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Sharing Islam, truth & doubts (2020-06-24)


Sharing Islam, truth & doubts - with Shaykh Hisham

0:01:00 Muslim students, doubt leading to apostacy and suicide at university 0:06:00 Genuine Intellectual Doubt vs Psycho-Spiritual Whisperings (waswasah) 0:09:30 Mental whisperings & The Sahaba 0:12:45 Sources of intellectual doubt/questions 0:16:30 Sources of psycho-spiritual whisperings 0:21:00 The Qur'an as a source of therapy 0:23:00 Finding the underlying causes for intellectual questions 0:28:00 Making sense of one's traumatic past 00:35:00 How do we un-cloud the fitrah? 00:40:00 Reflecting on nature as a form of dhikr 00:45:00 Practical steps to dealing with with intellectual doubts/questions 00:58:00 The Roots Academy Project

Summary of Sharing Islam, truth & doubts

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 01:00:00

discusses how doubts can be caused by various factors, including exposure to different ideologies and values, unstable spirituality, and difficult experiences in one's life. It emphasizes the importance of having a strong spiritual conviction, which can help to overcome doubts.

00:00:00 In this live stream, chef Hisham Jafar Adi discusses how he deals with doubts concerning Islam among students at the University of Nottingham. He says that while doubts may initially be intellectual, they can also have a psychological and emotional component. Adi also mentions a student who committed suicide after developing doubts about his faith.

  • *00:05:00 Discusses how doubts can take over an individual's mind and how it can be difficult to deal with. He goes on to discuss how there are different types of doubts and how one can identify them. He also discusses how doubt can lead to psycho-spiritual problems and how it can be difficult to get rid of it. concludes by saying that doubt can be a cancerous thing and that there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses how doubts can come from different sources, such as the environment and people's engagement in interfaith conversations. They suggest that parents should arm their children with a mentality of faith in order to prepare them for these doubts.
  • *00:15:00 Discusses doubts and how they can be caused by various factors, including exposure to different ideologies and values, unstable spirituality, and difficult experiences in one's life. It emphasizes the importance of having a strong spiritual conviction, which can help to overcome doubts.
  • 00:20:00 two students share their experiences with Islam. One student, Mohammad, had exams during Ramadan, and decided not to fast. He found that he was losing his religious conviction, and his Hut grew harder and harder reminders from the Quran. Another student, Timonium, had doubts about God, and decided to pray late, stop spraying altogether, and read the Quran. These two examples illustrate the importance of a holistic approach to questions about religion.
  • 00:25:00 Atheist argues that one's upbringing, specifically one's home life, can be a source of doubt and confusion later in life. He gives the example of a father who unknowingly abuses his child, a child who then grows up to be a young adult. The atheist argues that if a parent is able to openly discuss their child's upbringing and explain why it was necessary, the child will be less likely to struggle with doubts.
  • *00:30:00 Discusses how traumatic experiences can lead to a lack of understanding of the meanings given to those experiences by oneself and by others, which can lead to a loss of faith. She goes on to say that the key to overcoming this is to have a positive relationship with God and to rely on His guidance.

Sharing Islam, truth & doubts:

Islam teaches that there are many meanings to events in one's life, and that it is up to the individual to find and give that meaning. Muslims are encouraged to rely on Allah to give them the meaning they need, rather than relying on their own limited understanding of events. This can help individuals to overcome traumatic experiences and regain faith in their religion.

  • 00:35:00 provides a brief overview of Islam, including the central importance of remembrance of God in one's life. It also discusses the spiritual progress of a Muslim, and how this progress can affect one's understanding of intellectual concepts. ends with a warning that anyone who doubts their spiritual progress is on a "waste money" journey.
  • *00:40:00 Discusses how doubts can be dealt with in a positive way, emphasizing the importance of reflection on nature and theology. He also points out that atheism has increased in recent years due to people's disconnection from nature.
  • *00:45:00 Discusses the idea that famous speakers and YouTube stars who answer questions on the platform can create a social dependency on their followers. In order to create sustainable leaders, these individuals need to provide foundational knowledge and independence before seeking out questions and answers.
  • 00:50:00 explains that people typically have three levels of certainty: madea pain, I know yet pain, and the pain of seeing. The madea pain is the pain of knowledge, the I know yet pain is the pain of seeing, and the pain of happening is part of reality. A question can increase a person's levels of certainty, depending on the situation.
  • 00:55:00 provides a brief overview of the work of a Muslim chaplain, who suggests that people need to have a foundation in order to answer questions about Islam. The chaplain goes on to talk about his recent project, which is to develop bite-sized courses that teach Islamic concepts for university students. He also discusses his efforts to create a foundation of Islamic knowledge for Muslims, and how his online courses are designed to help people achieve this.

01:00:00 - 01:05:00

discusses how many students have registered for one of his webinars on Islamic tradition, pointing out that this shows there is a need for Islamic tradition to be communicated in a more accessible way. He then talks about a project called "Sharing Islam, Truth, and Doubts" which aims to provide discussions and listening ears to Muslims and others in the 17-25 age bracket.

01:00:00 above discusses how many students have registered for one of the author's webinars on Islamic tradition. points out that this is a good sign because it shows that there is a need for Islamic tradition to be communicated in a more accessible way. also says that YouTube isn't currently fulfilling this need, and that the online medium needs to be supplemented with more in-person teachings.

  • 01:05:00 provides a brief overview of a project called "Sharing Islam, Truth, and Doubts," which aims to provide discussions and listening ears to Muslims and others in the 17-25 age bracket. The project is currently running, and the speaker encourages anyone interested in participating to contact him.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:01 the letter of megara Heymann
0:00:04 alhamdulillah so that was that my
0:00:05 daughter's fully let's sell my Dakota La
0:00:08 Habra care to brothers sisters friends
0:00:12 and welcome to this live stream with me
0:00:15 today we have chef Hisham just a quick
0:00:19 bio chef Hisham Jafar Adi is an engineer
0:00:23 by profession and a Muslim chuckling at
0:00:25 the University of Nottingham
0:00:28 he studied Arabic and Islamic Sciences
0:00:30 in the UAE for a number of years where
0:00:33 he received a highly diploma in Arabic
0:00:35 and Islamic Sciences and was appointed a
0:00:38 thieve at the age of 17 and how many
0:00:42 really left so it's very good to have
0:00:44 you here chef HM how are you I'm doing
0:00:48 I'm not sure that's lovely to be here
0:00:53 it's a pleasure it's all of you to be
0:00:55 here now we're going to be talking about
0:00:58 sharing Islam we're going to be talking
0:01:00 about doubts we're talking about how to
0:01:03 deal with doubts and all the relevant
0:01:06 topics that revolve around those themes
0:01:08 so the first thing that I want to talk
0:01:10 about is please give us some of your
0:01:14 experiences on campus because I know
0:01:16 you've dealt with many students at the
0:01:19 University of Nottingham concerning Iman
0:01:22 faith related issues concerning doubts
0:01:25 concerning certainty just give us your
0:01:28 over experience and maybe a particular
0:01:30 experience that opened the door in order
0:01:34 for you to get involved in these issues
0:01:36 and take them more seriously I believe
0:01:38 there was someone who committed suicide
0:01:40 but he leave that to you to to to tell
0:01:43 the audience yeah so the the overview
0:01:47 comes it's a good question to start off
0:01:48 with the overview is so as chaplain at
0:01:51 the University not in large part of my
0:01:53 responsibility is talking to students
0:01:55 and we wouldn't call it counseling we'll
0:01:58 be able to just have a chat with them
0:01:59 whether it's something emotional they're
0:02:01 struggling with something faithful A to
0:02:02 B the struggle and usually the chaplain
0:02:04 is not really equipped for higher
0:02:06 education in the chaplains usually are
0:02:08 in prisons and hospitals with a winter
0:02:10 spa you know
0:02:12 with bereavement emotional trauma things
0:02:14 like that but in a higher education
0:02:16 environment the challenge is not about
0:02:18 leading spinel and it's not really about
0:02:20 emotional trauma the real challenge is
0:02:22 the intellectual challenge is the
0:02:24 challenge of doubt and having been a
0:02:27 chaplain now for over a year and also
0:02:30 having traveled to other spamming
0:02:31 societies and other campuses in the UK
0:02:33 I've noticed that it's a rampant problem
0:02:35 is rife but it's also suppressed it's
0:02:38 under the cupboard and so the overview
0:02:40 of the problem is that when I started
0:02:42 chaplaincy I was quite shocked to
0:02:44 realize that the people who are coming
0:02:45 to me to deal with doubts in the basic
0:02:47 tenets of Islam were people on people
0:02:51 who were bearded systems were wearing
0:02:53 the hijab visibly practicing Muslims but
0:02:56 there is an invisible burden on their
0:02:59 shoulders and something that's consuming
0:03:01 their minds you know some people think
0:03:03 this is only true for students who are
0:03:05 studying philosophy and everybody else
0:03:07 is in noon actually it's not it's the
0:03:09 climate that you live they can't go a
0:03:11 day without in some way shape or form
0:03:14 being exposed to other ideologies other
0:03:17 belief systems and obviously the
0:03:19 question then comes back is what am i a
