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Thank You For Supporting US: Our 6 Months Update - including Q&A (2021-11-21)


Join the Sapience Institute team to find out what we have done, what we have been doing, what has been planned for the next 6 months of our operational year.

We will also be answering you general questions on Islam and theo-philosophical issues.


Summary of Thank You For Supporting US: Our 6 Months Update - including Q&A

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 01:00:00

provides an update on the progress of the Thank You For Supporting US project, which includes a description of the 10 effective strategies for dealing with doubts and the publication of a book on the topic. The project is also dependent on the completion of a website responding to anti-Islamic websites. discusses how the Sapience Institute plans to achieve its goals for the upcoming year, including engaging in four academic discussions/debates, translating its work into other languages, and producing more than 35 videos.

00:00:00 Sapience Institute is a nonprofit organization that strives to provide a robust response to contemporary intellectual challenges, motivated by verses from the Quran. In May 2021, the organization achieved its goals for the operational year. This year, it plans to achieve its goals for the year.

  • 00:05:00 The Sapience Institute aims to fill a gap in the dawa by facilitating the empowerment and education of leaders and influentials to share islam intellectually and academically. This will help to protect and propagate islam against the broader challenges of non-muslim ideologies.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses the progress of the Sapient Thought Foundation's goals for the next year, which include empowering and training 10,000 muslims, publishing a book addressing all of the main doubts against Islam that can be found online, expanding the lighthouse mentoring service, producing 60 new videos addressing doubts and commenting on feel philosophical issues, engaging in full academic discussions and debates, and translating two Arabic books written by leading intellectuals on the proofs of Islam.
  • 00:15:00 The Islamic Reform Movement (IRM) has achieved a number of successes in the past six months, including expanding its free lighthouse mentoring service and recruiting new mentors. The IRM also plans to publish three books in the next year addressing topics such as the existence of God, science and religion and the compatibility of Islam and Darwinism. The IRM's goal is to have a "tsunami" effect on the Christian academic community by addressing their doubts about Islam.
  • 00:20:00 provides an update on the progress of the Thank You For Supporting US project, which includes a description of the 10 effective strategies for dealing with doubts and the publication of a book on the topic. The project is also dependent on the completion of a website responding to anti-Islamic websites.
  • *00:25:00 Discusses how the Sapience Institute plans to achieve its goals for the upcoming year, including engaging in four academic discussions/debates, translating its work into other languages, and producing more than 35 videos.
  • 00:30:00 The book "Divine Perfection" by Dr. Osman Latif looks at the arguments and verses used by apologists for Christianity, and how these verses are misinterpreted.
  • 00:35:00 of the video discusses the book, "Alhamdulillah: A Muslim Response to Christian Theology," which examines the Islamic perspective on Christianity and the various arguments used by both religions. He explains that the book is not complete yet, but that it will be a good thing when it is done. He also discusses the course he recently held in Madrid, Spain, and how it was a success.
  • 00:40:00 Bilalonya provides an update on the various projects that have been ongoing since the course's delivery in Spain and Brazil. One of the most significant accomplishments is the development of a learning platform, which will be launched soon. Bilalonya emphasizes the importance of one-on-one training in order to effectively share Islamic knowledge with others.
  • *00:45:00 Discusses the success of the US-based Q&A platform, which offers free access to courses and allows users to follow lectures and quiz themselves. The platform will eventually feature interactive features between students and teachers, as well as live Q&A sessions.
  • *00:50:00 Discusses the 6-month update of the US policy, including Bilal's work on risk assessments and relationship building. Yusuf Ponders discusses his upcoming essay, Islam as an antidote to "that" and discusses progress made.
  • *00:55:00 Discusses the recent 6-month update of the Muslim American Society's (MAS) work, including Q&A. In the update, it is mentioned that the book, which was initially supposed to be completed in six months, is now in the process of being completed. It is also mentioned that the brotherhood is in the process of filming a course on nihilism with brother Jake, and that the author is also in the process of coaching others to have a great impact in their community.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

the presenter provides an update on the work of the Sapience Institute, including the development of a course on evolution, Darwinism, and naturalism. He also discusses the arguments against the existence of God based on the theory of evolution and the argument from prior cognitive input. Finally, he provides a link to the institute's website where people can chat with the creator of the video or one of the other contributors.

01:00:00 The YouTube user provides a brief update on their upcoming book, "The Failed Hypothesis," which includes discussions of naturalism, Darwinism, and atheism. They also mention an upcoming interview with a prominent intelligent design proponent.

  • *01:05:00 Discusses the development and delivery of a course on evolution, Darwinism, and naturalism, to be delivered in Turkey early next year. The Londoner, a poem written to preserve the Islamic sciences, will be delivered in London in a couple of weeks time. also discusses how hijab can be worn.
  • 01:10:00 The Londoner is a documentary about the history and current state of sapiens in the Muslim world. It aims to promote dialogue and understanding between East and West, and to equip Muslims with new knowledge about other religions.
  • *01:15:00 Discusses recent Sapience updates, including the Sapience poem and explanations, and how these help to promote understanding of the existence of God. The presenter says that Evolution does not undermine God's existence, and offers advice for Muslims who have doubts about God's existence due to Evolution.
  • *01:20:00 Discusses the arguments against the existence of God based on the theory of evolution and the argument from prior cognitive input. It also features a discussion with a Brother Civil regarding the book Marshall's march and how it applies to the issue of God's existence. Finally, the video provides a link to the lighthouse sapience institute website where people can chat with the creator of the video or one of the other contributors.
  • 01:25:00 According to the presenter, a new powerful Quranic-based argument for the existence of a transcendent, knowing, and willed being exists which challenges the naturalistic explanations of evolution and cognition offered by scientists. The learning platform launching in December 2016 will include courses on how to develop doubt-resistance, awaken the truth within, and engage in Islamic missionary work.
  • *01:30:00 Discusses the issue of intersex and how there is a lot of discussion around it. It goes on to say that there are currently fatwas that are coming about as a result of this discussion, and that the first step is for books on the topic to be updated.
  • 01:35:00 provides an update on their work translating arabic content, including courses and online programs. They mention that there are also many good offline arabic programs. They mention that one way to learn arabic, especially the classical language, is to use online programs.
  • 01:40:00 The presenter briefly summarizes the progress of the Sapience Institute's No Doubt course, which has seen a 100% completion rate thus far. They mention that one of the course's translators, who is also working on a book on doubts, is Bosnian. They explain that sometimes due to communication and logistical issues, decision-making is difficult. The Bosnian translator has already finished the translation and it is expected to be published soon.
  • 01:45:00 Brother discusses the concepts of free will and dependency in relation to the concept of necessary existence. He points out that, according to the dependency principle, contingent things always make up dependent holes, no matter the form. Yusuf offers another perspective on this principle which focuses on the dependency of parts on the whole.
  • *01:50:00 Discusses the six-month update for the "Thank You for Supporting US" campaign, including Q&A. explains that although the principle of dependency does not fall into the fallacy of composition, it is still fallacious to infer from the part to the whole with this particular quality.
  • 01:55:00 Bilal discusses his six-month update, including a Q&A. He notes that one of the main issues he faced was the example of taking a hot chocolate or tea, as the choice between these options does not have a clear reason behind it. He argues that the example should be applied to the universe as a whole, as we do not have a full knowledge of what is outside it. He also mentions the fallacy of composition, which states that anything that is made up of parts is generated, and therefore the universe is generated. He argues that this is a logical conclusion based on our ability to conceive of it, and that any such multiverse would be dependent on its parts.

02:00:00 - 03:00:00

the speaker discusses the updates to their book, "Thank You For Supporting US." They mention that they have received feedback on the manuscript, and that anyone is welcome to book a session with them to discuss it further. also speaks about the new theological argument for the existence of Allah, and how it is being used in contemporary circles.

*02:00:00 Discusses the idea of a contingent, infinite multiverse, and how it can be conceived of in another way. If something has a beginning, that indicates contingency. If something is necessary, it cannot be necessary at some points but not be necessary at other points. argues that the laws of nature cannot be necessary, and that even if they are, the postulation of a necessary existence is still valid.

  • 02:05:00 In his 1-paragraph summary, the author discusses the concept of abstract objects in metaphysics. He points out that just because something is eternal doesn't mean it is necessarily existing.
  • 02:10:00 the presenter discusses the various positions taken by Islamic thinkers on the issue of two plus two equals four. Al-Ghazali, for example, could be argued to be a conceptualist who believes that two plus two equals four is only a concept in the mind of someone, not something that exists in the real world. This could lead to problems in trying to make comparisons between Allah and two plus two, as two plus two does not exist in the real world. Other Islamic thinkers, such as Ibn Tamiya, believe that two plus two equals four is a necessary fact and can only be true in the mind of someone who understands the laws of logic.Still other Islamic thinkers, such as Razi, argue against both positions, claiming that two plus two equals four is a logical fact that exists in every possible world, even if people do not understand it. This discussion sheds light on the complex and nuanced philosophical positions taken by Islamic thinkers on the issue of two plus two equals four.
  • 02:15:00 the uploader discusses 6 months of updates on their fitness journey. He notes that, although it can be imagined that the thing can be taken apart to a point of non-existence, if it is necessary, then it is impossible to call it necessary. He goes on to discuss how the dependency principle is dependent parts make up dependent holes.
  • 02:20:00 In this six-month update, the speaker discusses their progress in completing the book, "Thank You For Supporting US." They mention that they have received feedback on the manuscript, and that anyone is welcome to book a session with them to discuss it further. also speaks about the new theological argument for the existence of Allah, and how it is being used in contemporary circles.
  • *02:25:00 Discusses how some people argue that because of fine-tuning in the universe, Allah exists. They argue this is done by using scientific data that can be changed, and that it's an undue burden for skeptics to have to use this data. points to the Quran, which says that Allah has perfected everything.
  • *02:30:00 Discusses the philosophy of science and how it is important for scientists to have assumptions about the uniformity of nature in order to have any positive knowledge. Christopher Hitchens approvingly refers to this as "the most powerful argument." also discusses one of these assumptions, the assumption of nature's uniformity, and how it can be limiting.
  • *02:35:00 Discusses the argument that the universe is fine-tuned for human life, and Craig Forster points out that the argument is based on the assumption that chance cannot be the source of the universe's constants. Craig goes on to say that this assumption is a false trichotomy, and that chance can be used to explain similar questions in other areas of knowledge. He argues that this reveals a psychological perspective on the question, and that it exposes hidden presuppositions.
  • *02:40:00 Discusses the inconsistency of using chance to explain the universe and life. He points out that chance is not a good explanation for anything, and that it is not even a possible explanation. He argues that chance is the substitute of god, and that it should be resisted because it is not justified.
  • *02:45:00 Discusses the "design argument," which is a metaphysical argument that states that there is evidence of design in the universe. The presenter notes that, while some people may believe in this argument, jealousy is a dangerous game and can lead to negative mental health outcomes.
  • *02:50:00 Discusses how a person's psychological temperament affects how they should approach life, and how to identify and adjust to the varying needs of different people. It also cites a hadith in which the Prophet Muhammad says that giving someone poison will only make them sick, and that different people need different types of help.
  • *02:55:00 Discusses the psychological and spiritual aspects of wearing a hijab. He notes that there is a spiritual side to jealousy, which is healing over time. He encourages people to practice dawah with good etiquettes, and to be reflective upon themselves. plugs the Lighthouse Project, a website that provides information on Islam and its teachings.

03:00:00 - 03:00:00

discusses the "Lighthouse Project" which is a service where Muslims can have one-on-one conversations with Islamic scholars to gain guidance in their religious life. features interviews with several participants in the project, including the founder, Abdul Rahman, Jake from the "Thought Adventure" podcast, Fahad Tazlim from the "Safety Check Doctor" podcast, and uthman Latif from the "Islamic Mentor" podcast. The attendees discuss the importance of the project and how it has helped them grow in their faith.

