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The Way of Abraham: Q & A Livestream (2021-07-19)


Summary of The Way of Abraham: Q & A Livestream

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 01:00:00

is a discussion about the way of Abraham, a spiritual teaching that invites humanity to focus on Allah alone. The discussion covers the Fitrah, the innate disposition that leads humans towards righteousness, and how it can be obscured over time. offers advice on how to ask questions about spiritual topics, and urges Muslims to be aggressive in the way that is better.

00:00:00 The Way of Abraham is a spiritual teaching that invites humanity to abandon any notions of a deity worthy of worship, and instead to focus all of their attention on Allah alone. The livestream discusses the Fitrah, the innate disposition that leads humans towards righteousness, and its connection to a purpose in life. There are two main opinions on the matter of Fitrah's knowledge, but both agree that it gets clouded over time.

  • *00:05:00 Discusses how different approaches to unclouding the fitrah (mind/heart) differ based on the individual. He goes on to say that in order to truly understand the person, one must see them beyond their intellect and emotions. This can only be done by becoming more intellectually and spiritually mature.
  • 00:10:00 Yusuf gives an overview of how to ask questions about spiritual topics, and recommends that people first understand the Qur'an and Sunnah. He says that if someone does not feel the need to worry about the world or their existence, then they may be on the path to hell.
  • *00:15:00 Discusses the idea of gira, or protective jealousy, and how it can be a hindrance to women in the modern world. He asks Zach how he is doing, and Zach responds that he is very good and excited about the heavy hitters coming on board to ask questions. notes that not all is well, and that there is a need for gira to be removed from the equation so that women can be more liberated. He has a question for Zach, asking about the concept of gira and whether or not it is true that a woman can't have a job, be a teacher, or go outside without fearing for her safety.
  • 00:20:00 In this Q&A livestream, a sister asks a question about the way in which a woman should behave in order to be pleasing to her husband. She explains that while there is a general principle of positive jealousy in islamic tradition, it should not be used to oppress anyone. She also notes that many men in today's society do not have this type of positive jealousy, which is unfortunate.
  • *00:25:00 Discusses the "red pill" movement, which encourages men not to marry divorced or single mothers. He says that this system of polygamy is beneficial towards women who have had a brutal divorce.
  • *00:30:00 Discusses how certain men who call themselves "Islamic reformers" are actually very weak and have no connection with Islam or Allah. These men claim that the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was not a real man and that he was married to women who were not virgins. These men are counter to the life of the prophet and should be shunned.
  • *00:35:00 Discusses the importance of having a strong connection with Allah, and how one's state of being affects one's relationships and overall spiritual well-being. He also discusses the Prophet Muhammad's character trait of repelling by that which is better. concludes by urging Muslims to be aggressive in the way that is better, and to maintain forbearance.
  • 00:40:00 provides advice on how to respond to those who oppose sacrificing animals during the Islamic holiday of Eid. They explain that while vegans may have a valid philosophical basis for their beliefs, the underlying impulse is to reject Islam as a whole. urges Muslims to be nuanced in their discussion of animal sacrifice, noting that there is an ethical dimension to the tradition.
  • 00:45:00 This Muslim discusses the fact that animals are Muslim, and that they can be eaten in accordance to Islamic law. He then asks a question about the validity of veganism, as it is based on reasoning that may be flawed. He concludes by stating that while reason can be a basis for determining truth, there is always the risk of our reasoning being imperfect.
  • 00:50:00 The way of Abraham is a means to establish the truth, and different means can lead to the truth. For example, sound reasoning can lead to the truth, but the heart may have the spiritual disease of arrogance which would block the function of the heart, preventing the person from realizing the truth.
  • *00:55:00 Discusses the idea that all human beings are born with a fitra, or innate ability to recognize God. It discusses how this might be taught, and explains that one way to do this is through the affirmation of revelation. also discusses the importance of creating a good relationship with one's children, and how this can help them recognize God and develop a strong faith.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

In the "The Way of Abraham: Q & A Livestream" video, the speaker discusses how Abraham changed his views after becoming Muslim, and how this affected his relationship with his family. He also offers advice on how to improve one's health through a vegan diet.

*01:00:00 Discusses how he grew up thinking that science and religion were incompatible, and how he came to understand that science can be used to understand the truth of the physical world. He then goes on to say that there is a problem when people take science for granted and think that anything that contradicts religion must be false.

  • 01:05:00 Atheism cannot be assumed into one's scientific understanding of the world. If a well-confirmed scientific theory contradicts Islam, then the adherent to Islam accepts what islam says over the scientific theory.
  • 01:10:00 explains that allah is the most merciful and forgiving, and that his forgiveness is to the highest degree possible. also discusses how to understand allah's names and attributes, and how they are to the highest degree possible without any deficiency. Finally, the speaker reminds the audience that when a person forgives, they need to forgive in some way for it to be considered a true forgiveness. Allah is the most powerful, rich, and independent, and does not require anything from us.
  • 01:15:00 The way of Abraham is a practical way of life that stresses the importance of forgiveness. Allah does not require anything from us, but he loves us infinitely and perfectly. His love is independent and pure, without any deficiency or flaw. The greatest manifestation of love in the dunya is a mother's love, which is nothing compared to the love of Allah. Hell is a reality, but it is also an opportunity for repentance and guidance from Allah.
  • *01:20:00 Discusses two scenarios in which a person can be forgiven: the king of the castle example and the Sarah example. The king of the castle example is more in line with maximal forgiveness, while the Sarah example is more in line with the Quranic concept of allahu akbar. makes reference to a verse from the Quran and a hadith to illustrate this point. In both scenarios, all that is necessary for forgiveness is for the person to turn to Allah and ask for forgiveness.
  • 01:25:00 Ustad Hamza discusses the concept of mercy with a skeptic. He points out that mercy is not just a act of kindness, but an example of a non-maximal mercy. He also argues that justice must play a role in determining whether someone goes to hell, as people must choose to reject Allah in order to go there.
  • *01:30:00 Discusses how patience is a key virtue in Islam, and how it is necessary for success. He also points out that patience is important for dealing with difficult situations.
  • 01:35:00 The YouTube user discusses a possible way for a Muslim to connect with Hamza Yusuf, a renowned American Islamic scholar. He also mentions George, another Muslim friend of Yusuf's. George is also a Greek name, and the user suggests contacting him to inquire about his current whereabouts.
  • 01:40:00 tells the story of how he lost 60 pounds and became more physically active by converting to Islam, and how this changed his relationship with his brother. He says that his veganism is also motivated by his faith in Islam.
  • *01:45:00 Discusses how Abraham, a man who was originally Greek, changed his views after becoming Muslim. Abraham is interviewed and explains that he loved cooking and had a passion for it. However, his wife and son later divorced him because he was too pious and respectful.
  • *01:50:00 Discusses the importance of both meats and vegetables, and how their veganism adversely affects their health. offers to cook for the listener and offers advice on how to improve one's health through a vegan diet.
  • 01:55:00 a friend of the interviewer's, Dick, talks about his transformation from a meat-eating human to a vegan, and how he knows that this is the right way to live. He also gives advice to greek Muslims about Islam and how to open their minds to the benefits of following this religion.

02:00:00 - 02:15:00

The Way of Abraham is a mentoring program that helps individuals get involved in the dialogue of Islam. The program is currently fully booked for September, but offers bookings until next year. The mentoring process includes taking individuals through a serious issue, and is more valuable than providing just an intellectual answer online. The program is led by Yusuf Paine, a leading American Muslim, and is a step towards fulfilling the sunnah of allah.

*02:00:00 Discusses the different types of associationism, atheism, and shirk. They explain that atheism is associating partners with allah, which is a form of shock because it rejects allah's creative power and names and attributes.

  • *02:05:00 Discusses the idea of associationism, or the belief that certain actions or attributes can be attributed to something else without actually invoking the concept of a creator. They go on to say that atheism is a form of shirk, or worshipping something other than God. Finally, they mention a book called "Divine Perfection: What the Christian and Islamic Traditions have in Common" which is set to be released in the near future.
  • 02:10:00 The "Lighthouse Project" is a mentoring service aimed at helping Muslims who are suffering from doubts or questions about their faith. The service offers one-on-one coaching sessions with experienced mentors, and donations to the project help support its goals.
  • 02:15:00 The Way of Abraham is a mentoring program that helps individuals get involved in the dialogue of Islam. The program is currently fully booked for September, but offers bookings until next year. The mentoring process includes taking individuals through a serious issue, and is more valuable than providing just an intellectual answer online. The program is led by Yusuf Paine, a leading American Muslim, and is a step towards fulfilling the sunnah of allah.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:15 and friends
0:00:18 may allah bless every single one of you
0:00:21 i pray to allah to allah that you're all
0:00:23 experiencing
0:00:24 an amazing spiritual day a day of arafah
0:00:28 it's a very it's the best day of the
0:00:30 year
0:00:31 and i pray to allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala
0:00:33 is full of good deeds
0:00:35 and it's full of getting closer to allah
0:00:37 subhanahu wa ta'ala
0:00:39 and you are with myself hamza though
0:00:42 this
0:00:43 and our beloved brother yusuf ponders
0:00:46 alhamdulillah
0:00:47 and this is the sapience institute live
0:00:50 the way of abraham
0:00:53 and the way of abraham essentially
0:00:54 brothers and sisters
0:00:56 is calling out to humanity
0:01:00 inviting humanity to the sub of allah
0:01:03 subhanahu wa ta'ala
0:01:08 to the way of allah and what is this
0:01:11 the sibil is to affirm and to
0:01:14 internalize
0:01:15 and to actualize that there is no deity
0:01:19 worthy of worship except allah that is
0:01:22 the sabbath
0:01:23 and what does worship really mean it
0:01:25 means to know
0:01:26 allah to love allah
0:01:29 to obey allah and that includes being
0:01:32 humble before him
0:01:34 and submitting to him and having
0:01:35 positive fear of him
0:01:37 and significantly it includes to single
0:01:40 out
0:01:40 and to direct all acts of worship to
0:01:43 allah alone
0:01:45 and the main objectives of this
0:01:47 lifestream
0:01:48 is to invoke that inside you
0:01:52 to understand that there is no deity
0:01:54 worthy or worship except allah
0:01:56 and that we must call people to this
0:01:59 perennial truth to this timeless truth
0:02:02 because brothers and sisters this life
0:02:04 is short
0:02:05 we may live 30 years 40 years
0:02:09 60 years 70 years allah knows
0:02:12 and the is eternal
0:02:15 the akhira is forever and we
0:02:19 have been placed here as human beings
0:02:21 with a purpose in life
0:02:23 with meaning in life with an ultimate
0:02:25 purpose and an ultimate meaning
0:02:27 we're not just a rearrangement of carbon
0:02:30 we're not just
0:02:31 blind cold non-rational electrons that's
0:02:34 whizzing around in a random way
0:02:36 but rather there is a profound meaning
0:02:39 for our existence
0:02:40 and a profound purpose for existence
0:02:43 which is that we're here to wish paulo
0:02:46 and do not be deluded and do not be
0:02:48 duped by those who say that there is no
0:02:50 ultimate meaning and purpose in life and
0:02:51 then they decide
0:02:53 to create a purpose in their life so
0:02:55 they say there is no purpose of life but
0:02:57 there is purpose
0:02:58 in life but we have to make them
0:03:00 understand that there is a connection
0:03:02 between a purpose
0:03:03 in life and the purpose of your life and
0:03:06 if you
0:03:06 believe that your ultimate existence is
0:03:08 based on
0:03:09 blind cold and non-rational electrons
0:03:12 rising around and what do we mean by
0:03:13 blind that there is no intentional force
0:03:15 directed
0:03:15 anywhere what do we mean by cold that
0:03:18 they're non-conscious they're not aware
0:03:19 of themselves aware of anything outside
0:03:21 of themselves if they believe in this
0:03:23 don't be duped by this and if they say
0:03:25 that we can now have a purpose in our
0:03:26 existence even though the fundamental
0:03:29 basis for existence is based on this
0:03:30 blind code non-rational
0:03:32 stuff don't buy into that because that
0:03:34 is equivalent
0:03:35 logically of saying let's pretend
0:03:38 to have purpose it is tantamount it is
0:03:41 equivalent it is
0:03:42 logically the same as children playing
0:03:45 in a playground
0:03:46 and basically saying let's pretend to be
0:03:50 the cops and robbers right let's pretend
0:03:53 to be the police
0:03:54 and the thief or doctors and nurses or
0:03:56 mother and father and whatever games
0:03:58 they play today i don't know dinosaurs
0:04:00 and
0:04:00 whatever it is so we have a profound
0:04:03 purpose in our existence
0:04:05 and we are here to acknowledge that
0:04:07 purpose
0:04:08 and the acknowledgment is based on
0:04:11 something called
0:04:12 the fitra we have an innate disposition
0:04:14 the primordial
0:04:16 normative original state of the human
0:04:18 being the primordial
0:04:20 original normative state of the human
0:04:22 being which is the fitrah
0:04:24 and there are two main opinions in our
0:04:26 tradition that the fitra has some
0:04:28 knowledge
0:04:28 that has a form of proton knowledge or
0:04:30 primary knowledge and the other opinion
0:04:32 is that he has no knowledge
0:04:34 but what's similar between these two
0:04:35 opinions is that the fitra from a
0:04:36 metaphorical point of view gets clouded
0:04:39 right it gets clouded and it gets
0:04:41 clouded for different reasons and we
0:04:42 know
0:04:43 this kind of clouding process if you
0:04:44 like occurs because the prophet saw
0:04:48 said in a hadith that every child was
0:04:51 born in this
0:04:52 in this state the state of the
0:04:54 primordial
0:04:55 original normative state of the human
0:04:57 being but his parents and
0:04:59 i'm extrapolating the meaning here his
0:05:02 parents change him and they become
0:05:03 something else so there is a
0:05:04 socialization effect
0:05:05 something happens the future becomes
0:05:07 clouded
0:05:08 and our job is to uncloud the fitrah to
0:05:12 awaken the truth within if you accept
0:05:13 the first opinion
0:05:14 to awaken the truth that's already
0:05:16 within within ourselves if you accept
0:05:18 the other opinion of the fitra
0:05:19 it's to uncloud the fitra to allow the
0:05:21 fifa to direct itself to about the truth
0:05:24 because in this scenario the fifth is
0:05:26 like a vehicle it's like a car
0:05:28 and it's directing itself towards the
0:05:29 truth but if the windscreen is clouded
0:05:32 or misty
0:05:33 it cannot direct itself towards the
0:05:34 truth so our job is to help uncloud the
0:05:36 fitra
0:05:37 to awaken the truth within and this is
0:05:40 what the tao
0:05:40 is about it's about creating awakenings
0:05:42 within people it's about trying to
0:05:44 uncloud people's fitra
0:05:46 to create that awakening or to allow the
0:05:48 fitra to direct itself towards the truth
0:05:51 so the question is how do you uncloud
0:05:53 this fitrah
0:05:54 how do you uncloud this fitrah
0:05:58 the way you uncloud the fitra is by
0:06:00 different approaches and when you look
0:06:02 deep into the quran
0:06:04 and into the sunnah and the way of our
0:06:05 spiritual masters you will see
0:06:07 that the way to uncloud the fitra
0:06:09 differs based on the individual because
0:06:11 the
0:06:11 sunnah of dawa when it comes to
0:06:13 individual interaction
0:06:15 is to contextualize and to individualize
0:06:18 and to see the individual
0:06:20 context of that particular person some
0:06:22 people may require rational arguments
0:06:24 some people may require a combination of
0:06:26 rational arguments
0:06:27 and a spiritual approach some people may
0:06:29 require just
0:06:30 planting seeds getting them to
0:06:32 critically think not really being
0:06:34 forceful depends on their context some
0:06:36 people need direct access to revelation
0:06:38 to quran
0:06:39 to create those awakenings or to uncloud
0:06:41 the fitra the point here is
0:06:43 there are different ways to uncloud the
0:06:45 fifa to awaken the truth within and
0:06:47 these ways
0:06:48 are not ends there are means they are
0:06:50 means to awaken the truth within
0:06:52 they are means to uncloud the fitra to
0:06:54 allow the fitra
0:06:55 to direct itself towards the truth and
0:06:57 this approach this understanding of what
0:06:59 it means to be a human being is very
0:07:01 important
0:07:02 because it moves us away from a dollar
0:07:04 functionalism to dow holism
0:07:07 what's a dowel functionalism a dao of
0:07:09 functionalism is trained the human being
0:07:11 as some kind of abstract ai machine a
0:07:13 computerized machine a functional model
0:07:16 of the mind
0:07:17 because in the philosophy of the mind
0:07:18 you have this approach called
0:07:19 functionalism which really is based on
0:07:21 inputs mental states and outputs they
0:07:24 just put the right input and you're
0:07:25 going to get the output
0:07:26 this is similar to a computer but human
0:07:28 beings are not computers and we're not
0:07:29 going to assume
0:07:30 that there's some kind of rational
0:07:31 algorithm algorithm that we type in and
0:07:34 we're going to expect certain results no
0:07:36 that's a data functionalism and we miss
0:07:38 out a lot in the dow
0:07:39 because we fail to appreciate there are
0:07:41 other ways to uncloud someone's fitrah
0:07:43 but dowaholism is far more holistic
0:07:45 because it appreciates the rational
0:07:47 arguments the feel philosophical
0:07:48 argumentation
0:07:49 but at the same time he appreciates what
0:07:52 the human being is
0:07:53 as per the quran and the son of the
0:07:55 human being is not just
0:07:57 an abstract intellect yes the human
0:07:59 being has an akan but the upper is a
0:08:01 function of the
0:08:02 heart and the heart does it wavers
0:08:05 and the human being also has a roar it
0:08:08 also has a fitra it has enough
0:08:10 ego a psychological disposition and all
0:08:12 of these things are a dynamic interplay
0:08:14 so when you interact with the human
0:08:15 being interact with the human being as
0:08:17 the human being
0:08:18 is not some kind of post-secular
0:08:21 understanding of the human being like
0:08:22 the human being some kind of abstract
0:08:23 robot
0:08:24 with all due respect brothers and
0:08:25 sisters we need to become more
0:08:27 intellectually spiritually mature
0:08:28 to start to understand what the person
0:08:33 means not what they want sometimes
0:08:35 someone may come with an
0:08:36 irrational argument against islam and
0:08:38 you're going to have a debate
0:08:39 when it comes to the da'wah but really
0:08:41 if you have understood the context and
0:08:42 you listen with the intention to
0:08:44 understand
0:08:45 you would realize they need a sprinkling
0:08:47 of rational arguments but the real issue
0:08:49 is
0:08:50 spiritual or the real issue is any
0:08:52 direct revelation or the real issue
0:08:54 is they need a positive interaction with
0:08:56 religious people
0:08:57 whatever the case may be and this makes
0:08:59 sense of the quran
0:09:00 the sunnah western cognitive psychology
0:09:03 this makes sense of the sahaba becoming
0:09:06 muslim
0:09:06 and over a thousand a thousand years of
0:09:09 experience of people becoming muslim
0:09:11 it's not purely through abstract theory
0:09:13 of philosophical argumentation
0:09:14 we need to become more intellectually
0:09:16 spiritually mature and give people what
0:09:17 they
0:09:18 need not what they want and sometimes
0:09:20 what they need is not
0:09:22 the initial thing which is some kind of
0:09:24 rational argument it's usually something
0:09:26 else like
0:09:27 psychosocial or whatever the case may be