0:03:21 Muslim because of birth by my muslim by
0:03:24 culture by choice and when they start
0:03:27 questioning all of their initial
0:03:28 assumptions they realize I actually
0:03:29 don't know I don't know why I'm a Muslim
0:03:32 and that's when the the kind of the
0:03:36 problem begins that's when the the shock
0:03:38 begins - some of them I've had students
0:03:40 that leave the course drop out of
0:03:41 university starting with the
0:03:43 intellectual doubts I've had students
0:03:45 who stopped wearing the hijab just
0:03:48 starting with the doubt and so it starts
0:03:50 with one doubt one thought one idea it
0:03:52 festers it becomes a constant spread
0:03:54 consumes them sometimes they choose a
0:03:56 lot less - it's just a question someone
0:03:58 has the neither answer that wants to do
0:03:59 them the answer all the times people ask
0:04:02 you the question you give them a
0:04:03 non-standard a for another quick and
0:04:04 another and another and now these
0:04:06 questions are eating their mind Jin's
0:04:07 father they can't focus you know they're
0:04:10 crying they one particular practicing
0:04:13 student
0:04:13 equally would study for his exams in the
0:04:15 library because it's like someone was
0:04:16 talking to him in his head about - ready
0:04:19 to Islam so one thing for sure coming
0:04:22 after that is it's wrong to say these
0:04:24 are just intellectual problems
0:04:25 there's a psychological aspect this is
0:04:27 beautiful aspect there is the emotional
0:04:29 aspect there so like one pattern I
0:04:31 noticed the students who had like
0:04:32 emotional trauma growing up they tend to
0:04:34 be more susceptible to these kinds of
0:04:36 doubts they tend to feel a bit more lost
0:04:38 when they become stuck in the front and
0:04:40 one particular incident the one you
0:04:42 referred to possibly one of the most
0:04:43 shocking ones is a student who a Muslim
0:04:47 student committed suicide and family
0:04:50 give me permission to tell story buddies
0:04:52 most continue committing suicide and I
0:04:54 know that the what started all off was a
0:04:56 doubt the feeling that our practicing
0:05:00 Muslim brings pearlized at cetera
0:05:02 I don't know why I'm doing it some non
0:05:05 Muslim colleague asked him a question
0:05:06 about my faith he doesn't know the
0:05:07 answer to it and that's how it all
0:05:08 begins the problem is not knowing what
0:05:10 to do with the doubt Satan starting with
0:05:13 a doubt it becomes a cancer and when you
0:05:16 live your entire life seeing the world
0:05:17 in a particular way suddenly that
0:05:19 worldview shatters you're in a vector in
0:05:22 a vacuum
0:05:23 you've got nothing and you've got
0:05:25 nothing to lose and I happens to come
0:05:27 from like a difficult home and abusive
0:05:30 family etcetera cetera
0:05:31 no way to go back home to and no peace
0:05:33 and peace of mind where he is he decided
0:05:37 to take his life would you say nice yeah
0:05:41 would you say from your experience on
0:05:43 campus and dealing with students on a
0:05:46 kind of grassroots can't effective what
0:05:49 would be the kind of I mean percentage
0:05:52 is a wrong term to use but the kind of I
0:05:55 don't know let's use the word percentage
0:05:57 of Muslim students that would have what
0:06:00 you call a doubt concerning the Islamic
0:06:03 tradition I would say conservative
0:06:07 estimate would be one-third estimate
0:06:10 would be one-third of Muslims have
0:06:12 doubts about their faith that they don't
0:06:14 have the confidence to ask they don't
0:06:15 all they don't know who to go to and
0:06:17 they kind of just push it aside thinking
0:06:20 I'll eventually deal with it or I'll get
0:06:22 there okay but it's affected them
0:06:24 already yeah so this leads us to a
0:06:26 really interesting point now so let's
0:06:28 really define what we mean by doubt here
0:06:31 because in the Islamic tradition there
0:06:33 is a difference between kind of
0:06:35 psycho-spiritual whisperings
0:06:38 and genuine intellectual doubts so I'm
0:06:42 assuming you've used the word out to
0:06:44 compass both but let's now allow you to
0:06:47 elaborate on the difference between the
0:06:49 two sure
0:06:52 the and we've seen this quite often
0:06:54 where a doubt turns into
0:06:56 psycho-spiritual but that to just make a
0:06:58 distinction between you know a doubt is
0:07:01 something you're not sure of and the
0:07:03 dangerous ones out when you're not sure
0:07:05 about something very fundamental to its
0:07:07 level you're not sure of whether God
0:07:09 exists or not sure is Muhammad the
0:07:11 Prophet or not I doubt is different from
0:07:14 a question a question is why did
0:07:17 so-and-so happen in the stomach
0:07:18 tradition in Islamic history but I still
0:07:20 retain my beliefs my Evoque morals and
0:07:22 values having King but when you're not
0:07:25 sure anymore about those initial things
0:07:27 that's when it becomes doubt on the
0:07:31 other hand psycho-spiritual whispering
0:07:32 is what we call West Western America is
0:07:34 when it's not just something you just
0:07:37 not sure of i but you're able to go on
0:07:39 with your daily life it's when that
0:07:41 question that you had of the thing
0:07:43 you're not sure about eventually takes
0:07:45 over your mind
0:07:45 so to speak you know you hear almost a
0:07:48 whispering in your head you're knocking
0:07:49 one you find the answer to one down only
0:07:52 to get another one popping up and it's
0:07:54 constantly bothering you it's it's
0:07:56 consuming and that you know you I find
0:08:00 that it starts with a doubt and I doubt
0:08:01 not dealt with then becomes a cancerous
0:08:05 okay so the distinction is being made
0:08:08 here is there are those doubts about
0:08:10 something that you aren't you're unsure
0:08:11 that you have a question about and it
0:08:15 refers generally speaking to the kind of
0:08:17 foundational aspects of Islam that would
0:08:18 change the basis of your value system
0:08:20 the basis very would you know that
0:08:22 serious doubts
0:08:23 yeah in that study different from having
0:08:25 a question about something like you know
0:08:27 I want to know about the preservation of
0:08:30 hadith okay not really knowing the
0:08:32 answer this moment doesn't really affect
0:08:34 my foundational worldview it doesn't
0:08:36 affect that my value system
0:08:38 I still have gained I still have
0:08:40 certainty in Islam it's just a question
0:08:42 I'm going to explore intellectually it's
0:08:44 virtually and I'm gonna access the
0:08:46 tradition to find an answer which is
0:08:48 very different to I doubt the
0:08:50 foundational
0:08:51 aspects of the tradition like God's
0:08:52 existence the miracle of the Quran and
0:08:54 the propagator of the public saw a lot
0:08:56 more I need to ascend them and other
0:08:57 aspects including the six pillars of
0:09:00 Eman right and then you said the
0:09:02 psycho-spiritual dow is the worst was
0:09:04 over that overcomes you
0:09:06 it basically engulfs you and you don't
0:09:10 have an answer and that really basically
0:09:13 fundamentally destroyed your kind of
0:09:15 spiritual and your psychological being
0:09:17 and it's not just intellectual that's
0:09:19 one modesty yes that the US was that
0:09:21 it's something that you could have
0:09:22 answered that question before I know the
0:09:23 answer this question mmm but it keeps
0:09:25 bugging least psychologically yes yeah
0:09:30 can you also say there is there is light
0:09:32 at the end of the tunnel even when it
0:09:34 comes to things like what was because
0:09:37 the Sahaba they would complain to the
0:09:41 promise of a lot more ie who would send
0:09:42 them to say you know they had things
0:09:45 that come in their mind that they didn't
0:09:47 want to answer right and the Prophet SAW
0:09:50 a love more ie who had said them
0:09:51 basically said to them this is a sign of
0:09:53 Eman so there is another type of wash
0:09:56 bursa which is well maybe you shouldn't
0:09:59 call it what what stuff because it is
0:10:01 not saying that's you know we it's not
0:10:04 just an understudy necessarily something
0:10:06 sinister right like some thoughts you
0:10:08 have you just would never share with
0:10:09 anyone Chris oh yeah it's like kind of a
0:10:12 mental whispering and mental
0:10:14 psychological whispering this so honover
0:10:16 they had them too however they had a
0:10:20 distinction they made a distinction
0:10:22 between the mental spiritual whispering
0:10:25 and who they were they said we don't
0:10:27 like this we don't believe in this we
0:10:29 know it's wrong but it's coming our
0:10:31 minds we're not gonna say anything when
0:10:33 of enactment and that's why the process
0:10:36 from said this is a sign of Iman now
0:10:38 when it comes to unhealthy
0:10:41 mental spiritual whisperings it's when
0:10:43 you start to adopt those mental
0:10:47 spiritual whisperings and engulf human
0:10:50 destroys you from that destroys your
0:10:52 well-being and I like to give a picture
0:10:54 sometimes that it's like your mind is
0:10:57 like a sky and there are clouds now the
0:11:02 clouds
0:11:04 they're not you right they're not part
0:11:06 of your mind per se just let them drift
0:11:08 parts of the heart that you look at that
0:11:10 cloud is not meant whisper to a spring
0:11:12 which I know is fundamentally wrong I
0:11:14 know it's not from me and I have a
0:11:18 psychological III don't like it right so
0:11:23 IIIi don't like that whispering i I it's
0:11:26 not part of me I know how to answer if I
0:11:29 still in my head and I'm not gonna talk
0:11:32 about it because I know is I'm making
0:11:34 the distinction you have this kind of
0:11:35 what's that word you use
0:11:37 you got a binary its external right but
0:11:41 they also hate it because they know it's
0:11:42 false they know it's not over them from
0:11:45 this it's a kind of mental spiritual
0:11:47 whispering and they just let it go pause
0:11:50 so let the cloud just drift away when it
0:11:53 comes to kind of the whispering that you
0:11:54 were talking about is when you now think
0:11:56 that cloud is you and it starts to rain
0:11:59 yeah yeah frequently what happens is
0:12:02 that when you once you start
0:12:03 internalizing it and saying these are my
0:12:05 thoughts and the next question is how
0:12:08 could I be thinking Steketee yes you
0:12:10 begin to doubt you're very like
0:12:12 existence your nature your morality like
0:12:14 am i a good person how could I be
0:12:15 thinking this about you know how could I