*03:00:00 Discusses the "Lighthouse Project" which is a service where Muslims can have one-on-one conversations with Islamic scholars to gain guidance in their religious life. also features interviews with several participants in the project, including the founder, Abdul Rahman, Jake from the "Thought Adventure" podcast, Fahad Tazlim from the "Safety Check Doctor" podcast, and uthman Latif from the "Islamic Mentor" podcast. The attendees discuss the importance of the project and how it has helped them grow in their faith.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:08 [Music]
0:00:12 and sisters and friends and welcome to
0:00:15 tonight's special live stream because
0:00:17 we're going to be talking about
0:00:19 us sapience institute
0:00:21 and many of the members and personnel of
0:00:23 sapiens institute are going to join me
0:00:25 very shortly
0:00:27 and
0:00:28 what i want to do now is really talk
0:00:30 about
0:00:31 our story so far this story so far
0:00:34 because the main objective of today's
0:00:37 seminar or rather live stream i'm saying
0:00:40 seminar because i had a seminar just a
0:00:42 few hours ago with doctor suffolk
0:00:44 chowdhury alhamdulillah that went really
0:00:46 well
0:00:47 so the main point of today's live stream
0:00:49 is to talk about our six months update
0:00:52 and to say thank you to say
0:00:55 to say may
0:00:56 allah every single one of you for
0:01:00 supporting us and for trusting us
0:01:03 and for
0:01:04 facilitating this noble work
0:01:08 so
0:01:09 as part of the management team it's our
0:01:10 responsibility to be
0:01:12 authentic with you to have integrity to
0:01:15 be transparent and to keep you updated
0:01:17 and we felt a six months update was very
0:01:20 important
0:01:22 and
0:01:23 i want to tell you what we've done so
0:01:25 far but before i do that i also want to
0:01:28 talk about and to remind you about what
0:01:31 sapience institute is all about
0:01:34 so brothers and sisters what we're going
0:01:36 to be covering today
0:01:37 is
0:01:38 before we get everyone on board and to
0:01:40 start discussing with the team and
0:01:42 answering questions
0:01:44 what i want to cover is why sapiens
0:01:46 institute just to remind you why we are
0:01:48 here what is the why behind the this
0:01:51 organization
0:01:53 also i want to talk to you about the
0:01:54 need
0:01:55 that was the basis for the motivation of
0:01:57 the mandate for why we we decided to
0:02:01 create sapience institute i want to
0:02:03 briefly remind you about our vision our
0:02:06 strategic focus and to quickly go
0:02:08 through what we did last operational
0:02:10 year and
0:02:11 what we promised
0:02:14 this year that we're going to achieve
0:02:15 because our operational year brothers
0:02:17 and sisters
0:02:18 is from may
0:02:20 to april the following year so
0:02:23 the six months update is really updating
0:02:25 you on may 2021 to the end of october
0:02:30 2021
0:02:32 and also what i want to cover is not
0:02:35 only what we promised you because in
0:02:37 ramadan we promised you that we're going
0:02:38 to achieve certain projects certain
0:02:40 deliverables
0:02:41 but i always want i also want to talk
0:02:43 about our progress so far i want to talk
0:02:46 about the progress that we have achieved
0:02:49 so far
0:02:51 and talk to you a little bit about our
0:02:54 processes and procedures for you to be
0:02:55 updated on our operations so
0:02:59 without further ado let's talk about
0:03:01 the
0:03:02 the really important question for us
0:03:04 which is why sapience and what is our
0:03:06 vision and strategy
0:03:08 well
0:03:09 brothers and sisters just to remind you
0:03:10 that we have to realize that the kind of
0:03:13 environment that we live in at the
0:03:14 moment is that we have intellectual
0:03:17 challenges and obstacles okay
0:03:19 and these intellectual challenges and
0:03:21 obstacles for many reasons one of them
0:03:23 including social media do not only exist
0:03:26 in the kind of ivory towers of academic
0:03:29 institutions so kind of ideas and
0:03:31 concepts and philosophies that challenge
0:03:34 our iman that challenge our faith that
0:03:36 challenge the deen of islam and also
0:03:39 these type of philosophies and ideas
0:03:41 that prevent the dao from flourishing
0:03:43 they put obstacles to the dour they're
0:03:45 being they're being filtered down to
0:03:47 almost every level of society
0:03:50 so
0:03:51 from a kind of strategic perspective we
0:03:53 need to adopt a strategy to provide a
0:03:55 robust response at an academic level but
0:03:58 also at a popular level and even the
0:04:02 levels in between
0:04:03 and sapience institute has adopted a
0:04:06 vision and a strategy to solve this
0:04:09 contemporary problem
0:04:11 now this is also motivated by the book
0:04:13 of allah subhana wa there are many
0:04:15 verses that motivate this for example
0:04:19 one key verse is in chapter 25 verse 52
0:04:22 allah says and strive against them
0:04:25 with it meaning with the quran
0:04:28 a great striving jihad and kabira this
0:04:31 is one of the great struggles the great
0:04:33 striving to strive with them
0:04:37 the people that we're striving against
0:04:40 with regards to
0:04:41 dawah with regards to sharing and
0:04:43 defending islam
0:04:45 strive with them with it be the arabic
0:04:48 is be with it meaning the quran and
0:04:51 allah describes this as jihad
0:04:54 a great striving
0:04:56 now one of the
0:04:58 well-known scholars of islam the 14th
0:05:00 century theologian and and
0:05:03 and scholar ibn
0:05:05 he said this means that the great
0:05:07 striving the great struggle is using the
0:05:10 arguments of the quran he is using the
0:05:12 concepts and the ideas of the quran to
0:05:16 actually to use that to defend islam and
0:05:18 to educate others on islam as well so
0:05:21 that's one verse many verses that are
0:05:23 part of the motivation for
0:05:26 why we are here sapiens institute
0:05:28 so
0:05:30 following on from this before we talk
0:05:32 about the vision and the strategy it's
0:05:34 important to talk about the need because
0:05:36 we have to realize that alhamdulillah
0:05:38 there are many good institutes out there
0:05:40 across the world individuals and
0:05:44 organizations that are doing the work of
0:05:46 allah they're doing great work and as a
0:05:49 result there's lots of good research
0:05:51 there's in intellectual academic
0:05:53 resources available for everybody right
0:05:55 however there is a gap
0:05:57 and part of the kind of sapience
0:05:59 approach
0:06:00 is not to
0:06:02 reinvent the will if something good is
0:06:04 happening you make good for it if it
0:06:06 requires replication you you replicate
0:06:09 it if it doesn't require replication you
0:06:12 support it
0:06:13 directly and indirectly
0:06:15 if there is something that is unhealthy
0:06:18 in the dawa then we want to make it
0:06:19 healthy okay and we do that
0:06:22 in various ways
0:06:24 and also if there is a gap in the dial
0:06:26 we want to fill the gap
0:06:28 so it's very important that we don't
0:06:30 just do things for the sake of it that
0:06:31 we're strategic we do things sand with
0:06:34 excellence that we want to worship allah
0:06:36 subhanahu wa ta'ala sincerely and we
0:06:38 want to do things by asking ourselves
0:06:40 the question
0:06:41 what does allah want from me
0:06:44 in my particular particular context what
0:06:46 does allah want from us
0:06:48 as an organization does allah want
0:06:51 something to be replicated just for the
0:06:52 sake of it even though it doesn't
0:06:54 require replication no
0:06:56 does allah want you to make the dour
0:06:59 and intellectual and academic sharing
0:07:01 and educating of islam to be more
0:07:03 healthy if it's unhealthy yes so we
0:07:06 should strive to improve others improve
0:07:08 other organizations and use different
0:07:10 ways to achieve that and obviously the
0:07:13 means that you use are going to be
0:07:14 conducive to the positive objective
0:07:17 does allah want you to
0:07:19 fill the gap in the dao if there are
0:07:21 things that are missing does allah want
0:07:23 you to fill the gap in the tower of
0:07:24 course so it's not just about doing the
0:07:27 same thing all the time or just
0:07:28 reinventing the will we have to be
0:07:30 strategic and we have to understand that
0:07:32 we're doing this for the sake of allah
0:07:35 so we should ask the question what does
0:07:37 allah want from me what does allah want
0:07:39 from us
0:07:40 and if we apply this kind of
0:07:43 what we call a health check analysis
0:07:45 approach to the dower then if we are
0:07:48 sincere then we're going to do the right
0:07:50 thing which usually means support those
0:07:52 are doing the great work and if it needs
0:07:54 replicating replicate replicate it if it
0:07:56 doesn't then make dua supplicate
0:07:59 supplicate for its success and support
0:08:01 them directly and indirectly
0:08:03 the other way is if there's something
0:08:05 unhealthy try and make it healthy and if
0:08:07 there is a gap in the tower then fill
0:08:09 that gap and this is why from the
0:08:12 context of what i just want to tell you
0:08:14 right now is that we want to fill a much
0:08:16 needed gap and and focus on it with some
0:08:19 intensity the the right focus and
0:08:21 intensity it needs so what is this gap
0:08:24 in the dao well we believe from our
0:08:26 analysis that empowering educating and
0:08:30 mentoring leaders and influentials to
0:08:32 share islam
0:08:33 intellectually and academically is one
0:08:36 of the gaps of the dawah people are
0:08:38 doing great work there's a lot of
0:08:39 empowerment and resources happening but
0:08:42 is there an intense focus on this area
0:08:45 not not so much and that's how we want
0:08:47 to fill the gap by basically
0:08:49 facilitating the empowerment the
0:08:51 education and the mentoring of leaders
0:08:55 and influentials to share islam
0:08:57 intellectually and academically
0:09:00 so from this perspective we need more
0:09:02 academic and intellectual activists to
0:09:03 bolster islam against the broader
0:09:06 non-muslim
0:09:09 the broader kind of ideological and
0:09:10 philosophical challenges we need more
0:09:12 academic and intellectual individuals
0:09:14 who can counsel people who are having
0:09:17 doubts in their faith who have left
0:09:18 their faith and engage with them in a
0:09:20 way that is contemporary and
0:09:22 full of rahma compassionate
0:09:25 so what this really means from a
0:09:26 practical perspective is that
0:09:28 sapience institute its job is to help
0:09:31 create individuals to defend share and
0:09:34 educate others on islam
0:09:37 and to inspire others to do so the same
0:09:41 remember academic resources are not
0:09:42 enough
0:09:43 you need the human being as a vehicle to
0:09:47 engage with others to produce more
0:09:49 academic resources but also what's more
0:09:52 significant is to share and defend islam
0:09:55 and to
0:09:57 empower others to be able to do so as
0:09:59 well insha allah
0:10:02 so our vision is very simple it's we
0:10:05 want to see a world that receives the
0:10:08 message of islam and where people can
0:10:11 academically and intellectually share
0:10:14 and defend the faith this is what we're
0:10:16 going to see this is the world we want
0:10:18 to see we want to see a world that
0:10:20 receives the message of islam and where
0:10:22 people can academically and
0:10:24 intellectually defend and share the
0:10:26 faith educate others on islam
0:10:30 so that's a grand vision so what is our
0:10:33 focus because when you develop a
0:10:34 strategic focus it's very important to
0:10:36 pick certain actions
0:10:39 or
0:10:40 areas an area of work that can be
0:10:43 directly linked to your vision and that
0:10:45 you believe is a necessary
0:10:48 and necessary factor in achieving your
0:10:51 vision
0:10:52 for example if you want to see a world
0:10:53 where people can hear the message of
0:10:55 islam and yet you are
0:10:58 i don't know you are
0:11:01 building coffee shops right that's not
0:11:04 going to achieve your vision right it's
0:11:06 a
0:11:08 your action your strategic focus has
0:11:10 nothing to do with your vision so we
0:11:12 have to be careful and understand that
0:11:14 it's not just about doing things for the
0:11:15 sake of it if we're very focused and
0:11:17 we're clear about this vision and we
0:11:19 believe in it and we believe it's what
0:11:21 allah wants from us and we believe this
0:11:23 is tied to the quran and the sunnah and
0:11:25 we believe it's filling a gap then we
0:11:27 should be sincere and create
0:11:29 areas or create action work or create a
0:11:32 strategic focus of actions that would
0:11:35 directly and necessarily lead to that so
0:11:38 our strategic focus is as following it
0:11:40 is to provide a compelling
0:11:42 convincing convincing case for islam so
0:11:45 we take intellectual leadership as well
0:11:47 as sapience institute that we that we
0:11:50 provide a compelling and convincing case
0:11:52 for islam but at the same time and this
0:11:54 is more significant for us
0:11:56 to empower educate and mentor others to
0:11:59 share and defend the faith academically
0:12:02 and intellectually
0:12:04 and we try and achieve this by
0:12:06 developing training courses we have a
0:12:08 lighthouse mentoring program
0:12:10 we're
0:12:11 developing and publishing books and so
0:12:14 on and so forth so last operational year
0:12:18 in
0:12:19 around 11 or 12 months we basically
0:12:22 achieved the following we trained and
0:12:24 empowered people to share some
0:12:25 academically uh 6 000 people
0:12:29 we so we trained and empowered 6 000
0:12:31 people to share islam academically we
0:12:34 developed and delivered
0:12:36 over 33
0:12:38 academic webinars we delivered in-depth
0:12:40 online courses and seminars
0:12:43 we
0:12:43 developed advanced training
0:12:46 rather we delivered advanced training to
0:12:48 the blue mosque team in istanbul
0:12:50 who have access to millions of visitors
0:12:53 around four million visit visitors a
0:12:55 year we published three books
0:12:58 we researched and published 13 essays
0:13:01 and articles we launched our free
0:13:04 lighthouse mentoring service we
0:13:06 privately mentored ex-muslims activists
0:13:08 and people with doubts we produced
0:13:11 30 sapient thoughts videos and we
0:13:13 published various work
0:13:15 uh of our various pieces of our writings
0:13:18 in turkish and spanish
0:13:21 so that's what we did
0:13:23 last operational year which was may 2020
0:13:25 to april 2021.
0:13:28 so if you remember during ramadan many
0:13:30 of you would have realized that
0:13:32 we actually not only were fundraising
0:13:34 but we were very clear about what we
0:13:36 wanted to achieve and we promised
0:13:39 the following and it was a lot of work
0:13:41 that we promised right so we and
0:13:43 promised this year may 2021 to april
0:13:47 2022
0:13:48 we promised that we would empower and
0:13:50 train over 10 000 muslims
0:13:53 complete a free book addressing all of
0:13:56 the main doubts against islam that can
0:13:58 be found often online
0:14:00 publish a website responding to leading
0:14:02 anti-islamic websites
0:14:04 expand our lighthouse mentoring service
0:14:06 professionally film 10 course 10 free
0:14:09 courses with slides and notes on our new
0:14:11 learning platform
0:14:13 published two new books on islamic
0:14:15 thought and proofs of islam
0:14:17 published
0:14:18 well researched essays and articles
0:14:20 produced over 60 new videos addressing
0:14:23 doubts
0:14:24 and commenting on feel philosophical
0:14:26 issues and providing a strong case for
0:14:28 islam
0:14:29 engage in full academic discussions and
0:14:32 debates
0:14:33 ensuring our advanced direct our
0:14:34 training course is available in other
0:14:36 languages translate two arabic books
0:14:39 written by leading intellectuals on the
0:14:41 proofs of islam
0:14:43 ensure translations of our work in other
0:14:45 languages and start a new podcast yes
0:14:48 this is exactly what we said
0:14:51 we want to achieve this operational year
0:14:54 so my job now is to tell you what the
0:14:56 progress is so far and what's coming and
0:14:59 what we have planned and even the extra
0:15:02 stuff that we have achieved
0:15:07 so
0:15:09 the first thing
0:15:11 well this is not it's not in any kind of
0:15:12 priority but the first thing i'm going
0:15:14 to talk about is that we promised to
0:15:16 expand our lighthouse mentoring service
0:15:18 and hamdulillah we did that straight
0:15:20 away
0:15:21 we now have expanded our lighthouse
0:15:23 mentoring service which is a free
0:15:25 service to have to having over 20 hours
0:15:29 per week
0:15:30 and we also have new mentors
0:15:34 so
0:15:34 we have over 20 hours per week where we
0:15:37 have one to one free one-to-one sessions
0:15:40 private confidences confidential
0:15:42 sessions with ex-muslims non-muslims
0:15:46 leaders and duat
0:15:48 so there are two main areas that we deal
0:15:50 with one is doubts and questions and the
0:15:52 other one is about mentoring and
0:15:54 developing others to be able to have an
0:15:56 impact in the tower and it's been a
0:15:59 phenomenal experience for example i do
0:16:01 around three hours a week
0:16:03 and you know we speak to phd students we
0:16:05 speak to earl and that and scholars they
0:16:07 ask us for help how to get involved in
0:16:10 the dao how to improve the tower any you
0:16:13 know sharing of expertise and experience
0:16:15 and so on and so forth and it is such a
0:16:19 a rewarding and fruitful exercise
0:16:22 wallahi it's so amazing that you could
0:16:24 spend one hour with someone and
0:16:26 obviously we don't just limit it limit
0:16:28 it to one hour there are subsequent
0:16:30 calls or mentoring sessions after if
0:16:33 required but it's so empowering to spend
0:16:35 some time with people and so rewarding
0:16:38 because you see that it changes people
0:16:40 and it has a positive impact on the iman
0:16:42 on their faith but also on how they can
0:16:44 get involved in the dawah in you know in
0:16:48 in a way that is impactful you know
0:16:50 sometimes we
0:16:52 assess our success based on likes and
0:16:54 how many views that we
0:16:56 we we have received or we have achieved
0:16:59 and how many subscribers that we have
0:17:00 but this is what i call sometimes the
0:17:02 vanity metrics
0:17:04 we need to not count the numbers not
0:17:07 count the metrics not not display the
0:17:09 metrics but try and display the impact
0:17:12 because that's what we really want
0:17:13 and lighthouse service although it's not
0:17:15 like
0:17:16 millions of people but we're spending
0:17:19 quality time with individuals that can
0:17:20 have an impact that can in the future
0:17:24 have a further impact to thousands if
0:17:26 not millions of people if you accumulate
0:17:28 all the numbers together and this is
0:17:30 true impact we're developing and
0:17:32 empowering people with this one-to-one
0:17:34 service but at the same time we're we're
0:17:36 helping ex-muslims come back to the dean
0:17:39 we're speaking to students to
0:17:40 non-muslims to leaders who do art so
0:17:43 specifically when we speak to ex-muslims
0:17:46 you know we speak to people that have
0:17:47 left islam because of intellectual
0:17:49 spiritual or emotive doubts when we
0:17:51 speak to students we're speaking to the
0:17:53 students at university or at college
0:17:55 level and who are trying to reconcile an
0:17:58 islamic identity with the with the vici
0:18:01 vicissitudes of college life
0:18:04 and non-muslims when non-muslims engage
0:18:06 with us you know these non-muslims
0:18:08 usually are thinking about embracing
0:18:09 islam but have been succumbed by doubts
0:18:12 or really need that kind of extra time
0:18:15 or that one-to-one in order to really
0:18:17 unpack things further for them to
0:18:19 basically uh
0:18:21 come closer to allah
0:18:24 we also mentor leaders we have community
0:18:27 leaders imams and activists that we
0:18:30 engage with and we mentor them from the
0:18:32 point of view of teach them how they
0:18:34 could address their own doubts and the
0:18:36 doubts of others but also how we can
0:18:38 help them have an impact in the tower we
0:18:41 also have the one-to-one mentoring with
0:18:42 duat you know preachers activists and
0:18:45 dua to engage in the work of sharing
0:18:48 islam to you know do that kind of health
0:18:50 check to help them improve to share some
0:18:53 experiences and advice and to mentor
0:18:55 mentor them on their journey
0:19:00 the other thing i want to give you an
0:19:02 update on our progress is on we said
0:19:03 we're going to deliver this year two new
0:19:05 books on islamic thoughts and proofs of
0:19:08 islam in actual fact we're completing
0:19:11 three books these are not the
0:19:14 final titles but one of the books are
0:19:16 going to be published inshallah in
0:19:18 january 2022 sorry i've got the date
0:19:21 wrong it's 2022 january is the burhan
0:19:24 argument which is really the kind of ibn
0:19:27 sinha ibn tamir contingency argument for
0:19:30 the existence of god
0:19:31 and from an islamic theistic perspective
0:19:34 and addressing all of the kind of
0:19:35 contentions we're going to be publishing
0:19:38 the failed hypothesis in april 2022
0:19:41 which deals with darwinism islam and
0:19:44 science we're going to be publishing the
0:19:46 divine perfection book in december 2021
0:19:48 that's next month which is going to have
0:19:50 a tsunami effect
0:19:52 on the daoa especially in the kind of
0:19:56 christian academic community because
0:19:58 we're dealing with
0:20:00 you know some unanswered questions
0:20:03 in the english language concerning
0:20:05 divine perfection
0:20:06 god's love and forgiveness and it's a
0:20:09 phenomenal book and when dr uthman comes
0:20:12 on live
0:20:13 tonight he's going to be explaining a
0:20:15 little bit about that so alhamdulillah
0:20:17 we're going to inshallah over achieve
0:20:18 from this perspective
0:20:20 we also said we're going to film
0:20:22 profession film 10 courses to put on our
0:20:24 learning platform
0:20:26 and we're going to have notes detailed
0:20:28 notes for many of them and slides and
0:20:31 we're going to have
0:20:32 examinations as well multiple
0:20:35 multiple choice questions and what we
0:20:37 have filmed so far is no doubt which is
0:20:40 an in-depth course uh teaching you 10
0:20:42 effective strategies on how to do your
0:20:44 doubts and the doubts of others we've
0:20:46 also filmed awakening the truth within
0:20:48 which is basically our advanced our
0:20:50 training course we also have filmed the
0:20:53 rules of engagement which is you know uh
0:20:55 how to understand logical fallacies how
0:20:58 to develop critical thinking
0:20:59 understanding how to have munavara
0:21:02 discussion debates from an islamic
0:21:03 ethical and intellectual perspective we
0:21:06 filmed divine perfection which again is
0:21:08 about you know
0:21:11 the the concept of god and islam and
0:21:13 christianity concerning maximum
0:21:14 forgiveness and love
0:21:16 and some of the main academic
0:21:18 contentions that come from the christian
0:21:20 academic community
0:21:22 and we also have filmed awakening the
0:21:24 truth within our advanced training
0:21:26 course in spanish
0:21:27 and what we are filming before ramadan
0:21:29 is the divine reality which is a an
0:21:31 in-depth course addressing atheism and
0:21:33 philosophical naturalism we have a
0:21:36 course on islam in liberalism we have a
0:21:38 course on islam and nihilism we have two
0:21:40 courses on christology meaning
0:21:42 christianity and the islamic perspective
0:21:45 we have a course on the quran and
0:21:47 science you know a deconstruction of
0:21:49 philosophical assessment of
0:21:52 me the scientific scientific miracles
0:21:54 claim narrative and producing a more
0:21:56 robust narrative which we call the
0:21:58 multiplicity of readings approach we're
0:22:01 also going to have a course on darwinism
0:22:02 in islam and we're going to be filming
0:22:04 awakening the truth within in arabic so
0:22:07 again here we are going to over achieve
0:22:09 insha allah all of these things will be
0:22:11 ready by april 2022 but we're going to
0:22:14 be launching the learning platform next
0:22:17 month and we're going to have three
0:22:19 courses ready next month in the no doubt
0:22:22 course the awakening of truth within
0:22:24 course and the rules of engagement
0:22:25 course
0:22:26 and all the other courses would be ready
0:22:27 by ramadan in sha allah so we've been
0:22:30 working really really hard behind the
0:22:31 scenes alhamdulillah
0:22:33 and our operations and management
0:22:37 personnel bilal
0:22:39 in turkey he's been working extremely
0:22:41 hard facilitating most of this work may
0:22:44 allah bless him and his family
0:22:46 the other thing we said we're going to
0:22:48 achieve was completing a book on doubts
0:22:50 and the book is going to be basically
0:22:52 based on our no doubt course and that's
0:22:54 part one of the book so we're going to
0:22:56 be in written format telling you the 10
0:22:59 effective strategies in detail with
0:23:01 robust references and robust arguments
0:23:04 and and so on and so forth 10 effective
0:23:06 strategies on how to do with your and
0:23:09 other people's doubts i think this is
0:23:10 going to be a massive game changer and
0:23:12 part two of the book
0:23:14 uh is going to be addressing and
0:23:15 answering the key doubts that you face
0:23:18 online and offline and this can be
0:23:19 published in april 2022 in sha allah
0:23:23 we also said we're going to have two
0:23:24 translations of arabic books by arabic
0:23:27 by arab intellectuals one book is almost
0:23:30 finished and this is the book by
0:23:33 dr sami al amari which is like the
0:23:35 proofs of prophethood the translation is
0:23:37 going to be complete this month and
0:23:39 we're publishing it next month uh in
0:23:42 december 2021 insha'allah and the other
0:23:44 book that we're going to finish
0:23:46 translating and publishing and we're
0:23:48 going to do this by april 2022
0:23:50 and this is one of sheikh or jadi's
0:23:52 books and we're yet to be decided which
0:23:55 book we're gonna the management team are
0:23:57 gonna sit together and decide which book
0:23:58 we're gonna translate but that will be
0:24:00 ready before ramadan as well in sha
0:24:02 allah now there are some projects that
0:24:05 we mentioned the things that we promised
0:24:07 that we mentioned are some of those
0:24:08 things are dependent on other projects
0:24:10 so we said we're going to empower and
0:24:12 train over 10 000 muslims we've already
0:24:14 trained hundreds and of muslims based on
0:24:18 our on-site courses this year
0:24:20 however we aim to train and develop over
0:24:22 10 000 uh muslims by april 2022 based on
0:24:27 the delivery of our learning platform
0:24:28 alone so our learning platform is going
0:24:30 to have insha allah over 10 000 people
0:24:33 registering and going through the
0:24:34 courses in sha allah we're developing a
0:24:37 very careful marketing campaign to
0:24:39 ensure that happens
0:24:40 we're also going to publish a website
0:24:42 responding to leading anti-islamic
0:24:44 websites but that's also dependent on
0:24:46 the no doubt book that we're producing
0:24:48 that's going to be ready by april so in
0:24:50 parallel we're going to be working on
0:24:51 that website as well
0:24:53 and the other
0:24:54 project or deliverable that's dependent
0:24:56 on other projects is ensuring our
0:24:58 advanced our training course is
0:25:00 available in other languages if you
0:25:02 remember we already have one
0:25:04 we already have the advanced our
0:25:05 training course in spanish but we're
0:25:08 going to have the dao training course in
0:25:10 arabic as well and that's going to be
0:25:11 ready on our learning platform by april
0:25:13 2022 in sha allah
0:25:16 the other thing that we promised to
0:25:17 deliver was publish world research
0:25:19 writing if you go to our website
0:25:20 sapience institute forward
0:25:23 slash read we've published
0:25:25 wrestling with free will reflections of
0:25:27 divine and human freedom by muhammad
0:25:29 hijab
0:25:30 does the quran say the earth is flat
0:25:32 islamic scholarship and the multiplicity
0:25:34 of readings approach
0:25:35 and we have
0:25:37 many other in-depth essays that are
0:25:38 being right written and that they're
0:25:40 going to be produced in the next couple
0:25:41 of weeks and months for example nihilism
0:25:44 as a poison part two islam is the
0:25:46 antidote the hard problem in god's
0:25:49 existence part one can physicalism and
0:25:51 neuroscience solve the mystery of
0:25:53 consciousness
0:25:54 is the quran scientific an assessment of
0:25:57 the scientific miracles claim and much
0:25:59 much more
0:26:01 we also said we're going to produce 60
