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Where are you going? How to develop your vision for campus & how to make it happen (2020-11-30)


"Where are you going? How to develop your vision for campus & how to make it happen" with Shaykh Hisham Jafar Ali and Hamza Andreas Tzortzis. This webinar was a collaboration with King's College Islamic Society.

Summary of Where are you going? How to develop your vision for campus & how to make it happen

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 01:00:00

discusses the importance of having a vision for campus, and how it can help leaders achieve their goals. It emphasizes the importance of focus, strategy, and self-awareness, and provides tips for developing a vision. It also discusses the importance of serving others and having compassion.

00:00:00 This free online webinar is about developing a vision for campus, and how to make it happen. Sheikh Hisham and Hamza will be discussing the importance of having a vision, the virtues of having a vision, and how to develop a vision. They will also be discussing how to make the vision a reality, from a collective perspective.

  • *00:05:00 Discusses the importance of developing a vision for campus, and provides essential elements for good leadership, such as being egoless, having integrity, having a vision, service, empathy, courage, and being connected to the spiritual. It also discusses the importance of Islam in today's world, and how Sapiens Institute plans to share the religion in a compelling and rational way, as well as develop others to be able to do the same.
  • 00:10:00 The presenter discusses the importance of having a vision and how it helps motivate individuals and organizations. He goes on to talk about the importance of having a motivated vision and how it should be based on what is pleasing to God (pleasure and reward). Finally, the presenter addresses the importance of having a sincere vision and how it will last over time.
  • *00:15:00 Discusses how having a clear vision for your campus can help you achieve your goals, and how motivation should not be based on personal gain or seeking Allah's displeasure. It also discusses the importance of a vision, how it can help you focus and direction, and the importance of having a clear destination.
  • *00:20:00 Discusses motivation, how important it is to have a vision, and the benefits of having a vision. The prophet Muhammad said that if you ask Allah for paradise, make sure you ask for the highest station. He also said that envy, jealousy, and looking at others negatively is only permissible in two cases.
  • 00:25:00 urges students to think about their vision for campus and how to make it a reality. He stresses the importance of self-awareness and developing passions that are aligned with your goals. refers to a story of a Bedouin man who walked into an Iranian emperor's palace and talked about freeing him from slavery to God. He urges students to think about their interests and passions and to figure out what is most important to them.
  • 00:30:00 provides a short overview of the three circles of vision, discusses the importance of each, and provides tips for developing a vision for campus. He points out that one of the most important aspects of any vision is focus, and recommends using Google Maps to help map out the route to the desired destination. He also recommends working with the university's chancellor, chaplaincy, and mental health services to ensure that Muslim students are adequately served.
  • 00:35:00 the host discusses the importance of focusing on one's vision, and how it can help make decisions easier and help achieve one's goals. The host also discusses how each prophet of Islam had a specific focus and how it helped him achieve his goals. Finally, the host recommends that students focus on what they think will make the most impact, and avoid spreading themselves too thin.
  • 00:40:00 provides an example of how a vision can be written, and discusses the importance of having a strategic focus when developing a vision. It also reminds viewers that the focus should be on the people involved, and not just on achieving specific metrics.
  • *00:45:00 Discusses the importance of having a vision, and how a leader's job is to enable that vision to become a reality. It discusses the examples of some of the most successful leaders in history, and how their visions were greater than themselves. It emphasizes the importance of developing a strategy for achieving one's vision, and how following through with that strategy is key to success. Finally, the speaker discusses how having a vision is essential for any leader, and how following through with that vision can transcend one's death.
  • 00:50:00 provides a brief overview of their background and experience as a CEO, emphasizing the importance of developing an "extreme ownership" style and being willing to work hard for the benefit of others. He discusses some of the key aspects of leadership, emphasizing the importance of balancing individual ambition with the needs of the organization as a whole. He also discusses the importance of developing soft skills and traits such as empathy and compassion.
  • *00:55:00 Discusses the importance of developing a vision for campus, serving others, and having compassion and mercy. He also discusses the five pillars of leadership: knowledge, activism, dour, prayer, and service.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

discusses how to develop a vision for campus and how to make it a reality. It emphasizes the importance of sincerity, service, and leadership.

*01:00:00 Discusses how having an ego prevents a leader from achieving their vision, as well as how shaitaan (the devil) teaches us how to be successful without submitting to allah. recommends being egoless, being sincere in making oneself redundant, and reflecting on the Quran chapter 38 verses 75 and 76.

  • 01:05:00 encourages listeners to develop a vision for their campus, stay committed to that vision, and be guided by compassion and certainty in order to lead effectively. He also points out the importance of leading by example and being faithful to one's vision, team, and Allah.
  • *01:10:00 Discusses the importance of developing a vision for campus, and how to make it a reality. It emphasizes the importance of sincerity, service, and leadership.
  • *01:15:00 Discusses how to develop a vision for campus, how to make it a reality, and how to manage by exception. He emphasizes the importance of having integrity and sincerity, and of being committed to the well-being of others. He also discusses how service can make people become what they want others to be.
  • 01:20:00 provides a brief overview of the Islamic principle of mercy over harshness, and how it applies to leadership. They go on to say that true compassion is not easy, but essential for leading a successful organization. The prophet Muhammad is an example of a compassionate leader who was able to overcome great adversity.
  • 01:25:00 provides tips on how to develop a vision for campus and make it a reality, including tips on overcoming obstacles and risks. is followed by a one-paragraph summary.
  • 01:30:00 The essential qualities of a successful leader are sincerity, spirituality, and knowledge. Class sincerity is the most important quality, as it sets the tone for the entire leadership model. Heart therapy is a method of developing sincerity by focusing on the individual's motivation and keeping it in check. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that anyone who associates equals with him will not be rewarded, and we know the hadith about the first three people to be thrown in hell.
  • *01:35:00 Discusses the concept of sincerity and its importance in Islam. The main benefit of sincerity is that it makes a person's deed weightier on the scales of judgment. provides an example of this in the story of Ibrahim (a.k.a. Abraham). Ibrahim was asked to sacrifice his son, Ismail, but he refused. Allah then asked Ibrahim to offer a sheep instead. Ibrahim's act of offering a sheep was much heavier on the scales of judgment than if he had sacrificed his son. stresses the importance of sincerity in all of one's actions, both big and small.
  • *01:40:00 Discusses the importance of developing a vision for campus and how to make it happen. It also discusses the importance of having sincerity in your actions and the benefits of having a secret prayer routine.
  • *01:45:00 Discusses how to develop a campus vision, how to balance between ego and showing the right things done, and how heart therapy is important for any leader. He goes on to say that one of the greatest leaders of all time, Ibrahim alaihissalam allah, mentions one of his sincere supplications to allah. advises that if one does not have a right intention and a clean heart allah will remove the blessing in one's word. He advises that one start admiring themselves and working on their spiritual illnesses before focusing on their diet or spiritual practices. He also stresses the importance of remembrance and maintaining a daily routine of prayer, fasting, and reading the quran.
  • *01:50:00 Discusses how important it is to remember Allah, how to develop a vision for campus, and the importance of consulting with others before making decisions. It also provides an example of how the prophet Muhammad took into account the opinions of his companions before making a decision.
  • 01:55:00 provides advice on how to develop a vision for campus, how to make it happen, and how to get advice from those who are more experienced. He advises that consultation should be sincere, private, and constructive, and that single-outting of individuals is not the way to go.

02:00:00 - 02:15:00

in this video discusses the importance of having a vision for campus, and provides advice on how to develop and make it happen. He also discusses how to overcome obstacles, and how to be successful in this endeavor.

*02:00:00 Discusses how to balance between ego and ensuring that the right thing is done, and recommends focusing on purifying the spiritual blemishes of the heart in order to connect to Allah.

  • *02:05:00 Discusses the importance of developing a vision for campus, having good people around you, and being sincere to Allah. He also provides a possible way to overcome obstacles and make the dao experience and share Islam on campus more effective.
  • 02:10:00 provides advice on how to develop a vision for campus, and how to make it happen. It discusses how to deal with a leader who is dismissive of your suggestions, and how to be as convincing as possible to get rally with the entire committee on your opinion. It also advises on how to choose a professional path, and how to overcome "analysis paralysis."
  • *02:15:00 Discusses the importance of having a vision for campus, how to develop it, and how to make it a reality. He also provides advice on how to be successful in this endeavor.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:02 [Music]
0:00:09 [Music]
0:00:23 brothers
0:00:23 and sisters and friends and welcome
0:00:27 to this free online webinar
0:00:31 called where are you going how to
0:00:33 develop your vision for campus
0:00:36 and how to make it happen
0:00:39 i'm pleased to announce that we're going
0:00:41 to be joined or we are joined by
0:00:45 jafar ali and myself and this webinar
0:00:48 has been
0:00:49 organized by sapience institute and
0:00:53 king's college london islamic
0:00:56 society alhamdulillah
0:00:59 now the way we're going to proceed is
0:01:03 i'm going to talk about in summary what
0:01:06 we're going to be covering today
0:01:07 and then i'm going to hand over to the
0:01:09 chef and when
0:01:10 i'm going to be delivering my sections
0:01:12 he's going to hand over to me
0:01:14 and so on and so forth and we're going
0:01:16 to entertain some
0:01:17 questions now before i
0:01:21 continue with the webinar i just want to
0:01:23 introduce myself
0:01:25 and sheikh hisham just in case you don't
0:01:28 know who we are
0:01:30 my name is hamza andres sodis and i'm a
0:01:32 researcher and instructor for
0:01:34 sapience institute and i'm the author of
0:01:37 the divine
0:01:38 reality god islam and the mirage of
0:01:40 atheism
0:01:41 i have a postgraduate certificate and a
0:01:44 master's in philosophy and i'm
0:01:46 continuing post
0:01:47 graduate studies in the field so i'm a
0:01:50 student
0:01:50 at the university of london so
0:01:53 yes i'm probably much older than you but
0:01:56 alhamdulillah i'm a student
0:01:57 in actual fact we're students until we
0:02:00 die
0:02:06 is an engineer by profession and he's a
0:02:08 muslim chaplain at the university of
0:02:10 nottingham
0:02:11 he studied arabic and the islamic
0:02:13 sciences
0:02:14 in uae for a number of years where he
0:02:17 received the higher diploma in arabic
0:02:19 and islamic sciences and he was
0:02:21 appointed
0:02:22 as a khatib at the age of just 17
0:02:26 alhamdulillah so this is who you're
0:02:29 going to be engaging with today
0:02:31 he also he also manages
0:02:35 roots academy and i think many of you
0:02:37 have
0:02:38 engaged with his amazing material may
0:02:41 allah bless him and grant him the best
0:02:43 in this life
0:02:44 and the best in the life to come i mean
0:02:47 so
0:02:48 brothers and sisters let me just look at
0:02:52 the questions so far
0:02:54 okay good we're not going to be looking
0:02:57 at questions right now but usually i
0:02:58 look at
0:02:59 in the beginning just to check what's
0:03:02 going on why try to check what's going
0:03:04 on
0:03:05 and there is a question about is this is
0:03:07 is this going to be recorded yes it's
0:03:09 going to be recorded alhamdulillah and
0:03:10 it's going to be available
0:03:12 in the future on our youtube channel
0:03:14 inshallah
0:03:16 so let's proceed now in terms of what
0:03:20 we're going to be covering
0:03:20 now we're going to be covering what is
0:03:22 the vision and
0:03:23 within that we're going to talk about
0:03:26 why
0:03:27 having a vision is important the virtues
0:03:29 of having having a vision
0:03:30 linking it to the islamic discourse at
0:03:33 the same time
0:03:34 we're also going to be talking about how
0:03:37 to develop
0:03:37 your vision because this is very
0:03:39 important fine
0:03:40 you know you see a future and
0:03:44 you have a lofty goal but the question
0:03:47 is
0:03:49 is it doable is it achievable is it the
0:03:52 right thing to do
0:03:54 is it based on your values your passions
0:03:56 your drives your ethics
0:03:58 is it within the parameters of islam
0:04:01 what does islam say about
0:04:02 having a goal is it just based on the
0:04:06 dunya or the akhira or both
0:04:08 so we're going to be talking about these
0:04:09 concepts as well and how to develop your
0:04:11 vision
0:04:12 then we're going to talk about how to do
0:04:14 how to make your vision happen
0:04:16 from a collective perspective as a
0:04:18 muslim student association
0:04:20 as an islamic society as a student group
0:04:23 we're going to try and
0:04:24 help you and give you tools and
0:04:25 techniques and questions and ideas and
0:04:28 ethics and values
0:04:29 on how to ensure you come together in
0:04:32 order to develop your vision and at the
0:04:33 same time how to make it happen
0:04:35 which really is connected to this idea
0:04:38 of
0:04:39 developing your strategic focus because
0:04:41 your strategic focus
0:04:43 are like the top three areas of activity
0:04:46 or maybe even the top five areas of
0:04:48 activity that you believe
0:04:50 are necessary from a practical point of
0:04:52 view to
0:04:53 achieve your vision and once you
0:04:56 establish those after brainstorming and
0:04:58 so on and so forth
0:05:00 you'll be able to now allocate all your
0:05:02 resources your time your energy
0:05:04 you'll be focused and directed and
0:05:06 you'll be able to make the right
0:05:07 decisions
0:05:08 in order for you to make your vision
0:05:10 happen
0:05:12 now connected to all of this there are
0:05:13 some essential aspects in order for us
0:05:16 to be able to develop a vision to able
0:05:18 to make it happen and to come together
0:05:20 in order to develop our strategic focus
0:05:23 and those essential
0:05:24 aspects include leadership
0:05:27 what does leadership mean what are the
0:05:29 kind of essential elements of being a
0:05:31 good leader
0:05:33 what does the sunnah say about this what
0:05:34 does the quran say about this
0:05:36 what does experience say about this
0:05:40 right
0:05:40 so we're going to go through certain
0:05:42 elements of good leadership such as
0:05:44 being egoless understanding that ego is
0:05:47 the enemy having integrity
0:05:49 vision service compassion empathy
0:05:52 courage
0:05:53 and connected to this which is extremely
0:05:55 important we're going to talk about the
0:05:57 essential spiritual elements
0:05:59 in order to have barakah in our lives in
0:06:02 order to
0:06:02 develop a good vision in order to come
0:06:04 together and have a strategic focus
0:06:06 and in order to really be good leaders
0:06:08 you have to have ikhlas
0:06:10 we're going to discuss what is and how
0:06:12 to develop it
0:06:13 we have to engage with the spiritual
0:06:15 sciences of islam in line with the quran
0:06:17 and the sunnah
0:06:19 we have to understand the diseases of
0:06:20 the of the heart the spiritual diseases
0:06:22 of the heart
0:06:23 how to remove them because having those
0:06:25 diseases in our hearts
0:06:26 become a barrier to good collective work
0:06:28 they become a barrier
0:06:30 to having a focus in order for our
0:06:33 vision to happen
0:06:35 and we're going to talk about surah
0:06:37 consultation
0:06:38 what does that mean how do you do sure
0:06:40 how do you engage with it what is what
0:06:42 are its virtues
0:06:43 its importance from a sunnah point of
0:06:46 view from a quranic point of view
0:06:48 and connected to this we're going to be
0:06:49 talking about nasiha at dino masih the
0:06:52 deen the religion
0:06:53 is sincere advice and this is critical
0:06:56 when working as a group when we're
0:06:58 trying to empower and develop our
0:07:00 individual members of that group and
0:07:02 obviously we're going to be talking
0:07:03 about islamic knowledge
0:07:04 which is quite broad from a contemporary
0:07:06 point of view yes you have to know your
0:07:08 basic farahid
0:07:09 your fip you have to know your creed but
0:07:11 you also have to know contemporary
0:07:13 issues
0:07:13 how do you deal with atheism liberalism
0:07:16 all of these
0:07:16 isms or schisms that are now becoming
0:07:19 becoming a dominant force on campus
0:07:21 and within all of this we're going to
0:07:23 try and give you a daoist-centric focus
0:07:25 to be able to intellectually share
0:07:28 and and convey islam and defend islam
0:07:32 with our brothers and sisters in
0:07:34 humanity and to do that with hikmah to
0:07:36 do that with wisdom
0:07:37 and to deal with the rahmah to do that
0:07:38 with compassion and mercy
0:07:41 and before i hand over to sheikh hisham
0:07:44 to start the vision exercise and the
0:07:47 strategic focus
0:07:48 i really want to introduce very quickly
0:07:50 sapience institute
0:07:52 sapiens institute is really focused
0:07:56 on seeing a world so this is our vision
0:07:58 so this is going to maybe give you some
0:07:59 ideas on what we're going to be talking
0:08:01 about right now
0:08:02 so our vision as sapiens institute
0:08:06 is to see a world that receives the
0:08:09 message of islam
0:08:10 and where people can academically share
0:08:12 their faith so that's where we want to
0:08:14 see the world
0:08:15 how and in in what state we want to see
0:08:17 the world so a world that receives the
0:08:19 message of islam
0:08:20 and where people can academically share
0:08:22 the faith
0:08:23 our focus is to provide a compelling
0:08:26 convincing case for islam
0:08:28 and to empower educate and mentor others
0:08:31 to share their faith academically
0:08:33 and as you can see that's a that's a
0:08:34 strong focus so we're going to be
0:08:36 sharing islam in a compelling convincing
0:08:39 rational way
0:08:40 but also develop others to be able to do
0:08:41 so now that
0:08:43 is a strategic focus it helps with all
0:08:45 of our decisions and
0:08:47 there are so many activities and actions
0:08:49 that link
0:08:50 to those two pillars of our focus so for
0:08:52 example we know if someone approaches us
0:08:54 and says
0:08:55 right can sapiens institute clean up the
0:08:57 streets
0:08:58 we're going to be like sorry it's a
0:09:00 great work but go to another charity
0:09:02 or go to another organization we have a
0:09:04 particular focus because we believe
0:09:06 these two central pillars of our focus
0:09:08 are necessary from a practical point of
0:09:10 view to achieve our vision
0:09:13 so that's what sapiens institute is
0:09:15 about if you go to our website
0:09:17 you will see that
0:09:20 we have free books on atheism
0:09:22 on dehumanization authorization we
0:09:25 deliver free webinars academic webinars
0:09:29 on a range of issues atheism history
0:09:32 theology theo philosophy quran
0:09:35 revelation
0:09:36 prophetology christology and
0:09:39 and if you go to our website go to learn
0:09:42 and you'll be able to access
0:09:43 those webinars for free and we have
0:09:45 essays and articles and answers to
0:09:47 questions such as
0:09:49 you know does you threefold's dilemma
0:09:51 undermine god's commands
0:09:54 who created god that really seedy
0:09:56 question that's easily answered
0:09:58 and so on and so forth so we're gonna be
0:10:01 producing much more stuff in
0:10:03 sha allah so without further ado
0:10:06 we're going to now have by the way if
0:10:09 you have any questions just write them
0:10:10 down
0:10:11 and we're going to basically address
0:10:13 them at the end
0:10:14 i do see one right now it says do you
