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Sapience Live: May to Aug 2022 Update and Q&A (2022-09-05)


Join the Sapience Institute Team who will provide key updates on their work and answer your questions on Islamic Thought.

Summary of Sapience Live: May to Aug 2022 Update and Q&A

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 01:00:00

discusses the upcoming courses and projects of the Sapience Institute. It introduces a new online seminar series and a new series focused on combating destructive doubts among Muslims. It also discusses a forthcoming course on Islamic thought aimed at imams and specialists.

00:00:00 The Sapience Institute plans to release 10 new in-depth courses on its learning platform in the coming year. Among these courses is one on Islamic theology written by Dr. Uthman The Thief. Additionally, the institute plans to release translations of important Arabic texts.

  • *00:05:00 Discusses Sapience's operations and new projects in the year 2022. It also introduces a new online seminar series and a new series focused on combating destructive doubts among Muslims. Finally, the narrator mentions a forthcoming extensive course on Islamic thought aimed at imams and specialists.
  • 00:10:00 Sapience Live discusses preparations for the coming year and upcoming books. The first focuses on the development of two new courses, one on Quranic dawa and one on the Akita texts. The second course is on modern day issues, such as the need to keep up with changing times and the need to address contemporary akita matters.
  • *00:15:00 Discusses a recent experience where they ate octopuses. They talk about how octopuses are very intelligent and how prolific writers. They discuss how they write 30,000 words in a short period of time and what the topic of their current writing is.
  • *00:20:00 Discusses the various qualities of Islam that he believes are important for da'is to understand and incorporate into their preaching. He also discusses how empathy plays an important role in da'a.
  • 00:25:00 Sultana discusses the importance of repentance and how it can help lessen one's sin burden. She also discusses how Allah is always forgiving and merciful. Finally, she provides advice on how to overcome feelings of despair after sinning.
  • *00:30:00 Discusses how "every time you have that thought 'I can never be forgiven,' you're diminishing the perfection of allah" and how "allah always wants you back" even if you repent and sin again. also discusses how a person can find help with doubts by going to or the no doubt course.
  • *00:35:00 Discusses the various interpretations of a hadith which is believed to be from the Prophet Muhammad. The book referenced is a comprehensive resource that discusses the hadith in detail. It is recommended that viewers read the book to gain a deeper understanding of the issues.
  • *00:40:00 Discusses the book and course he plans to publish on Prophet Adam at the Crossroads of Science and Scripture, which will focus on hadith and Islamic ethics. He mentions that the book and course will have a pedagogical approach to ensure that Muslims can learn from the examples provided and offer advice on how to incorporate Islamic ethics into their daily lives. He shares a story about Abū Sufyān, one of the most infamous enemies of Prophet Muhammad, and how the prophet told his companions not to answer him.
  • 00:45:00 Sapience CEO and co-founder Hamza Khan discusses the role of Muslim literature in the West, and how it should move forward. He also mentions the Quantum Chronicles, a website that provides information about Muslim culture and literature.
  • *00:50:00 Discusses Sapience Live's upcoming courses on the Fitrah, and how understanding the Fitrah can help philosophers and others understand normativity and other complex topics.
  • *00:55:00 Discusses the idea of fitra, or "the innate predispositions of human beings that form the basis for their spiritual beliefs." It goes on to say that while rational arguments are important, there are other ways to bring people's fitrahs into balance, such as through the use of spirituality.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

provides updates on the work of Sapience Live, a group that is working to revive Islamic values in contemporary society. also features a discussion with Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, who offers his thoughts on Islam and how it should be understood as a worldview.

01:00:00 The presenter discusses the law of contradiction and how it can apply to arguments for and against the existence of God. He goes on to mention that it is important to be careful when using logic, as it can lead to confusion. The presenter then provides advice for those seeking to connect with God.

  • 01:05:00 Dr. D. Khan discusses how his journey to atheism began with questions about the existence of God, and why people believe in different religions. He says that it is important for people to have a sense of spirituality, and that rationality can be helpful in understanding the world, but that it is ultimately up to the individual to decide what they believe.
  • 01:10:00 Andreas speaks about how his wife's inspiration has changed his opinions. He explains that Islam teaches sound reasoning, and that if people want to pursue philosophy or academia, they need to have a sound understanding of the Islamic creed. Additionally, they need to have a sound understanding of the prophet Muhammad's teachings, and how they relate to different people and contexts.
  • *01:15:00 Discusses the importance of having good people around you, having a direct contact with mainstream early math scholars, the importance of having a good intention, and the difference between talking about and tasting iman.
  • *01:20:00 Discusses the importance of a fitra-based approach to philosophy, highlighting that it is more sound than rationality-only approaches. He goes on to say that one of the consequences of using rationality only is radical skepticism, in which a person doubts all beliefs.
  • *01:25:00 Discusses the difference between modern rationality and the Quranic understanding of natural phenomena and explains that when someone asks questions and reflects on the verses, they affirm talheed.
  • 01:30:00 Yusuf Islam, a medical student, asks Sapience Live how he should approach combining his Islamic studies with his work in the field of science. Sapience Live suggests he focus on his medical studies and eventual goal of producing Islamic doctors.
  • *01:35:00 Discusses how Islamic epistemology should be based on knowledge that an individual knows Islam, understands Islamic epistemology, and has a deeper understanding of their own self and the world around them.
  • *01:40:00 Discusses the difference in the political goals of first- and second-wave feminism. Classical liberalism, which views human beings as born in a state of freedom and mastery of nature, is contrasted with Islamic feminism, which places emphasis on women's education and rights. Both views have their own operational logic, which can be understood without reference to the original context.
  • 01:45:00 In a video d "Sapience Live: May to Aug 2022 Update and Q&A," the founder and CEO of Sapience, Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, discusses Islam and how it is not a religion. He goes on to say that a better way to understand Islam is as a worldview that encompasses truth and meaning versus non-truth and non-meaning. He also mentions Bruce Spinoza and how he didn't believe in a personal god. Peterson provides a question from a brother that he says the brother cannot answer.
  • 01:50:00 SapienceLive host Sergio Clare updates viewers on the progress of sapience projects in Pakistan and India, and mentions that he has been endorsed by a group of Muslims seeking to revive Islamic values in contemporary society. Clare also discusses the importance of human-to-human contact, and offers advice for those seeking to engage in thoughtful dialogue with others.
  • *01:55:00 Discusses the concept of "who is allah" and how people may perceive a difference in his justice. He advises that if we understand allah is perfect in his justice, mercy, and wisdom, we should not concern ourselves with perceived differences in his justice.

02:00:00 - 02:10:00

on Sapience Live discusses how understanding who allah is can help us accuse ourselves before accusing allah in any scenario. He points out that while we have imperfect knowledge, allah is still infinitely perfect and will never wrong anyone. ends with a reminder for viewers to make dua for the sapience institute.

*02:00:00 Discusses how understanding who allah is can help us accuse ourselves before accusing allah in any scenario. He points out that while we have imperfect knowledge, allah is still infinitely perfect and will never wrong anyone.

  • 02:05:00 Sapience Live discusses upcoming updates and Q&A. ends with a reminder for viewers to make dua for the sapience institute.
  • 02:10:00 The Sapience Live stream tomorrow will discuss the progress made in the past three months, and answer any questions asked. Please donate generously to support the work of the Sapience Institute, and stay tuned for the next live stream.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:12 and sisters and friends and welcome to
0:00:14 the sapience institute
0:00:16 live
0:00:17 where we're going to be updating you on
0:00:19 what we've been doing for the past four
0:00:21 months and hopefully answering your
0:00:23 questions on islamic fall and answering
0:00:25 your questions about the content that we
0:00:27 produce concerning the philosophy of
0:00:29 science theory of philosophical issues
0:00:31 responding to the detractors and
0:00:33 contentions
0:00:35 our books you know i want you to ask
0:00:36 questions about dr uthmanity's book the
0:00:38 divine perfection his forthcoming book
0:00:40 that we're going to be talking about
0:00:42 our forthcoming courses talk about the
0:00:44 current courses it is open-ended
0:00:47 brothers and sisters
0:00:49 so you are now in the house as we say
0:00:53 and you could
0:00:54 just ask any questions but before we do
0:00:56 that i just want to give salaam to our
0:00:57 beloved
0:00:59 our beautiful in and out brother
0:01:02 uthman the thief
0:01:06 is good
0:01:15 i know you've been working very hard you
0:01:17 messaged me the other day saying
0:01:19 you're gonna get
0:01:20 a full full-blown draft book this month
0:01:28 we're going to be talking about that but
0:01:29 i just want everyone to know or give
0:01:33 everyone an update in terms of what
0:01:34 we've been doing for the past four
0:01:35 months
0:01:36 so the way i'm going to do this yes it's
0:01:39 a bit cheeky i'm going to share my
0:01:40 instagram page right so what i'm going
0:01:42 to do
0:01:43 is just quickly share the page
0:01:45 the chrome tab there we go
0:01:48 and i'm just going to update you guys on
0:01:51 what we've been doing
0:01:53 so very quickly
0:01:55 first and foremost we want to say
0:01:58 allah bless you reward your grant you
0:01:59 and your family is the best in this life
0:02:02 and the best in the life to come
0:02:04 concerning your support any type of your
0:02:07 support your dwaras your financial
0:02:09 support
0:02:10 your critical feedback your
0:02:12 psychological support your intellectual
0:02:14 support your social media support any
0:02:16 type of support that you have even if
0:02:17 it's through intention and not action
0:02:19 may allah grant you the best in this
0:02:21 life and in the life to come so just a
0:02:23 really quick update in terms of what
0:02:25 we've been doing from may to august
0:02:27 the reason we say may to august because
0:02:30 it's september now and and may because
0:02:33 our operational year starts in the month
0:02:34 of may so the first thing i want to tell
0:02:37 you guys is that we have some amazing
0:02:40 courses that we're planning so
0:02:42 we've been working on and planning 10
0:02:44 new in-depth courses
0:02:46 and they're going to be filming this
0:02:47 operation here inshallah they're going
0:02:49 to be made freely available on our
0:02:50 learning platform if you go to
0:02:55 you could register for for free and we
0:02:56 have around 10 10 or 11 in-depth courses
0:02:59 currently on there anyway we have
0:03:01 courses by myself shafatus
0:03:04 rasheed and others
0:03:06 and phenomenal courses concerning
0:03:08 christology theo philosophical issues
0:03:11 concerning the divine perfection which
0:03:14 is dr manatee's book
0:03:16 we have iman hussain's course on the
0:03:18 divine reality which is based on my book
0:03:20 and
0:03:21 so much more and you have presentation
0:03:23 slides and multiple choice questions and
0:03:25 this october inshallah we're going to
0:03:26 film three courses on the inimitability
0:03:29 of the quran the ages of the quran from
0:03:31 a linguistic literary perspective
0:03:33 and we have a in-depth course on the
0:03:36 fitra on the innate disposition and we
0:03:38 have an amazing course
0:03:41 by an academic on the islamic response
0:03:44 of the postmodern and liberal discourse
0:03:46 on gender and sexuality
0:03:50 now we have new books on impact for
0:03:51 translations we have at least two new
0:03:53 books that are being written one of them
0:03:55 by doctor osman the chief we don't have
0:03:56 a title yet but the book by the way
0:03:58 we're going to explore the book in a few
0:04:00 moments with doctors manatees but the
0:04:02 book focuses on the essential
0:04:03 characteristics behaviors and psychology
0:04:06 that need to be internalized by those
0:04:08 who share and defend islam and the book
0:04:10 takes a deep dive into the quran the
0:04:12 prophetic way and by the way this book
0:04:14 is not just for you it's for us it's for
0:04:16 me because i need this more than anybody
0:04:18 else alhamdulillah
0:04:20 we also have planned three new
0:04:21 translations of arabic scholarly work
0:04:24 carefully selected to make an impact for
0:04:26 example by the end of january next year
0:04:29 2023 our partner wordsmiths will have
0:04:32 completed the translation of ibm
0:04:34 tamiya's book on the the
0:04:36 as
0:04:37 the explanation of
0:04:41 which is a very unique book it's not
0:04:44 translated in the english language and
0:04:45 it's going to make a field philosophical
0:04:47 impact in the contemporary discourse in
0:04:49 sha allah and the introduction an
0:04:52 introduction is going to be written by
0:04:53 muhammad
0:04:55 because he's doing a phd on this issue
0:04:57 research our personnel are continuing
0:04:59 research on a formal level phds we're
0:05:01 doing phds that are relevant on the
0:05:03 contingency argument on the nature
0:05:05 religion and science and we're also
0:05:07 doing extracurricular in-depth research
0:05:09 on prophetic history and apologetics in
0:05:11 general and this influence and this
0:05:13 research influences our work and it's
0:05:16 going to be part of forming new books
0:05:19 brand new books after this operational
0:05:21 year
0:05:22 new video series and new videos we have
0:05:24 produced and published new videos on our
0:05:26 youtube channel and a new series is
0:05:28 starting this month insha'allah by
0:05:29 muhammad hijab this in in this september
0:05:33 and the videos we produce aim to address
0:05:35 destructive doubts and empower you to
0:05:37 intellectually share and defend islam
0:05:40 on-site education and discussions
0:05:44 our instructors our speakers have been
0:05:46 traveling
0:05:47 all around delivering workshops
0:05:50 engaging in discussions
0:05:53 and delivering seminars and so on and so
0:05:55 forth and for example we have we had and
0:05:59 we have to sneam he's been traveling the
0:06:01 u.s delivering various workshops
0:06:03 lectures and seminars on islamic foreign
0:06:05 he also delivered an advanced training
0:06:07 course to madrasa students on how to
0:06:09 mentor other people and on contemporary
0:06:12 issues and we also have and we can't
0:06:14 announce who when and what but we have a
0:06:17 really big inshallah a big big
0:06:20 discussion taking place in london
0:06:22 in september it's going to be huge but
0:06:24 we can't publicize it
0:06:27 and we can't see much at the moment but
0:06:28 it's massive inshallah so make dua for
0:06:30 that
0:06:31 in-depth online seminars we've been
0:06:33 producing in-depth online seminars you
0:06:34 can find on youtube and you can find on
0:06:37 our website and you can download the
0:06:39 presentation slides for example i
0:06:41 delivered a seminar on loving the loving
0:06:42 why allah is worthy of our adoration we
0:06:45 went through ali ghazali's five causes
0:06:47 for love we went through seven reasons
0:06:48 why our lives were utmost love we talked
0:06:51 about the relationship between knowledge
0:06:52 and love we talked about how to attain
0:06:54 allah's special love and we took this
0:06:56 and much more and we tried to show you
0:06:58 how to explain this in a double context
0:07:01 how do you get a non-muslim
0:07:03 and intellectually using this amazing
0:07:05 topic of love and
0:07:07 get them to connect with allah subhanahu
0:07:08 wata and to uncloud the innate
0:07:10 disposition that fits to awaken the
0:07:12 truth within
0:07:13 obviously we have our amazing project
0:07:15 lighthouse mentoring project managed by
0:07:17 our beloved yusuf ponders
0:07:19 and we have expanded lighthouse
0:07:21 mentoring which mentors do art imams
0:07:23 parents and activists and also we do
0:07:26 with people who have left islam new
0:07:27 muslims and people have questions and
0:07:30 this project has been expanded we have
0:07:32 new mentors alhamdulillah and we've
0:07:35 expanded it into the spanish language
0:07:37 and we have the podcast sapient voices
0:07:41 we have recorded new episodes and
0:07:44 published and we i'm recording one this
0:07:47 thursday with abdullah al and lucy and
0:07:50 i've recorded one with sheffield
0:07:52 and others and they're all coming out
0:07:54 slowly but surely
0:07:56 inshallah sapient retreats yes we
0:07:59 organized in august of retreat an
0:08:01 immersive knowledge retreat in istanbul
0:08:03 and people came from all around the
0:08:04 world from uk from south africa from los
0:08:07 angeles and the focus of the retreat was
0:08:10 to empower muslims to understand the
0:08:11 islamic and western tradition and to
0:08:13 address destructive doubts for example i
0:08:15 delivered our landmark course no doubt
0:08:18 to the participants and we're planning
0:08:19 another retreat it's a leadership
0:08:21 retreat in istanbul in the istanbul area
0:08:23 this october the end of october in sha
0:08:25 allah and it's going to be very very
0:08:27 cheap it's going to be immersive and
0:08:29 it's going to be for people who want to
0:08:30 make an impact in the tower and the way
0:08:32 we're going to try and do that is we're
0:08:33 going to give people a vision and a
0:08:34 strategy it's going to be a vision
0:08:36 strategy exercise it's going to be
0:08:38 spiritual it's going to be tajiw prayer
0:08:39 it's going to be quran it's going to be
0:08:41 workshops activities watch this space in
0:08:43 sha allah
0:08:45 collaboration is supporting the dao
0:08:46 sector and this is something close to my
0:08:48 heart yesterday i had two meetings for
0:08:50 example
0:08:51 with board members of a very large dao
0:08:54 organization
0:08:55 and we're there to help we're there to
0:08:57 help behind the scenes and we do this a
0:08:58 lot we help behind the scenes we try and
0:09:00 upgrade the dao optimize people's dollar
0:09:03 we give our service and we're going to
0:09:04 continue to collaborate with other
0:09:06 organizations and influentials to
0:09:07 achieve
0:09:08 the dollar goals and this includes for
0:09:11 example a forthcoming extensive course
0:09:13 on islamic thought in dawa addressing
0:09:15 destructive doubts and so much more to
0:09:17 imams and specialists and we have great
0:09:20 connections with like academy where with
0:09:23 a new organization called nurabi with
0:09:25 seville and so on and so forth and we're
0:09:27 there to offer them our services for
0:09:29 example dr manateef is going to deliver
0:09:32 a course for seville concerning doubts
0:09:34 which is part of our
0:09:36 curriculum and our personnel generally
0:09:39 speaking we give dao we support
0:09:40 activists influencers and organizations
0:09:43 and we meant to others as well for
0:09:45 example i was on the three three muslims
0:09:47 podcast i gave a presentation on the
0:09:49 scientific era's narrative in the quran
0:09:51 i showed how the quran is multi-layered
0:09:53 timeless and there is no error and went
0:09:56 into the classical tradition we used we
0:09:58 we
0:09:59 we conveyed things that hasn't really
0:10:01 been conveyed in the english language
0:10:02 before alhamdulillah so brothers and
