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The Way of the Prophets - An analysis of prophetic guidance for those who share & defend Islam (2021-12-05)


Live Seminar: The Way of the Prophets - An analysis of prophetic guidance for those who share and defend Islam

With Shaykh Yasir Al-Hanifi and Hamza Andreas Tzortzis

Summary of The Way of the Prophets - An analysis of prophetic guidance for those who share & defend Islam

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 01:00:00

discusses the idea that it is okay to be assertive when trying to convert others to Islam, as long as you do it in a peaceful way. points to a story in the Quran where Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) allowed someone who had insulted him and was being disrespectful to leave his presence. stresses the importance of being patient when trying to convert others, as it can be difficult to deal with people who are insulting or rude.

*00:00:00 Discusses the importance of understanding the way of the prophets and the best guidance for those who share and defend Islam. He introduces Sheikh to discuss this topic. Sheikh explains that the question we need to ask is what does Allah want from us in our particular context. This question removes our reactionary views and opens us up to guidance from the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad.

  • 00:05:00 The Sheikh discusses the importance of sharing Islam intelligently, starting with the Quran. He recommends that new Muslims start with the principles of Islam and teaches that the Prophet was distinguished for his effort in spreading the message of Islam.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses the importance of dawah and how it should be done in a way that is closer to the methodology of the prophets. It also explains why there is an increase in apostasy and misguidance.
  • *00:15:00 Discusses the importance of wisdom, good counselling, and good words when preaching to Muslims. It argues that these three principles are the "default position" or first principle of the way of the prophets. also points out that the prophet Muhammad increased in knowledge when it came to caring for his followers, and that this is a sign of his greatness.
  • 00:20:00 Imam Hassan argues that the best way to preach to unbelievers is to use wisdom, good counseling, and debate, but debate is the only method that is restricted to the best of methods.
  • *00:25:00 Discusses the way of prophets, and Imam Ghazali mentions eight conditions for successful debate: that the opponent be guided by the debate, that the opponent be in need of the truth, that the opponent be open to the truth, that the opponent not be too tired, that the opponent be moderate in their arguments, that the opponent avoid coming from a place of fatigue, and that the opponent provide strong evidence.
  • 00:30:00 examines the way prophets have conveyed guidance to their followers over the years, highlighting the importance of all three approaches of giving dawah: with hikmah (meaning quran and sunnah), with good counsel, and with munadara (debate and discussion). also points out that these methods should be used in a particular context, and that debating and discussing with Muslims should only be done in a respectful and compassionate manner.
  • 00:35:00 explains that although they are not misguided, they are a prophet from all of the universes. They explain that in order to invite others to Islam, one must have a common link with them, which is through brotherhood. also mentions a verse from the Quran that explains that after the Muslims defeat their enemies, they will know that the prophet was not misinformed.
  • 00:40:00 provides an analysis of Quranic verses that discuss the punishment for mocking others. The verses suggest that mocking is a sin, and that those who do so will receive retribution in the afterlife. It is important to understand the context of the verses in order to apply them correctly in one's preaching and social interactions.
  • *00:45:00 Discusses a verse in the Quran that encourages patience in taking revenge. It points out that this patience can be seen in the life of Prophet Salah, who waited 950 years for retribution to be carried out in equal measure. then goes on to discuss another verse in the Quran that says that those who invite others to join in good deeds will be mentioned after those who invite people to join in evil deeds. Finally, the video explores the importance of having a group of believers to guide and protect oneself.
  • *00:50:00 Discusses the concept of good and evil, and how they are not the same. then discusses how the tower woman is better in speech and deeds than the man, and how it is important to be humble when inviting towards Allah.
  • *00:55:00 Discusses the idea that it is okay to be assertive when trying to convert others to Islam, as long as you do it in a peaceful way. points to a story in the Quran where Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) allowed someone who had insulted him and was being disrespectful to leave his presence. stresses the importance of being patient when trying to convert others, as it can be difficult to deal with people who are insulting or rude.

01:00:00 - 01:30:00

the speaker discusses the importance of giving dawah in a sincere and humble manner, in order to avoid causing harm or increasing the misguided. He also emphasizes the importance of being assertive and avoiding mockery, and provides guidance on how to engage in discussions about Islam in a beneficial way.

*01:00:00 Discusses the importance of being principled and not reactionary in one's dawah, and how using certain language can belittle or patronize the person you're preaching to. He also points out that using assumptions or making assumptions about someone's beliefs or following can lead to harmful consequences.

  • 01:05:00 In this book, Imam Gazali advises students on how to approach those who are misguided, and how to gently guide them towards the truth. He warns that if one is harsh in their approach, this will increase the means of misguidance and extremism, among other negative outcomes.
  • *01:10:00 Discusses the difference between asserting one's knowledge and mocking someone, and warns against mocking someone in the same way that the Prophet Muhammad said Allah would not respect him. It suggests that, in order to balance these two concerns, one should stick to one's default position and be assertive, but avoid mocking the person.
  • *01:15:00 Discusses principles of prophetic guidance, emphasizing the importance of humility and forbearance. He goes on to say that anyone, regardless of their background or personal journey, can benefit from discussing Islamic topics with others in a scholarly and Quranic manner.
  • *01:20:00 Discusses how Islamic prophetic guidance can be interpreted and applied in a way that is beneficial to both Muslims and non-Muslims, emphasizing the importance of sincerity and caution. He also mentions Imam Hanif Allah, who was known for his debate skills and his aversion to arrogance and jealousy.
  • *01:25:00 Discusses the various types of ostentation, and how it can creep into our lives. He concludes by saying that any amal we do should be done with intentionality, in order to be judged favorably by Allah.
  • *01:30:00 Discusses the importance of giving dawah, stating that it is only for the sake of Allah. He goes on to say that because this is not social media, we need to talk about it and emphasize the importance of making dua. He also encourages brothers and sisters to attend his upcoming live seminars on topics such as the argument from reason and the laws of logic.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:06 and sisters and friends
0:00:08 and welcome to today's
0:00:11 sapiens institute
0:00:13 online
0:00:14 seminar and today we're going to be
0:00:16 discussing something very important
0:00:19 we're going to be discussing the way of
0:00:21 the prophets
0:00:24 and this is an extremely important
0:00:26 discussion because those who
0:00:28 sincerely seek to
0:00:30 intellectually and academically
0:00:32 share islam defend islam
0:00:35 and educate other people
0:00:38 about islam
0:00:40 they need to understand we need to
0:00:43 understand collectively and individually
0:00:46 and not only understand but internalize
0:00:48 that the best guidance
0:00:51 concerning sharing islam
0:00:54 educating others about islam
0:00:56 concerning defending islam
0:00:59 is actually referring
0:01:01 to
0:01:02 the greatest people who walked on earth
0:01:05 referring to
0:01:07 the greatest human beings
0:01:09 to have stepped foot on this planet
0:01:12 and these are the prophets of allah
0:01:14 subhanahu wa ta'ala because they were
0:01:16 called
0:01:18 by allah
0:01:19 to call people
0:01:24 to call people to the fact that there is
0:01:27 no deity worthy of worship except allah
0:01:31 subhanahu wa ta'ala
0:01:33 and brothers and sisters
0:01:35 this is such a significant topic
0:01:36 especially in the 21st century
0:01:39 especially in
0:01:41 the environment of social media
0:01:44 and having access to thousands and
0:01:47 thousands if not millions of people all
0:01:49 across the world
0:01:51 so
0:01:52 yes we have great opportunities for
0:01:55 reward
0:01:56 but we also have
0:01:58 great opportunities if you want to term
0:02:00 it as such
0:02:02 for
0:02:03 destruction destroying our own selves
0:02:06 destroying the tower
0:02:07 and destroying the image of islam
0:02:11 so we have to understand that with great
0:02:13 opportunity comes great responsibility
0:02:15 as well
0:02:17 so i think it's time that we have this
0:02:18 authentic discussion amongst the
0:02:21 community
0:02:22 concerning
0:02:23 how must we be
0:02:26 how must we relate to ourselves
0:02:29 relate to others and fundamentally
0:02:31 relate to allah in context of the dawah
0:02:35 so before i introduce sheikh
0:02:37 to explain this for us i want every
0:02:39 single one of you to understand
0:02:41 something
0:02:42 when we engage in this work
0:02:45 we have to
0:02:46 ask a fundamental question
0:02:50 and the question is not is it halal is
0:02:52 it haram
0:02:53 but rather
0:02:54 the fundamental question in our context
0:02:57 specifically specifically concerning
0:03:00 sharing islam is as follows
0:03:03 what does
0:03:06 allah
0:03:07 want from me
0:03:09 in my particular context
0:03:12 if you study and analyze this question
0:03:15 clearly
0:03:16 it's going to be it's going to
0:03:18 open doors for you with regards to
0:03:22 opening doors to guidance for you in
0:03:24 order for you to refer to the quran and
0:03:27 to the way of the prophet sallallahu
0:03:28 alaihi wasallam in the way of the
0:03:30 prophets with regards to sharing islam
0:03:34 with your brothers and sisters in
0:03:36 humanity we have to ask that question
0:03:40 what does allah want from me what does
0:03:42 allah want from us
0:03:44 in our particular context it could be
0:03:46 you
0:03:47 being on a debating panel it could be
0:03:50 you on social media it could be you
0:03:53 concerning
0:03:54 the the great work that you do behind
0:03:56 the scenes in the tower whatever
0:03:59 whatever capacity
0:04:01 you are involved in concerning sharing
0:04:04 and defending islam ask this question
0:04:06 ask it every day and this is the power
0:04:08 of questioning what does allah want from
0:04:10 me in this particular moment in this
0:04:12 particular context
0:04:15 and asking this question we remove
0:04:18 will push you away from a reactionary
0:04:21 type of dower where we just react to
0:04:24 things without clearly thinking
0:04:26 and it will remove and put a barrier to
0:04:29 the kind of adoption of a reductionist
0:04:32 theology because sometimes when we're
0:04:34 involved in the moment when we're