0:12:17 not be sure about the Prophet peace upon
0:12:20 his integrity yeah be as a Muslim so
0:12:23 when you start hating yourself
0:12:25 is when it all is that's one the black
0:12:27 hole turns up anything gets tucked in
0:12:29 because when it could turn becomes
0:12:30 self-loathing it becomes a vicious cycle
0:12:33 you hate yourself for the spot you don't
0:12:35 know how to solve it you get another
0:12:36 thought you hate the thought you hate
0:12:38 yourself and you become in this fire of
0:12:40 this downward spiral of just
0:12:41 self-loathing self-loathing and not
0:12:43 really hard to get out that's very
0:12:46 interesting and it's actually quite sad
0:12:49 as well because you can imagine that
0:12:50 person is just in this you know this
0:12:53 quagmire is darkness and they don't have
0:12:56 to get out of it so before we go into
0:12:59 the solutions then what are the sources
0:13:01 of these type of doubts what do you
0:13:03 think of the sources of the spiritual
0:13:04 type of doubts the what sorcerer what do
0:13:06 you think are the sources of the kind of
0:13:08 intellectual doubts the fundamental type
0:13:11 of doubts from your experience what
0:13:13 would they be so partly like one thing I
0:13:17 had to come
0:13:17 except is that we live in the global
0:13:19 village where if you're if your heart or
0:13:21 your mind is a bucket it's raining it's
0:13:24 raining and you've filled your bucket
0:13:26 with some basic morals and values but
0:13:28 everyone's throwing their bit as well so
0:13:31 you you can't really avoid being exposed
0:13:34 even possibly being exposed to people
0:13:36 attacking your
0:13:37 your metal beliefs and one of the things
0:13:41 one of the unfortunate realities is that
0:13:43 we're not prepared for that fraught in
0:13:45 terms of upbringing inch powdered so one
0:13:47 of the things you mentioned before in
0:13:48 previous conversation is why don't
0:13:50 parents talk to their children about why
0:13:52 we worship Allah and if if a parent were
0:13:55 to arm their child with such a mentality
0:13:57 or mindset
0:13:58 women when it starts raining they have
0:14:00 an umbrella so to speak to go with the
0:14:03 analogy so one of the one of the sources
0:14:04 is climate we have a climate or
0:14:07 especially in Europe coming straight
0:14:09 after the Renaissance and the European
0:14:11 Revolution and etc etc a source we have
0:14:14 the climate of doubt of being aesthetic
0:14:17 being sceptical anything established
0:14:18 being skeptic and religion religion is
0:14:19 old school
0:14:20 the institution of religion it's you
0:14:22 know it's not in line with science or
0:14:25 instead line with modernity so when you
0:14:26 grow up in this environment you can't
0:14:28 help but having some of those thoughts
0:14:30 fest in the back of your mind that's one
0:14:32 source the climate the environment and
0:14:34 then another source is you know people
0:14:39 getting involved in conversations
0:14:40 interfaith conversations that they're
0:14:43 not ready to have so you know people
0:14:45 going on at our store and they're armed
0:14:47 with the kind of basic questions but
0:14:49 they're not on certain types of
0:14:51 discussion and so someone brings up
0:14:53 something they haven't come across
0:14:54 before and that begins sometimes the
0:14:57 involvement extra problem in that way
0:14:59 when a person is ready and with students
0:15:01 in particular one of the greatest
0:15:03 sources of doubt is YouTube I would say
0:15:05 from my anecdotal experience no survey
0:15:08 but I would say 80 to 90 percent of
0:15:10 doubts you come across people aren't
0:15:12 really reading books nowadays especially
0:15:13 at that age group they're all on
0:15:15 Instagram snapchat YouTube it's the
0:15:17 YouTube suggestion playlist that is the
0:15:20 greatest ghost of that really in my
0:15:23 humble opinion in my little experience
0:15:26 it's obviously conversations with
0:15:29 colleagues and friends come in contact
0:15:30 with know
0:15:31 things maybe the drop in a sheltered
0:15:32 environment non-muslim ask them a
0:15:34 question about their faith they don't
0:15:35 know how to respond and that's where it
0:15:36 begins but the majority of the time
0:15:38 going to YouTube and kind of getting
0:15:42 bits and backs about the faith and not
0:15:44 having a structured worldview and I'm
0:15:46 not having anybody build their blocks
0:15:48 but getting random bits information
0:15:50 sometimes which confuses them further
0:15:51 you know so they learn a bit about you
0:15:54 know Islam's relationship with slavery
0:15:55 and they like that just raises more
0:15:58 questions in my mind now it's not really
0:15:59 settled mmm
0:16:02 so I've stayed - in summary it's the
0:16:04 climate living the upbringing of parents
0:16:06 the lack of a foundation it's YouTube
0:16:09 and content and it's also just being in
0:16:11 contact with the wider world with
0:16:12 colleagues and so that would be
0:16:15 basically the source of maybe
0:16:17 intellectual type of dollars without
0:16:19 about the tradition itself so it's the
0:16:22 social media aspect YouTube is the
0:16:24 environment kind of Global Village we
0:16:26 live in we live in a kind of you know
0:16:29 marketplace of competing ideologies and
0:16:31 values and ideas and it's inevitable
0:16:33 that we're going to have these questions
0:16:34 okay so that's one source what about the
0:16:38 source of the type of the wasp Oh sir
0:16:40 thank you you did too early about
0:16:43 relationship with parents and maybe not
0:16:45 having a good grounding at home maybe
0:16:48 they don't have a good connection with a
0:16:51 loss hannah water I know they don't pray
0:16:53 for example so give us some of those
0:16:54 typos yeah that's and I would say that
0:16:58 the West Coast aspect is perhaps the
0:17:00 most really dangerous in how impacts a
0:17:03 person's entire life I've seen two broad
0:17:06 sources of in my conversation like
0:17:09 somebody comes they have like serious
0:17:12 doubt they don't you know why they exist
0:17:13 you know existential pain they don't no
0:17:15 one here does a lot I don't know anymore
0:17:17 anything anymore when I as I have that
0:17:19 conversation as I dig deeper and deeper
0:17:21 why they have those doubts what are
0:17:22 those questions it eventually gets to
0:17:25 one of two things either one they've
0:17:28 been through some really bad form a
0:17:30 growing up they have a compliment
0:17:32 abusive Hospital they're going through
0:17:34 some emotional comment that one a parent
0:17:36 is blackmailing them parents to
0:17:38 physically abuse them then contract
0:17:40 abused in their childhood it's a tractor
0:17:41 that's one stops they don't have a
0:17:44 stable
0:17:44 sense of self they don't have a stable
0:17:47 you kind of feeling of who am i what am
0:17:49 i worth etcetera etcetera and the other
0:17:53 source is weak spirituality and so a lot
0:17:57 of these doubts are on things that
0:17:59 they've been they've had a firm belief
0:18:00 in the entire life beyond rational
0:18:02 ground blindly not blindly on rational
0:18:05 growth but it's at that time when they
0:18:07 stopped praying for gel for three weeks
0:18:09 in a row they stopped coming to JAMA a
0:18:11 couple of weeks maybe they go to the pub
0:18:13 with a couple of friends and there's not
0:18:14 really mind people drinking around them
0:18:16 and they just they feel a bit
0:18:17 comfortable like you know what's wrong
0:18:19 really with people drinking and that's
0:18:20 what it begins is it's the the deeper
0:18:24 connection with Allah with God himself
0:18:26 when that begins to wane and weaken we
0:18:30 have to realize that your teen or the
0:18:31 certainty asked holding something to be
0:18:34 true is not purely intellectual reality
0:18:36 it's not something that we just read
0:18:37 stable magnet that makes sense
0:18:39 it's also it's also a spirituality that
0:18:42 comes in and we know like we discussed
0:18:44 this about the prophets campaign of what
0:18:46 custody Compu pleased with when when
0:18:49 some companions were describing it so
0:18:50 why was he so special
0:18:52 all depicted companion so why was he
0:18:53 given that place he was given this it
0:18:55 wasn't except because we say in what
0:18:57 colorful holiday to translate the Arabic
0:18:59 because there was something certain that
0:19:01 settled into his heart there was a
0:19:03 spiritual conviction that gave them the
0:19:06 strength to be able to face anything in
0:19:08 the path of God and so when that's
0:19:10 bridge to a conviction I'll give you an
0:19:11 example like if you were to ask you know
0:19:15 if you go to a desert Arabia you asked a
0:19:16 Bedouin Arab
0:19:17 why do you believe in a God he won't be
0:19:19 able to give you the Kalam cosmological
0:19:20 argument but he's like this is the most
0:19:24 certain thing in my life I've
0:19:25 experienced God I have a just feeling I
0:19:29 have a spiritual connection with him I
0:19:30 felt him in the last set of the nighter
0:19:32 I felt obviously that's not his only
0:19:34 reason but it's an additional it's a
0:19:37 component of his belief that's
0:19:38 unshakable you can't move him you know
0:19:41 and it's that very thing that makes him
0:19:43 you know if someone comes in offers him
0:19:44 a bad deal is gone you know make some
0:19:46 money by doing something unethical is
0:19:47 like no way my my sustenance come from
0:19:50 God is that unwavering unshakable faith
0:19:53 it's not purely based on rationality but
0:19:54 also based on a a spiritual experience
0:19:57 so when that I've noticed for exactly in
0:20:00 a couple of students they had the exams
0:20:02 in Ramallah okay student XA Mohammad he
0:20:06 had exams in Ramadan he thought this
0:20:07 year I'm not gonna fast I'm sure there's
0:20:09 a photo out there that lets me break my
0:20:10 fast do things up finds his futur does
0:20:13 his shopping decides I'm not gonna fast
0:20:15 asleep and that's the first you know
0:20:19 that's the first step towards almost
0:20:21 kind of breaking away from God from his
0:20:23 race
0:20:24 it's his first disobedience if his first
0:20:27 willful rebellion and his first kind of
0:20:29 feeling of I don't really care what God
0:20:31 wants and as the days go by his Hut
0:20:34 grows harder and harder reminders from
0:20:36 the Quran by these sermons I think that
0:20:38 he doesn't want to listen to prayers
0:20:40 become difficult so he's so busy
0:20:42 studying he thinks I'll just pray late
0:20:44 I'll pay later
0:20:44 just stop spraying altogether this is an