0:26:03 plus videos
0:26:04 so far we've produced 14 sapient
0:26:07 thoughts videos that are available for
0:26:08 you to watch there's another seven
0:26:10 that's coming out very soon we have
0:26:13 produced seven online academic seminars
0:26:16 seven londoner poem commentary videos so
0:26:20 that's around 28 videos so far plus the
0:26:22 seven that are just about to be
0:26:24 published that's going to be 35 and
0:26:26 inshallah we are we are on target to
0:26:29 produce another 35 before ramadan so
0:26:32 we're well on target with regards to
0:26:34 this as well insha allah the remaining
0:26:37 projects that we should quickly discuss
0:26:38 we said we're going to engage in four
0:26:40 academic discussions and debates we're
0:26:42 in the process of planning these
0:26:43 discussions debates in december 2021 so
0:26:46 we're going to have a planning meeting
0:26:47 in december so we could actually plan
0:26:50 these debates uh in
0:26:52 2022 inshallah and hopefully all four
0:26:56 debates will be done before ramadan i
0:26:58 know there's one happening in sha allah
0:27:00 in texas with fahad slim
0:27:02 but we're going to give you more
0:27:03 information on that very soon
0:27:05 we also said that we're going to ensure
0:27:07 translations of our work in other
0:27:08 languages and if you go on our website
0:27:11 you can see that we have two tabs one
0:27:14 turkish tab and an ink and a spanish tab
0:27:16 sorry uh it says english here by
0:27:18 supposed to say spanish and we have
0:27:20 translations and these translations are
0:27:23 also ongoing as well we said we're going
0:27:25 to start a new podcast and i'm happy to
0:27:27 announce that we're going to start a new
0:27:28 podcast in february
0:27:32 2022. and there's much more because not
0:27:35 only are we on in we're achieving what
0:27:38 we said we're going to achieve what we
0:27:39 said in ramadan that what we're going to
0:27:41 achieve this operational year but we
0:27:43 also
0:27:44 um
0:27:47 we also have doing much much more for
0:27:48 example we have the londinia poem in
0:27:50 commentary we have this
0:27:52 elmi poem on contemporary arcader and an
0:27:56 in-depth commentary book coming out very
0:27:59 soon in sha allah and you've been
0:28:00 watching some of these videos about
0:28:02 muhammad hijab and lots of people have
0:28:04 been enjoying them very positive
0:28:06 feedback i was reading something today
0:28:07 that you know they were they were
0:28:09 delighted with regards to the londoner
0:28:12 program and the commentary is going to
0:28:14 be an expansion of these videos in depth
0:28:17 with references
0:28:19 we also do lectures at universities and
0:28:21 on-site courses for example factors name
0:28:24 in america because we have sapience
0:28:26 america now we are a 501c which is a
0:28:29 registered charity in america and we've
0:28:31 launched the no doubt no doubt on-site
0:28:34 course and far has been going from state
0:28:36 to state actually delivering this course
0:28:38 and you can find more information at no
0:28:41 doubt course dot com and it's not only
0:28:43 in the usa but all around the world so
0:28:45 if you want this course face to face in
0:28:46 your country then then just ask for it
0:28:49 we also have sapience institute arabic
0:28:51 youtube channel and we also have a
0:28:54 really brilliant course coming up which
0:28:57 insha allah dr suffolk chowdhury is
0:28:58 going to be working on and i had a
0:29:00 seminar with him just a few hours ago on
0:29:02 on our channel and it's basically
0:29:04 bridging the gap between the uh
0:29:07 and theological philosophy in a dow
0:29:10 context training so we're going to be
0:29:14 bridging the gap providing a training
0:29:16 course an advanced training course to
0:29:18 ulema from different backgrounds from
0:29:21 medina from the
0:29:22 from al-azhar and it's going to be
0:29:26 we're going to basically link the kind
0:29:28 of islamic intellectual tradition they
0:29:30 learn at their seminaries at their
0:29:32 institutions
0:29:33 and get them to contemporaries to make
0:29:35 sense of it in contemporary theo
0:29:38 philosophical discourse in the context
0:29:40 of dawa and this is something that is
0:29:42 absolutely phenomenal and it's a
0:29:44 strategic game changer because all of
0:29:47 these
0:29:48 and these thinkers and these and these
0:29:50 students of knowledge
0:29:52 they can basically now attend a course
0:29:54 like this to be able to really get all
0:29:57 of the wealth of knowledge that they
0:29:58 have from the from the institutions and
0:30:00 the and the years and
0:30:02 even some of them decades of learning
0:30:04 and now they're able to understand the
0:30:07 contemporary language apply that elm in
0:30:10 a contemporary discourse from a theo
0:30:12 philosophical perspective in the context
0:30:14 of dawah so this is going to be a huge
0:30:16 game changer in sha allah
0:30:19 from a point of view of compliance and
0:30:20 best practice we have a robust code of
0:30:22 conduct that you can find online we have
0:30:24 a conflicts of interest policy and risk
0:30:27 management policy and procedure
0:30:28 anti-extremism guidance safeguarding
0:30:31 policy multi-level finance and
0:30:33 procurement approval processes based on
0:30:35 our intranet system and more so we are
0:30:38 aligning ourselves with best practice
0:30:40 processes and procedures in order to be
0:30:42 transparent and to be ethical as best as
0:30:46 possible you have any questions please
0:30:48 let us know so now it's time to speak to
0:30:51 the team uh brothers and sisters i'm
0:30:54 gonna just bring them on alhamdulillah
0:30:57 we have subhanallah the great giants of
0:31:00 our team here we're gonna to bring on
0:31:02 board now
0:31:04 yourself
0:31:12 us
0:31:31 alhamdulillah
0:31:32 god bless him we have sheikh muhammad
0:31:35 masha'allah
0:31:38 and what who's coming on board shortly
0:31:40 is going to be sabor and muhammad
0:31:42 hijab's coming on board in the next i
0:31:44 think 15 minutes alhamdulillah
0:31:48 so
0:31:48 um apologies for the long presentation
0:31:51 but i wanted to give everyone exactly
0:31:53 what we've been doing and what we're
0:31:54 achieving because we promised them a
0:31:56 whole set of things that we're going to
0:31:57 deliver and insha allah in progress to
0:31:59 delivering all of it and more
0:32:01 alhamdulillah and it's all because of
0:32:02 your great work
0:32:04 my dear beloved brothers
0:32:06 so
0:32:06 um
0:32:07 what we'll do we're going to take some
0:32:09 questions because we said we're going to
0:32:10 take questions
0:32:11 on
0:32:12 uh theo philosophical issues
0:32:14 uh suburban mohammed hijab is going to
0:32:16 jump on board on this live stream in the
0:32:18 next 10 or 15 minutes
0:32:19 and they're going to talk about their
0:32:20 work as well but let's just really have
0:32:23 a summary with regards to
0:32:26 um everyone's different pieces of work
0:32:28 so let's start with the dr osman latif
0:32:30 with regards to the amazing book that
0:32:33 you're writing at the moment which is at
0:32:36 the moment called divine perfection but
0:32:37 we're going to change the title so give
0:32:40 us an update where i think we'll
0:32:42 obviously have planned to publish this
0:32:43 next month so talk talk to everybody
0:32:46 what's going on with the book
0:32:51 you're new
0:33:00 thank you so much for your introduction
0:33:02 to our work over the last six months and
0:33:04 assam come to all of our great team
0:33:06 muhammad bless all of you
0:33:08 uh alhamdulillah we begin by thanking
0:33:10 and praising allah subhanahu wa there is
0:33:11 a big nema from him alone subhanallah
0:33:14 all successes from him alone subhanallah
0:33:16 we say we say
0:33:19 um
0:33:22 everything and all of us are
0:33:24 recipients of that divine grace and
0:33:26 blessings and bounty and mercy from him
0:33:28 alone
0:33:30 um alhamdulillah i think it's it's
0:33:32 coming on very well alhamdulillah so you
0:33:34 know if you recall i began we began this
0:33:36 project
0:33:37 last year and initially it was following
0:33:40 on from the kind of things that were
0:33:42 being said by what have been said for a
0:33:44 long time
0:33:45 by dr professor william craig up in
0:33:48 america
0:33:49 and these were points of detractions you
0:33:52 know against islam he's making comments
0:33:54 in his debates in his
0:33:56 in his books in his podcast
0:33:59 uh and it began by responding to these
0:34:01 in a very academic fashion looking
0:34:03 closely the kind of arguments he's
0:34:05 making uh but the the thesis of the book
0:34:08 was predicated quite strongly on the
0:34:10 idea of divine perfection or maximal
0:34:12 affection of the divine of allah of god
0:34:14 subhanallah
0:34:16 but alhamdulillah since that time it's
0:34:18 kind of progressed much more than that
0:34:20 it's become a book that's uh that's
0:34:22 really taking on board
0:34:25 a lot of these attractions from people
0:34:28 you know far back from
0:34:30 the beginning of christian history
0:34:31 really over the last two millennia uh
0:34:34 people like joan of damascus thomas
0:34:35 aquinas uh and then people
0:34:38 before like hundreds of years ago like
0:34:39 samuel zwiemer
0:34:41 in contemporary time james langford
0:34:43 william craig
0:34:44 um you know and others as well and so
0:34:47 what i explore and look very closely in
0:34:49 the book is i look at the kind of
0:34:51 uh well one one part of it is to look at
0:34:53 the quranic verses and arguments that
0:34:56 these christian apologists and
0:34:58 missionaries use
0:34:59 and and how they misinterpret them or
0:35:01 how they misquote them
0:35:03 and how in fact the quran is the biggest
0:35:05 proof
0:35:06 oftentimes in fact it's the same verses
0:35:08 that they're misapplying that serve as
0:35:10 the biggest proof against the arguments
0:35:12 that are actually making if those if
0:35:14 those verses are understood correctly
0:35:16 uh you know and interpreted in in the
0:35:18 right in the right light
0:35:20 um and so therefore that's kind of one
0:35:22 area of of what the book is
0:35:25 but the the fundamental in fact of the
0:35:27 book is is is about what i call the
0:35:31 adamic conundrum
0:35:33 and and what this presents is a kind of
0:35:35 a new paradigm
0:35:36 through which we can look at christian
0:35:39 muslim engagement
0:35:40 uh it's it's kind of it's taking the
0:35:42 discussion away from
0:35:44 what people
0:35:45 oftentimes assume to be the beginning
0:35:48 points of our discussions and so that
0:35:50 might be things about the the divinity
0:35:54 of jesus christ from the christian
0:35:55 narrative or um you know about the the
0:35:59 sonship of jesus christ uh all of these
0:36:01 things i argue in the book are quite
0:36:04 secondary
0:36:05 there is a beginning point that we
0:36:07 should be engaging with them as muslims
0:36:10 and this is something that is
0:36:11 fundamentally explained in the quran
0:36:14 and it's it's one of i i believe the one
0:36:16 of the biggest proofs and points
0:36:19 against
0:36:20 you know that the most fundamental
0:36:23 christian premises for their theology
0:36:27 and so i look very closely at things
0:36:29 like christian atonement theories
0:36:31 and how they develop and how they
0:36:33 how they build up this salvific figure
0:36:36 of jesus christ and why so and the
0:36:39 question there is about the why so
0:36:40 element so it's not so much about the
0:36:42 what about the why
0:36:44 and i think if we understand the why
0:36:46 everything makes a lot of sense
0:36:48 and and then when you see the way the
0:36:50 quran is working with with the
0:36:52 christians it's just subhanallah it's so
0:36:54 profound
0:36:55 uh and i think that that's kind of um
0:36:58 that i think inshallah will be something
0:37:00 interesting inshallah for us so the book
0:37:02 alhamdulillah isn't their completion
0:37:04 uh you know it's this kind there are
0:37:05 some kind of
0:37:06 a few other things i'm working on very
0:37:08 closely now uh and i think inshallah
0:37:11 when it's done inshallah it will be a
0:37:13 good thing and shall a good for muslims
0:37:16 and understanding and of course remember
0:37:17 that we do all things with love it is
0:37:19 not about
0:37:21 you know anything antagonistic it is
0:37:23 about full is love i mean that's our
0:37:25 premise it's about being motivated by
0:37:27 love thinking about the divine love of
0:37:29 allah subhanahu wa to allah and having
0:37:31 that kind of very positive fruitful
0:37:33 engagement you know with others because
0:37:35 of course we want good for all people
0:37:36 for ourselves and for other people you
0:37:38 know the prophet says that none of you
0:37:39 truly believe until you love for other
0:37:41 people what you love for yourself and
0:37:42 the best thing we love for ourselves is
0:37:43 guidance and of course we love that love
0:37:45 that for all people and so make twins i
0:37:48 think inshallah once the book is done it
0:37:50 will be a good thing inshallah allah
0:37:51 bless you
0:37:53 i'm really looking forward to it because
0:37:55 it's really taking
0:37:57 the kind of academic christian arguments
0:38:00 attacking the conception of god in the
0:38:02 islamic tradition that he is not
0:38:04 maximally loving going through things
0:38:06 like a trinity
0:38:07 and many other aspects and you're taking
0:38:09 it from
0:38:10 their origins from their their salaf if
0:38:14 you like their pious predecessors
0:38:15 they're big scholars and you're going
0:38:17 through history to the contemporary
0:38:19 period to the modern scholars today
0:38:22 and you're actually addressing those
0:38:23 arguments from very deep quranic
0:38:25 perspective and in a very unique
0:38:27 perspective as one i think one that
0:38:29 would show that allah subhanahu wa is
0:38:32 maximally loving maximally forgiving and
0:38:34 that the kind of different
0:38:36 concepts and ideas that emanate from
0:38:38 biblical christianity as as it's known
0:38:40 today is not coherent and not in line
0:38:43 with the maximum
0:38:44 perfect so may i bless you look we're
0:38:46 here for that man bless you
0:38:48 let's speak to sheikh mohammed idris in
0:38:51 the house
0:38:52 he's got his hat on he's got his
0:38:54 earphones on he's got the books behind
0:38:57 him
0:38:58 alhamdulillah he is our in-house chef
0:39:00 may allah bless him and preserve him and
0:39:02 his family he's been very busy
0:39:05 and yeah talk to us what happened talk
0:39:08 to us about the course in spanish and
0:39:11 talk to us about the recent course that
0:39:12 you did in madrid
0:39:23 so happy to be with all of you and
0:39:26 and i hope that everyone who's listening
0:39:28 to us is in the best state of human
0:39:30 health
0:39:31 and
0:39:32 alhamdulillah has been
0:39:35 uh regarding the course that you
0:39:36 mentioned that we just had in madrid
0:39:38 alhamdulillah was
0:39:40 a success alhamdulillah
0:39:42 and there were a lot of youngsters who
0:39:44 came said the first time we hearing
0:39:47 these kind of things and
0:39:51 for me
0:39:52 and
0:39:53 was also um opened my eyes in a way that
0:39:59 how important is to engage not just
0:40:02 through
0:40:03 like a
0:40:05 webcam or through internet but also to
0:40:08 engage with people personally because
0:40:10 that hasn't you know our
0:40:13 our
0:40:14 when that when he's in
0:40:16 like in direct contact with others it
0:40:18 has an other impact that we
0:40:21 we cannot reach through just a webcam
0:40:23 but alhamdulillah
0:40:25 when one of the youngsters before the
0:40:26 course
0:40:28 came to me
0:40:29 and said i have a doubt
0:40:32 regarding the existence of allah a
0:40:34 person who was muslim and was having a
0:40:38 very hard time
0:40:40 and when the course ended
0:40:42 the um it was a was a girl she asked me
0:40:46 so many questions i said let's let's
0:40:48 wait until the end of the course
0:40:50 and let's see if we can answer those
0:40:52 questions if not then we'll see it again
0:40:54 insha'allah so at the end of the course
0:40:56 she said that she didn't have any all
0:40:58 the
0:40:59 other questions that all were solved and
0:41:01 she
0:41:02 she was so happy about it no and this is
0:41:05 just one person but obviously if all the
0:41:07 course was just for that person which
0:41:10 was her iman was in doubt and now that
0:41:13 i'm doing that she didn't have any
0:41:14 doubts left
0:41:16 so that would be enough uh of value
0:41:18 alhamdulillah that's the words
0:41:20 attendees and
0:41:22 and alhamdulillah
0:41:23 through that people starts
0:41:25 speaking about the course first time
0:41:28 there's something
0:41:29 like this so specific about you know
0:41:31 like that were the importance of that
0:41:33 one how to give dawah and to give that
0:41:35 responsibility uh you know like uh and
0:41:38 to understand
0:41:40 uh human beings um as who they are with
0:41:43 their with experiences with their
0:41:46 emotions and not just like a
0:41:48 throwing
0:41:49 uh
0:41:50 dialogue that just had just
0:41:52 memorized and tried to
0:41:56 interact with people with that
0:41:58 but it's much more than that and also to
0:42:00 have those skills and to
0:42:03 to
0:42:04 because in spain obviously we we're just
0:42:07 starting with this
0:42:08 with these things and many people don't
0:42:11 don't even know that actually we have so
0:42:13 robust like uh
0:42:16 proofs for our iman for our belief
0:42:19 when they know that it's like they feel
0:42:21 like uh they it's like they they say to
0:42:24 me that they're like they're born again
0:42:26 subhanallah they have a new
0:42:28 opportunity and insha'allah in few weeks
0:42:31 we will be doing in barcelona
0:42:36 is also a success in sha allah over
0:42:38 there the community is even much
0:42:40 bigger and alhamdulillah also as you
0:42:43 said before translating many of the
0:42:46 articles of works that we're doing we
0:42:48 have that that course alhamdulillah also
0:42:51 available online
0:42:53 in the learning platform
0:42:55 and slowly slowly getting these things
0:42:57 done
0:42:59 and as i said before this is the first
0:43:00 time actually we we dealing with these
0:43:02 issues in in spanish directly at
0:43:04 hamdurillah
0:43:05 here chef so
0:43:07 uh
0:43:07 so you recently delivered our the sa
0:43:10 pence institute advanced our training
0:43:12 course in madrid in a couple of weeks
0:43:14 it's going to be in brazil in not brazil
0:43:16 in barcelona
0:43:17 uh and we need to have a meeting about
0:43:19 that so i'll call you tomorrow inshallah
0:43:21 um
0:43:22 and
0:43:23 it sounds like you got amazing feedback
0:43:25 from people
0:43:26 um so that's i'm really delighted about
0:43:28 that and also your translations have
0:43:30 been you know
0:43:32 in actual fact brothers and sisters
0:43:34 there are a couple of translations we
0:43:35 haven't published yet just because of
0:43:37 time uh so he's he's he's too fast for
0:43:40 us so there's about two pieces that we
0:43:42 haven't put up yet inshallah i'm gonna
0:43:44 aim to try and put them up next week
0:43:46 insha'allah but the the most effective
0:43:49 thing as well is the one-to-one training
0:43:52 with masses of people face to face
0:43:55 you're definitely delivering that
0:43:57 training in spain in madrid in barcelona
0:43:59 you've done the advanced dial training
0:44:00 course in spanish for our learning
0:44:02 platform that's going to be launched
0:44:04 very soon insha'allah so all of this is
0:44:06 great work in developing and empowering
0:44:08 others to be able to share and defend
0:44:10 islam academics and intellectually one
0:44:12 thing that you think you missed out
0:44:13 which you're also going to be doing this
0:44:15 the no doubt course 10 effective
0:44:17 strategies on how to deal with
0:44:20 your doubts and the doubts of other
0:44:21 people alhamdulillah
0:44:23 so yeah
0:44:24 for that so
0:44:26 let's have a little quick update before
0:44:28 we get questions from people and we get
0:44:30 the other brothers on board let's speak
0:44:31 to bilal
0:44:33 onya
0:44:34 our
0:44:40 give us an update on
0:44:42 uh
0:44:43 nearly
0:44:46 too many pieces of work that have been
0:44:47 going on from risk management to
0:44:49 operations to management to implementing
0:44:52 learning platform bismillah bro tell us
0:44:54 what's been going on
0:45:00 so yeah as you said there's been many
0:45:02 things going on with operations and
0:45:04 management yeah i'll start with the
0:45:05 learning platform
0:45:07 uh you've summarized well but uh i'll
0:45:10 have some things to add inshallah
0:45:13 we started filming the courses around
0:45:16 june june 15 i guess fat uh you know
0:45:20 he came all the way from us to istanbul
0:45:22 and we filmed for like
0:45:23 15 days i guess
0:45:25 with fahad and yourself
0:45:28 and the other courses we filmed
0:45:31 in istanbul and other places in in uk
0:45:34 uh
0:45:35 and you know the filming is like a not
0:45:37 very easy uh you get into a studio
0:45:41 spend hours four hours five hours
0:45:43 dressed motif in the uk oh and he filmed
0:45:47 two times one one of the courses so he
0:45:49 knows how it is
0:45:53 so it's a struggle and al hamdulillah
0:45:55 we've been able to film six courses in
0:45:58 now
0:45:58 and those are as you we've said before
0:46:01 no doubt cause uh the awakening the
0:46:03 truth within
0:46:05 uh the spanish dawah course shaykh
0:46:07 mohammed rishi from that one being human
0:46:10 from the doctors
0:46:12 and divine perfection from christmas as
0:46:14 well and the art of debating in
0:46:16 disputation from doctor suffolk
0:46:18 choudhury it are the six courses we've
0:46:20 been uh
0:46:21 able to film and there are i guess seven
0:46:24 to go
0:46:26 so
0:46:27 let me talk to you about the learning
0:46:29 platform a bit yeah it's a website
0:46:31 obviously and
0:46:32 it has a membership
0:46:34 you you log in and you become a member
0:46:36 and
0:46:37 you have your own profile
0:46:39 you can uh follow lectures from your
0:46:42 profile you see the percentage uh how
0:46:44 many lectures you've watched
0:46:47 uh you know you can see the minutes of
0:46:48 the lectures you know if you if you
0:46:50 don't want to spend so much time on a
0:46:52 learning platform you can see like three
0:46:53 minute lectures you can just go and
0:46:56 watch and get out and if you want a
0:46:58 longer one you can go and watch a longer
0:47:00 one you don't have to follow the
0:47:01 curriculum
0:47:02 uh you need to you know if you want to
0:47:06 watch specific lecture you can
0:47:09 look at the curriculum page and click on
0:47:11 a lecture and just watch it
0:47:14 but if you do follow the curriculum
0:47:15 that's good for you and you can have
0:47:17 quizzes and exams
0:47:19 we are preparing them
0:47:20 they are mostly
0:47:22 mult choices but we might have like fill
0:47:24 in the blanks or other other
0:47:27 question types as well
0:47:30 um
0:47:31 and the courses will have their own
0:47:33 notes and the slides that you can
0:47:35 download and follow
0:47:37 with the lecture
0:47:38 so we're gonna pro we're gonna be
0:47:40 providing those as well
0:47:42 um
0:47:44 so you know this is like the basic
0:47:46 structure of the course you go into the
0:47:48 course you start the course you follow
0:47:51 the curriculum
0:47:52 it ends and you will have a
0:47:55 nice cps institute certificate with your
0:47:58 name written on it you can keep later on
0:48:01 uh but this is the main thing
0:48:04 maybe
0:48:05 let's say this is the basic version the
0:48:06 learning platform after the launch but
0:48:09 later on we're gonna shall i make it
0:48:11 more interactive for example you will
0:48:12 have you already have your own profile
0:48:15 and the
0:48:16 instructors have their own profile as
0:48:18 well
0:48:19 so you're going to be able to interact
0:48:21 with them
0:48:22 in the live lectures
0:48:24 and
0:48:25 you know you'll have your questions and
0:48:27 you can ask them
0:48:28 now on youtube live streams
0:48:30 we have q a sessions
0:48:32 but it's usually off the point sometimes
0:48:36 uh people come in and ask the question
0:48:38 the you know the the topic changes et
0:48:40 cetera on the lecture
0:48:42 it's uh based on the lecture so you can
0:48:45 have
0:48:45 a better interaction with the teacher on
0:48:48 learning platform
0:48:50 uh and inshallah we're gonna have a demo
0:48:52 of that with uh hamza uh soonish allah
0:48:55 with some of the with one of the
0:48:57 lectures from the no doubt course uh
0:49:00 when we are launching the uh
0:49:02 platform inshallah
0:49:04 uh
0:49:05 yeah that's basically it about the
0:49:07 learning platform
0:49:10 what does
0:49:11 the management
0:49:17 so um
0:49:18 just to add to everyone i think maybe
0:49:20 they didn't get it which is the learning
0:49:22 platform is totally free all of our work
0:49:24 is actually free
0:49:26 um and
0:49:27 when you register as a member you'll be
0:49:29 able to access all the course content
0:49:32 and if you want to be studious you go
0:49:34 through the whole thing finish all the
0:49:35 examinations to get your certificate or
0:49:37 you can if you want to go into
0:49:39 individual lectures as well but as bilal
0:49:40 said we advise you go through the whole
0:49:42 thing so you can get your certification
0:49:44 and you can actually basically
0:49:47 acquire all the necessary knowledge and
0:49:48 concepts in order for to progress
0:49:50 yourself with regards to sharing islam
0:49:52 academically and intellectually so yeah
0:49:55 i mean the other things are bilal all
0:49:57 the risk assessments the risk management
0:50:01 policy that you've implemented
0:50:03 because part of our best practice is
0:50:05 that we have to risk assess every single
0:50:06 person and every single person that does
0:50:08 work for us and that is connected to us
0:50:10 in some way so you have working very
0:50:13 very hard doing the detailed risk
0:50:15 assessments obviously we can't give full
0:50:17 details because some of those things are
0:50:18 private and confidential um but yeah so
0:50:22 bilal has been working on risk
0:50:23 assessments he's been working on
0:50:26 relationship building as well even from
0:50:28 a turkish perspective
0:50:30 and many other projects that we're
0:50:31 dealing with as well because there's
0:50:32 some things in the presentation that
0:50:34 haven't mentioned
0:50:35 like the publishing of our books the
0:50:37 reformatting and typesetting
0:50:40 relationship building stakeholder
0:50:42 management all of these things and
0:50:44 alhamdulillah bilal has been quite
0:50:45 central to that um
0:50:47 so yeah if there's anything else you
0:50:48 want to add to that is no problem you're
0:50:50 more than welcome
0:50:52 yeah i know thank you uh just you know
0:50:54 you don't know it yet but our first
0:50:56 guest for the podcast is being confirmed
0:50:59 oh brilliant
0:51:00 oh the conversation the conversation
0:51:02 that we had previously
0:51:06 yeah
0:51:06 yeah with that oh brilliant
0:51:09 with that person inshaallah we're gonna
0:51:11 be filming
0:51:12 when uh sabu comes
0:51:15 that's epic ma well done bro that is
0:51:18 that's gonna be epic we need to spice it
0:51:20 up a bit as well we need to get them you
0:51:22 know
0:51:23 having good intellectual dialogue
0:51:25 absolutely i mean they'll do it
0:51:27 automatically it's like their character
0:51:29 is
0:51:30 for that
0:51:33 yeah see i forgot to mention that as
0:51:35 well bilal is is working on the podcast
0:51:37 as well so
0:51:38 bless him and his family
0:51:40 and yeah so it's after her so next we
0:51:43 have as a summary is our lighthouse
0:51:46 mentoring
0:51:47 manager and also our instructor and
0:51:51 writer
0:51:52 and
0:51:53 and and everything else in between our
0:51:56 beloved brother
0:51:57 yusuf ponders talk to us bro talk to us
0:51:59 first about lighthouse mentoring and
0:52:01 talk to us
0:52:02 about um
0:52:05 your forthcoming writing as well and
0:52:07 other bits and pieces bismillah yes
0:52:12 uh so yeah the lighthouse project it's
0:52:14 been running for
0:52:16 most of the year now when did we start
0:52:18 it was it about march april
0:52:20 it's around about there
0:52:22 and uh
0:52:23 yeah it's been going really really well
0:52:25 um so we've got about seven
0:52:27 mentors um currently working on it
0:52:31 and yeah yeah
0:52:33 hamza gave a brief description of what
0:52:35 we've been doing but we've been talking
0:52:36 to everyone um the majority of the
0:52:37 people that are using the service at the
0:52:38 moment are people who are already
0:52:40 muslims um who are currently suffering
0:52:42 from doubts or questions about certain
0:52:45 things um
0:52:47 varying from pretty much all the sort of
0:52:49 questions you could think popping up
0:52:51 and
0:52:53 other than that we've been dealing with
0:52:54 people who've been interested in islam
0:52:56 and with ex-muslims