0:04:35 involved on social media in social media
0:04:38 we're involved in the daoa sometimes
0:04:40 what we do we just react to things and
0:04:42 not only do we react to things but we
0:04:43 try to justify it um by basically
0:04:46 referring to the quran or the sunnah or
0:04:48 hadith of the prophet sallallahu alaihi
0:04:50 wasallam and we justify in a way that is
0:04:54 reductionist what's the reductions mean
0:04:56 that we take that particular ayah we
0:04:59 take that particular hadith and we
0:05:01 remove all context and we remove all
0:05:04 other
0:05:05 moral variables
0:05:06 and we just
0:05:08 use it in order to justify
0:05:10 our ego centric or egotistical reactions
0:05:13 and this is why it's so important
0:05:15 brothers and sisters that we start with
0:05:17 first principles we start with the quran
0:05:20 we start with
0:05:21 and this is why today's seminar is
0:05:23 called the way of the prophets and
0:05:25 inshallah we'll i'll be asking questions
0:05:28 to the sheikh and i want you all to ask
0:05:30 questions to the sheikh in order to get
0:05:32 the best out of the sheikh as well but
0:05:34 also to get the best out of this topic
0:05:35 today as well so just as a brief
0:05:38 introduction to the shaykh
0:05:40 sheikh yasal
0:05:42 he has a b
0:05:44 and an m a in philosophy and he is going
0:05:47 to be pursuing his phd inshallah very
0:05:49 soon he is the imam at elderberry masjid
0:05:53 he is a dharaolum graduate
0:05:55 and he has studied with prominent
0:05:57 scholars
0:05:58 all around the world
0:06:00 and he has delivered presentations and
0:06:03 seminars and courses for prestigious
0:06:06 outlets
0:06:07 such as
0:06:09 academy and i'm very happy that
0:06:15 is here with us today
0:06:34 so let's go straight into it so the
0:06:37 first thing i want to ask you
0:06:39 is
0:06:40 if someone's new to darwin if someone's
0:06:42 new to
0:06:43 gay involved in darwin they've just
0:06:45 started sharing and and discussing uh
0:06:49 concepts and philosophy or whatever the
0:06:51 case may be they involved in sharing
0:06:52 islam academically and intellectually
0:06:55 what would be the starting point what
0:06:56 would be the kind of quranic first
0:06:58 principle that you would
0:07:00 share with them and teach them
0:07:04 alhamdulillah
0:07:07 foreign
0:07:17 first and foremost i would like to thank
0:07:19 you for giving me this opportunity
0:07:21 to deliver this message
0:07:23 and the second thing i want to mention
0:07:24 from the answer is
0:07:26 that the primary
0:07:29 the primary
0:07:31 person that i'm addressing today is
0:07:32 myself first as my ears are the closest
0:07:35 to me
0:07:36 so this is not uh i don't have an
0:07:38 interlocutor here i'm not addressing
0:07:40 this to anybody is actually first myself
0:07:42 and inshallah we make dua they also
0:07:44 manifest others
0:07:46 moving on to your question
0:07:48 uh
0:07:49 look
0:07:50 the the dawah
0:07:51 inviting people towards allah
0:07:56 this is as you mentioned is was the job
0:08:01 of all of the ambiance
0:08:03 as mentioned
0:08:10 in
0:08:13 every single prophet was given
0:08:15 revelation to deliver the message
0:08:19 to their people this is why one of my
0:08:21 teachers said
0:08:22 whoever gives
0:08:24 allah with the intention
0:08:26 that they're following the footsteps of
0:08:28 the prophets indeed he or she has
0:08:30 revived the sunnah of all of the ambiya
0:08:33 every single prophet just by delivering
0:08:36 the message
0:08:38 this is also a distinguished quality of
0:08:40 of our beloved prophet
0:08:51 is
0:09:02 and
0:09:03 not only is this a distinguished quality
0:09:06 of the prophets but is also a
0:09:07 distinguished quality of this ummah
0:09:10 the thing that differentiates this ummah
0:09:12 from the previous nations is the effort
0:09:15 of dawah
0:09:17 you are the best nation
0:09:20 you have been taken out for the benefits
0:09:24 meaning benefit for the people
0:09:26 why are you the best people
0:09:30 you call towards good
0:09:32 and you forbid from evil
0:09:35 so
0:09:36 the previous nations they all they all
0:09:38 worshiped
0:09:39 however this nation has two
0:09:41 responsibilities number one worshiping
0:09:43 themselves
0:09:44 and number two calling people towards
0:09:46 allah
0:09:48 therefore
0:09:50 uh
0:09:51 i would answer by saying this
0:09:54 that if we in if we intend
0:09:57 uh to embark on the path of giving our
0:10:00 we need to realize that da'wah initially
0:10:11 therefore
0:10:12 the closer our methodology is
0:10:17 the more chance there is of hidayah and
0:10:18 guidance
0:10:20 the further and distant our methodology
0:10:23 is from the methodology of the ambiya
0:10:26 the more chance there is of god
0:10:29 of misguidance and this is one of the
0:10:31 reasons maybe allah
0:10:33 is increasing but on the other hand we
0:10:36 have apostasy
0:10:38 is also increasing why is this i'm not
0:10:40 necessarily postulating this is the
0:10:42 reason i mean this is something that we
0:10:43 need to think the first thing i would
0:10:45 say is that we need to understand that
0:10:47 this noble work of dawah is the noble
0:10:50 work of the prophets yes
0:10:52 and the methodology of the ambiya is
0:10:54 clear it's completely vivid in the quran
0:10:57 how they address their people how at the
0:11:00 time of difficulties
0:11:02 and adversities they you know tolerated
0:11:04 forbid you know difficulties etc
0:11:08 so
0:11:08 i think if we discuss the first
0:11:10 principles from the quran how the
0:11:18 was instructed by allah to give dawah
0:11:20 and this verse inshallah that i'm going
0:11:22 to mention now this verse
0:11:25 exegesis have explained this verse as
0:11:28 the first principle the usual and the
0:11:30 adam the principles and the etiquettes
0:11:33 of giving
0:11:34 this is our jesus position so
0:11:37 yeah yeah sorry to interject this verse
0:11:38 is chapter 16 verse one two five
0:11:42 yes
0:11:44 verse 125 yes this is the verse that we
0:11:48 we will concentrate and not just one two
0:11:50 five if anybody has got quran even look
0:11:52 at the verses after even the verse after
0:11:53 we will need later
0:12:07 foreign
0:12:28 that the people asked him regarding
0:12:30 overseer a will and wasa is usually
0:12:33 written or given
0:12:35 at the time of death in the last throws
0:12:36 of death so if the imam ibrahim said
0:12:40 wasayyah is written regarding wealth i
0:12:42 don't have any wealth however i have
0:12:44 these verses to offer
0:12:46 and this is the verse he gave
0:12:49 us
0:12:53 so in this verse allah subhanahu wa
0:12:55 ta'ala is addressing our prophet sallam
0:13:00 by saying
0:13:03 means to
0:13:04 invite uh
0:13:07 is imperative scale udo meaning invite
0:13:09 instruction
0:13:10 invite
0:13:14 invite towards the path of your lord
0:13:19 okay let's let's pause here for a while
0:13:22 the first thing is
0:13:24 allah is mentioned
0:13:29 so
0:13:30 part of allah
0:13:32 so the purpose of invitation the maksid
0:13:35 the ultima
0:13:37 nipples ultra objective
0:13:39 of dawah is allah
0:13:42 not me
0:13:43 allah subhana wa we are inviting towards
0:13:45 allah
0:13:46 this is number one this is where we
0:13:49 should uh the point that you mentioned
0:13:52 is
0:13:52 uh renew our intentions
0:13:55 why are we
0:13:56 inviting uh why are we seeking knowledge
0:14:00 and uh what what are we what what do we
0:14:04 plan to do with this knowledge this is
0:14:06 why uh inshallah later on we'll discuss
0:14:08 imam
0:14:10 in the
0:14:11 chapter of knowledge he talks about the
0:14:13 concept of manava debate
0:14:15 so the prophet said allah said and i
0:14:17 want to mention this hadith at this
0:14:18 point so i can rectify my intention too
0:14:20 because i don't think i started with my
0:14:21 sincerity but inshallah we'll do this
0:14:23 now prophet
0:14:24 said hadith
0:14:28 whoever seeks knowledge
0:14:30 why
0:14:31 liujaria
0:14:33 contend with the scholars
0:14:36 to challenge the scholars
0:14:40 number two to argue with the foolish
0:14:42 ones
0:14:47 or to attract the attention of people
0:14:49 towards him so people can call me sheikh
0:14:51 people can call me you know this and
0:14:53 people can follow me and people can like
0:14:55 my comments and like my videos this is
0:14:58 not in the hadith but i'm just
0:14:59 contemporizing the prophet sallallahu
0:15:01 alaihi
0:15:03 allah will permit him the fire of
0:15:05 jahannam
0:15:09 we are inviting towards you
0:15:11 towards allah
0:15:13 the whole objective of dawat is towards
0:15:15 allah nobody else this is number one
0:15:18 no following yes this is the nature of
0:15:20 social media following likes where
0:15:22 intention should be only allah if
0:15:23 there's any other intention but
0:15:53 to look after imam bayaba gives the
0:15:54 definition
0:15:59 to make something reach its destination
0:16:02 slowly slowly stage by stage with
0:16:05 perfection and completion
0:16:07 so this is indication that for dawah you
0:16:09 need to be
0:16:11 imam kurt has mentioned this this is
0:16:12 indication for dawah you need terbia
0:16:16 the prophet said allah islam was
0:16:18 directly
0:16:19 he directly received nurturing and allah
0:16:22 subhanahu wa
0:16:23 we also need tarabia we need the
0:16:26 prophetic way as a terrible we need the
0:16:27 third of our mashai we need the therapy
0:16:29 of our scholars we need the therapy of
0:16:31 our elders we need the terbia so on
0:16:33 so this is this is
0:16:43 and we should stay within the three
0:16:45 methods
0:16:46 this is the default position or you
0:16:48 could say this is the the first
0:16:50 principle of myth of methodology
0:16:52 number one
0:16:54 wisdom
0:16:57 number two
0:17:00 good counselling good advice
0:17:02 and number
0:17:10 and debate with them in the best of
0:17:13 manners
0:17:14 so these are three methods so let's
0:17:16 slightly uh shall we unpack this
0:17:18 slightly yes yeah absolutely
0:17:20 okay so let's start with obviously the
0:17:22 first one hikmah
0:17:24 hikmah wisdom now in in in hikmah there
0:17:27 are several
0:17:29 seed but just to give two main ones one
0:17:32 is the quran and sunnah so we use the
0:17:35 message of the quran we use message of
0:17:37 the hadith etc this is one
0:17:39 interpretation
0:17:40 a second interpretation which is
0:17:42 beautiful also
0:17:44 from allama alusi in
0:17:46 mani
0:17:48 uh
0:17:49 he has mentioned that hikmah here
0:17:52 is referring to saying the right thing
0:17:54 at the right time
0:17:57 wisdom saying the right thing at the
0:17:58 right time
0:18:00 you know a person is going through
0:18:02 emotional experience he doesn't believe
0:18:03 in allah he's going through emotion and
0:18:05 you know that this person is going
0:18:07 through emotional experience the hikmah
0:18:09 wisdom at the time would be and allah
0:18:11 knows best is to ask them regarding
0:18:13 their uh personal circumstance why
0:18:15 they're upset do they need any help this
0:18:17 will be hikmah
0:18:19 so this is the one
0:18:20 number two
0:18:23 good counselling
0:18:24 good good words now more
0:18:37 that we don't just give them the quran
0:18:39 and sunnah we don't force the quran onto
0:18:41 them
0:18:42 the method has to be good more either
0:18:45 the method has to be good
0:18:47 you know gentle
0:18:49 uh
0:18:51 with the intention that we want we want
0:18:53 credit for them we want goodness for
0:18:55 them and this is the big thing was that
0:18:56 that's missing first in myself so i
0:18:58 confess to this crime
0:19:00 is that when we invite
0:19:02 people towards allah
0:19:04 is almost naughty bella we want them to
0:19:07 be
0:19:08 misguided we so and i'm talking about
0:19:10 reputation especially we want them to