0:10:16 would you uh
0:10:17 did would you share the ppt slides in
0:10:20 other words
0:10:21 are you gonna share the slides yes we
0:10:22 will they'll be available in sha allah
0:10:26 okie dokie so let's now
0:10:29 hand over to our beloved sheikh then
0:10:31 after he'll hand over back to me when
0:10:33 i'm going to be talking about leadership
0:10:35 so i'm going to be speaking to you in in
0:10:37 some
0:10:38 in in a few moments in sha allah but for
0:10:41 now
0:10:42 please be sincere please give your time
0:10:44 and your attention and your focus and
0:10:46 have integrity something we're going to
0:10:47 be talking about
0:10:49 uh which is integrity concerning this is
0:10:51 you're going to give your full
0:10:53 focus to
0:10:56 allah so i'm just
0:11:00 making him a presenter and i'll speak to
0:11:01 you very soon inshallah
0:11:04 okay
0:11:09 everybody welcome all to this brilliant
0:11:11 and pertinent webinar
0:11:12 with sapience institute looking at
0:11:15 all the things that southampton
0:11:17 mentioned looking at initially
0:11:19 stepping back and looking at the bigger
0:11:20 picture looking at the vision the
0:11:22 strategic focus
0:11:23 and then narrowing things down and
0:11:24 looking at some things we can develop on
0:11:26 an individual level
0:11:28 in terms of leadership qualities and in
0:11:29 terms of essentials so
0:11:31 without further ado i'm going to get
0:11:33 started with these slides
0:11:36 so starting with the first slide the
0:11:38 first section
0:11:40 vision vision
0:11:43 you know the the big idea the big the
0:11:46 clarity of picture of what exactly as an
0:11:48 organization as an ice sock as a team
0:11:50 what exactly you are looking to achieve
0:11:52 what is the end goal
0:11:54 from all your efforts how do they all
0:11:56 relate and how do they tie together
0:11:57 the first question we ask ourselves is
0:11:59 what is a vision
0:12:00 a vision as you can see on the slide
0:12:03 it's how
0:12:04 and where you see yourself as an
0:12:05 organization how and where you see the
0:12:08 world that you're going to leave
0:12:09 inshallah when you
0:12:10 pass on your road to somebody else what
0:12:12 exactly is this is this organization
0:12:14 going to achieve
0:12:15 um quite often a lot of us in our
0:12:18 projects
0:12:19 in our teamwork in our isoc committees
0:12:22 we join
0:12:22 and a lot of for a lot of us we are
0:12:24 simply trying to implement what the
0:12:26 previous
0:12:27 president or committee did the same
0:12:29 events invite the same speakers run the
0:12:31 same workshops
0:12:32 and kind of there's a precedent there's
0:12:34 a bar and we just want to leave it at
0:12:35 the same bar
0:12:37 with this exercise we really want to
0:12:38 take a step back and really think
0:12:41 really reflect on this carefully forget
0:12:44 what the last year's president did
0:12:45 forget what the last 10 years
0:12:47 the last 10 years of committees did what
0:12:49 exactly do you see
0:12:51 as the the end goal if you were to paint
0:12:53 a picture for the university campus
0:12:55 five years from now three years from now
0:12:57 what would it look like what would the
0:12:58 muslims be doing what would then
0:12:59 you know how would the non-muslims be
0:13:01 perceiving the muslims
0:13:02 um what activities would the islam be
0:13:04 doing so this is kind of
0:13:06 the vision that we paint of the eye sock
0:13:09 and when we think about this
0:13:10 this this idea of a vision
0:13:14 what should this vision be motivated by
0:13:16 what feeds into
0:13:17 this kind of final clear picture that we
0:13:19 draw for ourselves
0:13:20 number one it should be fed by the
0:13:23 feeling the desire to
0:13:24 reach the pleasure of allah it should be
0:13:27 fed by the desire to
0:13:29 attain the reward from allah and to
0:13:32 remove ourselves from the fire meaning
0:13:34 the entire motive behind this behind
0:13:36 this picture that we draw
0:13:37 shouldn't be that you know in one year's
0:13:39 time i want to be the best ice
0:13:41 uh you know president ex-officio
0:13:44 treasurer that ever walked the face of
0:13:46 this
0:13:46 this company i want people to remember
0:13:47 my name now that remembering your name
0:13:50 is something you don't want to happen
0:13:54 [Music]
0:13:58 i wish that people were to learn
0:13:59 knowledge and not attribute any of my
0:14:02 books to me not attribute any of their
0:14:03 learning to me it doesn't matter who
0:14:05 said it
0:14:05 someone else said it meaning i don't
0:14:07 want my name to be on the book on the on
0:14:09 the front page on the cover
0:14:10 it doesn't i don't have to get all the
0:14:11 credit so this is an akira mindset
0:14:14 and in fact imam malik when he was
0:14:16 authoring his mother his collection his
0:14:18 book a collection of hadith
0:14:20 someone came to him and said there's so
0:14:21 many matas out there there's so many
0:14:22 books of hadith out there you're going
0:14:24 to just add another one to this entire
0:14:25 list
0:14:26 and he says something very profound we
0:14:27 should all pay attention to
0:14:30 whatever is done purely for allah's sake
0:14:32 is going to endure the test of time
0:14:34 there's so many ice hocks out there you
0:14:36 think why should i you know have a
0:14:38 vision why should i join this committee
0:14:39 what am i really going to achieve don't
0:14:41 think it in don't think about it in that
0:14:43 sense think about it in this way that
0:14:44 whatever you do for allah's sake
0:14:46 purely for allah's sake with the purity
0:14:48 and strength of sincerity
0:14:49 it will stand the test of time people 10
0:14:51 years from now will be thanking you
0:14:53 and appreciating the effort that you put
0:14:55 in so remember the the responsibility
0:14:57 that you have as a committee member
0:14:59 remember the capability and potential
0:15:00 the iso can actually achieve
0:15:02 and think you know we're going to come
0:15:03 to this as well to think big
0:15:05 and what should it not be motivated by
0:15:07 we mentioned ego
0:15:08 it should not be motivated by i want to
0:15:10 aggrandize myself it should not be
0:15:12 motivated by the attachment to a
0:15:14 position
0:15:14 to a title to a place you know this
0:15:17 person and this person is
0:15:19 a chaplain this this and that person is
0:15:20 president of the committee
0:15:22 we should feel personally that these
0:15:25 roles and titles
0:15:26 in terms of maybe it changes the way
0:15:28 people looks at us but it shouldn't
0:15:30 change the way we look at our
0:15:31 at ourselves um it shouldn't be
0:15:33 motivated by seeking allah subhanahu
0:15:35 ta'ala's displeasure
0:15:36 removing ourselves from allah's mercy
0:15:39 rather it should be entirely motivated
0:15:40 but you know
0:15:41 when you are trying to paint if i told
0:15:44 you
0:15:44 uh you know draw a picture of you know
0:15:47 the northern countryside
0:15:49 what you don't want to happen is while
0:15:51 you're drawing while you're painting
0:15:52 what you don't want to happen
0:15:53 is for your vision to become blurred or
0:15:56 for you suddenly not to be able to see
0:15:58 very clearly into the distance the thing
0:16:00 that you are supposed to draw clearly
0:16:02 and what is it that prevents you from
0:16:04 seeing things clearly in islam prevents
0:16:06 you from
0:16:06 having a piercing insight into what
0:16:08 exactly you want
0:16:10 it is sin it is distance from allah it
0:16:12 is distance from your own self you don't
0:16:14 even know what you want out of it this
0:16:15 is just something you fell into
0:16:17 you know out of some kind of need some
0:16:19 kind of desire some craving for
0:16:20 attention
0:16:21 and so when you do it with that when you
0:16:22 go through that route the vision you
0:16:24 can't actually draw the picture very
0:16:25 well
0:16:26 because it's blurry you're wearing uh
0:16:28 you know dark tinted sunglasses you
0:16:30 can't even see the light very clearly
0:16:32 so be careful take off all of these
0:16:34 other glasses all of the other things
0:16:35 that will blur your sight
0:16:37 and be able to write a clear vision for
0:16:39 yourself and that all depends on your
0:16:40 motivation it all depends
0:16:42 on your on your approach
0:16:45 now what is the importance of a vision
0:16:47 the vision
0:16:48 you know clearly defining what exactly
0:16:50 you're going to work towards
0:16:51 to as much detail as possible allows you
0:16:54 to have focus and direction
0:16:56 you know if you were to ask me today you
0:16:58 know you have to make a decision should
0:16:59 i take a left or should i take a right
0:17:01 should i invite sapiens or should i
0:17:02 invite roots academy which organization
0:17:04 should i bring to campus what kind of an
0:17:06 event should i run
0:17:07 there's a lot of decisions you have to
0:17:08 make as an ice sock so someone comes and
0:17:10 asks you should i go left or right
0:17:12 well my question will be well where is
0:17:14 it that you want to go
0:17:15 do you want to go to madina or do you
0:17:17 want to go to amritsar
0:17:18 depending on your destination i will
0:17:22 tell you the route
0:17:23 and so depending on the vision that you
0:17:24 have the crystal clear and specific
0:17:26 vision
0:17:26 of what you want isok to achieve your
0:17:28 route will differ
0:17:30 your decisions will differ and that's
0:17:31 really important to understand that it
0:17:33 gives you direction it gives you focus
0:17:34 you'll say you'll learn when to say no
0:17:36 because it goes against your vision it
0:17:38 doesn't align with what you are
0:17:39 approaching like similar to what
0:17:40 hamza said if someone says uh you know
0:17:42 could you come and
0:17:43 you know clean up the streets we'll say
0:17:45 well that's not our vision it's not our
0:17:47 focus
0:17:48 so the vision gives you clarity it it
0:17:51 allows you to understand
0:17:52 you know decisions are not as difficult
0:17:54 or as uh
0:17:56 blurry they are clear it's very simple
0:17:58 for you to then decipher and say
0:18:00 actually no hold on a second my focus is
0:18:01 this this and this
0:18:03 this is out of my scope of focus i'm not
0:18:05 going to pursue that we're not as an
0:18:06 eyeshack we're not going to delve into
0:18:07 that
0:18:08 they also give you added meaning think
0:18:10 about it every day
0:18:11 you wake up you know every day you wake
0:18:13 up inshallah you pray
0:18:14 you get ready to go to university but
0:18:17 sometimes
0:18:18 on the way in our three five seven years
0:18:20 of university depending on what you're
0:18:21 studying
0:18:22 we actually lose we actually forget what
0:18:24 we're doing there in the first place
0:18:26 you know you're in a factory every day
0:18:28 you go in you do the same chores every
0:18:30 day you go and you fix the same things
0:18:31 one day you forget why was i why did i
0:18:33 actually come here in the first place
0:18:35 when you get involved in the routine of
0:18:36 things you become divorced or slowly
0:18:39 detached from the original purpose for
0:18:41 which you came there
0:18:43 many of us one two three years into
0:18:44 university once we're used to the daily
0:18:46 routine of going to lectures
0:18:48 slowly but surely we start to feel hold
0:18:49 on a second why did i do this degree
0:18:51 again
0:18:51 what was the reasoning behind this why
0:18:53 am i here and so that vision
0:18:55 having a clear vision putting it up on
0:18:57 the wall writing it down
0:18:59 allows you to remind yourself whenever
0:19:00 you forget it reminds you
0:19:03 that the reason you're doing this is for
0:19:04 this the reason you're doing this is to
0:19:06 earn the pleasure of allah and the way
0:19:07 you'll earn the pleasure of allah is
0:19:08 through this specific thing that you are
0:19:10 trying to achieve
0:19:10 so it gives you meaning it imbues every
0:19:13 effort that you have
0:19:14 with the spirit with the strength the
0:19:15 other thing about invasion it removes
0:19:17 shubahat it removes doubt whenever you
0:19:18 feel unclear
0:19:20 not sure you know i'm doubtful is this
0:19:22 the right direction
0:19:23 that clarity of vision that you've
0:19:25 researched you've thought about you've
0:19:27 collectively as a team penned it down
0:19:29 you look at that and it suddenly gives
0:19:31 you certainty again
0:19:32 it also saves time you don't waste time
0:19:34 doing things that are outside the remit
0:19:35 that are ineffective towards reaching
0:19:37 your destination
0:19:38 if you need to go to london you you go
0:19:41 on the motorway you don't go through the
0:19:42 side roads and you don't go through the
0:19:43 countryside there's a specific
0:19:44 road you meant to take and so when you
0:19:46 have that clear destination in mind that
0:19:48 clear picture in mind of what i want to
0:19:49 reach
0:19:50 where i want to get to you know what
0:19:52 bricks to get what uh you know what
0:19:54 ingredients for your recipe because you
0:19:56 have a clear idea and it saves time you
0:19:58 allow you say no to things that are
0:19:59 you're not interested in
0:20:02 it we've already discussed motivation
0:20:03 how important it is to give you that
0:20:05 strength
0:20:05 every day you think about this is what i
0:20:07 want to eventually see
0:20:08 when i leave this earth this is what i
0:20:10 want to see the world i want to see on
0:20:12 my deathbed this is the
0:20:13 campus i want to see when i leave
0:20:14 university in three years time and every
0:20:16 day every time you kind of lose
0:20:17 motivation
0:20:18 you come across obstacles um you know
0:20:21 you come across difficulties with the su
0:20:23 people aren't attending your halakhas
0:20:25 every time you come across obstacles you
0:20:27 think about that angle and you think no
0:20:28 i'm going to keep pushing i'm going to
0:20:29 keep working
0:20:30 until i see that vision as reality
0:20:34 and lastly it helps you transcend petty
0:20:36 issues and life's obstacles the prophet
0:20:38 sallallahu alaihi wasallam
0:20:40 you know in the fifth year of hijri in
0:20:41 the fifth year of his mission
0:20:43 he loses the two most beloved people to
0:20:45 him he loses his wife
0:20:49 both of whom were very beloved to him
0:20:51 and great supporters of his cause
0:20:53 they are the ones who gave him the
0:20:54 strength the moral uh strength to go
0:20:56 keep going the emotional morale and the
0:20:58 support
0:20:59 when you lose the most beloved person to
0:21:01 you on this earth
0:21:02 and you would you know in the depths of
0:21:04 sorrow and sadness
0:21:06 you cannot see you know happiness
0:21:09 who say the prophet sallallahu alaihi
0:21:11 didn't smile for nine months
0:21:12 he didn't smile he could not it was such
0:21:15 a deep sadness that he felt
0:21:17 and yet what kept him going what kept
0:21:19 him going was that vision that clear
0:21:21 vision that islam will reach
0:21:23 across the earth allah promises him in
0:21:25 the quran
0:21:30 indeed the promise of allah is true
0:21:32 every time he falls
0:21:33 allah's promise keeps him going the
0:21:35 vision of a world
0:21:36 united under peacefulness serenity
0:21:39 fairness
0:21:39 justice these values the heed the
0:21:41 worship of allah
0:21:43 this this vision keeps the prophet going
0:21:45 when he's migrating from makkah to
0:21:47 madinah
0:21:48 and surakar you know a man is pursuing
0:21:50 him on a horse and he's about to
0:21:51 attack him the prophet salallahu says to
0:21:54 him what do you think surakar about a
0:21:56 day
0:21:56 when you will be wearing the bangles of
0:21:58 the hostra of persia the emperor of
0:22:00 persia
0:22:00 he clearly sees a picture in which even
0:22:03 the persians have embraced islam
0:22:05 even though the prophet sallam and his
0:22:06 followers are 100 200 people they're
0:22:08 nothing
0:22:09 but he knows eventually this is what
0:22:11 he's working towards
0:22:12 islam is going to reach the corners of
0:22:13 the earth and so that conviction
0:22:16 in what he's going to achieve the
0:22:17 clarity of picture it motivates him
0:22:19 it motivates his enemies it motivates
0:22:21 his companions they keep working towards
0:22:23 that goal every time they fall
0:22:25 they keep getting back up
0:22:38 indeed mankind is lost by time indeed
0:22:40 mankind is a loss
0:22:41 except those who have believed and done
0:22:43 righteous deeds and advise each other to
0:22:45 trust
0:22:45 and advise each other to patients time
0:22:47 is running out
0:22:48 you do not have time in this world to
0:22:50 waste by pursuing
0:22:52 you know something that's going to end
0:22:54 you up in the wrong destination by by
0:22:56 by something that's not going to align
0:22:58 with your focus the prophet sallallahu
0:22:59 alaihi
0:23:00 his companions he gave each of them a
0:23:02 strategic focus and we'll come to that
0:23:03 in a moment
0:23:04 but right now the importance of the
0:23:05 vision and the benefits of vision
0:23:07 one of the most important things with
0:23:08 the vision is not to fall
0:23:10 short to aim high the prophet sallallahu
0:23:13 alaihi
0:23:13 is to say that
0:23:21 if you're going to make dua to allah and
0:23:23 ask him allah give me paradise
0:23:24 make sure you ask allah to give you the
0:23:26 highest station in paradise
0:23:28 don't ask for any piece of paradise
0:23:30 don't ask for any piece of real estate
0:23:31 make sure you aim high with that real
0:23:33 estate don't fall short why
0:23:35 because allah says
0:23:50 are the best people selected for mankind
0:23:52 you yes you you who's attending
0:23:54 allah subhanahu wa talas directed you to
0:23:56 be from the umma of the best prophet
0:23:59 and for the best of all speech to be
0:24:01 revealed unto that prophet
0:24:03 allah selected you to be amongst
0:24:06 uh the ummah who allah sent down the
0:24:09 revelation with the best of all angels
0:24:11 the best of all angels the best of all
0:24:12 prophets the best of all revelation and
0:24:14 he
0:24:14 asked allah chose you to be part of that
0:24:17 so why should we
0:24:18 you know sell ourselves short when the
0:24:19 prophet salallahu would aim he would aim
0:24:21 high
0:24:21 he would not he would never sell himself
0:24:24 regardless of whether he had no
0:24:25 resources
0:24:26 nobody you know to support him no wealth
0:24:29 nothing
0:24:29 he knew he had allah on his side and he
0:24:31 knew he had the promise of allah
0:24:32 subhanahu wa ta'ala and so he would
0:24:34 always aim high
0:24:36 um and and this is why the prophet
0:24:39 sallallahu alaihi wasallam actually
0:24:40 when he teaches us about envy about
0:24:42 jealousy about you know looking at
0:24:44 others and thinking oh look how amazing
0:24:45 this person is
0:24:46 it's generally a negative trait to be
0:24:48 envious to be jealous of others
0:24:50 except in two cases
0:24:56 a person allah has given wealth he
0:25:00 spends that wealth for allah's sake and
0:25:02 another person you're allowed to be
0:25:03 jealous or envious of
0:25:05 is a person allah gifted the quran
0:25:10 he recited all day and night why why is
0:25:13 it allowed for you to look at those
0:25:14 people and feel
0:25:15 like wow look at how much allah has
0:25:16 given this person because when you look
0:25:18 at them
0:25:19 you start to think higher you put the
0:25:21 bar higher look at this guy he's a
0:25:22 millionaire he spends all his money for
0:25:24 allah say look at this guy memorize the
0:25:25 quran despite being a medical student
0:25:27 despite having being married having two
0:25:29 kids i can do that too i can aspire to
0:25:31 that too and so it's allowed for you to
0:25:32 look at them
0:25:33 it's allowed for you to dwell on them
0:25:35 because those are the people that will
0:25:36 raise your bar
0:25:37 so always think high never ever sell
0:25:39 yourself short in fact as an islamic
0:25:41 society
0:25:42 we have to realize that the universe
0:25:44 university students university in
0:25:45 general is a period of time in which a
0:25:47 person
0:25:47 can possibly change their life a person
0:25:49 can possibly transition from being
0:25:51 someone who's in the clubs
0:25:52 to someone who is on the deen someone
0:25:54 who is conveying or
0:25:56 you know discussing islam and sharing
0:25:58 islam and the reason is because that is
0:26:00 the time of our lives when we are all
0:26:02 forming our ideas forming our opinions
0:26:04 choosing our friends
0:26:05 and so in your years of university you
0:26:07 may save be part of the reason why 10
0:26:10 people are saved from hellfire
0:26:13 you may be part of the reason why 10
0:26:14 people are guided to islam you may be
0:26:16 part of the reason but why 30 people in
0:26:18 the ice hock are actually praying salah
0:26:19 because you've created an environment or
0:26:21 you and your friends through allah and
0:26:22 his grace
0:26:23 you've created an environment where
0:26:24 people are excited to come to the
0:26:25 iceland they're excited to pray salah
0:26:27 and play football and
0:26:28 there's a community around them and so
0:26:30 subhanallah you don't realize
0:26:32 that the three years you spend at
0:26:34 university may be the reason allah
0:26:36 enters you to paradise
0:26:38 because in those three years so many
0:26:40 people were guided to islam
0:26:42 as a result of the the brilliance of the
0:26:44 work you were doing at the isoc
0:26:45 because of those three years of
0:26:47 excellence those who use the focus and
0:26:48 clarity and hard work and dedication
0:26:50 how many people converted perhaps to
0:26:52 islam or you put the seed in their heart
0:26:54 that eventually let this person convert
0:26:55 into islam so you do not realize how
0:26:58 much good you can do don't belittle
0:27:00 the fact that it's just an eyesore crawl
0:27:01 it's just a committee role i'm not
0:27:03 president of ira