0:52:59 in the past couple of weeks i've spoke
0:53:00 to someone
0:53:02 who left islam and came back
0:53:04 and we were going over a few
0:53:06 more things that we're trying to get
0:53:07 their head around and alhamdulillah it
0:53:09 seems like their their faith is setting
0:53:11 settling a lot and we've been getting a
0:53:13 lot of good feedback as well um
0:53:15 even at the the end of the the sessions
0:53:18 themselves people generally tend to be
0:53:19 very thankful thankful
0:53:21 um for the opportunity to be able to
0:53:23 just sit down and have a conversation
0:53:24 with people one-to-one
0:53:26 um because it's often the case that they
0:53:28 don't really have anyone to talk to
0:53:30 and the opportunity to
0:53:32 speak to a duet um and you know in a
0:53:35 private setting one to one rather than
0:53:37 on live streams or in chats or by email
0:53:40 and things like that the you know the
0:53:42 opportunity to have face-to-face
0:53:43 conversation with cameras on
0:53:45 or just audio only
0:53:47 um
0:53:48 people really are sort of warming to
0:53:50 this idea and it
0:53:51 it's the only if it's kind of at the
0:53:52 moment in the release so
0:53:54 hamdulillah
0:53:56 should be something that we hope to
0:53:58 increase as well so we're looking at uh
0:54:00 expanding the service inshallah we're
0:54:02 currently
0:54:04 trying to arrange some sort of system
0:54:06 updates as well to help the expansion a
0:54:08 little bit so i'm looking at trying to
0:54:11 get some sort of software developers or
0:54:12 web developers
0:54:14 to help with the process um
0:54:16 attendance
0:54:17 can be a bit of a problem sometimes so
0:54:19 we're trying to think of ways to try to
0:54:21 increase that
0:54:22 and if any of you that are watching now
0:54:24 have used the service uh if you have any
0:54:26 feedback or maybe you're someone who's
0:54:28 booked and hasn't attended a meeting um
0:54:31 you could let us know uh via the email
0:54:33 lighthouse
0:54:35 or if you have if
0:54:37 you've used the service and you want to
0:54:38 give any feedback at all uh be that
0:54:40 positive or negative you can do so via
0:54:42 that email too
0:54:43 um
0:54:44 other than that uh
0:54:46 with regards to my upcoming essay um so
0:54:49 this is gonna be islam as an antidote to
0:54:52 that it's taking a lot longer than i
0:54:53 wanted it to
0:54:54 um
0:54:55 but yeah we're we're making progress i
0:54:57 think i'm about 9 000
0:54:59 oh the target was always a lot smaller
0:55:01 and then it always ends up tripling
0:55:03 uh i don't know if dr uthman had that
0:55:04 same issue with his book maybe
0:55:07 but i think it's just the the way of the
0:55:08 world so yeah that's currently in the
0:55:10 process of being completed
0:55:11 um and inshallah that should be a nice
0:55:14 little addition to the part one
0:55:16 and hopefully that will be done soon and
0:55:18 then we're looking at recording um
0:55:21 with brother jake as well
0:55:23 we're in discussions about where that's
0:55:25 going to be exactly but we're
0:55:27 going to be filming the the nihilism
0:55:29 course
0:55:31 and getting that completed and then
0:55:32 jake's going to be doing some
0:55:33 christiology courses
0:55:35 yes as well
0:55:36 two quarters from jake there'll be one
0:55:38 in-depth course from yourself and islam
0:55:40 and nihilism
0:55:41 uh your essay was phenomenal your second
0:55:43 part essay is going to be phenomenal
0:55:44 with you inshallah i remember
0:55:46 we met about a month ago isn't it in the
0:55:48 office yeah
0:55:50 yeah i'm still trying to um
0:55:52 translate your notes
0:55:56 you you're right you're right like a
0:55:57 doctor bro yeah i'm sorry man i'm sorry
0:55:59 doctor's handwriting
0:56:02 yes so you know
0:56:04 mashallah with his you know usual humble
0:56:07 self
0:56:08 uh you know lighthouse mentoring service
0:56:10 is a phenomenal project
0:56:12 you know we have one-to-ones with people
0:56:14 with doubts and we also have one-to-ones
0:56:15 with mashayek and scholars we had for
0:56:18 example a scholar who's being involved
0:56:20 in rsc he's becoming a teacher he wants
0:56:23 to have a positive impact concerning the
0:56:24 curriculum and how to apply in a way
0:56:26 that is balanced for all communities
0:56:28 including the muslims and that's going
0:56:30 to have a massive effect from a kind of
0:56:32 british
0:56:33 educational point of view for muslims
0:56:36 and non-muslims and there was another in
0:56:38 terms of how he wanted to get involved
0:56:41 in academic type of dawah and so on and
0:56:43 so forth so we actually help mentor
0:56:46 people to have a great impact as well
0:56:47 it's not just about the the doubts uh
0:56:50 themselves but even when it's done
0:56:53 yeah when it's just people just having
0:56:55 uh
0:56:56 doubts you know i think what's very
0:56:58 important is when they get clarified
0:57:00 they get empowered and they they they
0:57:02 they actually want to share islam and
0:57:04 they want to basically share the beauty
0:57:06 of islam and in some cases you know
0:57:09 people move on forward to do some
0:57:11 amazing things and i think we're going
0:57:12 to be seeing the results of that so i
0:57:14 just want to say jazakallah for to yusuf
0:57:17 because managing that whole process is
0:57:19 very difficult um and merlot grant him
0:57:22 you know ease and success
0:57:24 i just wanted to add to that as well it
0:57:26 turns out to be quite a bit of life
0:57:28 coaching too like people um
0:57:31 you're speaking to them and one minute
0:57:32 you're talking answering particular
0:57:34 questions about certain talents and then
0:57:36 the next minute you're sort of helping
0:57:37 them to battle plan life
0:57:39 how to organize themselves and a lot of
0:57:42 this is um
0:57:43 i think the issue people
0:57:45 um
0:57:46 have bad methodology and they're just
0:57:48 trying to figure out ways of organizing
0:57:51 themselves more than anything and then
0:57:53 when they have that opportunity to
0:57:54 really sort of like
0:57:55 map things out
0:57:57 and
0:57:58 you know with a little bit of external
0:58:00 help
0:58:01 um that organization helps to give them
0:58:03 a lot of um
0:58:05 you know a sturdy foundation to sort of
0:58:07 propel themselves forward from but at
0:58:09 the moment i've been speaking like um
0:58:10 yesterday i had a really really good
0:58:12 conversation with a brother who's
0:58:13 looking to do his masters in
0:58:16 uh the philosophy of science and
0:58:18 we ended up writing out a whole essay
0:58:20 plan for his dissertation
0:58:23 and we were going through it and taking
0:58:25 talking about the different steps and
0:58:26 the conversation ended up going on for
0:58:28 about an hour and a half in the end
0:58:29 um that was really good and yeah so
0:58:32 we're talking to academics and people
0:58:33 planning to go into university and
0:58:35 helping them with that process
0:58:37 even just talking to them there's been
0:58:39 some authors that have been getting in
0:58:40 touch with us
0:58:41 and you know they're just rattling a few
0:58:42 ideas about what they're writing in
0:58:44 their books and they've sent us draft
0:58:47 versions to go over and things like that
0:58:49 um so the services is turning out quite
0:58:51 broad so it's helping people with doubts
0:58:53 it's you know
0:58:54 talking to people who are interested in
0:58:55 islam um non-muslims ex-muslims etc
0:58:58 empowering dua to help you know giving
0:59:00 them strategies on how to approach
0:59:02 people um i did my first ever
0:59:06 seminar i told you
0:59:07 under the what's up someone invited me
0:59:09 to go to mmu
0:59:11 and i went there and it was super
0:59:13 awkward because i've never done anything
0:59:14 off um
0:59:16 camera it's a lot different like on a
0:59:18 live stream like this because you've not
0:59:20 got the eyeballs
0:59:22 in the audience staring at you
0:59:24 yeah so
0:59:25 that went a lot better than i thought it
0:59:27 was going to
0:59:28 um
0:59:29 so that was pretty interesting but the
0:59:31 same thing is sort of empowering people
0:59:32 giving people strategies and talking
0:59:34 about you know like ideas in terms of
0:59:36 how to where to get started
0:59:38 say um there's a lot of people that they
0:59:40 want to get started in daoa but
0:59:42 there's nothing going on in their area
0:59:44 so
0:59:45 helping people to sort of map the area
0:59:47 to go out to
0:59:48 you know ring up the local mosques and
0:59:50 see if they have any services going or
0:59:52 if they got any tables they can attend
0:59:54 um and if they haven't to go to these um
0:59:57 you know the friday cutoffs and just to
0:59:59 ask the imam if they can stand on the
1:00:00 front and you know just sort of make an
1:00:02 announcement i'm looking to do diaries
1:00:03 or anyone in here that wants to get
1:00:05 involved with us and just giving them
1:00:07 little ideas like that how to start with
1:00:09 nothing and then how to build with that
1:00:11 and you know based on what's available
1:00:13 with like no funds well no nothing
1:00:16 just using your own initiative
1:00:18 um
1:00:19 and yeah i hope that it's going really
1:00:20 well i'm i've got a lot of hopes for the
1:00:22 service to expand a lot in the future
1:00:24 inshallah
1:00:25 for her bro
1:00:26 god you
1:00:27 and um
1:00:30 i'm looking forward to the filming
1:00:37 it's
1:00:38 it's it's it's the
1:00:41 it's the powerhouse it's our lions
1:00:44 allah but the thing is who's the lion
1:00:46 and who's the lioness that's the
1:00:47 question they've got the names they've
1:00:49 got the lion mains
1:00:51 but so basically brothers um
1:00:54 first and foremost uh uh
1:00:57 we went through like about half an hour
1:00:58 presentation on the updates on what
1:01:00 we'll be doing at sapiens because if you
1:01:02 remember in ramadan
1:01:04 we promised a whole list of the liberals
1:01:06 that we're going to achieve and i gave
1:01:07 them an update on that and in actual
1:01:09 fact in many cases we're going to
1:01:10 overachieve insha allah so we said we're
1:01:12 going to do two books but we're actually
1:01:13 doing three and so on and so forth so
1:01:16 the initial presentation is there for
1:01:18 them
1:01:19 three books which ones did you say
1:01:21 uh so the books that we said that we
1:01:23 were going to do was just simply just
1:01:25 put the presentation was the
1:01:26 burhan which is your one uh the third
1:01:29 hypothesis
1:01:31 uh the divine perfection of doctors
1:01:34 and there are other books anyway that
1:01:35 we're doing for example we're
1:01:36 translating the books from uh uj's book
1:01:39 and amari's book we're also doing
1:01:41 uh a book on no doubt on doubts on how
1:01:44 to attend effective strategies on how to
1:01:46 do a thousand dollars
1:01:49 i even mentioned that at the end because
1:01:51 i said we've got extra stuff that we
1:01:53 didn't say we were going to do so we've
1:01:54 got the londoneer the enemy poem and the
1:01:57 commentary that's coming i mentioned
1:01:58 that again as well because i said
1:02:00 there's more so alhamdulillah as you
1:02:02 said in ramadan bro that the output is
1:02:04 going to be terrifying
1:02:06 and going through the presentation was
1:02:08 kind of terrifying yeah so alhamdulillah
1:02:10 we're so far so good we're achieving the
1:02:12 results from the videos from this that
1:02:14 the other but i have mentioned to them
1:02:16 that we're going to have a management
1:02:17 team meeting in december to discuss the
1:02:19 four debates that we have to have just
1:02:21 before ramadan but the thing is you know
1:02:24 hijab is asking all these people to
1:02:25 debate him but a lot of them are just
1:02:27 hiding away like
1:02:29 they're being gutless they're being
1:02:30 cowards so what can you do we'll have to
1:02:32 debate ourselves
1:02:35 maybe there should be a big debate
1:02:36 between me and me and hijab or something
1:02:38 i don't know maybe we should debate it
1:02:41 i don't want to ruin my career before
1:02:43 it's fine
1:02:46 they'll
1:02:50 [Laughter]
1:02:58 so what we and what we've done we went
1:02:59 for that presentation then we got dr
1:03:01 smith to update on his book and his work
1:03:03 uh sheikh mohammed idris
1:03:05 the learning platform and the management
1:03:07 work and operations work and also yusuf
1:03:09 on lighthouse mentoring so now it's
1:03:11 youtube just give us a little bit of
1:03:13 update so we can start with then we'll
1:03:16 go with hijab then after we'll we'll let
1:03:17 sabal take over and we'll do a q a a
1:03:19 sapience q a
1:03:21 uh in terms of sabor
1:03:23 he should be coming uh over
1:03:26 the continent somehow and he's going to
1:03:28 be delivering his course on darwinism
1:03:31 islam and science
1:03:33 and he's actually doing the field
1:03:35 hypothesis as well
1:03:37 and yeah i'm going to let him talk about
1:03:39 that and then hijab could talk about his
1:03:40 londoner the commentary um his uh his
1:03:45 handbook and many other things and after
1:03:47 we will open up to q a so bismillah
1:03:50 yeah
1:03:51 i was actually listening to you guys
1:03:52 earlier so it's very good and quite
1:03:54 daunting update in terms of what we're
1:03:56 planning on doing which is good you aim
1:03:58 for the moon and you hopefully reach
1:04:00 slaugh
1:04:04 right oh no no offense to anybody who
1:04:06 lives in the slough sloughs
1:04:08 you know in case of an armageddon so um
1:04:11 basically
1:04:12 uh when it comes to the failed
1:04:13 hypothesis book uh as you guys know it's
1:04:16 going to include naturalism darwinism
1:04:18 scientism atheism and all these sort of
1:04:21 topics so at the moment um
1:04:24 most of the chapters are done it's about
1:04:27 updating uh some of the chapters in
1:04:29 terms of some new stuff that's been
1:04:30 actually coming out over the last year
1:04:32 um so on my youtube channel you'll see
1:04:34 some interviews with dr paul nelson
1:04:37 uh i also have uh an upcoming
1:04:39 interesting interview next month with
1:04:41 another prominent intelligent design
1:04:43 proponent
1:04:44 and previously i've had
1:04:47 william demski and also
1:04:51 jonathan wells so some of the
1:04:52 contemporary stuff is going to be
1:04:54 incorporated in the failed hypothesis
1:04:55 book as well
1:04:57 um and as you guys know uh this is a
1:04:59 very big topic darwinism and are
1:05:02 basically address
1:05:03 to it so that's on the failed hypothesis
1:05:05 side of things also i'm developing a
1:05:07 course in terms of evolution darwinism
1:05:10 and naturalism which inshallah will be
1:05:13 delivered in turkey recorded in turkey
1:05:16 early next year
1:05:18 londoner is also something which of
1:05:21 obviously everyone's been following i
1:05:22 also have a section coming up in london
1:05:24 here in a couple of weeks time but so
1:05:25 far mashallah has been manning the ship
1:05:28 on his own uh so far
1:05:30 it is looking pretty good how's it been
1:05:32 going so far with londoner actually
1:05:34 hijab can you can you can you tell us
1:05:36 the full details of londonia in terms of
1:05:38 the poem what chef
1:05:40 who authorized it
1:05:42 uh and you know give people really
1:05:44 people haven't uh been going following
1:05:46 yet and they want to follow give that
1:05:48 kind of elmi background and let them
1:05:50 know exactly the history of it and where
1:05:52 we are so far inshallah
1:05:54 so
1:05:55 basically what we wanted was we wanted
1:05:57 to have a poem because in the islamic
1:05:59 tradition especially in
1:06:01 like medailles in
1:06:02 halakha
1:06:09 of knowledge and knowledge circles
1:06:10 across the world
1:06:12 you have a tradition of getting a meton
1:06:15 or some kind of a poem
1:06:17 and then doing a shot or an explanation
1:06:19 of that poem now this is uh
1:06:21 how the islamic sciences were part of
1:06:24 the way in which islamic sciences were
1:06:26 preserved
1:06:27 for example
1:06:29 in
1:06:30 nahu you have a leisure media
1:06:33 you know in grammar you have ajuramir
1:06:34 you have uh qatar nida you have like you
1:06:37 know alfie numeric
1:06:39 these are poems small and large which
1:06:42 aim to preserve
1:06:44 grammar in a way which is accessible to
1:06:46 students
1:06:47 and likewise in tajweed you have like
1:06:51 file you have in
1:06:52 images or jazzaria
1:06:54 you know which people uh memorize
1:06:58 you know and they memorize it
1:07:00 and they also um
1:07:03 kind of explain it
1:07:05 and uh and the same thing with uh other
1:07:07 things like
1:07:08 and uh
1:07:09 all these things so what we wanted
1:07:12 was that we wanted to create something
1:07:15 which
1:07:16 in theory would be
1:07:18 because we are talking about the faith
1:07:19 and creed of muslims but in conjunction
1:07:22 with the modern ideological trends
1:07:25 especially after the renaissance and the
1:07:28 enlightenment period but which also
1:07:30 includes aspects of comparative religion
1:07:32 and it's that will do the same or
1:07:34 proving god's existence
1:07:38 proving the prophet muhammad
1:07:41 as well as
1:07:42 something to keep people away from
1:07:46 or
1:07:46 the extremities of islamic positioning
1:07:50 this is basically
1:07:52 something
1:07:53 for
1:07:54 people to to have
1:07:56 solidity in their islamic faith
1:08:00 and to know how to argue for it
1:08:03 kind of apologetically if you like
1:08:05 to non-muslims and or muslims who are
1:08:08 influenced by those ideologies
1:08:10 so it's uh it covers around
1:08:13 i think over 25
1:08:16 different ideologies
1:08:18 and all religions
1:08:19 including
1:08:21 but not limited to
1:08:22 the major world religions like uh all of
1:08:26 them you know christianity judaism
1:08:28 sikhism hinduism
1:08:30 and it covers also um
1:08:32 all of the major ideologies that have an
1:08:34 impact including the echo tradition
1:08:38 and so basically what we've done is that
1:08:41 we spoke to one sheikh who's very good
1:08:43 at
1:08:45 poetry
1:08:48 and he's one of the senior shafi
1:08:51 scholars whose
1:08:52 has a place
1:08:54 in the norway institute and also known
1:08:56 to some of the greatest scholars in the
1:08:58 world today
1:08:59 he that he we had conversations and
1:09:02 discussions which took some time to be
1:09:04 fair which then he took and crafted into
1:09:07 a poem
1:09:08 which which is
1:09:10 to be honest i'll tell you the truth i
1:09:11 tried to do the poem myself in the
1:09:13 beginning okay
1:09:14 i tried to write up my my own arabic and
1:09:18 stuff and i sent it to him and he said
1:09:20 that is is not in is not in line with
1:09:23 the conventions
1:09:24 so it has to be with one of the bihar
1:09:28 one of the
1:09:29 it has to be like you know the it has to
1:09:31 be one letter that's
1:09:35 it was a bit of a headache and i i was
1:09:37 not skilled enough in arabic poetry to
1:09:39 be able to do it myself so in a sense
1:09:42 we he done it and uh
1:09:45 obviously we had discussions
1:09:48 and so what he's this poem now
1:09:51 has been complete he sent it now to many
1:09:53 different mashed and across the world
1:09:56 and
1:09:57 like
1:10:00 and it's been given
1:10:03 uh it's been given the go ahead by big
1:10:05 mashayikhan across the world
1:10:08 like
1:10:11 who's the head of the rabbit
1:10:12 like many mashaykh in saudi arabia and
1:10:16 like many mashed in egypt and mauritania
1:10:18 and from what we understand actually
1:10:20 it's going to be
1:10:22 hopefully when the shah comes out it's
1:10:24 actually going to be taught in the
1:10:25 deserts of mauritania
1:10:27 so imagine that sapiens is going to
1:10:29 reach the deserts of mauritania
1:10:31 is going to reach the different distant
1:10:33 areas of the muslim world because these
1:10:35 ideas are going to filter down to the
1:10:38 muslim world
1:10:39 and we believe this is as
1:10:41 sapient special knowledge production
1:10:44 which
1:10:45 we are in a very opportune
1:10:48 uh placement to be able to deliver
1:10:51 and so this is it puts east and west
1:10:53 together
1:10:54 and uh it aims
1:10:57 to
1:10:58 um equip muslim people across the world
1:11:01 not just in the west across the whole
1:11:03 wide world
1:11:04 okay
1:11:05 with these arguments
1:11:07 and um
1:11:09 these are arguments which are
1:11:11 you know in line with the major schools
1:11:13 of credo
1:11:15 and they are not uh they're not
1:11:17 controversial in that uh
1:11:19 from that perspective
1:11:21 and uh we aim to
1:11:24 finish the it in arabic as well so this
1:11:27 the as you may know one may not know
1:11:30 the londoner basically is filmed in a
1:11:32 way where it's interactive so okay we we
1:11:35 do
1:11:36 i do like say for example 45 minutes or
1:11:38 an hour and then after that the the the
1:11:40 participants
1:11:42 in the session they will actually have
1:11:44 like another hour and a half of
1:11:45 discussing these things behind the
1:11:47 scenes
1:11:48 so we've got we've got actual
1:11:49 participants that are taking part of the
1:11:51 london area and they are inshallah our
1:11:54 new like them we hope that in two three
1:11:56 years time
1:11:58 they will be sapiens duat they will be
1:12:01 our guys that they you will see them
1:12:02 you'll know who they are
1:12:04 because they're they're getting very
1:12:05 intimate training so as we're producing
1:12:08 people
1:12:09 you know
1:12:10 and at the same time so as we're going
1:12:12 through it
1:12:13 we're also transcribing all of the
1:12:15 or the explanations in both english and
1:12:18 in arabic now once that's been
1:12:20 transcribed is sent to the mashayek
1:12:23 a center
1:12:25 and if they are happy with it then we
1:12:27 probably clean it up and we publish it
1:12:29 and that's going to be one of the books
1:12:30 so a lot of work is being done just with
1:12:33 the londoner
1:12:35 in order to do it in english and arabic
1:12:36 simultaneously in order to get it all
1:12:39 checked out in order to get the approval
1:12:41 of the alamat in order for it to
1:12:44 to reach
1:12:46 those areas that we've talked about
1:12:47 across the world
1:12:48 in order for uh
1:12:51 people to understand the arguments
1:12:53 like there's so many things that we
1:12:55 found like
1:12:56 i was
1:12:57 the most recent video that i put up was
1:12:58 deontological ethics
1:13:00 very difficult to translate this into
1:13:02 arabic i couldn't even find translation
1:13:04 there was no trans actually there was no
1:13:05 translation of the ontological ethics
1:13:07 into
1:13:07 arabic dynamo so we have
1:13:10 what i think is interesting about this
1:13:12 is it does actually constitute a type of
1:13:14 knowledge
1:13:15 new knowledge production
1:13:17 and we are
1:13:19 hopefully
1:13:20 the objective is to pioneer that
1:13:22 and in the next five ten years
1:13:25 the the anime and the mashaya and the
1:13:27 talib
1:13:28 that are in the muslim world
1:13:30 studying in these areas in india
1:13:33 mauritania and egypt and whatever it may
1:13:35 be
1:13:36 they will have that in part their manage
1:13:38 so they'll be studying
1:13:40 whatever but they also study this
1:13:44 at the end comparative religion
1:13:46 or this ideology or you know different
1:13:49 ideologies that will be
1:13:52 hopefully we aim to put as part of
1:13:54 syllabus because it's as a kind of
1:13:58 and the prophet muhammed told us
1:14:06 he said your head with the mushriks
1:14:08 with yourself with your wealth and with
1:14:10 your tongues
1:14:12 and we aim to make this as the third
1:14:14 category so that's non-dune in terms of
1:14:16 my other updates
1:14:17 as many of you know um
1:14:19 i've done that that book which
1:14:21 constituted my dissertation
1:14:23 with the han book which is going to come
1:14:25 out soon inshallah there's also another
1:14:28 thing which i've written but needs to be
1:14:31 revamped and checked and
1:14:32 which is about the bible quran science
1:14:35 basically
1:14:36 and how the quranic approach to
1:14:41 the naturalistic phenomena
1:14:43 and the the biblical approach so that's
1:14:45 something that i've been working on for
1:14:46 some time
1:14:47 and it has been difficult because i've
1:14:49 had to get a lot of help from professors
1:14:51 and specialists in the bible
1:14:54 in order to um publish it
1:14:57 and um
1:14:58 so these are these are the publications
1:15:00 that are coming out as you know that one
1:15:02 has just come out
1:15:03 on the free will question
1:15:05 um
1:15:07 and apart from that we're starting to
1:15:09 now do lectures abroad travel go here go
1:15:12 there you're going to see a lot more of
1:15:13 that
1:15:14 as well inshallah
1:15:17 inshallah it's a pioneering project and
1:15:20 i think it's going to be something that
1:15:22 really puts sapience on the map not only
1:15:23 locally but around the world as well and
1:15:26 really looking forward to uh
1:15:28 you know
1:15:30 seeing the end product of of the poem
1:15:32 and the explanation and even trying to
1:15:34 get involved and reviewing it and
1:15:36 everyone came coming together to ensure
1:15:37 that it's fit for purpose and reference
1:15:39 and so on and so forth but from what i'm
1:15:41 seeing i'm seeing londoner everywhere i
1:15:43 saw a comment today i saw a comment now
1:15:46 many comments now some allah subhanahu
1:15:48 wa bless you bro it's an amazing project
1:15:50 right the
1:15:54 it's because
1:15:56 we're based in london
1:15:57 [Laughter]
1:16:00 and these are the kinds of questions
1:16:02 that we have like the london muslim
1:16:04 person would have and it follows the
1:16:06 tradition a lot of um
1:16:08 scholars like for example even tamiya
1:16:10 would have like a ted mouriah or he
1:16:12 would have a hama
1:16:14 or he'd have it in
1:16:16 all of these are named after towns and
1:16:17 places where he went yeah
1:16:21 you know um
1:16:22 [Music]
1:16:23 all of these are different places in it
1:16:25 so why not just follow that tradition
1:16:27 called this
1:16:28 the londoner
1:16:32 so brothers and sisters what we've done
1:16:34 so far in the past just over an hour we
1:16:37 went through a presentation on the
1:16:38 sapience updates and went through some
1:16:41 of uh uh we went through our vision our
1:16:43 strategy we went through the why and the
1:16:46 need for sapience and our strategic
1:16:48 focus we also went through all the
1:16:50 promises that we made to in ramadan
1:16:52 what we want to achieve this operational
1:16:54 year which is from may 2021
1:16:57 to april 2022 and i gave you a progress
1:17:00 on that and alhamdulillah we're going to
1:17:02 be aiming to achieve everything insha
1:17:04 allah and more alhamdulillah
1:17:08 it's it's going to be a tough next five
1:17:10 to six months but inshallah i think we
1:17:12 can make it and the progress so far has
1:17:13 been very positive alhamdulillah
1:17:16 and we had updates from everybody who
1:17:18 had updates from dr small latif
1:17:19 concerning his book and his work uh
1:17:21 bilal tonya
1:17:22 we had chef mohammadi dressy yusuf
1:17:25 ponders with lighthouse mentoring he's
1:17:27 the lighthouse mentoring manager and his
1:17:29 essays and his courses that is going to
1:17:30 be delivered the courses that he's going
1:17:32 to deliver but an update from uh suburbs
1:17:35 to get back to me on a specific date
1:17:38 for january inshallah so please hurry
1:17:42 for you to come in and get that filming
1:17:44 done and uh hijab just basically gave
1:17:46 his
1:17:47 update concerning um londonia and other
1:17:50 work alhamdulillah
1:17:53 so what we're gonna do now which is like
1:17:54 the kind of final part of the day which
1:17:57 maybe even the longest part of the of
1:17:59 the life to be honest is actually take
1:18:01 some questions and answers
1:18:03 um myself i'm gonna be probably leaving
1:18:05 in the next 15 minutes or so because
1:18:07 it's almost two in the morning for me
1:18:09 and bilal as well it's going to be two
1:18:11 in the morning for him but i know he's a
1:18:12 bit of a nocturnal and nocturnal animal
1:18:15 as they say he's he he likes the night
1:18:18 uh but you know we'll have to give our
1:18:20 permission to leave soon
1:18:22 um but yeah so uh i let uh yusuf and
1:18:25 sabal take over with regards to managing
1:18:27 the questions
1:18:29 and let's hear from the people they
1:18:30 could ask questions on anything
1:18:32 concerning theological philosophy
1:18:34 concerning sapience concerning the
1:18:35 management concerning our compliance
1:18:37 concerning anything they want so
1:18:39 bismillah
1:18:45 yeah we've got a good first question
1:18:46 here um
1:18:48 so we've got someone who wants to be a
1:18:49 muslim
1:18:50 um by the sounds of it maybe they
1:18:53 are interested in it they come from a
1:18:54 non-muslim background if you could
1:18:56 make that clear as well that might be
1:18:57 interesting to hear about but um they're
1:18:58 saying they have doubts about god
1:19:00 uh god's existence because of evolution