0:19:12 work we want them almost sometimes not
0:19:14 everybody some people we want them to
0:19:16 utter the words of kuffar we want them
0:19:17 to utter the words of
0:19:19 the
0:19:20 and and this is wrong we we
0:19:23 advise them good counseling with the
0:19:25 intention that we want guidance for them
0:19:27 with the figure and worry that we want
0:19:29 guidance and this is
0:19:31 a distinguished quality again again of
0:19:33 the prophet said allah when the prophet
0:19:35 said allah exceeded
0:19:41 indeed you have been created upon
0:19:42 exalted character when it came to
0:19:44 knowledge allah says
0:19:46 increase my knowledge
0:19:47 so when it came to these other acts
0:19:49 allah the prophet islam increased and
0:19:51 increased but when he came to worry he
0:19:54 had winning and consent the prophet
0:19:57 salallahu islam he had so much worry for
0:19:59 the ummah
0:20:00 and for the guidance that
0:20:03 the quran was revealed
0:20:08 perhaps there's a chance that you might
0:20:11 die because of grief
0:20:12 why because these people are not
0:20:14 bringing
0:20:14 iman
0:20:16 so having that worry and concern that
0:20:18 how can my interlocutor accept iman how
0:20:21 can they be guided and then waking up at
0:20:24 the hajj and making dua for them the o
0:20:26 allah i have given da'wah to this person
0:20:29 guidance is in your control please guide
0:20:30 this person
0:20:32 so maureen hassan this is this all comes
0:20:34 in more even this is why
0:20:37 under this verse of surah 125 he gives
0:20:40 the verse of surah
0:20:43 where
0:20:44 allah subhanahu wa instructed musa
0:20:59 nobody in history has made the i am your
0:21:02 god not normal standard god i am your
0:21:04 greatest god rob
0:21:07 anybody who is making this claim
0:21:10 and the prophet
0:21:12 is instructing
0:21:14 musa to speak to firaoun in a soft
0:21:17 manner in a gentle manner with kind
0:21:20 words why
0:21:24 because he might take heed or he might
0:21:28 fear now uh
0:21:30 the ulama mentioned a beautiful point in
0:21:32 here they said allah subhanahu wa knew
0:21:35 in his pre-eternal knowledge
0:21:38 that
0:21:39 will not accept iman
0:21:41 despite this allah instructed
0:21:46 why
0:21:47 to teach the lesson that humans they
0:21:49 only listen or they usually say when you
0:21:51 speak softly to them you speak nicely to
0:21:53 them
0:21:54 yes this is why you saw
0:22:10 sometimes a person may accept your
0:22:12 argument but you will not become
0:22:14 inclined towards what you're saying
0:22:16 he might become a child but he will not
0:22:18 become mine
0:22:20 accept what you're saying deep mind just
0:22:22 accept but he will not become inclined
0:22:23 towards you
0:22:27 second method first method hikmah wisdom
0:22:29 second good counselling not just
0:22:30 counselling good counseling
0:22:33 and in dimension imam nikathir he quotes
0:22:35 the verse of musa
0:22:38 the third method
0:22:41 just just to add sorry i think
0:22:45 he basically says about this particular
0:22:47 verse
0:22:47 that you're talking about
0:22:49 he and i'm obviously paraphrasing that
0:22:52 in in his tafsir he basically argues
0:22:55 that if
0:22:56 musa alaihi salam had to speak speak
0:22:58 softly to feron
0:23:01 who was like one of the worst creatures
0:23:03 who booked this planet
0:23:04 then imagine how we must
0:23:06 at least initially and that's my
0:23:08 addition how we must speak to other
0:23:10 people
0:23:11 so
0:23:12 he makes this argument that musa alaihi
0:23:15 salam had to speak to firaoun
0:23:18 with soft speech imagine anyone else and
0:23:20 what's very interesting i think one
0:23:23 scholar said
0:23:24 you know when he was i think he was
0:23:26 speaking to duat or some people that of
0:23:28 similar kind of capacity
0:23:30 he basically said
0:23:32 you are not a moosa and the person that
0:23:34 you're speaking to is not a fair one
0:23:38 and this is very interesting because
0:23:39 sometimes some of our brothers they
0:23:41 quote
0:23:42 the kind of reaction of the prophets
0:23:46 in a way as if they have the same
0:23:49 you know
0:23:50 life experiences
0:23:53 uh
0:23:54 you know long-standing efforts in the
0:23:56 tower just like some of the prophets and
0:23:59 they equate
0:24:00 the prophetic context
0:24:02 with their context and usually it's not
0:24:04 always the same right
0:24:06 um and and and and and
0:24:09 similarly they also uh sometimes you
0:24:12 know have a reductionist approach to
0:24:13 these ayats and even some hadith and
0:24:15 they say look see they did it i can do
0:24:17 it but i think there is a there's a
0:24:19 massive misunderstanding of the moral
0:24:22 variables the social variables the
0:24:24 context uh of uh of the time and there's
0:24:28 a basically inability to apply that in
0:24:30 our contemporary context but that's for
0:24:32 uh we could discuss that in a few
0:24:33 moments but yeah continue check so the
0:24:35 third one is
0:24:39 debate with them in the best of manner
0:24:41 so now look
0:24:43 imam
0:24:44 allah he mentioned something
0:24:46 grammatically amazing here
0:24:48 so allah has mentioned three methods
0:24:50 wisdom
0:24:52 good counseling and debate but debate is
0:24:54 restricted
0:24:55 with
0:24:57 accent that has to be the best of method
0:24:59 so what do you mean by master method
0:25:01 again your tone is correct your
0:25:02 intention is correct
0:25:04 and and you present such evidences that
0:25:07 your interlocutor can easily understand
0:25:09 them
0:25:11 so you don't go into deduct in like a in
0:25:13 a type of syllogism that even you don't
0:25:15 understand yourself
0:25:16 rather you you present the argument in
0:25:19 simple terms so you interlocutor
0:25:20 understand
0:25:22 and uh
0:25:23 your your intention is also that the
0:25:26 your interlocutor is guided by your
0:25:28 debate these are all things imam
0:25:30 ghazali's mentioned eight conditions in
0:25:32 this
0:25:33 in eight conditions
0:25:35 when debating with your with your
0:25:37 interlocutor now the point i want to
0:25:39 mention here in terms of grammar
0:25:42 is subhanallah if you look at this verse
0:25:44 surah 1 2 5 1 2 5
0:25:46 allah says call towards the path of your
0:25:49 lord
0:25:50 wisdom
0:25:53 and good counseling now both of these
0:25:56 words are asma the nouns
0:26:00 is a noun is islam in arabic language
0:26:04 are also nouns
0:26:06 and as you avail in nouns they have a
0:26:09 steady state
0:26:11 uh it continues like so for example if i
0:26:13 say zaydun jamilun
0:26:16 zaid is handsome or beautiful so the
0:26:19 predicate jamal
0:26:21 the
0:26:22 beauty it remains yes
0:26:25 so
0:26:25 likewise
0:26:28 and more
0:26:29 wisdom and good advice
0:26:31 are the continuous stage of dawah
0:26:34 meaning
0:26:35 the default position are these two
0:26:38 always wisdom and good counselling
0:26:41 now whenever there is a need
0:26:43 whenever there is a
0:26:45 need
0:26:48 why because allah used a verb
0:26:58 which is a verb and verb is a process is
0:27:00 is something that's occurring you know
0:27:02 action
0:27:04 drinking is a current uh punching is a
0:27:08 fail
0:27:08 sitting these are limited
0:27:11 momentarily occur and that's it so this
0:27:14 also indicates that monadwara
0:27:18 is only sometimes sparingly with
0:27:22 conditions
0:27:23 but the default and the predominant
0:27:25 positions are the first two wisdom and
0:27:28 good counseling wisdom and good
0:27:30 counseling
0:27:31 um
0:27:32 this is why imam
0:27:35 he gives a beautiful analogy of the of
0:27:37 this verse he says
0:27:38 the first two are like water
0:27:42 everybody needs them
0:27:44 good words wisdom we are all in need
0:27:46 like water everybody's in need of water
0:27:49 in order to live
0:27:51 monada is like medicine
0:27:55 only the ill
0:27:57 medicine
0:27:58 if you start prescribing medicine to
0:28:00 everyone in your dawah everybody those
0:28:02 who are not ill they'll become ill
0:28:06 medicine only that person can prescribe
0:28:08 a medicine who knows medicine mean a
0:28:09 doctor
0:28:11 likewise a person who engages in monarch
0:28:14 debate they need to know
0:28:17 otherwise there will be more harm
0:28:19 than uh benefit
0:28:22 so these are the three methods of of of
0:28:24 of of tawa and if we analyze the quran
0:28:28 we will
0:29:11 you do the opposite way fatigue
0:29:14 you bring it from the maghrib
0:29:17 he became silenced
0:29:19 so giving strong arguments
0:29:21 this is not against a mujad allah a
0:29:24 person can give a strong argument he can
0:29:26 give a rigorous vigorous argument a
0:29:28 cogent
0:29:29 evidence
0:29:30 with the method
0:29:32 and if you look at
0:29:35 this
0:29:37 is beautiful allah
0:30:19 they put
0:30:20 their fingers in the ears
0:30:23 they covered their faces just imagine
0:30:24 you're trying to talk to someone
0:30:26 day and night you give them dawah and
0:30:27 what they do
0:30:30 he didn't give up he's making dua to
0:30:32 allah allah i'm doing this
0:30:34 say
0:30:40 and they mentioned to allah this is this
0:30:43 these are the hardships i face in my
0:30:44 daughter today like know what islam did
0:30:47 from
0:30:48 jihadi
0:30:52 loudly quietly so they could hear but
0:30:54 they ignored what happened near the end
0:30:57 what did the quran say to know ali salat
0:30:59 wasallam
0:31:01 allahu akbar where is this first that
0:31:02 court the vessel we know uh uh you know
0:31:04 if we studied surah al-araf verses from
0:31:07 59 to 67 we define the stories of two
0:31:09 prophets
0:31:15 yes so don't interject but let's let's
0:31:18 uh we're going to go into this in a few
0:31:20 moments just for my own learning as well
0:31:22 so
0:31:23 from the from the from the first
0:31:25 principle approach of giving dawah
0:31:27 yeah chapter 16 verse 1 to 5 is very
0:31:30 critical allah subhanahu wa this is
0:31:32 called to the way of
0:31:34 allah is central to this you also made
0:31:36 an indication that allah says called to
0:31:39 the way of your rabb which
0:31:41 which relates to the word
0:31:42 therefore there's an indication that we
0:31:44 need tarabi as well when we're giving
0:31:46 dawah then you said and this is all in
0:31:49 summary of course then you said the
0:31:51 three main approaches to the dawah with
0:31:53 hikmah
0:31:54 with good counsel and with munavara or
0:31:58 debating and discussing
0:32:00 and with hikma means quran and the
0:32:03 sunnah and
0:32:05 hikmah basically means saying the right
0:32:07 thing
0:32:08 in the right way or in the at the right
0:32:09 time
0:32:11 and then you spoke about good counsel
0:32:13 which again can also mean quran and
0:32:15 sunnah but specifically you know as you
0:32:18 know uh
0:32:19 arukurubi talks about this and obviously
0:32:21 other muslim uh concerning musa
0:32:24 alaihissalam
0:32:26 speaking to firaoun lagina soft speech
0:32:29 kindly you know with a sense of kindness
0:32:31 and softness and compassion
0:32:33 and then you said that the other method
0:32:36 is you know munadara debate discussion
0:32:38 but that has to be in the context of you
0:32:41 know um the best possible manner as
0:32:43 jamar shari i believe the famous
0:32:44 grammarian he talks about this verse and
0:32:46 he basically says that you you it's
0:32:49 without any gruffness or any harshness
0:32:51 yeah debate with them in the ways that
0:32:52 our best are the best possible ways
0:32:56 and you said there is a distinction that
0:32:58 the main two methods of giving dawa is
0:33:01 actually hikma
0:33:02 and
0:33:03 it's actually good council but
0:33:06 from a linguistic point of view there is
0:33:07 a strong indication to show that uh
0:33:11 debating and monado and these type of
0:33:13 discussions they should be used in a
0:33:15 particular context and you talked about