0:09:29 yes in many times you have to use
0:09:31 rational arguments for sure and we're
0:09:32 all about that
0:09:33 but we have to stand in the possibility
0:09:35 that the human being is not just a
0:09:37 functional model of the mind but the
0:09:39 human being is far more holistic
0:09:40 there is a color there is an aka there
0:09:42 is enough there is
0:09:44 all of these things are a dynamic
0:09:45 interplay and our job is to try to
0:09:47 awaken the truth within one cloud the
0:09:49 fitrah
0:09:49 to allow the fitter to direct itself
0:09:51 towards the truth
0:09:53 so what we're going to be doing straight
0:09:54 away brothers and sisters is taking your
0:09:56 questions
0:09:56 the next two hours brother and sisters
0:09:58 this is almost unprecedented
0:10:00 for a sapience institute live stream
0:10:02 we're going to be taking your theo
0:10:04 philosophical questions your spiritual
0:10:06 questions
0:10:06 if we don't know the answer we're going
0:10:08 to say we don't know if we do
0:10:10 we're going to answer if we're unsure
0:10:11 we're going to say we aren't sure and
0:10:13 hopefully direct you to the right place
0:10:14 but here is the space to try and develop
0:10:17 you so you become more intellectually
0:10:18 spiritually mature to create awakenings
0:10:20 within yourself and awakenings within
0:10:22 other people insha'allah in this blessed
0:10:23 day of
0:10:24 our brothers and sisters insha allah the
0:10:26 next two hours we're going to have a
0:10:28 transformative
0:10:29 120 minutes inshallah it's going to be
0:10:31 transformative
0:10:32 we're going to invite you on ask your
0:10:34 questions if you're a non-muslim
0:10:35 come on board welcome to the house of
0:10:37 islam the door is open
0:10:39 it's beautiful it's a beautiful home it
0:10:41 smells nice has loving people
0:10:42 come ask questions if you left islam
0:10:45 come back
0:10:46 the doors of allah's mercy are always
0:10:48 open they're only closed when you die
0:10:50 and
0:10:50 if anyone has closed the doors for you
0:10:51 now these people are offering the
0:10:53 islamic tradition the doors are
0:10:55 always open to allah's mercy and
0:10:57 forgiveness if you're someone who's
0:10:58 suffering from shubu heart from
0:11:00 destructive doubts come on board
0:11:02 you know our caravan is not a caravan of
0:11:05 despair
0:11:06 so please brothers and sisters come on
0:11:08 board ask your questions and ask your
0:11:10 questions with the mind
0:11:11 to help yourself and help others so they
0:11:13 could create those awakenings
0:11:14 so they could affirm allah they could
0:11:17 affirm there is no deity
0:11:19 worthy of love worthy of obedience
0:11:22 worthy of
0:11:22 acts of worship other than the only
0:11:24 deity allah subhanahu wa
0:11:26 ta'ala so to proceed brother yusuf let's
0:11:29 start this party masha'allah you get on
0:11:32 a roll bro
0:11:35 inspiring well a blessing so
0:11:38 we should probably as well apologize for
0:11:40 not doing the live stream on
0:11:42 saturday um and sunday we were supposed
0:11:46 to do one on sunday as well
0:11:47 yes we were yes okay that was uh naughty
0:11:51 offers i thought it was just saturday
0:11:52 and then monday
0:11:53 yes
0:11:58 of your one to one we're here now
0:12:02 one into an interaction so yeah you've
0:12:05 got two ways of asking us questions
0:12:07 either
0:12:07 via the chat um or alternatively you can
0:12:12 jump on with this link that i'm going to
0:12:14 post in the chat
0:12:15 one day amsa will give me access to the
0:12:18 youtube admin and then i can post
0:12:20 this i'll pin this link in the chat
0:12:22 which will make things a million times
0:12:24 easier
0:12:25 but for the time being we're just going
0:12:26 to post it there so if you want to jump
0:12:28 on
0:12:29 do click the link or like i said
0:12:31 alternatively just ask your questions
0:12:33 and we'll see what i go on uh let's have
0:12:37 a look
0:12:38 so if someone says that they don't feel
0:12:41 the need
0:12:41 to bother about how the world was
0:12:44 created what's going on with them
0:12:47 that's a local question what's going on
0:12:49 with them
0:12:50 yeah okay so i'll give you my ten pence
0:12:52 you give your tempers inshaallah so
0:12:54 bismillah my dear brother first and
0:12:55 foremost is coming on board
0:12:58 for being brave enough to ask a question
0:12:59 publicly i know many people say that
0:13:01 public appearances are speaking
0:13:03 they they fear that more than death so
0:13:05 by virtue of you asking a question you
0:13:07 have overcome death
0:13:08 to some degree so just right here for
0:13:10 that now so if someone asks
0:13:12 you know they don't feel the need or not
0:13:13 bothered so they have this kind of
0:13:15 nihilistic approach
0:13:16 which yusuf is an expert on but what i
0:13:18 would say from this perspective
0:13:20 you have to first and foremost
0:13:21 understand the caveat the
0:13:23 sunnah of dao with individuals to
0:13:25 understand the context so i don't really
0:13:26 know the person i don't know where
0:13:27 they're from their name their background
0:13:29 whatever the case may be
0:13:30 so my answer is going to be an
0:13:31 abstraction but usually with someone
0:13:33 like this
0:13:34 you have to create that need and the way
0:13:36 to create that need is not one with
0:13:38 thought experiments
0:13:39 or actually getting them to stand in the
0:13:41 possibility that not being bothered
0:13:43 about their existence not being
0:13:44 bothered about their life can have
0:13:46 severe consequences
0:13:48 and this is where the quranic dawah
0:13:49 comes in when you talk about janna and
0:13:51 jahannam
0:13:52 right you told them well you are you can
0:13:54 be eligible for paradise eternal bliss
0:13:56 or you could be eligible for
0:13:58 your own self-domination because the
0:13:59 kind of concept of hell and the islamic
0:14:01 tradition is that you threw yourself
0:14:03 into hell because allah subhanahu wa
0:14:05 says in the quran that he doesn't prefer
0:14:06 disbelief for his servants
0:14:08 what do they say the classical say that
0:14:11 allah doesn't want people to go to hell
0:14:12 we close the door to allah's guidance
0:14:14 and mercy when it was already open but
0:14:16 we closed it
0:14:17 and when the only door that's opened is
0:14:19 the door of hell and we've thrown
0:14:20 ourselves that's why allah says
0:14:22 allah did not wrong them they wronged
0:14:24 themselves so it's very important to
0:14:26 understand that it's not how can a
0:14:27 loving lord send you to hell
0:14:28 the right question is how can we choose
0:14:31 hell
0:14:31 over a loving lord so you have to show
0:14:34 them that this is
0:14:35 maybe the eligible for this and that
0:14:36 could create an awakening and say you
0:14:37 know what i need to take this a bit
0:14:38 seriously because the consequences
0:14:40 are eternal that's the first point the
0:14:42 second point is give them a thought
0:14:43 experiment say
0:14:44 well isn't this equivalent of you being
0:14:46 sedated then
0:14:47 thrown onto a plane and you wake up on
0:14:50 the plane you're in first class
0:14:52 and you have an amazing luxurious
0:14:54 comfortable experience a flatbed
0:14:56 that's designed to make you feel
0:14:58 comfortable you have food on tap
0:14:59 entertainment on tap
0:15:01 niches on tab music on top games on tap
0:15:03 movies on tap you have sunset sunrise
0:15:06 you have
0:15:07 you have snow top mountains you have the
0:15:08 words like wow this is paradisial
0:15:11 but then after are you gonna be in that
0:15:13 state surely you know after five minutes
0:15:15 you're gonna say hold on a second
0:15:17 how did i get here where did i come from
0:15:20 where is the plane headed to what am i
0:15:23 supposed to do
0:15:24 i don't even have my passport right so
0:15:27 it's very important brothers and sisters
0:15:28 to give these type of full experiments
0:15:30 and give the kind of the psycho
0:15:31 spiritual emotive
0:15:33 motivational right kind of quranic
0:15:36 paradigms that janna and jahannam to get
0:15:39 to think seriously about this matter
0:15:41 if you combine those two a thought
0:15:42 experiment that is real for them
0:15:45 and you combine the eligibility for
0:15:47 eternal bliss or the eligibility for
0:15:49 them
0:15:50 closing your door to god's mercy and
0:15:52 guidance that should do the trick
0:15:54 inshallah but you should do it within
0:15:56 the context of hikmah
0:15:57 within the context of wisdom you should
0:15:59 do in the context of rahmah
0:16:00 you should do in the context of being
0:16:02 merciful because remember when you're
0:16:03 engaged in the dawah or in anything in
0:16:06 life
0:16:06 you have to be committed to the goodness
0:16:08 and guidance of all people
0:16:09 we know this from the hadith of the
0:16:11 prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam as
0:16:13 narrated by bukhari
0:16:17 and it's different from the hadith is
0:16:19 very similar but it's different it says
0:16:20 the love for
0:16:21 limnest love for humanity with love for
0:16:23 yourself and the hadith the 13th hadith
0:16:30 you won't truly believe unless you love
0:16:31 for your brother you love yourself this
0:16:33 also includes
0:16:34 brother in humanity and that's right and
0:16:36 now we said this includes insenia human
0:16:38 beings
0:16:39 and we also have to understand that it's
0:16:41 not only and now he said this with the
0:16:43 maliki scholar
0:16:45 he said something similar so we have to
0:16:46 be committed to the goodness and
0:16:48 guidance of more people use themselves
0:16:50 if we got some of those lights like
0:16:52 special lights or something we're
0:16:54 getting some decent light in there and
0:16:55 muscle are you getting some uh serious
0:16:57 energy well it's been an
0:16:59 easy day so i'm in that state so i'm
0:17:01 trying to keep that stage
0:17:03 keep it going keep it going uh yeah so
0:17:04 my two pence's um
0:17:06 is really the question if someone says
0:17:07 that they don't feel the need to bother
0:17:09 about how the world was created what's
0:17:11 going on with them
0:17:12 yes sir what it is is i think there's
0:17:15 obviously a certain state where you sort
0:17:17 of engrossed in the immediate
0:17:19 and it's i don't mean to say this in
0:17:21 like a
0:17:22 a negative sense because obviously it's
0:17:24 not negative um necessarily
0:17:26 but it's quite childlike you're only
0:17:29 sort of aware of
0:17:30 the now um it's very present funnily
0:17:33 enough there's a lot of books now trying
0:17:35 to get you to be
0:17:36 solely pinned in the present um
0:17:39 but there's a certain sort of
0:17:41 transcendence
0:17:42 that's at play that gets you to think
0:17:44 about the bigger questions and that
0:17:45 includes
0:17:46 well you know where did all of this come
0:17:47 from that requires you to sort of leave
0:17:50 the present moment a little bit to flow
0:17:52 above it to observe it and think about
0:17:54 it holistically
0:17:56 um that usually just comes with maturity
0:17:59 um and with becoming sort of you know
0:18:02 disenfranchised with the the glitz and
0:18:05 the glamour of the dunya
0:18:06 so to speak and some people they go
0:18:08 through this um
0:18:10 you know in different ways uh so
0:18:13 some people it takes a different amount
0:18:14 of time for them to really
0:18:18 take that point of transcendence leave
0:18:20 that immediate moment
0:18:22 um sometimes i think it's mostly
0:18:26 um i don't know something bad happens or
0:18:28 some sort of trauma someone passes away
0:18:30 then these that sort of things start to
0:18:33 crop up
0:18:33 for some people it takes them a while
0:18:35 before someone passes away in the family
0:18:36 i've got friends who
0:18:37 still haven't lost anybody and they're
0:18:39 like 20 odd years old
0:18:40 um which is a panelizer sort of
0:18:42 testament to the modern day
0:18:43 but yeah it's a i think that's probably
0:18:45 the main reason um they're just sort of
0:18:47 engrossed
0:18:48 they're still in somewhat childlike
0:18:50 state um of naivety and things like that
0:18:52 and
0:18:52 it's a process of just sort of getting
0:18:54 there being patient with them um
0:18:56 and in time inshallah they'll start to
0:18:58 sort of transcend so to speak
0:19:00 um so mashallah we've got
0:19:03 uh we will ask answer people's questions
0:19:06 as much as possible
0:19:13 how are you doing very good very good
0:19:15 excited to have both the heavy hitters
0:19:17 on to ask you some questions
0:19:19 no no no it's all not well man bless you
0:19:21 to zach for
0:19:22 coming on board and may allah bless you
0:19:24 and you know you recently had your own
0:19:26 spiritual journey and may allah increase
0:19:27 you
0:19:28 and preserve your mind and you further
0:19:30 and further inshallah
0:19:33 so i had a question for you i wanna i
0:19:36 know it might be a tense topic
0:19:37 but i really want to know the the truth
0:19:40 about this concept of gira which is
0:19:43 protective jealousy where some people
0:19:46 say
0:19:46 a woman can't have a job she can't uh
0:19:50 be a teacher and have a you know
0:19:52 students of male and female
0:19:54 she can't go outside without somebody
0:19:58 she only has to stay inside and she
0:20:01 can't have like
0:20:02 any volition to have like education or
0:20:05 school
0:20:06 and that if she does it's an insult to
0:20:08 the man's honor
0:20:10 and that she has to submit in that way
0:20:13 otherwise she is not
0:20:15 honoring her husband's uh honor
0:20:19 and even if it's against her mental
0:20:21 health she still has to do it
0:20:23 this is something that i've been coming
0:20:25 across with some
0:20:26 people and i don't know the truth about
0:20:28 it i think there's a balance in today's
0:20:30 age and
0:20:31 you know if you're living in a very
0:20:33 dangerous area in california
0:20:35 and you can have like two days at a job
0:20:38 as like a cashier or something to help
0:20:40 get out of the ghetto i think that's
0:20:42 much smarter than you know
0:20:44 staying in a place where there's a lot
0:20:46 of gun violence or something
0:20:48 there's like a there must be some sort
0:20:49 of balance here
0:20:51 you know like if you can't stay home and
0:20:53 you you that's safe
0:20:54 but in today's economy people lose their
0:20:57 jobs
0:20:58 poverty is around i don't know i feel
0:21:00 like there's got to be some type of
0:21:02 middle
0:21:03 way or like different approach about it
0:21:05 because it seems that a lot of suitors
0:21:07 and a lot of people
0:21:09 they've been saying stuff like that like
0:21:11 they don't want the women to have any
0:21:12 social media
0:21:13 she cannot even have her voice sometimes
0:21:16 she cannot
0:21:17 have a job she can't go to school she
0:21:19 has to literally just stay inside
0:21:21 all day unless she's with somebody and i
0:21:25 understand maybe that works in some
0:21:26 areas but
0:21:27 what if you have to go somewhere i mean
0:21:29 i'm starting to wonder which is islam
0:21:31 and which is culture and personal
0:21:33 preference
0:21:34 you see i hope i made that clear yes
0:21:37 sister sister
0:21:38 one thing we have to make
0:21:41 put it on so there's no echoes yeah so
0:21:43 what you have to make very clear sister
0:21:45 is
0:21:46 that our kind of policy sequence
0:21:48 institute that we don't really going to
0:21:50 fit matters okay
0:21:51 so that's very important so this
0:21:53 question has to go to someone who's
0:21:55 qualified and someone that you trust
0:21:56 okay however notwithstanding is very
0:21:59 important to note a few things
0:22:01 uh which is like a positive jealousy for
0:22:04 your spouse which goes both ways by the
0:22:06 way it's not just the male to the
0:22:07 females the female to the man
0:22:08 is like a protective type of jealousy
0:22:10 and this is highly
0:22:12 a high ethic in the islamic tradition
0:22:14 however as a general principle it should
0:22:16 not be used to oppress anyone
0:22:18 it should not be used to make anyone
0:22:20 feel that their well-being has been
0:22:22 diminished
0:22:23 that their self-esteem is diminished
0:22:25 that they have a lack of psychological
0:22:27 well-being mental
0:22:28 well-being and physical well-being and
0:22:29 even social well-being and that
0:22:31 difference
0:22:32 differs from society to society because
0:22:34 there is a concept in thick
0:22:37 called the social customs now what
0:22:39 you're describing
0:22:40 if someone is preventing you from
0:22:41 breathing preventing you from education
0:22:43 and preventing from one of these things
0:22:45 then that sounds like oppression rather
0:22:47 than a gear because we have to
0:22:48 understand this from a
0:22:49 kind of pure spiritual perspective if
0:22:52 one doesn't have an ego
0:22:53 they don't have for example this the
0:22:55 diseases of the heart like
0:22:57 hassa jealousy blame worthy jealousy
0:23:00 kibber and arrogance
0:23:02 if they don't have these things then
0:23:03 rira positive jealousy
0:23:05 wanted to take care of their spouse
0:23:07 making sure their spouse is fine
0:23:09 making sure the spouse is basically
0:23:11 within the boundaries of the
0:23:13 haram what allah loves to go towards
0:23:15 that what allah hates to move away from
0:23:17 that
0:23:18 that's going to be very positive and
0:23:19 it's going to create well-being for each
0:23:21 other
0:23:21 and the house and society but if it ends
0:23:24 up if someone has for example an eagle
0:23:26 and they're just using the concept of
0:23:27 viera as a veil
0:23:29 just to oppress someone just to prevent
0:23:31 them from breathing and living and
0:23:33 living a life that is conducive to
0:23:35 coming closer to allah then this is
0:23:37 oppression
0:23:38 and and allah forbids oppression from
0:23:40 that perspective
0:23:42 so that those are the principles i
0:23:44 wanted to give you so you don't feel a
0:23:45 bit disheartened that we're not giving
0:23:46 you an answer
0:23:47 so no one should use hira as a means to
0:23:50 oppress anyone and that obviously
0:23:51 means the kind of islamic definition of
0:23:53 oppression but at the same time the kind
0:23:55 of specific
0:23:56 answers please go to a scholar that you
0:23:58 trust
0:23:59 please go to a scholar that understands
0:24:02 as well because this is very important
0:24:05 when it comes to thick
0:24:06 obviously people use off they use custom
0:24:08 as an excuse to do what they want we're
0:24:10 not talking about that we're talking
0:24:11 about the valid principle
0:24:12 that it fit the principle of growth of
0:24:14 off of social customs
0:24:16 go to someone who's learned mainstream
0:24:19 and
0:24:19 i'm telling you they're going to give
0:24:20 you an answer that's going to liberate
0:24:22 you it's going to liberate the household
0:24:23 and liberate society
0:24:25 and it will be nowhere near oppression
0:24:28 and nowhere near what you've just
0:24:30 described in sha allah but here as a
0:24:32 concept is a very important
0:24:33 to have in actual fact many of our men
0:24:36 unfortunately do not have
0:24:37 hira which is an unfortunate situation
0:24:39 you know you know
0:24:41 for example they'll take selfies with
0:24:43 their wife put on instagram all the time
0:24:45 make sure her wife's got all the makeup
0:24:46 on
0:24:47 does the pal put on instagram with all
0:24:49 due respect
0:24:50 i don't find these people they don't
0:24:52 have any hero
0:24:53 and this is not part of the islamic
0:24:55 ethic
0:24:56 uh and this is just a very simple thing
0:24:58 and if people don't like it
0:25:00 then tough uh that's so that's positive
0:25:03 you know and even for the man if the man
0:25:05 has for example
0:25:06 big guns and his wife says you know i
0:25:08 don't want i don't want you showing your
0:25:09 biceps in public
0:25:10 it's for me man you know this is beyond
0:25:13 the kind of
0:25:16 the black and white haram this is about
0:25:18 appreciating your wife
0:25:19 appreciating her needs and you should be
0:25:22 as a husband you know what
0:25:23 i won't wear short sleeve or i'll wear
0:25:25 clothes that
0:25:26 you you you that you like this is
0:25:28 something to do with a loving
0:25:29 relationship that you have based on
0:25:31 love mercy and tolerance and so on and
0:25:34 so forth
0:25:34 so the point i'm trying to say is a very
0:25:36 important concept in our tradition
0:25:38 uh please go to a scholar though based
0:25:40 on the nuances and i'm telling you he's
0:25:42 going to give you an answer in sha allah
0:25:43 that's going to be far away from
0:25:45 oppression and he's going to make you
0:25:46 understand the concept
0:25:47 in a better way than i have expressed
0:25:49 and in a way that's going to be
0:25:50 liberating for your household
0:25:52 and it's going to bring you all closer
0:25:53 to allah and it's all going to achieve
0:25:56 a sense of well-being for all of you but
0:25:58 never allow anyone to use this concept
0:26:00 just as a manifestation of the
0:26:01 possessiveness and manifestation of the
0:26:04 ego
0:26:04 because this is a big spiritual disease
0:26:06 and sometimes people
0:26:08 use these ethics in islam this is an
0:26:10 excuse
0:26:11 to oppress other people and this is a
0:26:13 sign of weakness this is not a sign of a
0:26:15 man
0:26:16 so i hope that is clarified the sister
0:26:18 but in terms of specific thick
0:26:20 questions this is beyond us we have to
0:26:22 stick to the field philosophical
0:26:24 stuff okay if i could just add by
0:26:27 um sorry you saw me did you want to say
0:26:29 something
0:26:30 oh so i had another question if if
0:26:32 that's okay
0:26:34 do you mind if i just add to what you
0:26:36 said before we move on oh totally yeah
0:26:38 so i i would recommend um reading into
0:26:40 two of the wives of the prophet muhammad
0:26:42 um first one being aisha and
0:26:45 um how do you say her name
0:26:53 um both of these sisters were very
