
1:19:18 subordinate
1:19:19 to the father but rather he was
1:19:22 rationally subordinate
1:19:23 but the response to that is and we will
1:19:27 go through the slides some argue that
1:19:29 the early church's view on subordination
1:19:31 were not ontological
1:19:32 rather they were in reference to a
1:19:33 rational subordination
1:19:35 they maintain that the doctrine of the
1:19:37 trinity is preserved because the
1:19:38 ontology of the three persons is that
1:19:40 they are all divine
1:19:41 coequal and coeternal it is just that
1:19:44 one of the persons relates to the other
1:19:46 person is a subordinated way
1:19:48 this is heretical as it dismissed
1:19:52 or sorry it diminishes the maximal
1:19:54 perfection of god
1:19:55 christian theologians would find it
1:19:57 difficult to conclude that god
1:19:59 one of the persons of the trinity
1:20:00 relates in a way that is not divine
1:20:02 okay which is rationally inferior in
1:20:04 other words if
1:20:06 god is rationally inferior to another
1:20:08 person
1:20:10 of god then that person who is
1:20:12 rationally inferior is not truly god
1:20:14 because inferiority
1:20:15 is not a divine attribute inferiority
1:20:18 cannot be a divine attribute
1:20:20 therefore it contradicts the idea does
1:20:22 not fit
1:20:25 even if they do accept this it has
1:20:27 immense theological implications because
1:20:29 it
1:20:29 implies god relates in a way that is not
1:20:31 perfect so inferiority is an
1:20:33 imperfection god cannot be imperfect
1:20:36 therefore this cannot
1:20:37 relate to god for if subordination
1:20:41 was assumed to be rational it still
1:20:43 doesn't help christian theologians
1:20:45 and christian apologists because any
1:20:48 subordination of any type any
1:20:51 inferiority to another person
1:20:53 albeit in godhead cannot be
1:20:56 regarded as a perfection rather it can
1:20:58 be seen as a weakness and god cannot be
1:20:59 weak in any shape or form
1:21:02 rejecting the church fathers would be
1:21:03 rejecting the bible because they are the
1:21:05 ones who gave the bible
1:21:06 to posterity they are the ones who
1:21:08 collected it they are the ones who
1:21:10 interpreted it they are the ones who
1:21:12 put it forward and later on in the
1:21:14 fourth century
1:21:15 unbiblical ideas were imposed on the
1:21:18 bible
1:21:19 and then early church fathers are
1:21:21 completely ignored
1:21:22 and rejecting those church fathers for
1:21:24 the first 300 years
1:21:26 is rejecting the bible you might as well
1:21:29 throw the bible
1:21:30 into the sea if you throw the church
1:21:32 fathers into the sea
1:21:34 right so if you throw the church fathers
1:21:36 away
1:21:37 with the bath water then you might as
1:21:39 well throw away the bible as well
1:21:40 because
1:21:41 church fathers are the ones who
1:21:43 transmitted the bible some would argue
1:21:45 that the early church fathers must not
1:21:46 be considered as authorities for
1:21:48 scriptural interpretation therefore they
1:21:49 do not have to accept this argument
1:21:51 this is a problematic response the main
1:21:54 criteria for canonicity of the bible
1:21:56 was that it aligned itself with the
1:21:58 church
1:21:59 teachings church teachings so to reject
1:22:02 the church
1:22:02 is equivalent of rejecting the bible how
1:22:05 can you reject the teachings of the
1:22:06 church subordination binarianism and
1:22:09 etc etc and accept the bible the bible
1:22:12 was only accepted as an authority
1:22:13 because it was agreed with the church
1:22:15 it agreed with the church teachings you
1:22:18 cannot have your cake and eat it as they
1:22:19 say
1:22:22 now the conclusion after this webinar is
1:22:25 nearly done it's nearly complete
1:22:27 the conclusion is the doctrine of the
1:22:29 trinity
1:22:30 that is one divine essence and three
1:22:32 persons that are co-equal and co-eternal
1:22:34 is not a natural reading of the
1:22:37 scripture
1:22:38 of the christian scripture and the
1:22:41 teachings of the church fathers
1:22:43 is not a natural reading of jesus's
1:22:45 teachings
1:22:46 and it to reject the early church father
1:22:49 is equivalent
1:22:50 of rejecting the bible so the doctrine
1:22:53 of the trinity
1:22:54 in conclusion my brothers and sisters uh
1:22:56 i want to go back
1:22:58 to the very second slide if you don't
1:23:00 mind
1:23:01 and read what we have covered in this
1:23:04 particular
1:23:07 uh webinar we've covered the following
1:23:09 points what is the doctrine of the
1:23:11 trinity we explain this is the
1:23:12 definition of the doctrine of the
1:23:13 trinity which was formulated
1:23:15 in the fourth century it is not in the
1:23:18 bible it cannot be seen anywhere in the
1:23:19 bible
1:23:20 this particular definition was reached