0:33:18 talked about certain conditions so it's
0:33:20 not the default position for the dawah
0:33:22 and it has to be done as long as there's
0:33:24 obviously sincerity and it has to be
0:33:26 done in the right way and it has to be
0:33:28 done oversea with certain conditions
0:33:30 it's not basically the first thing that
0:33:32 you do all the time when you're giving
0:33:34 down so
0:33:36 that's the summary so bismillah let's
0:33:37 now go to uh the the chunk of verses
0:33:40 that you're about to analyze inshallah
0:33:42 bismillah yeah
0:33:44 so surah al-araf
0:33:46 verses from 59 to 67 allah subhanahu wa
0:33:49 speaks the guardian two prophets
0:34:12 you know the lead is amongst his people
0:34:14 they said to him
0:34:15 indeed
0:34:17 we see you that you are obviously in
0:34:19 error in misguidance
0:34:22 just imagine let's just contemporarize
0:34:24 this i give dawah forget 950 years for
0:34:26 nine hours
0:34:29 and then my interlocutor i'm talking
0:34:30 about myself here okay nobody myself
0:34:33 he turns around and he says to me
0:34:35 you ability you innovate
0:34:40 i probably say you're the innovator
0:34:42 you're that's the innovator and your
0:34:43 granddad's the innovator
0:34:46 and this is sometimes
0:35:01 i am not misguided
0:35:05 however i'm a prophet from
0:35:07 the all of the universes
0:35:12 look how he answered
0:35:13 he just said what you're accusing me of
0:35:15 i'm not this i am this
0:35:18 i'm not this i am this allahu akbar
0:35:21 and the mention
0:35:23 that in dawa
0:35:25 in dawa you need to have
0:35:28 a common link
0:35:31 you need to have a link in order to
0:35:33 invite them because you are inviting
0:35:34 them towards allah you are calling them
0:35:37 towards allah you are connecting them
0:35:39 with allah therefore you need a rabbit
0:35:42 you need a link and if you look at the
0:35:44 link that mbi used they use this link of
0:35:47 brotherhood of my people
0:35:50 you know yaakov is mentioned throughout
0:35:52 the quran every prophet here come
0:35:55 actually
0:36:00 my people my brothers
0:36:02 my human fellow members yeah so this
0:36:04 compassionate is there even though the
0:36:07 people there insulted them
0:36:25 uh with eminent ones uh
0:36:27 from his people they said uh the
0:36:29 disbelievers they said inaudible indeed
0:36:32 we see you in clear foolishness
0:36:37 and indeed we see you amongst the
0:36:39 can they be you are lying what did you
0:36:41 say again
0:36:48 oh my people i don't have any safah i do
0:36:50 not have any foolishness
0:36:52 so what they accused him of he said i'm
0:36:55 not this rather i am this and he
0:36:57 continues
0:36:59 and if you look
0:37:00 um
0:37:02 at the message of the umbrella
0:37:05 throughout
0:37:06 the quran you will see that this is the
0:37:09 retaliation they would always retaliate
0:37:11 like this now there might be um
0:37:14 an objection on this
0:37:16 and i've heard this and i think you
0:37:18 mentioned this to me regarding
0:37:19 islam when he was making the akh
0:37:23 he was making the ark
0:37:26 so
0:37:27 uh
0:37:48 my head
0:37:51 sorry i'm i'm one of those ramzan hafiz
0:37:53 i only know my quran
0:37:55 outside of magana
0:37:57 i forget you know he's learning
0:37:59 and that's it
0:38:01 so it's here
0:38:03 i just want to mention this verse here
0:38:05 but it's important so this is
0:38:10 verse
0:38:12 verse 38 and 39
0:38:14 surah
0:38:15 which is 11
0:38:17 verse 38 39 so whereas
0:38:20 he was making the ark
0:38:22 he was instructed by allah to make this
0:38:27 every time the eminent ones or the
0:38:29 the leaders of his people they passed by
0:38:32 sahih mean they mocked him
0:38:34 so he said
0:38:37 if you mock us
0:38:40 then indeed we will mock you
0:38:43 the way you are
0:38:44 mocking so sometimes people use this
0:38:47 look this is salaam he mocked his people
0:38:49 now with the valley this is
0:38:52 out of context number one
0:38:55 here it doesn't mention what words nu
0:38:58 alayhi salatu used in mocking
0:39:02 yes because the verse of surah al-araf
0:39:04 clearly mentions that he didn't he
0:39:05 didn't use the same words as they used
0:39:07 they called him misky he didn't use the
0:39:08 same word
0:39:10 the other thing a lot of the mufasa
0:39:11 including the earlier
0:39:27 there's no
0:39:28 retribution there is no uh
0:39:31 punishment because there are no laws
0:39:35 and the
0:39:36 for this interpretation is the next
0:39:37 verse
0:39:45 in the future upon whom uh the
0:39:48 punishment will come which will
0:39:49 humiliate humiliate them meaning after
0:39:51 they destroy the entire you will know so
0:39:55 down here number one it doesn't so it
0:39:56 didn't it doesn't tell you that
0:39:59 wasn't used you know a bad language no
0:40:02 uh the other thing is this is why imam
0:40:05 he mentions this imam rajasthan
0:40:07 mocking
0:40:08 mocking is is a sin
0:40:11 and this is established from the quran
0:40:16 allah says people should not mock one
0:40:18 another and mocking is a sin and our
0:40:21 akita is
0:40:23 are infallible they cannot commit sins
0:40:25 so what does this verse mean so one
0:40:27 interpretation is that this is allah
0:40:30 yani
0:40:32 when a word is used
0:40:34 as as a retor not not that it means the
0:40:37 same thing so for example this happens a
0:40:38 lot in the arabic language
0:40:44 we will forget them like that forgotten
0:40:46 this day
0:40:48 allah does not forget
0:40:50 allah
0:41:04 allah
0:41:29 [Music]
0:41:33 to life he is free from forgetting so
0:41:36 this verse
0:41:38 is allah
0:41:39 as the same word has been used just as
0:41:42 you know when you talk back as an answer
0:41:45 but it's meant something else meaning
0:41:47 we will we will mock you meaning uh that
0:41:50 we will witness the the the the
0:41:53 punishment of your mocking in the
0:41:55 akhirah
0:41:56 so these are interpretations i have
0:41:58 given uh
0:42:01 the other thing that's very important to
0:42:02 acknowledge this was look at the context
0:42:04 even if they would take the
0:42:06 interpretation that
0:42:08 is mocking back say they would take that
0:42:10 interpretation you can't apply in your
0:42:13 kind of
0:42:14 meager dawah estate with all due respect
0:42:16 you haven't been giving down for 950
0:42:18 years yeah yeah that's that's something
0:42:20 very important to understand and your
0:42:23 kind of ethical moral social context is
0:42:27 almost incomparable to the ethical moral
0:42:30 context of
0:42:32 so you know for you to like compare two
0:42:34 situations like with like and for you to
0:42:36 derive a kind of ethical ruling that now
0:42:38 you could do the same with all due
0:42:40 respect is uh is
0:42:43 is unfounded just based on context even
0:42:46 if say for example uh that analysis
0:42:49 of uh some people that nuh islam he
0:42:53 mocked therefore we can mock um that
0:42:55 would be a very crude analysis just
0:42:57 based on the fact that there are
0:42:59 definitely two different contexts you
0:43:00 haven't applied the context effectively
0:43:03 yeah yeah
0:43:04 so
0:43:05 just um
0:43:06 just just
0:43:07 just to add on this point so so
0:43:09 regarding that verse in surah hood the
0:43:11 mocking ambiya they're free from mocking
0:43:14 right that this is a sin so down here
0:43:16 there's several interpretations like
0:43:17 i've i've just given given by the
0:43:19 mufasirun
0:43:20 if we take this
0:43:22 if we take this interpretation that the
0:43:40 yes
0:43:41 that the
0:43:42 retribution
0:43:44 of an evil is evil into its equivalent
0:43:48 so there is this permission now i need
0:43:50 to elaborate slightly on this
0:43:51 there is this permission that if
0:43:53 somebody uses harshness
0:43:56 you can in return use harshness
0:44:00 if somebody uses certain words
0:44:02 derogatory words
0:44:04 in retribution and in revenge you can
0:44:06 use uh similar words but the condition
0:44:09 is myth loha it has to be equivalent in
0:44:12 measure now this is the difficult thing
0:44:14 this is why
0:44:15 the ulama say that taking retribution
0:44:18 and taking revenge is more difficult and
0:44:21 forgiving them is more easier
0:44:23 so why
0:44:24 because if somebody gives you a slap you
0:44:26 are allowed to give a slap back but if
0:44:28 you got a heavy hand and your slab hurts
0:44:30 them more than they hurt you you're
0:44:32 because you become a volume now you
0:44:33 become the transgressor
0:44:35 this is why in the verse surah nahal one
0:44:38 to five we go back to that verse of
0:44:39 surah nahal one two five the brothers
0:44:41 and sisters watching if they open the
0:44:43 quran
0:44:44 and they look at that verse where allah
0:44:47 talks about the three methods of dawah
0:44:50 what's the next verse that he says and
0:44:52 remember this is verse when it was
0:44:53 revealed subhanallah when
0:44:55 the uncle of the prophet sallallahu
0:44:57 alaihi
0:44:58 saying
0:45:01 regarding the prophet salallahu
0:45:06 he was brutally murdered the story is
0:45:08 famous so the prophet salallahu was you
0:45:10 know he was disquieted and upset by this
0:45:13 and he made intention to take revenge
0:45:15 the quran says
0:45:18 this is the next verse one two six of
0:45:19 surah immediately after the three
0:45:21 methods
0:45:26 that if you're going to take revenge
0:45:28 then you have to take revenge in equal
0:45:30 measure exactly the same no more
0:45:32 however
0:45:36 if you exercise patient then this is
0:45:37 better
0:45:38 this is better
0:45:40 so even when retribution is allowed with
0:45:42 equal measure even their forgiving a
0:45:45 tolerance is encouraged
0:45:47 this is why in surah
0:45:51 verse 40
0:45:53 says
0:45:56 that the retribution of evil is evil to
0:45:59 his equivalent measure what does allah
0:46:00 say immediately after
0:46:02 famine
0:46:03 however whoever forgives
0:46:06 and does islam rectifies the situation
0:46:10 indeed his reward is upon allah
0:46:13 so even when we are allowed to take
0:46:15 revenge what the the encouragement that
0:46:17 the river of the quran is that no you
0:46:18 should forgive even in that incident
0:46:21 even in that incident you should forgive
0:46:22 and the prophet
0:46:23 was not forgive
0:46:24 and then allah says
0:46:27 indeed allah does not live the
0:46:29 transgressors why is he saying allah
0:46:30 does not look the transgressive why are
0:46:31 you saying this at the end of the verse
0:46:33 while he's saying you could take revenge
0:46:34 because normally in revenge you
0:46:37 what happens or somebody swears at you
0:46:38 once you give him ten swears in return
0:46:42 subhanallah you know we talk about
0:46:43 prophet salallahu islam how we forgive
0:46:45 and how he is and what do we do somebody
0:46:47 says one thing we say 10 things back and
0:46:50 all our life we keep on repeating that
0:46:52 thing to them
0:46:54 so yes there is this you know uh context
0:46:56 where you can do retribution maybe even
0:46:58 in the context let's take the argument
0:46:59 okay let's take that that the
0:47:02 islam
0:47:03 literally that he didn't mock
0:47:05 but the monkey would have been equal
0:47:06 measure because he's the prophet of
0:47:07 allah he could not commit anything
0:47:09 in equal measure
0:47:11 and another thing is there is no
0:47:13 evidence there to suggest
0:47:16 what words he used the quran decided in
0:47:18 this regard rather than
0:47:20 mention that down he is referring to
0:47:22 in
0:47:24 we will mock you or he said this as as
0:47:27 as a
0:47:29 and these are
0:47:30 several interpretations regarding this
0:47:31 verse and i think what's interesting to
0:47:34 you to know as well is that
0:47:37 was patient for 950 years
0:47:40 and
0:47:41 and we know and we know that kind of
0:47:43 characteristic of the prophet sallallahu