0:27:04 i'm not don't worry about that
0:27:07 allah has given you a huge influence
0:27:09 allah has given put you in a position
0:27:10 where you can
0:27:11 influence hundreds of muslim students
0:27:14 who are much more capable and interested
0:27:16 in changing their lives
0:27:17 than the atheists down the road and
0:27:18 allah guide all of us
0:27:21 and you can even influence how people
0:27:22 think about islam so think you know
0:27:24 think big
0:27:25 the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam
0:27:27 in his you know little house
0:27:29 in in you know a small house in makkah
0:27:32 sitting with a few of his companions
0:27:34 he would talk to them about the day
0:27:36 where islam would rule from east
0:27:38 to west and he did and it did that
0:27:41 because of the high aspirations of his
0:27:42 companions he built that in their dna
0:27:45 never sell yourself short when he would
0:27:47 send his companions to the greatest of
0:27:48 empires to persia to rome
0:27:50 you know this arab bedouin walks into
0:27:52 the persian emperor's
0:27:54 palace and he's not walking in with his
0:27:56 head bowed
0:27:57 he's not walking with an inferiority
0:27:58 complex he walks in with his head high
0:28:00 and he says to the palace of rustom of
0:28:02 rome
0:28:03 he says
0:28:07 he says we've come to free you from
0:28:09 slavery he's talking to the emperor
0:28:11 of a massive empire and look at the
0:28:13 confidence look at the strength
0:28:15 look at the conviction look at the
0:28:16 eloquence you know we've come to free
0:28:19 you from the slavery to god's creation
0:28:21 and release you in into the liberation
0:28:23 of slavery to god himself
0:28:25 and these guys are shocked who is this
0:28:27 bedouin you know how is he able to have
0:28:29 such confidence because they thought big
0:28:31 they had you know large goals had huge
0:28:33 visions they didn't stop short
0:28:35 that's really important to inculcate in
0:28:36 all of us how now it's come to the
0:28:38 practicality
0:28:39 how do you develop your vision a vision
0:28:42 your vision
0:28:42 is you think about it as three
0:28:44 overlapping circles
0:28:46 the first circle is your interests
0:28:49 your passions your uh you know what do
0:28:52 you think about all the time what do you
0:28:53 talk about most of the time
0:28:55 that's a good way to know what is your
0:28:56 passion you know what is your
0:28:59 interests you know some people are
0:29:00 interested in the quran allah has
0:29:01 created this person with a love and a
0:29:03 genuine passion for the quran
0:29:04 other people are very interested in
0:29:06 intellectually defending islam allah
0:29:08 created this person for this reason he's
0:29:10 so driven to read to understand to
0:29:12 reflect to you know
0:29:13 to debate to share islam to be you know
0:29:16 with other people around him
0:29:17 so figure out that number one what is
0:29:19 your interest what is your passion
0:29:22 and that requires self-awareness that
0:29:24 requires knowing yourself
0:29:25 that requires putting your phone away
0:29:26 and spending some time actually think
0:29:27 about me
0:29:29 who am i you know we are so distant from
0:29:31 our own self because of our mobile
0:29:33 phones we don't even know who we are
0:29:34 if i were to ask you perhaps what your
0:29:36 favorite food you might not even
0:29:37 remember
0:29:38 rarely do you actually think about
0:29:39 ourselves
0:29:48 don't be like those who forgot allah so
0:29:50 he made them forget
0:29:51 themselves they don't even know
0:29:52 themselves that's one of the greatest
0:29:54 signs we have forgotten allah yet he
0:29:56 makes us forget ourselves we don't know
0:29:58 i ask you you know what is your main
0:29:59 passion and focus in life
0:30:02 [Music]
0:30:05 we're not aware we're not in touch with
0:30:06 ourselves this is the first thing the
0:30:08 second circle is
0:30:09 what is the need of the people what are
0:30:12 their needs on campus every campus has
0:30:13 different needs
0:30:14 i'll give you an example university of
0:30:16 not team campus has a very small muslim
0:30:18 population in comparison to some other
0:30:20 campuses
0:30:20 but we have a very established masjid
0:30:22 very established mashallah in size in
0:30:24 numbers
0:30:25 but we have compared comparatively a
0:30:27 very large proportion of non-muslims
0:30:30 on campus we also have a large
0:30:31 proportion of international students on
0:30:33 campus
0:30:33 so our needs are different our isoc has
0:30:36 to do a lot of dawah a lot of interfaith
0:30:38 dialogue
0:30:38 a lot of you know acclimatizing these
0:30:41 muslims to actually go and interact with
0:30:43 the outside world
0:30:44 we have a lot of phd students who speak
0:30:45 arabic who speak malay who speak
0:30:48 you know nigeria and speak spikausa so
0:30:50 how do we cater to those people so we
0:30:51 have different needs
0:30:52 uh you know uh uh and i saw it in east
0:30:55 london perhaps may have a much more
0:30:56 populated
0:30:57 uh you know ice much more populated in
0:30:59 terms of muslims and
0:31:00 maybe the muslims literacy level is high
0:31:02 as well the iman level perhaps is the
0:31:04 highest level
0:31:05 they're much more knowledgeable about
0:31:06 their deen because perhaps you know the
0:31:08 nature of east london
0:31:09 and so your ice hock will have different
0:31:10 needs to the other eyeshot down the road
0:31:12 to the other ashok across the country so
0:31:13 what is the need that's the second thing
0:31:15 to think about the second circle
0:31:16 what are the needs the demands of
0:31:20 your campus of your eyesock and
0:31:23 the third thing is what are you good at
0:31:26 so number one is your passions and
0:31:28 interests number two is the needs of the
0:31:30 campus
0:31:31 and number three is what are you
0:31:32 actually good at because you may be
0:31:34 interested in something
0:31:35 i'm interested in the quran but when i
0:31:36 recite the quran
0:31:38 i get all of my pronunciation wrong i do
0:31:41 my hundreds with four harakas
0:31:43 i don't know how to understand the quran
0:31:45 so then maybe that's not that shouldn't
0:31:46 be a big part of my vision
0:31:48 that i should go and convey the quran's
0:31:50 meanings or recite it to other people
0:31:52 maybe it's something i can work to it
0:31:53 but it has to be that i'd be competent i
0:31:55 have to be strong
0:31:56 at something and every eye soc has its
0:31:58 strengths some ice folks are very good
0:31:59 at educational
0:32:01 programs at talks lectures workshops
0:32:02 other eye socks are very strong in the
0:32:04 social scene
0:32:05 you know they're able to attract a much
0:32:06 wider audience of freshers
0:32:08 non-practicing muslims people who are
0:32:10 not really interested in islam they're
0:32:11 able to attract and appeal to a much
0:32:12 wider audience
0:32:14 so find out where are your strengths you
0:32:16 know what have previous eyes uh
0:32:18 committees done what position has that
0:32:20 placed you in
0:32:21 where are your strengths so that's a
0:32:24 really important part
0:32:25 so now you have three things to think
0:32:27 about and once you think about those
0:32:28 three things
0:32:29 the thing the the overlap between them
0:32:31 something that is
0:32:32 a passion of yours it is a strength a
0:32:35 competency of your committee
0:32:36 of your the people at your service and
0:32:38 largely it's a demand it's a need for
0:32:40 the campus
0:32:41 when you have these three boxes ticked
0:32:43 that has to be your vision that has to
0:32:44 be part of your vision and the vision
0:32:46 is is kind of a big picture of where do
0:32:48 you want your compass to be and think
0:32:49 long term
0:32:50 don't just think about what should i do
0:32:52 uh you know what challenges do my campus
0:32:54 have now so one of the challenges would
0:32:55 be that young muslims have doubts about
0:32:57 their faith
0:32:58 we need to educate them on the
0:33:00 intellectual foundations of their faith
0:33:01 we need to articulate this faith to the
0:33:04 other you know people
0:33:05 have to understand we have to be
0:33:06 comfortable in our skin sharing who we
0:33:08 are with others
0:33:09 so this is really important point uh to
0:33:12 not just anticipate the current needs
0:33:13 but the needs in five years time the
0:33:15 world is changing
0:33:16 in five years time what are the muslims
0:33:17 on campus going to need we should start
0:33:19 planning for that now
0:33:20 start building up for that now the
0:33:22 momentum so that in five years time
0:33:24 we're able to consolidate and create
0:33:26 something really compelling so these are
0:33:27 the
0:33:27 the questions to ask to think about you
0:33:30 know what should you include in your
0:33:31 vision and what should you exclude
0:33:32 what you should you say no to what
0:33:34 should your focus be now
0:33:36 how should i make my vision happen this
0:33:38 is the second question so once you
0:33:39 thought about that end goal that
0:33:41 destination
0:33:42 that picture you know uh you know that
0:33:45 blueprint of what you want your house to
0:33:46 look like your eye sock your compass to
0:33:48 look like
0:33:49 now how am i going to get from here to
0:33:51 there
0:33:52 what is the route this is where google
0:33:54 maps does its route mapping
0:33:55 right you put in the destination it
0:33:57 calculates where you are and this is
0:33:59 when you start thinking about
0:34:00 what do i need to get there what
0:34:02 relationships do i need do i need a
0:34:03 relationship with the chancellor
0:34:04 with the chaplaincy with mental health
0:34:06 services you know welfare is a greater
0:34:08 greater challenge as the years come by
0:34:10 more and more muslims with panic attacks
0:34:12 struggling with
0:34:13 mental health struggling with emotional
0:34:15 difficulty how can we cater to them how
0:34:17 can we well maybe we need a relationship
0:34:19 with a mental health services maybe we
0:34:20 need relationship with a muslim
0:34:21 counselling service like sakura like in
0:34:23 spirited minds
0:34:24 so what do we need to do to to address
0:34:27 that okay a lot of muslims on campus
0:34:28 have doubts about faith okay sapient
0:34:30 institute
0:34:32 is the man you know what what kind of
0:34:33 relationship should we strike
0:34:35 you know what maybe we should even
0:34:36 suggest a sapient institute look we'd
0:34:38 like this maybe you can do this for us
0:34:39 etc etc
0:34:40 so what activities resources actions
0:34:43 should we do
0:34:44 to make that a reality and what the most
0:34:47 important thing to really think about is
0:34:49 focus you can't do 100 things you think
0:34:51 about light
0:34:54 you know a candle is also light and a
0:34:56 laser is also light they're made of the
0:34:57 same thing photons
0:34:59 i studied physics at university physics
0:35:01 and engineering so i know about photons
0:35:03 i know i think how to about photons
0:35:05 and so a laser and a candle are made of
0:35:07 the same thing
0:35:08 light photons but a laser is able to cut
0:35:12 through steel because it's focused light
0:35:14 whereas a candle melts away and it
0:35:17 barely lights up the room
0:35:18 because it is it goes in all directions
0:35:20 you want to be focused you want to cut
0:35:22 through steel
0:35:23 the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam he
0:35:26 he give terbia he gave he cultivated his
0:35:28 companions to focus on one thing
0:35:30 each everybody was not supposed to be a
0:35:32 jack of all trades
0:35:34 and so the prophet salallahu alaihi
0:35:35 wasallam he
0:35:37 for example khalid great military
0:35:39 strategist he didn't ask him to teach
0:35:40 people quran he said you do your
0:35:42 military strategy
0:35:43 allah you know he was called saiful
0:35:45 means the sword of allah
0:35:47 abu hurairah very inquisitive very
0:35:50 curious man
0:35:51 you know constantly memorizing okay this
0:35:53 is the man who's going to record the
0:35:54 reports
0:35:55 the statements of the prophet saw allah
0:35:58 a person who had a sweet voice but also
0:36:01 a person
0:36:01 who was able to speak to all sorts of
0:36:04 people the prophet
0:36:05 says you will be the caller to prayer
0:36:06 you will make the announcements for me
0:36:08 and you will be kind of the publicity
0:36:09 officer of the muslims
0:36:13 you know he accepted islam when he was
0:36:14 60 years old um you know so he's quite
0:36:17 elderly at this time
0:36:18 he may not have been the greatest worry
0:36:19 about one thing he did have going he was
0:36:21 a brilliant poet
0:36:23 and so hasan and with that becomes the
0:36:24 poet of the prophet sallallahu alaihi
0:36:26 wasallam
0:36:26 we have so many lines of poetry from him
0:36:28 defending the prophet
0:36:29 at you know he was like the pr service
0:36:31 of prasad he would attack the
0:36:33 the opposition defend the prophet sallam
0:36:35 in form of in the form of poetry which
0:36:36 was the currency the media of the time
0:36:38 so he was kind of the media outlet for
0:36:40 the muslims so everybody has to take
0:36:42 their position
0:36:43 in terms of reviving the ummah everybody
0:36:45 in the iso committee
0:36:46 you know has to take that you have to
0:36:47 focus what exactly is your eyesore going
0:36:49 to focus on
0:36:50 depending on your challenges your
0:36:52 interests and the needs the needs of the
0:36:54 the needs of the compass around you and
0:36:56 think about what is absolutely necessary
0:36:58 to achieve your outcome don't do
0:36:59 anything and everything because the
0:37:01 previous committee did question
0:37:02 your approach question uh you know your
0:37:05 your plan
0:37:07 and last we've already discussed focus
0:37:08 why is it important to focus
0:37:12 and we notice even allah subhanahu wa
0:37:13 tala gave every prophet of islam a
0:37:15 specific focus a specific skill that
0:37:17 you know he didn't give the same to the
0:37:19 other prophets
0:37:22 peace and blessings on all of them was
0:37:25 able to melt steel he had a physical
0:37:27 strength
0:37:28 right also was very wise when it came to
0:37:30 judgment in dealing with conflict
0:37:32 dealing with people
0:37:33 but suriman alayhi his own son had a
0:37:36 completely different skill set
0:37:37 different focus you know allah gave him
0:37:40 the ability to
0:37:41 interact and command nature the wind
0:37:43 animals et cetera et cetera
0:37:45 and ibrahim alaihi salam each prophet
0:37:48 has a particular
0:37:50 focus has a particular skill set which
0:37:52 they used for allah subhanahu wa
0:37:53 ta'ala's sake
0:37:54 and so choose from all the things that
0:37:57 you said you wanted to achieve
0:37:58 to achieve your vision choose the top
0:38:00 three or the top five things that you're
0:38:02 going to actually really double down and
0:38:03 focus on
0:38:04 to let your vision become a reality why
0:38:07 is it important to focus
0:38:08 it makes your decisions a lot easier you
0:38:10 know someone comes to you or what about
0:38:11 believe and do good or you know why
0:38:12 don't you
0:38:13 approach our organization oh you know
0:38:15 why don't you share this link with your
0:38:17 students you say actually hold on we
0:38:18 don't actually need this
0:38:20 we'd rather do three things properly
0:38:22 than 20 things not really properly we'd
0:38:24 rather not spread ourselves thin
0:38:26 and also it gives you unity when
0:38:27 everybody is agreed upon three things to
0:38:29 focus on everybody
0:38:31 knows what to work towards you know that
0:38:33 focus
0:38:34 it perpetuates down the entire ice
0:38:37 volunteer membership the entire
0:38:39 committee the extended committees the
0:38:41 subcommittees
0:38:42 everybody knows we need to achieve one
0:38:44 two three it's crystal clear
0:38:46 and so they're all working towards that
0:38:47 common goal they know it's very clear
0:38:49 what they need to do
0:38:50 and they use their resources wisely
0:38:52 budgets you know we all have limited
0:38:53 budgets as i saw we're not all rich
0:38:55 we're not all
0:38:56 you know funded by uh you know by by
0:38:58 wealthy donors and so we need to
0:39:00 budget wisely and so we need to budget
0:39:02 more of our budget towards our focuses
0:39:04 and less towards things that are not our
0:39:06 focus um
0:39:08 and and and more than anything else your
0:39:11 focus has to be on the things you think
0:39:12 will make the most impact
0:39:15 you know for example if you had to
0:39:16 choose between you know taking the
0:39:18 students
0:39:19 of your isoc to visit a a homeless
0:39:22 shelter
0:39:23 you know in contrast with teaching them
0:39:25 the basics of their deen
0:39:26 you need to think first of all does it
0:39:28 have to be either or can they do both
0:39:30 can they do one thing another time of
0:39:31 the year and this
0:39:32 this time of year can one thing be
0:39:33 regular and the other thing be
0:39:34 occasional
0:39:35 which one am i going to focus on right
0:39:38 and lastly your focus is what eventually
0:39:41 allows you to achieve your vision it
0:39:42 allows it keeps you on track it's the
0:39:44 break it's the
0:39:45 navigation you know when you go off
0:39:47 track on google maps uh kt from google
0:39:49 maps always tells you
0:39:50 you know you know this has added six
0:39:52 minutes to your
0:39:54 to your journey this you know you have
0:39:55 to go take a few turns in order to come
0:39:57 back to your destination
0:39:58 and so that focus will allow you to keep
0:40:00 course correcting every time you go
0:40:01 slightly off
0:40:02 of course the entire iso committee says
0:40:04 actually hold on we're not we're losing
0:40:06 focus here let's come back to the main
0:40:08 focus
0:40:08 and so that's the importance of choosing
0:40:10 a strategic focus now here's an example
0:40:12 on a screen
0:40:12 of what a vision could look like if you
0:40:15 were to write out a vision
0:40:16 and we're going to look at two different
0:40:18 ice socks you know how would they
0:40:20 write divisions differently and what
0:40:21 does that result in in terms of their
0:40:23 activities and are practically on the
0:40:24 ground
0:40:25 so one icebox says oh our priority our
0:40:28 vision to create a muslim community on
0:40:29 campus
0:40:30 that cultivates a strong foundation of
0:40:32 iman and shares their faith with the
0:40:34 wider community
0:40:36 right and so their strategic focus
0:40:38 becomes like three things number one
0:40:39 developing the iman or the membership
0:40:41 removing their doubts giving them
0:40:42 learning spiritual development etc
0:40:44 number two okay part of uh part of iman
0:40:47 is developing their ability and
0:40:50 engagement with the quran
0:40:51 making them understand and explore the
0:40:53 meanings of the quran reflection etc
0:40:55 and lastly we want to share our faith
0:40:56 with those around us we need to be
0:40:57 confident in that so training
0:40:59 vice sapiens institute for training
0:41:01 learn how to do interfaith dialogue
0:41:02 understand the contemporary ideo
0:41:04 ideology around us et cetera et cetera
0:41:05 so
0:41:06 this is what the focuses are the events
0:41:08 the planning
0:41:09 will follow now there's another eye sock
0:41:12 another eye sock
0:41:13 their objective is we want to develop a
0:41:15 muslim community who are future leaders
0:41:17 in their respective communities
0:41:18 they're experts in their respective
0:41:20 fields and they're confident in sharing
0:41:22 their faith
0:41:23 so now their strategic focuses are
0:41:25 different number one their focus is on
0:41:27 leadership skills
0:41:28 so maybe they need to have retreats
0:41:30 leadership training
0:41:31 etc etc also have a focus on career
0:41:35 development we want our muslims to be in
0:41:36 the best careers we want them to be in
0:41:38 the best positions and the best jobs
0:41:40 so we are going to give them mentorships
0:41:41 cv workshops muslim call muslims in to
0:41:43 come and talk about entrepreneurship
0:41:46 and lastly you know their third focus is
0:41:48 dawa is in sharing their faith in
0:41:50 training et cetera et cetera so now you
0:41:51 have
0:41:52 because of the vision and because of the
0:41:54 strategic focuses
0:41:55 you have two very different eye socks is
0:41:58 one and i sock two
0:41:59 they have two very different sets of
0:42:01 events two
0:42:02 uh you know very different forms that
0:42:04 the iso take two very different flavors
0:42:06 of the isoc
0:42:07 and that's fine and this is very
0:42:09 important we don't always have to be
0:42:11 uniform
0:42:12 or we have to be united unity is not
0:42:15 uniformity
0:42:16 the sahaba the companions of the prophet
0:42:18 salallahu had different focuses
0:42:20 and when the prophet sallallahu alaihi
0:42:22 wasallam passes away he sends before
0:42:24 that he sends them to be
0:42:26 you know the governors of different
0:42:27 lands so damascus is very different from
0:42:29 yemen
0:42:31 you know and yemen is very different
0:42:33 from uh you know
0:42:34 parts of hashem parts of the roman
0:42:36 empire the roman empire were
0:42:37 ex-christian
0:42:38 uh yemen were you know more bedouin arab
0:42:41 origins
0:42:42 you have the persians who are more
0:42:43 zoroastrian sun worshipers so each one
0:42:45 is going to have his focus because he
0:42:46 has his own geographical needs
0:42:48 his own challenges to attend to and so
0:42:50 it's fine for the ice to be slightly
0:42:52 different but know why you are different
0:42:54 why are you focusing on what you're
0:42:55 focusing question that as a committee
0:42:57 and come to a conclusion
0:42:59 and lastly the last thing very important
0:43:01 to uh reflect on is
0:43:03 the vision is not about achieving vanity
0:43:06 metrics
0:43:07 how many people attend my event 2000.