0:20:47 actual story uh you know a guy who was a
0:20:49 regular in the mosque kind of very
0:20:52 visibly practicing religious Muslim but
0:20:54 it was one one Domino after another and
0:20:57 when he stopped his religious practice
0:21:00 simultaneously he lost his religious
0:21:02 conviction people don't see the
0:21:05 relationship they think one's
0:21:06 intellectual one special no they're all
0:21:07 linked it's a web and so summarize that
0:21:10 the two sources are psychological having
0:21:15 a stable home that's the oldest course
0:21:16 on parents to keep that in check and
0:21:18 then the other being the spiritual the
0:21:20 relationship with God acts of worship
0:21:22 and words of remembrance Timonium even
0:21:24 even the Quran for example we know that
0:21:26 the Quran is a is therapeutic
0:21:28 Schieffer only nuts but how is it
0:21:31 therapeutic I've had an experience where
0:21:33 I had a student that had kind of serious
0:21:37 doubts in God does he really exist is
0:21:40 degree I don't really know anymore and
0:21:42 other than providing him with the with
0:21:44 an argument I recited verses from the
0:21:46 Quran and translated
0:21:48 reaffirming who God is his own
0:21:50 introduction to himself I introduced II
0:21:53 the first of the throne for example and
0:21:54 he started crying he broke down into
0:21:57 tears and he was sobbing like a child
0:21:59 and he said it's like I never knew I
0:22:01 never it's like I'd never knew this
0:22:02 before it's like and I know this
0:22:05 particular person he'd read a number of
0:22:07 books to try and find the truth he had
0:22:11 philosophical excursion and none of that
0:22:13 brought in conviction made him go round
0:22:15 in circles until I came and I recited to
0:22:17 him Allah hula you know he loved one are
0:22:21 you are you
0:22:24 Allah is the one god there's none worthy
0:22:27 of worship none world you've devoted but
0:22:28 he the everliving the ever subsisting
0:22:31 that's it he just broke down and that
0:22:33 that's the nature of the Quran so that
0:22:35 that's the spiritual cure for
0:22:36 intellectual problem that was quite
0:22:44 living so what we can say from that is
0:22:48 that there is a combination of
0:22:51 intellectual and spiritual components
0:22:54 and therefore we have to have a holistic
0:22:56 approach to these issues because
0:22:58 sometimes unfortunately in the social
0:23:01 media everyone is on this kind of
0:23:04 intellectual arrogance flex here's a
0:23:06 question I have to answer it
0:23:08 and that's not a lot about us and about
0:23:10 own phobia and our own disposition and
0:23:13 our own alignment with the psychological
0:23:18 approach of the prophet sallallaahu ayah
0:23:20 he was sending because not every
0:23:22 question requires an answer not every
0:23:24 intellectual question requires an answer
0:23:26 because sometimes the sit over
0:23:28 underlying cause I remember you know I
0:23:31 had this Pakistani atheist come up to me
0:23:34 at one University and he basically said
0:23:37 that I did a master's in quantum physics
0:23:40 right and okay fair enough but then he
0:23:44 asked me this he didn't ask me a
0:23:45 question he said your argument for good
0:23:47 the good existence doesn't make sense
0:23:49 because causality doesn't make sense
0:23:53 outside of the universe now look you
0:23:55 know I have a philosophical kind of
0:23:57 understanding I could have given him the
0:23:59 Kantian argument I've got to give him
0:24:01 you know expose his philosophical
0:24:05 presupposition that he believes that
0:24:06 causality is derived for experience I
0:24:08 could have I could have turned the
0:24:09 tables on him but I didn't what I said
0:24:12 was is what do you mean by a causality
0:24:16 and where if you study Western medicine
0:24:20 they haven't ironed out what is the
0:24:21 nature of the co2
0:24:23 so he basically ends up saying I don't
0:24:26 know and I said to him isn't it very
0:24:29 interesting that you're using a keyword
0:24:31 in a sentence to deny God and you don't
0:24:35 know what that word means I said what's
0:24:37 up bro so I tried to connect with him
0:24:39 sat him down and you know what he said
0:24:40 to me he said I didn't know how to
0:24:44 connect with Allah I didn't pray hope
0:24:46 they didn't know how to connect with it
0:24:47 with Allah subhana WA Ta'ala
0:24:50 that's the apparent reason the story of
0:24:52 a while ago but that is quite telling
0:24:54 another example was in my town someone
0:24:57 says to me I was truly a debate of Louis
0:24:59 Krouse it was a great debate I'm still
0:25:01 an atheist you know what I said to him
0:25:03 was it him cause your parents bro he
0:25:06 just he spoke to me for a few minutes
0:25:08 talking about the kind of darkness of
0:25:11 his upbringing from I remember so he's
0:25:14 kind of a tease name or rejection of
0:25:16 Allah didn't have anything to do with
0:25:18 the question itself or his kind of
0:25:20 youthful new identity or any kind of
0:25:22 intellectual question it was probably to
0:25:24 do with some kind of psychodynamic end
0:25:25 of it there's a real interesting I took
0:25:28 my believe I forgot the name of the
0:25:32 author it's on your pain Institute and
0:25:34 it's about doubts and parenting and the
0:25:37 author she cites a really good reference
0:25:40 on you know the parents not pretending
0:25:44 telling their children what to do
0:25:46 concerning religious matters but not
0:25:47 following it themselves can be a source
0:25:50 of doubt later on in the upbringing of
0:25:52 the child over the child develops into
0:25:54 being a young adult so so I just wanted
0:25:59 to give those examples because you're
0:26:00 actually right leads me to another
0:26:02 question which is I just wanted to say
0:26:05 about that one thing I'm sorry on that
0:26:08 thing about the law I would say in terms
0:26:10 of if if the home is one of the largest
0:26:13 factors giving giving people serious
0:26:16 time in themselves and in their beliefs
0:26:17 in terms of the home one is obviously
0:26:20 the broken home
0:26:21 that's probably the worst kind of has
0:26:24 arrested them but also hypocrisy the
0:26:26 hypocrisy of a parent child may observe
0:26:30 it and not say anything about it but
0:26:32 it's perhaps one of the greatest causes
0:26:34 of the confusion in likely
0:26:36 I remember like teaching in a small
0:26:39 supplementary school and pair you know
0:26:43 I'm teaching the kids something you know
0:26:45 praying five times a day wake up in the
0:26:47 morning to pray and one 6000 puts his
0:26:49 hand up when I he says but tried waking
0:26:50 up for Fedya the morning don't pray
0:26:52 yesterday and my parents said go back to
0:26:54 sleep because you've got the parents
0:26:57 come on apparently they say my sons
0:26:59 learned everything he knows this stuff
0:27:00 while teaching the basics come here
0:27:03 I asked him you know so him still what
0:27:06 is it that I taught you about the five
0:27:07 prayers because you taught me well blast
0:27:09 it what why isn't it you were more able
0:27:10 to practice it at home and the parents
0:27:13 face was red and the parent knows I said
0:27:16 but then I let the parent you can send
0:27:18 him to the best documentary school in
0:27:19 the world but the first good is you you
0:27:22 are the first group and his stability
0:27:24 sense of safety happiness understanding
0:27:28 of right and wrong comes from your your
0:27:30 practice
0:27:30 he's not gonna he can listen to me all
0:27:32 day but he's going to follow your foot I
0:27:35 just can't emphasize it enough you know
0:27:38 the importance of holistic parenting so
0:27:40 here's the big question now from your
0:27:44 experience how you do with these type of
0:27:47 doubts
0:27:48 yeah there's a there's an interesting
0:27:50 thing that is is multifaceted
0:27:52 but it's depend it always depends on the
0:27:54 source you need to know you know for
0:27:57 every man chopping the leaves of the
0:27:58 tree there's one person hacking away at
0:28:00 the roots and so we have to be the
0:28:02 kayaking aware the roots what is the
0:28:03 root cause of your and that requires
0:28:06 people were able to converse with you
0:28:08 and get down to the bottom of it it
0:28:09 could even be a family friend a friend
0:28:11 just able to talk it out with someone to
0:28:13 say perhaps my issue is really about my
0:28:15 childhood home and I need to go to a
0:28:17 therapist or I need to you know
0:28:19 understand more about how Islam talks
0:28:21 about how to me that verse it what is
0:28:24 God's plan how does it work how can I
0:28:26 understand my past one of the most
0:28:28 beautiful examples of the Quran yeah is
0:28:31 that when God gives Moosa the prophet
0:28:33 Moses prophethood he gives him the task
0:28:36 the mission of prophethood being a
0:28:38 messenger and the ambassador of my
0:28:40 message God first explains to him his
0:28:43 own past his first reaction to God Stan
0:28:47 you're a prophet is ENIAC often you can
0:28:50 scared I'm scared they're going to
0:28:51 reject me they're going to tell me
0:28:53 expose it and God then explains to him
0:28:55 from his childhood what God did how his
0:28:59 life his perhaps from an outsider's
0:29:01 perspective apart a traumatic set of
0:29:03 events be thrown into a box his baby
0:29:06 growing up with a serial abuser dictator
0:29:09 as a father figure
0:29:10 killing someone by mistake being exiled
0:29:13 to me it's a traumatic it's not it's not
0:29:15 a normal way to grow up but forgot to
0:29:18 say that all of this was for a reason
0:29:19 and let it make sense to him and then
0:29:23 when explaining that to him Condon says
0:29:24 to him what's done Article II but see I
0:29:27 did all this because I chose you for me
0:29:29 I chose you to say all that drama that
0:29:33 difficulty that murder all this stuff
0:29:34 was for me so you don't be worried you
0:29:36 know you don't worry about it until hook
0:29:39 you and your brother now and with that
0:29:41 sense of understanding his past he is
0:29:43 now able to go his fear is gone so so
0:29:46 that getting to the root if it's an
0:29:48 emotional cause if it you don't
0:29:49 understand your past you've been through
0:29:50 something difficult to understand your
0:29:51 past
0:29:52 you can do it the route however there's
0:29:54 some specifically with the intellectual
0:29:56 questions so go ahead power water honor
0:30:03 is saying to moosa a lady Samantha this
0:30:05 is the correct meaning associated with
0:30:10 the events in your party don't give it