0:10:04 sisters this is a nutshell what we've
0:10:07 been doing
0:10:08 and i want you guys to
0:10:11 just now ask questions and what i'm
0:10:13 going to do first and foremost is remove
0:10:15 this
0:10:16 bring our beloved
0:10:18 fat to steam in the house
0:10:23 his house was uh electrocuted by a
0:10:25 thunderbolt
0:10:28 it didn't come down or anything so it's
0:10:29 all right okay
0:10:31 just went out so it's not nothing to
0:10:33 this thing
0:10:35 yeah so brothers this is that's the kind
0:10:38 of summary what we've done in the past
0:10:40 uh four months and we've been preparing
0:10:42 and researching and so on and so forth
0:10:44 and now it's we're running forward
0:10:46 insha'allah we want to get all of these
0:10:48 things done to
0:10:50 make an impact in the dollar so before i
0:10:52 open you guys out
0:10:54 but not you guys are open out to further
0:10:56 questions and answers let's first and
0:10:58 foremost say hello to sheffield then
0:11:00 we'll talk to first and foremost uh
0:11:03 secondly to talk to us my latest about
0:11:05 the forthcoming book but anyway shaq
0:11:07 fired how's it going talk to us about
0:11:08 sapience us sure bismillah
0:11:17 we've been uh
0:11:18 doing a lot man i've been just uh doing
0:11:20 a lot of traveling and that's you know
0:11:23 uh it's it's come out with many many
0:11:25 good fruits um you know i got a we
0:11:28 traveled up to chicago which was very
0:11:30 beneficial alhamdulillah we visited um
0:11:33 over there went through some intensive
0:11:35 training with uh some of the mothers
0:11:37 students
0:11:39 and it really did show that there's a
0:11:42 big need for the work that sapiens is
0:11:44 doing
0:11:45 and we got you know and i was you know
0:11:47 experienced that firsthand some of the
0:11:49 mothers students they're talking seventh
0:11:50 year
0:11:51 having studied islam for seven years
0:11:53 these are her fathers of quran they've
0:11:54 gone to hadith and philip and all the
0:11:56 things that you can imagine
0:11:58 and they reach their seventh year and
0:11:59 now like okay wait a minute there's a
0:12:01 certain gap here
0:12:02 like we need to know how to deal with
0:12:03 some of these issues
0:12:05 and yet we don't have the practical on
0:12:07 hand like on ground training to do that
0:12:09 so
0:12:10 we were able to talk to them and spend
0:12:12 you know good you know i think a full
0:12:13 day and a half
0:12:14 i spend with them
0:12:16 taking them to some of our our main
0:12:18 content
0:12:19 so that was very beneficial then we had
0:12:21 an open community event which was the
0:12:23 divine reality
0:12:24 which we took them through alhamdulillah
0:12:26 that was very well received
0:12:28 and then the no doubt course has been
0:12:30 going around
0:12:31 the entire country man alhamdulillah and
0:12:33 that's been going community community
0:12:35 and again that's been very well received
0:12:37 as well um so
0:12:39 in a nutshell that's what's been going
0:12:40 on uh in addition to the development of
0:12:44 the two new courses that uh child will
0:12:46 be recording in october one will be on
0:12:48 the fifth ra
0:12:49 and
0:12:50 i'm very very excited about that course
0:12:52 uh i've been doing a lot of really
0:12:54 interesting research in that area
0:12:56 and i think it's it's gonna be it's
0:12:58 gonna be a lot of a lot of good
0:13:00 information to people to get people to
0:13:02 the point where they can be very very
0:13:04 um empowered about their iman
0:13:07 and not only empowered about their iman
0:13:09 but in power to the point where they can
0:13:10 actually share islam
0:13:12 in a way that is very holistic and
0:13:14 that's something that i think is very
0:13:16 needed in the dao right now is to have a
0:13:18 holistic approach and this course
0:13:21 inshallah
0:13:22 inshallah will give us um some of those
0:13:25 foundations that we need to to take that
0:13:27 holistic approach as we're dealing with
0:13:28 human beings that's one and then the
0:13:30 second course as i'm sure you probably
0:13:31 mentioned before i got on was our course
0:13:33 on the quran which i'm also very excited
0:13:36 about because i don't think there's
0:13:38 um at least in the taoist space i don't
0:13:40 see a lot of um
0:13:42 quranic dawa going on right and maybe
0:13:45 that's my own uh my own perception of it
0:13:48 but i think this will fill a big gap in
0:13:50 in the dao and it will provide a great
0:13:53 great resource and great tool for for
0:13:55 duat um
0:13:56 and people that are you know going
0:13:58 through islam and maybe having doubts
0:14:00 and having to deal with you know their
0:14:01 own kids and things like that um the
0:14:04 other area that's that's also that's
0:14:06 opened up in the us specifically
0:14:09 is we've been
0:14:10 you know a lot of islamic schools have
0:14:12 reached out to us because they're
0:14:14 starting to see that there are certain
0:14:15 foundational
0:14:17 matters that we have to speak about
0:14:19 that let's say
0:14:20 you know without hopefully being thrown
0:14:22 under the bus for this that traditional
0:14:24 aki the text won't really cover right um
0:14:27 i was talking with one of the lighthouse
0:14:28 sessions today and i told the brothers
0:14:30 said like i really like studying
0:14:32 classical akita texts
0:14:34 and i said you know they're really good
0:14:36 but we really need to start thinking
0:14:38 about dealing with the akita matters of
0:14:40 our day and age
0:14:42 right one of the
0:14:43 issues is that when you see anaki the
0:14:45 text we have to realize that it's it's
0:14:46 it's it's written based on the issues of
0:14:48 that time period but we're now in a new
0:14:50 time period so our the text if we're
0:14:53 going to call it that or how we teach it
0:14:56 we have to stay with the times and have
0:14:58 a yeah and just to be just to be just to
0:15:00 clarify what i think you mean as well
0:15:03 just for our theologically sensitive
0:15:05 audiences
0:15:07 what shepherd is trying to say i believe
0:15:09 is that
0:15:10 we take
0:15:12 the classical texts and we apply them in
0:15:15 a contemporary fashion meaning we take
0:15:17 the underlying basis the essence of the
0:15:20 quran and the sunnah the methodology
0:15:23 what they were talking about and were
0:15:25 applying in our period just like some of
0:15:27 the akita textbooks were applied for a
0:15:29 particular period maybe there was some
0:15:30 friction with other sex in islam that's
0:15:33 what you'd have for example an apide
0:15:35 line for example if you reject wiping
0:15:38 over the socks you know stuff like that
0:15:40 right because there was a friction and
0:15:41 narrative going on at that time so we're
0:15:44 not saying that we're not classically
0:15:45 grounded of course we are we're just
0:15:47 standing on the shoulders of giants and
0:15:48 we're taking the methodology
0:15:50 not just their statements their
0:15:52 methodology was probably more important
0:15:53 and applying it in a contemporary
0:15:56 fashion so for example if i had we had a
0:15:57 meeting yesterday and you were talking
0:15:58 about that you delivered something on
0:16:00 lgtbq plus and all of these post-modern
0:16:04 neoliberal narratives yeah and you were
0:16:06 supposed to deliver it in about 70
0:16:08 minutes but you delivered it in three
0:16:09 hours
0:16:10 but i think 145 minutes and i delivered
0:16:12 it
0:16:14 so what was really amazing is when you
0:16:16 said to me that
0:16:17 um there was about 300 people in the
0:16:20 masjid
0:16:21 yeah they're expecting they were
0:16:22 expecting i think 40 people
0:16:25 and i think someone said they were about
0:16:27 300 you know so tell me what happened
0:16:29 after so i know but tell the audiences
0:16:33 what happened after in terms of the need
0:16:35 and how we need to respond in a
0:16:37 compassionate way but yet in a
0:16:38 theologically assertive and powerful way
0:16:41 right to show that we have the correct
0:16:44 world view as muslims right yeah no i
0:16:46 mean so the response was was very good
0:16:48 even considering that i went way over
0:16:50 time
0:16:51 um you know even till
0:16:54 i would say this morning at fajr
0:16:55 basically because it's it's
0:16:57 it's the masjid that i did it as my own
0:16:58 local masjid so
0:17:00 even this morning someone said look have
0:17:01 you recorded the session and when are
0:17:03 you gonna when are you gonna post it
0:17:05 because i really benefited i think one
0:17:07 of the brothers said um
0:17:09 he says uh you know i i learned a lot
0:17:11 and i didn't know much and then he
0:17:13 stopped and said i probably didn't know
0:17:14 about 90 about what you said you know
0:17:17 that was new knowledge to me in other
0:17:18 words and it's because it's touching on
0:17:20 an issue that we are at least in the
0:17:22 west are dealing with firsthand so a lot
0:17:25 of these people that are coming are
0:17:26 doctors uh for instance one of them said
0:17:28 look i i have patients that come in
0:17:30 and they've already gone through let's
0:17:32 say transgender uh surgery right they've
0:17:34 already gone through reconstructive
0:17:35 surgery and now i have to you know
0:17:38 prescribe something to them and so on
0:17:39 and so forth so we're dealing with this
0:17:41 in the workplace in the schools in
0:17:43 colleges
0:17:44 and it just kind of shows that there's
0:17:46 an immense amount of
0:17:48 interest and an immense amount of
0:17:51 um eagerness to find out how does the
0:17:53 islamic paradigm deal with these issues
0:17:56 how are we as muslims supposed to
0:17:58 function and move forward in a way that
0:18:00 is that is true to our tradition
0:18:03 and at the same time it's something
0:18:05 that's proactive right because a lot of
0:18:06 times that the reaction it's always been
0:18:08 a reactive approach all right so we have
0:18:10 to we have to take almost like a
0:18:11 defensive position
0:18:13 and i think it's getting to the point
0:18:14 where
0:18:15 people are starting to see okay well
0:18:16 hold on a second we need to we need to
0:18:17 have our own narrative
0:18:19 as leaders in a moral space
0:18:22 and this is very important you know
0:18:23 that's very that's a very profound way
0:18:25 of playing and what's very exciting we
0:18:27 have
0:18:29 a an academic delivering a course on
0:18:31 these type of issues for a learning
0:18:32 platform in october but not only that
0:18:33 you're going to be taking that material
0:18:35 yeah and you're going to be making it
0:18:37 digestible to various audiences all
0:18:39 around north america and hopefully even
0:18:42 in europe inshallah there's a lot of
0:18:43 exciting things happen exactly here bro
0:18:45 so let me quickly speak to dr usman
0:18:47 latif right you've been busy busy busy
0:18:50 you are our
0:18:51 prolific writer officially henceforth
0:18:54 i am i am i am having some suspicions
0:18:58 that you're not human you must be an
0:19:00 octopus with eight arms and doing many
0:19:02 things right and then and octopuses by
0:19:04 the way are very intelligent you know
0:19:06 that they're very very smart you know
0:19:08 there's this
0:19:09 uh video on youtube about octopuses
0:19:11 anyway
0:19:12 how are you doing it how on earth do you
0:19:14 do it how do you write like 30 000 words
0:19:16 in a very short relatively short period
0:19:18 of time and what are you writing about
0:19:20 now and why do you think it's important
0:19:22 and what are you excited about
0:19:24 smelly great seeing you guys and um
0:19:27 and you know i i once ate octopuses you
0:19:30 know
0:19:31 i was uh yeah i was on the city harbor
0:19:33 with the sheikh
0:19:35 sheikh uh
0:19:40 and uh we were taken by a millionaire
0:19:44 yacht owner an arab lebanese
0:19:46 and uh and on that day we stopped by the
0:19:48 uh by the harbor
0:19:50 and they ordered us like lots of
0:19:52 different types of fish
0:19:54 and we all had in fact octopuses that
0:19:56 they
0:19:57 many small
0:19:59 octopus al hamdulillah so it was nice uh
0:20:01 no i'm not enough
0:20:04 you no i ask allah for baraka in all
0:20:08 things and it's really
0:20:09 it's really humbling it's really a gift
0:20:11 from allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
0:20:13 everything we do is not from ourselves
0:20:14 it's not because of any work that we
0:20:16 have everything is from the karam and
0:20:18 the father of
0:20:31 would have been purified allah purifies
0:20:32 whom he wills and we ask allah for some
0:20:34 of that and so we begin with a point of
0:20:36 of course of humility uh it's very
0:20:38 humbling in fact what i'm
0:20:40 writing about because it's something uh
0:20:42 that's um
0:20:43 it's it's very quran focused and quran
0:20:46 centric and and i look at the the sifat
0:20:49 the characteristics of the e to allah
0:20:53 and and how to obtain those qualities
0:20:56 that we're searching for
0:20:58 and what what light the quran
0:21:00 shows like
0:21:01 and
0:21:02 alhamdulillah it's uh it's right now i'm
0:21:04 writing about the very important case of
0:21:07 of the the who traveled from afar in
0:21:09 surya sin and there are some things that
0:21:11 i never thought about before in fact
0:21:14 looking closely at the ayat and the
0:21:15 words used and how they're used and the
0:21:18 the kind of the
0:21:19 dramatic uh overplay what's happening
0:21:22 here and interrogative sentencing and
0:21:24 rhetorical questioning and declarative
0:21:26 sentencing and how it's making a
0:21:28 difference in fact to those people
0:21:30 and so alhamdulillah it's been
0:21:33 a good journey for me i mean all i do is
0:21:34 i just write a bit every day that's what
0:21:36 i do it's right every day and it kind of
0:21:38 just it builds up you know to to a
0:21:40 larger amount but it's nothing special
0:21:41 it's just the fact that i like writing
0:21:44 uh and so it's been uh it's been it's
0:21:46 been good so far it's coming towards
0:21:48 this end now
0:21:49 um in a few more things to write but i'm
0:21:51 looking closely at the quranic narrative
0:21:54 of dawa uh the kind of the uh the
0:21:57 qualities of the
0:21:58 in light of uh his his sense of internal
0:22:02 piety or taqwa righteousness and the
0:22:04 bearing it has in fact on dawa
0:22:06 understanding landscaping and how we
0:22:08 navigate through space in dawa
0:22:10 and what difference this makes in fact
0:22:12 for us in our kind of social cultural
0:22:15 context and and how it kind of uh how it
0:22:17 plays out in the quran and so and in
0:22:19 syria as well in the prophetic sunnah
0:22:22 and then other other qualities like the
0:22:24 importance of empathy i think this is
0:22:26 something i've written about of course
0:22:27 in two previously published books
0:22:29 i was on uh ilm film yesterday in fact
0:22:33 and uh and the brother began by saying
0:22:35 you know i've read your books uh and why
0:22:38 why do you incorporate such an empathic
0:22:40 outline in your in your in your book his
0:22:43 first question including divine
0:22:45 perfection
0:22:46 uh and uh and i said because that's
0:22:48 something i believe is prophetic it's
0:22:50 prophetic that we will look upon our
0:22:53 interlocutors our audiences as humans
0:22:56 and not as machines or robots and we
0:22:58 have to engage with them in a way that
0:22:59 is uh you know that that it has that
0:23:03 capacity and light of
0:23:05 looking at people or having that kind of
0:23:07 lens that we can see people uh you know
0:23:09 with the fullness of their humanity
0:23:12 otherwise we are bound by biases and
0:23:14 stereotypes and we can't we can't in
0:23:17 fact uh we can't disseminate the pure
0:23:19 message to in in a way like that i think
0:23:21 if it's pure then it should be
0:23:22 disseminated in a purer way it's it's
0:23:24 it's logical as well because if you
0:23:25 don't have empathy you don't have the
0:23:27 context you don't have the context you
0:23:28 don't have the truth
0:23:29 it's that
0:23:30 sure and the process
0:23:32 would as you said before in other words
0:23:34 that he would individualize the person
0:23:37 in giving
0:23:38 who is the person where they're coming
0:23:39 from and in what context so from my
0:23:41 understanding this book is going to give
0:23:43 the person who wants to share islam
0:23:45 academic and intellectually the kind of
0:23:47 conceptual to logical tools
0:23:50 to use to change their way of being
0:23:52 their internal way of being and the
0:23:55 external way of being in when they
0:23:56 relate to other people and they'll be
0:23:58 able to understand how they should be in
0:24:00 different contexts correct yeah yeah so
0:24:03 there's two things there's two things
0:24:04 one of course is the fact that the tawa
0:24:07 is within islam and you as a da'i is you
0:24:11 being a muslim
0:24:12 so the thing that we speak of in fact is
0:24:14 in relation to being a muslim that's the
0:24:16 first thing and that will in fact
0:24:18 emanates from that that paradigm of
0:24:20 islam itself and so but but i kind of
0:24:22 positioned dawah as
0:24:24 a special kind of undertaking uh
0:24:27 selected by allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
0:24:29 therefore perhaps more of a necessity to
0:24:32 inculcate and incorporate those kind of
0:24:34 fine elements of faith and integrity and
0:24:37 courage and piety and wisdom and
0:24:39 knowledge and so on and so forth
0:24:42 and perseverance and humility and
0:24:44 humbleness and so on and so forth and so
0:24:46 it's um yeah it's it's been good it's
0:24:48 been good it's been good writing handily
0:24:50 alhamdulillah okay so if i had we have a
0:24:52 question here i am gonna
0:24:54 share the link with the audience so they
0:24:55 could come on and actually speak to us
0:24:57 but this was a very important question
0:24:59 i'll give it to you
0:25:00 by sultana
0:25:02 from facebook
0:25:03 and also brother hamza my brother is in
0:25:05 his 50s and doesn't pray he feels he has
0:25:08 sinned too much and there is no point in
0:25:10 asking allah for anything he also has
0:25:12 some doubts about islam what can i
0:25:14 advise him subhanallah take it from here
0:25:18 so can i actually forward that to dr
0:25:20 uthman because he is talking about sin
0:25:22 and he's actually our in-house expert
0:25:24 considering he is
0:25:26 affection
0:25:27 so maybe you could take the first part
0:25:28 i'll take the second part how about that
0:25:30 i love listening yeah i think this is
0:25:32 this is a good question and it kind of
0:25:35 we have a section on our no doubts
0:25:37 course that deals in fact with this
0:25:38 because one of the traumatic experiences
0:25:40 of people is they could feel so
0:25:42 encumbered and overwhelmed by sin that
0:25:44 it could kind of prevent them from
0:25:46 moving moving on in fact and it's
0:25:47 something that even the earlier scholars
0:25:49 speak about
0:25:50 imam shafi'i uh he's he would say things
0:25:53 like to although then be my sin looks so
0:25:55 big in my eyes oh allah but when i
0:25:57 compare my sin to your forgiveness your
0:25:59 forgiveness is bigger than my sin and
0:26:00 remember that shaytan is iblis
0:26:03 he inculcates hopelessness in people and
0:26:06 makes them feel so
0:26:08 incapacitated either through sinfulness
0:26:11 or in a state where they've committed a
0:26:13 sin and
0:26:15 and now they've become used to that
0:26:16 state of sin
0:26:17 and and rather than seeking a way out uh
0:26:20 you know from that sin through toba and
0:26:22 to of righteousness they they become
0:26:25 kind of a customized uh you know to that
0:26:27 to that life of sin and so we have
0:26:30 therefore two things here
0:26:32 allah in the quran says
0:26:34 allah and says
0:26:38 allah wouldn't change a people's
0:26:39 condition until they change what's
0:26:41 within themselves that means every
0:26:44 every good that you're seeking
0:26:46 necessitates some change in yourself and
0:26:49 it could be for example when you think
0:26:50 about toba like a person seeking
0:26:53 repentance it isn't just a person saying
0:26:55 a stuff for allah for example there has
0:26:57 to be an affiliate master that you leave
0:26:59 the sin that you're committing
0:27:02 and that you make a promise that you
0:27:03 wouldn't return to that sin since set
0:27:05 with sincerity and that you have nadam
0:27:08 you have a sense of remorse uh about the
0:27:10 sin that you committed and if it's a sin
0:27:12 against somebody else and you would make
0:27:13 amends with that person
0:27:14 so we should never feel as if i've
0:27:16 sinned too much and because of that sin
0:27:19 uh i can't do anything in fact our
0:27:21 christian friends in fact have this
0:27:23 mistaken narrative from the bible
0:27:25 because they say that you know adam's