0:43:09 how many people are on this webinar 68
0:43:11 oh 68 that's such a small number
0:43:13 this is not the criteria to judge the
0:43:16 success that you are achieving
0:43:18 the the focus should be on the people
0:43:20 the isoc is about people it's about a
0:43:22 number of people who are coming together
0:43:24 so how can we develop these people the
0:43:25 prophet salallahu he had a small amount
0:43:28 of people
0:43:29 you know a small amount of people around
0:43:30 him
0:43:34 you know just you know small group but
0:43:35 this small group were the movers and
0:43:37 shakers of the world
0:43:43 these small group of people were the
0:43:44 movers and shakers of the world so it
0:43:46 doesn't matter if they're small
0:43:47 you know in hadith the prophet informs
0:43:49 us
0:43:53 prophets will come on the day of
0:43:54 judgment with zero followers
0:43:57 no followers allah sent this person with
0:44:00 revelation he gave him revelation allah
0:44:02 sent this person with the truth sent him
0:44:04 to a group of people and not a single
0:44:05 person followed him
0:44:06 we
0:44:11 [Music]
0:44:19 and he remained calling them for 950
0:44:21 years
0:44:26 allah flooded the entirety all of them
0:44:29 and they were oppressors
0:44:30 does this mean nu hadesam failed because
0:44:32 he didn't get the numbers because he had
0:44:34 the majority of people on his boat were
0:44:36 animals perhaps more than the number of
0:44:37 human beings
0:44:38 because his own son drowned he wasn't
0:44:40 able to even guide
0:44:41 his son because guidance is in the power
0:44:43 of allah so don't worry about the
0:44:45 numbers
0:44:47 rather think about how you can develop
0:44:49 the people around you think about the
0:44:50 quality think about the experiences that
0:44:51 people have
0:44:52 the the sun the love the affection that
0:44:55 people feel when they look at you as a
0:44:56 leader as a committee member
0:44:58 the welcoming field they get from you
0:44:59 that's more important than how many
0:45:00 people walk into the room
0:45:03 and so the prophet saw as one last
0:45:05 example before i hand over to sadhamza
0:45:07 when he sent musa ibn
0:45:10 to madinah to yatrib at the time you
0:45:13 know
0:45:13 a group of a small tribe from what not
0:45:15 today is known as madinah
0:45:16 they come to the prophet sallam they
0:45:18 interested in islam they ask him
0:45:19 questions they embrace islam
0:45:22 he sends with them one man one year
0:45:24 later this man converts the entire city
0:45:26 of yatrip to islam
0:45:28 how did one man do that
0:45:35 it's about the quality of that man even
0:45:37 though the prophet only had
0:45:38 a few people around him those people
0:45:40 were were
0:45:42 amazing people that me and you would not
0:45:43 be worth a fingernail on their skin on
0:45:45 their hands
0:45:46 and so you know focus on the quality of
0:45:49 the experiences that you are having with
0:45:50 other people
0:45:51 on the brotherhood the sisterhood that
0:45:52 you are developing don't worry about the
0:45:54 numbers about the metrics about the
0:45:55 footfall
0:45:56 these things allah subhanahu if he
0:45:58 blesses you he will give you and if he
0:45:59 blesses you in other ways you may not
0:46:01 have it
0:46:02 that's a very important point for all of
0:46:03 us to reflect on and
0:46:05 last thing is a note on a personal
0:46:06 vision it's not enough for us to do all
0:46:08 of this for the eye sock and then
0:46:09 ourselves in our personal lives we have
0:46:11 no vision
0:46:11 so do the same exercise for yourself
0:46:13 think about your own vision what do you
0:46:15 want to achieve
0:46:16 in five years 10 years 20 years time
0:46:18 what impact you want to have on your
0:46:20 akhira
0:46:20 and then divide that vision into a
0:46:22 number of streams into now this is your
0:46:24 mission how am i going to get there
0:46:25 you know if i want to you know if i have
0:46:28 this vision then what does that mean for
0:46:29 my worship for my lifestyle for my
0:46:31 family for my career for my dawah
0:46:32 and take them slowly give yourself time
0:46:34 to build things up slowly but surely
0:46:36 over time and make things practical and
0:46:39 make that
0:46:40 make that vision something that you know
0:46:42 you stick up on the wall every morning
0:46:43 you get up you look at it and it
0:46:44 motivates your decisions
0:46:45 motivates your actions now here's some
0:46:47 homework for all of you to go away
0:46:49 to think about what we've shared for you
0:46:51 we shared with you here about visioning
0:46:53 about deciding on strategic focus draft
0:46:56 a plan for your academic year
0:46:57 i know your academic year is already
0:46:59 perhaps halfway done and you'll be
0:47:00 handing over to your committees
0:47:01 but even think about a three-year plan a
0:47:04 vision that you can actually hand over
0:47:06 to the next committee and say look can
0:47:07 we've done 20
0:47:09 can you achieve the next 20 percent you
0:47:12 know we've done 30 can you achieve the
0:47:13 next 30 percent
0:47:15 think about something that you know
0:47:16 following committees can actually
0:47:17 continue they're building on what you're
0:47:19 doing rather than everything starts all
0:47:20 over again from scratch
0:47:22 so think about that think about
0:47:25 developing this vision
0:47:26 brainstorm as a team your strategic
0:47:28 focus draft a plan for a year and email
0:47:30 uh this to info and
0:47:33 inshallah tala will help you now
0:47:35 i will with no further ado pass it on to
0:47:37 south hamza
0:47:38 to take over and discuss leadership
0:47:41 within
0:47:43 and i'm just going to pass it over to
0:47:46 him
0:48:01 and i'm looking forward to hearing more
0:48:04 in a few minutes when you're going to be
0:48:05 covering
0:48:06 the essential aspects the essential
0:48:09 elements
0:48:10 concerning your class and purifying the
0:48:14 heart
0:48:14 etc etc so now it's my turn i'm going to
0:48:17 be talking about
0:48:18 leadership now
0:48:22 having a vision is all about leadership
0:48:24 because what
0:48:25 leaders really do is they try to enable
0:48:28 that vision to manifest itself in
0:48:31 reality
0:48:33 if you study leadership generally
0:48:36 speaking
0:48:37 every single leader had a vision
0:48:41 if it was not just for themselves in the
0:48:43 communities
0:48:44 it was for the world so if you study for
0:48:47 example
0:48:48 nelson mandela if you study for example
0:48:52 martin luther king if you study for
0:48:54 example malcolm x if you study
0:48:57 the greatest leader to have walked this
0:48:58 planet the prophet sallallahu alaihi
0:49:01 you would see they had a vision and
0:49:04 usually their vision was greater than
0:49:08 themselves
0:49:09 from the point of view that their vision
0:49:12 would be for something like
0:49:13 50 to 100 to even maybe a thousand years
0:49:17 ahead it was a lofty goal
0:49:20 but what they tried to do was to
0:49:22 establish the necessary strategies
0:49:26 communities other leaders actions
0:49:29 activities etc in order for that vision
0:49:33 to become a reality at some point in the
0:49:36 future
0:49:37 and it usually transcended their death
0:49:41 now it depends how lofty your vision is
0:49:43 generally speaking we have a very lofty
0:49:45 vision like the
0:49:46 vision of the prophet sallallahu alaihi
0:49:48 wasallam which
0:49:50 essentially is a islam will enter every
0:49:52 home
0:49:54 now when he died sallallahu alaihi
0:49:57 islam didn't enter every home
0:50:00 however he put the essential things in
0:50:04 place in order for that to happen
0:50:06 namely he developed empowered
0:50:09 and created the future leaders which
0:50:11 were the sahaba
0:50:12 and the sahaba is the same with the
0:50:14 tabi'een and it continues to us
0:50:16 today and we see
0:50:19 over a billion people are muslim now
0:50:22 people
0:50:22 are sharing islam on a grassroots level
0:50:25 they're sharing islam intellectually
0:50:27 with hikmah with rahma and obviously
0:50:30 there's much more work to do
0:50:31 but islam now is across the world
0:50:36 and you're seeing now the vision of the
0:50:38 prophet sallallahu alaihi wasa manifest
0:50:41 itself
0:50:42 if you have a really lofty goal it's
0:50:44 going to transcend your life but you're
0:50:46 going to do what is necessary in your
0:50:48 life in order for it to happen
0:50:51 now so from this point of view
0:50:53 leadership is about making that vision a
0:50:55 reality
0:50:57 but there's a few things that we have to
0:50:59 consider some
0:51:00 essential elements of leadership now
0:51:02 just as a caveat
0:51:04 you have to be aware that i'm not going
0:51:07 to mention
0:51:08 all the essential elements of leadership
0:51:10 there are so many things we have to have
0:51:12 in place
0:51:13 in order for us to become good leaders
0:51:15 for
0:51:16 our vision to manifest itself
0:51:19 but i'm going to talk about certain
0:51:21 things that would enable you
0:51:23 to progress further and enable you to
0:51:26 to continue your leadership journey
0:51:30 now leadership journey what does that
0:51:32 mean it doesn't mean
0:51:33 everyone is going to lead from the front
0:51:36 it also means that people
0:51:38 you're going to lead from the back and
0:51:40 it also means
0:51:41 that you're not necessarily going to
0:51:43 have a position of power
0:51:45 because leadership is not a position
0:51:48 it's a state of being i repeat
0:51:52 leadership is not just a position it's a
0:51:55 state
0:51:55 of being you could really run an entire
0:51:59 organization
0:52:00 and not be the ceo because your state
0:52:04 of being the way you relate to yourself
0:52:06 the way you relate to others and the way
0:52:08 you relate to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
0:52:10 is such
0:52:11 that people are influenced by you
0:52:15 and that's what's very important to
0:52:16 understand that it's not about chasing
0:52:18 the titles
0:52:20 but doing what is right and using your
0:52:23 influence in such a way
0:52:24 in order for the right thing to happen
0:52:26 in order for your vision to manifest
0:52:28 itself and become a reality
0:52:30 so i want to talk about a few things
0:52:32 with regards to leadership
0:52:34 and just to give you a little bit about
0:52:36 my background
0:52:38 i was the chief executive officer for
0:52:42 iera for three years
0:52:45 i think it was from 2016 to 2019
0:52:52 actually no it was 2017 to 2020
0:52:56 this year but i left in january february
0:53:00 and alhamdulillah it was an amazing
0:53:01 experience and i learned a lot
0:53:04 and it taught me a lot about leadership
0:53:07 and alhamdulillah
0:53:08 all praise be to allah we increased the
0:53:11 organization's finance
0:53:12 finances by 500 percent and we
0:53:16 increased global operations by a
0:53:18 thousand percent
0:53:20 and it wasn't easy late nights grafting
0:53:24 and the type of leadership style that i
0:53:27 adopted
0:53:28 was one that was based on extreme
0:53:31 ownership that you own people's mistakes
0:53:36 and you see people as yourself they are
0:53:39 mirrors of you similarly to what the
0:53:43 prophet sallallahu alaihi who
0:53:45 said when he said the believer
0:53:48 is a mirror of another believer so when
0:53:51 you see a blemish in the mirror
0:53:53 you don't wipe the mirror you wipe
0:53:55 yourself because it's really you
0:53:57 so for example if someone was failing or
0:53:59 they didn't have the right skills
0:54:01 the approach that i would take was well
0:54:04 how do we get them to be a best version
0:54:05 of themselves
0:54:07 rather than firing them and getting rid
0:54:10 of them and replacing them because i
0:54:11 could have done that a few times
0:54:13 but i decided not to because
0:54:17 people are involved in the dao they have
0:54:18 a hell of a lot of passion and a love
0:54:20 and sincerity
0:54:21 and those soft skills those behaviors if
0:54:24 you like
0:54:25 are priceless skills you can learn
0:54:28 yes you may have to work a little bit
0:54:30 harder in trying to empower and develop
0:54:32 that person and get to see the person
0:54:34 get the person to see themselves what
0:54:36 you see in them and that takes
0:54:38 that's tough that takes a lot of
0:54:40 grafting and hours and energy
0:54:41 but it's worth it in the long term so
0:54:44 that was my kind of approach
0:54:45 alhamdulillah it worked
0:54:47 from the point of view that the results
0:54:51 and this is all due to the mercy and
0:54:54 will of allah subhanallah ta'ala so
0:54:55 there's a few things i want to talk
0:54:56 about with regards to leadership
0:54:58 finding the balance being egoless
0:55:02 understanding the ego is the enemy this
0:55:05 is the greatest
0:55:06 disease for any leader the importance of
0:55:10 integrity
0:55:11 the importance of service you need to
0:55:14 see
0:55:15 yourself as a person of service
0:55:18 even if it means cleaning the office
0:55:21 floor
0:55:22 even if it means you leading by example
0:55:25 and serving your eye sock even if you're
0:55:28 the iso
0:55:29 head and hoovering the masala the prayer
0:55:33 space
0:55:33 or the prayer hall or the masjid you
0:55:36 ensuring that everyone eats in ramadan
0:55:40 and you know that you need to be at
0:55:42 service to people that you're serving
0:55:44 the food and that you know that
0:55:45 leaders eat lost
0:55:49 you need to have compassion and mercy i
0:55:52 need to be courageous
0:55:53 and i'm gonna explain what these mean so
0:55:55 let's first talk about
0:55:58 the five so let's first talk about the
0:56:01 first three
0:56:02 passages that were revealed
0:56:06 in the quran okay so
0:56:11 just bear with me there's a little bit
0:56:12 of a glitch
0:56:14 there you go so the first one
0:56:17 was read in the name of your lord and
0:56:20 this relates to knowledge
0:56:22 the second one was stand and warn arise
0:56:24 and warn
0:56:25 which relates to activism and dour
0:56:28 and the third one is about praying at
0:56:30 night even if a little
0:56:33 in these respective surahs that you can
0:56:34 see on the presentation slide
0:56:37 now this is very important because
0:56:41 this is really articulating what the
0:56:43 three pillars of leadership
0:56:44 are because these
0:56:48 verses were directly for the prophet
0:56:50 sallallahu alaihi wasallam
0:56:52 and he had the whole universe on his
0:56:54 shoulders
0:56:55 from the point of view that he came as a
0:56:58 final messenger of allah as a final
0:57:02 messenger of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
0:57:04 and the prophet sallallahu alaihi
0:57:06 wasallam had to convey
0:57:09 the message of tawheed that there is no
0:57:11 deity worthy of worship that human
0:57:13 beings
0:57:14 exist for the purpose of worship which
0:57:17 is to know
0:57:18 allah which is to love allah which is to
0:57:20 obey allah
0:57:22 and to direct all acts of worship to
0:57:24 allah alone the internal acts of worship
0:57:26 and the external acts of worship and he
0:57:28 was a messenger for the whole of the
0:57:31 world
0:57:32 and that was his mission for every human
0:57:35 being
0:57:36 to hear about allah subhanahu wa
0:57:39 and the fact that he is worthy of
0:57:41 worship and they need to
0:57:43 they need to prioritize their whole life
0:57:45 and revolve their whole life around
0:57:47 the this purpose in their life which is
0:57:49 a divinely revealed purpose
0:57:54 allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is really
0:57:58 giving the prophet sallam the pillars of
0:58:02 becoming a great leader
0:58:04 so the first pillar was about knowledge
0:58:08 read recites in the name of allah
0:58:11 subhanawat and in the name of your lord
0:58:15 and the other passage was about when i
0:58:17 need to arise and warn
0:58:19 you need to be brave you need to be
0:58:21 courageous you need to have integrity to
0:58:23 the message
0:58:24 to to your specific purpose you need
0:58:27 to arise and warn you need to convey
0:58:30 islam
0:58:32 at every level to all people in the best
0:58:35 manner
0:58:36 possible with ahsan with excellence with
0:58:38 hikma
0:58:39 with rahma
0:58:42 and you need to pray at night even if a
0:58:44 little
0:58:45 which talks about worship being
0:58:47 connected
0:58:49 to allah being connected to the one
0:58:53 who controls everything being connected
0:58:55 to the one
0:58:56 that you love and that you adore being
0:58:58 connected to the one
0:58:59 that has mandated
0:59:03 that you share this message with the
0:59:04 world and
0:59:06 ibada is so central to becoming a good
0:59:09 leader
0:59:10 and you will realize leadership is
0:59:13 a huge responsibility you should never
0:59:15 seek leadership the general rule in
0:59:17 islam
0:59:18 is that you shouldn't seek leadership
0:59:21 and those who seek leadership they
0:59:23 usually have a spiritual disease in
0:59:24 their heart
0:59:25 unless of course that they know that
0:59:28 they have to
0:59:29 you know stand up and they have to
0:59:33 take the reins of leadership for the
0:59:35 sake of allah because no one else is
0:59:37 doing it
0:59:38 or because they're the only one who have
0:59:39 the ability that's a different scenario
0:59:41 in different context
0:59:42 however generally speaking you don't
0:59:44 seek leadership you're given leadership
0:59:48 and to be a good leader you have to be
0:59:51 connected to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
0:59:52 because you're going to be
0:59:53 true you're going to have tests you have
0:59:55 to be patient you have to be relying on
0:59:57 lots of paranoia
0:59:58 you have to be brave and bravery can
1:00:01 only come with reliance
1:00:03 on allah and
1:00:06 you need to make good decisions and that
1:00:09 requires you to be just
1:00:10 and fair you need to be egoless
1:00:14 and ego is a barrier to making good
1:00:16 decisions because you always want to be
1:00:17 right you never want to be wrong
1:00:19 you always want to look good you don't
1:00:20 want to look bad you want to impose you
1:00:22 don't want to be imposed upon
1:00:24 so what abadda does it basically removes
1:00:26 that spiritual disease in your heart in
1:00:27 order for you to become a good leader
1:00:31 and ibadah helps you actually
1:00:34 creating new leaders because a true
1:00:36 leader creates
1:00:38 other leaders in actual fact true
1:00:41 leadership
1:00:42 you should intend not to be a leader
1:00:44 that's what true leadership is
1:00:47 because your whole goal is to make the
1:00:50 vision happen
1:00:51 if the vision happens you don't have to
1:00:53 be a leader in order for
1:00:55 to make the vision happen anymore so
1:00:57 really you should be sincere in making
1:00:59 yourself redundant
1:01:01 right and especially if
1:01:04 you understand that true leadership is
1:01:06 creating more leaders because you're not
1:01:08 going to live forever
1:01:09 and if your goal is lofty enough right
1:01:12 it's big enough then you know you have
1:01:15 to create new leaders just like the
1:01:17 prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he
1:01:18 created leaders in the sahaba
1:01:20 so it's extremely important to have
1:01:22 knowledge it's extremely important to
1:01:26 share that knowledge and be active and
1:01:28 to connect with allah which facilitates
1:01:31 all of the above
1:01:34 and we're going to talk more about
1:01:35 spirituality in ibadah
1:01:37 chef is going to be talking about the
1:01:39 central elements concerning purifying
1:01:41 your heart
1:01:42 having a class and so on and so forth
1:01:44 and he's also going to mention about
1:01:46 knowledge too but this is very important
1:01:47 to understand in the beginning these are
1:01:49 the three pillars of leadership
1:01:52 so an essential aspect of leadership is
1:01:55 to be egoless we have to understand ego
1:01:57 is the enemy because what is the nufs
1:01:58 what does the ego
1:01:59 say the ego basically says i want to be
1:02:02 right i never want to be wrong
1:02:04 i want to look good i never want to look
1:02:07 bad i want to impose i don't want to be
1:02:09 imposed upon
1:02:10 to the extent by the way that you reject
1:02:12 the truth and you reject what's right
1:02:14 because as a leader you must follow the
1:02:16 truth and you must do the right thing
1:02:18 even if it goes against your opinion
1:02:20 even if it makes you look bad
1:02:22 and even if it means that other people
1:02:24 are imposing on you
1:02:26 remember it's not about vanity it's not
1:02:28 about vanity management
1:02:29 metrics it's not about pleasing yourself
1:02:31 it's about pleasing allah subhanahu wa
1:02:33 tala because your vision in the first
1:02:35 place
1:02:35 should be focused should be about the
1:02:38 pleasure of allah
1:02:40 ultimately an ego is
1:02:43 the enemy i've seen this in
1:02:46 organizations i've seen this in groups
1:02:50 having a leader that is arrogant or
1:02:53 egocentric or egotistical
1:02:55 is extremely damaging and even if they
1:02:58 achieve some results
1:03:00 in the long term it's detrimental
1:03:05 and it usually removes and sucks away
1:03:07 all of the barakah
1:03:09 from their work and also
1:03:13 from the people that are
1:03:16 supporting the leader in order to make
1:03:18 the vision a reality
1:03:20 so we need to understand that ego is the
1:03:23 enemy
1:03:25 because it essentially makes you reject
1:03:27 the truth
1:03:28 and stops you from doing the right thing
1:03:31 and this is why we have to reflect
1:03:33 on the quran chapter 38 verses 75
1:03:36 and 76 which is about iblis
1:03:40 shaitaan allah ta'ala
1:03:45 is basically saying to iblees you know
1:03:47 what prevented you from prostrating to
1:03:48 that which i created with my hands
1:03:52 were you arrogant then or were you