0:26:55 empowered um
0:26:58 was uh very vocal she wasn't this
0:27:01 sheepish
0:27:02 shy person um she spoke her mind um
0:27:05 you know she was active she was one of
0:27:07 the largest scholars in
0:27:09 islam the majority of the hadith we get
0:27:11 are from her
0:27:12 um so like even from the you know the
0:27:15 very beginning we have this idea of um
0:27:18 you know intellectual pursuits
0:27:20 within the the sisters of islam or the
0:27:22 the women of islam
0:27:23 and khadijah was a businesswoman and
0:27:27 the the way they um the prophet muhammad
0:27:30 um became familiar with each other was
0:27:32 through business
0:27:34 she would send him um on expeditions
0:27:37 uh to do business elsewhere outside of
0:27:39 um
0:27:40 the you know the where they were in
0:27:42 medina and mecca et cetera so
0:27:45 this notion that there's sort of like
0:27:47 they're hidden away in a cupboard almost
0:27:49 you know this caricature
0:27:51 of is islamic wives um i think is is far
0:27:54 from the truth and just looking into
0:27:56 these two particular
0:27:57 characters the two wives of the prophet
0:27:59 muhammad sallam
0:28:00 i think should sort of elucidate a lot
0:28:02 of the
0:28:03 um the the image that we we have of the
0:28:06 you know the the early women in uh islam
0:28:09 inshallah but um i hope that helps
0:28:11 anyway and uh
0:28:14 as general principles these are very
0:28:16 sound principles exactly yusuf but if
0:28:18 there's a specific
0:28:19 concept where one husband says something
0:28:21 to another wife and there was a
0:28:22 discussion this is beyond us
0:28:24 and that requires basically scholarship
0:28:26 insha allah but as a general principle
0:28:27 we said
0:28:28 that islam prevents oppression that
0:28:30 there is a concept of here by some
0:28:31 positive concept and it increases the
0:28:33 spiritual and social well-being
0:28:35 well-being of both people
0:28:36 and of the famine of the household and
0:28:38 yes if you look at the lives of the
0:28:39 wives of the prophet sallallahu alaihi
0:28:41 wasallam you know you had aisha who was
0:28:44 very strong and assertive
0:28:45 especially in articulating herself yeah
0:28:47 khadijah rajala
0:28:49 was a businesswoman and so on and so
0:28:50 forth i remember all of that was done
0:28:52 within the context of the islamic values
0:28:54 as well
0:28:54 so uh and this is very good that you
0:28:57 raise this question just to let everyone
0:28:58 know that we're not going to answer
0:28:59 specific freaky questions
0:29:01 but please uh please give us your other
0:29:03 question inshallah
0:29:05 okay so i've noticed there is a i don't
0:29:08 know if you're familiar with it but it's
0:29:09 called a red pill movement where these
0:29:11 young brothers are telling younger
0:29:12 brothers that
0:29:14 divorced women and you know reaver
0:29:16 sisters who are not virgins are like
0:29:19 toxic trash
0:29:20 and they're really teaching the young
0:29:22 men to not ever
0:29:24 marry a single mother to stay away from
0:29:26 divorced women
0:29:28 and they're really being quite vulgar
0:29:30 towards you know
0:29:31 the younger men and how they're trying
0:29:33 to find wives
0:29:34 and since polygamy you know polygyny is
0:29:37 allowed
0:29:38 this would that system of polygony is
0:29:41 beneficial towards women who
0:29:43 have had a brutal divorce and stuff like
0:29:45 that so what would you say to
0:29:47 like those young brothers who are trying
0:29:48 to really brainwash
0:29:50 these young brothers into hating uh
0:29:53 women because
0:29:54 they're western women who are not
0:29:56 virgins and
0:29:58 who are divorcees or single mothers and
0:30:01 stuff like that what would you say to
0:30:02 that
0:30:03 yes so i'm not aware of this
0:30:06 and uh but again this is
0:30:10 in the realm of the issue but it's to do
0:30:12 with islamic values and ethics which we
0:30:13 do talk about
0:30:14 the first thing to say is these men are
0:30:16 little boys
0:30:17 very weak individuals who have no
0:30:19 spirituality and have no connection with
0:30:21 islam or allah
0:30:23 because if you really take the logical
0:30:25 consequence of what they said
0:30:26 they are actually saying that the
0:30:28 prophet sallallahu
0:30:29 alaihi wasallam was not a real man may
0:30:31 allah protect us from such stupidity
0:30:33 because the prophet sallallahu alaihi
0:30:35 was married were
0:30:37 women who were basically not virgins the
0:30:40 prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam
0:30:42 married women who had uh previous
0:30:44 husbands and so on and so forth so to
0:30:46 even make such a ridiculous claim
0:30:49 is counter to the life of the prophet
0:30:51 sallallahu alaihi wasallam
0:30:52 is absolutely ridiculous yes we have our
0:30:55 ethical tradition
0:30:56 and there's virtues for marrying this
0:30:58 type of woman or that type of woman or
0:31:00 this type of man and that type of man
0:31:02 but the biggest virtue as a general
0:31:04 principle is someone who is pious
0:31:06 someone who is close to allah and the
0:31:09 reward
0:31:10 for marrying a divorcee who has children
0:31:13 or a widow is absolutely phenomenal and
0:31:16 if they only knew that reward they
0:31:17 wouldn't even utter such
0:31:19 nonsense so from that perspective say if
0:31:21 there is a movement where you wherever
0:31:22 you're from
0:31:23 in america that these guys are saying
0:31:25 such stuff these people actually they
0:31:27 need a
0:31:28 social intellectual spiritual slap
0:31:34 these guys are pathetic they have
0:31:36 probably a sense of arrogance they have
0:31:38 the psychosocial issues they're using
0:31:40 the dean as some form of gang
0:31:43 and this is a trend that you see
0:31:45 throughout societies
0:31:46 and these people should be shunned
0:31:48 shouldn't be taken seriously
0:31:50 and they should basically maybe they
0:31:51 should take some pills because they're
0:31:53 not mentally
0:31:53 not mentally well because what they're
0:31:55 saying is against the son of the prophet
0:31:57 sallallahu alaihi he will stand up to
0:31:59 talk about women in this
0:32:00 way and to to to to judge women this way
0:32:03 is
0:32:03 absolutely ridiculous in actual fact in
0:32:05 actual fact
0:32:06 if they study islam if a woman has had a
0:32:09 past
0:32:09 and she was a non-muslim she became a
0:32:11 muslim he has no right to know anything
0:32:13 about her past
0:32:14 zero in actual fact even if it was a
0:32:17 woman who was muslim and had a past
0:32:18 and she repented none of his business
0:32:21 none of his business
0:32:23 the one who repents right is like the
0:32:25 one who hasn't sinned yeah
0:32:27 these people are sick possessive
0:32:30 individuals
0:32:31 and already if they come across that way
0:32:33 it's a sign that they know
0:32:34 they should never be married you should
0:32:35 never marry those types of people in
0:32:37 actual fact
0:32:38 they need spiritual rehabilitation and
0:32:40 inshallah there's hope for them as well
0:32:42 we're not judging them may allah allow
0:32:45 them to enter through the door of his
0:32:46 mercy and his guidance
0:32:49 and to actually i am a bit more familiar
0:32:51 with the rental movement
0:32:53 um mainly through my studies in nihilism
0:32:56 funnily enough
0:32:57 um they seem to sort of be quite
0:32:59 characterized by this sort of
0:33:01 overwhelming force um but yeah so i
0:33:04 think
0:33:05 it's like what the hamza was just saying
0:33:06 then um i'm pretty sure the majority of
0:33:09 the wives that the prophet muhammad
0:33:10 sallallahu salaam
0:33:12 were not virgins so they were previously
0:33:14 married or they were widowed
0:33:16 um and he he took them and they
0:33:19 um he married them and the quran says
0:33:22 chapter 4 verse 19 and live them live
0:33:25 with them with kindness
0:33:27 or in kindness that is to you know treat
0:33:29 them well to
0:33:30 not this sort of um brutish mentality
0:33:34 that these particular individuals put
0:33:35 forward where
0:33:36 they they turn the um the male female
0:33:39 relationship into a battle
0:33:41 almost absolutely yes um so what's a
0:33:44 really good story
0:33:45 is one day when aisha raj there was some
0:33:48 food
0:33:49 being served and i believe she was
0:33:51 slightly jealous
0:33:53 and i think she was either broke a play
0:33:55 or something happened that wasn't you
0:33:56 know very nice
0:33:58 and the way the person responded he was
0:33:59 like oh your mother is jealous or the
0:34:01 way he responded very human nice way
0:34:03 he didn't you know was egocentric and
0:34:06 egotistical to say how dare you do this
0:34:08 in front of them or whatever the case
0:34:09 may be look if people follow the sunnah
0:34:12 they would have the best marriages
0:34:14 and what is the sunnah is to have help
0:34:16 is to have forbearance
0:34:17 to overlook faults is to look at your
0:34:19 thoughts first you know the way of the
0:34:20 salaf the way of the pious predecessors
0:34:23 when they had issues with the
0:34:26 with the women folk with their family
0:34:29 the first thing they would look at you
0:34:30 know they would look at
0:34:32 themselves they'll look at themselves
0:34:34 what sin did i commit
0:34:37 how have i moved away from allah for
0:34:39 this to happen at home
0:34:41 because it's a very empowering
0:34:43 philosophy the pious princes the salaf
0:34:46 the true salaf the true spiritual
0:34:48 masters of this ummah
0:34:49 when they had these issues they would
0:34:51 look into themselves they wouldn't blame
0:34:52 a woman or blame anyone else the first
0:34:54 thing they would do is look within
0:34:56 within what i done where's my ego
0:34:59 where's my problems where's my
0:35:02 connection with the quran where's my
0:35:03 connection
0:35:04 and wallahi brothers and sisters
0:35:07 i see this in my own life yeah in my own
0:35:14 life
0:35:16 when people move away from allah you're
0:35:18 gonna have problems
0:35:19 and then the ego is gonna teach you to
0:35:21 blame others
0:35:22 but i'm telling you the first thing the
0:35:24 first person you to blame
0:35:25 is yourself first find out yourself
0:35:28 because once you fix your connection
0:35:29 with allah
0:35:31 everything else falls into place so this
0:35:34 kind of
0:35:35 default position that someone else is to
0:35:37 blame or someone else is like this
0:35:39 this is not in line with the ethics with
0:35:42 the essence of islam
0:35:43 and not in line with the son of the
0:35:44 prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam and
0:35:46 with respect this is a massive disease
0:35:49 of the kind of our men in our ummah not
0:35:52 knowing what it means to be a real man
0:35:54 right people think being a real man is
0:35:56 benching 170 kilos
0:35:58 right you can't even press your ego and
0:36:01 you're telling me that you're a man
0:36:03 because you've gone to the gym you can't
0:36:05 branch piss your you bench press your
0:36:07 ego
0:36:08 you can't forgive others for the sake of
0:36:09 allah
0:36:13 you can't do that stuff and now you're
0:36:15 talking to me about what it means to be
0:36:17 a man
0:36:18 and false notions of hira and false
0:36:20 notions of this
0:36:21 and the other than being possessive this
0:36:23 is a spiritual issue
0:36:24 and this is why brothers and sisters as
0:36:26 a as a lesson for everybody especially
0:36:28 when we talk about the way of abraham
0:36:30 because when we talk about dawah and
0:36:32 give people dawah we need to know who we
0:36:34 are in the dao who am i in the tower
0:36:38 we always think about the others are the
0:36:39 kuffar the atheists the liberals this
0:36:42 who are you who are you in the tower
0:36:45 because it's through you through your
0:36:48 actions and through your state of being
0:36:49 and how you relate to others that's
0:36:51 going to create transformations in other
0:36:52 people
0:36:53 you can't control other people but you
0:36:54 know what you can control yourself
0:36:56 so who are you in the tower and all of
0:36:59 these things whether it's to do with
0:37:00 family whether it's to do with dawah
0:37:02 stems from what the heart
0:37:06 and we know the four main spiritual
0:37:07 diseases of the heart are what
0:37:09 self-amazement hassa the blameworthy
0:37:12 jealousy
0:37:14 arrogance ostentation these
0:37:17 four major spiritual diseases are that
0:37:20 which give rise to all the other
0:37:21 spiritual diseases and it affects the
0:37:23 way we relate we don't have this kind of
0:37:26 christian notion of faith that's just in
0:37:28 the heart it affects what you say
0:37:30 it affects what's in your heart it
0:37:32 affects how you relate to yourself how
0:37:34 you relate to others and how you relate
0:37:35 to all those panels
0:37:36 it affects your actions and it stems
0:37:39 from your state of being your state of
0:37:41 heart
0:37:41 and if you have hasad and ego and kibber
0:37:44 and all of these things it's going to
0:37:46 affect your relationships
0:37:47 it's going to affect everything i'll
0:37:48 tell you something sister and brothers
0:37:50 and sisters who listen to this
0:37:52 you can nearly find any excuse for your
0:37:54 actions in islam
0:37:56 if you're smart you could do some
0:37:58 linguistic
0:37:59 spiritual gymnastics and this is why
0:38:01 it's so important to understand who the
0:38:03 person is how does that person relate to
0:38:05 other people
0:38:06 what is spirituality like what's his ego
0:38:08 like how does he respond to fitna
0:38:11 how does he respond to when his ego is
0:38:13 challenged how does he respond to
0:38:14 calamity and chaos and
0:38:16 tribulations does he come closer to
0:38:18 allah or run away from allah
0:38:20 if he runs away from allah in those
0:38:21 situation then that is very revealing
0:38:23 because the fitna
0:38:24 the root word when you boil the metal it
0:38:26 removes its kind of impurities right
0:38:29 let's see what happens does fitness
0:38:31 remove the impurities and they come
0:38:33 closer to allah or does it make it
0:38:35 make them more impure and this is why we
0:38:37 have to revive
0:38:38 in our tower brothers and sisters this
0:38:41 concept of
0:38:42 who are you in the dawah in our advanced
0:38:44 our training course we have a long
0:38:45 section called the characteristics of
0:38:47 the duat
0:38:48 and this includes removing away from
0:38:51 useless argumentation and debate which
0:38:52 is based on the hadith
0:38:54 it talks about which is a beautiful
0:38:57 verse in the quran
0:38:58 in surah 34 when allah says good and
0:39:01 evil are not the same repelled by that
0:39:02 which is better
0:39:03 and between two people that was hatred
0:39:04 it would turn to intimate friendship
0:39:06 repel by that which is better
0:39:07 right and people think you know being
0:39:09 aggressive is is the best thing to do no
0:39:11 being aggressive is easy
0:39:13 holding your ego is the hardest thing to
0:39:14 do yeah talk to any human being or
0:39:17 especially
0:39:17 those who consider themselves alpha
0:39:19 males right the easiest thing to do to
0:39:21 be aggressive that's the easy default
0:39:23 that is easy but holding it down
0:39:26 responding
0:39:27 in a way that is better that is more
0:39:28 virtuous is more beautiful
0:39:30 that's that's the thing that we should
0:39:32 do in the darwin this is part of the tao
0:39:33 itself
0:39:34 in actual fact it was a key
0:39:35 characteristic of the prophet sallallahu
0:39:37 alaihi wasallam
0:39:38 when the jewish man came to protest and
0:39:39 pulled him by the neck and i believe
0:39:41 left the mark
0:39:42 right and one of the sahada wanted to
0:39:43 get aggressive and the person responded
0:39:45 with beauty and virtue
0:39:47 and this jewish man became a muslim
0:39:49 because it was one of the key signs he
0:39:50 was waiting for because he saw two out
0:39:52 of the three signs
0:39:53 and the final sign was in forbearance
0:39:55 repelling
0:39:56 by that which is better and you know
0:39:58 what's really interesting this is all
0:40:00 about dawah this was verse 34 in sort of
0:40:03 go to verse 33. go to the verse before
0:40:05 what does allah say
0:40:07 who is better in speech than the one who
0:40:09 calls to allah
0:40:11 does righteous deeds and says i am one
0:40:12 of the muslims allahu akbar
0:40:14 the holistic vision for the dawah you
0:40:16 call to allah you are a righteous person
0:40:19 and you say i am one of those who submit
0:40:21 and the verse after that
0:40:22 gives you the way of being that you must
0:40:25 be concerning the tao what does allah
0:40:27 say
0:40:27 good and evil are not the same repel by
0:40:30 that which is better
0:40:31 and the arabic word for repel here is
0:40:33 not followed by a direct object it
0:40:35 doesn't say repel evil it says repel
0:40:37 by that which is better and the really
0:40:39 say repelling about that which is better
0:40:41 is what is more virtuous is what is more
0:40:42 beautiful
0:40:43 and yes what is more virtuous and what
0:40:45 is more beautiful has its own context
0:40:47 sometimes you have to be assertive
0:40:48 sometimes you have to be soft but the
0:40:50 default position in the dial and i
0:40:52 challenge anybody on this planet
0:40:54 the default position in the dawah is to
0:40:56 be forbearing
0:40:57 is to be compassionate that's always the
0:40:59 default position look at the narrative
0:41:03 was told by our own the allah creature
0:41:06 on this earth
0:41:07 and what did he say about firaoun he
0:41:10 said speak to him
0:41:11 legend and softly and that's why imam
0:41:14 al-quran what is he saying
0:41:15 he says if allah told
0:41:21 this way imagine how we must be with
0:41:22 other people
0:41:25 so yeah exactly for that
0:41:28 you're sorry you've muted start going i
0:41:31 said
0:41:32 thank you you answered perfectly why i
0:41:34 was
0:41:35 very eager to ask somebody so the live
0:41:37 stream came at the perfect time
0:41:40 i really wanted some answers to those
0:41:41 questions thank you mashallah
0:41:44 i'm gonna go drink my coffee and eat my
0:41:46 breakfast but thank you so much for
0:41:47 allowing me on the stream and you
0:41:48 answered perfectly
0:41:55 so we've got some uh questions in the
0:41:57 chat as well so we'll answer these and
0:41:58 then we'll bring
0:41:59 someone else on um so we've got one here
0:42:01 by uh
0:42:03 um a lot of anti-sacrifice propaganda is
0:42:05 going on
0:42:06 uh social media like uh a vegan eid
0:42:09 lives matter uh even some ignorant
0:42:12 muslims how to respond
0:42:14 to such people well you know what's
0:42:17 really funny right
0:42:18 you know these ideological movements
0:42:21 they have a philosophical basis and what
0:42:23 we teach in the daoa
0:42:24 especially when we teach in their course
0:42:26 on no doubt and we teach and awakening
0:42:28 the truth within we
0:42:29 we teach about this concept called world
0:42:32 views
0:42:33 everyone has a worldview brothers and
0:42:34 sisters right everyone has a world view
0:42:37 and that vegans have a world view so why
0:42:39 they saying this is because
0:42:41 they believe in the vegan worldview so
0:42:42 what do they believe they basically
0:42:44 believe that
0:42:45 you can't eat animals because it's
0:42:48 uh there are sentient beings and
0:42:51 basically it's equivalent of murder
0:42:52 essentially
0:42:53 why did they say this because they had
0:42:55 their own philosophical assumptions
0:42:57 behind that all you need to say is well
0:42:58 you have false philosophical assumptions
0:43:00 yes we agree that we shouldn't have over
0:43:03 consumption
0:43:04 we agree that we shouldn't harm animals
0:43:06 if you study the way animals are stored
0:43:08 in islam
0:43:08 how animals are taken care of it's a
0:43:10 phenomenal phenomenal ethical tradition
0:43:12 so we agree with that aspect and we
0:43:14 agree with
0:43:14 over consumption but the philosophical
0:43:17 basis is
0:43:18 it's utter rejection of islam from that
0:43:20 perspective and let me explain why
0:43:22 allah subhanahu wa has said that these
0:43:25 animals have been created
0:43:26 for us to eat full stop you could prove
0:43:29 that
0:43:29 by showing them why the quran is from
0:43:31 allah once they understand that
0:43:33 all of the philosophy becomes redundant
0:43:35 because it's come from
0:43:37 it's come from the all wise and the
0:43:39 all-knowing allah has the totality of
0:43:41 knowledge and wisdom
0:43:42 and he is the source of oh goodness and
0:43:44 he commands that you could eat these
0:43:45 animals
0:43:46 first stop it's an easy easy equation
0:43:48 you prove the quran is from allah
0:43:51 and you prove that the quran says that
0:43:52 allah is the all-knowing the all wise
0:43:54 and he is the source of
0:43:55 goodness so therefore what he commands
0:43:57 is going to be the best
0:43:58 full stop however be nuanced appreciate
0:44:01 the ethical dimension
0:44:02 that yes overconsumption is not good
0:44:04 that animals are being treated really
0:44:05 really bad it's not in line with
0:44:07 designing ethics for sure but the
0:44:08 fundamental philosophical basis is
0:44:09 totally totally
0:44:11 incoherent in actual fact there's a
0:44:13 scientific study study to show
0:44:15 that trees have pain plants have pain
0:44:18 what are you gonna do plants
0:44:20 biologically
0:44:21 they basically are biological creatures
0:44:24 they're living right
0:44:25 they are living and they have pain they
0:44:27 react
0:44:28 in a way that could be described as pain
0:44:30 especially some trees if you read the
0:44:31 book the hidden life of trees you will
0:44:33 see this
0:44:34 what are you gonna do not have
0:44:35 vegetables we're going to eat you're
0:44:36 going to start sucking soil for your
0:44:38 minerals
0:44:39 come on man come on man what's going on
0:44:41 guys
0:44:43 they make these inferences so they they
0:44:45 say
0:44:46 but this is something that i wanted to
0:44:48 just talk about yeah