0:47:45 alaihi wasallam
0:47:47 as
0:47:48 expounded in surah 34
0:47:52 because that is i think the professor's
0:47:55 life is the manifestation of surah
0:47:57 verse 34 especially in a kind of dire
0:47:59 context where the prophet saws
0:48:01 and allah says and
0:48:03 you're going to discuss this shortly
0:48:05 that good and evil are not the same
0:48:07 repel by that which is better
0:48:09 and between two people there is hatred
0:48:11 it would turn to intimate friendship but
0:48:12 then allah continues continues and says
0:48:14 this is very difficult except for the
0:48:18 for the patient
0:48:19 so
0:48:20 you know patience is very important in
0:48:21 the dawah and it's extremely important
0:48:24 for us to have a form of helm
0:48:26 now
0:48:28 movie is there more you want to say
0:48:29 about these verses or shall we continue
0:48:31 to the next part
0:48:42 that we have made them their leaders the
0:48:44 imma of guidance
0:49:00 it could be argued that it is a a sin a
0:49:02 quanon it is actually a prerequisite for
0:49:05 a diary to be a soviet meaning
0:49:08 to to to uh
0:49:10 uh to access sabha because through his
0:49:12 sabbath allah will
0:49:14 guide people
0:49:28 some of the salaf and the sahaba that
0:49:30 when they would depart they would
0:49:32 mention this surah as a reminder allah
0:49:34 takes oath by time indeed entire
0:49:35 mighties and greaters except for those
0:49:37 people who do
0:49:38 four things
0:49:41 they bring iman they do good deeds
0:49:42 number three what the world saw
0:49:46 inviting one another in joining good
0:49:50 and what's after was mentioned after
0:49:51 that what the world saw
0:49:52 someone is mentioned after that
0:49:54 and
0:49:55 mentioned the reason somebody is
0:49:56 mentioned after that because you need
0:49:58 sabha
0:49:59 [Music]
0:50:01 and what's beauty see i think through
0:50:02 this conversation already chef it shows
0:50:04 the beauty
0:50:05 of
0:50:06 looking at the whole quran together
0:50:09 you know
0:50:11 chapter 16 verse one two five connects
0:50:13 with the person
0:50:15 then also the verses that you just
0:50:17 mentioned now connect with the verses
0:50:18 concerning um
0:50:21 in
0:50:22 the chapter by time and so on and so
0:50:24 forth you see everything comes together
0:50:26 when you look at the whole of the quran
0:50:28 and you trying to sincerely seek a
0:50:31 guidance from the book of allah
0:50:32 subhanallah
0:50:34 everything comes out right and then it
0:50:36 starts to basically guide your your your
0:50:38 world view guide the way you you
0:50:40 approach certain all topics and
0:50:43 specifically in the context of the
0:50:45 da'wah it really makes us focus on you
0:50:48 know you know we have to really use the
0:50:50 quran use the quran and the way of the
0:50:52 prophets as a reference point as a guide
0:50:55 for the way we interact with with other
0:50:57 people and to do in a sincere way in sha
0:50:59 allah
0:51:00 so
0:51:01 let's
0:51:01 talk about now surah 4
0:51:04 verses 33 and 34 inshallah these are my
0:51:07 favorite verses
0:51:09 concerning the tower i really believe
0:51:11 you know verse 33 is a holistic
0:51:13 holistic guidance concerning what the
0:51:15 tower is who is better in speech and the
0:51:17 one who calls to allah so you have the
0:51:19 direct call to talkeed to the fact that
0:51:21 allah is worthy of worship does
0:51:23 righteous deeds he's a righteous person
0:51:25 you're not only talking the talk but you
0:51:26 walk the walk and then says i am one of
0:51:29 those who submit to allah so you connect
0:51:31 your actions in a way to the fact that
0:51:33 you are someone who submits to the lord
0:51:35 of everything that exists and then
0:51:37 straight after this ayah is good and
0:51:39 evil or not the same repel by that which
0:51:41 is better and between two people there
0:51:43 is hatred we turn to intimate friendship
0:51:45 and this is very difficult except for
0:51:46 those who are patient and what's very
0:51:48 interesting the arabic word repel is not
0:51:51 followed by a direct object here it's as
0:51:53 if you repel anything by that which is
0:51:55 better and the lemma basically summarize
0:51:58 for us and say that repelling by that
0:52:00 which is better is repenting with what
0:52:01 is more virtuous and what is more
0:52:02 beautiful
0:52:04 and obviously you know the the life of
0:52:06 the person is is very much like this for
0:52:08 example the famous story where the
0:52:10 jewish man came to the prophet
0:52:12 sallallahu alaihi who pulled him by the
0:52:13 neck and you know there was almost going
0:52:16 to be a confrontation but the way the
0:52:17 person responded was that of
0:52:20 helm that of forbearance allah is
0:52:23 and we should be you know a human
0:52:26 manifestation of what helen is you know
0:52:28 from a human context and the process
0:52:31 responded in such an amazing way that
0:52:33 this jewish man became a muslim because
0:52:35 he was looking for the final sign of
0:52:37 prophethood because he said there were
0:52:39 three signs of prophethood he was
0:52:40 looking for he saw two of them but one
0:52:43 of them that he wanted to find out and
0:52:44 he tested the prophet sallallahu alaihi
0:52:46 wasallam was that of forbearance
0:52:49 and that of
0:52:50 repelling with with what is better and
0:52:52 what is more virtuous but when you do
0:52:55 discuss this ayat i want you to also try
0:52:57 and answer this question
0:52:59 when is it okay
0:53:01 or at what in what context can we repel
0:53:06 in a way that doesn't look very
0:53:08 beautiful but could be seen as
0:53:10 assertive
0:53:12 and being assertive in that context is
0:53:15 actually the most virtuous thing to do
0:53:17 it is actually the better thing to do so
0:53:19 when allah says repel by that which is
0:53:21 better
0:53:22 when is it that there is a context where
0:53:24 you can repel by that which is better
0:53:27 but that which is better is actually
0:53:29 quite harsh and assertive so you know
0:53:32 after discussing these two verses maybe
0:53:34 us aren't trying to answer that question
0:53:36 inshallah
0:53:38 inshallah i don't think there's much to
0:53:39 discuss because alhamdulillah you've
0:53:42 summarized two verses martial very
0:53:44 succinctly
0:53:45 the only point i would like to add on
0:53:47 this
0:53:50 to what you've already
0:53:52 mentioned
0:53:53 is that
0:53:54 the evil
0:53:57 the good and evil are not the same
0:54:00 so this the concept of good and evil is
0:54:02 mentioned immediately after the verse of
0:54:05 tower woman
0:54:08 who is better than that person in speech
0:54:10 who invite towards allah who i mean
0:54:12 and then they do good deeds work and
0:54:14 they say
0:54:15 muslims this is humility that i'm no i'm
0:54:18 not i'm not nobody's special i'm also a
0:54:20 believer from the rest of the believers
0:54:23 that there are many like me
0:54:25 so that's why uh dawah
0:54:27 inviting towards allah subhanahu wa that
0:54:29 requires he requires humility and we
0:54:30 understand that from this
0:54:33 muslim indeed i am amongst believers i'm
0:54:36 not you know i'm not special i'm also
0:54:38 like the rest of the believers in this
0:54:40 in this job
0:54:41 so that's one
0:54:43 immediately after this verse allah says
0:54:45 hasanah good and evil they're not the
0:54:47 same now
0:54:49 what does it mean by good and evil here
0:54:51 so imam razi mentions that in the
0:54:53 beginning of the surah allah mentions
0:55:12 in regards to what you are inviting
0:55:14 towards meaning we can't we're not going
0:55:16 to listen to what you're saying and in
0:55:17 our ears there are props in our ears we
0:55:19 can't hear you and bringing in our being
0:55:21 hijab and between us there's a veil you
0:55:23 know we don't want to listen to you and
0:55:25 then in in
0:55:27 in the next uh
0:55:29 next uh
0:55:31 or two later in verse
0:55:33 26 of the same surah
0:55:35 allah allah then mentions the statement
0:55:38 of the quran when they said let us
0:55:40 quran do not listen to this quran
0:55:43 make noise rather when he recited make
0:55:44 noise so you don't listen to the quran
0:55:46 so prophet saw allah was telling he was
0:55:48 facing this hardship when giving dawah
0:55:51 he was facing facing hardship and giving
0:55:53 dawah they were not listening they were
0:55:54 making noise you know they were being
0:55:56 disrespectful etc
0:55:58 so is in this context allah said that
0:56:01 good and evil are not the same meaning
0:56:03 your dawah which is good
0:56:06 is which is good
0:56:08 and the evil meaning them insulting
0:56:10 disrespect them making noise at the time
0:56:13 of recitation of the quran is not the
0:56:14 same
0:56:17 so
0:56:18 what you what we understand from this
0:56:20 that that a person even
0:56:22 at the time of giving doubt if our
0:56:24 interlocutor is being rude
0:56:26 uh the the position that is being
0:56:29 encouraged in the quran is and this is
0:56:30 very difficult that's why allah says
0:56:34 that only those who are patient they are
0:56:36 able to do this because it's very
0:56:37 difficult that your interlocutor is
0:56:39 insulting you
0:56:40 and they are
0:56:42 patronizing you and in the face of this
0:56:43 you carry on giving
0:56:45 uh giving dawah but this is the method
0:56:47 of the ambiya and just another verse
0:56:49 come to my mind quickly
0:57:19 nurtured and were brought up in my house
0:57:21 you're the same person
0:57:23 and
0:57:25 you stayed amongst us for many years and
0:57:27 then you did that action the action that
0:57:29 you did
0:57:30 um when when he accidentally killed that
0:57:33 person uh
0:57:36 so what what did
0:57:43 i did this yes i made that mistake by
0:57:45 that time i was unaware because he did
0:57:47 accidentally he didn't deliberately want
0:57:49 to kill
0:57:51 that person but okay musa islam carried
0:57:54 on with this darwin he's carried on so
0:57:57 far said
0:58:01 he give it towards allah who is this
0:58:04 you are talking about he said
0:58:13 if you're going to have conviction in
0:58:15 your team
0:58:16 so now look now he's escalated feron is
0:58:18 escalating now first step we just said
0:58:20 oh you're that person now it's okay
0:58:22 now look look at his reply call him
0:58:25 he said to the people around him are you
0:58:26 listening look what he's saying
0:58:30 is allah because he called himself
0:59:13 the position that we understand from the
0:59:14 quran is that
0:59:16 even at the time with our interlocutor
0:59:18 the people who are not interpreted i
0:59:19 don't say interlocutive but the people
0:59:20 who are we are invited towards allah
0:59:22 subhanahu wa if they become rude they
0:59:24 become harsh they say things the mbi is
0:59:26 very clear from the prophet sallam and
0:59:28 musa alayhi sallam story that they
0:59:30 carried on positively giving dawah and
0:59:32 ignored
0:59:33 those those remarks now going back to
0:59:35 your question
0:59:36 that
0:59:37 uh when uh when is it uh okay
0:59:42 or when or or when is it
0:59:44 the best accent to actually be uh
0:59:47 assertive yes be assertive and that is
0:59:50 the best method at the time now look i
0:59:52 just want to make it very clear from the
0:59:53 onset being assertive
0:59:56 is fine
0:59:57 musa islam he said look and and this
1:00:00 didn't like this because
1:00:02 himself
1:00:04 islam said
1:00:06 he's not only europe he's of your
1:00:08 forefathers you know
1:00:10 with assertion he said this so being
1:00:12 assertive in your dawah and giving the
1:00:14 message of allah in allah without any
1:00:16 hesitation this is fine all the time
1:00:18 now the problem i think is
1:00:20 is using certain language
1:00:23 is using certain language which