1:03:54 already among the hoti
1:03:56 and iblee said i am better than him you
1:03:58 created me from fire
1:03:59 and i created him from clay so from this
1:04:02 perspective shaytaan becomes our teacher
1:04:05 he teaches us how not to be because
1:04:08 shaytan's
1:04:10 kuffar his disbelief his rejection of
1:04:12 islam in his essence
1:04:15 was as a result of him being
1:04:18 him having arrogance and ego
1:04:24 and you could see that shaytan didn't
1:04:26 want to bow down so he didn't want to be
1:04:28 imposed he wanted to impulse
1:04:32 he was basically saying i'm not
1:04:35 being imposed upon i'm not buying down
1:04:38 i'm better than him so he wanted to look
1:04:39 good he didn't want to look bad
1:04:42 he was challenging allah the ultimate
1:04:44 authority when allah tells him to bow
1:04:46 and shaytan knows that allah
1:04:50 has the totality of wisdom and knowledge
1:04:54 and him to reject that command is
1:04:56 basically saying to allah you're wrong
1:04:58 and that shaitaan is right
1:05:01 so this is this is the aspect of the ego
1:05:04 and arrogance
1:05:05 i want to be right i never want to be
1:05:07 wrong i want to look good i never want
1:05:09 to look bad i want to impose i don't
1:05:11 want to be imposed upon to the extent
1:05:13 that you reject the huck you reject the
1:05:15 truth and what is right
1:05:18 and that's why having an ego prevents
1:05:20 unity
1:05:22 it prevents achieving the best results
1:05:24 it prevents doing what is right
1:05:25 it prevents achieving your vision it
1:05:28 makes people not trust you
1:05:30 and it shows that you don't have any
1:05:32 integrity to the vision itself
1:05:35 because someone because remember to be a
1:05:37 good leader you have to internalize
1:05:39 the vision to the degree that what you
1:05:42 do and what you say and how you act
1:05:44 is all about achieving that vision and
1:05:46 that you you love that vision so much
1:05:48 that you want other people to be part of
1:05:50 that process
1:05:51 ego stops that because it makes it about
1:05:54 you it makes it about you
1:05:55 it makes it about you looking good it
1:05:57 makes it makes it about
1:05:59 you not wanting to look bad it makes it
1:06:02 about you wanting to improv
1:06:03 impose it makes us about you not not
1:06:05 wanting to be imposed upon it makes it
1:06:07 about you wanting to be right not to be
1:06:09 not want to be wrong you have to
1:06:12 remember brothers and sisters
1:06:14 leadership generally speaking should be
1:06:18 that you get all the blame and you get
1:06:21 no credit
1:06:23 because even if you're successful you
1:06:25 should
1:06:26 give credit to allah because it's all
1:06:29 because of him
1:06:30 and give credit to your team who enabled
1:06:32 it to happen
1:06:34 and if anything goes wrong you should
1:06:36 take all the blame because
1:06:37 you're responsible you're the leader
1:06:40 have extreme ownership
1:06:41 if someone is failing you need to ask
1:06:43 the question how do i get the best out
1:06:45 of that person
1:06:46 i need to be committed to their
1:06:48 well-being which means i want good for
1:06:50 them and guidance for them
1:06:51 how do i achieve that how do i see in
1:06:53 them something great that they can't see
1:06:55 in themselves and how do i take them on
1:06:57 that journey
1:06:57 that's true leadership it's not hiring
1:07:00 and sacking and whatever the case may be
1:07:03 and you know using people as some kind
1:07:05 of a
1:07:06 a tool some kind of a dispensable object
1:07:09 no this is not how we treat human beings
1:07:13 this is not how we develop people we
1:07:15 need to remember where we came from
1:07:17 we learned from our mistakes we had good
1:07:18 mentors around us people allowed us to
1:07:20 grow
1:07:22 we need to give back in the same way so
1:07:25 ego is the enemy and sheikh hisham is
1:07:27 going to be talking about purification
1:07:28 of the heart and how to deal with that
1:07:29 further insha allah
1:07:34 integrity this is so important integrity
1:07:37 here i'm using as a broad
1:07:39 meaning in in the broad sense it
1:07:42 basically means that you keep your word
1:07:43 your word
1:07:44 that you are your word that your word
1:07:47 becomes your identity
1:07:48 now what you say is what you do that you
1:07:51 are trustworthy that you are sincere to
1:07:53 the vision sincere to your
1:07:55 to your flock to your people you're
1:07:57 sincere to your team and you're sincere
1:07:58 to allah
1:08:00 that you now are a mirror you understand
1:08:03 that i need to have integrity to my
1:08:05 leadership and to the vision and to
1:08:07 allah i need to be
1:08:10 compassionate i need to have passion i
1:08:12 need to have certainty and courage
1:08:15 because you realize that certainty gives
1:08:17 rise to certainty
1:08:18 compassion gives rise to compassion
1:08:20 passion gives rise to passion
1:08:23 leadership gives rise to leadership
1:08:25 truth gives
1:08:26 rise to truth being at service to people
1:08:29 gives you give rise to being at service
1:08:30 to people
1:08:31 so you need to lead by example from that
1:08:34 from that perspective
1:08:36 like the prophet salallahu he wanted the
1:08:38 sahaba to shave their heads at one in
1:08:40 one context
1:08:41 that they didn't really follow his wife
1:08:44 told the prophet will you do and they'll
1:08:47 follow you and he did it and they
1:08:48 followed him
1:08:49 lead by example understand that you need
1:08:53 to be that which you want others to be
1:08:55 you can't just tell people what to do
1:08:58 remember
1:08:59 people and this is very true for
1:09:00 children but in people in general as
1:09:02 well
1:09:03 people listen with the eyes not with the
1:09:05 ears let me repeat people listen with
1:09:07 the eyes
1:09:08 not with the ears and what i mean by
1:09:10 listening here is that they listen to
1:09:11 the degree that
1:09:12 affects their own action so integrity
1:09:16 here is very important as allah says in
1:09:17 the quran in chapter 61 verse 3
1:09:20 and there are many verses and a hadith
1:09:21 relating to this topic
1:09:23 how despicable is it in the sight of
1:09:25 allah that you say
1:09:27 what you do not do so it's very
1:09:30 important that if we're going to say for
1:09:32 example
1:09:34 i'm going to meet you at 9 30 and we're
1:09:36 going to have a team meeting that you're
1:09:37 there at 9 25 and you're consistent with
1:09:40 that
1:09:40 if you're going to say for example that
1:09:42 you're committed to the well-being of
1:09:44 people
1:09:45 that you follow what you say and that
1:09:47 you act and you be
1:09:48 in accordance to that and that you're
1:09:50 committed to the well-being of your team
1:09:53 and you're consistent with that
1:09:56 when you say for example that you have a
1:09:59 particular policy
1:10:00 and the policy is for for example that
1:10:04 we don't shame people publicly but we're
1:10:06 given a say here in private
1:10:09 and that's a policy for your eye sock
1:10:12 and you don't break that at all
1:10:13 you keep your word and you become your
1:10:17 word
1:10:17 you need to realize that your word is
1:10:19 your identity because people can't see
1:10:21 what's in your heart
1:10:22 people see your actions and what you say
1:10:25 the heart matters are
1:10:26 up to uh uh in the realm of allah's
1:10:29 knowledge everything is
1:10:31 in the realm of allah's knowledge but
1:10:32 from our perspective we can't access
1:10:34 what's in your heart
1:10:35 so you need to actually realize that
1:10:37 people identify you with what you say
1:10:40 and what you do and and that
1:10:43 what you do is in line with what you say
1:10:45 that's your identity for people
1:10:50 and especially as a leader you need to
1:10:53 ensure that your actions and your state
1:10:55 of being how you relate with others is
1:10:57 in line with what you say and who you
1:10:59 and who you claim to be
1:11:00 and your ethics and values as a leader
1:11:05 you know integrity from that point of
1:11:07 view is if you say fridge
1:11:09 then a fridge actually really comes out
1:11:11 of your mouth i know that sounds really
1:11:12 funny but
1:11:13 i'm trying to show to you that your
1:11:15 words actually become material
1:11:18 and this links to the fact that you are
1:11:19 trustworthy
1:11:21 with people's secrets with private
1:11:24 matter that you understand that if two
1:11:26 people were talking privately
1:11:28 and even if the brother or the sister
1:11:29 said even if they didn't say
1:11:32 you know don't tell anyone that you
1:11:34 still consider it as
1:11:36 extremely private you don't tell anyone
1:11:41 that you are trustworthy from the
1:11:43 perspective if
1:11:44 someone gives you and trusts you with
1:11:46 something
1:11:47 that you would use any means necessary
1:11:51 in order to fulfill that trust
1:11:54 and integrity also means that you're
1:11:55 sincere you're sincere to allah which
1:11:58 you're going to learn later about how to
1:11:59 develop sincerity and what
1:12:00 class really is but sincerity from the
1:12:03 point of view that you're sincere
1:12:04 to allah subhanallah tahalah that you
1:12:07 understand that
1:12:08 leadership is an act of ibadah it's an
1:12:10 act of worship
1:12:12 and you're not doing it for ego for
1:12:13 praise for vanity but you're doing it to
1:12:15 please him
1:12:16 you're doing it to get his reward you're
1:12:18 doing it because he's worthy of
1:12:20 acts of worship is the only deity worthy
1:12:22 of worship
1:12:23 and you're doing it too prevent yourself
1:12:24 from going into the fire
1:12:26 that's what sincerity means and you're
1:12:28 sincere to others from the point of view
1:12:30 that you want best for them
1:12:32 you want them to be better than you you
1:12:34 make duan sajdah that you pray that they
1:12:36 become better leaders than you
1:12:39 and that you you are part of that
1:12:40 process in order for the vision
1:12:42 to manifest itself
1:12:46 and that you are sincere to them from
1:12:48 the point of view that you want to get
1:12:49 the best out of them you want to see in
1:12:50 them what they can't see in themselves
1:12:53 you're not just going to use them for
1:12:54 you to look good but rather you're going
1:12:56 to empower them
1:12:57 touch move and inspire them in order for
1:12:59 them to be part of this amazing process
1:13:03 this is extremely important
1:13:10 service you need to be someone who
1:13:13 is at service to others
1:13:16 leadership is all about service that you
1:13:19 serve others you lead from the back and
1:13:21 the front
1:13:22 many times if you are doing a great job
1:13:24 you don't have to take that leadership
1:13:26 that's already being fulfilled
1:13:27 lead from the back support them if
1:13:29 people are doing great work and they're
1:13:31 taking lead in certain aspects
1:13:33 don't try and say oh i'm the leader let
1:13:34 me do it no they're doing the great work
1:13:37 they filled the gap they're achieving
1:13:39 their objective
1:13:40 support them now ask them do you want
1:13:41 some tea brother you're on a back
1:13:43 massage you you know you've been working
1:13:45 hard all day
1:13:46 brother do you want to get you some
1:13:47 lunch brother there's anything that you
1:13:49 want that i can do for you
1:13:50 you know even if it means that you get a
1:13:52 tissue out and say the brother is going
1:13:54 to be like
1:13:55 you know a spokesperson for the ice sock
1:13:57 and he's taking the lead you don't have
1:13:58 to do it and he's dressed up as a in a
1:14:01 suit maybe he's got some media work or
1:14:03 he's introducing a lecture whatever the
1:14:04 case may be or an interfaith
1:14:06 and he's got some dirt on his shoe he
1:14:08 hasn't noticed it
1:14:10 you get tissue from your pocket you get
1:14:11 on your knees and you wipe his shoe
1:14:13 this is service you're serving
1:14:17 others in order for your vision to
1:14:19 manifest itself
1:14:21 and that could mean serving from the
1:14:22 back from behind
1:14:25 it could be like someone's doing some
1:14:27 great work and you know they got some
1:14:29 admin work to do they don't have any
1:14:30 time is you know what let me take that
1:14:31 off you
1:14:32 you're doing a great job you're moving
1:14:34 forward with this let me just make it a
1:14:35 little bit easier for you
1:14:37 just because you're the leader it
1:14:38 doesn't mean you're not going to do any
1:14:40 grafting
1:14:43 and it and it also means leading from
1:14:45 the front that you have to lead from the
1:14:47 front many times especially when it
1:14:48 comes to being courageous
1:14:49 and when it and when it comes to
1:14:51 actually leading and moving people
1:14:54 towards your vision you have to take
1:14:57 that leadership from the front to
1:14:58 inspire touch and motivate other people
1:15:01 when necessary manage by exception you
1:15:03 don't always have to lead in the front
1:15:05 all the time
1:15:06 especially when your team are doing good
1:15:07 work make them realize that they can
1:15:09 lead themselves which is a sign of good
1:15:11 leadership
1:15:12 a sign of good leadership is that your
1:15:14 leadership is not needed
1:15:15 unless necessary so have a management by
1:15:19 exceptions any gaps
1:15:20 in in in in this in terms of
1:15:24 you needing to take the lead then take
1:15:26 the lead if you don't
1:15:28 then then you don't have to that's just
1:15:29 ego because they're doing a great job
1:15:31 themselves
1:15:35 the other very important which i've
1:15:37 mentioned earlier earlier which is about
1:15:38 having integrity to people is about
1:15:40 being dedicated to the well-being of
1:15:41 others and this links to service
1:15:44 now what does dedicate to the well-being
1:15:46 of others mean well firstly let's
1:15:48 reflect on the hadith that can be found
1:15:49 in the arab
1:15:50 and now
1:15:55 you won't truly believe unless you love
1:15:57 for your brother you are
1:15:58 what you love for yourself now
1:16:01 especially and now he's basically
1:16:03 mentioning that this means wanting good
1:16:04 for people and guidance for people
1:16:06 and this includes non-muslims too
1:16:08 especially according to anawi and the
1:16:10 maliki scholar
1:16:12 also there's another hadith that is
1:16:14 authentic that is narrated by al-bukhari
1:16:16 but it's in tariq
1:16:18 the wording is slightly different it
1:16:20 doesn't mention it says love for
1:16:23 lin-ness love for humanity the people
1:16:25 what you love for yourself
1:16:27 and what these hadith generally mean is
1:16:29 that we must be dedicated to the
1:16:30 well-being of others
1:16:31 we must want good for others and
1:16:33 guidance for other people
1:16:35 and this must be applied to your team as
1:16:38 well
1:16:39 you look into that person you're like
1:16:41 what can i see in that person they can't
1:16:43 see in themselves
1:16:44 what blind spots do they have how do i
1:16:46 unveil those blind spots in order for
1:16:48 them to be inspired
1:16:49 touch moved and inspired
1:16:53 and you need to do this and they would
1:16:55 and once they see that they'll work very
1:16:57 hard for the vision and they'll
1:16:59 achieve great results i remember when i
1:17:02 became ceo
1:17:04 isa khan he was supporting the
1:17:07 fundraising manager
1:17:08 before i became ceo and he was doing
1:17:11 some kind of fundraising admin work and
1:17:12 he had some great ideas about
1:17:14 our fundraising strategy he said look
1:17:16 you know we should go on social media
1:17:18 we should work with the algorithm and we
1:17:20 should do videos and stuff like that
1:17:22 and i really i really believed in what
1:17:25 he was saying
1:17:25 and i said let's follow the data and the
1:17:27 data was pushing that
1:17:28 so i asked the board for him to go and
1:17:31 get some specialist training on this in
1:17:32 canada
1:17:35 they agreed and you know i said to him
1:17:38 you can do this
1:17:39 i said to him no you're not going to
1:17:41 just raise that much you're going to
1:17:43 raise
1:17:43 loads bro and you can do this i try to
1:17:46 encourage him and i said you have the
1:17:47 ability
1:17:48 anyway to cut a long story short you
1:17:51 know him
1:17:52 by the way of allah you know made us
1:17:56 become an organization that increases
1:17:58 finances by 500 percent
1:18:01 because of his change in strategy
1:18:02 because of trusting him empowering him
1:18:04 getting him to do
1:18:05 the training and seeing in him what he
1:18:07 couldn't see himself at that time and
1:18:08 he's mentioned this to me myself
1:18:11 and it's inspiring when that happens you
1:18:13 see things in other people that they
1:18:14 can't see themselves
1:18:16 and they develop to a degree which is
1:18:18 like far beyond your expectations
1:18:22 and that's why you should be committed
1:18:24 to empower develop and inspire people
1:18:26 you know people have amazing abilities
1:18:28 you'd be so surprised what people could
1:18:30 do with just a little bit of
1:18:31 encouragement
1:18:32 we have this kind of discouraging
1:18:34 leadership mindset sometimes especially
1:18:35 in the muslim community sometimes
1:18:37 but just encourage people human beings
1:18:41 have so much potential they just need a
1:18:43 little bit of encouragement
1:18:45 a little bit of empowerment and
1:18:46 inspiration even if it means you working
1:18:48 a bit hard
1:18:49 spending more hours just sitting with
1:18:51 them you know showing them how something
1:18:53 is done
1:18:54 and then after cutting the umbilical
1:18:56 cord if you like and getting them to
1:18:57 proceed
1:18:58 themselves yes that's it's hard work
1:19:01 it's grafting you may have to do some
1:19:03 things for them in the beginning but so
1:19:05 what
1:19:06 where's your integrity where's your
1:19:08 sincerity aren't you committed to the
1:19:09 well-being of others don't you want your
1:19:11 vision to manifest itself
1:19:13 you think people are just going to be
1:19:14 perfect that they were catapulted from
1:19:16 the mother's womb
1:19:17 with professional skills and abilities
1:19:19 no you need to you need to mentor and
1:19:22 and
1:19:22 and stand by people and support them and
1:19:25 encourage them
1:19:26 and if they hit the floor just to bring
1:19:27 them back up
1:19:29 and i'm telling you from my experience
1:19:31 when you do this you get people
1:19:33 that are just phenomenal they will give
1:19:35 you their life
1:19:37 honestly and they would work so hard for
1:19:41 the vision to become a reality
1:19:45 another important thing about being at
1:19:48 service to others is actually you become
1:19:49 what you want others to be
1:19:51 so if you want people to be passionate
1:19:53 if you want people to love the vision
1:19:55 to work for the vision to work hard then
1:19:58 you need to work hard you need to be
1:20:00 passionate
1:20:03 and you need to encourage that in others
1:20:04 through your state of being through your
1:20:06 behavior
1:20:10 and this thing's too various a hadith
1:20:12 i've mentioned some already for example
1:20:14 hadith in sahih muslim
1:20:15 allah would be at the assistant of his
1:20:17 slave so as lo
1:20:18 as such a person is at the assistance of
1:20:20 his brother well
1:20:22 from a leadership perspective this is so
1:20:24 true
1:20:26 in all perspectives of course but
1:20:28 especially my experience when you're
1:20:29 assisting other brothers
1:20:31 when you're helping them when you're
1:20:32 empowering them you're touching moving
1:20:34 and inspiring them
1:20:35 you're getting them to see themselves
1:20:36 what they couldn't see before
1:20:38 you're assisting them in that way allah
1:20:40 will make it easy for you
1:20:48 compassion just because you're a leader
1:20:51 it gives you no
1:20:52 excuse to abuse your power
1:20:56 no excuse look at the best leader to
1:20:58 have worked this planet the prophet
1:21:00 sallallahu alaihi wasallam
1:21:02 in the quran chapter 3 verse 159 allah
1:21:05 says
1:21:05 it is out of allah's mercy that you o
1:21:08 prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam
1:21:10 have been lenient with them had you been
1:21:12 cruel or hard-hearted they would have
1:21:14 certainly abandoned you the sahaba would
1:21:16 have moved away from him
1:21:20 so we need to be self-hearted now suffer
1:21:22 it doesn't always mean
1:21:23 being soft it also could mean that
1:21:26 you're
1:21:27 compassionately assertive
1:21:31 so compassion from this point of view is
1:21:33 that yes you're kind and soft
1:21:36 you empathize you imaginatively
1:21:39 try to feel what they're feeling you're
1:21:41 feeling with them
1:21:43 you understand their social moral and
1:21:45 spiritual context and professional
1:21:47 context
1:21:48 you give them the benefit the doubt you
1:21:50 you are positive and always
1:21:51 assume the best about people
1:21:56 and
1:21:59 you always take the merciful position
1:22:01 because
1:22:02 here is a principle in islam it is
1:22:05 better
1:22:06 to er in mercy than to er in harshness
1:22:09 let me repeat it is always better
1:22:13 to er in mercy than to er in harshness
1:22:18 this is an islamic principle
1:22:22 and this is true leadership it's easy to
1:22:25 get rid of people it's
1:22:26 easy to tell people off people often get
1:22:28 frustrated
1:22:29 sometimes you have to do it i appreciate
1:22:31 that but it's very hard
1:22:33 to be kind and soft-hearted and
1:22:34 compassionate and empathize and
1:22:36 understand and give benefit of doubt and
1:22:37 be positive and assume the best
1:22:42 it's very difficult to do that
1:22:44 consistently
1:22:45 all the time especially when someone's
1:22:48 being difficult
1:22:49 especially when you want to get the best