0:44:50 talk to them about the deep spiritual
0:44:52 nature of sacrificing an animal
0:44:54 i want you guys to think about this so
0:44:56 when you have an animal
0:44:58 and you sacrifice not just for eid but
0:45:00 just to eat
0:45:02 animals in islam are muslim
0:45:05 i repeat animals in islam are
0:45:08 muslim they submit to the will of allah
0:45:12 they are muslim
0:45:14 this muslim has been created
0:45:17 obviously for the kind of biological
0:45:20 the the the kind of environment in order
0:45:22 for the whole
0:45:23 cycle and of life to function and so on
0:45:26 and so forth
0:45:26 but they have also been created for us
0:45:28 to eat them so what is happening here
0:45:31 a muslim has been designed and created
0:45:34 to be sacrificed for you to eat
0:45:36 so that muslim submits and gives his
0:45:40 life to this muslim
0:45:41 myself in order for me to become
0:45:44 stronger and worship allah
0:45:46 that's a different way of looking at it
0:45:48 that is a different paradigm
0:45:49 these creatures have been created for
0:45:51 that purpose they are muslim
0:45:53 and they're sacrificing someone
0:45:54 submitting themselves in order for
0:45:56 another muslim the human being
0:45:58 in order to consume and be grateful
0:46:01 and to give thanks to allah and also to
0:46:03 consume to be strong
0:46:04 to worship allah subhanahu wa that's a
0:46:07 different way of looking at it so
0:46:08 just address it from a kind of
0:46:09 philosophical perspective and an ethical
0:46:11 one as well
0:46:12 and uh yes so i would just for now i
0:46:15 just ignore them just have your lamb
0:46:17 have your beef be grateful to allah say
0:46:21 bismillah be grateful to allah for
0:46:23 for what he's given you if you if you're
0:46:26 grateful to allah will give you
0:46:27 allah will give you more allah will give
0:46:29 you more to be grateful for and also
0:46:31 don't forget to share it with the poor
0:46:32 and to give sadaqa
0:46:34 and so on and so forth so yeah i mean
0:46:37 what's going on with the vegan stuff you
0:46:39 have talked to me yeah so they make this
0:46:41 inference that um
0:46:43 well you know the the plant doesn't have
0:46:45 a nervous system
0:46:46 so therefore it can't feel pain but it's
0:46:48 like well there's lots of things plants
0:46:49 seem to be able to do without
0:46:51 the exact same apparatus as we do for
0:46:53 example they have a form of respiration
0:46:55 but they don't have lungs
0:46:56 they some plants have the ability to
0:46:59 have a
0:47:00 a rudimentary form of memory although
0:47:03 they don't have brains
0:47:04 they communicate although they don't
0:47:05 have mouths and tongues yeah but you
0:47:06 said
0:47:07 a lot of these vegans are usually
0:47:08 atheists right and with all due respect
0:47:10 under your world view it's all reduced
0:47:12 to what
0:47:13 is reduced to blind processes
0:47:17 like these are electrons whizzing around
0:47:18 they're just physical processes that are
0:47:20 basically blind and unconscious
0:47:22 they're blind there's no intentional
0:47:23 force directing them anywhere and
0:47:24 they're blind meaning they're not aware
0:47:25 of themselves or wearing anything
0:47:27 outside of themselves so your whole the
0:47:29 whole physical
0:47:30 world including animals and plants are
0:47:32 just reduced to blind non-conscious
0:47:34 things
0:47:35 i'm just gonna say good night to my
0:47:36 daughter i'll be back in a sec no
0:47:38 problem
0:47:39 even even with your own perspective uh
0:47:42 do you have a philosophical grounding to
0:47:44 even justify things like
0:47:45 oh this is objectively wrong and this is
0:47:47 objectively uh
0:47:48 you know you know it's it's you know
0:47:51 it's we value these things what does
0:47:53 value mean
0:47:53 according to your world view anyway it's
0:47:55 reduced to blind non-conscious physical
0:47:57 processes
0:47:59 with all due respect so um it doesn't
0:48:01 give you a grounding
0:48:02 for your your your your value system
0:48:06 from that perspective so let's now have
0:48:12 uh someone else on borders have someone
0:48:14 salaam alaikum
0:48:18 s
0:48:26 this is for the third time for me that i
0:48:29 have been joining with you guys
0:48:30 and probably you guys were
0:48:34 you guys were doing lives into ramadan
0:48:37 and i have basically two questions
0:48:39 uh the first one that i'm going to ask
0:48:41 now this is something that you know
0:48:44 uh that has been reeling i mean i have
0:48:47 been
0:48:48 reeling on the same question for quite a
0:48:50 few times actually but i'm just trying
0:48:52 to get to that i'm just
0:48:53 trying to get to the key of it because
0:48:56 i'm also
0:48:58 i mean not only to the others i'm also
0:49:00 asking this to myself the question is
0:49:04 what our iman should be contingent upon
0:49:07 because first of all let me tell you
0:49:08 something because when for the first
0:49:10 time i
0:49:10 asked this question it was that
0:49:14 uh how do we determine truth
0:49:18 or what right on the basis of what
0:49:20 criteria do we determine the truth
0:49:23 and i was uh having a discussion with
0:49:26 uh subur ahmed in the ramadan and he
0:49:28 told me that
0:49:30 it's it should be based upon our own
0:49:31 reasoning so
0:49:33 i was quite convinced for a period of
0:49:36 time
0:49:36 uh i got uh you know pretty much
0:49:39 satisfactory
0:49:40 answer from there but later on that i
0:49:43 came to understand that
0:49:45 our reasoning is something that yes you
0:49:47 know
0:49:49 what we determine something to be true
0:49:51 or false that is
0:49:52 entirely based on our own reasoning but
0:49:54 the thing is our own reasoning is not
0:49:56 always
0:49:56 perfect and our reasoning is something i
0:49:59 mean what i came to realize for
0:50:01 uh you know within past few days
0:50:05 that uh truth is something
0:50:08 which is self-sufficient and we with the
0:50:12 ability that we have we we can rather
0:50:15 try to reach up to the truth so
0:50:18 you know i think the basic question it
0:50:20 comes down to the
0:50:22 you know thought that what our iman
0:50:24 should be contingent upon
0:50:27 okay so everyone over squad well there's
0:50:30 a few things here that we need to unpack
0:50:32 because there's a lot to unpack here
0:50:33 brother yeah so the first thing we turn
0:50:35 back
0:50:35 is our iman is contingent on the
0:50:39 guidance of allah
0:50:40 you could be totally irrational and have
0:50:43 iman
0:50:44 okay
0:50:47 irrational from a kind of you know
0:50:49 abstract sense
0:50:50 you need to realize that if allah
0:50:53 decides to guide someone
0:50:55 then what ever type of rationale you
0:50:57 throw at them
0:50:58 to try and prove them wrong or whatever
0:51:00 you throw at them
0:51:01 they're going to remain guided and if
0:51:03 allah decides to misguide someone
0:51:05 even if they seem to be the most
0:51:06 intelligent human being and they have
0:51:07 the great critical thinking skills and
0:51:09 so on and so forth
0:51:10 then they're going to be misguided
0:51:12 that's the that's actually a very
0:51:14 important point you need to understand
0:51:15 because this actually dictates
0:51:16 everything else
0:51:17 so you have to understand that guidance
0:51:19 accepting the truth
0:51:21 and what do you mean by truth here we
0:51:23 mean the representation
0:51:25 of the actual state of affairs
0:51:28 we understand reality
0:51:31 it is our our beliefs
0:51:35 our propositions our representations of
0:51:38 reality our representations of the
0:51:40 actual state of affairs
0:51:42 so when we say this means there is no
0:51:45 deity where they worship
0:51:46 except allah that statement that we
0:51:49 internalize and actualize
0:51:50 is a representation of the greatest
0:51:53 reality
0:51:54 because it is the greatest reality to
0:51:56 understand that there is a deity that is
0:51:58 worthy of worship
0:51:59 okay so when we say truth it's a
0:52:01 representation of the actual state of
0:52:03 affairs
0:52:04 so i've got a bit sidetracked but the
0:52:07 point i'm trying to say here is
0:52:09 that the first thing you need to
0:52:10 understand is guidance and misguidance
0:52:12 the hands of what what's up what to add
0:52:15 now they can be ways to truth
0:52:18 okay so to establish the truth and what
0:52:20 i mean by truth here is talk about la
0:52:22 illaha illallah okay we could talk about
0:52:24 other things like you know
0:52:26 find out how the brain works and how do
0:52:28 you know you know
0:52:30 the process of embryology these things
0:52:32 have put you have yeah
0:52:34 i guess that is the you know biggest
0:52:36 question and the ultimate question
0:52:38 yeah absolutely so let's focus on that
0:52:40 then so
0:52:41 there are different so different means
0:52:43 to establish that okay
0:52:44 now if you understood what we said in
0:52:46 the beginning concerning the kind of
0:52:47 metaphysical backdrop that every human
0:52:49 being has a fit
0:52:50 has innate disposition the kind of
0:52:52 normative primordial original state
0:52:55 that basically either has knowledge
0:52:57 within itself or it
0:52:59 directs you towards the truth
0:53:02 if it's unclouded but a lot of people
0:53:05 have their fits were clouded
0:53:06 so there are different means to uncloud
0:53:09 the fitzwa
0:53:10 to get you to realize that truth one of
0:53:12 those means
0:53:13 can be rational arguments another one
0:53:16 could be
0:53:16 just direct revelation okay so it's not
0:53:20 entirely true that it's an abstract form
0:53:23 of reasoning that would lead you to the
0:53:24 truth
0:53:25 but it is true that a sound
0:53:28 application of reason may lead you to
0:53:31 the truth
0:53:32 but you have to understand this in the
0:53:34 context of the metaphysical backdrop
0:53:36 because the intellect and the islamic
0:53:38 tradition
0:53:39 is a function of the pulp is a function
0:53:42 of the heart
0:53:42 and what does the heart do the heart
0:53:44 does
0:53:46 it wavers but the intellect is within it
0:53:50 and also there is a dynamic interplay
0:53:51 between the nufs the ego
0:53:53 and between the spiritual diseases of
0:53:55 the heart and maybe the fitting of the
0:53:57 heart like shubu heart and shahawat
0:53:59 destructive doubts
0:54:00 and blaming blame where he desires and
0:54:02 so on and so forth
0:54:03 so it's not as simple as saying if you
0:54:05 have sound reasoning
0:54:06 you're going to be guided no because you
0:54:08 may have sound reasoning but
0:54:10 your heart you may have ego so your
0:54:13 sound reasoning may be saying
0:54:14 this is the truth this is the actual
0:54:16 this is the representation of affairs
0:54:18 this is reality but your heart
0:54:22 may have the spiritual disease of kibber
0:54:25 of arrogance
0:54:26 and you the arrogance could be blocking
0:54:28 the function of the heart which is the
0:54:31 right so it's not as simple as saying
0:54:34 reason would lead you to that right
0:54:36 do you understand what i'm saying so far
0:54:38 yeah
0:54:39 i totally understand and actually my
0:54:41 next question is also
0:54:42 about fitna that is that yeah but this
0:54:45 is in line with even western cognitive
0:54:46 psychology
0:54:47 because they even they you know it's
0:54:49 immature to say that we're just abstract
0:54:51 rational beings we're not
0:54:52 there is a cognitive psychological
0:54:54 reality some people like for example in
0:54:56 cognitive science
0:54:57 you research this for yourself people
0:54:59 would think they're rational they have a
0:55:01 rational belief
0:55:02 but it wasn't because of any type of
0:55:04 reason part of it was because of maybe
0:55:06 psychosocial motivations that they
0:55:08 weren't even aware of
0:55:09 right so yeah this is something very
0:55:12 important for us to understand so when
0:55:13 we understand the human being as allah
0:55:15 create the human being
0:55:16 and we understand the role of the fitra
0:55:18 and the quran
0:55:21 that there can be different means to
0:55:22 that truth yes one of them could be a
0:55:25 sound
0:55:26 reasoning sound rationality but it's in
0:55:29 context as well
0:55:30 where the heart is right because the
0:55:33 heart for example
0:55:34 could be infected with kibber if someone
0:55:37 has a high end level of qibla
0:55:39 they will not actualize or internalize
0:55:42 allah
0:55:42 they don't want a deity over them they
0:55:44 want to be deities of themselves
0:55:45 and this is why bro you'll have two
0:55:47 different people
0:55:48 with really good intellects but they'll
0:55:51 have and the same data and they'll have
0:55:53 drastically different conclusions why
0:55:56 oh it's a difference of opinion they've
0:55:57 seen it from a different perspective
0:55:59 maybe
0:56:00 but standing the possibility it could be
0:56:01 where their heart is
0:56:03 it could be where their heart lies maybe
0:56:06 once heart is more free of qibla more
0:56:08 free of arrogance more free of the
0:56:09 spiritual blemishes and it allows them
0:56:11 to see
0:56:12 reality as it is
0:56:17 yeah actually uh so my second question
0:56:19 was uh about the fitra that
0:56:22 what do i i mean what do i understand uh
0:56:25 by fitra
0:56:26 is that probably it is the ability
0:56:30 of recognizing god by born i mean this
0:56:32 is something
0:56:33 uh an innate nature right then
0:56:36 my question would be that how has it
0:56:38 been explained by the prophet muhammad
0:56:39 sallallahu alaihi
0:56:40 because the question arises here
0:56:44 is that if every human being
0:56:47 are born with the fitra then why is
0:56:49 there a necessity
0:56:50 to you know teach them or to let them
0:56:53 know about that there is a god or
0:56:55 something like that i'm not talking
0:56:56 about the rituals or
0:56:57 how to pray or how to what what things
0:56:59 to do or what things are not to be done
0:57:02 but the you know recognition of the
0:57:05 existence of god
0:57:06 why it is necessary necessary to to be
0:57:08 taught
0:57:10 if it is yes well
0:57:13 there is a difference so there's say
0:57:15 there's two opinions of the fitzran one
0:57:16 is that it has a form of proton or
0:57:18 primary knowledge that allah is a
0:57:19 reality is worthy of extensive praise
0:57:22 and the other view of the fitra is that
0:57:23 it's just like an affinity that directs
0:57:25 you towards the truth
0:57:26 so if you give the second opinion that
0:57:28 we that you just mentioned that it's an
0:57:29 affinity that directs you towards the
0:57:30 truth
0:57:31 then it the the fitter would need
0:57:33 guiding right so if the
0:57:35 victor is like a vehicle and is driving
0:57:37 towards the truth
0:57:38 if it gets clouded because of parenting
0:57:40 and socialization
0:57:42 as per the hadith muslim then you need
0:57:44 to to remove some of that mist and those
0:57:46 clouds to
0:57:47 allow it to direct itself towards the
0:57:49 truth so the pedagogy the way you teach
0:57:51 your children
0:57:52 is not to give them the calam
0:57:53 cosmological argument without respect
0:57:55 only your food will do that right
0:57:57 they'll create far more confusion you
0:57:58 don't give a seven-year-old
0:57:59 the calam cosmological argument or the
0:58:01 argument from consciousness of course
0:58:02 not
0:58:03 you would affirm what the fitra dictates
0:58:07 you affirm and someone who has children
0:58:09 you'll realize this
0:58:10 so you you basically just affirm you get
0:58:12 them to look into the cosmos and say
0:58:14 look the stars in the moon who created
0:58:16 that and then you had that discussion it
0:58:17 was allah
0:58:18 you know here's the all-powerful and so
0:58:19 on and so forth you just affirm what
0:58:21 revelation says
0:58:22 that revelation is one of the greatest
0:58:25 ways
0:58:26 of keeping the fitra intact when
0:58:29 they are developing and obviously as
0:58:31 they get older and they encounter other
0:58:32 ideologies and arguments then for sure
0:58:34 you could develop their knowledge base
0:58:36 but as a foundation your pedagogy
0:58:38 should be the values and the principles
0:58:40 of the which are very intuitive very
0:58:41 universal very simple
0:58:43 um and this is why it's very important
0:58:45 but another thing that's important is
0:58:47 you need to create a good relationship
0:58:48 with your children one that is based on
0:58:49 trust and love
0:58:50 in order for them to refer to you at the
0:58:52 same time in order for that knowledge to
0:58:54 make more sense and more meaning to them
0:58:56 but the point here is you you you affirm
0:58:59 the fits fire you don't
0:59:00 necessarily give people new truths and
0:59:03 i've noticed
0:59:04 my with my own children so when i get a
0:59:06 question sometimes i respond to them by
0:59:08 asking them how they would answer the
0:59:09 question and i'm telling you listen to
0:59:11 this
0:59:12 when you get them to sit outside of
0:59:14 themselves and question themselves and
0:59:16 treat themselves as if they're taking
0:59:17 care of their own selves
0:59:19 and they're trying to answer the
0:59:20 question that they've asked
0:59:22 and they they act as a kind of teacher
0:59:24 to themselves i am telling you the fitra
0:59:26 comes out
0:59:27 and they'll come up with an answer that
0:59:31 they already knew and that's part of the
0:59:33 empowerment process
0:59:34 to show to them that they already had
0:59:36 the answer
0:59:37 and this is why you have to understand
0:59:39 the function of ayat
0:59:41 there is an epistemic function
0:59:43 concerning ayat
0:59:45 quranic verses pick for example what
0:59:47 allah says
0:59:48 in chapter 52 verses 35 to 36 allah says
0:59:51 did you
0:59:52 come from nothing did you create
0:59:54 yourself did you create the heavens and
0:59:56 the earth
0:59:56 [Music]
0:59:58 indeed you have no firm faith you have
1:00:00 no certainty
1:00:01 allah is not even giving you an answer
1:00:03 it's implied
1:00:04 but these i act act as triggers to
1:00:06 awaken the fitra or to uncloud the fit
1:00:08 to affirm what the fitra is upon for
1:00:11 example did you come from nothing
1:00:13 did you create yourself ask someone that
1:00:15 question and i'm telling you i asked
1:00:16 this question to
1:00:17 a atheist in qatar he was from china he
1:00:20 had a business there
1:00:21 and i asked him these questions and he
1:00:24 ended up being someone who believed in
1:00:26 a creator after that just by virtue of
1:00:28 these questions and some discussion
1:00:30 the these ayat revelation quran quranic
1:00:33 verses
1:00:34 many of these verses act as epistemic
1:00:37 triggers
1:00:38 they trigger the fitra to bring it back
1:00:39 onto the path to uncloud it and allow it
1:00:42 to direct itself towards the truth
1:00:44 in reality you're not teaching you're
1:00:47 awakening
1:00:48 and yes obviously there'll be
1:00:49 embellishments to this meaning you're
1:00:51 going to add like allah is
1:00:53 going to teach them names and attributes
1:00:54 but when we talk about the fifth vowel
1:00:56 we're talking about
1:00:57 the basic essential underlying
1:01:00 concept behind the idea of a creator
1:01:02 that is worthy of watching
1:01:04 that basic concept does not need to be
1:01:06 taught
1:01:07 like the concept of cause and effect
1:01:09 that that
1:01:10 effects have causes you don't keep have
1:01:13 you ever seen someone in school being
1:01:15 taught that effects have causes
1:01:17 i was never taught that at school i
1:01:19 understood this through my own
1:01:20 introspection and reflection
1:01:22 this is one of the kind of
1:01:24 characteristics of what you call a
1:01:26 self-evident truth and in the divine
1:01:28 reality course we talk about the
1:01:29 self-evident truth of the underlying
1:01:31 concept of god
1:01:32 that there is a creator a prior cause
1:01:34 uncreated cause
1:01:35 for reality and a self-evident truth
1:01:38 which is not made up this exists in
1:01:40 western philosophy
1:01:41 you could call it assumption axioms or
1:01:43 first principles
1:01:44 and characteristics of these is that
1:01:46 they are they are untaught meaning
1:01:48 they're not taught by information
1:01:50 transfer
1:01:52 so the concept of a crew of a creator or
1:01:54 cause and effect
1:01:56 you don't teach someone that they learn
1:01:58 it within themselves through their own
1:02:00 introspection and experience it's not
1:02:02 via information transfer
1:02:04 does that make sense yeah totally
1:02:07 actually i i see the problem why why
1:02:09 these uh problems and questions or doubt
1:02:12 whatever you say this comes up
1:02:14 is that you know we do not really
1:02:16 understand or introspect on the thing
1:02:18 that why do we believe something that we
1:02:20 believe
1:02:21 actually basically i am currently now
1:02:23 studying in the university
1:02:24 when i was a teenage boy i was used to
1:02:27 listen to mr zakir naik and he was very
1:02:29 he was quite expert at you know relating
1:02:32 quran and islam with science so and
1:02:34 being a young boy who was very much
1:02:36 interested in scientific contentions and
1:02:38 all that
1:02:39 so i somehow started to believe that
1:02:41 science or scientific methodology was
1:02:43 you know a way of
1:02:46 recognizing the truth at least for the
1:02:48 natural truth so anything that
1:02:50 uh contradicts with science and anything
1:02:53 that contradicts with science or
1:02:55 uh something that is established fact
1:02:58 that
1:02:58 might have not been you know or
1:03:00 something that is true so
1:03:02 i grew up having that kind of a mindset
1:03:05 and
1:03:07 a few days ago actually it was the last
1:03:09 year when i uh just just out of
1:03:11 curiosity i was
1:03:12 searching on the internet that the
1:03:14 scientific errors in quran and islam
1:03:16 something like that
1:03:17 i knew that some uh answers were gonna
1:03:20 come but i was just more curious to know
1:03:22 that what islamic scholars has to say
1:03:23 about that
1:03:24 so when i saw that you know i i got