1:00:25 patronizes or which belittles or
1:00:27 humiliates the person you're giving down
1:00:29 i think this is something that we need
1:00:30 to avoid
1:00:31 being assertive
1:00:33 uh in your tower
1:00:36 and being assertive are not mutually
1:00:37 exclusive you can easily be a die with a
1:00:40 surgeon with conviction without being
1:00:43 rude without being
1:00:44 patronizing
1:00:49 [Music]
1:00:50 say this is my path which path according
1:00:52 to what allah allah abbas
1:00:54 with conviction with assertion yes this
1:00:57 is my path allah exists etc
1:01:00 the thing that we need to be careful is
1:01:02 if if i'm going to mock
1:01:05 my interlocutor and this is the thing
1:01:06 where we need to discuss with the
1:01:08 when
1:01:14 they don't have social media
1:01:17 today we have social media
1:01:19 today we have social media if my
1:01:21 interlocutor
1:01:23 i'm not going to mention name because
1:01:24 today
1:01:25 i'm trying to change my life but if my
1:01:27 interlocutor is rude
1:01:29 and you know he probably deserves
1:01:31 harsh uh approach
1:01:34 that might be fine being harsh and
1:01:35 assertive with him to an extent might be
1:01:37 fine but what we have to be careful and
1:01:39 this is where the hikmah comes in
1:01:41 and this is where the ability action
1:01:43 comes in
1:01:44 if i have assumption a predominant
1:01:46 assumption or if i anticipate that if i
1:01:48 use these words if i patronize or
1:01:50 belittle this interlocutor he has a
1:01:52 million following
1:01:54 and there is a chance that many of his
1:01:56 followers they might be
1:01:58 neutral about islam
1:02:00 or the mind of islamophobes for example
1:02:03 but if i use this
1:02:08 this insult there is a great chance that
1:02:10 the followers
1:02:13 is not only our interlocutor we've got
1:02:15 millions of people watching
1:02:16 our his followers might show sympathy
1:02:19 towards him
1:02:21 they might show sympathy towards him and
1:02:23 they might even
1:02:24 become even more
1:02:26 grounded in their beliefs
1:02:29 so what you what you're saying when we
1:02:31 because we have a social media context
1:02:32 now we have many audiences all in one so
1:02:35 when we like even this live stream for
1:02:37 example it can have many audiences
1:02:39 muslims non-muslims those on the fence
1:02:41 those in the fence whatever the case may
1:02:43 be right
1:02:44 we have to appreciate that now we have
1:02:47 to adopt what you call the kind of
1:02:50 maslaha and masada right
1:02:52 what are the
1:02:54 positive outcomes and the harms what
1:02:56 harms am i reducing
1:02:58 what
1:02:59 kind of
1:03:01 benefits am i increasing and so on and
1:03:03 so forth and it's obviously far more
1:03:05 important to reduce any harms
1:03:07 so even if we think we are justified
1:03:10 from a kind of textual perspective to
1:03:12 react in a certain way and to say
1:03:14 certain things
1:03:16 it is more befitting as i mentioned the
1:03:19 question in the beginning of today's
1:03:21 live stream to ask the question what is
1:03:22 does allah want from me in my context
1:03:25 if it's more pleasing to allah
1:03:28 to remove the masada to to remove the
1:03:31 the harms and to increase the muslim
1:03:34 benefits
1:03:35 and by doing so in my particular context
1:03:38 i just hold my mouth a little bit more
1:03:41 and maybe be a little bit more softer if
1:03:43 that increases the muscle
1:03:45 and reduces the mafsada then that is
1:03:47 more pleasing to allah
1:03:50 but it could be that in a certain
1:03:52 situation if i'm too soft then it could
1:03:55 increase the mafsa increase the harms
1:03:58 and decrease the benefits the muslim
1:04:01 however
1:04:02 we're not here to analyze everyone's
1:04:04 situation we want people to be
1:04:05 principled and not reactionary and if
1:04:08 you're principled you would ask yourself
1:04:09 that question do not do a post-hoc
1:04:12 analysis of your actions
1:04:14 as as
1:04:15 when we engage in our intellectually
1:04:17 academically and whatever the case may
1:04:19 be we shouldn't justify our positions
1:04:21 after we've done something we should
1:04:23 have a lot of thought and a lot of a lot
1:04:26 of excellence and and
1:04:28 sincerity before we do an action to
1:04:32 actually think about number one is it
1:04:34 blameworthy is it more in line with
1:04:36 allah's pleasure am i increasing the
1:04:38 muslim
1:04:40 am i increasing the benefits removing
1:04:42 the harms and then when we come to
1:04:44 certain answer
1:04:46 then we do it for the sake of allah and
1:04:48 that's why we want people to be more
1:04:50 principled so it's very important you
1:04:51 brought this up because in today's
1:04:53 social media context
1:04:55 even if something could be technically
1:04:57 okay to do
1:04:58 is it is it more pleasing to allah
1:05:01 and this is exactly we have to be more
1:05:03 nuanced this is this is dower i mean
1:05:05 when it comes to business and getting a
1:05:07 job and and you know
1:05:09 going up in rank concerning your
1:05:11 profession we have a lot of excellence
1:05:13 when it comes to these things but this
1:05:15 is the greatest job you could ever do in
1:05:16 your life which is the douwa we
1:05:18 shouldn't just do it willy nilly
1:05:20 we should basically ask the question
1:05:22 what does allah want from me in this
1:05:24 particular context and it could be that
1:05:25 something could be okay to do but it's
1:05:27 not necessarily in line with allah's
1:05:29 pleasure in that context so that's why
1:05:31 we have to stop right what is going to
1:05:34 increase the muslims increase their
1:05:36 benefits and decrease the mass
1:05:38 and increa decrease rather the the harms
1:05:41 and it could be
1:05:43 that you don't adopt that that strategy
1:05:46 you adopt a different strategy
1:05:48 and i'll be so happy if all of the
1:05:50 online and offline always had this in
1:05:52 their mind alhamdulillah lots of
1:05:54 brothers doing great job you know i
1:05:57 believe all of these brothers are better
1:05:58 than me uh i'm more sinful than these
1:06:01 brothers
1:06:02 but it would be such a beautiful thing
1:06:04 to see that if everyone collectively in
1:06:06 the dao ecosystem if you want to call it
1:06:08 that as suburu calls it
1:06:10 that everyone basically adopts that
1:06:12 mindset what does allah want from me in
1:06:14 my particular context
1:06:16 what is going to be more closer to
1:06:17 allah's pleasure in my particular
1:06:19 context and that's why
1:06:21 in that context it may not just be i'm
1:06:24 allowed to do this it might be something
1:06:26 even higher what is increasing the
1:06:28 benefits the muslim
1:06:29 what what is decreasing namaste
1:06:32 that is the thing that i should be
1:06:34 following and it could be something
1:06:35 totally different from the current
1:06:36 strategy that we've adopted which could
1:06:38 be a reactionary stance or something
1:06:40 that's based on enough's and may allah
1:06:42 protect us from this
1:06:43 so um
1:06:46 it's very important brothers uh and
1:06:48 sisters for us to adopt this mindset so
1:06:50 may allah make you i mean every one of
1:06:53 us so continue please continue
1:06:56 so i just want to mention at this point
1:06:57 subhanallah and this is you know when i
1:06:59 read this first time i thought his imam
1:07:01 was only talking about our time
1:07:03 so i have this
1:07:07 this was written approximately in 488
1:07:09 hijri
1:07:10 it was written just before he had that
1:07:12 crisis know the two crises he talks
1:07:14 about inside his mutual men of
1:07:15 deliverance from error he has a
1:07:17 spiritual christ and then he has
1:07:18 intellectual christ uh the spirit of
1:07:21 christ he talks about the fame and name
1:07:22 and the entourage you know i mean 300
1:07:25 students per session and
1:07:27 and the intellectual crisis is uh
1:07:29 you know with the bill some people say
1:07:31 that he had crisis in iman he didn't
1:07:32 have crisis in iman
1:07:34 he had crisis in how to answer
1:07:36 skepticism and and and okay i want to go
1:07:38 into that so
1:07:40 he wrote this book um just before that
1:07:44 and according to he says this is the
1:07:47 uh
1:07:48 for a student who wants to pursue kalam
1:07:50 this is the final book they should study
1:07:52 uh here and i've got this book here
1:07:54 darum in hajj print on page 110
1:07:58 this section he starts off by
1:08:00 categorizing the general public into
1:08:01 four groups
1:08:05 so this is true with polemics
1:08:07 you know philosophical discourse et
1:08:09 cetera
1:08:10 so the fourth group i'm not going to go
1:08:13 to all three just the fourth one
1:08:15 the fourth which is the majority of the
1:08:17 uh
1:08:18 the misguided people as you call them
1:08:22 so like let's contemporarize this
1:08:24 you know the followers
1:08:26 followers of a lot of these islamophobes
1:08:29 for example of followers a lot of these
1:08:31 deviated people yeah thousands of them
1:08:34 there are many amongst them that the
1:08:36 intellectual they're honest and they
1:08:38 want to know the truth
1:08:40 look what imam gazali says regarding
1:08:41 these people
1:08:47 that these people
1:08:48 i think a lot of the people on social
1:08:50 media come on this category he says it
1:08:52 is necessary to be gentle with them
1:08:55 in inclining them towards the truth
1:09:00 and guiding them towards the true akida
1:09:04 not in the method of
1:09:07 you know argumentation and fanaticism
1:09:11 gently why because if you're going to be
1:09:13 very harsh in your approach
1:09:17 this will
1:09:18 increase the means of misguidance and
1:09:21 they said
1:09:24 and this will instigate the causes of
1:09:26 extremism and
1:09:28 stubbornness
1:09:30 and look at this now
1:09:32 this is why i say you know imam the
1:09:34 things that he wrote 900 years ago
1:09:36 applicable today then he says
1:10:12 the most of the ignorances
1:10:14 most of the deviated beliefs
1:10:17 they consolidate and they solidify in
1:10:19 the hearts of the general people you
1:10:21 know the general followers are we
1:10:22 talking about why
1:10:24 because of the extreme approach
1:10:27 from the ignorant amongst the people of
1:10:29 the haqq and in one place he calls them
1:10:31 jahil sadiq islam an ignorant friend of
1:10:34 islam
1:10:35 he's a muslim but he's ignorant
1:10:39 what is this
1:10:41 he exposes the truth in the method of
1:10:44 challenging an arrogance
1:10:46 and he looks down
1:10:48 weaknesses of his interlocutor
1:10:51 with the eye of patronization
1:10:54 and condescending
1:10:56 he looks like he's interlocutor like
1:10:58 he's nothing
1:10:59 nothing he's nothing he's not in my
1:11:01 level
1:11:02 because of this
1:11:04 the viewers or the followers of the
1:11:06 award of this this interlocutor in this
1:11:09 hypothetical scenario they become even
1:11:11 more stubborn in their beliefs and they
1:11:12 show input sympathy towards him
1:11:14 and then he says
1:11:19 then what happens
1:11:20 the the causes of
1:11:23 obstinacy and opposition becomes even
1:11:26 more rooted
1:11:30 and the false
1:11:32 they become even more stronger now
1:11:33 because they're showing empathy
1:11:34 this guy how interlocutor you know he's
1:11:36 being so calm and nice he must be right
1:11:38 and unfortunately people think like this
1:11:40 they think emotionally understand i
1:11:42 think i heard uh you mentioned i i've
1:11:44 learned so much from you that's why i
1:11:45 call you mustache
1:11:46 but you mentioned one place
1:11:48 that we're not we're not just
1:11:50 intellectual beings we're not just
1:11:52 people of akin you know we're not just
1:11:54 uh
1:11:55 reduced to occur we have emotions we
1:11:57 have about it and then imam razali says
1:11:59 because of this scenario