0:27:27 sin from genesis was so catastrophic it
0:27:30 led to uh you know three types of
0:27:32 damnation a physical a spiritual and
0:27:34 eternal damnation and the human
0:27:36 condition is now completely soiled uh
0:27:39 that there's no way that we could seek
0:27:41 forgiveness from god directly because it
0:27:44 has to be a savior god was sent in the
0:27:45 person of jesus but in the quran it's so
0:27:47 beautiful because
0:27:49 and of course i discussed this in my
0:27:50 book divine perfection the adamic
0:27:52 conundrum that you know when adam for
0:27:54 example sins and
0:27:56 it wasn't just that he sinned and he's
0:27:59 kind of alienated from god but in fact
0:28:02 that he he sins but allah says allah
0:28:04 inspires words of forgiveness for i mean
0:28:06 allah aids in a system allah is forever
0:28:09 always ever close
0:28:13 to one of my seven asks you concerning
0:28:14 me that i am ever close ever there
0:28:17 and also allah says say oh my servants
0:28:18 who have wronged their souls do not
0:28:19 despair of the mercy of allah do not
0:28:21 describe the mercy of allah allah
0:28:23 forgives all sins and allah forgiving
0:28:25 and merciful so we should never be in a
0:28:26 state of despair because there's nothing
0:28:28 that we have done in fact that's that
0:28:30 that bad uh even if a person makes
0:28:33 with allah but then turns from from that
0:28:36 and towards the oneness of allah and
0:28:37 taheed and repents allah forgives that
0:28:39 person's sins and not just that allah
0:28:41 forgives his sins but then turns his bad
0:28:44 deeds into good deeds so the the the the
0:28:47 forgiveness of allah is immense
0:28:55 if you uh sin
0:29:01 if you sin against me if you call upon
0:29:03 me and have hope in me i will feel but i
0:29:05 will i won't mind what you've done i
0:29:07 wasn't about if your sins reach the sky
0:29:08 from the ground and you ask my
0:29:10 forgiveness ascribe no partners to me i
0:29:12 will come to you with forgiveness so
0:29:13 allah's forgiving is is immense it's
0:29:16 only us you know we we limit
0:29:18 things but allah's forgiving forgiveness
0:29:20 is maximally perfect and uh and we
0:29:23 should never feel as if whatever i've
0:29:25 done is so bad allah isn't big enough to
0:29:28 forgive that sin allah is big enough to
0:29:30 forgive it but it requires from us a
0:29:32 sincerity a desire to leave that sin
0:29:35 a feeling of remorsefulness about the
0:29:37 sin
0:29:38 and then of course the part is uh is uh
0:29:41 is one of light and goodness uh after
0:29:44 that so uh that's something and i think
0:29:47 just just from a practical and
0:29:49 psychological point of view
0:29:51 anything that you've done in your life
0:29:54 anything and times it by
0:29:57 a million
0:29:58 anything you've done
0:30:01 will be forgiven if you repent allah
0:30:03 subhanahu wa'ta'ala
0:30:05 full stop
0:30:06 and the minute that you in a sense of
0:30:08 despair
0:30:10 know that this is not from allah he
0:30:11 always wants you back this is from
0:30:13 shaitaan
0:30:14 because the spraying of the mercy of
0:30:16 allah subhanallah it could be
0:30:18 a worsen than the sin that you committed
0:30:21 because you're diminishing the
0:30:22 perfection of allah it's it's it's it's
0:30:25 an aspect of his talk his oneness so
0:30:28 every time you have that thought i can
0:30:30 never be forgiven i've got all of these
0:30:31 things this is not from allah allah
0:30:34 wants you back allah always wants you
0:30:36 back even if you repented and you did
0:30:38 the sin again and then you repented and
0:30:40 you did this and again and you repented
0:30:42 and you did listen again and you
0:30:43 repented and did this and again it's a
0:30:45 constant struggle my brother
0:30:46 remember this allah always wants you
0:30:48 back no matter what you've done i repeat
0:30:51 allah always wants you back no matter
0:30:52 what you've done
0:30:54 that's what you have to have to
0:30:55 internalize
0:30:56 as uh the famous poet said this is not a
0:30:59 caravan of despair okay
0:31:01 so can i say one thing yeah one thing so
0:31:03 one thing of course is that the prophet
0:31:05 says that all of us in fact are sinners
0:31:07 it could have been adam
0:31:09 all of the sons of adam in fact sin and
0:31:11 make mistakes
0:31:14 but the best of those who make these
0:31:15 mistakes and sins are those who repent
0:31:17 back to allah so so you're not unique
0:31:19 therefore in sinning because all of us
0:31:21 in fact are in the state of we sin all
0:31:23 the time and allah says you haven't adam
0:31:25 a son of adam
0:31:27 you sin against me by night and by day
0:31:30 and i forgive all of your sins ask for
0:31:32 forgiveness and i will forgive you and
0:31:34 remember this and this is what i
0:31:35 discussed in fact in my book the case
0:31:36 beautiful case of the of the three
0:31:38 people uh uh from uh surah toba the
0:31:41 people who stayed behind in taboo and
0:31:43 the verse is so profound lest the
0:31:46 christians say that you're focusing on
0:31:48 adam and it's a unique case this is this
0:31:50 is a case in point because allah says
0:31:52 that the three who stayed behind
0:31:57 until the earth became constricted for
0:31:59 them even though the earth is spacious
0:32:01 it's that feeling of constriction that
0:32:02 you have in yourself
0:32:05 and then their selves became constricted
0:32:07 for them and allah says
0:32:10 they realize
0:32:13 there's no refuge from allah except
0:32:15 going back to allah from
0:32:18 him
0:32:19 and then allah turned to them so that
0:32:21 they turned to him
0:32:24 allah turned to them
0:32:26 so that they turn to him now where are
0:32:29 you going to find that so whenever a
0:32:30 person asks for forgiveness it isn't you
0:32:32 asking forgiveness first it's allah has
0:32:34 already turned to you
0:32:36 to to help you to ask for forgiveness
0:32:38 that just shows the divine maximum mercy
0:32:40 and forgiveness of allah subhanahu wa
0:32:41 you know allah
0:32:44 in terms of doubts you could take time
0:32:46 to go to lighthouse that's for sure
0:32:48 yeah so one option
0:32:50 so one option is definitely um you know
0:32:52 we have the lighthouse service yeah you
0:32:54 know have them come on and book a
0:32:56 one-hour session you know have a
0:32:58 conversation with someone about the
0:32:59 doubts he's going through
0:33:01 um
0:33:02 of course in addition to that we have
0:33:03 the the course on our learning platform
0:33:06 uh related to um you know doubts or we
0:33:08 go into you know details not just
0:33:11 covering each and every individual doubt
0:33:13 but we go to fundamentals we start
0:33:15 talking about world views and paradigms
0:33:17 and things like that
0:33:18 uh more foundational things we start
0:33:20 talking about the very nature of doubts
0:33:22 you know what's a shubha you know what
0:33:24 do we mean by shubahat and so on and so
0:33:26 forth so the course is also another
0:33:28 reference
0:33:29 um
0:33:30 so yeah so i'm there you know we have a
0:33:32 lot of good robust
0:33:34 uh you know reference points in terms of
0:33:37 where he can go to to to speak to
0:33:39 someone about his doubts or study about
0:33:41 his doubts so you know i mean that's a
0:33:44 really good reference point you know one
0:33:45 thing they can go to the learning
0:33:47 platform learn.sapience
0:33:50 they could go through the the no doubt
0:33:52 course it's free they just have to give
0:33:54 their name and email so yes
0:33:56 it's learn.sapience yeah
0:33:59 and keep in mind like if
0:34:01 if you do reside in the us you know i
0:34:03 mean we are
0:34:04 we try to bring this course uh on site
0:34:07 as well
0:34:08 and that's another option that you know
0:34:10 depending if you are in the us or i'm
0:34:12 assuming in the uk and things like that
0:34:14 that you know it might be that might be
0:34:16 something that you could you could get
0:34:17 you could take on site in which case you
0:34:19 know sometimes i know learning platforms
0:34:22 maybe some of us are a bit exhausted
0:34:24 with the online platform yeah with
0:34:26 certain things and so it's kind of
0:34:28 important to have that human interaction
0:34:30 uh because
0:34:31 like we were mentioning earlier these
0:34:32 are you know we're looking at the human
0:34:35 being we want to look at the human being
0:34:36 holistically right so while there may be
0:34:38 some doubts about islam
0:34:40 but the way the question was structured
0:34:42 earlier is that the person in a sense it
0:34:44 may not even about may not even be about
0:34:46 doubts per se but it's about more of
0:34:49 like okay well i've done so much wrong
0:34:51 then how could allah forgive me so it's
0:34:53 not really about doubts but it's about
0:34:55 does the person know who allah is right
0:34:57 and like uh dr uzman
0:34:59 so beautifully shared you know it's
0:35:01 sometimes it's just a matter of kind of
0:35:03 connecting back with allah and uh you
0:35:05 know those things sometimes happen um on
0:35:08 site
0:35:09 in a way where you're interacting with a
0:35:11 person directly so lots of options that
0:35:13 are out there
0:35:14 uh the site again if you're looking
0:35:16 interested in the in the learning
0:35:18 platform
0:35:20 the course is there uh we have the book
0:35:22 you can download
0:35:24 from the site as well uh to go ahead and
0:35:27 take care of some of those doubts
0:35:28 inshallah so yes so the book written by
0:35:31 chef fahad is available on our website
0:35:33 if you go to sapience
0:35:35 forward slash
0:35:37 books you'll be able to download it for
0:35:38 free and it goes through the 10
0:35:40 effective strategies on how to do your
0:35:42 doubts and other people's doubts as well
0:35:44 alhamdulillah
0:35:45 okay so let's have someone live to speak
0:35:49 to us i cannot pronounce his name so i
0:35:52 am assuming it's a sir i call him mr
0:35:54 cricket
0:35:56 hello mr cricket
0:35:58 hello
0:36:04 i have a question i yesterday read the
0:36:06 hadith at a
0:36:08 profit item high it was 90 feet
0:36:11 it was pretty confusing i just want to
0:36:13 know what does
0:36:14 this mean
0:36:17 okay here we give that one to heart if
0:36:19 he knows the answer
0:36:21 um i'm going to attempt to know the
0:36:23 answer but uh
0:36:25 i'm gonna attempt to know the answer but
0:36:27 let me just attempt to answer the
0:36:28 question uh as best as i can
0:36:30 so one of the things is regarding the
0:36:33 hadith itself um that
0:36:36 there's actually a few interpretations
0:36:37 of the hadith specifically right uh what
0:36:40 does it what does 90 feet mean what does
0:36:42 it signify
0:36:43 along where there are also some
0:36:45 criticisms about the chain as well
0:36:47 so what i'll do is i'll give you a book
0:36:49 reference that has just come out and i
0:36:51 believe it's by uh
0:36:56 recently wrote an entire piece on this
0:36:58 which will get into a lot more details
0:37:00 about the hadith itself so he's a lot
0:37:02 more
0:37:03 qualified in that in that area of hadith
0:37:05 studies and things like that and it goes
0:37:07 through all of the various
0:37:10 uh explanations of that hadith because
0:37:12 just like we may find the hadees to be a
0:37:14 bit problematic
0:37:16 you find in our history there are lots
0:37:17 of hadith that that even scholars of the
0:37:19 past found like okay this doesn't really
0:37:21 fit well in our in our understanding of
0:37:23 the world and things like that and it's
0:37:25 not something to be too afraid of um
0:37:28 so i'll refer you to the book uh and if
0:37:31 you know hamza or uh doctor's mom want
0:37:33 to add to that they're free to do that
0:37:34 inshallah so
0:37:36 what's the book called
0:37:38 oh it's i think it's uh on adam or
0:37:40 something like that or adam and ninety
0:37:41 feet uh
0:37:43 in fact i'll
0:37:45 bring it up here
0:37:46 um
0:37:47 so
0:37:49 yeah bring it up and then we'll share it
0:37:51 on the comments inshallah okay bro it's
0:37:53 like here i don't have to pronounce your
0:37:55 first name so do apologize uh please
0:37:57 read that book and uh we could take it
0:37:59 from there i think we also i think we
0:38:00 have a video
0:38:02 on our sapient thoughts series i'm not
0:38:04 sure we may have i think we have
0:38:06 um but i think uh
0:38:09 the book that fahad is suggesting is a
0:38:11 robust book i remember we had a very
0:38:12 brief discussion on it a few years ago
0:38:15 or a month ago so alhamdulillah give it
0:38:18 a read and that would be quite
0:38:20 satisfactory inshallah it's not going to
0:38:21 come back to us again
0:38:23 but
0:38:24 we are producing written replies to most
0:38:28 of these questions
0:38:30 so you know for example
0:38:32 the scientific errors narrative when
0:38:34 they say that the quran has errors you
0:38:36 know for example when allah says in
0:38:37 chapter 86
0:38:39 verses 5 to 7 that you know
0:38:42 the accusation is that the sperm comes
0:38:44 from between the backbone and the ribs
0:38:47 and we address things like this we we
0:38:49 show how multi-layered the quran is and
0:38:52 we show the different views and and the
0:38:54 three main views that we're aware of do
0:38:56 not go against science in any shape or
0:38:58 form it's just a misunderstanding
0:39:00 of of the detractor they don't know the
0:39:02 language they don't know
0:39:04 maybe the science itself they don't know
0:39:07 uh grammatical linguistic principles in
0:39:09 the quran so we're unpacking a lot of
0:39:12 this stuff and it's forthcoming and the
0:39:14 first one that's coming out
0:39:16 in this period is going to be on this
0:39:18 issue that i've just mentioned and we're
0:39:20 going to go through mountains and all of
0:39:22 that stuff just to show that the
0:39:23 accusations are forced and it's going to
0:39:25 be predicated on the idea of
0:39:27 understanding what has a higher
0:39:29 epistemic source the quran has a higher
0:39:31 epistemic source a truth value
0:39:34 than than the scientific enterprise
0:39:36 um and yeah so you know it's really
0:39:39 really
0:39:40 good
0:39:41 that brothers in the dao are now
0:39:42 starting to adopt this narrative you
0:39:45 know there are really good brothers who
0:39:47 would basically you know they don't
0:39:49 follow the science and quran 1.0 that is
0:39:52 a you know
0:39:54 an incoherent narrative they've upgraded
0:39:56 it to a 3.0 and they're starting to know
0:39:58 that there's different levels of
0:39:59 interpretation and so it bypasses some
0:40:02 of the contentions that
0:40:04 detractors used to have against the book
0:40:05 of allah but maybe we could address this
0:40:07 on on this live in another life another
0:40:09 time but i don't want to mention that
0:40:10 because
0:40:11 this stuff is coming out alhamdulillah
0:40:13 so you got the name of the book bro yes
0:40:14 so the name of the book is uh the height
0:40:16 of prophet adam at the crossroads of
0:40:18 science and scripture
0:40:19 and it's by muntastra mufti montana
0:40:24 and you can i think you get on amazon if
0:40:26 that's what you're looking for inshallah
0:40:27 and i think
0:40:28 uh probably a few places in the uk
0:40:31 sell it directly i'm not mistaken
0:40:33 but he
0:40:34 he spent a lot of time researching this
0:40:37 particular hadith and its various
0:40:38 narrators and stuff like that his forte
0:40:40 is hadith that he's interestingly enough
0:40:42 um and similarly what you're mentioning
0:40:45 about you know he doesn't take a
0:40:47 a kind of myopic approach to adopting a
0:40:50 narrative of science to say okay well it
0:40:52 has to fit science you know and that's
0:40:54 what i really liked about his
0:40:55 presentation on the topic as well so if
0:40:56 you search online
0:40:58 i think he he has a couple of videos uh
0:41:00 where he did interviews with people as
0:41:02 he was in the midst of his research so
0:41:04 it's it's it's it's it's quite robust
0:41:06 and it's um something i definitely
0:41:08 recommend inshallah so
0:41:10 okay brilliant so
0:41:11 who's next the link is here you guys
0:41:13 anyone could come on and have a
0:41:14 discussion ask a question about our work
0:41:17 um ask a question about islamic thought
0:41:20 if we can answer we will if we can't
0:41:22 we'll pass you to someone who could
0:41:23 probably answer it much better uh the
0:41:26 link is there
0:41:28 forward slash
0:41:32 9bg3vp9qf5 i mean the link is right
0:41:33 there for you guys to see um so let's
0:41:36 see if there's any other questions
0:41:38 brothers and sisters
0:41:41 um
0:41:42 we'll wait for people to try and come on
0:41:43 board so dr uthman so your your book is
0:41:46 not only going to be a book it's also
0:41:48 going to be a course
0:41:50 so how excited are you about that and
0:41:53 what you and how do you think the course
0:41:54 is going to be different from the book
0:41:58 yeah so when i finished by the way
0:41:59 shakespeare is wonderful seeing you i
0:42:01 didn't give salam to you probably
0:42:02 mashallah it's great seeing you
0:42:04 it's been a while
0:42:06 uh yes so it's uh it's uh yeah so when i
0:42:09 finish the course i'm gonna be doing the
0:42:11 slides insha'allah for the course and so
0:42:13 i'm sorry when i finish the book uh
0:42:15 doing slides for the course i'm praying
0:42:17 that inshallah
0:42:18 i mean the good thing about the book
0:42:19 that's in fact unique i think and
0:42:21 original is the fact that it has this
0:42:22 kind of
0:42:24 pedagogical outlook uh which is to
0:42:28 ensure that that we can learn a lot from
0:42:30 the examples provided
0:42:32 and that there is a kind of a training
0:42:34 behind the theory of the verses and and
0:42:38 the themes that i discuss i mean in fact
0:42:40 that is the most important thing that we
0:42:42 can know how to incorporate those
0:42:44 equalities for us as as dua in the way
0:42:47 of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala how can it
0:42:49 affect and change our framework and our
0:42:51 way of being a way of living as muslims
0:42:54 and so the course therefore will be uh
0:42:56 going through the the content very
0:42:58 carefully
0:43:00 and then providing those tips you know
0:43:01 for for our students inshallah
0:43:04 good beautiful
0:43:05 and i think what i'm excited about is
0:43:07 the different type of scenarios where
0:43:10 you're gonna we're going to try and show
0:43:12 them
0:43:12 if this context happens how do you apply
0:43:15 what you've learned from the
0:43:17 concept and that's that's going to be
0:43:19 very interesting so yeah
0:43:22 today you know people misapply concepts
0:43:24 like muslim and masada that benefits
0:43:27 muhammad they think well this is
0:43:29 and i can do it but they forget that the
0:43:31 implications could end up making it
0:43:34 be blameworthy and worse or even haram
0:43:37 because they're not an islamic ethical
0:43:39 paradigm so yeah that's very very good
0:43:41 and the fun in fact the quran in its uh
0:43:43 broad outlook taps into these different
0:43:44 kinds of scenarios for us
0:43:46 uh you know there are times where
0:43:49 uh you know where we can have effective
0:43:51 engagement with people uh even those who
0:43:54 are antagonistic and other times where
0:43:56 we're just encouraged to just to hold
0:43:58 back a little bit uh not to necessarily
0:44:00 engage with everybody in fact because it
0:44:03 could be that at one point engagement or
0:44:05 it could be the fact that you know
0:44:07 knowledge and wisdom is is quite key
0:44:09 here because wherever i am in my journey
0:44:11 of dawa i might i might not be at that
0:44:14 point in time the best to engage with a
0:44:16 particular person on a particular topic
0:44:18 and i think there has to be some kind of
0:44:20 a
0:44:20 an understanding of our epistemic
0:44:22 limitations as human beings as muslims
0:44:24 that were all kind of growing in
0:44:25 knowledge uh i was writing just the
0:44:27 other day about the famous incident of
0:44:29 uh
0:44:30 uh of the aftermath of ohad when abu
0:44:33 sufyan began calling out
0:44:35 the prophet he says
0:44:37 muhammadan is muhammad with you and he's
0:44:38 kind of gloating in this and the prophet
0:44:40 said lord to jiba don't answer him
0:44:42 meaning the narrative is yours own it
0:44:45 and then he says afikum you know is abu
0:44:47 bakr with you and he said
0:44:49 don't answer him
0:44:50 and then he says
0:44:52 um
0:44:54 he said that to you but don't answer him
0:44:56 and then he said abu sufyan said
0:44:59 is great and the prophet said ajibu
0:45:01 answer him
0:45:03 allah is concerned answer him then he
0:45:06 says uh they said what should we say
0:45:07 rasulullah said say allah allah
0:45:10 allah is higher than that and more
0:45:12 glorious than that and the abu sufyan
0:45:14 says
0:45:18 and the prophet said