1:03:27 pretty much
1:03:27 shook having seen that oh my god islamic
1:03:31 uh contentions sometimes might
1:03:33 contradict the science then i
1:03:34 got to understand that you know we
1:03:36 cannot uh you know think within that
1:03:38 paradigm so from there on actually i
1:03:40 kept having this question in my mind and
1:03:42 then what do we rely upon
1:03:44 because science is something that cannot
1:03:46 be
1:03:47 used to establish truth maybe sometimes
1:03:49 it could be
1:03:50 but you know it is not actually simple
1:03:53 science can be used
1:03:54 to understand the truth of the physical
1:03:57 world
1:03:58 that's no problem it's it's it's
1:04:01 the one is the best method to understand
1:04:04 the physical world how the physical
1:04:05 world works which in reality
1:04:07 is looking at how allah
1:04:10 allah manifests itself in physical
1:04:13 reality
1:04:14 so yeah exactly that's why we cannot
1:04:17 defer actually
1:04:18 you know yes
1:04:22 now there is actually not a problem the
1:04:24 problem becomes when
1:04:25 we somehow take it for granted that yes
1:04:28 scientific methodology at least for the
1:04:30 natural phenomena what science has to
1:04:32 say if that contradicts with any kind
1:04:34 anything
1:04:35 uh with the religion probably their
1:04:37 religion is pure the false
1:04:41 so there's a difference here he is he is
1:04:44 what the class of scholars would say
1:04:47 so in order to understand the physical
1:04:48 world you use the scientific method no
1:04:50 problem
1:04:51 scientific method free from kind of
1:04:55 ideological constructs philosophical
1:04:58 naturalism assuming that there is no god
1:05:00 you don't come to
1:05:01 see the physical world assuming there's
1:05:02 no god right
1:05:04 so you don't you don't read in atheism
1:05:06 into your into your science that would
1:05:08 be unscientific you just look at the
1:05:09 physical world and you see how it works
1:05:12 so i totally understand that because you
1:05:13 know i also started something
1:05:16 sorry sorry you probably you just your
1:05:18 voice came up
1:05:20 oh sorry i just mean so basically
1:05:24 you have the scientific method as a
1:05:26 general rule
1:05:28 well-confirmed scientific theories that
1:05:31 are successful
1:05:31 that have predictive power you accept
1:05:34 them you accept them so any welcome film
1:05:37 theory that has predicted power this has
1:05:39 a high
1:05:39 epistemic status in the scientific
1:05:42 community
1:05:43 there's no such thing as just a theory
1:05:45 right it's not just a theory
1:05:46 theory science is a well-confirmed uh
1:05:49 successful theory that has predictive
1:05:51 power so you as a default position you
1:05:53 accept it
1:05:54 and islam allows you to accept it
1:05:57 here's here's where you need some
1:05:59 understanding
1:06:01 if and only if there is a scientific
1:06:03 theory that's well confirmed with
1:06:05 predictive power and
1:06:06 successful if it somehow contradicts
1:06:09 islam irreconcilably meaning there is no
1:06:12 reconciliation
1:06:14 then what you can do you could still
1:06:16 accept the theory practically
1:06:19 but you accept what islam says why
1:06:21 because
1:06:22 if you believe in islam you know it has
1:06:23 a higher epistemic status
1:06:26 than the scientific method because even
1:06:29 a will confirm theory that has
1:06:30 predictive power and that's successful
1:06:32 even if you're a scientific realist or
1:06:34 an anti-realist or an instrumentalist
1:06:36 you're still gonna affirm that
1:06:39 it could be false and it can change
1:06:42 right even realists believe in this
1:06:44 they believe yes it could be even though
1:06:46 we believe what confirm theories are
1:06:49 a representation of the actual state of
1:06:50 affairs they could be false and they
1:06:52 could change
1:06:53 given that then you know if there's an
1:06:56 irreconcilable contradiction with islam
1:06:58 you still accept the theory because it's
1:07:00 working and it's giving you some
1:07:01 positive things from a practical point
1:07:02 of view
1:07:03 but you don't accept it you are either
1:07:05 because you know it's not necessarily
1:07:06 true that just because something works
1:07:08 is true
1:07:09 and you accept islam what islam says but
1:07:12 you still work with it with the theory
1:07:14 practically but that's if and only if a
1:07:17 well-confirmed theory that is successful
1:07:20 cannot be reconciled with is anything
1:07:22 that islam says and that is extremely
1:07:24 rare
1:07:25 i don't think there is anything in
1:07:27 science
1:07:28 that goes against uh islam
1:07:31 that cannot be reconciled even
1:07:36 even when people say darwinism the
1:07:37 darwinian mechanism that darwinism
1:07:40 it believes in common ancestry and and
1:07:42 scientists they believe common ancestry
1:07:45 is almost equivalent to the earth being
1:07:47 round or
1:07:48 for basically um uh heliocentrism okay
1:07:53 yeah right
1:07:58 didn't have parents there is no common
1:08:00 ancestry
1:08:02 we agree adam islam did not have parents
1:08:04 he was created by allah
1:08:07 but is there a way to reconcile those
1:08:10 two different things
1:08:11 maybe you're going to develop a theory
1:08:13 called adamic exceptionalism
1:08:14 maybe you're going to develop another
1:08:16 kind of perspective the point is it's
1:08:18 not
1:08:18 irreconcilable yeah and what i'm saying
1:08:22 it from the realm of orthodoxy we
1:08:24 affirmed that adam and islam had
1:08:26 no evolutionary foreigner had no parents
1:08:29 allah
1:08:30 allah created adamantium directly even
1:08:32 the idea itself
1:08:34 is still reconcilable it's not it's not
1:08:36 irreconcilable that's my point
1:08:39 so even if you talk about darwinism
1:08:40 which is supposed to be contentious
1:08:42 which i don't think is even contentious
1:08:43 from that perspective
1:08:45 it's not a major issue but if you happen
1:08:47 hypothetically which i don't think has
1:08:48 ever existed or will exist
1:08:50 that there is a theory that's well
1:08:52 confirmed and successful and it happened
1:08:53 to
1:08:54 be irreconcilable with an islamic or in
1:08:57 a quranic verse then you could adopt
1:08:59 what i've just said
1:09:00 which is you accept what islam says
1:09:03 because you know it's come from a higher
1:09:04 epistemic
1:09:06 source has a higher epistemic status and
1:09:09 you still accept the
1:09:10 theory practically but not in your
1:09:12 belief because you know
1:09:13 even in scientific realism they still
1:09:16 believe that it can change and it could
1:09:18 be false
1:09:18 simple as that it's such actually an
1:09:20 easy way of dealing with it
1:09:22 now obviously it obviously raises the
1:09:24 question
1:09:26 you know oh but you have to prove that
1:09:28 islam has a high epistemic status i
1:09:30 agree
1:09:30 and that's what we have to do in the
1:09:32 dawah
1:09:34 exactly i totally agree with you
1:09:36 actually i do understand all the things
1:09:38 that you have just said because i also
1:09:40 studied
1:09:40 science uh in my school so
1:09:44 as i accept the fact that you know
1:09:45 science even if science contradicts this
1:09:48 islam and so on and so forth
1:09:50 then i have seen people while discussing
1:09:54 about these matters that then they ask
1:09:56 me the question
1:09:57 that then what is the objective proof
1:10:00 or which could conveniently
1:10:03 explain that islam is the truth because
1:10:06 once i was having a conversation with
1:10:08 some atheists and agnostics and they
1:10:10 i asked them that what is the criteria
1:10:11 of truth and i told them that i am a
1:10:13 muslim
1:10:14 and they asked me that why are you a
1:10:15 muslim then
1:10:17 for me actually i i tried to give some
1:10:20 arguments and i
1:10:21 uh told them that my criteria of
1:10:24 establishing truth is my own reasoning
1:10:26 and we could talk about that later but
1:10:28 they
1:10:28 kept asking me that why is there
1:10:32 is there any objective evidence or way
1:10:34 of
1:10:35 verifying that yes islam is true or if
1:10:37 there is any god or not
1:10:38 so that's why actually i well that that
1:10:41 with all due respect to be answered on
1:10:43 this live stream comprehensively
1:10:45 is going to take some time so what we
1:10:47 advise you to do is we have a learning
1:10:48 platform
1:10:50 that's uh the the functionality is there
1:10:53 and we've
1:10:54 recorded around three four or five
1:10:56 professional courses and our objective
1:10:58 to do 10
1:10:59 we promised last ramadan we'll have 10
1:11:01 professional courses
1:11:02 and that's going to include proofs of
1:11:04 god existence proof of quran
1:11:06 proof of prophethood how to give dao and
1:11:08 it's all going to be available in our
1:11:10 learning platform
1:11:11 so um well we have that available in
1:11:16 for the community and it's going to be
1:11:17 coming up in the next couple of weeks
1:11:18 and months when we edit it and put it up
1:11:20 on our learning platform
1:11:22 but for the time being what we're going
1:11:23 to do we suggest that you you stick to
1:11:25 this channel and other
1:11:26 channels as well for example thought
1:11:28 adventure podcast is a very good
1:11:29 it talks about the necessary being so on
1:11:31 and so forth
1:11:33 actually if you've noticed uh every week
1:11:36 or every couple of weeks
1:11:38 we have an academic seminar so the
1:11:40 previous seminar was one on
1:11:43 um i forgot it was i did one on the
1:11:46 linguistic miracle of the quran are
1:11:47 ticking it
1:11:48 to non-arabs that you don't have to know
1:11:50 anything about the arabic language to
1:11:51 show that the quran is from allah from a
1:11:52 linguistic perspective
1:11:54 we had one on beauty we had one on the
1:11:57 sabra nichola
1:11:58 massacre on being human hopefully
1:12:02 after eid we're going to have one of the
1:12:03 contingency argument after that we're
1:12:05 going to have one of morality
1:12:07 then we're going to have one in
1:12:08 september on um
1:12:10 reason rationality that philosophical
1:12:12 naturalism atheism can't make sense of
1:12:13 that
1:12:14 and so on and so forth and so over the
1:12:16 couple of weeks
1:12:17 we're going to be having these academic
1:12:19 seminars
1:12:20 obviously for free on on the youtube
1:12:22 channel um
1:12:24 so please keep out uh you know
1:12:27 be be ready for those and if you go to
1:12:30 our website you have literally
1:12:31 you have books that you can download to
1:12:32 read and look at references and expand
1:12:34 your knowledge as well
1:12:35 but all that stuff is coming up in sha
1:12:36 allah there's also the lighthouse
1:12:38 project as well so if you want yes i'm
1:12:42 also reading i've also downloaded the
1:12:44 book eternal challenge probably that is
1:12:45 by abu zakariyah yeah
1:12:49 but yeah so check out the the lighthouse
1:12:51 form if you go to sapiens institute
1:12:52 um you can go on there and
1:12:56 basically put an application in for a
1:12:57 private one-to-one um with one of the
1:12:59 the lighthouse mentors as well so if you
1:13:01 want to go into this in conversation
1:13:03 um with a dialogue in a bit more detail
1:13:05 um do check that out but we're going to
1:13:06 have to let you go on our brother
1:13:08 as we've got a few people waiting yes or
1:13:09 comments yeah
1:13:12 thank you so much
1:13:18 and uh we've lost hamza um i'm not 100
1:13:21 sure where he's gone
1:13:23 i i had to uh look for the charger so we
1:13:26 had to sort that out for the laptop
1:13:28 yeah no problem no problem so we've got
1:13:29 a here uh we've got one comment and then
1:13:31 we'll move to brother al-amin in the
1:13:33 back i think it's a brother
1:13:34 um so this question is very relevant uh
1:13:38 how do we explain that allah is the most
1:13:40 merciful and the most forgiving
1:13:42 if he sends people to hell or hell fire
1:13:46 well the first thing that you have to
1:13:47 understand is that allah is not only the
1:13:48 most merciful most forgiving he's also
1:13:50 the most just
1:13:51 so we understand allah's names and
1:13:52 attributes
1:13:54 by his oneness and we also understand
1:13:56 allah's names and attributes by his
1:13:58 maximum perfection
1:13:59 what does this mean so in the islamic
1:14:01 tradition
1:14:02 across the schools of creed that we
1:14:04 understand that allah's names and
1:14:05 attributes
1:14:06 are to the highest degree possible
1:14:08 without any deficiency without any flaw
1:14:10 this is
1:14:10 maximal perfection so when we say allah
1:14:12 is the most forgiving
1:14:14 we're saying his forgiveness is to the
1:14:16 highest it'd be possible now for example
1:14:19 you know i heard for example some
1:14:20 personal people say that
1:14:22 oh but i'm more forgiving than allah i
1:14:24 want some people to hell
1:14:26 but this is what you call basically a
1:14:28 logical fallacy because you're comparing
1:14:31 apples and bears from that perspective
1:14:33 because when when a human being forgives
1:14:36 they need to forgive in some way it has
1:14:38 an internal or an external benefit
1:14:40 it completes them from some perspective
1:14:43 when allah forgives
1:14:44 he does not require anything he does not
1:14:47 he doesn't require any completion he
1:14:49 doesn't need anything
1:14:51 think about this allah is the most
1:14:53 powerful
1:14:54 allah is he is the free
1:14:58 he is the rich he is the independent
1:15:01 when he forgives or when he loves he
1:15:04 gains nothing by forgiving and nothing
1:15:06 by loving
1:15:07 such is allah yet he loves
1:15:10 so when you think about allah's
1:15:11 forgiveness it's always going to be
1:15:14 more perfect than anyone else's
1:15:16 forgiveness because when you forgive
1:15:17 you need to forgive in some way it
1:15:20 benefits you internally or externally
1:15:22 allah does not require anything he is
1:15:25 completely
1:15:26 free completely rich completely
1:15:28 independent
1:15:29 yet he loves imagine how and he forgives
1:15:32 imagine how pure
1:15:33 and maximally perfect his forgiveness is
1:15:36 that's
1:15:36 that's that's that's uh uh uh something
1:15:39 very important that people forget
1:15:41 to think about for example allah's love
1:15:43 and forgiveness and love are connected
1:15:44 anyway
1:15:45 he is the loving now when you think
1:15:47 about allah's love
1:15:48 in the context of what i've just said
1:15:50 you understand that allah's love is to
1:15:51 the highest
1:15:52 degree possible without any deficiency
1:15:53 and not any flaw think about one of the
1:15:55 greatest manifestations of
1:15:57 love in the dunya the one the great one
1:15:59 of the greatest manifestations of love
1:16:01 in the dunya is a mother's love
1:16:04 and mother's love is nothing compared to
1:16:06 the love of allah there is no
1:16:08 you can't even compare with allah
1:16:10 committee there is nothing
1:16:12 like committee as his example
1:16:15 don't forget there's nothing like allah
1:16:17 there's nothing like even his example
1:16:18 and with and with allah
1:16:20 is the highest example so what i'm
1:16:21 comparing but we're trying to show to
1:16:23 you that a mother loves because she
1:16:24 needs to love it completely in some way
1:16:27 when allah loves he does not
1:16:29 require completion yet he loves
1:16:33 imagine how pure his love is from that
1:16:35 perspective
1:16:36 so that's why even the question is
1:16:39 forced when someone says oh i want to do
1:16:40 such a thing
1:16:42 you're comparing apples and pears and
1:16:43 you've misunderstood the reality of
1:16:44 what's panel word to adam
1:16:46 also we have to understand the concept
1:16:48 of hell here i've mentioned this earlier
1:16:49 i don't know if you were around
1:16:52 allah doesn't want people to go to hell
1:16:55 this is this is a quranic fact he sends
1:16:58 people to hell
1:16:59 but does he want people to go to heaven
1:17:01 no allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
1:17:05 is also the just allah subhanahu wa
1:17:07 ta'ala is also forgiving and the
1:17:09 merciful
1:17:10 and allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has given
1:17:12 you the opportunity has kept the door
1:17:14 open to his guidance and mercy
1:17:16 we shut that door and then the only door
1:17:18 that is left
1:17:19 is we throw ourselves into the hellfire
1:17:22 so it's not the question of
1:17:23 how can a loving lord send us to hell
1:17:26 but rather
1:17:27 how can how can we choose hell
1:17:30 over a loving lord as allah says in the
1:17:32 quran
1:17:33 and they did and we did not wrong them
1:17:36 they
1:17:36 wronged themselves we throw ourselves
1:17:40 from an existential spiritual
1:17:41 perspective into the hellfire
1:17:43 that's something that's very important
1:17:44 to understand and when you're in hell
1:17:48 people will not say it's an injustice
1:17:52 think about that think about that people
1:17:55 will not say it's an injustice it's a
1:17:58 manifestation of the justice of allah
1:18:01 the forgiveness and guidance the door
1:18:03 was open
1:18:04 we closed it and this is very
1:18:07 interesting considering the maximum
1:18:08 forgiveness of allah anyway because
1:18:11 allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
1:18:13 and by the way when allah says you know
1:18:15 when we say whoever allah guides no one
1:18:17 can misguide whoever allah misguides no
1:18:18 one can guide
1:18:20 that also has a context because when you
1:18:21 look into the quran allah says allah
1:18:23 does not guide so and so
1:18:25 allah loves so-and-so so there's a kind
1:18:27 of almost
1:18:29 quasi-spiritual correlation between who
1:18:31 we are in guidance and misguidance for
1:18:33 example if you're arrogant
1:18:34 then that's going to be a barrier to
1:18:36 divine guidance and mercy but
1:18:38 the backdrop is that allah guides and
1:18:40 misguides whoever he wills
1:18:41 but there is a kind of elaboration to a
1:18:44 certain degree on
1:18:45 the kind of spiritual mechanics of that
1:18:47 yeah but notwithstanding it's very
1:18:49 important to even look at the story of
1:18:50 adam alaihissalam
1:18:52 which is very different from the
1:18:53 christian story because the christian
1:18:55 the christian god with all due respect
1:18:56 is not a loving god with all due respect
1:18:58 i don't know how they've sold this
1:19:00 narrative to the world
1:19:01 i don't know how they've done it
1:19:02 probably with colonialism god knows
1:19:04 but i don't know how they saw this
1:19:06 forced narrative because how can you say
1:19:08 god is
1:19:08 perfectly loving in the christian
1:19:09 tradition he is not perfectly forgiving
1:19:12 and forgiveness is the language of love
1:19:15 because in the in the biblical sense you
1:19:17 have adam who
1:19:18 falls falls from grace right and god
1:19:21 can't forgive him
1:19:22 it has to be a blood sacrifice the
1:19:24 forgiveness is not based on the
1:19:26 relationship between creator
1:19:27 and the create created rather it has to
1:19:30 be based on something outside of that
1:19:32 relationship like a sacrifice or
1:19:33 whatever the case may be
1:19:34 this is not maximum forgiveness
1:19:38 think about the story in the quran the
1:19:40 adamic story
1:19:42 allah describes the fall of adam and his
1:19:44 wife
1:19:45 as a slip and allah what does allah
1:19:50 say allah says and we turn to them
1:19:53 which indicates that we turn away from
1:19:55 allah
1:19:56 when you say oh i'm not close to allah
1:19:58 then think about who moved
1:20:00 who moved we moved
1:20:05 but allah turned to them and allah
1:20:08 taught them words of forgiveness and
1:20:10 they
1:20:10 uttered them and allah forgave them
1:20:12 famous words in the quran
1:20:22 look at that maximum forgiveness let me
1:20:25 give you two scenarios it's not an
1:20:26 example but you could elaborate from
1:20:28 greater reason
1:20:29 example no scenario number one you have
1:20:31 a king of a castle
1:20:33 as servant of the castle he does
1:20:36 something wrong and he goes to the king
1:20:37 i've done something wrong
1:20:39 king says i can't forgive you the only
1:20:41 way i can forgive you
1:20:42 is for me to kill my son but not only to
1:20:46 kill my son you have to accept that i've
1:20:48 killed my son
1:20:50 is that maximal forgiveness maximal love
1:20:52 no
1:20:53 look at another scenario king of a
1:20:55 castle
1:20:56 someone a servant makes a mistake does
1:20:59 something wrong
1:21:00 in the castle and he goes to the king i
1:21:02 made a mistake
1:21:03 and the king turns to him and says say
1:21:06 these words and i will forgive you
1:21:08 what is maximum forgiveness scenario
1:21:10 number one or sarah number two what's
1:21:11 more in line with maximum forgiveness
1:21:13 it's scenario number two scenario number
1:21:16 one
1:21:17 describes the biblical god scenario
1:21:19 number two describes the quranic word
1:21:21 allahu akbar
1:21:25 on remember
1:21:26 [Music]
1:21:28 allah turned to our father and told him
1:21:31 words of forgiveness
1:21:32 which by extrapolation means allah
1:21:34 turned to us
1:21:35 and taught us words of forgiveness all
1:21:37 we have to do is ask allah for
1:21:38 forgiveness
1:21:41 i hope that answers the questions yeah i
1:21:43 just want to
1:21:44 um make reference to a verse of the
1:21:46 quran
1:21:47 and to a hadith as well that really get
1:21:50 this point across
1:21:51 so the the verse of
1:21:55 uh chapter 39 verse
1:21:59 53 uh where allah says
1:22:03 uh say all my servants who have
1:22:04 transgressed against themselves
1:22:07 um so noting here as well that allah
1:22:09 hasn't wronged us we we've wrung
1:22:11 ourselves
1:22:11 do not despair of the mercy of allah
1:22:13 subhanahu wa'ta'ala indeed allah
1:22:15 forgives
1:22:16 all sins indeed he uh it is he
1:22:20 who is the forgiving the merciful and
1:22:21 it's conditional here that the person
1:22:23 turns to him
1:22:24 and seeks repentance and so allah says