1:19:04 uh so what to do with that uh brother
1:19:07 you're
1:19:08 obviously a go-to guy for this that's i
1:19:10 don't know if you want to begin with
1:19:11 that one yeah maybe
1:19:13 what i'd recommend them to do firstly
1:19:15 thank you for uh messaging us in terms
1:19:18 of this uh question
1:19:20 the first thing to realize is don't
1:19:21 listen to the popular noise the sort of
1:19:24 narrative that you get out there that
1:19:25 evolution is some sort of kryptonite
1:19:27 against theology is the kryptonite
1:19:29 against the design argument
1:19:31 this is really primitive stuff
1:19:33 um when we look at what academics are
1:19:35 actually saying and i'm not here talking
1:19:37 about academics who are christian or
1:19:39 inclined towards theology
1:19:41 i'm talking about even atheist academics
1:19:44 uh evolution does not undermine god's
1:19:46 existence i actually had a very
1:19:48 interesting discussion at the university
1:19:50 of birmingham with professor jeremy
1:19:52 pritchard in which we went over this in
1:19:55 some detail and this is something that
1:19:57 we both agreed about that evolution does
1:19:59 not undermine god's existence and that
1:20:01 is obviously for
1:20:03 not just the reason of the philosophy of
1:20:04 science but even if someone did not
1:20:06 refer to the philosophy of science but
1:20:08 actually just accepted science to
1:20:11 be the
1:20:12 you know something that leads to truth
1:20:14 it would still not undermine god's
1:20:16 existence and there's various uh reasons
1:20:18 for that that you'll find in this online
1:20:20 discussion uh just recently um i was
1:20:23 reading the book by
1:20:25 alistair mcgrath on darwinism and the
1:20:27 divine
1:20:31 okay be rated
1:20:32 um i don't i don't know what what that
1:20:35 was um
1:20:37 so uh darwinism and the divine um so
1:20:39 alistair mcgrath he basically wrote this
1:20:41 book and uh the book covers
1:20:45 the new atheist narrative
1:20:47 against god using evolution and he goes
1:20:51 on to show why that narrative is
1:20:53 actually nonsense you have people like
1:20:54 professor michael roos who actually is
1:20:58 himself a darwinist and an atheist
1:21:00 yet he actually agrees that darwin
1:21:03 darwinism does not undermine god's
1:21:05 existence that darwinism has nothing
1:21:08 essentially uh against um you know god
1:21:11 from that perspective now there's some
1:21:13 nuances um uh in terms of the creation
1:21:16 of uh adam peace be upon him and also to
1:21:19 do with a certain uh you know um how
1:21:22 much can be accepted within our theology
1:21:23 but those are irrelevant to god's
1:21:25 existence i think that that's the main
1:21:26 thing but if you could um get their
1:21:29 email address and they could put in the
1:21:30 private chat i can send them some
1:21:32 resources as well inshallah
1:21:34 yeah yeah so if you like you could just
1:21:36 send us an email um
1:21:38 to lighthouse
1:21:42 and i can forward that to brother civil
1:21:44 um also if you want to have like a
1:21:45 one-to-one conversation i recommend
1:21:48 going and using the lighthouse service
1:21:49 so you could go to the website safely
1:21:52 and then at the top there's a section
1:21:54 for request i think and there's
1:21:56 mentoring and then you just book a
1:21:58 session through the mentoring you can
1:21:59 have a one-to-one with one of us
1:22:01 um alternatively just go to
1:22:02 forward slash lighthouse
1:22:05 and then go through the process of
1:22:06 filling that in
1:22:07 and you can have a proper chat with us
1:22:08 but um i generally
1:22:11 have um like a nice easy way of dealing
1:22:13 with this as well i just say that
1:22:15 um so there's a number of things you've
1:22:17 got to understand first of all
1:22:19 oh yeah marshall is a good book
1:22:22 yeah so this is the book and i highly
1:22:24 recommend it i mean you won't even have
1:22:27 to go maybe 10 through the book before
1:22:29 you realize that their narrative
1:22:30 completely falls apart you know this
1:22:32 whole dichotomy of god versus evolution
1:22:34 right sorry
1:22:36 yeah so i was just going to say it's
1:22:37 like there's a bit of nuance that's
1:22:38 often missed out it's like for example
1:22:40 we believe we all came from adam
1:22:41 alaisalam
1:22:42 and obviously there's some very
1:22:44 obvious um distinctions between people
1:22:46 from you know people from africa to
1:22:49 scandinavia to you know the eastern
1:22:52 europe to south america and if we all
1:22:55 come from adam and we all look as
1:22:57 different as we do there must have been
1:22:58 some type of evolution that occurred
1:23:01 what we do not say is that adam
1:23:03 alaysalam was some sort of lesser human
1:23:05 or an animal or anything like that he
1:23:07 was um made fully formed
1:23:10 and when you look at the world in its
1:23:12 complexity and if if you can at least
1:23:15 concede to the fact that there is a god
1:23:17 for example and god could create
1:23:19 everything that you see around you then
1:23:21 is it that far-fetched to say that he
1:23:23 could also create a miraculous being
1:23:25 like adam alaihissalam um and that
1:23:28 obviously we would then confront him and
1:23:30 he could place him wherever he wanted in
1:23:31 that timeline that has nothing to say
1:23:33 about whatever occurs with anything else
1:23:35 um in on earth and how they develop and
1:23:39 x y and z because uh i think the quran
1:23:42 and the sun is is pretty silent on
1:23:44 everything other than the creation of
1:23:46 adam alaysalam um maybe with the
1:23:48 exception of a few other things but yes
1:23:50 it's it's not an issue if god does exist
1:23:52 and god is powerful enough and wise
1:23:54 enough and knowledgeable enough to be
1:23:55 able to create everything
1:23:57 then what's so farfetched about him also
1:23:59 creating adam alaysalam separately
1:24:01 uniquely um and so it's not an issue at
1:24:04 all um and i think it's something that
1:24:06 you could
1:24:07 really simply just put to one side um
1:24:10 without having to worry about it but
1:24:11 yeah so do get in touch with us if you
1:24:13 want to have like a further conversation
1:24:15 privately
1:24:16 you know what's very interesting is i
1:24:18 had a a seminar which was live on
1:24:21 sapience about a few hours ago
1:24:24 and it was with dr
1:24:25 chowdhury he's developed an argument
1:24:27 from called the argument from prior
1:24:29 cognitive input and he's based on the
1:24:32 quran
1:24:33 uh i think muhammad hijab would like
1:24:35 this actually it's based on the quran
1:24:38 al-baqarah verse 30 verses 30 to 33 when
1:24:42 allah says that you know he taught the
1:24:44 names of things to adam alaihissalam
1:24:46 and dr suffolk childhood
1:24:49 developed an argument called the
1:24:50 argument from prior cognitive input
1:24:52 because in order for human thought to
1:24:54 have thinking to have
1:24:57 uh thought to happen which is the
1:24:58 ability to make judgments on things you
1:25:00 need four necessary conditions one of
1:25:02 them is an external reality a a
1:25:05 senses that function a distinguishing
1:25:08 mind and you need prior cognitive input
1:25:10 and he makes a very powerful argument
1:25:12 concerning prior cognitive import he
1:25:14 says the possible explanations uh
1:25:17 naturalistic explanations fail such as
1:25:19 did it did that input come from a human
1:25:22 he talks about the infinite regress it
1:25:23 must be outside of that regress he talks
1:25:25 about
1:25:26 a non-human animal he talks about
1:25:28 inanimate object he talks about natural
1:25:29 selection and so on and talks about
1:25:31 chance and he concludes it must come
1:25:33 from a being that has a will that is
1:25:35 transcendent that is knowing omniscient
1:25:37 and so on and so forth
1:25:39 what we did i read his paper and i put
1:25:41 into a presentation former and i got him
1:25:43 to assess what i said and add more to it
1:25:45 and it was a phenomenal phenomenal um
1:25:48 exercise this is not directly related to
1:25:50 the question but the reason i'm
1:25:51 mentioning is because it's a new
1:25:52 powerful quranic based argument that's
1:25:55 quite robust
1:25:56 um and if people are interested uh the
1:25:59 usually when live streams go out there
1:26:02 they're ready on youtube in a couple of
1:26:03 hours so check on our on our youtube
1:26:06 page in the next couple of hours check
1:26:08 it tomorrow and you see me and dr
1:26:10 sufford chowdhury discussing this
1:26:12 argument and it's a very very powerful
1:26:14 argument and there's more that can be
1:26:16 expanded with it as well
1:26:17 um the reason i mentioned this because
1:26:19 you met you mentioned adam alaihissalam
1:26:21 and we mentioned
1:26:22 evolution and what's very interesting
1:26:24 one of the gaps of natural selection and
1:26:26 evolution according to this argument is
1:26:28 the kind of uh the original explanation
1:26:32 darwinian or naturalistic or
1:26:34 explanation that explains the the
1:26:37 necessity for the prior cognitive input
1:26:41 that is necessary for human beings to
1:26:43 have uh thinking in other words to be
1:26:46 able to form judgments about reality
1:26:48 it's quite powerful based on the quran
1:26:51 um and that paper should be coming out
1:26:53 very
1:26:54 relatively soon i think next year at
1:26:56 some point but anyway i thought i'd
1:26:57 mention that so check that seminar out i
1:26:59 think you really like it and that's
1:27:00 that's what we're going to do with
1:27:01 sapience
1:27:02 people who have got new great arguments
1:27:04 we bring them on our channel
1:27:06 you know i spent the morning going
1:27:08 through the paper put on a presentation
1:27:10 he came onto the seminar we discussed it
1:27:12 there were some questions
1:27:14 um and
1:27:16 and yeah so i think you'll enjoy that so
1:27:17 i just thought i wanted to just push
1:27:18 that because uh i think that's a worthy
1:27:20 seminar alhamdulillah which was just um
1:27:23 like it was live just a few hours ago
1:27:25 but yeah
1:27:27 this is a very good question from emma
1:27:29 that you produ you guys produce a lot of
1:27:31 content for a newbie where do you begin
1:27:33 uh who wants to take a crack at that
1:27:37 yeah so basically from a learning
1:27:38 platform perspective
1:27:40 uh we're going to be launching the
1:27:41 learning platform in december and
1:27:42 there's going to be three main courses
1:27:43 on that course number one is uh no doubt
1:27:46 ten effective strategies on how to do
1:27:48 with your doubts and the doubts of
1:27:49 others number two and destroying any
1:27:51 order but number two is awakening the
1:27:53 truth within the advanced our training
1:27:55 course and number three is the rules of
1:27:57 engagement you know the kind of ethics
1:27:59 and the in the the way to do munadara
1:28:03 according to the quran and the sunnah
1:28:05 logical fallacies critical thinking and
1:28:07 that was done by dr suffolk chaudhary so
1:28:09 what i would advise you to do is
1:28:12 from a dour perspective go to awakening
1:28:14 the truth within because it does build
1:28:16 you it talks about the need for thou the
1:28:17 necessity for the fick of dawah the
1:28:20 ethics of dao the characteristics of the
1:28:22 art
1:28:23 it goes for the metaphysical backdrop
1:28:25 concerning the fitra how to awaken the
1:28:27 fitrah rational arguments critical
1:28:29 thinking experience wildlife worthy of
1:28:32 worship different ways to uncloud the
1:28:34 fitra to direct the fitra so to allow
1:28:37 the fetal to direct itself towards the
1:28:39 truth
1:28:40 so that would be a good stop from a
1:28:41 dollar perspective however though there
1:28:44 is something that we're going to be
1:28:45 putting in place which is something that
1:28:46 even mohamed hijab mentioned last year i
1:28:48 believe
1:28:49 and he was even working on which was
1:28:51 what are the essential elements that you
1:28:53 required order for you to start getting
1:28:55 involved in this type of work and this
1:28:57 is not only based
1:28:59 from experience but also based on the
1:29:00 need to actually be adequately uh in
1:29:04 tune with islamic tradition so some
1:29:06 things include like you know a good
1:29:08 understanding of the basic of the five
1:29:10 pillars of islam the six pillars of iman
1:29:14 basic
1:29:15 and so on and so forth
1:29:17 we're going to have
1:29:18 hopefully in december further management
1:29:20 meeting discussions on
1:29:22 how we're going to be developing that if
1:29:23 we may outsource it or not or the need
1:29:25 to outsource it and what kind of things
1:29:27 we're going to be teaching them because
1:29:28 we appreciate there's a broad school of
1:29:31 you know the madahip and even credo
1:29:33 positions and so on and so forth so
1:29:35 there'll be some things that will have
1:29:36 to basically uh be sensitive and aware
1:29:39 of um but notwithstanding that's going
1:29:41 to be something that we're important
1:29:43 that we're going to be putting in place
1:29:44 hopefully insha'allah but specifically
1:29:47 for
1:29:47 duat and
1:29:49 there is a course that i've
1:29:51 asked the doctor suffolk charge to start
1:29:52 working on and also to lea i forgot i
1:29:55 think
1:29:56 previously i told him to liaison
1:29:58 if i didn't do yeah i actually should
1:30:00 remind him um is a course for the loom
1:30:03 graduates and also the graduates from
1:30:05 al-assad university and from medina and
1:30:08 elsewhere on how to it's very similar to
1:30:11 londoner but a little bit different
1:30:14 it's it's not like it's not like an
1:30:15 enemy poem and going for a commentary
1:30:18 it's literally a face-to-face course
1:30:20 that's based on notes and multiple
1:30:21 choice questions and examinations
1:30:23 on how do they basically take all of
1:30:25 that in knowledge that they have that
1:30:27 they already have
1:30:28 and apply in a contemporary sense based
1:30:30 on the theophilosophical context
1:30:33 and that's something that he's working
1:30:34 on he's going to be we're going to be
1:30:35 doing sure obviously and sharing with
1:30:37 the rest of the brothers as well
1:30:39 and that's going to be something because
1:30:40 a lot of
1:30:42 there is a sense that a lot of the
1:30:44 students of knowledge and the meshiach
1:30:46 they're like what do i do now i've spent
1:30:48 seven years in the ulum i've spent 10
1:30:50 years studying
1:30:52 you know how can i use this
1:30:54 this this book on arcader that i read or
1:30:56 this specialization that i have that's
1:30:58 based on maybe medieval or cake language
1:31:01 or
1:31:02 conceptualization how do i apply it in
1:31:04 the real world so it's more of the
1:31:07 bridging the gap
1:31:08 um and that's going to be something very
1:31:10 powerful and something that is much
1:31:11 needed because we have for example we
1:31:13 had our lung graduate you know speak to
1:31:16 us he was getting involved in rsc he
1:31:18 wanted to know how to address some of
1:31:19 these issues
1:31:21 and the way we try to empower them in
1:31:22 the lighthouse mentoring is we get them
1:31:24 to realize that they already have the
1:31:25 answers
1:31:26 it's not about us giving answers because
1:31:28 who are we it's about creating that in
1:31:30 the the environment of empowerment so
1:31:32 say look you have the answer but this is
1:31:34 how you could tweak a few things this
1:31:36 how you can understand a particular
1:31:37 context to apply it in the most
1:31:43 we we're going to appropriate something
1:31:44 as well but instead of being a newbie as
1:31:46 you're saying imag absolutely one thing
1:31:49 i would say is go when the platform
1:31:51 comes out in december go to the
1:31:53 awakening of the truth within but
1:31:54 there's also going to be something
1:31:55 coming out in sha allah if not we're not
1:31:58 if
1:31:59 if not doing it ourselves will direct
1:32:01 you to appropriate resources but i think
1:32:03 we should be we should do some of it
1:32:05 ourselves for sure and that's a
1:32:06 discussion we're gonna uh iron out
1:32:09 hopefully in december and take things
1:32:11 forward in charlotte
1:32:12 for her
1:32:19 neurons
1:32:24 in islamic
1:32:27 books there used to be something or
1:32:28 there was something called
1:32:31 which basically is the idea of an
1:32:33 intersex
1:32:36 person
1:32:38 so yeah it's not something we need to
1:32:40 argue against this acknowledged michelle
1:32:41 yeah
1:32:54 else you want to add to that hijab
1:32:58 is that the whole question right yeah so
1:33:00 the first part of the question was is
1:33:02 there something called intersex
1:33:04 so we said yes
1:33:06 it's called the
1:33:07 mushkil there's different kinds of
1:33:09 and uh
1:33:10 in books they call it
1:33:13 so it's like intersex that has
1:33:16 and there's all kinds of classifications
1:33:18 you know of of this uh honsa
1:33:22 and uh what is the argument against it
1:33:26 we don't need to argue against it why it
1:33:28 exists is there such a thing as
1:33:31 so
1:33:32 we don't disagree that human beings can
1:33:34 be born like that
1:33:38 bro you know i actually had a
1:33:39 conversation with my dad about this
1:33:41 and my dad was shocked
1:33:43 he was like it i think it changed his
1:33:45 paradigm on islam he was like what he
1:33:48 was like
1:33:49 this is so he said something like this
1:33:51 is great this is freedom
1:33:55 he said something like that so yeah i
1:33:57 was having a discussion because i was
1:33:58 trying to show to him that you know
1:34:00 we're talking about hierarchy we're
1:34:01 talking about all these modern issues um
1:34:04 as you do with greek parents right and
1:34:06 my sister was there and then this whole
1:34:08 thing on uh this category of
1:34:11 of of sexuality if you like or
1:34:14 disposition him up and i said yeah we
1:34:16 have a whole jurisprudence on this and
1:34:17 he's like whoa really it really was like
1:34:20 whoa it really like you know
1:34:22 so it's something very powerful to even
1:34:24 talk about you know the the the breadth
1:34:27 and depth of
1:34:28 the the thick
1:34:30 yeah but uh to be honest a lot of this
1:34:33 needs to be up like the first books need
1:34:35 to be updated on these issues it's one
1:34:37 of the things that
1:34:38 because the stuff that they define as a
1:34:40 hunter mushkil and and uh
1:34:43 like um
1:34:46 some some classifications that foca have
1:34:48 written down
1:34:49 some of them are very problematic
1:34:51 because they don't fall into the
1:34:53 the paradigm that modern day intersex
1:34:55 people would identify with
1:34:57 yeah and so
1:34:58 fatwas that come about as a result of it
1:35:01 uh are therefore not applicable to
1:35:03 intersex people
1:35:04 so
1:35:05 we need people to understand this
1:35:06 properly
1:35:07 like mushdahids to actually because this
1:35:10 is in a sense these are nawazil because
1:35:13 all
1:35:14 new matters that now we know more about
1:35:16 intersex people because of the
1:35:17 proliferation
1:35:18 or the um the increase in population
1:35:20 sizes and there's been way more intersex
1:35:23 people than ever else in
1:35:24 human history
1:35:25 so now that there needs to be a fukuha
1:35:29 actually need to go back and and
1:35:30 reassess some of the tower because some
1:35:32 of them are not applicable
1:35:34 that's a good point because classical
1:35:35 books
1:35:37 when when the reality changes it's not
1:35:39 necessary that you're changing quran
1:35:40 sunnah but you're basically reapplying
1:35:42 the quran on an unprecedented phenomenon
1:35:45 or an updated phenomenon
1:35:47 but in terms of the point i was trying
1:35:48 to make was from the from the 50 the
1:35:51 usury principle perspective when you
1:35:53 show the depth and that applicability of
1:35:56 islam just like what you just said which
1:35:57 is very powerful
1:35:58 that when situations change
1:36:01 uh the
1:36:03 dynamism of islamic law is so profound
1:36:06 and it's like well it can address things
1:36:08 like bitcoin it could address the man on
1:36:11 the moon it can address uh you know all
1:36:13 of these unprecedented future phenomena
1:36:16 uh because it has the ability to do that
1:36:18 has that kind of
1:36:19 flexibility if you like and if and it
1:36:21 has that legal framework that you can
1:36:23 actually answer questions today
1:36:25 yesterday and tomorrow
1:36:28 um and that sometimes could be very
1:36:29 powerful because i remember one person
1:36:31 he became muslim because of islamic
1:36:32 economics you know islamic macroeconomic
1:36:35 theory is phenomenal and he was like how
1:36:36 can a desert arab come up with this he
1:36:38 was shocked and he became muslim he
1:36:40 became muslim because of uh
1:36:42 islamic economics
1:36:46 all right so any other questions joseph
1:36:49 uh yeah there's loads
1:36:53 anyone anyway so yeah we are doing a
1:36:55 course on christiology with jake
1:36:58 um we've done some i've done a course
1:37:00 already and there's some material on the
1:37:02 website that i've produced and inshallah
1:37:04 there's going to be more as well uh so
1:37:05 the answer to that question is yes
1:37:07 um
1:37:08 and then there is another one
1:37:11 uh earlier today there was a live about
1:37:13 irrationality of atheism on safety
1:37:15 inshallah
1:37:16 so i'm guessing it you did that on
1:37:18 stream yeah didn't you
1:37:19 yes it's going to be yeah so yeah for
1:37:22 some reason streamia uh has a bit of a
1:37:24 lag sometimes and although the
1:37:26 livestream's already gone it doesn't
1:37:27 show up on the
1:37:29 videos section of the youtube channel
1:37:31 for maybe a day or so sometimes
1:37:33 uh so if you're just patient inshallah
1:37:35 it should uh
1:37:36 pop up
1:37:37 uh why not add an arabic tab on the
1:37:39 website since you're already translating
1:37:41 in arabic
1:37:43 but the hamza is probably directly um we
1:37:45 haven't actually started the arabic
1:37:47 translations yet but we've done we're
1:37:49 doing the arabic translation of the
1:37:50 awaking the truth within course the
1:37:52 advanced our training course
1:37:54 so sheikh abdullah mccarthy is actually
1:37:57 going to translate that course and
1:37:58 deliver that course and he's going to be
1:37:59 doing some snap thoughts videos in
1:38:01 arabic too
1:38:02 but in terms of direct translations we
1:38:04 haven't started that yet at the moment
1:38:06 we have spanish and turkish
1:38:08 bilal is also by the way our turkish
1:38:10 translator alhamdulillah
1:38:13 and we will be having arabic in the
1:38:15 future too
1:38:16 but that's going to grow probably next
1:38:18 year after ramadan because a lot of
1:38:19 these things you just have to realize it
1:38:21 requires time and when people give their
1:38:23 time
1:38:24 you need to fund that time so for
1:38:26 example with the translators that are
1:38:28 translating from the arabic to the
1:38:29 english you know that requires six
1:38:32 months of work to translate a book
1:38:33 that's nearly 200 000 words
1:38:36 uh and you have to check the references
1:38:38 and make sure it's accurate and you have
1:38:39 to have the background knowledge so this
1:38:41 is a lot of work so a lot of this would
1:38:42 actually require funding
1:38:44 um and especially if you wanted to get
1:38:46 it done properly and for it to be
1:38:48 checked and triple checked and ensured
1:38:49 that it's robust
1:38:51 so
1:38:51 the trans the translations of essays and
1:38:54 writings will come in the future
1:38:58 arabic content we have the arabic
1:39:01 sapience institute youtube channel and
1:39:03 we're going to have the arabic course on
1:39:06 the learning platform as well inshallah
1:39:10 what sources do you guys suggest when it
1:39:11 comes to learning arabic fosha
1:39:13 as nominally can be in a tv program a
1:39:16 good one
1:39:19 anyway i'm not aware of i'm aware of
1:39:21 normally khan's banana tv program i know
1:39:24 one brother or maybe a few brothers
1:39:26 or muslims that attended that even from
1:39:28 the uk
1:39:30 from what i've understood
1:39:32 they
1:39:33 uh
1:39:34 they had a very beneficial and positive
1:39:36 experience i haven't experienced it
1:39:38 myself
1:39:39 um so i wouldn't be able to
1:39:41 you know make with make much much of a
1:39:44 judgment
1:39:45 um
1:39:46 but in terms of learning arabic first
1:39:48 half which is classical arabic quranic
1:39:50 arabic there are a lot of online
1:39:52 programs available now alba do alva lag
1:39:55 academy do a good program
1:39:57 um
1:39:58 and you have various other programs that
1:40:00 you could engage with so you know
1:40:02 usually it depends on what their style
1:40:03 is some people focus a lot on grammar
1:40:05 first other people focus on vocabulary
1:40:08 the reason i'm mentioning this a lot is
1:40:09 because muhammad hijab sent me a voice
1:40:11 not telling me off
1:40:12 telling me that i have to step up my
1:40:14 game and stuff and and move forward with
1:40:17 arabic
1:40:18 so this is the reason i i'm i'm giving
1:40:21 myself the authority to talk about this
1:40:23 at the moment because hijab kicked me
1:40:24 right up the backside
1:40:26 alhamdulillah and that's one of the good
1:40:28 things with the brothers you know we
1:40:29 have that type of relationship we care
1:40:31 about the dawah uh and we have the
1:40:33 relationship where we're committed to
1:40:35 each other's well-being
1:40:36 um
1:40:37 and and that's very important and that's
1:40:39 and that's why i say to people
1:40:41 culture is far more important than
1:40:43 strategy sometimes you have the right
1:40:44 culture and a team
1:40:45 then you know
1:40:47 you know you're gonna achieve things so
1:40:49 and the culture is very important
1:40:51 so and the reason he said that because
1:40:52 of my further studies now that i'm
1:40:55 engaging in uh postgraduate work
1:40:57 concerning the quran and science and
1:40:59 he's like what's going on mate you need
1:41:00 to step up your game
1:41:02 it's alhamdulillah so that's why anyway
1:41:03 notwithstanding we have our beloved
1:41:05 brother fahetaslim i think he's on a
1:41:07 break he's actually delivering
1:41:09 the no doubt course in sacramento i
1:41:12 believe correct looking
1:41:13 masha allah so talk to us what you've
1:41:16 been doing you've been going all around
1:41:17 america bro you've been like flying
1:41:18 around buzzing around we need to get
1:41:20 your private jet bro
1:41:23 all right so so the breaks actually come
1:41:25 to an end people are already coming in
1:41:27 so just real quick um just wanted to
1:41:29 give my salam salaam alaikum
1:41:33 everyone that's part of the project
1:41:35 everyone who's watching uh we are in the
1:41:37 middle of a course like i said
1:41:38 everyone's coming back from master salah
1:41:40 um it's been a phenomenal course the
1:41:42 trip here has been phenomenal as well um
1:41:44 i think you know just from the
1:41:47 i don't know if you can see the people
1:41:48 kind of trickling back in
1:41:51 um but i think we had about a hundred
1:41:52 registrants for this particular uh no
1:41:54 doubt session and it's been like that uh
1:41:57 we went to delaware we did two sessions
1:41:59 in houston we have another one coming up
1:42:00 in chicago
1:42:02 one in maryland one in tennessee
1:42:04 and so it's going all over and i think
1:42:06 it's benefiting a lot of people in
1:42:08 charlotte so this is the um
1:42:10 some of the uh the fruits of
1:42:13 what people have been contributing
1:42:14 towards and some of the work that we've
1:42:16 been putting in in charlotte so i just
1:42:17 wanted to chime in i've actually got to
1:42:19 go now inshaallah but may i love you
1:42:22 success bro
1:42:23 i mean
1:42:25 welcome
1:42:26 yes
1:42:28 has been basically going up and down
1:42:29 america delivering the no doubt course
1:42:31 10 effective strategies on how to do
1:42:32 with your doubts and the doubts of
1:42:33 others
1:42:34 and as uh you know i mentioned this
1:42:36 earlier you should know that we have a
1:42:39 501c it's a registered charity in
1:42:41 america it's as we have sapience uh in
1:42:45 america now alhamdulillah
1:42:47 has been going up and down the country
1:42:49 and he's been liaising and doing a lot
1:42:51 of stakeholder relationship management
1:42:52 we don't want to reinvent the will if
1:42:54 you
1:42:55 remember what i said in the beginning of
1:42:56 today's presentation when i presented
1:42:58 the the the slides i spoke about health
1:43:01 check analysis if something is healthy
1:43:03 make dua for it support it directly
1:43:05 indirectly if it needs replication
1:43:06 replica if it doesn't then support it
1:43:09 indirectly and directly
1:43:11 also if something is unhealthy then make
1:43:13 it healthy use the correct means
1:43:14 possible to make the dou healthy and if
1:43:16 there is gaps in the dial then fill the
1:43:18 gap and that's why sapiens institute
1:43:20 wants to fill the gap with a specific