0:45:20 answer him and they said so what should
0:45:21 we say he says
0:45:25 the person was telling them when to when
0:45:27 to answer when not to answer you don't
0:45:28 have to speak every single instance but
0:45:30 you should know with wisdom
0:45:32 when to speak and one will not to speak
0:45:34 and this is a nice speech that's an
0:45:35 interesting point and you know as allah
0:45:37 makes a distinction between uh wise
0:45:39 judgment and
0:45:41 and
0:45:42 what's very interesting as well is what
0:45:43 ibm said about the whole concept of
0:45:45 wisdom i think it's saying or acting in
0:45:48 the right way at the right time and i
0:45:50 think in the right context that means
0:45:52 you have to be aware of the context and
0:45:54 of the time and of the right way of
0:45:56 doing things yeah
0:45:57 sometimes
0:45:58 you know uh unfortunately we we don't
0:46:01 have that milan make it uh easy for us
0:46:03 okay so we're getting lots of people on
0:46:04 the
0:46:06 the the backstage so let's get sister
0:46:10 uh maryam i think she's disappeared now
0:46:13 yep she's gone all right so let's get
0:46:19 spot for choice we get the first one
0:46:21 hamza khan sonic hamza khan
0:46:27 but before i ask my question i just want
0:46:28 to quickly say
0:46:30 uh
0:46:32 uh you changed my life i just want to
0:46:34 put that out there but um so my question
0:46:36 is uh
0:46:37 about islamic literature or just
0:46:40 i i guess i'm
0:46:41 about fictional literature so
0:46:43 uh especially in entertainment in in the
0:46:46 west
0:46:47 how do you think we should move forward
0:46:48 as muslims in creating a space for
0:46:51 muslim literature muslim movies muslim
0:46:53 entertainment and how would you guys uh
0:46:57 see you to put that forward and get uh i
0:46:58 guess our views out there
0:47:01 okay first and foremost you know may not
0:47:03 bless you bro i know what you mean but
0:47:05 ultimately allah changes everybody it's
0:47:08 i'm just an empty tool that allah used
0:47:10 to manifest his his his
0:47:13 power and his will with regards to
0:47:15 fiction it's a very good topic i i'm
0:47:17 this is not my field but i know whose
0:47:19 food it is because i know someone who's
0:47:20 involved heavily in in fiction
0:47:23 it is flat to steve himself he is a i
0:47:26 think a comic fan and he does his own
0:47:28 narratives and narrations for children
0:47:30 i've listened to some of them they sound
0:47:32 great so you talk about
0:47:34 sure uh no i was about to say it it may
0:47:37 not be in the scope of sapience itself
0:47:39 specifically
0:47:41 but
0:47:41 but it's definitely a really good
0:47:43 question and
0:47:44 uh definitely a space that i think we
0:47:46 need to be involved in uh just because
0:47:48 especially when you look at
0:47:50 um you know i was going to say like
0:47:52 younger kind of muslims that are growing
0:47:54 up in this society is that if you don't
0:47:55 have an alternative
0:47:57 um you know they're all they're they're
0:47:59 superheroes are going to be people that
0:48:00 uh you know may not reflect the best
0:48:03 the best character and the best uh you
0:48:04 know the best outlook on life
0:48:06 not to mention that
0:48:07 in every field of entertainment there's
0:48:10 a certain narrative that's being pushed
0:48:12 a world view that's being pushed
0:48:14 and so if we understand that we have a
0:48:16 world view that's based upon truth and
0:48:18 meaning
0:48:19 then there should be pushed even when we
0:48:21 are you know when we're producing
0:48:23 literature that you know even like
0:48:24 fictional stuff so
0:48:25 um
0:48:27 you know i have a series that i do on
0:48:28 the sita which has to do with the time
0:48:30 travel that goes back in time
0:48:32 but the i think one of the things that's
0:48:34 attractive to people that that that have
0:48:36 gone through that sita is that
0:48:38 throughout the entire sea i'm pushing
0:48:40 and i'm kind of highlighting
0:48:42 the islamic world view right
0:48:44 so yes there's elements in there where
0:48:46 we speak about certain elements within
0:48:48 you know fip and you know how to do
0:48:50 certain things but what's more important
0:48:52 than that is that
0:48:53 the impact that it is having on younger
0:48:56 minds by way of paradigm by way of like
0:48:59 this is my world view and it is based on
0:49:01 truth and meaning
0:49:02 in exclusion to everything else meaning
0:49:04 everything else is gonna have weaknesses
0:49:06 and i think that sort of empowerment is
0:49:08 really important in in some of the uh
0:49:10 some of the literature that we have out
0:49:12 there and there's good stuff that's
0:49:13 coming out you know i mean
0:49:14 um i know there's uh other comics i
0:49:17 think they have some stuff coming out
0:49:19 um you know we've recorded some things
0:49:21 in the space and there's a lot of stuff
0:49:23 that to look forward to but yeah i mean
0:49:25 i i do think that if some if muslims are
0:49:28 going to engage with entertainment in
0:49:30 general uh
0:49:32 especially as we are
0:49:34 seeing how that entertainment is
0:49:37 pushing a narrative we're gonna have to
0:49:39 be very very careful and start seriously
0:49:41 thinking about alternative their
0:49:43 alternative um entertainment and you
0:49:46 know in various speeches tell them about
0:49:48 your i forgot what your thing is called
0:49:49 where can they go to listen to your
0:49:50 stuff for children it's quite effective
0:49:52 what's it called uh the quantum
0:49:53 chronicles that's a one
0:49:56 that's the one you can go
0:49:58 there and uh
0:49:59 check that out and uh
0:50:01 we've got a number of different uh you
0:50:03 know we've got the cedaw we've got
0:50:04 stories of the sahaba
0:50:06 salahuddin
0:50:09 and they're all um this little audio
0:50:11 isn't it's not written books yeah yeah i
0:50:13 mean my
0:50:14 my initial uh reason for bringing it
0:50:17 together is that i was trying to get my
0:50:18 kids interested in the sita and i think
0:50:20 i'd put on a ceta series in the car
0:50:22 which is way too academic every five
0:50:24 seconds they'd be asking me hey baba
0:50:27 what does quintessential mean hey baba
0:50:30 what is epistemic hey bob and i'm like
0:50:32 look oh my gosh this is like ridiculous
0:50:34 right so
0:50:35 so i basically put it together in simple
0:50:37 language but that kind of
0:50:39 augments that simple language with a an
0:50:42 exciting time traveling story of a young
0:50:44 person who deals with modern issues but
0:50:47 he's able to witness the sita and so to
0:50:50 be able to deal those issues directly as
0:50:51 he's witnessing the sita so
0:50:53 you know it's uh it's a little
0:50:55 contribution in in the broader uh you
0:50:57 know uh real broader area of uh muslim
0:51:00 entertainment if we want to call it that
0:51:02 so alhamdulillah there's a lot of good
0:51:04 stuff out there but yeah i mean it's
0:51:06 it's it's it's an area that but i do
0:51:08 think we need more because the power of
0:51:10 narrative and stories is unbelievable
0:51:13 and we're not just little children yeah
0:51:15 and we know this from the quran yeah not
0:51:17 only are their stories but the stories
0:51:19 are true and they're laid with meaning
0:51:21 for example yusuf there's like a
0:51:23 thousand lessons and there's more
0:51:25 lessons than ayat than verses right so
0:51:28 if we're able to articulate narratives
0:51:30 and stories in a way that's quite
0:51:31 profound because don't forget a lot of
0:51:33 continental philosophy was based on
0:51:34 stories right yes of course
0:51:36 existentialists they wrote stories but
0:51:38 it was laid with meaning very profound
0:51:40 and i think that's what we like a lot
0:51:42 because a lot of us we like to go into
0:51:44 medicine engineering the hard sciences
0:51:46 but not many of us go into things like
0:51:48 literature or the humanities and we lose
0:51:51 that ability to express and to really
0:51:54 you know provide
0:51:56 profound
0:51:57 layers in in in a way that makes an
0:52:00 impact through literature and it's it's
0:52:02 not easy it's very hard to write trust
0:52:03 me i think hemingway once said
0:52:05 yeah writing is easy you just go to your
0:52:07 typewriter and you bleed
0:52:10 so
0:52:11 okay so we've got lots of people
0:52:13 here
0:52:15 good question
0:52:16 beautiful question
0:52:30 i'm doing all right uh i i kind of
0:52:32 briefly went through uh the beginning of
0:52:35 the stream i just recently saw you guys
0:52:36 were live uh and i saw something about
0:52:38 you guys have some courses that you're
0:52:40 going to be doing on the fitrah and i
0:52:42 kind of wanted to talk to you guys a
0:52:43 little bit about that uh is this going
0:52:45 to be
0:52:46 um so uh brother hamza uh
0:52:49 i've i've read the divine reality i have
0:52:51 the book amazing book masha allah is
0:52:54 this gonna going to be more of a
0:52:55 philosophical based idea of of going
0:52:58 through the fithra well this is not my
0:53:01 question
0:53:03 it's going to go straight into the
0:53:04 islamic tradition i think sheikh fahad
0:53:06 is a team at heart but he speaks
0:53:09 sure go ahead brother yeah no so i mean
0:53:11 bismillah um no it's it's i don't think
0:53:14 we're so one of the things we have to
0:53:15 understand about the actual fitra um how
0:53:18 it is structured in above itself so one
0:53:20 of the arguments that for instance
0:53:21 imitamia gives is that you know
0:53:24 understanding the fitra actually
0:53:26 helps you deal with other kind of more
0:53:29 uh
0:53:31 more complicated philosophical arguments
0:53:33 you know and and from a certain
0:53:35 perspective he says you know most people
0:53:36 don't deal with that type of
0:53:38 uh technical philosophy right or as
0:53:41 hamzo is giving us the dichotomy between
0:53:43 continental and analytical philosophy he
0:53:45 does he may be in a sense saying that
0:53:47 the analytical stuff i mean that's maybe
0:53:48 very specialized um so what the course
0:53:51 is going to do it's going to it's going
0:53:52 to do a deep dive into our understanding
0:53:54 of the fitrah and various areas that it
0:53:57 touches and how that understanding is
0:53:59 very important so for example
0:54:01 one area that it touches is
0:54:03 understanding normativity
0:54:05 okay so in other words when we say that
0:54:07 it is a you know that it is we define as
0:54:10 the original normative disposition
0:54:12 normativity in in our general culture
0:54:15 uh at least in the u.s is understood as
0:54:17 something negative so if you say you're
0:54:18 cis normative or you're heteronormative
0:54:21 he's like oh how dare your normative but
0:54:23 then you need some sort of sense of
0:54:24 normativity to actually say that okay
0:54:26 well this is not normative and why does
0:54:29 why is the fitrah powerful in that area
0:54:31 to empower a person to say yes i
0:54:34 understand normativity and that
0:54:35 normality comes from allah in
0:54:37 in a base state and then there's other
0:54:39 sections i'll be covering inshallah
0:54:40 related to like beauty how the how the
0:54:42 fitra you know how we how we understand
0:54:44 beauty and internalize it and things
0:54:45 like that
0:54:46 um and then i inshallah i'll be touching
0:54:49 on
0:54:50 other elements of let's say um human
0:54:52 nature in general what are some of the
0:54:54 assumptions people make related to human
0:54:56 nature and that has ramifications on uh
0:54:59 you know understanding politics society
0:55:02 you know there's certain assumptions
0:55:03 that liberalism makes on human nature
0:55:05 all right so we want to say hold on a
0:55:07 second we don't make those assumptions
0:55:09 our assumptions about human nature are
0:55:10 linked deeply with the fitra so
0:55:13 a lot of good stuff inshallah marshall
0:55:15 yeah yeah joseph lahyer brother thank
0:55:16 you yeah because i've been thinking is
0:55:19 like i've been giving down myself a lot
0:55:21 of people have been bringing up this
0:55:22 idea of fitra you know and i'm very very
0:55:26 philosophical based
0:55:27 um and and i've been trying to you know
0:55:30 when i have discussions with non-muslims
0:55:32 i try and bring up this idea of okay
0:55:35 let's let's look at your epistemological
0:55:36 standards let's see where you stand
0:55:38 epistemologically so we have the same
0:55:40 type of framework to be able to dive
0:55:42 into something like the contingency
0:55:44 argument like you were talking about
0:55:45 analytical philosophy things like that
0:55:47 that's what i really try and base my dow
0:55:49 well not my job of more my polemics
0:55:51 around i guess you could say
0:55:53 so and i'm i want to try and come up
0:55:55 with
0:55:56 some type of understanding on how we can
0:55:58 tie the fithra
0:56:00 into our innate like epistemological
0:56:03 standards that human beings have are our
0:56:05 axiomatic presuppositions that human
0:56:07 human beings make and try and tie that
0:56:09 into a you know what it would what you
0:56:12 know how you could tie that into like a
0:56:13 clear fitra
0:56:15 right yeah so so one section and this is
0:56:18 actually
0:56:19 this won't necessarily be a new section
0:56:20 in the course but one thing that we've
0:56:21 spoken about in the past in i think
0:56:23 pretty much all of our courses is that
0:56:25 even when we go down the line of let's
0:56:27 say argumentation
0:56:29 argumentation what we show is that it is
0:56:32 one of the one of the tools that we can
0:56:35 use in unclouding the fitra right
0:56:37 because when we understand the fitra we
0:56:38 understand that you know to get the
0:56:40 fitra to its you know state of
0:56:42 homeostasis right to its to its normal
0:56:45 state
0:56:46 you know unclouded
0:56:48 one of the ways to do that is by way of
0:56:49 rational arguments but there are a whole
0:56:51 range of other tools that we can use to
0:56:54 do that right so you know amongst them
0:56:55 are the certain elements of spirituality
0:56:58 the quran is extremely powerful in this
0:57:00 area and when i say the quran i don't
0:57:03 mean just the rational arguments of the
0:57:05 quran but here we're talking about the
0:57:08 levels of beauty the idea or ideas
0:57:10 related to how does even the sound of
0:57:13 the quran affect the person right
0:57:15 because many times people will hear you
0:57:17 know we'll see stories about someone you
0:57:19 know heard the first two ayaat and surah
0:57:22 and they and they were inclined towards
0:57:23 islam and people write that off like
0:57:25 well that's not rational but no the even
0:57:28 sound has a certain profound emotive um
0:57:30 effect on the human upon the human
0:57:32 fitrah right
0:57:34 um so one of the things we say is that
0:57:36 while we understand that there is a role
0:57:38 to play related to rational arguments
0:57:42 but we have to understand that that's
0:57:43 not the end that's just a means to
0:57:45 uncloud the fifa right and so what this
0:57:47 course inshallah will do
0:57:49 i hope
0:57:50 is to kind of give you additional tools
0:57:54 the ones that you're already using right
0:57:55 so yes you have let's say the
0:57:56 contingency argument but to be really
0:57:59 honest that's not for everyone you know
0:58:02 in fact i've done the contingency
0:58:03 argument i realized like this person
0:58:06 lost me in the middle of the argument
0:58:07 right like they're like they're and what
0:58:09 they really needed was just for me to
0:58:11 say you know going off of you know some
0:58:13 of the work that dr thought would be
0:58:14 doing is you know what how have you been
0:58:17 man how was your day
0:58:18 like i just want to know i just want you
0:58:20 know at the end of the day i care about
0:58:21 your well-being right again
0:58:24 how do you navigate that understanding
0:58:26 that the goal is to
0:58:28 bring this person's fitrah to a to the
0:58:30 state of where it's supposed to be and
0:58:31 i'm clouded right
0:58:34 and there's a really interesting dynamic
0:58:36 interplay between
0:58:38 rational arguments and the fitra right
0:58:40 the akal and the fitra which i'll be
0:58:41 expounding upon there's a section in
0:58:43 there about the human being right what
0:58:46 is what are who are we as human beings
0:58:48 right because that's i think we don't
0:58:50 necessarily spend much time in that but
0:58:53 once we understand that that we are you
0:58:55 know we we are not only material matter
0:58:58 but we also have a soul and there's a
0:59:00 dynamic interplay in that and that has
0:59:02 impacts on things like gender like are
0:59:04 we you know in typically in the in the
0:59:06 day that we're in the day and age we're
0:59:07 in
0:59:08 you'll find an argument to say okay so
0:59:10 biology 100 determines our gender they
0:59:13 make a dichotomy to gender and sex and
0:59:14 so on and so forth but we understand
0:59:16 that yes there's a there's there is the
0:59:18 gender of the human being that's tied to
0:59:21 their biology but that's also part of
0:59:23 their essence and that's why in our in
0:59:25 our acts of worship they're both
0:59:26 physical and spiritual we have salah
0:59:28 that's physical
0:59:29 but it has an impact on the soul and so
0:59:32 so there's a lot so as you can see i'm
0:59:33 really excited about this topic so i
0:59:34 should stop now anyway inshallah i can't
0:59:36 wait for it uh
0:59:38 what you have to realize as well we have
0:59:39 to be very careful especially when we're
0:59:40 using like abstract theo philosophical
0:59:42 philosophical arguments because when you
0:59:44 go deeper and deeper deeper into the
0:59:46 philosophy
0:59:47 i would say i would say
0:59:49 that there are elements in these type of
0:59:52 arguments where
0:59:54 sometimes you just won't find an answer
0:59:55 there's so much philosophical especially
0:59:57 going on like for example when you're
0:59:59 going to the contingency argument
1:00:01 there's this whole
1:00:02 kind of
1:00:04 rebuttal concerning well what about the
1:00:06 law of contradiction isn't the law of
1:00:08 contradiction
1:00:09 eternal and necessary if it's not then
1:00:12 you know does that affect the argument
1:00:14 if it is then you've got something
1:00:15 that's co-eternal with god how is and
1:00:17 that's comfort maybe in the islamic
1:00:19 tradition where is governed if something
1:00:20 is co-eternal right so there's all these
1:00:23 things and then you get into this realm
1:00:24 of um para para consistent logic which
1:00:28 not many people hear about i don't want
1:00:29 to mention this to confuse people just
1:00:30 mentioning it we have to be careful and
1:00:32 that's why these things are a means to
1:00:34 awaken what is
1:00:36 already self-evidently known or if you
1:00:39 take the other approach to the fitra
1:00:40 fitrah
1:00:42 that it unclouds the fitter to allow the
1:00:44 fitter to direct the human being towards
1:00:45 the truth so we have to be very careful
1:00:48 because when we look at you know over a
1:00:50 thousand years of history how people
1:00:52 became muslim people didn't really
1:00:53 become muslim because of the
1:00:54 conditioning argument alone it was used
1:00:56 more than as an apologetic
1:00:58 um
1:00:59 you know and a form of intellectual
1:01:01 armory rather than using as to connect
1:01:03 people to a lot of panel
1:01:05 yes you can use it so just to you know
1:01:08 square the circle here if you like
1:01:10 and there's no pun because of the thing
1:01:12 i talked about logic by the way yeah so
1:01:14 you know
1:01:15 but see if you take the fitrah
1:01:17 as the innate original normative
1:01:19 disposition and the fitra gets clouded
1:01:20 based on hadith and sahih muslim you
1:01:22 could use that metaphor if you like
1:01:24 and
1:01:25 there are different ways to uncloud the
1:01:27 fitzray it could be rational arguments
1:01:28 but it could also be just direct quran
1:01:30 it could be just reading the sera it
1:01:32 could be appreciating islamic ethics it
1:01:34 could be engaging with a muslim
1:01:35 positively it could be just looking at
1:01:37 someone praise allah it could be praying
1:01:39 your salah yourself
1:01:40 and it could be a combination of these
1:01:42 things right so we don't know
1:01:44 uh you know how
1:01:47 we don't know what combination of things
1:01:49 are required to awaken somas fitra
1:01:51 unless we stand in the possibility that
1:01:53 the human being is not just a robot that
1:01:55 we give an abstract intellectual
1:01:56 argument but rather he is the fitness
1:01:58 clouded and i have to listen out for his
1:02:01 context to find out maybe maybe this is
1:02:03 not going to work for this person and
1:02:05 we've had this before like i had a an
1:02:07 atheist pakistani guy came up to me and
1:02:09 said oh hamza your argument for god's
1:02:11 existence doesn't make sense because