1:22:27 in the quran
1:22:28 he doesn't forgive shirk that's on the
1:22:31 condition that the person hasn't turned
1:22:32 and seeks repentance that is they've
1:22:34 sincerely
1:22:35 gone to him and asked and so there's
1:22:37 another hadith that really complements
1:22:39 this
1:22:39 um that's a beautiful hadith and it's
1:22:43 one of the forty hadith uh kudzi
1:22:46 and it says on the authority of anas may
1:22:48 allah pleases him he said
1:22:49 i heard the messenger of allah um
1:22:53 say allah the almighty said o son of
1:22:56 adam so long as you call upon me and ask
1:22:58 of me
1:22:59 i shall forgive you for what you have
1:23:01 done and i shall not mind
1:23:03 oh son of adam alaihi salaam were your
1:23:05 sins to reach the clouds of the sky
1:23:09 and were you then to ask forgiveness of
1:23:11 me i would forgive you
1:23:13 oh son of adam were you to come to me
1:23:15 with sins
1:23:16 nearly as great as the earth and you
1:23:18 were to face
1:23:19 me ascribing no partner to me i would
1:23:22 bring forgiveness nearly as great as it
1:23:25 it was related at uh at tiramidi uh also
1:23:29 by ahmad
1:23:31 and it's considered a sound hadith so
1:23:34 allah here is it
1:23:36 is making it so clear that that no
1:23:39 matter how
1:23:40 bad of a person you've been no matter to
1:23:42 what degree
1:23:43 your sins pile up into the earth
1:23:46 he can wipe them all away and all it
1:23:49 takes is you to turn to him so
1:23:51 and for those who go oh well i could
1:23:53 forgive um
1:23:54 more how can you forgive more than all
1:23:57 you know
1:23:58 you can't do more than that and for
1:23:59 those who say i would forgive someone
1:24:00 even if they didn't see forgiveness
1:24:02 so how is that is not wise that like so
1:24:05 what you need to understand is
1:24:06 allah is not all merciful he's the most
1:24:09 merciful
1:24:10 and what this suggests is that being all
1:24:13 merciful
1:24:13 isn't praiseworthy so we've got a
1:24:16 perfect example to
1:24:17 demonstrate that being all merciful is
1:24:19 not praiseworthy
1:24:20 um so the example of the christ church
1:24:23 killer
1:24:24 now subhanallah i was unfortunate enough
1:24:28 to have
1:24:28 seen the video of this sick individual
1:24:32 and it was heartbreaking and he showed
1:24:34 no remorse
1:24:35 he acted like it was a computer game he
1:24:38 was proud of what he did
1:24:39 he would you know and if he's in court
1:24:42 and he's before the judge
1:24:44 and he's made it clear that he's done it
1:24:46 everyone knows he's done it this video
1:24:47 footage that you know he's not denying
1:24:49 it
1:24:49 um and he's showing he's proud he's not
1:24:51 remorseful
1:24:52 he's not seeking forgiveness he'd say
1:24:55 he'd do it again
1:24:56 he's justifying it and you know he's
1:25:00 he's in a position where he's done what
1:25:02 he's done
1:25:03 and he has no consideration whatsoever
1:25:06 um for seeking forgiveness at all
1:25:10 now if the judge in this case was to say
1:25:13 you know what i'm going to have mercy on
1:25:15 him i forgive you
1:25:17 yeah you could call him like really what
1:25:20 merciful in this degree um to
1:25:23 i guess in some way you could maybe even
1:25:25 say that he was really forgiving
1:25:27 um but is that just and is it wise
1:25:31 of course not this example
1:25:34 of mercy is is an example of a
1:25:37 an idiotic mercy of a non-praiseworthy
1:25:41 form of mercy
1:25:43 mercy yeah it's a non-maximal mercy
1:25:46 absolutely
1:25:46 yeah just give them this scenario
1:25:50 should hitler and moses have the same
1:25:53 fate
1:25:56 just intuitively should hitler and moses
1:25:59 have the same fate
1:26:00 if you believe they should have all the
1:26:02 same fate the same outcome
1:26:04 then in reality you don't value anything
1:26:07 because if everything is valued the same
1:26:09 then you don't value anything at all
1:26:10 which is not praiseworthy it's not
1:26:11 maximally perfect
1:26:12 that's not a maximal way of dealing with
1:26:15 these realities
1:26:16 are you saying hitler and moses should
1:26:18 have the same outcome
1:26:20 as a principal of course you wouldn't it
1:26:23 would be insane thing to say
1:26:25 it's just like when people say oh i love
1:26:27 everything if you love everything with
1:26:28 all due respect you don't have anything
1:26:30 if you love everything you don't love
1:26:32 anything at all because are you gonna
1:26:34 love
1:26:34 the barriers to love are you gonna love
1:26:37 hate are you gonna love
1:26:38 those things which prevent love from
1:26:40 manifesting itself
1:26:42 it's such an insane thing to say right
1:26:46 i love everything well if you love
1:26:48 everything you don't love
1:26:49 anything at all right and similarly and
1:26:52 that's why
1:26:53 value comes into play justice comes into
1:26:55 play like uh yusuf eloquently just
1:26:57 uh expressed his lock right here yusuf
1:26:59 beautiful
1:27:00 no problem so yes let's take something i
1:27:02 mean so sorry for keeping you waiting
1:27:05 but it's like a picture yeah i know
1:27:08 it looks good it looks a bit like you
1:27:10 bro looks a bit like you bro
1:27:12 that's a long ago
1:27:29 i'm on my phone with headphone yeah now
1:27:31 it's clear
1:27:32 yeah it sounds a bit better now there's
1:27:33 no way no no there's echo i can hear it
1:27:36 though
1:27:37 yeah can you what we'll do is uh
1:27:40 when we're talking we'll mute you and
1:27:42 then when we finish talking we'll unmute
1:27:43 so that you can see what you need to say
1:27:45 inshallah
1:27:48 so it's been a several times i i've
1:27:50 joined sapiens lab
1:27:51 but uh it's first time i'm talking to
1:27:53 ustad hamza
1:27:54 so it's a very special moment for me
1:27:58 so basically um i have no actually
1:28:02 question but uh and recently i'm
1:28:04 discussing with an agnostic
1:28:06 uh agnostica i don't personally i don't
1:28:10 personally know him uh he's actually
1:28:12 from somalia and then he
1:28:15 have gone to england so then
1:28:18 uh so i have been discussing him for uh
1:28:21 several months
1:28:23 so first of all when a talk started with
1:28:26 the existence of god
1:28:28 then i have just at first i just
1:28:31 shared the cosmological argument with
1:28:34 him
1:28:35 then after after
1:28:38 discussing it he said to me that it does
1:28:40 make sense to him but
1:28:42 then um he just he just said no
1:28:46 but at the end of the day it doesn't
1:28:48 make sense so
1:28:50 he's not certain about whether
1:28:53 the argument is coherent or incoherent
1:28:57 then we just moved on saying
1:29:01 about hell now which brother asked
1:29:04 before me about the hell and a merciful
1:29:07 god
1:29:08 so the fact is when i give him
1:29:11 when i uh give him give him an argument
1:29:14 he he don't actually
1:29:16 uh counter my argument or try to
1:29:19 count counter attack me or or any
1:29:22 argument he just
1:29:24 keep repeating the same thing that how
1:29:25 allah can bring me to hell just because
1:29:28 i
1:29:28 i don't believe in him and just because
1:29:31 reminds me of someone reminds me
1:29:35 yeah well yeah just because i don't
1:29:36 believe
1:29:40 it's not as simple as that because you
1:29:43 see
1:29:44 it's not hacking allah sending me to
1:29:46 help someone believe in him no
1:29:47 it's basically you are choosing hell
1:29:50 because you're choosing not to believe
1:29:51 in him
1:29:52 when the truth comes apart to you and
1:29:54 you could tell that his issue is not
1:29:56 an intellectual because he doesn't have
1:29:58 responses to intellectual arguments he's
1:29:59 got something else that's going on
1:30:01 and an emotive or psychological issue or
1:30:03 even a spiritual issue
1:30:05 the point here is the question's wrong
1:30:08 it's like
1:30:08 i'm rejecting allah i'm closing the door
1:30:11 to allah's guidance and mercy we've
1:30:12 mentioned this before if
1:30:13 you go on this live stream hopefully
1:30:15 we'll do the time stamps and you see a
1:30:17 more lengthy answer that we've
1:30:18 elaborated on this
1:30:20 but basically you are choosing hell over
1:30:22 allah that's the point
1:30:24 allah doesn't want anyone to go to hell
1:30:26 we already mentioned this before we've
1:30:27 elaborated on this
1:30:28 the thing is allah does not wrong them
1:30:30 they wrong themselves
1:30:31 okay so this is very critical for them
1:30:33 to understand is that you are actually
1:30:35 making the choice
1:30:36 right you are making closing the stamp
1:30:38 of your heart i learned this from
1:30:41 this very beautiful video he did it was
1:30:43 very simple but it was profound
1:30:44 he was like you know you keep on
1:30:46 rejecting allah closing though to his
1:30:47 mercy
1:30:48 you still got hope then you keep on
1:30:50 closing the door to his mercy and you
1:30:51 keep on
1:30:52 closing the door to forgiveness you keep
1:30:53 on closing the door you keep on normal
1:30:55 to go through that door that's open for
1:30:57 you
1:30:58 and you keep on doing it you keep on
1:30:59 doing it and then you've stamped your
1:31:00 heart
1:31:01 and then it's closed right so it's
1:31:03 similar to that it's you're doing
1:31:05 it is you're doing so what you need to
1:31:07 do with that human being you get to
1:31:09 realize that they actually have a
1:31:10 responsibility the option is
1:31:12 open for them to go to paradise the
1:31:15 option for allah's forgiveness and love
1:31:16 is there is waiting for them
1:31:18 they just have to walk through that door
1:31:20 that's what they have to not realize
1:31:22 that's the paradigm shift you have to
1:31:23 explain to them
1:31:25 and and you have to explain to them this
1:31:27 actually you not willing to walk through
1:31:28 that door so you're sending yourself
1:31:30 to the other direction you're moving
1:31:32 away from paradise from eternal bliss
1:31:34 and you're throwing yourself into
1:31:35 jahannam that's what they need to
1:31:37 realize
1:31:39 um so if you go previously hopefully
1:31:41 we'll
1:31:42 time stamp all the other questions um
1:31:44 because we elaborate on this
1:31:46 in i think two different places in
1:31:48 detail so you know i think this person
1:31:50 needs i think
1:31:52 needs maybe an awareness of who is needs
1:31:55 some spirituality needs to understand
1:31:56 allah's names and attributes who allah
1:31:58 is
1:31:59 what allah wants from us because if he
1:32:01 hasn't got responses to intellectual
1:32:02 arguments just like what we mentioned in
1:32:03 the beginning about the metaphysical
1:32:05 backdrop of the human being
1:32:06 that we're not just an abstract
1:32:07 intellect there's an interplay between
1:32:09 the palm the
1:32:10 fitra so on and so and the fitra gets
1:32:12 clouded
1:32:13 maybe one of his clouds is not a
1:32:14 rational argument he needs some direct
1:32:16 access to revelation
1:32:17 allah's names and attributes needs some
1:32:19 spirituality he needs some positive
1:32:20 experiences with muslims
1:32:22 he may need some something else so the
1:32:24 indication is there if he doesn't have
1:32:25 responses to your rational arguments
1:32:27 there's something else that's going on
1:32:28 they need to explore and install with
1:32:31 rahman with mercy and with hikmah with
1:32:33 wisdom you can deal with that
1:32:34 appropriately inshallah
1:32:36 yeah and also be patient with them like
1:32:39 if you'd have met
1:32:40 me in my teenage years maybe
1:32:43 you would have thought the same um
1:32:46 i was i could be quite arrogant i could
1:32:48 be quiet
1:32:49 um but not saying that i'm not now
1:32:51 because sometimes i can't be but
1:32:53 um yeah i was very hard-headed and sure
1:32:57 of myself in particular ways
1:32:59 and you know
1:33:02 aloha about it like however many years
1:33:04 later um
1:33:05 i embraced islam and now i actively
1:33:07 propagate it so
1:33:08 you know you never know what the future
1:33:10 holds um and there's examples of this
1:33:12 even within the
1:33:13 companions of the prophet muhammad be
1:33:15 pleased with them all
1:33:17 where you would look at how they treated
1:33:20 the prophet
1:33:21 um you know there was one of them i
1:33:23 can't remember his name
1:33:25 may allah because of him who fought wars
1:33:27 against the muslims
1:33:28 and led the armies against them and you
1:33:30 know he was involved in
1:33:32 the the killing of muslims and then
1:33:35 you know by the grace of allah he had a
1:33:38 change of heart
1:33:39 he became a muslim and then fought for
1:33:41 the muslims
1:33:43 um and led their armies in battle so
1:33:45 it's um
1:33:46 you never know what it was
1:33:50 [Music]
1:33:53 yeah so keep that in mind as well um you
1:33:55 know just be patient with him
1:33:57 sometimes your persistence is something
1:33:58 that can rub off on them
1:34:00 and open them up a little bit more or
1:34:02 help in um
1:34:03 as hamza was mentioning at the beginning
1:34:05 of this stream to sort of de-cloud there
1:34:08 um because sometimes this is just a case
1:34:10 of trying to clean away the dust
1:34:12 before you can sort of you know get to
1:34:14 the the shiny thing underneath it all
1:34:16 but um yeah every patient is afraid
1:34:19 of you so those are beautiful yeah
1:34:22 patience is actually the
1:34:23 key for all efforts in islam most of
1:34:26 them patience is the key to discipline
1:34:28 as well
1:34:28 and which is the key to success sabot is
1:34:34 and there is so much benefit from this i
1:34:36 think one of the scholars said that the
1:34:37 basis for all of the
1:34:39 all of the morals and values in islam is
1:34:42 actually suffer
1:34:43 and i would even argue that's the basis
1:34:45 for success because success is not just
1:34:47 based on motivation it's based on
1:34:48 discipline and discipline requires
1:34:49 suburb
1:34:50 so use of your your patience narrative
1:34:53 throughout this
1:34:55 this this stream you're threading the
1:34:57 stream with the patient narrative we
1:34:59 mentioned it more than twice
1:35:01 it's actually one of the key wisdoms
1:35:03 from the wisdoms of mr ponders himself
1:35:05 may allah bless you
1:35:12 so i have been following you guys hamza
1:35:14 and your supporters
1:35:16 and saburam so i have just said to him
1:35:18 what you just said now
1:35:20 so i'm just saying that there is nothing
1:35:22 to do with intellectual
1:35:24 um about him so i just my objective to
1:35:27 come to this life is
1:35:28 just you say something for him then i
1:35:30 will
1:35:31 suggest him to see your talks on him
1:35:35 so i think there's something spiritual
1:35:37 for him there's nothing intellectual
1:35:40 yeah advice is forget me or anyone to
1:35:43 say anything to him
1:35:44 you've got a relationship with him build
1:35:46 a nice relationship with him
1:35:48 and muslims should come across to all
1:35:50 people muslims and non-muslims
1:35:52 as someone who is committed to the
1:35:54 goodness and guidance of that person the
1:35:56 prophet sallallahu alaihi hussain said
1:35:57 love for
1:35:59 what you love for yourself love for
1:36:00 people will love for humanity we love
1:36:01 yourself
1:36:02 this isn't by bukhari
1:36:05 it's authentic hadith and is similar to
1:36:08 other
1:36:08 hadith they even talk about brotherhood
1:36:10 and so on and so forth and this means
1:36:12 be committed to the goodness and
1:36:13 guidance so if you build that trust
1:36:15 build that relationship don't make it
1:36:17 just about debates and ego
1:36:19 try and create awakenings within him
1:36:20 inshallah uh
1:36:22 you know you'll be
1:36:34 so we've got um another guest here okay
1:36:42 your mic is muted you need to unmute
1:36:44 your mic
1:36:45 so that you may talk and ask your
1:36:46 question inshallah
1:36:50 hello
1:37:02 you sound not you sound like you've got
1:37:04 your t-shirt buried under a blanket
1:37:08 sorry my mic is not working pretty well
1:37:12 but am i audible you're quite inaudible
1:37:16 um maybe just ask your question and then
1:37:19 we'll answer it but
1:37:20 i don't think we're going to be able to
1:37:21 have like a conversation
1:37:23 type of audio
1:37:26 question actually if truth is
1:37:31 objective then
1:37:39 if truth is objective how are you going
1:37:41 to explain i think the best thing to do
1:37:43 okay is if you type your question
1:37:45 in the comments it'll be easier because
1:37:47 i won't
1:37:48 yeah we won't misrepresent you and we'll
1:37:50 answer your question that'll be the best
1:37:51 thing to do because
1:37:52 your mic is quite inaudible so until you
1:37:55 do that we'll get someone else
1:37:56 insha'allah
1:37:57 um so there's no one else in the back
1:37:59 chat other than um
1:38:01 okay uh so we can have a look i guess
1:38:05 how long are we planning on staying on
1:38:06 for are we trying to hit the two-hour
1:38:07 mark and then we'll go
1:38:08 yeah we'll have about 20 minutes in shot
1:38:10 a lot so we can get on at least a few
1:38:12 more
1:38:12 questions is anyone else that wants to
1:38:14 come on and i think it's been quite
1:38:16 productive so far alhamdulillah yeah
1:38:18 probably one of the best streams i've
1:38:19 been on before a while
1:38:21 obviously apart from the thought
1:38:22 adventure podcast oh yeah
1:38:24 don't forget i'm the best one we've got
1:38:26 evidence of you saying that
1:38:28 so we're sure so go back on your head
1:38:31 now
1:38:32 um yes i've posted the link in the uh
1:38:35 the live chat oh i've only posted it on
1:38:37 savings institute let me post on all of
1:38:38 them
1:38:39 um sorry the youtube channel uh so if
1:38:42 you want to join do click that link
1:38:44 um should i say we've got george
1:38:48 um
1:38:55 so george there's are you on your
1:38:56 computer
1:39:01 are you on your computer
1:39:04 you need to shut down the youtube so
1:39:06 that it's not
1:39:07 playing twice we can't hear you because
1:39:09 i've muted you because of the echo
1:39:11 sorry sorry it's okay okay did you close
1:39:13 youtube
1:39:15 you sound like you got a greek name of
1:39:17 course i've been trying to contact you
1:39:19 for a long time
1:39:21 really where you are yeah
1:39:24 you're good friends with the brother
1:39:25 named zeeshan
1:39:28 yes well smile to jannah yeah yeah yeah
1:39:31 yeah yeah
1:39:35 do you speak greek no yes
1:39:52 a little uh hong kong sorry guys village
1:40:02 again oh really so my mom is from amoho
1:40:05 so she was a refugee from the conflict
1:40:08 yeah so she's from america
1:40:09 but my one my gran
1:40:13 and my granddad they
1:40:16 were they're from baffle oh
1:40:20 [Music]
1:40:29 he was actually very happy like person
1:40:32 like
1:40:32 when it came to festivities he was
1:40:33 always giving us money and fruit and
1:40:35 cakes
1:40:36 and he he liked to enjoy life you know
1:40:38 so
1:40:39 very very great it's a very
1:40:42 very separate thing as well greek
1:40:44 supreme thing i think
1:40:46 more sometimes a little bit more i think
1:40:49 energetic maybe
1:40:50 in some cases but anyway so good to see
1:40:53 you man
1:40:54 you too bro yeah we've been uh in the
1:40:58 river obviously me and my son
1:40:59 alhamdulillah
1:41:00 i'm the one who's a good boy well
1:41:03 reversed
1:41:04 but i'm so glad we're talking about
1:41:06 things like veganism and stuff like that
1:41:08 i've um
1:41:09 spoken to many vegans as well had many
1:41:12 debates
1:41:13 and many talks about how they try to say
1:41:16 they're saving the planet and all this
1:41:18 other i'm sorry
1:41:19 rubbish you know when you look at the
1:41:22 stats
1:41:23 veganism is doing more damage and good
1:41:25 for animals in this you know in what's
1:41:27 going on today it's like
1:41:29 i just can't believe i mean i i train in
1:41:32 the gym and stuff like that and
1:41:33 if i tell you a quick story i used to
1:41:35 weigh 180 kilos
1:41:38 whoa was very in a bad way i was 95
1:41:42 body fat and it's because of my health
1:41:46 i'm a chef now i'm doing that and
1:41:50 it's uh it's only through me educating
1:41:52 myself and also being a muslim
1:41:54 because you know what greeks are like
1:41:56 you know i speak
1:41:57 well very stubborn we
1:42:06 is a whole different kettle of fish it's
1:42:08 um yeah maybe it's just the north or the
1:42:11 snow
1:42:11 well in a greek religion they say uh in
1:42:14 greek it says
1:42:16 that means believe and don't question
1:42:19 that's why i had it i had a huge problem
1:42:21 since i was a young boy
1:42:22 you know sorry i don't want to go off
1:42:23 topic too much no though no it's
1:42:26 a pleasure to have you subhanallah like
1:42:30 by no means of my prophet muslim you
1:42:32 know i've been
1:42:34 my life was totally different before i
1:42:36 was muslim
1:42:37 you know i mean i used to be a dragon
1:42:39 based dj
1:42:45 i had a collection of a 4 000 vinyl
1:42:50 i used to make a lot a lot of money as i
1:42:52 was very good at it as well so i just
1:42:53 think
1:42:54 you you
1:43:12 yes all our food is chemical free where
1:43:15 is it
1:43:16 bro tell us what it is it's a it's
1:43:18 called uncle jeez gourmet fried chicken
1:43:20 coke we're street food business
1:43:22 where is it uh it's uh all over the uk
1:43:25 where mobile is street food
1:43:27 oh brilliant yeah we're trying to be a
1:43:29 brand name in charlotte
1:43:30 obviously reminds me of the film have
1:43:32 you got a website yes
1:43:34 please look at or it's mainly on
1:43:35 facebook it's just possible
1:43:37 post the link in the private chat and
1:43:39 i'll put it on the screen
1:43:40 well it's not just halal it's gmo and
1:43:42 msg free
1:43:44 wow brilliant it's all from my hands and
1:43:47 my son alhamdulillah
1:43:49 he's now my business partner we've just
1:43:51 finished the weekend at
1:43:52 silverstone racing um excuse me we've
1:43:56 had like three hours sleeping three days
1:43:58 but i want to ask about so you're 180
1:44:01 kilos if you don't mind me asking
1:44:03 where are you now in your stage of
1:44:04 physical 126.