1:43:22 strategic focus which is basically to
1:43:24 educate and empower
1:43:26 um others on how to share and defend
1:43:29 some academic intellectually there isn't
1:43:30 an intense focus on this issue at the
1:43:32 moment and so we want to lead in that
1:43:34 and that's what we're doing the learning
1:43:35 platform the londoner the courses and we
1:43:38 also want to show how it's done as well
1:43:40 by us ourselves as duart as you know
1:43:43 academics as an institute to show how to
1:43:46 academically intellectually share islam
1:43:48 at the same time that's our strategic
1:43:50 focus and that is a gap that we want to
1:43:52 fill in the kind of english speaking and
1:43:54 other languages as well uh dower so
1:43:57 far has been working very hard and he's
1:43:59 actually writing the first half of the
1:44:00 book on doubts which is going to be
1:44:03 right in written format you know 10
1:44:05 effective strategies on how to deal with
1:44:07 your doubts and the doubts of others
1:44:09 alhamdulillah so may allah bless him
1:44:13 so any other questions guys
1:44:19 sorry mike muted uh there's some people
1:44:21 waiting in the back i could start
1:44:22 bringing them up if you like there was a
1:44:24 quick question about the bosnian book
1:44:26 it's been translated eighty percent
1:44:27 someone's translated it brother may
1:44:29 allah bless you and reward you immensely
1:44:30 for all of it but let me tell you this
1:44:32 story right sometimes because of what's
1:44:34 up in communication and miscommunication
1:44:37 i gave the authority for two different
1:44:39 uh brothers to translate in the bosnian
1:44:41 language
1:44:42 and i didn't i didn't realize and then
1:44:45 they both finished
1:44:46 and then it was it was a bit of a as you
1:44:49 could tell though it wasn't the easiest
1:44:50 way of trying to solve that problem now
1:44:53 it's already been done so
1:44:55 uh i'm assuming they're publishing it
1:44:57 very soon and one of them is from
1:45:00 montenegro i believe but they have the
1:45:01 same language and the other brothers are
1:45:03 based in bosnia i believe as well so
1:45:05 they have already translated the book my
1:45:07 beloved brother so if you've already
1:45:09 done 80 of it may allah bless you my
1:45:11 suggestion is this
1:45:13 is to complete the translation since you
1:45:15 only have 20 left
1:45:17 and share it with the brothers that have
1:45:18 translated the book already because they
1:45:20 would learn from your translation so you
1:45:22 get the reward because you you had the
1:45:24 right intention but also you empower
1:45:26 them in some way because they may learn
1:45:28 something from your translation and you
1:45:29 may have translated in a way that is far
1:45:31 better and they could use it as a
1:45:33 reference point um
1:45:35 or what you can do
1:45:37 but i would first suggest reaching out
1:45:39 to them first and asking for not
1:45:41 permission but asking for
1:45:43 to have consultation with them is
1:45:45 finishing it and make it to a free pdf
1:45:47 for people to download
1:45:49 uh but that's up to you brother and um
1:45:51 well i make it easy
1:45:53 and uh may allah make everything you do
1:45:55 a success and make your way very hard
1:45:57 skills i mean i mean i mean so we'll
1:46:00 bring the the first guest on r1
1:46:05 you need to own your microphone
1:46:08 after hey brothers
1:46:11 um
1:46:12 yeah so i have actually uh three
1:46:14 questions
1:46:17 um the first one is about free will i've
1:46:19 read uh mohammed hijab essay on sapience
1:46:22 institute
1:46:24 i just wanted to ask him actually um if
1:46:27 like the last answer to this topic would
1:46:29 be
1:46:30 just that we don't have any answer
1:46:33 to this specific question like
1:46:35 because i see a lot of brothers who give
1:46:37 example of the teacher and the students
1:46:39 and to be honest i see that it backfires
1:46:42 a lot so
1:46:43 it's like a really bad example to give
1:46:48 yeah so brother thank you for your
1:46:49 question we actually covered this
1:46:51 in the last couple of weeks
1:46:53 in quite some detail
1:46:55 even if you go to our live stream last
1:46:57 week and the week before
1:46:58 um so you can go onto my channel and
1:47:01 then if you go to the time stamps there
1:47:02 you'll find um
1:47:04 exactly you know a whole discussion on
1:47:07 this as well
1:47:09 all right sounds cool uh my second
1:47:11 question is about the dependency
1:47:13 argument and uh because there was an
1:47:15 atheist on thought adventure podcast
1:47:18 and he said basically like
1:47:20 like
1:47:21 what if the the contingent uh existence
1:47:24 is just co-dependent in itself and
1:47:26 doesn't really need like a necessary
1:47:27 being outside of the the universe
1:47:29 basically
1:47:31 and like you might say well if the
1:47:33 universe is composed by like from parts
1:47:36 then
1:47:37 it is like this possibility that there
1:47:39 are other universes
1:47:41 um
1:47:42 but the answer to that would be like why
1:47:44 do you assume that there are other
1:47:46 universes like
1:47:48 i'm not sure if that makes sense like
1:47:50 from the deterministic
1:47:52 like uh
1:47:53 world view
1:47:56 so what's the ques
1:47:58 yeah i don't really understand the
1:47:59 question what's this
1:48:01 are they saying that a
1:48:03 contingent thing made up of contingent
1:48:05 parts can still be necessary
1:48:07 that's what i took from what he said
1:48:10 yeah i mean
1:48:11 like why do we assume that there are
1:48:12 other possible words
1:48:15 if
1:48:16 if like the universe itself can be like
1:48:18 the parts of the universe itself can be
1:48:20 just codependents like
1:48:21 without uh
1:48:23 without the necessity of having like
1:48:25 this necessary being no because the
1:48:27 co-dependence itself we would argue
1:48:29 would be irrational so if it's simply
1:48:31 that you have contingent parts and
1:48:33 there's some sort of circular dependency
1:48:36 if that's what you're making a reference
1:48:37 to so a depends on b depends on c
1:48:39 depends on a
1:48:42 yeah basically yeah yeah so that would
1:48:44 be like the
1:48:45 you know the grandfather paradox it'd be
1:48:47 like saying that you have
1:48:49 a person
1:48:50 and
1:48:51 their existence is dependent
1:48:54 on
1:48:55 their grandson
1:48:57 existing
1:48:59 and so you have this issue it's like so
1:49:01 that you need the existence of a thing
1:49:04 before its existence in order for it to
1:49:07 exist
1:49:08 yeah
1:49:09 and notice that it's based on the
1:49:11 contingency principle right the it's
1:49:13 called the principle of dependency
1:49:16 and listen to this very carefully and
1:49:18 this always solves this problem it's a
1:49:20 one-liner
1:49:22 dependent parts
1:49:24 always make up dependent holes i repeat
1:49:27 contingent parts always make up
1:49:29 contingent holes
1:49:31 this is a key principle it's a
1:49:33 philosophical principle if someone
1:49:35 denies this
1:49:36 then they have a hell of a lot of of
1:49:39 philosophical work to do to try and
1:49:41 prove that principle wrong
1:49:43 dependent parts always make up dependent
1:49:46 holes whether it's a circle whether you
1:49:49 think it's codependent it's irrelevant
1:49:50 based on this principle
1:49:52 yes the way yusuf answered it is correct
1:49:54 of course but there's another way of
1:49:56 looking as well just focus on this
1:49:58 principle dependent parts
1:50:00 always make up dependent holes
1:50:03 and if for someone to reject that
1:50:04 principle
1:50:06 they would have to
1:50:07 the onus of proof is on them
1:50:09 yeah the only thing they could really
1:50:10 say to that as well would be the um
1:50:13 the fallacy of composition
1:50:15 so they would try to say that oh you're
1:50:18 you've committed the fallacy of
1:50:19 composition you're trying to infer
1:50:22 from the part to the whole now the the
1:50:24 question is is well
1:50:26 what makes something a fallacy of
1:50:28 composition and and generally it's
1:50:30 relative qualities so if you say
1:50:32 you know i'm making a wall out of small
1:50:35 bricks
1:50:36 so therefore the wall is small
1:50:38 the the the quality of being small is
1:50:40 itself
1:50:42 um relative so what might be a small
1:50:46 elephant might be a very large cat or a
1:50:49 very large mouse
1:50:50 and so because it the the quality is
1:50:53 relative then you can't make an
1:50:54 inference
1:50:55 from the part to the whole but when it
1:50:57 comes to things like dependence
1:50:59 dependence isn't a relative quality
1:51:02 so it's perfectly fine to make a an
1:51:05 inference from the part to the whole
1:51:06 with this particular quality because
1:51:08 it's it's not
1:51:09 relative in any form um and then
1:51:13 and with that as well
1:51:14 like the the bigger question if they
1:51:16 want to try to posit this as a
1:51:17 possibility is how having a collection
1:51:20 of contingent things gives rise to a
1:51:23 necessary existence
1:51:25 this is
1:51:26 like they can't just posit that it just
1:51:28 seems so bizarre to even suggest such a
1:51:31 thing if you have one laptop it requires
1:51:34 an explanation it's it's dependent on
1:51:36 things outside of itself 366 for its
1:51:39 existence you can have 100 you can have
1:51:41 a million you could have
1:51:43 an endless amount of them an infinite
1:51:45 amount all of them still require an
1:51:46 explanation outside of themselves beyond
1:51:49 the set of dependent things themselves
1:51:52 to explain their existence and just
1:51:54 saying that they're somehow independent
1:51:58 or interdependent
1:52:00 like it's not enough to bat away
1:52:03 um the need for some sort of explanation
1:52:06 outside of this set
1:52:08 um and it doesn't make any sense how
1:52:09 these things could be interdependent at
1:52:11 all really um
1:52:13 and you know when it comes to fallacies
1:52:15 you have to realize just because someone
1:52:16 says something is a fallacy don't don't
1:52:19 buy it
1:52:20 because you have to most fallacies are
1:52:22 applied you have to apply them
1:52:25 because in many contexts they're not
1:52:26 fallacious so there's a context that ad
1:52:28 hominem is fallacious
1:52:30 for example cussing the person and not
1:52:32 the argument right is fallacious because
1:52:35 you've got to do with his argument but
1:52:36 there are some scenarios where if the
1:52:38 person is a bad person an ad hominem is
1:52:41 a very good argument right
1:52:43 in in many cases and you could think of
1:52:45 many scenarios yeah so when this whole
1:52:48 thing when people start to say that you
1:52:50 have an error in reasoning because of
1:52:52 some hidden false assumptions or because
1:52:55 of
1:52:56 your your your first inference or the
1:53:00 the the
1:53:01 you haven't made a valid conclusion
1:53:04 be careful don't just say oh my god how
1:53:05 am i going to deal with this
1:53:07 apply it to the scenario and usually
1:53:09 you'll find out that actually it doesn't
1:53:11 make sense so in the case of
1:53:13 as yusuf rightly said uh the principle
1:53:16 dependency doesn't fall into the kind of
1:53:19 error of reasoning which is called the
1:53:21 fallacy of composition
1:53:23 uh because of exactly what you said and
1:53:25 i remember i think we did a webinar on
1:53:27 this and we we gave an example of
1:53:30 a brick wall so a brick wall is made of
1:53:33 the individual parts which are hard
1:53:35 therefore the wall is hard
1:53:38 now
1:53:39 that's not a fallacy the fallacy would
1:53:41 be if you're saying the persian rug is
1:53:44 made of individual threads and the
1:53:46 individual threads are light in weight
1:53:49 therefore the whole rug is light in
1:53:53 weight that would be fallacious because
1:53:54 some persian rug is extremely heavy
1:53:56 right especially the expensive ones
1:53:59 so that would be the fallacy at play
1:54:01 here so i just wanted to raise that
1:54:03 because sometimes in the tower someone
1:54:05 would throw these terms and even if you
1:54:08 don't know them don't worry just say
1:54:10 what do you mean give me an example
1:54:13 explain that to me and once they start
1:54:15 doing that say fine apply in this case
1:54:18 then you realize if this fallacy can be
1:54:21 applied or not in actual fight we're
1:54:23 going to deliver a webinar a seminar
1:54:25 hopefully when the learning platform
1:54:27 comes up it's going to be an
1:54:28 introduction to critical thinking
1:54:30 um
1:54:31 i'm
1:54:32 i'm going to
1:54:33 share the slides with yusuf because he's
1:54:35 got some really juicy material i saw in
1:54:37 on his laptop when he came
1:54:39 to the office that day so i'm going to
1:54:41 send him the slides i've done on
1:54:42 critical thinking and i'll get him to
1:54:44 expand it and maybe we'll do a double
1:54:47 double
1:54:47 would you want me to
1:54:55 whoever needs to leave just just slowly
1:54:57 drop uh you're a mute doctor
1:54:59 i think i think the guys that uh like
1:55:01 for bilal is like 25 past two in the
1:55:03 morning
1:55:06 i can't tell if he's frozen or if he's
1:55:07 just really tired
1:55:10 alhamdulillah i love the shoes
1:55:18 so
1:55:19 um
1:55:20 yeah yeah
1:55:21 so basically i think the i think the the
1:55:23 issue was the with the the example that
1:55:25 was given so the example was basically
1:55:28 uh the the choice between taking like a
1:55:30 hot chocolate and tea for example like
1:55:33 uh
1:55:34 iced tea or something like that and then
1:55:37 was this if i take hot chocolate it's
1:55:39 because it's hot and and i'm cold so i
1:55:41 need something hot
1:55:43 so
1:55:44 but the eighth year was like well you
1:55:46 can take the hot chocolate just because
1:55:48 you choose to you don't really have
1:55:50 you don't really need a reason why you
1:55:52 take
1:55:53 it could be just because you've chosen
1:55:55 to and that's it you don't really need
1:55:56 like a
1:55:57 uh an explanation to it so i think that
1:56:00 was his argument but i but what you said
1:56:02 totally makes sense i guess what's it
1:56:03 the
1:56:04 recent conversation with alex exactly
1:56:06 yeah you're going to be doing like a
1:56:08 review to it i think yeah sure you've
1:56:10 just messaged me now i'm so looking
1:56:11 forward to it
1:56:15 we're going to see if we can get the
1:56:16 other brothers on as well to do the
1:56:17 review um but at the moment
1:56:19 at minimum it's going to be me and um
1:56:21 sharif and we'll have a little
1:56:23 go over that conversation and and delve
1:56:25 into it in a lot more detail inshallah
1:56:27 but the the conversation itself went
1:56:28 really well i think
1:56:30 at some point he conceded to the the
1:56:32 existence of
1:56:34 some sort of necessary
1:56:35 which i don't think he's done in a
1:56:36 previous stream before so there was a
1:56:38 lot of progress it was made in that
1:56:39 conversation
1:56:40 yeah i think i think it was like one of
1:56:42 the live streams that i've watched like
1:56:44 for the four hours it was just so
1:56:46 yeah it was a big one at all yeah it was
1:56:49 amazing yeah i have one last question
1:56:51 and before that i just want to say to
1:56:52 muhammad i've read your article about
1:56:54 the the free will
1:56:56 the the essay and the la the last
1:56:58 paragraph was just
1:57:00 really touching when you said
1:57:02 like why people take this this father as
1:57:04 something that is limiting them and they
1:57:06 have issue with it when it's actually i
1:57:08 feel that it's protecting me so that was
1:57:10 like uh
1:57:12 yeah but
1:57:13 before that i just wanted to add
1:57:14 something i was muted before i um
1:57:17 couldn't say anything but i want to add
1:57:19 something on the fallacy of composition
1:57:21 that was mentioned before
1:57:23 which uh
1:57:26 i think
1:57:27 there's two ways i like to argue for
1:57:29 this
1:57:30 this uh you can argue for this
1:57:31 cosmologically and by that i mean with
1:57:33 reference to empirically understood
1:57:35 things
1:57:36 and or you could argue for this
1:57:37 ontologically
1:57:39 and the philosophy of religion
1:57:41 what i mean by ontology is that which
1:57:43 can be conceived of in the mind so like
1:57:45 abstractly i prioritize things like
1:57:47 mathematics etc
1:57:49 now if we go with the first one say for
1:57:51 example we say that
1:57:53 um
1:57:54 cosmologically
1:57:55 so the part to hold distinction
1:57:58 obviously
1:57:59 in order for someone to claim that
1:58:01 something is a fallacy of composition
1:58:03 someone has to have a perfect knowledge
1:58:04 of the whole for example in the example
1:58:07 of uh
1:58:08 the elephant is big but his parts are
1:58:10 small you know the elephant is big
1:58:13 and you know that this parts are small
1:58:16 the the problem with applying this to
1:58:18 the universe is that we don't know we
1:58:20 don't have a
1:58:21 we don't have a full knowledge of the
1:58:22 whole of the universe especially in
1:58:24 relation to what's outside of it
1:58:26 so that's that's the first issue the
1:58:28 second issue is this
1:58:30 is that we don't need to know because
1:58:32 what we are saying is
1:58:34 the argument from composition because we
1:58:37 are making an argument from composition
1:58:39 and the argument goes as follows
1:58:41 that anything that is made up of parts
1:58:43 is generated
1:58:45 anything that is made out of parts is
1:58:46 generated the universe is made out of
1:58:48 parts therefore the universe is
1:58:49 generated
1:58:50 anything that is made out of parts is
1:58:52 generated a multiverse
1:58:54 say an infinite multiverse is made out
1:58:56 of parts therefore
1:58:57 an infinite multiverse is generated and
1:59:00 you could put instead of the word
1:59:01 generate dependent and that's fine as
1:59:03 well
1:59:04 how do we defend that we say that look
1:59:07 if the part isn't there the whole isn't
1:59:08 there
1:59:09 and so
1:59:10 in in many ways
1:59:12 if you don't have
1:59:14 uh if you don't have universes you can't
1:59:16 have a multiverse
1:59:17 so in all because the construct of a
1:59:19 multiverse it wholly depends on
1:59:22 its constituent parts in order for it to
1:59:24 be meaningful
1:59:26 if it didn't have its constituent parts
1:59:29 then it wouldn't be meaning it wouldn't
1:59:30 be a meaningful construct
1:59:32 so it can be conceived therefore that it
1:59:34 can be re some things can be removed
1:59:36 from it and some things can be put onto
1:59:39 it
1:59:40 so that's the way i would argue for it
1:59:42 cosmologically ontologically i would say
1:59:46 that anything that could be conceived of
1:59:47 in another way
1:59:49 um is contingent that the universe can
1:59:52 be conceived of in another way therefore
1:59:53 the universe is contingent and putting
1:59:56 it in the context of a multiverse or an
1:59:57 infinite multiverse anything that can be
1:59:59 conceived of in another way is
2:00:01 contingent
2:00:03 a multiverse an infinite multiverse can
2:00:05 be conceived of in another way therefore
2:00:07 an infinite
2:00:08 multiverse is contingent
2:00:10 what do i mean by can be conceived of in
2:00:12 another way
2:00:13 i mean to say that no absurdity would
2:00:15 occur
2:00:16 uh if you remove or if you change
2:00:20 things which are in that universe slash
2:00:22 multiverse
2:00:23 and the quran indicates to this reality
2:00:25 when allah mentions
2:00:31 we have created you before that and you
2:00:32 earn anything
2:00:34 meaning
2:00:35 anything which is so we no absurdity
2:00:38 occurred when we didn't exist in the
2:00:41 form that we exist
2:00:43 and so
2:00:44 someone could argue well actually we
2:00:46 always existed in some energy form
2:00:49 but we're i'm not talking about some
2:00:50 energy form i'm talking because energy
2:00:52 cannot be created or destroyed
2:00:54 i'll say that in the form that i exist i
2:00:56 didn't exist 30 years ago as simple as
2:00:58 level 31 32 33 whatever 100 years ago
2:01:01 none of us in this stream exist
2:01:03 and so
2:01:05 the point is is that if you can imagine
2:01:07 taking something out of existence and
2:01:10 that no absurdity would occur then this
2:01:12 indicates the contingency of that
2:01:14 existence
2:01:15 obviously if something has a beginning
2:01:18 then that indicates contingency as well
2:01:20 because if something didn't
2:01:22 emerged
2:01:24 so
2:01:25 something which is necessary cannot be
2:01:27 necessary at some points but not be
2:01:29 necessary at other points because
2:01:31 necessity indicates internally although
2:01:34 eternality does not always indicate
2:01:36 necessity so two plus equals four is a
2:01:38 necessary fact
2:01:40 okay and that would mean to say that you
2:01:43 would assume that two plus two equals
2:01:45 four
2:01:46 is true past present and future
2:01:49 and so it's necessarily true and it's
2:01:50 eternally true
2:01:52 and so
2:01:54 if we apply these things to the universe
2:01:55 in the multiverse
2:01:57 it's just it cannot argue
2:01:59 you cannot argue that these things are
2:02:00 necessary and independent in those in
2:02:03 those in those ways
2:02:05 and uh and the fallacy of composition
2:02:07 therefore is not
2:02:09 a sufficient
2:02:10 uh response because even if we agree it
2:02:14 can be fallacious if understood
2:02:15 cosmologically
2:02:17 it you cannot argue against the
2:02:18 ontological reality
2:02:20 and you can even make this argument
2:02:22 mathematically you could say
2:02:23 that any set more than one
2:02:26 any set more than one
2:02:28 is contingent on its members in order to
2:02:30 is contingent on its members
2:02:33 an infinite set
2:02:35 is a set more than one therefore an
2:02:36 infinite set is contingent on its
2:02:37 members
2:02:38 so the multiverse idea
2:02:41 can can even be seen uh to be
2:02:43 mathematically incoherent
2:02:45 if if you want to say that something
2:02:47 which is uh
2:02:49 contingent can be something which is uh
2:02:52 necessary
2:02:54 something which is made out of parts and
2:02:55 or members because numbers are the
2:02:57 mathematical equivalent to parts in in
2:02:59 set theory format
2:03:00 so we can't say that
2:03:03 therefore
2:03:05 because
2:03:06 the the compositional value the the
2:03:08 fallacy of composition is really only
2:03:10 applicable to cosmological realities
2:03:12 but once we we transfer the situation to
2:03:14 ontology
2:03:16 then you have a double problem because
2:03:18 we've argued this point now
2:03:20 not just
2:03:22 uh
2:03:24 not just um
2:03:25 cosmologically but we can argue this
2:03:27 point on a priori grants
2:03:31 the only the only one thing one can do
2:03:33 is try to say
2:03:35 that actually uh
2:03:38 the universe can be considered cannot be
2:03:40 conceived of in another way
2:03:42 that it cannot be rearranged in another
2:03:44 way
2:03:45 that uh and what do we mean by that
2:03:48 of course it can be conceived of in
2:03:49 another way
2:03:50 if because
2:03:52 no logical absurdity absurdity would
2:03:54 occur if things were taken out of or put
2:03:57 into the universe which are also
2:03:59 contingent
2:04:00 so if things can be taken out of and put
2:04:02 into a universe which is
2:04:04 and no logical absurdity would occur
2:04:06 that would indicate that it's not
2:04:08 necessary that's the job is done
2:04:11 and the fact that the universe is one
2:04:13 way or not another
2:04:15 now if someone says as some do that what
2:04:17 about the laws of nature why can they
2:04:19 not be necessary
2:04:21 i say
2:04:22 that even if you say that the laws of
2:04:24 nature are necessary which is something
2:04:25 i don't agree with but let's just say
2:04:27 for the sake of argument
2:04:29 i don't see that as threatening
2:04:30 to
2:04:31 the postulation that there's a necessary
2:04:33 existence
2:04:34 because the category of fact
2:04:37 is different to the category of
2:04:38 existence
2:04:40 where in the latter there's only one
2:04:42 such existence and the former there can
2:04:44 be many such facts
2:04:45 and we don't we don't see an issue
2:04:47 because all these necessary facts
2:04:50 ultimately depend on and unnecessary
2:04:53 existence
2:04:54 that is because the category of
2:04:55 existence
2:04:57 it
2:04:57 is more foundational in the category of
2:04:59 facts because facts first have to exist
2:05:02 before they can be
2:05:03 so in the category of existence in fact
2:05:05 the most foundational category
2:05:07 of all transcendental categories that
2:05:10 can be envisaged
2:05:12 and so for that reason
2:05:14 if we can establish that there's only
2:05:15 one necessary existence
2:05:18 then
2:05:19 having necessary facts
2:05:20 doesn't do anything to
2:05:22 undermine that theory of thesis
2:05:25 or threaten it
2:05:27 so
2:05:28 um i don't think i don't see or think of
2:05:30 any other kind of interrogations that
2:05:32 can be made to the
2:05:34 contingency argument except for those
2:05:36 that i've mentioned
2:05:38 and it's simple without the parts the
2:05:40 whole cannot be
2:05:42 i mean the reason why i wouldn't put an
2:05:44 articulation that you know anything that
2:05:46 to be fair uh
2:05:48 um
2:05:49 also joshua rasmussen has exactly the
2:05:51 same articulation in his book uh how
2:05:54 reason
2:05:55 leads to god he said dependent parts
2:05:57 lead to dependent holes he said exactly
2:05:59 the same thing
2:06:00 but i know that these uh many of these
2:06:03 uh
2:06:04 unfaithful and belligerent atheists
2:06:06 would
2:06:07 jump on this as
2:06:09 this articulation as a um a way to try
2:06:12 and say fallacy of composition
2:06:14 so instead i would prefer myself i would
2:06:16 prefer to say something like
2:06:19 i was
2:06:20 say something like
2:06:22 that
2:06:22 anything that is made out of parts and
2:06:24 by that would mean something can be
2:06:25 detached or attached to something
2:06:27 because there's more than one
2:06:27 meteorological definition of the word
2:06:29 part
2:06:30 but let's say something which can be
2:06:31 attached attached to something
2:06:35 the removal of those parts
2:06:37 indicates the dependency of the thing
2:06:40 the removal or addition of those
2:06:42 parts indicate
2:06:44 a dependency of that thing and
2:06:46 dependency on what dependency on those
2:06:48 parts themselves because if those parts
2:06:49 are removed completely then the thing
2:06:51 ceases to exist and if it and if the
2:06:53 thing can cease to exist then they think
2:06:55 cannot be necessary so if it's
2:06:57 conceivable that
2:06:58 can't we can't we just say to them that
2:07:01 even if they try and
2:07:03 apply the fallacy of composition on the
2:07:06 dependency principle we could say to
2:07:08 them well it can't be applied because
2:07:10 the fallacy is not it's not a fallacy
2:07:12 that applies to every scenario you have
2:07:14 to give a specific example so you know
2:07:16 the distinction that yusuf made
2:07:20 between what do you say yusuf you call
2:07:21 it relational
2:07:25 you're mute
2:07:29 relative qualities so like when we're
2:07:31 talking about for example
2:07:33 um
2:07:35 the whether or not something is big or
2:07:37 small
2:07:39 that notion of bigness depends on what
2:07:41 you're talking about so a big
2:07:43 cat might be a small elephant
2:07:45 even though they're the same size what
2:07:47 about like colors
2:07:49 like if they say
2:07:51 red bricks red wool
2:07:54 for example yeah let's see
2:07:57 disparity is that what what do we why
2:08:00 the firing about relative what's
2:08:02 relative is only size
2:08:04 yeah so relative would just be like if
2:08:06 you change the the context of the thing
2:08:10 that the output could be different
2:08:13 um
2:08:14 so like for example if you're talking
2:08:16 about
2:08:17 color here color is also dependent on
2:08:20 things like lighting and things like
2:08:21 that so the individual bit brick might
2:08:24 be red
2:08:26 but then like when you
2:08:28 blow it up
2:08:29 to a huge scale the lighting might not
2:08:31 be the exact same obviously you're going
2:08:33 to be talking about
2:08:34 different uh distances and things like
2:08:36 that um
2:08:38 so it's it's not necessarily the case
2:08:41 i don't know because i think with the
2:08:42 quantum especially with quantum examples
2:08:45 they will be able to bring i'm not a
2:08:47 specialist on a quantum physics but they
2:08:50 may be able to bring non-relative uh
2:08:54 comparators
2:08:55 that undermine that general principle
2:08:58 that's uh i don't know it i don't know
2:09:00 it yet but
2:09:01 unless we think about all the
2:09:05 in the quantum reality there they could
2:09:07 even have interpretations that even the
2:09:08 laws of logic break down as well then
2:09:10 we're stuck
2:09:12 yeah so i don't know if i would use that
2:09:14 i would personally use what i said
2:09:16 because the thing is if as thou
2:09:22 s if it's conceivable that the part can
2:09:25 be removed then it can it's conceivable
2:09:27 that the hole can be removed hijab i was
2:09:30 very interested in your abstract objects