1:23:22 and formulated
1:23:23 in the 4th century this definition did
1:23:25 not exist
1:23:26 in the 2nd century in the 3rd century
1:23:29 of christian history rather it only came
1:23:32 about
1:23:33 in the latter quarter of the 4th century
1:23:37 in the last 25 years of the 4th century
1:23:40 in other words
1:23:41 after 375 ce this particular definition
1:23:45 was formulated
1:23:46 okay so the quranic view on the trinity
1:23:50 we saw the quran condemns the doctrine
1:23:51 of the trinity as a forgery
1:23:53 as a concoction of man it has nothing to
1:23:56 do with the revelation of god
1:23:58 or the prophets the old testament and
1:24:00 the new testament
1:24:02 represents a uni personal god not a
1:24:05 tri-personal god or not a multi-personal
1:24:07 god
1:24:08 that was clearly established then the
1:24:11 doctrine cannot be found in the bible
1:24:13 we saw it cannot be found in the bible
1:24:15 and we presented plenty of evidence in
1:24:17 that regard
1:24:19 then the disputes about the doctrine you
1:24:22 know
1:24:22 how do we understand jesus how big is he
1:24:25 how small is he how god is he
1:24:26 how godly is he how divine is he is he
1:24:29 subordinate
1:24:30 is he equal is he less is the holy
1:24:32 spirit god
1:24:33 if it's not god what is it all of that
1:24:36 was covered in the webinar
1:24:37 and this this shows this again goes to
1:24:40 show that if the doctrine of the trinity
1:24:42 was clearly stipulated in the bible
1:24:44 these debates would not be taking place
1:24:47 church fathers on co-equality of the
1:24:49 father and the son we also showed that
1:24:51 the church fathers
1:24:52 far from being trinitarian trinitarians
1:24:54 in the modern sense
1:24:55 they were subordinationists they did not
1:24:58 believe in the co-equality of the father
1:24:59 and the son
1:25:00 let alone the equality of the holy
1:25:03 spirit with the father
1:25:06 so responding to the defenses we did
1:25:09 that and that was the conclusion so now
1:25:11 brothers and sisters
1:25:12 we can go to q a you can ask your
1:25:15 questions
1:25:15 i am officially done with the webinar
1:25:19 the content has been covered may allah
1:25:21 bless you thank you so much for your
1:25:22 patience
1:25:23 thank you so much for listening and
1:25:25 watching so now we are done with the
1:25:27 webinar
1:25:28 you are welcome to ask your questions
1:25:29 bismillah
1:25:33 admin if there are any questions please
1:25:34 send them forward to me so that i can
1:25:36 answer those questions
1:25:53 um
1:26:02 if there are any questions uh i request
1:26:03 from admin to
1:26:05 put them forward to me inshaallah
1:26:48 um
1:26:55 so what i'll do is i will try to read
1:26:58 your questions from the chats
1:27:00 and okay
1:27:07 right uh
1:27:10 there is a question did the earliest
1:27:12 christians believe in a trinity that was
1:27:14 the webinar
1:27:15 um this is exactly what we discussed
1:27:18 throughout the webinar please watch the
1:27:20 webinar again inshaallah and you'll get
1:27:21 the answer
1:27:22 the earliest christians did not believe
1:27:24 in the trinity or the doctrine of the
1:27:26 trinity they believed in a trinity okay
1:27:28 sorry sorry
1:27:29 maybe i misunderstood the question did
1:27:31 the earliest questions believe
1:27:32 in a trinity not the trinity not the
1:27:35 the doctrine of the trinity did they
1:27:37 believe in a trinity
1:27:38 is the question that's a very good
1:27:40 question uh
1:27:41 there are christians who did believe in
1:27:44 a triadic formula
1:27:46 how they believed in it is a very good
1:27:48 question they were all subordinationists
1:27:51 so for example tetrulian talks about a
1:27:54 trinity
1:27:54 he talks about a trinity he talks about
1:27:57 the father the son
1:27:58 and the holy spirit but even tertullian
1:28:01 was
1:28:02 a subordinationist tertullian believed
1:28:04 that the father made the son
1:28:06 jesus christ from his essence and then
1:28:08 jesus christ
1:28:09 made the holy spirit from his essence
1:28:12 although this
1:28:12 is a trinity but it is not the doctrine
1:28:15 of the trinity it is a conception of the
1:28:17 trinity
1:28:18 albeit as a body nation is one so the so
1:28:21 tertullian
1:28:22 was a subordinationist he was not a
1:28:25 trinitarian
1:28:26 in uh the current sense or in
1:28:29 light of the doctrine of the trinity
1:28:32 which was defined in the fourth century
1:28:34 so there was a trinity no doubt okay
1:28:36 there was a binary
1:28:38 there were christians who believed in
1:28:39 only one god and that that was the
1:28:42 majority by the way
1:28:43 for the first 300 years majority of the
1:28:46 christians
1:28:47 believed only in one god one person one
1:28:50 being