1:02:12 causality doesn't make sense out of the
1:02:13 universe so hopefully i was a little bit
1:02:15 sensitive to his context and i'm not
1:02:17 going to debate him on causality because
1:02:18 in western metaphysics they don't even
1:02:20 have they have ichthy they don't even
1:02:21 have a consensus generally speaking on
1:02:23 the nature of the link right
1:02:26 so i try to explain that kind of stuff
1:02:28 to him and he said well i don't know
1:02:29 what causality means i said well isn't
1:02:30 it very interesting that using a key
1:02:32 word in a sentence to deny allah but you
1:02:34 don't know what that key word means
1:02:36 what's going on and for me that was an
1:02:37 indication that was a psycho spiritual
1:02:39 thing going on and after nice
1:02:40 conversation he basically said i came
1:02:42 from a secular family i didn't know how
1:02:44 to connect to allah
1:02:47 this is a quick summary we've mentioned
1:02:49 this in our courses shaka has mentioned
1:02:50 it in the no doubt personal learning
1:02:51 platform and obviously he's going to
1:02:52 unpack it even further in the course but
1:02:54 i just want to just let you give you
1:02:56 that kind of advice that human beings
1:02:58 are not just
1:03:00 abstract ai machines that you type in a
1:03:02 philosophical algorithm you expect
1:03:04 certain results there needs to be a
1:03:06 sense of psychology and a sense of
1:03:08 understanding where they are where they
1:03:09 come from and it's an intellectual
1:03:10 spiritual empathy and the whole paradigm
1:03:13 awakens you to that because you realize
1:03:14 now you know what this philosophical
1:03:17 hispling is not moving with him because
1:03:18 what about ego now being right and stuff
1:03:20 like that
1:03:22 with the human so that's the power of
1:03:25 the course and by the way this is in my
1:03:27 view not just based on the athari creed
1:03:31 even you have
1:03:33 masters in the ashrae tradition like ali
1:03:35 ghazali that spoke about the fitra and
1:03:37 spoke about when and when not to even
1:03:39 one of his latest books before he died
1:03:41 when and when not to to use abstract
1:03:44 philosophical arguments in actual fact
1:03:45 he would even say some arguments would
1:03:47 be poison for people if it's medicine
1:03:50 for some people but it could be
1:03:51 poisonous and harmful for others so you
1:03:53 know as we know al-ghazali was like a
1:03:54 psychologist he he sought the context
1:03:57 and not unfortunately sometimes in the
1:03:59 online space that mindset from our
1:04:01 tradition is missing and the fitra
1:04:03 paradigm i think can solve it inshallah
1:04:05 bro
1:04:07 not charlie yeah jazak lahayer barak
1:04:09 thank you very much
1:04:12 yeah thank you so much for uh for for
1:04:14 having me on guys i definitely cannot
1:04:16 wait for uh for this course to come out
1:04:18 brother i'll be watching it intently um
1:04:20 i i've been definitely learning a lot uh
1:04:23 obviously i'm very close to brother jake
1:04:24 the muslim metaphysician i've been
1:04:26 watching
1:04:27 uh his his courses on um on testing the
1:04:30 trinity and uh uh i think it's a
1:04:34 creed over
1:04:36 i can't remember what the title of it is
1:04:38 uh but i've been i've been watching that
1:04:40 uh brother jake and some of the other
1:04:42 brothers from thought adventure podcasts
1:04:43 were directly uh they were directly
1:04:45 related to me debating with them as an
1:04:48 atheist for over a year and a half that
1:04:49 brought me you know to islam
1:04:54 been learning a lot you guys have a lot
1:04:56 of really really good courses um uh and
1:04:58 and i i i always try and put out there
1:05:00 like hey if anybody's wanting to learn
1:05:02 more about uh you know nihilism or
1:05:05 anything like that please go ahead and
1:05:06 check out sapience institute
1:05:08 uh yeah i mean
1:05:10 it's free to enroll yeah i mean you just
1:05:11 enroll you take the you take the courses
1:05:14 and and you're good brother yusuf
1:05:15 ponders right there with the nihilism
1:05:17 you've got chris christological
1:05:19 controversy he's talking about the
1:05:20 incarnation with brother jake like
1:05:21 there's tons of different courses on
1:05:23 here that uh that i find great benefit
1:05:25 in so insha'allah you know i i always
1:05:27 try and push this out uh on on my
1:05:29 streams to uh to to my followers that
1:05:31 when i don't want to learn more you guys
1:05:33 have a lot of really good courses
1:05:34 mashallah yeah that's the one you're
1:05:36 talking about christopher creed's christ
1:05:38 over creeds that's what it is yeah yeah
1:05:40 you go to
1:05:41 you have all of
1:05:43 these in-depth courses for free let's
1:05:44 register you can download the
1:05:45 presentation slides take the multiple
1:05:47 choice questions and get your
1:05:49 certificate at the end brother
1:05:51 we've got lots of people it's packed
1:05:52 here so may allah bless you bro may not
1:05:54 keep you firm grant your service
1:05:56 anything you need let us know may allah
1:05:57 bless you and preserve you and grant you
1:05:58 the best in both worlds
1:06:00 inshallah
1:06:05 okay
1:06:06 so well lots of people here so we have
1:06:09 so let me just remove
1:06:11 the
1:06:12 stop the screen share there we go
1:06:14 and let's now have yes sister mario just
1:06:24 sister
1:06:30 medium can't hear you yeah try and i'll
1:06:33 meet your mic if you can't i'll have to
1:06:35 remove you and you have to come back on
1:06:36 again unfortunately
1:06:38 give you a couple of seconds to unmute
1:06:40 yourself
1:06:42 nope
1:06:44 no problem okay so we have
1:06:48 we have
1:06:49 dr
1:06:50 ishvak khan in the house
1:06:55 uh
1:06:58 i'm very very excited and very very
1:07:00 happy
1:07:01 listening to dr dawkins this from
1:07:04 andreas basically
1:07:06 i'm from a medical background
1:07:09 basically my story begins from
1:07:11 all right i belong to a very religious i
1:07:14 belonged a very religious family then i
1:07:16 moved
1:07:18 a community which was you know basically
1:07:21 there have we had this mixture of
1:07:23 cultures religions like they were
1:07:26 in my first year of during mbbs when i
1:07:29 started my training
1:07:31 basically people start having this
1:07:33 emotional kind of islam in me basically
1:07:36 people when you when you are exposed to
1:07:39 this philosophy kind of a thing then
1:07:41 people start asking questions why to
1:07:43 believe in god why to believe in islam
1:07:45 and why to believe in
1:07:47 prophecy so
1:07:49 i had this kind of i cannot
1:07:51 exactly say that these were existential
1:07:53 crisis but these were valued questions
1:07:56 for me so i don't have anybody who could
1:07:59 basically answer these questions for me
1:08:01 but alhamdulillah
1:08:03 allah had plans for me
1:08:05 and i met this guy named namely hamza
1:08:08 andreas zorgius on youtube
1:08:10 along the i'm very happy i'm very proud
1:08:12 to be a muslim but
1:08:14 at the same time having this journey is
1:08:16 a very long journey and a very deep
1:08:19 journey and
1:08:20 uh i'm
1:08:21 you're very close to me and you are more
1:08:23 close to my family believe me because
1:08:26 you gave the confidence uh
1:08:29 you gave that knowledge and you gave
1:08:31 that exact precise answers what i needed
1:08:34 at that stage of life
1:08:36 so so my question uh to
1:08:40 to my ustad
1:08:41 the if i were to basically arrange the
1:08:44 list of teachers on the top throughout
1:08:47 my life will be hamza may allah bless
1:08:49 him my question will be uh to hamza
1:08:52 tomayustad is
1:08:54 is it is
1:08:55 is it very important or
1:08:57 should we expose common people to
1:09:00 philosophy or rationality or this kind
1:09:03 of stuff that we basically discuss this
1:09:06 secularism realism anteriorism nihilism
1:09:10 then you have agnosticism atheism all
1:09:12 these isms and schisms is it uh will it
1:09:16 give us any benefit if we expose common
1:09:19 people like me or somebody else to this
1:09:22 kind of stuff
1:09:24 plus
1:09:25 what is the ultimate uh you know destiny
1:09:28 or ultimate fate of
1:09:30 just following rationality is it
1:09:33 important to have spirituality with it
1:09:36 or is it important to have
1:09:38 some concept of divinity that goes
1:09:41 basically beyond special temporal
1:09:43 boundary so these are my question is
1:09:46 rest of whatever questions i had like
1:09:49 concept of free destination concept of
1:09:52 god and free will and all all have been
1:09:54 uh disgusted
1:09:56 thoroughly and filtered down by us
1:10:00 andreas
1:10:06 a 10 minute conversation with my wife
1:10:08 will change all of your opinions
1:10:10 immediately
1:10:11 so
1:10:12 uh alhamdulillah all praise be to allah
1:10:14 who has
1:10:15 given veils
1:10:16 and provided veils that veils our sins
1:10:19 and our shortcomings and i pray that
1:10:21 allah avails my shortcomings and sins on
1:10:23 the day of judgement
1:10:24 because it will be a thorough
1:10:25 embarrassment so i i do empathize you
1:10:28 know i'm you know sheikh fahed is an
1:10:30 inspiration to me talk to us
1:10:33 inspiration and you know i like to
1:10:35 hopefully have the same love that you're
1:10:37 showing as well and may allah bless you
1:10:38 so what you've done is an inspiration
1:10:40 not because of what you've said because
1:10:42 it's not very accurate but in terms of
1:10:44 the way you expressed it with the love
1:10:45 and that's beautiful and he reminds what
1:10:47 my dad said recently one of we had a
1:10:48 very profound conversation before he
1:10:49 went to greece she'd be coming back soon
1:10:51 inshallah
1:10:52 and he and i was on the phone to her
1:10:54 brother and he was like you know i love
1:10:55 the way you guys speak to each other
1:10:56 like brothers right
1:10:58 it really caught him you know and
1:11:00 sometimes we underestimate this very
1:11:02 special feature that islam has given us
1:11:04 that we have this amazing ability to
1:11:05 connect with people
1:11:07 that we don't really know that well
1:11:09 and that we can show a hell of a lot of
1:11:11 love as if they're they're more close to
1:11:13 us than their own blood brother and that
1:11:15 caught my dad you know he couldn't it
1:11:17 was just a really quick conversation i
1:11:19 don't even know that guy really well by
1:11:20 the way yeah imagine if you heard me
1:11:22 speaking to vad i mean yeah i mean
1:11:30 someone calls me if i had second wife
1:11:32 anyway i'm going to give you much
1:11:32 information but yeah so the point is yes
1:11:36 so i'm going to answer part of it and
1:11:37 i'll give the rest to shahada
1:11:40 by the way talking about brotherhood i
1:11:42 just know i've noticed and just noticed
1:11:44 some conversations that are
1:11:46 misrepresenting people
1:11:48 on the comment box and we need to be
1:11:50 very respectful right and you know some
1:11:53 people have totally misunderstood
1:11:54 people's positions what people are
1:11:56 saying there are people who are senior
1:11:58 in the dialogue
1:12:00 and i want everyone to respect each
1:12:01 other please on the comments if people
1:12:04 have different positions they may
1:12:05 disagree with each other it's not a big
1:12:06 deal um you know this is the dow we're
1:12:08 all trying our best
1:12:10 um and if anyone wants to come on and
1:12:12 have a conversation we're more than
1:12:14 welcome
1:12:15 um you know you know there's a there's a
1:12:17 really beautiful brother brother nadir
1:12:19 and you know i think people are giving a
1:12:20 hard time and you guys having some
1:12:22 friction just be nice to each other
1:12:24 be nice to each other uh support each
1:12:26 other improve each other love each other
1:12:28 come together to
1:12:30 to
1:12:31 to optimize each other right and this is
1:12:34 the way of muslims you know none of this
1:12:36 talking behind people's back you know
1:12:38 name-dropping this time yeah this is not
1:12:40 nice way of behaving
1:12:42 uh and this is not the way that muslims
1:12:44 should behave okay it's very
1:12:46 disheartening to say
1:12:47 you know things that are not nice that
1:12:49 you wouldn't say to someone that you
1:12:50 love speak to people as if you love them
1:12:52 pretend to love them and then it would
1:12:54 change you and then you would change
1:12:55 them okay guys
1:12:57 um anyway give salams to everyone on the
1:12:59 on on the chats so
1:13:02 basically uh with regards to um the
1:13:05 philosophy no way would i teach
1:13:07 philosophy to the general masses i
1:13:09 wouldn't even teach it to my children
1:13:12 because of a few reasons because that's
1:13:14 not the pedagogy of islam that's not the
1:13:16 quranic pedagogy the quran doesn't teach
1:13:19 you this the quran teaches you a form of
1:13:20 sound reasoning yeah
1:13:23 now
1:13:24 and i would focus on that i would focus
1:13:26 on ways to preserve the fitra and to
1:13:29 uncloud the fitra
1:13:31 and this is very important because as
1:13:33 you would see in our courses in the
1:13:34 forthcoming course by shakha
1:13:37 had you know the idea that there are two
1:13:39 main opinions of the fitra one opinion
1:13:41 is that there is some kind of primary
1:13:43 knowledge that allah exists whether you
1:13:45 worship it gets clouded
1:13:46 that's a nice metaphor the other opinion
1:13:48 is that there is no knowledge but it's
1:13:49 like a vehicle that directs you towards
1:13:51 the truth but the windscreen gets
1:13:53 clouded our job is to uncloud the
1:13:54 windscreen to allow the fitter to direct
1:13:57 itself towards the truth
1:13:58 so what you should focus on is focusing
1:14:01 on what preserves the fitra keeps it
1:14:03 clean if you like the windscreen clean
1:14:05 or what unclouds the fitrah and in many
1:14:08 cases it's not abstract in-depth
1:14:10 philosophy it could be but that's not
1:14:12 the default position here
1:14:14 it's it's a form of sound reasoning and
1:14:16 and you would ask me how do i acquire
1:14:17 that sound reasoning due to the word of
1:14:19 the quran and read the book of allah and
1:14:22 read the way the prophet saws relate to
1:14:24 different peoples at different times in
1:14:25 different contexts that's one quick
1:14:27 answer the second answer is
1:14:29 if people decide to go into philosophy
1:14:31 and academia and i mentioned this a lot
1:14:33 five things have to be in place
1:14:35 without a shadow of a doubt and i'm
1:14:38 saying this because i entered into
1:14:40 academia i did a post-graduate
1:14:42 certificate in philosophy i did a
1:14:43 master's in philosophy i did a master's
1:14:45 in research and now i'm doing a phd
1:14:47 hopefully i'm not missing one of these
1:14:48 things just to blow my trumpet i'm
1:14:49 saying it so i'm giving you a context i
1:14:51 know where i'm coming from
1:14:52 there's five things that have to be in
1:14:54 place number one you have to have a
1:14:56 sound understanding of the islamic creed
1:14:58 a foundational understanding yeah you
1:15:00 have to know who is allah you have to
1:15:03 understand allah's names and attributes
1:15:05 you have to understand these important
1:15:07 credo matters how do i relate to allah
1:15:09 and so on and so forth secondly you have
1:15:12 to pray five times a day without a doubt
1:15:15 you have to do your dick and your your
1:15:17 off guard in the morning and the evening
1:15:18 your remembrance of allah in the morning
1:15:19 of the evening basically you have to
1:15:20 protect your heart
1:15:22 you have to do things that protect the
1:15:24 spiritual heart because the kalb
1:15:26 the
1:15:27 wavers and the and the
1:15:28 intellect according to the majority of
1:15:30 the scholars is a function of the cult
1:15:33 so no matter how much information
1:15:35 philosophy you have if it's in the pub
1:15:37 that is wavering and it's diseased with
1:15:39 kibber with arrogance or hasad and so on
1:15:41 and so forth then it's not going on
1:15:43 anywhere you have to protect the heart
1:15:44 okay
1:15:45 because the aqua is a function of it so
1:15:48 anything that comes in could be filtered
1:15:50 if the heart is sound and clean then
1:15:53 it's okay but if it's got diseases then
1:15:55 how the aqua is gonna function is gonna
1:15:58 be disturbed okay
1:16:00 so you have to protect your heart pray
1:16:01 five times a day and so on and so forth
1:16:02 third point you have to have good people
1:16:04 around you good friends and peers you
1:16:06 are the product of at least five people
1:16:07 around you the closest people around you
1:16:09 you are a product of them no matter you
1:16:10 might think you're a leader and someone
1:16:12 special get over yourself let's get over
1:16:14 ourselves we are the product of the
1:16:16 people around us the prophet saw some
1:16:17 said that you're going to be upon the
1:16:19 religion of your of your friends you're
1:16:21 going to be with those that you love we
1:16:22 know all the hadith the blacksmith the
1:16:24 perfume seller if you hang around with
1:16:26 both of them you're going to smell of
1:16:28 the environment so and this is online
1:16:30 with social psychology and you know
1:16:32 research in in social influence now the
1:16:35 the fourth point you have to have a
1:16:38 direct contact with mainstream early
1:16:40 math scholars
1:16:41 don't think that you know it all you
1:16:42 don't i don't we have cognitive
1:16:44 limitations we stand on the shuttles of
1:16:46 giants our scholars know the answers
1:16:48 from the quran sunnah they may not know
1:16:50 the philosophy or these new areas but
1:16:52 they know how to apply it to that and
1:16:54 engage with that you may think oh i know
1:16:56 the answer but your answer may sound
1:16:58 right
1:16:59 but it could be
1:17:00 right so you gotta be very careful be
1:17:02 happy connection with mainstream
1:17:03 scholars the fifth point which is
1:17:06 could be the most important have the
1:17:08 right intention don't do it just because
1:17:11 your friends are doing it or you wanna
1:17:13 one day go to a french cafe with a
1:17:15 moustache and smoke a cigarette and sip
1:17:17 a a glass of coffee and just look at i
1:17:19 don't know god knows some
1:17:21 some parisian architecture no you don't
1:17:25 you don't want to be like that this is
1:17:27 not a game it's not showing off this is
1:17:29 real hard stuff i'm telling you and
1:17:30 that's why
1:17:31 my position is aslan meaning
1:17:34 foundationally
1:17:35 studying philosophy
1:17:38 is
1:17:39 most likely haram
1:17:40 that's my position
1:17:43 if you don't have these things in place
1:17:44 and even in that context you have to be
1:17:46 very very careful and you have to have
1:17:48 the right intention okay
1:17:50 so hopefully that's answered the
1:17:52 question somewhat don't get me wrong we
1:17:54 have a great tradition by the way i'm
1:17:56 echoing this is what al al-ghazadi said
1:17:58 right the one who wrote to hafez and the
1:18:00 incoherence of the philosophers and so
1:18:01 on and so forth he would say the same
1:18:04 thing about what you call element he
1:18:06 said you don't give this feel
1:18:08 philosophical abstract stuff to people
1:18:10 who who who who if you see the
1:18:13 psychological state it's not for them
1:18:15 you could it could be that that
1:18:16 so-called medicine could be poisoned for
1:18:18 them so you have to understand the
1:18:19 psychological context and generally
1:18:21 speaking the masses don't need the stuff
1:18:23 they just need sound reasoning that is
1:18:26 uh portrayed in the quran and the son of
1:18:28 the prophet saw
1:18:30 and this is extremely important to
1:18:31 understand
1:18:33 so
1:18:34 um and this is also important because
1:18:36 look you know as philosophers were
1:18:37 trained to play around with premises and
1:18:39 it could change your conclusion and
1:18:40 that's alexander mentions
1:18:43 by the way i'm not sure which of the
1:18:44 ghazalis if it was the egyptian modern
1:18:46 one or is the the 11th century
1:18:47 al-ghazali i'm not sure you have to
1:18:48 double check
1:18:49 but one of the ali ghazali's mentioned
1:18:51 something very profound says don't make
1:18:53 your iman contingent dependent on a
1:18:56 carefully uh
1:18:58 structured argument that's a deductive
1:19:00 argument with premises obviously they
1:19:02 didn't use these words but i'm just
1:19:03 giving you the picture because someone
1:19:05 could play around with your premises if
1:19:06 someone's smart and there's people
1:19:08 smarter than you they could play with
1:19:09 your premises what are you going to do
1:19:11 reject your conclusion
1:19:13 so he concludes that you know iman is
1:19:16 actually internalizing the quran sunnah
1:19:18 practicing the deen when the person says
1:19:20 something and he said it's gonna happen
1:19:21 it's gonna have this impact and you