2:09:32 necessary facts issue so you're right in
2:09:35 philosophy
2:09:36 if something is necessary existing it
2:09:38 has to be eternal but it doesn't follow
2:09:40 that just because something is eternal
2:09:42 it's necessarily existing
2:09:44 but from the point of the islamic arcade
2:09:47 and this is something i actually haven't
2:09:48 gone into so i'm just literally just
2:09:50 trying to pick your brain here
2:09:52 the concept of
2:09:54 abstract objects
2:09:55 in metaphysics the concept of like
2:09:58 numbers num one plus one
2:10:00 is equal to two in every possible
2:10:02 universe
2:10:04 and that's like an eternal fact if you
2:10:06 like
2:10:07 how does not how does that not undermine
2:10:10 the islamic position of the only eternal
2:10:12 entity the only eternal thing if you
2:10:15 like
2:10:16 is allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
2:10:18 so
2:10:19 first of all that's not given
2:10:21 so different scholars have different
2:10:22 understandings of that
2:10:24 so what i can tell you was was more in
2:10:26 line with a conceptualist framework
2:10:29 so he would say something like two plus
2:10:30 two equals four
2:10:32 uh as being a truth is only the case in
2:10:34 someone's mind
2:10:38 it was like a psychologicalism or
2:10:40 something it was like
2:10:41 it's conceptualism
2:10:44 he would say that
2:10:45 it's it's
2:10:47 that's exactly what he actually said
2:10:49 this
2:10:50 is for example numbers and logic the
2:10:52 laws of logic all those abstract things
2:10:54 his idea was it's
2:10:58 in the mind and it's not in the uh outer
2:11:00 world
2:11:02 interestingly had a very gruffle seems
2:11:04 to believe that he was a nominalist
2:11:07 but it's a difficult position to hold
2:11:09 nevertheless
2:11:10 you could you could even interpret
2:11:12 al-ghazali as being somewhat of a
2:11:13 nominalist so in a sense two plus two
2:11:15 equals four doesn't even exist
2:11:17 and so you know many many of the islamic
2:11:20 thinkers scholars and uh alama
2:11:29 they would say that
2:11:30 two plus two equals four
2:11:32 is not it's not a thing it's something
2:11:35 you can only think about but it doesn't
2:11:37 exist and therefore to compare it as an
2:11:39 it's
2:11:40 as a shape as a thing that you could
2:11:42 compare with allah
2:11:44 is nonsensical in the first place
2:11:45 because it's not in
2:11:48 it's not out there in the real world
2:11:50 so two plus two equals four according to
2:11:52 ebentamia
2:11:53 and could be argued as well according to
2:11:55 gazali doesn't exist it simply doesn't
2:11:58 exist it just exists in the mind
2:12:00 at most
2:12:02 so they will say because it doesn't
2:12:03 exist in the real world in that sense uh
2:12:06 it's not a competitor to allah in his uh
2:12:10 in in his eternality
2:12:12 uh are there any scholars who ground
2:12:14 these uh
2:12:16 these facts
2:12:18 in the divine so there is some still
2:12:21 some type of dependency
2:12:23 and is there a discussion on
2:12:25 if you reject
2:12:27 uh like abstract objects or necessary
2:12:30 facts
2:12:32 then wouldn't that lead therefore that
2:12:34 key
2:12:34 logical facts
2:12:36 and logical principles actually
2:12:40 could be wrong they're just in the mind
2:12:41 and if they could be wrong
2:12:43 then
2:12:44 um it could be the case metaphysically
2:12:48 that something can exist and not exist
2:12:49 at the same time
2:12:50 because the law of contradiction is is
2:12:52 is a logical fact and if it's a logical
2:12:54 fact and you're just saying it's based
2:12:56 on your mind
2:12:58 then
2:12:59 and it's not in every possible world you
2:13:00 feel like it's not like you know a
2:13:01 necessary fact and that would lead to
2:13:03 other problems no
2:13:05 could do and that's a good argument
2:13:07 against ibn tamiya
2:13:08 uh
2:13:09 certainly and uh you know and uh
2:13:13 because i've been speaking to dr stuff
2:13:15 on this and he basically wants to make
2:13:17 the islamic intellectual apologetics
2:13:20 as metaphysically free as possible
2:13:23 because the minute you get into those
2:13:24 areas
2:13:26 because he argues i don't know if this
2:13:28 is true or not that most of the
2:13:30 would always look into the empirical
2:13:31 world in order to articulate they
2:13:33 weren't in paris as per say obviously
2:13:35 they had we had our own metaphysics but
2:13:37 um they would basically always look at
2:13:39 the empirical stuff as the quran
2:13:41 prostitutes have you not seen looking or
2:13:42 looking to the interconnecting
2:13:44 principles of nature then
2:13:46 try and be as metaphysically free as
2:13:48 possible because this is an area which
2:13:50 is very interesting and i think it needs
2:13:51 an answer
2:13:53 because
2:13:54 it could undermine the whole argument
2:13:56 itself
2:13:58 yeah but remember like you know
2:14:00 i feel like there's two sides of this
2:14:01 that's like can i ever be a platonist
2:14:04 and say that these things exist like
2:14:06 what this was a land of form somewhere
2:14:07 else and were the forms where two plus
2:14:09 two equals four exists in some form
2:14:12 you know and or you can take a anomalous
2:14:15 position where you're not saying it
2:14:17 doesn't exist you're just saying that
2:14:19 it doesn't exist as a universal category
2:14:21 or an abstract thing outside in the real
2:14:23 world
2:14:25 and it would tell me i was closer to the
2:14:27 numberless side he was probably a
2:14:28 conceptualist
2:14:30 that's probably what he was uh al
2:14:32 ghazali could be argued to be somewhere
2:14:34 near there as well even
2:14:36 like he was
2:14:37 close to that as well in many ways
2:14:39 um
2:14:40 and so it really depends on who you're
2:14:42 looking at and razi though he was making
2:14:43 arguments against him tamiya on this
2:14:45 point
2:14:47 and this is not a point of like oh
2:14:48 hadakira these are just
2:14:50 thinkers philosophizing yeah yeah that's
2:14:53 why i was asking because uh it's
2:14:54 something that i haven't gone into
2:14:56 uh yeah by the way
2:14:59 it's just his position
2:15:02 did you go gym today because the angle
2:15:04 here
2:15:05 it looks like you're chasing you
2:15:08 oh is it just the angle of the camera
2:15:12 because it's about to hit me in the face
2:15:14 [Laughter]
2:15:16 is muhammad chest possible in every
2:15:19 possible universe
2:15:23 i've gained too much weight man i've got
2:15:26 i don't know what the hell i'm doing i i
2:15:28 just
2:15:28 well you obviously don't have a problem
2:15:30 showing it bro
2:15:34 no i'm moving on to like 125 kilos
2:15:39 i don't know man
2:15:41 i've been i started fasting as well a
2:15:43 little bit
2:15:45 no i'm like more like 120 kilos on 121
2:15:51 i rescued myself before i get to like
2:15:53 125. hi bibi we need you healthy we need
2:15:55 you healthy bro
2:15:57 i know but you know
2:15:59 okay so uh there's many many other
2:16:00 people listen guys it's almost 3 a.m for
2:16:03 me um and i have like a
2:16:06 eight-hour
2:16:07 question
2:16:08 do you see that what i said about the
2:16:10 about the parts and holes does that make
2:16:11 sense to you yeah i think i liked it
2:16:13 because what you're trying to do you i
2:16:14 know because you're you're a strategic
2:16:16 thinker so what you're trying to do is
2:16:18 bypass
2:16:20 any counter argument from
2:16:22 any any domain of knowledge whether it's
2:16:24 the quantum or whatever the case may be
2:16:26 i still think
2:16:28 yusuf and my perspective can work
2:16:30 uh but you just have to do more work
2:16:32 that's it but your one is like you know
2:16:34 what i want to bypass all of that
2:16:36 let me summarize the position and made
2:16:38 in cosmological terms in one sentence
2:16:40 and tell me what
2:16:42 yeah
2:16:43 if it can be imagined that the thing can
2:16:45 be taken apart to a point of
2:16:46 non-existence and the thing cannot be
2:16:48 necessary
2:16:50 for example
2:16:51 these beads right here yeah
2:16:54 these beads right here
2:16:56 now there's 33 beads on this thing
2:16:59 okay
2:17:00 now if someone says this thing is uh
2:17:03 necessary
2:17:04 i'll say but can it be imagined it's
2:17:06 made out of 33 beads if i take one bead
2:17:08 up second bead third bead like keep
2:17:10 taking them out
2:17:12 and by part i mean something which can
2:17:14 be attached or detached
2:17:16 if it can be imagined that the thing can
2:17:18 be the parts can be taken out to a point
2:17:20 of non-existence
2:17:22 then it's impossible for me to call
2:17:24 this
2:17:25 thing necessary
2:17:27 because it can if it's necessary there's
2:17:29 no point in time where it cannot exist
2:17:31 yeah so applying that
2:17:33 um
2:17:34 to the the universe for example yeah we
2:17:37 can see that its parts do come out of
2:17:40 existence and come back into existence
2:17:41 et cetera and so if that is the case if
2:17:44 you can remove a power off it then the
2:17:45 hole can't be necessary that's that's
2:17:47 what i'm saying yeah right exactly
2:17:49 if we say to a multiverse if we have
2:17:51 like let's say
2:17:52 a hundred billion multiverses but if it
2:17:55 can be imagined that you can take one
2:17:56 out then the second third fourth
2:17:59 up until whatever then that the
2:18:01 multiverse is not it cannot be necessary
2:18:04 yeah even if it was an infinite amount
2:18:05 if you take out bit by bit by a bit and
2:18:07 it can be imagined that the removal of
2:18:09 parts
2:18:11 the the systematic removal of parts can
2:18:13 terminate in its non-existence
2:18:16 if that's conceivable then that thing
2:18:19 cannot be necessary by definition
2:18:21 because it depends on those parts i
2:18:23 totally agree it's nice but i think
2:18:24 you're you're you're logically mirroring
2:18:27 exactly the dependency principle
2:18:29 yeah but i'm doing the
2:18:30 other way around
2:18:32 yeah but it's the same thing so for
2:18:34 example uh
2:18:35 yeah if if
2:18:37 if all the parts were necessary inverted
2:18:40 commas you wouldn't be able to remove
2:18:42 them because they couldn't be otherwise
2:18:44 it's impossible for them not to not to
2:18:45 exist right
2:18:48 so
2:18:49 the dependency principle is dependent
2:18:52 parts make up dependent holes
2:18:54 because the the logical mirror of that
2:18:56 is
2:18:57 that
2:18:58 uh
2:19:00 yeah i think i've confused myself but
2:19:01 basically what it sounds like is that
2:19:03 you're just mirroring
2:19:04 the dependency principle does that make
2:19:06 sense but in the other way around
2:19:10 i totally understand what you're saying
2:19:12 the only thing is i
2:19:13 yeah like you said i just don't want
2:19:15 them to come back and say well you're
2:19:16 doing the fallacy of composition like
2:19:18 what i think the dependency principle
2:19:20 was designed to bypass the fallacy the
2:19:23 the fallacy as well
2:19:25 that's that was the point because for
2:19:27 them to do that they have to basically
2:19:30 um you know
2:19:31 deny something that is self-evidently
2:19:34 true and there will be a lot of owners
2:19:35 of them by the way i totally agree with
2:19:37 what you're saying i just i'm just
2:19:39 thinking of it like i'm thinking of
2:19:40 myself in the debate and oh yeah and i
2:19:42 agree and this is
2:19:44 talking like a coffee shop now
2:19:45 absolutely no i i totally agree um okay
2:19:49 that's brilliant did you mention this
2:19:50 you mentioned this in the burhanya
2:19:52 in your book forthcoming yeah i
2:19:54 mentioned what i just said to you guys
2:19:56 now in the book
2:19:58 okay brilliant that's very good that's
2:20:00 really
2:20:01 and did you talk about the
2:20:03 uh
2:20:04 the the
2:20:05 eternal logical facts or abstract
2:20:08 objects
2:20:09 yeah yeah i mentioned that ah that's
2:20:11 brilliant that's brilliant
2:20:13 that's brilliant
2:20:15 um
2:20:16 when i'm when we're going to read it
2:20:17 review it and get it ready
2:20:19 i sent it to you
2:20:21 [Laughter]
2:20:28 already i mean in the final form in the
2:20:31 final form
2:20:33 your final form
2:20:37 no final say there didn't work
2:20:40 you're going to get feedback on it right
2:20:42 yeah
2:20:43 yeah yeah so obviously you're going to
2:20:44 incorporate some of the feedback so then
2:20:46 we'll read it then inshallah properly
2:20:48 handle that's really good any chance of
2:20:50 you putting it into the little group
2:20:51 chat i had like a little sneak preview
2:20:54 of that inshallah
2:20:55 yeah we've got the sapiens group
2:20:56 absolutely we do we do a wider review no
2:20:59 problem
2:21:00 um
2:21:02 okay so listen guys i'm gonna go it's
2:21:04 like
2:21:05 nine minutes to three in the morning for
2:21:07 me
2:21:08 okay
2:21:10 every single one of you
2:21:12 you're more than welcome to take your
2:21:14 questions
2:21:15 um oh wait wait wait wait wait we have
2:21:18 we got yasa al hanifi here chef we have
2:21:21 to bring him on board i'm gonna bring
2:21:22 him on
2:21:24 can i just make a comment about the well
2:21:28 there's a chef coming but you have to be
2:21:29 patient yeah okay
2:21:31 you had two or three questions so mute
2:21:33 yourself just for ten minutes may not
2:21:34 bless you
2:21:35 i was just gonna say
2:21:37 um because we've got quite a lot of
2:21:38 people on in the back you've already
2:21:40 asked two questions would you mind if if
2:21:41 you'd like to ask more maybe you try to
2:21:44 book a lighthouse session insha'allah
2:21:45 and
2:21:46 you can have like a one-to-one with
2:21:47 someone uh just to sort of make it a bit
2:21:49 even and allow other people
2:21:51 would you rather yeah
2:22:02 not to bring the personal stuff out in
2:22:04 the open but i know you've been calling
2:22:06 me consistently i do apologize
2:22:09 uh i have been kind of traveling and
2:22:11 there's been other bits and pieces going
2:22:13 on
2:22:13 my intention i think i even had it in my
2:22:16 notes to call you did i
2:22:18 and so please forgive me chef i'm
2:22:35 i i i usually sleep at 10 o'clock so
2:22:38 uh my voice is a bit croaky but when i
2:22:40 when i heard your holasa and your
2:22:42 synopsis of the work that's been doing i
2:22:44 said i have to join and i have to say
2:22:46 jazakumullah to all you brothers
2:22:48 and i will
2:23:04 what you're doing just a quick question
2:23:06 uh if if i may
2:23:08 i've been uh
2:23:10 i've been thinking about this recently
2:23:12 you know the uh
2:23:14 theological argument namely the argument
2:23:16 from design
2:23:19 so
2:23:20 so what i've learned from my teachers
2:23:21 and from my limited reading
2:23:24 usually this argument uh of of of design
2:23:27 is
2:23:28 mainly used
2:23:30 in the cipher of erada for example
2:23:33 so when it comes to the
2:23:35 subhanahu ta'ala's qualitative
2:23:37 attributes
2:23:38 they usually use this argument very
2:23:40 briefly when it comes to radha so allah
2:23:42 subhanahu wa ta'ala having a will
2:23:45 and he's him being a murid they use the
2:23:47 argument that look here he's a
2:23:49 particularize he's
2:23:50 done the seas of the look in this way
2:23:53 and there are many other ways where the
2:23:54 creation could have been created however
2:23:56 i'm seeing this argument now being used
2:23:59 as the main argument for allah's
2:24:01 existence
2:24:03 so so
2:24:05 i mean
2:24:06 can somebody explain to me you know why
2:24:08 why an argument which in the classical
2:24:10 theology was only used
2:24:13 or maybe uh as a secondary argument in
2:24:16 in in a sifa of allah
2:24:18 now being used as as a main argument for
2:24:21 the existence of allah
2:24:22 this is the question is it is the
2:24:24 question clear is the question
2:24:26 i think so if i would
2:24:28 yeah
2:24:31 and
2:24:32 my my postulation is and i will also
2:24:33 want you to correct me if i if my ideas
2:24:36 about this is wrong
2:24:37 i spoke to one of my teachers
2:24:39 so he said this and he wasn't sure he
2:24:41 was a conjecture he was this is it i
2:24:42 think is this
2:24:44 that the new uh
2:24:45 there's a group of uh who are
2:24:49 proponents of
2:24:50 jadit
2:24:52 uh
2:24:52 the new dialectical theology and some
2:24:55 people say the person behind is
2:24:56 shibuyama and he's got booked
2:24:59 and they were influenced by empiricism
2:25:02 namely john locke
2:25:05 and uh khan for example
2:25:07 uh so so so these guys were influenced
2:25:10 by them
2:25:11 and because they believe in uh you're
2:25:13 clean to be in only an empirical data
2:25:15 and they sort of they they reject your
2:25:18 team for rationalism
2:25:19 therefore they use the design argument
2:25:22 because in the design argument you know
2:25:24 this and criticism
2:25:25 and it's not entirely abstract like the
2:25:28 uh burhani totalbeak and you have the
2:25:30 uh you know both of the salsa in the
2:25:33 classical cosmological argument in in
2:25:35 kalam so because of this they've shifted
2:25:37 towards the
2:25:38 design argument
2:25:40 this this is this is what i heard from
2:25:41 one of my teachers and i didn't say
2:25:42 anything because i don't know myself but
2:25:43 you guys because i've heard this
2:25:45 argument from one of you brothers too
2:25:47 and uh and some of the academics they
2:25:49 they're putting forward this design
2:25:50 argument as though this is the main
2:25:52 argument or one of the main arguments
2:25:54 for allah's existence
2:25:57 right let me just there's a few things
2:25:59 you said i want to do one by one because
2:26:01 i might forget
2:26:03 the first issue of a taxis or
2:26:05 specification or particularization being
2:26:07 used as a main argument
2:26:10 in terms of the western academy and the
2:26:11 philosophy of religion it's not like
2:26:13 taxis is almost
2:26:15 completely absent in the discussion
2:26:17 especially used apologetically to try
2:26:19 and prove god's existence
2:26:21 what's used instead is
2:26:23 kind of types of teleological or
2:26:25 fine-tuning arguments which are
2:26:27 different
2:26:28 because as you mentioned this
2:26:29 was meant by
2:26:31 the ashara and other people who used
2:26:33 them uh in this argument as a means to
2:26:35 try and prove allah subhanahu wa
2:26:37 ta'ala's um
2:26:40 as as
2:26:41 his
2:26:42 will
2:26:44 so this is classically how bakulan uses
2:26:46 it and
2:26:52 so it's not it's
2:26:53 not something which is
2:26:55 it's something which is uh
2:26:57 something i mean supplementary rather
2:26:59 than
2:27:01 lee and that we've got
2:27:03 and in terms of the fine-tuning
2:27:04 arguments or teleological arguments
2:27:06 usually the way like there's a few
2:27:09 scholars out there that
2:27:10 make the argument
2:27:13 to be honest
2:27:14 what i don't like and i think the whole
2:27:16 sapiens and this is we i mean hamza
2:27:18 sauces has done some really good work on
2:27:20 this and i believe rightfully so ahmed
2:27:23 as well
2:27:24 is to show the courage ability
2:27:27 and
2:27:28 of science and you know the under
2:27:30 determination
2:27:31 the theory ladenness and all these kind
2:27:33 of things as a result of all of that if
2:27:36 one
2:27:37 if we're if we're saying all of these
2:27:38 things especially in the context of
2:27:40 darwinian evolution
2:27:42 then
2:27:43 in baba ola we say the same thing with
2:27:44 physics
2:27:45 because physics is more volatile than
2:27:47 biology even more you could argue yeah
2:27:49 and it's arguable but it's even more
2:27:51 volatile than it's way more volatile so
2:27:53 to use
2:27:54 as because in the academy now what they
2:27:56 do with the fine-tuning argument
2:27:58 is they they'll basically get the
2:27:59 constants so you have like for example
2:28:02 the electromagnetic constant yeah or you
2:28:04 have the gravitational constant yeah
2:28:07 um and and they'll say that these these
2:28:09 constants are finally tuned the problem
2:28:12 with using the constants is that what if
2:28:14 someone revises those what if someone
2:28:16 says there is no such thing as the
2:28:18 electromagnetic constant what if someone
2:28:20 if
2:28:21 someone develops a theory
2:28:24 that a theory of everything which which
2:28:27 bridges between
2:28:28 quantum mechanics and macro physics
2:28:31 which
2:28:32 renders what is referred to as the
2:28:33 electromagnetic constant
2:28:36 or the gravitational constant as
2:28:39 meaningless
2:28:41 meaningless things or things which don't
2:28:43 have any value
2:28:45 in this case
2:28:46 i i'm not going to say all of the
2:28:48 fine-tuning argument becomes undermined
2:28:50 because it wouldn't be because that's
2:28:51 not the whole it's not the entirety of
2:28:53 the fine-tuning argument especially not
2:28:55 how
2:28:55 a lot of people make it but much of it
2:28:57 will be on the mind
2:28:59 and why should we put them in a position
2:29:01 the
2:29:02 the hassam or the motorcycle
2:29:04 whoever they're the skeptic why should
2:29:06 we put them in a position where they can
2:29:09 use uh
2:29:10 scientific data which is changing
2:29:12 against us in any argument
2:29:14 uh so we go back to the quran the quran
2:29:16 when it makes this argument
2:29:18 you know allah
2:29:35 that he is the one who perfected
2:29:36 everything
2:29:37 it is
2:29:39 the quran is indicating the uniformity
2:29:41 and the stability and the regularity of
2:29:43 nature that's why
2:29:45 there's no gaps meaning allah has made
2:29:49 the creation stable uniform and
2:29:51 predictable
2:29:52 this bottle
2:29:53 or
2:29:55 this uh
2:29:57 i don't know this this watch is not
2:29:58 blowing up right now
2:30:00 you see this watch that i'm wearing it's
2:30:01 not blowing up in my face right now it's
2:30:03 not blowing up
2:30:04 now the fact that the watch is not
2:30:06 blowing up now
2:30:08 and that it won't blow up in the next
2:30:09 five minutes or two minutes or one
2:30:11 minute
2:30:12 and that would then blow up in the last
2:30:13 minute
2:30:14 that's a presupposition of science
2:30:16 that's why because stability regularity
2:30:20 and predictability is something you need
2:30:22 in order to do science rather than
2:30:24 something you discover from it this is
2:30:26 the argument made by john holden by the
2:30:27 way uh h a l d and e
2:30:30 and he was in a back and forth with one
2:30:32 of
2:30:33 the
2:30:34 atheists in one of the books i read
2:30:36 and so
2:30:37 regularity stability and uniformity
2:30:40 okay are things which you need in order
2:30:41 to do science it's not something you
2:30:43 discover through science and so if you
2:30:45 make the argument using terms like this
2:30:48 it's way more foolproof than mentioning
2:30:51 the electromagnetic constant or the
2:30:53 gravitational constant which at best
2:30:55 should be used as supplementary pieces
2:30:57 of information
2:30:59 and that was maybe should not be used at
2:31:01 all because once again we don't know if
2:31:02 this things are going to change because
2:31:04 science really is volatile like it
2:31:06 really if you look at the history of it
2:31:08 well like the more you look at it the
2:31:09 more you realize this
2:31:10 it's not it sounds a really powerful
2:31:12 argument and christopher hitchens he
2:31:14 said it's the most powerful argument and
2:31:16 so therefore some theists are so eager
2:31:18 to use it because
2:31:20 he hitchens uh gave it the stamp of his
2:31:22 approval but hitchens is a slob he
2:31:24 doesn't have anything to do
2:31:35 if anyone wants to use an argument it
2:31:37 has to be conceptualized properly
2:31:39 and it has to be done in a way that
2:31:42 is is not your main argument it should
2:31:44 be supportive at best but i think i like
2:31:46 what you said about one of the
2:31:48 assumptions in the philosophy of science
2:31:51 the assumptions of science is that the
2:31:53 uniformity of nature
2:31:55 meaning
2:31:58 that nature's uniform they need this
2:32:00 assumption in order for to have any any
2:32:03 positive knowledge in science
2:32:06 for example when you have a
2:32:07 well-confirmed theory that is successful
2:32:09 has predictive power and so on and so
2:32:11 forth has a lot of confirmations and
2:32:13 proof of confirmations
2:32:14 they say that a well-confirmed theory
2:32:18 is can be applied to all of the
2:32:20 phenomena that he addresses
2:32:22 but theories by virtue of the limited
2:32:25 observations that they have the
2:32:26 limitative confirmations that they have
2:32:28 they cannot address all of the phenomena
2:32:30 right for example take the design
2:32:31 mechanism that when a mechanism deals
2:32:33 with evolution evolution means
2:32:35 biological change and the darwinian
2:32:37 mechanism is supposed to explain
2:32:39 biological change
2:32:40 now base and say and they say that the
2:32:43 dominant mechanism is well confirmed has
2:32:45 empirical confirmations and it has and
2:32:47 it has predictive power so they conclude
2:32:50 based on the assumption that nature is
2:32:51 uniform therefore the darwinian
2:32:54 mechanism is an explanation for all of
2:32:56 biological change but they haven't
2:32:58 observed autopilot to change biological
2:33:00 change they haven't even observed 90 of
2:33:02 the oceans for example or species that
2:33:05 used to exist or not exist anymore
2:33:07 if you they didn't have this assumption
2:33:09 that nature is uniform you can never
2:33:12 have positive knowledge in science you
2:33:15 can never say the darwinian mechanism
2:33:17 explains biological change in totality
2:33:20 all you could say is it only explains
2:33:22 that which we have observed directly
2:33:24 nothing else and we can't make a a a
2:33:27 further inference
2:33:30 you can use that you could say to them
2:33:32 that your assumption in science oh
2:33:34 atheist oh darwinian your assumption
2:33:37 which is that nature is uniform
2:33:39 where does this uniform uniformity come
2:33:41 from the very exactly yeah
2:33:44 yeah yeah do not can i add to that
2:33:48 so so i just wanted to echo what you
2:33:50 said i agree i i think i wrote i wrote
2:33:53 about this in my book as well and i did
2:33:55 make the context that this is a
2:33:58 supplementary argument
2:34:00 um and
2:34:01 the way i try to do it was is things
2:34:04 that are very unlikely gonna change like
2:34:06 there are some things like you know when
2:34:07 we talk about science we have to be
2:34:09 careful
2:34:10 yes there's the problem of induction
2:34:11 there's theory ladies there's under
2:34:13 determination and so on and so forth
2:34:16 we need to be very careful because it
2:34:17 can have some contradictions with our
2:34:19 own epistemological paradigm as well
2:34:21 you know are we are we going to say that
2:34:24 germ theory is going to change in the
2:34:25 future this is almost highly unlikely
2:34:29 it's like
2:34:30 it to be honest you could you need to be
2:34:32 consistent because if we say like oh
2:34:34 theory
2:34:35 we're not going to accept germ theory
2:34:37 because of the philosophy of science but
2:34:40 it's so well confirmed to reject it
2:34:42 could be epistemologically equivalent of
2:34:44 rejecting sahih hadith
2:34:46 honestly yeah so we have to be a bit
2:34:49 careful
2:34:50 um so
2:34:51 although generally speaking yes well
2:34:53 confirm theories
2:34:55 uh you know can still change this is
2:34:57 part of the philosophy of science for
2:34:58 sure absolutely
2:35:01 but there are some areas and it's very
2:35:02 few it's not everything there are some
2:35:04 areas we have to be careful about we
2:35:06 can't say everything
2:35:09 is going to be taken from a skeptical
2:35:11 perspective or were instrumentalists
2:35:12 about everything some things i'm not
2:35:15 saying we have to be realist but some
2:35:16 things we have to say you know what
2:35:18 uh we can't necessarily reject because
2:35:20 you may even have theological
2:35:22 implications based on our own
2:35:23 epistemology right like knowing who's
2:35:24 going to reject germ theory
2:35:26 um
2:35:27 you know so so yeah
2:35:29 yeah so i was going to say if
2:35:32 on that point
2:35:33 you know the way that craig for example
2:35:36 and
2:35:36 there's i think there's nothing collins
2:35:38 he's probably the one that's most loud
2:35:40 in the academy doing this uh
2:35:42 this fine-tuning stuff but craig because
2:35:44 he's popular online he makes the
2:35:46 argument that you know the the universe
2:35:48 is fine-tuned for human life or for any
2:35:50 life
2:35:51 that can either be through design it
2:35:53 could be from necessity it could be
2:35:54 through chance it can't be through
2:35:56 necessity it can't be through necessity
2:35:58 and it can't be through uh chance
2:36:00 therefore must be through design that's
2:36:02 that's classically how the thing is the
2:36:04 argument is made i don't think there's
2:36:06 there's two uh things i would do to
2:36:09 change this argument number one
2:36:12 yeah the the universe is fine tuned for
2:36:14 life true agreed
2:36:16 now how he comes to establish that i
2:36:18 change it instead of saying
2:36:20 it's through the electromagnetic