0:30:13 no meaning and one of the beautiful
0:30:15 things of trauma dealing with trauma
0:30:17 dealing with past experiences that that
0:30:21 may have caused some suffering or have
0:30:23 affected your well-being
0:30:24 even according to cognitive psychology
0:30:27 it's about the meaning that you give to
0:30:29 those events and in one way of
0:30:32 liberating yourself through livering
0:30:34 yourself from the suffering and from the
0:30:37 past in a negative way is by standing in
0:30:40 the possibility to give a different
0:30:43 meaning to those events you know muslims
0:30:47 allow a lot to give meaning to the past
0:30:50 don't don't usually give meaning to your
0:30:53 parts because sometimes what happens to
0:30:56 us we we have limited physical and
0:31:00 cognitive architecture right we're
0:31:02 limited means with
0:31:03 no everything will have limited past
0:31:04 experiences we're not you know pure
0:31:07 beings we have spiritual blemishes that
0:31:09 is going to become a lens in which you
0:31:12 view your past so you'd be like yeah but
0:31:14 they're always jealous of me and they're
0:31:17 always been like that that's coming
0:31:19 through you you are the lens in which
0:31:22 you see your past and this from the ego
0:31:25 it's from the nafs of the ego even
0:31:27 though you know you may feel a sense of
0:31:30 injustice because you've been harmed
0:31:32 rightly so how am i standing the
0:31:34 possibility to understand that the
0:31:36 meaning that you're giving to your past
0:31:38 is not the absolute truth the meaning
0:31:41 that's true is the meaning that Allah
0:31:43 gives and usually when it comes to these
0:31:46 scenarios
0:31:47 Allah gives us this kind of new realm of
0:31:51 possibility to understand our past in a
0:31:54 very powerful way just like the way he
0:31:57 spoke to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
0:32:00 centre-right that Allah has not forsaken
0:32:02 you
0:32:03 right you know you were often took care
0:32:06 of you like I did you right
0:32:08 and then me if something that is
0:32:10 neglected in that kind of um dealing
0:32:13 with Muslims especially concerning the
0:32:15 doubts we say yeah is so bad that you
0:32:18 fine we should have empathy but we
0:32:20 should i empower them positively with
0:32:23 empathy and to state them standing the
0:32:26 possibility that the meaning that you're
0:32:28 giving to your past is actually not the
0:32:30 only meaning give it this meaning give
0:32:33 it the meaning that Allah and His
0:32:34 Messenger wants you to give it and you
0:32:36 see how you become liberated and it's
0:32:39 actually one of the greatest science of
0:32:40 what we call rely of the closeness to
0:32:42 God some people think that being overly
0:32:44 someone close to God involves in
0:32:46 applying some special miracles happening
0:32:48 to you
0:32:48 oh can you properly yeah and what is the
0:32:54 Prophet peace be upon him described the
0:32:56 signs of closeness to God as he mentions
0:32:59 in a kind of tradition and of a divine
0:33:02 tradition conveying on behalf of God you
0:33:05 know he says he sees and I am the eyes
0:33:11 of it he sees God says I'm the eyes of
0:33:12 you she sees and I am the lab that she
0:33:15 works with and I in the house which he
0:33:16 strikes
0:33:17 he no longer sees from his own
0:33:18 perspective you know in another
0:33:20 tradition the prophet stays you know be
0:33:21 wary of the close person close to God
0:33:24 for India who younger will be new Lila
0:33:25 this person sees with God's light not
0:33:27 his own you know he's not put his own
0:33:29 torch in the tunnel he's got a massive
0:33:31 lamp from above football stadium life
0:33:33 he's able to see much anything and it's
0:33:37 something that one graduate gradually
0:33:38 kind of a sense - it's not something
0:33:40 that immediately you can do but what is
0:33:43 it that helps you good one of the
0:33:44 greatest antidotes and being able to see
0:33:46 the bigger picture and God's perspective
0:33:47 is reading school I used the chapter of
0:33:50 Joseph because beautifully stan has
0:33:53 perhaps the most traumatic you know
0:33:55 throwing thrown by jealous brothers into
0:33:57 a well so does the slave etcetera etc
0:33:59 and yet at the same time what does he
0:34:01 keep saying what does this God keep
0:34:02 saying in nanhua Hallel you are unworthy
0:34:06 God does not waste the reward you know
0:34:09 he's thrown in prison and in prison
0:34:11 people come to him saying in nan de la
0:34:13 commune we're singing so amazing
0:34:15 everything you do just amazing so what
0:34:18 was the mindset that allowed him to do
0:34:20 that and and fulfilled his dream in the
0:34:23 end of again the meaning he assigned to
0:34:25 the world the meaning he assigned to his
0:34:27 slavery to his service to his prison
0:34:30 sentence you know we know you know like
0:34:34 people like Baba Rama there despite what
0:34:37 they've been through in terms of prison
0:34:39 and expose the way they're able to look
0:34:41 back and I know personally that one of
0:34:43 the greatest reasons he's able to see
0:34:45 with the different perspective is his
0:34:46 attachment to the chapter of Joseph in
0:34:49 and so it's it's that and what you're
0:34:54 mentioning is actually from my personal
0:34:55 perspective in the top three reasons
0:34:58 that most young Muslims leave Islam
0:35:01 suffering or misunderstanding are still
0:35:04 taking the wrong Phoenix just and that's
0:35:06 how you think about it go ahead go ahead
0:35:09 but sometimes we have you know Muslim
0:35:11 students at any age they would present
0:35:14 intellectual questions that they could
0:35:16 probably answer themselves if they did a
0:35:18 little bit of reading or what a book but
0:35:22 they still have that question as a kind
0:35:24 of you know veil that is hiding really
0:35:27 what's happening which is
0:35:30 these past experiences relationships how
0:35:34 they relate to their parents how they
0:35:35 relate to themselves you know lack of
0:35:37 self-esteem so those things are very
0:35:39 important and the reason I'm emphasizing
0:35:41 this is because though art people like
0:35:44 to share Islam on the public domain this
0:35:47 approach is not common like to do with
0:35:52 human beings your fellow Muslim even
0:35:54 non-muslims in a very kind of impact ik
0:35:56 way the way of the prophet sallallahu
0:35:59 alayhi wa send them to imaginatively
0:36:01 experience what they experience of
0:36:03 feeling what they're feeling to walk in
0:36:05 their shoes so and and that's why I
0:36:08 would like to emphasize is extremely
0:36:10 important to engage with people that way
0:36:12 because we know that you know answering
0:36:16 intellectual questions on is not going
0:36:18 to create an awakening it might do but
0:36:20 it could be something else you know I
0:36:22 think we had a discussion previously on
0:36:24 the concept of Islamic epistemology like
0:36:27 you know what is the human being the
0:36:29 human being has a pit Rock has an innate
0:36:32 disposition and in that innate
0:36:34 disposition is you know proper forms of
0:36:37 knowledge but Allah is a reality that
0:36:39 he's worthy of praise and he's worthy of
0:36:41 worship but that gets crowded you know
0:36:44 you go to chapter 13 verse 30 you go to
0:36:46 the I didn't study Muslim was quite
0:36:48 famous about every child is born in the
0:36:50 state of Petra so the society changes
0:36:54 him specifically the treatment parents
0:36:56 but could the early amount of scholars
0:36:58 mentioned other things so the fitler
0:37:00 gets crowded in a way how would you
0:37:03 unclog the fitrah well it depends what
0:37:05 cloud you're talking about
0:37:07 is it the relationship with the parents
0:37:08 is that cloud there because their
0:37:10 intellectual questions is that cloud
0:37:12 there because someone doesn't do that
0:37:14 after the remembrance of God in the
0:37:16 morning in the evening is that how their
0:37:18 because going on a read Quran will do
0:37:20 Saddam both hundreds over the Quran or
0:37:21 someone who's distant from God is that
0:37:24 cloud there because of excessive sinning
0:37:26 and dissipating it is moving away from
0:37:28 the true path so we don't know but the
0:37:31 way to find out is to empathize and
0:37:33 choose question and probe human being
0:37:35 with that person and then you may
0:37:36 realize actually I may need to use some
0:37:40 intellectual arguments but they need
0:37:42 also good really
0:37:43 with a Muslim and they only only
0:37:45 understand their Tomer and in a
0:37:47 different way so now you've got three
0:37:49 approaches to unclouded the fifth one to
0:37:51 awaken the truth within so but the key
0:37:55 is that it's a long-term process or it's
0:37:57 a it's a process it's the the idea that
0:38:01 some passionate are debating in various
0:38:05 places have that I'm gonna give a
0:38:07 positive strong rebuttal or an argument
0:38:10 and everyone's doubts are going to
0:38:12 disappear
0:38:12 human beings are complex they need
0:38:15 somebody to slowly guide and nurture
0:38:17 them this is the prophetic method of
0:38:19 Tavia right then nurturing the
0:38:21 cultivating of a person so they can come
0:38:22 out of what they were in and push them
0:38:24 into a state of belief and certainty and
0:38:26 that the idea that we would be kind of
0:38:30 insulting to people and be sure
0:38:31 reductive to say that yeah you go here's
0:38:33 a cup of arguments now come on let's
0:38:35 pray the night prayer III suppose that
0:38:41 I've written a book about this and I'm
0:38:43 supposed to be some kind of you know
0:38:45 so-called implements leader or and on
0:38:48 these issues even in my progression it
0:38:51 didn't work on me I remember it used to
0:38:53 give an answer to an apostate and that
0:38:56 person from I remember became Muslim
0:38:57 again but I wasn't satisfied with the
0:39:00 often satisfied until I heard it from
0:39:04 somebody else I was thinking why did
0:39:07 that happen well the reason that
0:39:09 happened it's not because of the answer
0:39:10 itself is because who was I when I was
0:39:13 listening to myself or listening to the
0:39:15 person at that stage in my progression
0:39:17 was I someone doing the victim in the
0:39:20 morning the evening was I so much
0:39:21 spiritually achieved probably no and
0:39:24 what I noticed was when I was more
0:39:26 connected to Allah engaging in the
0:39:28 spiritual practices the things that
0:39:30 punish the heart the vicar of almost
0:39:32 power was out of that the remembrance of