1:12:01 what happens because of this
1:12:04 what happens
1:12:11 to eradicate this
1:12:13 i don't know what to do
1:12:15 this is so
1:12:16 this is very deep
1:12:18 this is very
1:12:19 the insights of allah was just
1:12:22 phenomenal but here's the question
1:12:24 though
1:12:26 because many of our dua to many people
1:12:28 who engage in the town know these things
1:12:30 right
1:12:31 but here's a deeper question
1:12:33 in today's contemporary context where
1:12:35 you have two audiences now you have the
1:12:38 muslim audiences and within the muslim
1:12:39 audience is a range of muslims muslims
1:12:42 that need a sense of confidence
1:12:44 and then you have the non-muslim
1:12:46 audience and there's a range of
1:12:47 non-muslims those who hate against islam
1:12:49 those who don't know those who are
1:12:50 ignorant and so on and so forth
1:12:53 that what you do when you have those two
1:12:55 ordinances in mind because it could be
1:12:57 the case that you're debating someone
1:12:58 who's a well-known islamophobe he's a
1:13:00 hater
1:13:02 he's been like you know hating islam for
1:13:04 over a decade he's being
1:13:07 cursing the prophet
1:13:11 cursing allah now if you show a softness
1:13:15 with such a person
1:13:17 it could you know it could actually send
1:13:19 the wrong message to the muslims the
1:13:21 wrong message to the community thinking
1:13:23 that you know we're you know we're
1:13:25 always going to be walked all over
1:13:28 and
1:13:29 so if you have that audience in mind but
1:13:32 you have also the non-muslims in mind
1:13:34 then what do you actually do how do you
1:13:35 balance between positive assertion
1:13:38 confidence and
1:13:39 and and what i would call ethical
1:13:41 harshness when necessary and
1:13:44 speaking in a way that is conducive to
1:13:46 bringing people to the dean of allah
1:13:50 how do you balance that
1:13:53 the balance is very easy to start first
1:13:54 we stick to our default position
1:13:57 wisdom within that methodology the first
1:13:59 verse we which we mentioned verse 125
1:14:02 we we stick to the framework
1:14:05 and we'll be assertive you know being
1:14:07 assertive and being strong in your
1:14:09 arguments and intellectual rigorous this
1:14:11 is totally fine
1:14:13 what we need to avoid
1:14:15 is a direct mockery of our interlocutor
1:14:18 where we put him down so much
1:14:20 that i know i guess you're correct um
1:14:24 the thing is for example a person he's
1:14:26 mocked the prophet sallallahu alaihi
1:14:27 sallam you know it makes my it makes my
1:14:29 blood boil you know
1:14:31 the reality it makes my blood boil but
1:14:33 the thing is that the question that we
1:14:34 need to ask us
1:14:36 is
1:14:37 if we mock that person
1:14:39 in the same
1:14:40 manner the prophet said allah is
1:14:44 and his respect is not going to go down
1:14:47 allah has given him the status that
1:14:48 nobody else can imagine right that's not
1:14:50 going to happen
1:14:51 but what is the fear the fear
1:14:55 not is
1:14:55 him but even his followers might
1:14:57 increase in their obstinacy like
1:15:00 they might increase look i don't want to
1:15:02 mention certain incidents but there was
1:15:03 recently you know this ripping of the
1:15:05 quran
1:15:07 you know the
1:15:09 start reaping the quran it became like a
1:15:11 trend
1:15:12 you know on social media
1:15:14 now
1:15:16 i'm not i i allah i can't remember how
1:15:18 he started but we need to ask our these
1:15:20 questions that if we're going through a
1:15:22 certain thing and that becomes a mean of
1:15:24 these guys increasing
1:15:26 in this behavior in this humiliating
1:15:28 behavior in this derogative behavior
1:15:31 isn't it best for me to
1:15:33 stay silent or give a positive response
1:15:35 and this is in the quran
1:15:44 speaking to them now it's just going to
1:15:45 cause more harm
1:15:47 so i think i think you know pleasing the
1:15:49 muslims i think i just answer your
1:15:50 question how to reconcile this is that
1:15:52 you've got muslim and you're not muslims
1:15:53 our main down here is the non-muslims
1:15:56 why
1:16:00 uh his uh his elder brother mufti rafi
1:16:03 is the principle of
1:16:05 karachi pakistan he actually mentioned
1:16:06 something in mr bradford when i was
1:16:08 there
1:16:09 and he said
1:16:11 he said that
1:16:14 that the the the one thing if there is
1:16:16 one thing hypothetically if there is one
1:16:18 thing that is stopping non-muslims from
1:16:19 entering islam
1:16:21 is the character of muslims
1:16:24 look so alhamdulillah you know i don't
1:16:26 who you know stuff for the century but
1:16:28 must be all muslim brothers and sisters
1:16:29 in islam but my character myself look in
1:16:31 just in england or we're like two or
1:16:32 three percent and look how many of us we
1:16:33 are in jail
1:16:36 13 or 14 or so so the thing is
1:16:39 yes muslims we need to be assertive
1:16:41 we're not we're not saying that you know
1:16:42 we're soft and we are you know being
1:16:43 really polypally with this person no we
1:16:45 we we're grounded in our principle we're
1:16:47 going to give him a robust answer and as
1:16:49 i said intellectual beating we can give
1:16:50 him an intellectual beating we're going
1:16:52 to humiliate him intellectually like
1:16:54 people clearly see that look his
1:16:56 argument you know he said he has no i
1:16:58 and people see this a lot of the people
1:16:59 see this you know people are not dumb
1:17:01 they're not idiots people actually see
1:17:02 that this person has no argument this
1:17:04 person has a strong argument so yes
1:17:06 intellectual intellectually assertive
1:17:07 rigorous but without
1:17:09 going to his level
1:17:11 because once we go to their level once
1:17:13 we stoop that to their level
1:17:15 the thing is even even though there is
1:17:17 permission i mean with the verse we
1:17:19 quoted surah surah but it's very
1:17:20 difficult because then the retribution
1:17:22 has to be number one equally
1:17:24 it has to be also as
1:17:26 yeah as we should be seeing anything
1:17:27 that is close we should be doing
1:17:29 anything that is closer to the pleasure
1:17:30 of allah
1:17:32 um and also what you've just mentioned
1:17:34 here is again it's the reinforcement of
1:17:36 the idea of the muslim
1:17:39 what if you say this
1:17:41 are more people going to rip the quran
1:17:43 are more people going to curse the
1:17:45 prophet sallallahu alaihi
1:17:47 you need to start thinking about these
1:17:49 things look at the are you increasing
1:17:51 the muslim
1:17:52 are you
1:17:54 decreasing
1:17:55 the mafsa are you increasing the
1:17:57 benefits decreasing the harms again this
1:17:59 is something very important to assess so
1:18:02 you know
1:18:04 this the whole point of this session is
1:18:05 not to analyze every situation
1:18:08 and give an answer but to give us a set
1:18:10 of principles which hopefully we've
1:18:12 unpacked in order for you to be more
1:18:14 effective in your downward fundamentally
1:18:15 for us to please allah because that's
1:18:18 where the barakah is going to be it's
1:18:21 going to be
1:18:22 in the pleasure of allah so
1:18:24 chef we've been going on for about one
1:18:26 hour and 20 minutes um what is the next
1:18:29 may probably
1:18:31 pre-final or final thing you want to say
1:18:32 about this whole topic inshallah
1:18:38 i think the final thing i would say this
1:18:40 is
1:18:41 you know actually can i ask you a
1:18:42 question let me ask you a question
1:18:44 so
1:18:45 you know we've been talking about the
1:18:46 way of the prophets we've been talking
1:18:48 about hikmah we've been talking about
1:18:51 things like rahma
1:18:52 good speech we've been talking about
1:18:55 good counsel when we talk about monado
1:18:57 discussion increasing the muslim
1:18:59 decreasing the mafsa
1:19:01 we've been talking about all of the
1:19:02 prophetic way helm forbearance repenting
1:19:05 by that which is better and so on and so
1:19:07 forth
1:19:09 you know
1:19:10 reflecting on your dollar journey
1:19:13 and you know
1:19:15 i hear you're quite a famous
1:19:18 uh
1:19:19 online all those years ago
1:19:22 obviously everyone is on their journey
1:19:25 i'm on my journey everyone's on a
1:19:27 journey i i totally
1:19:29 think it's
1:19:30 despicable to reduce people to the
1:19:33 errors this is not the way of the salaf
1:19:35 this is not the way of the prophet
1:19:36 sallallahu alaihi wasallam
1:19:38 we see people on balance
1:19:40 um and
1:19:42 so on and so forth and
1:19:44 my principle is that i would join with
1:19:46 anyone
1:19:48 whoever they are wherever they're from
1:19:49 if they want to talk about something
1:19:51 good
1:19:52 if they want to spread spread the i
1:19:54 believe it's a scholarly and quranic
1:19:56 principle to join with such people
1:19:59 and obviously i have a lot of love for
1:20:01 you as well and i've learned a lot and
1:20:02 today was a great session bringing you
1:20:05 know different parts of the quran
1:20:06 together putting principles together
1:20:09 you know encouraging people to have a
1:20:10 class to have xan to think about the
1:20:13 muslim the masada not to be reactionary
1:20:16 not to reduce not to post hoc
1:20:19 you know uh justify our position after
1:20:22 we've done something because it's
1:20:23 reactionary maybe based on enough based
1:20:25 on emotions but rather to be very you
1:20:28 know uh
1:20:30 excellent and
1:20:31 and sincerity when we're thinking about
1:20:32 uh what we utter with our tongue and
1:20:35 tongues and what we do with our actions
1:20:36 in the context of the tower to think
1:20:38 about what is more closer to the
1:20:40 pleasure of allah what does allah want
1:20:41 from me in this particular context how
1:20:44 do i increase the muslim how do i
1:20:46 decrease the masthada you know if we
1:20:48 have this approach
1:20:49 now in your own life
1:20:51 what would you maybe you would want to
1:20:53 you what would you say what would you
1:20:55 what lessons have have you learned or
1:20:57 what some of the things because i hear
1:20:59 they have been contentious
1:21:02 you know there's been a lot of monado
1:21:05 going on
1:21:05 [Laughter]
1:21:08 the reality is
1:21:10 the reality is
1:21:12 i have many mistakes that i'm still
1:21:14 working on
1:21:15 and uh i think as you get older and
1:21:19 as you get wiser inshallah and as you
1:21:22 know you you keep a connection with your
1:21:24 teachers and people
1:21:26 who are senior you realize that what you
1:21:28 what you did 10 years ago or 5 or 10
1:21:30 years ago it wasn't the correct way it
1:21:32 was the wrong way
1:21:33 and uh
1:21:34 and this is something i would like to
1:21:36 share you know
1:21:37 sometimes i was almost deluded subhan
1:21:40 allah for more i was almost deluded in
1:21:44 thinking
1:21:46 in thinking that this speech that i'm
1:21:48 giving or this deliverance that i'm
1:21:50 giving i'm actually helping the deen
1:21:54 but i wasn't helping the deen i was
1:21:55 actually venting my ego
1:21:57 i was venting my own ego and i was
1:22:00 acting upon my own uh spiritual
1:22:02 illnesses
1:22:04 and
1:22:05 subhanallah and i think this is a big
1:22:07 challenge uh when especially comes to
1:22:09 polemical discourse one of the biggest
1:22:10 challenges
1:22:12 is to to address the issue as the issue
1:22:15 without uh getting uh uh you know
1:22:19 staying away from arrogance and staying
1:22:21 away from jealousy and anger and love
1:22:25 for fame and imam
1:22:28 he actually mentions
1:22:29 uh inside is uh you know this is
1:22:33 first volume one
1:22:35 in the chapter of elvis actually got a
1:22:36 section
1:22:46 so this entire
1:22:48 section is about the deception
1:22:50 in giving resemblance to our debates