1:44:07 so you've lost nearly 60 kilos
1:44:10 but now i lift a lot of heavy weights
1:44:12 bro
1:44:15 since i was 10. that is
1:44:22 a lot of it was to me being a muslim
1:44:24 because
1:44:26 i was a very closed-minded cypriot as in
1:44:29 a lot you know our secrets were like
1:44:31 i wouldn't accept anything external of
1:44:34 out of what i know
1:44:36 and for me it it was a one brother
1:44:40 that i hated who's now i love
1:44:43 with all my heart we're very close
1:44:45 hisham i worked with him i didn't want
1:44:47 to work with a muslim
1:44:48 because uh one of the guys that we were
1:44:50 these english chapters to work with
1:44:52 he goes by the way you're going to work
1:44:53 with the muslim i said no
1:44:55 i'm not working with them no because
1:44:58 he's one of them
1:44:59 because what i'll give you praise and
1:45:01 all that i went i don't want to work for
1:45:03 him
1:45:03 and i i had to work with him
1:45:08 and it annoyed me because he was so nice
1:45:10 to me
1:45:11 uh there's me getting my bible out go
1:45:13 right let's do this that's war
1:45:16 you know i'm ready i'm greek i'm proud
1:45:18 that's it
1:45:20 it was crazy he didn't mention one word
1:45:23 to me about islam
1:45:25 nothing to do with the sunnah of the
1:45:26 prophet sallallahu alaihi
1:45:28 he was just frying the bible back and i
1:45:31 was like no
1:45:32 you can't mean this no you can't do that
1:45:34 and that time i was
1:45:36 heading in a really bad health and when
1:45:38 i was in
1:45:39 i was in really bad health at the time
1:45:41 and um
1:45:43 i was watching all the videos with him
1:45:46 which i finally
1:45:47 put my barriers down listen to i'm gonna
1:45:49 shake it out my shoulders like at night
1:45:52 so many other shakes and it was like wow
1:45:55 this can't be true this what i've known
1:45:58 all my life because i've
1:45:59 i've researched oh god seventh day
1:46:02 baptism jehovah's witness hindu
1:46:04 uh oh you you name it i've read i've
1:46:06 opened the book and had to look about
1:46:08 spoken to the people into the face and
1:46:09 then the greeks
1:46:11 were the buffalo national straight to
1:46:13 the priests we called them by byes
1:46:14 yes when you speak to them they used to
1:46:17 get angry
1:46:19 they just get so angry believe in that
1:46:20 question and i'm like
1:46:22 if that's the case why did god give us a
1:46:25 brain that's what i questioned
1:46:26 and also i'll be very honest my
1:46:28 intellect wasn't that great back then
1:46:30 because i knew what i knew from my
1:46:32 family as in
1:46:33 to be a man to be a husband and to be in
1:46:36 how to be an individual to thought their
1:46:38 way was was absolutely right
1:46:40 while we're living it was only when i
1:46:43 become muslim
1:46:45 and my brother hisham at the time when i
1:46:47 felt sick
1:46:48 he one thing stuck he must have my head
1:46:50 he said to me don't
1:46:52 die without being a believable one
1:46:55 and i was in hospital i died for let's
1:46:58 say i
1:46:59 blacked out for 30 seconds and i come to
1:47:02 love with the rest of allah
1:47:04 i was back and as soon as i got out of
1:47:07 the hospital i said to him
1:47:09 i didn't read quran i didn't read quran
1:47:10 i didn't read nothing
1:47:12 all i knew was things were sticking in
1:47:15 my head and i used to get angry
1:47:17 very very i was at war with myself when
1:47:20 i come out hospital all right
1:47:22 i'm really sorry guys you've got way off
1:47:24 topic on topic bro carry on no
1:47:26 no no no we're enjoying gaming i'm sorry
1:47:28 i said to him
1:47:29 i want to take she had that he went what
1:47:31 i was honestly
1:47:33 i have to i don't know my stupidest
1:47:35 thing in the world
1:47:36 just before that a lot forgive me please
1:47:40 i had a bacon sandwich
1:47:43 it was so pathetic isn't it and you know
1:47:46 us greeks with pork and
1:47:47 kebabs you know
1:47:52 and you know it's crazy because
1:47:54 alhamdulillah
1:47:57 but it wasn't emotional i cried and
1:48:00 my wife my wife at the time was not
1:48:03 muslim
1:48:04 and uh she took it back she took it back
1:48:07 but unfortunately we're getting divorced
1:48:10 uh because and
1:48:13 she didn't know my son told you and i
1:48:16 told her and she went man
1:48:18 she wasn't laughing like so far she's
1:48:20 not even their own life but
1:48:22 i love giving us buttercup because we've
1:48:24 now moved out of london
1:48:26 uh we live in a beautiful place my
1:48:29 business
1:48:31 and it's just when you realize that
1:48:34 when you can educate yourself as an
1:48:36 individual to broaden your mind and
1:48:37 speak all she's speaking to people like
1:48:38 you
1:48:39 hamza masha'allah i've been listening to
1:48:42 you
1:48:43 and i said
1:49:04 i love to cook for people it's my
1:49:06 passion
1:49:08 i'm actually doing a new concept of food
1:49:10 you know we know you don't is don't you
1:49:17 yes the new concept of that which is
1:49:19 quite cool so um i i love to cook
1:49:21 very much i'm very passionate about good
1:49:23 food and
1:49:24 um yeah i've mixed through so many
1:49:27 stories now i'm so sorry
1:49:29 but um yeah it's it's when as we develop
1:49:32 it i mean i'm 50 i was 52 on saturday
1:49:36 and i the best thing i've ever
1:49:40 had was being he's 21
1:49:44 and respectful young man trying to find
1:49:46 my wife in shock well now myself as well
1:49:50 both of you pious i mean
1:49:56 he's such a lovely young lad he's he's
1:49:58 very respectable you see
1:49:59 you guys call your uncle he's now
1:50:01 cleaning helping me clean up and i've
1:50:02 damaged my foot a little bit but
1:50:04 oh bless you know he's such an amazing
1:50:07 young man and
1:50:08 you
1:50:22 i mean when people talk to me about
1:50:25 meats
1:50:26 and foods what's killing us it's
1:50:29 annoying but even in the gym i get it i
1:50:31 mean i train really heavy
1:50:33 uh when i'm training hard peak our
1:50:35 vertical bench press about 250 i like
1:50:38 president
1:50:40 yeah wait wait wait you're 250 kilos
1:50:44 yeah yeah 100 yeah yeah
1:50:48 not flat vertical well you're a beast
1:50:50 man
1:50:52 and i used to ask what problems when i
1:50:54 was dying
1:50:56 and when i used to kick my power when i
1:50:58 was my kicking power was crazy
1:51:00 george let me tell you something here
1:51:02 this hopefully in the next couple of
1:51:04 months
1:51:04 because i've been going to the gym
1:51:06 lately as well like heavy and scary
1:51:08 and i've been i've off i've gone off my
1:51:10 vegan diet i used to have i mean lots of
1:51:13 good food
1:51:29 i want to meet up with you we go gym
1:51:32 together and we have a good
1:51:33 good oh that would be i love the lego
1:51:36 yeah
1:51:36 yeah giving me an idea i'll cook for you
1:51:39 bro no problem
1:51:40 do you know what i've learned over the
1:51:42 years people listen we need vegetables
1:51:44 100
1:51:45 it's an essential part of our butt but
1:51:47 we also need meats
1:51:49 meats are key fat 14 table i was always
1:51:53 i was an
1:51:54 absolute disaster in health i've got a
1:51:56 few things i can't get rid of
1:51:58 but through things like this the goalies
1:52:02 these are quite cool these are good for
1:52:05 muscle repair
1:52:06 and really really good okay and this is
1:52:07 a apple cider vinegar
1:52:09 uh beetroot and pomegranate really good
1:52:11 stuff so i'm promoting other brands i'm
1:52:12 sorry
1:52:13 but um i'll take shots of turmeric
1:52:16 organic turmeric
1:52:18 that's very good for anti-inflammation
1:52:19 yeah it is garlic i'll take every
1:52:21 morning um
1:52:23 every morning i'm just knocking shots
1:52:24 and all this stuff and i mention
1:52:26 more if i don't eat too many things like
1:52:29 bread
1:52:30 but i stay away from a lot of bread i
1:52:32 try to you know
1:52:34 when you see a nice bit of bread you
1:52:35 can't resist it but yeah especially the
1:52:37 greeks man greetings
1:52:38 oh you know our friends a lot went out
1:52:40 the oven oh
1:52:42 especially the especially the village
1:52:43 bread bro oh
1:52:45 there's nothing better what's this
1:52:48 honestly
1:52:48 it's like really it's like you could
1:52:51 just
1:52:52 it's like it melts bro it just melts in
1:52:54 your mouth you actually have a nice bit
1:52:55 of butter on it oh
1:52:56 you can't
1:53:08 but let me talk about halloumi bro you
1:53:10 know it's a super
1:53:11 like from the coal it's a separate
1:53:13 cheese yeah
1:53:14 and the halloumi is the probably the
1:53:16 best cheese on the planet
1:53:18 because chili jam when you roast it
1:53:22 and it's nice and soft it's like an
1:53:23 alternative to me because
1:53:25 by the way i want to take on a shocking
1:53:26 bro i was brought up my dad
1:53:28 my dad's from greece he's from ibiro my
1:53:32 mom's from cyprus but listen to this
1:53:34 i was brought up pescetarian
1:53:38 no yeah would you believe it
1:53:41 yeah brother i get flak now greeks tell
1:53:46 me when i got any pork
1:53:47 oh my god it's like when you walk into a
1:53:50 room and someone said you know that's a
1:53:51 busy room
1:53:52 and somebody says what do you mean you
1:53:53 don't need pork everything stops a glass
1:53:55 breaks on the floor
1:53:57 it's that kind of moment you know what i
1:53:58 mean it's like it's like you remember my
1:54:00 greek fat wedding when the guy says i
1:54:02 don't eat meat
1:54:03 what do you mean don't worry i cook you
1:54:09 i love it i love it it's true it's chewy
1:54:12 it's not heard of
1:54:13 uh i ma i used to make lunza lunza used
1:54:16 to be a smoked pork loin
1:54:18 i could especially made as beef hello
1:54:23 four times the price and i used to do
1:54:25 separate sandwiches in one of my shops
1:54:28 and the greeks have accused me liz it is
1:54:30 it's three times the price more
1:54:31 expensive
1:54:32 fake lunza you're selling fake stuff
1:54:37 i'm saving your life you're not eating
1:54:40 disgusting smelly pig
1:54:42 [Music]
1:54:43 what we'll do yeah and i'll uh i'll give
1:54:46 you my email so we could touch base
1:54:47 together and inshallah in the next
1:54:49 couple of months
1:54:50 we'll try and meet up yeah you were
1:54:52 going to ask a question about veganism
1:54:55 yeah i mean so many people are jumping
1:54:57 on this obvious i know guys that train
1:54:59 really hard and heavy and
1:55:00 good friend of mine and dick he's he's
1:55:03 shredded he's absolutely shredded
1:55:05 and the guy said yeah yeah i'm turning
1:55:06 vegan must have didn't be stupid
1:55:08 can you guys tell me what you guys mean
1:55:09 i got dummy stupid you but it's not
1:55:11 sustainable
1:55:12 this is a fact this is science guys this
1:55:14 is science i'm sorry
1:55:16 if anyone's asking me bring it on it's
1:55:18 science you need me end the story
1:55:19 it's from allah subhanahu wa to allah he
1:55:21 has done it too much we do we are in a
1:55:23 nation
1:55:24 that it's too much meat tyler
1:55:25 genetically agree with that you need
1:55:27 your greens
1:55:28 i know someone who's stuck on greens he
1:55:29 got he got gout
1:55:31 he was one of the owners of a gym greek
1:55:33 guy named sav and he was all like yeah
1:55:35 yeah i'm 55. i don't eat no meat i said
1:55:37 you're crazy
1:55:38 because meat's bad for you guys no you
1:55:40 eat pig stop eating pig
1:55:43 don't get it mixed up he thinks meat is
1:55:45 all across the board
1:55:46 i guess read about what pig does to you
1:55:49 it digests its food in four hours i said
1:55:52 you know it's full of cancer as possible
1:55:54 it's revolting
1:55:55 how why would you want to eat that crap
1:55:57 oh it's all the same it's not
1:55:59 go to slaughterhouse look learn
1:56:01 understand how
1:56:02 the grass for animals is so clean and
1:56:05 the pigs
1:56:06 so george we we gave a kind of answer to
1:56:08 veganism a while ago and we'll have it
1:56:10 on the timestamps i want to ask you a
1:56:12 question i want you to end on this
1:56:13 actually in a nice way
1:56:15 give give some advice to the greek
1:56:18 secret community about islam
1:56:20 talk to them okay
1:56:24 to give the greeks don't open your minds
1:56:27 guys
1:56:28 open your minds please forgot
1:56:30 subhanallah
1:56:31 you don't know one what you're missing
1:56:34 the gift of allah
1:56:35 is is something undescribable
1:56:39 is something that you can be the biggest
1:56:42 strongest guy in the world but when
1:56:43 you're standing next to
1:56:45 you know from allah you're you're you're
1:56:47 that you're that tiny little miracle
1:56:50 and you give allah praise and be
1:56:52 thankful and
1:56:54 understand that people when you say the
1:56:56 word muslim
1:56:58 especially greeks he's a muslim oh i've
1:57:00 had people that talk to me
1:57:01 again about people swear at me i know
1:57:04 people don't want to come around my
1:57:05 house
1:57:06 oh you got all that dodgy halloween
1:57:13 in the name of god an animal dies a
1:57:15 painless death
1:57:17 you know i've spoken to a few greeks you
1:57:20 know
1:57:20 listen you've you've you've given up
1:57:24 your favor and all that ceiling that
1:57:25 doesn't listen bro
1:57:26 please you know i went to cypress last
1:57:29 october
1:57:30 a few of my friends found out i was
1:57:31 muslim i feel
1:57:33 like can i shake your hand because no
1:57:36 man give me a hug
1:57:37 don't shake my head i don't want to
1:57:39 shake my hand give me a hug
1:57:42 why because i
1:57:45 i read a lot i read about it i
1:57:47 understood i understood why people
1:57:49 pray five times a day and why we fast
1:57:53 unfortunately i didn't fasted there
1:57:54 because i'm not feeling that well but a
1:57:56 lot for giving me for that inshallah
1:57:58 but we have a purpose in that i have a
1:58:01 purpose in life
1:58:02 my business has a purpose as a muslim
1:58:05 because
1:58:06 everything i do is from here and it's
1:58:08 all hello and i see a lot of brothers
1:58:10 out there
1:58:10 i'll put in these dodgy i'm sorry to say
1:58:12 this dirty chicken shops
1:58:14 all this chemical based stuff they're
1:58:15 pumping in the food not questioning
1:58:17 anything selling frozen products
1:58:20 not caring what they're giving to our
1:58:23 fellow brothers and sisters muslims and
1:58:24 non-muslims
1:58:25 yes yes you know we have a
1:58:28 responsibility it's not just about the
1:58:30 money
1:58:31 yes it's about allah
1:58:35 the permissible and the pure so what
1:58:38 you're doing
1:58:38 you're fulfilling the verse of the quran
1:58:40 bro so not only is it
1:58:43 but it's pure there's no chemicals it's
1:58:44 not gmo and all of
1:58:47 may love bless you man man bless you
1:58:50 you know i would i i know we've moved
1:58:52 away from the stream a little bit yeah
1:58:54 forgive me i'm sorry no no
1:58:57 you you give a lot of life and joy to
1:58:59 the street man
1:59:14 um
1:59:24 [Laughter]
1:59:28 two admins on the stream this is the
1:59:30 problems they're called yeah he gave me
1:59:31 an idea
1:59:32 do you like a little light i'm thinking
1:59:33 of how i can link everything to the
1:59:34 lighthouse now
1:59:35 but um a lighthouse seminar sort of
1:59:37 thing where you have a gathering
1:59:39 and then get brother george cooking up
1:59:41 some scrun
1:59:42 somewhere as well you know what
1:59:46 you know what's very interesting about
1:59:47 people like george
1:59:50 it's the authenticity yeah this is
1:59:53 something that we
1:59:54 should revive in the tower because
1:59:57 authenticity
1:59:58 coming from a space in a place that is
2:00:01 full of love
2:00:02 and wants to you know is has is
2:00:05 dedicated to people's well-being
2:00:06 and people's goodness and guidance you
2:00:09 can't beat that
2:00:10 no matter any type of articulation
2:00:13 intellectualization i'm telling you
2:00:14 people remember how you made them
2:00:16 felt and not necessarily what you said
2:00:19 and
2:00:19 if all of the duat were like george for
2:00:22 example
2:00:23 what kind of character
2:00:31 loves cooking wants to provide for
2:00:32 people dedicated to the well-being
2:00:34 this is exactly what we're talking about
2:00:36 advanced our training course uh in the
2:00:38 characteristics of the
2:00:39 zora and this is also your behavior your
2:00:41 character give it could be a means to
2:00:43 uncloud the fitzvah
2:00:44 to awaken the truth within because we
2:00:46 talk about this as an approach
2:00:47 of unclouded because even if you look at
2:00:49 statistics
2:00:50 a lot of people who change their
2:00:52 religion is not necessary for
2:00:53 ideological intellectual reasons it's
2:00:55 because of also
2:00:56 the kind of social norms or the kind of
2:00:58 behavior of the people and the character
2:01:00 and so on and so forth
2:01:02 so it's very important you know be like
2:01:04 george
2:01:05 hashtag god bless him and his son and
2:01:08 his family and make it easy for him i
2:01:09 mean i mean i mean i mean
2:01:11 let's take uh one more than we call it a
2:01:13 day bro
2:01:14 yeah no he's uh so brother omar has been
2:01:16 waiting a little bit in the back
2:01:18 but we have got the question from okay
2:01:19 as well um okay if you're still
2:01:21 watching um because it's a bit of a big
2:01:24 question
2:01:25 it's probably best um that you send us
2:01:27 an email
2:01:28 um and then i can email you back and if
2:01:31 i can't find the answer myself i'll get
2:01:32 someone else to email you
2:01:34 but i've taken a note of the question um
2:01:36 so please do make sure that you email us
2:01:39 on uh which one am i giving him info or
2:01:42 my house maybe give him the lighthouse
2:01:44 one yeah but it's at lighthouse
2:01:46 at sapience um if you
2:01:49 email us on that i can try and get that
2:01:51 answer for you but um
2:01:52 omar says he's going to keep it brief
2:01:54 and we've been we've hit the two-hour
2:01:55 mark now
2:02:06 [Laughter]
2:02:10 um so it's a pleasure to meet you guys
2:02:12 um
2:02:14 my question is about shikh so sheikh
2:02:16 means associating partners with allah
2:02:18 and allah is regarding that as the
2:02:20 biggest sin
2:02:22 in humanity right that humans can do
2:02:25 but i see that the main thing that we're
2:02:27 seeing is not really [ __ ] but it's more
2:02:29 like atheism which is not believing in
2:02:30 allah in the first place
2:02:32 but the mention of that in the quran is
2:02:36 if it exists is not nearly as frequent
2:02:40 as shirk
2:02:41 so the majority of the world not a
2:02:43 majority a lot of the people in the
2:02:44 world do not believe that allah exists
2:02:46 in the first place
2:02:47 they are not worshiping him and other
2:02:50 partners with him so that's
2:02:51 my question thank you omar how old are
2:02:54 you bro
2:02:55 i'm 20 september i'll be 21
2:03:00 very bright bright young man and god
2:03:02 bless you and
2:03:03 increase you and make you a positive
2:03:06 light for
2:03:06 all the people in the world and your
2:03:09 question obviously shows that you have
2:03:11 intelligence and insight um no problem
2:03:14 and may allah bless your parents for
2:03:16 facilitating that
2:03:17 i mean i mean they live in saudi arabia
2:03:21 so
2:03:21 and and yeah i told them about you guys
2:03:24 and about you
2:03:25 and all these people like they've been a
2:03:26 great influence in my
2:03:28 martial arts islam and i helped
2:03:30 influence another jehovah's witness