0:39:35 God
0:39:35 everything has a punished and the punish
0:39:37 of the heart is the nikkor of allah is
0:39:38 that remembrance of allah so and you see
0:39:41 your spiritual state affects the way you
0:39:44 even understand intellectual once's yeah
0:39:47 ayuk seen waste money oh I've seen it in
0:39:50 your hamsa I've seen it when you come to
0:39:52 visit University over the years I've
0:39:54 seen a 360 degree
0:39:56 shift every year no no no very
0:40:02 positively in the way you answer
0:40:04 questions like this is not any way to
0:40:07 praise you just to for you to get
0:40:08 feedback people can feel the empathy the
0:40:11 spirituality the holistic nature with
0:40:13 which your cup with which are coming to
0:40:14 them now and they maybe don't know the
0:40:17 journey behind the seats but that the
0:40:20 liquor the idea of the vicar what it
0:40:21 does is relating to the pitman is it
0:40:24 kind of extracts the under all the
0:40:26 rumble the needle seed of the pizza was
0:40:27 still there the dhikr just kind of pulls
0:40:30 it out sit here come along you know it
0:40:32 was there but there's so much rubbish on
0:40:34 top and they could is work and Nikoli so
0:40:37 many forms you know one of the forms of
0:40:39 vicar is learning studying about your
0:40:40 illness leaking knowledge one of the
0:40:42 foam greatest forms of apps one of the
0:40:44 most abandoned homes is reflecting
0:40:47 contemplating the physical world around
0:40:49 this is this is also we say that Oh God
0:40:53 says in quran God goes first on well
0:40:56 these are good signs as well you know
0:40:58 God has two types of signs written kind
0:41:00 of scriptural and he also has physical
0:41:02 where are we from the way to immerse in
0:41:04 our digital device and that's another
0:41:06 thing with students one of the greatest
0:41:08 addictions of our time even for myself
0:41:09 is technology and because they are so
0:41:13 disconnected from the outside world they
0:41:15 are so knocked in University has one of
0:41:18 the most eco-friendly beautiful campuses
0:41:20 in the world and I always our students
0:41:23 when they come saying I'm not really
0:41:24 sure God exists have you been to
0:41:26 University Lake have you seen the geese
0:41:28 crossing the road have you tried talking
0:41:30 to the spirits no we have a lake on
0:41:33 campus do we so this person has no
0:41:37 connection with nature they've never
0:41:39 looked at a tree I thought how long is
0:41:41 this complexity get they've not looked
0:41:44 at the animals own thing look at the
0:41:45 different types of feet look at the
0:41:46 different size where do where did this
0:41:48 don't come from they've never had that
0:41:49 question so of course if what if their
0:41:52 only source of information is black and
0:41:55 white lines on a book or videos it's all
0:41:57 abstract you can get lost in your mind
0:42:00 in circles but the moment you see a
0:42:01 squirrel jump up into a tree pluck an
0:42:03 aerco a corner and think now that's not
0:42:06 that couldn't have been my crops this is
0:42:08 what God says in the Quran
0:42:10 talk to our rule albert the people of
0:42:11 sound my penis when they look at
0:42:15 everything they say ramanamma hotel her
0:42:19 stool behind but you couldn't have
0:42:22 created this for no reason how above you
0:42:25 are or bothered you up and so is that
0:42:29 fit for a lewd album the people of pure
0:42:30 essence are just people of the fit
0:42:32 people who were able to purify that seat
0:42:34 yeah like I remember North Wales or
0:42:37 doing some camping and a budget time we
0:42:39 paid budget and I actually did she
0:42:41 looked into the sky and I saw an ocean
0:42:45 of stars layers upon layers of stars I
0:42:48 choked
0:42:49 I didn't know it took me over 35 years
0:42:53 to experience that but I just chopped
0:42:57 and I think it's because sometimes were
0:42:58 so disconnected from nature were so
0:43:01 disconnected from the signs of Allah
0:43:02 spinal water adder that it does affect
0:43:05 the Hitler I think there was this kind
0:43:07 of anecdotal but there might be some
0:43:10 research in this that atheism has
0:43:12 increased because of the increasing
0:43:16 would you record it synthetic lights
0:43:19 sticky you know there's a lot of light
0:43:22 pollution you can't see the stars
0:43:23 anymore right so there are for me to
0:43:26 look into you so ok so that's how you do
0:43:28 what they kind of spiritual type of
0:43:30 doubts you know trying it and obviously
0:43:32 each each thing you're saying requires
0:43:35 another video yeah there's a lot to go
0:43:37 unpack there but as a as a general point
0:43:40 you know look look at the suffering and
0:43:43 the kind of you know maybe the the
0:43:46 problematic relations we had with
0:43:47 yourself with your parents and trying to
0:43:49 give it a meaning that is not based on
0:43:52 your national based on your limited
0:43:54 understanding but I mean it's more
0:43:55 empowering that give you remote
0:43:56 possibility to free yourself from that
0:43:59 past and and that meaning is the meaning
0:44:01 that Allah wants and the meaning that
0:44:03 the prophets of Obama I need was some is
0:44:06 giving us through the various traditions
0:44:08 the other thing is that you mentioned
0:44:10 was about coming close fellowship
0:44:11 hangover to either doing if they curve
0:44:14 reading the Quran becoming a student of
0:44:17 knowledge and also just reflecting in
0:44:20 nature not becoming very kind of based
0:44:23 on on you know synthetic stuff like
0:44:26 technology but being be someone who's
0:44:28 more connected to the signs of allah
0:44:29 subhanallah kana so these are very
0:44:31 important thing to do with the kind of
0:44:32 spiritual type of doubts and each one
0:44:34 requires unpacking which we may have to
0:44:37 bring you again to unpack each one what
0:44:40 does it need to become a stability what
0:44:41 does it mean to do your vicar what does
0:44:43 it mean to you know try and give the
0:44:45 meaning a different meaning to your
0:44:47 posture standing the possibility to get
0:44:49 actually different meaning to your past
0:44:51 rather than the negative meaning or the
0:44:53 meaning that is not a powering and they
0:44:55 mean that doesn't give you a sense of
0:44:56 you know liberation series talking to me
0:45:01 the technology so so so we'll have to
0:45:05 unpack that another time so let's now
0:45:08 move on to the intellectual type of dots
0:45:10 could you had an interesting point here
0:45:12 and you know what you make me think
0:45:13 about this because I mentioned this to
0:45:14 some of the brothers and I was like I
0:45:16 spoke to check this out and he basically
0:45:18 I'm going to introduce you and only to
0:45:21 unpack it in detail
0:45:22 he said don't focus much on the
0:45:24 questions and that make enough
0:45:27 composition wise something if people
0:45:30 watching public intellectuals you know
0:45:33 because we have a responsibility as bad
0:45:35 as people want to share Islam people who
0:45:38 are on YouTube the responsibility has to
0:45:41 be one of the genuine a genuine
0:45:44 commitment to the well-being of people
0:45:46 who read and absorb and watch your
0:45:49 material and not genuine sincere
0:45:53 commitment to their well-being
0:45:54 must be very a thought must be thought
0:45:57 about in a deep way and you and you you
0:46:00 may have to come to the confusion that
0:46:02 it's not about answering all the
0:46:03 questions because why if you answer all
0:46:06 the questions what have you assumed that
0:46:08 there's going to be another question
0:46:10 that may in the future possibly that may
0:46:14 be a source of doubt and the solution to
0:46:17 that question is not them it's you you
0:46:21 made them dependent Ram created
0:46:22 independence you know you do we can lay
0:46:26 any for our conversation holes in the
0:46:28 car on the side of words some
0:46:30 carriageway right with something that's
0:46:34 so powerful that is so deep because
0:46:36 don't get me wrong we have to answer
0:46:38 questions resolved but it has to be done
0:46:40 in a way that's so empowering that takes
0:46:43 the person on the journey so they can
0:46:45 become their own intellectual spiritual
0:46:48 leader in their own way yes you still
0:46:49 have to have really mad and we have to
0:46:51 be at their feet and study with them and
0:46:53 all of that stuff but generally speaking
0:46:55 you must have some kind of sense of
0:46:59 stability rather than waiting for the
0:47:01 next day to answer the question on
0:47:03 YouTube so we could be satisfied and
0:47:05 thing is they don't have access to you
0:47:07 guys as well right you know I on campus
0:47:10 there are maybe between 500 and a
0:47:12 thousand Muslims they don't know it most
0:47:14 of them don't have access to me and I am
0:47:16 their dedicated chaplain you know so and
0:47:19 then they have access to people like you
0:47:21 know Imams and messiahs perhaps in the
0:47:23 local masajid who when they come up with
0:47:25 the questions they like just go away
0:47:27 don't ask these questions so they don't
0:47:30 have access to you so all they have
0:47:32 access is to sell hundreds videos
0:47:33 brother access videos dispersal videos
0:47:36 and they they watch them aloft and I
0:47:37 know personally almost with perhaps
0:47:40 without fail every student I've spoken
0:47:42 to has done who has had doubts have been
0:47:45 watching your videos no Meah Meah and
0:47:48 you don't know the reward unlike you see
0:47:50 from the may Allah give us this day and
0:47:51 they're like yeah but then they have a
0:47:55 dependency now on you they need hamza
0:47:57 now i have second answer where is he one
0:48:01 thing that we have failed myself the
0:48:06 famous speakers people who like you know
0:48:09 about huge YouTube channels people are
0:48:11 involved in this air of work and massive
0:48:13 failure is not creating leaders why mean
0:48:19 by that is not illegal at their famous
0:48:22 but elite that they could take
0:48:23 leadership over their own life and over
0:48:27 their own kind of intellectual spiritual
0:48:30 certainty where they don't have to wait
0:48:33 for the next YouTube clip for a question
0:48:35 to the answer but they have a solid
0:48:38 foundation and grounding and they can
0:48:40 distinguish between questions that are
0:48:42 nice to have
0:48:43 answered yeah but they don't really
0:48:45 fundamentally undermine my spiritual
0:48:48 intellectual well-being and questions
0:48:51 that need to be solved and I now have