1:19:23 internalize it sincerely and you follow
1:19:25 it and it's had the impact then you're
1:19:26 tasting it tasting iman is different
1:19:29 than talking about iman like for example
1:19:31 if someone gave me a mango and i
1:19:33 actually tasted the mango
1:19:35 and i said this mango is beautiful
1:19:37 beautiful it's so sweet like the
1:19:39 pakistani mangoes are the best mangoes
1:19:40 on the planet right when i have that
1:19:42 mango it's amazing if the whole world
1:19:44 came to me and said hamza you're wrong
1:19:47 that mango is bitter
1:19:49 and i know they've never tasted the
1:19:50 mango why would should i believe them
1:19:52 i'm the one who tasted it likewise with
1:19:55 iman when you taste it
1:19:57 and you know the whole world or a lot of
1:19:59 the world are saying to your eyes
1:20:00 rubbish
1:20:01 then you know it's not going to have an
1:20:03 impact in you right in actual fact them
1:20:05 saying it's rubbish isn't only going to
1:20:07 increase your iman just like what it did
1:20:09 with the sahabah right
1:20:10 so may allah make us people of fitra so
1:20:13 far you take the other questions
1:20:16 what
1:20:17 [Laughter]
1:20:30 central point in the quran yeah go for
1:20:32 it
1:20:33 yeah sorry
1:20:35 yeah go ahead
1:20:37 yeah my question was
1:20:39 what is the ultimate fate if somebody
1:20:42 just follows crude philosophy suppose if
1:20:45 i'm a muslim i don't have any
1:20:53 the knowledge that our scholars have
1:20:55 given us suppose i don't have that and
1:20:57 at the first time i come in exposure
1:21:00 with these
1:21:01 basically these natural listers or the
1:21:03 philosophy they put in so what would be
1:21:06 my ultimate fate or
1:21:09 even if a person outside the faith like
1:21:11 suppose he doesn't belong to islam what
1:21:14 would where will he actually end up what
1:21:17 would he actually end up being as a
1:21:20 person whether he will be a believer or
1:21:23 he will be an agnostic or he will be an
1:21:25 atheist what is generally or commonly
1:21:28 they they basically end point of
1:21:30 studying philosophy
1:21:32 this was my question
1:21:34 i see okay so i think i mean hamza kind
1:21:37 of covered the the first initial part of
1:21:40 that i mean i'll kind of add to that and
1:21:41 just say
1:21:42 you know the thing is um
1:21:45 you know you have to be able to like
1:21:47 like hamza said you have to be able to
1:21:48 taste iman and things like that right
1:21:50 if a person is just fully
1:21:53 just only operational and then
1:21:56 operational cognitively meaning they're
1:21:57 saying okay well everything has to make
1:21:59 sense to me and i'm basically going to
1:22:00 operate like that first of all that's
1:22:02 not really going to get anyone anywhere
1:22:03 right i mean the the the fact that you
1:22:06 have people and i'm just kind of echoing
1:22:08 what hamza said here the fact that
1:22:10 you're going to have people smarter than
1:22:11 you and they disagree on those
1:22:12 fine-tooth philosophical issues i mean
1:22:15 that's not going to give you any sort of
1:22:16 certainty anyway right because you're
1:22:17 going to think okay there's people
1:22:19 smarter than me and they can't agree
1:22:21 well how how am i supposed to like how
1:22:22 am i supposed to move forward in this
1:22:24 right and so that's why
1:22:26 when we understand
1:22:27 um that a fetheric approach or a fitra
1:22:31 based approach
1:22:33 is something that in fact is number one
1:22:34 more sound to start off with anyway
1:22:37 right and number two that it's it's it's
1:22:40 the
1:22:41 i mean i i i may be kind of getting
1:22:43 myself into a corner here but it may be
1:22:45 one of the only ways to get to absolute
1:22:47 certainty right
1:22:48 only because
1:22:50 that if you are in the realm of just
1:22:52 rationality then it's almost as if
1:22:55 you're saying i'm going to jettison
1:22:56 anything outside of it but you're just
1:22:58 going to get lost with one argument
1:23:00 after another after another and there's
1:23:01 a saying that they have in urdu they say
1:23:07 in other words the the the the
1:23:10 the intellect will cut the intellect
1:23:12 like iron can cut iron right basically
1:23:15 it's like you can go on this infinite
1:23:16 loop of just kind of one argument after
1:23:18 another after another
1:23:20 now as far as what is the the fate of
1:23:23 someone that's just using their
1:23:24 rationality
1:23:26 i mean i i don't know if i understand
1:23:28 the question fully right because
1:23:31 obviously we
1:23:32 certain conclusions we have to reach by
1:23:34 way of rationality we can't just say
1:23:36 we're going to do away with rationality
1:23:37 altogether
1:23:38 so
1:23:40 when you say only rationality i'm not
1:23:42 really sure what what that means
1:23:44 in a sense you rationality can't
1:23:46 function
1:23:47 unless you unless you have something
1:23:49 outside of it anyway like you need
1:23:51 axioms for instance in order for
1:23:52 rationality to function you need
1:23:54 something you know you need like the
1:23:55 super rational the fit that in order for
1:23:57 the function so
1:23:58 so that being the case um
1:24:00 you know if you're saying that i'm only
1:24:02 going to work with rationality one of
1:24:04 the things this could lead to is what we
1:24:06 call radical skepticism
1:24:07 and radical skepticism
1:24:10 if you're only in the realm of
1:24:11 rationality um it doesn't lead you
1:24:14 anywhere except gopher anyways right in
1:24:16 other words you're you're skeptical
1:24:18 about everything
1:24:19 so
1:24:20 and a really good article on this by the
1:24:22 way is by dr uh
1:24:24 nazir han on the yakin website
1:24:27 ukraine institute and he talks about a
1:24:29 radical skepticism and how that you know
1:24:32 that if that's the realm that a person's
1:24:35 in using their rationality only which
1:24:38 only isn't you know getting you to
1:24:40 doubting one thing after another after
1:24:42 another
1:24:43 that can be very very problematic right
1:24:45 i remember uh he was mentioning
1:24:47 something i don't know if this is in the
1:24:48 article or something he said he said i
1:24:50 saw a debate between a theist and an
1:24:52 atheist once
1:24:53 and uh the theist asked the atheist he
1:24:55 said look what kind of proof do you need
1:24:58 that god exists you know like if you saw
1:25:00 god
1:25:01 would you be convinced and so the
1:25:03 atheist said well yeah yeah then i'd be
1:25:05 convinced and he said wait wait
1:25:07 no then i don't think my eyes are
1:25:08 deceiving me right so he said it
1:25:11 reminded me there's an eye in the quran
1:25:12 where allah says that if the sky opened
1:25:15 up and they saw a book come out of the
1:25:16 sky and they saw it with their eyes they
1:25:19 would say no this is nothing but magic
1:25:20 our eyes are deceiving us
1:25:22 right
1:25:23 so
1:25:24 um so
1:25:25 when you're talking about like pure
1:25:27 rationality again i'm not sure exactly
1:25:30 what you're referring to
1:25:31 but pure rationality you know if you're
1:25:34 gonna jettison any concept of
1:25:36 anything outside of rationality axioms
1:25:39 first principles and things like that
1:25:40 then really the only refuge you have
1:25:43 is skepticism and it doesn't really
1:25:45 offer much of a refuge anyway it just it
1:25:47 doesn't take you anywhere so and radical
1:25:49 steps at the end yeah and i think it's
1:25:52 important to understand what do you mean
1:25:53 by rationality because there is a
1:25:55 distinction between what a modern
1:25:57 understanding of rational arguments and
1:25:59 the quranic understanding of the sound
1:26:01 occurred because what i think what's
1:26:02 interesting about the quran
1:26:04 when
1:26:05 allah mentions verses concerning natural
1:26:07 phenomena generally speaking you're
1:26:09 going to find what you call an epistemic
1:26:11 goal a conclusion that allah wants you
1:26:13 to give
1:26:14 so allah subhanahu wa ta'ala when he
1:26:16 talks about
1:26:18 whether it's
1:26:20 the sexual fluid whether it's the orbits
1:26:22 whether it's the mountains the birds the
1:26:24 animal communities the sun the moon
1:26:27 the alapa the formation of the human
1:26:29 being when allah mentions these things
1:26:31 allah gives us what you call an
1:26:34 epistemic goal a conclusion
1:26:36 he wants us to have
1:26:38 so for example surah minoon chapter 23
1:26:41 verse 14 allah mentions
1:26:43 all the other things and then allah
1:26:44 talks about that he is the greater of
1:26:46 creator he's the perfect creator and he
1:26:48 talks about that you know resurrection
1:26:49 essentially is a fact right
1:26:51 these are the epistemic goals allah is
1:26:53 telling you when you reflect on these
1:26:55 things this is exactly what you should
1:26:57 conclude
1:26:58 this is the prima facie reading the
1:27:00 apparent reading of the quran it is of a
1:27:03 disgraceful adap it is an epistemic vice
1:27:08 to read these ayats and then conclude
1:27:10 something totally against or or or
1:27:13 ignoring the goals allah is giving us
1:27:16 the lord of the heavens and the earth
1:27:18 has sent down this book to us and he's
1:27:20 giving us a book
1:27:22 and telling us to refer on natural
1:27:24 phenomena and allah is giving us the
1:27:26 conclusions and yet we ignore those
1:27:28 conclusions don't get me wrong there
1:27:29 could be secondary conclusions in
1:27:31 tertiary the book of allah is very
1:27:32 multi-layered
1:27:34 now why am i mentioning this
1:27:36 i'm mentioning this because many of
1:27:37 these conclusions are in certain
1:27:38 categories you know what categories they
1:27:40 are it's about who we are how we should
1:27:43 relate to allah and who allah is
1:27:45 for example we must be humble we must be
1:27:47 grateful to allah we must be in awe of
1:27:49 him we must affirm his perfection we
1:27:51 must believe he is one we must reject
1:27:53 the association of partners with allah
1:27:55 subhanahu wa ta'ala affirm his tawheed
1:27:57 that he is maximally perfect he he's
1:27:59 uniquely one
1:28:00 this is what allah is giving us i
1:28:02 challenge anyone on this planet to read
1:28:04 the quran and look at verses concerning
1:28:06 natural phenomena and you will find
1:28:08 these epistemic goals
1:28:10 whether it's about who allah is who we
1:28:12 should how we should relate to allah and
1:28:14 who we are as human beings right
1:28:16 all of this is essential in developing
1:28:19 the truth acquiring the truth because
1:28:21 all of it is central to the idea of
1:28:23 worshiping allah and acknowledging him
1:28:26 and affirming that he is the only deity
1:28:28 worthy of worship
1:28:30 and how does allah tell us
1:28:33 to form these conclusions so allah is
1:28:34 telling us what to look at what to
1:28:36 reflect on he's giving us the
1:28:37 conclusions and he's also telling us
1:28:40 what mental cognitive psychological
1:28:42 spiritual state we must be in and what
1:28:43 does allah say five major things the sa
1:28:46 ileem those who ask questions
1:28:51 those who reflect yat bruna those who
1:28:54 ponder
1:28:56 those who use their intellect al-bab
1:28:59 those who have deep insights people of
1:29:01 insight so allah is telling you who you
1:29:03 must become and all of these things in
1:29:05 our classical tradition have a
1:29:06 particular definition
1:29:08 and it's not the same as having abstract
1:29:11 rational arguments because a lot of
1:29:13 things are also connected to our
1:29:14 spiritual heart arrogance and so on and
1:29:16 so forth and this is very very important
1:29:19 for us to understand because
1:29:21 i'm using this as an example to you and
1:29:23 for you to understand
1:29:25 that when you are people who ask
1:29:27 questions you have a sound intellect you
1:29:30 ponder you reflect your people of
1:29:32 insight and you reflect on these verses
1:29:35 then you would affirm talheed you would
1:29:37 affirm the truth of islam so there is a
1:29:40 connection between someone who asks
1:29:41 questions thinking pondering using your
1:29:43 brain being a person of insight
1:29:46 and affirming the truth of islam
1:29:49 and but those things have a particular
1:29:51 definition and not they're not you know
1:29:53 it's not a mirror to what we understand
1:29:56 in a contemporary sense that you have to
1:29:58 you know know the ins and outs of
1:30:00 logical arguments and deductive
1:30:02 arguments and logical inferences and
1:30:04 stuff like that so hopefully that helps
1:30:06 and this is close to my heart because
1:30:07 it's very important it's very important
1:30:08 because you know
1:30:10 you know if i i know this is like off
1:30:12 topic but if i gave you a book right
1:30:14 pick any book say i'm reading a book say
1:30:16 it's on
1:30:18 i don't know
1:30:19 the muscle fascia
1:30:21 says on muscle fascia let's take the
1:30:23 book anatomy demystified by dr dale
1:30:25 layman and we read the first paragraph
1:30:27 when he's talking about muscle fascia
1:30:30 and we know that book is written in a
1:30:32 straightforward sense to give us some
1:30:33 informative content and we know that he
1:30:35 intends what he's giving us is true it's
1:30:38 a reflection of reality and
1:30:40 what he's talking about uh he's doing it
1:30:42 in a way for us to acknowledge those
1:30:44 basic truths about muscle fascia imagine
1:30:47 we approached that paragraph
1:30:49 by just pretending it was a book of
1:30:51 poetry
1:30:52 and imagine we we we approached that
1:30:55 paragraph by assuming he was wrong
1:30:58 and
1:30:59 his intent was malicious
1:31:01 that he didn't want to tell us anything
1:31:02 about the truth of muscle fascia and
1:31:04 imagine we basically went against his
1:31:07 epistemic goal because his epistemic
1:31:09 goal is to teach us something about
1:31:10 muscle fasia but we think somehow if we
1:31:12 do linguistic gymnastics we're going to
1:31:14 learn something about um cosmology right
1:31:18 imagine we did that would that be wrong
1:31:20 would that be bad
1:31:22 would that be bad
1:31:24 bloody hell would be bad what about the
1:31:26 book of allah what about the book of
1:31:28 allah that has come down to guide us and
1:31:31 many of us we approach the book of allah
1:31:33 and we do exactly that we we just ignore
1:31:37 what allah wants us to conclude we
1:31:39 ignore the way we should approach the
1:31:40 book of allah and because we're infected
1:31:43 with an inferiority complex that's why
1:31:45 because we think we should do an ic
1:31:47 jesus we should read into the book of
1:31:49 allah not allow the quran to give to us
1:31:52 we think we should give to the quran
1:31:56 protect us from this and i believe if
1:31:58 you have this approach primarily allah
1:32:01 would open things for you in your life
1:32:03 your spiritual intellectual life wallahi
1:32:05 allah would open things in your
1:32:07 spiritual and your intellectual life and
1:32:09 yes if you want to do the secondary
1:32:11 stuff go ahead no problem no problem
1:32:16 anyway
1:32:18 let's move on sorry bro
1:32:21 i do apologize
1:32:23 you know i was giving this thing for
1:32:24 alpha lag academy
1:32:26 the other day and i went on a crazy run
1:32:29 on this issue because it was so close to
1:32:31 home
1:32:32 it was really funny it was really funny
1:32:36 guys look okay so i'm just wondering why
1:32:38 you're reading about muscle facial man
1:32:40 i'm like what he has a book on muscle
1:32:41 like why
1:32:43 so um okay let's now talk to
1:32:47 um hopefully we should go for this
1:32:50 just half an hour more and and we should
1:32:52 close it in sha allah let's take someone
1:32:55 who we haven't spoken to let's speak to
1:32:58 yusuf islam yusuf
1:33:03 you might you might be muted yusuf
1:33:08 unmute thyself
1:33:15 hello
1:33:16 there we go
1:33:20 uh i left my question in the comments
1:33:25 okay i didn't see it i do apologize
1:33:28 no it's fine um because i can use the
1:33:30 microphone right now in the situation
1:33:32 but i'll like watch the video uh when
1:33:36 [Music]
1:33:50 [Music]
1:33:52 yes
1:33:53 all right so my question is about
1:33:56 the futuristic view of the field that
1:34:00 you are working on the field of
1:34:03 islam in terms of philosophy of science
1:34:05 in terms of its relation to atheism etc
1:34:09 the islamization of knowledge um i i
1:34:12 have interest in that field but i don't
1:34:15 know in the future how will uh this
1:34:18 progress and what kind of projects do we
1:34:20 need in that field because uh like as
1:34:22 much as i see there are lots of projects
1:34:24 going on lots of theoretical projects so
1:34:27 i don't know in the future
1:34:28 how how do we need to approach this kind
1:34:30 of field so i'm kind of like planning
1:34:33 my uh
1:34:34 my let's say i don't know their thing
1:34:37 um at the same time i'm a medical
1:34:40 student
1:34:41 i'm still in my second year and i don't
1:34:44 know if
1:34:45 if
1:34:46 it is possible to mix the two to mix the
1:34:49 two uh
1:34:50 to the two carriers no they're not
1:34:52 carriers but to mix the two fields
1:34:53 together and working or should i just
1:34:56 focus on my medical studies and um and
1:35:00 this can
1:35:01 this can be uh useful to them or
1:35:03 something um thank you so much
1:35:05 no problem sister okay so i'll answer
1:35:08 one part check five to answer the other
1:35:10 so as a general rule when we're trying
1:35:12 to islamify knowledge it's very
1:35:13 important
1:35:15 that
1:35:16 we do it in the right way because
1:35:17 usually what happens especially in the
1:35:18 academic sphere like the secular academy
1:35:21 if you like is that an islamification of
1:35:23 knowledge is that we adopt
1:35:26 the secular paradigm irrespective of its
1:35:28 truth value or or if we've analyzed it
1:35:30 or not just because it's become the
1:35:33 dominant kind of worldview or
1:35:35 perspective or it's a dominant academic
1:35:37 force and we're social human beings and
1:35:39 we get affected by that right by peer
1:35:41 pressure and so on and so forth and what
1:35:43 we do we adopt false epistemological and
1:35:45 metaphysical assumptions
1:35:47 and we don't realize that
1:35:49 and we adopt for example an unhealthy
1:35:52 skepticism which exists in the kind of
1:35:54 secular paradigm and we may addre adopt
1:35:57 a certain metaphysic a first principle a
1:36:00 lens in order to understand ourselves in
1:36:02 the world like for example philosophical
1:36:03 naturalism
1:36:05 and we will use that to try to islamify
1:36:07 some things and just put some islamic
1:36:08 terminology and just trying to do some
1:36:10 kind of crazy link to the quran on the
1:36:12 sunnah that's a very terrible state of
1:36:14 affairs
1:36:15 and and even the the prioritization
1:36:19 of what i call an epistemic hierarchy
1:36:20 i've just made that up now right because
1:36:22 you know for example when it comes take
1:36:24 the preservation of the quran
1:36:26 generally speaking in western uh history
1:36:30 you will see that the philosophy is if
1:36:32 you see it then it's better right
1:36:35 but when it came to preservation of the
1:36:36 quran the physical copy of the quran was
1:36:38 a secondary kind of epistemic source the
1:36:40 primary source was the oral tradition
1:36:42 the mutawata and that has its own
1:36:44 philosophy its own thinking but we've
1:36:47 ignored that and we've adopted the wrong
1:36:49 epistemic hierarchy and we're starting
1:36:52 to find manuscripts under some mosques
1:36:54 somewhere just to try and justify our
1:36:55 position
1:36:56 and we've misunderstood our own
1:36:58 epistemology so what's very important
1:37:01 if we're going to try and islamify
1:37:03 knowledge and this is a bigger topic for
1:37:05 us to discuss another time of course but
1:37:07 the main principles we should we should
1:37:09 adopt is first and foremost do i know my
1:37:12 islam
1:37:13 that's very important and do i know what
1:37:16 islamic epistemology is the sources of
1:37:18 knowledge and how we get to know things
1:37:20 and do understand islamic metaphysics
1:37:22 and what i mean by that is what are the
1:37:23 kind of first principles what's the
1:37:25 fitnah what are these essential first
1:37:28 principles that are part of my deen that
1:37:30 form the lenses that allow me to truly
1:37:33 understand myself my world and my in the
1:37:35 relation with it yeah my relation with
1:37:37 the world if we don't get that right
1:37:39 then when we try to simplify knowledge
1:37:41 what we do we just adopt what we think
1:37:42 may be true in the secular paradigm and
1:37:45 we sprinkle on it some kind of uh
1:37:47 arabisms
1:37:49 i know this sounds very crude but you
1:37:51 see this a lot and you see people jump
1:37:53 into these false paradigms these false