1:22:50 out of them especially when your job
1:22:53 is to touch move and inspire them in
1:22:55 order to get the job done
1:22:59 people are not just abstract tools that
1:23:01 you use they're human beings
1:23:03 not just human doings they're human
1:23:04 beings
1:23:06 so you need to treat them that way i
1:23:08 need to see them
1:23:09 for who they can be and get them on that
1:23:13 journey
1:23:14 and that requires a lot of compassion a
1:23:16 lot of empathy
1:23:17 a lot of understanding the context
1:23:19 giving the benefit the doubt and being
1:23:20 extremely positive
1:23:24 and for me this is summed up in a very
1:23:26 very beautiful tradition
1:23:27 where the prophet had his tooth broken
1:23:29 his face cut during one of the battles
1:23:32 and that's when he was defending muslims
1:23:34 and non-muslims under his protection and
1:23:35 leadership
1:23:37 his companions asked him to curse the
1:23:39 aggressors
1:23:40 however what did the prophet salallahu
1:23:42 alaikum say
1:23:43 he said i was not sent to curse i was
1:23:47 sent as a summoner and as a mercy oh
1:23:49 allah
1:23:50 guide my feel for they do not know now
1:23:53 this is so beautiful let's unpack some
1:23:54 of the context here
1:23:56 he's at war he's defending
1:23:59 his people against the aggressors he's
1:24:02 injured
1:24:03 people died his beloved companions died
1:24:06 and even in that context he was saying i
1:24:09 was sent out of mercy i'm not cursing
1:24:10 i'm here to guide they don't know
1:24:12 they're ignorant subhanallah this is the
1:24:14 epitome of compassion
1:24:17 look i know this new age spirituality
1:24:19 you could be on a mountain and there
1:24:21 could be like
1:24:22 waterfalls and birds singing and you're
1:24:24 like oh
1:24:25 thou must be compassionate that's an
1:24:27 easy context
1:24:29 true compassion is when you have
1:24:31 everything against you
1:24:33 when your context dictates that you
1:24:35 should not be compassionate yet you're
1:24:37 still compassionate
1:24:38 and this was our beloved prophet
1:24:40 sallallahu alaihi
1:24:45 courage you are assertive
1:24:49 and strong in the face of adversity
1:24:51 challenges and obstacles
1:24:54 you need to take courage and take risks
1:24:56 as a leader
1:24:58 this is a key aspect of leadership you
1:25:01 need to actually
1:25:02 lead the way when things become
1:25:04 difficult when you have a vision there's
1:25:06 some obstacles
1:25:07 you need to have tawakkul allah
1:25:08 subhanahu wa ta'ala and say it can be
1:25:10 done
1:25:12 it can be done
1:25:15 if allah is with us then no one could
1:25:17 set us back
1:25:19 let's connect to allah let's have two we
1:25:22 always say
1:25:24 there is no true power apart from the
1:25:26 power of allah that is true then act in
1:25:28 accordance to that
1:25:29 this is true tawhid don't say oh we got
1:25:32 this obstacle in that obstacle no
1:25:35 you are assertive and strong and
1:25:38 courageous
1:25:40 and you're facing these abs obstacles
1:25:42 with positivity and say no
1:25:43 i believe in my vision i believe in
1:25:45 allah allah is with us
1:25:47 we're going to connect to him we're
1:25:48 going to have tawakkad we can get this
1:25:49 done
1:25:51 and i'm telling you when you have the
1:25:52 attitude things happen
1:25:55 things happen things get done
1:25:59 you achieve the impossible because
1:26:02 impossible here is really
1:26:04 i'm possible and i'm possible
1:26:07 because i'm connected to the one who
1:26:10 makes everything possible
1:26:12 and this is just some kind of leadership
1:26:13 cliche this is experience
1:26:18 this is experience this is seeing things
1:26:20 happen
1:26:22 this is as a result of believing in your
1:26:24 vision believing in your team
1:26:26 inspiring your team believing in allah
1:26:28 believing
1:26:29 in what allah has dictated
1:26:33 and commanded and the divine instructive
1:26:36 and you believe
1:26:38 that islam is going to be successful you
1:26:40 believe when allah says that
1:26:42 he loves the people who rely upon him
1:26:44 you believe in allah when he says
1:26:46 allah is with the patient allah is with
1:26:48 the believers successful
1:26:50 the believers that those who are
1:26:53 successful those who
1:26:55 command the good forbid the evil and so
1:26:58 on and so forth you believe in those
1:26:59 things
1:27:01 because you know they come from the
1:27:02 divine who has the totality of wisdom
1:27:04 and knowledge
1:27:05 and you move forward in that way
1:27:09 the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam
1:27:11 battle when
1:27:13 they were the the enemy were throwing
1:27:15 all of these arrows
1:27:16 he was still marching forward and he
1:27:18 said i am not a liar i am the messenger
1:27:20 of allah
1:27:22 and also as narrative by behind muslim
1:27:26 there is a story where
1:27:30 that anas may allah be pleased with him
1:27:32 narrated well he was confirming the
1:27:33 bravery of the
1:27:34 son with an incident that happened to
1:27:36 the people of medina
1:27:38 now one night they were terrified when
1:27:39 they heard a loud noise so they set out
1:27:41 to know the cause of it
1:27:42 and on their way they met the process of
1:27:44 sallam who's riding a horse
1:27:46 carrying his sword ready to defend the
1:27:48 people against any intruders and he
1:27:50 comforted the people of media saying
1:27:52 don't be afraid don't be afraid
1:27:55 he inspired courage in other people he
1:27:57 inspired
1:27:58 certainty in other people he took
1:28:00 leadership with that courage
1:28:01 to defend his flock to protect his
1:28:03 people to take
1:28:05 to be ready with the next move
1:28:09 and at the same time consoling everybody
1:28:15 so you see this when people are like oh
1:28:19 we can't do we don't have enough money
1:28:20 or we don't have the resources
1:28:22 this is not the attitude of a leader
1:28:24 you're like okay these are obstacles
1:28:26 these are challenges but let's overcome
1:28:29 them
1:28:30 right we need to get more money and to
1:28:32 get more resources
1:28:34 let's think how to get that done don't
1:28:36 allow these obstacles and challenges and
1:28:39 and the so-called risks affect
1:28:43 you progressing in making your vision a
1:28:46 reality
1:28:47 use these challenges as questions
1:28:50 positive questions for example
1:28:52 you may have financial challenges public
1:28:54 relation challenges
1:28:55 and resource challenges no problem this
1:28:57 is life
1:28:58 all we need to say is right we don't
1:29:01 have enough money
1:29:02 okay so let's change the question
1:29:05 what can we do to get more money that's
1:29:07 positive now you're acting
1:29:09 okay fundraising team speak to private
1:29:11 donors
1:29:12 make a video about your vision and your
1:29:14 isoc and how
1:29:16 amazing it is get people to buy into
1:29:18 your vision do some fundraising that way
1:29:20 okay beautiful
1:29:21 then the other the other issue is oh
1:29:24 we've got bad pr with the student union
1:29:26 and with the wider university okay so
1:29:29 ask a positive question how do we
1:29:31 improve our pr
1:29:33 brainstorm right ask expertise ask
1:29:35 specialists
1:29:36 ask people that know talk to other
1:29:40 groups in ice hocks
1:29:41 look at bright spotting meaning other
1:29:43 people who have succeeded in this way
1:29:44 what have they done how can we use that
1:29:46 too and so on and so forth
1:29:48 and then get people on those actions to
1:29:50 start improving your pr
1:29:53 that could include a press release it
1:29:54 could include some positive work on
1:29:56 campus it could include having
1:29:58 one-to-one meetings building
1:30:00 relationships these things can be done
1:30:02 you just have to ask the right questions
1:30:04 and actually
1:30:05 be assertive and courageous and believe
1:30:07 in your vision and have to work on allah
1:30:09 and believe
1:30:10 that these are just obstacles that are
1:30:13 there to ensure that you become more
1:30:17 sincere
1:30:18 and more active and more passionate
1:30:19 about your your cause
1:30:23 so you could change these challenges
1:30:24 into something positive and overcome
1:30:26 them
1:30:26 don't start by saying oh we can't
1:30:28 there's no such thing as we can't
1:30:30 do you know that you can't do you know
1:30:32 the future allah knows the future
1:30:35 right do you know allah's will and power
1:30:37 how it's going to manifest itself no so
1:30:39 why are you making a claim about
1:30:40 something that you have no access to
1:30:46 so true belief in tawheed and believing
1:30:49 that allah is the source of all power
1:30:51 is to act that way these are those empty
1:30:54 tools that allah uses to manifest his
1:30:56 irrada his will and his kudra
1:30:58 so connect to him lack of resources no
1:31:02 money bad pr
1:31:03 are just obstacles empty things that
1:31:05 allah uses to manifest his will and
1:31:07 power
1:31:09 so don't give them intrinsic power
1:31:11 because that's like a
1:31:13 like almost like a form of shirk connect
1:31:15 to allah
1:31:17 and once you do so and you have tawakkal
1:31:18 and you ask the right questions
1:31:20 and you move forward and you're positive
1:31:23 then allah will make it happen inshallah
1:31:27 so this ends the leadership section
1:31:31 alhamdulillah i'm going to get shaq now
1:31:33 to
1:31:34 continue with the final section and then
1:31:35 we're going to have
1:31:37 we're going to have some questions and
1:31:39 answers in sha allah so really
1:31:41 i hope you really benefited from a
1:31:43 leadership point of view there is so
1:31:45 much more to say by the way concerning
1:31:46 leadership but i thought
1:31:47 this is enough to plant the seeds in
1:31:49 your heart and mind
1:31:50 to continue your journey your leadership
1:31:52 journey uh may allah subhanahu wa bless
1:31:54 you all and i'll speak to you during the
1:31:56 q a session
1:31:57 in sha allah let me just get
1:32:02 assalamu alaikum
1:32:08 for that lovely
1:32:13 for that lovely uh in discussion on
1:32:15 leadership and
1:32:16 in charlotte now we'll finish off
1:32:18 hopefully round off this discussion with
1:32:20 the essential elements i'm just going to
1:32:23 quickly see if there's any
1:32:25 questions or any uh anything i need to
1:32:28 look at before we begin
1:32:32 okay
1:32:36 right so can everybody first of all see
1:32:38 the slides okay
1:32:39 just to double check before i begin yes
1:32:42 okay
1:32:44 okay so looking at the essential
1:32:46 elements the essential elements are
1:32:48 as it says on the tin it's what is
1:32:51 absolutely essential to
1:32:52 for a successful execution of all of
1:32:54 this and why is it essential
1:32:57 is because these elements really they go
1:32:58 back to the individual now
1:33:00 the the qualities the islamic
1:33:03 model of leadership the islamic model of
1:33:05 the leader the spiritual qualities of
1:33:08 the leader so we're going to
1:33:09 go through some of these and discuss
1:33:10 them and the
1:33:12 starting with the class sincerity and
1:33:14 then heart therapy looking at your
1:33:15 spirituality
1:33:16 and then some important qualities of the
1:33:17 prophets that taught us such as
1:33:20 sorry such as shura such as a mutual
1:33:23 consultation
1:33:24 advice sincere advice and islamic
1:33:27 knowledge uh
1:33:28 you know developing one's knowledge so
1:33:33 what is ichlas what is sincerity
1:33:35 sincerity is to single out
1:33:37 any action that you are doing for the
1:33:39 sake of allah because he is worthy of
1:33:41 the
1:33:41 the action that you are doing and you
1:33:43 love allah
1:33:45 you're doing it to obtain his reward and
1:33:46 to remove yourself from the fire
1:34:02 each of us is here for a reason each of
1:34:04 us uh we have a motive behind
1:34:07 why we joined the isoc maybe it was
1:34:10 popularity
1:34:10 maybe it was um you know uh we wanted to
1:34:13 do something good for the world we want
1:34:15 to do something good for the sake of
1:34:16 allah
1:34:17 but what most important is to then dig
1:34:19 deep into your motivation and think
1:34:21 why did i do it what was the reason
1:34:23 behind me
1:34:24 doing this what i'm doing it's important
1:34:26 to constantly keep that in check
1:34:28 because if we don't have a class if we
1:34:30 don't have sincerity if we don't do
1:34:31 something for the sake of allah
1:34:32 allah subhanahu ta'ala informs us
1:34:40 he says i am the most kind of free of
1:34:42 need
1:34:43 of having any partners whoever
1:34:46 associates any equal to me in whatever
1:34:48 they do
1:34:48 i will leave you to that associate to
1:34:50 whoever or
1:34:51 you know whoever you were trying to
1:34:53 please you can have them but you will
1:34:54 not have my reward
1:34:56 and we know the famous hadith about the
1:34:59 first three people to be thrown in hell
1:35:00 fire
1:35:01 the aquarii of the quran the mujahid
1:35:05 the scholar the islam because what they
1:35:08 did what they did
1:35:09 not for the sake of allah but for it to
1:35:11 be said that oh look that's a scholar oh
1:35:12 look that's a reciter
1:35:14 and we really need to keep that in check
1:35:16 and we're going to find our intention
1:35:17 going up and down sometimes we are
1:35:19 swayed by
1:35:20 being in the spotlight know that in the
1:35:22 iso as part of the iso committee you
1:35:24 will be in the spotlight
1:35:25 but remember what you are doing is what
1:35:28 you're doing is an act of worship it's
1:35:29 just like salah
1:35:30 it's just like fasting you are doing
1:35:32 this regardless of whether people are
1:35:34 watching you or not watching you you are
1:35:35 doing this for the sake of allah
1:35:37 and this is this is the concept of it
1:35:40 comes from
1:35:41 to make something free empty pure
1:35:45 and and class is the first condition for
1:35:48 the acceptance of any action
1:35:51 so the next question is how can we
1:35:55 achieve a class
1:35:56 there's a number of things on the on the
1:35:58 slide here for us to think about
1:36:00 but the main thing is for us to uh when
1:36:03 it comes to a class
1:36:06 the main thing is to realize that is
1:36:08 strengthened by private deeds
1:36:11 why is about sincerity it's about
1:36:14 connecting what you are doing to your
1:36:15 relationship with allah
1:36:18 to know that what you are doing is
1:36:19 important because allah is watching you
1:36:21 because allah is appreciating what
1:36:23 you're doing the moment there are
1:36:25 four more eyes on you 10 more listeners
1:36:28 30 more suddenly we start to appreciate
1:36:31 their view of what we are doing
1:36:32 we start to appreciate their attention
1:36:34 to what we are doing and so when there
1:36:36 are number of eyes on you it's important
1:36:38 for us to then redirect our inner
1:36:40 compass
1:36:41 to allah subhana wa tala sight of us
1:36:43 allah
1:36:45 who sees us all the time and who knows
1:36:48 every movement every slight change of
1:36:49 motive in our heart
1:37:05 [Music]
1:37:10 knows what your heart hides and what you
1:37:12 make apparent allah knows it if you have
1:37:14 a secret motive there
1:37:15 to please people for fame for xyz
1:37:18 allah knows it and that should embarrass
1:37:21 us how can i stand in front of allah and
1:37:23 allah knows that i am a
1:37:24 i am a charlatan i am fake i'm not doing
1:37:27 this for him
1:37:28 we should use this to kind of shame
1:37:30 ourselves into remembering
1:37:32 who's the one who created us who is one
1:37:34 who sustains us how can we do anything
1:37:36 for anybody
1:37:36 other than him subhanallah one of the
1:37:39 advices that my teacher
1:37:41 used to give me is that whenever you
1:37:43 find this feeling of showing off or
1:37:44 feeling of
1:37:45 doing this for other people's sake
1:37:47 creeping into your heart
1:37:48 you know discipline yourself by saying a
1:37:51 hundred times in the morning at the
1:37:52 evening
1:37:54 when you say keep this in mind
1:37:58 close your eyes there's none worthy of
1:38:01 worship
1:38:02 none worth my attention none worth
1:38:04 nobody worth anything for me
1:38:06 illallah except allah no one's going to
1:38:09 reward me the afterlife
1:38:10 no one's going to be responsible for my
1:38:11 deeds except allah
1:38:14 clean your heart when you say clean your
1:38:15 heart of everything
1:38:17 every attachment in this world and then
1:38:19 you say illallah and you purify that
1:38:21 link with allah subhana wa
1:38:23 you say that a hundred times with your
1:38:24 eyes closed feeling that in your heart
1:38:27 and allah subhanahu will grant you a
1:38:28 special power of ikhlas of sincerity
1:38:30 which will power you through all of your
1:38:32 actions and your chores and your
1:38:33 responsibility
1:38:35 understand the benefits of your class
1:38:37 what is the number one benefit of your
1:38:38 class
1:38:38 that adds to the weight of your deed
1:38:41 i'll repeat that
1:38:42 what is the number one benefit of the
1:38:43 class of sincerity sincerity makes your
1:38:46 deed weighty on the scales of
1:38:47 the day of judgment on the in the on the
1:38:48 day of judgement allah subhanahu wa
1:38:50 will not look at the quantity of deeds
1:38:51 that we did rather he will look at the
1:38:53 weight of those deeds
1:39:02 he doesn't talk about quantity allah
1:39:04 talks about weight in the quran
1:39:05 so how can you make a small deed very
1:39:07 weighty one
1:39:08 one pound in charity perhaps that one
1:39:11 pound in charity
1:39:12 the weight of that deed is is more heavy
1:39:14 than the amount of
1:39:15 or perhaps you know your entire year of
1:39:17 ice hoc work and the next year of isaac
1:39:19 work and your forces work
1:39:20 means nothing on the day of judgement
1:39:22 it's dust allah says in the quran
1:39:29 [Music]
1:39:33 whatever they did whatever acts they
1:39:34 accomplished we made it dust on the day
1:39:36 of judgment it meant nothing
1:39:38 why did it mean nothing because those
1:39:40 acts were not done for his sake
1:39:42 so that's the main benefit of the class
1:39:45 to add weight to your deeds something
1:39:46 small you never know allah may
1:39:49 multiply the effect of that deed and the
1:39:50 weight you know one of the greatest
1:39:52 examples
1:39:52 is
1:40:09 i heard your footsteps in paradise
1:40:10 before me
1:40:12 what what what special thing are you
1:40:13 doing to give you that rank
1:40:16 one who says i don't know i don't do
1:40:18 anything special except that every time
1:40:20 i do wudu
1:40:21 i pray two raka's for the sake of allah
1:40:23 every time i do although i make it a
1:40:24 practice to pray
1:40:25 two units of prayer and the prophet
1:40:27 sallallahu alaihi wasallam said
1:40:29 this small deed that you thought was
1:40:31 nothing because of your sincerity
1:40:33 and your genuineness behind doing it
1:40:35 allah has given you such a high status
1:40:37 in paradise look at that
1:40:39 somebody bilal who the pagan arabs
1:40:41 considered was
1:40:42 scum of the earth an ethiopian slave
1:40:45 black slave worth nothing
1:40:46 allah the prophet saws here's his steps
1:40:48 in jannah before the prophet
1:40:50 because of two rakaas two units of
1:40:51 prayer so which two units of prayer are
1:40:54 you and i going to pray that we'll
1:40:55 raise our ranks in jannah and save us
1:40:57 from jannah because of the sincerity in
1:40:58 that act
1:40:59 not the quality not the number of
1:41:01 viewers of the act the only viewer that
1:41:02 matters is the one one viewer
1:41:04 is the view of allah and this is the
1:41:06 power of understand the consequences of
1:41:09 not having a class
1:41:10 if you do not have sincerity simply put
1:41:13 allah subhanahu will invalidate all our
1:41:15 deeds
1:41:15 allah says in the quran
1:41:18 [Music]
1:41:34 you know purely inclining towards him so
1:41:38 if you have no class none of our actions
1:41:40 will be counted on the day of judgment
1:41:41 may allah protect us all and forgive our
1:41:43 sins
1:41:44 then purify our heart part of the reason
1:41:47 that we
1:41:48 start having other motives other
1:41:50 intentions uh
1:41:51 when we do our actions when we do acts
1:41:54 of worship
1:41:54 is because we our hearts incline we like
1:41:59 the attention of others
1:42:00 we enjoy their praise we enjoy having a
1:42:03 following
1:42:04 we enjoy having the spotlight on us you
1:42:06 know
1:42:07 or for some reason or the other and so
1:42:10 the purification of the soul is the
1:42:13 long-term solution
1:42:14 to akhilas to creating a solid
1:42:16 repertoire of having
1:42:18 sincerity every time you do a deed now
1:42:22 understand that your actions are
1:42:23 meaningless without a clasp you've
1:42:24 covered this know why allah is worthy of
1:42:26 worship and this is one of the most
1:42:27 important points
1:42:28 that the core reason that we have
1:42:31 sincerity
1:42:32 is that we realize that this act
1:42:36 is an act of worship it's an act that we
1:42:38 are doing
1:42:39 after devotion to allah subhanahu wa
1:42:40 it's not an act we're doing for
1:42:41 ourselves
1:42:43 and so we have to first ask the question
1:42:44 why does allah deserve worship
1:42:46 why is allah worthy of worship why
1:42:47 should i even do this for him why
1:42:49 shouldn't i do this for my own reasons
1:42:51 why shouldn't i self-serve why shouldn't
1:42:52 i be selfish through these actions
1:42:56 and lastly uh one of the practical ways
1:42:59 to achieve a class
1:43:00 is a dua of abu bakr allah the prophet's
1:43:04 companion was always in the spotlight
1:43:05 always in the public eye
1:43:08 one of the things that he would do is
1:43:12 when people would praise him or say good
1:43:13 things about him or he was appreciated
1:43:15 and he was in the
1:43:16 spotlight he would say allah