0:48:53 the tools and I am empowered to take to
0:48:57 walk on that path to try and solve those
0:48:59 issues myself but what we've done we
0:49:02 created this kind of crazy celebrity
0:49:06 type of dependency of speakers and
0:49:08 YouTube when the next question was the
0:49:10 next next answer and that kind of
0:49:13 narrative must create a social construct
0:49:15 that keeps us dependent on those people
0:49:18 yeah the analogy was almost you know how
0:49:22 we deal with healthcare in the West you
0:49:24 know a lot of people every little flu I
0:49:26 have see the doctor you go to the east
0:49:28 Eastern traditions it's very
0:49:30 self-service or I'll make the soup I've
0:49:32 got this mystic powder that goes into
0:49:34 this water I'll take care of my stuff
0:49:36 you know it's also a key to the idea of
0:49:39 creating first stages you know a doctors
0:49:42 can't do everything but the first ADA is
0:49:45 able to deal with certain emergency
0:49:46 instance to create people who just have
0:49:49 some basic principles with which they
0:49:50 have the mindset of being able to deal
0:49:52 with their own task and helping even
0:49:53 their immediate circles we need a
0:49:56 hundred thousand of those first stages
0:49:57 intellectual first stages so how do you
0:50:02 do with this what do you you have an
0:50:04 approach so what's your approach to this
0:50:07 kind of so when I when I talk to
0:50:11 university students and in some
0:50:13 presentations Hispanic societies I
0:50:15 offered like kind of a process of how to
0:50:18 deal with the doubt um the first one is
0:50:21 to assess something in there they're
0:50:22 called Rondon with a fairly healing work
0:50:24 to link something or doubtful about back
0:50:29 to this kind of basic principle you are
0:50:31 very sure about so say for example let's
0:50:33 take a to make it clear you're not sure
0:50:37 about say for example why do the Prophet
0:50:41 Muhammad peace be upon him do X Y Z you
0:50:43 a question and why did he do this it
0:50:45 seems a bit unjust now this is a
0:50:49 question mark right your doubt probably
0:50:51 but what are you absolutely sure from
0:50:53 your upbringing from what you've read
0:50:54 from what you understand is a
0:50:56 the character of this man Muhammad peace
0:50:57 upon his expression by the witness
0:51:00 testimony of his own friends by those of
0:51:02 his foes by non-muslim intellect
0:51:05 everyone just testifies for this man's
0:51:06 character what I'm absolutely sure of is
0:51:09 he was an exception here that's what I'm
0:51:11 not sure of is this little incident so I
0:51:14 will find an answer to this incident
0:51:16 eventually but I am still sure about his
0:51:18 exception and until I find overwhelming
0:51:21 evidence that that is false
0:51:22 I'm not going to throw the baby out with
0:51:24 the bathwater I'm going to find answer
0:51:27 inshallah I will ask the Christian
0:51:29 community who has got this a source of
0:51:31 knowledge if you don't know I will ask
0:51:32 but first I have to reassure as I say
0:51:35 that's the first step reassure yourself
0:51:37 of your fundamentals no foundation maybe
0:51:40 you realize I don't have foundation
0:51:41 there's a crisis maybe we have to
0:51:44 revisit maybe we have to go back to the
0:51:46 Quran for example surah kahf is one
0:51:48 particular chapter in the Quran I
0:51:49 recommend for those who feel like they
0:51:51 don't really have the firm foundations
0:51:52 of belief to go back to God himself
0:51:54 proving his own existence the day of the
0:51:57 day of resurrection is that I said
0:51:58 simple simple arguments that appeal to
0:52:01 your basic humans to set the foundation
0:52:04 if you don't have one but then always
0:52:06 whenever it rains get under your shelter
0:52:09 and reflect what do I know to be true
0:52:11 all right this thing I'm not sure about
0:52:13 one thing I am sure for 1400 years
0:52:15 someone has come up with this question
0:52:16 and there is an answer but I'm not gonna
0:52:19 baby up with a lot that's the first
0:52:21 principle that's based on the prophetic
0:52:23 principle which is really a Sunni
0:52:25 principle right which is the law and now
0:52:27 doubt to override certainty so you focus
0:52:32 on what's fundamental so you can apply
0:52:34 this to anything for example why is the
0:52:36 Hellfire
0:52:37 why is helped by eternal you have all of
0:52:39 these questions well what are we certain
0:52:41 about here we are circling alive and
0:52:43 Hakim he has the totality of wisdom
0:52:46 alleged and Ali is the own knowing Allah
0:52:49 is the most just is a ROM and intensely
0:52:53 merciful his elbow dude he's the love it
0:52:55 so we know that's the case so just
0:52:59 because we've been over to answer
0:53:01 particular question concerning for
0:53:02 example eternal punishment does it
0:53:04 undermined what we know to be true all
0:53:07 the years it shows our own address
0:53:09 limitations and that helps you shape
0:53:14 your your journey allows you to continue
0:53:19 your journey to find an answer in a way
0:53:20 that doesn't undermine the foundations
0:53:22 right and that's what it be comfortable
0:53:24 with that question as well so much
0:53:26 interrupt you sir
0:53:27 yeah one thing just want to say when you
0:53:29 have a question to remember that they
0:53:31 were prophets in the Quran that God
0:53:32 mentions having questioned apparently
0:53:35 questioned God when Ibrahim the Prophet
0:53:37 Abraham says to God from being in kafir
0:53:40 to promote I've gone she told me how he
0:53:42 resurrected it God says I'll well that
0:53:44 took me do you not believe
0:53:45 have you not got faith no matter what I
0:53:48 can be up to my enough fun be I just
0:53:49 want to find contentment in my heart he
0:53:51 wants to see other to your pain he was
0:53:53 on his level of me because seeing is not
0:53:55 the same as believing so haven't been
0:53:57 comfortable that I've got a question and
0:53:58 it's just going to increase my my kind
0:54:01 of belief my foundation very interesting
0:54:03 point so if you see asking questions
0:54:07 from that perspective it's not about
0:54:10 becoming certain it's about increasing
0:54:13 my different levels of certainty because
0:54:15 in the panic of all yes there are three
0:54:17 main levels of certainty you have a
0:54:20 madea pain which is the yeah pain of
0:54:22 knowledge you have I know yet pain the
0:54:23 pain of seeing and the happen yeah pain
0:54:25 which is it's part of your own reality
0:54:29 meaning you know say someone tells you
0:54:32 by a text and you trust them that your
0:54:35 next-door neighbor's house is on fire
0:54:36 that's anybody a pain I walk outside of
0:54:40 the door and I look up the houses on
0:54:42 fire
0:54:42 that's ionia pain the pain of seeing it
0:54:45 right and what happened appears I'm in
0:54:48 their house and it's on fire and I could
0:54:50 feel yeah yeah yeah 34 different levels
0:54:54 of certainty so that very way of seeing
0:54:56 it you have yuppie intellectual culture
0:55:00 conviction I'm just increasing the
0:55:02 levels of my conviction through these
0:55:03 questions if I have strong foundations
0:55:06 so this is why it's so important to keep
0:55:09 on reinforcing the foundations so people
0:55:12 could anchor off that and when they do
0:55:13 these questions they'll be like why not
0:55:15 what's certain here and I can continue
0:55:18 my journey to increase that certainty
0:55:19 rather than trying to find certainty
0:55:22 right this is why the problematic nature
0:55:25 of which wanna answer the questions to
0:55:28 someone who doesn't have the foundations
0:55:29 would create that kind of vicious circle
0:55:32 of doubts and even maybe traumatic
0:55:36 spiritual experience of not being to
0:55:38 find that that their space and their
0:55:40 place in the world and this existential
0:55:42 anxiety so tell us more about the your
0:55:47 foundational teachings because I want to
0:55:51 talk about you now and Link this whole
0:55:53 doubts things to what your what would
0:55:55 you do in your in your public work
0:55:57 recently you had around twenty thirty or
0:56:01 thirty thirty over the code to tell us
0:56:03 about that any course that you're
0:56:05 developing
0:56:05 bitesize tell us as well about you know
0:56:09 the other things that you've been doing
0:56:11 to create those foundations for the the
0:56:14 Muslims so they're able to basically
0:56:16 start from a position of certainty then
0:56:18 start increasing this sure I've been in
0:56:23 my chaplaincy work I've been constantly
0:56:24 perplexed by the level of doubt that I'm
0:56:27 seeing and the level of Sirius Star
0:56:30 people leaving the faith people just
0:56:32 kind of losing hope people dropping out
0:56:35 of university et cetera cetera and on
0:56:36 the last year's been playing on my mind
0:56:38 was the solution was my solution is my
0:56:41 solution to give them a few answer to
0:56:43 the question is well I'm not teaching
0:56:44 the man to fish I'm giving him fish and
0:56:45 if he's going back hungry for more he's
0:56:47 going to be hungry he's got a hungry
0:56:48 belly um so what I eventually did was I
0:56:51 thought then Easter
0:56:53 someone needs to be able to set up these
0:56:55 foundations and give me the University
0:56:57 students with the attention span of
0:56:59 goldfish they're always on their phones
0:57:01 it needs to be bite-size you know I
0:57:05 remember once like telling student to go
0:57:08 and watch a certain speakers see a lot
0:57:10 of videos in order to answer some
0:57:11 questions um and he immediately went
0:57:14 from a message me instead brav the video
0:57:17 is two hours long I can't do this thing
0:57:20 this is the language you know that's
0:57:23 that's what he's at
0:57:24 I am sending him something where I'm at
0:57:26 I could probably watch that two-hour
0:57:27 video and I'd enjoy it but he's not
0:57:29 there so the idea of creating a platform
0:57:31 of bite-sized education and also
0:57:35 creating a foundation
0:57:36 so what I talked about if you don't have
0:57:38 your foundations to this foundation so
0:57:39 in Rome about this year as everything
0:57:41 went offline I try to just create a
0:57:44 small online course for my local
0:57:45 university police time to site and I
0:57:47 call it for an 20 20 20 sewers in copy
0:57:50 days it's at the moment website is in
0:57:55 development but it's called in Charlotte
0:57:57 will be called roots Academy code at UK
0:58:00 something else that you did the 2020
0:58:03 yeah when I'm 2020 it had a if you want