1:37:55 epistemic assumptions like for example
1:37:57 this whole thing on human rights
1:37:59 right
1:38:00 human rights and you don't get me wrong
1:38:02 of course we believe in human rights
1:38:05 is part of our ethical tradition the
1:38:07 rights of of the servers the rights of
1:38:09 the individuals but we have a particular
1:38:12 epistemology and a particular source of
1:38:15 knowledge that allows us to dictate well
1:38:18 who has the right to give us these
1:38:19 rights what are these rights and who
1:38:22 prioritizes his rights what criteria do
1:38:24 you have
1:38:25 to basically prioritize them if there
1:38:27 was any friction between a set of rights
1:38:30 but what what we do now because we don't
1:38:33 understand our own epistemology in our
1:38:35 own frame of reference i.e revelation we
1:38:38 look at the
1:38:39 dominant world and we just adopt what
1:38:41 they give us irrespective where it came
1:38:43 from irrespective of if it has an
1:38:45 individualist bias irrespective it has a
1:38:48 liberal bias right even the liberal
1:38:50 saying the human rights project is a
1:38:52 liberal project it has liberal
1:38:54 philosophical presuppositions right and
1:38:56 there are many rights that are supposed
1:38:58 to be that are not there or the many
1:38:59 rights that should be prioritized over
1:39:01 other rights that are not why because
1:39:03 they don't have hidayah they don't have
1:39:04 guidance but we what do we do ah human
1:39:06 rights yeah it's brilliant this is what
1:39:08 they give us and just go down the
1:39:10 epistemological and philosophical lizard
1:39:12 hall yeah
1:39:13 so we have to be very careful rihanni
1:39:15 and it's in and unfortunately even
1:39:17 brothers that we we we adore and we
1:39:19 respect maybe sometimes you know people
1:39:21 in the public sphere they get affected
1:39:23 by
1:39:24 by these philosophical lizard holes and
1:39:26 we have to pull them out
1:39:29 yeah no i was i'll piggyback off of that
1:39:31 it was just it was you reminded me of
1:39:32 something we were speaking about the
1:39:33 other night
1:39:35 on uh that extended talk that i gave
1:39:38 um we were actually speaking about
1:39:41 uh something that i had termed
1:39:43 operational logic right so there's a
1:39:45 section on feminism that i was covering
1:39:47 and i was talking about first wave
1:39:49 feminism and i said that look you know
1:39:51 there are certain things that you'll
1:39:52 look at and say okay well that's good
1:39:54 like women should be educated that's a
1:39:56 good thing and you know in certain
1:39:58 scenarios like women should have
1:39:59 particular
1:40:00 political participation that's good
1:40:03 but just because two things
1:40:05 you know uh you have kind of
1:40:08 two things that are happening and they
1:40:09 both look the same it doesn't mean you
1:40:11 understand the operational logic behind
1:40:13 both of those things so yeah islam
1:40:14 believes in women's education
1:40:16 first way feminism believes in women's
1:40:18 education right political participation
1:40:20 in islam you know women came and gave
1:40:22 bailout to the prophet sallam right and
1:40:25 there's an idea of political
1:40:26 participation within first wave feminism
1:40:28 okay now up to this point you're saying
1:40:29 okay so you can have islamic feminism or
1:40:32 feminism in islam or one of the same
1:40:33 thing but there's a different
1:40:35 operational logic that's going on here
1:40:37 right there's something that's in the
1:40:38 background that's completely different
1:40:40 and that's why it moves first wave to
1:40:42 second wave this is where they start
1:40:44 having attacks on motherhood and things
1:40:45 like that because a person did not
1:40:47 understand the operational logic behind
1:40:49 these things similarly with liberalism
1:40:52 itself right we were talking about
1:40:53 classical liberalism the idea that they
1:40:56 viewed nature uh you know the idea they
1:40:58 viewed the idea that human is born in
1:41:00 the state of freedom
1:41:01 and if that's the case then nature
1:41:03 should be mastered and this is your
1:41:05 classical liberalism which we call
1:41:06 conservativism today right that and
1:41:09 that's why you have concepts of free
1:41:10 market you know this
1:41:11 nature can be uh nature can be can be
1:41:14 can be can be taken over can be mastered
1:41:15 okay
1:41:16 now by way of their technology they go
1:41:18 out they have scientific discoveries all
1:41:20 right so now a person looks at it says
1:41:21 well muslims have scientific discoveries
1:41:24 and this this idea of liberalism
1:41:26 specifically classical liberalism has
1:41:28 mastery of nature and so they had
1:41:29 scientific progress
1:41:30 but our operational logic and their
1:41:33 operational logic is two different
1:41:34 things they're mastering
1:41:37 the natural world to extend freedom as
1:41:40 far as possible
1:41:42 we are studying nature right from these
1:41:44 if you talk about islamic scientists
1:41:46 why we're looking at okay these are the
1:41:48 ayat that allah mentioned in the quran
1:41:50 we want to know more about it how do we
1:41:51 get closer to allah and these things are
1:41:53 reflected in many areas i talked about
1:41:55 architecture for instance when you look
1:41:57 at architecture in the world today
1:41:59 you're going to find that you walk into
1:42:01 buildings and things the the most
1:42:03 important part of a building is
1:42:04 productivity
1:42:05 drab you know angular buildings that are
1:42:08 there to give you the highest level of
1:42:09 productivity you look at islamic
1:42:11 architecture
1:42:12 you're trying to connect people to the
1:42:14 divine in a certain sense you go to you
1:42:15 know alhambra and things like that
1:42:17 all of that is evidence to the
1:42:19 difference in operational logic so you
1:42:21 could have science here and science here
1:42:23 but when a muslim does science and and
1:42:25 let's say someone under this liberal
1:42:27 paradigm the science the operational
1:42:29 logic is different
1:42:30 if you don't recognize that and you're
1:42:32 trying to islamicize science then it was
1:42:35 like mentioning you just paint you know
1:42:37 you're taking a paintbrush and painting
1:42:39 islam over it and this happens in
1:42:41 science it happens in psychology it
1:42:43 happens especially in economics and
1:42:45 finance how many times do we just take
1:42:48 something that's extant oh this is a
1:42:50 great thing and just paint islamic
1:42:52 finance on it like boom there you go we
1:42:54 painted islam and at the core we haven't
1:42:56 really
1:42:57 we haven't been really honest and taken
1:42:59 a step back and said you know what
1:43:01 what's the operational logic here is
1:43:03 this part of my world view or is this
1:43:06 something that i've just taken adopted
1:43:08 and just said and put put the word islam
1:43:10 in front of it and and you know and i
1:43:12 always i say that to people all the time
1:43:14 why do you take something and just stick
1:43:17 the word islam in front of it does it
1:43:18 make you feel better at night islamic
1:43:20 feminism islamic socialism islamic
1:43:22 democracy islamic economy dude leave
1:43:24 islam alone islam is complete it is a
1:43:26 world view
1:43:28 it's going to be like islamic is a
1:43:30 islamic christianity
1:43:31 yeah islamic it's like what
1:43:35 so anyways that was my rant so i figured
1:43:38 you had a random one too but no that's
1:43:40 that's perfect bro
1:43:41 yeah so at the end of the day you know
1:43:43 when we talk about you know islamization
1:43:45 of science i i'm just going to reiterate
1:43:48 what hamza is saying we have to be
1:43:49 really careful and we have to understand
1:43:51 our worldview and and take a
1:43:53 paradigmatic look at what we are trying
1:43:56 to islamize right and does it even need
1:43:59 islamization or can we now take it as is
1:44:02 and and do something with it as is
1:44:05 without sacrificing our own
1:44:07 understanding of the world in our own
1:44:08 world view very very important i think
1:44:11 the second question yeah go ahead sorry
1:44:12 well
1:44:13 it reminds me of when i think we had
1:44:15 discussions ages ago when we did
1:44:16 webinars on islamic economics and
1:44:20 one of us mentioned it was like uh
1:44:22 capitalism with the taspie
1:44:26 captain
1:44:27 and that's why it's very important to
1:44:29 understand what is
1:44:30 the main objectives of the quran and the
1:44:32 sunnah and what do they actually say on
1:44:33 these matters devoid now the question is
1:44:36 can you
1:44:37 can you understand these things devoid
1:44:39 of
1:44:40 your current context i mean you can to a
1:44:42 degree of course but the view of islam
1:44:44 is it can be applied truly to your
1:44:47 context but the first thing is first
1:44:48 find out what the quran and the
1:44:50 prophetic
1:44:51 way is that's very important you know
1:44:53 yeah that's why we stress like you know
1:44:56 on our section on world views you know
1:44:58 i've
1:44:59 since we've we since we recorded the
1:45:01 sessions on
1:45:02 uh on our learning platform i actually
1:45:04 added a section to that in that islam is
1:45:06 not a religion we have this conceptual
1:45:08 domain of the concept of religion that
1:45:10 we've put islam into it
1:45:12 and then we've given it borders which we
1:45:14 haven't given it but by way of our
1:45:16 language when we say religion
1:45:17 immediately you put it in a box it has a
1:45:19 certain conceptual domain it has
1:45:20 conceptual borders and now once you
1:45:22 start speaking outside of those borders
1:45:24 everyone is losing their minds because
1:45:26 like wait a minute how are we supposed
1:45:27 to no
1:45:29 a better way of understanding islam is a
1:45:31 worldview
1:45:33 that where you can juxtapose truth and
1:45:34 meaning versus
1:45:36 non-truth and non-meaning
1:45:38 and that is way more comprehensive and
1:45:40 gives you a better understanding of
1:45:41 viewing things like liberalism and
1:45:43 feminism and the lgbtq and all that
1:45:44 stuff because now you understand islam
1:45:47 to be
1:45:47 way broader in terms of its conceptual
1:45:50 you know vastness
1:45:52 as opposed to you know putting it in a
1:45:54 box and then trying to apply it and then
1:45:56 painting islam over whatever concept you
1:45:58 want to take that comes from a liberal
1:46:00 paradigm anyway anyway
1:46:03 okay so let's
1:46:05 have friendly muslim salaam alaikum
1:46:07 friendly muslim
1:46:10 well looking salon brother sorry i was
1:46:12 uh so intrigued with the conversation
1:46:15 and so deep the brother khalil took my
1:46:17 first question um you know when he
1:46:19 mentioned uh uh people keep mentioning
1:46:21 the fitra to him i happen to be one of
1:46:23 those people um
1:46:25 then you moved on to the other other
1:46:27 brother and again went through you know
1:46:29 the attributes and our understanding um
1:46:32 so it's been magnificent just soaking in
1:46:35 all this information while sitting at
1:46:37 backstage i feel like a vip backstage
1:46:40 watching you um the love brothers and um
1:46:44 no no no no absolutely the brother yusef
1:46:46 who was there he he wrote in the private
1:46:49 chat um a question um
1:46:52 hey i didn't i haven't even seen the
1:46:54 private chat i do apologize so i mean if
1:46:56 you don't mind i can ask the question on
1:46:58 his behalf because the brother seems to
1:46:59 have put a lot and if you want to read
1:47:00 it i i'm not sure or i can read it on
1:47:02 his behalf and i can give the questions
1:47:04 so he can get it answered if you want
1:47:06 he said he said uh he he gave a question
1:47:09 and he'll look at the video so i'm
1:47:11 assuming he wants this question to be
1:47:13 public i guess
1:47:14 yeah that's what he said yeah to to read
1:47:17 it out and uh
1:47:18 to be answered because he couldn't speak
1:47:20 because
1:47:21 of his situation unfortunately
1:47:24 yeah okay well you could ask the
1:47:26 question okay so uh islam i can't speak
1:47:29 right now so i'll type my question here
1:47:32 and the brotherhood i read in a book
1:47:34 called a little history of the
1:47:36 philosophy
1:47:37 uh in chapter 13 about bruce spinoza he
1:47:41 didn't believe in a personal god and
1:47:43 believed everything was god because if
1:47:45 god is infinite there can't be anything
1:47:47 that isn't him or doesn't include him
1:47:50 because if god is outside our world how
1:47:53 is he infinite and without limitations i
1:47:56 can't put my finger on why this is wrong
1:47:59 so i appreciate the help
1:48:01 so that was the brother's question if uh
1:48:04 helps my mind is doing infinite
1:48:07 cartwheels
1:48:10 um
1:48:11 i don't know comedy how to answer the
1:48:13 question but i do know that well
1:48:15 the thing is what does he mean by
1:48:17 infinite because you have in mathematics
1:48:19 infinites are you saying that number
1:48:20 itself encompasses everything in the
1:48:22 world no that doesn't make sense what
1:48:24 kind of infinite are you talking about a
1:48:25 quantitative infinite a qualitative
1:48:27 infinite an infinite that can be made
1:48:29 out of discrete physical parts are you
1:48:31 talking about a qualitative infinite i
1:48:33 mean what type of infant is he talking
1:48:35 about
1:48:36 um so i don't know if spinoza's argument
1:48:38 actually
1:48:39 with respect to spinoza is even
1:48:41 logically coherent just because
1:48:42 something isn't infinite it doesn't mean
1:48:44 that everything is part of it now
1:48:47 because that would assume a certain
1:48:49 understanding of what you even mean by
1:48:50 parts and things containing parts this
1:48:52 is myriology right so i would argue that
1:48:54 this is
1:48:55 i just think it's the spinoza was just
1:48:59 you know just
1:49:00 just thinking aloud to be honest i don't
1:49:03 think it's a strong argument because it
1:49:04 how does it follow something being
1:49:06 infinite it means that everything
1:49:09 it compe encompasses everything number
1:49:11 one number two what type of infinite are
1:49:13 you talking about right is it a
1:49:15 qualitative one is a mathematical one
1:49:17 are you saying mathematical infinite
1:49:19 encompass everything
1:49:21 i you know because you know take pi for
1:49:23 example it's a relation isn't it it's a
1:49:26 it's a ratio rather so it's a relation
1:49:28 between two things uh two numbers i
1:49:31 believe or two
1:49:32 my math is not great but the point is
1:49:34 are you saying
1:49:35 pi uh which is like an infinite uh
1:49:38 regression whatever whatever numbers
1:49:40 yeah uh are you saying you know a circle
1:49:42 encompasses everything in the universe
1:49:44 no there's the circle is distinct from
1:49:47 me
1:49:48 and what do you mean by part so there's
1:49:50 so much presuppositions in what he's
1:49:52 saying by the way i'm just thinking
1:49:54 aloud here i haven't really thought
1:49:55 about it properly but just from the
1:49:56 onset there's so many assumptions and
1:49:58 presuppositions behind his statement
1:50:00 that he has a lot of questions to answer
1:50:02 and and i don't think they're even
1:50:03 answerable and i don't think his
1:50:05 position is even sound because you have
1:50:07 to have a particular take on what parts
1:50:09 are and what and and how and how
1:50:11 infinites are encompassed by parts
1:50:14 uh he has to make a particular
1:50:16 distinction between different types of
1:50:17 infinites he would have to admit that
1:50:19 some infinites don't encompass
1:50:21 everything um like uh ratios and stuff
1:50:24 like that i mean there's so much going
1:50:26 on there and with all due respect you
1:50:28 know
1:50:28 spinoza is dead man
1:50:30 allah is alive and he's never living
1:50:32 [Laughter]
1:50:38 it reminds me of that meme when you know
1:50:40 nietzsche said god is dead he didn't
1:50:42 mean god is dead in reality he meant it
1:50:44 like god in people's hearts but it's
1:50:46 like 1900's god is dead and then when he
1:50:47 died it says then god says nietzsche is
1:50:50 dead anyway yes five what would you say
1:50:53 on this one
1:50:54 no no i'll i'll yeah i'll i'll leave
1:50:57 that one alone yeah yeah but anyway so
1:50:59 hopefully that's enough hopefully that's
1:51:00 enough my love blister brother
1:51:02 um okay
1:51:03 anything else bro it's good to hear from
1:51:05 you every time we're alive or usually
1:51:06 you're always here you're always uh
1:51:09 giving us positivity every time i hear
1:51:11 your voice
1:51:12 it sounds like you're smiling it sounds
1:51:13 like you're joyous it sounds like you've
1:51:15 been blessed with happiness
1:51:17 may allah
1:51:19 [Music]
1:51:22 well i want to give you some updates and
1:51:24 some fruits of our conversation because
1:51:26 yes
1:51:31 speaking of pakistan and india you know
1:51:32 they've done very well i remember seeing
1:51:34 you on a stream out there uh where you
1:51:36 handled people yes
1:51:38 yes
1:51:39 uh
1:51:40 you went on his stream and you were uh
1:51:42 taking on the questions there a couple
1:51:45 of months ago i think it was eight
1:51:47 my god that was so funny that was that
1:51:49 was
1:51:50 it's a different it's different kettle
1:51:52 of fish right it was really easy
1:51:54 absolutely but you did the housekeeping
1:51:56 i remember you kept people in line and
1:51:58 said look you're coming into the house
1:52:00 here i'm a guest you know
1:52:02 be respectful and you controlled it and
1:52:04 you answered uh it was like a tennis
1:52:07 match
1:52:08 um you know and and you answered
1:52:10 everybody on the law and you know i
1:52:12 think they're really sort of taken on
1:52:14 board and i can see the conversations uh
1:52:17 about sapience um about really going to
1:52:20 the core of things um and i think it's
1:52:22 been of great benefit there um you know
1:52:24 they they had their what they called the
1:52:26 apostasy squad um and now they've
1:52:28 changed that uh to the oman squad um
1:52:31 iman union sorry um alhamdulillah and
1:52:34 they have turned the curve there you
1:52:36 know and it is about cultivating good
1:52:38 conversation um you know and that is
1:52:40 from the efforts of
1:52:41 a focus on the prophetic way uh reason
1:52:44 rationale
1:52:46 the divine reality bringing people back
1:52:48 into the fold um and and really having
1:52:52 open calls uh which they weren't doing
1:52:54 as many but they they've increased that
1:52:56 number a hundred percent uh and there's
1:52:59 a lot of good work going on
1:53:01 on that side of the continent
1:53:02 um
1:53:03 you know and uh and you've definitely
1:53:06 been a part of that brothers um
1:53:08 myself it's changed me and how i'm uh
1:53:11 dealing with people also you know
1:53:13 talking about the prophetic way um is
1:53:15 something i i'm keen for our brothers
1:53:17 and sisters to remember when they're
1:53:19 engaging in conversation and dialogue um
1:53:23 and that is something that we've got to
1:53:25 keep a focus on um you know and taking
1:53:27 care of people
1:53:29 with their fittra you know i i i great
1:53:32 contingency arguments
1:53:34 are we taking care of individuals you
1:53:36 know i've just been endorsed
1:53:38 and it's something that's coming out uh
1:53:40 it's piloting at the moment in the first
1:53:43 week or two
1:53:44 but i'm having conversations with people
1:53:47 um just about their connection
1:53:50 with god
1:53:51 where it was where it started where it
1:53:53 didn't we're not arguing about a trinity
1:53:56 we're not arguing about things we're
1:53:57 just arguing about your connection and
1:53:59 where it went um and
1:54:02 where is it and activating those
1:54:03 conversations you know and that is
1:54:06 opening the door for people to learn
1:54:08 more about islam
1:54:09 you know and also engage with me in the
1:54:11 quran
1:54:13 you know and share in a different way
1:54:15 so it is about cultivating good healthy
1:54:18 fruitful discussions human to human
1:54:21 contact um and and you have been a part
1:54:24 of that uh and are part of my journey
1:54:26 brother sergio clare um sapience has
1:54:29 been a great part of this
1:54:31 um
1:54:38 i'm fine i just wanted to give you the
1:54:39 fruits uh and save my salams and
1:54:42 obviously i'll answer the brother's
1:54:43 question and everybody else took my
1:54:45 other questions so uh she's exactly here
1:54:47 brothers keep up the good work and we're
1:54:49 a hundred percent behind all of the
1:54:51 brothers and the team of sapiens
1:54:57 i actually actually really like
1:54:59 people like that that are on the online
1:55:00 space
1:55:02 it's very refreshing yeah 100 percent
1:55:04 bless him and increase him and he picked
1:55:06 a great name for himself friendly muslim
1:55:07 well yeah i like that