1:43:26 do not take me to account for their
1:43:27 praise and forgive me for all the things
1:43:29 they don't know about me
1:43:30 and make me better than what they think
1:43:32 memorize this to her because you will
1:43:33 repeat it frequently
1:43:35 when you are in your position of service
1:43:38 and the greatest way to achieve a class
1:43:41 and i remember more than one of my
1:43:43 teachers mama who i would ask how do i
1:43:45 how do i battle myself
1:43:46 how do i get rid of these these desires
1:43:48 this craving to be in the spotlight how
1:43:50 do i do this
1:43:51 number one advice i would always get is
1:43:55 do private acts of worship secret acts
1:43:57 of worship allah subhanahu
1:44:11 [Music]
1:44:17 with humility and secrecy and without a
1:44:21 loud voice
1:44:22 and do not be from the ignorant
1:44:25 so this is the most important practical
1:44:28 way to achieve classes have a secret
1:44:29 deed secret charity
1:44:31 secret uh prayer at night quran routine
1:44:33 thing that nobody knows about
1:44:34 but that gives you you don't want to
1:44:37 become like a candle that lights the way
1:44:39 for others but you're melting away
1:44:40 you're missing your salawat you're
1:44:42 not have no relationship with the quran
1:44:44 we need to build up that
1:44:45 private worship with allah and if that's
1:44:47 suffering it's a sign that we are not
1:44:49 doing something right
1:44:50 our intention may be wrong or our
1:44:52 approach may be wrong or we may need a
1:44:53 break from the leadership
1:44:54 if the leadership is making us distant
1:44:56 from allah because the leadership was
1:44:58 just a means to an end it's an act of
1:45:00 worship
1:45:00 if it's making us distance from allah we
1:45:02 need to rethink our approach
1:45:06 heart therapy one moment just seeing a
1:45:10 question
1:45:11 how do you balance between avoiding ego
1:45:13 and showing the right things done
1:45:14 inshallah we'll come to the questions at
1:45:15 the end
1:45:15 heart therapy this is the second
1:45:17 important thing for any leader is to be
1:45:19 in touch with your heart
1:45:20 allah subhana wa says
1:45:24 the one of the greatest leaders of all
1:45:25 time ibrahim alaihissalam allah mentions
1:45:27 one of his
1:45:28 one of his sincere supplications to
1:45:29 allah what does he say
1:45:34 [Music]
1:45:36 don't humiliate me on the day of
1:45:40 [Music]
1:45:42 judgment
1:45:52 except one who comes to allah with a
1:45:54 sound heart with a clean heart
1:45:56 that's the only thing that would benefit
1:45:57 me on the day of judgment so how do you
1:45:59 achieve
1:46:00 this sound heart this clean heart
1:46:03 this is what will be the greatest impact
1:46:05 on your vision
1:46:07 because whoever has a clear clean
1:46:09 intention and a clean heart
1:46:11 allah will multiply their efforts and
1:46:13 they will just see the effects
1:46:14 their plan one seed and a forest will
1:46:16 grow in five years time and they won't
1:46:17 even do much of it
1:46:19 that is a sign of barakah blessing if
1:46:21 you do not have a right intention and a
1:46:23 clean heart allah will remove the
1:46:24 blessing in your word you will see
1:46:25 obstacle after obstacle
1:46:27 difficulty after difficulty people will
1:46:28 not turn up to your events people will
1:46:30 not find
1:46:31 this there's something missing something
1:46:33 intangible
1:46:34 and that is the barakah the blessing
1:46:35 that allah subhanahu places in somebody
1:46:38 who has
1:46:38 the right intention and a clean heart
1:46:40 and a good approach to allah
1:46:41 how to achieve a santa number one know
1:46:44 yourself when you go to the hospital
1:46:45 when you go to the doctors when you call
1:46:46 1-1-1
1:46:47 the first thing the nhs does is they ask
1:46:49 about your symptoms
1:46:50 what is wrong with you you and i we need
1:46:52 to know what is spiritually wrong with
1:46:53 me
1:46:54 what is spiritually wrong with me am i
1:46:56 envious do i frequently gossip
1:46:58 do i am i lacked on my salawat or my
1:47:00 salah do i have no relationship with the
1:47:01 quran
1:47:02 why do i lose my temper what are my
1:47:05 weaknesses my spiritual weaknesses
1:47:08 do i admire myself sometimes i look and
1:47:10 i think you know what this guy
1:47:12 you know chaplin sheikh masha allah
1:47:14 teacher
1:47:15 president of the iso blah blah you know
1:47:17 what i actually am quite you know i'm
1:47:19 actually quite cool
1:47:21 start admiring myself do i
1:47:24 have a tongue that is constantly
1:47:27 speaking about others destroying their
1:47:28 dignity behind the back am i
1:47:30 do i lack integrity etc etc so the first
1:47:34 question is do you know yourself what is
1:47:35 it that
1:47:36 we lack in terms of spirituality number
1:47:38 two
1:47:39 once one one one has decided what your
1:47:41 symptoms are
1:47:43 they then send you the doctor you get
1:47:44 your medication you meditate if you're
1:47:46 jealous about someone you medicate that
1:47:48 jealousy by making dua for that person
1:47:51 by speaking well about them in a
1:47:52 gathering your likes with salah
1:47:54 you read about the punishments of those
1:47:56 who believe this allah
1:47:58 you try to join in a congregation in a
1:48:01 group of people who are on it with the
1:48:02 salah
1:48:04 you read about the inner dimensions how
1:48:05 can i bring my son out to life so work
1:48:07 on your spiritual illnesses
1:48:09 and lastly nourish the soul once you've
1:48:12 medicated
1:48:13 most important part of our therapy is
1:48:15 actually having a healthy diet like the
1:48:16 actual physical heart
1:48:18 it's not just about medicine and about
1:48:19 going to the doctor but it's also about
1:48:21 generally having good nourishment good
1:48:23 healthy eating you know in terms of the
1:48:25 physical heart same way with a spiritual
1:48:26 heart
1:48:27 what's the best medication allah says
1:48:49 and it only increases the oppressors in
1:48:51 misguidance for the believers it's a
1:48:53 source of guidance
1:48:54 it's a cure it's something that just
1:48:57 melts your chest allah describes this
1:48:59 feature in the quran
1:49:02 that those who believe when they hear
1:49:03 the quran they shiver
1:49:05 in in awe of the quran they melt away
1:49:08 their hearts are purified by it
1:49:10 and so this is the greatest and why is
1:49:12 the quran why does it have the effect
1:49:14 because the quran is a form of zika it's
1:49:16 a form of remembrance recalling allah
1:49:18 reminding ourselves who he is who we are
1:49:20 why are we here
1:49:22 and so you need to have a routine of
1:49:23 every morning every evening
1:49:25 after every salah words of remembrance
1:49:27 that the prophet saw would say
1:49:28 subhanallah 33 times it's nothing it
1:49:31 takes you three minutes with
1:49:32 you know quickly on your tongue but feel
1:49:33 it remind yourself
1:49:35 fasting mondays and thursdays so find
1:49:37 your your
1:49:38 diet or very bad of acts of worship that
1:49:40 will keep that heart alive because what
1:49:42 did the prophet saw
1:49:43 tell us
1:49:50 the difference between a person who is
1:49:51 dead and alive spiritually
1:49:53 is the ethical of allah the remembrance
1:49:55 of allah this is what keeps the heart
1:49:57 alive
1:49:58 and if you think your lacks in your
1:50:00 salah your distance from allah
1:50:01 you find no iman in your heart the
1:50:03 secret is thicker how much do you
1:50:05 remember allah in a day
1:50:06 do you see it yourself turn your phone
1:50:08 on airplane mode and for 30 minutes sit
1:50:09 down
1:50:10 subhanallah
1:50:14 allah is greater than everything allah's
1:50:16 beauty than myself allah is greater than
1:50:17 my efforts allah is greater than my
1:50:19 parents
1:50:21 subhanallah for the creation of the lake
1:50:23 subhanallah for the creation of the
1:50:24 under sky
1:50:25 subhanallah for the creation of the
1:50:26 universe subhanallah
1:50:28 for the animals on this earth and the
1:50:30 way they move and the way they think
1:50:31 subhanallah for the plants and the
1:50:33 different colors thinking every time you
1:50:35 remember allah think of a creation of
1:50:36 his think of a blessing of his
1:50:38 and that way your thicker is alive it
1:50:39 keeps your heart alive and when you stop
1:50:41 your heart dies immediately and allah
1:50:43 describes discusses this in detail in
1:50:45 the quran
1:50:46 the hardness of the heart such that the
1:50:48 quran cannot penetrate your heart you
1:50:50 feel nothing it's dead it's numb
1:50:52 and this is something that is the
1:50:53 greatest disease that we have to avoid
1:50:54 in leadership now
1:50:55 another important pillar is islamic
1:50:57 knowledge and in the contemporary times
1:50:59 it's not just about learning about
1:51:01 what how can you praise allah one of the
1:51:03 pillars of iman and islam but it's also
1:51:06 living in our contemporary environment
1:51:08 how can we deal with the contemporary
1:51:10 doubts that we
1:51:11 have to deal with with liberalism with
1:51:13 secularism with atheism with all the
1:51:15 isms and
1:51:16 schisms in the world today this is our
1:51:18 challenge
1:51:19 this is the knowledge that we need as
1:51:21 opposed to the knowledge that was
1:51:22 required in the you know 14 centuries
1:51:24 ago
1:51:25 we have an added requirement which is we
1:51:26 have to understand the world around us
1:51:28 the prophet
1:51:30 allah in the quran allah responds to the
1:51:33 common beliefs of the time
1:51:35 but capitalism wasn't existing marxism
1:51:37 didn't exist atheism didn't
1:51:39 exist you know that's why the quran
1:51:41 doesn't actually discuss god's existence
1:51:42 in too much detail
1:51:44 directly it doesn't directly discuss
1:51:47 allah's existence
1:51:48 or try to prove it it takes it as a
1:51:50 given majority of the quran deals with
1:51:52 the the idea of worshiping one creator
1:51:54 not establishing
1:51:55 the existence of creator though there
1:51:56 are many uh evidences in the quran
1:51:58 pointing allah's creation
1:52:00 the majority of the quran deals with
1:52:02 worshiping the creator not
1:52:04 is there a creator and so we need to
1:52:06 understand the logical basis for these
1:52:08 beliefs
1:52:08 understand what are the common
1:52:09 misconceptions that might bring us away
1:52:11 from islam
1:52:12 person may remember allah day and night
1:52:13 but if they have a doubt in their heart
1:52:14 that that will not let them worship
1:52:16 allah
1:52:16 it will be festering in their mind so we
1:52:18 need to learn
1:52:20 and for learn to learn we have to find
1:52:23 the right trustworthy sources for
1:52:24 learning sapience institute recognize
1:52:26 organizations teachers
1:52:28 who are credible and the most important
1:52:30 best way to learn is to find a teacher
1:52:32 this religion was passed down from
1:52:34 person to person not from book or
1:52:36 website to website
1:52:37 the prophet said this
1:52:43 you are hearing me today my companions
1:52:45 one day people will listen from you
1:52:46 and one day those people who listen from
1:52:48 them this idea of isn't a chain
1:52:51 you know when you receive in snad you
1:52:53 part of an ijaza part of it is not part
1:52:55 of a chain of people who learned
1:52:57 from another person from another person
1:52:58 who learned from the prophet sallallahu
1:53:00 alaihi who said
1:53:00 me to me face to face and you didn't
1:53:03 just take
1:53:04 pieces of information but you took their
1:53:06 character how they sipped their tea
1:53:07 how they dealt with people how they were
1:53:09 gentle with their students this is what
1:53:10 you take from your teacher not just or
1:53:12 islam has five pillars
1:53:14 if it was that simple we would all know
1:53:15 islam has five pillars but a teacher
1:53:17 transforms you
1:53:19 so part of his knowledge is to find the
1:53:20 right teacher
1:53:22 and then an important principle for the
1:53:23 isoc is to establish surah a
1:53:25 consultation
1:53:26 as part of every decision to decide as a
1:53:28 group not to let any one person decide
1:53:30 but to as much as we can discuss as a
1:53:32 group the prophet saw sallam as
1:53:34 allah who said that
1:53:43 he said nobody was more consultative
1:53:45 than the prophet even imagined this man
1:53:48 he received revelation from allah god
1:53:50 telling him what to do and what not to
1:53:52 do why does he need
1:53:53 people to tell him and to consult them
1:53:55 he values their opinion
1:53:56 he robes them into the decision allah
1:53:59 says in the quran
1:54:08 when he describes the believers he says
1:54:10 they they matter their affairs
1:54:11 are sure are they consultative they
1:54:13 discuss with each other and then they
1:54:14 come to a final decision but
1:54:16 surah does not mean that everyone has to
1:54:17 decide one person has to take the final
1:54:20 decision there has to be a hacking a
1:54:22 final
1:54:22 decider the executive decision needs to
1:54:25 be made
1:54:26 everyone's perspective is different we
1:54:29 know that in the battle of khandak the
1:54:30 battle of the trench the prophet saw
1:54:31 allah
1:54:32 confront consulted his companions and
1:54:34 salman al-fatiha
1:54:35 suggested why don't we dig a trench why
1:54:37 don't we dig a really really deep hole
1:54:40 just in this part of madinah and
1:54:41 nobody's going to come near us they
1:54:42 can't attack us they'll have to lay
1:54:44 siege to us
1:54:45 and so he took his companions advice he
1:54:48 took his companions
1:54:49 consultation and so at every step the
1:54:51 prophet sallallaahu before the battle of
1:54:52 badr he stopped at the fira he asked his
1:54:54 companions what should we do should we
1:54:55 go back should we stay should we attack
1:54:57 what should we do
1:54:58 and he would consult his leaders not
1:54:59 just any tom dick and harry not just any
1:55:01 of his sahaba
1:55:02 but those who are known for wisdom and
1:55:04 knowledge for strategic insight and they
1:55:05 would give him advice
1:55:07 how to do surah um the way to do surah
1:55:10 is in your meeting agenda or when you
1:55:12 need to make a
1:55:12 sudden decision into whatsapp groups or
1:55:14 etc etc
1:55:16 to make sure that you discuss with
1:55:17 anybody who is required for that
1:55:19 discussion
1:55:20 so for example if i'm if i need to make
1:55:22 a decision about marketing how do i is
1:55:24 this poster good or not good
1:55:25 i don't have to ask the entire committee
1:55:27 but there's two or three people
1:55:28 perhaps in the publicity sub team or you
1:55:31 know who relevant people who have a good
1:55:32 eye for design
1:55:33 i'll do sure with them and that's
1:55:35 something that the president or the
1:55:36 committee decides like you don't have
1:55:38 every decision doesn't have to be
1:55:39 discussed by everyone because then we'll
1:55:41 be sitting here all day
1:55:42 discussing things certain things you
1:55:44 have to be trusted to do
1:55:45 or you have two or three people you who
1:55:47 you review with or you consult
1:55:49 the benefits of shula is that it removes
1:55:51 the risk from your decision
1:55:52 it de-risks it removes the possibility
1:55:54 of you doing something thinking oh i'm
1:55:56 right but you speak to two people it's
1:55:58 actually no
1:55:59 we have more experience than you one of
1:56:01 the important things forms of surah
1:56:03 of consultation on an islamic society
1:56:05 committee is to have an ex-officio
1:56:07 somebody who's been there and done that
1:56:09 one year or two years ago
1:56:10 who remains in your every meeting
1:56:12 advises you actually last year the iso
1:56:13 did this and it failed
1:56:15 uh two years ago three four years ago we
1:56:16 did it and it failed another important
1:56:18 way for sure is to connect with previous
1:56:20 alumni
1:56:21 five previous presidents put them in one
1:56:22 whatsapp group you know
1:56:24 brothers you know this is the challenge
1:56:25 we're facing how do we do it so you know
1:56:27 what actually this happened five years
1:56:28 ago it's you know it's not new
1:56:30 we've seen it you should do this and so
1:56:32 consultation can take various ways and
1:56:34 various
1:56:35 traps and the uh the last thing uh you
1:56:37 know the last quality we should develop
1:56:39 in the ice hockey is
1:56:40 nasiha
1:56:43 to do with sincerity to do genuineness
1:56:46 but specifically in islamic
1:56:47 terminology is to uh give sincere advice
1:56:52 noiselock is going to be perfect you're
1:56:53 not going to be able to follow all of
1:56:55 these things as individuals or as a
1:56:56 collective
1:56:58 what happens when you see your vp uh not
1:57:00 turning up for salah for six days in a
1:57:01 row
1:57:02 steeping through his fajala what happens
1:57:04 when you see your
1:57:06 you know sister's vp perhaps struggling
1:57:08 with the workload of the eye sock
1:57:10 not being on time to meetings what do
1:57:11 you do do you just watch them and think
1:57:13 ha
1:57:13 this person didn't really follow what
1:57:14 hamza sadhamsa said or what sapience
1:57:17 institute advised
1:57:18 this person is a waste man this person
1:57:19 you know you know i'm better than look
1:57:21 at me i'm on top of things
1:57:23 no that's not how we do as a muslims you
1:57:25 take them aside brother allah honestly i
1:57:27 love you for sake of allah i love you
1:57:29 like i love my own siblings and i would
1:57:32 want good for you just as i want good
1:57:33 for myself
1:57:34 it seems like you're struggling to you
1:57:36 know wake up for fajr let me help let me
1:57:38 call you at 4am bro let me wake you up
1:57:39 at 45 am
1:57:41 you know sister it seems like you know
1:57:43 sometimes in the heat of the meeting you
1:57:44 you get a little bit
1:57:45 angry you know upset if your opinion is
1:57:48 not taken
1:57:49 um you know i know it's difficult i go
1:57:50 through so similarly i get really upset
1:57:52 sometimes
1:57:53 some people can be dismissive on the
1:57:54 committee but you know what
1:57:56 it sometimes destroys the flow of the
1:57:57 meeting makes it difficult for us to
1:57:58 discuss
1:57:59 so um you know it's something that i i
1:58:02 advise you to work on
1:58:04 and if there's anything you see it mean
1:58:05 please advise me as well this has to be
1:58:07 mutual
1:58:08 it has to be a culture and it's not
1:58:10 something you do in public you don't
1:58:11 beat someone down in public rather than
1:58:12 you privately advise them
1:58:13 the prophet salallahu this religion is
1:58:17 about sincerity
1:58:18 sincere advice so that advice needs to
1:58:20 be private it needs to be confidential
1:58:22 it needs to be sincere it needs to be
1:58:24 given
1:58:25 in a way where you're not preaching or
1:58:26 talking down to the person but you're
1:58:28 trying to build them up and pick them up
1:58:30 and lastly it needs to be constructive
1:58:32 you're not trying to berate
1:58:34 them for being a horrible person for
1:58:35 failing etcetera you're trying to build
1:58:36 them up one of the greatest
1:58:37 uh examples of advice the prophet
1:58:39 sallallahu alaihi he's asked about
1:58:41 abdullah abdullah the son of
1:58:42 al-qaeda he says
1:58:51 very good guy brilliant man if only he
1:58:54 prayed at night
1:58:56 rather than saying this guy doesn't even
1:58:59 pray at night what kind of a worshiper
1:59:00 is he
1:59:01 he says what an excellent person so many
1:59:03 good qualities one thing he could do
1:59:05 if he prays at night that would be
1:59:06 excellent addition to his skill set
1:59:08 excellent addition to his worshipfulness
1:59:11 similarly when the prophet salallahu
1:59:13 advises
1:59:14 people sometimes he doesn't advise
1:59:15 specific people he makes a general
1:59:17 reminder
1:59:18 he stands up in the member he says
1:59:21 what's wrong with certain people when
1:59:22 they do this and this he means a
1:59:24 specific person
1:59:25 but he doesn't point them out or name or
1:59:26 shame me in general remind everybody
1:59:28 let's
1:59:29 you know maybe we should do this it
1:59:30 doesn't you know single out anybody
1:59:33 so these are different ways of giving
1:59:35 advice advice should be part of the
1:59:37 isoc uh culture and we should never feel
1:59:39 offended when someone gives us advice
1:59:41 for the sake of allah
1:59:43 they have no personal you know gain in
1:59:45 this they're doing it for us to become
1:59:47 better believers
1:59:48 better so committee members for us to
1:59:49 achieve our vision and if we're taking
1:59:51 each other down
1:59:52 or we're ignoring each other's faults
1:59:54 and flaws we're not pulling helping each
1:59:55 other
1:59:56 you know realize our patterns our
1:59:58 mistakes our habits
1:59:59 we're not pulling each other up the ice
2:00:01 hock will sink
2:00:03 remember a ship it's like a ship if one
2:00:04 person digs a hole the entire ship sinks
2:00:07 you see someone digging a hole need to
2:00:08 come tell them hey brother that hole is
2:00:10 going to make a sink you can't do that
2:00:11 here
2:00:12 we need to fill that hole we need to
2:00:13 plug that all together
2:00:16 uh isoqua means islamic society
2:00:19 so islamic society is an organization
2:00:22 within universities
2:00:23 so that is the the last um
2:00:28 and now looking at the homework so what
2:00:30 can all of you do now
2:00:32 for this part the essential part is pick
2:00:34 two smart spiritual actions
2:00:36 and implement them in your daily life so
2:00:39 what does it mean by smart we mean
2:00:41 specific measurable achievable realistic
2:00:44 timely for example i say
2:00:46 from today onwards i'm going to read one
2:00:48 page of the quran with its translation