1:22:53 uh with the consultation of the sahaba
1:22:56 and the debates of the self
1:22:59 you know some and this is honestly i see
1:23:00 this i used to think i'm doing this why
1:23:02 because
1:23:03 i'm defending the deen and the sahaba
1:23:06 defended the deen and the ulama defended
1:23:08 the deen
1:23:10 he mentioned that this is a deception
1:23:12 because then he mentions eight
1:23:13 conditions that if a person wants to
1:23:15 actually engage in munavala he has to
1:23:19 consider these eight conditions and if
1:23:20 you look at those eight conditions
1:23:21 that's how the debates were of the salaf
1:23:23 they were according to these eight
1:23:24 conditions
1:23:26 and um
1:23:28 this is the story of uh just came to
1:23:30 mind now imam hanif allah
1:23:32 imam
1:23:33 before he uh engaged in fake injuries
1:23:36 prudence he was he was a theologian and
1:23:38 he debated he said he says himself i
1:23:40 entered basra
1:23:42 to debate the qadria approximately 17
1:23:44 times
1:23:45 he traveled to barcelona just busted
1:23:47 alone to debate the kadariya just
1:23:49 17 times kadriya who denied the
1:23:52 pre-ordained matters
1:23:55 so and this is we're talking about the
1:23:56 quran here
1:23:58 we're talking about the
1:23:59 we're talking about the first
1:24:00 generations so then he left debating and
1:24:03 then he started he he engaged in
1:24:05 jewish prudence
1:24:06 so once he saw his son hamad
1:24:10 and he was debating
1:24:12 so he went up to him and he said you
1:24:14 know who told you today who give you
1:24:15 permission to debate that father
1:24:18 all my life i've been seeing you
1:24:19 debating
1:24:20 he said stand up
1:24:22 he said when one of us would debate
1:24:25 you know
1:24:27 in time when one of us would debate we
1:24:29 would be so cautious
1:24:32 as though there was a bird standing on
1:24:34 his head
1:24:35 this is like a demonstration of being
1:24:37 scrupulous and careful even a bird
1:24:39 stands on your head
1:24:41 you don't want to move so much so the
1:24:43 bird doesn't fly you want the bird to
1:24:44 remain on your head so this is a way of
1:24:46 demonstrating how careful they were and
1:24:48 they said the reason we would be like
1:24:50 this
1:24:50 because we didn't want our interlocutor
1:24:53 we did not want our interlocutor to slip
1:24:56 because of what we say
1:24:58 in case i might say something it might
1:25:00 be an argument which might lead and
1:25:02 force my interlocutor to say something
1:25:04 which will be displeasing to allah
1:25:06 however imam ali says today i am seeing
1:25:09 people they are saying things as though
1:25:11 they want the interlocutor to slip
1:25:16 so imagine i'm still learning stars i'm
1:25:18 i wouldn't say i i was definitely
1:25:20 perfect a few years ago i'm definitely
1:25:21 not perfect now
1:25:23 and uh i think
1:25:24 it's because of age it's because of the
1:25:27 naturally social media when you come on
1:25:28 social media new as they say
1:25:32 these every new thing is tasty you know
1:25:35 you become all outgoing blazing you know
1:25:38 and then you realize wait a minute this
1:25:40 is all against the quran
1:25:42 it's all against the quran and inshallah
1:25:44 you know as long as we do tawba and we
1:25:46 rectify ourselves before we die
1:25:48 inshallah there's a chance
1:25:50 yeah
1:25:51 i'm a strong believer that eventually
1:25:53 over time someone's work would always
1:25:55 speak for themselves
1:25:57 um so you know just like for example
1:25:59 today you know is very very beneficial
1:26:01 in terms of talking about the principles
1:26:03 and by the way i want to mention to
1:26:05 everybody there's so much more to talk
1:26:07 about on this issue
1:26:08 but it will cover a few hours but
1:26:10 hopefully this was a very good
1:26:11 introduction in the analysis of the way
1:26:13 of the prophets concerning you know
1:26:16 islam and we've given you a bunch of
1:26:18 principles that you could apply in a way
1:26:19 that will make your dao far more
1:26:21 effective
1:26:22 so
1:26:23 yeah i mean let's end it there sheikh um
1:26:26 i'll leave you with the last words insha
1:26:28 allah then we'll end the broadcast and
1:26:30 then what we'll do
1:26:31 i think
1:26:33 you know maybe in the future we could
1:26:35 have uh a cup a series that really
1:26:38 breaks down the verses connects them to
1:26:41 all the other verses in the quran
1:26:43 connects it to various ahadith connects
1:26:45 it to contemporary scenarios i think
1:26:47 that'll be very beneficial for everybody
1:26:49 chef and if you're willing to provide
1:26:51 that service for us in the future that
1:26:52 would be absolutely wonderful like a
1:26:55 online series for everybody because i
1:26:56 really enjoyed it um and i and i felt it
1:26:59 and
1:27:00 it it affirmed a few things and it also
1:27:03 basically clarified a few things at the
1:27:04 same time
1:27:06 and it shows what kind of leadership we
1:27:07 really need in the dao i mean there's
1:27:10 great work going on but i think we need
1:27:12 all of we all need this type of reminder
1:27:14 because i truly believe
1:27:17 that you know you know baraka will
1:27:18 always come with holding on to the
1:27:20 principles you know i have this saying
1:27:22 that you know if you have
1:27:24 if you
1:27:25 if you
1:27:27 um give up your principles for power and
1:27:30 authority
1:27:31 then your power and authority will
1:27:32 become your weakness but if you give up
1:27:35 your power and authority for principles
1:27:37 then your principles will become your
1:27:38 power
1:27:40 and i believe that's the case
1:27:42 with
1:27:43 um you know even in an islamic context
1:27:47 that if you stick to your principles for
1:27:48 the sake of allah in the long term it's
1:27:51 always going to have benefits and barack
1:27:53 obama um so allah bless you i'll leave
1:27:55 the last few words with you then we'll
1:27:57 end the broadcast inshaallah
1:28:01 i think what you've said alhamdulillah i
1:28:02 think that's sufficient
1:28:04 uh
1:28:05 what i would end with is you know the
1:28:07 thing that i started off with is our
1:28:09 intention
1:28:10 uh why are we seeking knowledge why are
1:28:12 we giving dawah
1:28:14 and this is why imam bukhari
1:28:16 he started his book
1:28:19 indeed in uh actions will be will be
1:28:21 judged according to intentions
1:28:25 he mentions
1:28:26 that i have studied five hundred
1:28:27 thousand a hadith
1:28:29 and four of them
1:28:31 four of them i have found to be
1:28:33 sufficient for a person's guidance four
1:28:35 of them
1:28:36 and one of them is innamal alma the
1:28:37 first one in
1:28:39 uh
1:28:41 because ostentation riya
1:28:43 creeps in very easily
1:28:45 very easily
1:28:47 uh and this is what the prophet islam
1:28:49 feared
1:28:50 uh in regards to his ummah a shirk the
1:28:53 subtle is this ostentation
1:28:56 and some of the i mentioned the
1:28:58 ostentation of two types
1:29:00 subhanallah start listening to this when
1:29:02 i read this i was terrified
1:29:04 there's one ostentation
1:29:06 uh
1:29:07 which is quite obvious i'm praying salah
1:29:11 and my father walks
1:29:16 this is clear ostentation where
1:29:18 sometimes we demonstrate ourselves in
1:29:19 the public openly that we are showing up
1:29:21 but there's also a certain form of
1:29:23 ostentation
1:29:25 and that is this
1:29:27 a person he seeks knowledge
1:29:29 in solitary
1:29:32 in isolation he or she does worship the
1:29:35 wicker
1:29:36 in isolation they prepare whatever why
1:29:39 so in public people can respect them
1:29:43 for example i am sitting on my own
1:29:45 i'm doing my
1:29:47 ibadah why so when i go to the masjids
1:29:49 people can respect me they can call me
1:29:51 shaykh and respect me
1:29:53 this is another form of ostentation
1:29:56 uh which is certain
1:29:58 so the point is that any amal that we do
1:30:01 whether we do we do them privately or
1:30:03 publicly
1:30:04 privately or publicly especially dhawa
1:30:06 is only for the sake of allah and i want
1:30:08 to conclude on this there is this notion
1:30:10 now that is being promoted on social
1:30:11 media that the larger
1:30:14 the larger the following
1:30:16 larger the following
1:30:18 the more acceptance in your dawah
1:30:20 this is categorically wrong
1:30:23 this is clearly wrong from the quran
1:30:24 sunnah isn't hadith a muslim
1:30:26 in the hadith a muslim that many ambiya
1:30:30 prophets will be resurrected on the day
1:30:31 of judgment and they will not have a
1:30:32 single follower
1:30:35 single follower
1:30:37 allah can anybody say that
1:30:39 there was deficiency in the dharma of
1:30:40 these prophets never hasha allah we can
1:30:43 never imagine this yet they will have no
1:30:45 followers
1:30:47 950 years you only had a handful of
1:30:50 followers
1:30:51 so because this is not social media this
1:30:53 is something we need to talk about it's
1:30:54 about following and likes and
1:30:55 subhanallah
1:30:56 i met certain people who are better than
1:30:58 me
1:30:59 but i sense that they will not talk to
1:31:01 anybody unless they're following is a
1:31:03 similar amount it comes from power so if
1:31:05 i have
1:31:07 50 000 subscribers i'm going to talk to
1:31:09 someone who is my level if he has only 5
1:31:12 10 subscribers i'm not going to talk to
1:31:14 him
1:31:14 so we need to change his attitude that
1:31:17 we're doing this only for allah
1:31:18 subhanahu wa we are giving dhawa for
1:31:20 only for allah whether we are giving
1:31:21 dawah in solitary in private for only
1:31:23 one or two people or whether we are
1:31:25 giving dawah from the ten or ten million
1:31:27 people we are only giving dawah for the
1:31:29 sake of allah
1:31:31 and we cannot claim i could not claim
1:31:33 that i am sincere subhanallah i don't
1:31:34 think there's a single day that i've
1:31:35 been sincere but what we can do from now
1:31:37 inshallah from now onwards
1:31:39 every day we make dua to allah
1:31:40 especially this is my humble request to
1:31:42 the brothers that we pray to the god
1:31:43 especially we pray two rakat every day
1:31:46 and we make dua we make dua for the
1:31:49 preservation of our iman for hidayah for
1:31:51 the ummah and we make dwarf the world
1:31:53 the more we make dua for islam
1:31:56 the more allah wa
1:31:58 will make our dawah effective inshallah
1:32:00 okay so may allah first give me the
1:32:02 tawfiq and give us all the ability to
1:32:04 act upon what's being said ustad once
1:32:06 again described for this invitation
1:32:08 i actually benefited more than you that
1:32:10 you benefited from me
1:32:14 i i i don't think so tall but does that
1:32:15 play well i bless you would definitely
1:32:17 be in touch and
1:32:18 may allah grant your future academic
1:32:21 success with you with the future phd and
1:32:23 everything else that you do and
1:32:24 inshallah hopefully you'll be at service
1:32:26 to us again with regards to analyzing
1:32:28 the quran and the prophetic way because
1:32:30 it was very insightful may i bless you
1:32:32 and reward you and your family and grant
1:32:34 you and your family the best in this
1:32:36 life and the best in the life to come
1:32:38 brothers and sisters um hopefully you've
1:32:40 benefited from this
1:32:42 and uh we'll be in touch very soon
1:32:43 there's going to be another live seminar
1:32:46 hopefully next week uh we should be
1:32:48 resuming our seminars on the argument
1:32:51 from reason why you know basically why
1:32:53 atheism is irrational
1:32:55 i think the next one should be on
1:32:57 um the laws of logic which can be very
1:32:59 interesting argument to articulate
1:33:02 and uh yeah may bless every single one
1:33:04 of you
1:33:06 alike
1:33:08 foreign