1:28:51 right but there were those who believed
1:28:53 in god the father and god the son
1:28:56 but the son was always below the father
1:28:58 in his divinity
1:28:59 then there are there were those who
1:29:01 believed that
1:29:02 god the father is supreme god the son is
1:29:06 below him
1:29:06 and god the holy spirit if the holy
1:29:09 spirit was called
1:29:11 god ever i mean there is very little
1:29:13 evidence for that
1:29:14 is below the sun so there was a
1:29:17 discussion on
1:29:18 a trinity but not the doctrine of the
1:29:20 trinity okay
1:29:21 the doctrine of the trinity as it is
1:29:23 divided defined today
1:29:24 cannot be found in the first 300 years
1:29:27 let alone the bible
1:29:29 next question what are your thoughts the
1:29:32 structure of clergy in catholicism
1:29:34 uh it is all made up it was all
1:29:37 um you know invented later on
1:29:40 by the catholic church these are my
1:29:42 thoughts uh this
1:29:44 current structure of clergy has nothing
1:29:46 to do with jesus christ
1:29:48 it has nothing to do with the bible it
1:29:51 cannot be found there
1:29:52 okay i i agree with the protestants in
1:29:55 this
1:29:56 the papacy is a sham i'm sorry no i'm
1:29:59 not i'm not saying the the catholics are
1:30:01 hashem
1:30:01 i'm saying papacy as far as the bible is
1:30:04 concerned
1:30:05 it cannot be seen it cannot be found
1:30:07 anywhere okay
1:30:08 so the establishment of papacy has
1:30:10 nothing to do with jesus christ
1:30:12 or even the early church or even the
1:30:14 bible
1:30:15 i'm not talking about the name the name
1:30:17 is old the name the catholic the name
1:30:20 the term is old but the reality what it
1:30:22 has become today
1:30:24 is not old it is something uh it is a
1:30:27 development of history
1:30:29 what important difference do you notice
1:30:31 between jehovah witness and catholics
1:30:33 major difference jehovah's witnesses do
1:30:35 not believe in the trinity and catholics
1:30:37 do
1:30:37 that's one difference okay next question
1:30:40 if there is any
1:30:48 are there any more questions
1:30:59 okay maybe there are some more questions
1:31:00 coming through inshallah
1:31:03 and also jehovah's witnesses they have
1:31:05 certain views that
1:31:07 most christians don't agree with for
1:31:09 example they have a view that
1:31:11 jesus christ was actually angel
1:31:14 michael okay archangel michael
1:31:18 so um so jehovah's witnesses have many
1:31:21 many differences with other christians
1:31:23 but catholics protestants greek orthodox
1:31:25 russian orthodox
1:31:27 and syrian orthodox and egyptian
1:31:30 orthodox and ethiopian orthodox churches
1:31:32 all of them they agree
1:31:33 that the trinity uh the doctrine of the
1:31:35 trinity
1:31:36 as it was formulated in the 4th century
1:31:39 is is divine
1:31:43 and they believe in it but we have seen
1:31:45 in this webinar today that's not the
1:31:46 case
1:31:48 the doctrine of the trinity is
1:31:49 non-existent in the bible
1:31:51 it is non-existent in its current form
1:31:54 in the first
1:31:54 300 years of christianity and on that
1:31:57 note
1:31:59 i will end this particular webinar
1:32:05 okay so there is another uh okay if
1:32:08 there's any other question no
1:32:10 okay so i think we will end on that note
1:32:12 brothers and sisters thank you so much
1:32:13 for
1:32:14 listening and watching please do share
1:32:16 this webinar if
1:32:17 it was too complicated then we apologize
1:32:20 we
1:32:20 aim uh we aim
1:32:23 in bringing we want to bring uh academic
1:32:26 content to you we want to bring
1:32:28 uh follow good research to you so that
1:32:31 you can insha allah do
1:32:32 dawah effectively and take the message
1:32:34 of islam to the world
1:32:36 and defend islam intellectually so the
1:32:38 quran when it condemns the trinity
1:32:40 it is not wrong in condemning the
1:32:42 trinity and what when the quran says it
1:32:44 is not from the prophets and god
1:32:46 we have shown throughout this webinar
1:32:48 that that is the case indeed
1:32:50 the doctrine of the trinity is not from
1:32:51 prophets and god rather it is man-made
1:32:54 it is not divinely stipulated thank you
1:32:57 so much for listening to me
1:32:59 and watch out for the paper the research
1:33:01 paper on the same topic
1:33:03 the doctrine of the trinity divinely
1:33:05 stipulated or man-made
1:33:06 the paper will be issued it will be
1:33:09 published by sapiens institute
1:33:10 very soon in the coming weeks or months
1:33:13 and once it's it is ready
1:33:15 all the references all the sources will
1:33:16 be in the paper uh
1:33:18 and please look out for it and read it
1:33:20 when it comes out
1:33:21 on that note i will end wasallam alaikum
1:33:34 alhamdulillah
1:33:38 you