0:58:06 to visit the course you can visit bitly
0:58:09 or slash around 2020 means the IT dot ly
0:58:13 post around 2020
0:58:15 so 20 minutes a day for 20 days you
0:58:17 learned the meanings of 20 students and
0:58:19 my goal is through God's words himself
0:58:22 learn the nature of cookies well who
0:58:24 Allah who teaches goddess for example
0:58:26 but with the direct relationship with
0:58:28 the Quran and I just made it for my
0:58:32 local Islamic society and then I just
0:58:34 posted on my timeline and the next thing
0:58:35 I know 3500 people signed up
0:58:38 well I realized it there's a demand
0:58:40 there's a new information give me the
0:58:42 big dolly /did work around 2020 did it
0:58:48 work
0:58:49 no you went to 25 20 24 on ok nothing's
0:58:56 when you're not set up ah there we go
0:59:00 yeah it does least 2020 the idea is that
0:59:08 you start a bit a structured course 20
0:59:10 videos you can you have multiple choice
0:59:14 questions geography education Quran 2020
0:59:17 build a foundation studying the crimes
0:59:19 meanings and role for free well
0:59:22 researched
0:59:23 testimonials and you're gonna have your
0:59:26 other stuff on here right yet the idea
0:59:29 is to build six courses that teach one
0:59:32 subject most unknown subject 15 minutes
0:59:34 a day in 20 days so the c-loc the life
0:59:37 of the Prophet PC by 50 mates a day in
0:59:39 20 days each course will come with a
0:59:41 designed workbook you can work through
0:59:43 in your own time
0:59:43 each video has quick multiple-choice
0:59:46 questions reflection prompt you can
0:59:48 write your answer
0:59:50 you're saying good things about that
0:59:52 says it all I'm the dealer possible you
0:59:54 had a gunpoint
0:59:56 so your stuffs gonna be on here just
1:00:00 going to help build the foundations
1:00:02 which is going to basically deal with
1:00:03 the kind of maybe just stop sharing the
1:00:07 screen because going
1:00:09 so that's brilliant so people can access
1:00:11 that you said how many students
1:00:13 registered 3,000 you said about yeah
1:00:15 about 2500 students from about 30
1:00:17 countries no money thing just wanna [ __ ]
1:00:20 me what that means this is phenomenal
1:00:23 I have never let money have 81
1:00:26 registered my webinars that many and I'm
1:00:30 supposed to have like thousands of
1:00:32 people follow and what does this mean
1:00:34 this means a few things if number one
1:00:37 market oh my mom
1:00:38 yeah going no it means number one there
1:00:41 is a neat number two sometimes maybe the
1:00:44 way we communicate is too high level we
1:00:46 need someone to break things down
1:00:47 further also what it means is that there
1:00:53 is many people need a resource to deal
1:00:57 with these questions and it also means
1:00:58 that YouTube is not doing it now we need
1:01:02 to empower and we need to basically
1:01:04 create material I know many other people
1:01:08 are doing it many Institute's they're
1:01:10 doing great work but that that
1:01:12 face-to-face empowering that is so
1:01:15 important and that's how you create
1:01:17 future needed and that's how you create
1:01:19 people who have those from foundations
1:01:21 because reading an article watching a
1:01:23 video is just not enough you have to go
1:01:25 through a process and this for me is is
1:01:28 like the cinema of you know the Islamic
1:01:31 tradition if you like he's the Sunna of
1:01:33 Allah that you sit with someone and
1:01:35 there's I always say to people one line
1:01:38 you're gonna learn from someone that you
1:01:41 can't learn from a piece of writing or
1:01:44 just by listening to a video when you go
1:01:47 through that process with someone
1:01:48 something happens it is like almost
1:01:50 divine unwritten rule and we see this
1:01:53 included the share of the Prophet
1:01:55 sallallahu alayhi wasallam
1:01:57 he was debris debris alayhi Salaam the
1:02:01 the the share of their of this aha
1:02:03 the prophet sallallaahu ID Huson the
1:02:05 chef of it of the tambourine it was the
1:02:08 Sahaba and so on and so forth we need to
1:02:10 have that connection to our tradition
1:02:12 it's kind of a lively dynamic way even
1:02:14 even if it means during 15 minutes a day
1:02:17 for 15 days of 20 minutes a day for 20
1:02:19 days if something happens to you and yes
1:02:22 and we it doesn't always work because
1:02:25 youtube doesn't work just reading a book
1:02:26 doesn't work all the time
1:02:28 you need someone to take you on that
1:02:29 journey which is para islamic tradition
1:02:32 not only horizontal tradition is carbon
1:02:34 universal law concerning inquiring and
1:02:37 internalizing knowledge not just
1:02:39 knowledge but changing your state of
1:02:40 being because you can't change how you
1:02:43 relate to yourself relate to others and
1:02:45 how you relate to a large just through
1:02:46 knowledge knowledge doesn't give you
1:02:49 access to being and what I mean by
1:02:51 knowledge is the abstract knowledge
1:02:52 reality knowledge doesn't give you
1:02:55 access to be coming to me beautiful
1:02:58 story Hamza there was a particular there
1:03:00 was a particular brother who had who is
1:03:02 a student of knowledge and everything by
1:03:04 completely sixty degree turn he lost all
1:03:06 faith and he was mostly learning through
1:03:08 YouTube lectures taking notes memorizing
1:03:11 trying to study very kind of eager to
1:03:12 learn and he was having serious doubts
1:03:15 he was like about to just forget it all
1:03:18 and leave and I took him to meet one of
1:03:21 my teachers not in this country in a
1:03:23 Middle Eastern country and we prayed to
1:03:25 Allah together you can finally I'll just
1:03:27 pray this time for you he picks a lot
1:03:29 together and then we both watched as my
1:03:32 teacher praised Allah and well I saw
1:03:37 tears in his eyes and he said I just
1:03:41 said what are you doing what do you mean
1:03:42 what's going on he goes I saw God
1:03:45 through this man's eyes I just saw God I
1:03:48 that experience just seeing the
1:03:50 certainty the way this man carries and
1:03:52 his conviction God I've seen him he
1:03:55 exists and it's strange you might think
1:03:57 like it but it's an unspoken reality
1:03:58 knowledge you should be taking person to
1:04:00 us obviously the online doesn't give you
1:04:02 anything of that nature maybe 1% but
1:04:05 we'll take 1% we'll take what we can
1:04:07 this day in age especially under
1:04:09 lockdown this is no way to belittle
1:04:11 what's happening it's just to show that
1:04:13 we need a little bit more
1:04:14 intellectually and spiritually mature to
1:04:17 take our dour to the next level to make
1:04:20 people understand it's know about
1:04:21 producing content all the time like
1:04:23 we've become like a Chinese is a
1:04:26 clothing factory or something that with
1:04:27 this period is these items and it's it's
1:04:33 not just about content content content
1:04:34 is it's also the means it's also the
1:04:38 medium of delivery and the interaction
1:04:40 is another human being as more learning
1:04:41 they need some in some way so it's very
1:04:44 behind the course merchants rupture the
1:04:47 vision behind the set these set of
1:04:49 courses is that it's all a lot of that
1:04:51 if Allah gives us to be by October these
1:04:54 six courses will be ready Sierra in 20
1:04:56 days is found intellectual foundations
1:04:58 in 20 days 20 scholars in 20 days etc 6
1:05:01 and it would run every year from October
1:05:04 to June in the student timetable with
1:05:06 the breaks for exams with the commitment
1:05:09 of only 15 minutes today and one live
1:05:11 session 3 tea
1:05:12 they'd be discussion chat students can
1:05:15 email the instructors at any time to get
1:05:17 reassurance a listening ear anything
1:05:20 they'd like and it should be in short a
1:05:22 life could be if I can have anything to
1:05:24 do with it would be free of cost
1:05:25 completely
1:05:26 targeting the 17 to 25 age bracket in
1:05:29 terms of where the content is delivered
1:05:31 but that is no reason someone older
1:05:33 younger company so that's in genre
1:05:35 hopefully what I aspire to deliver with
1:05:37 the help of a very committed team in oK
1:05:43 we've done over now so we have to close
1:05:45 it here what we're going to do is
1:05:46 there's so much here that we've
1:05:48 mentioned that needs unpacking yeah so
1:05:51 what we'll do bring you again shortly in
1:05:53 Charlotte and we'll unpack some of these
1:05:55 key concepts how to do with the
1:05:58 spiritual dance the internet results but
1:06:00 for now I'd like to thank you Jeff for
1:06:04 giving us your time because time is the
1:06:06 most precious thing you know if I said
1:06:08 you you had one day left to live in
1:06:09 order to have another ten days you have
1:06:12 to give me all of your wealth you throw
1:06:13 all of your wealth at me you know to
1:06:16 have just another 10 days and that just
1:06:17 goes to show how full time is and we
1:06:19 forget now if someone breaks your mobile
1:06:21 own you go crazy that's all it takes one
1:06:23 out of your time it's not a problem
1:06:25 we've lost the plot right
1:06:27 so unless you suck we're here for the
1:06:29 opportunity and for everyone watching
1:06:31 there's lots that we mentioned we're
1:06:33 going to unpack unpack them insha'Allah
1:06:34 so my best you any final words from your
1:06:37 daughter nothing just to thank you Hamza
1:06:40 for the work that you do and not to
1:06:41 underestimate your own work and how much
1:06:43 it's helped the students I've dealt with
1:06:44 so now that about you thank you for
1:06:46 having this conversation I never dreamed
1:06:48 we'd have this conversation but may
1:06:49 Allah reward you and may Allah help
1:06:51 those who are struggling and those were
1:06:52 funny difficult and if anybody is having
1:06:55 wants to have a conversation anybody
1:06:57 wants to upload what they're going to
1:07:00 have a discussion in short Allah my
1:07:04 email address or my if you search acacia
1:07:07 I'm Jeff I should find a public page
1:07:09 feel free to message me and we can have
1:07:11 a discussion a holistic discussion
1:07:14 please go to hashem jafar ali the
1:07:18 facebook page you could contact him
1:07:20 there and you have anything you want to
1:07:22 deal with in a holistic way over a
1:07:23 period of time to create those
1:07:25 awakenings
1:07:25 he's your man gives your chef and I
1:07:28 bless you take care guys I'm gonna do
1:07:30 another live in a couple of days
1:07:31 insha'Allah Salam alaikum uncle - money
1:07:33 already