2:03:31 she became a muslim and now
2:03:35 well ever beautiful so this is the way
2:03:37 i'll answer the question bro
2:03:39 atheism is let me explain why
2:03:43 so when you talk about shiriko
2:03:45 associating partners with god
2:03:47 you could call it associationism right
2:03:49 so
2:03:50 let's really break down what do we mean
2:03:52 by allah so first and foremost we affirm
2:03:55 the fact that allah is one with regards
2:03:57 to his creative power
2:03:59 he is the only unique soul transcendent
2:04:01 master creator owner master of
2:04:03 everything that exists
2:04:04 and anyone who basically gives these
2:04:07 descriptions to other than allah this is
2:04:09 a form of associationism
2:04:10 then you have allah's the oneness of
2:04:12 allah's names and attributes we believe
2:04:13 allah's names and attributes are
2:04:15 transcendent we affirm them they're to
2:04:16 the highest degree possible and they
2:04:17 have no deficiency no flaw
2:04:20 and we base if we compare allah's names
2:04:21 and attributes to a created thing then
2:04:23 what we've done is a form of
2:04:25 humanization if we compare a human
2:04:27 attribute to to allah
2:04:29 make it the same what we've done is
2:04:31 deification and those things are
2:04:33 associationism is shook also we affirm
2:04:35 the oneness of allah's divinity
2:04:37 meaning that allah is the only being
2:04:39 worthy of worship most direct and
2:04:40 singular all acts of worship to him
2:04:42 alone
2:04:42 if we worship other than allah this is
2:04:44 also associationism
2:04:46 so how does atheism fit in athens fits
2:04:48 in in the first thing that we spoke
2:04:50 about the oneness of allah's creative
2:04:51 power
2:04:52 if you reject allah's creative power and
2:04:55 even if you reject his names and
2:04:56 attributes scholars say that this is
2:04:58 shock
2:04:59 as well by virtue of its rejection why
2:05:02 because you have to you have to give
2:05:05 those attributes
2:05:06 implicitly or explicitly to something
2:05:07 else so when you say there is no creator
2:05:10 then you have to get the attribute of
2:05:12 creating everything to something else
2:05:14 right even if they say it came from
2:05:16 nothing you're giving nothing that
2:05:18 ability
2:05:18 right so from that perspective
2:05:22 is associationism as well because
2:05:24 remember if you don't single out
2:05:26 and direct all acts of worship to allah
2:05:28 alone you're actually gonna
2:05:29 you're gonna be doing it to something
2:05:30 else so what's an act of worship
2:05:32 an act of worship includes the internal
2:05:34 acts of worship like the acts of the
2:05:35 heart
2:05:36 and the external acts of worship of the
2:05:38 acts of the limbs so that
2:05:39 internal acts of worship include
2:05:41 ultimate love and ultimate gratitude and
2:05:43 extensive praise
2:05:44 if you don't believe in allah if you
2:05:46 reject allah as an atheist you're going
2:05:48 to give something your ultimate love
2:05:49 other than allah
2:05:50 you're going to give something your
2:05:51 ultimate gratitude to other than allah
2:05:53 and you're going to give something your
2:05:55 ultimate extensive praise
2:05:57 to other than allah so by virtue of that
2:06:01 atheism is shook does that make sense
2:06:05 i see what if someone is giving all of
2:06:07 these uh things to just one thing
2:06:10 that is not allah that's true right
2:06:12 because it's other than allah your
2:06:14 associationism so if they
2:06:16 direct ultimate gratitude for example to
2:06:18 the universe
2:06:19 or the direct ultimate love to a living
2:06:21 being or extensive praise to
2:06:23 an idea or ideology other than allah
2:06:26 that is also a form of shirk
2:06:28 right because whatever the top of that
2:06:30 value hierarchy
2:06:31 if like allah should be at the top of it
2:06:34 and if you stop believing in it it's a
2:06:36 pyramid there's always
2:06:37 if you put that at the bottom there's
2:06:39 something new at the top of the pyramid
2:06:40 it's not
2:06:41 the pyramid just doesn't dissolve
2:06:42 there's always something that's a
2:06:44 beautiful way of doing it bro exactly
2:06:46 okay thank you so much i appreciate it i
2:06:47 don't want to take much of your time
2:06:48 thank you
2:06:51 thank you so much brothers and sisters
2:06:54 honestly you know it's we have
2:06:58 over 220 people in this live stream
2:07:01 and uh it's probably been one of the
2:07:04 amazing experiences i've had on on the
2:07:06 live stream i'm not saying that because
2:07:07 it's safe
2:07:08 institute uh yusuf pontus has an amazing
2:07:11 ability to bring the best out of people
2:07:14 well god bless him uh it's like right
2:07:16 here bro
2:07:17 and uh i don't know what to say really
2:07:19 oh sorry we have over 150 as i was
2:07:21 looking at the likes but at one point we
2:07:22 had over 200 humber did that
2:07:24 so make sure to like now if you haven't
2:07:26 already yeah
2:07:28 subscribe if you haven't and also turn
2:07:29 on the notifications
2:07:31 and because this is really important if
2:07:32 you don't you're not likely to get
2:07:34 um notifications when we release a video
2:07:37 so if you haven't
2:07:37 underneath the subscribe button or next
2:07:39 to the subscribe button there should be
2:07:41 a little bell
2:07:42 click that and then turn on all
2:07:44 notifications and inshallah you'll be
2:07:45 receiving all of the
2:07:47 um notifications every time we release a
2:07:49 video will pop up in your
2:07:51 uh on your bell thing on youtube um
2:07:55 so make sure to do that and don't forget
2:07:57 this is this is
2:07:58 for some of you uh it's past the time
2:08:00 now here
2:08:02 about more than an hour and a half ago
2:08:03 or something uh but for some of you
2:08:05 still the hija
2:08:06 it's the best day of the year for ibada
2:08:10 for dua and so on and so forth and yes
2:08:12 we fundraising ramadan and
2:08:15 and the first days of dulhajja and so
2:08:17 today is arafah by the way the best day
2:08:19 of the year
2:08:20 um and you know go to the link below
2:08:23 sapiens
2:08:25 forward slash donate if you're if you
2:08:27 were inspired touch moved and inspired
2:08:29 by some of the things and the answers
2:08:30 that we gave today and you're interested
2:08:32 in the learning platform and all the
2:08:33 great work that we're coming up with
2:08:34 we've got a book coming out called
2:08:36 divine perfection what i talked about
2:08:38 the kind of adamic story of maximal
2:08:40 forgiveness and love between the
2:08:41 christian and islamic tradition we've
2:08:42 got an academic book by
2:08:43 doctors manatee coming out we have the
2:08:45 lighthouse service mentoring that
2:08:47 yusuf is managing which we'll explain in
2:08:49 a few moments
2:08:50 and i'll let him end on that and we also
2:08:52 have
2:08:53 uh published books that are coming out
2:08:55 but we have the rights
2:08:56 to two books of intellectuals in the
2:08:59 arab world that have written books about
2:09:00 islamic theo philosophy that's being
2:09:02 translated into english we have the
2:09:03 rights
2:09:04 we're going to publish that we're going
2:09:05 to publish a book on doubts we're going
2:09:07 to
2:09:07 talk about how to effectively the 10
2:09:09 effective strategies on how to do with
2:09:11 doubts
2:09:12 and the doubts of others and we're going
2:09:13 to answer should we heart destructive
2:09:15 doubts as well
2:09:16 we're going to have over inshallah 60
2:09:18 sacred thoughts videos
2:09:20 we're going to have four academic
2:09:21 debates this year in sha allah
2:09:23 and so much more we promised this last
2:09:25 ramadan and would dedicate in achieving
2:09:27 this and this needs
2:09:28 obviously support so if you're if you
2:09:32 trust
2:09:32 us and you and and you enjoy what we do
2:09:35 and
2:09:35 you want to help us please you know this
2:09:38 this would be a sadaqa jared for you go
2:09:39 to sapiens institut
2:09:41 do org for slash donate and i'll let you
2:09:44 talk about
2:09:45 the lighthouse mentoring because we're
2:09:47 going to have a
2:09:48 monthly live stream as well so the stuff
2:09:50 that we did today
2:09:51 answering your questions specifically
2:09:53 giving you concise answers and nuanced
2:09:55 answers
2:09:55 we'll be doing that in the monthly
2:09:57 lighthouse service mentoring uh
2:10:00 streams as well so uh you sort of talk
2:10:03 about lighthouse mentoring and why it
2:10:04 needs
2:10:04 support as well with china yeah
2:10:06 definitely so if you go to our
2:10:08 website which is sapiens
2:10:13 you should be brought to this page here
2:10:14 and there's a little
2:10:16 light bulb here this is lighthouse
2:10:17 mountain you can click that or
2:10:18 alternatively
2:10:20 uh click request mentoring and it should
2:10:23 take you to this page and you can book a
2:10:24 session it's aimed
2:10:26 at it's a service for ex-muslims
2:10:28 students non-muslims
2:10:29 uh leaders dua to people who are looking
2:10:31 to get involved in islamic activism and
2:10:33 they want coaching or
2:10:35 feedback and things like that or if
2:10:36 you're suffering from doubts or if
2:10:38 you're interested in islam
2:10:39 and all of these things we can help
2:10:41 coach you with that um so you
2:10:43 book a session by clicking that button
2:10:46 you pick
2:10:47 which one you want help with so either
2:10:48 addressing doubt some questions
2:10:51 or leadership and activist mentoring
2:10:53 once you do that
2:10:54 you click that it'll bring you to the
2:10:56 nearest available date so at the moment
2:10:58 we're booked up until
2:10:59 september um but when we start expanding
2:11:03 and we get more
2:11:04 people on board there should be more
2:11:06 dates opening up
2:11:07 um in shot a lot as well we're just sort
2:11:09 of working on that at the moment
2:11:11 um and also keep an eye a little insider
2:11:14 tip
2:11:14 if you keep eyeing it weekly um
2:11:16 sometimes we have to decline
2:11:18 applications
2:11:19 i'm going to give you a tip as well on
2:11:21 when you fill in the application
2:11:23 don't fill it in like this so one person
2:11:25 and we say there's a form so say you
2:11:27 pick your date
2:11:28 um you pick your time you go here so it
2:11:31 says please provide further details to
2:11:33 support your request
2:11:34 now actually do that so that means
2:11:38 fill it in with for example the
2:11:39 information of the things you want help
2:11:40 with so i can pass this to the mentor
2:11:43 prior to your meeting so that they can
2:11:45 prepare for it if they need to
2:11:47 um don't do as someone previously did
2:11:50 where they they just wrote
2:11:51 nah on that that kind of
2:11:55 request isn't going to be approved they
2:11:57 just get rejected
2:11:58 um and you'll receive an email saying
2:11:59 this has been declined there's not
2:12:00 enough information
2:12:02 please fill it in again which is going
2:12:03 to waste your time and
2:12:05 you'll just have to go around the whole
2:12:07 thing also secondly make sure to put in
2:12:09 the correct email address
2:12:11 if you don't you won't get the emails
2:12:14 telling you that your
2:12:15 application has been put through nor
2:12:17 will you get the emails that tell you
2:12:19 that the application has been approved
2:12:21 and therefore you will not get the links
2:12:23 for the zoom meeting
2:12:24 in order to be able to join um when your
2:12:27 meeting
2:12:28 is supposed to take place so it's very
2:12:30 important put in the correct information
2:12:32 that is the right email address
2:12:34 and make sure you put in actual
2:12:36 information and don't just write now
2:12:38 um and make sure to read the terms and
2:12:40 conditions
2:12:41 and then click i agree um here and then
2:12:44 obviously confirm
2:12:45 and you'll receive an email then telling
2:12:48 you um
2:12:49 that this is pending uh approval and
2:12:51 then obviously once you get the approval
2:12:53 which happens usually within
2:12:54 a week before um at the latest the day
2:12:57 before so 24 hours
2:12:59 um you'll receive a confirmation or a
2:13:01 declined email
2:13:03 um based on the you know whether because
2:13:06 as well if you're asking certain
2:13:07 questions that we can't help you with um
2:13:09 that need for example
2:13:10 uh like thick issues you need to
2:13:13 approach a chef for that kind of thing
2:13:15 here we're trying to help you with um
2:13:17 you know a feel for
2:13:18 philosophical issues um you know
2:13:20 questions regarding doubts your heart
2:13:22 that kind of thing um but this service
2:13:24 is set up specifically for that
2:13:26 uh we've got about seven or eight i
2:13:28 think i can't remember exactly how many
2:13:29 mentors
2:13:30 um spread out throughout the week uh who
2:13:32 uh you know
2:13:33 do art they've been involved in dollar
2:13:36 for a while um
2:13:37 and they're quite familiar in general
2:13:39 with the sort of questions that we get
2:13:40 and if for whatever reason they ain't
2:13:42 they're not able to help you they can
2:13:44 um take notes of the questions you have
2:13:46 and we have the resources to be able to
2:13:48 try to reach out
2:13:49 to other brothers who are involved in
2:13:50 dawah who might be able to help and
2:13:51 things like that
2:13:52 um so yeah so make sure to you know
2:13:55 apply
2:13:55 here if you need our help um also you
2:13:58 can support us
2:13:59 uh here as well at the top right corner
2:14:01 the donate button uh which is sapience
2:14:04 let's donate um you can do one time or
2:14:07 monthly
2:14:08 and then i think there's different
2:14:09 currencies as well that you can pick
2:14:10 from
2:14:11 uh so yeah and obviously that will
2:14:13 contribute towards sapience institute's
2:14:15 goals as a whole
2:14:16 um and specifically as well to the
2:14:19 lighthouse project
2:14:20 um which is quite transformative we've
2:14:22 received a lot of good feedback
2:14:24 and from people who have been attending
2:14:25 the meetings um they value the
2:14:27 one-to-one
2:14:28 it's private um you know it's these kind
2:14:30 of things are not gonna be published
2:14:32 on the internet or anything like that um
2:14:34 it's just kept between the mentor and
2:14:36 the person that's
2:14:37 um obviously going through the the
2:14:39 mentoring
2:14:40 um and yeah so inshallah you find a lot
2:14:43 of benefit in that if you need it
2:14:45 uh or if you know someone who you think
2:14:46 needs it make sure to pass them the link
2:14:49 um to the the service as well and
2:14:51 inshallah that will benefit them and
2:14:52 you'll gain reward for that
2:14:54 also
2:14:57 brilliant the yusuf has really
2:14:59 transformed the lighthouse service
2:15:00 mentoring will i bless him
2:15:01 it was because of ramadan and your
2:15:04 support that we're able to get more
2:15:05 people on board
2:15:06 we're able to expand and and so on and
2:15:09 so forth because
2:15:10 you have to understand that when a
2:15:11 mentor gives their time they don't only
2:15:13 give one hour
2:15:14 uh a week they may give many hours a
2:15:16 week nine hours or even maybe more
2:15:18 and they have preparation time and there
2:15:20 is post mentoring
2:15:22 uh advice and and so on and so forth
2:15:24 that can happen which takes a hell of a
2:15:26 lot of time
2:15:27 so we need dedicated people to help us
2:15:29 expand now we're fully booked into
2:15:31 september but we've got bookings until
2:15:33 next year i believe
2:15:35 uh it's very important for you to
2:15:37 understand that this is a
2:15:39 uh a unique service from the point of
2:15:41 view that we're not only mentoring
2:15:42 people to get involved in the dow and
2:15:44 help them in the dialogue
2:15:45 but we're also mentoring people
2:15:46 considering their doubts their super
2:15:47 hearts concerns
2:15:49 so for example today i had an ad hoc
2:15:52 mentoring
2:15:52 we're not going to mention a lot of
2:15:54 deals but you know
2:15:56 if someone's son has some issues and
2:15:58 we're basically
2:16:00 taking them through that kind of
2:16:00 mentoring process on how to deal with it
2:16:02 with a very
2:16:03 very very serious issue and uh
2:16:06 you know this is the stuff that we do
2:16:07 and you have to understand i spoke to
2:16:10 um a leading day in america that we need
2:16:13 this because
2:16:14 we have answers we have the intellectual
2:16:16 answers we have the institutes we
2:16:18 have um all of these you know real
2:16:20 philosophical answers we're standing on
2:16:22 the shoulders of giants
2:16:23 we have great work out there but what is
2:16:25 missing is
2:16:26 like a sunnah which is relating to
2:16:28 people on one to one people can find
2:16:30 answers online
2:16:31 but there's like a hidden spiritual law
2:16:33 if you like of dealing with people one
2:16:34 to one like they could read something on
2:16:36 the internet and have an abstract answer
2:16:38 but when they're dealing with someone
2:16:40 and someone understands the nuances the
2:16:42 psychology
2:16:43 the kind of emotions behind it taking
2:16:45 them on that journey to get that answer
2:16:46 internalized
2:16:48 then that one-to-one process is
2:16:49 absolutely beyond valuable
2:16:52 and this is why yes it's hard we've made
2:16:54 the decision to do this because you know
2:16:56 if you want to think from a marketing
2:16:57 and business strategy but that we're a
2:16:59 business of course but if you have that
2:17:00 mindset
2:17:01 you won't do something like this because
2:17:03 it takes a lot of resources and time and
2:17:05 effort
2:17:05 but we believe you have to follow the
2:17:07 barakah forum the barakah
2:17:09 is asking the question what does allah
2:17:10 want from us and i truly believe
2:17:12 in the dollar a game changer this post
2:17:15 kind of online world the game changes
2:17:16 not just writing stuff yes we need to
2:17:18 provide intellectual content
2:17:19 but it's having that one-to-one
2:17:21 engagement and this i think is
2:17:23 a kind of sunnah of allah had to do with
2:17:26 human beings
2:17:27 and this is why allah not only said in
2:17:29 the quran but we have a messenger
2:17:32 if it was just about a message then the
2:17:34 quran would be sufficient
2:17:36 but the prophet sallallahu alaihi israel
2:17:38 was given to us to explain the quran to
2:17:41 embodiment to relate to us and to make
2:17:44 these things relatable and
2:17:45 understandable for us to internalize it
2:17:47 and hopefully lighthouse mentoring is
2:17:48 going to achieve that and with the
2:17:50 leadership of our beloved brother yusuf
2:17:52 we're already on our way insha'allah
2:17:54 bless him and his family
2:17:55 and you i mean him and he's finally the
2:17:57 best in this life and the best in the
2:17:59 life to come
2:18:01 if it's still the offer for you um
2:18:08 forgive us and you know if you still got
2:18:10 time to give that sabaka
2:18:11 saint pence forward slash
2:18:14 donate transform lives insha allah
2:18:16 allah bless every single one of you and
2:18:19 uh we'll see you very soon there'll be a
2:18:20 live stream hopefully next week with one
2:18:22 of our academic seminars
2:18:24 and as for me salaam alaikum i'll let
2:18:25 you end each other
2:18:27 yeah i'll just say salaam alaikum as
2:18:28 well for everyone who's attended
2:18:30 barack obama and mubarak in advance for
2:18:34 those who are going to celebrate it
2:18:36 peace