1:55:10 he's definitely not looking to you know
1:55:12 to
1:55:13 you know to hopefully inshallah not
1:55:15 looking to elevate the ego or anything
1:55:16 like that it's just let's have a
1:55:18 friendly conversation you know so it's
1:55:19 really yeah
1:55:22 okay so we have abdul rahman in the
1:55:25 household
1:55:43 thank you very much um all i can say is
1:55:46 that it's quite uh
1:55:48 i don't know what to say i'll just leave
1:55:49 it to that all i can say is i'll
1:55:50 summarize it in jazakum that's all i can
1:55:52 say
1:55:53 uh loveless you would lie i had a
1:55:56 question to be honest that's
1:55:58 quite
1:55:58 um recurrent like i i would basically
1:56:03 uh it would come to my mind i would
1:56:05 solve it effectively uh and i would have
1:56:08 the answer in my head and then
1:56:10 time would pass and i would go back to
1:56:12 that like you know it's sort of like a
1:56:14 nagging question even though i would
1:56:16 find the answer the the word the words
1:56:19 to the answer yeah
1:56:21 it still comes back to my mind and comes
1:56:23 back to my heart and have problems
1:56:24 settling my heart yeah the question is
1:56:26 about the concept of
1:56:29 you have
1:56:30 muslims and you have non-muslims people
1:56:32 who are
1:56:33 born into islam and those who are
1:56:36 born outside of islam
1:56:38 and it's a matter of like
1:56:41 my superficial
1:56:44 view of things would see it as
1:56:47 oh
1:56:48 like the person who's born into islam is
1:56:50 more likely to stay muslim
1:56:52 than a person who's outside of islam as
1:56:56 a possibility of converting into a snap
1:56:58 like you know
1:57:00 and this would is what would basically
1:57:03 this is the recurring question what
1:57:05 aggravates the question more and more is
1:57:07 like you know all around me like i would
1:57:09 be a bit involved in dao and i would try
1:57:11 to give dao but the com like it doesn't
1:57:13 like
1:57:15 of course we're not responsible for
1:57:17 results but it's a matter of
1:57:19 uh one would wish that a person response
1:57:20 but it usually doesn't work out but it
1:57:23 is in the hands of allah so it's a
1:57:24 matter i guess i would summarize as yeah
1:57:26 that is the question that i always feel
1:57:28 that a muslim has more of a chance to
1:57:30 stay muslim than a non-muslim has a
1:57:32 chance of uh
1:57:35 converting into islam and i the answers
1:57:37 that i would naturally come to is that
1:57:39 at the end of the day man at the end of
1:57:40 the day
1:57:41 to put trust in a lost paratha he um
1:57:44 really to trust in allah and to trust
1:57:46 that he would not wrong anyone and the
1:57:47 beautiful ayah that i have in my heart
1:57:52 and it can be understood as
1:57:54 well does not burden any soul that which
1:57:55 you can't bear in the sense that no one
1:57:57 is put into a test that they can't pass
1:57:59 like you know so this is what i always
1:58:01 rest myself with and maybe it's a matter
1:58:04 of like if you understand what i mean
1:58:05 adil versus fabal that um
1:58:08 like people who are born muslim this is
1:58:10 a special gift that they are given
1:58:13 rather than
1:58:14 um
1:58:15 rather than uh sorry sorry i wonder if i
1:58:18 missed that yeah people who are born in
1:58:19 the sun is a fodder upon them is like a
1:58:21 gift upon them that but no one has been
1:58:23 done unjustice like you know if they're
1:58:25 not born into sin but these are these
1:58:26 are the ways i try to answer myself but
1:58:28 still there's a sense nagging in my mind
1:58:30 nagging my heart and the questions which
1:58:31 somehow keeps on popping back up to my
1:58:33 mind so i wonder what is your
1:58:36 um point of view in addressing this
1:58:38 question if you uh have and i would
1:58:41 really deeply appreciate any help and
1:58:43 love holy work god bless you and i'd
1:58:45 really appreciate that a lot
1:58:51 let's do this interesting question
1:58:54 so i'm hoping i understood the question
1:58:55 right that basically muslims who are
1:58:57 born muslims have a
1:58:59 have more of a chance of sticking to
1:59:01 their islam i guess dying upon islam
1:59:03 then
1:59:04 you know people that would not be born
1:59:06 in a muslim household and therefore
1:59:07 coming to islam i think that's what was
1:59:08 the crux of the question yeah is it is
1:59:10 it unfair that allah yes so that's the
1:59:13 the
1:59:13 create human beings and muslim families
1:59:15 and those human beings and non-muslim
1:59:17 families and they're
1:59:19 less likely to become muslim so it's
1:59:21 it's trying to solve that potential
1:59:24 issue right right i mean
1:59:26 one thing that i that i always try to
1:59:28 try to mention to people is that we have
1:59:30 to understand uh
1:59:32 when we start to engage with these
1:59:33 questions about who allah is right if
1:59:37 we've understood that allah is maximally
1:59:39 perfect in his justice right and his
1:59:41 maximum for his mercy and so on and so
1:59:44 forth then we have to understand that
1:59:46 you know um where we may perceive some
1:59:49 sort of difference in you know justice
1:59:52 you have to understand that at the end
1:59:53 of the day there's no one who's more
1:59:54 just than allah
1:59:56 right um and so
1:59:59 yes there's that kind of nagging idea
2:00:01 maybe it might be in someone's mind that
2:00:02 hey you know i was just lucky and he
2:00:04 mentioned kind of comparing the father
2:00:06 versus the other right like confirming
2:00:08 like the favor versus the the justice
2:00:11 but at the end of the day allah is
2:00:12 maximally perfect as justice
2:00:14 and he's more just than me he's more
2:00:16 just than hamza he's more just than
2:00:18 anyone
2:00:19 and so taking that into consideration we
2:00:22 understand that at the end of the day no
2:00:23 one will be wronged now the problem is
2:00:27 is that while
2:00:28 you know we understand that as some sort
2:00:30 of abstract knowledge we haven't really
2:00:33 internalized it in terms of who allah is
2:00:35 right and that goes you know that goes
2:00:38 with going back to
2:00:39 you know that
2:00:40 allah
2:00:42 at the end of the day he will never
2:00:44 wrong anyone
2:00:46 and that is something that we have to
2:00:47 understand 100 fully
2:00:49 whatever sort of difference we may
2:00:51 perceive we have to basically accuse
2:00:53 ourselves
2:00:54 before we accuse allah right we are
2:00:56 limited and allah is you know not you
2:00:59 know is not limited in any sphere
2:01:02 whatsoever and that includes our
2:01:03 knowledge as well you know earlier on
2:01:05 someone mentioned
2:01:06 uh we were talking about uh forgiveness
2:01:09 of allah you know a lot of these
2:01:10 questions always get chalked up to our
2:01:13 understanding of allah visa be our
2:01:15 understanding of ourselves right like
2:01:17 when someone was like that allah would
2:01:18 not forgive me right or like one of our
2:01:21 first questions and some you know i'll
2:01:23 tell people sometimes i say you know
2:01:25 you know we
2:01:26 are imperfect and that's why we will
2:01:29 necessarily sin
2:01:31 you don't have perfect knowledge if you
2:01:32 knew exactly the second you were going
2:01:34 to sin what the result would be you
2:01:36 wouldn't do it but you don't have
2:01:38 perfect knowledge so you were created in
2:01:40 a state of imperfection
2:01:42 you are bound to sin and one of allah's
2:01:44 attributes is that he is forgiving and
2:01:46 so that's manifest
2:01:48 your imperfection actually manifests
2:01:50 allah's perfection
2:01:52 right so when you understand who allah
2:01:56 is we accuse ourselves before we we're
2:01:59 going to accuse allah right in any
2:02:01 scenario and that's usually what i find
2:02:03 is the crux of the issue is that we
2:02:04 haven't really internalized
2:02:06 you know who allah is and the perfection
2:02:08 of his justice you know when you look at
2:02:10 uh what is it the surat zuma when the
2:02:12 people are going into that going into
2:02:14 the hell fire i think even kathie
2:02:16 mentions that they will be entering the
2:02:18 hell fire right because
2:02:20 the ayah at the end of zuma says when
2:02:22 they're entering jannah they'll say
2:02:23 alhamdulillah
2:02:24 i think it's indicative says and the
2:02:26 people entering the hellfire will be
2:02:28 saying
2:02:30 he said why because on that day
2:02:32 they will see allah's perfect justice
2:02:34 being manifest right that no one is
2:02:38 wronged you know
2:02:40 and so and you you think like okay well
2:02:42 the people entering hellfire why would
2:02:43 they but because they're seeing the
2:02:45 perfection of their lord at the end of
2:02:46 the day
2:02:48 yes it reminds me of the statement of
2:02:50 sauria
2:02:54 who basically said that if i had to
2:02:56 choose between allah and my mother to
2:02:57 judgment the day of judgment i would
2:02:58 choose allah
2:03:01 and
2:03:02 you're right allah
2:03:03 no one is going to be going to avoid or
2:03:06 escape allah's perfect justice and mercy
2:03:09 that's it that's there's nothing else to
2:03:11 worry about because what we're looking
2:03:14 at is the pixel
2:03:16 allah has the picture
2:03:18 so allah would judge that person in
2:03:20 their context whatever their context is
2:03:23 you know i got a i got a question the
2:03:25 other day well very similar to this and
2:03:27 they're like well you know this person
2:03:30 they're absolutely certain about
2:03:31 christianity so why would allah punish
2:03:33 them i said hold on a second
2:03:35 how do you know they're certain about
2:03:36 christianity like christianity like what
2:03:38 is that what does a certain mean like
2:03:40 did you actually enter into their heart
2:03:42 open it up and become them and then say
2:03:44 oh yes they have certainty or you're
2:03:46 just going by what they're saying on
2:03:47 their tongue how do you know that and
2:03:49 the only one that knows that is allah
2:03:51 like allah that you know inner
2:03:53 subjective experience we always talk
2:03:54 about yeah we have that first person
2:03:56 inner subject experience the only one
2:03:58 that knows that maybe besides you is not
2:04:00 maybe the only one that knows that
2:04:01 beside you is allah right the only one
2:04:04 that can just
2:04:05 give a just verdict on something right
2:04:08 is the one who has the knowledge to do
2:04:10 that because when you judge something
2:04:11 and you don't have enough knowledge you
2:04:13 are pre-judging that's why you know the
2:04:15 word prejudice to pre-judge you don't
2:04:17 have all the facts and you make a
2:04:18 judgment who has all the facts allah has
2:04:21 all the facts you will never find
2:04:23 prejudice right from allah because he's
2:04:26 the one that
2:04:27 knows everything down to the human
2:04:28 feelings right everything down to the
2:04:31 things that you don't see right when you
2:04:33 see like i remember i would be i'd be
2:04:35 i'd be working in certain places and you
2:04:37 know one of the etiquettes we're
2:04:38 supposed to have is to give people
2:04:39 excuses and i mentioned this many times
2:04:41 i said you know you would find like you
2:04:43 know you know you know judy she comes in
2:04:45 late for work and everyone's like well
2:04:47 she's always late and i'm like well you
2:04:48 know she's a single mother you know and
2:04:50 they'll say like oh you know judy does
2:04:52 this you know she's always she's this
2:04:53 i'm like well you know she maybe she had
2:04:54 a late la they kept on saying like why
2:04:56 do you keep giving excuses you know
2:04:57 what's your problem and i said like you
2:05:00 don't know
2:05:01 all the internal workings of a person
2:05:03 like what they're suffering what they're
2:05:05 going through what are the challenges
2:05:06 they had
2:05:07 and you're making these sweeping
2:05:08 judgments about them
2:05:10 subhanallah and we don't we don't know
2:05:13 at the end of the day and you really
2:05:14 have to just
2:05:15 park it and say
2:05:17 allahu alam right allah is the one that
2:05:19 has that has the knowledge even about
2:05:21 himself and not just that bro even even
2:05:24 if we had all the knowledge we still
2:05:26 wouldn't be able to make a better
2:05:28 decision allah right because we have all
2:05:31 of these other biases and the other
2:05:33 thing that's very important looking from
2:05:34 a chronic perspective remember kophor is
2:05:36 for those who reject
2:05:38 right they have to reject something and
2:05:40 this echoes the opinion of allah even
2:05:42 even it echoes a hadith of the prophet
2:05:46 about the four non-muslims categories of
2:05:49 non-muslims that actually go to paradise
2:05:51 if you're not wherever this is
2:05:54 and
2:05:55 they get tests and basically one of the
2:05:57 categories is the one who's too old to
2:05:59 hear the message the one in between
2:06:00 messengers and so on and so forth
2:06:02 and they would get tested on the day of
2:06:03 judgment so the point is
2:06:06 we have a the pixel allah has the
2:06:08 picture and allah is always going to
2:06:11 make the most perfect decision because
2:06:13 he has perfect names and attributes
2:06:16 so uh yeah you're right chef look we'll
2:06:18 we'll end it here give us your wrap up
2:06:21 um
2:06:22 give us a wrap up my friend
2:06:26 after you wrap up i'll wrap up with a
2:06:27 bit of maybe asking people to support us
2:06:30 and showing them our learning platform
2:06:33 stuff like that and by the way all the
2:06:35 brothers and sisters on on the
2:06:36 on the i forgot what it's called the
2:06:39 backstage
2:06:40 we're going to start lives regularly now
2:06:42 inshaallah so please look out for those
2:06:44 and i do apologize that we didn't have
2:06:46 time to answer all of your questions may
2:06:47 not bless every single one of you and uh
2:06:50 yeah
2:06:51 give us your final thoughts no i'll just
2:06:52 say that uh may allah bless everyone
2:06:55 that came on and uh everyone that's here
2:06:58 in the in the that's watching the live
2:07:00 um you know a lot of the times when we
2:07:03 think about the work that sapiens is
2:07:04 doing or that you know that
2:07:06 the individual that's put in a certain
2:07:08 spotlight or whatever it might be
2:07:10 we we have to realize that all of that
2:07:12 comes from allah
2:07:14 right we are just
2:07:16 you know we're just uh what are we going
2:07:18 to call it you know we're we're just
2:07:20 people that allah chose to put in a very
2:07:22 specific
2:07:23 scenario and
2:07:24 and you know who knows you know where
2:07:26 what our state is going to be at the end
2:07:27 of the day right so i know that
2:07:30 people get excited and they want to you
2:07:33 know say a lot and and just you know and
2:07:35 that's good and you know i remember one
2:07:36 time i was speaking with um
2:07:39 jaffa and i was telling him like what do
2:07:40 you do when someone praises you
2:07:42 and he says you know at a certain point
2:07:44 he goes you may
2:07:45 you may feel guilty about feeling good
2:07:48 he goes but don't
2:07:50 necessarily do that and i was like i
2:07:51 know that surprised me because i was
2:07:52 like what do you mean i mean does that
2:07:53 doesn't mean i have an ego and he said
2:07:56 he goes no he said there's a hadith
2:07:57 where the prophet
2:07:58 said
2:08:00 like this is a a a a a
2:08:03 like a a good news for the movement
2:08:05 right
2:08:06 at the same time we also want to make
2:08:08 sure that you know that we're humble and
2:08:10 we understand these are all favors from
2:08:12 allah right so
2:08:14 with that being said
2:08:15 the best way that you can actually
2:08:18 you know
2:08:19 if you want to contribute is to make dua
2:08:22 for us
2:08:22 right i mean this is the thing that our
2:08:24 success our failure it's all in the
2:08:26 hands of allah right when we are putting
2:08:28 our best foot forward we have our own
2:08:31 you know sins we have our own
2:08:33 shortcomings we have you know our own
2:08:35 challenges um and we and we need your
2:08:38 dua right we need you to you know know
2:08:40 that you're supporting us and in the
2:08:42 last third of the night when you're
2:08:43 getting up and you're thinking you're
2:08:44 thinking about you know you're thinking
2:08:46 about us you're thinking about sapience
2:08:47 institute and just making dua for us you
2:08:49 know um
2:08:50 that's something that that i think is is
2:08:52 very very important and that uh
2:08:54 that that's the biggest support one of
2:08:56 the biggest
2:08:57 that is the biggest support we can get
2:08:59 you know
2:09:00 um other than that
2:09:01 you know just keep watching out for
2:09:03 these live streams uh you know charlotte
2:09:05 we're gonna have a lot more activity um
2:09:09 that we're gonna be doing online and on
2:09:11 on on site uh so watch out for that as
2:09:13 well um and um
2:09:15 yeah that's pretty much it man that's uh
2:09:17 okay just two things bro one thing is i
2:09:19 remember when i went off the video there
2:09:21 was an image an avatar of james
2:09:23 bergman's uh podcast no people i don't
2:09:27 people would shaytan to whisper to them
2:09:28 that i'm basically like you know a
2:09:30 hidden agnostic skeptic basically i
2:09:33 we gave him access to this the stream
2:09:35 because he needed something to show a
2:09:38 video when i was doing a stream with him
2:09:40 the podcast on
2:09:42 reviewing the
2:09:44 lawrence crowds debate so i thought i'd
2:09:45 mention it because it's very important
2:09:47 uh to remove any shubha or any kind of
2:09:49 potential because well i even saw it
2:09:51 like oh if i i forgot that we gave
2:09:53 access to him and i told him to change
2:09:54 the branding anyway that's one number
2:09:56 two but can you do a favor you want to
2:09:57 take a picture of us for to promote this
2:10:00 stream tomorrow just give me a smile
2:10:02 after three yeah
2:10:04 one
2:10:05 two three
2:10:07 perfect
2:10:09 okay good so exactly here brothers and
2:10:10 sisters look um let me just remind you
2:10:13 guys what we do we
2:10:15 share some academic intellection and we
2:10:17 empower others to do so the same because
2:10:19 we want to see a world that
2:10:21 receives the message of islam
2:10:23 and
2:10:24 we
2:10:25 give provide free in-depth training
2:10:28 on-site and online we have a learning
2:10:30 platform
2:10:31 we have
2:10:32 around 10 or 11 in-depth courses we're
2:10:34 planning another 10 this year we provide
2:10:36 free books we have a book on how to do
2:10:38 with doubts of a book on atheism a book
2:10:40 on christology a book on so many
2:10:42 different things we translate books from
2:10:45 the arabic
2:10:47 intelligence space past and present
2:10:49 classical and
2:10:50 and modern
2:10:52 to provide an impact in the daoa we have
2:10:54 a podcast we do online seminars we do
2:10:58 videos dealing with super hearts we
2:11:00 empower other organizations and
2:11:02 individuals we have lighthouse mentoring
2:11:04 we do people super hard we give them one
2:11:06 hour free one-to-one development
2:11:08 development training mentoring and also
2:11:10 answering the questions
2:11:12 we do discussions and debates and so
2:11:13 much more
2:11:15 and this is the need of the time and
2:11:17 i'll humbly ask all of you brothers and
2:11:19 sisters to basically you know if you can
2:11:22 donate generous generously our main
2:11:25 fundraising period is in ramadan and you
2:11:28 know alhamdulillah we raised some funds
2:11:29 but it wasn't what we thought we would
2:11:32 get because of maybe the economic
2:11:34 context so i just ask you guys you know
2:11:36 if you like the stream you love our work
2:11:38 go to sapiens forward
2:11:41 slash donate and donate generously
2:11:43 and don't forget the main purpose of
2:11:45 today's
2:11:46 live stream was to update you on our
2:11:50 four months we've been doing from the
2:11:51 operational year that starts in may to
2:11:53 august and i gave you 10 points which is
2:11:55 the beginning of the stream hopefully
2:11:57 when this goes on youtube you'll have a
2:11:59 time stamp as well alhamdulillah we've
2:12:01 been we have been working very very hard
2:12:03 and inshallah there's so much more to
2:12:05 come and i really hope you enjoyed our
2:12:07 company we enjoyed your company if we
2:12:09 didn't have time to answer your
2:12:10 questions please watch out for the next
2:12:13 live stream and inshallah we'll answer
2:12:15 your questions so as for me it's locker
2:12:17 here man i bless every single one of you
2:12:19 and grant you all the best in this life
2:12:21 and the best in the life to come
2:12:22 [Music]
2:12:24 you have the final say give your salah
2:12:26 all right
2:12:27 i'll bless all of you and bless your
2:12:28 families and keep your hearts firm upon
2:12:31 allah's deen subhanallah
2:12:38 is