2:36:22 and you know all these things that you
2:36:24 know the constants all these constants
2:36:26 gravitational constants instead of using
2:36:28 that i will say in so much as it's
2:36:30 uniform regular and stable so it's
2:36:32 uniformity regularity and stability
2:36:35 is
2:36:36 as such that it allows life to exist
2:36:38 number one instead of saying because
2:36:40 what's the point of mentioning all these
2:36:42 constants which can change the second
2:36:44 thing which she says for example it can
2:36:46 either be through it can either be
2:36:48 through necessity or it can either be
2:36:50 through necessity or it can be through
2:36:53 design or chance
2:36:56 the i would say that necessity is not a
2:36:58 threat
2:37:00 to it being from design
2:37:02 and in fact when i spoke to alistair
2:37:03 mcgrath funnily enough you talk about
2:37:04 less mcgraw today i told him this i had
2:37:07 a conversation with him i said
2:37:08 why does it have it seems like a false
2:37:10 trichotomy
2:37:11 because when when craig says
2:37:14 uh it can either be through design
2:37:16 or it can be through a necessity or
2:37:19 design it's it indicates that design and
2:37:21 necessity are two separate things
2:37:24 but it's possible that it can be through
2:37:25 necessity and design at the same time
2:37:27 especially if you consider that the
2:37:29 designer is determining it to be that
2:37:31 like that
2:37:32 so it's necessarily like that if the
2:37:35 determiner even if you consider that the
2:37:37 determiner is an uninterrupted line of
2:37:39 causal events or an antecedent line of
2:37:42 causal chain chain of events
2:37:44 it's it's not a contradiction to have a
2:37:46 necessity
2:37:48 and um
2:37:49 what do you call it
2:37:51 necessity and um
2:37:53 and design so i i feel like that first
2:37:55 of all that's a false trichotomy i would
2:37:57 say it can be
2:37:59 through and chance is something which
2:38:01 doesn't exist actually i would say it's
2:38:03 for for that person to prove what
2:38:05 chances in the first place it's not
2:38:07 something important or microscope
2:38:09 so therefore i i think that you know i
2:38:11 think it's a form of
2:38:13 a hidden cover to give them the three
2:38:15 options
2:38:16 because what do you mean from chance
2:38:17 what this chance i say is impossible
2:38:19 that can come from chance and i say it's
2:38:21 impossible that it can come from uh
2:38:25 my claim is that it's impossible to come
2:38:26 from anything other than
2:38:30 what we've described which is the
2:38:31 necessary existence and that would be
2:38:32 the first i make
2:38:34 you know the whole chance thing um
2:38:38 and this is like for people who are
2:38:39 listening you could use this as a kind
2:38:41 of approach and method for the dower
2:38:44 when they throw the chance
2:38:46 kind of hypothesis or explanation for
2:38:48 these realities
2:38:49 stand back for one moment and accept it
2:38:52 in abstract accept it abstractly and
2:38:54 think okay
2:38:57 what
2:38:58 what is similar so the question we're
2:39:00 asking says about god's existence or
2:39:02 about contingency or whatever you want
2:39:04 to call it
2:39:05 what is similar to this question that
2:39:07 they do not use chance as an explanation
2:39:11 so when you realize there are similar
2:39:13 questions or areas of knowledge they
2:39:15 don't use chance they actually seek a
2:39:17 rational explanation
2:39:19 and yet for this one that's slightly
2:39:21 similar
2:39:22 they use chance this exposes some
2:39:25 uh
2:39:26 preconceived notions about reality
2:39:29 it exposes uh a psychological
2:39:32 perspective on the question or exposes
2:39:34 hidden presuppositions why am i saying
2:39:37 this because it's the art of in
2:39:40 dialogue or discussing with someone when
2:39:42 someone throws an explanation for one
2:39:45 moment look at that explanation and say
2:39:48 they say it's chance they say fine have
2:39:52 they used a similar explanation in this
2:39:54 case chance
2:39:56 to apply to questions that are similar
2:39:58 that we're discussing now if they
2:40:00 haven't then there's a massive
2:40:02 inconsistency can i
2:40:04 ask questions
2:40:09 made a really good point about chance on
2:40:10 the previous seminar we had about
2:40:12 earlier today
2:40:14 and he said something about chance he
2:40:16 said this
2:40:17 and this is quite interesting
2:40:18 the major problem with this possibility
2:40:21 is that it is not remotely clear how
2:40:24 chance can do anything
2:40:26 chance is not metaphysically a thing an
2:40:29 entity it has no being and is not a
2:40:31 cognizing potency or power it is the
2:40:34 term that is inadvertently endowed with
2:40:36 the creative power and efficacy and
2:40:38 efficacy in fact for a chance to be a
2:40:40 candidate of inputting
2:40:42 d and d for him meant prior cognitive
2:40:45 input would be to grant an all per se
2:40:47 pervasive power reserved only for
2:40:50 something that we would describe as
2:40:51 living to do this however is to commit
2:40:54 the fallacy of reification which
2:40:56 consists of attributing concrete
2:40:58 characteristics to something
2:41:00 non-concrete or abstract by arguing that
2:41:03 chance did x created y and selected zed
2:41:07 obscures something deeper taking place
2:41:09 and that is making chance a cause when
2:41:12 it is mere mathematical possibilities in
2:41:14 abstract
2:41:15 in effect to attribute charts as causing
2:41:18 for originating d
2:41:20 is tantamount to saying nothing
2:41:23 originated d
2:41:25 you know that's all that's very powerful
2:41:27 you know why i was thinking very helpful
2:41:28 i was thinking
2:41:30 i was thinking along the same lines you
2:41:32 know
2:41:33 uh you know
2:41:34 is that why it's powerful
2:41:37 but because we were having this
2:41:38 conversation a long time with sabor
2:41:39 actually like i don't know if he
2:41:40 remembers
2:41:42 but we were talking about you know
2:41:43 because evolutionarily they they do the
2:41:45 same kind of thing they talk about pro
2:41:47 uh predictability and stuff and and
2:41:49 possibility
2:41:50 and and
2:41:52 my question is what are they saying the
2:41:53 null hypothesis has and the answer is
2:41:56 zero like they're making a zero in it
2:41:58 so this zero
2:42:00 which is basically like okay let's
2:42:02 assume
2:42:03 that when i say zero i mean
2:42:05 everything is happening haphazardly this
2:42:07 is the idea so let's assume that
2:42:09 everything is happening without reason
2:42:11 that assumption needs to be justified in
2:42:12 and of itself
2:42:14 because why are you saying the null
2:42:15 hypothesis on zero why are you why are
2:42:17 you making it zero
2:42:19 you have no right to make that the case
2:42:21 you that's that is a
2:42:23 postulation that requires justification
2:42:26 and they've just they've thrown it in
2:42:28 there so when we say that oh it's chance
2:42:30 what do you mean by that you're saying
2:42:31 that let's set the null hypothesis on
2:42:33 zero like if we're talking about because
2:42:35 in mathematics they've got total
2:42:37 probability and they've got like base
2:42:39 theory and stuff like that all right
2:42:40 with total probability what we're
2:42:41 talking about i would talk about
2:42:44 statistical probably
2:42:45 or for example if i say to you that
2:42:47 twenty percent of or fifty percent of
2:42:49 the public is likely to smoke cigarettes
2:42:52 what am i saying that 50 percent of the
2:42:53 public does smoke cigarettes in other
2:42:55 words i look at the demographics and see
2:42:57 how many people smoke cigarettes
2:42:58 therefore there's 50 percent of the
2:43:00 population is likely to smoke cigarettes
2:43:02 is based on the fact of the matter
2:43:05 rather than what happen of a prediction
2:43:08 so it's it would be arguing in a circle
2:43:10 almost if you try to use a factor of a
2:43:12 matter to prove a fact of amount
2:43:15 so in other words
2:43:16 uh if you want to use total probability
2:43:18 or statistical probability
2:43:20 and to er and say
2:43:22 that uh
2:43:24 well you know
2:43:25 there's such a thing now as zero as
2:43:28 being
2:43:28 as zero
2:43:30 as legitimately you put in as the null
2:43:32 hypothesis
2:43:33 that to me would suggest
2:43:35 as the doctor said chowdhury uh
2:43:39 he mentioned is now is is to give almost
2:43:42 agency to this haphazardness
2:43:45 which makes no sense to me at all so the
2:43:47 idea of chance being an option
2:43:49 i resist that i i feel like that's it
2:43:52 should be resisted because it's not
2:43:53 justified
2:43:54 chance is their substitute of god that's
2:43:56 their god basically when they say
2:43:58 all i'm hearing is that now you've just
2:44:00 replaced the name of god with this word
2:44:02 chance
2:44:03 but you have nothing you have nothing
2:44:05 substantive to offer but you're
2:44:07 basically saying that there is no i'm
2:44:10 looking for an explanation but there is
2:44:12 no explanation that's what they're
2:44:13 basically saying
2:44:14 why is this
2:44:16 in the first place so what we're talking
2:44:18 about you talk about the universe why is
2:44:19 there a universe and there's like why is
2:44:21 there a universe in the first place you
2:44:23 can't say it came from chance
2:44:25 so that cha cha chance is not a good
2:44:27 explanation for explaining the it's not
2:44:29 even an it's not even a possible
2:44:31 explanation
2:44:32 for learning right
2:44:34 or nothing but yet we're using the same
2:44:36 chance to try and explain why the
2:44:37 universe is one
2:44:39 is the way it is that it allows life to
2:44:41 but with a design argument just going a
2:44:43 little bit of a tangent
2:44:44 they were the ones who are proponents of
2:44:47 the design argument they would say
2:44:49 that that they're using an epistemic
2:44:51 probability
2:44:52 that a systemic probability that is far
2:44:55 more likely that there was a designer
2:44:57 and they would say this is not an
2:44:59 empirical argument they would actually
2:45:00 say it's a metaphysical thesis by the
2:45:02 way
2:45:02 so uh sheffield just to
2:45:05 talk about your point there are some
2:45:07 conceptions of the design argument that
2:45:10 are yes empirically driven but it's
2:45:12 actually a metaphysical argument they
2:45:15 say
2:45:17 they say design is a metaphysical thesis
2:45:21 just you just on that point
2:45:23 is a metaphysical but isn't there design
2:45:27 design the main reason why they make the
2:45:29 inference unto god so basically that's
2:45:32 one of the
2:45:33 one of the objection on on them
2:45:36 yeah
2:45:37 but yeah
2:45:38 anyways
2:45:39 i'm going to take a jazz
2:45:51 in a few words if you can give
2:45:53 this student who's got love giver and a
2:45:56 lot of
2:45:57 few words in the see that i'm going
2:46:00 no no
2:46:01 no
2:46:03 no
2:46:05 it's for all of the muslims in hadith so
2:46:08 you can't reject now you have to give me
2:46:09 a seer then i'm off insha'allah
2:46:12 yes
2:46:18 i think i think it was uh one of my
2:46:20 beloved
2:46:21 scholars
2:46:22 his name was sheikh hassan
2:46:24 he once said about reminding
2:46:27 reminding each other about our sins
2:46:30 um and i think that's extremely
2:46:32 important
2:46:33 because you know
2:46:35 i think it was hassan al-basri one of
2:46:36 the famous scholars of islam he was
2:46:38 asked about humility
2:46:40 and he said humility is to walk outside
2:46:42 your house and to believe that every
2:46:44 muslim is better than you
2:46:45 until you go back
2:46:48 which is quite interesting he mentioned
2:46:50 house because you may assume that you
2:46:52 you're not going to think that your wife
2:46:54 is better than you
2:46:56 because you only think when you walk out
2:46:57 the side of the house but when you come
2:46:59 back in you're still better
2:47:01 i'm going to tell you just just just
2:47:03 suggest that final point you know what
2:47:04 about my teachers he said the class
2:47:07 obviously this is not written in hadith
2:47:08 or quran but
2:47:09 just
2:47:10 his personal experience he says if on a
2:47:12 daily basis if you look at those people
2:47:14 who you look down on
2:47:16 and you say to yourself that these guys
2:47:18 are better than me
2:47:19 inshallah allah will save you from any
2:47:22 mental health issues anxiety and you
2:47:25 know depression and you'll have a good
2:47:26 mind
2:47:29 inshallah it works i've tried it
2:47:31 you know
2:47:32 it did work for me even though it didn't
2:47:34 last long because
2:47:35 i was thinking about this today or
2:47:37 yesterday actually something very
2:47:38 similar and i was just thinking about
2:47:40 something i was like look
2:47:42 uh you need to sometimes you have to
2:47:44 seek and find ways
2:47:46 to
2:47:48 realistically and rationally justify
2:47:50 that other muslims are better than you
2:47:52 not in a way to bring yourself down
2:47:55 but in a way just to
2:47:56 focus on yourself
2:47:58 and then once you do that you be a
2:48:00 shining example for others but in a
2:48:02 natural way in a non-egotistical way so
2:48:05 sometimes you know when i think you know
2:48:06 uh you know sometimes shaytaan whis
2:48:08 whispers to you then you go develop
2:48:10 strategies and you're like well this guy
2:48:12 knows more hadith than you who knows
2:48:14 more quran than you so by virtue of that
2:48:16 you're nothing so you need to find
2:48:18 strategies or you need to think about oh
2:48:20 you know i've i've made i've done a lot
2:48:22 of sins but you have to do it in a way
2:48:24 that doesn't deliberate you because
2:48:26 there is the other extreme where you
2:48:27 start basically thinking that you're not
2:48:30 worthy of anything and then you start
2:48:31 despairing of the mercy of allah which
2:48:33 is a terrible thing to do
2:48:41 there's that
2:48:42 allah
2:49:17 [Music]
2:49:22 is
2:49:35 foreign
2:49:40 you know you know on the other hand
2:49:41 though can i say something as well
2:49:42 because i've been thinking about this
2:49:44 yeah
2:49:44 a lot of people are jealous people
2:49:47 and uh
2:49:49 jealousy is a dangerous game especially
2:49:50 if you play with me all right
2:49:53 a lot of people are jealous of people
2:49:55 here
2:49:56 and um
2:49:59 those people i feel like they need to
2:50:00 because i was thinking about like on a
2:50:02 spiritual and also psycho spiritual
2:50:04 perspective yeah i'm not like testing a
2:50:06 guy i'm not really that good like that
2:50:09 but
2:50:11 um
2:50:12 i was gonna say is that you have to look
2:50:14 at your temperament this is a very
2:50:15 important thing
2:50:16 some people have a temperament
2:50:18 to jealousy they're a jealous type
2:50:20 you're so you're looking at everyone
2:50:21 thinking subhanallah he's got this he's
2:50:23 got that he's got this he's better than
2:50:25 me in these ways or she's better than me
2:50:27 i wish i had what they have i wish i had
2:50:29 that and they keep burning themselves by
2:50:31 doing that right
2:50:32 those people actually need to do the
2:50:34 opposite of what we've just discussed
2:50:37 they need to see what allah has given
2:50:38 them
2:50:40 because if they don't do that they'll
2:50:41 become more and more jealous and they'll
2:50:42 eat up on that it'll eat them up
2:50:45 so in many ways you need to you kind of
2:50:47 need to assess your own
2:50:49 psychological temperament and there are
2:50:51 ways now like for example there's an
2:50:52 enneagram test which i found quite
2:50:54 useful it's called truity
2:50:56 it's quite good you know
2:50:58 you can see what kind of like your
2:50:59 strengths and your weaknesses are and
2:51:00 you need to see where you are on the
2:51:01 spectrum if you are someone who's
2:51:04 extroverted
2:51:06 who's um all of these things you need to
2:51:08 employ a lot more of the advice that
2:51:10 of of like looking at other people
2:51:12 seeing how they're better than you etc
2:51:15 and humbling yourself but if you're a
2:51:17 person who's let's say on the other side
2:51:19 of the psychological spectrum where
2:51:21 you're always looking at comparing
2:51:23 yourself with other people and you're
2:51:25 always thinking oh look
2:51:26 i wish i had that i wish i had kids i
2:51:28 wish i was married to that person i wish
2:51:30 i wish i wish i wish why does he get to
2:51:32 have it why does she get to have it then
2:51:34 actually the opposite and you need to do
2:51:36 the opposite
2:51:38 of
2:51:39 that's where that comes in so that you
2:51:41 come in with actually let me let me
2:51:42 count my blessings i've got this he
2:51:45 might have this but i have this he might
2:51:46 have this but i have this she might have
2:51:48 this but i have this so when you start
2:51:50 realizing that
2:51:51 because what it is is if you keep saying
2:51:52 well he's better than he or she's
2:51:53 bioketa
2:51:54 that's important for people like me who
2:51:57 are extroverted and
2:51:58 they need to humble themselves but some
2:52:00 people are so timid and placid
2:52:03 and so uh self flagrating you know in
2:52:05 their lives and personal and
2:52:07 psychological lives that they need
2:52:09 literally the opposite and so there is a
2:52:11 middle ground somewhere where someone is
2:52:14 recognizing the abilities and the
2:52:15 strengths of others
2:52:17 and making uh being grateful for their
2:52:20 own what allah has given them
2:52:21 but at the same time not putting
2:52:23 themselves down to a very low level
2:52:25 but that middle ground is different for
2:52:27 each person
2:52:29 so for me someone like me because the
2:52:31 the the temperament i'm i try and be as
2:52:33 self-aware as possible and realize that
2:52:34 my temperament is more on the
2:52:35 extroverted side
2:52:37 i need to do more of what we would refer
2:52:39 to as
2:52:41 or lowering my ego lowering myself
2:52:43 thinking this person's so much better in
2:52:44 these ways whatever but other people who
2:52:47 have a different kind of temperament
2:52:49 where they're
2:52:50 where they're always doing that and
2:52:51 they're super jealous that they cannot
2:52:53 live a life and then because super
2:52:55 general generally used to deny
2:52:58 at least
2:52:59 because it's exactly what shaytaan
2:53:01 it says
2:53:08 you know he created me and then like it
2:53:10 can blow up it can
2:53:12 why is it that why why why and then you
2:53:14 start rejecting the color of allah or
2:53:16 why is it that i can't have kids but my
2:53:18 friends can why is it that you know
2:53:20 she's married and i'm not why is it that
2:53:22 i'm married and he's she's my he's
2:53:23 married and i'm not why is it that he's
2:53:25 got money and and i don't you know and
2:53:28 whatever it is yeah
2:53:31 so so
2:53:32 you need to see what
2:53:35 i was going to say
2:53:36 a lot
2:53:46 i believe everyone's kind of
2:53:49 a prescription
2:53:51 like they would see the person's
2:53:53 psychological disposition and give them
2:53:55 what they need so it's not always
2:53:57 one rule for all for sure absolutely
2:54:00 um and we even see this in the hadith
2:54:02 literature and we see this in basically
2:54:05 the way that you know like even
2:54:07 al-ghazali the way he dealt with
2:54:09 and dealt with philosophy and you know
2:54:12 for some people he said you can't give
2:54:13 people
2:54:15 it's gonna be poison for them right
2:54:17 something like that you give them if
2:54:18 he's psychologically oriented given most
2:54:20 psychological existential perspectives
2:54:22 so yeah you're right even from a tesco
2:54:24 tournaus perspective
2:54:25 uh it's uh it's it's horses for courses
2:54:29 like you have to be very specific
2:54:30 because you have to know who that person
2:54:32 is what the variable are variable
2:54:34 variables are and give them the right uh
2:54:37 medicine and it's even with leadership
2:54:38 when you're dealing with individuals
2:54:40 that you have to deal with them in a way
2:54:42 that's more conducive to their
2:54:44 development and growth
2:54:46 and that i think makes leadership
2:54:48 extremely hard and draining
2:54:50 but if you're sensitive to them you you
2:54:52 have to you just have to do it uh
2:54:54 you know
2:54:56 what i mean
2:54:58 well yeah so maybe
2:55:00 has something to say on this i would
2:55:01 like him to say something on this
2:55:03 actually
2:55:04 um
2:55:05 but i just wanted to come back
2:55:06 guys
2:55:10 but thank you so much for everyone yeah
2:55:12 i'll be late to everyone
2:55:22 i just wanted to add some can you hear
2:55:24 me
2:55:25 yeah
2:55:26 so there is a psychological part of it
2:55:29 which
2:55:32 hijab mentioned
2:55:34 and
2:55:35 about
2:55:36 pondering about
2:55:38 the bounties that allah has blessed you
2:55:40 with but is also there is the spiritual
2:55:44 part of it that
2:55:45 when you are aware that you feel like
2:55:48 jealousy and you actually want to
2:55:50 have the cure from allah and is that if
2:55:53 you are just
2:55:55 from someone
2:55:56 is actually to make dua for them to
2:55:58 swallow increases with uh them
2:56:01 in the nyama so
2:56:03 making that step which at the beginning
2:56:05 will not come out from your heart but
2:56:08 because of you doing that step and
2:56:10 actually
2:56:11 showing really that you want to be cured
2:56:13 from that allah slowly slowly cures your
2:56:16 heart from it
2:56:21 yes
2:56:22 that's actually true and that that works
2:56:24 by the way
2:56:25 it works even if you don't feel it in
2:56:28 the beginning
2:56:29 and even if you're going to sajdah and
2:56:30 you like say oh allah make this person
2:56:33 better let me make them the best day in
2:56:35 the world or you know you just
2:56:38 you just
2:56:39 the more you do it the more it would
2:56:40 happen and it and these things work uh
2:56:43 you know when it comes to these
2:56:44 spiritual things don't try to
2:56:46 rationalize them because you don't know
2:56:47 the causes and effects it's not it's not
2:56:49 a mechanical thing this is you know
2:56:51 based on the hedai or
2:56:55 his guidance right
2:56:56 and his revelation and you know the
2:56:59 teachings of our pious spiritual masters
2:57:01 so we have to
2:57:03 look and it's been tried and tested for
2:57:04 over a thousand years right
2:57:06 so um and when you do it and it's
2:57:09 experiential you only understand it
2:57:11 works when you do it
2:57:13 so if you feel a bit of maybe unhealthy
2:57:16 blameworthy competition or a bit of
2:57:19 jealousy
2:57:21 go in sajdah and make dua for them that
2:57:24 they become better than you they become
2:57:25 successful and all of these things and
2:57:28 i'm telling you over time you will free
2:57:30 yourself from these spiritual elements
2:57:34 listen
2:57:45 for two hours because i got a seven and
2:57:47 a half hour drive tomorrow well i'll
2:57:49 make it easy for you to wake up for your
2:57:50 hard work guys please take
2:57:53 if you're still around through it's the
2:57:54 if you two are still here still around
2:57:56 take some more questions
2:57:57 uh and then i'm i'm
2:57:59 ready an hour ago
2:58:16 do you want to give your last words
2:58:17 first and then i'll follow up after you
2:58:18 and we'll close up in charlotte yes uh
2:58:21 like for those who are talking about
2:58:24 about dawah and and want to learn
2:58:27 uh those skills to track and do not
2:58:30 forget that it is not just about
2:58:32 knowledge it's about having the
2:58:34 qualities that i need to have
2:58:37 and
2:58:38 many times we focus so much on
2:58:40 on
2:58:41 which was
2:58:43 we should
2:58:45 convey
2:58:46 to a person to change their heart but
2:58:48 actually sometimes
2:58:49 our actions talk even louder so don't do
2:58:52 not forget the spiritual side of it and
2:58:55 insha allah
2:58:57 with
2:58:58 if you keep up working on your
2:58:59 spirituality uh with very little water
2:59:02 inshallah you will have a lot of effect
2:59:04 on people insha'allah
2:59:06 inshallah yeah definitely and it's a lot
2:59:09 of the time you've got to talk make it
2:59:10 analogous like when you're doing dawah
2:59:12 and you're calling people
2:59:14 um you've got to remember that you're
2:59:16 effectively you're inviting them into
2:59:18 your house
2:59:19 and you know just in the same way if you
2:59:21 were stood outside your doorstep
2:59:22 screaming and shouting at people and
2:59:24 telling them they're stupid and this and
2:59:26 the other
2:59:27 and then invite them in for a brew
2:59:28 they're not very likely to say yes
2:59:30 and um you know we need to think of it
2:59:32 in this way when we're calling people to
2:59:33 islam we need to do so with
2:59:35 good adult good etiquettes and you know
2:59:37 you've got to be reflective
2:59:39 upon yourself and
2:59:41 um not just absorbed in your experiences
2:59:44 with other people but allow yourself to
2:59:46 sort of
2:59:47 uh keep an eye on yourself so to speak
2:59:50 while you're engaging in that so it's
2:59:51 definitely important and um just to plug
2:59:53 lighthouse project one more time um
2:59:56 sometimes it can be very difficult to
2:59:58 answer these questions because like
2:59:59 brother muhammad hijab was making
3:00:01 reference to there
3:00:03 sometimes an answer requires another
3:00:05 person who's asking
3:00:06 the question and it can be very
3:00:08 difficult to give an answer to just this
3:00:11 sort of
3:00:12 youtube comment um you know when
3:00:14 someone's asking for a recommendation
3:00:16 for themselves for this that and the
3:00:17 other
3:00:18 uh a lot of the time we have to know who
3:00:19 you are what's going on in your life
3:00:21 what kind of person are you
3:00:22 and and this can affect the kind of
3:00:25 answer that we may give you and this is
3:00:27 where the lighthouse projects um
3:00:29 it's it's a great opportunity for you
3:00:31 guys
3:00:32 uh wherein you can have an opportunity
3:00:34 to have a one-to-one conversation with
3:00:36 us so there's seven offers myself
3:00:38 included uh the hamza zortsus um
3:00:42 abdul rahman and jake from the thought
3:00:43 adventure podcast uh fahad tazlim who
3:00:46 was on earlier another member of um the
3:00:48 safety check doctor uthman latif
3:00:51 and you know we we do several sessions a
3:00:53 week
3:00:54 where you can just sit down and have a
3:00:56 proper talk with us and we can give you
3:00:58 personalized answers based on the
3:01:00 information you're giving us
3:01:02 um and we can help you through things
3:01:03 like doubts or if you're just interested
3:01:05 in islam or if you're looking for
3:01:06 leadership skills or qualities and um or
3:01:09 you know information or direction when
3:01:11 it comes to giving dawah
3:01:13 and beginning projects and things like
3:01:15 that um you know
3:01:16 life coaching sometimes
3:01:18 in in many cases so do check that out
3:01:20 it's safety shoot dot org forward slash
3:01:23 lighthouse project it's a free service
3:01:26 um please just if you do use it make
3:01:28 sure to turn up uh we have a little
3:01:30 problem with people's attendance
3:01:32 sometimes um where they book meetings
3:01:34 and don't show up uh which is quite
3:01:36 frustrating because obviously that we're
3:01:37 putting a lot of effort into the service
3:01:39 um and if you don't show up that i was
3:01:42 wasted and that could have gone to
3:01:43 someone who could have made use of that
3:01:44 time so make sure you're setting
3:01:46 reminders in your calendars um
3:01:48 notifications that pop up and at the day
3:01:51 before an hour before the meeting
3:01:54 um and keep an eye on your emails
3:01:56 because that's where the information is
3:01:57 coming through
3:01:58 and make the effort to turn up if you do
3:02:01 book a meeting don't waste that
3:02:02 opportunity um and you know for your own
3:02:04 sake and if you can't turn up just let
3:02:06 us know beforehand so we can open the
3:02:08 space up for someone who can inshallah
3:02:10 so just keep that in mind um other than
3:02:12 that apologies to everyone i know there
3:02:14 was a lot of people trying to get on and
3:02:15 ask questions we weren't able to answer
3:02:16 them all
3:02:17 um may allah bless you all for your
3:02:19 patience uh in short live if you prefer
3:02:21 you can just send an email to us um
3:02:23 lighthouse sapience uh
3:02:26 initial i'll try go through them um at
3:02:28 the beginning of the week
3:02:29 and if you've got questions that i can
3:02:31 so i'll try and if i can't answer i'll
3:02:32 try to find someone who can inshallah um
3:02:35 but yeah other than that thank you to
3:02:36 everyone who's been supporting us and
3:02:38 who's you know subscribed to us and
3:02:40 following us on the websites etc in the
3:02:42 courses um you know make sure to follow
3:02:44 us if you aren't and so you can keep
3:02:46 updated on what we're going to be doing
3:02:48 going into the future
3:02:49 um but other than that may allah bless
3:02:51 you all
3:02:52 and uh yeah we'll see you again in sha
3:02:56 allah is