2:00:50 every single day it's realistic it's
2:00:52 timely
2:00:54 it's specific it's measurable and it's
2:00:56 achievable and i say i'll do this every
2:00:57 day after fajr
2:00:59 every day in my lunch break i've
2:01:01 specified a time
2:01:02 put in my calendar and i ask someone to
2:01:04 take me to account for it
2:01:05 so hamza if i message me at lunchtime if
2:01:08 i've not read my page of quran
2:01:10 no tell me off so um
2:01:14 all of you and for myself for sadhansa
2:01:16 homework
2:01:17 two smart spiritual actions that we can
2:01:20 all go away with and
2:01:22 that is all i have to say about the
2:01:23 essentials how to build up yourself and
2:01:26 this is the core of the ice sock this is
2:01:27 the center
2:01:28 if the ice hockey is doing lots of
2:01:30 events active good facebook page
2:01:32 but the people's hearts are corrupted
2:01:33 and empty allah will not put any
2:01:35 blessing in your
2:01:36 work the islamic society the masjid the
2:01:38 organization
2:01:39 will not taste success in its work if if
2:01:42 we don't have get this core
2:01:43 piece right and the president leads from
2:01:45 the front
2:01:48 the leader the amir the organization
2:01:51 lead the ceo leads from the front
2:01:53 if he himself is not bettering himself
2:01:54 for herself the rest of the organization
2:01:57 are not inspired they're not motivated
2:01:59 and so that's
2:02:00 very important for whoever is being
2:02:01 looked up to that there's double
2:02:03 scrutiny on all of you
2:02:04 and that not just scrutiny from people
2:02:06 but scrutiny from allah subhanahu wa
2:02:08 tala because you have more weight on
2:02:09 your shoulders
2:02:10 may allah grant us all uh ability and
2:02:12 tawfiq to implement we learn today
2:02:14 may allah forgive our sins may allah
2:02:16 make us of those who are mindful
2:02:18 conscious leaders who are able to deal
2:02:21 with our contemporary challenges in the
2:02:22 21st century
2:02:23 may allah allow our campuses our
2:02:26 university campuses our student
2:02:27 organizations our other organizations to
2:02:29 succeed
2:02:30 with the essentials with sound prophetic
2:02:32 leadership and with taqwa with god
2:02:34 consciousness as its center jazakum
2:02:36 all of you for the opportunity and i
2:02:39 think
2:02:40 i'll leave it just alhamdulillah to take
2:02:42 the lead on the
2:02:44 questions i will just tell if he's ready
2:02:47 pass him the baton
2:02:52 okay great alhamdulillah
2:02:58 rasulullah
2:03:00 excellent i'm really happy that we were
2:03:03 given the opportunity by allah to
2:03:05 deliver a webinar
2:03:07 i think it's very important for all of
2:03:09 the muslim student groups and the isoks
2:03:12 and the msas
2:03:13 to start implementing some of the stuff
2:03:15 that we spoke about
2:03:17 and please remember that part of our
2:03:20 strategy as
2:03:21 sapience institute is to
2:03:24 ensure that you are empowered
2:03:28 and inspired and developed to the degree
2:03:31 where you can now start
2:03:33 sharing islam intellection academically
2:03:36 and
2:03:36 we hope that you learning about
2:03:39 what you need to do to create a vision
2:03:42 how to implement the vision how to
2:03:45 have a strategic focus to ensure the
2:03:47 vision manifests itself
2:03:49 how to be a great leader how to
2:03:52 implement the
2:03:52 essential elements of leadership such as
2:03:54 ikhlas
2:03:56 purifying your heart worshiping allah
2:03:59 subhanahu wa
2:04:00 and so on and so forth that these things
2:04:02 have inspired you to ensure that part of
2:04:04 your vision is to call people to allah
2:04:07 is to share this beautiful message of
2:04:09 islam to the wider community as well
2:04:12 so without further ado let's take some
2:04:14 questions i do appreciate is quite late
2:04:16 and alhamdulillah most of you have
2:04:18 actually stayed with us which is great
2:04:22 which is great alhamdulillah so
2:04:26 let me go to the questions
2:04:30 okay there's a very good question that
2:04:32 says how do you balance between avoiding
2:04:35 ego
2:04:35 and ensuring the right thing is done
2:04:37 even if the idea is from you as a leader
2:04:40 that's a very good question
2:04:44 that's a very good question well you
2:04:46 know it's a combination of things
2:04:48 as we discussed today if you engage in
2:04:53 the spiritual sciences from the point of
2:04:54 view that you're trying to purify the
2:04:56 blemishes the spiritual blemishes of the
2:04:57 heart
2:04:58 you focus on connecting to allah
2:05:02 an important thing is also to have good
2:05:05 people around you and i don't think we
2:05:06 mentioned it enough today
2:05:07 but it's especially important when it
2:05:09 comes to the heart and the ego
2:05:12 if you have sincere really good people
2:05:14 around you in a good and friendly
2:05:16 environment
2:05:17 that can facilitate solving this problem
2:05:20 for example the importance of
2:05:24 friendship is and good companions is
2:05:26 well known in the sunnah and in the
2:05:27 quran but
2:05:29 there is a specific verse in the quran
2:05:31 when allah talks about
2:05:33 the people of the cave and that he saved
2:05:35 the people of the cave and
2:05:37 also the dog that was with them ibn
2:05:39 kether the
2:05:40 exegete of islam the execute of the
2:05:43 quran rather
2:05:44 he basically questioned this and
2:05:46 answered it
2:05:47 and he said that allah saved the dog
2:05:50 because the dog happened to be with the
2:05:51 pious people
2:05:53 so by greater reason
2:05:56 what does it mean about what allah would
2:05:59 do to us
2:06:00 if we happen to be with pious people
2:06:02 subhanallah
2:06:04 and actually they talk about
2:06:08 the spiritual diseases of the heart and
2:06:10 one way of dealing with them is having
2:06:11 good people around you people of piety
2:06:14 people are committed to your spiritual
2:06:16 well-being
2:06:17 people are committed to your well-being
2:06:18 in general so if you have good people
2:06:20 around you you could do sure you could
2:06:21 consult you could do private
2:06:23 consultations
2:06:24 and you could say look you know i really
2:06:25 believe this is the right thing to do
2:06:27 what do you think you know try and
2:06:30 inspire other people to give
2:06:31 give the answer as well um and that's
2:06:35 very important
2:06:37 and you know do do istikhara you know
2:06:40 it's very important
2:06:41 with your leadership decisions make sure
2:06:44 you do your surah
2:06:46 make sure you're listening with the
2:06:48 intention to understand
2:06:50 make sure you're truly outweighing your
2:06:52 pros and cons
2:06:53 and it's not about you being right or
2:06:55 looking good
2:06:57 and inshallah if you put things these
2:06:58 things into place then inshallah you'll
2:07:00 be able to establish the balance
2:07:02 but remember this what does sincerity
2:07:05 really mean
2:07:06 making the right decision is is is an
2:07:09 act of worship
2:07:12 now if you really believe sincerely that
2:07:15 after doing the surah after putting all
2:07:18 the protective mechanisms in place
2:07:20 after trying to listen with the
2:07:21 intention to understand
2:07:23 after all these things that we've spoken
2:07:25 about in this webinar are established
2:07:27 and you still believe your decision is
2:07:29 the right thing to do then not to do
2:07:31 that
2:07:32 could be blameworthy it means
2:07:36 it's a trick of shaytan because it means
2:07:39 you're not
2:07:40 implementing your decision because you
2:07:41 want to come across as humble
2:07:43 you want others to see that you're a
2:07:46 really good leader and you listen to
2:07:48 others and you don't listen to yourself
2:07:50 and so on and so forth but that'll be
2:07:53 really bad because again
2:07:54 you're not sincere to allah you're
2:07:56 actually doing it for yourself to look
2:07:58 good and that's the nature of the tricky
2:08:00 ego
2:08:01 right we pretend to be pious to look
2:08:04 pious
2:08:04 in order for other people to say that
2:08:06 we're pious so this
2:08:08 you need to be really really careful
2:08:09 about this and that's why it's very
2:08:12 important
2:08:12 to follow what the quran says and allah
2:08:15 says once you've made a decision
2:08:16 then you know have to wake up in allah
2:08:19 as long as you're sincere
2:08:21 then inshallah okay
2:08:24 there's a good question everything is
2:08:26 online now so it's harder to show islam
2:08:28 on campus to isoc
2:08:29 we remember what i said about challenges
2:08:32 reverse the question when i said okay
2:08:35 everything is online now so it's harder
2:08:36 good
2:08:37 that's a that's a an obstacle for sure
2:08:41 now make this into something positive
2:08:44 let's now say right
2:08:45 everything's online how can we
2:08:48 make the dao experience and share islam
2:08:51 on campus
2:08:52 through our isoc online so that question
2:08:55 opens out
2:08:57 almost a new realm of possibility that
2:08:59 you're now able to stand in the
2:09:00 possibility that you can
2:09:02 do effective dao and share islam online
2:09:05 through campus
2:09:06 it could mean that now you guys just
2:09:07 focus on making videos
2:09:09 it could mean that you guys do your own
2:09:11 webinars why don't you do webinars
2:09:13 right do webinars for
2:09:17 your campus for non-muslims
2:09:20 and sharing social media stuck on campus
2:09:23 you know how can we get closer to god
2:09:26 through covert 19.
2:09:27 what does kobe 19 teach us about
2:09:30 religion
2:09:30 and purpose of life or whatever the case
2:09:32 may be there's so many things you can do
2:09:34 you know just make sure that these
2:09:38 obstacles you don't believe them to have
2:09:39 any intrinsic power
2:09:41 that allah puts these obstacles
2:09:44 because the as a result of his irrada
2:09:46 his will and his quadra and his power
2:09:49 and you need to follow the sunnah and
2:09:50 the quran being positive and
2:09:52 and connecting to allah and having
2:09:53 tawakkal and taking true leadership
2:09:55 and you just say right how do we now
2:09:58 take this
2:09:59 obstacle and challenge and make it
2:10:00 positive so you ask the right question
2:10:02 right
2:10:03 how do we give down online so many
2:10:05 things brainstorm
2:10:06 do videos dial videos do webinars for
2:10:09 non-muslims on campus
2:10:10 advertising for a couple of weeks on
2:10:12 social media and so on and so forth
2:10:14 so yeah may allah make it easy and
2:10:16 successful for you guys
2:10:19 there's a question at the bottom of
2:10:20 while you're looking um
2:10:22 how to deal with a leader who is
2:10:23 dismissive of your suggestions
2:10:26 um
2:10:34 you see someone on the committee who's
2:10:36 dismissive was rude was abrupt etc etc
2:10:38 best thing to do is to take them aside
2:10:42 share them share with them that
2:10:43 sometimes they come across as dismissive
2:10:45 maybe they don't intend it
2:10:46 but you know if they respond in such a
2:10:49 way or in such a way then
2:10:50 you know they could be it would it would
2:10:53 kind of benefit the
2:10:54 the committee as a whole and benefit the
2:10:55 decision making
2:10:57 there's no other way for this person to
2:10:58 know it could be a blind spot
2:11:00 it could be not deliberate it could be
2:11:02 uh you know they could be mistaken they
2:11:04 don't even realize they're doing it so
2:11:06 nasty has someone advising them
2:11:07 personally someone who loves and cares
2:11:09 for them someone they trust
2:11:11 is perhaps one of the primary ways to
2:11:13 deal with this
2:11:15 another way is you know in terms of
2:11:17 somebody dismissive of your suggestions
2:11:19 uh to be as convincing as possible to
2:11:21 try your best to
2:11:22 explain to try your best to get rally
2:11:24 with the entire committee
2:11:26 on your opinion and to try and uh push
2:11:28 something through
2:11:29 and uh kind of like kind of convince
2:11:31 them but if it's something that's a
2:11:32 negative quality that you see
2:11:33 consistently
2:11:34 you'll see how advice is the best
2:11:37 yes that's a very beautiful chef and
2:11:40 don't forget when someone's in a
2:11:41 position of leadership
2:11:42 there is also an ethic in the islamic
2:11:44 tradition on
2:11:46 you know adhering and supporting
2:11:50 and being at service to your leaders as
2:11:54 well
2:11:55 and you know when you have a structure
2:11:56 like that when you all agree that you
2:11:58 have
2:11:58 say for for example an emir of the isak
2:12:02 you understand that following the emir
2:12:04 is an act of worship as well
2:12:06 yes it's not like you know total
2:12:08 submission because you submitting to
2:12:10 allah but you
2:12:11 you try and get the best out of your
2:12:13 leaders because you know what i said in
2:12:14 the beginning
2:12:15 true leadership is not just a position
2:12:16 it's just a way of being
2:12:19 you can have a leader that only that
2:12:21 might be great in some aspects and not
2:12:22 great in other aspects so your job is
2:12:24 not like oh he's such a bad leader or
2:12:27 he's annoying me or no you now need to
2:12:30 change that
2:12:30 challenge and make into a really good
2:12:32 question and say right how do i get him
2:12:33 to be the best leader that he can be
2:12:35 that's really powerful leadership you
2:12:38 know
2:12:38 you're a leader not in position but in
2:12:41 the way that you are
2:12:42 so you ask the question how do i make my
2:12:45 leaders the best possible leaders they
2:12:47 can be
2:12:49 and even by starting with that question
2:12:50 inshallah it will turn into something
2:12:52 very positive
2:12:53 okay another question for the sheikh he
2:12:55 says
2:12:56 in order to develop a clear vision and
2:12:59 speaking about
2:13:00 having many interests from a
2:13:02 professional perspective to be precise
2:13:05 how can we actually choose i'm
2:13:07 struggling with choosing a specific
2:13:09 professional path because i have so many
2:13:11 things i want to do
2:13:12 so many research projects i want to
2:13:14 address for example
2:13:15 all within my ultimate goal of helping
2:13:17 to make this world a better place
2:13:19 however so many things i want to do and
2:13:21 not being able to
2:13:23 choose makes me literally stuck and not
2:13:25 doing anything
2:13:26 especially i offer i often i think she
2:13:30 means often here end up procrastinating
2:13:31 the choice by fear of making the wrong
2:13:33 choice
2:13:34 thanks for answering me and thank you
2:13:36 very much for this interesting webinar
2:13:38 would you
2:13:42 say
2:13:45 i think i think uh sister is afflicted
2:13:47 with uh
2:13:48 something called analysis paralysis uh
2:13:51 you know i'll give you an example
2:13:53 you know did you know from the day from
2:13:55 his the age of 20
2:13:56 that allah created him to you know
2:13:58 articulate islam
2:14:00 it was through something he had to just
2:14:02 he did
2:14:03 he experimented maybe you know he shared
2:14:05 islam with a few people and you realize
2:14:06 actually you know what this is something
2:14:07 i enjoy it's something that allah gave
2:14:09 me a gift of
2:14:10 speaking so i should pursue this further
2:14:12 in the end
2:14:13 allah sometimes creates allah always
2:14:15 creates muslims who are multi-talented
2:14:19 and sometimes it is difficult to choose
2:14:20 between these things but the important
2:14:22 thing that we should do is
2:14:23 another never fear of making the wrong
2:14:25 choice because we can never make the
2:14:27 perfect choice
2:14:28 excellent is not the same as
2:14:30 perfectionism they're two very different
2:14:32 things
2:14:32 allah commands us to have a son which is
2:14:34 to do our best at the prophet saws
2:14:39 whatever i commanded you to do do the
2:14:41 best you can
2:14:42 so with the knowledge you have of
2:14:44 yourself with the options that you have
2:14:45 in front of you
2:14:47 do the best you can choose something
2:14:49 because like you said choosing something
2:14:51 is better than
2:14:52 doing nothing and being paralyzed
2:14:53 between all the different options
2:14:55 um so choose what you think is 70 right
2:14:57 60
2:14:58 right in the end of the day you're going
2:14:59 to take something of a leap a leap of
2:15:01 faith
2:15:02 and this is why allah says
2:15:05 once you have firm decision now you rely
2:15:07 upon allah now don't go back unless
2:15:09 something changes
2:15:10 and another thing is that part of your
2:15:12 choice really depends on your
2:15:12 opportunities
2:15:14 you know part of what you choose depends
2:15:15 on your opportunities if southampton
2:15:17 wasn't in london
2:15:18 if you hadn't come across ira if he was
2:15:19 in you know a village in
2:15:21 south india you know allah islam would
2:15:23 he even have the opportunity to
2:15:25 share islam with non-muslims and
2:15:27 articulate islam you know
2:15:28 so for yourself you know whatever it is
2:15:31 your research is your professional
2:15:32 interests are
2:15:33 look at the opportunities in front of
2:15:34 you and apply for certain opportunities
2:15:36 and allah will guide your decision by
2:15:39 the way of you being rejected from
2:15:40 opportunities and accepted into some by
2:15:42 some networks helping you out and some
2:15:44 networks
2:15:45 are not being very useful and so you
2:15:46 will notice the hand of allah the
2:15:48 guidance of allah
2:15:50 in in your decision but the most
2:15:52 important thing is not to be in
2:15:53 paralysis to act
2:15:55 not to lead beyond you know one of the
2:15:57 prophets companions
2:15:59 actually committed you know a sin and a
2:16:02 big mistake because of procrastination
2:16:06 his famous story when the prophet went
2:16:08 to tabuk for a great battle with the
2:16:10 romans thirty thousand muslims went
2:16:12 this companion who had gone to badr or
2:16:14 heard been with the prophet through
2:16:15 thick and thin
2:16:16 every time he said every time i went to
2:16:18 you know get ready for battle
2:16:20 i would be like i'll do it later and
2:16:22 he'd come home and he would accomplish
2:16:23 nothing
2:16:24 this happened every day he was a capable
2:16:26 fighter capable marksman
2:16:28 uh you know very use very strong man
2:16:30 masha'allah a man
2:16:31 a man of companionship yet everyone went
2:16:33 to battle and he never went with them
2:16:35 because
2:16:36 he kind of was paralyzed he kind of
2:16:37 ended up not acting
2:16:39 and allah subhanahu wa ta'ala tested him
2:16:41 when the prophet came back the process
2:16:43 didn't let him go for 40 days nobody in
2:16:46 medina was allowed to speak to
2:16:47 this companion of the prophet saws
2:16:49 because it's very serious when allah has
2:16:51 given you ability
2:16:52 and there is there is a post that you
2:16:55 need to be at in order to help the ummah
2:16:57 we can't just be inactive we can't like
2:16:59 just sit idle and say one day i'll
2:17:00 eventually decide
2:17:02 because as we do that uh you know
2:17:04 opportunities are being lost so
2:17:06 decide insha'allah give yourself the
2:17:07 time to make the decision and then just
2:17:08 go for it and
2:17:10 at one point you just have to trust
2:17:11 allah that if this is the wrong decision
2:17:13 and don't forget this
2:17:17 we say allah if you think this is right
2:17:18 if you believe this is right for me if
2:17:19 this is right in your view
2:17:21 then make it easy for me and if it's not
2:17:23 right for you you will find lots of
2:17:24 obstacles and difficulties and you will
2:17:26 see that you know this doesn't seem to
2:17:27 be the right one for me
2:17:28 uh that that's advice i would give you
2:17:30 just you know go for something
2:17:32 don't be um don't get paralyzed don't
2:17:35 don't let yourself get inactive and
2:17:37 trust allah at the end of the day you're
2:17:38 gonna have to make a leap of faith with
2:17:40 the information you have at hand
2:17:41 and you can't be perfect um that's my
2:17:44 advice
2:17:47 yeah that's a very beautiful answer
2:17:50 so and we're going to end it here we've
2:17:53 overran study by 24 minutes but
2:17:54 alhamdulillah i think was very
2:17:56 beneficial
2:17:57 if you have any other further questions
2:17:58 that you want to ask the sheikh or
2:18:00 myself
2:18:01 then you can um contact us on info
2:18:04 sapience you can also
2:18:07 contact
2:18:08 shakesham directly also please try and
2:18:11 do the homework
2:18:12 if you are from an islamic society or
2:18:14 muslim student group
2:18:16 try and do the homework try and get your
2:18:18 vision together with the team
2:18:19 your strategy and we're here to help
2:18:22 inshallah we're committed to your
2:18:23 well-being
2:18:24 and committed to that longer
2:18:26 relationship i'd like to thank
2:18:28 sheikh hasham for delivering this
2:18:30 webinar and i bless him
2:18:32 and like to thank king's college london
2:18:35 islamic society for facilitating this
2:18:38 event as well and i'm really
2:18:40 pleased that you know we're establishing
2:18:42 a relationship with them so we could
2:18:43 continue this great work and we helped
2:18:45 you that with others too
2:18:47 and may not bless you all and don't
2:18:49 forget to
2:18:50 keep in touch with sheikh hisham's
2:18:52 workers also doing some great work with
2:18:54 ice socks all around the country
2:18:56 and anything that was wrong or a mistake
2:19:00 has come from ourselves shaytaan
2:19:03 anything good has come from allah wa
2:19:05 ta'ala
2:19:06 so may god bless you all take care of
2:19:08 yourselves and we'll speak to each other
2:19:09 very soon please be in touch please do
2:19:11 the homework
2:19:12 let's now work towards an amazing vision
2:19:15 assalamualaikum warahmatullahi
2:19:22 [Music]
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